#reading all the tags on that posts is like whoah so this is what it feels to be seen and appreciated that’s so sweet. So so sweet it’s warm
ashmp3 · 8 months
i love you little people in my phone i really do…. 🤕
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kitsu-katsu · 2 months
I'm gonna make this post as condenaed and abridged brainrot to explain why Victor Frankenstein is my boy from 200 yr old media prompted by a tag question from @samathekittycat in a post I reblogged because that highjacking would've been too much
So. Basically every adaptation ever is way off, Victor in the og novel is a guy from a rich family, yes, but one that has it's own fucked up occurrences that shape him even though he says his life is the peak of idyllic and that can lead to really good character analysis
He becomes an alchemy fanatic at 13, completely obsesses over it, even harder when his father claims the whole subject to be trash and he's in general somewhat fascinated by natural occurrences as well, so he gets it into his head that he wants to change the world by attaining the alchemist dream of basically defeating death, and this is all exacerbated when he's about to be sent away to study in Ingolstadt at 17 and just days before his mother dies of an illness his cousin-sister-future wife (it's complicated, it's a whole mess with hiw mother's involvement too) contracted first, so his trip is delayed a bit, but he never really processes his grief and is not that interested in actual science at first until a professor he meets there validates the alchemists ambition and he starts to hyperfixate on science so bad he's surpassed his professors in 2 years, and with all this baggage, at 19, he decides he's going to decode the secrets of death basically, because as he sees it at this point, if applied enough in the right direction with a scientific method any mediocre man could change society
So he builds his creatire after 2 years of isolating himself completely to do it, so he finishes it at like 21, and the thing is, the guy basically did all of this in a hyperfocused state he started at 19 and influenced by All That Baggage and grief he has Not Processed, so he wasn't really thinking about the consequences of anything. So his creature opens its eyes and suddenly the weight and terror of everything falls upon him along with a good mix of uncanny valley, and he just. Collapses. He sleeps a bit, his creature's still there, and he's so scared he runs away from his dorm room and by chance meets with his bff who was back in Geneva with the rest of his family he hasn't talked to in 2 whole years, his creature sneaks out while this is happening, and when going back, Victor is so mentally collapsed and strained and also scared he mighr be called crazy that he's just glad that the creature's gone and enters a fragile state where he's just completely physically sick and done for for a Big While, he can't take care of himself anymore and can't even look at anything relatingnto science anymore
When he's getting better, he has to go back to Geneva because his brother died. Whoah-oh, it was the Creature. He confronts it eventually and it asks for a bride and promises to go away with her, this is a Whole Conflict, because Victor can't reveal what he knows or he'll be labelled insane, he also doesn't wanna finish the bride because she'll also be her own person and what if she doesn't wanna run away with og Creature as his bride? While all of this is happening, one family servant is being accused of the murder and trialed, Victor is squealing in a corner
Basically, he's very autistic, he's seen a hysteric, his creation of the Creature can be analyzed from so many different angles, from teenage pregnancy and postpartum depression, trans experiences (both transmasc and transfemme! I've seen excellent analysis from both perspectives, though I have a personal bias towards the transmasc reading), the process of artist in general (like, that point when you start drawing something and you start zooming into every detail for hours and once you zoom out again you realize you don't like how it came out at all even though you put so much time into it), his illnesses and disabilities both mental and physical are really interestingly depicted as well, overall, he's a very meaty character who was FAR from making everything right, in fact, he did a lot wrong, but he's also a victim of his circumstances, a teen/young adult in the whole duration of the thing, and is suffering tons of pressure from everywhere while losing his purpose and selse of self to his opposition to his own creation. They are the definition of "they can make eachother worse" and Victor loses everything. He's a tragedy. A tragedy that a lot of people wanna ignore and just say he's plain evil because the Creature must be plain good and they feel smart if they say the typical "Small brain: Frankenstein was the monster vs Big brain: Frankenstein was the scientist, not the monster vs Galaxy brain: Frankenstein was the monster all along" and they completely skip out on all the depth this character has
I went super aurface level in a lot of parts here, but I hope it's somewhat understandable
I recommend reading the novel though! It's Good
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mfmmflashchallenge · 1 year
The fics of the February flashfic challenge: a round-up!
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Yesterday we had the MFMM flashfic challenge, and whoah – what a wonderful response we had! 
No less than 30 fics were written during that one day, and this is a new record for an MFMM flashfic event! 17 writers participated, and more than one of them wrote either their first MFMM fanfic, or their first flashfic – so extra kudos to you for diving in!
Two writers managed to write for all four time slots, which is a first for the flashfic challenge! We are very impressed, @galadriel1010 and Piratesandpixiedust! And the latter even wrote a series of four fics that all go together.
All in all, 22 prompts were used over the heats. Most popular, resulting in three fics, was the tag combination “Shouldn't you be sleeping? // an unexpected guest // snarky Mac”.
Those are the stats. Excellent work, all – we swear that the blood, sweat, and tears were visible across all time zones of the world!
Below is a round-up of all the fics, to make them easier to dive into and enjoy. And when you read, please consider writing a flash comment if you have the time!
Have fun!
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Heat 1:
Oblivious // on the run // flower shop:
Good Intentions by @lechatnoir1918​
Outback // There Was Only One Bed // turns out somebody doesn't like having nice things:
Outback by @firesign23
Starring Role by @galadriel1010​
At least they made it to the beach // where did the dog come from // minor character injury:
First Aid by @midnight-els​
Tell Me A Story by @demonahw
Pretending to Be Gay // Bodyguard // Face Slapping:
Sorry Not Sorry by piratesandpixiedust
Heat 2:
Shouldn't you be sleeping? // an unexpected guest // snarky Mac:
Holiday, Interrupted by deadhuntress/ @thetideseternaltune​
Sleep is Overrated by @rachaeljurassic​
An Evening in Paris by @whopooh​
Praise kink // Alcohol // Rumours:
praise by tara_stofse/ @leliesblou​
Not the Right Moment by @galadriel1010​
What would Phryne Fisher do? // And Then There Were None // The Gay Agenda:
For Five More Minutes by piratesandpixiedust
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Heat 3:
For all of the prompts in the heat:
Drabbles by @firesign23​
birthday party // Phryne is the biggest flirt // Dot’s POV:
dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt by benwvatt
Queen of the Castle by piratesandpixiedust
Accidental Marriage // Wrongful Imprisonment // Birthday:
Heart to Heart by @rachaeljurassic​
Non-Linear Narrative // Drunk Dialing // Unusual Clothing:
Dress to Impress by @lechatnoir1918​
Touch starved // BAMF // hypothermia:
Lost and Found by @galadriel1010​
Everyone Thinks They’re Together // Being Walked In On // Nudity:
Honeymoon Phase by deadhuntress/ @thetideseternaltune​
Babyfic // Crack // Alternate Universe - Modern:
Encounter with A Baby by @912luvjaxlean​
aftermath of danger // Mr Butler’s secret recipe // Hands:
Can I Hold You? by CrazyBeCat
Heat 4: 
Sex Pollen // First Time // Feathers:
Feathers by @912luvjaxlean​
Undercover as a Couple // Lipstick // Public Transportation:
Who's Pretending? by @lechatnoir1918​
Verisimilitude by @galadriel1010​
Surprise Cat // Wardlow // Hugh Collins needs a hug:
I'm Unshakable by piratesandpixiedust
Gardens & Gardening // Secret Messages // Competition:
Weeds in the Mind by @midnight-els​
Fake/Pretend Relationship // Makeup // Kissing:
I Get So Lost in Your Blueberry Eyes by @glamorouspixels​
painted on by @a-wonderingmind
chaos theory // slash or slasher? // dot on the run:
Double Hand by biratebean
Restaurants // Third Wheels // Suggestive Themes:
Three is a crowd by missmariie/ @three-seperate-johns
Why Is This Happening?? // Domesticity // Also Cats Can Talk Now
(i.e. the prompt example from the post about the flashfic challenge)
Also Cats Can Talk Now by @whopooh
Alright – those are all the fic! 
We want to thank everyone who joined us and sent in prompts, wrote, read, commented and in general were wonderfuly supportive.
Until next time!
@olderbynow & @whopooh
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Don't Believe Me? Ask Him... pt 6
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Characters: Dean, Sam, Jaslyn (OFC), Silas (OMC)
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: After skipping town after town Jaslyn finally found one she could see herself settle in. For awhile that is at least. Only for the normal supernatural life to follow her there due to her normal old habits always catching up to her. She didn’t see this coming a million miles away though. Was her luck about to change for the better or was she gonna be stuck packing up going off on the run again? Only this time with the Winchester's on her trail?
Warning: (Not too sure what all to put here) Nothing really to warn about. Simple flirting and weed use. Extra warnings will go by chapter. I still ask 18+ only because how the story will play out...
 A/N: I am just now starting to get back into this. I had this chapter wrote for a while and just now able to post on here. This is not my best work. I hate this chapter but I needed to move on. I'm not tagging anyone since it's been years since being on here. If anyone reading this wants future works to be tagged, just let me know.
Warnings: Language, weed, and short description of harder drug use in action (I know this can be a huge trigger for people),
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The whole way to my blasted job I thumbed at the thought of what utter bullshit this was. For too many years the Winchester's were avoided only to have shit come down to this.
Once seeing the car Dean was back on his protective act. "Are you sure you don't want to follow us back to the motel. Ya know, stay safe from the blood sucking Dracula's lurking for you?" 
"What happens when they show up at Silas's house an suck the life outta his momma, huh? Then what?" Glaring off at the G35 my heart sunk. I put the women in danger the lease I can do I not let her be killed, or worse, turned.
"Sam can keep watch." The words spewed quickly from his mouth and my head turned to him just as fast. He gave me a small smile I had no choice but to refuse. Something he obviously wasn't used to from women. 
"Or, you can call the Sheriff. Have him send a patrol." Sam swooped in with a disapproval tone and had a damn good idea. 
Grabbing the door handle I broke our eye contact, "Little, big brother doesn't sound too approving. Silas wouldn't like that shit either." A sigh slipped out at the thought of him playing host.
I could hear Dean mumble something to Sam as I shut the door. Anger settled over me but the chill down my spine didn't budge. 
Sam slipped a louder laugh than meaning, quickly silence came over him. Dean's dissatisfaction showed as he straightened his jacket avoiding my glare. Feeling my patience run thin I glanced around the parking lot hoping we were alone. 
Them, machete in hand caused a different kind of flame. The frustration of knowing the only satisfaction sleeping with a Winchester would be pissing off the father. The fact of what I truly am would make Dean disgusted with me, in his eyes, a monster. I don't know what he hates more, true witches or demons, and I'm a double whammy. 
"What's the fucken punchline, Sam?" 
"Uhh, what?" Aiming to look clueless he scrolled around to stand next to me. The act pissed me off even more. 
"I wanna know what's so goddamn funny. I need a good laugh as I stew in the thought of my best friend's momma being in danger." 
"Whoah, whoah, whoa now!" holding the machete as the top of a time out signal Dean's voice echoed with authority. "Sammy did nothing wrong." 
"Oh, yeah... cause it is your ass that know all about wrong doing" I snickered back rolling my eyes. "Could you be any louder?" 
Sam rolled his eyes, "Can we not do this?" 
"Don't act like you know me, lady." He hesitated back. 
Walking backwards on my heels toward my own Baby I flashed peace signs with both hands. "Thanks for the ride, dudes, peace." 
He was following though, on my trail pushing the door closed as I attempted to open it. "You're not riding off alone." He declared in a flat tone. "I don't care what kind of stick you have up your ass all of a sudden but that's not happening. Don't think so, ma'am."
"It's alright. Your protection isn't needed." Shoving Dean using my entire body I was able to make him budge enough for my door to be opened. 
