#random unsolicited ask
sotwk · 7 months
If u were a Swan, whose kneecaps would u steal first
....Emma Swan? Bella Swan? Elizabeth Swann? The Swan Who Beaked Jess Mariano?
Does it matter?
Oh gosh, I don't know this one.
But considering my almost-40 knees are quickly turning into shite, I'd steal any pair of kneecaps that would work and make them my own!
Take care of your knees, children. You WILL miss them when they're gone. (My mistake was years and years of wearing god-awful stilettos. To WORK.)
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silverislander · 11 months
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ok either the bots are getting more advanced or theyre straight up stealing blogs now bc i really thought this blog was a real person at first
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manofmanymons · 1 year
Hard as I try not to, I have a very strong tendency to interact with media by aggressively tunnel-visioning on one favorite character
Meaning that sometimes I will drop a series entirely if my fav is off screen for too long. It usually happens with series with real large ensembles. I stopped reading mha when it wasn't centered around Kiri or Shiggy, and I didn't play kingdom hearts for YEARS after Roxas died.
If a show or game doesn't have at least one character I connect with really deeply I also tend to drop it. Even if I genuinely like the characters and the plot if there's not That One Guy I can completely obsess over I'm just not gonna stick it out. That's kinda what happened when I tried to watch jjk but don't tell my best friend I said that <3
SOMETIMES there are series with large casts where I get Really Obsessed with MULTIPLE characters so one of my favs is ALWAYS on screen (e.g. Assassination Classroom, Tiger & Bunny) but overall I feel like relatively small casts are more my speed
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mctayverse · 1 year
My top 3 Phase 4…
1. No Way Home
2. Wakanda Forever
3. Shang-Chi
1. Loki
2. Moon Knight
3. WandaVision
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the-joy-of-knowledge · 4 months
25 Laws of power for women
Conceal your goals especially the ones that are appealing. Losing weight, reinventing yourself, marrying wealthy. Instead talk about your altruistic goals - to help children, invest in education, this will chase insecure people with vile intentions.
Do not give anyone your source of power: Was is a book that changed your life? a mentor? a movie? Never give up your secret to success. If forced to do say allude to God, the universe, the a random phenomenon
Use the patriarchy to your favor; we live in a world that is, only associate with men who have power, use that power for good.
Never appear too perfect but be selectively vulnerable when needed. Only share something that you will be comfortable saying. You might say “I forget my keys all the time,” “I don’t know how to perfectly park a car “. But never disclose something you are not comfortable with just because you are afraid of being perfect.
Maintain distance in relationships. Friends are the best and you need them. But if you feel that they are becoming too dependent, see them at your own will. But also the reverse could be the case. Your friend may keep a distance, and that is the way of life. You have got to move on from it.
Develop your own style that makes you unique, beautiful, and elegant. Avoid trying to fit in the crowd of people who claim to care less about their style yet have too many opinions about other women’s style
Avoid male friends at all cost, you will have male colleagues, male bosses, male acquaintances, business partners. Keep it that way. You do not want a Truman Capote divulging your secrets to the world. Do not keep a man who does not fit your standard.
You do not have to win at every game. Pick and choose what is best for you and leave room for others. And step down if you have attained that level of success, do not let the society do it for you.
Trust people but remember that we are all humans. So trust with discretion!
Confuse people with kindness; people are not always comfortable with beautiful and intelligent women. That power is too intimidating so confuse them by being genuinely generous, curious, kind, and passionate.
Keep your strong opinions to yourself.. if you support a movement, a way of life, do so silently.
We all have dirty laundry, wash them privately, don’t expose yourself. Remain silent when people try to attack you or shame you. Whatever is not confirmed is not true. You are the only one who knows all the truth about you.
Don’t attract pity or praise: People who pity you do not help you, in fact they might think that you are weak and could mock you at their annual gossipping meeting. And if you are doing things for the sake of praise you are wasting your time.
Choose yourself all the time; never put any one’s feelings above yours.
Trust your own intuition if you feel someone is being malicious towards you, giving you back handed compliments then you should let them go
Never speak bad of another woman. Do not lazy around gossipping. Keep your hands clean and your conscience clear.
Avoid women with low self esteem they will bring you down. For some reason they do not like seeing other women who are doing better than them
Be careful who you seek validation from. Not everyone needs to be pleased. If they are in no way capable of contributing to your life in the ways you prefer, then don’t ask them for their opinions or please them.
Do not compete with other women, if you do you are only putting them on a pedestal. You are making the the standard by which you measure your progress. If you do compete, begin digging your grave.
Do not give unsolicited advice, do not share the inner workings of your mind, If your mouth is very charitable you better start journaling.
Be well-rounded and interesting. It attracts people. It also keeps you busy because you are continually improving and learning. An idle mind is an easily subdued one.
Avoid women who want to live vicariously through you; they want to know who you know, shop where you shop, befriend who you befriend, wear what you wear.
Pay attention to the source of your discomfort; get rid of them. You tell them your dreams and they remind you of all your hindrances. They ask why are you dressed so fancy as though fancy isn’t subjective. They undermine you interests and goals. They will also be quick to bring you down because they are afraid of your potential.
Do not fear power or please power. When we see powerful people we try to hard to befriend them, to be close to them but you need to be comfortable without them. Don’t push yourself in the name of friendship, do not try too hard to be in their inner circle. Your independence of mind is the most important. Instead become a powerful woman, aloof to the presence of power but aware of its importance. Be an ingenious and intelligent and use your creativity to uplift yourself. When you do so it will be hard to ignore you. Even the powerful will become an ally.
Enjoy moments of solitude. Use that time to develop yourself, improve your body, learn new skills, create with your mind, read widely, become more elegant, then launch yourself.
Remember the most powerful women are the most intelligent. Inspired by Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power. Use at your discretion.
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
maybe you should swallow faster
maybe I just need some practice 🤭
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christinarowie332 · 6 months
stupid horny fucks .
chris sturniolo x reader (smut)
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warnings: accidental dick pic lmao . smut ovs ? quick fuck . possible angst if u squint . possible series . not proof read
in which : chris accidentally sends his bestfriend a none PG photo …….. resulting in tears of tension being released…. but was it a mistake?
ps : don’t send unsolicited nudes , it’s weird as fuck . this is heavily fiction . don’t be a weirdo .
the room was a calm environment, me , nick, matt and chris all sat in dim lighting from the tv , my legs sprawled over nicks lap on the couch as we all relax in our shared space. this was a normal night for us all , a movie in the background, snacks and drinks arrayed out as we all engage in absent minded easy conversations. chris was quieter tonight. i notice as i allways do , subconsciously focussed on him , it’s hard not to be when your surrounded by things that remind you of him , and of course himself . i’ve always felt wierd with chris . it’s not all the time . 70% of the time he’s just an annoying, loud , funny , sweet friend . same with nick and matt . but that 30% , that’s something even chris himself couldn’t get out of me . god he’s attractive. the way his legs are spread , his sweatpants pressing against his dick , the shadow of his bulge basically begging to be touched. his fluffy hair , swept against his features , the loose curls lightly lay on his forehead. his sharp facial features being illuminated by his phone screen as he looks down to it , his pink lips puckered as he concentrates. god everything about him just makes my skin crawl , goosebumps literally growing on the skin of my arms at the thoughts that run through my head. the way his veiny hands would look around my neck. the low tank top he’s wearing , and how his sleek collarbones would feel on my lips . fuck .
i cross my legs on nicks lap , squeezing them together to relieve the growing tension between them . nicks head turns towards me , his confused expression catching my attention. “you good?” he asks , shifting himself on the sofa , his voice making matt and chris glance over at us .
“i’m fine , just getting comfortable” i send him a reassuring smile after speaking , all three of the brothers attention going back to the tv or phones . thank god . i try to distract myself from my thoughts (chris), pulling my phone from beneath my body on the cushioned seat . i open snapchat and start scrolling through my recent snaps , random guys , my friends , team snapchat (wow i have no life) . i start snapping them back , ceilings , selfies . chris . i open his snap and it’s just a normal photo of him , sexy as fuck ,but just a normal face snap , i send him one back and carry on with the rest of them .
after a while , i’m watching a instagram reel and get a chat notification from chris . i look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. “chris i’m literally in the same room as you why are u snapping me ?” i ask , waving my hand around with my phone in its grasp . he doesn’t look at me as he responds, his thumb still lazily scrolling on his phone. i roll my eyes beofre opening the chat . said eyes basically fall out of my head when i open it . i audibly gasp and my head shoots towards chris , making literally everyone look at me .
“sorry.” i replies to their stares , i watch all three of their attentions go back to their original places , before chris’s head snaps towards me , his eyes wide and jaw muscles clenched . the photo he sent me , was probably the last thing i ever thought i would see . his dick . in all it’s glory , veins decorated up the shaft , towards his tip , pre cum dripping down the side . it was fucking huge . i look down at my now vibrating phone in my hand , chris frantically texting me .
