#quite frankly aren't my vibe at all
crossf15 · 1 year
Honestly really get the impression that the people making those smug "5e is a bad game actually, and you're a stupid little baby for not dropping it and playing Fish-Blade instead 😏" posts, are all people who secretly resented that their ttrpg group weren't interested in playing whatever obscure ttrpg that only they like, in favor of systems the entire group likes, and they air it all out when there's any discourse about 5e because it's an easy way to frame it as a deep moral issue instead of just like, a differing taste thing.
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lemotmo · 16 days
I don't often do this, because I try to avoid discourse in fandom and sometimes you just don't vibe with a character. It happens.
But I keep seeing these horrible and, quite frankly, very wrong and disrespectful takes on Eddie Diaz' character. And I can't just sit here and ignore them anymore.
I cannot and will never understand why people don't like Eddie.
I've read some posts and comments earlier about people disliking Eddie and... really? Eddie is boring? He doesn't get interesting storylines? He's just a prop for Buck and his storylines?
Are we watching the same show here?
Eddie is, by far, one of the most interesting characters on 911. The man has had one trauma after the other piled up on him, but still he keeps going. Why? Because of the one thing that matters more to him than life itself: Christopher.
As a single mother myself, I can relate. The struggle to want to give your child everything, to do everything for them, even if it comes at the cost of your own mental and emotional well-being? It is very real. I cannot tell you how many times I end up crying to myself at night, blaming myself because I wasn't able to stop the outside world from hurting my son. And you have to do it all by yourself as well. There is no one there to share the burden with, to share the heartache with. It's tough and it's real.
Eddie's storylines are intricate and nuanced and based in reality. They aren't necessarily the biggest and loudest storylines, but they still matter to people who can relate to him. People like me.
Now, 911 is guilty of showing a lot of important Eddie moments from someone else's point of view. That is true. Especially Buck's POV. The shooting comes to mind, even a part of his breakdown and more recently Eddie's friendship with Tommy. He made a bro-friend and seemed so happy and carefree, but since we saw it from Buck's POV, we can't fully trust this image.
So, I think that is why some people see him as just a prop in Buck's story. But it's much more complex than that. Buck stepped inside Eddie's world without complaint. He helped him out from day one by introducing Eddie to Carla. For the first time, Eddie is no longer alone in life. There is someone there who understands him and his love for Chris. He can safely rest and trust that Buck will be there to step in if necessary. He actually went ahead and put it in his will. Eddie loves the way that Buck loves his son. And the show is still using that bond to date. We saw Buck and Eddie in conversation about Chris, Buck talking to Chris, Buck being jealous of Chris thinking Tommy was cool...
I don't know what the future will bring for Eddie, but I desperately want and need him to be happy. And yes, I do think the narrative will eventually lead him to Buck. His happiness has always been intricatelly linked to Christopher. The way they keep weaving in Christopher in Buck's storyline? The way Eddie keeps being inserted in Buck's bisexuality storyline? These are some of the many reasons that give me absolute certainty that Buddie is in the works.
In conclusion? Just stop hating on Eddie Diaz folks. It's not a good look on you.
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roaenexists · 3 months
Pick-A-Pairing Tarot and Oracle readings for the collective.
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From left to right we have Pairing One: Leather. Pairing Two: Starburst. Pairing Three: Cerebral.
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Pairing One: Leather.
You have been getting a little too big for your britches, as my grandma would say. You have been communicating and behaving in a way that has showed those around you a haughtier side of yourself than I know you'd prefer. In other words, you've been coming off as a bit of a bitch and we both know you're capable of better than that. You need to do some inner child work and tap back in to a learner's mindset. You don't have to fundamentally change who you are, just walk it back a bit. Did you ever love learning? Did you ever used to value the input of those around you? Tap back into that energy and you'll be surprised at how naturally it comes. Past You is here to support Present You. Stop trying to rush to your future self because right now you're missing the mark. Open yourself up to the lessons your friends and mentors and colleagues have for you, and embrace the youthful spirit you've been neglecting. Come home to yourself.
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Pairing Two: Starburst
Recently you've ended something and then immediately begun something new that, quite frankly, you are ill-equipped to handle. I'm inclined to think it's a relationship, though for some of you it's a new job, or a personal project. But y'all all got one thing in common: You are going about this all wrong. You had your head in the clouds about what was going to be required of you, and how quickly you were capable of providing it, but the reality of the situation is that you have all the wrong tools, most of the wrong perspective, and none of the energy. You aren't seeing the situation clearly, most likely because you haven't been doing the necessary work on yourself to make sure you were ready for this new journey. If it's too late now to walk it back, don't panic. Set aside some time to really refill your emotional, spiritual, and physical cups. Make your own health and well-being the priority, at least for long enough to recenter and reassess. You cannot expect a battery to work when empty, and you cannot care for others without first tending to your own needs.
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Pairing Three: Cerebral
Shit sucks right now. You're in a situation where you are powerless and/or unhappy, with the caveat being that there's no fucking reason you shouldn't be seeing and, more importantly, feeling progress already. You feel you've learned all you can from where you are, you've made all the moves, and all that's left is to move on. The good news is that it's only a matter of time. If you can bear down and get through time then you will be able to pursue your own idealistic future, which includes physically moving location in some way, and probably also mental health support services. Will you actually make it there is up to you, but overall this draw is giving big Trevor Project, "It gets better," vibes. It's corny but it is literally in the cards. You are moving forward. Time and space are not separate, so the longer you press on, the farther you are from where you want to leave. Things are changing. This is inevitable. If you can ride the tumultuous waters, they will eventually calm down, and you will be able to take control of your vessel in the way you know you need to. You know you are meant for different; you just need to believe it until your experienced reality is reflecting that truth back to you. Take this energetic hug from me and Spirit and know that your future is full of potential. If you need to vent you can DM me. Just keep going.
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ribbononline · 1 year
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Oh yeah! Since I have no clue if/when I'm ever finishing these and I've had them laying around for forever by now- here's the adult IT metaverse outfits I've made! They're all based on their ultimate personas and the concept of heros! Since these were made for an aged up p4 cast, these aren't quite what I'd put their during p4 time selves in- some changing more then others- but if you wanna follow me into design details, that'll all be under the cut!
First off to get em out of the way- Teddie is very largely the same as his p4 time metaverse outfit I made for him back here . The design is still meant to be inspired by magical girls, but the biggest change is that while the old one was meant to look like a magical girl protagonists outfit, this one I tried to lean a bit more into the older/more experienced cast member of the magical girl group type design. Overall a pretty minor change (and I will admit, largely because I'm still incredibly happy with that old design) but it felt fitting!
Chie and Yukiko were, as always when I work on them, designed to match. Their masks specifically mirror eachother with the opposites sides sticking out, and they both have a golden dragon pattern on their clothes as a reference to the twin dragons move! Chie was... honestly one where I had to sacrifice my goals a bit. Like mentioned before, these were meant specifically for an aged up cast. And while p4 era Chie I would absolutely imagine in a kung fu Chung-Li type outfit, we know what a more mature version of her action hero dreams look like; the police! And I.... really did not want to put her in a cop outfit, Ill be real. Instead I just tried focusing on making the outfit look more mature. Also tried to combine a practical and strong look with a more feminine aesthetic, since she struggles pretty badly with her femininity in p4 and I like to think she'd grow more comfortable with her own brand of it over time!
Yukiko is perhaps one of the most drastic one for changes compared to her younger self- if you asked me to design a p4 era outfit for her, it would look nothing like this, hah. Anyways, she's definitely inspired by onna-musha! Compared to Tomoe who was a full on commander of an army going out there, for Yukiko the idea was more the women taking up arms to protect their home when the battle comes their way. Fully having embraced the role she has as the next owner of the Amagi Inn and the responsibility and want to protect it, it's meant to be somewhat of an outing of that!