"Hey, Sammy, I'm riding with her. Go figure out what you can about this town. Maybe, find where the nest could possibly be."
A long exhale rushed out, "Don't get yourself killed." The talk man hollered as he went back to the impala. 
Cranking her I grabbed my phone to warn Silas of my company. He was going to be pissed already but my hands were tied.
"Are we gonna sit here all night, or what?" Impatience showing as he started tinkering with the sun visor, my locked glove box and then my radio.
"It's called safety." I snorted, "Question." Not lifting my head from the phone, the silence lurking as he kept looking for things to touch, his hands making it to my middle console.
Clearing my throat added to the awkwardness among us my stomach to tighten. "Why the hell you touching my shit like that?" I snapped. "Are you fucken seven?"
Dean's jaw dropped. Guilt set in automatically hearing his lungs deflate. Maybe that was a little too harsh. 
"Smoke another blunt, pot head, you have one in the console. Let's get going." He shrugged it off on the surface and found something to play. 
I had nothing. Couldn't think of a single damn remark. Seeing my phone light up with an answer to my likings, I released the E break and slammed into gear. 
Everything viewed as normal. Momma Fraley already in bed. The light above the stove gave a small path leading to the bedroom. Watching tv looking displeased when we walked in Silas gave me an eye roll as Dean gently shut the door.  "You dudes play nice." Before either of them could say anything I darted back out. 
I questioned myself during the short moments between locking the door and unzipping the little brown case. Already loaded, my warm gun of happiness beamed in the light waiting for my trigger finger. 
Within seconds my body was warm from head to toe. It had been three long days. Now that I knew it wasn't a tainted supply my conscience was about as clear as it was gonna become. Sweat rolling down my temples was a great indication I had over done it slightly. The message from Silas asking if I was going to return was an even bigger one. 
When rejoining them their egos had subsided. On the computer was our town's layout being studied by dean with Sam on speaker. My best friend next to Dean pointing at wooded area next to the town's lake. 
Silas peaked up at me with annoyance when I grabbed a blunt to spark. Offering him an apologetic smile he shook his head slowly converting to a nod, followed by a grin. I gave a smirk sticking my tongue out at him. 
"We have narrowed down where their nest is." The eldest Winchester informed me. "If we act quick enough the element of surprise is with us." 
"How can you be so sure?" Full of attitude I blew smoke at them. Silas phone started to ring and he declined the call instantly. "Besides, they could be anywhere, anyon-thing, and you want to run in guns blazing an half cocked?"
Dean waved the thick smoke from his face scrunching his nose. "There has been a number of cattle attacks reported around one area like clockwork. The freaks moved up the food chain. And your buddy here informed us there's an old barn all by its lonesome." 
Sam chimed in, "I have dead man's blood ready in syringes and a bag packed. Let me know when you're ready." 
Again, Silas declined his phone. My gut dropped at the sight of his eyebrows narrowing at the name. Could only be one person. 
"She's not going to quit, homie," motioning at his phone ringing once again, "just answer the bitch!" Dean shifted his eyes at the two of us in curiosity then back to the computer. 
He swiped the green button, "I'm in th-" his eyes met mine only to glance away quickly. His jaw hardened as he was cut off by Reese high pitch screeching. Wishing I knew what the problem was I moved closer but he didn't care for it. 
"Be there as soon as possible. Just stay there." Grabbing for his jacket he avoided my stare. 
"You can't be fucken serious." Standing in front of him with hands on my hips I tilted my head to the side. "Thought you said you were done"
"Look, I know, I know, but I'm between a rock and a hard place. I have no choice. I'll be back."
"Somebody has to stay here with momma!" I screamed as he moved around me making his way toward the door. Spinning quickly with a closed grip I extended my arm, stopping him in mid stride. 
"Jaslyn, are you really?", challenging my limits he gave a chuckle. "She'll be fine."
Instantly my hold released letting him walk out I couldn't believe what he just said. Thankfully Dean was nose deep in the map still to see what just happened. 
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nyx-aira · 3 years
One pumpkin a day, keeps the doctor away
Requested by @emilythezeldafan
Summary: Loki, Agatha, Vision and you are responsible for this year's Halloween party. Chaos ensues.
A/N: This is the start of this year's Halloween event, I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.
Also some of my fics are inspired by @universefanperson Halloween promts.
TW: knife, alcohol
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
PSA c/@ynscrazylife
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You were doomed, so utterly doomed.
Every year the Avengers hosted a grand Halloween party, every year they made a committee to host the event.
This year it was Loki, Agatha, Vision an you.
How everyone thought this was going to be a great idea you didn't know. One thing you did know was that this was gonna end up in chaos.
You were currently sitting in the living room, decoration, candy and pumpkins all around you. Vision was constantly floating through the table, Loki was colour-coding the candy and Agatha was sitting on top of the table, wine glass in hand and was hanging the decoration on the walls with her magic.
Given the fact that neither Loki or Agatha were anything but absolutely shit faced you were hoping on Vision to help you with the party planning but the synthozoid was weirdly captivated by the pumpkins and was quite occupied by sorting them in size and colour.
So it was up to you to make this party anything but a big fail. Luckily you had everything that you needed for it to work but it was impossible for you to do all of it without help.
Somehow in the last hour you had managed to hang most of the decoration, convinced Loki that sorting the candy was not the most important thing in the world and stopped Agatha from turning the room into a forest. Partly at least.
Now the pumpkins were growing out of the floor and turned into gigantic versions of the formerly small vegetable. You were pretty sure there was a squirrel somewhere and a few potted plants were now full grown trees.
You were just about to catch the annoying squirrel when you saw Loki pull out a knife.
"Whoah, what are you going to do with that?!" You asked alarmed.
"Carve a pumpkin. What did you think I was going to use it for?" He asked incredulous.
"Murder?" Vision asked nonchalantly and went to pick up a knife.
"Seems accurate!" Agatha chimed in and drowned the last of her wine to help them out.
After some minor injuries, more alcohol and a heated debate about the best carving techniques you ended up with a good dozen pumpkin that looked, and you were surprised to admit it, absolutely amazing.
Loki and Agatha were just arguing over an old saying when Stephen walked in, then everything happened within seconds.
You saw Loki pick up a pumpkin while Agatha was screaming something at him that sounded suspiciously like "it's apples, you idiot, apples!"
The trickster god flipped her off and threw the pumpkin, which in turn knocked the Socerer Surpreme unconscious.
Everything went deathly quite and the still conscious magic users looked at each other, you were hurrying over to Stephen who was now starting to regain consciousness when Vision started speaking.
"It seems like even though Mr. Laufeyson was incorrect, his version does work as well."
Taglist:@escapetodreamworld @midnight-lestrange @ynscrazylife @sokovianheadtilt @procrastinatingsapphictrash @ineffablebean @official-clint-barton @wlwlovesreading @satxnsupreme @itsyourgirlmalise @eilarch @sapphic-stress @booklovinbi @mysticfalls01 @adorkwithaplan @nathaslosttheirshit @agathaharkness-simp @paulawand @sarahp-stan @amethyst-bitch @emril-osvigne @celasteria @mochiadria
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amane-by-together · 4 years
Blue Hour || Amane Yugi pt. 1/5
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(Amane Yugi x Fem!Reader)
genre: romance, drama, and a bit of fantasy
summary: amane was assigned to send letters to [name] from another school for a quarterly pen pal project in their class.
"You and I found in the sky in 5:53"
Amane grabbed a white pen from his black cylindrical pencil case and wrote some finishing touches for his letter on a black sheet of paper. He doodled some stars and constellations around the paper before folding it carefully then placing it inside a navy blue envelope.
He added some photographs of stars and moon stickers inside the galaxy themed parcel that he designed a day ago. Amane smiled proudly to himself after tying the twine around the parcel, he also slides in some post cards inside the twine.
“You sure are taking this pen pal project seriously, Yugi.” Yamabuki looked over to his dark haired friend with his phone on hand. “I barely even put effort on mine.”
“Look at Yashiro's though,” Amane pointed at the cream haired girl with teal tips sitting in front of him. She was putting a lot of designs for her pen pal letter so that her assigned sender would think that she's a creative person that matches their own aesthetic. “Hey, Yashiro-san, who do you think will be your pen pal?”
“I hope my pen pal is a boy,” Yashiro sighed dreamily as Amane deadpanned at her being a simp for hot and tall guys. He used to like her back then until he realized that he wasn't good enough for her. “And while we're sending letters, we'll fall in love—”
“Okay that's enough delusions, Yashiro.” Amane raised his hand up to prevent her from speaking more of her fantasies. “I've heard enough of them.”
“What did you put in your letter?” Yashiro asked.
“Pretty much about myself, I added some stickers and post cards, just incase my future pen pal would like them.” Amane explained while counting his fingers. “Hopefully they would because I made a lot of effort in it.” he said while scratching his cheek.
“I heard that our letters will be sent to another school and students from our grade will be our pen pals.” Akane explained as he went towards Yamabuki. “If Ao-chan gets a pen pal that is a guy, then I guess I have to eliminate the offender—”
“Whoah chill, Aoi.” Yamabuki glanced up to the red head whose expression quickly changed with a scary one. “What's with the bat though—?”
“Sometimes your obsession scares me.” Amane raised a perfect brow at Akane while resting his cheek to the heel of his palm.
“You're the one to talk.” Akane slightly glared at the smaller male. “At least I have a love life.”
“Fair enough.” Amane grumbled under his breath, looking away from the distasteful Akane. “Wait, you two are dating—?”
Amane was interrupted by their homeroom teacher entering the class. “Good morning class, did you have your letters ready?” Sensei asked as he scratched his chin. “To those who didn't know yet, your letters will be delievered to another school. Expect a letter from your new pen pal on the next day or two.”
The dark haired boy feels his eyes slowly drooping, it's always like this, getting sleepy in the middle of class. The cause? Stargazing.
Amane, ever since he was a little boy, he loved the moon and stars. He would open his window at night and look into his telescope to admire the star studded sky. Looks like he stayed up a little too long before dawn, you can't really blame him, who wouldn't like stargazing.
His eyes can't take it anymore, he needed to snooze off, just for a moment to rest. Amane folded his arms on top of his desk and puts his head down to take a nap.
“The other world at 5:53 is beautiful.”
In a dusk turning into dark, there stood a glowing carousel, spinning in a clockwise motion that seemed like it was twisting forever. Amane wandered around the place, wondering why he standing in front of a lonely ride.
He felt his ears ring and the ground slightly shaking. Amane closed his eyes as he felt the wind blowing against him, then everything stopped.
Amane fluttered his eyes open and saw a girl wearing a different school uniform than theirs. She was around Yashiro's height, he estimated, but nonetheless he never seen this girl before.
In a blink of an eye, she disappeared.
Amane raised his head up immediately from the sleep and panted heavily. Beads of sweat came rolling down from his forehead, his chest rises and then it lowers for a second, and he couldn't breathe properly after that. ‘What was that?’ he thought, drawing his hand near his chest to calm his breathing. ‘Who was that?’
He was sure as hell that he was confused, having a dream about a glowing carousel and a girl wearing a school uniform, whom he had never seen before, whatever that dream was about, he felt goosebumps on his skin. Amane fixed himself, he probably looked like he ran in a marathon and never got to drink water after that. 
“Amane-kun, why do you keep sleeping in class?” Yashiro asked with a stern tone like she was a mother scolding her son for doing something wrong. “You shouldn’t sleep in classes anymore, okay?” she added while handing him her notebook which contains the notes that she took during the lesson.
Yashiro, as one of Amane's friends, was concerned for the boy. She was worried about him, but that doesn't mean the cream haired girl has feelings for the choppy haired guy. Like she said, she isn’t his type. “I’ll try not to sleep in class...” Amane receives the notebook from his female friend. 
