#re. yennefer ↳ likes
lastwish · 6 months
tag drop !
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ruinreigns · 2 years
tag drop yennefer !
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littlestsnicket · 1 year
“there was something between us. that’s why i know him a bit. he does not like having help imposed on him. and if he was in need of it he would seek it from those he could trust. a year has gone by since those events and i… i’ve not had any news of him. and as for our debt, i owe him exactly as much as he owes me. no more and no less.”
i am very normal about them.
(also very normal about yen and dandelion. who else do we see her be vulnerable enough with to admit how sad and insecure she is about geralt to? certainly not triss. certainly not any of her sorceress ‘friends’. maybe ciri. but that’s very different.)
(yen is so lonely and it fucks me up.)
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honestly cdpr handled it awkwardly to the point where tw1 and tw2 are so far removed from teh books & geralt and zoltan are bffs and suddenly in tw3 you’re playing catch-up
it’s fine for first-time players but i sometimes feel sour about the fact that tw1 & tw2 lost many of those connections
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Currently re-reading Time of Contempt and this is such a Geralt pookie moment 🥹
As I quote:
'Oh heavens, oh heavens,' said Yennefer much later, slowly wiping a tear from her cheek. "..."
Geralt knew that, in moments like this, the enchantress's telepathic abilities were sharpened and very powerful, so he thought about beautiful matters and beautiful things. About things which would give her joy. About the exploding brightness of the sunrise. About fog suspended over a mountain lake at dawn. About crystal waterfalls, with salmon leaping up them, gleaming as though made of solid silver. About warm drops of rain hitting burdock leaves, heavy with dew. He thought for her and Yennefer smiled, listening to his thoughts.
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emmyspov · 2 years
Prompt 3 (Aragorn x Reader Drabble)
author's note: ahhh, i missed him <3 he's a character that feels like coming home. this is the first time i wrote for him and while i'm re-reading the books rn, it's been a while since i've seen the movies so please be nice 🥺
warnings: none that i am aware of :)
word count: 0.3k
gif by @yennefer
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You tried to surpress a giggle as you tip toed alongside Merry and Pippin.
"He will hear you and then he'll pay you back", the younger one exclaimed, but you immediately shushed him.
"He will indeed if you don't speak more quietly! Come on, Aragorn deserves to have some fun as well." Your eyes softened as they fell onto the ranger.
"I'm not sure getting snow shoved down his neck is his definition of fun", Merry mumbled.
In that moment, Legolas turned around, making you stop dead in your tracks. But the Elf simply winked at you and started a conversation with Aragorn.
Over the next few minutes, you stepped closer and closer until you reached the man, ready to throw the snowball.
“Don’t you dare throw that snowball.”
Your heart skipped a beat as Aragorn turned around to speak to you, a playful glimmer in his eyes.
"Or what?"
You were challenging each other and the rest of the fellowship was following your interaction eagerly.
"See for yourself."
That was all the confirmation you needed before throwing the ball, right into the ranger's face.
"Oh now you're gonna get it."
Within a second, Aragorn got off of Brego and tackled you into the snow, coming to a halt on top of you.
"Get off of me", you giggled, "all the snow is sinking into my coat!"
The ranger grinned and leaned back, only to pick up some more snow that he blew into your face.
"Aragorn, please, it's cold!"
Laughing, he let go of you and grabbed your hand to pull you up and into his chest.
"How did you know I was gonna throw the snowball?", you whispered.
He pressed his lips against the side of your head. "I have a sixth sense when it comes to you, darling."
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Kaer Morhen plays Minecraft
(Yes I'm shamelessly borrowing @inexplicifics AWAU cast. Shhh!)
Ciri hears about Minecraft and begs, BEGS her family to play with her. Their protests fall apart like wet tissue paper.
Lambert scoffs that "it's just a kids game, no way it can be any good." To no one's surprise, he's the first person hooked.
Geralt sets out with a sword and a pickaxe and isn't seen for DAYS. When he reappears, his inventory is filled with all the rarest items. He gives them to Ciri, grunts at everyone's questions, and disappears again.
Eskel explores a bit, but then he finds a tall, snowy mountain peak with GOATS and sets up shop. And a little zoo, complete with goats, horses, and wolves. He collects every variation, naturally.