Fun fact: She has two color schemes! Because uhh I did not know what to go for at all. Her ultimate persona is like a single solid color and I kind of panicked and just ended up winging the colorscheme. One is more red since, y'know, thats her color! The other is more white gold to match her actual persona better. Included at the end of this post for the curious
Rise was based on a greek goddess- though not any particular one, moreso how they're commonly depicteed in art and old statues. Pretty, holy, someone you'd go to for advice and help (someone just out of reach from the general public) It just felt like a good combination of something she'd like to be seen as and percieved as as well. She gets two outfits- for scan and fight mode! Kouzeon has no canon fight mode, thats just for Himiko, but man it exists in my heart. The transistion between the two is literally just her throwing off the long overskirt, hah.
How does her mask work? Excellent question. The p5 idea of having it there when vibing but gone when the persona is out feels a little awkward when her persona's whole thing is putting a visor over her face. Quite frankly I have no idea. Sorry folks. Have all concept sketches for the outfits I've done as compensation with a bonus Noot in there that I never continued on and finished.
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I'm curious, do ppl hate Love Never Dies because they think Eristine is problematic and it's made canon in it, or is it due to something else? I havent watched it yet or anything but i like the vibes, lol
Heh... Love Never Dies has always been controversial at the very least? It came out at a time where Erik/Christine was still the most popular ship in the phandom - it still is, by the way. That didn't change despite a clear shift in fandom and ""problematic content"" around 2013, so a good 3 years after the musical came out. If anything, Raoul/Christine shippers have been a minority for most of the phandom's history, and both sides of the debate at some point more or less decided to agree to disagree (I mean, the homophobic slurs Raoul would get at times were starting to REALLY be in poor taste), except on the point that without the love triangle, there wouldn't be much of a story, and there are various ways of interpreting said love triangle. So, quite frankly, I don't understand why some people on either side are trying to restart discourse in the POTO fandom but I digress. And look, if you see people in the tags saying that Erik/Christine is problematic, they're probably new, and not really representative of the phandom at large. Anything having to do with Sierra Boggess is more controversial.
I really don't think the controversy stems from it making Erik and Christine bang and have a love child - I know there are some people who are against the idea of any kind of sequel, in fanfic form or otherwise, for a variety of reasons, but most of them were being responsible adults about it and didn't actively seek fanfic. As I mentioned before, a lot of folks were Erik/Christine shippers and thought that Christine was more into the Phantom than into Raoul, that's nothing new. But a lot of them also had issues with how LND dealt with it, for several reasons. It didn't come from an "anti" sentiment, it was very much them having issues with the material that was presented to them.
Raphael/phantoonsoftheopera (who is a long time fan of POTO) goes into more detail here and I think he sums up a lot of phans' thoughts back in 2010 when LND came out (whether they shipped the Phantom and Christine or not), and I think @musicalhell is another one who was also around at the time (feel free to pop in, and hope I'm not bothering you with the tag).
As for the rest, I wish I could defend ALW's choices here in the same way I'd defend Lana Wachowski for Matrix Resurrections - i.e. you're allowed to not like it but this is this creator's baby and they're allowed to do whatever they want with it, so let's all respect art for the sake of art here. But LND is very much a vanity project, as ALW has proven multiple times, that is mean-spirited to its core in various ways. For my fellow SW fans, it's the TROS to POTO'S TLJ. The cast and crew were treated in a really shitty way back in the original London production days, same with critics of the show, and there was even a case where a journalist and long time phan who provided a critical review of LND was demeaned in an article as some sort of sad housewife who was obsessed with POTO. Mind you, ALW has tried to make LND work FOR YEARS, with various productions and tours opening here and there, but it always underperforms. And mind you, the Eristine crowd is still hanging around, and POTO is doing extremely well whereever it goes to this day. If the Eristine content was good, the crowds would follow, "problématique" posts and tweets or not. They aren't there.
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operafantomet · 10 months
Now I've finally caught up on all the content from the Italian non-replica productions, and I have so many thoughts. Now let's play the very unfair but also kinda fun game of "reviewing a production solely based on photos"! I'll put it behind the cut to not kill your feed...
Is it really a non-replica production if the Eiffel Tower is not included in some way?
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This set design is rather clever. Making the false boxes at the side a part of a rotating set, complete with a "frescoed" ceiling, makes it a lot easier to remove the auditorium look. And also a brilliant anchor for the chandelier instead of relying on the theatre's own ceiling. I guess the only issue is that the scenes where the boxes are partly turned (like the Mirror scene) seems somewhat cramped, but all in all: an original take on the "false boxes dilemma", and more spacious looking than the Restaged Tour's drum set. Other than that... a rather beige Hannibal?
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The Elissa costumes... It's like the Estonian Elissa costume had a love child with the Sydney Harbour dance costumes...! But I don't say that in a negative way. I think the Italian Elissa costumes looks regal and rich and fun.
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Earl Carpenter also admires that costume:
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Is it really a non-replica production if Christine does not feature a red rose in some way? Also, an example of how the stage feels a bit cramped with the false boxes-set rotated. On the other hand, I guess this brings the audience closer to the action. I like what I see overall.
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Not gonna lie, I thought this was from the Restaged Tour first time I saw the photo. Both look almost identical to the original staging and costumes, just mildly tweaked:
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I have not seen any good photos of the set design of the Phantom's lair. But the glimpses I've seen gives me vibes of the Restaged Tour and the Polish production. Mostly because of the curved gondola and the candle-lit realistic organ:
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The Restaged Tour vibes are STRONG here, with the cast singing the final part of Prima Donna in front of a Garnier-esque curtain. If Carlotta had worn her Il Muto costume it would be downright identical.
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But hey! Bonus point for not including the Eiffel Tower in the Rooftop set. The set designer clearly knew what she was doing by including it in the Auction scene (set later) and not in the Rooftop scene. The Notre Dame, on the other hand, would "always" had been there. Bonus point for a hint of Garnier sculptures and roof structure.
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...whatever can it mean that the Phantom swings across the stage in a red cape, Tarzan style?
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Whaddayaknow, a foreshadoing for dead Buquet, swinging across the stage in the same manner just some seconds later. Frankly? This is one of the ideas I suspect maybe looked better on paper than in real life. Camp flies higher than the Phantom, at least...
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Eeeer. Forget what I wrote. The Phantom flies higher than camp after all, riding that chandelier to the ground in an olympic level of explosions and flashing light. I want to dig it, but my brain refuses to.
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Is it really a non-replica production if there aren't some sort of confetti? Nice turned perspective on the Garnier auditorium and chandelier. Very, very similar to the chandelier crash in Hungary. Looks pretty. Also liking Christine's quite serious bustle dress, even if it doesn't quite scream Masquerade. But I believe they all cloak up for the main scene?
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The graveyard, complete with graves, a glum sky, a cloaked Christine carrying a red rose (what else?), and... the Phantom flying away on his black wings... This production is a lot, but boring isn't part of that...!
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Don Juan AKA Mad Hatter. First time I saw part of Christine's costume I thought they had replicated the Marguerite dress from the Lon Chaney movie and it made me so happy. But then I saw the corset. Ah, no. Close, but no cigar. But I dig Amelia Milo's wig. It's hard to make out the colour, quite dark ash blonde or super light brown. It looks very good on her.
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Beautiful set, though! The painted "fresco" ceiling above the chandelier is such a neat touch.
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OK, Ramin... throat grabbing Christine was not OK in the Royal Albert Hall, and it's still not OK. No. Just no.
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...and here you lost me completely... Is this The Phantom of the Opera or The Met: Notes on Camp? I can't tell.
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But not to end this absolutely nonsense non-review on a negative note, I will comment on the main background set seen in the Phantom's lair and Don Juan. CLEVER. Because... At first glance it reminds of Maria Bjørnson's set design for Don Juan. She appears to have been inspired by the Italian artist Piranesi (1720-1778), and especially his fantasy architecture of nightmareish labyrinths. A series is called "Imaginary Prisons". It looks like the Italian production also picks up a clue or five from Piranesi. And frankly, "Imaginary Prisons"... the most fitting home for the Phantom, no?