“If you sleep again, I won’t lend you my notes anymore.” 
“Okay okay, I won’t sleep next time.” Amane assures her in a sweat dropped expression. “But I make no promises though---”
Yashiro snorted. “By the way---” Amane was interrupted by the school bell beckoning them to go eat their lunch. He sighed, he always gets cut off whenever he says something interesting. The teenage boy slumped his shoulders before going to the rooftop to eat his food.
All alone by himself like he usually does.
Amane was puzzled by the dream he had while he was napping during class. A carousel and a girl he had never seen before, perhaps that it was a lost memory of his or he had actually seen this girl but he doesn't remember her.
He'll figure that out on his own.
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The next day felt like any other day. Amane groaned loudly, waking up from his slumber (surprisingly he actually slept) and not wanting to get up from the comfortable bed that he was laying down. He buried his face on one of the pillows. ‘I don't want to wake up, I swear to god.’
“Amane, Amane—”
“What?!” Amane shot his head up and shouted fiercely at his younger twin, Tsukasa who was standing on the door with a towel wrapped around his hips.
“Wake up, we have classes!” Tsukasa reminded him. Amane sighed and slammed his face against the pillow, he felt himself close his eyes to sleep again, until Tsukasa grabbed his face and forcefully removed his brother's face from the pillow. “WAKE UP!”
“I'm up, I'm up!” Amane removed Tsukasa's hands from his face and glared at him. “Jeez, you don't have to scream on my face.” he added while getting off the bed towards the bathroom.
Amane looked into the mirror with half lidded eyes while brushing his teeth, his dark choppy hair was disheveled with few strands of hair slightly sticking out, and his long sleeved shirt that two buttons were unbuttoned where a bit of his chest is showing.
After taking a bath, Amane wrapped a towel around his torso while drying his hair with another towel. He grabbed his uniform that was hanging on the wall and wore it in a speed.
Amane notices that Tsukasa left early which is unusual since he usually leaves early leaving his brother behind. He smiled to himself before heading on to school.
When he arrived, he saw that his classmates are crowded over to his very own desk. Amane pushed his way towards them. “What's going on?” he asked.
“Letters from the other school got recently delivered.” Yashiro answered. “Your pen pal letter is here, and I must say they're very creative.”
Amane felt intrigued all of a sudden, he went to his desk to see the pen pal letter for himself and when he did, his jaw dropped.
A navy blue parcel with constellations around the paper. It was tied by a twine and dried flowers. A smile ghosted upon Amane's lips, the pen pal knew his aesthetics and his love for stars.
He gently grabbed the parcel from his desk and examined it. To Amane's surprise, he saw a tag clipped from the twine, he reads.
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[name] [surname].
The name of his new pen pal.
Amane unwrapped the parcel, there's an envelope that was sealed with wax. 'Fancy' he thought to himself as he slightly sticks out his bottom lip. Other than that, there are polaroids and moon stickers, but there is one thing that caught his eye.
A thin book.
Amane picked up the book, it was an astronomy journal that [name] made for him. 'This person must have made a lot of effort, I admire that.'
Amane opened the envelope first, inside was a neatly folded letter, he carefully unfolded it using his fingers.
Hi Amane Yugi-san,
I'm [name] [surname], your pen pal for this quarter! Well I made an astronomy journal since I saw your letter talking about yourself, hope you like it though ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ 
After reading the letter, a smile broke down from Amane’s visuals. His pen pal is revealed to be a girl who is a first year highschool student, like him, studying from Sanaol Academy, which is far from Kamome.
Time flew by like a shooting star in a dark blue sky, Amane went home feeling giddy to write his response to [name]. When he got to his room he immediately grabbed a lot of art materials to work on the letter.
Hello [name]-san,
Thanks for the journal, I love the contents inside of it. Anyways, I hope we'll meet someday and talk about the stars together! I have a playlist where you can listen while stargazing hehe~
Amane smiled to himself, resting his cheek to the heel of his palm while writing his letter to [name]. Maybe this pen pal project isn't going to be bad after all.
Meanwhile in [name]'s side, she was sitting on her swivel chair with a cheeky smile on her face while reading Amane's letter. The strands of her hair are falling to her hair, admiring his words.
“[name], dinner's ready!”
“Coming!” [name] grinned before going downstairs to eat dinner with her family.
“The door of my dreams unreal, you from my memories become real”
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@closetweebsmh @closetwaffle
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Changbin Falling for You
My First Imagine (be merciful lol)
- Fluff, Romance, Angst, (tried to remain gender neutral)
Setting: During COVID19 Pandemic, Professor and Changbin (not a student teacher relationship tho)
*took note of some constructive criticism and adjusted, so vibe may be just slightly different, in a good way, okkayy  👉👈*
Scene: Convenience Store
“Y/N, wait,” Changbin called.
You froze and tilted your head. No one, aside from your work colleagues knew your first name. You turned around and saw a man standing alone while a group of guys were huddled together in the back. You were worried and did not recognize any of them because they were wearing masks. The man standing alone called your name again to be sure, and you immediately recognized his voice. It was Changbin. Shocked that it was actually him, you loosened your grip on your folder and accidently dropped your papers again. After a brief moment, you realized what happened and quickly began picking up your papers.
The boys seeing you struggle, panicked and helped pick up the rest of the papers. They handed back your papers, quickly said their hello and went back to allow you and Changbin some privacy. Changbin, however, did not understand why he needed to be alone with you. He felt that it just made the situation more awkward.
After saying hello, you just stood there glancing  back to Changbin. Still shocked, you reached to cover your mouth. But as you did that, the wind blew a bit hard and your eyes became teary. Changbin, thinking you were crying, started waving his hands. But before he could say anything, you quickly wiped away the tears and patted your cheeks.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” you said as you shot back a small smile to not worry him. “An angel just flew from Heaven and wasn’t careful when he landed. So, wind blew into my eyes,” you said while smiling.
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Changbin chuckled at your ridiculous joke. Once he composed himself he said, “I hope you got your work ID back.. and uhm.. that you are feeling better now.” He scratched his head and continued, “You can, uhm.. always find us on vlive if you’re feeling down, okay?, ” he continued. In disbelief he remembered you, and spoke to you again, you nodded like an innocent child with big eye and that only made him laugh more. 
“So, uhm.. have a good night and get home safely okkay,” he ended. He started to walk away when you quickly interjected.
“Wait” you said.
He turned around and you continued. “I’m sorry if I am being, uhm.. bold,” you nervously said while looking at your pointed toes, “but I... I.. wanted to ask if I could take.. a uhm.. photo with you?” You looked up and asked, “Is that okayy?”
Of course he accepted your request and walked over. He was getting closer and closer, so you blushed like a fool and gulped. You quickly took out your phone but stumbled once he struck a pose next to you. The photo came out blurry because you were shaking from being so close to him, so he suggested taking another one. He told you not to be nervous and put his arm on you. That didn’t help you calm down at all. You blushed even more and covered your face. 
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“Ready, 1, 2...” He said. You got a hold of yourself, smiled and snapped a photo. He grabbed your phone while you were still holding it, softly placing his hand under yours, and your heart started pounding even more. You took a deep gasp of air and tried not to hyperventilate,  while he checked the photo. He nodded and was pleased that the quality was better. He let go, waved goodbye and you bowed, and then bowed again. 
“Thank you so much. Thank you!” You said. Quickly looking at your photo, you looked back at him and yelled, “You’re very handsome,” before you lost your courage.
He chuckled as he walked back to his members and you went your way. You continued looking at the photo and giggled to yourself. You stopped for a moment, held the phone to your chest and hugged it with all your might. Unable to contain your excitement, you started jumping, spinning, skipping, giggling and squealing even more.
Unbeknownst to you, the members saw you being silly and laughed to themselves. They thought you were absolutely adorable and child like. 
“Whoah Hyung” Han said while slowly clapping, “You’re so cool.” He gave a big thumbs up and Changbin blushed. 
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“Of course. Visual Changbin has that kind of affect on STAYs” he sarcastically said.
During their walk back to the dorm, all the members kept talking about you.
“They look even more attractive than all their photos,” Hyunjin shared, “They really do.”
“They are really short too, so they match Changbin hyung well,” I.N. remarked. “They make Changbin look so tall,” he continued.
Changbin shot him a piercing look and cutely yelled.
Bangchan, who had been rather quiet throughout this entire adventure, simply smiled at all this chaos and made sure that everyone remained quiet and made it to the dorm safely. 
Scene: SKz Dorm
Once everyone got in, they sorted out all the goodies they bought from the convenience store and Felix went back to preparing his brownies. With not much needed from Felix, everyone went to the big room and decided to watch a film. Han selected something and the other members opened their snacks and started to munch away. Lee Know, who is still quiet, has been taking selfies with silly filters again. Using the SKz Instagram, he checked the tagged photos to find cute posts of him, but happened upon a photo that seemed familiar. It was a photo of you and Changbin, and Lee Know panicked.
“I just saw the picture Changbin and Y/N took on Instagram!” he exclaimed.
Everyone rushed to see the photo, while Changbin just sat there. He wanted to seem calm and not let his curiosity overtake his confidence. But Lee Know, now feeling nosier than before, clicked on your profile and found all your posts. It was a collection of work projects, you and your students, academic events, meetings with important academic scholars, your artwork, and music.
“Changbin hyung, I think they might be too good for you,” I.N. said snarkily.
Changbin shot up and wrestled his way to the phone. He kept trying to reach for the phone but Lee Know was still scrolling. All Changbin could do was whine. They all laughed at how cute he was being and Lee Know eventually gave the phone to him. Changbin looked at the photo of you two and was incredibly pleased at how good you two looked together. He looked very handsome and you looked wonderful. To his surprise, the photo didn’t actually show how attractive you really were in person. 
“That’s weird. They looked way better in person,” he softly said.
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He finished analyzing the photo and read the caption. It said “I dared to ask the heavens for a chance. So, they sent me an angel and said ‘catch up to him.’ I’ve caught up and I must say, Heaven was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the angel.”
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sazandorable · 3 years
First lines meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
(nabbed from @si-siw​, as usual i don’t like tagging people but feel free to grab it :3)
/!\ TMA and RQG spoilers, lots of Elias ships.
1. Playing with fire (TMA):
At eleven years old, Agnes wants to touch Ronald Sinclair like she wants to touch someone else’s stuff.
2. Particular (TMA):
Jon does not like boys.
WOOF that’s already one of those that really doesn’t do well without the whole context x’’’D even though it is isolated in the text.
Both of those were for the TMA Mspec Week so both are an immediate (start of) exploration of the mechanics of those characters’ desires.
3. This Was A Triumph (RQG)
Sasha stays in Paris.
4. fragments of decidedly [REDACTED] nature (ch7) (TMA)
Martin is crying before the end of it, which is pretty typical, honestly; he allows the tears to flow partly because it makes Elias happy, partly to have evidence.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Marginalia (ch28, 27, 26, 25, 24)
Martin is alone on New Year’s Eve.
 “World domination.”
The thing with the hands and the sharp smile is distracted, though, that might be a lie again, might be a trap, just to make her hope and then laugh in her face again, but, but she’s been good at seeing through it, she always finds the right mirrors, always finds the right turns, she hasn’t found the exit but it’s just a matter of time just a matter of time just a matter of time until she gets out, the thing that sometimes pretends to be a man told her there’s no exit but it was lying, wasn’t it, isn’t it always
“No worries, boss, I won’t tell on you,” Tim proclaims with a proud grin, which, weirdly, makes Elias laugh.
They find out many new things about each other, in three weeks; some good, some bad.
These and number 4 were 3-sentences New Year’s microfic (the Helen one runs on and is all just 1.5 sentence technically), and it’s funny to see how half of those lean harder on the blunt minimalism and half immediately get super long and rambly.