: Y/N
: bro i’m so sorry
: please just forget u saw that
: nah im actually sorry
it takes me a few seconds to contain myself . before i decide to text him back .
me | chris bro it’s literally fine .
chris | i’m so sorry
: i’m acc so sorry
me | chris .
: i said it’s fine .
chris | are u sure ? i’m so fucking sorry .
me | why are u sorry ???? that’s a nice ass dick .
why the fuck would i say that . chris’s bitmoji stops typing . and just stays still for a while before i see a new message.
chris | my room . five mins .
me | i’m going now . follow me idfc
i immediately get up from my seat , throwing to phone to the sofa and twlling the boys i’m going to bed . i make it to chris’s room in seconds , leaving the door open and waiting for him there . it’s a minute until i watch him speed into the room and slam the door behind him , walking towards me and grabbing my neck to slam his lips onto mine .
the kiss is fast and needy , clothes being torn off as our lips collide and tongues explore each others mouths . he leads me to the bed in just his boxers , and unclips my bra before dropping me onto his mattress . he watches the recoil from the springs in his bed make my tits bounce , a small smirk playing on his lips beofre climbing on top of me and attaching his mouth onto my neck .
he pries out small wimpers as he bites and sucks on my skin , leaving bruises up to my ear and over my chest , my hips thrusting forwards to reach his bulge , aiming for any friction as the tingling between my thighs intensifies .
“are you sure ?” he breathes into my neck , it’s like all i’ve been relying on is pure instinct, his words barley make it into my head and i’m drunk in his touch . “yes fuck , just hurry up and fuck me” i reply, lurching my hands to his face and bringing him up from my chest, reattaching our lips . his fingers make his way to my clothed pussy , his middle finger drawing circles over my swollen clit . his muscles contort as he moves , curved shadows against his pale skin . the veins running up his forearm from his slender fingers .perfectly smooth and sharp at the same time . “so needy……” he says moving his fingers upwards before putting them under my underwear, running his cold finger between my folds . “and so fucking wet” he continues, making his way to my clit with his fingers , making me lift into his touch and moaning at the sensation. he continues his movements placing his knee forward towards my heat , slowly prying my legs open so he has better access , slowly increasing the speed making me a whimpering mess underneath him .
he pulls his fingers away and swiftly takes off his boxers , pumping his dick a couple of times before placing the tip at my entrance and running it through my folds . “are u one hundred perfect sure?” he asks , i nod frantically, readjusting my self underneath him making myself comfortable. “words baby , you know i would love to fuck you sensless but right now i need your words”
“YES CHRIS JUST FUCK ME”. i raise my voice , i see his eyes flicker and an eyebrow raise before he slams into me , a smirk growing on his face as he watches me sink into the bed , all confidence gone as he pounds into me. “JESUS FUCK , fuck” i allmost scream as he thrusts into me, my hands slapping his back , nails digging into his back at the feeling .
his hair flops against his forehead at each thrust , groans and heavy breathing falling from his lips. his hands hold his up as he towers over me , silencing my own cries of pleasure with his mouth on mine still sloppily placing kisses on my lips before moving down my neck. “your doing so well , i’m so close baby i’ve wanted this for so- fuck” he breathes out as he keeps thrusting , each minute pulling energy and sweat from our body’s as we both edge closer to our release . my hands hold his shoulders pulling myself into him to deepen his reach into me , feeling his ruthless abuse of my g spot , not allowing any thoughts to come from my brain . quite literally fucking me senseless .
“FUCK , chris i’m so close , CHRIS don’t stop please” i plead to him , making his speed pick up . “me too mama me too , come baby please” he says as his finger moves towards my clit , the circles matching his thrusts as he eggs my release on . i feel his dick twitch inside of me , at this i feel myself completely release around him , loud moans being silence as his hand rests on my throat as he kisses me through my orgasm . moments later i feel him also topple over the edge fulling out and feeling warm strings of cum coat my stomach and chest .
he flops down next to , his chest heaving and loose curls wet slightly around his neck with sweat .
“what the fuck just happened” i say looking over to him
he just stares at the ceiling .
what the fuck just happened .
i’m so drunk rn this is such a mess .
taglist :
@mangosrar @soursturniolo @biimpanicking @kvtie444 @kenzieiskoolaid @cabincorematt @urmyslxt @chrisenthusiast @mattsd0ll @iheart2021chris @recklesssturniolo @lovingsturniolo @loveesiren @paper-crab @daddyslilchickenfingers @strniohoeee @ermdontmindthisaccount @sturnphilia @bluesturniolo333 @lea0518 @chrisolivia4l @its-jennarose @kitaysworld @liz-stxr @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @mattslolita
side note : i love u all sm , like acc . sorry for the delay in the fics but i hate posting shit that’s half assed or rushed , and i like to make sure that my shits realistic to the boys . you know ? hope y’all still love me LMAO !!!
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moonstruckme · 7 months
idk if u listen to taylor swift but her song mastermind (which is kinda like maneuvering things around to get together with someone) would be so cool to read with TASM! Peter !! Maybe the reader realizes Peter is Spiderman after recognizing his voice and then tries her hardest to become Peter’s friend in school and kinda puts all the pieces together herself (+ the line ‘to assess the equation of you’ is so peter coded) also I feel like smart reader deserves more rep 😞 like no way she wouldn’t recognize his cocky ass voice
Again this is just like. Me spilling out my random thoughts 🤭 -🍁 (sorry for spam)
Hi lovely! I didn't stick to this very faithfully, but it did inspire an idea that I'd be remiss not to give you credit for! It's established relationship, where reader has figured out Peter is Spiderman (I agree she's not dumb and that needs to be regonized). Thank you <33
cw: a whiff of harassment (more of an attempt really, but if that will upset you please don't read)
tasm!Spiderman x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
It’s hard to feel totally vulnerable walking around the city at night when you know you’re never really by yourself. Peter thinks he’s so stealthy, but he can’t always avoid casting shadows on the street ahead of you; you were bound to catch onto his well-intentioned stalking eventually. You’re not totally sure why he doesn’t just walk you home as himself (you’re coming from his apartment, it’s not like it would have been so difficult to ask), but your boyfriend seems to prefer stepping into his alter-ego when he thinks there’s any possibility for danger. 
It turns out this time, he was right.
It’s not that you don’t see the man walking in the opposite direction of you (you’d have to be blind to miss the slow, performative up-down he gives you) or notice his mouth moving in your periphery, but you’re city-trained; you keep your eyes ahead, hoping he’ll see that you’ve got your earbuds in and leave you alone when he doesn’t get the attention he wants. 
The man passes you, and you’re thinking you’re in the clear when there’s a forceful tug on your elbow. You very nearly pitch forward in your haste to get away from the unwelcome touch, but then the hand is wrenched away, and you turn to find the man stuck to a newspaper dispenser with one wrist covered in a familiar white filmy substance. A second later, and his other hand is webbed to the car behind him. 
You pull out your earbuds just as Spiderman lands in front of you, the tilt of his head indicating that he’s looking you over for damage. 
“Hey, what the fuck!” The man sputters. “I was just trying to pay the bitch a compliment—”
“Alright, thanks for that, pal.” Spiderman webs his mouth shut, and your harasser continues his muffled protests. “Maybe we just have different styles, but most of my compliments don’t start with unsolicited commentary on a stranger’s boobs.” 
You curl your lip, and the man looks like a dog on its leash the way he’s tugging against his restraints. Your rescuer webs his feet in place, stopping their scraping against the sidewalk.
“You know,” he says, turning to you, and he’s not even trying to disguise his voice, “you should really have at least one earbud out if you’re walking by yourself at night. That’s just the first entry in the Pretty Girl Guidebook.” 
You grin at him. “I think the first entry in the Pretty Girl Guidebook would really advocate more for playing damsel in distress to lure charming heroes your way. Walk me home, handsome?” 
You start back on your way, and he follows you like it’s all he knows how to do. He’s quiet, and though you can’t see his expression behind the mask, you wonder if you’ve actually startled Spiderman into silence. If he expects you to be bashful and awestruck, he’s got another thing coming; you’re typically a bit shy around new people, but Peter isn’t new people. 
“Yeah?” he asks after a second, and you wonder if you’d be able to detect the slight pitchiness to his voice if you didn’t know it so well. “So was that the plan all along? Get yourself attacked to get yourself rescued?” 
“No.” You shrug, casting a disdainful glance back toward the man who’d grabbed you. “I don’t go out looking for trouble, but I know that if it finds me,” you say, looking up into the mask with a simpering smile, “I’ve got Brooklyn’s friendly neighborhood hero to protect me.” 
You think he actually gulps. “I’m flattered you think so highly of me, sweetheart, but you really should take some precautionary measures too.” 
“Well, I suppose I could’ve asked my boyfriend to walk home with me,” you muse, “but he seemed like he was eager to have me gone. Better things to do, apparently.”