Jaskier discovers note blocks entirely on accident and begins collecting every item in the game to test their sound. He learns how to use redstone *specifically* so he can write a symphony.
Vesemir finds a tropical beach and builds himself a little hut. 90% of it is hidden underground, not that he's admitting to anything. He also cleaned out the nearby Ocean Monument.
Aiden steals a corner of Lambert's base for himself to store his junk, but spends most of his time exploring. When he discovers that he can tame both wolves and cats, he immediately begins collecting the different types. (Every wolf is OBVIOUSLY named after Lambert - Lam, Lamb, Bert, Bertie, Lambykins, etc.) He also enjoys breaking into other people's bases and leaving a sign saying only "MEOW" in glowing font.
Milena collects every flower and plant in the game and arranges a GORGEOUS garden with them. She talks Marika and Griffin into joining, and together they build a lovely cottage (re: mansion) in a forest. Milena also learns about people making custom paintings by mapping areas that they've covered in specific blocks, and begins making her own fancy tapestries.
Yennefer learns about brewing and enchantments, and sets out to collect ALL THE THINGS. Ealdred helps by setting up a village populated entirely by librarians...right next to a sugarcane farm. (He also finds a Nether fortress and brings her an entire stack of blaze rods.)
Gweld spends his time collecting enchanted weapons and armor to gift to his beloved, vicious Serrit. When he fishes up a bow enchanted with Mending, Infinity, and Flaming, she even kisses him!
The Cranes can't decide which is more fun: killing creepers for their gunpowder or experimenting with redstone. Then they discover charged creepers and everyone very sensibly walls up that meadow. Which is suddenly very...pitted.
Sasha sets up a quiet little farm and opens a zoo. Aiden brings him a pair of mooshrooms. And all the parrots he can find.
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bluedillylee · 1 year
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I have to get the hate out before I can talk about all the stuff I loved in s3. literally nothing else in S3 came close to angering me as this moment did. I was over here giving Geralt the most generous interpretation of the wish and why he didn’t talk to Yennefer about it and then the show has him straight up say he thought his wish was making them feel like they were in love.
It isn't a far leap to say that if Geralt wasn't sure if his feeling were real then he couldn't be sure that Yennefer's feelings were real or made by the djinn. That makes the basis for their whole relationship utterly fucked up. How are we supposed to see Geralt as a flawed but still heroic guy if he's out here bulldozing over Yennefer's consent like that.
If that's what he thought at the start of their relationship how can he even begin to justify his own behavior. I figured that Geralt assumed his wish saved her life and didn't have any effect on their relationship whatsoever and it wasn't until the dragon mountain that he had any doubts about it. It made sense that Yennefer would assume the worst and say their relationship was made with magic considering her past but I thought the show was going to prove that wrong not fucking confirm it.
ALSO!!! why is Yennefer reacting to that wild ass statement by Geralt as tho he said something kinda vulnerable and romantic. Why is she not tearing him limb from limb? I am baffled by this decision to not only make Geralt incredibly creepy but then to act as if that wasn't an incredibly fucked up thing to do.
Am I not getting something? It doesn't feel like I'm reading into it too much. I went back and re-watched the scene several times to make sure I heard it right. Like they were reminiscing over past hook-ups and how they would each leave in the morning. They were talking about their relationship pre-dragon mountain not after it.
I'm losing my mind here is there anyway to read this scene as anything but Geralt confirming that his wish manipulated Yennefer into a relationship with him?
if Geralt had said LITERALLY anything else it would've been better than this. hell he could've said her morning breath was terrible and it drove him from her bed and it would've been better.
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ti-please · 1 year
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[Tissaia: On Yennefer vs(?) Vilgefortz]
Here she talks about the relationship between Vilgefortz and Tissaia: how Tissaia had hoped to achieve order and balance with Vilgefortz. This interview helped me understand where Tissaia was coming from, maintaining that relationship w/ him.
She saw him as someone who can help realize her values and dreams. Someone who can help her along her long and tiring road of Power and Balance.
+ also,
Thinking of the scene where Vilge likened himself to Yennefer, maybe in her unconscious mind, Tissaia may have thought Vilgefortz as more viable (compromised) version of Yennefer. Yennefer who brings Chaos to wherever she goes, who does not see eye to eye re politics and power, whereas Vilgefortz seemingly sweet, devoted (safe) companion to a shared cause.