10. the void is getting closer (Golden Sun)
The first Felix sees of Prox is the abyss.
11. Transmission (RQG)
C’est étrange, d’accueillir de parfaits inconnus et de les installer dans le foyer vide.
Pas super heureuse de celle-là mais punaise je me suis battue avec pendant des heures, y a 3 ou 4 versions très différentes de ce petit machin.
12. this will be our year (TMA)
On the third day (since they woke up), Martin distractedly looks out the window of the gallery and goes, “Huh!”
13. keep close (and your enemies closer) (TMA)
The man interviewing Martin stares through him like he knows.
14. Nightingale Floor (TMA)
The first time he comes inside Elias’s house, Martin’s trainers squeak on the gleaming floorboards.
15. Cheirophilia (RQG)
Zolf Smith has big hands.
That’s it that’s the fic (actually it’s a lot longer and deeper than that and i’m v happy with it. but this sure is a Exactly What It Says On The Tin moment huh)
16. When Passions Are Happy To Sit Quietly Together, Not Colliding (RQG)
 “You don’t have to hide it, you know,” Hamid stresses three days later, sounding frustrated and perhaps a little insulted, and Zolf doesn’t bother looking up from his book to answer: “Not hidin’ anything.”
... again... (This was a 5-sentences one so it gets a pass for being much ramblier and more complex.)
17. A little sincerity (RQG)
It’s busy, after the resurrection.
18. La maison (TMA)
The house is more of a small mansion, really.
19. Le phare (TMA)
Martin has been having trouble sleeping, lately.
20. Cinderella (TMA)
Obviously, there’s a great many things they’ll have to address and deal with, and about eight different red flags setting off alarm bells in Martin’s mind.
Hmm. So I sure have a tendency for the short bluntly establishing isolated intro line (that often makes it to the summary), but not that much, actually. Not even 50% are really learning hard into that. 10, 14 and 17 are cases of my favourite way to use those, casually establishing things that sound like they should be getting a lot more emotion and development. Some of those do explore it later, some of them do not.
Outside of length-restricted microfic, I don’t do much of in-medias-res (even though i love it), but tend to do a lot of establishing by implying or referring to things that haven’t actually been stated yet (“stays in Paris”, “before the end of it”, “On the third day”, “The first time”, “three days later”, “after the resurrection”, “The house”, “lately”, “Obviously”), which is also something I really like in reading. Some of those are only possible due to the fact that this is a fanfiction referencing events the reader is already familiar with (and that’s a huge reason why I love fanfic), but not all!
And only 2 or 3 are really very rambly! Most of them because I was on a number-of-sentences restriction. But I also manage to keep a lot of those very short and dry. I used to be a lot ramblier. Some of these are even normal, unremarkable average sentences. Amazing.
(Also whoah, hadn’t realised I’d posted 20 things since the Archives Sim :O I keep feeling like I didn’t write much this year but I did write a LOT in 2020...)
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Unexpected Love - Cubicles CYO Ending #3
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(As requested by readers, I’m posting all the endings for Cubicles! I hope you enjoy them, and I am excited to bring you more choose your own ending fics in the future. Shoot me a message if you want to be tagged. Stay tuned! xoxo, Bri)
Your favorite thing about parties had always been music. There was always a new song to discover, and you got to watch people being silly and free while they were dancing. It was refreshing to be able to let loose after such a vexing day at work. You ate candy and drank a little more than usual, trying to keep in mind that you still owed Lily a visit in the morning. You chatted up some of your coworkers. The girls were funny, talking shit on the trouble the guys caused or when their bosses were being assholes. It was nice to diversify your company because you expected to spend some of the night chatting with your male friends, or wishing Lily was there, or fending off drunk creeps (of which there were a few in your office, not that they were completely unmanageable.) You were presently toward the middle of the dance floor, focused on Alice Fortescue, who kept debating whether or not she was going to spend the weekend lounging in the countryside, or whether she would finally ask out Frank Longbottom. It wasn’t long before she realized that your attention was slipping, and she followed your gaze toward the DJ booth. She turned back to you, giving you a rather sly smile. You blushed. “I didn’t know you had a thing for Remus Lupin, Y/N… he’s very sweet, isn’t he? All the other girls talk about how he’s the most agreeable one of his friends, did you know? You should ask him to dance with you.” If you were being honest with yourself, you hadn’t actually thought of Remus as anything more than a gentleman and a friend until this very moment. He was always polite to you, and you gathered that he had a soft spot for you because he was always attentive whenever he was around you and always asked if you needed help with anything. But isn’t that what friends did for each other? Lily did the same thing without asking and never expected anything in return. Still, you’d been friends long before you got the job. This was different; this was a guy who always stuck around his friends, or was usually too focused on his work to make time for anyone unless it was necessary. It wasn’t that he didn’t like people, but that he took his job very seriously, much like everything else in his life. It was admirable, but difficult to crack and understand. “Whoah whoah, Alice, slow down. How do you know I was looking at him? And anyway, we’re just friends. I barely know him, honestly. He’s so reserved and professional; even if I wanted to make a move on him, he would probably deem it inappropriate for co-workers to interact romantically…” Alice seemed unconcerned with Remus’ perceived shy nature and promptly grabbed you by the arm, leading you in his direction. You tried to wriggle out of the tiny woman’s grasp, but she was alarmingly strong compared to her size. Frank was chatting with Remus, as you noticed when you finally got close enough. You grimaced, giving Alice a desperate look, but she would have no pity since her mind was made up. She went right up to the two of them and just stood there. “You know you haven’t asked me to dance yet, Frank Longbottom. This party is halfway over and you’ve spent the whole time chatting with boys.” Alice looked up at him, chin raised and a judgmental look on her face. A blush raced up his face, and he chuckled nervously, while Remus watched this exchange with quiet amusement. Frank apologized to Remus and held his arm out to Alice, who took it gleefully while giving you a piercing stare. Remus followed her gaze and found you, looking like a deer in the headlights. A warm smile appeared on his face as he waved. You took the gesture and ran with it, mostly because you didn’t want Alice to do anymore orchestrating because she’d be much more aggressive and far less cool. He nodded his head respectfully when you arrived in front of him. He was a head taller than you, a willowy frame. “You look nice, Y/N. You changed your outfit.” You nodded shyly.   “I had to help James set up after lunch, so I figured I should bring something a little nicer to wear for the evening. Sorry about Alice… I was just talking to her and she decided she was done waiting for Frank to pay attention to her and made a move herself…” You looked down at your shoes, chuckling at the little white lie you were giving him. He reached out and gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze to stop you, a smile spreading warmth in your direction. You blushed, avoiding his eyes. “Well, should we stand here quietly, or do you want to dance?” You finally managed to proposition him. He blinked at you for a moment, trying to process what you’d just said before he slipped his hand into yours and placed the other one gently at your waist. You were a little thrown by the juxtaposition of formality and intimacy. Everyone around you was grinding on each other, but ever the gentleman, that wasn’t Remus’ style. “This isn’t quite the music for this kind of dancing, but I think I do this much better than I do… that.” Remus chuckled softly so that only you could hear him. He was indeed quite a good dance partner, leading you effortlessly through a series of steps. You hadn’t had to ballroom dance like this since you were a child at your family Christmas parties.  “Still with me, or are you already getting tired?” Remus ribbed when you spaced out reminiscing. You blushed, shaking your head vigorously and stepping a little closer to him, your hand down to his forearm. He gulped. “You tensed up. Relax, I won’t bite… unless you ask nicely.” You winked up at him, which elicited a nervous laugh. He loosened his firm grip on your hand, although the one on your waist was still strong, almost possessive. He was glancing around then, particularly at a few of the guys who took notice of you dancing with Remus. You gave a little cough, bringing his gaze back to you. He bit his lip, uncertain of how he got to this moment. “Remus. Don’t worry about them. I’m here dancing with you. Sorry my attention drifted, but you have me 100% now. Trust me.” You pressed up to his chest now, trying to reassure him. You felt his heart quicken at the closeness, his arm slipping further around your waist in response. “You know they’re all drooling over you. They always do. But you never seem to respond to it. I mean, you don’t blow anyone off; you’re the most friendly person I’ve ever worked with, but… Why don’t you like any of them? D’you… not your type?” He whispered the last part, not wanting to offend you. You laughed with your whole body then, which shook both of your bodies. Was Remus jealous of the other guys? You wished he could take a hint, but it seemed you would have to spell things out for him.
“I do like guys, Remus, but I don’t like guys like them. The ones who oogle me and don’t actually try to get to know me. Not like… not like you do every day. You always try to catch up with me and see how I’m doing, but it’s never creepy or ill-intentioned. You’re always a real gentleman. Look, you haven’t even tried to feel me up while dancing!” You said this very sincerely, looking deep into his eyes. You couldn’t help laughing at your last statement, and he could only blush down at you in adoration.
“Only if you want me to,” he joked, sucking his lip in as he laughed. You licked your lips, entranced by this other side of Remus that you were tapping into. He was a little more confident, a little more teasing, and more open. You liked both, but it was nice to see him relaxing with you. “Can I… can I be honest with you?” He murmured, looking serious again. You nodded, curious and hopeful of what he wanted to divulge.
“Remus, why don’t you just ask me out on a date, hmm? I’ve been waiting for you to make a move this whole time, but I guess I’m just impatient.” You lifted your chin up, giving him a smoky stare. He blushed, looking down at you incredulously, before breaking into a smile brighter than the string lights shining above your heads. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek, sending a wave of heat through your body.
 “I was hoping I’d get to spend time with you tonight, considering how brief our conversations at the water cooler or the copy machine tend to be. I… don’t usually run into situations like this, but I guess you’re different than other people. You make me feel a little more comfortable in my skin, which is such a confusing experience for me. But a good one…”
“If you’ll have me. And if you’ll forgive me, I don’t kiss on the first date. I’ll have to thank Alice for the support, of course.” He winked, letting his hand slip down just below your waist. You gave him a suggestive glance and then a surprised laugh.
“I should’ve known you’d be smart enough to get a woman as your wingman, Rem. Well hopefully you take me somewhere that’s a little less full of our drunk co-workers… for this second date. And I’ll have my kiss yet.” You leaned up on your tiptoes and pressed one to his chin. He just smiled and gave you a spin as the music swelled into the night.
Tag List
@supremequeenofthenerds​, @wizardwritings​, @couragetocontinue​, @fudgefight​, @lionnottheanimal​, @crtreg​, @shehassomuchsoul​, @formersovietunion​, @serenefreakgeek, @bibimagines​
(In an effort to keep the “secret” element of the stories, I will only be linking to each ending in the main post, so check there if you want to read more endings!)
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End of the Decade Favourite Book Tag
Thank you to @storytime-reviews for tagging me in this.
1. High fantasy books that are obsession-worthy.
The Daevabad Trilogy by S A Chakraborty. The level of detail in the worldbuilding in this Muslim-inspired fantasy is just extraordinary. Bring on book 3!
2. Urban fantasy books filled with people you want as friends.
I loved Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody. Great characters and great plotting. Like Six of Crows but not. I need to reread this one!
Also the Six of Crows duology because how can I not mention it. Also I was kind of obsessed with Nina and Matthias for a while.
3. Portal fantasy you fall in love with multiple times.
I mention Harry Potter later on, but it still deserves a spot here. Every time I pick up one of these books they surprise me with how good they are.
4. Novella that just makes you sigh cause it’s so lovely.
The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky by Mackenzi Lee. Short but very sweet and funny.
5. Historically inaccurate but laugh out loud.
I think it's actually pretty historically accurate, but I'm gonna have to go with The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. It was my favourite read of 2018.
