#racism that is taught?
serotoninzo · 2 months
need more people to talk about poc being racist to poc.
like hellloooo?1??1??1?1?
white people are not the only ones, especially as someone who is a woc, i have experienced racism from so many other poc and it fucking sucks.
i thought we were on the same side? my bad, I obviously thought wrong.
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naranjapetrificada · 5 months
It is upsettingly predictable and disgustingly telling that if you type "literate" while looking for tags to filter by on AO3 that the only one that pops up is for Edward Teach. It's unfortunately become necessary if you want to reassure readers who have been burned too many times, and probably only exists because enough writers have been in that same position as readers.
Every fandom has a racism problem. Not every fandom has this racism problem.
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Alex Irvine, "John Winchester's Journal" | 3.07, "Fresh Blood"
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eff-plays · 9 months
Actually, no, I disagree. Astarion has his reasons for many things he thinks and disapproves of, but some of them are just ... He doesn't like it when people are nice. He actively likes cruelty. Those are both true.
And yeah, you get why. He's well-written and his motivations are understandable! You can have a lot of very long and sad meta posts about how he thinks cruelty is natural and kindness is fake, but that doesn't remove his joy at cruelty and his distaste for kindness. Those things are still true. He can get better, yes. He does get better if you encourage him to. But he starts out as an absolute jackass.
Stop woobifying him fr. He's a piece of shit, even if he's a well-written one. Just because you understand him doesn't mean he's right or somehow the only sane person in the group. Cruelty is not intelligence, kindness is not a weakness. xoxo <3
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favouritefi · 1 year
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People saying you shouldn’t “ship” Peg and Birdie should read the Entertainment Weekly interview with Jessica Henwick + other interviews with her. Like, she played Peg as loving Birdie. It’s not even shipping as much as it is implied subtext and appreciating an actress’ choices when there wasn’t much to work with. And of course it’s not a good or healthy love, but if you think fictional relationship dynamics need to always be healthy in order to be compelling, then I think we fundamentally disagree about the nature of fiction and stories.
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starlooove · 1 year
Guys I understand the gatekeepers now like y’all didnt even know who spiderpunk was let alone his name till a few months ago STAY AWAY FROM HIM
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feluka · 6 months
i'm very confused about the animosity toward the term 'martyr' because even though i understand that in english the word doesn't carry the same implications as in arabic (the "witness" part) but i'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with the english word either? what are people mad about exactly?
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elbiotipo · 6 months
Can't stop thinking about "if youve ever said a dirty word about disco in your life youre going straight to hell brother"
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whifferdills · 3 days
ok time for No Way Out (1950) in space
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orangememesicle · 11 months
people really underestimate how horrifically racist the historical revisionism at christian schools is. my fourth grade teacher straight up told my class that “despite their flaws” the conquistadores brought the natives to jesus
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scarlethood · 5 months
the 'no metas in Gotham' fanon sucks so bad because Bruce has many actual flaws but fantasy racist is not one of them
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pendinganchor · 1 year
Side eye- I agree people shouldn't include him the poll if they don't want him to win but...he's a racist repeating the abuse cycle with Max
Genuinely curious how he's redeemable in your eyes? I am asking objectively bc I don't see it- especially with how he treated Lucas
side eye. babe he is not “repeating the cycle of abuse with max” he grabbed her arm a total of ONE time. that she later referenced about it being the first time he had ever done something like that. a one time situation does not make a pattern. he backed off after she threatened him with the bat. if he was abusive he wouldn’t have done that. also the only reason he was looking for her was because his father abused HIM and threatened him into finding her.
he found her in a strangers house in the middle of the woods with a borderline 18 year old that lied about even knowing who she was. he had no other context of the situation.
they both equally yelled at each other so if billy is verbally abusive in your eyes then max should be to. do you have siblings? i fight with mine all the time. less so now that we’re out of the toxic environment of our childhood.
it’s almost like you can’t heal while still in that toxic/abusive environment? huh crazy!
in season two billy was a 17 year old who had just been moved two thousand miles away from everything he knew. he’s gonna act out.
if you think an abused teenager is beyond help then i encourage YOU to get help.
if you look at the entire line you antis like to quote him on he says “something you learn is there are certain people you stay away from” as in he learned it from somewhere. my guess is his abusive father.
how do you feel about mike?
or jason?
both those characters were shown to be racist towards lucas as well.
what do you have to say to the fans who are racist towards lucas or kali or argyle?
or the antis who are racist towards poc fans of billy?
billy had been eighteen for three months when he died. and he was still living with his abusive father.
i know real life people who were WAY worse than billy in high school who have since gotten their shit together. and i would never condemn someone for who they were as a teenager.
