#ray headcanon
dalvs-wife · 2 months
do any other selfshippers get a little bit irked when seeing your f/o's headcanoned with sexualities that exclude your gender..... because uhhhh... no? we're dating?? we're married??? we're very in love??? wdym they aren't attracted to my gender? surely you jest...
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sofiaruelle · 1 year
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exocynraku · 5 months
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based off of
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
sassy ass ej the don being the most serious dragging y/n around to the renaissance show in his all chrome fit posing for the cameras 😭 don’t let beyoncé acknowledge him cus it’s over
SCREAMING!! Cause honey, best believe he was there, eating the girls up. Told (y/n) she better come correct or she can’t ride with him. 😭😭 Giving TinMan realness with a fur coat, shades and HELLA ice on, (you know he an Aries chile LMAO) Mind you, he had a concert himself that night but as soon as he heard The Queen was in town, he suddenly came down with a touch of bronchitis 🌚 baby is front row, knows every word and don’t let ‘em fuck up the Mute challenge cause now the whole row gotta catch hell. Like y’all don’t get it, he despises half the industry and never shows up to anything. So imagine everybody’s shock when he’s literally fanboying and falling all over himself for her. Like he’s soooo happy to be there. Him and (y/n) singing every word together, just having a time. One of his favorite songs is Love on Top and she sees him in the crowd just belting the lyrics to his girl so she shouts y’all out on the mic like ‘y’all look so good.” And mannnnn, can’t nobody tell him SHIT! He done came back and bragged to all of his boys, using it as leverage. Let Jean say some slick shit to him and it’s forever ‘well Beyoncé said I’m cute. What you got, Jean? Besides a foot for a face.” 😭 insufferable as hell. For days after, he carries one of those hand fans around and just opens it up right in front of you. Insufferable as hell. Bey has no idea the monster she’s created.
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I wanted to request… maybe headcanons for a yandere ray from mystic messenger? specifically i was imagining like, what would he be like with someone who’s really innocent and naive- perhaps someone like an angel to mint eye. i hope that’s not too specific!
Gift is made by @sapphireicecream
Thank you for letting me use it <3
Yandere Ray headcanon
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Ray would adore you.
Your kindness and gentleness would melt his heart.
If you were to be gentle with him, it would feel like a dream.
Ray would really adore you.
You could be an angel to mint eye…
But you would be like a god to him.
And believe that Ray would take your safety very seriously.
He wouldn't want "bad" people to be able to take advantage of your kindness.
Ray would like to protect you.
You are too innocent for this world.
You would spend most of your time with Ray.
And he would try to make you as comfortable as possible.
Pretty much anything you'd want Ray to do.
You would receive your favorite flowers, gifts, favorite food, etc.
He could also give hugs if you let him.
Surely Ray would blush during hugs.
However, there would be a few exceptions.
Like he couldn't let you go…
And he couldn't let you see other people either.
But otherwise you'd be fine <3
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tacticaldiary · 1 year
Unlikely Intruder
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Special agent Kennedy bested by the most unexpected intruder in the middle of the night. A ruined night of sleep leaves the both of them sharing a soft moment.
A/N: Enjoy! Requests are open!
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Leon’s always been a light sleeper. 
It comes from years of living on the edge, of catching an hour of sleep in any cramped, temporarily safe location he could during missions, gun loaded in hand and ready to shoot if need be. From harsh training that molded him into the indestructible person he is today 
It’s exactly why he’s awake the moment he hears a small, muffled thud downstairs. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he slowly unwinds his arms from around the person next to him, casting her a soft glance. 
The thud comes again and Leon’s sitting up, reaching for the pistol in his nightstand. 
Did someone break in? He strains his ears, but there are no footsteps, no indication of broken window glass. He knows all the doors were locked, he checks them every night before bed. 
Obsessive, she jokes at him whenever he goes through the little night-time routine he has. 
Perhaps he was, but if being called obsessive was the consequence of ensuring her safety, he’d let her jeer at him for hours. 
“Leon?” The soft voice steals his focus momentarily. He watches his girlfriend shift, rubbing at her eyes and sitting up, most likely sensing the wariness rolling off of him in waves. “What’s wrong?” She stifles a yawn, pulling the sheet up with her. Disheveled and disoriented from sleep, she looks adorable. He’d take her right back to bed if not for the prickling chill running down his spine.  
