#rather than a plushie or a doll. Something for me to keep in mind!
ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
In fact, something that always caught my attention is that the wmmap merch always focuses on the same 4 as always: Athy, Claude, Lucas and Ijekiel but never on jennette, Anas or Roger...
It's not that I'm complaining, the more Athy merch I have the better for me (besides, Anas and Roger are very irrelevant to me, not hate just irrelevant) and I prefer a thousand times more to have Lucas, Ijekiel and even Claude merch than the others ( although I wouldn't mind having something more from Lily, Felix or Diana) but i'm surprise there isn't so much of the others... Is it because Athy, Claude, Lucas and Ijekiel are the most popular? (well Athy and Claude are the mc after all, it makes sense in their case i guess) Anyways I think it would make sense to focus the merch on the most beloved characters rather than on the less-loved ones... so not complaining xd
I mostly agree with your impression that Athy, Lucas and Claude take all the merch, but I don't think Ijekiel gets nearly as much. As individual merch of his (not counting prints of panels because those are really low-effort to make and all characters get some), I think he has... a small magnet, a pin and a clear file? Sure, that's better than the rest of the cast, but nothing compared to lucathy + Claude (who get multiple standees, clear files, magnets, pins, cushions, dolls, manjuu plushies, perfumes, stamps, badges, stickers, glass display thingies, dakimakuras, keychains, and a long etc. Seriously, just search "merch" on my blog).
As someone who casually collects some merch, I keep an eye on reselling sites, and oh boy. First thing to notice, the chinese market makes way more merch than the korean one, and moves way more money. That merch is always of Athy, Claude and Lucas because they are super popular with chinese readers (and wmmap itself is big in China). That seems to be the general opinion everywhere, but in China the gap between them and the other characters is way bigger. Wmmap's weibo tag is literally just lucathy and Claude. In months I have seen like 3 Ijekiel posts, I'm not joking.
Secondly, it's easy to gauge popularity seeing what merch gets sold first, what prices they are listed as, and what people ask for on social media. Let me tell you, it's almost impossible to get the more sought-after Lucas merch, it's gone in an instant. And it can get really, really expensive. Thinking about it, Lucas fans are the most dedicated for sure. I have seen a lot of pictures of people buying dozens of Lucas manjuu plushies. Like, worth 100 USD or more. And people are always asking for Lucas merch. Same thing with shared boxes, the Lucas merch from the limited volumes always gets claimed first. Athy and Claude also have a ton of dedicated collectors, but I think Lucas has an edge over them. As a side note, the fan-made merch also follows this trend. Lucas and Athy get plushies, prints, stickers, pins, bookmarks, even the rare published doujins, Claude following them behind.
As to why Athy, Lucas and Claude get so much merch compared to the rest of the cast... Is it really that surprising? They have always been the fan favorites ever since the novel days. Companies make merch they believe it's going to sell, they know their markets. Maybe it can seem a little unfair that other characters don't get more stuff, but think about it from their POV. Are there hundreds of, say, Anastasius, Felix or even Jennette fans that justify making merch? Most likely not. Now, why they aren't as popular I wouldn't be able to tell you. Being secondary characters is a big reason, but plot-relevancy and the public's reception of their characters are probably important factors as well, and I don't have an objective answer to that.
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
The Greatest Show
Fandom: Resident Evil 8: Village
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Rating: G
Summary: Donna and Angie attempt to cheer Reader up after a bad day.
Notes: A little bit of domesticity and comfort from our resident dollmaker. Yes, Reader is still a servant in the house while also being her partner -- because why not HAHAHA. Just thought this would be a fun silly thing to write.
This day was not going the way you thought it would. Well, that was putting it nicely -- this day was going to shit.
It was bad enough that you had a hard time falling asleep last night and woke up in a sour mood, but then you had an argument with a new vendor at the village who not only exclaimed that there was no new shipment of vegetables that morning, but also had the gall to try and throw you out of the store under virtue that they "didn't want the freak servants of one of the freak lords tainting their good establishment." The fucking nerve!
When you got back to the manor empty-handed, fuming but attempting to prepare lunch (sans vegetables), you accidentally burned your hand on the hot stove. As if that wasn't bad enough, when you jumped back in pain, you knocked over a few plates onto the floor and had to clean all that up too. You had to complete all your other chores with just one usable hand, the other one wrapped in a loose bandage. Fantastic.
You wanted to scream. Just let out a long scream to let the frustration out.
But you didn't. You couldn't. You still had other things to do, and you weren't going to let a few setbacks ruin it all. You went about your day as usual -- or at least you tried to, because you didn't quite notice how you would grip onto cups a little tighter, with your jaw set and locked as your grit your teeth, and had a perpetual furrow in your brow that worried Donna and Angie.
"What's up with them?" the doll muttered as she watched you slam a tray down in the kitchen when you thought no one else was around.
Donna didn't reply, only looking at the tension you held in your posture -- like you were set to burst with just one wrong move.
Your thoughts were consumed with tasks to perform for the rest of the day, chanting "Just get through it, you'll be fine" over and over in your head like a mantra. You didn't want to worry Donna over such trivial matters. This was just one bad day. You were better than this! You could do this. Just get through it. Just push! Just do it!
It was close to evening when you found your last task for the day before supper: Tidying up the library. Maybe you'll see Donna and Angie there and they could help lift your spirits. Finally, something to look forward to! Angie would probably make some quip about your bandaged hand, and Donna would be winding down on the couch and picking out a movie to watch after supper while you could talk about something to take your mind off the stress. But when you were greeted with a dark and empty space, neither of them in sight, you only sighed in disappointment.
Just get through it, you'll be fine.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and blinked away the blurriness in your eyes, picking up the duster in the corner.
Just get through it, you'll be fine.
You looked up at the clock. Half an hour until supper. Right on time. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and headed for the kitchen.
You were already going through the menu in your head when you felt an insistent force collide onto your chest, nearly knocking you over.
Donna wasn't with her, and didn't seem to be anywhere nearby either. She was merely floating on her own. "Y/N, just the person I'm lookin' for! Come on, I gotta show you something!" She seemed rather urgent and excited at the same time. What was she planning now?
She took your uninjured hand and started pulling.
"Wait, but I have to get ready for supper--”
"Supper schmupper, this is way more important!"
Angie dragged you by the pant leg to the living room, leaving you no choice but to hop along and follow. There, you saw a table laying on its side covered in a shiny silky cloth, obscuring your view of what or who could be behind it. You could just barely see a familiar veil-clad head crouching underneath. Before you could ask, she yelled at you to sit down on the short stool in front of the set up.
"Angie, what's going on?"
"You'll see, I promise. Now be quiet, the show's about to start!"
With that, she waddled away behind the table, seemingly greeted by a chorus of soft giggles. You tucked your knees close to your chest and waited for the commotion to settle down... whatever this was. You were used to Angie's antics at this point, but what kind of show was she talking--
Suddenly, three puppets dressed like the lords popped up from behind the table, with another one looking like a smaller replica of Angie. They all had cutesy and somewhat exaggerated features, completely made out of felt, cloth, and stuffing. Like plushies.
What the...?
"Don't be sad, Y/N!" they said in unison, their voices remarkably similar to each respective lord, if not much higher in pitch.
"Welcome to the village, we're so glad you're here! Turn that frown upside down and give us a cheer!" they sang, each of the dolls moving along to the beat they made.
"Donna, Angie, w-what..." you started, but they kept singing. You weren't quite sure who exactly might be providing these voices -- the dolls themselves, maybe even Donna -- but you were getting more and more amused by the second.
After their short number, introducing each lord to you (Big Sister Dimi, Mr. Heisenberg, Moreau the Fish Man, and Angie, as you recall), they proceeded with the show proper. Apparently that song wasn't all the two of them had up their sleeves.
"Okay, everyone! We have something very important to do!" the doll that looked like Angie spoke up (probably played by Angie herself) "How do we cheer up a loved one?"
"A loved one?" Doll-Moreau repeated.
"Yes! When someone we care about is sad, we should help in any way we can to cheer them up, right?"
"Right!" Doll-Dimitrescu agreed.
You felt a small smile start to crack your facade. Was this all for you?
"But how do we do that?" Doll-Heisenberg chimed in.
"Well what are things that they like? What makes them happy?" Doll-Moreau asked, who turned to Doll-Angie.
"They like cookies! Chocolate chip are their favorite!"
As if on cue, you felt something tug on your leg, and you looked down to see a porcelain doll in a sailor suit lifting up a plate of cookies to you, littered with chunks of chocolate in the dough. "Thank you," you said softly, giving the little one a gentle pat on the head before they ran off back behind the table. You placed the plate on your lap and started to nibble on one as the show went on.
"What else can we do to make them happy?"
"They also like tea with their cookies!"
You could just barely hear someone whisper "Tea? Ew, why not milk?" before they were swiftly hushed. On cue again, another doll emerged with a cup of hot tea for you. You whispered another thanks before they went back, taking a sip of your drink.
"We can sing their favorite songs!" Doll-Heisenberg started trying to sing before Doll-Dimitrescu interfered with a swift knock to his head. "Not with your voice, you can't."
That was a little mean, but you couldn't help but laugh anyway. You would've choked on your tea if you had been drinking it still.
"Why don't we ask them?" Doll-Angie said, turning to face the audience -- you. "What would make you happy, Y/N?"
The smile on your face only widened, tapping a finger on your chin as you made a show of thinking deeply. Might as well play along if they put in so much effort. "Well, what would make me happy is to have my lovely girlfriend here to share these cookies with."
"You heard 'em, Donna, get over there!" The real Angie peeped from behind the table, with the puppet lords cheering on as well as she emerged from her hiding place. You didn't even need to see under her veil to know she was blushing madly at the attention, even though it was just you and the dolls in her company right now.
You moved the plate of cookies from your lap to make room for her. "Y/N..." she was about to protest, and you pouted in response, giving your best puppy dog impression and opening your arms. "I thought you wanted to cheer me up, love?"
With a sigh and a shake of her head, she settled herself on your lap, your arms wrapped around her waist to keep her steady. You looked up at her fondly and pulled her against you -- it suddenly felt like the day's worries had melted away, and all that mattered was having the woman you loved so close to you. That in itself was a great comfort.
Angie seemed to have taken the reins now, the show getting louder and more chaotic as it went on -- the dialogue was reminiscent of the banter you had with her, and some jokes were made at the expense of the other lords (and sometimes Donna), much to her embarrassment. You rested your chin on her shoulder and couldn't help but laugh along.
"I'm glad you're feeling better," Donna whispered, tilting her head slightly to look at you.
"You... noticed then?" Your shoulders sagged, head weighing heavier onto hers, feeling like you wanted to hide.
"I did. It was a little hard not to." She gently took your bandaged hand in hers, pressing a tender kiss onto it. "But I didn't want to stand by and not do something about it, so... I hope this was okay."
You felt your heart swell with affection for her -- when did you get so lucky to have such a thoughtful woman by your side? "More than okay. This was very sweet of you and Angie."
A moment passed before Donna spoke again, "I just want you to know that... if there's anything you want to talk about, anything at all, know that I'm here for you, love. Always."
You could almost feel a tear come to your eye at that, "I'll keep that in mind."
You caught a glimpse of her smile at this angle, "You know I'd do anything to see you happy."
And she could see yours, "You already do."
(After learning of the existence of these "lord puppets", it became a game between you and Angie to hide them in plain sight whenever each lord would come visit the estate and bet on how long it took for them to notice it.
Lord Heisenberg almost never seemed to see his -- you weren't sure if he just didn't care to look around, or found it once and opted to ignore it, muttering something about it being "creepy".
Lord Moreau took a while to find his too, but when he did, you couldn't forget the look of joy and flattery on his face. It was quite adorable, and it turned to how quickly he could find the doll in a new room instead.
Lady Dimitrescu never visited, but when you and Donna went over to her castle, you always made sure to bring it with you. You would catch her daughters trying to hide their snickers when you would just stand around carrying the doll like Donna did with Angie, but whenever the lady tried to find out why, she never thought to look at you to see the commotion. Your girlfriend sometimes scolded you for it, but Angie always had a high five ready for you at the end of every visit.)
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aeempress · 3 years
Apritello Express Evidences, part 3
Apritello, my dear friends, is really all hints, devil in details, little pieces that, in the end, become a huge picture.
I can't say that there are a lot of episodes with April and Donnie spending quality time together, no. But all episodes are important to understand how their relationship are involving, growing. If you have sharp eyes and think about all of this even a little bit, you will be surprised how gracefully their relationship changes and grows, how characters evolve.
Dear passengers, we're about to start. Mind the gap!
Episodes “The Gumbus” and “Mrs. Cuddles”. 
I think it would be appropriate to analyze these episodes in bunch, because they have common situations of spooky supernatural stuff and reactions of characters to this.
When you watch these two eps in raw, it's easy to see how alike are reactions of Donnie and April in some scary, really odd situations. 
Adrenaline ‘n’ reclessness
April is really into all spooky things in “The Gumbus”, she's not afraid of some creepy stuff and she's really brave girl who easily copes with stressful and life-threatening situations.
Donnie is incredibly calm and collected when alive doll talked to him.
But still, April was frightened about plush rabbit because it was really unexpected for girl, she wasn’t ready to realize that plush doll that she’d worked with is alive fear-eating monster who will hurt and intimidate to get their precious screams. But point remains: Donnie and April share crazy fearlessness, which turns into an adrenaline addiction.
And here I am, a science guy, who tell you: adrenaline is a big deal for our body. This hormone can even provoke an onset of romantic feelings. Chemistry and anatomy come to fill the gaps: when a person is afraid, their pulse quickens, a cocktail of hormones is releasing into the blood, which sharpen the senses and reflexes. It will create a strong emotional bound, that's important for maintaining romantic kind of feelings. The more impressions there are (even negative ones), the higher the chance that person will remember his|her partner, and want to see them again – the body gets hooked on adrenaline, like a drug.
That’s why D&A have so strong, unshakeable boundaries. They are so alike: their attitude to scary things, the way Donnie and April cope with them, the adrenaline addiction their share. They even express feelings the same way.
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And one tiny detail: April and Donnie start the teasing Raph for his fear of mrs. Cuddles. So they become the first victims of plushie.
Friendly reminder: they were the 1st victims, and what’s happened with them we don’t know, because it wasn’t shown due to not ruin the atmosphere of suspense.
But we have a beautiful quote of mrs. Cuddles and this precious shot which explain everything
Raph: Where’s Donnie?
Cuddles: In a happy place where he’ll scream and I can grow forever and now you’re gonna join him!
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In a happy place, huh? Tied up with April in Splinter’s bedroom, a really happy place. Hold a sec, are they -
And after that Donnie’s responding is killing me.
Donnie:[OS] I'm afraid of togetherness.
Yep. All normal here. We should continue.
"Operation Normal" even though doesn't show a lot of interactions between April and Donnie, however continues the general outline highlighting the topics that were mentioned earlier in the show.
Firstly, April's relationship with her classmates. We're able to see how poor her scholar life is in "Hypno Part Deux" and "The Purple Jacket". She has no "normal", human friends except some strange remora guy, more like acquaintance than friend, though. But still, having "be normal" kick she's fine with Donnie's weirdness ( Mikey is always beyond all normal comprehension, Raph goes weird while he's alone, without brothers, and his fear of miss Cuddles is no big deal to fam, Leo didn't show any weird stuff during the series, like, reeeeal weird, m'kay?).
Conversation between April and Donnie at pizza spot
Really interesting and smooth scene. We’ve got Donatello who stares at April while he’s waiting his favourite pizza, no big deal.
And his legs.
If a person is interested in you, during a conversation, they will put their right foot forward (a left-handed person is more likely to put their left foot forward) in order to close the distance between you. - Check.
being in company, peson will point the sock at the most pleasant interlocutor for them. - check.
April’s legs are ponted at Donnie. Checkmate.
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Yeah, April is hanging out with Donatello and Leonardo, but the main focus of hers is on Donnie. 
All these scene makes me think that Donnie, knowing about how badly sometimes April  wants to be normal, is up to help her overcome this. Fight fire with fire:  fill up her life with all of this weird, mystic stuff so it will be normal with time. Regular people go to pizza spot to spend some quality time together, so we have pizza restaraunt here, in Hidden City. Make all odd normal, and problem will solved.
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Donnie really tries his best, look at his face. Dee’s fine with all this bizzare things what happens to April, he’s fine with her. But still he fails, because April’s concept of normalcy differs drom Donnie’s.
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And again, for Donnie it’s not a problem at all. He’s always was at the opposite side of normalcy and it doesn’t matter for him if April is in the same boat with him. Cause, as I said, Don’s fine with that.
Second, how much Donnie knows about April.
- Scoff! Are you really still on this whole "I want things to be normal" kick?
- Yes, what big city girl doesn't have a kayak and has hazmat suit?
Interesting detail here: this line launches Donnie’s flashback (because the first scene is from “Purple Jacket”, it’s Dee’s episode, obviously). And Don, as far as I can tell, has in his flashback moments with April when she did something reaaally impressive. His face is way more louder than any words.
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- Short answer: no. Long answer: nnooooooooo.
- Oh, no! You know how April freaks out around the cosplay wizards!
These tiny lines are containing a lot of background, stories, intimate conversations that April and Donnie share. This show always does the same trick: we never see a direct action, we are only able to see a result or statement of the result. But series do a great work telling us with such small and imperceptible gestures that their bonding at this point is mutual. Not only D tells April about his inventions, family and fam's issues he has and even his falls, mistakes and failures. April does the same thing, sharing with Donatello one of the most important things to her. Problem that really bothers her.
C'mon, he'd even memorized Sunita's name, though April messed up with this situation a bit. It seems Donnie memorizes facts about April - he remembered the wi-fi password from old April's work as we can see in "The Longest fight" (he could hack it easily, he's a genius, why he's been keeping in mind some piece information that useless for a year? It doesn't make any sense)
Oh, and that. Just a coincidence, I guess?
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Just alike suits, no big deal. Plus, the whole family has it (and something tells me that guys have suits at the behest of Don, so probably April does). But Donnie and April has a lot in common like emotional expressions, reaction about some kind situations, fight style and even tastes in fashion.
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Also, it seems like Donnie's been watching April for sometimes.
While Leo was hiding in trash can, to not catch anyone's eye rather than April. He definitely couldn't know who was passing by, but there was Donnie to observe from above. That's why he was hanging down the stairs when Leo spoke to April.
It’s not the first time Donnie dress up as old lady to monitor April’s day.
Leo: Why do you always make us dress up as old ladies? Donnie: №1: confort, №2: to blend in as we monitor April’s day for max normalcy.
 3. Even when D took away this cosplay wizard, he's still keeping eye on her.
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Oh no, you don’t. Grandmas here!
Donatello changes his foe to save April exactly. He fought all evening with Brutus, but when April slightly gets in danger, Donnie just attacked anyone who has intention to hurt her and ruin her evening.
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Is that a flying turtle in an old purple dress?
April, who all evening was trying to look “normal”, hiding her real friends because they are mutant turtles and pretending that nothing unusual happens here, finally gives up when Sunita mentioned Donnie. Even though new April’s friend has asked her before about Leo.
His eyes. 
Donnie is really impressed but what he saw, and the reason - April O'Neil.
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The episode "Warren & Hypno, sitting in a Tree" is another incredible piece of whole picture.
Turtle tank is decorated for April birthday in purplish scheme, definetely Donatello's work.
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Dee's nonverbal speech.
• He seems more interested and softer than usual looking at April. It's easy to say comparing him with brothers. Mikey is in anticipation of fun mode, Leo relaxed and show his "whatever it will be fun" attitude, Raph is listening carefully, but still, Donnie could just turn his head in April's vouce direction, not a whole body.
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• Warren felt Don's gaze while talked with April, so worm made the remark. Pay attention to the construction of the frame of neighboring scenes. The second frame is April's perspective. And Don is looking namely at her.
Indignation. Disappointment. Spark, storm, madness (i love this russian meme, sorry not sorry)
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• Donnie seems sincerely sorry for this situation with April's b-day. And again, this soft gaze and "Raph, shut the shell up, your nonsense is upsetting her"-eyes.
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• Donatello is kind of person, who’s avoiding a proper confrontation, so he rarely stands up for someone.  He were remaining silent, when Raphael tried to cheer April in the most radiculous way, but when Hypno tried to play with April’s feelings, Donnie blew it. 
He’s obviously in wrath as D emote that expressively. Yeah, he had much on his plate at April’s birthday, but it’s her b-day on the line, not his pride.
Warren used April, playing with her fan feelings. Her idol betrayed her, she was locked up in a cage, and now we have Hypno who wants to use her again by pitting and pushing for her compassion, because, it’s obvious - boys would do everything she said. 
And Donnie tries to keep Hypno away from her, protect her feelings from another betrayal. 
As he’s already stated - “For you, anything”.
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The show always tells us: if you wanna trigger Don, bring April in. 
Hypno tried to turn this thing around, Leo did the same in “Al be back”. 
If Hypno-tamus did that accidentally as he found out that April O’ Neil is a birthday girl, so her wishes that day were laws, Leo did it on purpuse.
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Leo is good at manupulating and pulling some strings, plus he knows his twin as back of his hand. That’s why Leo mentioned April in the end as she was always the most powerful argument, the reason and motive for Donnie. At second he’s even panicked, but remained calm. He almost blew up his coolheaded image because of one certain girl in yellow.
• Donnie is really happy to present Warren's arm to April. He even holds it like a rare, priceless treasure. D is really proud of himself right now: he saved the day, after all. The emotional reaction of hers is exactly what Donnie wants to get. And then, his final pose, while April is on 9th cloud from happiness - that's really territorial gesture, D claims his supremacy and confidence, telling "See? That's my happy birthday girl".
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Leapfrog with a composition
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Donnie and April are more and more eager to be together in the frame. Composition’s boners, m’kay.
Special ride for April
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Yeah, Donnie used to offer his battleshell to give April a special ride. It even has  a seat and handlebars for her comfort. She can control the flight as well as Donatello, they are like co-pilots. But he never carried her on his back before.
Usually, April is carried by Raphael, on his neck/shoulder, and she’s fine with it. Raph is strong enough to carry her without any difficulties or slowing down.
It’s not Donnie’s weak to carry her - no, he strong enough to carry his battleshell with a lot stuff in it everyday, Don can carry Splints on his shoulder without any apparent difficulty. He strong enough to hold the weight of his battleshell+April. Oh, c’mon, D assembled the Turtle tank only by himself and this for sure requires a lot of physical strength in order to engage in auto mechanics. Try lifting the wheel with tyre, and you'll see what I mean. Of course, there is a jack, but it will not solve all the problems. Don could use hydraulics and Archimedes ' laws, but I'm sure he did most of it with his own hands. Lifting and carrying, all by himself.
Not the strengh what’s matter but another point.
The sequence where Donnie carries April on his back doesn’t last long, it’s pretty easy to miss, while Raph openly do that with April on him. 
Plus April’s gaze: she’s staring right at us with her “ninja-eyes” as if they were caught in the middle of something. The duration and length of the sequence, the way it is made all of this arouse certain thoughts. 
It’s like nobody should see this. Too personal. To be more specific - too close and intimate? 
Donnie stated a few times that he’s not into togetherness, tactile interaction and phisical side of contacts. Although he's fine with his brothers, don't forget that April is a girl. Even if she feels like part of family, she’s not his relative. She’s not his sister. 
Some people tend to avoid physical contact with the objects of their interest. And this behaviour fits in Don’s character. He’s anxious type with a lot of psychological and emotional issues. Yeah, he tries to cover it up, built a shell to protect himself, behave as confident extravert but he’s nothing like that. Sometimes D tends to distance himself from his family, to hide in his shell, and we've seen that throughout the show. 
Don hangs by his phone quite often, he addicted to this as his comfort zone, his peaceful cave, where everything is much easier,
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Don pretends he’s so busy with his science stuff to ward off his brothers (ep. Mind Meld), 
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Don went to the lab to work on his projects, while he could hang out with April and the brothers (ep. Mrs. Cuddles). And he left for what? To work on self-cleaning tooth pick, or the titan bust of himself? It’s seems like lame excuse to be alone. He’s definetely an intovert, who sometimes needs some space and time with himself. 
All his cocky behaviour is showing off to hide insecure, diffident and vulnerable creature, softshell purple turtle. Yeah, Donnie has confidence in what he’s great in: tech, science stuff, where he’s only one is capable of. But if someone steps on his domain or doubts his authority, his true colours exposed.
And, once again, “Mind meld” is a great evidence of that. Would callous, unsumpathetic guy without heart have a wall with pictures of his fellows? I’m afraid not. Donnie has a soft, caring heart.
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There’s an alley of his the dearest moments, because photos - are always memory, precious moments we want to keep. 
1 - from “Minotaur Maze”. Don loves good pizza, loves his brothers, and they have a little adventure together. Yeah, this photo isn’t on champ wall, but still.
2 - from “Mascot melee”. Important day for bros as they show themselves to people at daylight to rescue Raph and their operation to buy a new robe for his father. It’s their joint brothers dance, and D is loving to dance, remember? Definetely special occasion.
3 - from “Mascot melee”. Splints was really glad to receive a gift from boys. And Donatello, as we know, is always eager to achive for pop’s approval. This for sure must be in his precious moments collection.
5, 7 - from “Donnie’s gifts”. He even keeps a dorky photo, which Raph uses as profile pic at Donnie’s number.
8, 9 - “Down with the sickness”. It was funny to survive all the 7 stages to achive what boys wanted. They failed, but still.
10 - from “Al be back”. Who knows that Splints is so good at singing?
4, 6 - from “The Fast and the Furriest”. Strange choice, cuz, you know, photos ten seconds before his collision with April bat?
And yeah, he HAS April’s photo here. And at this pic it’s April, and April alone,without his brothers. 
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Don’s a real softie, see?
And avoiding physical contact is a way to protect Donnie’s already shattered self-esteem. To not cause any doubts in front of girl which he’s interested in. That’s possible reason why we did not receive any heartwarming hugs in “The Purple Jacket”.
But Donnie carries April, because it’s her birthday. On the one hand, the girl claims that  her b-day is cursed, and Donnie could, by any chance, do something nice for her, and on the other hand - any request of the bithday girl - is the law, as we could see earlier.
Gift for birthday girl
There is no Donnie in the scene after Draxum throw off Warren's arm. While Raph comfort April about her birthday, Donnie was looking for it to present it to April.
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He knows the best what is the most precious gift for her. Warren Stone, her idol, goat of making news; she have been in Stoneheads fanclub for 9 years. Also, it seems that Donnie is the one of turtles, who collected info about this worm.
Also, he stopped immediately when April stepped between them and show no disappointing (remind you about Donnie's sadistic science guy nature). The reason is April.
And another cute detail: their glasses are the same form.
