#ranting here cuz no one i know follows me (except one person)
ante--meridiem · 3 months
I really liked the idea of ship classification ask game based on that post, but honestly I don't know what fandoms you've been into lately, cuz I'm just back on tumblr after a big hiatus xD
So I'll formulate my question like this. What about the quadrant thingy for the four popular ships from the fandom you've been in the longest?
(From my tags here)
Hey!! Thanks for biting! I think the fandom I've been in longest is tma? I don't know exactly which 4 ships are most popular for it so I'll try to do it as "for each category I pick the most popular of the ships that clearly (to me) belong there".
Also some clarification on how I interpret things, based on other people's responses to the post it seems like a lot of people are taking "makes sense" as "proximity to canon" where I was seeing it as either "yeah I can see what personality compatibility these characters would have" or "I could see how the situation they're put in could be made easily shippy even if canon doesn't follow up on that". So "makes sense, doesn't compel me" doesn't mean "canon but boring" here, it means "I see the vision but am not that enticed by it". Meanwhile very many actually canon ships fail to make sense to me.
So with that said
Makes sense, compels me: jonelias (Elias' "shaping Jon for his own ends" thing could easily be developed into fascination/obsession; Jon's hunger for answers and desire to regain some control over his life could easily be developed into hunger for the person who can give him those things)
Makes sense, doesn't compel me: wtgfs aka georgie/melanie (on first impression I did think this came out of left field and didn't make sense but on further reflection I do see where it's coming from? Georgie has an established pattern of being interested in people more prone to boldness/acerbicness/need-to-dig than she is, between Jon and Alex (I think that's the name of the girl from her statement who I thought it was fairly heavily implied she had some level of crush on), and it makes sense for her to be drawn to/admire those traits because she wants to be more like that herself; meanwhile it makes sense for Melanie to go for someone capable of a more grounding/calming presence who continued to respect her when her reputation was damaged. Nothing canon does with them really compels me but hypothetically someone could do something with them that does; I think I read one fic once where I did find their dynamic interesting.)
Doesn't make sense, compels me: gertrudeagnes (they only interacted once and we didn't even get to see it directly, and there's nothing in their personalities that immediately indicates compatibility, but they both have strong personalities that could mix and clash in interesting ways and I'm pretty intrigued by the possibilities)
Doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me: jonmartin (rather than redo one of my many rants about them I'll just say that I can see that the intention with them may have been a similar kind of complementary personalities thing to what made me now concede that Georgie and Melanie do make some amount of sense, except that Georgie and Melanie admire the traits the other has that they lack and would want said traits for themselves, while Jon and Martin mostly show frustration/disdain/disinterest towards each other's complementary traits.)
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sayakxmi · 4 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 12: Determination and Separation [Part 1]
Sorry I did little to nothing last week, I had two exams and then I badly needed to recharge. But now I feel pretty alright!
On a different note, I've finished the first part of that Final Arc rewrite which I've been (probably?) mumbling about every now and then. Pretty excited about it, ngl. One day I might even post it, lol.
Ok, but the actual episode.
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I genuinely cannot imagine being under so much pressure.
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Five days till the wedding.
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No one will let him breathe. Only more pressure and responsibility.
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God, look at the relief on his face after Sinbad joined the conversation.
So, I joke a lot about Sinbad and Alibaba's father-son relationship of sorts, but tbh, I don't blame Alibaba. It's not just about Sinbad being his hero, or being an adult guy who acknowledges his existence more. Sinbad is probably the first person since Anise and Cassim who made him feel less pressured about everything. By taking control of the situation, Sinbad took some of that responsibility from him - if something were to go wrong, Sinbad was there to fix it. That's kind of what parents are meant to do for their children, ensure they have somebody to fall back on in a difficult situation. The sheer relief he must feel that Sinbad is there must be unreal, especially after years and years of guilt and having to fend for himself. Alibaba is seventeen, and people are putting the responsibility for an entire severely messed up country on his shoulders.
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More judgement.
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Cool shot, ngl
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"My homeland needs somebody to save it... but is that person really me?"
Can't blame him for these doubts.
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Honestly, it's kind of funny how his eyes go soft as he starts talking about Sinbad, even though I know it's about self-deprecation. Also, again, bro, you're 17, and Sinbad had years of experience with this stuff.
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"Compared to him, I'm a nobody..."
In the manga he doesn't add that "I'm a nobody", I think, but, honestly? Not a big change. You get the impression that this is how he feels, anyway. And, like, can you blame him? Everybody's always putting him down, and he's the type to care too much about everything. It's bound to mess him up somehow.
Also, birds again. I guess it's symbolic? Of what, though. Freedom, or maybe that he'll take action soon? Cuz they're flying - moving forward. Hm.
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...maybe it's about them being connected by fate or something, since Rukh are golden birds... Or just fate in general...
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"S: This country needs to be built anew by somebody who really loves it. / J: You mean Alibaba? / S: To be honest, I don't have high expectations of him."
Bro's seventeen. Not everybody has been told that their special and can do absolutely anything since they were like four, cut him some slack.
But I'll be actually honest, I don't blame Sinbad for coming to this conclusion. I don't like how he is about it, bc he makes it sounds like it's Alibaba's fault for being a kid and getting very understandably overwhelmed, but he isn't completely wrong. This entire time he sees Alibaba following others around (Cassim), fail at actually leading the Fog Troupe, and even fail at easing his people's worries. Even when he's faced with the fact that his country is about to be turned into a slave factory, Alibaba still can't answer nor promise anything to anybody.
This is something I've always liked about Magi - there's so many points of view, and sometimes it's not about who's right, because simply nobody is completely wrong in the conclusions they make. Except Hakuryuu, maybe. But Hakuryuu's an exception to many things. Including the consequences of his stupidass actions. But that's a rant for another day. But anyway, Sinbad isn't wrong to have doubts about Alibaba, just like Alibaba's fears aren't really out of place and irrational. That's just how it is sometimes.
On a different note, I also don't completely blame Sinbad for drinking here. Bro really went to restore trade with his country, then got caught up in this entire mess, and had to take charge there. He might be more together than Alibaba, but it doesn't mean he isn't stressing about it. I would say it's actually a decent way at humanizing Sinbad to us - he might be an amazing person, but he's still a person.
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You go, girl.
Ok, it's a small difference, but I have mixed feelings about it. In the manga she talks about Alibaba on her way out, but here she starts while she's still in. Idk, I feel like the former gives you the impression that she was still deciding whether to say it or not, while the latter is like, yea, I overheard and came to argue.
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Always gets me that this is how Morgiana views it. Alibaba didn't think so hard about it, he just did what he believed to be the right thing. It actually happens a lot with him - he doesn't realize how meaningful his gestures are to others, even the simple ones like offerring to be somebody's friend. And at times it comes off as man, this world really is sad that something so small is so important to the other person, but at times it's Alibaba not realizing how much he actually does, because to him it's just the barest minimum. Not enough to warrant more than simple thanks at most.
Once upon a time I was talking with a friend, and they've said that it wasn't Alibaba who broke the chains but Aladdin and Goltas, and the thing is, Alibaba would've been the first person to say that. To him, he did nothing of importance. To Morgiana, he told her she didn't need to be in the Dungeon, and then stayed in Qishan, freed all the slaves, made sure that being free is something that stuck with them, and only after that left. It changes so much about that Dungeon interaction, bc in Amon it was easy for her to see it as Alibaba trying to pretty much bribe her - which wouldn't have been that uncharacteristic for him - but once they left he didn't change his mind all of sudden. He more than proved that while, yes, sure, he tried to get her to stop attacking them, he still meant what he'd said. I feel like that was what recontextualized that entire interaction to her, and that's why she sees him like that benefactor.
On a different note, the smile he has in her imagination is really cute.
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"I believe he can save this country."
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Ok, sliiightly disappointing. In the manga the Banker literally lied to... I fucking hate this guys name, I always have to check the spelling, I'm gonna start calling you 23rd like my friend Henry does. Anyway, in the manga the Banker tells him that Kou isn't a brutal and strategic country, which in a cool way transitions to Sinbad saying that, yeah, they're a militaristic country, bad news. Here the Banker simply doesn't add that last part that they're not a danger at all, which, F.
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Here that person has normal pants. Also, I haven't noticed the magi silhouette until now, F. Love how these guys always have braids.
No hilarious "Was it the same for you, Sinbad-san? / No, I'm different.". What a shame. Ok, there it is, later. "But I'm an exception.". I still think "No, I'm different." is a much funnier wording.
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Oh, hey, in the anime they added Kouha and Koumei! I love Kouha's mad grin. You go, little murder boy, you go.
Kouha is kinda like Judar, except not an awful human being.
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Haven't noticed until now, but they added chess here. Kinda random choice, but at the same time, it's a scene where they pretty much only talk, so maybe it was done to have, idk, some animation be there.
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Back to the father-son thing, another thing Sinbad does is offer guidance (from Alibaba's perspective, at least). And it's worth noting the way Sinbad goes about it. Just like Cassim, he pretty much tells Alibaba what to do, but he's much gentler and more calculated about it. Cassim pretty much emotionally gut-punches him whenever Alibaba tries to question him to shut him up, while Sinbad let's him cool off. Not even that, Sinbad is actually trying to build up Alibaba's confidence there rather than drag it through the dirt. He talks about his father, how Rashid spoke about him etc, while Cassim constantly reminds him of something he blames himself for even though was compltely out of his control.
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Sinbad: Alibaba, you're special. And a Dungeon Conqueror, just like me! : ) Alibaba: No.
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The moment he sees Alibaba freak out abt the whole You need to become a King, he immediately offers his support.
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I don't blame Alibaba for reacting like that. I would've gotten overwhelmed, too.
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Damn. In the manga he looks more sad/disappointed. In the anime he looks kinda pissed.
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blue-sketches · 2 years
and that's on being a shit friend <3
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itsratherchilly · 3 years
I have a crush on a girl but idk how she feels abt meeee!!!! Like we cuddle and we’ve kissed but idk!😔😔 she has stuff she has to do today and we did text and we made these plans yesterday to hang. Like literally last night we were talking on the phone and discord for hoooours!!! And then we texted for bit after that!!! So why hasn’t she called to tell me to come ovvvveeerrr???!!!🥺🥺
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palettepainter · 3 years
How the teachers play favourites
We all know Aizawa and All Might have their favourite UA child, Shinsou and Midoryia. And yeah I know Bakugo and Todoroki are also their UA kids but shhh, Midoryia and Shinsou where the first UA kids they adopted. 
And you can’t tell me Aizawa and All Might play favourites with them, All makes Deku lunch like..hello?? Aizawa gave Shinsou his capture weapon, HELLO?? 
So here are some dumb headcannons for how the other teachers play favourites to their UA kids
Ectoplasm and his UA kid Jiro:
-When he gives back marked tests he’ll sometimes write small encouraging notes for his students to read, he does this to some students when he feels they need a pick up but he always leaves a positive one on Jiro’s 
-During lessons where students are allowed to study in the lesson Ectoplasm lets them listen to music on their phones, everyone thought he would say no so everyone - mostly Kaminari and Mineta - peer pressured Jiro to ask. To no ones shock except Jiro’s Ectoplasm replied with a calm “Sure, but only if you use your headphones”
-Jiro talks about new songs that have been released and Ectoplasm will listen to her geek out about music
-Sometimes Jiro will tell Ectoplasm what her and the rest of the band (herself, Kaminari, Momo, Tokoyami and Bakugo) have been doing and if they’re working on any new songs in-between their studies. Jiro jokes that Ectoplasm is their biggest fan but Ecto is genuinely supportive of their band and admires their creativity
-Jiro once entered maths class and said “Hey miter Ecto, what’s shakin’ bacon?” and while the whole class was stood there in silence thinking Ectoplasm wouldn’t reply he said “Not much double dutch” and then Jiro went to her desk as thought nothing out of the ordinary happened. Kaminari tried to do the same thing to him and Ectoplasm just went “Kaminari your shoe lace is undone-” Jiro was very amused
Powerloader and Hatsume:
-This one started out more like this - Powerloader: Who’s idiot kid is that?....*realises it’s Hatsume* Oh shit- THAT’S MY IDIOT KID-
-Hatsume showed up at the design studio and never left basically, so Powerloader got used to her. He knows Hatsume overworkers herself so he keeps spare energy bars, fruit and bags of crisps in the design studio. He brought a small microwave and kettle for the winter so Hatsume could make hot drinks and food since she insisted on finishing her ‘babies’
-Say’s he doesn’t worry but still insists she goes to recovery girl when she gets a scratch or blows up the studio, sometimes dragging her there himself, ranting all the way about how she’s an idiot. One day Hatsume ended up breaking her leg during a bad explosion and Powerloader very nearly had a heart attack-
He kept a close eye on her while she worked from a wheelchair at her desk
-Makes her wear a god forsaken jumper in the winter when the design studio is freezing, stupid dumb teenager you’ll catch your death of cold
Present Mic and Kaminari:
-This man is shameless with playing favourites
-He greets Kaminari with his signature finger guns and an enthusiastic “AAAYYYY KAMINARI!” Kaminari shoots finger guns back with an “Ayyyyy teach hozit hanging?!” Everyone in class knows Kaminari is a teachers pet despite how Kaminari insists he’s not
-Mic knows Kaminari has a crush on Jiro and Kaminari is an embaressed child who is like “omg msiter Mic STOP-” while Present Mic is coeing and being all like “Aw that’s adorable!”. He always puts Jiro and Kaminari together in group projects, Kaminari shoots him a flustered glare cuz Present Mic knows what he’s doing 
-Kaminari teaches him meme/slang language for laughs and everyone in class hates it, Kaminari finds it hilarious. Eventually Mic gets the hang of it but he sucked at using the language correctly at first 
-Calls him lil listener and Kaminari calls him loud mouth 
Midnight and Yaoyorozu
-Another teacher who is shameless with playing favourites
-Midnight being a teacher does have to enforce the dress code if she sees a student wearing their uniform incorrectly - loose tie, untucked shirt, odd brightly coloured socks, chockes, etc. Midnight really doesn’t care all that much if a student’s socks aren’t the sae colour as their shoes...buuut she’s a teacher so she has to enforce it. Except when it comes to Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu one day had to wear light blue socks into UA as her tights where damaged, and she was worried she’d be called out for not following the dress code. Midnight saw, and turned a blind eye. She was in the middle of telling someone off for not dressing correctly, saw Yaoyorozu with the odd coloured socks and went “-Oh hello Yaoyorozu you have a good day sweetheart! ^^”
-Always complients Yaoyorozu when she comes into class. Oooo did you try a new hair style? Honey it suits you! New note book, such cursive hand writting! Glad to see you got those new pair of shoes, trying a different shoe brand this time? Very stylish!