“What?” It’s a squawk, and then Peter clears his throat from behind the mask. “I’m sure if your boyfriend’s a sensible guy—which, I mean, anyone who managed to snag a girl like you must not be totally airheaded—I’m sure he didn’t mean to rush you off.” 
“I don’t know.” You frown, looking off in front of you contemplatively. “He’s book smart for sure, but he can be kind of dense sometimes.” You can feel your companion’s hesitation like a prickle at your side, his uncertainty of how to go about this conversation with you, and it catches him offguard when you stop to look up at him with coy, wide eyes. “Do you think you’re a sensible guy?”
His voice is strangled. “Me?”
“Mhm,” you hum, slowly moving into his space. 
“I—I like to think so, sure.” 
It’s all you can do not to giggle at how easily his cocky persona has come undone. You’re having too much fun to even feel bad about the torment you’re inflicting upon your boyfriend. “Maybe I should be with you, then,” you say. 
He actually takes a step back. “But—but—uh, listen, you’re really pretty, but didn’t you say you had a boyfriend?” 
“Yeah,” you say softly, batting your eyelashes up at him, “what about him?”
You’ve got your hands on his shoulders, lips so close to his face you can feel the warmth of his breath through the mask, and you actually think he’s going to do it. He’s going to let you kiss him. You shove playfully at his chest, unable to contain your laughter anymore.
“Pete, c’mon,” you say, careful to keep your voice low. “You must think I’m an idiot. You really thought I wouldn’t recognize you?”  
There’s a few moments of wordless sputtering which you can’t really hold against him, and then Peter’s whisking you into an alley, pulling his mask off. 
“Sorry for fucking with you,” you say while he’s still getting his bearings. He runs a hand through his hair, eyes wide. “It was just so easy to flirt back. You made it too much fun for me.” 
“Jesus, babe.” Peter fists a hand in his hair, already fluffy from being handled so much. “When did you figure it out?” 
“I mean, before today, but not very long ago,” you admit. “I knew something was up for a lot longer, but I didn’t put it together until you helped me with that mugger a few weeks ago.” You quirk a playful eyebrow. “You should at least try to distort your voice if you’re going to be Spiderman around people who know you in real life, you know.” 
“Never had to with Flash,” he mutters. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
You turn a bit more sheepish, unsure if you should feel guiltier about keeping your realization from him. To be fair, though, he’d kept a whole crime-fighting secret identity from you. “Is there ever a right time?” you ask him with a little shrug. “I guess I eventually wanted you to tell me on your own. I get why you didn’t, but it’s not like you’re exactly choosing to trust me here.” 
“I do,” Peter says immediately. He takes your shoulder in hand, like he needs to keep you steady to make sure you’re hearing him. “I do trust you, honey. It was never about trust.” He passes a hand over his face, shock melding into something more like dread. “It just, it could be dangerous for you, if you’re ever seen with me and it's obvious you know who I am, or something. I didn’t want to drag you into anything. There are…not everyone thinks of me as the friendly neighborhood hero you do.” 
He gives you a little smile, and you return it, stroking his jaw in an attempt at comfort. “I know,” you say softly. 
“We’re going to have to be careful.” 
“I know. Pete?” 
“If we’re being careful, you should probably put your mask back on.” 
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catboybiologist · 9 months
Hi! I’m CatboyBiologist.
Formerly a femboy, now a trans woman just starting HRT, and a PhD student in molecular biology. I started using this online persona as a fun, shitposty way to explore gender a few years ago. I post selfies (generally sfw, but somewhat sexy, so minors and ppl who don’t like that have been warned), rambles about science, tutorials and advice from the stuff I’ve learned by being a femboy in the past, nature pictures, stuff about the ocean, my adorable grumpy little tortoise, and unsolicited opinions on random nerdy topics. Any pronouns are fine. I don’t plan to socially transition for a while, and still present as a man most of the time, so I’m used to whatever you wanna use for me (for now, I’ll update this if that changes). Please send me pictures of your pets or other cute animals in your life!
As a scientist, I’m also documenting my transition! This google sheet will be updated at least monthly. I also have additional metrics I’m keeping to myself, and pictures that go with this, but I’m not sharing them publicly yet. Keep in mind that this is just one person’s experience with HRT, and may not represent universal trends!
Adding a little something here, bc I think it was an interesting bit a writing: if you want to see me respond to a transphobe about what "biologically female" means, here's a thing I wrote about it. CW for transphobia and discussion, obviously.
Also, if any of my measurements look weird, its entirely possible I fucked up. Let me know if anything looks off!
Here’s some of my favorite pre-HRT pictures:
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If you want to see more of my pre-HRT selfies, browse the “femboy” tag on my blog!
And as of this writing, I’m only 2 days after the start of HRT, so here’s a picture with my tortoise that’s technically post-HRT (but with 0 time for actual changes):
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If you want to see my future post-HRT selfies, browse the “trans selfie” tag on my blog!
Also here's another really cute picture and fanart of my tortoise by @whalesharkcat:
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I have affectionately given my tortoise the title of The Grumpus.
I also wrote a couple of tutorials and general vibes about being a femboy before I started HRT:
Sometimes I make shitposts of myself, I don’t take myself too seriously:
This includes the way I came out on tumblr:
And here’s an overly serious, long ramble about trans thoughts and things that I wrote shortly afterwards:
Later addition: Someone asked how I take selfies, so I wrote a quick and dirty guide with some tips on how I do so in response to their ask:
Oh yeah and apparently I was a 196 microcelebrity? I never to thought I was popular enough for that but apparently some people do 🤷‍♀️. So uh, hi 196 tags, I'm abusing you for my pinned post LOL
As for terminology, I personally do think of myself as a “man who is becoming a woman” as opposed to having always been a woman. If that doesn’t resonate with your experience, I totally get that! But that’s why I freely call pre-HRT me a femboy, while still calling post-HRT me a trans woman. I’m also keeping the blog name as CatboyBiologist for the forseeable future, because at this point, Catboy just seems like a gender neutral term to me.
I’m also trying to put together a script for a podcast regarding how studying biology influenced my perspective on sex and gender- lmk if there’s any interest in that! It’s probably gonna be way too long and indulgent but oh well.
So uh. Yeah. I don’t end these types of things well. Byeeeeee
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kairiscorner · 9 months
if u have time i wanna like request a 42!miles x reader where reader hears some girls shit talking miles about random stuff u pick !! and then she gets like super mad at confronts them and it turns into like this bigass fight a crowd forms and everything and maybe it could be like outside the building where miles is and him and ganke are eating and they hear the noises and stuff and miles is like “wtf is that.. 🌚” and ganke looks out the window and he’s just like “bro it’s ur girl what the fuck.. ⁉️⁉️😨⁉️” and miles is just like 🏃‍♀️💨 and pushes the big ass crowd away n sees his girlfriend beating the shit out of the person and he like breaks it up and takes her out of the area and she explains the whole thing ab how it was ab him and he’s jus like “you don’t even know how much i love you what the hell. ⁉️⁉️😣” and it’s just fluffy in the end ????
HELP WHY DID I MAKE THIS SO SPECIFIC.. if this is like too long don’t even worry about it pookie you already feed me enough w all ur fics im in LOOVVVEVEVE !! anyways congrats again 😼😼
say that again to my face. — miles 42 x fem!reader
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summary: sometimes, people forget that they should be minding their own business instead of giving their unsolicited opinions on matters they have nothing good to say about—and especially not to offend a guy's girlfriend by shit talking her boy when she's not taking any of your shit. pairing: miles 42 x fem!reader genre: slight angst and comfort word count: 1,519 author's note: AWW POOKIE, THANKIES !! man ngl, i like the thought of reader being the type of person to not take your shit and be the defender this time instead of miles, HE DESERVES SOMEBODY WHO'S WILLING TO GET HURT FOR HIM, TOO, OKAY !!! omg i hope you like this 💖💖💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the shuffling of feet and excited, worried clamoring of other students as they drew more attention to the occurrence outside of the school building was creating more and more tension as nearly everyone exited the cafeteria and went outside to the school grounds. "what's... going on?" miles asked ganke as they exited the cafeteria, with ganke's eyes widening as he got a good look of what was going on and who exactly was the center of attention right now for a not-so good reason. he grabbed miles by the shoulders and dragged him to a spot where he could view the chaos a little better. "dude, it's your girl, she's going crazy on this other girl!" he exclaimed with a rushed voice, worried for you as much as miles should've been, had he known it was you all along being gathered around and filmed as chaos ensued.
as soon as miles heard that his girl was getting some unwanted attention–having a whole crowd surround her–he had to get her out of there immediately. he wove his way through the people filming, cheering and chanting, and merely watching as you throttled this girl you were fighting the best you could–repeating to her as she exclaimed and tried fighting you back: 'what, too scared to say it again? huh? i'll show you who you're messing with this time, bitch!' the crowd went wild hearing you cuss, it wasn't rare for you to cuss since practically everyone was aware you weren't the most innocent person around—but you were definitely a sweetheart, to the right people; no one could believe you were capable of hurting someone this badly, not even miles could believe you were saying all these awful things that sounded so uncharacteristic of you. as miles made his way towards you, his eyes widened, his heart sinking in his stomach as he watched you wrestle with this other girl and screaming at her–hurling insults and taunts at her through teary eyes, yelling out in pain as she pulled at your hair and tried scratching at your face.