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
Leo Valdez x fem! Child of nemesis! Reader (some general headcanons and maybe some jealous, don't care who is jealous tbh)
this is the last request in my inbox! i've done it! i've emptied my inbox! i'm very proud
leo was fucking terrified of you at first
just so scared
the concept of nemesis was scary to him
he felt so guilty about his mother dying in a fire and felt for years that he was waiting for the world to wreck it's revenge on him
it took you to explain to him that that's not how nemesis works
especially not to you
you adored the petty little squabbles between people
the broken pinky promises as kids, the cheating in uno and monopoly, that stuff was your favourite
he was no longer terrified of you now he was just fascinated by you
there aren't many of nemesis' kids so there was a small gang in her cabin
everyone was confused when you started dating but frankly neither of you gave a shit
especially when you chose to announce it by kissing leo senseless in front of the camp
he was dizzy and incredibly happy that he didn't even register the wolfwhistles sent your way
you're quite prone to jealousy and have a bit of a habit of sending instant karma to anyone who flirts with your boyfriend
nothing bad, they'll just stumble or walk into a tree or something
you do get a pointed look from leo every time
you just grin and kiss him, pointing out that what could he really expect, it's not like you did anything awful, they'll just learn not to flirt with what's yours
leo get blushy and smiley whenever you call him yours and he immediately forgives you
leo doesn't really have to worry about people flirting with you
because you will fuck them up all by yourself if you need to
you send out intimidating vibes that tell people to fuck off
leo just loves his badass girlfriend, you're incredibly cool and he adores you
hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting!
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nogenrealldrama · 5 months
Hi! Love the excerpts of your work that you've shared here. Do you have any advice for someone just starting to dip their toes into writing? Fanfic, or just generally? Thanks! :)
First of all thank you for reading and I'm so, so happy you liked my snippets :D
Second of all: Ummm giant disclaimer that I have almost nothing actually published to my name, so altogether I also consider myself a new writer. But I love to rant about writing anyway so here goes:
Don't listen too much to writing advice. When I first tried writing, I would spend way too much time on writing advice blogs. Many of them aren't that good, to be quite honest. And even for the good ones, there is such a thing as right advice given at the wrong time, or at the wrong place in your writing journey. If you're an overthinker, reading too much advice can make you start worrying about small things, and/or not have the confidence to try something wild but important on your own. Frankly, all it really comes down to is: 1) Having a vision, 2) Writing the vision down, 3) Noticing the ways your writing falls short of the vision, and 4) Tweaking things until they reach the level of imperfection you can personally live with. For me, writing advice is best searched for to apply to the specific issues I have in Steps 3 and 4. I apply any advice only in so far as it helps me get closer to the vision in my head. putting the rest under a cut because it got long - sorry!
2. Be uncompromising about writing things that bring you joy.
Kind of similar to #1, but it's doubly important when you're really just starting out. Or when you've been writing a while but always find it hard to begin. Double that importance again when what you're writing is fanfiction, because then you really have no genre definitions or deadlines or publishers or any other actual reason to compromise your vision. You already have some amazing ideas, and for each idea there is probably a feeling or a vibe or a message that you want to capture. Give yourself time to get lost in that feeling, to really indulge in it. And then write it down in its full glory, even the parts that might make you cringe a little from how dramatic or vulnerable they are. If there is a way to make your story more indulgent, do it. Because it will keep you writing. And if you really think it's too much, you can always edit stuff out before publication. You know, after you've actually written the story down. The thing that made me start writing in the first place was a giant longfic/possibly trilogy Canon Divergence rarepair plot idea that is still not finished, and on paper that's pretty much the last thing one should start their writing journey with. But if I stopped myself from writing that in favour of forcing out some oneshots, I never would've written anything at all. Give yourself permission to write exactly and only the ideas that make you excited to write.
3. Bonus advice that might or might not be useful to you, but it was ground-breaking in helping me write the way I want to write - in this excellent post, @little-hermit-crab56 makes a point that dialogue is a dance. I'd take it further/in a slightly different direction and say that storytelling as a whole is a dance. Juts like a dance, dialogue feels most dynamic when you allow it to go back and forth a little, to have short breaks and pauses here and there. I think the same can apply to an action sequence, or a bit of internal monologue, or an emotional trajectory of a whole scene. Just like a dance, it's less about the exact movements (e.g. describing precisely what happens in an action scene) and more about the rhythm of the back and forth (e.g. describing just enough to let the reader know that the protagonist is winning, but then - oh no! - the villain has the upper hand, but then the protagonist gets lucky and they're winning again). I swear that with enough skill to set up the right back-and-forth, even a character tying their shoelaces for a page and a half will feel dynamic. You can alter that rhythm, make it faster or slower, more dominated by "ups" or "downs", but even a little contrast can elevate a plot beat or an emotion more than I had initially thought possible. Of course, there is no need to simplify the "ups" to being good and "downs" to being bad - the back and the forth can both be morally grey or both similarly convenient/inconvenient to the protagonist. They just need to be meaningfully different. You can zoom this out even more and apply the back-and-forth to character arcs, or dynamics between characters, or entire plots. (The three act plot structure is, IMO, simply a choreography for a satisfying back-and-forth). In a longer work, you can have many "dancers" doing their own back-and-forth simultaneously, at multiple levels of the story structure. In a oneshot, you can have one or several backs-and-forths distilled to the most dramatic steps of the dance. In my experience, the whole thing gets quite addictive once you start seeing it.
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blackstarchanx3new · 5 months
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 11
Pages 301-330
Again thanks to @akdrawsandwrites for helping with some of these pages, I can't remember which but I recognize a few of them as theirs. X'D They did a great job lining and coloring a few of these. Apricate it immensely.
We hitting end game what I have page wise guys.
Thanks for baring with my nonsense. I hope to finish the FNAF 1 arc. But I will post the other side comics and long winded explanations of those. X'D Hope you've enjoyed Creations so far! It was a labor of love because I love FNAF. A lot...
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Can I just say I like Freddy and Mike's dynamic.
I like Freddy a lot in Creations because he's like, so NOT fannon Freddy in all the ways that hits me in the "Aww yeah that's good shit" way. X'D
He's a flamboyant full of gender slut that is scared of ghosts despite BEING A POSSESSED ROBOT lmfao. His design just hits my brain in a nice way too. He's so cute.
He gives sassy drag queen vibes and I like him.
I am not really a fan of fannon Freddy unless it's like super specific circumstances.
I'm going to dip into "I hate this trope" territory but keep in mind you are not obligated to write around my preferences. Or even force yours to fit mine. That'd be dumb. Write what makes you happy I'm just talking about shit I don't enjoy personally.
Bitch mode activated:
If you're going with him being possessed by a child, which a LOT of people do to stay cannon it makes ZERO sense for him to be a sensible leader type unless you like GIVE HIM A REASON? Which most people don't. Most people also make him a bitch which I hate.(And not in a campy gay bitch way like Creations Freddy that makes the queer part of me laugh and relate to) I'm not sure I understand the idea of making Freddy so damn unlikable in a story based on the franchise ABOUT HIM??? Like...It's so fucking overdone I'm sorry lmfao be a bit more damn creative. Don't be lazy? Give him a damn personality outside of "Cunt for no reason with a stick up his ass" like? Idk? Be FUN with him! Does he feel the NEED to be the leader because he's designed that way by the company? Does the stress EAT at him? If you DO go the route of making him posessed by a child: Did he feel the need to grow up and act more adult. How often does he fail at this task? What are the consequences? People's bad writing makes me think of reasons for him that aren't in the text 99% of the damn time. Quite frankly: I am not a fan of popular fnaf comics. Like any of them. X'D They feel really soul-less a lot of the time in a way I can't quite describe...