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Another episode "Mystic library" has slightly touched D&A interaction. But were talking about Apritello, it's all hints but quality.
When Mayham trapped in the mirror and Raph, Leo and Mikey obviously are not coping, April decides to call Donnie to clear situation up.
Donnie, mister "I ruin everything", she's going to call for help. I repeat this. April calls for help Mr. Science to solve mystic problems with her pet. MYSTIC PET.
 And he AGREES.
Turtles dissuade their friend from calling Donatello but after a while, April returns with Donnie, and sees the bathroom in ruins.
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I'm gonna clear this moment.
1. April haven’t called Donnie.
2. Some time later she returns with Dee.
3. Our girl is pretty shocked to see her bathroom in ruins, argo she didn't see/hear Raph chose to solve problem with smashing.
It must mean only ine thing: April went for Donnie by herself. We don't know where was he, we don't know what the reason April brought Donnie with her by herself, 'cause we know that if she call Dee, he will definitely get to her immediately.
Something is definetely off.
By the way, April changed Don’s profile pic.Yeah, the first one is very informative since Donnie is a turtle and he’s purple and he has bandana. Seems like April have done it by herself, editing the photo of real turtle. She didn't put a lot of effort into this, this image doesn't show her real attitude towards Don. But second is more personality-tinged. Sleeping Donatello in all his gear - this detail can tell us about only one thing - he was photographed when he fell asleep after his sleepless night(s) working hard at something - is something she can catch or receive by boys (namely speaking, it’s Leo, according to Ben Schwartz stated in an interview, that if Leo had an Instagram account, that 60 to 70% of his photos would be his brothers caught sleeping or slipping on things). And still. April has a dorky and little embarrassing pic of Donatello and this is... Interesting and cute?
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This profile pic remind me about ROTTMNT: Sound off! (2nd issue)
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The next station is “The Purple Game”.
Another episode in which the interaction of the characters is small in timing, but great in content.
And once again: they have a lot in common. I’d never tired of repeating this thing ‘cause the series do the same trick, showing one thing from different points of view. April and April shares the same taste in games, the same attitude, the same mojo. 
But the most important thing here is how D&A interacrions are shown in this episode. Unlike other episodes, the interaction here is indirect, is provided by gaming.
Their customized avatars reflects their personality. I mean, the colour schemes (though Donatello has never shown any interest in yellow, he used it for customization of his persona), the way their avatars looking. Game even refering to Sherlock_Corn as “she”, albeit it’s impossible to refer to her avatar in female pronoun. Because, you know, design and nickname?
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And the in-game interaction of the avatars resembles D&A irl relationships. Bootyyyshaker 9000 don’t like togetherness, he’s looking like Donnie’s expectation of himself (cool and tough guy, as D sees himself in his own dreams)
Their dialogue
Actually. Actually, Donnie and April are not able to hear each other as game has no voice chat, but their lines make an perfect dialogue nevertheless.
April:Bootyshaker9000? Donnie? 
Donnie:April? You’re the last person I need to destroy to achive rank №1!
Both:There can only be one!
Donnie said the cheat combination, so April would know for sure what he is supposed to do, but she has no idea.
So, once again: their sync is incredible.
And can we talk about that?
April’s attack
As it seems, attacks may be customized by players. Bootyyshaker has attack that refers at Donatello main feature - superior intellect.
And this attack isn’t effective, because REAL April O’Neil has a resist towards it. She has known D for years, she knows what he’s capable of, she’s aware of his nerd side. April’s immune to it, so Sherlock_Corn is.
 Sherlock_corn has a default attack - kernel cannon. It’s nod to her nickname: kernel, corn, the same book. But her second atteck is something reflecting her personalitiy. Plus, April is aware of Donnie’s “fear” of togetherness. All’s fair in love and war, right?
April took a lot of BS9000 hp by her “friendly hugs”. And, by the way, his sweet reaction for hugs.
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The selection of the final opponent. It might be literally anyone, but we wouldn’t be able to see Dee’s obsession in that case. Yeah, he’s already had a  demon possesion ™, but it was too easy to him to win. No challenge. No “kill or be killed”, “It’s me or you” mojo.  He needed some tough gamer for challenging, to develop his character, push him too far. And  April, actually, is an excellent choice to reveal the character of certain purple turtle.To expose his true colours. And April do a great job: they know each other, so battle will be spicy, they are both compepitors, they are so alike, so it would be intersting to watch Donatello vs April. And it will, ‘cause In-game April and In-game Don is somewhat different than them usual.
April is Don’s slayer for sure. She’s good at gaming, her last attack was almost fatal for him. So he had to to cheated on her. 
Captain Cuddlecakes. Yes, she know about his afraid of togetherness. And there’s lovey-dovey attack animation with this cuddling and Donatello’s persona behaves like him. And it was SPECIAL RUN, so... I haven’t the foggiest why. Cute detail, I mean.
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Just look at it.  Isn’t it cute?(at least we got their hugs somewhere... kinda. kinda.)
“Snow Day“, albeit  being family episode, shows a lot about D&A relationship through “family war”.
First of all, the same taste in films.   
Donnie’s already shown the same attitude to fashion, scary things as Cap O'Neil, April shares the same gamer’s mojo as Donatello, but now? We have Donnie and April that are loving the same movie.
For love of purple supernovas, of all the Jupiter Jim’s movies (and there are more than 60 of them), that's a convinient coincidence, they like the same movie.
It stated in series several times that Dee is fond of Atomic Lass. He had crush on her when he was child, he admires her by all his heart, so it will make sense if films with this character he would be his favourite. It’s logical, isn’t it?
Atomic Lass, even if she is part of JJ-universe, however, isn't in every movie. Leo described "JJ: Pluto vacation IV" and there is no sights of Atomic Lass. Like, at all. 
Nevertheless, April’s claimed that “PV-4” is the best movie of the time, and Don agrees. 
April:What the whaaaat? Hold up, Skip. “Jupiter Jim Pluto Vacation 4″ is the best JJ movie  of all time.
Donnie:Ranked, by us, just now. So it’s basically official, no arguing.
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And they do this thing again. Reflecting each other. Facial expressions, intonations, poses and etc. Haven’t I mentiones that? Mirroring is natural way to build communication. People, who communicate enthusiastically, who have sympathy to each other, feelings of certain nature, unconsciously copy each other's poses.
Direct reflection and close contact have a strong effect. This is used between lovers, people with close relationships or interested in each other.
And you can see that during not only episode, but through the whole series. 
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Poses, gestures, facial expressions they share constantly. Even if they are apart, they are mirroring each other, showing their bound. Because Apritello is not always about sitting close, holding hands and blushing. Apritello is about staying together even if they are not.  It’s about solid foundation, about synergy, about chemistry Donnie and April share. And all of these are not always so obvious and clear, evident. But so realistic nevertheless.
And that’s why they splitted off the fam - they are too close and alike. 
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I stated it before but DonniexApril team is way more effective than Donniexbrothers team. Donatello and April are equal, worth each other. They are comfortable with each other, their teamwork is amazing. 
They are always near, close to each other for the entire episode. Stand up for each other, side by side. They have no need to do team-building, because their sincronization is incredible. April works well together with Donnie, their skills compliment each other. 
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I love that April in a first place look at Donnie to check is everything alright.
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And a cherry on top?
This inviting gesture. Donnie just watched all along how his brothers and April try to throw some cold water on this situation (khem, it slipped). But when April call him with this inviting gesture, he’d like to help. 
In other words, he was waitng when April requests for his help.    
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Composition’s boners
Sometimes it happens during the show, but this episode beat hte score at this point. I say only one word: physics. Or, more precisely, the force of attraction. Or, maybe Mayham.
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... Anyway.
Fitting in the type
April can play not so nice against her enemies, she got steady hand and meanness, merciless and reclessness. She’s passionate and kinda badass, sassy - in a positive way, she’s baddest girl who can kick your butt if you mess with her, and she really good at this. 
She has a fire, and Donnie likes that. Dee never stated that directly but miss O’Neil impressed him so many times and in different way so it’s kinda pretty obvious. 
Just look how Donatello reacted the way April took Raph down a peg. Her actions are elegant, relaxed but really sly. She almost dare Raph to put his flag on top only to bring him down to Earth in really painful way. She destroyed Bros’ team so easily just by waiting a bit and by calling Mayham. 
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She’s definetely got some pepper.
Pretty cute but baddest, don’t you think?
And Donnie was impressed for sure, he admitted it - “That is fun for me”. He don’t even stand a chance, c’mon: she’s smarass and elegant, she can be mean and cute at the same time. 
Even though that’s it for season 1 analysis (the last series is more appropriate  to review as part of 2nd season, plus it was a reaally big post, I need some time)
You can refresh this whole situation in the car 1 and the car 2 or follow the hashtag #apritello express as you please. It’s a pleasure of mine, keep in touch :)
91 notes · View notes
sinisterlyhan · 4 years
04. hyunjin ; hyunsung /  6067 words
incubus!hyunsung, oral (m receiving), female reader, unprotected sex, shower sex, semi public sex (almost getting caught oops), a little bit of daddy kink, a little fluff at the end
parts: 01 ; 02 ; 03
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your fingers lightly tapped on the mouse pad of your laptop, your eyes squinting carefully at the screen as you enlarge the photo printed on it. the summoning glyph showed in a pixelated format, it was blurry but you could still make out the little details.
holding up your laptop, you slid off your bed and went around so you could check out the white sheet you had laid out on the space in your room.
you used the same red paint you did last time when you summoned jisung, and you were fairly sure you followed the picture correctly when you drew it minutes ago. glancing between the symbol on your sheet and the one on your computer, you couldn’t find a single mistake you could have made.
so why hasn’t hyunjin showed up? you chanted the spell right, you did it three times just to make sure you’ve got backup. it has almost been twenty minutes now and he was still nowhere in your room.
you were hoping you could call him up to spend some time with him. as amazing as it was with jisung last time, you still couldn’t shake the guilt in your chest that you had left him out of the fun. not that you believed hyunjin particularly missed your presence or anything, even though jisung told you that both of them did miss you last time he stopped by.
either way, you needed a reason to summon him that didn’t pertain to you wanting to see him, or fuck him, or anything along the lines of those. as if those boys haven’t been all you thought about lately.
it was like your mind gets hornier with each encounter with those two boys, and so far there has only been two! both of them mind-blowing as well!
you’ve done things you never thought you would, you’ve made noises and said words so inappropriate that your innocent mind still blushes when you recall them, and you have fanaticized about them so much in your own time that it was starting to take your attention away from other things.
the way they kept leaving you wanting more and more of them was beyond anything you have expected from yourself. you didn’t hate it, it was just unexpected and you were often shy of sudden things.
“oh, why are you so lame?” you accused yourself with a grimace, balancing your laptop on one hand while your other reached up to rub your forehead. “maybe he’s busy. you aren’t the only person summoning him.”
or perhaps he was mad at you for leaving him out last time. but you had prepared an explanation to why you didn’t summon him as well so there should be no grudge held against that problem.
or, what if he changed his mind? what if he suddenly stopped liking you? that could be a possibility, one that would make a lot of sense and one that you would expect too, to be truthful.
you pursed your lips together then, your eyes furrowing as you placed your laptop on your desk. your head hammered against your thoughts, an unsettling feeling surfacing in your chest as your mind started to spiral down a self-deprecating path.
you were unsure when you started to feel like this, this tightening feeling in your chest whenever a negative thought appeared has never happened before. you were often so susceptible to the damage of your own insecurity now that you were suddenly denying it made you felt uneasy.
but a part of you wanted desperately to hold onto the hope that it could be possible for the two demons to really care for you just as you are, just like how they have shown to be on certain occasions.
“oh, stop worrying,” you muttered to yourself as you shut your laptop and glanced down at the white sheet. you heaved a sigh, looking around your room for any signs of the blond-haired boy, and when you found none, your shoulders dropped in faint disappointment.
moving away from your desk, you went into your closet and fished inside for a towel before holding it on your forearm. your mind was telling you to take a hot shower, let it clean your head and calm you down for a moment before you start worrying again.
you could try summoning him again later. it’d be a bonus if you smell nice when he shows up too, something you had read online that it could be pretty appealing.
with that in mind, you open the door to your room and left for the bathroom just down the hall. after just a few whiles of you turning on the showerhead, the same black portal appeared in the midst of your room and, as per usual, hyunjin morphed from the substance and landed on the ground.
he gave himself a moment to adjust to the sight of your room.
an opened textbook laid on your desk with your laptop beside it. that was the second time he’s seen that book, and just like last time, he could feel your stress all over the material. your worst subject, he assumed.
a new mattress, he recognized, and you’ve got yourself a new hamster plushie laid at the pillow. he grimaced slightly—those damn cheeks reminded him of han jisung, who absolutely did not hesitate to let his tongue slip when he hinted on sharing some alone time with you.
cheeky bastard. whatever, it didn’t matter. he would just have to make you forget all about him when his turn comes. and it seemed that his calling has finally arrived.
the white sheet on the ground took up most of the space, as well as his attention. you had been trying to summon him, and he heard you. he just wasn’t able to leave immediately because he was with somebody else, but hell, when he heard you say his name after so long—it was like his chest got struck by lightning, a sense of thrill washing over him.
all he wanted to do was finish off quickly so he could go find you. his eyes closing as he chased his high, the image of your face coming in quick flashes across his mind.
looking around himself, hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts and it finally came to light that you weren't in your room. he raised his brow, confused. he was sure you called his name, there was even proof of the ritual being set up on the floor, yet somehow you weren't anywhere in your room.
spinning around, his eyes slightly widened at your opened door, revealing the hallway outside. a short hum escaped his lips as he approached it and poked his head outside. the apartment was empty but it didn't feel so. and he could smell a waft of coconut shampoo in the air, one that he had sniffed out on several other ladies these past weeks as well.
they were never as appealing as you, for some reason. there was just something special about the coconut smell blending in so well with your personal scent, the sugary honey smell a perfect mixture with the shampoo you used. the smell accentuates at the crook of your neck, he vividly remembered, and he loved it so much.
shoving his hands into his pants, hyunjin stepped a foot out of your room. he looked around, his hair framing over his jaw prettily as he did so, and with a sharp left turn, he walked down the end of the hall where the smell came from.
his steps came to an abrupt stop before the locked bathroom. he glared at the wooden pattern printed on top, his eyes grazing past the lines as if he could see inside. then they landed on the metal doorknob, the key to the other side, the only thing keeping you away from him now.
he reached a hand out for the knob, but before his slender fingers could touch the roundness, the lock clicked and you swung it open with ease. you took a quick step back when you found a person standing at the bathroom door, and you huffed out a relieved sigh when you saw that it was hyunjin.
"oh–you scared me, hyunjin!" you exclaimed, placing a hand over your chest as you huffed out a laugh.
"i did?" he eyed up at your startled expression, amusement and a hint of longing rushing up to his smirk as he stood up straight. he tilted his head, a piece of his hair falling over his eyes as he blatantly checked you out.
"well, yeah, i was just taking a shower and–" you paused with furrowed brows, unsure why his eyes were gazing you up and down before your cheeks reddened suddenly.
right, you were just taking a shower. and since you did not expect anyone to be inside the house when you would be done, you had only brought a towel along with you. and now you stood before hyunjin, with only a towel wrapped around your body and slightly wet hair tied up into a loose bun.
seeing the blush on your face, he chuckled under his breath and took a step closer to you. his eyes softened with lust, his finger moving up to tug a piece of hair behind your ear. it slowly dragged down the side of your face, and then down your neck, across your collarbones, and it stopped to rub circles on your shoulder.
ahh, your skin was much softer after being rained down by steamy droplets. and he wondered how much better it could feel with water rolling down your body.
"what are you blushing for, doll?" he hummed lowly, his tone shoved with a hint of smugness in it. "it's nothing i haven't seen nor touched before."
"i know." your voice came out rather squeaky, much more than you'd like.
"you know?" he said, the sentence not intending to be a question but you nodded in response anyway. he smiled faintly then, his fingers finally gripping hold of your shoulder, causing you to hold down a breath.
it was somewhat strong, not strong enough to hurt but definitely enough to make a point. but you weren't so sure what he was trying to say yet. was he annoyed? was he disappointed? did he miss you too much? you haven't the slightest idea.
you stumbled back when hyunjin moved, walking you back into the bathroom until he reached his free hand over and closed the door behind him. his hand found the knob and swiftly clicked the lock shut, his eyes glimmering at the sound.
the bathroom was steamy, almost suffocating with the hot water heat it was previously filled with. the humidity made his clothes stick to his body, and the limited air surrounding you both only fueled his desire to take you even more.
hyunjin stared into your eyes intently, his gaze shifted ever so slightly down to your lips before it returned to your eyes again. he was leaning closer and closer, his waist bending down as his one arm circled around your back to pull you closer to him. your noses touched, causing your breath to quicken in anticipation at the long-awaited kiss.
"then do you know how much i've missed you?" he asked, his hot breath hitting your skin before he finally closed the distance between you two.
hyunjin let out a soft breath through his chest. he was able to immediately melt against you, his hand bringing you closer to him unconsciously. his lips moved carefully against yours to savor this moment he had been longing for since the day he left your side.
it just felt different, better; he has been on edge kissing somebody else for weeks, not that he has any choice regarding that problem. being able to close his eyes knowing he is touching your lips and nobody else's is reliving.
the desperation seeping into his gentleness made the kiss all the better for you. it was wrapped around you, from the way he leaned onto your lips and the way he pressed at the small of your back, his neediness wrapped around your body like a cocoon.
when he pulled away, you could barely open your eyes to look at him. your cheeks were flushed and your chest heaving against the confines of your towel, your bulging breasts a vivid reminder of his hardened member under his pants.
"do you have any idea how badly i've needed you these weeks?" he whispered, his hand running up your sides before his fingertip ran along the soft surface of your squished up breasts.
you let out a soft sigh, your eyes fluttering shut when he dove down to your neck, his lips soft against your skin. the hickeys jisung left recently have faded already, much to your surprise, and here hyunjin was planting new ones by biting and sucking on your neck.
if those two keep it up like this, you'd actually have to start learning how to cover your neck up without using a sweater or a scarf.
as you relaxed against the way he kissed down your collarbones and shoulders, hyunjin's hands slid around your waist before reaching up to the hem of your towel. you released your hand, letting him unwrap the knot you've tightened to the side and slipping the towel onto the floor.
his hand quickly found its way to your breasts, palming over the perky roundness with his cold hands and sending a shiver down your spine. your toes curled lightly, your feet raising up to a tip-toe when he leaned down to take your boob in his mouth, sucking on your nipple before biting on it.
he pulled away with his eyes focused on your face, his gaze a soundless laugh when you briefly glanced down to find your nipple being pulled between his teeth. it bounced back to your chest when he released his grip, his tongue flicking out to soothe over the spot as you moaned at the feeling.
"hyunjin." you didn't have anything to say, you just felt like saying his name. it was tasteful against your tongue, a name you were willing to repeat over and over again like a maniac.
"hmm?" he hummed lightly, his hands roaming down your stomach and your hips before they finally reached your wet core.
you whimpered at the feeling of his hand against your heat, his palm covering most of the area and the heel of it rubbing against your sensitive clit. he slid his hand up, his fingers slowly gliding past your slit and meeting your hole for a brief moment. dipping the tip of his finger in, hyunjin chuckled in dark delight at the slickness of your insides.
"you're so wet, doll," he said, straightening up but his fingers lingered at your heat. as you licked your lower lip, unguarded, he took the chance to slip his middle finger inside and felt you immediately clench around him. "i wonder why."
"is it because of me? were you playing with yourself in the shower earlier?" he asked, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you, you breathy moans a melodic song to him. "or were you thinking of somebody else in there, hmm?"
your eyes rounded for a second, his words barely processing in your brain. "wh–what?"
"don't act dumb, doll," he said, casually dipping his ring finger inside your heat. he smirked when you trembled, your back arching forward into him. "a little birdie told me that you had some alone time with somebody else."
interesting. was that jealousy you sensed? it felt less like disappointment, which jisung had exuded last time. hyunjin was being much more... passive-aggressive about it, like he was more annoyed and competitive than sad.
you could be overthinking it, though. you could be overestimating the power you have over him.
hyunjin looked at you when you opened your mouth to speak. no words were spoken, mainly because you didn't know what to say to him. he scoffed with a roll of his eyes; well, now he knew jisung wasn't lying just to rile him up. somehow part of him still desperately hoping he was.
"you hurt my feelings, baby doll. was he better than me?" he faked a pout, curling his fingers in your heat and gathering up your essence to create a loud squelch.
you moaned, your face red from the moment. what a question, how could you possibly answer that? either answer would end up getting one of them upset, and you've experienced how things could be when they're upset.
you could still feel the leather around your neck.
"don't go tongue-tied on me now," hyunjin said, his voice rising. he pulled his hand out of your cunt and dragged them up along your clean body. "i still need that tongue of yours to work."
they met your mouth, slathering your juices all around your lips as he roughly pressed against its surface.
his brows raised in bliss at the mere sight of your half-lidded eyes. your head tilted up at him as he pried your mouth open to rub his fingers all over your tongue, forcing you to taste yourself on his fingers. he sighed gently, watching the saliva string in your mouth.
"i'm–i'm sorry," you said then, your teeth grazing past his fingers as you opened your eyes at him. "i was going to summon you too but jisung stopped me."
"and you let him?" he said, raising a brow.
"i–" you pursed your lips together in dismay, your brows furrowing. "yeah... i did."
hyunjin nodded, his gaze turning solemn for a moment before the elegance returned. he could tell you felt bad, for whatever reason it was. and he liked that you did. he wasn't fond of jisung having you all to himself, the idea itself made his skin burn, so to know that you did slightly regret not inviting him made him over the moon.
"i'm sorry," you said meekly, giving him a faint smile as you reached up to hold his cheek. "i summoned you today hoping to make up for it, but it took you so long to arrive."
"yes." he nodded. "i was laying with another."
the dimming of lights that flickered across your eyes made him less giddy than he expected. you weren't sure why it was affecting you so much, you knew when you summoned them that you wouldn't be the only person with their names on the on-call list, and you have come to terms with that.
it's just... hearing him say it out loud forces you to admit it. and you had wanted to drown in your ignorance for a little longer.
"you upset, hmm?" hyunjin said, tracing his fingertip down your face. "then you can imagine my disappointment when jisung told me how good he fucked you the other day."
"yeah..." you nodded. "sorry."
"i think i'm gonna need more than just a verbal apology, doll."
you held in a breath, knowing exactly what he meant. your heart hammered strongly against your chest, not that you were in any way opposed to the idea but that you were unsure in your ability to meet his standards. you have never actually sucked someone off before, the last times it happened you were mainly restrained or controlled. all you needed to do was keep your mouth open.
however, despite the nervousness, you looked up at hyunjin for a brief moment, finding his gaze encouraging as you slowly dropped down on your knees.
hyunjin watched with hooded eyes, the anticipation swarming in his head overshadowed by the lust present in his eyes. he couldn't break now, he needed to put a front to assert his dominance, even though the sight of your bright eyes trembling as you fumbled with his belt was just so distracting.
his pants fell to the ground after you pulled them down, and your eyes slightly widened at the bulge underneath his boxer. your hand flew to touch it delicately, jumping when hyunjin hissed at the feeling.
"doll," he said pointedly, looking down at you.
you hummed knowingly, your hands tugging at the waistband of his boxer before ridding it as well. your eyes shut when his cock sprung out, your head leaning back slightly to avoid being hit in the face with it. and you blushed when you heard him laugh from above.
pouting slightly, you returned your attention to him and your hand reached over to grab ahold of his shaft. his girth surprised you, the fill of your hand quite a grabby touch to it, and you squeezed your fingers around him once to earn a reaction.
hyunjin shut his eyes, a soft grunt leaving him. he liked that, good.
alright, just concentrate and don't overthink it. you know the general gist of how to do this at least. just do what you have done in your imagination, nothing too hard about that!
you pumped him a few times, your hand gliding up and down as you flicked your wrist to go in a twisty motion. you repeated the motion for a while, gathering his pre-cum and lubing him up until you felt his dick was wet enough, then you finally took him in your mouth.
hyunjin breathed out when he felt your lips wrap around his tip, your tongue brushing along the lines of it as you eyed up at him in uncertainty, your mouth gently sucking his tip to giving him a little pull.
his heart stuttered at your wide eyes, asking for permission of sorts to move, and he could only manage to give you an encouraging smile.
your lips quirked a little in a grin before you took him further into your mouth, your hands covering the parts your mouth didn't reach. you bobbed your head along his length, your tongue lapping at his skin and running with its tip pressed against his shape. every time you tried to suck in, a slurping sound emits from you.
hyunjin continuously let out soft grunts of pleasure. your mouth was just as warm as he remembered, those slurping sounds and little pops of you leaving his tip adding as a bonus to what he couldn't hear last time.
and as usual, there was just something about it being you and no anyone else that really got him going. it prompted him to lose control, but he wanted to wait, he wanted you to please him instead of him controlling you to do so.
"baby doll, you can go all the way," he said, challenged almost, as he glanced down at you. his hand ran through your hair and he rubbed your head, this thumb pressing against your scalp when you licked his tip in thoughts.
you could. you would gag a lot, but you could. the last time you did it was because they had shoved it down your throat, but you supposed you could do it on your own as well. removing yourself from his cock, a string of saliva connecting your mouth with his tip, and you caught your breath before taking him in your mouth again.
your held in your breath, your lips pressed tightly against the skin of his shaft as you took him in slowly. your tongue flapped, touching his cock mindlessly and unpredictably, giving hyunjin a sheer thrill. he moaned loudly when you gagged after his tip hit your throat, the inside of your mouth moving in an attempt to get him out of you.
the saliva was gathering inside but you couldn't swallow them normally, so you didn't bother. you pulled away slowly and moved back in, letting his dick meet the entrance of your throat with each agonizingly slow bob of your head. and he could feel your mouth getting wetter and wetter by the second, your saliva gathering at your lips and threatening to drip out.
"shit, ahh, keep going," he muttered, tugging at your hair before letting go.
fuck, he was getting close. you were adjusting to the feeling and have started to move faster along his cock, the full, sucking sound mixing in with your wet slurps a symphony to his ears.
feeling his dick twitch inside your mouth, his thighs flexing as they wobbled slightly, hyunjin's hand flew to your head and he pushed you against him, making his tip touch brush against your throat again. you whined at the sudden force, your eyes widening as your hands curled into fists at your lap.
hyunjin's moan spluttered out of his mouth, his gaze hardened as he felt his high coming up. before he could release, he pulled out of your mouth and pumped himself a few times. his cum sprouted out of his tip, landing messily on your face and melting in with your drool.
you were startled at the sight, your eyes closing at the substance that touched your face. when you opened your eyes again, hyunjin was already pulling you up by your arm and pulling you to the side where the shower was.