"mi cielo, enough!" he exclaimed as he dashed over to you, nearly tripping over as he got in between you two and took the other girl's hits for you. ganke had made his way through the crowd and helped you up, with miles telling everyone the fight was over, there was nothing left to watch, as he jogged off to see you by the infirmary as the crowd gathered around the girl fighting with you just earlier. after you got patched up, ganke left you and miles to have a talk together. miles founs it very out of character for you to have done what you did–after all, you hated violence; there was no way you would've fought that girl for no reason, not unless it was a good reason. "babe, please... what happened?" miles asked you in a soft, worried tone as he placed his hand on your arm and gently caressed you, rubbing your arm slowly up and down, hoping you'd answer when you were ready.
you took in a deep breath and pulled out your phone. "i know this isn't the most justified reason, but, miles... watch this." you told him as you unlocked your phone, scrolled over to your gallery and clicked on a recently taken video of you on the thumbnail. miles obliged and took the phone from your hands, watching the video as it played out. the video started off as a sweet little video message you were gonna send miles, a cute little short of showing him the dance moves you were practicing for fun and ask him what he thought–you were filming this by the sinks at the girl's comfort room, with nobody else there–until midway in the video, a couple of popular kids that used to bully you had entered, and you soon took your phone away, forgetting to pause the recording.
you remained silent and pretended to wash your hands, propping your phone down as you washed your hands to cover up anything else you were doing earlier, not wanting to attract these girls' attention. they were in deep conversation about such shallow things–boys, clothes, victims of their bullying escapades and laughing at their poor, pitiful faces–and you were getting all the more disgusted the longer you heard them. one of the girls then mentioned a name you were quite familiar with, it was, of course, your boyfriend's name.
"oh, yeah, that morales kid... he's kinda weird, not gonna lie." said the girl, causing you to involuntarily look their way. the other girls agreed, stating that he seemed too quiet or too cringy in his outfits, in his shoes, in his choice of friends–or in their eyes, his lack thereof. they cackled to themselves how, for a cute boy from middle school, he ended up seeming like a real 'weirdo'. "it's such a shame... i honestly found his whole little sweetheart act in middle school so adorable, now he's just a killjoy. guess his dad not being around taught him how to turn girls away from him instead of making him even a bit likeable." "what did you say?" you butt in, drying your hands, the camera still rolling and you not noticing.
the girls looked your way with quizzical looks in their eyes, they don't remember you since you had quite the difference in your appearance from when they bullied you a few years ago, but nonetheless, you seemed like a bug to them–a pest–like every other kid at this school that was at their disposal. the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing you up and down. "who are you?" "not important. now, what did you say again?" you asked her, your eyes narrowing at her, with her eyes narrowing down at yours. the girl chuckled and sauntered over to you, her face in the frame now–looking completely different than the beaten and battered girl from earlier. she smirked at you and neared her face to yours, which was still scowling at her. "i get it... you like him, don't you? figures, a little... nobody like you with a little freak like him, acting like little weirdos that think they're more than muck in gutters, thinking they're hot shit for standing up to me–" and with that, your nostrils flared as you fumed, and grabbed at her hair; furious that she had the gall to talk to you that way.
miles watched incredulously as you kept pulling the girl's hair, practically screaming at her to say what she said again as the girl retaliated and slapped at your hands, yelling for the girls with her to get you off her–but those girls did nothing to help. they walked out of the comfort room and presumably ran off out the halls to avoid your wrath. and after some roughhousing... you two ended up at the school grounds, where that all went down. after watching, miles looked at you with pain in his eyes; guilty tears soon filling his eyes as shameful tears filled yours as you clung on to miles' sleeve.
"babe, i'm sorry... nothing will ever make this better, but i... i never meant to hurt her, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to cause a scene, i... i just couldn't bear to have them say that to you..." you mumbled out in choked sobs as you began to cry. miles shushed you and wiped the tears from your eyes, cupping your face and holding you close to him as he set your phone away. "mi amor... i'm sorry, i'm sorry you... oh, i can't even... you didn't have to do that for me. i... i'm okay with being labelled as a weirdo, a freak–just as long as you don't get hurt. that's all i want... i love you more than you could ever know, you don't even... i love you, mi vida..." he whispered as he kissed your forehead, eliciting more tears to fall down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him tightly.
if he was gonna be honest, if someone else said the same things about you, miles would not hesitate to have done as you did–confront those assholes and show them what's what; but having that fone for him felt so... different. he felt guilty, somehow, that you got hurt and hurt someone for him–risked getting disciplinary action for him and getting a lot of people against you for him. he wants to make it up to you, but all he can do now is be here in the moment and reassure you that, no matter what other people may think of him, nothing matters to him as long as he has you by his side to be his strength to keep fighting every day and live. he'd gladly wear the title of 'freaky little weirdo' while hand-in-hand with you–because as long as you'd be safe, as long as you'd be okay, that's all that matters to him–nothing else, just you and him together.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq
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pedgito · 2 years
This is just something funny I thought about, not a request, but you can make it into something if you want:
Modern au Eddie, reader is at his trailer hanging out scrolling through social media, reader receives a random dicpic and Eddie hears the reader groan about it and how annoying it is,
So he’s just like “here give me your phone” and he sends a dicpic back.
Then gives back the phone and says “alright, they won’t bother you again.”
author’s note: this just screams bestfriend!eddie to me, could eventually turn into friends to lovers but I see it as reader and Eddie being so comfortable in their friendship with each other that it’s not even weird anymore.
cw: 18+ (minors dni) so much dick talk, unsolicited/solicited dick pics, it’s exactly what you think, bestfriend!eddie
word count: under 1k, just a small blurb.
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You’d never knock dating apps, it didn’t seem reasonable—not when plenty of great relationships had blossomed from it. Unfortunately though, it just wasn’t for you. And it wasn’t something that was instant, but it didn’t take long for you to realize that you wanted nothing to do with any of it.
“God,” You grimace, scrolling through the notifications on your phone—some simple greeting texts, a few overbearing approaches from possible prospects, but then there were the bold ones; no warning, straight to the point, full dick on your screen as you press on the message notification, “why do guys think it’s cool to send unsolicited dick pics?”
“Do girls even like solicited ones?” Eddie asks in amusement, scrolling through his own phone as he glanced up at you.
You shrug, indifferent on the opinion. You back out of the message quickly, but it doesn’t take longer than a few seconds before another one’s coming in, followed by an even cringier winky face.
“Just block him.” Eddie suggests, shrugging like it was the easiest solve to the problem.
“I have,” You tell him, “I’m pretty sure this is the same guy who’s made three different accounts just to send me a picture of his dick.”
And with that, Eddie shudders in disgust. Things were easier for him, truthfully. He didn’t have to deal with half the bullshit that women did, but if there was any way to ease that annoyance, he was more than happy to help.
“Have you messaged him back at all?” Eddie asks curiously, laying his phone against his chest to turn his full attention to you.
“No, never.” You tell him adamantly. “I don’t know what his deal is.”
“Gimme.” Eddie insists, making a motion with his hands until you relinquish control over your phone.
You hand it over with some hesitance, watching as he scrolled through the unanswered messages, frown growing as he scrolled deeper and deeper. The man, whoever it was, was a creep and it was so painfully obvious. Eddie knew how to solve the problem easily, though he wasn’t sure how you’d handle it.
“Uh, you can look away if you want.” Eddie suggests, pressing on the small camera icon.
“What—why—“ You ask, but before you can realize Eddie has his hands inside the waistband of his pants, lifting them up just far enough to snap a quick picture—his dick was already half-hard and enough to intimidate at even that state. “Eddie, what the fuck?”
He chuckles to himself as he snaps the picture, typing a quick message before he’s pressing send.
You could’ve acted disgusted, but it’s not the first time you’ve see his dick—probably wouldn’t be the last. Eddie and you were fully aware of how not weird the situation was. He’s kind enough to back out, though it’s pointless.
“I don’t think he’ll be bothering you anymore.” He smirks triumphantly, watching as you took the phone back slack jawed. “Hey, you could’ve looked away—don’t look at me like that, sweetheart.”
“My phone saves all the pictures I take on these apps,” You tell him, “so thanks for that—another unsolicited dick pic that I didn’t ask for.”
“Oh fuck,” Eddie laughs, “I’m sorry.”
You shove the phone back into his hands insistently.
“Take care of it.”
Eddie does so quickly, before handing it back over.