A lot of the creators hate working on them, hate their fanbase and hate the games past a certain point so that's probs why lmfao. I've gotten pissed at the fans on Webtoon, and gotten pissed at how much of a slog some scenes and I've considered quitting once or twice, but never cause I hated the actual games, or the comic and story of Creations, just cause some scenes are annoying to work on from a writer's perspective or cause people misinterpreted the story so bad they had no clue what was going on. I fucking love FNAF and wanted to make a fan story that you could tell came from a place of love.
Here's some pitfalls to avoid:
Don't start hating your own characters. It will hurt your writing. I've noticed LOTS of FNAF comic makers start to hate their own damn characters. PUT. THE. COMIC. DOWN. I AM SERIOUS.
If you start to despise your own work. STOP. TAKE A BREAK. REFELCT. Maybe it won't be PERMINENT but until you can sort out what your deal is STOP.
You are doing NO ONE favors by continuing to the point you start actively shit talking everyone and everything that comes into contact with this story that way.
Me doing THIS, talking about how I love my own comic appreciating how much time and work I put into it: all the goofy fun stuff I put in as easter eggs the characters ex, was a way to reinvent my feelings towards this comic because I WANT TO FINISH IT and it's helped a lot. FIND JOY IN THE PROCESS OF CREATION. ;)
If you aren't liking FNAF as much as you used too: Literally just go back and watch smth you liked about it before. The ruin DLC sparked my shit back into gear, watching old lets plays and listening to fan music also helped. Just. Idk. Engage with the thing you're making a damn comic about? Like, find out what you loved to begin with.
I have like 4+ comics I work on in rotation when I'm not in the mood to work on one. Variety helps me too.
Another thing I'd advise against: Don't make a big diaper baby blow out scene about "Leaving" a fanbase. It's fucking embarrassing. If you don't feel the spark, you don't feel it. That's FINE. As an autistic person: My interests change like a girl changes clothes.
But don't literally shit your pants and make a scene about it people will look back at you as the person who shat their pants in front of everyone and embarrassed themselves.
If you're asking yourself "Is star talking about X artist?" honey I'm talking about at least 4 different ones I've seen do this exact thing and I got second hand embarrassment every time. If you resent the popularity you got from certain fanbases: I'm sorry the best thing to do is move on. Yes. Again I speak from experience. (Not FNAF, but a different fanbase)
If you don't get as much recognition on your OG works: Tough shit I'm sorry that's how it is. As someone who does OC comics I've accepted "Some people just won't read this cause FNAF isn't attached, and that's okay. I am the same way. You cannot expect people to love everything you create"
As a child/teen, watching actual adults do this shit made me the person I am today but deciding: "Nah that's dumb, I am getting second hand embarrassment and I am not behaving that way"
Childishness is something big artists need to learn is a problem before they get big. Temper tantrums aren't a cute look for anyone.
It's okay to get in over your head with shit. Just try to be calm about things here's things that overtime I've learned help me cope with huge projects:
They're meant to be fun. If you aren't having fun: Figure out why and change it. You aren't obligated to finish them. You can always come back. Another reason to not "shit your pants" as I call it. People will love to see more from your comic if you put it down and come back. :) It's more embarrassing to shit your pants and then come back like you never did and try to keep going. Keep doors open if you would. My "Shit your pants" moment singlehandedly keeps me away from one fandom lmfao avoid it if you can. Try not to be a cunt about the thing that GOT you popular. You will look like a class act clown I guarantee it. If people don't understand your comic and that is causing frustration, I genuinely advise making a "Director's commentary" style thing like this. It's a lot of fun. X'D And it might give people perspective into your madness.
This doesn't help if you're just a control freak tho lmfao.
Anyways, enough of my blabbing about my history watching old fandom artists assassinate their own characters for all to see in the most embarrassing and violent fashion, and how that irreversibly changed me as a person, back to the actual damn comic.
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Interrupted. He has no respect for Mike.
So Freddy describes typical haunting behavior for ghosts. Smells and SOME people are spiritually inclined while some aren't. As we've seen Mike for example can't see ghosts unless they WANT him to see them.
Sammy apparently can see ghosts and is considered "Insane" we can kiiiinda see why from earlier. X'D
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It's safe to say Mike took that personally.
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Default to insults Freddy, it's okay we understand you're perfect- Freddy you stupid idiot you should have kept your mouth shut it's not nice to call mentally ill people "Freaks".
Mike REASONABLY asks if the ghosts are REAL and considering we know 1 is for certain Sammy's not "Bonkers" according to Freddy.
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Freddy just showing off his personality like usual.
Freddy he can't make eye contact. HE'S AUTISTIC.
Anyways even Freddy's noticed Sammy's eyes are weird.
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Okay funny thing: Freddy was going to make a dick sucking joke but none I came up with were very funny.
If I remember right one was smth like "You always sound like you just choked on a dick" or something like that??? Something this vulgar makes sense from Creations Freddy but I decided to tone it back a little. X'D I also felt it was very mean.
Freddy's mean enough as it is lmfao.
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Freddy stop sexualizing the night guard-
Uh oh-
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Your daily reminder Mike is short-
Freddy is the worst. But I love him.
Chica giving sass for that. She doesn't apear much but I like her.
Foxy got thanos snapped lmfao I had no idea what to do with him in this comic ngl. X'DDDDDDD
Maybe he'll show up later...Maybe.
He showed up in the OG shitpost version of this comic and Bonnie sold him out for cigarettes.
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Our boys meet up once again. :)
Michael couldn't see him the previous day for whatever reason.
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Also Mike that's harassment...
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Lmfao. I don't remember exactly when I decided Mike was trans but I know it was FAILRY early on. Not there were many references to it.
The fact color wise: he's a walking pride flag is kinda a clue I suppose. X'D
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Oh mah goodness. Oh my damn. It's the other Freddy.
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Well shit there's a TON of victims then.
Bonnie. Your buddy is a murderer-
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Hehehe yeah but you're also a short king buddy-
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Hahaha. So this thing eats children nice to know.
Mike being a smart boy like usual.
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Hehe. Face plates. :)
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Mike doesn't wanna be around this thing, and I can't blame him. Also I find it genuinely hilarious how half the panels in some of these pages are drawn by me, and half are drawn by AK.
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We get into pages I can't be bothered to color the remaining pages are colored kinda randomly. Funtime Freddy as you can probebly tell is ANNOYING to color. He has SO MANY COLORS it got very overwhelming trying to color him. I'm sorry but that's how it is lmfao. X'D I wanna be done with the FNAF 1 arc:
Cool thing tho, if I ever want to color em the characters are white so I can just slap a multiply layer on and go brrrr with color.
Anyways, they both decide to leave at the same time.
I'm sure nothing will come of this. :)
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Hehehhehehe he knows something....
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Oh fuck. Mike got vored.
I'm sorry I have to make this joke, vore is terrible and I hate it I've made that very well known and joking about how much I despise it is how I cope.
Having said that: I love the stomach hatch idea/being trapped inside an animatronic.
It's like the Springlock mechanic taken to the next level lmfao. Complete and utter hopelessness on the end of the person inside, claustrophobia, IMANENT DEATH, IT'S HORRIFYING AND I LOVE IT. >:)
A+ Horror idea.
OBVIOUSLY: this is based on COUNT THE WAYS from the 1st Fazbear's Fright novels.
Can I just say, Luring and trapping people this way is so fucking creative I LOVE THE SL ROBOTS. Like, it's just so cool of an idea because it already kinda plays off the idea from FNAF 1 that there's children STUFFED inside the FNAF 1 robots. (As a way to hide them)
but SL robots do that, but TRANSPORT said children/use their chambers to KILL said children and harvest remnant. THAT IS SO DARKLY AWESOME.
IK we're all hyping up the MIMIC and it's ability to copy people's voices but uh: FUNTIME FOXY DID THAT SHIT FIRST FROM THEIR BLUEPRINTS.
I'm sad to this DAY people don't use Funtime Foxy's voice mimic mechanic in fan content. THAT'S AWESOME.