"good girl, turn on the water and i'll join you in a second," he said.
you did as he told, stepping into the cold tiles and immediately turning the showerhead on. the hot water took a while to come out, and when they did you gathered them up in your hands and splashed your face with it.
hyunjin appeared from behind, soundless as a ghost, and you gasped when he wrapped his hand around your waist to bring you back against his chest. oh, he took his clothes off, understandably. you were just surprised since it was always you who got fully naked the last two times.
"hey..." you greeted timidly, turning around to face him.
hyunjin smiled faintly, his eyes trailing past your features and your skin. ahh, he knew it. you looked just as ethereal with steamy droplets rolling down your shoulders, like a goddess coming straight out of the holy pond.
"have i ever told you how beautiful you look?" he impulsively asked, his hand roaming to your back and trailing up your spine.
you panicked with a shake of your head, the compliment was so unexpected and hard to believe that the only thing you could say was, "what, no, no! you're beautiful, you're so pretty!"
he paused, frozen up. his heart pumped against his chest, threatening to tear open his ribcage so it could land closer to you. the way you complimented him, not in the least seductive, just purely out of sincerity. it wasn't to spice up the mood or to gain something in return, you just wanted to tell him he's pretty.
and it was so endearing, hyunjin couldn't think of anything else. he just blanked out. and he couldn't find it for the life of him how you managed to make him fall for you just like this.
"hyunjin? are you okay–mmm," you cut off with your eyes shut tightly when he captured your lips.
he was rougher than usual, his lips moving quickly against yours as he pushed your back up against the wall. the water splashed over his head, making it stick to the back of his neck, and his body was warm all over from the heat.
you sighed against his mouth, melting into his embrace as your hands went up to his neck so you could wrap your arms around him. a gasp left your lips when you felt his member poking at your inner thigh, and you pulled away with a slight whine.
"hyunjin," you called, opening your eyes to see his droplet filled face. your eyes could barely open with the shower head pouring water at your face, but even then you could make out his divine features. "hyunjin, i need you, please."
"you need me?" he whispered, his breath hitching in his throat.
you looked at him, your lashes fluttering as you glanced down at his lips before you kissed him once, sweetly. when you pulled away, you nodded. "yeah, i need you."
something tells him it doesn't only apply to sexual pleasure. he hoped he was right.
"jump," he instructed then, his hands going down to grip your thighs. pushing you up against the wall, the water dripping down your chest now and your head just before the waterfall, he positioned himself at your entrance.
you back arched off the wall, your head rolling up as you whimpered at the stretch. he slowly pushed himself in, stopping when he was in at the hilt so you could adjust to his size. and when you hit the back of his neck a few times to urge him to move, he finally started to roll his hips against yours.
fuck, this was heavenly. there was something about the water, the additional wetness that made this feel all the better. the pitter-patter of the water a prickly sensation aside from the way he moved against your walls.
he was kissing you everywhere his lips could land. messily, longingly, desperately—his lips trailed all over your jaw, your collarbones, your shoulders, and your chest. and you clawed at his back, your nails digging into his skin as he relentlessly thrust into your incredibly tight cunt.
"oh fuck–hyunjin! ahh–" you moved closer to him, your legs tightening around his waist when his tip brushed against your sweet spot. "shit, yes!"
"mmhm, good girl, keep saying my name," he grunted.
he pinned your back against the wall, using that as leverage so he could roam a hand around your body, the other at your hip to hold up your body. he breathed out a sigh when his hand reached your abdomen, feeling his shape fainting bulging at your tummy.
ugh, you're so small! such a delicate little thing, he was tearing you apart so easily. if only you were sane enough to notice how you were acting from the way he pounded into you, you could have heard yourself pleading and begging for more, you could have sensed yourself hopelessly bucking your hips forward for more.
you could feel your high approaching, your moans gradually tuning louder and more rapid the more he slammed at your g-spot. but before you could start trembling into cloud nine, a loud knock sounded at the door and you turned over with eyes wide in alert.
hyunjin slowed down and turned off the showerhead, his brows furrowing in annoyance at the intrusion.
"hey, baby girl? are you okay in there?"
your jaw dropped. why is your father home? you turned to hyunjin, your fingers tightening around his shoulders as you eyed him to shut up before looking back towards the direction of his voice.
"hey dad! i'm fine, just dropped the soap! please leave!" you yelled out, your face starting to flush when hyunjin decided to slowly ride into you anyways. you glared at him, and he only shrugged.
"okay, be careful!" your father said from outside the door. "your mom's department manager invited us to have dinner with the crew today so we won't be home until late tonight, alright?"
"ye–yeah!" you squealed at a particularly harsh thrust as if hyunjin was calculating the moment you'd speak and just waiting for the time to mess you up.
"i put money on the table for you, just get some takeout and be good at home, okay?"
"i'll be fine! see yo–ahh!" you clamped a hand over your mouth, your eyes widening as you blushed at the sound hyunjin just pushed out of you.
"are you sure you're okay, baby girl?"
hyunjin smirked, enjoying this moment way too much. "oh, sir, your baby girl is doing more than okay," he hummed out, his hips bucking into yours continuously. "aren't you, hmm? tell him you're doing great, doll."
your chest panted as you looked weakly at him, then you turned your head so you could give a quick response. "fine! just go, i'm–taking a shower!"
you waited a few moments after your father left the door, calculating the time needed for him to head back outside and leave the front door.
hyunjin raised a brow, sighing slightly at your worried expression. "he left, i can hear the door click."
you exhaled in relief before lightly hitting him across the chest, a pout permanent on your face. "what was that? my dad could have heard me!"
"aww, aren't you a good little girl?" he laughed as he slowly dropped you to the ground.
you looked him, confused and feeling empty at the loss of his girth. hyunjin smiled at you, then he suddenly opened the shower curtains, revealing the glass mirrors on the other side of the small bathroom, he quickly reached back for you and slipped himself into you from behind.
you watched your jaw drop, a pornographic moan flying out of your lips when he threw his sanity to the wind and started to thrust up against you. your breasts bounced with each movement and your legs trembled at the slams, his hand having to hold you up by the waist.
"look at yourself, baby doll. look at how much you're loving my cock," hyunjin hummed at your ear, his hand gripping your jaw and yanking your head down to look at the mirror. he was smiling sinisterly, his eyes a blaze of redness. "daddy's little girl isn't so naive anymore."
"fuck–hyunjin, i have to–i'm gonna come," you exclaimed, your back arching more with each thrust, feeling your sensitive spot being punched repeatedly. and your face, your fucked out face—why did you find this appealing?
"please–hyunjin, ahh!"
"mmhm." he grinned lowly, his lips pressed against your neck before they trailed up to your ear to whisper out a command. "cum, cum around daddy, baby girl."
your moan came out high-pitched and squeaky when you started dripping all over him, his words infiltrating your mind like a disease and spreading an unfamiliar bliss all over you. you were still drowned in the fading feeling when hyunjin took the chance to speed up his pace, his head buried at the crook of your neck until a strong groan left his lips.
he pulled out of your weak body, the white liquid oozing out of your pussy and dripping down your thighs.
looking at you, he smiled a little at your dazed expression. it looked like you were somewhat in deep thought, and he had an idea what it was about.
he planted kisses along your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down then, his hand gently rubbing at your tummy and patting against it.
"are you okay?" he asked softly, looking at you.
you snapped out of your thoughts then, the lights returning to your eyes as you processed his words. you nodded with a small smile. "yeah, yeah i am. just... surprised."
he giggled, turning you around so he could hug your warm body to him better. he turned the showerhead back on afterward and took it off the hook so he could carefully rain the water down on your body.
"found out you quite liked being called baby girl?" he asked, kissing your lashes.
you laughed. "i've always liked that. i just didn't know it would be... i didn't know i'd like it in that context as well."
"well," hyunjin started, shrugging, "you discovered something today!"
"i did, crazy," you said to yourself before looking up at him. "thank you, it was really nice today... and i hope you’re not too upset with me now...”
he could only smile down at you, watching your face with eyes so tender. if he spoke, the endearment piling up in his chest might overflow his words. but if him cleaning you up right now isn't any indication that he has very special feelings for you, he wasn't sure what is.
there was a hammering at the back of his head, and he ignored it so he could continue rubbing the shampoo over your body.
coconut, mixed in with your natural, loving scent—if he has a home then it'd smell like that, and he wouldn't want to go anywhere else.
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g0reoz · 3 years
for ask game
2, 9, 24, 25, and 29
woah, so many!!
dead poets society, as much as it is very easily a Feel Bad Movie rather than a feel-good one, is a big comfort film for me. i know i’ve talked about it on here awhile ago, but everything about it is so raw and honest. neil’s character arc in particular really struck a chord with me, because Damn Bro I Know How It Feels. as a whole, it’s something i can just keep rewatching.
as for what calms me down, honestly? i’m usually a pretty laid-back/controlled (externally, at least lol) guy, so it takes a lot for me to really Need To Calm Down (at least, emotionally. if you’re talking about, like, getting an overload or something, the best solution for me is to close my eyes, crouch down with my hands facing backwards over my ears, and tap on the back of my head to drown the other stuff out). if i’m really mad about something when i’m not Actively In The Situation, i just scribble some drawings in my sketchbook, write a nasty letter that’ll never see the light of day, punch the air, etc. y’know, the usual—i don’t like taking things out on other people, so if i’m really pissed i just keep to myself and work it all out from there. on the rare occasion that someone actually does or says something to me that’s Really Upsetting And Vile, i need to leave the situation because i know if i stay there i’ll probably end up yelling/possibly using violence. in that case, the only real way to calm down is to also completely shut down, i guess.
to de-stress, i like to do my hobbies! anything that involves creating something for me or others is great, whether that‘s making visual art, clothes/accessories, or music. i don’t always have time for a lot of that, though…(looking at you, pile of crochet recs i have been keeping in the back of my mind :’) ) i also like re-watch/re-playing familiar media and absentmindedly holding plushies. i’m convinced that my brain needs soft and squishy objects to survive ^-^
i can’t actually answer the question about the best personal gift someone could make for me! i feel like that probably varies from person to person because everyone has different talents and interests and traits that they can use as an outlet for that sort of thing (i.e. a friend of mine might make bread using your favorite flavors, but i might make you a little yarn doll shaped like your dog, but my brother might make a stop-motion video instead), but anything that shows someone cares will have me in literal tears. i’m kind of a sucker for emotional things like that.
and i think the best time of day is that block between late night and early morning, like from 10:30pm to 5:30 am. any time when you’d be up late working on something or gaming with your friends or watching that finale of your latest show, OR when you’d wake up to go fishing or get your feet wet in the grass or catch some photos where the lighting is Weird because the sun’s not up yet, but you can still see its light sort of reflected off of the clouds.
ok, so i definitely wrote more than expected, but thanks for the questions! and if you got this far, thanks for reading—this was fun.
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Keeping Vigil || Morgan & Eddie
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @specterchasing & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: When Morgan can’t carry her hope, Eddie is there to help. 
CONTAINS: body horror, discussions of death, mortality, decay
After reaching another dead end in her search for answers, Morgan broke down and took an extra long shower to get rid of her smell and wash the rough parts on her body that had been hurt or picked at by bugs. The water pattered on her just right, steadier and softer than rain. When she let it fall into her ear and make the room feel like underwater, she could hold onto the water and nothing else and the aches and cramps faded, and everything was fine. She savored the change in water temperature as it faded from hot to cool as much as the change in the sky from light to dark.
A little later, as she picked at cold fried rice and brains, the waistband on her sweats started to feel a little tight, and when Morgan looked down her coloring had gone another shade of wrong and when she touched her stomach (first in the middle, then all around) she got the sinking feeling she used to once a month: bloating. Maybe it was water damage, maybe it was just that time in the un-life cycle. It didn’t fucking matter, did it?
“Great. First I’m dead, then I’m falling apart and ripped up like a rag doll, and now I’m a dead ripped up balloon doll waiting to pop.” She thought about how she’d announce this latest development to Deirdre when she got home and decided she didn’t want to. So she made some tea, remembered all the chamomile in the world wouldn’t actually calm her and threw it against her studio. 
The mug bounced off the wall. Tea splattered the yard.
Morgan picked it up and holed herself up inside the four little walls where she was supposed to be alone. Maybe if she disappeared in a book or a playlist she could forget about what was happening to her body. Funny how she’d dreamed of feeling the world again every day for the last fourteen months; now she’d try just about anything to go numb and float off again.
As Eddie approached the front door of Morgan’s home, an unexpected sound from the backyard caught his attention. He took a few steps back and looked over the fence in time to see the studio door close. If that’s where Morgan was, it would be pointless to try getting into the main house. Admittedly, tracking her down would be a nonissue if she knew he planned to drop by, but Eddie had a sneaking suspicion she didn’t want visitors in her current condition. Be that as it may, he needed to see her. For all he knew, this might be his last chance.
Eddie reached over the fence’s gate and unlocked it from the other side, immediately re-locking it once inside. Even in his haste, he didn’t want to be the reason something unwanted took an open door as an invitation. Eddie quickly bypassed the garden that usually imbued him with a sense of calmness. Today, all it did was put more space between him and Morgan.
At the studio door, Eddie knocked only to enter without waiting for a response. The second he saw her, his heart fell into his stomach. Morgan, for the first time since meeting her, looked dead.
“I heard about what happened,” Eddie announced. He figured wasting time on small talk would be insulting at this point. “I wish you would’ve told me yourself, but I guess it doesn’t matter now.” As he spoke, he walked further into the studio. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of people in your corner right now. Is there room for me to throw my hat in the ring?”
Morgan only managed a few minutes of stillness before she heard a knock. She flinched, dreading what she would have to explain to Deirdre, but before she could work up the nerve to answer, Eddie came in. She was so startled she forgot to cover her face. Her blue-purple pallor was growing new colors, black in some places, yellow in others. Somehow, her skin was peeling and shriveled and swollen at once. Her eyes, now clouded like frost on a window, looked smaller than they should and her lids sagged around the empty space. For a woman who would never age, she sure looked like she had outlived her time.
In the brief instant Eddie held the door open, three flies flew in and circled lazily toward her. They knew a good thing when they saw it. She should probably have been more grateful that maggots and fungi hadn’t found her yet, but the only thought she had room for was, Eddie shouldn’t be here.
“W--what? I--” It didn’t really matter how he found out, did it? “I don’t want to be one of those people that puts their bullshit on kids and makes them carry it,” she sighed. “And I don’t...know what I’m going to do about any of this. If I can do anything about this. I went through the books I had, I tried looking through some others and--” Nothing. She slumped back in her corner on the day bed and covered her face with a pillow. Then, feeling ridiculous, tossed it away and settled for pulling her legs up and hiding that way. “You should probably grab some air freshener from the kitchenette,” she mumbled.
Eddie had never seen Morgan look so small before. In the past, her petite frame always seemed like an act of misdirection. When she spoke, the weight of her words commanded attention. Her laugh charmed a sigh of relief from the world around her. Out of everyone Eddie knew, he couldn’t think of a single person he respected more than Morgan Beck. Seeing her this way didn’t change that, it only proved the severity of the situation. It was time for him to start repaying her for everything she’d done.
“Well, this kid would rather help carry your bullshit than let it bury you,” Eddie replied as he took her advice and walked over to the kitchenette. He wanted to tell her he didn’t mind the smell but lying wouldn’t make the situation any better. Eddie pulled the trigger and a clean-linen scented mist mingled with the smell of decay. It would have to do.
“So,” he continued, moving closer to her before taking a seat beside her on the day bed. “Catch me up to speed, I only know the bare minimum.” Eddie didn’t think being told the details would lead them to a solution but that wasn’t why he came here. Other, more capable people would help Morgan in that area. What he wanted to accomplish was simply to make sure she knew she wasn’t alone. Maybe it wasn’t as glamorous of a purpose as finding a cure but believed it to be important all the same. “You woke up and, out of nowhere, you were alive again?”
Morgan grimaced at the hiss of the air freshener. She had suggested it, but smelling it and knowing how little good it would do was another matter. “You might wanna go a little heavier on that,” she deadpanned. “I’m almost a week into this, and whatever is fucking with me the slow, painful way, has a year’s worth of decay to catch up on.” She let her head rest against the wall and closed her eyes. All her physical senses back, and she still had to endure this latest cosmic ‘fuck you’ in complete sobriety. No rest. No relief.
She curled up a little tighter as he sat by her, as if her death-sickness was contagious. “Uh, if you haven’t noticed, I apparently don’t need to be buried. I can decompose all by myself.” She worked his question thoughtfully, trying to find the right words for it. How stupidly excited she was for so little, and how suddenly it was a little too much.
“I wasn’t alive,” she said at last, face still buried in her knees. “No heartbeat. No warmth. I could just...feel again. The bedsheets were cold. And soft. Weirdly soft. And my girlfriend was soft and cold but different, and the carpet was...coarse and thick and plushy...it was like I’d never been on this planet before. Everything was new. The words I had weren’t enough to describe it. I spent a whole two days convincing myself that whatever was happening it wouldn’t be so bad. Some weird town thing we’d have to reverse. But then I got hurt and it took me forever to heal. And then I didn’t heal at all. And I ate, I had so many brains, but my body was shriveling up, turning color, smelling, all that gross stuff that’s not supposed to happen to me if I do everything I’m supposed to. And do you know how it feels, literally feels, to have your body dry up? Or to--” One of the flies landed on her cheek and began exploring the new terrain. Morgan raised her hand and let it, waiting til it reached her hairline where she wasn’t so sensitive. She slapped it dead and left the goo where it was. “Be food for the bugs? Because that’s something I know now. Can’t wait for everything else to go, or for whatever’s keeping me wide awake for the whole horror science show to...decide what comes next.” She didn’t want to die. She wouldn’t be this frustrated if she did. But being nothing but wobbling bones and leather and dust frightened her just as much as oblivion. She didn’t know which she was really supposed to hope for.
Eddie listened as Morgan described the past few days. At first, her condition sounded like a gift. He remembered when she told him how badly she missed being able to experience the world as a living participant. No heartbeat or warmth meant certain sensations were still off limits but, other than that, he imagined those first two days felt pretty damn good. A false sense of security, obviously. He hated this.
Morgan swatted the fly and Eddie’s lips pursed in response. “Hold on,” he announced, standing up to make his second trip to the kitchenette. Facing the counter, he tore a few paper towels from the roll and wetted them in the sink. After wringing out the extra moisture, he carried them back to the daybed and took his seat again. Eddie tentatively reached out and, as gently as he could, washed away the insect’s remains. When his hand lowered, he kept the damp wad of paper in his hand in case another decided to land on her.
“Morgan, do you remember what you said to me about hope, that it’s a choice?” Eddie asked. Of all people, he knew how unqualified he was to preach the importance of hope but he wanted to try. “You also said that to stop believing in the future is to stop believing in existing.” Even if he lacked the experience to explain the importance of looking for good, he knew Morgan didn’t. He could use her own words to help him navigate the situation.
“This isn’t the first time life’s given you its worst,” he said. “Obviously, you can roll over and accept hopelessness. Or, you can do what you do best and tell death to go fuck itself.”
“Yeah, this is an anomaly—so are you. Nothing is written, right? Don’t give up. Not yet.”
There were a lot of words Morgan had spoken in the past that haunted her now. Magic is going to save my life. All I need is to break the curse. Hope is a fucking choice. What was there to hope for when the only thing on the horizon was another shade of suffering? How could she continue believing in existence, when existence seemed to be shutting her down at both ends? Was she supposed to bone-jangle her way downstairs to breakfast every morning? Or be carried on a stretcher in so many pieces, to and fro? Or would the magic take away her mind too, and this was simply a farewell tour she didn’t have a say in? Morgan didn’t see much hope in that. What had all her suffering been for? A year of half a life, and then this?
Morgan scrubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and said nothing for a while. Then, just peeking over her knees with dead, swollen eyes, she said, “Death comes for everyone, Eddie. That’s what gives life balance. We end. We go...somewhere. Home. Even if it’s not until this planet implodes or gets struck by the right meteor. Everything is change. To stay stuck one way, that’s the biggest waste of what we have.” She shrugged. “But...stars in the fucking sky above…” Her voice drowned with held-in tears. “I couldn’t find anything about this, Eddie. I haven’t figured it out. And I don’t know what I’m supposed to imagine to hope for. And I’m so tired...I am so tired of climbing back up, of fighting the universe for one scrap of good. And right now...I almost wish I could give up. But I don’t even know what to give up on. All of it looks like giving up something right now.”
Eddie knew death came for everyone. Until recently, he clung to that fact with everything he had. Even now, his grip was only a little looser than before. Death, to him, sounded like a release. Morgan was tired, it made sense for her to want rest. A few months ago, Eddie might not have argued that it wasn’t the answer, but now he knew what loss felt like. If Morgan died, a piece of him would too. Ironically enough, the more he cared about someone, the more selfish he became.
“Lots of things that happen in this town don’t have books written about them. That doesn’t make them impossible to handle,” Eddie insisted before adopting a softer tone. “I know you’re tired. If anyone deserves rest, it’s you, and you’ll get it.” Eddie reached out with his free-hand and took hold of Morgan’s. “Like you said, death’s inevitable but it doesn’t have you yet. As long as you’re here, there’s a chance for things to get better. And—and, no, I don’t know what your pain feels like, but I know my own. Most days, getting out of bed is a fucking triumph, but I still do it; for you. For Alfie, for Bex, and Kyle, and everyone else who’s been kind to me. I don’t know what I’m hoping for exactly. Maybe I’m just hoping for hope.” Eddie paused before speaking again. “Think about that scrap of good, are you ready to let it go?” He meant the question genuinely and without pretense. “If you do, there’s no getting it back. No more garden, no more Deirdre, no more laughter, no more anything. Is there really nothing left worth fighting for?”
Morgan hid her face again as it crumpled with grief. But she let Eddie take her hand, and though her fingers were stiff, she squeezed his back. Mina had told her once that life was a curse of its own; Morgan had brushed it off as a flash of witty irony. But it came to her again now: was this living? Was crawling out of one hole only to fall into another what life looked like from the inside? She couldn’t think of a person she knew who wasn’t crawling out of something right now. The difference was only in terms of degree. When she was alive, human-alive, she had coached herself into accepting happiness as a stolen gift, a thing she would be caught red handed with and have to surrender. It would all be okay, because when the curse was over, she could have as much as she wanted and more. She could chase down every bright thing and know that however it turned out, it was fair as anything on earth could be, and she had given her best. It made her dry organs shrivel just a little more to suppose this was the way of all things, not just a thirty-nine-year blip of existence.
And yet there was no better choice before her. It was just like Eddie said. If she tried to will this bullshit to the end, she would be releasing everything she’d fought so hard to hold. And if she surrendered to the thought of an eternity of true living death, it would be much the same. The world struck no natural balance in the course of a life, and in White Crest it arched toward cruelty, and yet there had to be another horizon. These scraps of good had to be enough because they were all she had. And maybe In another week, a month, in a decade, things would be different. Magic always had a key to unlock itself. What was done might someday be undone. (Might, and with so little evidence to make it feel like anything at all.) She tried to imagine it, coming out of a stupor like sleeping beauty, kissing her own skin for holding its shape and keeping her here just enough to try and make a better balance in the world, kissing Deirdre, and the cats, and having every fresh memory from those early days to guide her toward contentment. She couldn’t hold the image very long. It burnt in flashes. Somehow, it hurt worse than either path of doom she saw. Morgan nodded and let hope in and sobbed, breaking with the weight of it.
She tried to muffle her cries with her other hand, but it was no good. She shook and soaked her sweatpants with her tears and turned Eddie’s fingers red with her grip. At last she noticed the change in the feel of his hand and let go. “Sorry. I’m...s-sorry. Um.” She wiped her face on her sleeve and tried to look at the boy. “You know you’re...a really kind, brave kid, right? And that’s why we all want you to be more careful? Because we need more of that around. We need you. And I wish you could be there for yourself like you are for me right now.” She heaved another dry sob and scrubbed her face again fighting for composure. It was always harder to show up for yourself, especially when you were alone.
“I’m not--uh, this isn’t because--” She gestured vaguely at the mess of herself. “I mean, you’re right. You’re right and I know you’re right and it’s just--” Kind of wish you weren’t. It would be so much easier if you weren’t. She shook her head, abandoning words in favor of meeting his gaze. What she didn’t know how to say was this: it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, holding out for hope and hoping for its own sake. But Eddie knew dark almost as well as she did; maybe he would know this just by looking at her, too.
When Morgan broke down, Eddie knew he’d struck a chord. He could only hope that meant something good and that he hadn’t made things worse. Her grip on his hand tightened exponentially but the pain barely registered. All he could focus on were her anguished sobs—he wondered how long she’d been trying to swallow them. Despair like that didn’t come to term in an instant. It laid in wait, brewing and accumulating more grievances both big and small until it could no longer be contained. If he had managed to help her rethink the release of death, maybe a release like this one would suffice for now.
“No, no, it’s—” Eddie’s dismissal of Morgan’s apology cut off when she spoke again. His expression slowly relaxed, brows raising in gentle surprise. A few people had called him brave now but he never seemed to get used to it. After spending so much of his life in hiding, he didn’t think he deserved that kind of praise. At the same time, he wanted to believe he was wrong. Eddie smiled sadly at Morgan. “One day, maybe. It’s a work in progress.” He didn’t know what to say about being needed but he tucked the compliment away somewhere he could find it when he lost sight of what mattered.
What she said—or, more accurately, didn’t say next resonated exactly as she expected it to. “It feels impossible, doesn’t it?” Eddie asked before his smile returned. “Kind of like when you’ve been in the dark for so long your eyes adjust to it and suddenly a light comes on and blinds you.” He gingerly rubbed the back of her with his thumb. “We’ll adjust to the light the same as we did the dark, just gotta give ourselves some time.”
Morgan nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Slowly, she unfolded her legs. There wasn’t much of her left to hide, and the second fly was already crawling along her skull. She thought about what Eddie said when it came to the light and the dark, and wondered how long it would take for her vision to get screwed up from so much back and forth that everything hurt. It would have to be a long time from now, wouldn’t it? She would have to make it that way.
After what seemed like a long time she said, “You know, for someone who lumped in hope with the evils of the world, you’re getting pretty good at being hope’s cheerleader.” Then after another silence, “You don’t have to stay with me though, okay? I’m not gonna go off the deep end, or do anything I shouldn’t. Deirdre will probably be home soon anyway.” Time had a way of moving funny when you were miserable, something Eddie was probably familiar with too, but the last thing she wanted him to carry was more worry about her. She nearly reached over to pat his arm, reassure him in a performance of her good ol’ self, but she remembered how she looked and let it fall empty instead. “Thank you though,” she said quietly.
