#racial vent
raging-guanche · 2 years
i love how according to my white teachers me opening a bit my eyes and telling my teacher to please not interrump my job and asking my classmates if they could stop making noises, if they know what noises can provoke in me (autism woohoo) is AGRESSIVE and THREATENING, cause im fucking medusa or something.
but oh, my whole class joking and screaming to me about bombing north African countries and calling moroccan people slurs and wishing their dead for DAYS, that's just their age, they're inmature.
tell me again white privilege doesn't exist.
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system-of-a-feather · 25 days
Honestly I think people on here really greatly under acknowledge and recognize the large impact / large trauma that comes from intergenerational trauma from colonization, systemic racism, and not-white America centered trauma. And I know that likely has to do with how massively white tumblr dot com is, but it really isn't until I was around my writing partner that has known me for more than half my life and talking with another peer with Chinese-Indonesian background did it really occur to me how intensely pervasive intergenerational trauma due to US involvement in SE Asia is and how it plays / impacts my life.
A lot of non-America centered trauma and abuse really doesn't fall into any of the real common ways people talk about abuse, neglect and trauma because a lot of that sort of trauma is way more complex and nuanced because a lot of the nature of HOW / WHY that abuse, neglect and trauma occurred is inherently tied a lot more into a history of community / collective trauma and abuse and the ways the individuals from those areas 1) had to survive and 2) the resources that they had available to work with and 3) the inability / difficulty for individuals who are transmitting that intergenerational trauma to realize that they are not in that situation anymore and thus not unintentionally recreate the environment / mindset / trauma for the kids going on
And I'm saying "inability / difficulty" in this case because while I agree that the rhetoric of "it doesn't matter if an abuser has trauma, they could have not continued it" is true in most cases, in my experience especially with my own intergenerational trauma, some people have systemically been stripped of basically any real resources or aid or opportunity or space to really "stop the cycle of abuse" and even at their obvious BEST attempts, they still end up in a position where they systemically really can't prevent it from passing on
It was a joke - a very real joke, but that is something I appreciate with my close friends because it reminds me to check my anxieties against reality - that I "act like I still am in Indonesia" (which for the record, I have never been in Indonesia, I'm the only one in my family that hasn't because I wasn't born when they were there) as a call back to when I was commentating on the complex and dynamic financial situation my family had growing up to which my friend told me "Yeah, but it doesn't matter if you had money or not if your dad constantly lived like he was still in Indonesia" which like... 100% true
And its honestly a really fucking hard thing to work through and overcome. Factually, ON MY OWN - ie not including my fiance who is ALSO in a similar situation on his own, I am financially pretty well off. Every month I make good savings and I have a pretty fat cushion in case things go bad, and so I very much CAN afford to buy myself a $6 fidget toy, but spending that $6 feels like fucking death itself a lot of the time.
I honestly don't know if I'll ever feel as if my financial situation is anything other than broke, not because of income or anything, but just because the factual amount of money I make isn't what controls if I feel financially comfortable / well off or not. I could probably have a half million in the bank and still be sweating about spending $6 on a fidget toy.
And honestly, I was watching 90 day fiance with my friends when I was traveling, and one of the dynamics (for those that know Ashley and Manuel) REALLY made it apparent how disconnected multi-generational Americans can be towards immigrant / immigrant families that have had to come to America for a chance at a better life. It's an experience - a trauma that a lot of people who are not an immigrant themselves or a first generation American to wrap their head around and fathom.
And honestly, I wish there was more talk about it. I wish there were more people with that history talking about it.
(I 'lowkey' start venting under here so Imma put it under the cut since it detracts somewhat from the point but its also worth stating)
I wish there were more people openly discussing how absolutely fucked it is that the US gets to come into countries, INTENTIONALLY fuck it up as a CONFIRMED and ADMITTED method to 'instill democracy / capitalism', and then the same people that from the same country that the US fucked over - for PURE survival - have to immigrate for a chance of living a life that is anything other than rough and a constant struggle.
Some people really wonder why it is that our system has such a foul taste in our mouth for America, I know some people think that because before fusing, >I< wondered why XIV was so deeply and intensely bitter about all things American, and I absolutely get it.