“I heard something,” Leon tells her quietly, turning his attention back to the door. “Something downstairs.”  
“What?” Her eyes widen and she sits up straighter, casting a cautious glance at the door. “Like a person? Did someone break in?” Her voice comes out hurried, and Leon squeezes her arm gently to calm her down. 
“You’re alright.” He assures her. “You’re with me, aren’t you?” 
“Cocky much?” She manages a small smile, which dissipates as a crash comes from downstairs. Leon’s on his feet immediately. 
“Stay here, baby.” He orders, in that deep authoritative voice she’s heard him talk to others at work with. “Lock the door behind me and don’t come out. I’ll come and get you, understand.”
She wants to protest, wants to insist that two people are better than one, but knows that Leon is built for this life, that he knows what he’s doing and she’d only be the added challenge of someone he needs to protect while investigating. 
“Okay.” She agrees. “Yell if you need help, alright?”
“Sure.” Leon leans down, presses a kiss to her hair before striding off, gun in hand. 
The click of the lock she turns behind him unsettles her more than it reassures her. 
Minutes pass without noise, not a peep. No thuds, no crashes, nothing but the silence that bubbles into eeriness the longer it goes on. What was going on? Did Leon find something? Someone? 
The next crash makes her jump out of her skin. It’s accompanied by a muffled, loud curse from Leon, something so out of character that it makes her instinctively grab the doorknob. 
She hesitates. 
He said not to follow...but she rarely hears Leon raise his voice like that. Worry prickles at her, the need to make sure he’s alright winning over her hesitation to stay safe. Creaking the door open, she pads quietly through the hallway, slowly stepping down the stairs. 
It was alright. Everything would be fine, she just needed to find Leon. She’s taken a couple of self-defence classes, Leon had arranged them for her and even given her a few lessons himself-
Though those ones ended up with her having a little more fun at the end. 
Shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts that had no business coming to her now, her breath hitches as she hears chairs and tables scraping, Leon groaning with effort. 
She peeks around the corner, heart racing, ready to run in to help him and-...
The fright drains out of her at the sight.
Her boyfriend, this strong, deadly special agent, this fully grown man wrestling with a small, spitting angry raccoon around their kitchen. The latter is hissing and trying to scratch at him while Leon holds it by the scruff, an angry red scratch across his cheek, bleeding sluggishly. 
“Are you alright?” She asks, Leon’s gaze snapping to her. 
“Thought I told you to stay put.” He shakes his head, giving the creature a frustrated look, holding it at arms length. 
“That was before I knew you’d be bested by a raccoon.” She laughs. He does not look amused as he pulls open the front door and ushers the animal out, firmly shutting and locking the door behind it. 
“It did not best me, I just wasn’t expecting it.” He winces when he touches the scratch on his cheek.
“Same thing.” Padding her way across the kitchen, she tilts his chin to the side to get a closer look. “That look nasty.” She smiles when Leon kisses her palm. 
“Stings. Not too bad though.” 
“Come here.” She runs a washcloth under warm water in the sink and hoists herself onto the counter, gesturing him over. Once he’s slotted between her legs, hands bracing himself on either side of her, she leans in and gently cleans the blood off of his face. “Let me know if it hurts.” She meets his eyes briefly. 
He wouldn’t. 
Leon drinks in every single moment she decides to touch him. He’s not used to touches that don’t come with expectations or hurt, so being with her is a reprieve from his busy life. He stares at her face unashamedly while she works, the water warm, her gentle touch cupping his face soothing. He admires the line of her jaw, the softness of her eyes. 
She was beautiful. The best thing that ever happened to him. 
Sometimes he wonders if someone as tainted as him deserved to come home to a person as pure-hearted as her.
But then again, Leon supposes he can afford to be selfish this one time. Just for this. 
“It looks deeper than I thought.” She snaps him out of his thoughts. 
“I’ve had worse than an angry raccoon scratch.” He quips, smiles widening at the disapproving look she casts him. 
“Do you think it was carrying anything?” She asks suddenly. “Like rabies? It was wild, wasn’t it?”
Leon thinks for a moment. He’d come downstairs to the creature rifling through their pantry which had been left cracked open. it had not taken well to Leon’s attempt to remove it and had lunged at him. he didn’t get to check it it was foaming at the mouth or not. 