Since Eddie last gave Morgan his opinion on hope, a lot had changed—was still changing. He didn’t find comfort in misery as much as he used to. Now, he understood happiness took a little elbow grease and that brains need to be re-wired every now and then. Some days were harder than others, he didn’t always believe his positive affirmations, but he was trying. For himself and everyone he loved, he was trying.
“When you’re wrong, you’re wrong,” he said with a shrug. “I thought I might as well give your outlook a shot. It’s going pretty okay so far.”
When Morgan next spoke, Eddie considered her carefully. He didn’t want to linger if she needed time to decompress but he also didn’t want to risk leaving too soon. Finally, he said, “Okay, if you’re sure.” Eddie stood up and took a deep breath before turning to face her. “If you need anything, anything at all, call me. I don’t care what time it is. I know it sucks to feel like you’re weighing people down but I love you, Morgan. I like helping you.” He leaned down to wrap his arms loosely around her. “Don’t ever feel like a burden.”
“I love you too, Eddie,” Morgan whispered. “Go on now. Be good and I’ll see you soon.”
Eddie straightened up and walked over to the kitchenette to toss the wadded up paper towels in the trash. Afterwards, he headed for the door. “See you soon,” he said, glancing back at Morgan before taking his leave.
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 6
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 9,761
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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Ice chips.
A whole paper cup full of them.
This was my current mission. My purpose. My whole reason for existence in this one very specific moment in time.
For if every wholesome, family-friendly sitcom from the 90s were to be believed, ice chips were like crack to women in labor - they just couldn't get enough of the stuff.
Why? No one knows, least of all me… okay, maybe doctors knew but if they did, not a single one had yet to clear up that little mystery for me.
The why didn't really matter anyway. All that mattered is that Rayne wanted them. And what Rayne wanted, Rayne got.
Especially when she was about to shove a brand new tiny person through her body and out into the world any second now.
...at least, in theory anyway.
I thanked the attendant at the nurse station and turned with the freshly secured cup of ice chips in hand, heading down the hospital wing back in the direction of Rayne's room in the delivery ward. As I hurried along, I anxiously ran my free hand down my frazzled braid, grimacing at all the little wisps coming loose before shifting to smooth my fingers along my rumpled dress that I'd been wearing since yesterday. Turning one last corner, my eyes immediately went to Rayne's door-
-only to be brought up short by the sight of fluffy, squishy, huggable reindeer plushie nearly twice my size already waiting politely outside it.
Well there was something you don't see every day.
It only took me a second to spot the shoes poking out underneath that had to belong to whoever was holding the thing from behind where I couldn't see them. I squinted.
I knew those shoes.
With a tiny, tired smile, I put one foot forward once more and approached the giant stuffed caribou with a lightly teasing, "If you're looking for the North Pole, you're off by about a couple thousand miles, Prancer. Or is it Blitzen?"
"Har, har. You're an absolute riot," came a voice from the other side of the massive doll. Though I couldn't see the eye roll, I could distinctly hear it in his tone.
Shaking my head with a soft snort, I dug my phone out of my pocket to check the time. "...1 p.m. already? Can't believe she's been in labor for nearly twenty-one hours." Twenty-one extremely long, extremely sleepless hours for the mother-to-be, not to mention all her loved ones here to support her. Tucking the phone away once more, I told him, "Thanks again for covering my early shift, I really appreciate it. Hope it wasn't too hectic of a morning over at the Ice Palace."
"Hey, don't mention it," Kristoff poked his blonde head up just over the plushie's shoulder. "If it's a choice between the two of us, it's no contest: Rayne'd much rather have you here with her than me." He paused, eyeing the closed door leading into her hospital room with a tiny frown. "...so, still no baby, huh?"
"Still no baby," I sighed, then tipped my head to one side. "Care to explain the reindeer? I didn't even know we made Svens in this size."
"We don't," he shifted his hold on the thing for a better grip. "We got a small batch to try and sell as a test run last year, but no one was really buying 'em. Still had a couple stowed away in back just gathering dust, so got the okay from Frozone to steal one for welcoming the new little Hewley into the world."
A grin pulled at my lips, "How sweet. I'm sure Rayne will love it." I then quirked an eyebrow at him. "...why were you just standing outside with it anyway? You know you could have just walked on in, right?"
His gaze darted to the door once again, then back to me. "...is the yelling still happening?" he whispered with a nervous little wince.
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as I deadpanned, "It's the beautiful blessed miracle of life, Kristoff. Rayne's allowed to yell as much as she wants. Now come on, there's already one baby on the way, we don't need you being a big old second one." With that, I reached for the door knob, pushed it open and made my way inside.
And straight into the madhouse that was Rayne's hospital room.
"You did this to me, you bastard! I'm gonna KILL you for this, you smug son of a bitch!"
Ah, and there was Rayne now, shrieking her head off.
To be fair, if you'd been in labor for nearly a full day now, you'd probably be shrieking your head off too.
"Yes, hon."
And that'd be Riku, the absolute picture of patience and composure as he smiled lovingly through the abuse, both verbal and physical as Rayne's death grip just had to be murder on his hand right now. But he was soldiering through it like a champ.
Huffing and puffing, Rayne spat, "Don't you 'yes hon' me with that stupid, sexy, annoying, beautiful, infuriatingly perfect little grin of yours, pal! When I'm through with you, you won't have anything to grin about!"
"Yes, hon," he chuckled softly, gently sweeping a few of her messy bangs out of her face before pressing a light kiss to her sweaty temple.
"Oh-ho, no! None of that!" she snarled, narrowing her eyes at him. "It's stuff like that that started this whole damn mess, jerkface!"
"Yes, hon."
We were all handling being included in this special moment in Rayne's life a bit differently, each doing what we could to keep her happy and distracted from the contractions. As could be seen, Riku was doing his part by being a flawless model husband/punching bag combo. Sora-
"What does every moogle need in the morning?"
Sora was trying to make her laugh.
"A kup-o coffee!"
...and was doing a rather poor job of it.
As Rayne stared blankly up at him, Sora gave a tiny sheepish laugh from where he stood at the foot of her hospital bed as he scratched the back of his head. "That one was a dud, huh? Okay, okay, how about this one? What do moogles use when they go shopping? ...Kupons!"
More crickets from Rayne. This time accompanied with an unamused little eye squint.
Undeterred, Sora smiled brightly and held up his hands, "Wait, wait, I gotta million of these! What did one cactuar say to the other? ...looking sharp! What does a cactuar wear to a business meeting? ...A cac-tie!" Why did the chocobo cross the road? ...he was going for a wark!"
His new rapid fire approach did not seem to be helping matters.
"Alright, no, hang on, I'm gonna get you with this one for sure! You ready? Okay… Knock knock."
Rayne's eye twitched. Patting her hand, Riku obliged his cousin with a sigh, "Who's there?"
Barely able to contain his glee now, Sora replied, "Interrupting chocobo."
"Interrupting ch-"
"BWARK!" Sora crowed in delight.
The expecting mother-to-be looked just about ready to hurl the beeping heart monitor at him.
"Look, Ray, look!" Kairi suddenly chimed in, swiftly coming to her boyfriend's rescue as she shoved her phone in Rayne's face. For her contribution in keeping Rayne's mind off the pain, Kairi had elected to sit in the bed with her to provide cuddles and hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of adorable baby animals. "Aren't these little piggy-wiggies the freaking cutest?"
Frowning at the screen, Rayne said flatly, "...they'd look even cuter in the form of crispy bacon on a bun slathered in barbecue."
Kairi gasped in horror, snatching her phone back to hug protectively to her chest, "Not the piggy-wiggies!"
"Sorry, Kai, but I'm starving and they won't let me eat a damn thing until this little bundle of joy gets the hell out of me," she grumbled back.
She pursed her lips to one side, swiping her thumb across the screen several times now, "Guess I'll skip these pics of baby cows and chicks and- you know what? No farm animals at all, how about that?"
Sora was now sidling up along one side of the bed opposite to Riku, both hands covering his face as he went.
Oh dear.
One could only assume this was leading up to his latest attempt to get a laugh out of her and I was almost dreading how the next couple seconds would unfold.
"No frowning. No sad face. Okay?" he muffled out from between fingers as he blindly inched closer to Rayne. "This birth runs on happy faces, so ya gotta look funny… like me!" He suddenly threw his hands out wide to reveal he was wearing a pair of gag glasses, complete with a comically large plastic nose and mustache. "I-"
Rayne yelped in surprise and socked him in the stomach.
Yup. That'd gone about as well as I'd expected.
And correction… it seemed the role of punching bag would now be played by Sora.
Quite literally.
Eyes growing round as she clasped both hands over her mouth, Rayne said, "Oh god, Sora, you okay? I'm so sorry, but you scared the everliving crap out of me!"
"No, no, it's fine," he wheezed out a chuckle, doubling over and clutching at his gut while Kairi shot him a sympathetic pout as she rubbed his shoulder. "You're bringing a new little life into the world, so you get a free pass!"
Smothering his snickers behind a hand, Riku shook his head at him, "Where did those ridiculous things even come from?"
"These?" Sora held up the gaudy spectacles. "Saw 'em in the hospital gift shop and thought everyone might get a kick outta them."
"Or at least a punch," Kairi teased, sticking her tongue out.
Kristoff and I hadn't been spotted yet. Sensing an opening as the rest of them devolved into light laughter, I was just about to insert myself into the conversation when-
"Beep beep, coming through! Move it or lose it!"
Jolting, I just barely jumped out of the way in time to narrowly avoid getting steamrolled by Anna as she suddenly came charging into the room. Her arms were stacked so high with hospital pillows that she couldn't really see past them, so I suspected she had no clue that she'd just beeped-beeped her own sister.
Yesterday when we'd been racing our way back to Twilight Town, I'd called Anna to make sure she'd heard the news that Rayne had gone into labor. Since we still had had several hours left on the road to go yet before we'd be back and I'd been worried about missing the birth, I'd wanted to make sure that Anna could at least be there in my stead. However I discovered I needn't have even asked, for my sister had already been burning rubber out of Arendelle to get to Twilight Town herself even before I'd called. Thankfully we'd arrived with time to spare - plenty of it, as it was turning out. And bonus, I'd been getting to personally witness Anna's own unique brand of pitching in... that is, by doing anything and everything in her power to make sure Rayne was as comfortable as humanly possible.
Which to Anna apparently meant stealing every last pillow in this medical institution to offer up as tribute to Rayne.
"Ta-da!" she chirped as she dumped the tiny mountain of cushions onto Rayne's bed with a big, delighted grin. "I'm back with a whole friggin' variety this time, so pick your poison! I got soft ones, firm ones, big ones, small ones, some as big as your- you know what? Do you wanna go with all of them? Let's go with all of them! Sound good? Good!" With that, she began gently but eagerly stuffing them one by one behind Rayne's head.
"Anna, sweetie… do you think we're maybe approaching the point of too many pillows here?" Rayne delicately asked, shifting her back slightly against the already substantial collection behind her that Anna had managed to amass in the past several hours.
She wrinkled her nose with a snerk, "What? Nonsense, there's no such thing as too many pillows! And I think you'll be singing a different tune once you get a load of this puppy here," she proudly held up and fluffed a particularly plush looking pillow. "This right here is the Holy Grail of hospital pillows! I earned this bad boy too! Had to throw down with some greedy, wrinkly old fart who was trying to horde all the good bedding for himself!"
"Let me get this straight… you beat up an elderly old man and stole his pillow?" Riku gave her a dull look.
"I didn't beat him up! Just… got in a bit of a tussle, that's all," she brushed off with a tiny shrug. At all the blank stares she received, she huffed, "What, he was crotchety and mean and fought dirty, kept whacking me with his cane! The old coot friggin' deserved it!" She turned her head away with a razz of her tongue before her face lit up once more. "Besides, nothing but the best for the soon-to-be mommy, isn't that right, Ray-Ray?" she cooed as she fondly tucked "the Holy Grail" of hospital pillows (which was the last of her latest haul from all her ransacking and pillaging) behind Rayne. Then she clapped her hands together, "Now! Be right back with more in a jiff!"
Before Anna could dash off again however, Rayne snagged her wrist with a hasty, "No!" As my sister glanced back at her, Rayne winced and lowly hissed her way through what looked to be another contraction before blowing out a relieved puff and exhaustedly chuckling, "The thought's appreciated, sweetpea, really, but try as you might, I just don't think we can quite cram the hospital's entire supply of pillows in this one teeny room."
"Ah-ah!" she interrupted her protest, holding up a finger. "Trust me, I'm good. 'Sides, if you keep going at this rate, soon there'll be no room left on the bed for me."
The corners of Anna's lips turned down in a tiny sulk. "I suppose you're right," she hung her head as her hands smoothed over Rayne's bedsheets, flattening any wrinkles. Then she froze mid-gesture, face brightening once again as she looked up with a delighted little intake of breath. "I can get you more blankets! So many blankets! All the blankets!"
"What?! Anna, no, I'm not even-"
But my sister had already blurred out of the room with nothing more than a quick, "Hi, Sis! Bye, Sis!" to me. She didn't even acknowledge Kristoff. Don't think she saw him behind the caribou.
"...cold," Rayne finished with a defeated sigh. Then she seemed to notice me for the first time. More specifically, what I was holding. She immediately perked up, "Ah, there she is! C'mere, oh Great Bringer of Ice! My Ice Babe, my Ice Queen, my Ice Goddess!" She stretched out her arms towards me, making grabby hands. "Gimme!"
Ah, my role in keeping Rayne happy.
Which if it hadn't been obvious already, that greeting should have just made it abundantly clear.
This was actually my first time being present for the birth of somebody's child. And if I was being totally honest here, I had to admit that the experience did make me a bit awkward and anxious. Gussy it up however you like, but the "miracle of childbirth" was some animal kingdom nonsense that I'd normally rather take no part in. It was all just so... er… messy. But this was an important day for Rayne and I wanted to be there for her. Which meant I just had to do what I did for all important things that made me awkward and anxious.
I let it go and did them anyway.
Taking in a breath to quell my jittery nerves, I braved a smile as I approached her bedside and held out the cup which she greedily snatched up. "Got it back here as quick as I could, hopefully it didn't have a chance to melt too much."
Popping a few frozen chips into her mouth, she closed her eyes with a contented hum. "Ahhhh, that's the stuff! You always treat me right, boo! Keep the good shit coming."
"D'aw," I grinned softly, reaching out to lightly pat her cheek, "you make me feel like I'm your drug dealer."
"Don't act like you don't like it," she crunched down on the ice with a cheeky little wink before digging a few more out of the cup to slip between her lips. Then she looked past me and went stock still. She blinked once. Then twice. Then, "...um?"
I glanced back to realize she just now seemed to be noticing the comically large, dopey reindeer in the room. How she hadn't spotted it sooner was beyond me. In any case, I cleared my throat and stage whispered, "Pssst… Kristoff!"
"Right." Taking that as his cue, he started jauntily bouncing forward with the thing, making it do a floppy little jig in the process. Remaining hidden behind the colossal doll the whole time, he adopted a deep, goofy voice to speak for the plushie, "Hello, my name is Sven and I'm gonna be your new lil gal's bestest friend! I'll make sure to give her all the snuggles and huggles and wub she'll ever need!"
For a second, Rayne's expression was unreadable as she just continued to stare at the thing's big, silly face. Then she burst into tears.
Fudge, was this a good crying or a bad crying?
With all the drastic mood swings she'd been experiencing since labor started, it could really go either way at this point.
Everyone began to scramble. Riku was murmuring softly to her as he caressed her cheek, Kairi was frantically trying to pull up what she was claiming to be an absolutely adorable picture of a dog and duck that were besties, and Sora was desperately shooting off lame, punny jokes so fast now that the punchlines were getting all jumbled and mashed together into pure gibberish. However it all turned out to be unnecessary as Rayne suddenly wailed, "Oh my god, I love him!"
Whew, okay, this was a good crying.
False alarm, people, stand down.
"Really?" Kristoff stuck his head up from behind the deer, flashing a lopsided smile.
She nodded her head vigorously, sniffling. "He's perfect for our baby girl! And good news! You've officially just been hired as our full-time nanny!"
He gave a bashful chuckle as he found a corner to deposit Sven in, "Shucks, you don't hafta-" But then he stiffened as her words really sunk in. "Wait, what?"
"Yup! Don't worry, I'll talk to the Ice Palace for you so they'll work your shifts around it. Ah, we're gonna have the happiest kid in the whole wide universe now that she's going to have her own talking, dancing, prancing reindeer to play with every day!" she clapped in glee.
"Every-" Kristoff spluttered and paled. "Now hang on, I never agreed to any of-"
"Da-dun da-dun! Candygram!" a new voice loudly sang out. We all turned to discover Lea now standing in the doorway, grinning like a madman with his arms loaded down with junk food. Way, way too much junk food.
"Good lord, where on earth did all that come from?" was the only greeting he got from me as both eyebrows shot up my forehead.
He shrugged, grin somehow defying all odds to stretch even wider. "Raided the nearest couple o' vending machines and picked the things clean. Hope all you boys and gals are famished cuz tonight we feast like Candyland kings! And you get a chocolate bar!" he tossed one to me, which I fumbled to catch before sensing Rayne's gaze narrowing on me and I hastily hid it behind my back. "And you get a chocolate bar!" This one went to Kristoff. "And you and you and you!" Sora, Kairi, Riku. "Annnnnd…" Lea stopped mid-throw to Rayne, smirking as he retracted his hand. "...not you cuz the Doc said that was a big fat no-no for you, Missy! Guess that just means more for me," he smugly singsonged as he made his way further into the room now.
Nostrils flaring, Rayne growled, "You are such an asshole, Red."
"One," he struck up a finger as he unceremoniously plopped down into a chair against the wall opposite of her, letting all the sweets pile up in his lap, "that's just part o' my roguish charm and you know it. Two, you said a naughty word." He tsked with a shake of his head as he began to peel the wrapper off a Snickers. "Now is that any way for a young lady who any second now is gonna be responsible for molding a young, impressionable mind of our future generation should be talking?"
"Fuck off," she spat out.
"That's more like it!" he laughed, toasting her with the candy bar before heartily taking a bite.
And this, my friends, is how Lea was doing his part to help distract her from the pain.
By being a royal pain in the butt himself.
Fighting fire with fire, as it were.
"Mm-mm-mm!" Lea hummed, putting on a show of enjoying his snack a little too much. "The way that chocolate just melts in your mouth and mingles with all that sweet caramel and peanuty goodness… golly, would I hate to be anyone who's not allowed to eat right now," he slyly broke off another piece between his teeth as he eyed Rayne.
She mutedly worked her jaw for a moment. Then in a dangerously low voice, she said, "Sorry, Elsa, but I'm sending your boyfriend to an early grave."
"Please don't. I'm actually rather fond of the little troublemaker," I snorted as I made my way over to him, quick to smother his mouth with my hand even as he opened it to spout off something else that would surely only tighten the proverbial noose even further around his neck.
I anticipated the little kiss he pressed to the inside of his palm. What I didn't anticipate, however, was him simply taking hold of my wrist and yanking my down into his lap (a rather awkward seat, mind you, considering I was sharing the space with all that candy) where he hugged me tightly, pinning my arms to my sides in the process so I could no longer silence him. Nuzzling his nose to my cheek, he then turned his head to regard Rayne once more as he chirped, "Just consider it incentive! Think about it: the sooner ya squeeze that kiddo out, the sooner ya get to throttle me! Now lessee here, where was I…"
Releasing his hold on me, he retrieved another bar from the heap, tore it open and chomped down. "Mmm… Almond Joy? More like Almond Nirvana! Seriously, this is too good. Raindrop, wanna bite?" he held it out towards her, giving it a little wiggle with an impish gleam to his eyes.
Pretty sure I could see a vein bulging on her forehead for a split second. Then she tried to lunge straight for him and it was only thanks to the combined efforts of Riku, Kairi, and Sora holding her back that she stayed put in her bed.
It seemed Lea was playing his part a little too well.
"Lemme at him, I'm going to murder him!" she snarled as she fought against all the hands restraining her.
"Ah-ah," Lea waggled a finger at her - a finger I hastily grabbed and forced him to lower in a futile attempt to keep him from antagonizing her further. "What did I just tell ya? Baby first, then murder."
Rayne's lips parted, a particularly nasty retort surely on the tip of her tongue, but then she sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth as it appeared another contraction wracked her body and she bellowed out wordlessly instead.
As if her howl was a summons, a new person suddenly came bustling into the room with a chipper yet soothing, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."
Mind you, I was using the term "person" in the loosest sense of the word. Baymax here was actually a robot of some kind, though a rather odd one at that - I usually didn't picture robots as big, round, soft and inflatable. Then again, this was the first robot I'd ever met, so what did I know? It seemed it (he?) was some sort of prototype on loan to the hospital, making rounds in the role of a nurse as a sort of a test run to see how viable mass producing more like it (him?) might be.
The future is now, apparently.
"Yes, yes, so you keep saying every. Damn. Time that you come in here," Rayne panted out in reply to the bot, her grip firmly squeezing Riku's hand once more.
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked amiably as he began to lift her blankets to check how far along she was while the rest of us discreetly averted our eyes.
She huffed out a bitter noise that may have been some crude approximation of a laugh. "Trust me, we left ten in the dust hours ago."
"Good news" Baymax announced, still in that mellow yet upbeat tone he seemed to be programmed to never deviate from as he settled her bedsheets back into place. "You are dilated enough now to begin the birthing process. I'll page Dr Finkelstein so we can get started right away."
"Oh thank fucking god!" Rayne cried out.
Baymax turned to address the rest of us, "If everyone besides the father-to-be could please vacate the room and give us privacy, it would be most appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day."
As the rest of us quickly filed out of the room into the hall, I could spot Anna turning a corner down the way, her arms bursting with blankets now as she sprinted at full speed. Her gaze widened slightly when it landed on us and as she skidded to a halt, she asked, "What's going on? What happened?"
"I did it!" Lea chuckled triumphantly as he handed her a Butterfingers, which she bemusedly accepted. "I shit you not, I actually did it! I managed to annoy that baby outta her!"
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"Huh. We really would make a cute lil anklebiter, wouldn't we?"
I blinked, taking my eyes off my phone screen to glance down at Lea instead. "...pardon?"
The two of us had laid claim to a row of chairs in the waiting room that were sans armrests and pushed together to form a makeshift bench of sorts. I was currently seated in one on the end with Lea sprawled out across the rest of them, using my lap to pillow his head. Looking up from his own phone, he showed me his screen. "Got curious and put our photos in one o' those 'what'll our baby look like' websites. Just lookit this adorable lil fucker."
I was greeted with the sight of a computer-generated yet still rather life-like picture of a little boy. He had short hair that was platinum blonde like mine, as well as my blue eyes, but favored Lea's more sharp angular facial features, especially in the nose. "He is rather cute," I grinned, one hand pocketing my mobile while the other gently stroked his wild hair. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I hesitated for a heartbeat. Then, "...what brought this up?"
Retracting his arm and turning his phone back towards himself so he could stare at the picture once more, he shrugged. "I dunno… Raindrop and Riku's lil squirt's gonna be here any minute… Mom made that comment 'bout the two of us making a kid…" He paused and shrugged again. "Hard not to get curious what with all that baby fever going round right now, I s'pose."
"You think about that kind of stuff?" I tipped my head to one side, my finger idly singling out one of his crimson spikes to fiddle with in particular. "You want children?"
"Well yeah," he laughed, tucking his phone away as he sat up, now only occupying the seat beside me. Grinning sheepishly as he rubbed at the nape of his neck, he added, "Not anytime soon, of course. But one day somewhere down the road with the right person? Definitely."
The corners of my eyes crinkled. There was absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Lea would make an amazing father some day. His words did sort of beg a certain kind of question however. One that I wasn't really sure I was ready to hear the answer to one way or another. Still, as I lowered my gaze to where my hands were fidgeting together in my lap, my face warmed as I couldn't seem to help but ask, "And do you… see me as the right person?"
Lea reached over, engulfing one of my hands in his and weaving our fingers together, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I lifted my gaze to meet his and he smiled softly, "Maybe… yeah, I'd really… really like to think you could be." He used his free hand to tentatively sweep some of my bangs behind my ear, his palm lingering against my cheek. "...is that okay, El?" he murmured.
He was worried his answer might freak me out, make me feel pressured. And to be fair, it was the type of thing that probably normally would have. However, it wasn't a cold panic I felt seeping into my chest now, but rather a pleasant tingle, tiny but warm. I leaned into his hand, covering his fingers with my own as one corner of my lips turned up and I gave a small nod, maybe surprising us both a little bit as I whispered back, "Yeah, that's okay."
His grin stretched to the point of threatening to split his face in two. Then he leaned down to kiss me soundly, resting his forehead against mine after he drew back.
Personally, I'd never before really pictured children in my future. Not that I had seen myself not having any, but I hadn't particularly seen myself having them either. It just hadn't really been something I'd thought much about, to be honest. And it didn't help that like I said, the whole process of childbirth made me a bit squeamish. But now… thinking about the prospect of maybe one day having them with Lea…
...sounded like it might be nice.
But that was still years and years and years away, trust me.
Still… it was a pleasant possible future to think about.
A deep yawn suddenly overtook Lea and he gave a massive stretch before slouching further down into his seat, slinging an arm around my shoulders and tugging me into his side. "Yeesh, it's been almost two hours now, what is taking that kid so damn long? I've heard of showing up fashionably late, but baby girl is really pushing it."
His yawn was contagious for I found myself doing the same as I reached for his hand. Absently toying with his fingers, I hummed a tiny laugh, "Maybe she stopped to pick up a latte on her way here."
"Well then, that kiddo better come outta Raindrop with a cardboard to-go tray bearing enough coffee for everyone."
I smiled drowsily, but made no response. Seated across from us, I could see my sister cozied up with Kristoff in another pair of seats, quietly chatting and giggling. As for Sora and Kairi, they were off grabbing a bite in the cafeteria. We'd decided to go in shifts so that there would always be someone in the waiting room in case news came at long last. Lea and I had been the first pair to go, with Kairi and Sora being the last.
As the hospital speakers paged a Dr Sweet to report to surgery, Lea piped up again, "Ya know, a lil caffeine infusion might not be a bad idea. The hospital coffee here is shit, may as well be piss for all the good it does. Once the kid's made her grand debut at long last and we can finally split, I was originally thinking we'd head back to my place to catch some Z's. But how 'bout instead we swing by Lucky Cat for some quality bean juice so we can get a jumpstart on moving your stuff over?"
"Move my stuff?" My brow furrowed and I turned my head to look up at him. "...where's it going?"
Lea blinked owlishly at me. I blinked owlishly right back. "Didn't we…?" he began slowly, then groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Shit, I haven't actually brought that up to you yet, have I? Maybe I really do need that nap." His hand shifted down to scratch at his cheek now, "But c'mon now, El, think… the kid's almost here."