And of course, Vilgefortz must have watched Tissaia for some time to realize her weakness, i.e., Yennefer and exploited that spot. Presenting himself quite like Yennefer, while expunging any traces of aspects of Yenn that Tissaia finds worrisome.
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern AU) - Revenge
Yennefer loves Geralt and Jaskier, but they can, and do get on her nerves. They can be just downright f***ing annoying! It isn't always on purpose, though. It's little things they do, their little habits and mannerisms that drive her crazy.
It's how Jaskier will make a sandwich and walk away, leaving the counter looking like a five year old tried to make lunch.
It's Geralt leaving his pile of monster gut splattered clothes on the bathroom floor like he doesn't know where the s*dding clothes hamper is. And then Yennefer finds the one shirt he left in a corner somewhere that now smells like a d*mn dead animal.
It's Jaskier and Geralt playing Garbage/Trash Jenga to avoid having to be the one that has to empty the rubbish bins. It was truly impressive how high the garbage could be piled. Yennefer sometimes measured the towers in secret, out of idle curiosity.
Yennefer finds the sound of Geralt chewing annoying. He sounds like f***ing horse grazing. Some days she wonders if she will be the fist woman in history to murder her husband over how loudly he chews.
She can't stand the way Jaskier refuses to put the cup down or just refill it when he's obviously drained it. He just keeps sucking on the straw and moving it around the bottom of the cup like there might be some of whatever he's drinking hiding behind an ice cube.
Geralt keeps leaving his hair in the shower drain. Every day, there is a massive clump of hair, just squatting there. The man sheds like a d*mn wolf in summer. He's got so much f***ing hair, and it grows so fast! And he can wash it with a cheap bar of soap and it will always look amazing. It's not fair!
Jaskier keeps using her skincare products, and her bodywash. Yennefer doesn't really mind that he uses them, what p*sses her off is that he always waits until the containers are completely empty before buying more. And the containers are always empty when Yennefer goes to use them!
And that's something else that annoys her. Geralt and Jaskier will put empty food containers back in the fridge instead of just throwing them out, or putting them in the dishwasher, that neither of them seems to have figured out how to load, start, and empty.
One would think that both men were f***ing illiterate and incompetent because neither one of them seemed to be able to read the To Do list on the fridge or complete one of the tasks.
And yet "Your mom" always ended up on the list and got checked off. Sometimes twice.
Yennefer can be mopping the kitchen floor, and one of them will accidentally spill something, then just f***ing walk away!
Jaskier will giggle at words like "bumhole" , and "weiner", yet claim to be a mature adult.
Jaskier: "I am too a mature adult, Yennefer!
Yennefer: "Boobies."
Jaskier: *cackling, giggling, wheezing*
Geralt will routinely take his phone into the bathroom with him and spend 45 minutes taking a sh*t. Yennefer doesn't know if it actually takes him that long to pinch a loaf, or if he squirts it out in the first two minutes, then spends the rest of the time playing on his phone. Whichever it is, he always seems to do it when Yennefer needs to get in there.
And then he doesn't even have the courtesy to spray some air freshener when he is done! He just leaves it smelling like the inside of the devil's colon!
And that's another thing! The smells! Between their funky sweat and their rancid farts, Yennefer wonders if her olfactory receptors are going last much longer.
Then there is how, when asked what they would like for dinner, they both respond unhelpfully with 'Whatever'.
There's many other little things that get on her nerves, and when her last, frayed nerve snaps, Yennefer has her ways of getting revenge.
If one of them annoys her too much while they are eating, she sends them to the Dipsh*t Table.
After Geralt got so angry with Jaskier that he left him at the mall, Yennefer cast a spell on him that made him literally sh*t golden bricks for the rest of the day anytime he got angry. Jaskier spent that day p*ssing him off on purpose, and they ended up with a small fortune. It had been the best spell Yennefer had ever cast. Geralt's a**hole had vehemently disagreed.
Jaskier ended up with a silencing spell on him after he wouldn't shut up. Yennefer and Geralt had finally gotten a few hours of blessed silence, and a little amusement. They sat watching Jaskier gesticulate and flap about, raging mutely and making obscene gestures, and made a game of guessing what the gestures meant.