All plans of going back to bed with her fly out the window. 
Leon groans and drops his head down to her shoulder. A trip to the ER it was then. “Shit.” He curses, muffled by the fabric of the shirt she wore to bed. It’s one of his, he notes. 
A soothing hand cards through his hair, scratching gently at his scalp. “I’ll get the car keys.” She huffs out a small laugh.
Requests Are Open!
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Charles Lee ray and Brahms (seperately ) where they get turned into cats that can talk and reader finds them and the realize they get lost if attention from the reader.
Fluff plz
Charles lee ray and brahms but they're cats
The first version of this post didnt save but I had only written this top segment so nothing was really lost HOORAY
Characters: Charles Lee Ray, Brahms Heelshire
Notes: Reader is GN, not explained why they're cats, reader is implied to be working with Charles in his murders
CWs: mentions of murders in Charles's part
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Getting this out but he doesnt play games when he wants your attention- whether it be verbally demanding it or setting a.. surprise.. for you.. he does not take well to being ignored
Moving on he is piiiissed when he realizes what's happened to him- even more so if this is after hes been a doll.. but let's just say this takes place before that/an au
Takes it worse, actually, especially given that cats can be killed easier than toys
You do come up with the idea to use him as a lure to bring unsuspecting victims that had only wanted to help a "poor stray"
Circling back to the attention- hes not totally opposed to being treated like royalty.. ignoring that hes a little offended that you spoil him more than when he was a human..
Even though he retains the capabilities to speak as a cat he hardly utilizes them, though that's because he simply... doesnt speak much
It's not much different actually, Brahms always begs for your attention and it's still the case when hes been turned into a furred animal.. except.. now hes more comfortable knocking things onto you while you sleep if he wants to hang out with you.. whether it be his cat instincts kicking in or hes willingly doing it to be a little shit
Definitely a climber, climbs up your back and perches himself on your shoulder while you work
The second you get him fancy stuff- food, toys, and so on.. be sure that you can afford it long term because it's going to become the standard
He may not speak but he DOES meow, loudly, until you pick him up
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 11 months
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have to touch myself to pretend you're there.
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raybyanothername · 1 year
Headcanons Inspired by the Teen Wolf movie:
Eli is not just a Sterek child, I would bet money that he was conceived thanks to or at the Nemeton. Possibly both, depending on the AU. (Lowkey, I have *thoughts* about the Nemeton just spontaneously creating Eli all on its own because it has access to both Stiles and Derek DNA and is the original agent of chaos in the TW universe.)
While Eli was busy freaking out about being a werewolf and subconsciously stopping his own transformation, the Nemeton was drawing his spark closer. Thus the sleepwalking. Which, if we must accept the horror of canon, would probably grow more frequent when he moves to LA. That child is bringing Derek back to life before he can legally own a license and the Nemeton is his wingman.
Coach refuses to acknowledge who Derek is (he totally knows him/remembers him) because 'that jerk refused to try out for lacross!' and he 'is too busy to entertain basketball players or their delusions of grandeur!'
An alpha is only as strong as his pack bonds and Scott letting them all go dormant is why he didn't have the strength to hold down the nogistune/stop Derek. That the Hales remain close even when apart is why Derek did.
Stiles left the jeep purely because he *knew* toddler Eli was obsessed with it and it would drive Derek crazy for at least a decade. It's his way of flirting from a distance.
Eli knows who Stiles is (possibly very well). He did not put the pieces together with the jeep being his because it was too obvious and his brain flew right over that connection.
Eli's earliest memories are of 'helping' his dad fix the jeep, which is one of the reasons he's attached to it.
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atlas-basil · 12 days
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Evelyn and Jackie <3
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lussiane333 · 1 year
The way you write art the clown is so perfect and it's sad there isn't that much content for him yet so thank you for doing god's work 😩 do you have any hc's of him receiving a lapdance from s/o?
Hello! Thank you for your kind words <3
This one took me some time.. 😅 Sorry for the wait, here it is!
I decided to do more slashers so:
Slashers receiving a lap dance from their S/O 🔥
Art the Clown
He's making facial expressions you've never seen before
We all know that our clown boy is a comedian..