“You’ll definitely thank me later.”
Eddie’s confidence was almost irritating at times.
Though, he was right. The messages don’t slow, necessarily, but the certain guy never bothers you again. But, Eddie had started a dangerous game.
You approach him another night with that all too familiar look on your face, nose scrunched up in annoyance as you turn the phone to him.
Eddie sighs exasperatedly, knowing he’s only joking.
“I know you hate dick pics, but you should probably keep one in your gallery for cases like this—some of these aren’t always my best work.”
“The more unappealing the better, Eddie.” You tell him, arms crossed as you wait.
“Hey, no way you just called my dick unappealing.” Eddie frowns, taking the picture regardless. “You wound me.”
“Fine,” You shrug, “send me your best work later and I’ll save it for emergencies.”
Eddie thinks you’re bluffing, but you’re stone-faced expression never falters.
“Oh—okay,” Eddie agrees with a fervent nod, “Got it, boss.”
You smile sweetly, snatching your phone back.
“Love you,” You sing, “don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Eddie laughs wearily, eyes trailing after you as you leave.
And truthfully, it has to be the best dick pic he’s ever taken, smiling as he sends it to you through your messages, leaving you a message that has you giggling to yourself as you read it.
“You never answered my question about the solicited ones, so enjoy.”
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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princessmaybank · 4 months
Not A Quitter
Pairings: stepbro!JJ x stepsis!reader
Warnings: MDNI, unsolicited dick pic, stepcest, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (both receive), slight dark JJ at the end, etc.
Summary: stepbro JJ accidentally sends you a dick pic meant for someone else
Authors Note: Hi! Another Random Dick Pic! Please don't click unless you are 18+!!! Proceed at your own risk! Unedited, sorry if it's terrible, this was a quick finish up from my drafts.
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You were just trying to study in your room peacefully. The lyrics to 18 by One Direction filled your ears as you were writing down notes for your exam in history class tomorrow.
As your favorite part was coming up, you paused so you could sing along to it. You were waiting to hear Niall's 'we took a chonce' but it never came. A notification had interrupted it. You received a snap from your step-brother JJ. He probably wanted to know what you were going to make for dinner since your mom and his dad were out.
You clicked on the picture not expecting what you saw next.
(Authors Note: MDNI!!! This is a RANDOM dick pic I found online. Please proceed at your own risk.)
"Whatcha doin tonight baby?"
I knew it was meant for someone else but he really turned me on. I figured he didn't even notice yet. This was probably so bad of me but it felt really good to do this.
I took my top off and snapped him back with a picture of my tits. Next thing I know I hear a few slams and what I assume is JJ running to my room. "What the fuck??" He said exploding into my room like I did something wrong. I was still sitting topless at my desk. "Why did you send me a picture of your tits??" He questioned but it looked like he was starting to blush. "Why did you send me a picture of your dick??" I yelled back at him. His face went pale. "What do you mean?!" JJ seemed very anxious at this point. "You sent me a picture of your big cock and asked what I was doing." I gave him doe eyes after my statement, but I could tell he couldn't keep his eyes on anything but my 38DD's.
"I-I didn't mean to send that to you I'm sorry." JJ looked softly at me bending down to his knees when he realized I was a little upset. "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy what I saw, or what I'm still seeing, it was just, my picture was meant to go to Kiara." I still hung my head low. "Hey you're gorgeous, and I love your tits, they are so perky and fucking perfect." He said reaching out his hands to touch them and I let him. "So...fucking...perfect." I looked into his eyes. I could tell something was bugging him.
"What's wrong?" I begged, wanting to know what was clouding that beautiful head of his. "I just- I'm getting nowhere with Kie and I still sent that shit anyway, knowing I'd be alone in my room, playing with myself." He tried to look down but I wouldn't let him. I tilted his head back up with my pointer finger. "I can help you Jayj." I say almost too fast. "But wouldn't that be wrong? We are step siblings now." He had a point but so did I. "True, but we aren't blood related, and you break the rules 24/7. Plus are you really going to turn down getting your dick sucked, and possibly more?" His eyes widened as I continued my statement. "And, you just fondled my tits, I think it's a little too late to worry about being step siblings." I let out a small chuckle.
He let an awkward pause sit between my last speech and what he did next. JJ put his hands on both sides of my face pulling me into the deepest kiss I've ever had. His lips never left mine as he started pulling my shorts and panties off. Before I could say anything his hand snaked between my legs and his fingers started toying with my clit. He pulled our lips apart and rested his forehead on mine while I moaned for him.
"You're already so wet for me baby." My eyes were closed but I could see his dumbass smirk in my head. He slipped his finger between my folds, but never went further. This bitch was teasing me. My eyes were pinched shut, hoping for more contact. Next thing I know, I feel his warm, wet tongue slowly lap at my clit. I couldn't help but lightly hump his tongue. "More...Jayj-" I moaned out. He reached up and grabbed my right boob which caused me to look down at him. I was greeted with the darkest, sexiest, hungriest, pair of eyes I have ever seen, and they were between my thighs. Without taking his eyes off mine he licked my clit back and forth painfully slowly. I went to shut my eyes again when I felt a sting on my pussy, he had just slapped it which of course got my attention. "Eyes on me princess." That was almost enough to send me over the edge. He went back to my clit, sucking on it this time and actually inserting a finger. I was a moaning mess for him. He loved every minute of it. He also loved hearing his name or his nickname slip from my lips. "Jayj- I'm-Im close."
I shouldn't have said a word. He stopped everything he was doing immediately after I said that. I frowned and whined at the lack of contact.
Without saying anything he got up and tossed me over his shoulder, taking me to my bed and playfully throwing me onto it. Before he got on the bed with me he undressed himself which was very pleasant to watch. I know I just saw his dick over Snapchat, but damn it was even better in person. He was on his knees on the bed in front of me. His hand found the back of my head and lightly nudged me forward. "Come here princess, help me out a little."
My lips met his tip, giving a few small pecks before slowly taking him in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around which resulted in JJ throwing his head back. He gripped my hair and began pushing down so I would go up and down.
(A/N: A little background information, if you wanna skip go to the next A/N.)
I did whatever this man wanted me to do. I had always liked JJ, even before our parents met. We were actually the reason they met. JJ and I have been best friends since middle school and with all the trouble we used to get into, our parents met several times. We grew a bit apart because of them deciding to marry each other. JJ and I had a weird..thing going on before our parents became a couple. Sometimes when we were curious we would go to each other and see what would happen. Nothing ever really came from it other than lots of kissing and sometimes some heavy petting. We called all of that off two years ago though. When he had come to the conclusion that he couldn't have me anymore, he ran to Kiara, and she was ready for that immediately. Everything was going great for them I guess, other than now, she's not even really responding to his messages.
(A/N: End of Information.)
When he was near his breaking point, I released my mouth and laid on my back. He crawled on top of me, starting a little make out session. I couldn't help my hand from finding his cock and rubbing him as we kissed. "Here baby, let's get you in a nice position." He flipped me over into doggystyle. This man was not wasting time anymore. He stuck his cock inside me as soon as I flipped over. We gasped in unison as he slipped himself into my tight pussy. "Are you trying to make me bust right now?" He let out a little chuckle which made my response a giggle. "Didn't take you for a one minute quitter Maybank." I had to tease him, I knew it would stir him up and in turn I would get dicked down harder.
And I did.
Without saying a word he began pulling my hips back to meet his. He was defending his honor, no one insulted him in such a way. He grabbed my hair and tied it around his hand, pulling me back far enough to feel some strain. He pounded harder making sure I would remember every detail from this moment. I couldn't stop my moan from exploding out of my mouth. "What was that baby? Is this too much for you? You wanna quit, slut?" I knew what he was fucking doing. He's not slick, I mean he is but not like that. "I'm not a quitter, unlike you." This riled him up even more. He went harder, spanking me until my ass was nearly bleeding. My vision was foggy and I knew nothing but pleasure. He only went harder and faster with every thrust. "Fuck I'm g-gonna cum." I barely got out. Before he could even react, I came all over his dick. Damn it. He didn't finish yet. I was tossed onto my back, into missionary, without his dick ever exiting me.
I felt a hot sting on my cheek. "Did I say you could cum, slut?!" It was almost difficult to take JJ so seriously while calling me that. He continued fucking my tight hole, I was already very sensitive so tears began to prick at my eyes. "N-no.." He lightly tapped my sensitive nub, repeatedly. "Then why did you?" JJ asked with a stern voice, keeping his quick pace. "I don't know, I'm sorry." "You're gonna be sorry slut, cause we aren't done yet." His thrusts were getting sloppy so I knew he was close. Eventually he came inside me, making sure he shoved all the cum that slipped out, right back in.
I started breathing and getting comfortable in bed. "What do you think you're doing princess?" He asked with that same harsh tone. "Getting ready for bed." I was a little confused. "I said, we. aren't. done. yet." He settled behind me reaching his arms out in front of me. "But you-u" "Oh, are you quitting?" He smirked. This bitch. "Game on." We went all night long. Needless to say, I think we are both very competitive.