Geralt made the mistake of telling Yennefer that she needed to 'lighten up'. Cue Yennefer casting a spell so her and Jaskier's shoes made the Tennis shoe/Sneaker Squeak sound whenever they took a step.
Geralt ended up as a small, angry pomeranian after he woke up in a bad mood and wouldn't stop b*tching about everything. That had only made things worse. He'd barked and yapped, p*ssed AND sh*t on the floor, then chased Jaskier through the house before cornering him in the laundry room and savaging his foot.
Jaskier spent a few minutes as a donkey because "If you are going to act like an a**..." Yennefer had quickly turned him back after he followed her around incessantly braying, and then farted on her.
She turned Geralt into a potoo because, well, he already looked like one anyway. He hadn't done anything particularly annoying that day, she'd just thought it would be funny.
She turned Jaskier into a baby after he kept whining about everything, and she instantly regretted it because oh, no, he's f***ing cute!
Yennefer cast a spell on Geralt that made him cough up a mouthful tiny d*cks every time he 'Hmm'ed instead of used words.
She gave Geralt a little girl's voice after he made fun of the way she had screamed when a cockroach flew at her. Jaskier had teased him relentlessly, only laughing harder the more Geralt demanded (in his little girl voice) that he shut up.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
hi, can I ask for your top ten favorite fics ? :)
hi! you absolutely can :) here are some fics that literally altered my brain chemistry. this is by no means an exhaustive list. some of these I have mentioned before, some I have not. the order is also completely random, as I would die if I had to rank these - they don't deserve to be pitted against one another and, in any case, many of them are so different from one another that it would be impossible to choose which is "better".
anyway, gonna put this under a cut!
Little Cat by @lady-dimimi when I tell you every single chapter of this fic has me giggling and squealing and kicking my feetsies - it's so sweet, the idea of Larissa turning into a cat (and having such gay panic) is something I never knew I needed but now cannot live without. so well-written and every time a new part comes out I literally drop everything to read it.
Life Eternal by @milfsloverblog I've linked the first part but there are 4 parts in total which can be found in her masterlist. oh boy. I have never sobbed this hard at a fic before. I cry quite easily anyway but something about the beautiful way this was written just had my stomach in knots and tears streaming down my face. but I would read it over and over again because it's just that good.
Hot Chocolate on ao3 by AllTheMoreSapphic, Yennefer Payne (madamspellmans_met_tet) Larissa Weems is a virgin and Zelda Spellman is a dominatrix and jfhlkjdshagkdj this fic has me in a chokehold okay I cannot explain it you just have to read it, you won't regret it I promise. it's so well-written and there's just something about it that scratches an itch in my brain.
Heat by @rippersz a (so-far) 2 part series with a third part perhaps coming. quite literally one of the hottest things I have ever read, dear lord. jaw-droppingly hot. but seriously all fics by @rippersz are an absolute delight to read, one of the most talented writers I have ever had the pleasure to come across. would devour anything they write.
Find What You Desire by @pro-weems-places super hot smut with a hint of fluff and just the best vibes overall, I re-read this one so often because it's absolutely amazing. @pro-weems-places characterization of Larissa always makes me fuzzy inside, one of my favorite writers truly <3
push me gently (into love) by @yourlocaldisneyvillain one of my fav fav fav writers, her writing is so unique and so immersive. and this fic is EVERYTHING. so silly, so much fluff, some of the most divine smut you'll ever come across. Larissa deserves her goth gf okay??
Anticipatory Grief by @wh0re4women such an amazing author, all of her fics are incredible. but god this fic HURT. had me bawling like a baby. and you know what? I loved every second of it. so well written that you can feel the grief coming off the page in waves. highly recommend if you need a good cry.
Warmth of Your Doorways by @alexusonfire and @daydream-cement have I mentioned this fic multiple times already? yes. and I will continue to do so until I'm blue in the face because I love Jane Murdstone and I love the writing and I love the plot and this fic will always have a place in my heart and my brain. <3
Shapes of Love by @dianneking Morticia x Larissa wherein Larissa is a sex worker and is hired by Morticia. this fic literally has everything I could ever want in a fic and it's finally (and kind of sadly tbh) complete - queue me re-reading this gem over and over again (all of their writing is fire though by the way)
Sugar Mama on ao3 by valda (need an ao3 account for this one) I have mentioned this one before but it will always be one of my favorites. Phasma x Rey sugar mommy AU that unfortunately I think has been abandoned, but I just love everything about it. rip never forget.