I like the trap mechanic and how it's used again for the twisted ones. It's such a great idea to make a robot that's friendly on the outside but is basically a fucking iron maiden on the inside. Like DAMN. THAT GOES SO HARD!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! :D
Also all the short jokes have a purpose: Mike's small enough to fit inside Funtime Freddy. Because he's built to capture kids.
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Something I worry about with Funtime Freddy:
He is a FAN FAVORITE In Creations. Like. People like him. A LOT.
I made a lot of side comics with him and Bon Bon. Where Bon Bon is his emotional support bunny rabbit. People really liked that. Because Funtime Freddy was showing relatable autistic behavior (He struggles with shit I do lmao.)
I'm worried about 'Ruining' his character for people hah.
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He's a butt-
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Me. After the movie.
Mike's having a harder time keeping his composure.
I feel like the reason is obvious: SL robots are literally only built to kill people, he's in the most dangerous part of the building, and Funtime Freddy's a wacko.
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Haha. Word play. Funtime Freddy did not detect the albeit minimal exaggeration in what Bonnie said. Poor dude.
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Haha will to live.
Funtime Freddy's out for blood.
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More confirmation who our villain is.
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So if you're not a Creations AU veteran, Funtime Freddy is just easily swayed by someone calming him down.
Mike's pretty good at faking shit.
Bon Bon isn't here rn, so Mike's taking on the role of "Calm the giant anxious bear down"
Ending note: watched the FNAF movie again last night.
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Hi Mar!! I really wanna start writing Marauders fics, specifically about the Valkyries. I have soooo many ideas that I’m really excited about, but this fandom seems really volatile. Do you have any advice on how to keep my sanity lol. I’m really doing it to foster more community with ppl who have similar interests in me.
So this is so very interesting and valid. I have a lot to say.
My experience with Marauders has been the best and the worst so far. I was in Naruto, then Star Stars, currently diving into Attack on Titans, and nothing has come close to the Marauders in terms of insanity, BUT.
I have met some of the best people on here, I can say with 100% certainty that I made at least 15 really good friends, who will remain good friends whether we stay in fandom or not.
But I personally have gotten basically no hate. I'm a relatively small writer, I fly under the radar mostly, even TikTok is very tame. Basically, I'm cruising. Vibing, having an all-around great time, good for me.
Then I have my friends, who are my real friends in real life and in fandom, who are "popular", and some of them have gotten some vile, vile vile things said to them. I have seen some shit and heard some stuff that frankly should never see the light of day, especially not aimed at a 20-something-year-old human. And they don't have a PR team, aren't getting paid for this shit, and that truly breaks my heart. Because it's a few, but a few is often enough to ruin the positive fandom experience. And then people wonder why artists and authors move from Marauders...
So experiences vary a lot, and the truth is maybe for no fucking reason your work will pop off and you'll be thrust into the limelight and you best hope you have thick skin because some people are assholes.
Or you'll be like me (so far) and just vibe and have a great time.
I think the best advice I can give is to write for yourself and your friends.
I started writing because I wanted to, and then a few people started liking what I did, and now I have a small community of friends and writers and artists and we all hype each other up and that's literally all I ever wanted. I write what I want because I want. I follow the people I want. I read the stories I want. I don't pay attention to hits or "what's popular" and "what I should read." I'll read what I damn well please.
I do pay attention to comments because to anyone who's ever commented, I read it and I get a straight shot of serotonin and I'm so appreciative.
Fuck, I have some really good writer friends whose stories I haven't read.
I think as long as you're careful, you curate your experience, grab a few people on the way who you like, don't pay attention to fame, then you should be fine.
I think HP fandom's issue is that you have fans that have digested the work, we don't really care ("you do you" kind of vibe), we just have a good time. Then there are some that have just arrived and whose experience with social media and "consumption" of "content" is (I'm sorry) wrong. Requesting and asking and demanding shit they aren't entitled to.
Deciding what's right and what's wrong and what's acceptable.
And panicking when someone they follow doesn't follow the script they've written for them in their head, so when you say one thing that doesn't check their box they have this weird "god falling off the pedestal" they put you on, and they decide to drag you down for it.
You just don't know.
BUT. The odds of you becoming insanely popular are quite frankly super low, there are a few freak incidents but generally most of the fandom I'd say is pretty healthy, we just don't see it as much because what always comes out is the bad stuff. Stick to these pockets of happy. Don't engage in drama. Ignore the idiots.
That was unnecessarily long.
Basically, my love, go write your Valkyries. Pop off, write the story YOU want to write, and the people who will find it and like it will let you know. Find out who they are (in a non-creepy way, just respond to their comment, see if they've written something, and have a looksie). Be cool about it. Chat. See if you've got stuff in common. And then kidnap them and force them to become your friends.
Or be super creepy like I was with @greenvlvetcouch 😵‍💫 I wanted to become their friends and wrote them a fic. Then I sent it on Tumblr and said "Here you go" and now we're friends. (Note: Results may vary, and had Green not responded, I would have LET IT GO. Not everyone is meant to be friends and that is ALSO fine.)
Or for @imdamagecontrol my group chat and I were reading Titanic AU and we were all panicking about who was gonna die, and I sent her some screenshots of our panic through instagram and long story short now we're also friends. (Note: Results may vary, and had Syd not responded, I would have LET IT GO. Not everyone is meant to be friends and that is ALSO fine.)
So like... SHOOT YOUR SHOT but don't expect anything from it. Some people don't want to be your friend. Some people have enough friends. Take it with grace.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!
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ladyimaginarium · 27 days
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Use your intuition & scroll to the bottom to receive your message based on this lovely spread by Labyrinthos using Death to focus my& thoughts for the collective for the Full Moon in Scorpio as a correspondence!
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: take what resonates, leave the rest of what doesn't & don't force anything if it doesn't fit your situation, keep in mind that energy and outcomes can always change & nothing is forever set in stone, you have free will in every choice you make !! keep in mind that this is a general collective reading so the messages here may not apply to everyone. as a general message: my readings are for entertainment purposes only and don't replace professional medical/legal/business help. feedback and a review after a reading is given, whether public or private, is obligatory. you can do that by reblogging, dming or emailing us privately on the matter. if you do not provide this, you will be added to my greylist and won't be given anymore readings, free or paid, until you give feedback which you can fill out in the form listed down below. don't just leave this in the likes, reblog and support your tarot readers, my time and labour aren't for free. while it isn't necessary, if you'd like to tip, my paypal's below. I have personal paid readings available which you can fill out the form below so tips, bookings & feedback are highly appreciated considering i plan to do this for a living! Happy Lesbian Visibility Week, Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month and Chag Sameach / Happy Passover to all my fellow Jews who celebrate !!
𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝: Killstar ( Memento Mori ) Tarot.
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Death: This represents the Full Moon energy. I feel like a lot of y'all are willing to put in the work for something or someone, because Scorpio is intense. Y'all could be witches, have one or more of the psionic clair senses or at the very least intrigued in the morbid, grotesque and occult. The number 13 could be significant. You yourself could have Scorpio in your chart. Maybe you watch horror movies. I feel like you'll be evolving and dying a metaphorical death and morphing into something better.
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Judgement: I& feel like this card is very literal and I'm& not playin' w/ y'all when I& say this. Y'all really gotta stop judging yourselves & if this applies, judging other people. I& might be calling you out here bluntly here but I'm& giving you the truth. I'm& not even joking when I& say this but for at least some of y'all you could be the type of person to feel bad or insecure about yourself then lash out at people who're literally just trying their best with the knowledge they have and quite frankly that's not cool, y'all. It's okay to have insecurities about yourself but you don't get to turn around and make that other people's problem for your own shit. I& know that applies to at least some people so that's why I& felt called to say it, it won't apply to everyone. If it doesn't apply, let it fly like I& always say. Whether you're judging yourself and/or other people, you've gotta let that go in order to grow. Now, I'm& not saying this is gonna happen overnight or that you have to get rid of a trait completely, and I& technically can't tell you what to do, I'm& on the other side of your screen, but I& implore you to look at other people and ask yourself if you do the exact same thing they say and/or do, there's nothing wrong with reflecting on and evaluating yourself. For the people who're too hard on themselves, Judgement can represent self reflection and I& feel like for a lot of you, y'all gotta get outside your heads and find some way to ground yourself and change something in your environment, whether small or big. You could have a spirit guide or a deity or maybe even an ancestor who's willing to help you and I& get that vibe from the skeleton on the ground looking to the clouds to see two skeletons watching over the one on the ground, one with a horn blowing and the other watching with wings. Maybe this is more than one deity, spirit guide or ancestor. The number 20 could be significant, and Judgment represents the Fire element so Aries, Leo & Sagittarius could be significant. Straight to the point.