He would take the hidden dollars out of his clown suit and tuck them behind your panties and grin like a madman he is
His eyes never left you, and the way you touched him, breathed against his lips and toyed with your underwear, his gaze seemed almost tender like
But when you knelt spread legged down on the floor and looked at him, he's gawking with an open mouth and dilated pupils
He would do anything for you, it's like you hypnotize him every time and deep down he hates it, but it just feels so good..
He wants to ruin you in his own fucked up way so yeah, get ready for a long night afterwards
Bo Sinclair
You want all of his attention and oh boy.. It's yours
The way you leant back on his lap and grinded against his bulge..
Yeah, he'd whip his cock out and jerk it shamelessly as you move your body against him
He's really into this, he loves watching you show off for him
You make him absolutely feral and he feels like a virgin seeing a woman's body for the first time, but he can't help himself
Don't get me wrong, he's really not seeing this for the first time, but he's seeing someone he loves and enjoys it so damn much
You went from between his thighs to sit on his lap, and groping, teasing and whispering nasty things in your ear quickly turned into you riding him in a reverse cowgirl
He has a secret erotic polaroid collection of you
He loves your body, your moves, everything about you makes him crazy
Charles Lee Ray
He would act indifferent at first
Yeah, yeah, you're hot but he has seen it many times before
Still likes it and won't keep his hands to himself, I mean you two love to put on any kind of a show
His biggest weakness is when you nib at his neck and run your nails down his chest, he's humming in approval, squeezing your ass harder
Praises and degrades you at the same time
"You really are the biggest whore I've ever seen"
"Come on baby, show me that I'm right, oh yes"
He wants you all to himself, but he also wants to show you off so he'd surely make you dance in front of a victim and be like:
"You see that? All mine"
"Show them exactly what they're missing on, baby"
His egoistic ass is so proud knowing that he has someone like you
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raycatz · 1 month
There's a headcanon from a while back that Warriors braids people's hair as an idle / to connect / to decompress. May I propose other small physical connections and comforts, like Legend giving back scritches?
If someone is seated on Legend's bedroll with him during downtime and they're just dozing or he sees someone who's tense and decompressing he'll reach a hand out and rub their back. If they respond well he'll give scritches. He doesn't have to ask or talk about what's bothering someone that way and can still give comfort. I think the motion would be soothing for him as well.
Wild will give scritches too but watch out because he'll start tickling and poking when he gets bored. Good hefty pats and a slight shake. Giving Wolfie / horsie pats to everyone haha!
Sky has the best hugs to sigh troubles away into and he will hold those who need it.
Time's hugs give strength. A hug that fills one with confidence.
Twi will give massages. Also the same kind of pats Wild gives and hair ruffles / scalp massages but he has better control of his own strength when messing with people from being big brother to the kids in Ordon. Wild's pats lean towards playfully riling someone up, and while Twilight's can also be that, they're more secure and comforting as well.
Hyrule and casual touch! Sitting just near enough that something is touching be it an arm or leg or leaning fully into someone. He'll get into the space of those who allow it and will take their hands and massage their palms or press their hands between his to keep them warm. We've seen him in the updates the past year or so grabbing Time's shirt when he made a breakthrough with Twi, and nudging an elbow at Legend when laughing. I think it's something he'd do more often the more comfortable he is with the chain. Resting an elbow on a shoulder, hitting an arm with the back of his hand to get someone's attention, offering a hand for calf stretches, playful rough housing, etc. I love it for him.
Four with the back scritches as well. I like a headcanon I've read in sister_dear's works where Four doesn't usually like people messing with his head, ruffling his hair, etc. But, I can see him accepting a palm to his forehead or over his eyes when he has a headache (from Twi specifically!), and doing so for others. He'll press his face to people like a cat and lean. Like Sky, he'll hold people. It's what he's found works. (He is little so finding a way to do so can be awkward but so help him he will protect those he cares for!!!)
Wind ruffles and braids hair as well. Also full out rough housing, play wrestling, trying to pick people up, etc. I can also see him sprawling over those he's comfortable with. They're his pillow now. Whoever he's fallen asleep on is no longer allowed to move. They have to deal with the fact that he heats up in his sleep too. (Space heater Wind.) But I think his slowed breathing and trust would be a comfort.