-Had been tempted to kick Mineta like a beech ball on more then one occasion when he wouldn’t back off from Yaoyorozu
-The kind of teacher to say “I taught her that~” when Yaoyorozu uses one of her combat techniques
-Girl gossip. She tries to guess who Yaoyorozu will get with, meanwhile Momo is just blushing and blabbering because that isn’t very appropriate for history work. Midnight bats a hand is like “Pft I’m the teacher I can gossip in my own lesson”. Puts her with Todoroki during group projects and she, like Mic, 100% knows what she’s doing
Hounddog and Shishida
-Hounddog: I am not soft....*holds up Shishida* EXCEPT FOR MY 1B CHILD WHO IS VERY STRONG AND HE’S GOING TO BE A HERO DON’T @ ME HE’S AMAZING-
-Encourages Shishida to let loose with his beast form, with his rish upbringing Shishida isn’t used to embracing his more wild and uncaring side, having been raised to always be propper and polite when not in combat. Hounddog geuenily puts in effort to be a little less grumbly around Shishida cuz he doesn’t wanna peer pressure him, he’s giving him time
-Keeps a spare cloth so Shishida can clean his glasses off when and if they get dirty from training
-I imagine Shishida having a quirk called beast and having a more posh upbringing prolly has a little bit of anxiety, having to always be polite and propper even with a quirk called Beast. Sometimes he vents to Hounddog about this and he listens, insisting that it’s better Shishida get it off his chest when he apologises for drowning on
-During training Hounddog basically throws him about like a beanie bag at first, Shishida was still a kid and Hounddog had years of experience. The day Shishida finally knocked him down with a hard punch to the side of Hounddog’s face he felt...bad. But Hounddog was beaming! Shishida may have cried a little bit
Snipe and Hagakure (picked hagakure inspired by a suggestion @snipe-enthusiast made a while ago)
- Protective af
-Hagakure screams the innocent dorky girl of 1A, and thought Snipe makes sure none of the girls deal with Mineta’s bull while he’s around he’s especially protective of Hagakure just cuz...well, have you seen the way she acts? She’s innocent, peppy, happy, cheerful, and Snipe does not want that tainted by Mineta’s preverted ways
-After the exam with Hagakure and Shoji Snipe apologized for what happened and so did Hagakure, admitting that she over-reacted. 
-Hagakure admits one day to Snipe that she’s worried she won’t make it as a hero cuz her quirk isn’t flashy like her classmates. Snipe reassures her by saying that no one thought he could be a hero when he was little (this headcannon was inspired by @frelmidja and a post this did with Snipe) - guns weren’t exactly considered heroic and he got teased in the beginning when his quirk first activated. He told Hagakure to keep working hard and that she had the potential and the drive to be a hero, Hagakure was very thankful for the reassurance
-Hagakure really wants to see what Snipe’s face is like and constantly asks him if he could take his mask off and show them, Snipe has yet to break and take off his mask but Hagakure is very persistant 
Cementoss and Bondo
-Chill babies, they sit and have tea together. 
-I imagine Bondo to be the kind of person to accidentally call Cementoss dad, it happened once during one on one training and he got so embarrassed. Cementoss kept telling him it was fine but Bondo left in a hurry after
-Bondo tried to make certian shapes out of his glue one time but ended up getting himself stuck, Cementoss helped him out and reassured a disheartened Bondo that everyone makes mistakes and that he was progressing well 
-Being one of the taller boys in 1B he often has to hold back Monoma from going over to 1A when Kendo isn’t around, often tries to diffuse conflict before it gets worse, Cementoss is very proud
-After one on one training the two go to the lunch hall to get a hot drink after cleaning themselves up, Bondo tries to bring a different type of tea sweet each time - something like biscuits or chocolate. Cementoss returns the favour by bringing Bondo manju to have after his training
Thirteen + Gunhead and Uraraka
-Proud mum and dad because I couldn’t decide between the two
-Uraraka researches into the affects of zero gravity and how to better use her power, due to this she’s become a bit of a space nut and enjoys thinks like star gazing. When she was a kid and saw Pro Hro Thirteen on the TV she was ecstatic! Her parents brought her a Pro Hero Thirteen plush on her seventh birthday, Uraraka still has that toy. One day the toy got misplaced in the students washing and got mixed up with the teachers, Thirteen was a bit confused why a plush of her - and a well loved one by how old it looked - ended up in the wash. Uraraka hurridly rushes over to explain when Thirteen comes into the students dorms asking if it belonged to anyone. When Uraraka explained she got it when she was younger cuz she’s a big fan of Thirteen...heart squeeze
-Asked Uraraka if she could teach her the gunhead martial arts move, Uraraka was so honored she got to teach one of her idols a combat move! Through the gunhead martial arts move Thirteen met Gunhead and the two become good friends
-One day when Gunhead is teaching Thirteen the martial arts move with Uraraka to help demonstrate Uraraka wanted to take a picture of them all together. Gunhead was too tall to fit into the picture so he kneeled down to be at the same height as Thirteen and Uraraka (he did bunny ears behind Thirteen’s head and Uraraka thought it was adorable)
-Gunhead pretty much puts two and two together with Uraraka having a crush on Midoryia, so one day when Thirteen mentions in passing conversation how giddy Uraraka gets when she’s around this one green haired kid Gunhead just chuckles behind his hand. Thirteen and Gunhead think it’s very sweet how Uraraka totally has a crush on him (unlike Mic and Midnight thoug they don’t force anything and let Uraraka figure things out on her own)
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I kinda wanna fucking scream, so here, have a offline bullshit rant post.
So I’ve literally been trying to get my stupid fucking meds for over a MONTH now at this point, which I’m sure you can all see like, my mood is just wooooonderful these days. Not an excuse, casual reminder that yeah you do gotta take care of your own space so if my mood is dragging anyone down, I’m totes on board with blocking or unfollowing or y’know, burning me in effigy or something. Okay maybe not that last part. But still. You get it. And its not even that like, I need mood stabilizers per se, lol, so shout out to the armchair diagnosticians helpfully peppering my inbox still in their quest to oh so slickly be like ‘hey you’re a hot mess, take your hot messness away from tumblr’ like lol, didn’t ask.....nah, its mostly the perpetual lack of sleep and chronic pain issues that I have zero distraction from when my specific combo of meds isn’t able to let me actually weaponize my ADHD properly and power through that. Its a whole thing. Whatever. Just go with it.
POINT IS. So I’ve been trying to do this for over a month now, first obstacle was even just getting the money together for my refill appointment which is a whopping $150, because I have to pay out of pocket for mental health stuff these days because I had to switch my insurance over to something that paid out more heavily for physical benefits like my jaw surgery.....and because of the pandemic, and how many psychiatrists in my area and that I could actually reach aren’t taking new patients during the pandemic since most of them are conducting business virtually still, like, I have barely any resources for seeking out and trying new psychiatrist offices in the meanwhile that might charge less and I’m kinda stuck with the one I have because the last thing I can afford is to have like, NO psychiatrist at the moment, y’know?
So first I had to have that to even BOOK the appointment, which took forever because rent and food are a joy to accrue when you can barely manage to function as an actual employee of the capitalist machine ahfsklhflkahflakf, but so then I did that and like, got an appointment put on the books for August 19th. That was the soonest they could fit me in back when I paid them for my appointment about a week and a half ago. No, two weeks ago now? Eh, time is fake. ANYWAY, so that wasn’t gonna work for me, so basically the entirety of last week was devoted to constantly calling and trying to check in every other hour to see if they had any sooner cancellations I could take, because for whatever fucking reason, they just ‘don’t do’ a cancellation list wherein they call the next person on the list once they have a cancellation. Whatever.
So finally got a cancellation slot with a virtual appointment last Saturday night at random as fuck 8:40. Okay cool. Most of my refills are fairly simple, no real changes, but two are controlled substances so like, they have to do their due diligence and go through the proper protocols before giving me another prescription to one or whatever. Fine. Okay.
So I call the CVS they sent the prescription for my ADHD med to, the very next morning. One of the controlled substances, and the key med to like....making me functional instead of a rambling disjointed whirlibird of a thought emitter. Problem is, that medication is on back order. Won’t be in until Tuesday. Ugh. Okay, fine. Nothing I can do about it, because while the specific provider I spoke to in order to GET my refill prescriptions was taking an appointment the night before, the actual offices that schedule appointments and connect patients through to their providers was closed for the weekend, so I couldn’t even ask for them to send the scrip somewhere else.
SO. I go back to the CVS on Monday, hoping that maybe it came in early because not like I can do much else in the meanwhile. Course its not there, but oh well. I toy with the idea of calling to ask my provider to send the scrip to a different pharmacy (only had it sent to this one cuz its within walking distance to me, and since I can’t drive for medical reasons and Uber’s are expensive as fuck, just for errands, like, even though walking is sooooo not fun for me physically, like it is what it is). I decide against it because here’s another fun fact about this controlled substance....for security reasons, pharmacies don’t have to tell people over the phone if they have it in stock or not. Like, they won’t just say no we don’t have it in stock - I mean, they WILL say that, but that doesn’t actually mean anything because that’s what most of them say about that particular medication no matter whether or not they DO, and then just cite security protocols, so you have to actually GO to the store in question to ask them and even get a real answer to whether or not they even HAVE it in stock to FILL a prescription if its sent over. And no, the provider won’t just send scrips into several different pharmacies at once and just be whichever has it in stock can fill it - because again, controlled substance.
SO. I decide its not worth it to try getting the scrip sent over somewhere else, because I’d have to at least waste money on an Uber to even travel to various pharmacies and even check if they CAN fill it sooner than this one, when at least this place will have it in tomorrow. Its just one more day at this point.
Except then I go back on Tuesday. Oh sorry, don’t know why that other person told you we’d have our order in today, our shipments of that medication don’t come in until Wednesdays.
So I go back Wednesday. Success! They have it in stock. I go to pay, pulling out my goodRx coupon that was just printed out that morning, specifically citing the price for CVS at Target. The pharmacy manager says sorry, we don’t honor that coupon here for controlled substances like this one. I say: record scratch? He’s like yeah, that’s at the discretion of individual pharmacies, and we don’t honor that price for this specific medication, because we don’t want to attract customers only coming here to get that medication filled for that price. (This pharmacy is right at the edge of Inglewood and Culver City, for anyone who is familiar with those neighborhoods. The implications are exactly as they appear to be). So I’m like, what’s the regular generic price? He quotes me something that’s $180 more than the coupon, and thus $180 more than I have since I was focused totally on getting THIS amount ASAP, so I could get these meds so I could do more work and make more money. You see the train of thought. I’m like well that’s awesome, I don’t have anything close to that. Hey. Weird question. Why did nobody I talked to the past three days in a row that I’ve walked into this store in person to request this refill, like, mention this little tidbit about not honoring this coupon so instead of waiting for a backorder that would do me no good, I could have been spending that time having my prescription transferred somewhere that WOULD honor it?
He’s like, well did you mention to any of them that you’d be using a goodRx coupon for this particular medication? I said, yup. He said, you sure? I said well the specific process each time was I came in, I asked if this medication was in, they said what’s your name and date of birth, I provided that info, they said are you paying out of pocket, we don’t have valid insurance info for this on file for you, I said yup paying out of pocket with a goodRx coupon, they said *clickety clack of the keyboard* nope, sorry, we won’t have this medicine in until Tuesday, I mean Wednesday. 
He’s like, well you must be misremembering or they would have told you at the time that we don’t take GoodRx coupons on this medication. I’m like, dude, it was you. It was literally you that I spoke to two of those three times, right here at the counter, in person. I’m gonna go ahead and trust my memory of those interactions and what was said there over yours since you don’t actually remember having talked to me two times in the last three days. He’s like, I gotta go help another customer. There is no other customer. I leave. Fun day for everyone.
So then I call around town to at least check which CVS will actually honor the coupon I have and the price that I can afford to pay it at. I don’t bother asking if they even have the medication in stock because I know its not guaranteed to be a CORRECT answer, but at least I can see who accepts this damn coupon. Also, reason I’m only trying big brand pharmacies instead of smaller, hole in the wall ones is because again, controlled substance, and I know from experience that the bigger brand pharmacies are at least more likely to have that med in stock whereas most smaller ones tend to run out very quickly as they usually only get enough for their existing/regular customers and a little extra.
I find a CVS five miles away - not walkable, gonna have to Uber. Call my psychiatrist office again to ask them to transfer the scrip, front office says they’ll send the request to my provider, who usually checks and fulfills such requests in 24-48 hours. I’m like okay cool, can I get a phone call to let me know when that happens, so at least I know when to check back to follow up if it hasn’t happened yet for whatever reason? They’re like no, the pharmacy will send you a text or call when they get the prescription sent over and you can take it from there with them. I’m like okay, but I’ve done this a bunch of times and know from experience the pharmacy does NOT in fact always call or text, so is there a certain time to follow up to inquire if the provider has already sent the scrip and the pharmacy SHOULD have it by now or if the delay is on the provider’s end? Front office is like yeah no. I’m like, swell.
So that was yesterday. I call the pharmacy (which I still don’t even know if they have the medication IN STOCK to fill the scrip even once they GET the scrip, and won’t until I can actually Uber out there, but one thing at a time at this point) at like 9 pm, they’re a 24 hour pharmacy, and they’re like nope, we got nothing (this is after spending an hour and a half on hold to even TALK to someone at the pharmacy). Called them again today at noon, still nada. Technically I have another 29 hours before the window in which the provider is supposed to send the refill scrip to this new location, before I can be like, okay so they still haven’t done it, can we send him a nudge or another request. The 24-48 hour window will only actually EXPIRE after their offices close on Friday meaning it’ll be Monday before I can even actually REACH someone again to ask them to send the scrip again, if the pharmacy hasn’t ACTUALLY gotten it by Friday night, and pessimistically, I’m not super inclined to assume that they will at this point. 
I’m antsy, irritable, hungry because I don’t even know for SURE sure if the new pharmacy will ACTUALLY honor the coupon or say no sorry we don’t do that here either, whoever told you that was wrong, or if they’ll even actually have it in stock versus I’ll have to have it sent somewhere else AGAIN, so I have to pinch every penny possible in order to ensure I have the most money possible once my prescription IS filled in case the price is more than I expected again or in case I have to take Ubers there or further than I expected or basically....shit happens that I don’t expect. And this is what I’m basically spending all my time doing instead of working, because trying to get work done in this state is like....the harder I try to make it happen, the less it actually gets done, so I try and prioritize this and its roadblock after roadblock dragging out and wasting my time, and like yeah, I can post and shit while I’m doing this aka sitting on hold or walking around town trying to get shit filled because its fine if I ramble incoherently along the way in posts, but actual WORK work requires like....fucking coherency and succinctness and not having to stop and start every five minutes to call someone else, and oh yeah, being able to power through migraine spikes. And just.
I’m very annoyed about anything and everything to do with this shit. The hoops you have to jump through to even get the stuff that like....actualizes your hoop jumping ability, is just....*gnashing of teeth*
Anyway. So that’s my offline bullshit rant. Yay. The end.