Indonesia was literally intentionally and systemically fucked over by the US Military. That fucking over resulting in immense trauma to my dad that not only immensely translated to me, but also made him EXTREMELY subservient in a "keep your head down, lick the boots of the most powerful person, and enjoy living under the boot of those in power because its the only way to have peace" which is something we - specifically XIV in the past - had internalized deeply which is why were were pretty far down the right wing path and why - when XIV looked at it closer and immediately saw past it - flipped to hard Anti-America values. Because its FUCKED that the US gets to come and ruin a country and then have the victims come and having the same victims "thankfully" licking the boots of the US for giving them a "better life".
Its honestly awful and literally no one talks about it and I know its not just Indonesia that has this. Its the fucking US's modus operandi and its fucking awful.
The US is a place you can come "to get a better life" largely because they fucking ruined most of the other places ability to have a good life.
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ravenvsfox · 3 months
a friend of my mother's is visiting from germany and when I mentioned going to the pride parade she started talking about how she didn't like the "extreme" and "aggressive" gays in leather at cologne pride and that they had made her feel uncomfortable
so I was like have you considered that the day to day abundance of heterosexual imagery and institutions and judgements feel aggressive to our communities also
and she was like no no I'm not aggressive at all. I have gay friends and I love drag queens. and I didn't know how to express to her that coming into my home during pride month and telling me unprompted that she's afraid of my community IS aggressive to ME
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venacoeurva · 9 months
I cannot jive with the idea of or with people who insist on tes books being accurate at all times, a large amount of them come off like books you find from weird dudes in the 1800s who had some Thoughts and Theories and Scientific Ideas that are just, y'know. wrong. Also propaganda in various ranges of Obvious to so subtle you don't notice if you aren't actively conscious of trying to catch it. Especially in a world where access to publishing books is way more difficult and the privileged and those with governmental and religious ties would have more access to this
It's not like modern literature or science is fully objective, devoid of propaganda, and 100% scientifically accurate either. I think it's fun and refreshing when literature in series aren't just "we tell you about lore and mechanics all of this is objectively true and somehow there are no varying (and misremembered or lied about) accounts on some of these things on paper and progress on something was entirely, neatly linear and without recorded failures" man idk have a little fun, especially a series where so much shit needs to be filled in and interpreted with so much leeway to do so
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
me: *gets racially profiled by another student for the fifth time this week* ah maybe i should tell the school that shitty stuff is happening
me: *emails school abt shitty stuff*
school: *doesn’t do anything/doesn’t even reach out*
me: damn
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theelf-online · 2 years
This is ventier than what I usually post but I'm just sooo irritated.
I was trying to explain how because I'm Jewish, I'm not white, and how that is directly because nazis (and other antisemites) view Jews as a separate race. They don't view me as such and want me dead because of it. And this one person had the full on audacity to go "yeah but treating being Jewish like it's a separate race is antisemitic". YEAH NO SHIT, I WONDER WHY THAT DIDNT STOP THE NAZIS FROM COMMITTING GENOCIDE AGAINST MY PEOPLE FOR BEING A DIFFERENT RACE!
This person was poc too, and could totally understand why someone who is mixed or is white passing has situational privileges but still experiences racism because they're not actually white, but suddenly not why that applies to me because I'm Ashkenazim and pale? My skin color doesn't make me immune to racialized antisemitism, especially since I'm *actively and visibly Jewish*. An antisemite isn't going to look at me and go, "Oh pale skin, must be white! Time to move to the next person." They're going to see my kippah and Magen David and go "Oh another kike to kill."
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dragonlover158429 · 6 months
Guess who just came back drained of all energy because she spent the day contradicting stupid b*tards. And then they ask me: "why do you look so tired all the time?". Well what can I say? "I'm sorry, putting up with humanity's hate and evil is really taking a lot out of me." I mean, I know it would be much less emotionally draining to just ignore them and not lead an argument but I had to say SOMETHING!