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Temperance: Just like the last card, I& feel like you've been putting way too much pressure on yourself and/or other people and I'm& taking this card very literally. I& feel like you're going to start being patient with yourself and understand that not everything is gonna happen overnight and you can't expect yourself to, either. I& feel like this is coming from some kind of breaking point that's either happened or is about to happen. I& just ask that you be kind to yourself and to other people if that applies. Maybe you have an ancestor, a spirit guide or a deity who may want to help you, especially when you notice this figure in the sky with wings above the mountains and above the sky. The number 14 could be significant, Temperance is ruled by Sagittarius so that may be significant, either you yourself could have those placements or someone you know may have those placements. This is pretty relatively straightforward.
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The Tower: Oh y'all... The Tower represents a massive change, an upheaval, a catastrophe, a revelation or sometimes even trauma. The question at hand was, what must be crossed in order for this rebirth to happen. Some shit is about to go down. I& genuinely don't know what this is, this could be different for all of you. Maybe this has already happened to you or you feel like it's about to. With the eye and the crown above it, I& feel as if this is fated to happen in your life, whatever this is. Just understand that The Tower is always built on an unsteady foundation and The Tower wouldn't come out unless if your situation or whatever this is for you was build on a steady foundation. It's okay to let a perceived notion that no longer serves you behind. It's okay to let go of a mindset or beliefs or people that don't serve you or your highest good. I& need y'all to know that there's always another better Tower built after. The number 16 could be significant, the Tower is ruled by Aries so that could be significant, whether you have those placements or someone you know does. This reading is all very straightforward and blunt like Scorpio can oftentimes be. Whether you accept the advice or not if it resonates is entirely up to you. This reading isn't light compared to previous readings but I'm& a tarot reader that gives you what you Need to hear, not what you Want to hear, those are two very different things and quite frankly I'm& not the type of person to condone someone's bullshit if it applies. With that said, thank you for being here & for existing, and see ya in the next reading!
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Can you review the zigzagoon line? Both regular and Galarian
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Zigzagoon is one of the most under-appreciated cute Pokemon out there. Look at it! It's little zig-zag mouth is adorable, and it has such a sweet face. The best way I've heard it described is that it looks like a homemade plushie, and frankly I would die for them.
And visually, I like it a lot. The black band is appropriately raccoon-esq and draws attention to the eyes, while the spikey fur conveys the zig-zag theme quite well. The alternating colors also add contrast. It's pretty perfect in my book.
Actually, I do have one nitpick: the eyes could've stood to be a different color from the body to make them pop more; maybe use the same blue as Linoone. That's it though.
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Unfortunately, Linoone isn't quite as good as Zigzagoon. It makes perfect sense conceptually; it goes from a zig-zag theme to a straight line theme, and the way it only runs in straight lines makes sense when you consider it's more badger-like, and thus more of an active predator.
It's just that visually, it looses the sheer cuteness of Zigzagoon without bringing much else to the table; the expression doesn't really convey much of a personality.
I also feel like the markings are a downgrade. The various curves to the body make the straight line idea much less obvious than it should be, and the markings just being flat instead of doing something fun like Zigzagoon's fur feels underwhelming. Like, the body and the tail could've easily been completely straight and rigid, to really emphasize the theme.
Some of the placements are weird too; like the stripe on the head seems like it should go all the way to the tail, but it just stops. Same with the stripe over the eye, which seems like it should just connect to the one on the tail but then doesn't.
It's by no means terrible, of course; but it is pretty bland at the end of the day. Also, what on earth is going on with its legs in this art?
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G. Zigzagoon handles things in an interesting way. With most regionals, the theme is either kept as-is and something else is changed, or the theme is altered to something similar. Here, the theme is mostly ignored (still present, just not as obvious, especially once it evolves) in favor of just doing something based off of the visuals, and honestly, it works pretty well.
What I really like here are the colors. The original colors worked well for normal-types, but the black and white adds some much appreciated contrast and really makes the designs pop, especially with the red added in. Also, the star shape is a nice nod to the direction the line is going, and is well integrated with the original's face mask.
However, with that said, I don't like G. Zigzagoon quite as much as the original, just because it's less cute and feels like it's trying to achieve the KISS vibe in the face without really succeeding. That's just personal preference, however; this is a good regional and I don't really have any complaints.
Also, I like that this version is the original. Just kind of neat worldbuilding that the first Pokemon we see aren't necessarily the original variants.
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On the flip side, I do prefer G. Linoone over the original design. The big thing, outside of the colors once again being higher contrast, is the expression; Linoone's really rocking the metal look, and it adds some much needed personality.
Also, while the markings aren't completely improved (which I can't blame on this version, as it wouldn't look like Linoone if you changed it too much), they are better. The black legs make the stripes feel more patterned (instead of just having three and calling it a day). I also particularly love how the star added to the eye creates a shooting star when combined with the original eye stripe. That's the good stuff, right there.
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On a scale of Gene Simmons to Uri Geller, how well do you handle a Pokemon inspired by you
Linoone also evolves in this region, which kind of makes sense as Linoone never really felt all that powerful in and of itself.
I really like Obstagoon's head in particular. The striking black-and-white patterning is one of the best parts of this regional line, as it's both visually interesting and unique for Pokemon. It looks especially good here, with the stripe running from the eye down the neck being paralleled by the back mane. The way it ends exactly at the nose and the way it has kind of star shape makes for a nice way to reference the pre-evos while doing something unique with the markings (though I'm not sure the white ear tips were needed).
However, while the rest of the body isn't bad, it does feel a bit disconnected. If you just look at the head, it looks pretty animalistic, while the body is much more humanoid. Even stuff like the head having detailed markings while the body is much more simple adds to this (I get that it's referencing the KISS makeup, but I'm just speaking visually). I think the legs could've been shorter and more haunch-like while the torso could've been a bit longer (seriously, it's practically non-existent). Maybe get rid of the awkward X on the arm in favor of a stripe to match the legs as well.
However, as a whole, I do like it. It's hard to go wrong with a glam rock badger, it's fun, it's got a personality, and it adds to the line. I do wish it played into the original pattern theme a bit more (maybe it moves in packs of 4 and forms a diamond formation when attacking or something), but for what it is, Obstagoon does what it needs do, and it does it well.
Overall, original Zigzagoon is perfect and I would die for them, but Linoone feels a bit underwhelming. The Galarian versions are, as a whole, an improvement, even if I like OG Zigzagoon just a bit more. Good stuff.
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magicxc · 7 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music, and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true. 
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish. 
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Halloween they’ll never forget, proving that "the scare" is more than just a fantasy.
Word Count: 1573
Warnings: drowning
Chapter 2 - Julianna’s POV
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Series Masterlist
“Let’s fucking gooooooo,” I yell into the crowd. 
I don’t know what it is about LMFAO that gets me pumped, but they’re definitely a vibe. That group was inescapable in 2012 and then they just fell off the face of the earth, damn. 
But before I can contemplate it any further, a drink is being pushed into my hands by none other than the fender bender himself. Man, I haven’t seen that asshole on tv since adult swim was poppin. 
“Is this that Jekyll and Gin?” I shout over the music. 
“Nah, this that beetlejuice,” they answered. 
Eyeing the cup for potential bugs, I shrug my shoulders and take it to the head cause lets be real, the craziest names yield the best taste. 