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garrothromeave · 3 years
let’s talk about minecraft diaries rebirth.
and why it’s literally amazing. (warning: this will contain spoilers. lots of them. also, long post ahead.)
i think a lot of people hate mcdr because they were expecting a remake; but the point of rebirth is for jess to rewrite it. it wasn't supposed to be exactly the same.
honestly i went into mcdr with a closed mind. as an og mcd fan, i thought that this was going to suck ass and that i'd rant about how bad it was to my friends later. but actually watching it, i just... couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it.
ik im probably the only motherfucker that likes mcdr, but honestly how could i not? for one, garroth and zenix actually have personalities at the beginning. AND; the villagers? actually amazing. donna made me smile, visher made me laugh and cry, brendan was just bein as good as ever. like... i even didn't despise emmalyn with every ounce of my soul like i usually do?? the characterizations of them were GOOD, man.
and honestly, aphmau like--the way she spoke, her whole thing. it was reallyyy well done in my opinion. she was oblivious to things, but it wasn't overdone and wasn't done in a way to make her annoying. she's a very appealing character in mcdr, a main protagonist i do not mind following along with. her dynamics to the characters are really cool and all very unique.  gonna cut it here so i don’t clog y’all’s feed cuz i got a lot to say :)
the early use of aphmau’s powers was actually pretty cool as well, it also really showed how clueless aphmau really was to everything going on around her. AND UH, THE FACT THAT SHE THOUGHT THAT GARROTH FELT FAMILIAR? GOLDEN. absolutely golden.
AND GENE OH BOY, the early introduction of gene? ik a lot of people are upset about it, but god DAMN i love it so much. his role in the story is very important in original, and i cannot express how much joy this brought me learning that he was actually getting the proper attention for it. and the fact that gene and aphmau were working together?? i mean ik gene was just trying to use her to get back to the "shadow abyss" (pretty pog replacement for the nether, gg) but god DAMN i loved every moment of it. i found their dynamic to be pretty fuckin funny to be honest, would absolutely love to see more of it.
i might be biased considering gene is one of my absolute favorite characters, but i honestly think that introducing gene this early on in the story was a good move. again, he's literally the right-hand man to the shadow lord. it makes you really wonder why he didn't have as much of an important role in season 1 or even 2 of the original mcd plotline. also, we get some of that good-ol-fashioned exposition with seeing early on how vylad and gene interact. vylad’s at a very strange point in the story right now; his motives are unclear, even to the side he’s ‘supposed’ to be taking (aka, a shadow knight.)  another early introduction to a character is zane! this, my friends, is good. really good. i’d say that zane is the main antagonist of season 1 in the original series--and he wasn’t even introduced until like, episode 50. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but him being introduced this early on really gives the audience a better understanding of what threats are out there and what our protagonist will have to encounter in the future. in the original series, there’s not much explanation as to why lords are disappearing/dying left and right--and while yes, that was supposed to be the mystery of it, having some of that early information is a better move in terms of writing. 
AND IVAN?? BEING A PART OF THE JURY OF NINE?? I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ANYTHING MORE LIKE GOD DAMN that was a very pleasant surprise i'll just say that, thank you jess :)
and no i did not loop the 4 minutes of screentime laurance got in that one episode haha who would do that i would never do that anyways
SPEAKING of laurance, im so glad jess actually wrote him in this early :) she totally could have just waited for the first time aphmau visits meteli and meets him there, but no! she put him in an early episode. i dont even care if she did it just to shut up the fans about laurance but man that made me so happy seeing him, even if it was only for a bit.
okay i kinda wanna go over the guards real fast firstly; garroth. ignoring how weird the helmet showing emotions is, i really like how garroth is portrayed. he's under a lot of pressure because the village is putting a lot of the blame on him for malik's death, and he's trying his hardest to keep things running. the fact that garroth utterly refused the to take up the position of lord and even got a little snappy about it was actually really cool to see as well. and while he doesn’t have that same “reserved, quiet, observant” feel as the original mcd version of him had, this version of garroth is absolutely awesome. he’s more direct and blunt, is significantly more sarcastic, and isn’t as stiff or as much as a pushover as he is in the original. he even has a sense of humour. also, no homo, but he’s kinda adorable.  plus, the desperation that he goes through during the whole thing is just--it’s really cool to see how hard he’s trying to prove himself and help the village. my rating for mcdr garroth? 9/10. the helmet... the helmet is the main thing throwin me off, i can’t lie. next, zenix. oh BOY do i have a lot to say about this man. first of all, his and garroth’s dynamic is incredible. when i saw how the interacted with each other, my first thought was: father and son. zenix has this immaturity to him that is so fucking fun and interesting to watch, and seeing how garroth scolds him is so fuckin good man. and! seeing how he interacts with the rest of the village... honestly, if jess ever picks this story up again, i would probably cry when zenix (literally) backstabs garroth. HELL, i hope that’s something that still happens, it’d be heartbreaking to witness this character that we’ve come to love hurting his mentor, the man who took him in. he’s just a really good character all in all, and much more appealing than the original mcd zenix. ...except season 3 zenix. no zenix can be better than that one.  either way, zenix is amazing written to be the comic relief and he’s just an all-out lovable character in this series.  finally, dale and brian. yes i’m going to group them up because there’s not much to say regarding them, but i do want to address them. for starters, we have brian; who’s already 16 when the story starts. good on jess for doing that, because in the original aphmau watched brian be born and age INCREDIBLY quick, haha. THOUGH i do feel like there’s a slight connection lost there--one of the hardest things about brian’s betrayal in the original series in the fact that we watched him grow up in phoenix drop. we were there from the moment he was born, to the second he betrayed phoenix drop. BUT OF COURSE, this version is a lot more realistic, so it’s understandable. i just think that if it’s brian who’ll be betraying phoenix drop again (if it even goes down that same route), it won’t hit as hard unless jess really takes the time to grow the connection between brian and aphmau.  as for dale; gotta admit, love it. and like, i think one of the main things about how good of a call it was to make him a drunkard from the beginning is considering how much the village is struggling. the fact that the second-in-command is literally drunk all of the time really conveys the message of, “yeah. this village needs help.” plus, he’s another good comic relief character. i loved seeing molly and dale’s relationship too, it was very funny.  PLUS. we were blessed with a well scene, in which aphmau had to help villagers out of the well. i don’t know about you guys, but that was one of my favorite nods to the original series. i cannot thank jess enough for that, there was a smile on my face the entire time. another amazing thing--visher’s character. instead of just being introduced to this quirky lil merchant who only had one or two interactions with aphmau like in the first one, we got to sit there and really get a feel for someone worth remembering and worth mourning over. we had a reason to be sad over his death, it wasn’t just some npc getting blown up suddenly. this was different, and this hurt.  one of the major things that i hope is to come out of this is for jess to fix the major mistakes she had when writing the first series. she’d expressed how unhappy she was with some of the decisions she made, and i’m glad that she’s getting that second chance to undo the things she didn’t like. this series also gives her a second chance to really, really dig into characters and their motives. like, gimme laurance backstory in better detail. or like, garroth and zane’s relationship from back when they were kids? or how vylad died and who killed him? etc etc. she’s already done an excellent job so far, and i can’t wait to see where this goes. that is, if she ever continues it. god, i wish there were more episodes so that i could seriously let you guys know how beautiful of a series this is. there’s so much i want to say about rebirth, but i think i’ll stop here. i might say some more shit about it later, but if there’s anything i’d want you to take away from this, it’s: give minecraft diaries rebirth a chance. there’s a lot of potential, and this is a chance for jess to really change things for the better! ... but again, that is if this ever is continued. 
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neokonewman · 3 years
Honestly? I think what tangled failed to do was make sure characters had good chemistry as friends. Seriously Cass and Rapunzel where like crude oil and the ocean. One single match from destruction. Season one is bottom barrel because it goes out of it's way to excuse Frederick for his shit. Season two was actually really good because Rapunzel was still herself and was making tough choices left and right. Season 3? Ohhhh boy. Season 3 was a half good half bad because while I do applaud her trying to bring her friend back into the fold? Cassandra wasn't wrong when she said "this has to stop now. This thing where you THINK you've been my friend". Cuz as far as I could tell? They were never friends. Hell even when being a slow burn villain, Varian had better friend chemistry with Rapunzel. When the show expects me to swallow "Cass and I are besties.and sisters!" whole sale? I'm not buying it.
Oooooh boy! This ask is just dripping with potential rant power. Sorry in advance for how long this answer is destinied to be!
First things first. I absolutely agree with you on how badly TTS handles chemistry amongst the main characters. Cass gets the worst of it because she is shoehorned as Rapunzel’s BFF off screen and suddenly she has equal sway on Rapunzel as Eugene? Her character can’t even be allowed to breathe most of the time because the show is obsessed with sticking her next to Rapunzel to the point that she can’t grow any further away from her. At least other show original characters like Lance and Varian have an actual introduction and a place in the world outside of Rapunzel, but even then they suffer because Rapunzel is upfront and center and there is very little wiggle room for interactions that don’t have at least have some involvement with her. It’s here where our opinions differ however.
I would make the bold claim by sayin that S1 of TTS is by far and away the best out of the three. Yes it has the glaring flaw of bias for Frederic and against Varian that makes me question whether or not it should be considered “good” but it’s much better balanced than the other two seasons that follow it. In S1 we actually get character who aren’t Rapunzel more chances to shine without her stealing the spotlight away at the last moment. In S1 we actually have an actual conflict that drives the story forward and at least pretends to care about developing the characters. Even the obnoxious bias could have still worked out in the shows favor if they were ever properly addressed in story and not swept under the rug like they were in later seasons. Heck, I would go as far as to argue that the worst parts of S1 is the fact that S2 and S3 make it worse retroactively.
S2 in my opinion is the dullest of the three, by a wide margin. With them never addressing what the mains left behind in S1 as well as taking the threat of the rocks away WAY too early, the conflict is particularly nonexistent. Not only that, but it does what I think is the worst thing a show can do during a season long journey. They never actually develop the world outside of Corona. They established that there are 6 other kingdoms in the alliance with Corona, but the most we get of any of them is the one throwaway line about them being close to the mountains of Koto in Freebird. Other than that we overstay in three separate places that end up being worthless to the plot as a whole. After spending three episodes in Vardaros right out the bat, we never return or what’s become of them afterwards. Them mains stranded on the Island is pretty dull and is only memorable to me because they had the guts of mentioning Varian again and established that Rapunzel STILL has an unhealthily delusional bias for Frederic despite of everything. The House of Yesterday’s tomorrow is just an excuse of shoehorning a bunch of magical hijink cliches that aren’t done very interesting. Heck, despite them spending a whole season getting to the Dark Kingdom, they only spend an episode and a half there and only a single night in universe. The rest of S2 is just filler that don’t even develop the characters or tell any interesting stories. Like, an enchanted forest episode even though the mid season finale takes place in another enchanted forest? A repeat of the first part of Tangled the movie with Cass replacing Eugene? Whatever the heck “Curses” was supposed to accomplish? The only thing interesting that S2 introduces is the Brotherhood, and we all know how little they are used afterwards.
I would also like to point out that at the start of S2, the mains just…. Stop developing almost entirely? Cass and Eugene never have any meaningful moments together like they do in S1, and are reduced to just taking potshots at each other to remind us that they have some sort of relationship. Lance is reduced strictly to comedic relief and in my opinion is just there to give Eugene something to do when he is removed from the plot because once again, the show is obsessed with making Rapunzel and Cass’ friendship be a thing that only matters. Hookfoot is just there to give his stand up routine about how marriage is terrible in the first episode of the season and just to exist afterwards, yet he SOMEHOW gets actual episodes focused on him while Lance suffers. Even characters properly introduced this season are cursed to never flesh out because Adira keeps pulling a vanishing act for no established reason, Hector is only gets any lines in his debut episode and never given any real focus again, and Edmund gets the same treatment as the other dads (except maybe Captain) by getting his entire character reduced to one trope later on in S3. Speaking of…
S3…. Ooooh boy S3. It’s not as boring as S2 for me, but that’s only because it’s a media equivalent of a train wreck that I couldn’t look away from. It’s like they took the two major issues of the past two seasons (the clear bias and shallow filler) and mashed them together while trying to savage it by inserting what worked in S1, (actual conflict) but completely missed the point why it worked in the first place. All pretense of caring about any other character other than Rapunzel and Cass is gone in this season. Even episodes that focus on anyone outside of Rapunzel, ends up ending with Rapunzel saving the day because she is the only one allowed to be heroic anymore.
They try to make Cass’ villain arc as complex as Varian’s but for some reason they think her blaming a literal baby for being kidnapped is enough grounds to go on a murder streak without one episode of hesitation. Lance is just there for bottom barrel dumb humor, yet the show thinks he is responsible enough to raise two kids on his own. Varian falls into the pigeon hole of just being the “kid character that hangs with the grown up mains” trope that he managed to avoid in S1 while also being just a plot device to not only give the mains access to tech, but also get shoehorned into scenes to keep the audience somewhat invested. Eugene is literal retconned in universe to be just a bland supportive boyfriend. Rapunzel, my gosh Rapunzel…. She treated is so painfully “perfect” to the point that she is completely unrelated. I’m not calling her a Mary Sue because they only ACT like she is perfect. She is still a hugely flawed human being, but the other characters just applaud her because she is “the magical, wonderous sundrop” and very little else. Also yes, Rapunzel being obsessed over Cass while playing off all the horrible actions her BFF as her being lost is the most frustrating thing ever. It’s as if she became Frederic from S1 and abandoned everyone else well being in favor of one person who doesn’t even want her attention, only worse because it’s made into a good thing. Again, S1 is made retroactively worse because of the seasons that follow it.
There is much more things wrong with S3 than S2, but honestly I find myself changing my mind a lot whether which one is objectively worse. Like making a show boring is arguably the worst thing you can do, but the choices, morals, and all around writing of S3 is just bad. Then again the writing in S2 is honestly pretty on par with S3 at times, so again, it’s a toss up.
Sorry again if this answer is a lot, but it was pretty fun at the same time. Thanks for the ask. ^^
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I Loved Him... Once - CH 5
Title: I Loved Him… Once
Author: jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Heid (Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid)
Rating: This ones General but eventually as the series goes it will be Explicit
Tags: canon typical violence and gore, eventual smut as the series goes, angst, fluff, pining, its gunna be a slow burn guys.
Summary: A series following the team as they solve crimes and take down the bad guys.
     In Part one of this series, we follow the team as they take down a serial killer that has taken a piece of one of their own. And through it all, Spencer and Hotch come to a few conclusions and realizations of their own.
*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! But comments and reblogs are love! <3 Please and thanks!!
Chapter 5
     "Anything?" Dave asked as they joined the rest of the team in the conference room. 
     Aaron shook his head, "No DNA or any other evidence left behind, same as the others. How is the geographical profile coming along?"
     Dave walked over to the white board with Aaron and Spencer. There were four red pins stuck into the map with a series of circles, all coming together in the center. “We've narrowed it down to this area here,” Dave pointed to the point where the circles connected, “his comfort zone isn't very large, but it's still far too large to just go around knocking on doors.”
     “Do we have any form of a profile?” JJ walked over, standing beside Spencer with her arms crossed, “Aside from knowing that he's organized, revenge driven, and possibly done with his list, we don't have much more to go on.”
     “Unfortunately not,” Aaron walked over to the table and caught Derek's attention, “call Garcia, put her on speaker.”
     He dialed, placed his phone on the table, and after a few rings she answered, “Magical mistress of pleasure, what services can I offer you today?”
     “Baby girl,” Derek crooned, “behave, you're on speaker.”