"Uh-huh," I nodded.
"And she's gonna need a place to sleep," he went on.
"Of course." Obviously. I wasn't exactly sure where he was going with this.
He looked at me pointedly. "...in a nursery."
I quirked an eyebrow. "Right." Still lost here.
His eyelids drooped. "Babe... your room's the nursery."
I just stared back at him blankly, not saying anything at first as my brain took a minute to churn over his words.
A rather long minute.
Give me a break, I'd been awake for close to thirty-four hours straight now.
But finally it clicked.
I gasped, "I need to move out!"
"There it is," he snorted, his hand rubbing my back.
"Crud, in all this flurry of baby chaos, that part completely slipped my mind." I was on my feet in an instant, hands wringing my braid as I began pacing back and forth. "Fudge, I'm entirely unprepared for this! What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?" I stopped momentarily, looking at Lea. He opened his mouth to respond, but I was already furiously pacing once more, muttering, "Well, not entirely unprepared. I of course knew this was coming, already had some of my things packed, been on the hunt for a new apartment, I have, I really have! You know I have!" Again I paused. Again his lips parted. Again, I resumed my patrolling without giving him a chance to speak, "But there's nothing lined up yet! Gah, the baby wasn't supposed to be due for weeks, I was supposed to have more time! But now there is no more time and… and…" I came to a halt once again, face hardening and shoulders squaring as I tapped the side of my fist into my palm with a firm nod. "Time to revisit the whole living in a box idea!"
Did I mention the whole thirty-four hours without sleep thing?
"Woah now, hang on! No one's gonna be living in a box," Lea hopped up with a chuckle, hands going to my shoulders and giving them a squeeze. "Doubt the new happy family would kick ya out just like that and make you homeless, they'd work something out for ya while you looked for a new home." Now his eyes darted to the left as he softly cleared his throat, "There's... another option though that, ya know... I'd like to think is slightly more appealing to all parties involved…"
I cocked my head. "There is?"
"Yeah." He took both my hands in his, holding them to his chest as he beamed, "Move in with me!"
"Move in with…" I echoed slowly, trailing off as I stared up at him.
Processing… processing…
I gasped again, "Oh no! No, we shouldn't- That's isn't- I couldn't possibly do that!"
"Aw, why not?" he pouted.
"Moving in together is a big step, Lea! A huge decision! One we definitely shouldn't be making spur of the moment like this, not to mention when we're both delirious from lack of sleep! There's so much to consider, so much to think about!"
He used the hold he still had on my hands to pull me to him and wrap my arms around his waist, freeing up his own arms to hug me instead. "What's there to think about? You're already practically living with me anyhow, you stay over almost every night as it is. I'd love to have you there, Bruni and Marshmallow would love to have you there… it's three against one, El, you're outvoted."
I drooped my eyelids up at him. "The dog and salamander don't get votes."
"You'll hafta take that up with them once you're all moved in and settled," he pressed a quick peck to my forehead before flashing a cheeky grin. My expression remained unamused and he snerked, "C'mon, is it really such a big deal? We were just talking 'bout having kids. Compared to that, the idea of shacking up together seems like small potatoes!"
"Yes, theoretical kids in a theoretical future. Me moving in with you is very real and very right now. We haven't even been dating for five months yet, that's way too soon to be living together."
Lea shrugged, "And you were with your ex for five years before almost tying the knot with him and we all know how that ended. Who's to say what's too soon and what isn't? All we can do is what feels right, and this feels right… doesn't it?"
...it actually kind of did.
Damn him, it did.
It didn't help that those beautiful green puppy eyes of his were murder on my resolve.
But my stubbornness flared and I hastily looked away. I wasn't ready to relent just yet and I weakly scrambled to maintain my defense, "But… it's just too soon, Lea. It hasn't even been a year yet, we haven't even… celebrated all the big holidays yet!"
Even as I blurted it out, it sounded lame even to me.
But it was the best I could come up with, dammit!
His eyebrows reached for his hairline and he fought a tiny smile. "...so just to be clear here, it's important to you that we observe all the major holidays in a calendar year together before making any further life-changing decisions."
I hitched my chin with a lofty little sniff. "Yes. Yes it is."
This was the hill was I choosing to die on, apparently.
"Duly noted," he glanced towards the ceiling with a tiny shake of his head before settling his gaze on me once more, eyes crinkling. "Fine, let's not call it moving in together then, call it… a temporary solution."
"...temporary?" I turned my head slightly, giving him some dubious side-eye.
"Mm-hm! Face it, babydoll, even though we both know Raindrop and Riku will be more than happy to accommodate ya, it's still gonna be a tight squeeze with all four of you in that tiny ass apartment while you're searching for a place. Wouldn't it just be more convenient for everyone if temporarily," he reiterated for emphasis, "you stayed with me instead just until you've found your new home? You know there's more than enough space for you and your things at my digs."
I tucked in my bottom lip. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation talking, but darn it, he actually seemed to be making a lot of sense. Still, I hesitated. "...I don't know what to say."
His eyes lit up. Great. Now the big dork knew he was winning. Hugging me more tightly to him, he grinned, "That's simple: say yes."
I squinted up to him, pursing my lips to the left. Then to the right. Then, just as I was slowly opening my mouth to speak-
-a throat suddenly cleared nearby.
Like, really nearby.
Both Lea and I tensed before turning our heads to discover none other than Saïx standing not two inches away from us looking quite perturbed.
To be fair, Saïx usually looked perturbed. It just seemed to be his face's default setting. But this was more perturbed than usual.
Lea quirked an eyebrow at him, but grinned, "Hey, big guy! Ya mind? Kinda in the middle of something here."
"And I do so hate to interrupt, truly," he said flatly, his cold unblinking gaze locked on his brother, "but I fear we have a rather pressing matter to discuss that cannot wait."
His eyebrows knit together. "...which would be?"
Saïx's hard stare was unyielding. "Do you think there is quite possibly something you may have forgot back at our mother's house?"
Cocking his head, Lea seemed even more genuinely confused now. Clearly racking his brain for a couple seconds, he then shrugged with a small shake of his head, "Like what?"
"ME, you DOLT!" Saïx snarled, slugging Lea in the shoulder hard enough to force a pained grunt out of him.
I inhaled sharply through my nose, eyes widening.
There was no way we'd actually-
We couldn't have honestly-
We didn't-
...did we really?
I thought back to yesterday, though it was a struggle to remember a clear picture through the fog of grogginess. Had Saïx been in the car with us on the trip back? Had he not? Try as I might, I just simply could not remember one way or another. But I suppose it could be (and in fact was) completely possible, especially considering Lea had had Saïx's car keys and I had had his code to start the engine.
In our state of panic and rush to get out of there, had we really just totally spaced on the fact that we didn't have him with us?
"Oh gosh, Saïx, I'm so sorry we left you behind!" I bemoaned in horror.
Lea laughed, "Relax, El, don'tcha know that with me as your boyfriend, that makes everything my fault? You're off the hook, I'm the only one he's mad at."
"He's right, I don't blame you at all." Although Saïx was talking to me, his irked gaze never left Lea. "You're not the one who forgot your own brother."
No, I just simply forgot a whole person. For a whole car ride. In his own friggin' car.
Elsa, Queen of Memory Lapse.
"Bah, I didn't forget ya, I just… thought you were in the backseat the entire time being really quiet!"
That earned Lea another punch to the arm.
Giving an annoyed huff as he rubbed his knuckles, Saïx asked with a bit less bite to his tone now, "I presume since I find you all still here at the hospital, the child has yet to be born?" At our silent nods, he moved to the nearest set of empty chairs and sat down with a soft huff, crossing his arms.
Huh. Guess he was going to join us for sharing Rayne's and Riku's joy in this blessed event.
I gingerly took a seat next to him, Lea plopping down in the chair on my other side. As his arm wrapped around my shoulders, he piped up with a huge smile, "Got some good news that I think'll clear up that black rain cloud hanging over your head there, Mr Grumps McSourpuss: El's moving in with us!"
My back stiffened and I whipped my head around to narrow my eyes up at him, "I haven't said yes yet."
Saïx was eyeing me oddly from the corner of his peripheral. "...you mean you weren't already living with us?"
"There ya have it! Saïx's official stamp of approval! Now ya gotta say yes," Lea beamed, smoothing his hand up and down my arm.
My eyelids drooped. "...one, in what universe was that even remotely a stamp of approval? And two, no, I don't 'gotta' do anything, least of all say yes."
"But you will," he winked at me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Then he was looking past me towards Saïx once more, a thoughtful frown twisting his lips. "Hey… since we jacked your wheels, how'd you even get back here?"
Saïx fixed him with a dull stare. Then he shifted his crossed arms more tightly against his chest, closed his eyes and hitched his chin. "...wouldn't you like to know."
Lea snerked. "I would in fact, thus why I asked."
"What's that inanely childish saying you do so love to spout of? ...that's for me to know and you to find out?"
"C'mon, man," he groaned out. "This is gonna bug the crap outta me now until ya tell me."
One corner of his lips cruelly curled up. "I know."
Apparently, Saïx was swift to enact his vengeance when the need arose.
A tiny scowl emerged on my boyfriend's face, but before he could shoot off whatever acerbic retort he undoubtedly already had locked and loaded, I stopped him with a touch to his arm as I said, "Lea." He glanced down at me and I nodded towards the far corner of the waiting room. "Look."
He followed my gaze to a familiar woman with silver hair pulled back into a ponytail made of several tiny braids and the same green eyes as Lea. Aranea apparently was not aware that we had just noticed her, for she was too busy inspecting the selection available over at the hospital's coffee station with her nose wrinkled.
"Ah," Lea breathed, gracing his brother with a mildly sour look. "That's how ya got back. Ya bummed a ride outta our old lady."
Saïx said nothing, just continued to stare stoically straight ahead.
Blowing out a breath that made his lips flap, Lea turned his eyes towards his mother once more. A heartbeat of hesitation. Then making a sound that was half growl, half sigh, Lea muttered. "Be right back. Ma and I have some unfinished business." I smiled softly as he planted a smooch to my temple and I gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it as he stood up.
I watched Aranea perk up as she spotted Lea approaching. They exchanged a few words that I was too far away to hear, her grinning the whole time, him ruffling his fingers through his hair as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Then it seemed they decided to find somewhere else to have their talk for they then walked out of the waiting room.
Off to a good start at least, it seemed. Letting go a tiny exhale of relief, I glanced over at the chairs across from us once more to where Anna sat as I considered possibly shifting over to a seat near her. But seeing as she was currently otherwise, er… occupied with, hrm… inspecting Kristoff's tonsils with her tongue, I decided against it.
Ugh, gross, I did not need to see that.
Instead, I turned my attention to Saïx. My lips parted and I took in a breath to say something, but then I hesitated and clamped my mouth shut, staring down at where I was fiddling with my fingers in my lap. Then I cleared my throat, looked over at him once more and tried again, "Would it... really be okay with you if… if I decided to move in?"
His eyes flicked over to me briefly without turning his head. Then releasing a nearly inaudible sigh through his nose, he stared straight forward once again. "I consider you among a small, select handful of people I can tolerate and would even go so far as to say enjoy the company of. If my asinine fool of a brother has against all odds actually managed to persuade you somehow into agreeing to move in with him, then by all means, your presence on a more permanent basis could only be a considerable improvement on our day-to-day lives around the apartment." He paused and for a second it seemed that was all he had to say on the subject. Then then added a bit more quietly, "Besides, you make my brother happy. Far be it from me to stand in the way of that, even if I wanted to."
A small smile tugged at my lips. "...he makes me happy too."
Saïx gave a low hmph at that, closing his eyes. "I would hope so. Otherwise, what would be the point?"
On that note, the conversation ended. As he seemed more than content to remain in a companionable silence, I reached over the seat Lea had vacated and towards the little table on the other side, plucking up one of the outdated magazines provided by the hospital from it and slowly began flipping through its pages.
A short while later, I heard a door opening and I glanced up to see that Lea and Aranea were walking back into the waiting room. Neither one looked like they wanted to murder each other, so I took that as a good sign. In fact, they almost, almost seemed somewhat chummy.
I set the periodical aside and both Saïx and I rose as they approached, which prompted a chuckle from Aranea, "No need to get up, I'm not staying. Just wanted to give my other knucklehead kid one last hug before hitting the road," she embraced Saïx, which he accepted as stony-faced as ever. Then she turned to me with a sly little smirk, "Plus I hear congrats are in order."
My eyes blinked. "...they are?"
"Course! You two lil lovebirds are gonna be living together soon, after all!"
I twitched, then shot Lea a flat look. "I haven't said yes yet."
He grinned, stepping closer to take my hand and bring it up to his lips. "Key word there: yet."
Oh-ho, he thought he was being cute. Even as I opened my mouth to prove just how wrong he was however, Aranea suddenly snagged me into a bone-crushing bear hug as she chirped, "Take care, shortcake!" She gave me one final squeeze before releasing me to rest a hand on my shoulder, "And if either of my boys give you any trouble, you gimme a call, I'll be only too happy to knock some sense into 'em!"
Smiling, I nodded, "Thanks, I'll be sure to do that. Have a safe trip back."
Lea received a hug from her as well and though he returned it stiffly, it was remarkably warmer than the one they'd shared yesterday in the foyer of her home. With that, she made her way towards the exit, waving goodbye to us over her shoulder before disappearing through the door.
"I take it you two are getting along now," I said to Lea as I settled into my chair once again.
He took a seat too, stretching his arm out along the backrest behind my head. As his fingers began to idly toy with my braid, he pursed his lips to one side in thought. Then, "Ya know how you and your folks 'get along' now?" he brought up his other hand to form air quotes. At my nod, he said, "Well, it's kinda like that. We're… gonna work on it."
I reached for his hands, lacing our fingers together as I told him gently, "I'm glad you decided to give her a chance."
"I think I am too," he admitted, albeit somewhat begrudgingly.
Just then, the same door Aranea had left through opened once more, Sora and Kairi being the ones to step through this time, laughing over something they'd been talking about. It seemed their timing was impeccable, for that was also when the double doors on the other side of the room parted and in walked a very familiar white, inflatable robot. All of us immediately zeroed in on him and were on our feet in an flash as he greeted us with, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthc-"
"Yeah, yeah, we know all that already, get to the good part, you giant balloon!" Anna hastily cut him off, rolling her eyes. "Do you actually have anything new to tell us? How's Ray-Ray doing?"
"The delivery was a success," Baymax announced, managing to sound almost pleased somehow despite there being no actual change in the mechanical tone of his voice. "Everyone is happy and healthy. The new family is ready to accept visitors and have welcomed you all back to their room."
There was a mixture of whoops and relieved sighs all around before all of us, Saïx included, followed the robot as he led the way past those doors and towards the maternity ward. Not a minute later found us all crowding back into their hospital room. I spotted Riku first at his wife's bedside, facing her so his back was to us. As for Rayne, she looked absolutely exhausted and like she'd been to hell and back twice, but she positively radiated pure joy and love for the little bundle I could now see her holding in her arms. As she looked up at our entrance, she proudly beamed and said, "Everyone… I'd like you to meet Aria."
"...and Cayde," Riku added, smirking as he turned around to reveal he was cradling a second baby.
"TWO?!" Lea gaped, wide-eyed gaze darting back and forth between them while the rest of us were too stunned to even speak.
"That's right! Two!" Rayne chirped in delight.
Sora was the next one to find his voice, only to blurt out, "Twins?!"
"No, we liked the first one so much, we decided to randomly steal a second one from one of the other cribs when no one was looking," Riku deadpanned before snorting with a shake of his head. "Of course they're twins, doofus."
"But you never said anything about twins," Anna was already adopting a baby voice as she approached Riku, wasting no time making funny faces at Cayde.
Gently rocking little Aria as Rayne watched her fondly, she said, "We didn't know. No one did, not until Cayde shocked us all by showing up hot on the heels of his big sis. Guess the doctors missed him during all those check-ups and sonograms somehow."
"How do they miss a whole other baby inside of you for months?!" Kristoff shook his head in disbelief.
"Who knows, but it's not unheard of. We're not the first couple this has ever happened to." Glancing over to Cayde, Rayne grinned as she reached out a fingertip to tickle the underside of one of his tiny feet. "...he was a surprise, that's for sure, but a happy one."
"I'll say!" Kairi giggled, stepping forward to gently squish Aria's cheeks as she cooed, "This just gives Auntie Kairi and Unkie Sora twice the niblings to wub, doesn't it? Doesn't it? Yes it does!"
"Speaking of which… Kristoff." The man in question stood up straighter as Rayne suddenly locked eyes with him and told him in no uncertain terms, "We're gonna need a second reindeer."
He dragged a hand down the side of his face and sighed. "...I'll talk to Frozone."
Rayne crinkled her nose as she hummed a soft laugh, then her eyes landed on me as I approached her bedside. "Oh, Elsa, there was something I… we," she amended, exchanging a glance and a tiny nod with her husband, "wanted to talk to you about… we'd absolutely love it if you'd be the twins' godmother."
The finger I was waggling at Aria froze as my gaze widened and snapped up to meet hers. "Who, me? Really?" By the look in both the new parents' eyes, they were serious. Dead serious. "Oh! Why, uh… yes. Yes of course! I'd be very honored," I smiled.
"And Sora," Riku chimed in now, causing his cousin to pause mid-sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes at Cayde. "We were hoping you'd be their godfather."
Sora blinded us all with his signature huge, thousand-watt grin. "Absolutely! I'm gonna make the best godfather ever, you'll see! I- wait…" His brow furrowed and he gasped, whipping his head around towards me now with a slight look of panic. "Does… does that make us... god-married?"
"Yes. It does."
And who was it, one might wonder, to deliver that answer in full earnest and with a completely straight face?
That's right. Saïx.
Which is probably why Sora took him at his word and didn't even think to question it. Nostrils flaring and with a steely look of determination now, he informed Lea, "I promise to take good care of her."
Not missing a beat, Lea nodded firmly, "You better, lil man, otherwise I will end you."
I elbowed my boyfriend in the gut, forcing a wheeze out of him. As everyone else sniggered around us, I sighed, "No, Sora, that doesn't make us god-married, it doesn't make us god-anything."
"Oh good! Whew!"
At that point, conversation for the most part subsided in favor of everyone trying to squeeze in to fawn over the new babies. After a minute of this, I decided to take the opportunity to snag Lea (dragging him away from playing with Aria's "widdle toesy-wosies" - his words, not mine) and pull him off to one side of the room away from the others. They hardly even noticed us stepping away, so enamored were they all with the little ones.
I faced him, holding both his hands in mine as I took in a deep breath and released it before uttering a single word. "Yes."
His face immediately lit up, but he quickly schooled his expression and cleared his throat, asking casually, "Yes? Yes what?"
Ugh, he knew very damn well what, he just wanted to hear me say it. Rolling my eyes but unable to fight a small grin, I said, "Yes, I'll move in with you. It just makes sense, after all, now that they have twins, there's even less room for me in their apartment and-"
I didn't get to finish that sentence as he smiled fiercely and grabbed my face, planting a firm kiss to my lips before laughing as he hugged me, picked me up and spun me around.
"Temporarily," I insisted, arms instinctively latching around his neck to steady myself.
"Yeah, yeah, of course, temporarily," he agreed, putting me down while still grinning like an idiot.
I poked his chest a couple times, "I mean it. I'm going to keep looking for my own place and the second I find something, I'm moving right back out."
"Whatever ya say, babydoll!"
Funny thing is though…
...I never did end up actually moving out.
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Author's Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Hope you all enjoyed the millions of teeny references I sprinkled in - my aesthetic, as I'm sure you're all aware at this point xP (My fave was something Lea said towards the very end, did you guys catch that it was a reference? I hope so :3) Regarding Sora's lil stand-up comedy act, I unfortunately cannot take credit for any of his material - I just googled a bunch of Final Fantasy jokes xD I can't even take credit for the cactuar jokes for even tho I couldn't find any ACTUAL cactuar jokes out there on the internet, I just googled cactus jokes instead xD And yes, there are IN FACT cactus jokes out there, and a LOT of them lawl! And woo, Lea and his mom made up… sort of! xD Sorry that happened off screen, part of it was I thought it wasn't a conversation that Elsa would really be present for, part of it was I didn't want to take focus off the main points of this chapter, and part of it was I was just too lazy to write it at this time xD Maybe I'll go back at a later date and write a Lea POV chapter for this lil chat with his mum, we'll see! But for now, at least we got a lil closure on that front! And aaaaahhhhh, our ice and fire bbies are taking a big step and moving in together, yaaaaaay! :3 I knew that was definitely a relationship milestone I wanted to cover in one of these bonus chapters and this just seemed like a fun way to bring it about xD
The next one-shot is set during Christmas time! Which I know, lil late, should have posted it today xD But I'd kinda locked myself into the baby chapter with the way the last chapter ended and the babies are born in September, so couldn't combine them into one chapter xD So consider next week's update just a bit of a belated Christmas present! And I'll say this about the next bonus chapter: It's gonna be pure crack xD Trust me, there will be no substance whatsoever, it's just mindless silliness and slightly scandalous and mildly salacious (but still 100% family friendly… ish... haha!). Basically, if PG horny hijinx doesn't interest you, you might wanna skip the next chapter xD You've been warned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
18 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What do you waste your time doing the most? Lounging in bed switching between social medias and watching TV. I’ve wasted so much time these past few years doing absolutely nothing. :/ Have you ever been back-stabbed? Yes.
If you could be anything, what would you be? Healthy.
If you could be any Tv show character, who would you choose to be? Hm. I don’t know.
If you switched genders for one day, what would you do? Let’s be real, I wouldn’t do anything different. I’d do the same things I do everyday but as the opposite sex instead.
What power would you choose to have if you were superhuman? Is there a healing power?
What stereotype/clique would you say you are more like? I don’t know.
How do you handle being under pressure? Not well.
What does your phone cover look like? It’s clear and has Winnie the Pooh sitting in a honey jar underneath a tree branch with a beehive hanging off it and some bees buzzing around him. 
Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what was it? I’ve downloaded music, movies, and books back in the day like a lot of people did. Real rebels.
What is the perfect weather to you? Fall weather.
If you were a stripper, what would your stage name be? Nah.
What is your favorite holiday, why? Christmas. I love that time of year.
What is your least favorite bug? Um, ALL of them.
What is your favorite thing in the opposite sex? Guys with a good sense of humor.
What is your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones, death, getting worse/never getting better.
What is something your looking forward to? There isn’t anything currently.
If you could live on any planet, which one would you choose? I’ll just stay here on earth.
What is your favorite junk food? Little Debbie snack cakes, brownies, donuts, cheesecake, cookies, cupcakes.
If you could have any animal as a pet, which one would you choose? I like just having a doggo. I wouldn’t want an exotic animal or something.
What is your favorite time of the day? When I’m drinking my coffee and my nighttime routine.
What name do you wish you had? I’m fine with the name I have.
What would your dream home be like? Spacious enough for 4 adults and a doggo, hardwood flooring, a balcony, big backyard with a deck.
What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
Where is your favorite place to be? In bed.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas. What is something your embarrassed about? Myself--how I look, the way I am, and where I’m at in my life.
What is one thing you'd like to be the best at? I just wish I was actually good at something.
Ever been on Chatroulette? Yeah.
What is the song that you know every single word to? There’s many.
Most painful memory? There’s a lot of those as well.
What is your favorite place in the whole wide world? I love being at the beach watching and listening to the ocean waves crash in and out, as well as feeling and smelling the ocean air.
A word that to you is impossible to spell? Onomatopoeia. Not impossible, but I definitely need to stop and think about it first. <<< Omg, same. I can never seem to remember how to spell for some reason.
What's something that you collect? Giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks and Baby Yoda stuff.
Listener or Talker? Definitely a listener.
Thing you hate the most about the opposite sex? There’s things I don’t like about people in general, like close-mindedness and people who are very opinionated and judgmental.
Could have anything you wanted right now, what would you have? Good health.
Scariest movie you've ever seen? Hmm. I don’t know what movie I’d give the scariest movie I’ve ever seen title to. 
What is the most awkward moment you've been in? My life.
A memory you'll never forget? Many memories with loved ones.
One of your quirks? I don’t know.
What type of phone do you have? An iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Favorite quote or saying? There are plenty that I’m able to relate to. <<<
Something you wanna do before you die? ”Live” sounds good. <<< !!!
What is a habit of yours? Picking at my nails. Look around you.. What is the thing you like the most around you? All my giraffe stuffed animals and my Baby Yoda plushies.
Favorite possession? All my things.
Favorite shirt? All of ‘em.
What is the name of your best friend? She’s Mom to me.
What is your favorite shoes? My pairs of Adidas. Least favorite singer? Hmm.
Something you love and hate at the same time? Food.
Are you one of those people who don't like to admit when their wrong? I can admit when I’m wrong and I’m wrong a lot. I’m always quick to blame myself for everything, too.
Girls who try too much are annoying.. Aren't they? Anyone tries too hard can sometimes end up coming off annoying or obnoxious and it tends to just backfire. 
What color makes you relax? Colors don’t help me relax.
Are you an awkward type of person? Yep, that’s me.
Is it hard for you to make friends? I never had a problem getting along with people, but I had more acquaintances than friends. I’m just not a people person, I’m not someone people gravitate to or someone everyone wants to get to know. I’m really just not that interesting or make much of an impression.
How would you like to leave this earth? Painlessly.
What do you find stupid but most people like? Modern sitcoms I feel like.
What is a hobby you have? I love to read.
What's your plans for next weekend? I don’t have any.
Have any big dreams? What are they? No. :/
Restaurant that is horrible. Hmm. I haven’t had a horrible experience at a restaurant.
Have a fetish for anything? No.
Do you like long or short surveys? Long.
What age did you stop playing with dolls or action figures? Like 10 or 11.
Do you think your more mature then most of yours friends? I don’t have any friends, but I feel like everyone I know in my age range is more mature and adult than me. My 22 year old brother is more mature than me. 
Like labels? For certain things.
Does your school have cliques? --
Do you enjoy running? No.
Something that you are horrible at but wish you were good at. Living, adulting, stuff like that.
A sport you think is dumb? I’m not interested in any sport.
What is your favorite food? Ramen, garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings from Wingstop, and scrambled eggs and biscuits smothered in country gravy.
Ever think about what it would be like to be someone else? Yeah. Night owl or Early Bird? Both since I don’t even go to bed until like 7 or 8AM. Lately, it’s been later. :/ If I’ve actually gone to sleep and I have to get up early, however, then I have a hard time. What celeb would you not mind meeting? Alexander Skarsgard. What's your favorite Tv channel? My TV is generally either on TV Land, CMT, The Hallmark Channel, or MTV.