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Slashers with an alternative s/o
[Charles Lee Ray, Vincent Sinclair, Patrick Bateman, Otis Driftwood] lightly/barely nsfw
☆ Charles Lee Ray/Chucky ☆
Has so much goth potential already with the long dark hair and will 100% take long angsty walks through cemeteries with you.
Makes out with you in his car while listening to music, I think he gives off Ministry/Siouxsie/Alien Sex Fiend vibes
☆ Vincent Sinclair ☆
Again, he’s got the long dark hair and a generally sorrowful, so I think if you got him into goth music he would become fully immersed, in a very sigh-heavy way. I can just picture walking downstairs and seeing him hard at work on a sculpture while listening to The Cure.
[Also Vincent in full goth attire, like I’m thinking doc marten Mary Jane’s and a long black skirt. A lip ring perhaps]
☆ Patrick Bateman ☆
He loves, respects, and is in so much awe of your indifference to/rebellion against conformity. He would find you the most high end clothes and accessories and completely live his fashion dreams vicariously through you (he must get so tired of suits and only suits)
At one point you’ll kiss him and get black lipstick on him and I think seeing the stains on his face would make him question soooo much.
☆ Otis Driftwood ☆
The sheer amount of corpse paint you two would go through is unfathomable, he’d have so much fun doing yours. I’m sure he’d come up with a trademark look for you just so that he would get dozens of attempts to get it perfect, you sitting in his lap while he applies
I think he would start picking victims just for you, keeping an eye out for people your size wearing clothes he knows you’d like.
If it won’t scare you off he would so make you jewelry made of his victims bones to really pop against all the black
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abstractpenny · 1 day
Dont know if this is canon, but I like to imagine Wu and Garmadon don't have last names. And thats their only name. Just Wu and Garmadon.
Then, when Lloyd was born, he was given the last name of Garmadon because why not and thats badass as hell.
But, because of that, everyone got confused and thought Garmadon's last name is Garmadon, but nobody knew his first name. But his wife calls him Garmadon, his brother calls him Garmadon.
Maybe, in another universe, in another world, this becomes tradition. For a son to carry his father's name as his last name. Kai Ray, Jay Ed, Cole Lou. Stupid ass names, but it's fun to think about.
In conclusion, it makes perfect sense why Morro's last name is Wu.
Anyways. I don't think I'm making much sense lmao.
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pandemonium-kidz · 1 month
I've the silliest headcanon that the Elementals of Fire kept on dying relatively young and as such they've an ongoing poll in the departed realm on how long the current one lives more.
So far Ray is winning, as he lost his powers the moment he had Kai Kai is now onto the poll, he has surprisingly defied the others expectations all things considered.
Ray technically is still winning, Kai is not winning btw and he's actually in danger on dying at the average age as the others did.
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🐚 Daughter of Neptune headcanons list 🌊 Part Two..
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note: dam this was superrr long aswell, I hope I didn't bore y'all lol, I really enjoyed writing this actually! Again, this is the continuation of my first fic, this mostly includes big brother percy! x reader, and yes there will be a part 3 aswell, that focuses more on reader x bf! Jason, gosh I was not expecting this to become an actual series LOL! This part is mostly Percy centric! Also, i wasn't expecting my first hc list to get that many notes?? Like 72 notes is a LOT for me especially if it's for something that I've never done before! So thank you!
•Jason's disappearance would drive you INSANE. I'm not even kidding, those 6 months would be the worst you've ever had. Almost as bad as Annabeth, and it's not just because your maybe-boyfriend disappeared. It's because your sleep was PLAGUED with nightmares about this mysterious lady who called herself the earth mother. She kept trying to recruit you to her side. Gaia was trying to make you join her. But you didn't even know that it was Gaia, at that point. 
• Since you were linked to the earthen side of Neptune, and Gaia wanted ALL forces of earth to join her against demigods, you were her main target, along with Percy and Jason. You'd be the easiest to manipulate amongst all big three children , since your powers reeked of earth.
•You anxiously told Reyna about these nightmares, but she waved off the suspicion as stress, with you being unnerved about Jason’s whereabouts or something.
•You also got dreams about a teenage boy with black hair, wandering around the streets of San Francisco helplessly, something about this boy felt super tranquil (yes it's Percy lol)
•And don't get me started about the senators' uproar about their praetor’s disappearance. Conspiracies swirled around the whole camp. 