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thatsexcpisces · 2 years
Astrology observations pt. 6
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- Aquarius risings come across as very dry and people tend to interpret this as if they’re mad or don’t like someone but that’s just how they are 💀For example, I tell my Aquarius rising friends something interesting that happened to me expecting a big reaction from them (my leo moon lol) and they just reply with like “oh cool🙂” and I take it personally but it’s just they’re personality lol
- I know I’ve probably mentioned this before, but Venusian placements (esp Taurus/Libra moon/mercury) can be really fake friends. This mostly goes for underdeveloped Venusian placements. Once they get envious of something their friend has that they don’t, they turn bitchy and fake with them for no reason even if their friend is a nice person and didn’t do anything wrong
- Having someone’s mercury or sun in your 12th house in synastry can be an indicator that they lie/hide things from you and probably even talk behind your back
- I’ve noticed that people who meet people who’s rising sign is their sun sign, get easily jealous of them. It’s probably because the rising sign person naturally embodies the energy and traits that the sun person has to work harder for to try and express. For example: a Libra sun may be jealous of a Libra rising person because the libra rising automatically represents the positive Libra qualities and draws attention meanwhile the sun person wants to achieve that.
- cancer placements always complain about people being unable to read their mind and know how they feel/what they want when they never expressed themselves in the first place 🤦‍♀️
- Virgo moons 🤝 giving their unsolicited opinion when no one asked
Also Virgo moons 🤝 trying to refrain from saying “I told you so” after someone didn’t take their advice
- Chiron/Pluto in the 4th house can indicate that your family has a lot of dark secrets that they’ve kept from you and that you’ve found out/will find out as you get older
- Venus-Neptune harsh aspects (square/opposite/conjunction) sometimes cant differentiate real love from toxic and unhealthy love
- Neptune-moon aspects, especially harsh ones (square/opposite), have issues seeing people for who they really are. They always wear rose-colored glasses and try to see the good in everyone when they’re blind to someone manipulating and playing them right in front of their face
- Fixed moons would rather jump off a cliff than apologize first or admit they were wrong lmao
- Most people just automatically consider Leo placements the attention-seekers of the zodiac but imo, it can be Capricorns because their negative outlooks and pessimistic tendencies to complain about all the shit that happens to them and that they go through is a subconscious way to make people pity and feel bad for them to draw attention
- Mars in Pisces are terrifying when they’re upset. You’ll never expect it, they will just throw a whole performance on you at the most random time
- good luck trying to win an argument with a Sagittarius mercury. They are BLUNT and MALICIOUS. They won’t have any issues airing all your issues out and calling you out on your bs to the point where you wanna crawl into a hole and die lol
- Capricorn’s are Leo’s are always drawn towards each other for some reason. I see a lot of best friend duos with these 2 signs.
- sun-Pluto aspects have trouble deciding whether they want to be perceived as mysterious and hidden or the center of attention for everyone to see (same goes for having Scorpio and Leo in the big 3)
- mercury square mars in synastry is a tough aspect to have because you two have difficulty understanding each other and misunderstandings are very common. You 2 probably also have a very different love language and can get into arguments easily
- most children usually either have the same sun sign as one of their parents or they have their sun sign in the sign of their parent’s moon sign (or vice versa: child has moon sign as their parent’s sun sign) (or both even have the same moon sign)
- 9th house stelliums have probably been called intelligent at a very young age or people considered them to be mature at a young age
- Venus/sun&mercury in the 10th house people are usually popular or popular amongst their community or their ingroups (leader energy)
- Mars square sun people come off as aggressive and arrogant at first impression
- Scorpio moons can have a very toxic way of showing love/loving people whether it’s their friends or romantic partner. They often show their love in confusing and maybe even bipolar/aggressive ways that the people around them perceive to be as mean or as if they don’t love them but the truth is the Scorpio moon cares very deeply for those people they just have trouble expressing it because their intense sequences of emotions
- Aries Venus love HARD. They are the definition of falling in love at first sight. Once they’re interested in you, good luck trying to get them away or some time alone to yourself . They are clingy asf
- Capricorn moons care so much about what other people think about them
- having your Lilith in the 5th house can mean that you were never able to experience or live out your dream hobbies and creative side as a child. You were forced to grow up too quick and didn’t have a real childhood where you got to spend time enjoying the little things and pleasures
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Rosemary Kirstein’s “The Steerswoman”
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT (May 4) in VANCOUVER, then onto Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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For decades, scammy "book doctors" and vanity presses spun a tale about how Big Publishing was too conservative and risk-averse for really really adventurous books, and the only way to get your visionary work published was to pay them to fill your garage with badly printed books that you'd spend the rest of your life trying to get other people to read:
Like all successful grifts, this one worked because it wasn't entirely untrue. No, mainstream publishing isn't filled with corporate gatekeepers who relish the idea of keeping your brilliance from reaching its audience.
But editors sometimes make bad calls. They reject books because of quirks of taste, or fleeting inattentiveness, or personal bias. In a healthy publishing industry – one with dozens of equal-sized presses, all commanding roughly comparable market-share, good books would never slip through the cracks. One publisher's misstep would be another's opportunity.
But after decades of mergers, the population of major publishers has dwindled to a mere Big Five (it was almost four, but the DOJ blocked Penguin Random House's acquisition of Simon & Schuster):
This means that some good books definitely can't find a home in Big Publishing. If you miss with five editors, you can exhaust all your chances with the Big Five.
There's a second tier of great publishers, from data-driven juggernauts like Sourcebooks to boutique presses like Verso and Beacon Press, who publish wonderful books and are very good to their authors (I've published with four of the Big Five and half a dozen of the smaller publishers).
But even with these we-try-harder boutique publishers in the mix, there's a lot of space for amazing books that just don't fit with a "trad" publisher's program. These books are often labors of love by their creators, and that love is reciprocated by their readers. You can have my unbelievably gigantic Little Nemo in Slumberland collection when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of it:
And don't even think of asking to borrow my copy of Jack Womack's Flying Saucers are Real!:
I will forever cherish my Crad Kilodney chapbooks:
Then there's last year's surprise smash hit, Shift Happens, a two-volume, 750-page slipcased book recounting the history of the keyboard. I own one. It's fantastic:
Then there's the whole world of indie Kindle books pitched at incredibly voracious communities of readers, especially the very long tail of very niche sub-sub-genres radiating off the woefully imprecise category of "paranormal romance." These books are landing at precisely the right spot for their readers, despite some genuinely weird behind-the-scenes feuds between their writers:
But as Sturgeon's Law has it: "90% of everything is shit." Having read slush – the pile of unsolicited manuscripts sent to publishers – I can tell you that a vast number of books get rejected from trad publishers because they aren't good books. I say this without intending any disparagement towards their authors and the creative impulses that drive them. But a publisher's job isn't merely to be good to writers – it's to serve readers, by introducing them to works they are apt to enjoy.
The vast majority of books that publishers pass on are not books that you will want to read, so it follows that the vast majority of self-published work that is offered on self-serve platforms like Kindle or pitched by hopeful writers at street fairs and book festivals is just not very good.
But sometimes you find someone's independent book and it's brilliant, and you get the double thrill of falling in love with a book and of fishing a glittering needle out of an unimaginably gigantic haystack.
(If you want to read an author who beautifully expresses the wonder of finding an obscure, self-published book that's full of unsuspected brilliance, try Daniel Pinkwater, whose Alan Mendelsohn, The Boy From Mars is eleven kinds of brilliant, but is also a marvelous tale of the wonders of weird used book stores with titles like KLONG! You Are a Pickle!):
I also write books, and I am, in fact, presently in the midst of a long book-tour for my novel The Bezzle. Last month, I did an event in Cambridge, Mass with Randall "XKCD" Munroe that went great. We had a full house, and even after the venue caught fire (really!), everyone followed us across the street to another building, up five flights of stairs, and into another auditorium where we wrapped up the gig:
Afterwards, our hosts from Harvard Berkman-Klein took us to a campus pizza joint/tiki bar for dinner and drinks, and we had a great chat about a great many things. Naturally, we talked about books we loved, and Randall said, "Hey, have you ever read Rosemary Kirstein's Steerswoman novels?"
(I hadn't.)
"They're incredible. All these different people kept recommending them to me, and they kept telling me that I would love them, but they wouldn't tell me what they were about because there's this huge riddle in them that's super fun to figure out for yourself:"
"The books were published in the eighties by Del Ray, and the cover of the first one had a huge spoiler on it. But the author got the rights back and she's self-published it" (WARNING: the following link has a HUGE SPOILER!):
"I got it and it was pretty rough-looking, but the book was so good. I can't tell you what it was about, but I think you'll really like it!"