     “Oh you're no fun!” She whined, but then asked, “What can I help you guys with?”
     Aaron leaned on both hands on the table and towards the phone, “Have you found anything that connects our victims, Garcia?”
     “Still nothing, oh fearless leader.” They all sighed. “I mean, they lived in the same city, sure, but none of them even went to the same grocery store or gas station. They seem to be just random victims. But that's weird right? I’m not a profiler, but there's usually always something that connects the victims and murders somehow, right?”
     “Yeah, you're right, baby girl,” Derek ran a tired hand down his face and slapped it down on the table, “we'll call you back if we have anything that can help you in your digging.”
     “Right, tahtah for now my beautiful flowers-”
     “Garcia, wait.” Aaron stopped her before she could leave.
     “Present, Sir. Is there something I can help you with?”
     Aaron took a moment to look over to the still very quiet Spencer. He was still standing at the back of the room by the white board, hands in his pockets, and eyes fixed on Aaron. And he could tell just by the look in his eyes, Spencer knew what he was about to say, so he gave Aaron a barely noticeable nod before he turned back to the phone. “Yes, actually. I'd like you to speak with Reid about our last victim. He might be able to give you more insight that could help with your searching.”
     “Why's that, Sir?”
     “Because I knew him.”
     Everyone fell silent, including Garcia, to the point where Aaron wasn't sure if they had lost their connection. “Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.”
     Spencer didn't reply, just put his head down, so Aaron spoke, “I'd like Reid to tell you as much as he can about him and maybe we can find a missing link there.”
     “Is… is he okay to do that? Losing someone is never easy, and if he's not ready to talk about him then I’m sure I can do this myself, I mean, I don't want to make Spencer uncomfortable or upset anymore then I’m sure he already is, Sir, and I-”
     “Garcia,” Spencer cut in as he took a few steps closer to the table, stopping her mini rant, “it’s fine.”
     “Sweetie, are you sure? I mean, really, really sure? Cuz I can dig my heels in and wave my magic wand and you know I will eventually find the things that people do not want me to find.”
     “I'm sure,” he smiled a bit, it was nice to have someone looking out for his feelings, “I'll tell you everything I know.”
     “Okay…” She breathed into the phone, “Okay, whenever you're ready.”
     Spencer took a breath and looked around the room. Suddenly all eyes were on him, and as much as he loved his team, his family, he wasn't sure he was ready for an audience. It was one thing to talk to Aaron, and another to talk to Garcia to help the case along, but in front of everyone all at once…
     “Give us a moment, Garcia,” Aaron stood and motioned for Spencer to come with him, and made his way towards the door, “I'm going to take Reid into another room, I'll call you from my cell when we're settled,” and they were gone.
     “What do you think that's all about?” Derek asked, brows furrowed and a hint of worry in his voice. “Is there something we can’t know? Is the kid caught up in something here?”
     “Lover, I'm sure it's fine,” Garcia was still on the line, “talking about these things isn't easy, you know, maybe Hotch just wanted to give Reid some space.”
     “You don't think he's giving him a hard time do you?”
     “I think you're going in the wrong direction,” Dave moved to sit beside Derek, a small smirk playing on his lips, “I’m certain this doesn't have anything to do with Aaron giving Reid a hard time. Just let them play this out.”
     “Play what out?” Derek raised a brow and looked around the room, finding nothing but more confused and concerned faces. “What's going on?”
     “More than you know, kid.” And David just left it at that, but of course Derek was not satisfied with that vague answer.
     “That's our man calling on the other line,” Garcia said, getting Derek's attention again, “gotta go, lover. I'll make sure he's good, promise.” And she was gone, leaving Derek to think through what could possibly be going on in the other room, and worrying about Spencer alone with their boss.
     Spencer entered a smaller room on the other side of the station with Aaron, who closed the door behind them and shut the blinds. He gestured for Spencer to sit at the table, pulling out his phone and placing it in front of him, “I know this is going to be hard,” he began, standing beside Spencer, “but I want you to tell Garcia as much as you can about Eric. Start from the beginning, where you both went to school, anything you know prior to your meeting, and as much as you can about his personal life. Maybe something you say can help Garcia find something to help us catch a break in this case.”
     He nodded, looking down at the phone and watching as Aaron dialed her number. “I'll give you some privacy.”
     He turned to leave, but Spencer reached out quickly and grabbed his arm to stop him, “I'd rather you stayed… if you don't mind.”
     “Of course.” He turned and sat back down and Spencer immediately moved his hands from Aaron’s arm to hold his hand, pulling it over into his lap to play with his fingers again. It was becoming somewhat of a comfort for Spencer, and Aaron wasn't going to stop him. 
     The phone rang a few more times then before, and the bowling ball in his stomach seemed to sink further and heavier as they waited for her to finally answer, “I’m here.” Her soft voice soothed Spencer a little. “Are you ready, Reid?”
     “Yeah, I'm ready,” he squeezed Aaron’s hand as he prepared himself, “I'll just start from the beginning then.”
     “Yeah, honey, yeah. You just… you start wherever you feel comfortable.”
     He took a few calming breaths, holding Aaron’s hand even tighter, then started, “His name was Eric Watts, we met at Caltech. I was working on my first doctorate and he was a third year math student. I don't know much about his past, except that he was an only child and was orphaned at the age of six. His parents died in a car accident and he had no other family, so he was filtered through the foster system until he was eighteen.”
     “Good, good, this is good. Keep going if you can.”
     “We both spent a few more years in university after we first met, then I got an offer from the BAU and Eric got a job offer in California, at some financial company, but I don't know the name, I… I never asked….” He trailed off.
     “You okay? And you're doing great by the way.”
     “I’m okay, I just,” he trailed off again, thinking back on everything he knew about Eric, which now that he was put on the spot about it wasnt really much, “now that I'm thinking about it, I don't really know too much about Eric's personal life. We never really spoke about stuff like that.”
     “That's okay, whatever you can’t tell me I'm sure I can fill in the rest. Is there anything else?”
     He thought back, “I know he was never married, no kids, no other family. He's never been in any kind of trouble, worked the same job since we graduated, I… I don't know how he could have possibly gotten himself into something like this.”
     “I promise you I will do everything I can to figure this out, Reid.”
     “Thanks, Garcia,” he sniffled, using his free hand to wipe at the tears that had snuck up on him, “if I think of anything else that might help, I'll call you.”
     “Alright, let me go work my magic. Warrior goddess, out.”
     They sat there for a while, Spencer still holding Aaron’s hand until he was able to calm himself back down, and Aaron let him take as much time as he needed. Eventually he stood, pulling Aaron up with him and towards the door. “We should probably try and get a profile together, at least something to help the Sheriff and his officers in their search.”
     “If you're ready.”
     He stopped at the door and turned back to Aaron. He pulled him into another crushing hug, holding him as close as he could for as long as he could, reveling in the feeling of Aaron’s hands moving up and down his back, before he pulled back, “Now I'm ready. Let's go give a profile.”
     The officers sat in front of them while the agents occupied the front of the room. This used to be something Spencer hated. Standing in front of people, other officers, and giving a profile. But now he enjoyed it, he enjoyed sharing his knowledge with the officers and detectives so that they could bring down the unsubs together. 
     His team mates around him all said their parts, then it was his turn. And this profile, if any, meant more than any of the others. They had to get this right, they had to find and take down this unsub.
     He shifted where he sat on one of the tables, and leaned forwards a little as he spoke to the officers, "We believe this unsub to be extremely organized, highly intelligent, and on a path of revenge. They are not delusional however, but rather extremely focused and mission oriented. If you come face to face with this unsub it is very unlikely you will be able to talk him down, and more likely that you will become his next victim."
     "We suggest if you do meet this unsub to please take cover where you can and call us for backup," Aaron came to stand directly beside Spencer, leaning his hand on the table beside his leg, providing him a small amount of comfort through the light touch. "And be advised that if cornered, this unsub will become extremely aggressive, even more so than he already is. Please, proceed with caution and if you find anything call us immediately. Good luck."
     The officers filled out, ready and armed now with a profile to help them catch this killer. Derek came in just as the officers were leaving, and waved them all back into the conference room. 
     Once inside he closed the door and motioned to the phone in the middle of the table, "Hey, baby girl, they're all here, go ahead."
     "So I was doing some deep diving through the lives of our victims and… I found something, a few something's actually."
     "About Eric?" Spencer moved closer, sitting in a chair.
     "Oh, honey," she began, her voice soft and quiet again, "I don't… I don't think you should hear this."
     "I… I have to."
     "Reid, you should have good memories of your friend. I don't think you need to hear this."
     "I'm fine, Garcia. I need to hear this." He snapped a little, moving closer to the table.
     "If you're sure…" She trailed off, giving him a second to think and change his mind, but when she was met with silence she took that for the answer it was. "Okay then. So, I was emailed a copy of the newest coroner's report, as well as the sheriff's report on his findings and, well, something didn't add up."
     Everyone waited, still silent, but all eyes were on Spencer. 
     "Reid, you told me that his name was Eric Watts, but the report that the sheriff sent me has the name Mason Maddox on the file. There was a copy of the ID that the sheriff found through the database when the coroner scanned his prints. And so when I went deep dive I discovered that Eric Watts doesn't actually exist."
     "What do you mean?" Spencer asked, brows furrowed as he stared at the phone on the table, taking a seat, "Garcia, I've known him for years. Eric Watts very much does exist."
     "Honey, I'm telling you, he doesn't. His real name is Mason Maddox, and Eric Watts was a fake identity he made to try and cover up a very dark past."
     "That's.. that's impossible. I've known him since university, he was twenty-one when we met, are you telling me he's been lying to me this whole time?"
     "Yes, Reid, that's exactly what I'm saying."
     "I… he can't…" He leaned forward, placing his head in his hands and covering his face as she went on.
     "When I dug into his past, not his past as Eric but his past as Mason, before he met you sweetie he was into a lot of very bad things. He even spent five years in prison."
     "Baby, how could he have spent five years in prison before meeting Spencer," Derek asked, clearly doing the math in his head, "he would have been under age when he was convicted."
     "Yeah, he lied about his age too. He lied about everything."
     "What did he serve the five years for?" Emily joined in now, seeing Spencer was too far gone at this moment to even think about asking questions. 
     "When he was younger he had a myriad of charges that were eventually all dropped. Breaking and entering, petty theft, and then all of a sudden he jumped right on up into assault with a weapon."
     "What happened?" JJ asked this time. 
     "He nearly killed the guy, said he did it out of self defense but there was never any evidence to prove so. But he served his five years with no issues, not even one night in solitary. Then suddenly Mason Maddox just drops off the face of the Earth and that's when Eric Watts appears. With his new identity he got a job, moved to California, enrolled in school, and that's when he met you, Reid. But… there's more."
     Aaron stepped forward then, placing a subtle soothing hand on Spencer's back where no one could see and asked, "What else, Garcia?"
     "Your other victims, they aren't who their ID's say they are either. Who we originally thought were Karl Jennings, Adam Knoxs, and Joe Marsden, are actually Trevor O'Connell, Hayden Marletto, and Reese Runge. And when I searched the pasts of the real victims, I discovered that they actually are all connected.”
     “Prison?” Emily assumed.
     “Bingo, my fair maiden. All of them, including who we now know to be Mason Maddox, were in the same prison together over the same five year period, two of them even sharing a cell.”
     “Did the other two share a cell with anyone, baby girl?”
     “Yes, Trevor and Hayden shared a cell with each other, Reese shared with someone named George Yurish, and Mason shared with a one Tyler Prince.”
     “What were the two cell mates in for, Garcia?” Hotch asked.
     “Already on it, Sir.” They could hear her fingers furiously typing as she searched for the answer to his question. “George was in for arson and Tyler for, oh… multiple counts of murder. Apparently he was a part of one of the worst gangs in California, was a suspect in various different felonies, and was soon after caught red handed by California police dumping a body off the pier at night. After investigation they managed to connect him to at least three other murders. He was released from prison a month ago, which was four days before the first murder of Trevor O’connell.”
     “He sounds like our guy. Got out and the first thing on his mind was revenge,” JJ added, “but why? What did the other four victims do to him that caused this much rage?”
     Derek nodded along with JJ then asked, “What were the other victims in for?”
     “Money laundering, fraud, and theft. Nothing even close to murder, so why did this guy kill his friends from prison?”
     “None of this makes any sense,” Derek shook his head, “five guys meet in prison, one guy gets out years later and kills them all, and none of the victims even come close to matching the level of aggression needed to have been involved with a murderer. Why all of a sudden go after these men?"
     “Garcia, send us the addresses of all the victims and Tyler Prince. Maybe our missing answers will be waiting for us there,” then he turned to the rest of the team and said, “Emily, JJ, you go to the houses of the first two victims, Derek and Rossi take the last two, Reid you're with me, were going to pay Tyler a visit.”
     “The addresses are already sent to you, good luck and be safe my loves.”
     The team started gathering their things to leave, but Aaron noticed that Spencer was still sitting at the table with his head down. 
     “Reid?” Aaron moved a little closer to his chair, but Spencer did not move, “We have to move, Reid.”
     “I…” He finally looked up and stood abruptly, “I need a minute, excuse me.”
     He quickly pushed through the rest of the team standing at the door watching with worried eyes, and practically ran out of the station. Derek grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and started after him, but Aaron moved first this time, holding a hand up to Derek and stopping him in his tracks. He then headed out almost as fast as Spencer and followed his path around the side of the building. 
     Derek stood in the middle of the conference room, looking both a little hurt and angered that Aaron had stopped him the way he had. He cared about Spencer and was worried that not only was this case hitting him hard, but also that Aaron was making it worse. “What the hell was that?!”
     “Derek, don't worry so much-”
     “Don't worry so much?! Rossi,” He threw his hands up in frustration, getting angrier by the second, “not only am I worried about Reid because he just lost a friend and found out that he has been lied to for years by someone he considered close, but if you haven't noticed, since we found out he knew the victim, Hotch has not left his side for more than ten seconds. He keeps hovering over him, watching him, following him, he even came to our room last night to talk to Reid. He can still do his job, Rossi! I know he lost a friend and that’s hard, but he can still see this case through and catch this son of a bitch!”
     David held his hands up in a calming motion with a small smile on his face, “Derek, easy, this is not what you think.”
     “Then what is it?!”
     “Reid can still do his job, we all know that. And as for Aaron, he knows that too, more than anyone. So just let this be, alright. Reid is fine and I promise you Aaron is not giving him a hard time.”
     Derek eyed him, obviously still not convinced, “Yeah, well, I'm gonna keep my eye on that anyway,” and then he left the room to head out on his assignment.
     Aaron ran around the side of the building where he had seen Spencer go, and sure enough he found him there looking as miserable as he had expected. He stopped short of him, watching him violently rub the palms of his hands into his eyes, before slowly walking over. 
     He sucked in a sharp breath, wiping his eyes before answering, "I'm fine."
     "Reid, you're not," he placed a hand on his shoulder to turn him around. Now face to face he could see how red his eyes were, a little wet, and he didn't know if he could do anything to make it better. "Sit this one out, please, I hate seeing you like this."