Like I'm French and I have to hear all day other students laughing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME at how disgusting and arrogant french people are. And when I confront them it's "oh come onnnnn... It's true and you know it. You should be glad we accept YOU, because you're not like them, you're nice" EXCUSE ME?! I should be feeling grateful that you "FORGIVE" me for being french?! You're knowledge of french people goes down to having travelled to Paris for holidays 3 weeks in your life, but you let that define a whole nation?! And no one supports me. I am the only french native in the international high school so I have no support. They think it's normal. Worse they think it's JUSTIFIED.
And then during English lesson we were talking about prejudices and the danger of a single story. We were debating in groups and I thought (oh how naively) it would be a good idea to lead the debate towards furries because of the unjustified hate and prejudices they receive at the moment... Welp...
So a guy started saying furries are mentally unstable (which is a prejudice and not true in any way, not that I have anything against people struggling with mental issues ofc), and they think they're animals (techniqually that's therians than furries, but therians know they are humans though, they just don't completely feel human), and then he said we (who the heck is "we", I certainly do not relate to you in any way) should hunt them down like animals, since they identify as such. (WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT THE F*CK)
And then before I could say anything the teacher asked our group: "so what did you learn about the danger of a single story (name). And the guy turns around. And says to the whole class, looking the teacher in the eyes: "Well sir, I believe the most important thing is to not dehumanise people because of our personal bias. As it is unfair and will inevitably lead to hate and violence." (he didn't say it that well as that dumbass has no vocabulary whatsoever, I wrote it in a way you can understand better).
see what I mean?
So of course I had to say something. And I don't regret anything. The good thing with being neurodivergent is that in moment like these my immense sense of justice makes up for my social awkwardness and I don't stutter or can't make eye contact anymore. I wish I could talk more about the heated debate that followed, but writing this has definetly drained me of whatever energy I had left and I can't go on.
I know I'm ranting and venting and I'm sorry, but honestly..... humanity sometimes....
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cloudboundcritters · 3 days
(tw for racism and mentions of lolcowing)
:33< mewtuals pls let us know if someone starts a lolcow "call out" campaign against us. we are already getting hate in our strawpage inbox (someone even called us the n word and drew Milo's fursona getting lynched) and it was so bad we had to make a new strawpage. we even had to close down our askbox here on Tumblr due to the harassment we've been getting lately
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raging-guanche · 2 years
It is not the same moving to another country as a child and growing up with another culture so you identify more with that one than with the "original one" than losing your REAL culture due to colonization and have to grown up without any culture
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iloveschiaparelli · 1 month
The autistic experience is getting yelled at all the time for not liking things that "everybody likes!"
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goosetheluce · 1 year
being mixed is. an experience that i hate and love at the same time
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
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thursdaysbagman · 4 months
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machinewolf7 · 2 years
I feel bad for mixed and racially ambiguous people
Especially light skinned ones
Bipoc think you’re white
And white people think your bipoc
Especially the Segway by bipoc from white passing to straight white
They’re just othered by both groups
They need all the support, more so than either group
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raging-guanche · 2 months
"we were a colony too but at least we got independence lol" haha so funny!!! the colonialism, oppression and forced assimilation/cultural erasure of the indigenous people from the canary go through is so comical!!! not like it has caused poverty, racism and deaths!!!!!
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diedbydeth · 1 year
this is a vent. you have been warned.
(PT: this is a vent. you have been warned. End PT)
i’d like to start this off by saying i am an actual korean person. and that i am anti-transid (but pro-transgender, just to make that clear).
i hate transracial people. or trace people. or whatever they’re called. i hate them with a burning passion.
and most of all, i hate transracial “korean” people. especially the white ones.
im not saying i don’t hate other trace people, i just hate these the most.
i hate how these people say that they’re korean without going through the discrimination actual koreans/other east asians do.
you aren’t told to go back to your country. you didn’t have to worry about being spat on during the pandemic. you aren’t being heavily fetishized. heck, you’re probably the one fetishizing us!
and here you are saying oh so confidently that you’re korean. how wonderful. /s
and if you’re also queer, have you considered that queer people are heavily discriminated against by koreans? heck, even my own relatives don’t like the fact that i cut my hair.
i’m not saying all koreans hate queer people. but most of them that i know, do. (and it’s actually a small number of people, so please don’t go around saying that all koreans are queerphobic.)
so fuck you. i hate you with a burning passion.
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