•Octavian was NOT helping the matters, the guy was such a drama king. He cooked up this wild story that YOU were the reason Jason disappeared, taking advantage of the point that Jupiter and Neptune were rivals to give himself an upper hand in his argument. 
•He also latched on to the point that all of these atrocities were happening because YOU were a bad omen to camp, which unfortunately, convinced the whole senate. The whole camp now hates you more than ever. 
•And guess what happened? You weren't even a full centurion anymore. Ppl thought you would lead your cohort to conspire against everyone, so they forced poor Reyna to transfer the centurion-ship to Gwendolyn.
•Octavian also deliberately refused to look for Jason because he was happy to get rid of the son of Jupiter.
•Nico and Reyna were your only support systems at this point. Reyna elected you as the unofficial praetor (not that she told anyone else, of course, this was a secret between you both, she needed another praetor in place of jason, and she badly wanted it to be you, but the senators begged to differ) so you were secretly helping Reyna to help reinforcements to look for Jason.
• Nico would actually be such a big comfort to you. Bringing you coca cola from McDonald’s while you both just sat in silence in pluto's shrine wallowing in sadness lol
•Okay okay I'm yapping so much, so here comes the best part. The most anticipated one. Your brother Percy Jackson's arrival. 
•You actually weren't in camp when he dramatically came by, you were in Temple hill, trying to convince a thick headed octavian to burn his god damn bears and issue a prayer to Jupiter about Jason. That jerk was so stubborn. So you were practically yelling at each other.
•That's also EXACTLY when Percy and Hazel get sent to Octavian by Reyna. So while they were approaching you, you were just in shock and stopped mid way from the argument you and Octavian were currently having and stared at Percy. He was the same boy in your dreams.
• This strange boy had worn the same expression as he stared at you. Shock. Unbeknownst to you, Percy had been having dreams about your wispy face as well. 
• Hazel told Percy about you after he dramatically charged into camp as a child of Neptune. Percy would actually be SO excited when he finds out that he has a sister in this mysterious camp. 
• But TWO children of Neptune? At the same place? Same time? This all brought on such an uproar amongst campers
• Octavian had practically hardwired the whole “Neptune children are unlucky” thing into ppls mind so much that everyone was worried that Percy's arrival meant something bad was happening.
• When Percy met you though, he'd actually find you very closed off and rigid. But he cannot help being soft around you, since you were practically his younger sister.
• You'd deliberately avoided him a little. Because you were SO overwhelmed with everything. How did you dream about your nonexistent brother before you actually knew he existed? You actually had a hard time trusting him with everything going on, so you'd act a little cold around him for the first day. Even Reyna would notice your lack of enthusiasm when you welcomed Percy to your legion.
• But you failed to intimidate Percy. like miserably. You'd shoot him grumpy looks, only to find him smiling back at you. You felt kind of bad now. Since Percy looked like he badly wanted to talk to you.
• so. You planned a secret excursion. You were both in the same cohort, so you had no problem tapping Percy on the shoulder at lunch, and told him to meet you at your dad's shrine at around 12 AM.
• Percy was super confused at your sudden offer but he obliged anyway out of curiosity.
• so he'd be walking around the shrine like a lost puppy, admiring how new his dad's statue looked. Hazel had told him about your efforts to bring glory to Neptune, and how you'd never miss a day to clean his shrine, and percy'd admire that. Like a lot. He knew there's more to you than what people said about you in camp.
• "Good old dad huh?" You'd say as you came inside the shrine, startling Percy so bad that he'd trip on his own shoelace.
• That shit was hilarious as hell lol making you holler with laughter.
• He'd be super embarassed but would totally laugh along with you.
• Okay so the first few minutes would be painfully awkward. I mean, what do you say to your long lost sibling you never knew you had?
• But Percy would interrupt by telling you that he'd had dreams of you. Which shocked you to the core. Because you had them aswell, that piece of information would leave him shocked aswell.
• So after this info dump, the conversation after would flow so naturally?? Like where did all the awkwardness go? You'd both talk about everything, you'd tell Percy about Jason (though you kinda left out the boyfriend bit lolz) and he'd tell you about Annabeth.
• You'd walk Percy around the streets of New Rome, breaking curfew, like you always did, as you told him "well you deserved a proper sisterly tour of the city yesterday, I'm sorry I didn't give you that, I just had a lot on my mind, I DO want to get to know you more, you are my brother, after all".