     "Hotch, I'm fine, I told you," he sighed, hard and long, "but I don't think I'm fine enough to go to the apartment of the man who might have killed Eric. If I could I'd… I'd like to go to Eric's instead, see what I can do there to help figure this out."
     "Yeah, yeah of course," he nodded, placing his other hand on Reid's shoulder, "I'll switch you out with Rossi. And if you need anything while you're there, do not hesitate to call me. Anything.”
     Spencer just nodded, then suddenly the weight of Aaron’s hands on his shoulders had become hypersensitive to him. His arms itched to wrap around what was now becoming Aaron’s familiar frame against his, and his fingers itched to dig into the fabric of the back of his jacket. He took a small, shuffling step forwards and said, “There is one thing-”
     And before Spencer could even say anything more, Aaron was already closing the gap and pulling Spencer into his chest. He allowed them to stay like that for a few long minutes, since the tree line in the garden beside the station provided them cover from anyone who might be walking by. And Spencer did dig his fingers into Aaron’s jacket, and buried his face in his neck, breathing in his cologne and letting the scent slowly calm him. He also let himself fall into the soothing feeling of Aaron's hand at the small of his back, and the other rubbing his fingers into the nape of his neck, massaging his stress away. 
     Aaron let him cling to him until Spencer felt he was ready and pulled back muttering a quiet, “Thanks.'' Aaron was more than happy to be there for him anytime he needed, and he let him know as much before leading them out to the cars, informing David of the change and watching Spencer leave with Derek. He had wanted to keep Spencer as close as possible, but if this was what he needed right now, then he would make sure to be there for him as soon as they were finished and back at the hotel. But for now, he had to focus and catch this bastard before he could do any more harm, and bring Spencer the closure he deserved.
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this is so late, but here is the next chapter as promised XDAnd I know I said there would be another Spencer and Aaron moment, and there is a small one, but the one I was actually talking about will be in the next chapter. This chapter was getting too long and I had to split it into two parts.
     Also, the reason this is so late is because I was accepted into university today! And it only took me ten years after graduating high school, but I am finally here! And I didn't think I would even get in. I applied on a last minute whim and the program is super competitive, but I got it! So I spent a lot of my day today getting some things ready for that. And that being said, I might change this from a twice a week posting schedule to a once a week posting. That'll give me a little more time when school starts up in a few weeks to make sure I have updates ready for you guys.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you guys think <3
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Season 4 notes
Ep 121: mmmm tape recorder turning on without them knowing goes brrr. AAAhjhdsjfhjdf "do you mind if i call you jon" its like "can i call you elias?" is this the dream guy with the tendrils? who wants to bet the boat is captained by peter lukas? big man if it killed yall how are you still here. oh boy the tape is doin that thing. who do we think it is? did he wake up? hmm. ep 122: lol jon. 6 months!?!? bruh quit movin big man. he just Knows things sometimes you know how it is. nah b/c i can relate to feeling like other ppl/ things arent real, thats the biggest mood BUT i think it is kinda pretentious to entertain the idea that youre the only Real person. If you dont see a body dont believe it. i'll hold out hope for a bit. theres not a new archivist is there? surely i wouldve heard about that. oh god peter what changes did you make. ep 123: web development. hope its about spiders. she blames him. bruh why. if they hadnt done anything the world would've ended piss off melanie. why are ppl acting like he chose to be in a coma for 6 months. we know this they just appear. no longer "head archivist of the magnus institute, london" now he's just "the archivist" covered in spiders? cuz ik the spider has to do with controlling what youre doing and all this stuff but i cant think of how this connects to that. ep 124: ugh vertigo. is michael crew an old man? oooh. fairchild. how did he know it was martin? hmm. GRR I LOST MY NOTES AGAIN. FROM EPISODE 125 - part of 131. ep 131: bruh he's so hard to understand big man ur voice is so low. Jared Hotworth. the boneturner. "the ones i helped find their proper bodies" name a better top surgeon? our favorite trans ally? ep 132: woo field trip into the coffin! static lol. he says "chill out im just poppin in for a quick recall mission" is the rib thing actually gonna work? bruh it feels so odd and contrived but he's an odd man with some odd powers so idk. rip that archivist ayyy statement time. voices? recordings? are those tape recorders? was it the tape recorders? did they pull him back? i hope so b/c if the rib thing actually worked im gonna be so disappointed. ep 133: predicting the lonely? tundra. like the lukases. hmm. sanikova! like sanikov land. so its the hunt? i suppose? yeah. so daisy's clearly rejecting the hunt, which makes sense cuz she doesnt seem to like the entities that much. wait so are we just not gonna talk abt all the tapes playing on the ground?? no? ep 134: not an archival assistant anymore? Adelard Decker (or however you spell it) i recognize that name. 15th power. i was right there are 15. the extinction? im trying to remember what ive heard. oooh spooky. no i gotta be real i dont understand this fear but i'll believe you that its a thing. ew lukas is so squealy. lukas can turn invisible? oh boy. oooh martin put the tape recorders there. lol lukas is worried he's gonna be an avatar of the eye. ep 135: yoo its the third Daedalus statement! maxwell rayner (reiner? reigner?) i dont know who that is but ik its somebody. is he the cult leader guy? church of the divine host? 4 people?? what? did they kidnap somebody and keep them up there?? oh dear jon are you dying? did he try to See or Know or whatever? why does everyone call basira detective lol. ep 136: he was the one from the spider movie that ate ppl right? the special effects artist? is it annabelle cane? "its a joke jon" lol. hmm they wanted to record the therapy session with melanie? i wonder who that is. i almost wanna guess annabelle cane but im not sure. ep 137: this is the one! he went to the other place and read the war statement but it wasnt the one she took. not the music again. sounds like the slaughter. who the heck is eric lol. "the watcher's crown" like the crown of eyes we saw in the piccrew ep 138: oh boy Robert Smirk time. is that elias? as unhelpful as usual. if new powers can be "born" can others die out? did jonah magnus wear the watchers crown? maybe they were born from our fear or maybe our fears were born from them. ceaseless watcher does ceaselessly watch so. idk what you want
big man. yeah jonah for sure did something. ep 139: agnes!! lol that one dude threw off all their plans thats so funny. BUT this does tell us something. the tree in the backyard of the hilltop house? not made by her. it going down didnt kill agnes. im guessing gertrude tied agnes to the house using the tree? u good jon? cuz every time you try to Know smth intentionally it seems like it causes you great pain. how come he can do it accidentally with no problem but the second he wants to know smth of plot relevance he gets a headache or whatever ep 140: lol pagan exultation. classic. "oh thats my rib" lmaoo. ppl are always so mad at jon and his Eye powers except when it benefits them. they're like "oh you shouldnt do that its not right" and then all of a sudden they want to know something and its all "oh cmon jon its the only way" ep 142: oh god jon what did you do. its interesting she's giving her statement in the way that they do when jon Asks. did he see her in the Coffin? and so he's following her? ok cmon jon you're supposed to let them come to you. lmao ikr martin. "start to hear the blood" "suure." lmao ep 143: lol that awkward moment when gertrude is already dead. big J if you die im gonna kill you. bruh. ayo helen? i guess it worked? ep 144: lol this reminds me of that one edgar allan poe story where he kills the old dude with the weird eye. spooky music stuff. lol thats my favorite symptom of a heart attack its hilarious. so its smth abt the location probably? bro i feel like you should write down the numbers idk. 162830165049 564846474827. seems like the distortion? like the kinda thing that causes you to go crazy because of the numbers. oh boy is it the extinction again. bro what?? im?? his dad just died and he's like eh. martin dont be mean. he's being all lonely again. big man ur pushing ppl away. oh god its fucking squealy boy. ep 145: that almost sounds like breekon/hope... Arthur? agnes. aah was he from the lightless flame cult. a tree. lol he's just ranting rn. hehehe fuck landlords amirite. yay someone tells jon outright to go to therapy. now do it big man. ep 146: oh great! the distortion! i'm making a spiral themed building in mc right now! jon maybe accept you did a bad? nah this goes back to what i said before. they're fine with him compelling ppl when its convenient for them but otherwise its "no jon you cant, youre a monster jon" the tapes didnt turn on. i spose that means its not important? i agree with daisy, this seems unecessarily dangerous. ep 147: is that a tape? the first tape? well that went better than i expected tbh. BAHAKJASHDJKF she did the "can i call you jon" like nikola says "elias, can i call you elias?" damn annabelle is such a girlboss. oh! the one thing from the picrew. its been a while since ive connected smth to that. lol all the other avatars always talk abt their patron so lovingly and the jon just. absolutely hates the eye. ep 148: lol thats the most elias thing. "i just like the way it sounds" ep 149: did he disappear? bruhh. ur lonely powers are popping off i guess. oops i accidentally deleted my notes for 150 - 152 ep 153: thats the cult right? yeah. it doesnt sound like the church of the divine host? idk. if it is the church of the divine host then they worship the dark right? so is the eleventh the dark star or wtvr? it almost sounds like the corruption b/c of the oil or grease or whatever. oh dear what happened. oh its the hunters. theyre so annyoing. not an "it" he has a name. he's a person. is this a page from the skin book? ep 154: oh shit this is gerry's dad! oh shit he quit! oh dear god. jon don't you do it. haha martin. yeahhhh... is he gonna tell the others? cuz you know theyre gonna get mad if he doesnt. oh also picrew connection! the bandages over the eyes? yeah thats this im guessing. ep 155: oh good he told them. oh my god what did you do. lol i have no mouth and i must scream. nah you get none of my sympathy you're straight up murdering ppl. its like the desolation, destroying lives to sustain your own. ok but taking their statements doesnt
kill them. oh... bye melanie. ep 156: lmao imagine if the tape recorder spoke back. oh boy decker! i swear we got a statement from him already. oh god mirrors scary. They're gonna eat the body arent they. Yup... sounds like the flesh or the slaughter, but I'm not sure. Could be the extinction for sure. Smth at the center! Like Helen mentioned. God Peter you dick. Ep 157: peter's just so :/ another decker statement i see. a statement about the corruption? hmm. maybe its not abt the corruption. the extinction. lol pandemics. topical. John Amherst. helen? lol i can hear admiral purring in the background. oh cmon helen dont be like that. im trying real hard to like you but you make it so difficult. ep 158: did they fucking free the stranger? im gonna lose it. you absolute dumbass. im sorry who is that? jonah magnus? my guy. peter. you absolute dickhead. that's elias. (im p sure i had this spoiled for me that elias is jonah) oh dear this is her death. god peter you prick. i hope this is a pop off martin moment and not a "martin you idiot" moment. i hope the hunters kill the stranger entity. or she kills them. furry daisy pop off! yeah fuck you peter martin can make his own decisions. you know that clip from Twisted where jafar says "ok what the fuck was that" martin D: ok like i know its gonna work but still D: D: ep 159: peter you bitchboy. because if im alone i cant hurt anyone else. imnotgonnacryimnotgonnacryimnotgonnacry do it do it do it do it. pop off jon. ok its a pretty good idea for a ritual i gotta be honest. she didnt even have to blow it up lol. oh dear that was certainly a noise. "he gets you" did he not have jon already? he's back! our boy is back! awwww thats so cute. ep 160: oh right this is the thing in the safe house. i love him. "obviously im going to tell you if i see any good cows" martin my beloved <3 :)) oh boy who is this. fuckin. people. jonah you dick. gahh. you can tell he's trying to resist so hard lol. ohh. hehe keep an *eye* on him. altho if the extinction is a real thing he needs to be marked by that right? lol he sounds so intense im sorry- i want martin to just burst in and be like "look at this cow i saw!" its so dramatic and for why.
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Hi I wanted to request some Kirishima x reader angst! It can be anything, surprise me! Cuz I’ve been craving some angst lately... also, I really like the way you write, it’s great! ♥️✨✨
“I can’t keep kissing people and pretend that they’re you!”
Eijirou Kirishima
Pairing: Kirishima x Reader
Warning(s): Swearing??
Genre: Angst babyyyy
Word count: 2301
A/N: Hiiii! Thanks for requesting! I’m glad you like my writing, although I’m still pretty new and I’m still trying to perfect angst. But hope you enjoy!
I don’t own the art!
You sighed and shifted uncomfortably as you watched your ex gassing up another girl. You guys only split up about a week ago and he's been with 3 girls so far.
You were so glad he was taking it much better than you were. You were happy he wasn't sitting at home eating tubs of ice cream and crying until 3am in the morning.
Sighing softly, you took Mina's hand wanting to leave the shop as soon as possible.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think he was gonna be here I thought—"
"It's okay Mina, really," you say giving her a smile. But she could see right through it. Your eyes told a different story.
She huffed but decided to not talk about it anymore. Instead she ranted about a new lipstick she saw saying that it would totally compliment her skin colour.
You tried to listen, you really did. But all you could think about was how quickly Kirishima moved on.
Had our relationship meant nothing to him?
Was it all just some...joke?
Did he really love you?
You thought about the first time he told you he loved you. It wasn't at some romantic park, with cherry blossoms fluttering gracefully beside you as he declared his undying love for you.
It was when you first moved in to your small cozy apartment. It was tiny, cheap and had lots of room for improvement. To other people it looked like a filthy shack with rusty windows. You and Kirishima weren't different, but you guys had put the time and effort into renovating and making it look like a tornado had just passed through.
After all your hard work on the first day, you and Eijirou slept on dirty mattress that were set up in the master bedroom and shared a thin blanket that could barely cover the both of you. It wasn't the best, but you two made it work. It until a few moments later when he whispered in your ear that he loved you.
"Y/n? Y/nnn," a voice says snapping you out of your thoughts. You come back to reality seeing a hand move up and down in front of your face.
"Huh? What? Oh, yeah that colour would suit you," you say hoping that she wouldn't catch on.
"Oh sweet little Y/n, I stopped talking about that a while ago, I asked you how you were holding up," she states. You don't need to ask what she was talking about, you already know.
"Well, I've watched at least 4 romcoms and have gone through 2 buckets of ice cream and well on my way on my 3rd one, so not good," you say finally opening up on your whole situation. You give her a sad smile.
"Damn, I'm sorry about the whole thing, I've been trying my best to try and cheer you up," she says.
"But it looks like it's not working, so what do you wanna do next?" she asks determined. You chuckle softly.
"Mina, that's sweet and all but I don't need you to cheer me up, I'm fine," you say putting on the mask again. You're not sure why, you opened up about how you were doing, she already knows, so why are you putting the wall up again.
"No, Y/n, you literally just opened up about how you were feeling you can't just back out now," she says like she just read your mind. You bite your lip anxiously.
"It's fine," you say quickly.
"No it's—"
"Mina, it's okay, I'm okay, I was exaggerating," you say, you look into her eyes. She doesn't believe you. You could practically feel the sympathy radiating off of her. That feeling of wanting to help.
You didn't need her help. You didn't need anyone's help. You were okay, you were fine. You could get through this by yourself and it would a cakewalk.
"Thank you though," you say gently grabbing her hand. Mina gets this doubtful look once again, but she chooses to ignore it.
"Okay...well I've got to go now! Me and Ochaco are baking muffins for the class reunion tomorrow!" she beamed excitedly. Your face drops.