How could I resist a pitch like that? So I ordered a copy:
Holy moly is this a good novel! And yeah, there's a super interesting puzzle in it that I won't even hint at, except to say that even the book's genre is a riddle that you'll have enormous great fun solving.
Randall wasn't kidding about the book's package. The type looks to be default Microsoft fonts, the spine is printed slightly off-register, the typesetting has lots of gonks, and it's just got that semi-disposable feel of a print-on-demand title.
Without Randall's recommendation, I never would have even read this book closely enough to notice the glowing cover endorsement from Jo Walton, nor the fact that it was included in Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo's "101 Best Science Fiction Novels 1985-2010."
But I finished reading the first volume just a few minutes ago and I instantly ordered the next three in the series (it's planned for seven volumes, and the author says she plans on finishing it – I can't wait).
This book is such an unexpected marvel, a stunner of a novel filled with brilliant world-building, deft characterizations, a hard-driving plot and a bunch of great surprises. The fact that such a remarkable tale comes in such an unremarkable package makes it even more of a treasure, like a geode: unremarkable on the outside, a glittering blaze within.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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littleneir · 13 days
Um, little intro i guess...
Please read
Name's Neir, a very shy little. Typically falling between 4-7 in littlespace. Don't be fooled though, i still like wearing diapers and indulging in other more infantile comforts :) I've been a loooong time lurker in the ABDL/CGL communities on practically every social media there is. I'm just too shy to interact. Make no mistake, i will by no means be regularly active. I just thought I could drop some pictures or thoughts or ideas here sometimes and maybe interact a little bit with (Especially with some of the people I really like to see on here!) Step outside of my comfort zone!! Feel free to ask questions, not that I expect many to be asked. Just be nice please :).
Ladies pleaseee interact!!! My sapphic little heart crumbles for you <3 ilysm
My personal photos #me Asks #ask neir
Random thoughts and feelings, often unprompted #neir thoughts
Anybody dm’ing me unsolicited images of ANY sort will be blocked immediately.
‘Can I see you?’
Yes. Look at my blog. That’s what you get to see. I will not send you pictures personally or reveal my face.
‘How old are you?’
Read my bio. It’s up there and that’s all you’re getting.
‘Do you have telegram?’
No, I don’t. I won’t get it either.
‘Do you have a daddy or boyfriend?’
No, I don’t. I won’t get one either.
‘Where are you located?’
The US. That’s all you need to know
‘What got you into diapers?’
Go read my asks.
‘Do you sell content?’
No, I don’t.
If you ask me these questions. I will respond with these answers. Do not be surprised.
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milkywayhou · 2 months
YOU'VE GOT EMAIL (König X OC: Medical Student!Snow) PART I
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Summary: When the Colonel from some Private Military Corporation group accidentally send KorTac's secret file via email to a random civilian girl.
König send wrong email to a wrong person
TWs: A lot curse words (from Snow), both of them being passive-aggressive, slow burn (kinda). I just wrote this for fun
Words Count: 3k (That's a lot for an email lol)
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 03:42 pm
Subject: KorTac Tactical Operations File E12345 Classification: Top Secret
Apologies for the inappropriate transmission. As head of KorTac Special Forces, securing sensitive documents is of utmost priority. Please confirm deletion of the attached file and we’ll consider the matter closed.
While I understand your confusion receiving such a file unsolicited, KorTac business must remain confidential. I trust a responsible professional such as yourself understands the necessity of discretion in such matters. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if any other issues arise.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 07:12 pm
Subject: RE: Creepy email
Excuse me,
I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I know is I got some weird files from “KorTac Tactical” that I definitely did NOT ask for. Do you know how scary it is to get secret military documents out of nowhere? I thought it was one of my friends pranking me at first.
Instead of lecturing me about deleting things, maybe you should be more careful who you send your “top secret” info to. I’m just trying to study neurology over here, not get dragged into some clandestine Special Forces stuff.
Lighten up a little, yeah? It was an honest mistake I’m sure. No harm done.
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 08:02 pm
Subject: RE: RE: Creepy email
Ms. Farron,
I can assure you there was no “creepy email” or files sent from this office. As Commander of one of the world’s premier private military factions, securing classified intel is of utmost priority. If some file was erroneously transmitted to your address in error, it did not originate from my users.
While I understand the desire to shrug off mistakenly received sensitive documents, national security does not warrant such lackadaisical treatment. If you have relevant data in your possession, basic courtesy requires replying to the original correspondent – in this case, myself – to ascertain the source of error.
Do let me know if you retrieve any files in question. And in future, a bit more discretion and less indignation may serve you well when inadvertently encountering restricted information networks. Consider this a learning experience.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 08:22 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Creepy email
Hi Colonel Tightpants,
Thank you for the condescending lecture. As I’ve said THREE times now, I never got any files from you or KorTac or wherever before. All I know is I woke up to an ominous email saying “Top Secret KorTac files” or something. Pretty annoying/alarming for a simple student!
And excuse me for not dropping everything to thoroughly investigate a mistake that wasn’t even mine. Some of us have actual classes to study for, not play secret agent all day.
If you’re so worried about security breaches, maybe focus on your end instead of harassing innocent people via multiple snobby emails. I’ve got better things to do than argue in circles with Mr. High-and-Mighty.
Please remove me from your contact list going forward. And do try to lighten up a little!
P.S. The file is attached. I called it “Creepy Email From Creepy Colonel” for your convenience. Have fun decrypting your own mystery ;)
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 09:42 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Creepy email
Ms. Farron,
I will not be spoken to in such a disrespectful and unprofessional manner. While your frustrations are understandable, maintaining proper decorum and respect for sensitive operational matters is not an optional courtesy – it is imperative.
You’re accusations of “harassment” are as unfounded as they are insulting. Do not mistake my patience and courtesy thus far for weakness. Should any real documents surface from my network in error, I expect their immediate return without petulant games or sass.
As a private military organization operating across the globe, security is no light concern for this command. If unable to grasp even the basic responsibility of confirming received documents' origins for the sake of national safety, perhaps the world of intelligence is beyond your current realm of comprehension.
Consider this your final warning. Any further unsubstantiated claims or uncooperative behavior will be met with the full weight of legal action and your academic institution will be notified accordingly. Is that absolutely clear, Ms. Farron?
Reply confirming so or cease contact immediately. I will not tolerate insubordination, especially from an civilian amateur dabbling where she has no clearance. Maintain discretion as instructed or suffer consequences – the choice is yours.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/01/23 at 09:29 am
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Creepy Email
Colonel High-Horse,
Spare me your thinly veiled threats. If you’re so sure I have hide some Top Secret Files™, by all means come search my dorm room yourself since you clearly don’t believe a word I say. Oh wait, you can’t – because there’s NOTHING.
Maybe take a break from power tripping over email and try listening to the person who’s actually involved for once. Not my fault if your big bad security systems have holes. But I guess acknowledging mistakes isn’t very military, is it?
You wanna see uncooperative and petulant? Keep harassing me and I’ll forward our whole conversation to the national news. Something tells me they’d love to hear how easily “the world’s premier private military” loses confidential files.
So for the last time – I did NOT receive ANY files from you or KorTac aside the one you accidentally send. If you’re incapable of comprehending that, then you’re dumber than you look. Consider THIS your final warning to lay off before I take action, Colonel Tightass.
Formerly Civilian, Currently Pissed Off
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/01/23 at 08:55 am
Subject: Enough
Ms. Farron,
Your insubordination has crossed several lines. While I sought to resolve this discreetly, you force my hand with threats and insults. Know that I do not respond kindly to such provocation.
If you insist upon escalating this beyond reason, so be it. However, tread carefully – you are ignorant of forces beyond your control. Dare to sully KorTac’s name to fuel your petulance, and all your academic and personal records will undergo… thorough review.
Accidents happen, as you claim. But any damage to our operations will not be taken lightly, no matter your perceived innocence. Heed my words well, girl – you do not wish to become an enemy of this command.
Consider this last attempt at civil discourse. Cease contact and let this die, or suffer consequences you cannot imagine. The choice, as before, remains yours.
I expect no further correspondence. You are now on formal notice – proceed at your own peril.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/01/23 at 11:38 pm
Subject: Go to Hell
You want a fight, you’ll get one you pompous prick. Your “command” and threats mean nothing to me.
If anything happens to my academic career or personal life, the world will know exactly who’s responsible. I don’t care how elite you think you are.
Bring whatever you’ve got – I’m not afraid of some borderline psychotic and his glorified gun club. You want a target? Consider it painted on your back from now on.
Have fun trying to intimidate me, ASSHOLE. You just made the worst enemy of your pathetic life.
Goodbye forever. Don’t bother responding – you’re officially dead to me.
Snow Farron
Future Doctor, Current Pain in Your Ass
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/02/23 at 01:29 am
Subject: So Be It
Foolish girl. You have no concept of the forces you now contend with. Consider carefully the hole you’ve dug, for there will be no mercy if you proceed.