Have texting? Yeah.
You have 3 wishes. What are they? Good health, financial stability, and more wishes. ha.
What did you first think about when you woke up? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, it’s 1:27AM.
What's the last thing you thought about before you went to sleep? ^^^
What do you want to be when you grow up? Or what are you? I’m 31 and still have no idea.
Like cartoons? Which one is your favorite? I still like some of the cartoons I watched as a kid such as Rugrats, Doug, and Hey Arnold.
Do you watch what you eat? No.
Have a favorite number? What is it? 8.
Are you quiet or loud? I’m a quiet person.
Were you an annoying baby? Not from what I’ve heard from my parents.
Worst subject? Was always mathematics. <<<
Best subject? Was English Language Arts. <<<
What's your favorite brand of shoe? Adidas.
What's your favorite month? Why? October and December. I love the weather and the holidays.
Favorite season? Fall and winter.
Least favorite holiday? Valentine’s Day.
Do you try new foods or do you stick with what you know you like? I stick to the same few foods now because of appetite and eating issues.
Love pictures or hate them? I like taking them and looking at them, but not having mine taken.
Have you ever thought about going to Fiji? I certainly wouldn’t be opposed. 
What's your favorite movie character? I have several.
Have any nicknames? What are they? Steph and Sis.
Who do you miss? Loved ones who have passed away.
Someone have your heart? Just me.
Have any sports you love? What are they? Nope.
Do you keep to yourself or are you out there? I keep to myself. 
What's your outlook on life? It’s been rather bleak the last few years. What is the prettiest object/person/landscape/anything that you have seen? That’s hard to choose. 
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? No, it’s more covered up by the sleeve.
What's your style? Very casual and comfortable consisting of leggings and oversized graphic tees.
Did you like this survey? Cause I might make more! Sure. Too bad I won’t know if you make or have made any more because I don’t know who you are.
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dimigex · 4 years
Imposter - Kaka/Yama
So this is another request from @vibgyoroygbiv for the amazing art that you can find on their blog here. Seriously, I fell in love with this art from the moment I saw it and could not have asked for a cuter scene to capture with words. Thanks for letting me! You can also find this piece on A03 and FF. 
After scrubbing through his damp hair, Kakashi blinked at the reflection in the mirror. Dark circles beneath his eyes suggested that he needed sleep more than a shower, but there were more important things to take care of first. Kakashi had been out of the village for two weeks at a kage summit, and for some idiotic reason, he'd left Tenzo behind to look after the village. He made a mental note to never make that mistake again; the days apart had been miserable.
The pair had been dating, officially, for over a year now, a reality that continued to amaze Kakashi. He'd expected that Tenzo would get sick of him or realize that life was easier without him. Instead, impossibly, Tenzo seemed more determined than ever to stick by Kakashi's side. He couldn't put his gratefulness into words, so he didn't try. Besides, Tenzo knew, he had to. Why else would he put up with the chaos that was Kakashi?
Frowning, Kakashi ran his fingers through his hair to perfect the spikes. He hated the way it laid against his forehead when wet; it made him look more like his father than he cared to admit. He spent a few seconds adjusting the way it fell before giving up. The bedroom was dark enough that Tenzo wouldn't notice anyway. If Kakashi hadn't been covered in dirt and half asleep from rushing back to surprise Tenzo two days ahead of schedule, he wouldn't have bothered with a shower either. The cool water woke him up enough to be semi-functional, at least.
Pulling on a clean pair of boxers, Kakashi flipped off the light. He'd been as quiet as he could be, but wasn't certain that he hadn't woken Tenzo up accidentally. The man was the head of Anbu after all. When Kakashi had first arrived back at the apartment, he had felt the flicker of Tenzo's chakra in the bedroom. The steady strum of sleep hadn't altered over the past fifteen minutes, but he moved silently just in case.
After letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, Kakashi slipped into the bedroom. It was brighter there, pale moonlight streaming through the open curtains. The scene was nearly identical to the one that Kakashi had expected. Tenzo lay on his right side, on the far side of the bed. If Kakashi had been there, an arm would have rested across his hip or shoulder. Tenzo always seemed to want to be touching Kakashi when they slept, maybe to convince himself that he was really there.
Kakashi crept closer, curious to see what Tenzo did with his hands when Kakashi's body wasn't available. He paused a couple of feet away, frowning at the bed. Tenzo had his arms curled comfortably around . . . something. The shadows were deeper with the blankets and sheets, so it took Kakashi a couple of moments to recognize the shape of his replacement. The lumpy form looked almost like a teddy bear, but the proportions were wrong. Then, Kakashi saw the flash of silver against Tenzo's cheek.
"What the hell," Kakashi huffed without thinking. He followed the pale hair of the plushie down to a partially covered face that could only be meant to mimic his own.
Tenzo's entire body tensed at the sound. His eyes flashed open, found Kakashi, then he relaxed with a sleepy half smile. "I didn't expect you home for a few more days."
"Obviously," Kakashi grumbled, gesturing at the atrocity locked in Tenzo's arms.
Pushing into a sitting position, Tenzo flipped on the bedside lamp. Kakashi blinked against the invasion of light, staring hard at the plush that had fallen near Tenzo's hip. The man followed Kakashi's gaze, a blush appearing high on his cheek.
Kakashi stalked toward the foot of the bed, staring at his image in miniature. Whomever made it clearly had no idea what he looked like. The far too spiky hair was the wrong shade of grey, closer to white than Kakashi's silver. And his headband hadn't slanted at that ridiculous angle, it had been adjusted slightly to cover the sharingan. That much of his face wasn't hidden by the mask either, and the eyes were entirely wrong.
"It doesn't even look like me," Kakashi growled.
"Oh really?" Tenzo's laugh made Kakashi's cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Who said anything about it looking like you?"
Realizing he'd been caught by his own words, Kakashi rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. I guess there's a passing resemblance."
Tenzo's smile widened into a playful grin as he plopped the plush into a sitting position beside him. "He's actually pretty cute." He brushed through the hair with familiar ease, rearranging the way the strands poked up, then tugged at the mask. "They stitched it in place, so your secret is still safe with me."
The warmth in Kakashi's face grew. This wasn't how he anticipated his night going. He thought that he would come home and wake Tenzo with a sleepy kiss. They'd been apart long enough that his body had intentions past that, but he hadn't allowed his fantasy to go any further. Now, the entire scenario fled his mind. He couldn't think of a single word to say as he looked dumbly at the pair on the bed.
After a moment, Tenzo lifted the plush and held it near his face, stitched eyes challenging Kakashi with their very existence. "That doesn't look anything like me," Tenzo growled in a mockery of Kakashi's voice, making the plushie's head bob angrily. "I'm much more serious in real life."
Kakashi's right eye twitched when Tenzo answered in his normal voice. "I know, but they probably thought your normal expression would be too scary for a toy."
The whimpery, whiny noise that Tenzo made definitely didn't sound anything like Kakashi's manipulative prodding to get his way. His mind rejected the possibility that anything older than a ten year old girl could make those sounds naturally.
"Aw, don't pout. I still love you," Tenzo murmured in a sing-songy voice that Kakashi had heard only a few times before. It took him a startled moment to realize that the man wasn't talking to him. Rather, he spoke to the plush that he hugged tight to his chest.
Kakashi didn't have to fake the growl that rose in his throat at the sight. He knew the jealousy surging through his veins was irrational, but he couldn't stop it. Tenzo's arms were supposed to be around him, not some stuffed imitation. He leaped toward the bed, landing beside Tenzo on his knees. The man cringed away in an attempt to pull the plush out of Kakashi's grasp. Having none of it, Kakashi made a swipe at the offending object, clamoring half on top of Tenzo to reach it.
"Hey! That's mine," Tenzo complained as Kakashi plucked the doll from his hand. His lower lip stuck out in an overdone pout.
Ignoring the look, Kakashi tossed the plush over his shoulder. His gaze met Tenzo's as he leaned in closer. "And you're mine."
Their lips met in a rush of longing that Kakashi hadn't even been conscious of until it melted away. Tenzo's hands stopped trying to push Kakashi off and came to rest on his chest instead. When they pulled apart to breath, Tenzo chuckled. "You can't seriously be jealous of something that looks like you, can you?"
"Yes," Kakashi answered matter-of-factly, nipping at Tenzo's throat. "Besides, you've got the real thing right here in front of you. Why waste time with a cheap imitation?"
Tenzo licked his lips, brown eyes smoldering under the intensity of Kakashi's gaze. "I guess that's true." He trailed a finger along Kakashi's shoulder, leaving chillbumps in its wake. "You're home early."
"I missed you," Kakashi answered, kissing one corner of Tenzo's mouth. He savored the curve of the man's smile, then brushed his lips against the other side "I wanted to surprise you, not find you happily in bed with someone else."
Tenzo's laughter filled the room as his fingers traced down Kakashi's spine. "You know, you're kind of cute when you're jealous. I think I'll keep little Kakashi around for a while."
"Little-" Kakashi spluttered, trying to pull away to find the plushie. He'd just tear the thing to bits, or crisp it with fire jutsu so Tenzo couldn't-
Kakashi lost his train of thought and forward momentum when Tenzo wrapped tight arms around him. Warm lips brushed along his throat, then kissed over his collar bone. He groaned, forgetting everything but the torture of two weeks without Tenzo's touch.
"Why don't we talk about it later," Tenzo suggested, voice lowering with desire in a way that set Kakashi's blood to racing. "I have an idea on how to make it up to you."
Grinning, Kakashi nuzzled against Tenzo's neck to nip lightly at his ear. "You have a lot to make up for."
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danni-chuu · 5 years
The 7 brothers with a 10 year-old lilith (+ side characters & mc)
This is an hc is inspired by the chapter 14 flashback, so the gist of this Hc is what if lilith gets turned into a 10 year old child try as diavolos way to save her. This is gonna be a really long post so strap in~❤️.
This hc post is made with the help of my friend, @heeminchan, thankiez.
General info about 10 year old lilith:
She has no recollection or memories about the celestial war or being an angel at all.
The post might say 10 years old but she's probably already pass the 1000+ mark, but still is and acts like a child.
She looks like ruri chan ( for reference here)
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So without further babbling, lez go❤️
" if you behave I'll give you a princess poison apple and play with you "
Lucifer being the eldest takes it upon himself to be a father like figure to her. In front of the others, he makes sure to keep a strict front but in private, he's alot more softer on her.
Lucifer's room has a toy chest for her since she likes spending time and playing in his room. And being the child that she is, she even dresses up the skeleton in his room. If he's not busy, he would play with her, simple playing house and all.
One time while lucifer was doing paper work,lilith wanted to help him . So to keep lilith busy, he handed her a bunch of void documents and told her to sign them. In the end she got bored and decided to draw her with her 7 older brothers. Which luci decided to frame and put up at the entrance hall.
If lilith gets into trouble, luci doesn't shy away from punishment. But rather than stringing someone upside down and leaving them like that for 100 years, he would just ground lilith and take away her toys. (Buuuuut her other brothers would just sneak some of her toys to her room, especially beel and belphie)
" heh you should be greatful you're brothers with the GREAT mammon, shortie! Huh?! w-wait dont cry! "
Mammon loves teasing lilith. Be it calling her a pipspeak, shortie, cry baby, etc. He's said them all, buuuuut he always takes it back because lilith might tell lucifer and he gets punished AG A I N.
Lilith as much as possible doesn't leave any of her things in mammon's room, because her other brothers warn her that he's going to sell them away.
One time mammon stole something from lucifer (probably something to profit from), and lilith was in lucifers room because she was playing hide and seek with beel. Seeing mammon stealing, she gets out of her hiding spot and tells mammon that she will rat him out to her big brother lucifer.mammon taking non of this shitz says he'll do whatever she wants. By the end of the day, lilith gets a new plushie and mammon still got ratted out because how can she lie to her big brother lucifer?
Mammon does try to get her involved in his schemes sometimes. Making her ask money from her other brothers and other more shenanigans, but when he's feeling it he will in fact spoil her with little treats such as candy.
" wooah you look so much like ruri-chan! Can you sing too?"
Levi is still as much of a shut- in, having a younger sibling that he can teach TSL or play games with is his dream come true. Lilith goes to his room to watch anime (for her its cartoons but dont tell levi because he will be very triggered) with him and play video games.
If lilith does go to levi's room , he's always watching out just in case she ends up using his precious figurines as dolls or touching his precious merch. Sometimes( most of the time) when he's too busy playing his games, lilith will just talk to henry 2.0 and feed him.
Levi is a mega ultra super duper (insert more hyperbolic words) fan of ruri-chan, so during lilith's birthday..he gave her a ruri-chan costume (the other brothers already knew where this was heading but they couldn't stop it since lilith liked the cute clothes). She wore them and levi literally freaked because she looked just like her! He posted a picture of her on devilgram and the pic got a decent amount of likes.
The only time that lilith gets in trouble with levi is her staying with him past her bed time, she gets pouty about it but in the end she still gets taken to bed by her big brother lucifer.
"i can read you a story or we can play tea time, what do you prefer? "
Satan acts alot like a tutor to lilith, he teaches her about manners, reading and writing, and many other things. Satan loves teaching lilith especially when he sees her trying to pronounce big words, which he finds adorable.
Satan for the most part wants lilith to stay out of his room because there are too many dangerous books around. But he would rather play with her in her room instead, either reading a children's bed time book before going to bed or playing tea time with her. They both share a love for pets and animals, so in his free time, he will take her to a kitty cafe where she can play with the lil furballs.
Satan was regulary teaching lilith about different animals, until they got to the cat. Lilith became so intrigued by cats that satan spent a good 30 minutes to an hour of answering her questions about cats. One day, he saw lilith crying by the stairs. He quickly went over and asked her what's wrong, only to find out that she asked lucifer if they can adopt a cat wherein lucifer completely dismisses the idea. Knowing that Lucifer's mind wont change, the next day satan surprises lilith with a black cat plushie with a red bow tie thats as tall (or alitte bit smaller) than her. Until this day, the cat plushie satan gave her is her favourite. She is never seen without it, and she even gave it a name, mr. Momo.
The only time that lilith ever gets in trouble is if she joins in on satan's pranks on lucifer. But most of the time she's let off the hook if they're harmless ones.
" waahh~ lilith's so adorable, but not as adorable as me"
To lilith, asmo is the closest thing to a sister she can have. Being the only girl in the house( before mc, if mc is a girl ), asmo likes to doll her up and make her his little dress up doll. He often buys clothes for her because he just LOVES making her pretty.
She doesn't spend as much time in asmo's room because there isn't much to do there, but when asmo calls her in after a shopping trip. She already knows he's going to make her pretty as a peach!
It was lilith's birthday and Asmo wanted to dress her up for the occasion! Hair? Check! Make up? Check! Clothes? Check! She was looking as pretty as ever (but not as pretty as him). After dolling her up , lilith went to her other brothers to show Amos work. All of them asked if a child should be wearing that much make up, but asmo tells lilith to shrug them off because they can't appreciate beauty even if it hits them in the face!
The one thing that gets lilith in trouble is lucifer seeing her being dressed by asmo , wearing clothes not fit for a 10 year old girl. Seriously, devilgram level make up on a kid is not appropriate (well in lucifer and some of the other brothers point of view)
" the eggs taste like plastic..huh? I'm not supposed to eat them? Sorry, they looked too realistic"
Beel is very close with lilith. He spends most of his time watching over her or bringing her to his favourite food joints to eat. Since beel is so big, she loves it when he carries her around, either on his shoulders or just being carried in general. Beel wants to protect lilith at all times, so if sorcerers or witches want to summon lilith, he comes along to watch over her still.
if its not Lucifer's room, lilith's next stop is always the twin's room. She goes in and jumps on either of the beds and having her toys there as well she can already entertain herself. When beel is there to play with her, she likes to play chef and make him food using her plastic kitchen toy set( though some pieces are missing since beel keeps forgetting that its plastic). If she doesn't want to play with her toys, she tries to tickle fight beel and always wins.
Beel was in his room eating a box of cupcakes until lilith barges in and sees him eating cupcakes, she pouts at beel asking why he didn't tell her that he had cupcakes. Beel, being beel just says to her, " they're my cupcakes". She pouts even more and says that she wants a cupcake as well. Beel couldn't resist and splits the cupcake, giving the other half to her. After finishing the cupcake, he promises to buy her a box aswell next time.
Lilith having a sweet tooth herself will often look in the fridge for sweets. She sometimes ends up eating beels food(custard), and hides the evidence. Beel rampages again and breaks the kitchen. Lucifer then lines all of them up and ask who ate the custard, and all of them immediately suspect mammon. But being a good girl, lilith admits her mistake and apologizes to beel, who calms down and says ," you could have left me some..".
" how about later...? Im still too sleepy to teach you..."
Belphie, same with beel, is pretty close with lilith. If he isn't cuddling her as his favourite cuddle buddy, he's teaching her how to dance ballet(Based it off his dancing sprite). Lilith spends most of her afternoon napping with belphie.
Besides playing with beel , lilith also loves playig around with belphie. She makes it an everyday challenge for herself to wake him up in the most creative ways. It can be things such as ice,drawing on his face, tickles, etc. When belphie is too lazy to stand up from bed( which is often), she just plays with his hair and does whatever she wants with it. When he finally does stand up, he teaches lilith some ballet. While she's even wearing her full ballet attire, with tutu included.
It was the middle of the night and lilith had a nightmare, she wanted to go to her big brother lucifer, but it was already late and she might be disturbing him. But then she remembered that mid nights is when his big brother belphie is awake, so she goes over to him with mr.momo. belphie is alittle confused since its way past her bedtime so he asked her whats wrong. She climbs up his bed and hugs him, after calming down she tells belphie that she had a nightmare. Belphie was well acquainted with nightmares, so he knew exactly what to do. They went to the kitchen and both had a cup of warm milk. Going back to his room, he cuddled up with lilith and made sure she had a good nights sleep.
Lilith ends up over sleeping and gets very cranky if she gets rudely awakened.the others find it very adorable.
"...." * Huwgs*
So this depends on the mc's personality but lets start from the beginning. After being sent to the devildom and having the basic run down of what is to come, mammon takes you to the house of lamentations. The first thing you notice once the door opens, is toys scattered all around the entrance hall. Not only toys, but you see a height lines at one of the door frames. Mammon gets more annoyed because he stepped on one of the toys and he shouts out," lilith!". A small girl carrying a black cat plushie almost her size comes down the stairs. Mammon scolds her for leaving her toys out like that and he introduces you to their 8th sibling, lilith. Lilith immediately hugs you (no matter the gender), because it's been a while since she's seen a human. And you become her instant play mate.
The mc's room already has a toy chest, filled with lilith's favourite toys. She likes to play around with the mc and actually gets quite attached to them.
Lilith gets so comfortable around the mc that she ask permission from her big brother luci if she can make a pact with the mc. Of course, lucifer is skeptical but he allows it because of liliths enthusiasm.
" ah lilith , I didn't think you would be accompanying lucifer today. "
Dia acts alot like the rich uncle that only comes back during the holidays to give out presents. Lilith rarely gets to see diavolo because most of the time it's only lucifer that gets to see him. But, when lucifer does come back he often gives lilith sweets that barbatos made by diavolo's order.
On the rare occasions that lucifer brings lilith along with him, she acts very reserved and shows off the manners lessons that satan has been teaching her.
On one evening, lucifer brings lilith along to dinner with diavolo. While eating, diavolo jokes around saying that lucifer should just stay in the castle with him. Suddenly, lilith bumps in and protests against the idea, " no big brother luci's staying with us". She hugs as much of lucifers arm that she can, giving diavolo her most pouty and "menacing face". Dia loves seeing how much she cares for her brother, while lucifer is trying his best to hide his embarrassment.
" ahhhhh! Im not a child! I dont want to play with a demon!"
When lilith first saw luke, her mind immediately said," playmate! ". Though luke always complains about being treated like a child because he's short, he tries to bare it because simeon convinced him to play with lilith.
When in the purgatory hall, she brings along mr.momo and some other toys. luke sometimes pretend he isn't there so he doesn't have to play with lilith, but once he hears a sniffle of her almost crying. He couldn't help but open the door for her and play.
Upon first meeting luke, the key difference in height was..still... apparent. Somehow, lilith is still a few inches taller than luke. Being the giddy child she is, she tells her brothers about it and they all start laughing their lungs out. And when luke finally got wind of it, he was so flustered and embarrassed, he almost refused to leave his room.
" why not make a pact with me?"
All her brothers warn her about solomon and to stay as far away from him as possible, she rarely gets to interact with him. But most of the times they do meet, he often ask her to make a pact with him. She always replies to him, " i have to ask big brother luci's permission first". Solomon just smiles and pats her head.
Huhu not much i can say about him since im sure the brothers distance lilith from solomon as much as possible.
And that concludes this very very long post , hope you guys enjoyed it❤️❤️❤️
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 28: Fall - Sinners Are We Chap.6: No More Idle Hands
And Dove could stay silent no more.
Neither he nor his brother got their father’s infamous wail. For Russet that made perfect sense, he simply didn’t hold up in the power department for such a powerful ability. And Orrin didn’t find such a brash brazen ability to be suited to him, so he rather didn’t care if he developed it or not. But Dove having it, and so young, was truly a surprise. And he loved those. So he feels he is quite justified in laughing as everyone else grasped their ears and collapsed, even father fell to the ground as everything shook. Everything around bursting, exploding, pluming even more smoke and ash into the sky practically blotting it out.
Who would have thought she’d have such a destructive ability.
He summons enough ectoplasm around his ears to muffle the sound, father wasn’t honestly smart enough to think of this quite yet. Then again, father was never on the receiving end of the Ghostly Wail. Orrin stands up, defying gravity to keep his balance on the shaky ground, sticking his arms out to the side and laughing, “WOW! I MEAN REALLY! WOW!”, grinning wide and a bit wild, if everything’s descending into madness and chaos then might as well behave a little mad to match, “KEEP THIS UP AND YOU MIGHT JUST KILL EVERYONE YOURSELF! HAHAHAHAHA!”. He absolutely knows father looks to him and notes his little trick to get around the wail, and will, of course, utilise it himself in a few seconds. The pressure’s on Dove, what will you do? What will you do.
But again she catches him by surprise, picking an option he never realised was on the board at all. She doesn’t stop, or aim it; no she changes octaves. Which, was father even capable of such a thing? She, she might just be stronger than him. Well fancy that. This octave though, oh it absolutely makes Orrin drop to his knees; the ectoplasm doing nothing to muffle the sounds.
All the mortals groan and roll over, many simply watching or backing away in stunned silence as three of the -apparently- four present Gray-Phantom’s pass out, the little girl- the princess losing the human disguise in the process.
Rio pushes herself up, staggering to run over to the little glowing gray-haired girl with her little head tilted skyward as green/purple sound-waves pulsed out of her mouth, sparkling pale blue tears streaming down her face from amber eyes. Rio collapsing next to her and hugging the little girl she’d grown to know as so gentle it almost hurt, “ROBIN! DOVE! STOP! SWEETHEART IT’S FINE! IT’S FINE! NO ONE’S HURTING ANYMORE! BUT YOU NEED TO STOP!”, and practically smushes the girl into her as the horrific sound peters off and the girl shakes violently.
Rio looks around as everyone starts to stand, some very cautiously looking towards the downed Gray-Phantom’s and chucking things at them from afar. Rio squeezing Dove/Robin closer and snapping her head towards Rex as he walks over, “she’s never hurt anyone”.
“She’s one of them”.
Rio snarls, “do I look like I care?”. Rex just huffs and wanders off, waving over his shoulder, “this is your problem then. Remi’s fine though”. Rio sighs at that. Then looking around as she stands. What the Hell are they going to do?
Spotting one of the hunters moving to put anti-ecto braces on Lark -Orrin, she staggers over, minding her twisted ankle and other injuries, “wait. This- this utterly insane nutter is to thank. He did this. Planned this. He-”, glancing to the girl she’s carrying in her arms who looked to just be staring blankly, “-got her to take them down. At least wake the twit up”.
The hunter huffs and cuffs him anyway but does give the... prince a good zap to wake him up. The guy groans on the ground in a way that makes it sound like he had simply been taking a nice afternoon nap, “well. That was certainly interesting”.
Rio grunts down at him, slightly out of pain, “and that was a stupid choice of first words. I don’t think I need to point out that you’re at gunpoint, cuffed, and surrounded; Orrin”.
He chuckles faintly, sits up, and crosses his legs. Cool, calm, demeanour never faltering, “well I would certainly hope so. These fellows wouldn’t be doing what they’re supposed to otherwise”, he looks around and shrugs a little, her following his gaze towards Russet. Him chuckling faintly, “well damn, that imbecile’s still alive”.
Jester loses it at that, “you wanted us to kill him?”.
“Arguably, why not? He’s a real bastard”.
One of the hunters makes a wheezing sound, “oh gods”, looks to Rio, “how in all the worlds did you turn one of the princes. Seriously”.
Orrin apparently won’t let that statement fly, “oh no. Blame the little missy. Real gentle doll that one”.
Rio looks to the side as Dove/Robin stirs at that, looking down at Orrin. Rio holds on to her, unsure, when the girl moves to reach for him. Orrin just chuckles and stands up while the cuffs just fall off and takes the girl from her in a swift motion. Everyone near -who aren’t helping with clean up or medical care- gape at him and follow him with their guns, Rio turning around gapping herself. Orrin chuckles again, looking at them with a smirk, “what? Did you really think I wouldn’t have altered everything to have little to no effect on me?”, he grins, “I’m the smart one you know. The sneaky shadow. Guess it’s true what people say that no one notices what their shadow does until it does something they don’t expect”. One of the hunters shoots him in the foot as if to check, which he rolls his eyes at. It, of course, does nothing more than leave a bit of ash on his black spandex high-heels.
Everyone looks to the two Gray-Phantom’s that could actually be cuffed. One guy clearing his throat, “so... what are we supposed to with this? Did... did we just win”. It takes only a bit of murmuring for most of the people around to break out into cheering or crying. No one stops pointing weapons at Orrin though, which he obviously ignores as if they don’t even exist.
Rio does smile at Dove when she seems to hum slightly happily over the cheering. Though Dove straightens up and leans away from Orrin a bit, reaching her fingers out towards Russet. Everyone jumping and staring as both Russet and Phantom move across the ground to the other two Gray-Phantom’s inhumanly fast, yet never waking. Orrin putting Dove on the ground who goes over, takes off her teddy bear backpack, and bops Russet on the head with it; pointing at him with puffed out cheeks like she was scolding him. Then moving to do the same to Phantom. Orrin blinks at the scene, “I do not claim to understand that girl”.
Rio is the only one willing to stand anywhere close to him, her crossing her arms, “I think you just don’t understand being nice and innocent”.