You had forgotten about the class reunion. Wonderful, more chances to see Kirishima with making out with his new girlfriend. You wonder which girl he would bring in this time.
"You do know there's a class reunion tomorrow, right?" Mina asks raising a brow. You subconsciously nod your head.
"Yeah...yeah! Mhm, I remember, can't wait so excited!" You trying not to panic.
"Okay...well I'll see you there! Bye!" She says and you two part your ways.
You wave and sigh to yourself.
Eijirou had gone to live with Sero and Kaminari. So you had the apartment to yourself. He was still in the process of moving out so you had some of his items.
As you went to get ready, a scarlet red card had been poking out of Kirishima's drawer.
"Nope," you say to yourself, "Not even going to touch it, that's so disrespectful to go through his things like why would you even—"
With no self control whatsoever, you rip the card from the drawer and open it. Your eyes shot up as you read it.
Our one year anniversary.
You think back to where you and Eijirou had your 1 year anniversary date. July 29th. He took you out to watch a beautiful sunset, he even took the time to grab blankets and food. After the sunset you two laid and watched the stars.
You feel a certain ache in your heart. Deciding to ignore it, you put the letter onto his drawer and crawl under the covers of your bed. A million thoughts running around.
The next morning
"You're going! And that's that!" Mina says struggling to pull you off of the bed.
"No! I see them all the time why do I need to see them today?!" You yell clutching onto the sides of your bed.
"They're your class! We learned how to be heroes with them! Now c'mon! Even Bakugo's gonna be there!" She shouts and with one last tug, manages to rip you off of your bed.
"Fine," you give up, "Only because I wanna see Bakugo," you huff. Mina yells in delight and goes to get you ready.
At the party (30 min in)
You made your rounds to everyone. Said hi to every single person in the room, except Kirishima. You gave him a polite smile but decided to not go any further.
Only half an hour in and you already want to leave. You grab Mina's arm and ask if you guys could go yet.
"We just got here! Let loose, grab some drinks, have some fun~" she days wiggling her eyebrows. Gross.
You roll your eyes and went to catch up with Momo.
(3 and a half hours in)
You finally got your chance to speak with Bakugo. He was a good friend, didn't push you away. That's actually how you got closer to Kirishima, and eventually how you guys started dating. Through all of it Bakugo had been there to support your guys relationship.
As the night went by you can't help but miss your UA days. Everything was so simple back then. You feel tears sting your eyes but you quickly blink them away, not wanting to seem vulnerable.
You feel that same ache in your chest again.
"Heyo, Y/n! C'mere for a sec," a voice called out. You turn to see Denki standing along with Eijirou and Hanta. You raise a brow and gulp but walked towards them.
"Yeah?" You ask. Denki's eyes shift over to Kirishima's and he awkwardly coughs.
"I'll be right back," Eijirou says and walks away. You raise a brow at Denki.
"Uh," he laughs nervously, "One second, hey Kirishima! What the fuck?" He yells and runs after him. You eye Sero suspiciously but all he does is shrug.
"He still loves you, ya know," he says casually. Your breath hitches but you force yourself to stay calm.
"Does he actually?" your voice was quiet. Almost inaudible, but thank god Hanta's a good listener.
"Yep, just because he's with all these girls doesn't mean he's not over you, maybe that's just his coping method," Sero shrugs as you and him watch Denki and Eijirou yelling at each other.
With your last bit of hope you whisper something to yourself.
"Maybe," and with that you hunt down Kirishima.
"This way, nobody'll hear us and I feel like we should talk in private," you mumble leading Eijirou around. You suddenly stop and drop to the ground, signalling him to come sit with you. He sighs, but follows.
"Let's talk," you say shortly.
"What do we have to talk about? I mean I've moved on, you've moved on—"
"How do you know that?" You interrupt. That shuts him up.
Running a hand through your hair you sigh loudly. You open your mouth to say something but Kirishima beats you to it.
"Look, I won't lie to you, I'm not happy, and by the looks of it you're not either," he says. You don't let him finish.
"You're not happy? But you're with all these girls and—"
"Because I didn't know how to get over you!" He yells. Your eyes widened a bit and you fall silent. Kirishima breaths.
"You're...am amazing person Y/n, incredible, you treated me so well and were there with me when I wasn't at my peak," he confesses. You nod for him to keep going.
"And you were so special to me, and when we broke it off, that hurt, a lot actually, I didn't think anyone could have that effect on me," he says smiling slightly.
"But I'm here, to ask you, if we could get back together?"
That was the question you had feared all this time. Simply because you weren't sure, you loved Kiri, you had spent so much time together and really have gotten to know each other. But on the other hand...maybe you were better off just as friends.
"Kiri I...I love you and you're so special and dear to me but, I feel like we should stay as friends," you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. Your eyes immediately darted down to avoid his gaze.
"Please, just one more chance, one more chance and if it doesn't go well...I'll let you go," he sighs. You were overwhelmed.
"Look, there'll be other girls for you to date and get to know maybe if—" but you were cut off.
"I don't want those other girls Y/n, I only care about you,"
You didn't know why, but something about that line sparked that burning anger in your chest.
"Then why did you date those other people," You growled glaring at him slightly.
"Wha— to get over you!" He says raising his voice.
"Do you know how hard it was to lay in bed every night not having the person you love beside you?!" He screams. This makes you angrier.
"And you think that didn't happen to me? You think I just got over this whole breakup in one night? You think I don’t love you and get jealous every time I see you with those girls?!" You screech. Your minds blurry, all you can think about is fury, and yet you continue.
"Why don't you just go and make out with 15 girls to get over me huh?!" You shout with tears in your eyes.
"I can't keep kissing other people and pretend it’s you!” He yells. Your heart stops.
Suddenly, you can think clear. You can see clearer as well. You start to think straight and look at the situation properly. The burning feeling of fury starts to melt away.
"Eijirou..." you start but soon realize you can't finish that sentence. You look at him and find out he's crying as well. He takes a breathes before he speaks.
"Y/n...I don't know what I'd do without you," he states.
"And I'm sorry if I was being pushy, I'm sorry for a lot of things but I won't list them all out," he says chuckling a bit. You smile softly.
"I'm sorry as well, I should've seen the situation from your perspective," you murmur. It was then to realize, that you really do love Eijirou Kirishima. He really was the one.
"And I get if you don't want to get back together, I just thought I'd try but before I go, I just wanted to let you know that...you deserve so much better, you're a truly amazing person and any guy would be so lucky to have you, I just wish I was the one," he says smiling sadly.
Although you can't see it since he was turning away, you just know he was tearing up again. That's just how he's is, he's big softie. A softie that you won't let go.
"I truly do love you and wish you the best of luck in life," he says before turning to walk away. You panic and force your legs to move.
"Eijirou wait!" You say grabbing his arm. He turns around with hope in his eyes, that same sparkle that you've always loved. You smile softly.
"I'm willing to try again," you say. He gasps cutely before chuckling and picking you up to spin you around. He leans in for a kiss before hesitating.
"Can I ?" He asks. You giggle. Truly a gentleman.
You don't answer, instead you crash your lips onto his.
Through all of the tears, mistakes and downfalls, you two always seem to make it work out in the end. You push past those thoughts and pull him closer, glad to have him back.
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marshieee · 4 years
Y’all i almost forgot about this story of mine I’m also working on my another forgotten story of you being yamaguchi’s twin sister and having a cat and dog relationship with tsukishima. I also planning on making the “i wanna marry someone” as a text, but i guess it’ll take a while.
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Oikawa puffed his cheeks as he placed down his phone, doesn’t mean he has a lot of fans he can’t treat a girl right.
“I can treat a girl right, heck I’m gonna make her my queen, serve her and stuff”
He mumbles to himself. Maki and mattsun already saw oikawa’s distress face and litterally had a plan on teasing him as they look at eachother gosh talk about soulmate .
Oikawa did’nt brother to reply anymore he’s pretty sure that aj would just tease him. He looked outside the window and suddenly the thing that aj just mentioned to them suddenly pops up in his head.
“Flowers huh”
If that’s true, what flower do me and my soulmate share?
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“Do you literally need me?, just like you said you were born here so I’m pretty sure u basically KNOW the place”
It’s been a good half an hour since your cousin been ranting on picking you up from the station. You just rolled your eyes and pinched his sides.
“shut up we’re on the bus dumbass, and besides just so you know i was gone for years duh”
“You’re talking like you’ve been gone for enternity, literally nothing changed here since you left except some fee small shops closed and new ones started to open that’s it”
“So there’s still some changes kenji”
“Oh shut up you know what I’m talking about”
You just looked out the window, didn’t have any energy to argue with more like you don’t wanna argue with him since you’re both in the bus you can’t just freely shout at him like you two always do.
“Sejoh is still big as ever huh”
“Yeah so?”
“I’m not talking to you dimwit i was talking to myself”
The bus was now in the busy streets of miyagi, alot of students are now going home,some went to a family restaurant,some just sitting on the benches having good talks. You remember when you did that with your friends here in miyagi too, you can also see some exhausted adults going home from work.
“This place hasn’t changed at all”
“I told you so”
“Yeah yeah i know genius you don’t—“
Suddenly out of nowhere, for a split second you swore your vision was filled with glowing...
Out of nowhere you suddenly felt a wave of nostalgic feelings for a second.
“Hey, you ok?”
“Huh? A-ah yeah yeah I’m fine, i think i just got exhausted from traveling too far”
You closed your eyes and just placed your head on your cousin’s shoulder, futakuchi was confused at first but then just let you be.
Yeah maybe I’m just exhausted from traveling that i see hallucinations.
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After class
“Now that was boring”
“You’re just making excuses you literally didn’t even listened”
“Like i said cuz it was boring”
Aj stretched out her arms and got her bag, iwaizumi just scratched his head feeling frustrated.
“Awww don’t give me that kind of reaction iwa-chan I’ll eventually get it if you teach me”
“I’m not your teacher”
Aj looked at him from behind and smiled “but your much better than our teacher i learn a lot from you fyi”
Aj started to walk towards the back door again, iwaizumi following her from behind can’t help to have a small blush from what aj said to him. Oikawa was just waiting outside their classroom immediately saw them and smiled.
“Hey boo! Why didn’t you wait us outside?”
“I can’t wait here?”
“Your room is literally on the other side of the building oikawa, and it’s just beside the stairs”
“But i miss you iwa-chan~”
“Wanna die?”
“Now now as much i love to see some bloodshed around here i need this man to take me to the new ice cream shop so please don’t iwaizumi”
Oikawa stuck out his tounge and iwaizumi immediately choked him. Oikawa was tapping his shoulder furiously signaling him that he can’t breathe.
As if iwaizumi cares.
“What are you two doing? Come on i want ice cream”
Iwaizumi eventually let go of oikawa who almost faced death, they both started to follow aj.
“Sometimes i thought how could you be so violent at me”
Oikawa still gasping some air while massaging his neck. Iwaizumi looked at him and smirked.
“Because you deserve it, you look like someone who needs a good hard discipline”
“Ooooooh iwa-chan so kinky~”
“Oh no no i did not sir”
Aj stopped and turned around waiting for them to catch up, with a smirk on her face iwaizumi already know what she’s up to. Aj went in the middle of the two and looked at oikawa.
“How kinky iwa-chan, choking tooru and giving him a ‘good hard discipline’ “
“Please stop making it weird”
“Hahahahahaha shit iwaizumi your future meant to be will be so sore”
“Aj please, oi oikawa stop giving me that look!”
Aj looked at her side and saw oikawa giving iwaizumi the look of horror mixed with disgust, aj eventually laughed hard.
“Iwa-chan is that why?”
They were in the busy streets of miyagi, like per usual they always encounter few of oikawa’s fan that they have to literally stop and wait from the sidelines. Few girls were suspicious of aj thinking that she was oikawa’s girlfriend even tho oikawa and her explained to them that they’re just friends.
“That girl is the second bitchiest person i ever encountered last week the blonde girl is is still number one”
“Oikawa you really need to do something about that”
“Like what?”
“Like post something on your social media or something? You do have one right?”
“Yeah i—“
Out of nowhere his vision was filled with glowing sunflowers, but disappeared immediately. Too confused he didn’t noticed a pole and hits his head. Aj and iwaizumi who didn’t noticed that oikawa was lagging eventually turned around when the heard a loud pang.
Iwaizumi held his tummy while pointing at the pained oikawa, aj on the other hand is holding herself from laughing.
“Honey pffft are you o-ok? Pfft”
Aj went to oikawa holding her mouth to prevent her from laughing. She saw the red mark on his forehead and immediately turned around and giggled.
“Ah what show shittykawa, are you ok tho?”
Aj who eventually calmed down turned back at him while wiping her tears, still giggling at what happened.
“Yeah what happened boo?”
Oikawa was about to explain to them about what had happened but thought maybe they wouldn’t believe him instead he just gave a shrug and laughs it off
“I think i was too pre-occupied by volleyball I didn’t see where I’m going haha”
“Well honey be careful next time, we love seeing you this dumb but please be careful who knows what will happen next”
“Yeah she’s right”
Aj went to a vending machine and bout a small orange juice box, she grabbed oikawa’s hand and gave him the juice box
“Place that on your forehead, my treat”
“Thanks aj”
She just smiled, “now let’s go get my ice cream”
Oikawa bit his lips, he didn’t know what was that, hallucinations? Maybe and then again aj’s story came into his mind again.
“No that’s impossible” he scoffed.
“What’s that boo?”
“Ah nothing nothing let’s go”
There’s no way that’s true.....right?
Fun Fact:
*Aj usually don’t call Oikawa as oikawa, she calls him either tooru or boo or other pet names. She calls iwaizumi as iwaizumi,hajime or iwa-chan thank to oikaw.
*Oikawa has been in the same class with the two except now.
*Aj literally wanna fight any stubborn girl who keeps saying she’s oikawa’s gf.
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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Gone and Left Your World (Venable x reader (Part 1))
Okay, so I have a problem called I can’t write one-shots even though I try.  So I’m now doing another series even though I hadn’t finished my last. 
Story summary: You were going out with Venable before the apocalypse. Four years of your memory are gone and you’re now in the outpost with your Ex.
Warnings: Alcoholism (mentioned), cabalism (cuz that one scene) and a bit of smut.
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four
“…I never felt love.”
“Neither have I.”
Long ago, if you asked Venable, she may have answered differently. The world before the apocalypse was a different time. The world that surrounded the occupants of outpost 3 was simpler, everything drew down to two classes; the purples and the greys- the elite and the servants. The way it should have always been.  
The world before was complex, everything had too many variables. No order in the way the world worked and no justice. 
She thought she knew love, but it walked out on her. At first, she thought something had happened, that her lover had been kidnapped or worse. Trying to remain rational, she called your work to see if you had been sent on a last-minute business trip. It happened a lot that time of the year, someone couldn’t go, so they forced you to go in their place. Venable hated it, ranting about the company’s incompetence. You would stop packing, laid a kiss on her check and promised you would be back as soon as possible. The only plus side was when you made up for it when you got back a couple days later. 
They told her you hadn’t been in. 