However, my integrity will not permit baseless threats against civilians. If you agree to cease hostilities and let this dissolve quietly, no further action will be taken. Your record and life will remain untouched.
The choice is simple – walk away unscathed, or persist in this idiocy and face consequences beyond imagination. Think carefully on your next move, little one. Tread no further, and this can end.
You have one hour for a sensible reply before measures are taken. Make them count.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/03/23 at 02:04 am
Subject: Bite Me
Yeah, I’m real scared of your “forces” and “consequences beyond imagination.” Give me a break.
You think I’m going to bow down to your threats just because you’re some big shot Colonel? Please. I’ve dealt with way scarier than pompous bully babies like you.
So do your worst, tough guy. Come at me with everything you’ve got. I promise it still won’t be enough to make me back down from a pissant fraud like you.
Your “hour” can go fuck itself. You want to end this? Then stay the hell away from me and leave me alone forever. Otherwise this isn’t over by a long shot.
Tick tock, pal. Your time is running out and so is your chance to slink away with your tail between your legs. Better figure out your next move fast!
Not holding my breath for anything “sensible” though. Later, loser!
Snow “Untouchable” Farron
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/05/23 at 11:09 pm
Subject: wassup bitchhhhh
Hey asshooooole its ur girl Snow again!! Had a few dranks w/ friends to forget ur stupid email but the pain remainsss lolll
Jus wanted to let u kno ur still a total dickhead no matter how drunk I get. Probly shouldn’t be emailing u since last time but fuck it YOLO right???
Anyway ur threats meant nothing I had a blast tonight. Try n stop me next time I feel like partying fuck face!!! No1 messes w snow n gets away with it
Also saw some guy who looked like u at the bar what a coincidink lol. Hope he feels as stupid as u in the morn ;))
Hope ur having a shit night missing out on the fun. Don’t reply I prob wont even remember this! Byeeeeeee loser stay mad <33333
Xoxo drunk snow
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 01:50 am
Subject: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Well well, what have we here. It seems our intrepid Dr. Farron has landed herself in an inebriated state this night.
Can’t say I blame you for seeking alcohol’s comfort after our little disagreement. Dealing with my “stupid emails” and “threats” must have been terribly traumatic. You have my deepest sympathies, truly.
While unwise to conduct militarized business intoxicated, I’ll admit your drunken ramblings provided some mild amusement. The imagery of you partying it up solely to spite me was rather quaint. Do try to stay safe in your revelries, dear – would hate for some unfortunate accident.
As for your daring insinuation about encountering my likeness at a bar, I can assure you my nights are occupied with matters far more pressing than drinking. But I appreciate the laugh, strange as it came from such a belligerent tongue.
Enjoy your hangover, Snow. And sleep well – who knows what mischief tomorrow may bring.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
P.S. Do refrain from over-indulging too often. Wouldn’t want those fine medical skills to dull prematurely, now would we?
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 05:28 am
Subject: RE: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Yeah yeah, laugh it up. We all do dumb shit when we’re drunk occasionally. At least I have an excuse, unlike you and your constant stick up the ass personality.
That being said, I suppose I owe you an apology for that ridiculous email last night. Not my finest moment, to say the least. But you seem to bring out the worst in me, so.
Consider us even for any “amusement” you got at my expense. I’m suffering enough with this hangover from hell as it is.
Just so we’re clear though – I’m not some damsel for you to patronize or imply threats towards. Keep your smug sarcasm, I don’t need it. We’re done here, got it?
Good. Now fuck off and leave me alone to die in peace, Dickhead von Buzzkill. And next time – lay off the sauce OR lay off me. Your choice, Colonel
Snow “Moderately Sober But Still Pissed” Farron
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 09:33 am
Subject: RE: RE: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Alright Colonel Buzzkill, I’ll admit my constant insults aren’t getting us anywhere. As much as I hate to inflate that already massive ego of yours, maybe there was a tiny little misunderstanding somewhere along the way.
Med school has been kicking my ass lately and I’ve been on edge. Between the mounting student loans, endless assignments, and stressful exams, I’m about one Red Bull away from a full breakdown. Not that you probably care about such peasant problems.
Anyways, my point is – I may have overreacted a bit to this whole email mixup. Even if it WAS totally not my fault *eyes emoji*. Can’t a girl blow off some steam without the world’s most uptight Colonel threatening her into an early grave?
Lay off with the intimidation tactics already. I said I was sorry for getting drunk and belligerent, more or less. What more do you want, my first born child in sacrifice?
Just, try to lighten up a little if we have to keep interacting for god knows what reason. I’m too exhausted to keep fighting a war on 20 different fronts. Truce?
Overworked and Underpaid,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 09:01 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Oh? So the fledgling doctor deigns to admit a modicum of culpability at last. How gracious of her highness to acknowledge her part in this debacle, no matter how begrudgingly.
Though I’ll not deny deriving a certain satisfaction from seeing you squirm, that was never my aim. As Commander of KorTac, security of sensitive data is no laughing matter – a concept you seemed unwilling or unable to grasp at the time.
However, as one engaged in higher pursuits of intellectual rigor and public service, I can understand the pressures that come with such territory. Medical education is a noble yet arduous path, as I’m sure even your addled mind comprehends on occasion.
Very well, Ms. Farron – consider this matter put to rest. A temporary ceasefire it is, for the sake of future global stability if nothing else. But tread not again where you have been warned, or I shall not be so gracious next transgression.
Do try to mind your health and studies in lieu of drunken revelry. Wouldn’t want to lose such a pugnacious spirit to frivolity or misfortune. Now, do run along – no doubt some looming assignment awaits its dissection.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 02:19 am
Subject: Aw, you DO care!
Aww, is that actually concern I detect underneath all the big important Colonel bluster? I’m touched, really. Who knew you had a soft spot for lowly students like me.
Admit it – you just can’t stand the thought of little ol’ me disappearing in some “frivolous misfortune.” You’d miss having me around to aggravate that permanent stick up your butt!
But don’t worry, it’ll take more than a silly paper or two to take me out of commission. Unlike some people, I actually know how to unwind without threatening international incidents *cough cough*.
All jokes aside though, truce accepted on my end too. Maybe now we can move past wanting to strangle each other every time we’re in the same email chain. Small victories, right?
Anyways, gotta get back to the grind. Thanks for not making me regret extending the olive branch…this time. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
Your Favorite Almost-Doctor,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 08:05 am
Subject: RE: Aw, you DO care!
Cease this incessant jesting at once, fraulein. I neither “care” for you as anything more than a potential security concern, nor possess any jovial qualities to “aggravate.”
A commander's duties require maintaining surveillance of volatile elements wherever they arise. You have thus far proven yourself quite the unpredictable variable, so forgive my reluctance to take eyes fully off the matter.
As for your studies, consider this the only encouragement they shall receive from me. Master your craft with distinction, then mayhaps our paths need not cross again in the future. Though I admit the thought of you disappearing into obscurity does bring its own satisfactions to ponder.
Now then, if you’re quite finished wasting both our time with your misguided attempts at levity, some of us have real work to which attending. Do try and keep yourself from causing further disruptions, medic. You may resume your “grind” in peace.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 12:56 pm
Subject: RE: RE: Aw, you DO care!
Always so grumpy, Colonel Grumpy Pants! Lighten up a little, will ya? Not all of us can be stoic hard asses all the time.
Speaking of asses, mine is practically dragging on the floor from exhaustion. Between classes, labs, studying, and my various part-time jobs, I’m surprised I have any brain cells left at all.
Don’t even get me started on these student loans. At this rate, I’ll be paying them off until I’m 90. Not that you military bigwigs have to worry about pesky things like money, I’m sure. Must be nice.
You know, maybe I should just forget this whole doctor thing and become a sugar baby instead. At least then I could afford to eat once in a while AND maybe some lucky rich person would be willing to pay off my debts. What do you think – interested in an investment opportunity? I promise I come with lots of free sass and jokes at your expense!
Kidding of course…or am I? You’ll never know!
Your favorite broke and tired med student,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 03:37 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Aw, you DO care!
One of these days that improperly-filtered mouth of yours will find its owner in hot water she can’t jest her way out of, medic. I’d advise reigning in these fanciful sugar baby musings before they land you in a far less pleasant situation.
However, your frustration with the systemic burdens of medical education is…understandable. The modern model leaves much to be desired in terms of sustainability for both student and society. A dysfunction perpetuated by greed and shortsightedness at the highest levels, as with so many ills in this world.
As for offers of “investment,” I’ve no surplus funds to patronize frivolities. Nor the patience to entertain speculative propositions from volatile girls who can’t keep themselves from inviting more trouble than they bargain for. Focus that restless energy on your studies as discussed, and all should proceed smoothly.
Now then, if there are no further inanities requiring response, I’ve a command to oversee. Best of luck with exams and endeavors, Farron. Dismissed.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
I will write the next part later when I have time <3
Also comment love and reblogged are very appreciated! 💖
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