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moodr1ng · 9 months
a thought in my head: a lot of the time people express like, complete bafflement and frustration at the fact that a mode of oppression or an oppressive political stance exist at all, like in the "i just dont understand how people are racist/transphobic/homophobic/etc" or "i dont GET how people believe in nationalist bullshit" type of statement. i see this from centrists to liberals to hardcore leftists, though i tend to think that the further towards 'centrism' aka status quo preservation someone leans, the more the thing they supposedly 'dont get' is likely to be something they themselves believe in/promote, just in less obvious ways. but that aside.. is this genuine? are these statements genuine expressions of confusion, or performative ones? i honestly struggle to tell.
like, ive never had a ""right wing phase"", ive never leaned right-wing politically in essentially any way aside from like, 6 months when i was 17 when i was into the lightweight transmed shit, which is the deepest ive been into reprehensible politics. but i literally do get it. it doesnt make me think any different about the positions but i get where they come from. i understand the emotional, social and cultural reasons for believing reprehensible things. i do get how people are nationalists - im not sure id be good at explaining it, but i understand it. i understand the impulses and urges that lead to right-wing politics and oppressive beliefs and on some level i do recognize them in myself and am continuously working to disarm them in myself.
and i feel both a sense of... not necessarily shame but impropriety? at admitting this, like by saying 'i understand the reasoning and emotions that go into oppressive thinking' im in some way revealing that im like, tainted or ethically bankrupt. which is why i ask 'is saying you absolutely dont understand this performative' - because i feel like it could be? saying that you dont have the slightest idea how people get to awful political stances can make you appear as if youre so morally pure that you could never lower yourself to even understanding the thought patterns of immorality, right? but at the same time... i have a hard time trusting in people who repeatedly exclaim that it is so beyond their understanding how anyone could be a bigot. it kinda feels like, implicitly, theyre saying 'i trust so deeply that i am wholly removed from bigotry that i am not in fact doing the work of figuring out which of my thought patterns and impulses can lead to reactionary ideas'. so even if the statement is genuine.. well, idk, maybe thats a bit worse??
idk. thoughts?
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neotrances · 8 months
that pronunciation shit pissed me off because even if it DID say pronounce why take it upon urself to have a stupid quip/one liner on a serious post?? Like do you TRULY believe “gatekeeping” the pronunciation of a word is that big of a fucking deal right now?? Oh don’t piss me off
Like white leftists would sooner create a meme a joke post or some shit than actually take to heart how scary this time is for brown and black people like instead of having an ounce of compassion or hell SYMPATHY ur posting a meme?? Ur trying to have ur quick comeback moment?? And all for what 😐
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your--isgayrights · 1 year
hi i'm stalking your orv posts and i saw u say that orv has colorism issues? can you expound on that because when i was reading the novel i think i missed that bit
Ah, so with the novel it's actually not much of a problem, but the thing is that the webtoon adaptation and official art has a tendency to make the protags whiter than paper and the webtoon in particular, when I was posting about this more, had so far like only given villains darker skin tones. This honestly happens all the time in east asian media, but the reason I'm particularly peeved about it with ORV is that I distinctly remembered Yoo Joonghyuk being described as both the most beautiful man in the world and also a man with tan skin and black eyes, which felt really important to me personally bc I grew up Asian American and had to unlearn those things being equated w/ ugliness/plainness by both colorism and racism lmao.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I keep seeing people say "school choice" is Republican code for racism, (not that I'm surprised atp) but what exactly does it mean and how is it racist?
Let's be real, literally everything that Republicans say is code for racism somehow, whether implicit or explicit. In this case, "school choice" refers to the issue of "voucher schools" or "charter schools," which are set up in an area as alternatives to the local public schools and often designed to siphon funding and resources from them. If a student has a "choice" to attend a charter school instead of public school, Republicans argue, blah blah Freedom Is Respected. Clearly we should be funding charter schools instead of public schools! Or at least fund them equally! Etc etc.
Okay, you might say, this sounds... not terrible? We all know that American public schools are often bad, so where does the racism come in? Well, being that these are Republicans, they don't actually want all students to have a "choice." They want to set up a pretext for (white) parents to pull their children out of (mixed-race and/or majority black) public schools, and for funding that would have gone to those schools to go to the charter schools instead. The charter schools also are able to promote "alternative" curriculums, which is an attraction for racist parents who throw shitfits about their children learning non-racist things, because they have no community-elected school board, taxpayer dollars, or general public to answer to. Because they are privately funded, and also designed to market themselves as an "alternative" to public schools, they can then suck up the school funding in an area and have no obligation to teach a general school curriculum.
We all know that yes, American public schools are of wildly varying quality and have many, MANY problems. But the obvious solution is not to set up racially segregated Alternate History charter schools for the children of white-fragility Republicans, it is to, you know, FUND PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Yet because Republicans only want to help themselves under the guise of rhetoric about Freedom And Choice while meaning exactly the opposite, this is a no-go. They don't want to fund public schools that teach majority-black or other non-white or low-income kids, they're opposed to Government Spending of any nature (even on essential or public services), and given their endless whining about what is taught in public schools anyway, they want to just blow it all up and start over in a place where they have much more control over the curriculum and no need to explain or account themselves to anyone. So yes. Racism.™
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