“You may be right there. Though I doubt most would be any different in my shoes”. No one really argues him there, because he was probably right. How could anyone be raised by those monsters and not wind up one?
Rio scowls at him, “I almost feel bad for you. But you’re probably as much a murderous monster as the rest of your family”, scowling more when he chuckles and grins meanly. Making it very clear to everyone that he was perfectly fine with that fact, and that he has, in fact, actually killed people. Rio draws her eyebrows together, “then why, why effectively save us”.
Orrin quirks an eyebrow, “didn’t I already tell you? Oh well, mortal minds are hardly of quality”, then steamrolls right over multiple offended objections, “me and brother dearest started out like terrible terrors”, pointing at Dove, “she, did not”, smoothing his jacket, “be a shame to turn gold to brass, don’t you think? Further, this seemed like a far more interesting course of action, I dare say”.
Everyone pauses and looks to Dove and Russet as the latter stirs. Orrin actually smirking when Russet spots Dove glaring down at him with crossed arms and Russet actually flinches. Orrin saunters over with a very wicked-looking grin on his face, “now what was that? Did the big scary bad Rusty flinch at the sight of a little girl?”. Which fine, more than a few people around laugh at slightly. Though many find this to be incredibly surreal and way too mundane after everything; petty sibling bickering between those framed to be the worst of monsters in the middle of what was just a battleground that had promised nothing but death for all the mortals there mere seconds ago.
Russet scowls up at the younger prince, “fuck you you fucking piece of shit demon child bastard. Ancients fuck you are a psychopath-”.
Orrin cuts him off with a shrug while everyone else just watches wide-eyed, “I appreciate the compliment, though really this seems more like a situation where you should be aiming to be insulting”, he shoves Russets head with his boot, making Russet squirm and start spewing profanities at noticing the cuffs and everything. Orrin just talks over him, “be glad I’m not power-hungry like you. Otherwise-”, Orrin grins and everyone tenses as he bends down, “-I’d find it quite tempting to take advantage of this and just do away with the first prince entirely. I find doing so would hardly be difficult, considering your current predicament”. Everyone relaxes when Dove hits Orrin with the plushie backpack, and he just chuckles faintly and gives her a head pat as he straightens up.
After a second though, all the hunters and rebels nod to each other, marching over and move to grab up both the still unconscious Phantom and snarling Russet. But Dove grabs both of them and squeezes them, somehow knocking Russet back out, and puffs out her cheeks defiantly.
Everyone glancing at each other awkwardly. Orrin breaks their awkwardness slightly by sighing, “and she still doesn’t know how to snarl properly”.
Rio shakes her head, personally glad for that, and walks over the kneel in front of her, “sweetheart, we can’t just leave them in the street. And remember what I said about bad people needing to be punished?”, when Dove nods she continues, “well we punish people by locking them up. Besides-”, side-eyeing the hunters, “-I doubt you’d let us seriously hurt them. Right?”. Dove nods immediately and repeatedly, puffing her cheeks more. Rio can tell that the hunters got the damn message that this was a losing battle. No Gray-Phantom was dying/being destroyed here today. This tiny girl just effectively took out all of the ghostly Gray-Phantom’s with one attack and practically instantly, even nearly destroyed the city and everyone in it at the same time. They were very lucky she was a kind gentle soul. Very. It would be better to not tick her off or do something to change that. Not that Rio was entirely sure it was possible to piss that girl off. Annoy? Sure. Piss off? No.
Dove huffs again, turns almost dramatically, and starts marching off in the direction of the -probably wrecked- jailhouse; dragging Phantom and Russet under her arms across the ground.
One of the hunters pointing out, “she does realise we can’t put them in regular cells, right? Like, those things need special ecto-containment cells. Especially Phantom”, grumbling, “with that bloody crown of his”.
Orrin grins and turns to him, sticking his hands in his pockets and giving a smile that’s close to charming, “actually, no”, tilting his head, “well, yes, but no”. Rio glares at him so he explains himself without any further prompting, “I think it is fair to say that father was quite efficiently and effectively bested, yes?”.
One of the hunters scowls, “your point, monster”, scowling a little more, “and know that regardless of this, you still belong in a cell or obliterated out of existence”.
Orrin only chuckles instead of seeming even slightly threatened, “oh I’m well aware how others feel of me, no need wasting your breath. After all, you need it and you have so very little of it”, grinning meanly, “why it could be snuffed out just like that”.
Rio pinches the bridge of her nose, “for the love of- stop being threatening just because you can be now that it won’t make you suspicious”.
Orrin rolls his eyes, “you have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to tear off your pretty little head”.
“Uncalled for”.
“And yet you still seem to put up with me. Strange”. Rio absolutely scowls deeper at the Gray-Phantom for that. “Anyway, my point is, when you best a royal, what is it that happens?”, he taps his chin in obviously fake contemplation before sounding rather condescending, “why you usurp them of course. You take their throne. Their crown. I do believe you get the message this time”.
Rio blinks at him, bullshit, “there is no way your... mother will go for that”.
He wags a clawed finger at her, “ah but her role as Mortal Queen is entirely made up and her claim as High Ghost Sovereign is that of a Consort”, shrugging, “normally in chess, you kill the queen, you win the game. But in this case, it’s the king”, smirking, “or was”. Needless to say, everyone starts freaking out.
Rio watches him smirk as people panic, it was mostly a good or confused panic though. “You just like chaos, don’t you”.
He doesn’t even look to her as he speaks, “I find it enjoyable yes. It’s more that I like to be entertained. I’m a creature of novelty and I had been rather bored as of late”.
Rio squints at him, “I can’t figure out if you’re genuinely on our side or are just dicking around”. Scowling when he winks before sauntering off in the direction of the jailhouse. More than a few hunters and rebels following largely to ‘keep an eye on’ the Gray-Phantom they could do nothing about; though some were conflicted on their feelings over the halfa that they had become familiar and even friendly with over the past while.
They walk in to Dove sitting on the floor attempting and succeeding at braiding Phantom’s flaming hair. Orrin furrowing his eyebrows at her, “why? What purpose does this serve”. She predictably just hums at him, rocking a little. Many of the hunters and rebels mutter, “you've got to be kidding me”. Rio and a few others barely hold back cooing ‘awww’s at the girl; the fact that it was Phantom getting his hair braided rather killed the cute effect of the scene.
Everyone but Orrin and Dove jumping at a portal swirling open on the wall and the FrightKnight waltzing through. All of the fully living aiming their weapons but doing nothing when the ghost bows to Dove, who pats his helmet with a small smile.
The FrightKnight looks to Orrin, “I must say, you frighten me. It will never cease to amaze me how so many call the first prince the demon rather than you”. Orrin bows very exaggeratedly with a coy grin, “you flatter me so”. The ghost shakes his head before turning and kneeling before Dove, “shall I take these two to the dungeon for you, my queen”, she just hums but the ghost seems to understand and before anyone can do anything the two captured Gray-Phantom’s are whisked away by the ghost.
All the fully living around are stunned stupid, Rio looking to Orrin, “you were serious”, then screwing up her face, “wait”, throwing her hands out to the side and scowling at Orrin, “Dove obviously doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. Isn’t she just going to let them loose?!?!”. The group giving the halfas panicked looks as they come upon the same worry. The princess -Queen?- was practically a newborn and those two monsters were her family.
Orrin waves everyone off, “oh it’s no matter. Crown’s hers all the same. Dear brother isn’t strong enough to beat her and father wouldn’t bother to even try. He never genuinely harms family in any long-lasting or permanent ways”, Orrin looks around and gives another mean smirk, “though you should thank little Dove for stopping you from killing Russet. I sure wouldn’t have”.
One of the guys squints at him, “why? Also, them being free is the problem, not them trying to challenge her. Though fine, that would be an issue too”. Everyone had officially decided without question that they’d take the sweet little Dove as a ruler over her monster parents or siblings.
“Why that’s so very simple. You may think father is bad already, but that is nothing compared to what he’s really capable of. I wouldn’t put it past him to annihilate everything he could get his claws on if one of us were destroyed”.
Rio almost can’t believe that she’s hearing the Phantom, the mass-murdering monster of monsters, had a ridiculous soft spot for his family. A genuine one. Turning to look at Dove and going wide-eyed at her floating/walking over while tugging at a flaming glowing green crown. Which pulls down over her face before springing back over her head every time she lets go of it. The girl humming and purring in clear joy and amusement. Then kneeling down to poke Rio’s ankle which suddenly doesn’t hurt. Rio blinking, “sweetheart... did you just... heal me?”. Dove hums and nods before running off poking people.
Orrin sighs and shakes his head a little, guess she thought the hiding game was over; he does follow her with his eyes though. Which doesn’t go unnoticed.
One of the hunters kneeling down to let the little glowing girl poke his head, then staring off after her as she moves on, “this is going to take some getting used to”, then noticing Orrin’s staring that’s boarding on a glare, “chill out ah... for the love of everything take your human form again, this is too weird”. Some others nod, some laugh though it’s weak.
Orrin rolls his eyes but promptly shoots the guy lazily with an ecto-beam; the guy hissing from the impact and being caught off-guard, “that’s for proposing the idea of kidnapping Dove”. Unsurprisingly everyone points their guns at him again before lowering them and glaring at the halfa after he spoke. He just grins, “just keeping things interesting”, the grin turning rather mean as the guy brushes himself off, “besides I think you’d prefer a weak little ecto-beam over my original idea. Which involved cups, mice, and your eyes. Make of that what you will”.
Rio scowls, “I think I preferred when you didn’t randomly threaten people, let’s go back to that”, sighing and glancing to Dove, “at least you’re protective I guess”.
Everyone goes silent, which becomes slightly awkward till Remi comes running in looking for her ma only to get practically tackled by Dove. Gently tackled, but still tackled. Remi just looks confused and kinda scared, “w-who”. Resulting in Dove looking almost heartbroken and making gestures at Orrin, who rolls his eyes but twirls his fingers dramatically; both of them suddenly looking as everyone was rather more familiar with. Remi gets over her shock instantly and starts worry babbling at Dove.
Orrin grins faint and amused as he leans his arms on the windowsill, watching as Dove finishes poking people outside, everyone exchanging glances before basically shouting, “LONG LIVE THE QUEEN”. Oh there were so many possibilities to be had. Especially when father wakes and mother hears of this. Would she be proud ‘her little girl’ bested the ghost she never could? Would Dove ‘talk’ them into being peaceful ‘or else’? Would the dead accept her as a High Sovereign or would she need to prove her worth?
Looking down, she obviously had little idea what was going on. Possibly none at all. She was simply smiling and moving her hands around because she was enjoying their happiness and cheer. Such a strange thing. Her enjoying... joy. He truly has little clue how their parents made her. And he rather doubts they understand it either. Even when those two were ‘good guys’ they certainly weren’t able to be called ‘innocent’ or ‘gentle’. While those were the first words that came to mind with Dove.
Turning his head slightly as Rio comes in, her closing the door and leaning against it with crossed arms, “so... are you guys going to be staying or...”, and quirking an eyebrow.
“Is this your mortal way of asking me to”.
She huffs, “Remi would be sad, that is all”. Which Orrin isn’t even close enough to a fool to believe for even a second, “yeah. Sure it is”.
Orrin shakes his head a little and turns to look back out the window. The mortals were giving her sweets. How quaint. “I doubt I could keep Dove away. As I find I doubt she would really let me try to in genuine”. She had clearly grown fond of this place and it’s creatures; and clearly not as simply pets, servants, or loyal manipulatable underlings.
He can hear the raised eyebrow in Rio’s voice, “wouldn’t ‘let you’? You don’t seem like someone who’s controllable”.
He elects for vague, not as if he needs to explain in the first place, “there are ways”. Far be it for him to mention that the Crown makes the wearer able to control the dead, or part dead for that matter. He doubts Dove would make much use of that, which is quite fine by him. Not that that wouldn’t make things interesting regarding father.
He outright ignores that. Him speaking again as she joins him by the window, “regardless, no we will not be staying. Dove has her castle and throne to attend to”, grinning both mean and mischievous, “and I have a brother to torture”.
“... I can’t tell if you mean that literally”, she sighs, “so she’ll come back then”.
“And you?”.
That does catch him just slightly off-guard. Apparently he wasn’t completely deplorable to these people. Fancy that. Though he had a level of feeling that this particular member of the living was more than just tolerant of him. “Oh I doubt Remi would care if I did or not”, him smirking a bit, “unless of course, that particular question has nothing to do with her happiness at all”.
He glances at her as she audibly scowls at him, “you’re an emotionless asshole without a caring bone in your body”.
Which only makes him chuckle, “then clearly you’re rather nuts for getting feelings involved”. This entire escapade was bringing plenty of interesting surprises and twists that he hadn’t yet experienced it would seem. “Particularly when you know said asshole has wanted to at the very least mildly murder you on multiple occasions”. Why that of all things gets her to promptly give him a chastised kiss he isn’t going to claim to understand in the slightest. Instead he furrows his brows at her, “I find I don’t understand you much either at times”. Did Phantom’s just have a habit of attracting living women? That could be an idea to look into at a later date.
She rolls her eyes and looks back out the window, where Dove is now chuckling flowers at people. “Good. I’d probably bore you otherwise”.
He dips his head slightly to acknowledge that is rather true, “accurate”.
“... so, will you come back?”.
“Well I dare say my curiosity is rather peaked now, so I hardly can find a reason to not”.
She scowls at him, but even his moron of a brother could tell she wasn’t actually upset with him. “Yup. You’re still a jerk”.
He snorts, “don’t go expecting change. Dove’s the ‘sweetheart’, not me”, running a hand through his hair and smirking, “I’m definitely more charming though”.
“Annnd there’s the ego”.
“It’s far too late for you to make denials-”, pausing and tilting his head at sniffing mothers scent. Looking up to spot the red suit and hoverboard far up in the sky, clearly she was watching, was seeing this. Dove frolicking with a bunch of mortals, a green crown flaming over her head all the while. “Mother’s here”.
Rio immediately jerks to attention and puts her hand to her blaster in preparation for assault. Orrin tilts his head though, watching as mother seems to shake her head and laugh before shooting off into the distance. “She... left”, he’s never felt genuinely shocked by something before. Why?
Rio blinks at him, obviously in shock herself, “what?! Why?!”.
“I... don’t believe I know”.
Rio blinks at him before shaking her head and stiffly leaning on the windowsill again, “well I'm not about to look that particular gift horse in the mouth”.
He squints before smirking after a bit, “she may very well be going to mock father and berate brother for being a moron again”.
“Still not even glancing at the gift horse”. He chuckles at that.
Suddenly Dove’s floating in front of them, tugging gently on Orrin’s sleeve. ‘Come’. He feels the unspoken command deep into the core of him, and he can’t very well deny it. Now can he? So he floats off the ground and moves to head out the window, though smirking meanly and grabbing Rio at the last second to yank her out too.
“You bastard!”. That only makes him chuckle more.
Him speaking quiet enough that the living won’t hear, “you truly ought learn to be more sparing with the KingSpeak, being forced to do things is hardly enjoyable. Particularly for a Gray-Phantom”. Dove just hums pleasantly at him as he’s effectively dragged into the silly dancing thing. And while the mortals keep their distance mostly, they don’t outright flee from him. How quaint and a rather peculiar turn of events.
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insane-control-room · 4 years
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Mirrored Gravity
A commission for the wonderful @marie-lamb-b <3
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Shawn had gotten quite used to strange things going on in their cottage. Things like Wally, Sammy, and Thomas sleeping on a couch all piled one on top of the other. Marina and Linda making a sculpture out of moving ink, then setting it ablaze. Gonner’s odd experiments with wires and potions. But this?
This took the cake.
Twisting the ring on his finger, a forming habit, he managed to comment on the situation.
“Why are ye on the ceiling?”
“Yer on the ceiling.”
“I am?”
Willy glanced at himself, and found Shawn to be correct - he was, indeed, on the ceiling.
“Huh. So I am.”
“Do you know… why yer defying the laws of physics? Or how?” Shawn asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but his intrigue dumped excitement into his tone. Willy shrugged. “No clue at all?”
“No, not really,” the man confessed, the soft red of his mouth contrasting with the rich dark tones of his face as he yawned and stretched. “It’s not exactly an everyday thing, ya know.”
“Yeah, I know,” Shawn nodded, then leaned against the wall. “How do ye suppose we’ll get ye down from all the way up there?”
Shawn had a point - the ceiling of the cabin was rather high up, and had Shawn not looked up to determine where the slight sound of snoring was coming from, it would have been unlikely that anyone would have spotted the snoozing janitor.
“What do you think about a rope?” Willy suggested. Shawn nodded and headed out to the shed to grab the coil that rested there. When he returned, he tossed the end up to Willy, who snatched it out of the air. “Try and pull me down.”
Shawn pulled - and then rose up along the rope himself, with an exclamation of surprise.
“Uh, if you’re gonna ask if you’re comin’ up, the answer is yes!” Willy yelled, but with an incredulous look on his face. “Stop! Go back down the rope, quick!”
Shawn scurried backwards, and his toes brushed the floor once more. He and Willy looked at one another and burst out laughing.
“Number one, I’ve got no idea how to get you down,” Shawn guffawed, “And number two, hell! That was weird as all hell in a soup pot!”
“Yep, I’m with you on that!”
Shawn twisted his ring again, and Willy bit his lip, and tried to swim through the air. He looked like a puppy in water for the first time - hovering in the same place despite the effort and will to move along.
“What time is it?” Willy questioned. “Maybe when Gonner gets back from school she can figure out somethin’ to get me down.”
“It’s twelve,” Shawn answered after glancing at his watch. Willy groaned. “I know it’s a pain, muirnín, but she’s not gonna be of use. We’re gonna have to figure this one out on our own.”
“Well, then, let’s think,” Willy replied. “How would you get down from a ceiling?”
“I don’t think I would be on a ceiling in the first place,” Shawn responded with ease. Willy nodded, and sighed a, “That’s fair.”
“Now, what about… um, ya demon?” Shawn fumbled. “Mirror. Mirry. Can that lil’ bastard do anything to help?”
Willy looked over at the corner of the ceiling.
“He’s too busy laughin’ his tush off,” Willy pouted. Shawn wanted to kiss him, and then climbed up the rope that Willy still held and twisted in nervous knots. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it off dumba- Oh! Hello, Shawn. What’re ya doin’ up here?”
“I’m gonna give my absolutely gorgeous fiance a big kiss, ‘cause he’s the cutest fella I’ve ever met in my whole life,” Shawn stated, before putting his hands on the sides of Willy’s face, pulling him close and kissing his nose, then his lips. “There. How was that?”
“Lovely,” Willy giggled, then noticed - “We’re on the floor.”
“Oh, are we?” Shawn looked down, lifting his toes and finding his heels firmly on the polished wood floors. “Wow. That was some trip, if ye ask me.”
“It was,” Willy agreed, and pecked Shawn’s cheek. “I guess that I just had to feel like flyin’ to come back to earth, doncha think?”
Shawn erupted into full laughter, Willy’s soft giggling accompanying it. He wrapped his arms around Willy, swaying slightly in time with the rhythm of the turntable, until he realized that no one had turned it on, and it certainly was not playing when he came in from his walk.
“D’ye hear that?” he murmured by Willy’s ear. The man cocked his head, like a dog might, and nodded. “The turntable’s on fer some reason.”
“Leave it on,” Willy coaxed him, kissing his cheek with a smile Shawn could feel. “It’s nice. Wanna dance?”
“With you?” Shawn felt his heart flutter. “Of course. I’d love to.”
They turned and swayed, as though they were reeds by the shoreline, soft water wafting around them, only them in the ocean of their home. It was a genuine, sweet, lovely, fun, wonderful time for them both, each laughing and humming along to the beat.
“Oh, I love ya,” Willy sighed, smiling, leaning up just a tad to kiss Shawn. Shawn grinned broadly, and kissed him back. “I’m so happy you’re here, with me….”
“I’m happy yer here with me, too,” Shawn beamed. “And that we’ve got the family, and everythin’, and everyone, and can work together… I’m so happy we’re here.”
“Do you think our house is haunted?” Willy asked, not quite out of nowhere, but Shawn certainly was not expecting it. His head lifted from Willy’s shoulder, looking into his eyes with some surprise. “Well, aside from Mirror. But he normally’d tell me if something supernatural was goin’ on in our vicinity.”
“What do you think? Do you think it’s haunted?” Shawn looked around, his eyes resting once more on Willy. Willy shook his head. “Well, that’s good enough for me. Maybe Mirror built up some extra power he couldn’t control. What do you think o’ that?”
“Possible, possible,” Willy nodded, smiling. “As said in ‘Sherlock Holmes’, once you rule out the impossible, what remains however shocking, must be the truth, or somethin’ like that, but our problem is that what happened was, according to most people, ‘impossible’.”
“Y’know what?” Shawn rolled his eyes, and dipped Willy, making him laugh. “I don’t quite think I care enough to find out what caused it. What matters is yer safe down here on earth with me.”
“Agreed,” Willy’s chuckle was infectious, and Shawn found himself grinning as his fiance kissed his cheeks, once left, once right. “You’re my lovely leprechaun, you know? LepreShawn. It works, doesn’t it?”
“Terribly,” Shawn wrinkled his nose, but his eyes twinkled. “Terribly well, that is.”
The next incident occurred while they were at work. Shawn was happily stitching away at his quota of dolls, prideful that it was coming along smoothly. Johan did not mind one in every few dolls to have crooked smiles, he laughed and remarked that it gave them personality and would make them collectors items, and Shawn was more than happy to agree, remarking that the man’s ass could also potentially be a collector’s item. Whist Joey was clearly not amused, Henry certainly was.
“Is there no time that you don’t think about fella’s butts, though?” Willy had questioned later, brown eyes sparkling with mirth. Shawn could just imagine the kick Mirror was getting out of those words, and decided to indulge the man.
“Not really,” Shawn shrugged one shoulder to keep his grip on his paintbrush. “All this irish brain thinks about is butts and stuff.”
“And stuff?” Willy rose a brow, his lips twitching in amusement. “What kind of stuff?”
“How much I’d like to sweep you off your feet,” Shawn replied, finally looking up to the man - and realizing that he was hovering beside his loft, not merely standing beside him in his usual work station. “Um. Wills? How’d you get up here? Some sort of voodoo hoodoo magic again?”
Willy looked down.
“Huh. Didn’t notice again,” he remarked, pursing his lips. He looked so positively adorable that Shawn just had to kiss him, and so he did. Willy shrieked as gravity grabbed him, and his arms instinctively wrapped around Shawn’s shoulders and pulled him down with him. Luckily, they landed on two giant plushies, a Boris and a Charlie. They looked at each other with wide eyes, bursting into laughter and surprise. “I’m really startin’ to think that Mirror is up to something with doing that.”
“That whippersnapper tryin’ to make us kiss?” Shawn laughed, and Willy laughed happily along. A mischievous light Shawn adored came into his eye. He leaned close to whisper in a sing-song tone, “Somethin’s on your mind….”
“We can fool him, if you wanna know how,” he replied, grinning coyly. “Play the same trick back, if you will.”
“Oh?” Shawn felt an excitement bloom in his chest as he grinned in return. “And just how do we do that, muirnín?”
“Listen closely,” Willy replied, then cupped his hand by Shawn’s ear to whisper his plot. Grinning ever wider now, Shawn marveled at the cleverness of his Willy. After he finished muttering his plan, he looked at him. “What do you think, Shawn?”
“Absolutely great,” Shawn replied. “And I’m one hundred percent certain that I can get the trio’s help to make it work all the better. Even if they don’t wanna, I’ve got blackmail.”
“Even on my own brother?” Willy gasped in mock offence. Shawn stammered an excuse, silenced by a kiss. “Don’t worry, I’ll never tell him. Go on ahead. Have fun. I wish there would be a way for you to see Mirror’s reaction to it all, but alas, there ain’t.”
“I’m sure that Jameson would be happy to relay it to me,” Shawn shrugged. “It’s still a great way to get back at him.”
‘Get back at what?’ Mirror asked, returning from his foray into the lighting system after the couple had come back to earth, in that literal sense. ‘Gonna ambush Thomas for stealing his belt? Gotta see that!’
Willy only answered the demonic fae with a smile.
“G’night Shawn,” Willy yawned, snuggling into bed beside his partner. Shawn, wrapping an arm around him and giving a gentle squeeze, kissed his forehead. “I love ya. See ya in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Willy,” Shawn hummed. “I love you, too.”
Before long, the sleepy janitor was in dreamland, and Shawn knew that Mirror was too - unlike usually. Mirror was out like a light, thanks to some magic spells of binding that Joey found for them.
Shawn slipped out of bed, and let in Jameson and the three boyfriends.
Jameson glanced around, then up at the ceiling corner. He nodded with a slight smile.
“Alright,” Shawn whispered, feeling his own smile grow. “Let’s do this, then.”
Mirror, groggy, stretched out each unnatural joint in his body, neck cracking in forty places.
He found everything, everything, upside down.
Even the pictures on the walls.
Confused by the situation, he looked around, seeing Willy and Shawn still cuddling in bed, in their upside down bed.
He had no idea what was happening, and even his unending humor seemed quenched by the encapsulation of his world literally upside down.
Needless to say, he disliked it. Immensely. He poked Willy’s face with a fingerlike claw to wake him fully, and the man rose a brow as he gazed at him.
‘Why is everything on the ceiling,’ he demanded, his voice crackling without humor, but with confusion and mild curiosity. Willy only tilted his head in question to understand. ‘You’re on the ceiling.’
“I most definitely am not on the ceiling,” Willy mumbled in reply, snuggling back into Shawn’s side to stifle his laughter. “You’re on the ceiling.”
‘I am not!’ Mirror gasped, then spasmed with mirth. ‘How can I be on the ceiling?’
“Maybe you lost track of how gravity works,” Willy cuddled closer to Shawn. “That’s something a demon like ya could do, right?”
‘I don’t think so,’ Mirror replied, and burst out into laughter, some shocked, some self incriminating. ‘I’m pretty sure that ain’t somethin’ I can do.’
“You can’t switch off gravity?” Willy inquired, peering at him with one eye. “That’s not one of your nut job abilities?”
‘It is, though I am limited to my tormentees,’ Mirror guffawed, then froze, looking at Willy with big eyes that still held merriment. ‘Oh ho ho, Mister Clever Willy, caught me red handed, huh?’
“Precisely,” Willy replied, smug. Shawn poked his head up, looking to his fiance. “G’morning, Shawn.”
“Top o’ the mornin’ to you, Willy,” Shawn yawned. He grimaced after. “Feels weird to wake up like this. Did the demon fess up?”
“Just did,” Willy flipped off Mirror, making the devil stick his tongue out at the two. “Apparently he can’t switch off gravity for everyone.”