Next thing I know is that I’m ass up face down in the middle of the dancefloor bussing the meanest of whines for Freddy Kruger. And if I hear another Megan Thee Stallion song, Imma show him why she really calls us hotties. 
But unfortunately for him, inebriated me has the tendency to fake an accent or two, though I usually don’t know which one will get the chance to shine until the drunk meter hits full. 
“Sacre bleu nigga, Im tryna throw this ass back on youuu. So open your arms wide, bend those knees, and catch it ohh ouiiii.”
“Girl you play too fucking much,” he retorted. 
So apparently the accent of the day is French.
We dance on each other for a few more songs, my ass firmly placed in his hands while his pelvis roughly grinds into me; our bodies cradled together as we move to the rhythm of the beat. Slick comments like “get a room” or “use a condom” get thrown at us and it’s then that I leave for a breather before I fuck him there and then.  
Unwrapping myself from his arms, I get ready to go, promising that I’ll be back while he smacks my ass in return. Deciding on a cup of water before I step outside for some fresh air, I make a beeline for the kitchen damn near knocking over Lynn in the process. 
“Woahhh where’s the fire,” she jokes. 
“In my vagina,” I yell. “Freddy Krugers big dick gave my ass two muthafucking heartbeats bitch.”
“You whore, you smashed on the first night?” 
“No, but I’m about to,” I smirked. 
“Shittt join the team, I smashed the first night and became a girlfriend.”
“Girl when haven't you?”
Shrugging her shoulders, she downs the last of her drink as her beefy military guy comes up and snakes his arms around her waist; an acknowledging nod thrown my way. 
“Jason, right?”
“All day.”
“I’d love to stay and talk, but I’m legit burning from the inside out,” I said, fanning myself. 
“I think Lorenzo left the backdoor open,” Jason pointed out. “I’ve seen people in and out that thing all night.”
“Mhmm, yeah take a breather and air that cat out before you buss it wide open.”
“Fuck you!” I laughed, middle finger high in the air. “Honestly I’m surprised I’ve made it this long at his party as is.”
“At the rate you’re going, we’ll probably have to haul you out of here,” Jason chirped. 
“Y’all aren't still ‘beefing’ are you?”
“You know how he goes Lynn, if Lenny does nothing else he’ll hold a grudge.”
“Just give it some time.” 
About two months ago Lenny threw a surprise party for himself, however the fuck that works, and invited the usual crew and then some. He rented out a party hall because quite frankly we were tired of helping him clean up after his usual weekend shenanigans; and it was his birthday so ideally he wanted to get fucked up without being responsible for any mess he made. 
As the night goes on we’re all chopping it up and getting lit and I spy this gorgeous girl, I’m talking ten out of ten baddie. Now I’m far from shy, especially when it comes to something that I want, so I slid over to her, hit her with some of my best lines and made that shit official like a referee with a whistle. We end up clicking instantly. She’s downing drinks back to back with me, fucking up the dance floor with me, and even tried her hands at skiing the slopes for the first time. 
All in all things are going better than expected, hell I'm starting to think it's my birthday. At some point, we start taking body shots and somehow her trying to wedge the lime from my teeth ends with us liplocking, that slice of citrus long forgotten as it hits the floor. Our makeout session ends abruptly, both of us yanked apart with a fuming Lenny in front of us. 
Apparently she was a coworker of his who he’d been eyeing for a minute and I swooped in and ruined the possibility of something more. But the thing is, he had no chances with this woman in the first place and had he paid close enough attention through those bullshit conversations that he forced on her in the break room, he would’ve realised that sis was gay. 
Truth be told, I bruised his ego more than anything. And the fact that he pulled such a stunt like that, in his drunken state, in front of friends, family and coworkers has him a little more embarrassed than he lets on. 
I think Lenny is the bees knees and I would’ve never approached his crush had I known, but it still stings that he’s essentially beating a dead horse. I feel like he tolerates me these days because of the crew and quite frankly I’m over the silly nonsense. He’s my absolute fave of the bunch, our personalities being so similar and all. But after tonight he’ll hear everything I have to say whether he likes it or not. 
“Anyway I’m off to, as you so eloquently put it, air this cat out,” I joke. “Later sugar.”
“Dammit, is nothing sacred?” She screams. 
Chuckling, I make it to the back door, walking over to one of the nearby trees to light a joint. Bringing it to my lips, I inhale the smoky goodness, eyelids heavy from fun. Swallowing it down, I rest my head against the branch as the crunching of leaves takes me out of my daze. 
Spinning around, a small smile dangles at the corner of my lips as I eye the familiar face. Exhaling, I hand over the joint, a question that doesn’t need to be asked. Hands swiping over mine, the blunt slides from my fingers and between their lips in response; a newfound sense of serenity as we enjoy the low thumping of the music. 
Halloween aside, autumn is my absolute favorite season for the beautiful, warm colors that it produces - from the red tinted leaves, to the orange pumpkins, and the golden sunsets. The air is crispier and the breeze blows a little cooler and the wind tastes a little fresher. I don’t know but it’s something about the way the earth turns on its axis around this time of year that brings a newfound joy to me. 
Eyes closed in blissful solace, I listen in as another crunching of the leaves ensues, only this time I’m the reason for the noise. A fist to my jaw has my face slamming against the tree trunk, body tumbling to the ground as I try my best to recover from the force of it all. 
Hands desperately grabbing at the earth, dirt and debris get painfully wedged underneath my fingernails, watching the droplets of blood seep into the soil. 
Trying my best to scramble up off the ground in my drunken state, a kick to my temple makes all my efforts futile, vision blurring as I lose my fight with consciousness. 
My body feels cold and heavy, lungs intensely burning while my head feels an insane amount of pressure. Eyes shooting open, I see what looks to be the moon, a full one at that. Can you imagine, a full moon on Halloween? I see the universe has a sense of humor. 
I feel my body sink further into the cold, wet depths, limbs thrashing against whatever has me restrained and it occurs to me that I may not be able to talk my way out of this one. The more I struggle, the more water pours into my lungs, filling my chest with a fiery ache; salty tears submerged as my nose splatters furious bubbles at my body's pitiful attempt to cough up the water and relieve my chest. 
They say it takes about 40 seconds to drown and though I’ve only been down here for about half that, it feels like twice that time. I’ve always wanted to go in my sleep, peacefully and without a clue. But as I stare up at the hazy moon, surrounded by a deep blue sky, stars sprinkled in between, I figure this isn’t the worst thing to see last. Relaxing into the water, I give up my struggle and take a big gulp, ready to accept my fate. Vision darkening, I look up for a final peek at the starry night in all its blurred glory, or as I’d like to call this one “the party night” and take comfort in the fact that I got to live it up one last time.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
smutty matty idea ive had in my brain for days:
you & the boys and their partners go on a beach day. Matty comes out of the water looking hot as ever and he notices you staring at him the whole time he talks to the guys or whoever. “wanna go for a swim?” he says, holding out his hand to you. You oblige. Finally away from the group, you guys have wild ocean sex. Its incredible. The saltwater, the sweet matty kisses, the waves just *mwah*
the end (lol)
... ok i just learned something new about myself, thanks anon <3
but yeah, say it's end of tour and you all go away to an island somewhere (i'm thinking mediterranean) to relax and it's just like such a chill vibe all the time and you and matty are just having the best time just lazily, uh, reconnecting every day and exploring the island (not a euphemism i mean literally going on walks), and when you're not doing that you're spending time with your best friends eating and drinking and laughing. and as you said, "family beach day" rolls around and that morning matty wakes up just ridiculously needy and he's grumpily like "i don't wanna go i wanna stay here with you all day ;)" and you're like "no, we're going, it'll be fun" and the only way you can convince him is by pulling out the sexiest bit of swimwear he's ever seen in his life and promising to wear that so he has something extra pretty to look at. so you go, and he's very touchy feely helping you with your spf to the point where you're about to suggest going back to your residence yourself, and then he just kisses your cheek and says "i'm gonna go off with the boys for a bit" and you're sitting there trying to focus on your book and chat to the girls but matty's running about with the boys all sunlit and sweaty as they head to the sea. you have a brief reprieve where you can just relax and sip your water, which is soon RUINED by the sight of him walking out of the sea and heading straight towards you, water dripping down over his muscles and tattoos so attractively that you're fully clenching your thighs. and he leans down and you think he's going to kiss you but instead he just grabs water, winks, and goes to sit with adam and chat to him for a bit and you're FUMING. but you're in his direct eyeline so you use that to your advantage, shifting position on your sunlounger to make him look at your legs, then moving to lie on your stomach but propped up on your elbows so your boobs push together, and then standing up to flip your hair into a ponytail - at that point, he comes over and actually kisses you and says "shall we go for a swim?", and like leads you into the water and then maybe into a little cove you discovered yesterday so your friends aren't getting an eyeful, and soon you're like chest-deep in water just kissing and clinging to each other hands roaming everywhere and there's literally nobody else around so it's actually quite romantic. and then matty just wraps your legs around his waist and kisses your neck and asks if he can make love to you and your head is SPINNING but you nod and soon the swimwear is abandoned or askew and he's fucking you slowly but firmly and telling you he loves you between long long kisses and the waves are just gently lapping against you both and it's so so special. and then after you've dried off in the sun you take the opportunity to go again on the beach so you're fully sated before you swim back to everyone else (who can all tell what you've been up to but frankly everyone's been doing the same thing over the course of the trip lol) <3
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hairtusk · 1 year
Which Brontë films (both novel adaptations and biographies) are your favourites? I must confess that I’ve never watched one, though I always wanted to know how they adapted their stories to screen.