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tiny-tini-imagines · 1 year
OMG I just found your blog and damn I'm in love with your writing.
Would it be ok if I asked for some Witcher headcananons?
I would love to have some for Gerald as a father, (but just imagine Ciri didn't exist). So Gerlad found this girl, whose family was killed by a monster, and he took her with him and slowly became her father. So some head cannons about Gerald being a Dad.
I'd appreciate it, sending lots of love your way.
Re.: Hey, THANK YOU SO MUCH! And also thanks for the request, I loved writing it, and hope it's what you wanted.
Headcanons - The Witcher
summary: Geralt as a Father
(added: character art, what they would say to them, or about them)
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Father-Daughter Bond: Geralt sees her as his own daughter, and their bond is unbreakable. He may not be the most expressive person, but his love for her is evident in the little things he does. He doesn't hesitate to show his affection through his actions, even if he doesn't always say it out loud.
A Loving Home: The other witchers, initially skeptical of her presence, have all become like uncles to her. Vesemir, in particular, has a soft spot for her and is more like a granddad figure, regaling her with stories of the past.
Protective Dad: Geralt is extremely protective of her. He watches over her like a hawk, especially when they're in unfamiliar places. If he senses any danger, he's quick to position himself between her and the threat, a silent promise that he'll keep her safe.
"I know I can be overprotective, but it's only because I care about you so much. I just want to make sure you're safe and happy." "No matter how old you get, you'll always be my little girl. And I'll always be here to look out for you, no matter what."
Teaching Moments: He takes every opportunity to teach her valuable skills. Whether it's showing her how to properly wield a sword, start a fire, or track a monster, he is patient and thorough in his instruction. He knows that these skills could be essential for her survival one day.
"I've taught her everything I know, but she's taught me even more about what it means to be a father."
Fishing Lessons: One of their favorite pastimes is fishing. Geralt patiently teaches his daughter to fish using her bare hands.
Magic Lessons: Geralt, recognizing her potential, has enlisted the help of Triss or Yennefer to teach his daughter magic.
Nightmares and Comfort: Geralt always knows when she has nightmares, even if she tries to hide them. When she wakes up in a cold sweat, he's there to comfort her. He holds her close, whispering soothing words and stroking her hair until she can fall back asleep, feeling safe in his arms. However, sometimes, words are not necessary. Geralt will sit by her side in silence, offering his comforting presence. His strong, reassuring presence alone is enough to ease her fears.
"Don't ever forget that you can come to me with anything, whether it's a nightmare or a problem you're facing. I'll always be here for you."
Cuddles and Reassurance: Whenever she can't sleep, Geralt lets her rest on his chest. His slow, steady witcher heartbeat acts as a lullaby, calming her nerves. He often murmurs stories of their adventures, reminding her that she's never alone as long as he's around.
Unspoken Understanding: Geralt and his daughter have an unspoken understanding of each other's emotions and needs. They can communicate without words, knowing when the other needs space, comfort, or a listening ear.
Protective Stares: When they're out in public, Geralt's protective instincts kick in. He'll give anyone who looks at her a stern, warning glare, ensuring they keep their distance. She often teases him about being an overprotective dad, but secretly, she appreciates it. However he'll always observe anyone who gets too close to his daughter, especially young men who may be interested in her romantically. He watches them like a hawk and isn't afraid to make his presence known if he feels they're crossing boundaries.
Special Nicknames: Geralt has a soft spot for calling her by special nicknames, like "Little Wolf". These names are his way of showing affection without having to say the words out.
Inside Jokes: They share a ton of inside jokes from their adventures together. These jokes often involve specific monsters, places they've been, or humorous situations they've found themselves in. They can exchange a knowing glance and burst into laughter while others look on in confusion.
For instance, they might exchange a knowing glance and say: "Well, it's not another cursed Djinn, at least."