“Wouldn’t be surprised if he secretly could,” Shawn muttered. Mirror settled onto Willy’s head, shrinking to be a size relative to a ping pong ball. “Er, Wills, question.”
“Yeah, love?”
“How the hell do we get down from here?”
Everything had been nailed to the ceiling. And they were taped to their bed. Willy had evidently not thought of that.
“Very much um.”
It took a while, effort, and Shawn falling flat on his face, but in time, they managed to get down and right everything to its proper location. Shawn counted about three hundred nails before he lost track, and Willy was snoozing on the couch yet again from the work out.
Shawn looked over the edge of his book when the motion of Willy stretching his arms caught his eye, and to his surprise, he noticed Willy floating once more, about two feet above the couch’s cushions. It was, admittedly, the perfect height for Shawn to put his arms under him to hold him, even weightless, so he did. Acting on his impulse merely was something Shawn tended to do and benefited (or lost) from doing so.
“Hello, darling Willy of mine,” Shawn greeted the waking man. Willy grinned and kissed him, and plopped into Shawn’s arms. “I love you. Floating or not.”
“I love you, Shawn,” Willy responded happily. “It looks like Mirror wanted to get the last laugh. Kudos to him for the effort, doncha think?”
“Yep,” Shawn beamed. “All in all, ‘twas an excellently fun time for all of us, I suppose.”
Willy glanced over his shoulder and frowned for a moment, rolling his eyes.
“What did Mirror say?” Shawn asked with curiosity. Willy shrugged. “Aw, come on, tell me!”
“He commented on a threesome idea,” Willy grumbled, and Shawn laughed. “I’d rather not have that spawn of the devil involved with you and me.”
“And I’m pretty sure he was only joking, Willy,” Shawn assured him. Willy sighed and nodded. “He did do a good job of making us weightless though.”
“I’d rather have another kiss.”
“Anything for you, muirnín.”
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btxtreads · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @txthearteu​
tagging @markhyucknorenminchenji​ @qtsoobin​ @beomberry​ @txtdiaries​ and other people who wanna do it idk
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course, none other than king943 hSJADJSAJHAS. He’s a little secret I’ll let you all in on: the first person I actually noticed in TXT was,,,,,,, Kang Taehyun hSDHJAHJSDAHSA but he wasn’t my bias. I just thought he was cute (also amused me bc my BTS bias was Taehyung and I found a guy named Taehyun cute), but I didn’t stan them then. I started stanning when I saw ONE DREAM.TXT where they talked to BTS and found them really cute and endearing. Looking into them, they were wild, and chaotic and so fun and also i got rEAAAALLY attached to Soobin. So here I am. There u go, my stanning story.
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a famous actress or singer hJSHADJSA
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Went to a theme park. I miss going to theme parks 🥺
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
hmmm most of the time i just go out with just my phone and money unless I need to bring a bag due to safety concerns/more items needed. So I’d say nothing unconventional.
favourite type of plushies and why?
God do I seem boring hsahsajjsa but i wasn’t too big on plushies. I had a gigantic teddy bear named Justin when I was a kid (it’s a bear with shades that my brother gave me) and I used to buy plushies whenever I’m in disneyland, it’s all in my sister’s reading lounge. The only plushie in my room now is a Mollang doll wearing like a blue shirt/dress, it’s my favorite rn It’s squishyyyy
favourite song right now?
right now, it’s Work It by Sabrina Carpenter.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Dancing (i literally suck. i have no idea how. no joke), Vocal Lessons (had some lessons briefly for like a year but i stopped and want to take some again), music production, acting, hosting
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
ok okok so one time in our class groupchat we were talking about class elections for officers. There were muse votes and some people were saying they want me to be the muse but i didnt want to bc i was busy with work. Then they started saying that they want me to be the muse and this guy that i rejected be the escort. while this is happening, i was simping hard for soobin in another chat. anyways, i got everything mixed up and accidentally sent the soobin simp stuff to the class chat and everyone thought i was simping for the classmate i rejected i was so asHAMED.
headphones or speakers? why?
speakers! idk i just like blastic the music loud.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
anything with cheese
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since its free for me askjjksad someone pays for my subscription lmaooo
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questions from cj to me:
android or apple? why?
APPLE because im loyal 😌 and i guess im just used to it so its easier to use for me + all my gadgets at home are mac
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
I think there should be a good balance of both. The words will have the ability to give you this sense of comfort and satisfaction and you know just overall a peace of mind when you hear the right words??? and physical affection bc sometimes it’s just better to get a hug or a kiss isntead of talking yk? actions speak louder than words sometimes
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
Honestly, this would depend. If I’m reading a book and feeling very vintage with a hot cup of coffee, definitely a rocking chair. If I’m watching TV and basically just chilling I’d go for Bean Bag. I like maintaining the atmosphere.
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
I view it as in-between, because there’s always room for improvement. There’s always things to change, and consider, and make better. There’s no such thing as perfect.
If someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
Please stop corona right now and let everyone go back to their daily lives and please let me attend a TXT concert bls im begging on my kNEES
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
Give me Soobin I just want to give him a hug. this is valid i can hold him
favorite season and why
Winter! Even if I’ve never experienced snow or winter before, the whole idea of snow is just really fun and endearing to me. One of my bucketlists is to see snow in real life. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve always been this person to prefer the cold over heat.
what made you enter tumblr?
I’ve always been here! Just not in kpop tumblr. I’ve since deleted my old accounts and shame  but i came back to write. It’s always been so stress-relieving to me, to write without any expectations on my back because I’m thinking about grades or a competition. Also Soobin simping is a daily thing and I gotta release it somewhere man
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
Yes. I may not be the richest or the prettiest, or smartest or whatever, but I have a good family that loves me. I have good friends that support me and I have TXT and BTS to help me cope when things get overwhelming. I have a job that gives me a little bit of income (it’s not too common for college students here to get jobs like in the US, most of them just focus on acads) and all the means to continue my education amidst the pandemic. So really, I’m grateful for where I am now.
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
Why do you have to do me dirty cj,,,,, prolly online. I may not get to hug them or anything but I get to talk to them still. As may times as I want to. And as a girl whose sanity literally just depends on Soobin giggles rn it’ll be very therapeutic to me to see them and talk to them as much as I could, even just through a screen.
Cinema or Netflix? Why?
Fire or Rain? Why?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had as a KPOP stan?
How do you handle stress?
Favorite Disney Princess and why?
Which fictional character do you say you relate the most to?
How did you get into KPOP?
What kind of merch you got 👀
Would you date a KPOP idol? What would you do if you do date one? (doesnt have to be your bias, just wanna see what y’all would do)
Would you rather be with someone you love but doesn’t love you back or be with someone that loves yu but you don’t love them back? (Or, as the Filipinos would say, Mahal ko o Mahal Ako)
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: rina
birthday: - 
zodiac: gemini
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5′2 like 2 years ago, i probably grew like an inch or two 
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: bts and txt fanfics to read hasjhsahj
blog established: ,,,,, i cant remember askjjksdjkdsa but the blog is only a few months old!
followers: 384!!! love yall 
favourite animals: b u n n y y y y y
favourite colour: black, blue, purple
favourite fictional characters: Percy Jackson, Jaron from Ascendance Trilogy, Chimmy!!! hihi
favourite flower: white roses
favourite scent: coffee
favourite season: winter
average hours of sleep: 3-5 or 8-10.
cats or dogs: dogs because cats scare me
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!! especially if it’s iced and sweet
current time: 12:21 AM
dream trip: California. Look I have the visa, pls miss rona. just leave so cali can just let me IN
dream job: actress or singer
hobbies: writing, reading, watching crackvids
hogwarts house: gryffindor
last movie watched: Work It (bc it has sabrina carpenter ahshsahsa i have low standards when we talk about Sabrina)
last song listened to: Helpless - Hamilton OBC
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, I would go on a date in high school. Also try to exert more effort in my appearance back then i looked like an honest to god M E S S (tbh i still do but now i have eyebrow liner on) hsajhsajhh
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10 things I can’t stop listening to (at the moment)
Run Away - TXT
Work It - Sabrina Carpenter
Euphoria - BTS
Song Cry - Yeonjun
Helpless - Hamilton OBC
Satisfied - Hamilton OBC
Journey to the past - Anastasia OBC
Lost in the Woods - Frozen OST
Perfect Song - Sabrina Carpenter
Friends - BTS
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familylightfox · 4 years
     Nights were starting to become dreaded. Volt found himself sitting by the campfire once again, staring into the flames as they danced. At least this time he didn’t stiffen at the approaching footsteps and just continued to watch the fire.
     “What do you want from me Eclipse?” That didn’t mean he wouldn’t speak this time, even if he wouldn’t look at the alien sitting down next to him. Even going so far as to shifting his tail to the opposite side and curling against his crossed legs, but flinched at the back of a hand brushing against his cheek.
     “I want you to stop fighting against what you are.” While the other made it sound so simple, Volt knew that it wasn’t. He pulled his head away from the hand and finally met the piercing amber eyes, suppressing a shiver in the process.
     “I told you. I’m not...!” The rest of the words died in his throat as his face was grabbed harshly. A snarl followed as he was pulled ever closer until there was nowhere he could look but those entrancing eyes.
     “You are. Just because you are not pure blood does not mean you are not a part of us. What holds you back from accepting this?” He found himself nearly frozen in place, unable to pry the hands off his face, releasing a pained sound as claws dig into his cheeks. The most he could do was turn his eyes in a quick glance, to the tent nearby. Where the sound of soft snores could be heard, from the ten year old curled up with her plushie.
     “Is that what stops you? Your ties to the family that has no kinship...” The words were spat and Volt struggled but finally managed to get a hand raised to pull one of the ones off his face. Just enough so that he could shift his head out of the tight grip. Amethyst eyes flashed in warning, a heavy concentration of static filled the air around them.
     But it all stopped with a single touch to his forehead.
     Just as the word echoed through his mind, sending agony from one side of his temple to the other, Volt dropped to the ground like a rag doll. He could only watch as the other took a moment to look him over, then turned to the tent. The surprised squeak and struggle within quickly ended with the tearing of fabric, the bulk of their tent hitting the ground in tatters as the alien stepped out in his larger form and Harmony struggling in his grip. One hand by her throat and the other around her middle.
     “Lemme Go! Yer hurtin’ me!” She kicked and scratched, pushing against the arms to the best of her ability. All of it was ignored by Eclipse as he stared straight into the seething hybrid’s eyes. The eyes that flashed neon, black colorization replacing the whites as he struggled against the command.
     “Is this what holds you back from embracing what you truly are Voltage? Is this child the reason you won’t join us?!” As the questions asked, Volt’s eyes snapped to the quick hitch of breath and the hand now squeezing his daughter’s throat. 
     “Would you accept us if I removed this problem?”
     Why Eclipse paused could have been anyone’s guess. Maybe it was because he wanted to see what the reaction would be. To see how strong the hybrid was.
     Whatever the reason had been, the alien hadn’t been expecting the rather massive cybernetic fist that slammed into the center of his face. Enough force to knock him backwards and release Harmony, who immediately dashed behind her transformed father’s leg.
     “No...” The larger werefox spoke, coldly. “If this is your approach to win me over, rethink your tactics before you try this shit again... Next time...”
                                              ~I’ll kill you.~
     All of this should have been terrifying, at least it would have been to most Mobians. Not to Eclipse, who sat up after resetting a part of his muzzle and licking away his blood. The bright amber eyes stared at the massive form, smile flashing the row of razor sharp teeth.
     “That was superb!” Harmony and her father shared a confused look. “Your transition was flawless. Look at you!”
      That seemed to make something click, Volt looking down at his hand and Harmony looking up at his face. The black sclera could have been intimidating if not for the soft amethyst eyes that looked at her clearly, if maybe in slight confusion. She reached up and he brought his head down so their foreheads could bump before turning his attention to Eclipse, who had stayed sitting on the ground.
     “What was the point of this?”
      “To see your potential of course. Fully that is. You’ve kept so much of you locked away inside your own mind, that it needs a push to be let out... With disastrous results.” As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Eclipse had a point. “But look at you. You’re completely in control and didn’t even notice the change. Our monstrous form is one of our greatest assets, not something to be feared and locked away.”
     “So the black in his fluffy form ain’t from Dark Gaia?” Harmony asked the question as her father changed back to normal, rubbing his cheek softly as she was picked up to be held. At the moment she was not going to let go.
     “Not at all child...”
     “Harmony.” Volt interjected.
     “... Harmony. It may have been originally, but what you just saw was the form that comes naturally. If I had to make a guess, the form is based on the one gifted by your Dark Gaia... A more advanced form.”
     “So how come he was turning during the full moon?”
     “Something subconscious I suppose.” The alien shrugged his shoulders and lightly flicked his tail. “The Dark Arms have seen quite a few of your werewolf movies as of late. I’d say it was probably something like that making his mind think it was a thing. Or it could have been he wanted an excuse to change forms. There is something truly beautiful about it.”
     Volt shot the other a deadpan expression, rolling his eyes after with just a shake of his head. “So all this fucking with my head was to...”
     “To have you finally see your true potential. I wasn’t lying when I said there are so few of us anymore. We can learn so much from each other.” Amber eyes met with amethyst before they closed, a soft breath was taken before they met again.
     “Fine, but keep your fucking hive mind to yourself. It gives me migraines and I’m not dealing with more headaches than I had been.” Turning his attention to the horizon where the sun was just starting to rise, a sigh escaped as Harmony settled her head on his shoulder. 
     “I’ll get breakfast started... If we’re going to keep talking, it might as well be over a meal. Oh, and Eclipse...” A short pause as the other allowed himself to shift back into his normal form, looking up in mild confusion at the call of his name. 
     “You owe us a new tent.”
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vespamultimuse · 4 years
( Shu x Mika! )
The OTP!
where they first met and how: Depends who you ask. Mika says they met when he ran away from the orphanage and was digging through a dumpster, Shu doesn’t remember that. He thinks they first met when Mika came to see him and Nito perform and asked him to join Valkyrie when he saw Mika’s eyes. (I may have that wrong on Shu’s part, please correct me if it is!)
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved: God, years. I bet they didn’t start dating until after Shu graduated. Or they’ve been dating this whole time and didn’t even realize it.
who fell for who first (if applicable): Definitely Mika. Shu may be smart but the guy is oblivious when it comes to feelings. I bet he didn’t even realize he was in love with Mika until Mika confessed. 
where their first date was and what it was like: It was probably just a small little date, like at a cafe or something. And even though they probably didn’t do much else different, Mika was still a blushy mess because ‘wow, it’s actually a date this time!” Shu looked composed but he was riddled with anxiety on the inside cause he knows this is Mika’s first ever date and he wants it to go perfectly and make sure Mika has a good time.
who asks who out and how (with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’?): Mika, I bet he did it with a letter cause he didn’t want to get nervous and trip over his words. Like he confessed his feelings and then once Shu read it he’d ask him on a date.
who proposes first: I love the idea of double proposals so much so I want to say that’s what happened. Like Shu gets down on his knees and then Mika starts crying and pulls out the ring he got. 
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away: Depends. From fans and general public, it has to be a secret cause idols aren’t allowed to date. But I imagine they tell their friends. Like Mika tells Arashi cause of course he’s gonna let his bestie in on what’s going on. And Shu probably tells his fellow Oddballs but like. Casually put it’s in a conversation and then tries to change the subject so they don’t tease him. Yet they still do.
where the proposal happens and how (kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park?): If Shu proposes first, it’s probably over a nice candlelit dinner. For Mika, he’d probably do it at a picnic
if they adopt any pets together: I could see them getting a cat or maybe something like a rabbit or a hamster
who’s more dominant: Probably Shu? Unless it’s with physical affection, Mika definitely has him beat on that front. I read in a fanfic that Mika was an aggressive cuddler and that stuck with me
where their first kiss was and what it was like: It probably was at Mika’s apartment and it just happened. Like they were cuddling and watching movies (horror because that’s like the majority of movies Mika has, let’s be real-) The movie ends, Mika looks up at Shu and then they just. kiss because it felt right in that moment.
if they have any matching couples stuff (mugs? sweaters? pillowcases?): Mika would love stuff like this so of course. Could be anything, they get matching keychains, sweaters, plushies. Shu acts grumpy about it but I like the think he likes it too lol
how into pda they are: Mika wouldn’t mind it but I imagine Shu doesn’t like it. Plus as idols, they can’t be too affectionate in public.
who holds the umbrella when it rains: They take turns but I bet Shu holds it more often than Mika
where their usual ‘date spot’ is (if applicable): Shu isn’t a fan of crowds so they probably spend most date nights at home rather than out. They are content as long as they get to be with each other anyway
who’s more protective: Shu but Mika definitely has his moments.
how long it is before they sleep together (can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’): I like to hc that Mika would often crawl into Shu’s bed cause he has trouble sleeping alone, so that was a thing even before they were dating. Sex is another thing entirely and I’m pretty sure that took a lot of talking before they even tried it.
if they argue about anything: I’m sure they do, since it’s normal for couples to argue sometimes. But it’s probably mostly Shu just nagging and being fussy over Mika, especially once he’s living alone.
who leaves more marks (lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc.): Mika, Shu probably hates it. Shu rarely, if ever, leaves any kind of mark and if he does, it wasn’t intentional by any means.
who steals whose clothes and how often: Mika definitely does, all the time.
how they cuddle (spooning? facing each other?): Probably depends on whatever Mika is in the mood for that night, since Shu doesn’t mind how they sleep. Mika probably prefers to be facing Shu though, with his face pressed against Shu’s chest or neck.
what their favourite nonsexual activity is: Cuddling while watching movies.
how long they stay mad at each other: Depends how stubborn Shu is but it’s probably only ever an hour at the most because who can resist Mika’s kicked puppy look?
what their usual coffee / tea orders are: idk enough about coffee or tea, so skip
if they ever have any children together: They definitely adopt at least one kid, because Mika loves kids and would want to give one a home like his parents did for him. Shu’s not the best with kids but he wants Mika to be happy. I could see them getting a little girl and Shu making the most pretty dresses for her.
if they have any special pet names for each other: Probably lots, like honey or baby, the normal ones. But I imagine they mostly call each other by first name because that’s really intimate in Japan. Especially for Shu and Mika, since they have called each other different things (like Kagehira and Oshi-san) before they started dating
if they ever split up and / or get back together: Definitely not, Mika stubbornly clings to the things (and people) he loves and Shu is not the forgive and forget type. If they ever got close to breaking up, they probably sat down and seriously talked about it to see what would be best for them but never actually broke up
what their shared living space is like (messy? clean? what kind of decor?): Probably very clean, or at least messily organized. As for decor... There’s probably dolls and stuffed animals displayed everywhere
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like: Cliche af but they definitely made each other something. Like Shu noticed Mika’s gloves are getting worn out so he makes Mika a new pair. Mika knits him a scarf or maybe makes him a plushie! Then they would cuddle up under blankets with hot coco to watch cheesy Christmas movies while it snows outside.
what their names are in each other’s phones: Mika’s is definitely just ‘Shu’ with a cute little heart emoji beside it. Shu’s is just ‘Kagehira’ because it’s been in his phone like that forever and he doesn’t know how to change it. But maybe once they get married, he asks his friends to change it to ‘Mika Itsuki’ :3c
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ (buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening?): My family has a tradition on Christmas where every year we buy each other fuzzy socks. I can see Mika and Shu definitely doing that. Or every year, they get a new doll and plush to add to their ever growing collection
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first: Mika is the first to fall asleep but the hardest to get up in the morning. Shu has times where he stays up late to finish a project but is always the first to wake up every morning.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Shu is the big spoon and Mika is the little spoon
who hogs the bathroom: Mika but not intentionally. He just gets lost in daydreams or shower thoughts while he bathes. Shu always makes sure to get in before Mika because of that lol
who kills the spiders/takes them outside: Mika is the poster child for catching and relocating spiders.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
‘Robin’ - is a codename, she’s Sarah Hopper, one of the numbers (Theory)
So I talked about why I believe Sarah was alive in a previous theory about a year ago,  here, but after reading the prequel novel, more evidence was brought to light. So for those who haven’t read it, I’ll simply copy (from that post) all the proof Sarah is alive first, and explain after why I believe Robin is her.
In s1, Hopper first describes Sarah by saying “Sarah, my daughter … the galaxies, the universe, what not, she always understood all that stuff.” Then, in s2, when Hopper is referencing blackholes, he says “Sarah had a picture book about it, she loved it.” But, if Sarah had powers like Will and El, her extreme interest in the “blackholes” (*the void) and “the universe” (* the upside down) would make much more sense, since it’d be her way of rationalizing what she may have been experiencing/seeing- and making her less afraid of them.
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I also have to point out that other posts have mentioned the fact that after her ‘death’, Hopper grieves on a very similar looking set of stairs (that appear to be in  Hawkins lab). Is it possible someone tampered with the Hoppers’ memories or caused visual halucinations of her death-in order to kidnap her? Also the fact, that Hopper negotiates El’s freedom (gaining a daughter in the process) on a similar stair case (to where he lost his first daughter) could be more than simply symbolic.
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When Terry goes to find Jane, we see her find Kali and a girl we are supposed to assume is El- but let’s be honest does this girl look anything like El? Or does she look more like Sarah?
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Also, after Sarah’s ‘death’ Hopper states to Joyce “After Sarah, I saw her too and I heard her. I didn’t know what was real and then I figured it was all in my mind.”However in that same ep, Will literally uses all his strength and power to astral project and communicate with Joyce (to prove he was alive). El does something similar when trying to communicate with Mike, and Mike similarly confides in Will saying “Sometimes I feel like I still see her … sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy”.It’s very possible after Sarah’s kidnapping, and faked-death, she tried to contact her dad- but eventually gave up (which is honestly heartbreaking, if true).
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However, I think the greatest evidence is in the symbolism, behind the fact that Will and El had stuffed lion-plushies while Sarah had a tiger doll.
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As someone who wanted to be a writer, I can assure you this is most likely being used as foreshadowing or symbolism. So, I decided to look up mythology/symbolism based on these animals.
“Chinese guardian lions-are lion statues that are common guardians of villages (*Hawkins) and even private homes (*Castle Byers and El’s bed room).  These lions can be a sign of protection of an individual or family. These lions are always depicted in pairs consisting of a male and a female, the female representing yin and the male yang, When, there is too great an imbalance between Yin and Yang, catastrophes can occur.”
I mean, that sounds pretty on the nose, don’t you think? XD
So, for consistency’s sake I looked up Chinese mythology/culture relating to tigers. “The tiger is personified by the constellation Orion (interesting given her interest in space). The tiger represents protection over human life (hmm?). Tiger charms were used to keep away evil and disease (that’s awful ironic if she died in the manner she did). In Buddhism, wearing tiger skins during meditations was believed to bring protection from spiritual interference and potential harm while exploring astral dimensions (ok, now I’m just screaming, since this makes too much sense XD).”
------So now for the new evidence, well... I totally called it about the tigers XD. In the prequel novel ‘Suspicious minds’, Tigers are referenced in relation to Kali (11 times!). Just some examples
Kali: “I was named after a goddess. She wore a tiger skin and was fierce in battle.”
Then Kali says to Alice (a women who can see future visions): “I love you, Alice. We can be tigers.”
This parallel (in relation to Alice) is fascinating because Kali actually uses her powers to fake Alice’s death- and to trick Dr. Brenner, and allow Alice to escape. The allusion was so realistic, that Terry could even touch the ‘dead’ Alice. So after Dr. Brenner realizes he’s been tricked, it wouldn’t be surprising after learning Kali could do this- that he’d use this power again, to his advantage. And Just like Kali & Alice are tigers together, so are Kali & Sarah (indicated by Sarah’s stuffed animal) their fates are forever linked.
Evidence Sarah Hopper is ‘Robin’
Now , my theory is that  at the behest of Dr.Brenner she was tasked to follow El and Will ( and gather intel), and make sure the plan to take them to whatever lab he is now operating in, goes according to plan. And before you say, that’s ludicrous... Dr. Brenner has already used numbers to track and bring in those he suspects have powers.
Last week the first chapter of the number 6 comic came out. Here it was established that number 3 (was given a fake mom and ) was tasked at spying/observing Francine (to see if she had powers). She attracted Brenner’s attention, since before her parents won the lottery, they had only been off by one number, on multiple scratch off tickets . In the comic, He (number 3) actually believes he’s doing a good thing . Now you can call it stockhold syndrome, but both the prequel novel and the comic imply the other numbers (aka the ‘Indigo children’) are treated much differently than El & Kali (11 & 8). And this is because, 1-7, and 9-10 have much weaker powers.  The prequel novel states this to be the case “ Eight wasn’t allowed to know there were other children here. They were all ordinary so far. He worried they’d infect her...Child shows gifts that require isolation from those who might weaken her...”. The book also implied that torture and traumatic events can strengthen powers, and that it was utilized more so on them- why Kali tells El to tap into her anger when using her powers. The comic alludes to this as well, the other numbers get to interact with one another, have lunch and talk, and even the guards are nicer and less dehumanizing towards them. Although, It’s mostly a facade.
So what number 3 tells Francine (number 6), may be how Sarah/Robin is seeing this mission. “ It was about protecting you. You can hate me if you want... it doesn’t change the fact that this is the safest place for people like us. Can you honestly say you’d rather be at home right now? Because I’m sure as hell glad they got you out of there.” 
When Francine’s parents found out about her powers they became abusive when she couldn’t use them properly, and since both number 3 and 1 agree that this is the safest place- this is sadly probably a common occurrence for super-powered kids. So even though, Sarah didn’t have such an experience she probably has heard plenty of horror stories from the other numbers- and wants to protect these 2 kids.
So when she says this to Steve, it’s a joke- but she’s probably trying to subtly figure out if he’s also close to Dustin’s other friends (ie. Will & El)
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- other evidence includes the fact that the new prequel novel ‘Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town’ confirms that Sarah’s birthday is on the 4th of July (the same time period s3 will take place in)! And I just find that really suspicious.
-Also, Sarah and Robin have similar facial features, and hair and eye colors. The comic even doubles down on the fact that El was supposedly blonde (yes, people’s hair color/texture can change... but it’s still suspicious). Robin’s wrists are also both covered- so she could easily hide her tattoo, and she’s referred to in her character bio as simply an “alternative girl.” And frankly, with such a huge ensemble cast it makes no sense just to add her , simply to be a love interest.
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-The one flaw in this theory, is that in ‘Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town’ if we takes the dates accurately- Sarah would be about 15 (and Robin seems to be closer to Steve’s age). However, since the other prequel novel got El’s birthday wrong-it’s still a strong possibility. Even if Robin isn’t Sarah, she is alive and we will see her again- whether that is in s3 or s4 though... is yet to be determined.
* all the edited gif/pics aren’t mine- and are simply being used for visual evidence.
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