Also special mention to A Brief History of Montmaray by Michelle Cooper. The island this book was set on may have been fictional, but this book was wholly entertaining and I always like rereading the funnier bits.
6. Satire that makes you reconsider your whole world view.
I don't know if it counts as satire, but reading Scythe by Neal Shusterman really made me think about our world in a really profound way. I kind of want to reread it.
Also not a satire but Room by Emma Donoghue. It's told in such an original way.
Oh, and if you really want satire, how about The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde? I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had understood all the references to classical literature but I still found it interesting.
7. Happy, happy, happy, and sad, sad, sad.
Lovely War by Julie Berry. So thought-provoking and beautifully written.
Also I'm going to be unoriginal and say The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Who hasn't been devastated by that ending?
8. No, I’m not too old for kids’ books, what are you talking about???
My two faves in this area are written for middle grade to teens, but I can't go past Sally Gardner's The Red Necklace and Eva Ibbotson's Journey to the River Sea.
Also The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. Can't not include that one.
9. I’m also not too old for picture books either and never will be.
Angelina Ballerina by Katherine Holabird is a childhood favourite. Also anything illustrated by Juan Wijngaard and Kinuko Y. Craft, their work is just gorgeous.
10. Whoah, never expected that ending and to have that much fun!!!
I'd have to go for the Shadowfell trilogy by Juliet Marillier. The final book in the series, The Caller, was truly perfect and I was not expecting that at all.
Also The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted. That ending really threw me.
And how about the ending of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton? I was confused about so many things in this book, but that ending was wasn't one of them. Such a fabulous twist - and one that actually made sense!
11. Like I’m scared, but I’m happy about it.
The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge was wonderfully written, but incredibly unnerving. I had to swear off reading other books by her for a while because they were quite disturbing and dark. Even now I can't quite bring myself to pick up one of her books.
12. Classically favourite.
I remember really enjoying Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. And I read it in the 2000s so it isn't really eligible for this list, but Mary Shelley's Frankenstein made quite an impression on me - it wasn't what I was expecting at all.
Honorable mention to Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen which I started reading but never finished for some reason. 2020 will be the year I do this because what I did read was delightful.
13. Party in your ears.
William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Mean Girls by Ian Doescher. Mean Girls (duh) as Shakespeare might have written it. I originally bought this as a paperback but then I realised I would probably get more enjoyment out of it as an audiobooks, given it was written in script format. Boy, was I right!
Also I've referred to this series in the next question already, but I can't not mention the latter two books in The Illuminae Files, Gemina and Obsidio, done in audiobook format. The full cast and sound effects combined to create true awesomeness. I still have to listen to the first book, Illuminae.
14. Boom!!! Pow!!! Wham!!!
The Illuminae Files trilogy by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. So innovative and cleverly designed - and very, very well written.
15. Oh wow, this is me!!
It's got to be Harry Potter, doesn't it?! It's been such an integral part of my life - I was in the fandom for a good ten years. I queued up outside the bookshop on release days to get the last three books. I saw all the movies. It gave me my original OTP, Ron and Hermione. I would not be who I am today without those books and I still can't quite let go of this fandom in spite of its problematic aspects. These books made me.
16. I can’t stop thinking about this book.
A Sky Painted Gold by Laura Wood was absolutely the definition of magical. As soon as I finished it I wanted to go back to the beginning and read it again.
17. A book you got from Tumblr that made it to your fave.
I wouldn't say I got this from Tumblr directly, but it's Tumblr that enhanced my appreciation and love for it - and introduced me to an incredible fandom. It's The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, of course. Can't wait for the prequel coming out in May!
18. A book you had high expectations for and then the author OVER delivered.
Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor. Like I really enjoyed Strange the Dreamer but the second book was on another level. All the plot threads were wrapped up in a really satisfying way and Laini Taylor is an insanely beautiful writer.
I had such fun making this list, it brought back so many memories of all the books I've read over the years.
Unfortunately I also wrote it in Tumblr mobile, so it took FOREVER to do, so I really can't be bothered to tag people. If you see this post on your dash and haven't done this challenge yet (and want to), consider yourself tagged.
Hope you have a great day, and if you've made it all the way to the end of this post, congratulations on your achievement! 🤣😁
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sherryaptx4869 · 6 years
Making it through love
It’s GinTae month!
Behold, a very short compilation of GinTae moments from the Gintama manga, anime and movie. Try as I might, I cannot do justice for the pair by words because to borrow a line from Westlife’s Home, “the words are cold and flat, and they deserve more than that.” So I looked for pictures detailing in a nutshell why GinTae (aside from OkiKagu) is my OTP. Since they have a lot like really a lot! of moments (aka they know each other heart by heart), I just chose from my pile of screenshots to accurately depict the prompt given which is kind of hard because the prompts blur and overlap with each other. Take these with a grain of salt, because the context of the episode where I took it from might not exactly be as romantic as I want it to be. Remember, this is fan-made. Fanon is not canon. But I wonder about that in this case because the Easter egg hints came directly from the creator of the series himself haha I’m also proud to say that no fan arts are included here to drive my point home that Gintoki and Tae are as canon as we can get from Sorachi very close to being married officially.
This is just the tip of the GinTae iceberg that will sink other ships. This does not capture the entirety of GinTae moments in the manga, anime, movie, OVA, live-action movie and even the audio CDs. Treat this as a preview of many GinTae moments.
For now, I hope you have fun with this one as much as I did when I was scouring my hoard of Gintama images. This is dedicated to all the GinTae fans. If you don’t like this content, just ignore then scram. Credits go to Sorachi-sensei and to the production of the anime where I took the screenshots from.
First Meeting: Watch out! Your soulmate might just appear from behind you while riding your scooter!
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Realization: If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question (as manifested by Gintoki and Tae time and time again from the start of the series up to this point).
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The Reveal: Put a ring on it! It must be great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
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Date: Put your best foot forward!
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Reminder: Booze and sweet stuff for both the lady and the gent.
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New to the Family: A pretty serious relationship with someone long-term requires an introduction to the family. And whoah! There’s a whole spectrum of shenanigans they get into.
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Jealousy: (Play Nick Jonas’s Jealous for the feels haha) It’s not Gin-san’s fault that the ladies hover. But it is Tae’s every right to be hellish because she’s (*whispers*) jealous the wife.
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As for Gin-san… he’s making his fist and his dirty tricks do the talking to protect the woman he cared about. (Look at Kagura’s unimpressed face (and Shinpachi’s shrieking) haha, I bet the paragon of adult wisdom she considered to be Gintoki just crumbled to dust.)
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Laughter:  Sometimes your silver samurai turns out to be just an idiot perm-haired samurai.
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First Kiss: Exactly what it sounds like— but no, there are no kisses in the anime. Paging Hattori Zenzo, please tell us since you saw the whole exchange
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Thirdwheeling: Come with us, they said. It would be fun they said. Tag yourself, am I being extra?
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Flustered: The sweetness of strawberry parfait oozing out of the Smeggy Samurai’s words and gestures makes him sappy with Pony-chan whose cheeks are tinted with blush yihee *heart*
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Rest: Gin-san resting before he gets tired lols. But hey, it’s usually the Kodokan Dojo, the Shimura’s residence where Gintoki lounges about. We also see Tae checking up on the Yorozuya trio regularly as well as to pay her respects to Gintoki’s mom figure- Otose.
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Shopping: GinTae shopping for clothes together. Two years later, it is also while shopping for clothes that Tae through a series of unfortunate events brought home Gin-san (and Hijikata) wearing undies on his face.
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Food: It’s not only love that is shared, also carbs.
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Cherry blossom viewing (Hanami): The Sakata family wringing the beauty out of life. They seize the day over bento boxes (courtesy of Mom Tae) and sake-filled glasses (courtesy of Dadtoki). Of course, the day is completed with a showdown with their frienemy the Shinsengumi. And to cap the day off, look at the reverence and fondness the three are giving to Gin-san.
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Rainy Day: Rainy days won’t keep our Queen of Kabuki-cho from hanging out with her family. Mom Tae even had a bento prepared. How thoughtful and sweet!
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Super Powers: Plagiarize your way to success. In real life, don’t! It’s a crime. Here is Dragon Ball x Bleach x One Piece = DragonBleaPiece. Yeah, only in Gintama!
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Holding Hands: When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold, don’t let go. (I was singing Heart by Heart performed by Demi Lovato on this part so you’ll find a lot of references to the song <3)
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Spellbound: We don’t need any spells for GinTae to be together. See here they even act silly together. Also in an AU, Gin the bully is controlled kept in check by class-president Tae. In the Love Potion arc, no amount of love potion can dope Gin-san to forget that the hand he is supposed to hold is Tae’s.
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Surprise Gift: Tae is up to something… Surprisingly enough (or maybe not), it is her infamous Dark Matter that makes one hate surprises when they are presented the honor of eating Tae’s magnum opus.
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Yagyuu arc, Gintoki: It’s like Tae doesn’t hear a word I say. Her mind is somewhere far away. Like she doesn’t even care.
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Benizakura arc, Tae: I know this whole city thinks it needs you but not as much as I (and Shinpachi and Kagura) do.
Gin-san went out anyways, and Tae let him.
(Btw, collage is not mine. CTTO. I’m sorry I forgot from whom I took the photo from)
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Angst: Gintoki (disguising as Takasugi) is in a predicament. He doesn’t want Tae to find out he is back in Edo after two years of wandering about. No, not yet. Certainly not in those clothes (or the lack thereof).
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Rescue: It’s not always the damsel that is in distress. Sometimes, gotta rescue the perm-hair and his friend the long-hair.  Oh the things we do for love!
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Tragedy: This was when Kagura faked her illness that led to her “dying” (as orchestrated by the Sadist Prince Okita) and after the Liberation war. Meantime, it is best to grab what wonderful moments you find lying around.
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Support: Behind a man’s downfall or success is a woman. Tae’s are the only eyes that can see into and through Gintoki and vice versa. They read each other like a book. They support each other in any way that they can. They even got each other’s hearts backs.
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Cliche: They’re unaware of how cliché they’re being when it comes to their romantic feelings. Everyone can see that they have this thing going on, only they can’t see it. Talk about dense. Go on, don’t be shy just say it out loud.
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Memories: Let’s intrude on our favourite kind of gathering – walking down memory lane with Tae and Gin-san. Pretend they are looking over a photo album to see how far they’ve come. Looking on are Madao Hasegawa-san and Catherine.
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The Power of Two: GinTae accomplishing a goal that neither of them would’ve been capable of doing alone. Just look at the picture, I have nothing more to say haha
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“I love you”s: Can Gin-san be more roundabout in saying those words to Tae so they can live together as man and wife. Probably go ask the other half of your sadist duo aka Okita Sogo how to propose/ say you love her the unconventional way. (I’m referring to how Okita proposed to Kagura. Oh well, that’s for another post)
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Different Ways of Saying “I love you”: I’m stumped. I don’t know what to say. Every one of their interaction is gold. Just show how you feel and make it real. And to Sorachi-sensei, one good way to hide something is in plain sight. People often forget to look at something right in front of them. Kudos!
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And I end this lengthy post to that last panel with Tae saying she understands Gin. The way he’s complicated is simple. Isn’t that sweet? Might I add, Gin-san being a sweet-talker and sappy is really cringe worthy haha.  Tae and Gin-san found a way to find each other thanks to Shinpachi boy. From then on, it’s like she’s been in his life forever with the way she understands his heart by heart. Anego and Danna making it through love. The gods have spoken.
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DMDP Chapter 30 Thoughts
I’m not sure how many people out there are reading Dead Mount Death Play [DMDP], but I thought it might be fun to start jotting down my thoughts on each new DMDP chapter as they come out. (...And are made available to me). 
Bit of a shame not to have begun sooner; I know many people (including some I follow) do this sort of thing for manga they’re keeping up to date with. Better late than never, as they say? 