I feel like my answers to this question might be slightly controversial! But I'll do my best to be as honest as possible.
My favourite biopic is To Walk Invisible - everything about it is absolutely stunning, from the costume design, to the cinematography, the plot, and the acting. It was directed by Sally Wainwright (of Gentleman Jack fame), who portrays the lives of the sisters beautifully. And, like me, she has an undying love for the landscape and history of West Yorkshire and the moors, which really shows in the way the film is shot. I particularly love the way that she doesn't try to crowbar in a love interest, or make the sisters inaccurately beautiful or charming - it's accurate, gorgeous and an absolute labour of love. I'd absolutely recommend to anyone who loves the Brontës, or Victoriana in general.
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My favourite novel adaptation is, by far, Cary Joji Fukunaga's Jane Eyre. I feel like it's the most accurate Jane Eyre adaptation, both in terms of the plot and the overall vibes of the novel - it definitely has more gothic undertones than previous adaptations. The costuming and set design is beyond beautiful, as is the cinematography, and Mia Wasikowska will always be *my* Jane.
Now, I understand people have their own favourite Jane Eyre adaptions (the 2006 version seems to be particularly popular), but honestly, I hate every other version. They all feel inadequately gothic, much too "tea and bonnets period drama", and all of them cast the actress for Jane *far* too old (she's 19 in the novel). So, I'm sorry for everyone who doesn't agree, but I have my reasons.
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And, if I being honest ... that's where my love of Brontë adaptations/biopics ends 😬 I'll do a quickfire round of my *least* favourites, and my reasoning:
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Emily (2022):
• An absolute mess.
• WILDLY mischarcterises Emily by forcing a love interest into her story. There is absolutely no historical evidence for it.
• Emma Mackey seems lovely, but she's far too conventionally attractive to play Emily. Sorry 🤷‍♀️
• The costumes, and especially the HAIR are offensively inaccurate.
• Feels like a "feminist retelling" that girlboss-ifies Emily. We didn't want or need it. Frankly, I was offended that the Brontë Parsonage Museum endorsed it.
Wuthering Heights (2011):
• I'm aware that this will be controversial, but I HATE this film
• Andrea Arnold's tendency for stripped back social realism just doesn't work here in my opinion.
• She cast largely untrained actors (she does this frequently in her films, for said 'social realism') and it's painfully obvious. Some of the acting is cringe-inducing.
• Kaya Scodelario was a TERRIBLE choice for Cathy. It's actually hard to imagine a worse choice.
• The costumes, again, where almost offensively inaccurate. The hair was pretty bad, but not as bad as Emily 2022.
• I will give it credit for being fairly plot accurate, but even that isn't enough to stop me hating it.
Other than that, my opinions fall somewhere in the middle for most other Brontë adaptations. I don't mind the 1939 or 1992 WH adaptations, as they're both quite interesting in their own ways (and flawed in their own ways, too), though I would say that the 1992 is probably the best adaption of WH that we currently have. I haven't seen all that many others - the 1996 Tenant of Wildfell Hall adaptation is on my to-watch list, although my expectations aren't massively high.
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benevolentcalamity · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companions: An updated perspective.
Gale: Could also get away with being called Brian. Mans has the most red flags in the entire game. And why do I say that? WELL, would you want a guy that talks about his ex all the time and would explode if you didn't romance him? Not sure what the deal is there but I dunno if I have what I need to handle all that. His sorcery is cool though, I'd fuck him for lessons.
Karlach: Literally the biggest golden retriever energy in literally any game I've seen these past few years. Seriously, you could tell her "Well... I could go with you, cause I have nothing better to do" and she'd be like "Not because you want to?" With these massive puppy eyes. Wish they did more with her character, because a purehearted person of her race? GOOD LORD I EAT UP THAT SHIT. Karlach, please marry me
Astarion: More red flags. But here's the thing, he's honest and upfront that he's toxic and full of absolute crap. Arguably though he has the most well-done story of, again, any game I've played these past few years. From how he's slowly unlearning the toxicity of 200 years of PURE SHIT, to managing to open his heart up to Tav, to the agonized, broken cries upon killing Cazador if you choose the Spawn ending. Legitimately, this is when 'I can fix him' comes true - mans is wonderful... After all the other stuff. (Please do not drop the building on him or kick him in the balls.)
Shadowheart: Imma be upfront, I hated her guts in Early Access. She's the kind of person I'd hatefuck and move on, cause ain't no way I'm associating with followers of Shar. HOWEVER, they did good giving her a redemption arc. She's still annoying and quite frankly not the greatest traveling buddy, but I can stomach her way more. (So maybe we'd be doing it.)
Lae'zel: I loved you in early access bb, and I still do. Literally, the Githyanki are savage and coldhearted by nature and their culture, so you can't exactly blame Lae'zel for just echoing what she knows. On the other side of the coin everything she's done and said was out of the kindness of her heart. She wants you cured in the only way she knows, and she wants what's best. So, if you dare bring your hatred for her in my askbox, be prepared to catch these hands. THOU DOTH NOT WANT THESE HANDS.
Minthara: Respectfully, ma'am, I don't vibe. Drow elves are sexy. What's not sexy is trying to kill me in my sleep, trying to get me to give in to the evil force inside me, etc etc etc. Also, what happened to your fluffy hair in early access? Girl that's your one redeeming quality. Can understand trust issues though, that I'd be willing to get you help with if you'd stop trying to murder me. Seriously, I love a woman that will actually just kill me, but some of us don't wanna meet our dads yet. (Ha... ha... ha...)
Halsin: ... Oh, so THIS is the bear man... Ngl man, I'm digging it. Man is big so he definitely gives wonderful hugs. Probably cuddly as a big bear, too! Would fuck Halsin, would not fuck him as the bear. Some of you might call me a coward, but MONSTERS are my jam, not actual animals. Y'all can do as you please, though. But generally, this man is probably the sweetest big man. Huge arms? Check. Gentle personality? Check. Would kill a person for killing a child? Check and mate.
Wyll: Still don't know your deal, man, and quite frankly I'm too afraid to ask.
Emperor: ... Aren't mindflayers cold, heartless beings that reproduce by putting tadpoles in your brain? They don't have dicks, right? Does someone wanna fill me in? ... I don't know what the deal is here.
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