No note left behind, and her partner’s ring was missing. There were no problems in your relationship- at least to Venables knowledge there weren’t. That didn’t stop you from leaving her in the broken remains of the woman she had become.
But now she knew she was wrong. You were there and she wanted to make your life a living hell. 
All the purples gasp. The purples whisper among themselves. Ms Mead was about to tell the new purple off when Ms Venable banged her cane against the ground silencing all. 
“It’s Ms Venable to you, Ms L/N,” Ms Venable corrected. “As you just arrive to outpost 3 and you may not have been made aware, you get a pass. Don’t do it again.” So much for going hard on you. She goes to sit down in her chair at the head of the table. “And next time, be to dinner on time. I’d hate to punish you.”
“Of course, Ms Venable, as you wish.”
You take your seat at the table. The other purples eyeing you before mumbling to the others. You jabbed your nutrition cube watching it jiggle. You let out a slight chuckle and poked it again. The other purples watched on. You were by no means the youngest at the table, two of the members were about eighteen (though it was hard to tell when you were all dressed in Victorian clothing) but at that moment you appeared the most immature out of all of them. You apologized for you childish sense of humour and when back to eating.
You slowly ate your cube, every so often glancing up to see Ms Venable staring directly at you. It didn’t sit right with you. How had she become the ruler of this outpost? You cursed your mind for the years you’ve forgotten. It was 2014 and then it was 2018 and you were alone in a shifty hotel room with no recollection of the last four years. 
Pssskkk. The man next to you got your attention. He had the whitest hair you had seen. He appeared to be in his early thirties.
“How do you know Venable?”
“I-I don’t know her,” you mumbled out shoving a forkful of cube in your mouth.
“So, you just happened to know her first name without meeting her, oh that makes perfect sense,” he said sarcastically. 
“L/N, what did you do before the end of the world?” Emily (the youngest female purple) asked. 
“I dabbled with everything; Acting, singing, I owned a company, was a personal assistant twice, physic and uh~ (dream job)”
“Geez overachiever much,” Coco said. At least you had worked a day in your life and not been handed everything on a golden platter like her. “Personal assistant? Shouldn’t you be a grey then?”
“I shouldn’t be here at all to be honest, let alone a purple. I have no clue why I was chosen.”
“Maybe it was something in your DNA, did you ever do a DNA test?”
“Nope.” You popped you p. “I’m (cultural background), that’s all that matters to me. I don’t care about ancestral background and all that.”
“You were a physic?”
“I was an apprentice working under Billie Dean Howard.”
“The chick who did tv shows going to haunted houses?” Mr Gallant asked. 
“Doesn’t she kind of look like Venable?” Timothy Campbell asked.
“She does.” Emily said.
“It’s probably just a coincidence.”
“I bet if they were on the same TV show, they would be played by the same actor.”
“Why would Venable be on a tv show? She’s too much of a-”
“I would choose your next words very carefully Ms St. Pierre Vanderbilt,” Venable threatened her hand clenching around the handle of a cane.
“Yes Ms Venable.” Coco drew her attention back to you. “Back to what you were saying Y/N.”
“Y-yes. I started as her assistant, organising her bookings and … other stuff,” you cleared your throat. “She saw potential, I got scared and I ran.”
“Saw a ghost?” Gallant joked.
“The dead doesn’t scare me Gallant, it’s the living you should watch out for,” you said with all the serious in the world. “The dead have nothing to lose. The living are playing the same game we are.”
“Which is?”
“Life.” You take a sip of your water staring down the person who asked the last question. “Don’t let me hog the conversation, someone else take the reins.”
The group changed the topic allowing you to go back to your meal. Ms Venable’s eyes were fixated to you the whole time as you spoke. You didn’t want to cause her any more trouble than you already had. She had all the power, if you wanted to stay alive you must learn to follow her rules, good thing you were used to that. 
Once Ms Venable finished, she dismissed everyone. 
“Ms L/N remain behind. I wish to speak to you.”
You gulped but complied. Some people gave you a look of sympathy as they walked past. “Ms Mead, I can handle this alone. You may attend to other duties.” Ms Mead left. 
“Ms Venable-”
“The house rules are simple. You will refer to me only as Ms Venable. You may never leave the building. If you wander out onto the grounds, you will not be allowed back in due to the danger of radiation contamination. You will take your chances with the canker pus monsters beyond the gates. And no unauthorized copulation of any kind, under any circumstances, no exceptions.”
Unauthorized? Who had to authorise it?
“Jesus, when was the last time she got laid?” her scowl deepens. “Shit, I said that aloud, didn’t I?”
“Profanity is also unacceptable. You’re an elite member of this outpost, act like it.” You thought she would scold you for talking back to her. “As you already know, you’ll find the evening wear on the left side of the armoire and we dress for dinner. Cocktails in the music room at 6:30. Be prompt. There’s no excuse for tardiness when there’s nothing else to do.”
Did she memorise this speech?
“Of course, Ms Venable. Is that all?”
She wanted to say more but held herself back. She dismissed you, watching you leave for cocktails in the music room with the others. 
Days blended, drawing out. Every mealtime went the same. You sat in silence occasionally looking around when something interesting was said or when you felt eyes burning into you. 
You spent your days pondering how you were an elite. Most paid their way to be where you were sitting, the two exceptions where the two who had the perfect genes. And there you were, a failed actor with a history of alcoholism was now a purple in outpost 3. Who did you eat out to score a place in your own living hell?
You were trapped in a place with your ex. You didn’t even know what you did to her to make her hate you. Did she hate you? It’s hard to tell with her, she treats everyone poorly. You couldn’t remember anything, and it killed you. Did you sleep with somebody else? Did you fight and then you stormed off and left things unsolved? You had to ask her but asking could lead to your downfall. She has the power to end you in an instant by giving a simple command but instead, she lets you roam around in her presence. It made no sense. 
You regret the countless nights downing anything that had the word alcohol on it. The only reason you could focus now was because your agent forced you to go to rehab to get your shit together. Somewhere along the line, you had forgotten what you did. You knew this was on you, she was perfect, how could you compare?
More days went on and the number of outpost residences dropped. Greys you once saw lined up during meals were now missing. 
Venable warned the outpost occupants that their supplies are meant for a few years and conditions must improve or options will be limited. Was this the limited options? Cut down the number of people to keep more resources. With some of the punishments you had seen in passing, it wouldn’t surprise you. Your Wilhelmina was long gone now. The woman left behind wasn’t one to mess with- not saying she was not to be messed with prior to the end times. 
A carrier pigeon arrived inside the perimeter carrying a message from their benefactors. Three outposts have been overrun, and they are the only ‘civilized’ people left. The rest are starving or dying (“There are no more governments. Only rotting mounds of corpses, too many to bury. Starving people kill for a piece of bread. Three outposts have been overrun. We are the last vestiges of civilized life on the planet. Be vigilant.”). Coco suggested we cook the pigeon, but it was contaminated by the fallout. You were all disappointed, something besides cubes sounded nice. A hot cooked meal, maybe a stew or Sunday roast. You hadn’t had a good one in years, the cubs pale in comparison to a home cooked meal.
“We will only survive if we follow the rules.” One of the guards came up to Venable and whispered something to her. “There’s a problem. We’ve detected a spike in the background radiation, centered in this room.”
“It’s her; she just came from the outside.” One of the purples pointed at you. You perked up at the accusation. What the fuck, Gallant!
The candles lighting the room began to flicker as though someone was poorly blowing them. No one noticed due to the high stress situation of someone being infected. 
“We never see her around and never talks, that’s pretty suspicious.” Stu supported what Gallant said with reasons as to why you could be the one.
“It wasn’t the pigeon?” You asked. Uh, right, she said it was centred in this room. The pigeon wouldn’t come anywhere near here. You began to panic, “I was cleared, Ms Mead cleared me herself and anyway, I have no reason to go out.”
“Maybe you wanted to talk to the dead, ghost girl.” Stu said.
“I wouldn’t have to leave to do that,” you growled. It was seen as a threat, but the walls housed the dead. The souls of young men screaming bloody murder. Dead long before the apocalypse. There were newer ones, since the bombs, men and women claiming they did nothing wrong.
“Place your hands on the table. And don’t move.” Ms Mead ordered. “Radioactive contamination is a grave risk to our entire community. The clean rule is there to protect all of us.” She scanned the purples as she explained how the contamination killed. A single stray gamma particle can cause skin lesions. DNA breaks apart, the body disintegrates making the person wish they died in the blast. “But someone here decided that their individual needs were more important.
Someone went outside. Touched something dirty. It makes me sick to think this person was selfish enough to risk contaminating all.”
Mead stopped at Mr Gallant. He claimed the only thing he touched was Coco’s hair, but she was clean. He was dragged off by two guards, his grandmother Evie along with a couple others yelled to bring him back. You held your breath, you were next to him, what if contaminated you too. As the machine was run across you, you prayed you were clean. Your eyes locked with the leader of the outpost. This was it; this was how she was going to get rid of you. Your eyes begged for help. She too held her breath. She bit her lower lip as the machine ran across you. It passed you and onto the person next to you. You both exhaled. Everyone’s attention was on the scanning, so no one noticed Venable’s reaction. 
It when off again on Stu (Andre Stevens partner). Andre vouched for him, saying he was with him all afternoon. They didn’t accept this, taking him off to wherever Gallant went. The lights became stable. Venable apologies for the inconvenience before telling you all to continue with dinner.
It didn’t hit you until later, when Gallant returned that they were the man two accusing you of being contaminated. Odd coincidence. 
The next night you were served your first hot meal you had been blessed with since showing up to the outpost. You were told it was chicken stew which happened to be one of your favourite meals back when you went out with Venable. Each week you would have one day that the two of you left a meal unplanned. As she had planned most of the week because your choices were too unhealthy, she let you pick the meal. It always fell on a Thursday; you never worked that day. She would chuckle when she called up to ask what you’d be making for dinner. You usually cooked due to her long hours. Your answer was always the same, chicken stew. She had to convince you to change the meat, braised beef, lamb, you once even had Kangaroo- your work sent you to Australia, the reason why was now long gone. 
“How could he be contaminated? Stu never went outside. He was with me most of the time.”
“Well, people do strange things when they’re stuck inside 24/7.”
“-I’ve started masturbating with my off hand.”
The group laughed. 
“Are you saying he deserved this?”
“I’m saying Stu was boring, and using up our food, and that lesions won’t work with my complexion.”
“Fuck you! I hope they come for you next.”
“Nobody’s coming for anyone,” Venable’s voice cut into the conversation. You straighten up. “Not unless you break the rules.” She moved to her spot to better address everyone at the table. “This is a difficult time for everyone. As a small consolation, we have a special treat.”
Plates were brought out with food covers onto them.
“No cubes tonight?”
“Enjoy the bonne bouche. Don’t get used to it.”
“You think bribing us with a hot meal just gonna make everything okay?”
“Oh, my God,” Coco said taking in a spoonful. “I think my mouth had an orgasm.”
You chuckled at her response, taking a scoop full. It tasted like nothing you’ve ever had. “What’s the meat?” Your voice wasn’t a loud, you were suppressed anyone heard you. 
“Chicken,” Venable answered you. 
“Tastes different then again I haven’t had chicken in years.” You had another mouthful. “Chicken stew used to be my favourite. Could have eaten it every day, but I was told it was too unhealthy to eat the same thing every day. Ironic now.” You glanced over to Ms Venable as you said that. She knew exactly who you were talking about. 
Instead of giving herself away in any form, she turned her attention back to the grieving man. 
“Andre, we’re not trying to bribe anyone, but there is something we all need to understand.
There is no “us” and “them.” We are in this together. No individual is greater than the group. We did what we had to do. This is quite simply a tragedy.” Venable responded to Andre before sitting down and starting her meal. She glanced up at you to get a glance at how much you were enjoying it. You catch her, offering her a quick smile.
“Where have you been hiding the fresh meat?” Good question, we don’t have generators almost everything is lit by candlelight. If they had this in hiding how did, they store it? Was it a livestock that was slaughtered before cooking?
You stopped eating the stew, peering down into it. Something was off. A voice warned you to stop. It didn’t belong to you but one of the houses. A male’s voice, familiar but you couldn’t pinpoint it. You didn’t call forth this voice, he actively sought you. 
“We have resources for special occasions.”
“I’ve never tasted anything like it.” So, it didn’t taste like chicken then? 
“It’s chicken,” Mead reiterated.
“That’s not a chicken bone,” Timothy said.
Two words you often been called by the elite members, ‘ghost girl’. You drop your spoon. Her breath halters. No~ It couldn’t be-
“Tell me this doesn’t look like a finger.” Andre gasped. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, this stew is Stu!”
Gallant spat out his mouthful into his bowl. Andre yelled. Majority of the purples, gagged and coughed, trying to get the food out of them. 
“Mallory, come here and stick your finger down my throat!”
You kept staring down at the dish before you. It tasted fine before you knew what it was. He was contaminated, they wouldn’t force you to eat him, right? Ms Venable was eating the stew; he couldn’t be in it unless he never was contaminated to begin with. 
“For heaven’s sake, don’t be ridiculous. There are lines that can never be crossed. Not eating people is of the first rank.”
“I don’t care what it is. It’s absolutely divine. And it’s full of fibre. I’m going to finish every drop.”
“You’re a monster. How could you keep eating? You knew what it was.”
“It was chicken, Andre. Delicious white-meat chicken.”
“Is it him?” Someone yelled at you. Andre. “Is it?”
“You’re a cannibal. You’re all cannibals!”
He stormed off, going to the community room. His mother and some of the occupants following him. You stayed at the table with Evie, Ms Venable and Ms Mead. 
It’s just chicken, good old-fashioned chicken. No human remains in it.
Your hand shook as you picked up your spoon. Your mind fought against your body. You shouldn’t eat it, it’s human. It didn’t help you could hear the man’s voice judging you. He’s just an idiot who dated some celebs kid, nothing more, you tried to convince yourself that it needed to happen. That his death wasn’t murder for the sake of the kill but to save the survivors. But you wouldn’t eat him, if that was the case. 
Your body won over; it craved a hot meal.
The screaming from elsewhere filling the silence. You weren’t enjoying the ambience, it only reminded you of what you were doing. You were forced to make small talk with the eldest member of the outpost. She told you some stories about her life and some of the famous people she knew.
“But you know famous people too- uh~ that Bill Howie or something.”
“Billie Dean Howard,” You corrected. “It’s not really that impressive. You knew the president after all. Me knowing some medium is lame compared to that.”
“You said you were her assistant? What did you do?”
“I already told you the group this.” She wanted for you to answer still. You rolled your eyes. “Normal assistant stuff; organised her bookings, clients. It was her early days so there wasn’t really much to manage. She was a craigslist physic at the time, the fact that she hired me was bizarre.” Why did she hire you? Uh yeah, she saw ‘potential’ in you. Telling any young woman in the suggestive way she did, was bound to make you believe anything. Yes, you did have ‘potential’ but that came along after your time with her. It was her way to get you into bed with her, and it worked. You liked her but she didn’t like you back- at least not in the way you did. The apprenticeship only lasted a couple of weeks before you called it off. You felt crazy, talking to voices others couldn’t hear, seeing things people couldn’t see. It’s normal now. The alcohol stopped it for a bit, relaxed you. For a brief time, you were normal. Now, you were the ghost girl, whether they believed you or not didn’t concern you. You only had to look out for yourself. “I-I don’t want to talk about it.”