• All of these words would leave Percy overwhelmed tbh. He'd been so scared that you wouldn't talk to him, and that you may not want have a sibling dynamic with him. But he was wrong. You were still a little awkward, but you were trying. And that made him feel a rush of brotherly affection for you. You were nothing like the scary/grumpy heartless girl you were perceived to be by the other campers.
• the whole excursion-with-your-brother-to-bond with-him thing actually worked. You had no idea what you were doing, but it worked. You got to know stuff about him, even though he barely remembered a thing, and as much as you hated to admit it, you sort of overshared with him. The bullying you faced at camp, how everyone called you names, scoffed at you, how Octavian was being. well. Octavian. Your dad not noticing you, So all in all, you shared basically everything with guy. And no, you still left out the boyfriend detail, he ain't gonna know about that lol
• It actually helped you get those things off of your chest. But at the same time, you had too much fun maintaing the grumpy mean girl persona, and now that you've given him your tragic villian backstory, you no longer had the "mystery" aura around you anymore, and you were sure Percy thought of you as a small marshmallow he needed to protect. You didn't need protecting.
• And you were SO right, Percy got super protective the next day, the change was SO visible, that even Reyna noticed and asked you about it.
• you kept the sibling excursion trip a secret though lol no way were you scrubbing the streets with toothbrushes again. You'd broken enough rules.
• So now, the curfew thing just became an inside joke between you guys lol
• Percy would SO introduce you to blue food. Tell me he wouldn't.
• Okay so after loads of protesting and senate Mayhem, you'd go on the quest to free thanatos, along with Percy, Hazel and Frank, where you also found out that you were a part of the prophecy. You'd discover that you and Percy's powers would work SO well together.
• You both would look like a power duo in all honesty, you'd cause the earth around you to tremble, while Percy made the waves accelerate. Frank and Hazel almost fainted omg
• Octavian was SO sure you were going to fail the quest.
• Jokes on him, his expression when you and Percy rode on Mrs O Leary, carrying the golden eagle together, screaming "Twelfth Legion! Fulminata!" was hilarious. He looked angry, shocked and murderous all at the same time.
• I kid you not, The amount of celebration you and Percy got after you came back was insane. You were both elected as praetor the same day. Yes, I know there can only be 2, but at that point, not even Octavian could deny the fact that you both deserved praetorship. (Sucks that it only lasted a few days before you guys ran off to the argo ii)
• Percy's arrival had helped you as a person, and helped restore glory to your father Neptune and the twelfth legion. All of a sudden, Neptune children, were regarded as lucky charms. You both would definitely go down in the Camp Jupiter history reports as the sibling duo who restored the golden eagle to Rome again, after many many years.
• okay now that the plot centric stuff with Percy is over, lemme just add a few extra stuff.
• you and Percy would have SUCH different auras, it was actually hilarious. You'd be dark and broody, Percy would be calm and serene (well, most of the time) which was GOOD. Bc if you both were mad, then I'll send the world some thoughts and prayers, mostly prayers. Since it would end in an avalanche mess.
• also, i forgot to mention, you broke your imperial gold sword in the quest, that left you shattered. Bc that sword held memories. But in return? You got something SO much better.
• Your good old father, Neptune, had appeared in the praetorship ceremony, (leaving Octavian terrified) and congratulated you and Percy for being "such a pride symbol" for him (Percy got SO mad, like oh. NOW you notice us pops?) but yeah, Neptune, told you that your efforts to restore glory to him was very much noticed ad appreciated, by him.
• Neptune had given you something else as a replacement for your sword. It was a pearl bracelet but when you tapped it twice, It turn into this unique aqua coloured metal, that would transform into any sort of weapon you wanted. But the catch, is that it could only be one weapon at a time. This was eerily similar to Jason's coin-sword and Percy's Riptide.
• Percy had sassed the hell out of Neptune on your behalf though lol I mean, the guy has every right to be angry, His sister was neglected for SO long?
• in a way, percy also felt super guilty bc now tha he got his memories back, he knew Poseidon would visit him a lot, but his Roman side never visited his other child up until this point? He felt like he had a privilege you didn't.
• Sally would totally love you. She'd coddle you as much as she does percy tbh.
Update: part three is just out!
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