(I did share my thoughts on the Baccano! manga chapters, but not in a particularly structured or regular way...)
Thoughts under the cut. I suppose one or two new specific tags are in order, so for now... #DMDP Update is probably what I’ll use for these sorts of ‘reaction posts,’ and (if I don’t already use it) #DMDP Spoilers will be a general sp tag for the series.
I have more extensive thoughts on Iwanome and Arase that probably are better served in a separate post, but for now I want to say they’ve been quite the interesting characters so far and I’m really enjoying spending time with them.
Arase was the one that first grabbed my attention in their earliest chapters, but the focus on Iwanome the last several chapters has absolutely gotten my attention. I want to know more about him.
Ah, the two men confronting Iwanome and Arase are the two disgruntled colleagues from the last chapter.
Part of me feels like these two guys are acting almost unbelievably juvenile, considering they’re picking a physical fight with Iwanome in their workplace (Tokyo Metropolitan HQ!)...and they’re grown men... On the other, the hate they clearly feel for “Hosorogi’s hangers-on” really doesn’t seem to be playground level; the rift between Comps-3 and everyone else is deep and raw still.
I mean, Iwanome’s opinion that the police are furious over the results of the Internal Affairs investigation is very likely one correct explanation. Accusations of corruption + increased scrutiny from the higher-ups are pretty serious stuff; I shouldn’t be too skeptical of the two men’s actions.
Though, Yatsu is of the opinion that it’s more a problem of Iwanome being personally loathed than Comps-3 as a whole.
The actions of Iwanome and Arase, on the other hand...!!! Protective!Arase is good stuff. Makes me all the more curious about how these two met and just...about their dynamic in general. I want to know Arase’s thoughts; I can’t just subsist off of intriguing visual cues forever...
Don’t get me started on Iwanome.
...I do have to point out that, despite the suit, he still hasn’t given up his facial + ear studs. It’s a visual sign that he’s still fighting, still ‘rebelling’, no matter how much he has to otherwise conform to advance his goals.
Remember how he said having his gears mesh well with others’ is what he does best? I find this aspect of him so intriguing, if not fascinating.
“Danjo Towaza” and “Ranmaru Yatsu” make their official debuts and get full name reveals at the same time?! Whoah! Towaza we saw last chapter, but I’m very sure his name (and I believe Yatsu’s) were mentioned in some previous, fairly early own chapter...
Narita really does like the “smiling old man is secretly a badass” trope, doesn’t he. And having that old man flip someone over as a show of badassery.
Technically it was Yatsu (a younger fellow) who actually tripped the guy with his cane, and then Towaza (older fellow) dislocated the guy’s shoulder when “helping him up...” but I still had flashbacks to Yaguruma flipping Firo and later Victor. Also to Akabayashi (though he’s not ‘old’) flipping people with his cane.
Ah, Habaki reappears? I wasn’t sure if he was a minor one-off character when he made his debut...seems like he may (we hope) actually have Comps-3′s interests in mind at the main HQ, and Iwanome does seem truly grateful for his assistance. Here’s hoping he’s genuine.
I’m not sure if that’s Aikawa in the Comps-3 crowd...maybe? I do notice that Saimyouji isn’t there, and he (like Towaza and maybe Yatsu) also enjoyed an early namedrop in the series... So far Saimyouji has been busy doing his own thing--independently investigating the Corpse God--so I’m wondering if/when we’ll see him ‘join up’ with Comps-3.
All this time I’ve assumed Saimyouji was a Comps-3 member, but I can’t actually remember if that was ever outright stated. 
That “movie tilt-shot” of Comps-3 exiting the main Tokyo police HQ building? NICE.
Iwanome’s pulling off his tie and unbuttoning his jacket as he and Comps-3 take their leave--I see you.
Xiaoyu has an older sister named Imbi? Is she the silhouetted girl with braids we saw in the hospital flashback? I mean, I assumed at the time she must have been his sister (if not sister, then cousin or other relation) but it wasn’t outright said... 
So...Imbi and Xiaoyu are still in contact, and Imbi is using Lei resources on his behalf. Does this mean Xiaoyu remained ‘part of the family’ (albeit detached) after all, courtesy of Rozan? Or is Imbi helping him on the sly?
3:00 AM--is Xiaoyu staying up this late every night to eavesdrop/collect information/etc?
Sorimura: *grandly* Yes, “Corpse God” ...or should I say, “Polka Shinoyama-kun”
Xiaoyu: how dare
Sorimura: hwat the fukc
OH BOY Solitaire and Fire-Breathing Bug have converged on the building at the same time...oh boy...
Takumi and Misaki have gone home/don’t live in the building, yeah, but I figure Takumi must have some alarm system up...right? He’s got surveillance surely, so if he happens to be awake at home he might see. 
For now we might have a Xiaoyu vs Sorimura match-up on the horizon, jury’s out on whether the Bug’s just here to make a threat or whether he/she/they is planning on sticking around...
...oh, come to think of it re: the Xiaoyu vs Sorimura match-up...there’s something a bit interesting going on there, right? I mean... one of Sorimura’s goals is to prove that the Corpse God is real (i.e. that real magic exists), whereas Xiaoyu wants to prove that the Corpse God is a fake. 
Oh, that does have some potential. Oooooh. Solitaire’s faith in the Corpse God versus Xiaoyu’s lack of faith. 
I feel like the real Polka might try to wake the Corpse God up and alert him to the Bug’s message, which...could take a little while (given I’m sure the Corpse God has slept through far worse than a shark plush slapping him). Still, I can see the Corpse God waking up in the nick of time to act. And by ‘act’ I mean ‘use magic’, and if he does it in full view of Xiaoyu and Sorimura...
...Ah damn, you think Xiaoyu has some sort of visual recording technology built into him?
I guess it must be asked whether Sayo is going to wake up at all for whatever ruckus is going to happen...or if she’ll sleep right through everything. Wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being the latter.
I really am finding Iwanome more and more interesting with every chapter, so hopefully I’ll manage to dump some of my thoughts about him in a separate post sometime this week. The whump fan inside of me admittedly perked up when Iwanome was slammed against the wall in this chapter...because I couldn’t help but think of potential worse things to come.
Arase got knocked about a bit during the Lemmings fight, but I think this is the first time we’ve seen Iwanome ‘roughed’ in any capacity so far into the series. Being slammed against the wall is practically nothing--definitely so when compared to other events in this series so far--so... the deeper their investigation runs, the more I’ll be expecting Bad Times for Comps-3.
Specifically I’ll be waiting for some major injury (or other trauma or Bad Time) to befell either Iwanome or Arase. Either one would lead to something interesting. Iwanome feels like the more ‘likely’ of the two right now, given that he’s the leader, the one people loathe the most, and probably perceived as a lesser physical threat than Arase; I’d definitely be keen to see what Arase would do in the wake of an Iwanome injury. (Hulk out? Go ‘feral’?)
Then again, Arase being the one hurt might offer more in the way of enlightment--since it’s less clear what Iwanome might do. Iwanome is capable of shouldering a lot, but the way he reacted to the symbol during the fortune-telling session...that was the rawest we’ve seen him yet. That was anger, frustration--that was a sign of something uglier lurking underneath him. It’s possible that Iwanome past his limit/unleashed is more terrifying than what we’ve seen of Arase so far. 
Would Iwanome act with full-blown anger/fighting spirit/etc in the face of an Arase injury? Would he manage to redirect that energy and passion into other actions? Be cool in front of Arase and the others, but struggle out of sight?
Now I’m just entirely off-topic. Next time I’ll try to just stick with bullet points. If anybody out there’s reading this...hold me to it!
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Barista [Taehyung x Reader]
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Summary: Taehyung works at a local coffee shop that is very popular in Korea and when you, a foreigner visiting the coutry step into the shop, he can’t take his eyes off you.
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 2 892
 Finally you saw your dream fulfilled: you have just landed at the Incheon Airport in South Korea. At last you had enough money to afford the trip that you dreamt about, visiting the big cities, traveling with KTX and of course taking a lot of pictures. The flight was tiring, having to change the airplanes at some point because from your country there was no straight flight to Seoul. But the many hours spent on a chair and the slight numbness in your muscles surely didn’t stop you from gushing over the large number of stores, the bright lights and.. just everything, in fact. “I still can’t believe it,” you mumbled to yourself in your native tongue, barely restraining from jumping up and down, causing people to throw weird glances at you.
The second big thing you did, well, according to you at least, was to take a selfie at the airport and brag a little on the social media. After so many years spent watching your friends go abroad and posting a shit ton of pictures, it was your turn too – you were sooo gonna spam every social media account you had. Soon after you posted the picture, you retrieved your luggage and proceeded on the way to exit the airport. It wasn’t that much to walk but you took your time to take in the new surroundings. It didn’t matter that in your haze you also walked straight into some people, earning yourself a tired yet pissed off look from the Koreans along with something that you recognized as “dumb foreigner”.
Once out, the chill night air hit your warm face but it was well received. Inhaling deeply you went to search for a free taxi toward your Korean pen friend’s place. She was kind enough to help you with your stay in her city once she learned that you were about to go and “conquer” Seoul (which actually amused her; it was more like the busy and rather fast pace of Seoul will be the one conquering you, not the other way). The taxi cab was driving past tall glass buildings, restaurants, young people walking back and forth, meeting with their friends, the road – half packed even at such late hour… but the whole atmosphere was definitely new and very well welcomed by your excited self.
“We have arrived,” the driver announced you in a broken English, which only made you smile and hand him the money for the ride with a big smile on your face, thanking him in his native tongue. You weren’t just gonna waste all your Korean lessons, now were you? Even if you still made mistakes while speaking, you were determined more than ever to speak Korean.
“Seo Yun,” you announced in a cheerful voice into the intercom. “I have arrived and now come pick my ass up from here,” you ended your sentence with a chuckle. God, you sounded as if you were drunk or something. Drunk of happiness and still thirsty for adventure.
The girl named Seo Yun laughed and instead opened the door for you, telling you at what floor to stop and that she’ll wait you in the doorway. “But don’t you dare jump on me. Judging by what you told me, you’d knock us both down,” she laughed. Well, that just sucked, from your point of view of course.
“Haaa, so good to lay in a bed,” you sighed loudly. “Flying for… I don’t even remember the number of hours, sure is draining you of your energy.’’
But as soon as you collided in bed, just as fast you were up too, beginning to enumerate what you had to do like taking a shower, then eat, then god knows what anymore.
“Someone is too excited, I see,” she laughed. “Keep it like this and by the end of your trip I’ll have to drug you with pills to calm you a bit,” Seo Yun joked some more. “The shower is that way. Make yourself at home while I go make some ramyeon, ok?”
“And some coffee…”
“So you’ll become a spinning top? In your dreams, baby,” and with that Seo Yun left in the kitchen, leaving you to do your stuff.
Needless to mention that you both didn’t give two shits about the late hour in the night as you ate ramyeon and some cookies specially baked by Seo Yun’s mother and talked about everything. You were glad you found her and became such good friends, it’s something beautiful in a friendship with a foreigner, you have so much to learn from them and viceversa. Eventually you both went to sleep around 7 in the morning and hardly woke up around 10 am to go sightseeing.
Seo Yun has dragged you all over to the most important things in Seoul, telling you great stories about each place, especially the palace – familiar to you thanks to those dramas you’ve watched so far – , soon following the shopping time. In just one day you visited almost three shopping malls and a big library, not able to help yourself and buying some books. As you followed Seo Yun all over the place like a puppy, the other citizens only chuckled.
“Icecream or cotton candy?” the girl asked.
“Hmm… Hard choice”, you chuckled, analysing her dollface like. “Icecream,” you answered with a loud laugh as Seo Yun was about to run after you.