Grooming Ritual: Just as wolves in a pack groom each other as a sign of care and affection, Geralt has a ritual of carefully checking her equipment, for example ensuring her sword is sharp...
Hugs with Heart: Geralt's hugs may not be frequent, but when he does embrace her, it's full of warmth and love. He squeezes her gently, and it's a silent reassurance that no matter what challenges they face, they'll always have each other. OR It's a strong, one-armed embrace that speaks volumes about his affection and protection.
Nurturing Nature: Geralt may not be the most nurturing person, but when she is feeling unwell or has had a rough day, he surprises her with simple comforts like a warm meal, a cozy blanket, or a soothing cup of tea. He does these things quietly, without drawing attention to them.
Words of Encouragement: Whenever his daughter faces a challenge, Geralt is there to offer words of encouragement. He believes in her abilities and constantly reminds her that she's more than capable of handling whatever comes her way.
"Remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. You don't have to carry everything on your own shoulders."
The "Real Daughter" Comment: If anyone were foolish enough to suggest that she isn't his real daughter, Geralt's response would be swift and stern. He'd shut down such remarks with a single cold look and a firm, "She's my daughter, and that's all that matters."
"I've raised her, protected her, and loved her since she was just a frightened child. That makes her my daughter, no matter what anyone says."
The Origin Question: If she were to ask about her origins, Geralt would sit her down and explain the circumstances of how he found her. He'd emphasize that it doesn't matter where she came from; what matters is the family they've become and the love they share.
"You're my family, Little Wolf. Blood doesn't make family; the bonds we forge do." "No matter where life takes you, always know that you have a home here at Kaer Morhen, and you have a family who loves you."
Proud Dad Moments: Geralt is incredibly proud of her talents, whether it's her proficiency in combat or her mastery of magic. He doesn't shy away from expressing his pride when she accomplishes something remarkable, even if it's just a simple, approving nod.
Shared Secrets: They have a few secrets that only they know, like a hidden spot in Kaer Morhen where they go to stargaze.
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heromaker-if · 1 year
Sweetheart...... It's 1 a.m. and I am crying so hard, omfg, I didn't see it coming Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I was loading the saves like crazy, asking where I did wrong, how to save Frey, I re-read dozens of times until I came to realize that MC can't save Frey no matter what. I am broken... thank you for the emotional destruction, I don't have words to say the damage you did.
I was so confident that the demon king was sort of an illusion, so didn't see it coming and them boom. Confused, crying, denying... I can't sleep anymore
Thank you for this amazing narrative, I really became attached to Frey and Pachy. Even Yennefer and Arthur are my family now, those good horsies, so lovely. You are an amazing writer, and I am looking forward to the complete game.
I still won't learn my lesson of reading the main post before playing tho
I'm sorry for forcing the five stages of grief on you anon, that part of the story is always a... emotional rollercoaster for everyone. Though it makes me cruel to find some amusement in your desperation to try and save Frey (because it's futile 😈).
The theory that the Demon Lord was an illusion then is a good theory, and one that isn't entirely disproved, especially if you consider that there are very weird types of magic that is still unknown in this world. Maybe illusions that offer touch isn't entirely unfounded! 🤔
Either way, thank you so much for sacrificing your sweet heart for this, and for enjoying the Demo! I'm so happy to see you grew attached to the characters, and I hope to continue that trend with more characters in the future. (I miss Yennefer and Arthur too!). I appreciate this ask!!
Reading the main post is overrated anyways 😃
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nnightskiess · 1 month
just here to say I miss everytime you leave very much! I re-read it every few weeks bc it has become sort of a comfort book (and also I recently rewatched The Witcher). I absolutely love it and the way you write and I can’t wait to read more, whenever you post it 😊
my sweet anon!!! i'm so glad that it brings you comfort!! this all started as a silly passion project after some sleep-deprived daydreaming, so i never really thought that it would mean something to others. it makes me feel all giddy. aaand, it seems you’re in luck; i’ve been working on the next part, so you'll have an extra part to reread next time!!!