Venable was watching you, Evie noticed it too but said nothing. She was bound to tell the other’s later. They were no doubt they were talking about you behind your back. They’re aware that you know Ms Venable, they were most likely theorising how. 
She appeared more pissed than normal. Her scowl could only mean bad news. She pieced together why you didn’t wish to speak about the woman. You had known the woman before her and had met her since you left her. You mentioned her in passing but always held back, knowing that if you slipped out that you had ‘relations’ with the woman it would lead to a jealous Mina. The thought of that scared you. 
Later that night, a grey came up to you notifying you that Ms Venable wanted to see you in her office before bed curfew. You excuse yourself from the excited purples from raving on about how they were going to be rescued because the song in the common room changed. It wouldn’t surprise you if that was another sick joke from the head offs.
You knocked on Ms Venable’s door. The only noise behind the door was her cane against the wooden flooring. She was doing that to scare you. She knew how to walk with it silently. The door swung open revealing the woman in black. You will never get used to seeing this woman wearing black. She looked great in it, but it wasn’t her signature purple. Another commonality among you, you both loved the colour purple. You didn’t obsess over it as much as her, but you found it adorable that she did- you would never tell her that.
Before you could say a word, you were pulled into the room and slammed into the now closed door. Her hands clenched the fabric of your bodice. Her body pressed close to yours. You could feel the heat building up in your body. 
“Ms-” you breathed out. 
“Don’t talk,” she hissed out. Her left-hand glides down your front, moving to your side, disconnecting from your body briefly to flip the lock on the door. “Don’t move without an order. And most importantly don’t make any noise,” her voice was laced in sex. 
She smashed her lips against yours, biting your lip, forcing you to open your mouth. Her tongue fought for dominance and yours, in too much of a state of shock, you allowed her to do whatever she pleased. Her left-hand bruising grip held you against the door, her other slowly gathered the fabric of your dress. Her hand slipped the material of your dress and felt its way up, running up your thigh. She moved her way to your neck. Instinctively, you tilted it to the side allowing her more room to work. Not caring that you could have to spend the next few days hiding love bites. You fought back a moan. Your body became more squeamish as you had to fight against every urge you had. Her hand reached where you needed her most. You whimpered causing her to smirk. 
“Your mine. Your always were and you always will be, got that? Some blonde skank isn’t going to take you away from me. Not now, not ever.”
You nodded. She ran her hand over the fabric of your core, stopping roughly where the clit was. She began rubbing the area. Your head flew into the crevice of her neck using her body to stifle your moans. 
She revivals in how easy you are for her. 
Ignoring the Victorian clothing and the unfamiliar location, it was like old times. Everything reminded you of the past. Her touch managed to be rough yet loving. It wasn’t like your past partners, where they used you, there was something in it for the both of you. How wrong was it to think of another as the only woman who could ever hold your heart touched you intimately?
The candles begin to flicker. The air began to feel colder against your skin. 
You removed your head from her neck, staring at the back wall. 
“M-Ms V-Vena-” Your managed out. 
“What did I saw about talking?”
“Some-thing’s wron-” Your hand’s fly up to her chest to push her away.
A sudden gush of air blew out all the candles in the office, leaving the two in pitch black. Her grip on you loosened causing to slip to the floor smashing your head against the ground. 
You laid on a single bed, a hand stroking your hair gently. A calm voice muttering above you. You rested your head on someone’s lap. There were others in the room fast asleep. You choked back sobs trying not to wake the other girls.
 “Maybe we should go downstairs and make you some tea?” The voice offered. You could tell this was a routine. Sleepless nights, crying, being comforted and then tea in the kitchen until you collapse from exhaustion. Rise and repeat. You nod meekly. You felt yourself get dragged along until you are sat at a circular table with a tea in front of you. You didn’t touch it. You never do. 
 The woman, it’s the first time you saw her face, sighed and took a sip of her drink.
 Blonde hair that waved down past her shoulders. She adjusted her black nightgown, covering a part of her chest that had been slightly exposed. She was a sight for sore eyes. Your eyes were sore, worn out from what you the days you’d remained awake.  
 “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you can’t keep doing this to yourself. You’re wearing yourself out.”
 “It’s fi-”
 “You haven’t slept in three days; your class attendance and participation has slipped and whatever I’ve tried to help you relax hasn’t worked. I’m running out of ideas to help you y/n. I’m running on little sleep myself.”
 “Go to bed then, the coven needs you-”
 “-and so, do you.” She cut in. “Is it your powers that’s worrying you?”
 You had concerns about your abilities. They were abnormal- at least they were to you. Who wanted to be associated with the dead? The dead were alive in your mind, you could see them. Their souls called out to you and sometimes you talked back. You were learning to filter the noise. It was tiring work but that’s not what’s keeping you up at night. 
 “Indirectly, I guess,” you fiddled with your engagement ring. Her eyes follow your movement. She let out a simple “oh”. “I’m alright, just give me a moment.” You always said this. A moment isn’t meant to last forever but your feelings had. 
 “I know I might sound stupid for asking but would you like to try to sleep in my bedroom instead of yours. You won’t have to fear waking up other girls.”
 “I don’t know, Cordelia.”
 “My bed is more comfortable, and it means I can be close in case you need me.”
 “Alright,” you sighed. 
 “That’s my girl.”
You found yourself alone in your bed still fully dressed from dinner last night. You ran your hand over your face, letting it drag on until it reached your chest. You’d dreamed it, of course you did. You were horny from not getting laid in months. Your hand tugged on the chain of your necklace. It was hidden fairly well under all your attire. Attached to the chain was a very important possession of yours. A ring. You clench it tight, place a kiss on the stone and tuck it back away. 
Who was the blonde your saw? Whatever her name was knew you well enough and, in the moment, you knew her well too. It couldn’t be real; you would remember a woman like that. 
There was a knock on your door. A grey stood there, Mallory, the grey Coco loved to order around. She snapped you out of your train of thought. She asked if she could come in. She held a tray of water along with something in a small box. You widened the door, before moving back to your bed. 
“Ms Venable asked me to check up on you and deliver you some water.”
“From what I heard from the other greys, you passed out in her office.”
You were there?
“Thanks Mallory.” She put the box on a bed-side table and headed towards the door. You called out her name, causing her to turn around. You were going to ask her something, but you forgot halfway through, “Eh~ Keep yourself safe, okay?”
“I will, Ms l/n.”
“It’s Y/n,” you corrected. She was the first person you had given your first name too here. The others never bothered to ask, instead opting for your surname or the nickname one for them gave you. 
She smiled before leaving you to your thoughts. One day you might grow closer to the others (if they aren’t concerned by your ‘ghost girl’ status) but for now, you had to calm down from that steamy session you possibly made up.
Next Part Link :)
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ze-crow-club · 4 years
👑 Malec
Thank you! 💕
👑 Mini rant about Malec:
(Note, this is unedited) Ok so Malec is one of my favorite ships of all time! when I first read COB, I thought that Magnus would be one of those minor characters that would show up in one book never to be seen again. Little did I know.... And now he’s one of my favorite characters of all time! I mean the glitter, dry humor, pizzaz, kindness, and just generally being a bisexual icon, what’s not to love!?!?! And then we have Alec, who I didn’t particularly like in tmi, I mean, he was always so uptight, stuck to the rules, and hated Clary! Now he’s ICONIC and we love the chaotic gay energy 😁 Plus, he’s an INCREDIBLE cousul and he’s done so much for the downworld community and LGBTQ shadowhunters, HUGE GLOW UP!!! So Alec the amazing + Magnus the magnificent = the most chaotic, loving, hilarious, and just all round incredible ship ever. I mean can we just talk about how nervous they were in trsom?!?! They were so terrified to show their feelings toward each other and now here were are after tlbotw and those guys have 2 kids, whom they parent really well! And on that note: MAX AND RAFE ARE THE CUTEST CHILDREN IN EXISTENCE AND MALEC ARE THE BEST DADS EXCEPT FOR MAYBE JULIAN BLACKTHORN I SAID WHAT I SAID. *deep calming breath* Ok, and the breakup scene in the 5th book of tmi was HEARTBREAKINGGGGG omg I was an emotional wreck by the end of that story! I almost threw my kindle, I was that enraged! Cassie can’t just treat my babies like that! They deserve a happily ever after so much! But yeah, I can just imagine Magnus conjuring a bunch of parenting books, and alec reading them nonstop because you know how much he loves rules and planning. And then Magnus has to pry the book from his hands and tell Alec what an amazing dad he is and that he should never worry about parenting their kids and omg i’m getting emotional just thinking about it! ahh I need a scene like thissssss (mental note to write one later) All right and now I really should do my homework so I’m gonna stop here, but there’s plenty more to talk about 😁
👀 First impression of you:
Fun story: so I actually found out about your account through tag games, and I followed you because I thought your content was neat. I thought you were a super nice, unbelievably cool person, which I was totally right about. I was also startled by what a hard-core Drarry shipper you are, but now I've gotten used to all the amazing content you put on my dash.
❤️ aggressive compliment
(sorry that was terrible, I’ve never given anyone an aggressive compliment before lmao)
🍍a bunch of emojis I would use to describe you/associate with you:
⚡️- because Harry Potter *shrug*
🐍- only because you post a lot of drarry content so I associate the Slytherin mascot with you
😍- You’re just “WOW!”
💖- you just seem like a sparkly pink heart cuz you’re sweet, lovable and unique
🌸- it looks like your header
💧- your name just sounds like water/rain to me for some reason
Thank you so much for celebrating with me! 💕
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krinsbez · 3 years
Work Stories
Three from this week (different days, thank G-D). Here’s the first.
-This guy comes in and wants to place a sizable order. But, also he tells me his sister is going to being placing an order on the phone. He wants them on the same name, and plans to take them both, but packed separately. I take his order, tel him it will take about 15-20 minutes.
-Things immediately go completely insane; phones ringing off the hook, an online order every five seconds until we closed them, even a couple walk-ins. We are now looking at wait times of least forty minutes.
-He comes back, says he wants me to throw in some extra sauces. I change the ticket.
-His brother-in-law calls, makes an order, includes extra sauces. I tell him it’s gonna take considerably longer than anticipated
-Guy comes back. I am on the phone, and have four people on hold, one of whom is our phone-service person who answers calls when I can’t. He wants me to add his brother-in-law’s sauces to that order. When I have chance I tell him I’ve already got them. He declares that no, I don’t understand; he didn’t mean the sauces I added to his order, he means the ones his brother-in-law wanted. I tell him, that yes, that’s what I was talking about. He repeats himself. I have to explain that this has been taken care of three times before he gets it. He decides to add some other stuff to his order.
-When the order was originally supposed to be ready, the guy shows up. I am on the phone again with a different customers, have four different people on hold. I have four guys behind me all working on preparing orders. There are three delivery guys waiting to take orders. He demands his order. In between trying to deal with all the calls, I explain that owing to all of this, wait times are longer. He is outraged that the food is not ready by the time I initially gave him, and complains about it EVERY. FIVE. SECONDS.
-Meanwhile, while I’m trying to explain to people on the phone that the wait time is estimated at forty minutes and no, I cannot make an exception in their case, then pick up the next line and say the same to the next person, etc. Plus of course, taking orders from people who decide they’re OK with this (or who say they’re OK with it, but then change their minds after placing the order when I give them a time). Needless to say, this guy’s harping makes this much harder.
-In order to make the guy shut up and leave me alone, I offer to give him a gift card. It works.
-The rest of the day, and part of the next, my co-workers berate me for giving the guy a gift card.
Here’s the second:
-It was supposed to be my day off. But we’d had a big group order scheduled, and the assistant manager couldn’t come in, and we couldn’t afford to have both of us out, so I came in anyways, half-an-hour early, even.
-The procedure is as follows; a week before, on social media, and several local group chats, it was announced that on *Day* we would be delivering orders to a single location in that area. People were to place their orders by a certain time on the day via e-mailing my boss, he’d send them to me via WhatsApp, I’d make a ticket, and then we’d call them to confirm, take payment, and brief them on the details. Two of these were placed over the previous week. Another eleven were placed on the day itself. All of them were sizable, several of them had modifications to specific items or ambiguous language that took extra time to deal with. Despite coming in half an hour earlier than I usually do (which is 45 minutes before official opening), and spending the entire time working on this (my usual pre-opening tasks were either done by my boss or not done at all), I didn’t get finished until an hour and a half after official opening. Granted, that’s partially because the morning was completely insane with tons of orders starting fifteen minutes before official opening. Still, things calmed down in time for me to grab a quick lunch before we had to start working on the big order.
-Please note that we’ve done a bunch of these by now, and we’ve got it down to a science. Online orders are closed. Delivery services are paused. We inform all callers and walk-ins that we will not be able take any orders until this is done, which we expected to be two hours. Still, there’s always at least one customer who refuses to accept this, but we are used to dealing with them by now.
-Now, before I go on, I must explain that we have a lunch special, which is smaller versions of certain items on our menu for a smaller price with certain free or reduced price sides. We don’t take them after a certain time, for pickup no later than half an hour after that; in special cases, an hour, but it always causes problems in the kitchen when we do that. Said time happens to be five minutes after we shut everything down.
-The customary customer who insists on placing an order anyway calls.  After much ranting, he finally accepts that I cannot be bullied into letting him place an order for until after the big order is done. So, he accepts my offer to let him place an order for after. But, he insists on it being a lunch order, despite the deadline to place them being in five minutes (well, five minutes after we started the call; by now it’s several minutes after) and the the deadline to pick them up being an hour before we allow pickups. Another fight ensues. My boss, who is helping with the big order, tells me to tell him we’ll let him do a lunch order, because we don’t have time to waste on arguing with him, and also because he can see I’m reaching the end of my rope from hearing my end of the conversation.
-He then spent the remainder of the day repeatedly telling me that I was a trouper for keeping my cool with the guy, commenting on what an asshole the guy was, googling him so he can not only ban the guy from our restaurant going forward, but also calling the owners of other restaurants in town to get him banned from them as well, asking the kitchen to make sure that his lunch order was as small as we can get away with, and when I realized that we might’ve made a mistake in said order, told us not to worry about it, cuz fuck that guy.
-Be aware; I cannot understate how pissed off he had to be to inspire such a reaction, because my boss is one of the nicest, friendliest, most easy-going guys I know, and usually he eats, sleeps, lives, and breathes making customers happy.
Here’s the third:
-We’re having a bit of a rush, and I’m taking an order over the phone, with another on hold and two customers in the store waiting to place orders, and the ticket for another (much later) order not put up yet because I haven’t had the chance. Order is just about done, I’m about to ask whether he would prefer to pay over the phone now or when he comes into the store...and he asks me which he should do. I tell him that, right at this minute, given all the other customers waiting for me to be finished taking this order so I can take theirs, it’d be easier for us if he’d pay when he picks up. His response: “OK, I’ll pay over the phone now“.
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