Sitting now on a bench as you rested your feet and enjoyed the icecreams you bought, you noticed the café across the street. It had a puppy paw besides the steaming coffee mug. Since it was a bit far away you struggled at first to read the name.
“It reads The Puppy’s Coffee Shop,” Seo Yun translated for you. “Their coffee is very good and it’s a popular café in this neighbourhood. Plus, you can play with puppies while you drink,” she chimed.
Whatever she said afterwards didn’t matter, you were thinking only about those little four-footed playful puppies and how you’d cuddle them and never let go. You were daydreaming so much that the icecream began melting and run down your fingers making them sticky, while Seo Yun waved her hand in your face.
“Earth to Y/N, are you still here?”                  
“Can we go in?” you asked impatient. “I can bet those tiny creatures are waiting for me to pet them.” This only got the Korean girl to chuckle at you, finding your enthusiasm quite amusing and refreshing at the same time.
“Coffee after icecream?” she questioned in a mocking tone, wearing a grin.
“It’s my stomach, shut up,” you dismissed her as you tugged at her hand. “Now be my guide and let’s go there,” you smiled brightly. Seo Yun laughed some more and led you to the coffee shop across the street.
Once in there you let out a loud whoah at the rather big space, the smell of coffee filling your nostrils and the innocent and cute barking from the puppies running all across the place.The walls were a burgundy color, the furniture a nice dark cherry contrasting perfectly and near the three sofas that were there, baskets for the puppies have been laid down. The shop was mostly filled with young people and their cheerfulness echoed in every corner. Seo Yun noticed how your eyes lit up in pure joy, picking a small Golden Retriever as the puppy bumped with your leg.
“Look at how adorable he is!” you said loudly, rubbing your cheek against his tiny head. His small tail fluttered in happiness at the love he received.
“Y/N…” Seo Yun tried but it was pointless, you were long lost as you sat on an empty sofa and tickled the puppy.
Seo Yun shook her head with a small chuckle as she went to the bar, where a young man with a big smile adorning his face, soft black and disheveled hair and a cute mullet, piercings in both his ears was taking the orders… My, he is beautiful, the girl thought and immediately a smirk bloomed on her lips.
“Yes, how may I help you?” the boy named Taehyung, according to his name tag, asked with the same glee.
“I would like two coffees, please. Oh, and my friend there,” and she pointed towards an oblivious you who was still playing with the puppy, “thinks you look cute.”
Well, the barista surely didn’t expect that but knowing it wasn’t the first time he got complimented, he just smiled politely and thanked for it. But when he saw that Seo Yun made another reference to his looks ( “She also said that this hairstyle suits you very well” ), he finally looked over at you. For a brief second Taehyung got before you moved again, he caught a glimpse of your facial features, the way your hair was done, even the shirt that you wore. The boy blinked a few times and even if he looked and saw Seo Yun, his mind was already projecting your figure in front of him.
“Hello,” she chuckled as she waved her hand in his face.
“U-uhh, oh yeah, the coffees, right away…” Taehyung stuttered. “So, she’s a foreigner?”
“Yep, my friend from a distant country. She’s staying with me during her trip in Korea. And she speaks a bit of Korean too,” she teased. “Would you like me to introduce you to her?”
At that unexpected proposition Taehyung blushed, however he didn’t answer a clear yes or no, and so Seo Yun grinned and noted in her mind that this could go well. Being your best friend for almost three years and the one to run to when no one from your friends would listen to you, of course she knew some of your preferences. That included: one, you were still single and two, you expressed your wish of trying to be in a relationship with a Korean man.
“What’s taking so long?” you appeared out of nowhere beside your friend, speaking in English. Taehyung almost burned himself with the boiling water at the sound of your voice. He understood English on a conversational level but still had some issues here and there.
“Just ordered the coffees, done with playing already?”
“Took a break, the puppy left me for a little girl,” you pouted cutely. “I feel betrayed. And he offered such good hugs too…” you sighed amused. Taehyung however thought otherwise, I could offer good hugs too, warmth, make you laugh just as the puppy had made you…
Taehyung shook his head, getting rid of those thoughts this way but caught your eye. Usually you’d be shy around new people, especially in a foreign country, but you felt like a social butterfly right now and so you flashed him one of your warm smiles and said hi to him in Korean. He could have sworn his heart skipped more than one beat.
Handing you both the cups of coffee, you noticed the designs on them: Seo Yun had a leaf design, while you had many hearts on it. Seo Yun grinned in his way, but you were too busy to smile like an idiot and even take a picture of it. So innocent, Seo Yun and also Taehyung thought at that moment. Before you could walk away, Taehyung spoke slowly in English, in a deep voice, “Hope you will come back soon?” You stared for a moment at the tall boy before a grin bloomed on your face and nodded.
Back at Seo Yun’s place and about to throw your cup of coffee, you noticed a small piece of paper stuck on it. Picking it and unfolding it, you tried to read his messy handwriting and understand it. Out of nowhere someone was over your shoulder and giggled, translating the small note.
“So someone got a crush on you, hm,” she teased. “Tomorrow at the same hour?” Seo Yun winked, making you blush.
“Your imagination…”
“I noticed how you were looking at him too. You two were analysing yourselves. What if he asks you for a date?” she smiled big, making you even more shy.
You suddenly excused yourself and went to bed, leaving Seo Yun laughing in the living room. In your room now and under the warm blankets, the young man suddenly appeared with his signature smile. Unconsciously, your fingers started caressing on your pillow, pretending it was his hair, locking your fingers in his mullet. Maybe hearing his deep voice talking to you, sending shivers down your spine and pulling you closer to his body, his steady heartbeat lulling you to sleep. And before you knew it, you indeed fell asleep with a small smile in the corner of your mouth.
The next day went the same, with some teasing from your friend and eventually returning to the café. Seo Yun was the first to notice Taehyung’s face light up at the sight of you. Pulling you after her to sit at the bar, Taehyung almost missed the orders because he was getting lost in your mere presence. For the first time you were chill too, not running around like a small child; instead you focused on his skilled hands preparing that delicious black liquid, pouring milk and doodling a leaf, a heart or a cloud. You started to bit on your lower lip, unaware you were in fact falling for the barista man. And unbeknownst to you, Taehyung was slowly falling for you too.
Time to time sipping coffee or staring at him doing his job, Seo Yun silently observing your actions, Taehyung feeling your gaze on him… This is how the rest of the day went by. When Seo Yun announced it was time for you two to leave, it was already past 9:30, meaning his shift was nearing its end as well. Your small plea of staying a little longer only made Taehyung’s heart grow a bit more, as well as Seo Yun’s grin.
“Well, I guess we’ll meet tomorrow?” this time Taehyung asked in Korean as he closed the shop after feeding the puppies, standing pretty tall compared to you.
“Yes,” you answered with a smile also in Korean, earning yourself a boxy smile from him and to ruffle your hair.
Each day went by like this, until the fourth one, when Seo Yun didn’t tag along and you were left alone with him all day. It was a bit awkward now, him working and you only wasting time there or playing with the puppies. But it meant for both of you a lot. Maybe you didn’t talk a lot, however it didn’t mean that you weren’t getting closer and closer to each other by the second.
“Y/N, wanna go have lunch with me? I’m on my break,” Taehyung announced and you nodded. Out of instinct, he took your hand in his and you let him intertwine his long fingers with yours. “Such small hands, I’m dying,” he cooed in a childish voice.
All the way to the nearest park he kept teasing you about your fingers or height, and despite your blush and pouts, you found the teasing hilarious too. He served you some cookies and also one of his homemade kimbap. When you moaned in delight, Taehyung swallowed hard – the moan wasn’t expected.
“I’m taking it you like it,” he chuckled.
“Teach me how to make it!” you said impatiently, not even properly swallowing the food.
“So, for how long will you stay here in Korea?” he asked out of curiosity, trying to ignore the rice that got stuck to your left corner of mouth. Secretly, he hoped for a longer period.
“Well, I was thinking until the next Sunday…” but you cut yourself to let some suspense grow a bit, feeling sorry instantly for tricking him when he pouted. “Buuut…”
“I might consider studying here at Seoul National University, thanks to Seo Yun's pestering,” you laughed. “I considered for a year to start studying somewhere abroad but– “ you got cut off as Taehyung hugged the life out of you, happy to hear you’ll be staying longer.
“That’s good news! I’m so happy!”
“Because I can do this and not feel like you’ll slip right through my fingers,” Taehyung gazed a bit longer into your eyes before he kissed the corner of your mouth, cleaning it off from the rice, and then properly sharing a kiss with you.
The kiss was slow, innocent, a silent confession of how he’s felt for the past four days since he met you. And he was more than happy when he felt your fingers interlock in his smooth hair, gently tugging, a silent demand for him to do more. Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist and sat you on his lap,  one of his hands going to cup your cheek and tilting your head slightly so he could deepen the kiss. The small sound of pleasure that emerged from within your throat was almost like a purr to his ears.
“So, tomorrow after work, at my place so we can have a proper romantic date?” Taehyung glued his forehead to yours, his boxy smile returning.
“Why wait so long when we can have that date tonight?” you teased him, biting playfully his bottom lip.
“Playing with fire, baby? You’ll get burned” he grinned in return.
“I can’t wait then.”
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avengersnthings · 6 years
Assistant: Part One (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Request: no problem, I understand that! so, maybe can you write about a Steve x reader, when the reader is his personal assistant? idk I really want to read about this hahah, so if this is not a problem I'll be very happy ❤️ and thank you for your answer, you're so sweet! Xx
Anything with steve rogers x reader, no OC please 😂 make the reader male, female, the daughter/son, whatever 😂
Requested By: @barneshuh , Anonymous
Word Count: 1,610
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff
A/N: Hello, lovelies! Yes, it is I! I am back from the dead and have actually wrote something! Sorry I haven’t posted in forever. I have been so busy with everything and just have had no motivation to write whatsoever. But, I finally had an idea and then this happened! I like it and I hope you do too! I set this request up where if you guys want a part two, it could totally happen ;). Well, I hope you enjoy and let me know if you want a part two! As always, if you wanted to be added to the tag list just let me know.
Tag List: @mp938368 @generalantiope @thatgirlsar @jumperswellies   @quicksoldier @kitkatgaming @marvelfandom-stuff @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @agentraven007 @marvelgoateecollection @thaniya82 @thats-so-rhyan @hymnofthevalkyrie @themanwiththemetalarm @mslaufeyson 
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“No, Gary, I need those files by two,” You said quickly into your phone that was nestled between your ear and shoulder as you tried to balance the stacks of papers in your arms.
“Are you sure, (Y/N)? I can’t just give them to you by four?” 
“No, Gary, you can’t,” You snapped as you rounded the corner. “Do you know why, Gary?” You asked as the sound of your heels clicked against the smooth marble floor. You didn’t even allow him enough time to even ponder your question. “I need them by two because Captain America-” A small gasp came from the other line of the phone as you said that. “Yeah. He needs those files so he can begin to plan the next mission. Now, do you want to be the guy that ruins the next Avengers’ mission because you were too damn lazy to just print out some lousy files and get them to me on time. Get them to me by two, got it?”
Before he could reply, you hung up on him. Shifting the load of papers to one arm, you knocked on the glass door. Waiting patiently behind the door, you watched as Mr. Rogers’ (the Captain America) eyes snap up to you. Mr. Rogers quickly pushed back his chair and came to your rescue by opening up the door.
“Geez, (Y/N). They couldn’t have sent an intern to help you carry all of this?” He asked as he went to take the load from you, but you brushed him off as you set the large pile on his desk with a resounding thud.
“What’s the point? I could handle it,” You breathed out as you fixed your pencil skirt. “I mean, c’mon. Captain America’s personal assistant should be able to handle herself.”