thought you'd like some insights, so;
i feel like i started the fic a little messily two years ago. i jumped right into the middle of the season with such enthusiasm for the story that i forgot to dive further into the characters, their bonds and backstories (to really make it hurt a few chapters down the line <3). so for the next chapters, we're staying in the past a little longer to show all that happened before yen and y/n reunited for the battle of sodden. i actually already wrote the events at sodden where we left them to tissaia yelling out for yennefer the morning after a year ago, gasp! however, i felt like the story was really lacking if it went on without the necessary backstories. it needed proper flashback chapters and not just some short paragraphs where yen or y/n reminisce about what once was, and some more insights on certain emotions and situations for readers to cling to when the story jumps back to the battle of sodden (once again, to make it really hurt). i might change the order in which to read the parts when i've covered all of season 1. the flashbacks will also contain book-inspired scenes that involve yennefer, and i'm soooo excited to bring those to life!
so, as you can see, lots is coming and i've got lots to write. don't think i have forgotten about it. everytime you leave has a special place in my heart and is, dare i say it, one of my favourite fics i've ever worked on. i hope you'll like what's to come. thank you for your message and your love, you just made a silly writer very happy. all the best and much love, anon! take care 🤍🤍🤍
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stillness138 · 1 year
the geralt mommy issues thing and how it reflects in his sexuality does work (i should know, freud would have a field day with me too, and it's one of the things that makes me relate to geralt deeply) but there's a bit more context
like i'm all for color association, i put a lot of weight to visuals myself (smth smth artist), but
triss, the chestnut-haired sorceress triss, doesn't belong between coral and shani. triss is the one exception, the one among women in geralt's life with hair that burns who hurt him more than visenna herself. triss is geralt's rapist, and she will always be just that.
on the other hand, this absent mother thing does relate to yennefer. people who have experienced parental neglect often seek emotionally unavailable partners (again...hi), or even go as far as be willing to put up with pain and toxicity just to have company in a skewed idea of what love looks like (and just to clarify yen is a child abuse survivor, this isn't one-sided. she's hurting geralt and she's hurting herself, too). it's not just visenna's fault though, it's also the result of having grown up in isolation from the outside world with stern training and ultimately being put through torturous body modification by the only adults/mentor figures in one's life, but
yennefer works as the love of geralt's life despite not looking exactly like visenna apart from maybe the texture of her hair (there are however interesting parallels between them, re: magic and having a kid) because she is like the culmination of geralt's trauma, a personification of how it has shaped him and made him see the world. him and yen are very alike in certain ways. unfortunately that also means they're both stubborn mules who need lifelong therapy and whose romance is beyond doomed, and i will refrain from saying how much i dislike shipping it, but it does make sense.
cool string of connections though.
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doberbutts · 1 year
I didn't think of it before but I'm thinking about it now but re: Yennefer using a viagra spell to help Geralt with his, ahem, inability to perform just after a contract... he's also, like, super depressed in that short story. He deliberately tries to kill himself. His mood has been poor the entire time they've been in that town, maybe for a while before too.
The toxic aspects of his relationship with Yennefer are at an all time high and all they're capable of doing at that point is tearing each other apart and it *shows* big time when he deliberately incites thieves he doesn't fight back against because he's hoping they'll kill him. They only don't kill him because they realize what he's trying to do and then they tell him if he's going to kill himself, there's rope and a high beam at the stable. And then he *goes there* and really deliberates hard about it. His mental health is BAD in that one.
So on mulling it over... yes, he says he's tired from fighting all night and the elixers, and he says that contracts frequently have that effect on him. And yes, later on, when he is not fighting all night or taking elixers, he's doing multiple rounds back-to-back with his sorcereresses. But also he's... just not depressed anymore, too.
When he thinks he's fixed things with Yennefer he's genuinely happy, nearly obsessive with it (which is a sign that the toxicity is still there but w/e I digress) and he canonically enjoyed his stay in Toussaint even if he was chomping at the bit to move on and find Ciri. Triss, too, mentions that he was an exceptionally giving lover that gave as good as he got, when he was actively avoiding Yennefer completely and was under the effects of her love spell.
I am, er, a sex haver with many a be-penised individual, and uh, a lot of men who love men are also at pretty high risk for depression thanks to things like societal homophobia and extreme isolation. And. Yeah. If their depression is really bad their sex drive takes a hit, they stop being able to get it up, they lose interest in bodily pleasure. That's a really common sign of depression in men. I've watched it happen to partners with these types of struggle.
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