Rolling his eyes at your comment, Mr. Rogers sat down in his chair as you lent against his desk. “(Y/N), you can ask for help y’know. Or you could’ve called me. I could have helped.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “I can handle myself, Mr. Rogers.”
Running a hand down his tired face, Mr. Rogers gave you a tired look. “How many have I told you to call me Steve?”
“About a thousand,” You grinned as you handed Mr. Ro- Steve- a stack of papers. “These just came in, and they need your signature. I could have just forged them for you to make your life easier, y’know.” You teased, earning a disapproving glance from Steve. 
“While I would have liked to have less work, it’s-”
“It’s not right,” You mimicked Steve, dropping your voice down an octave as you puffed out your chest and fell into line just like a soldier. “Permission to leave, sir?” You said as you stared straight ahead, once again just like a good soldier.
“Permission granted,” Steve laughed out as he too stood up. With a quick salute to the man in charge, you marched out of his office to go find Gary to get your damn papers. 
As you marched out of Steve’s office, he couldn’t help but shake his head as he laughed quietly to himself. As he looked up, he couldn’t help but admire your retreating form as you stopped to talk to someone. Man, she looked beautiful today, Steve thought to himself before snapping out of his thoughts. No, Steve told himself. She’s your personal assistant. Your friend. You can’t think of her that way.
“Knock-knock,” Sam barged into his office, further snapping Steve out of his thoughts of you and your little pencil skirt today. Narrowing his eyes at the super soldier, Sam followed Steve’s gaze to find it fixed on you. A smug grin forming on his face, Sam nudged Steve with his shoulder. “I take it (Y/N) just stopped in again?”
“Wha- Oh, yeah,” Steve cleared his throat. “She just dropped off some paperwork for me.”
“Man, you are so lucky to have a personal assistant so hot,” Sam grinned as he picked up a piece of paper from the mountain on Steve’s desk. Quickly glancing over the words on it, Sam tossed it over his shoulder uninterested. 
“Really, man?” Steve grumbled as he bent over to pick up the discarded paper. “And don’t talk about (Y/N) that way.”
“Why? You were thinking it,” Sam teased as he sat in the chair across from Steve. This earned a scowl from Steve which only made Sam’s grin widen. “And it’s totally true. My assistant is a guy from Cleveland who tells terrible jokes and wears the same shirt three days in a row. And you get her. It’s so unfair.”
“What can I tell ya?” Steve said absentmindedly as he read over the pile you gave him. “Life’s a bitch.”
“Whoah, you kiss (Y/N) with that mouth?” Sam teased, quickly ducking as some random object was thrown at his head. “Geez. Touchy.” The room grew quiet after that as Steve focused on his paperwork and as Sam sat across from him. “I bet you want to kiss her though, right?”
“GET OUT!” Steve shouted as Sam ran out of the room, laughing like a maniac. 
Quickly ducking his head back into the office, Sam looked at Steve. “Y’know, we do have that party at the end of the week that Tony is throwing for everyone. You should take her as your date.” 
Before Steve could answer, Sam ran out in fear of getting another thing thrown at his head. But Steve didn’t throw anything. He just sat there, thinking about what Sam had said. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea.
As the week further progressed, Steve kept thinking about what Sam said about him taking you to the party. Every time that Steve had made up his mind on whether or not he was going to ask you, you walked into the room. When he decided that there was no way that you would say yes and that he wouldn’t ask you, you walked into the room with that beautiful smile on your face and Steve would want to blurt out the question right then and there. When he decided that he was going to ask you, he would get so nervous that he wouldn’t say a word to you and instead stood there awkwardly as he knocked things over. Why couldn’t he just act normal around you?
“Steve?” Your voice rang out, catching Steve’s attention. It was Friday and the party was on Saturday. If he was going to ask you, it needed to be soon.
“Yeah, what’s up?” 
“Brought you those files from Gary, finally. Sorry they took so long,” You apologized as you placed the papers on his desk. “Also, Mr. Stark wanted me to remind you about the party this Saturday. He said something about you having to bring someone and that you, and I quote, ‘Can’t just bring Barnes and make him wear a dress.’ Whatever that means.”
A blush had spread across his cheeks at the mention of Saturday. Somewhere in the back of his mind Steve just knew that Sam had gotten to Tony to make sure that he had to bring a date. “Oh, uh, thank you. I honestly forgot about Saturday.” Lies, all lies, Steve thought as he looked at you.
“Okay, well, if you don’t need me anymore, I have to go get some work done, but if you need anything, just let me know.” You said, turning towards the door.
Now or never, Rogers, Steve thought as he watched your retreating form. “(Y/N)? There is something that I need you to do.”
“What are you doing this Saturday?” Steve quickly asked as he watched your face shift into confusion.
“Um, nothing. Why?”
Oh gosh. Deep breath. “Would you be willing to go to the party on Saturday with me? Strictly as a friend, or as a work relationship. No! Not a work relationship!” Oh God, shut up, Rogers! “That’s not what I meant. I don’t just see you as my assistant. I see you as a friend and kind of more than a friend, I mean, you are absolutely stunning and I would love it if you would go to the party with me as my actual date, not just a friend taking another friend sort of thing, unless you only want it to be like that. Oh God, I’m rambling. I’m sorry. I’ll just shut up now.”
Steve stood there waiting for your answer, probably as red as a tomato as he watched you. Your face still displayed confusion as you just stood there. Well I fucked that up, Steve thought, hanging his head in rejection.
“Pick me up at eight.”
Head snapping up, Steve found that the confusion on your face was replaced with a large smile. “R-really?”
“Yeah,” You smiled at him. “I think you are pretty stunning too.” You brushed back your hair when you said that, a little bit of embarrassment peeking through. 
“T-thank you,” Steve breathed out, his own smile fixing on his face. 
“Not a minute late, Rogers,” You winked as you leaned forward to kiss his cheek lightly. Quickly pulling back, you walked out the door, leaving Steve a blushing, giddy mess as he leaned against his desk, hand touching his cheek where your lips had just been.
“YES!” Steve shouted out in victory, throwing his hands up. Doing a quick victory dance, Steve sat back down in his chair and looked at the clock, urging it to go faster so it can finally be Saturday, the day he gets to take you out on a date.
Assistant: Part Two
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badhockeymom · 3 years
There’s a hockey rpf fic where a real player is sexually assaulted by a coach and the assault is explicit. The set-up and aftermath is a little outlandish and It’s not quite speculative, but close enough for me. And that’s the type of realistic-dark-rpf fic I can’t engage with in any form. Reading or writing. I’m a supporter of write what you want though so the act of writing it is whatever. But it’s too close to the fourth wall for me to read or write. As in, assault like that exists in real life (even if the set-up is a little hokey) and has happened to actual players at all levels of the hockey circuit.
A big part of engaging with realistic dark rpf fic is consent. Even if it’s dubious, it has to exist in the fic for me. Whether is implied, stated directly, or dubious like sexual slavery contract with a reluctant but aware participant,etc. No consent in any form or the inability to legally give consent (underage), is a no.
Thanks for the input! I'm soo happy about people chiming in after this small text post that I put out in the deadest hours of hockey tumblr today.
Yeah, I want to read consensual sex when I consume fic, too. My boundaries are a lot looser than yours. though, I think; I do accept (and write) some pretty dubious situations and all sorts of morally dubious imbalances and potentially unhealthy relationships and enjoy it a lot, but rape/non-con is a tag that usually makes me steer clear of a fic. If it makes me a wuss, okay.
(But if the fic you mentioned was about my favorite player and coach whoah I'd read the hell out of it.
Well maybe. Because on the other hand, I think there is only one fic in my fav player's tag on ao3 that I haven't read because of a squick in the tags. Maybe one day.)
More of my own writing thoughts on this subject in this answer
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yrretsej · 6 years
Fare thee well freedom of speech?
C’mon we all knew it’s an illusion here on tmblah, but to THAT EXTENT - seriously tumblah have you gone complete nuts or what? Quoting the spam email I received (IMAGINE THE LEVEL OF NUTS IN THIS ONE, NOW): Dear yrretsej,        As part of our commitment to transparency, we want you to know that we uncovered and terminated 84 accounts linked to Internet Research Agency or IRA (a group closely tied to the the Russian government) [LIKE WHOAH TUMBLAH R U KIDDEN MEH? U REAL THINKS EVERY MALACTION ON YOUR PRECIOUS SITE IS CONNECTED WITH RUSSIANS? REALLY? HOW NAIVE IS THAT?? Or wait... DO you have like... Solid proof? Or is it some kind of your regular bs?? Hmmm...] posing as members of the Tumblr community.           The IRA engages in electronic disinformation and propaganda campaigns around the world [REALLY? ARE THEY THEY ONLY ONES DOING SO??] using phony social media accounts. When we uncovered these accounts, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts [THIS IS, IN FACT, A NICE THING OF YOU TO DO. DOES THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN TRULY MATTER SO MUCH? OH??]  While investigating their activity on Tumblr, we discovered that you either followed one of these accounts linked to the IRA, or liked or reblogged one of their posts [OH WOW THAT SOUNDED SUSPICIOUSLY BIG-BROTHERLY OF YOU! LIKE A BIG-BROTHERLY CARE OF THE LITTLE ONES, SOOO CUTE] ---     [here goes the list of nicknames I obviously didn’t know or remember but I believe I could’ve reposted some architecture or whatever funny gif or chocolate foodporn or star wars shipwank or EVEN ARTISTIC HERITAGE OF THE WORLD I keep on my #artjam tag or what is it I even reblog here - those who been following this blog for 1+ year certainly get the general pattern]   --- AND NOW FOR THE BEST PART   You aren’t in trouble, and don’t need to take any action if you don’t want to. We deleted the accounts but decided to leave up any reblog chains so that you can curate your own Tumblr to reflect your own personal views and perspectives.    SO THAT YOU CAN CURATE YOUR OWN TUMBLR TO REFLECT YOUR OWN PERSONAL VIEWS AND PERSPECTIVES.    SO THAT YOU CAN CURATE YOUR OWN TUMBLR TO REFLECT YOUR OWN PERSONAL VIEWS AND PERSPECTIVES.    Are you even sane up there, tumblah admins? What sort of personal views do I curate? OH IT MUST BE ZUTARA AND/OR REYLO I HAVE THIS SUSPICIOUS NAGGIN’ FEELING or was it #gingerrose ?? [totally for the best ship in the galaxy, UH] SINNERS MUST REPENT ON THEIR SHIPPINGS Because what else there is about perspectives, here? C’mon, I’m aware this is an automated message with nothing personal to me, but imagining HOW MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY GOT IT AND WERE FORCED TO THINK *THEY* DID SOMETHING WRONG BY BROWSING AND LIKING perhaps something truly innocent like a piece of sweet fandom wank or a beautiful nature photo or a kittie or a chocolate chip cookie or a meme with Doge - HOW CRAZY OF A 1984 IS THIS? Wow. This is so insane. I honestly thought better of the people who are in charge of this godforsaken pit of lulz and shippers and endless pоrn blogs. I shall certainly reflect my perspectives. Mainly I hope that Telegram becomes the new platform that KILLS all this ineffective crazy paranoid idiotic social media we have to use now to be able to interact with like-minded folks around the world WHO HAPPEN TO LOVE THE SAME ART, MUSIC, MOVIES, SHIPS, CONCEPTS, FANFICS, LITERATURE, ARCHITECTURE AND LINGUISTICS. AND ALL THE BEAUTY THERE IS TO HUMANITY AND ITS AMAZING DIVERSE CULTURES. So yeah, let us reflect on perspectives much. I suggest everyone who happens to read this and REFLECT to move to telegram and get used to the new era of social media. It’s gonna be an epic ride.
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