#real facts about hanuman
namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
Sequel or second chapter to the M'baku/Reader/Namor love triangle. Like the wedding and the angst and the healing. Everyone reacting to reader and Namor starting to actually fall in love with each other.
Ah yes let's suffer together
Summary: The betrothal leads to a wedding of convenience. M'baku is still coping with what he has done. You and Namor may have a real chance.
Angst. Violence
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Namor watched you from the other side of the room. It had surprised Namora almost as much as it had surprised himself that he had allowed you to paint a mural on the wall. He had reserved the pass time to his own whims and the history of Talokan. But he reasoned, you were now part of that history, as you would be the First Queen of Talokan.
Tomorrow was the wedding. You had no hand in planning it barring choosing the design of your dress and what jewelry you would wear. It was not in you to plan flowers, decorations, and music when the ultimate decision to marry anyone was not your own. But in the week since you returned to the Talokan caves, Namor had been a steady and strong presence by your side.
He was so different from M'baku. If the roles were reversed, M'baku, would have tried his hardest to get you to participate in the planning of the royal affair. He would have insisted on the types of music and clothing. There would have been directions on how to make all the food vegetarian. He would have tried to cheer you up by reminding you that weddings were supposed to be celebrations. But, Namor left you to do what you wished. He didn't push you to do anything. In fact he simply allowed you to do whatever soothed you. He would personally bring food and drink to your chambers, ask easy questions about how you were feeling, and would offer physical comfort but never more than a brief hug, hand hold, or kiss on the forehead unless you asked for more.
You had been mulling over everything. How quickly your life had changed over night. The wedding had been announced but you didn't know how it had been received in Wakanda. The people of Talokan has been weary but Namor had been sure to speak of your virtues in as grandiose of a manner that he could. They had been welcoming the last time Namor had taken you around Talokan again. It had not escaped you how odd it was for you to become Queen to a nation that you couldn't really live in.
"It is beautiful," Namor's voice broke you out of your thoughts as he came up beside you. He had allowed you to paint your own mural. It was of Jabariland at the height of the spring when the snow would melt except for the highest peak. There was a small depiction of you, M'baku, and his father at the entrance of the caves.
Namor admired your work and you admired him. He was a beautiful man, his skin golden, and his eyes had both youth and maturity. You thanked Hanuman that Namor was not the type to be a mean husband. He turned to you and gently patted your head, a proud look on his face. When he went to cup your cheek you leaned into it, sighing softly.
"Can you hug me, please?" You asked, eyes closed. You didn't see the softening of Namor's gaze or the affection he had in his eyes as he pulled you into his arms. You were seated and he was standing so your ear was to his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist. His cape enveloped you, bringing you warmth and safety. His heartbeat kept a steady rhythm as you clung to him.
Namor said nothing as he held you, running one hand up and down the middle of your back. He found out quickly that you were affectionate and he didn't mind fulfilling your need in moments like this. Your guard was down and it warmed his heart to know that you trusted him, in spite of everything. It did not escape Namor that you could have and should have been angry at him for suggesting the marriage of convenience. But his only thought had been of keeping you from living a life next to M'baku, a noble king but someone who had scarred you, invisibly but deeply. At least with him, there was a chance for more, with time.
"Namor," Your voice was slightly muffled against his chest.
"Yes, in reina," Namor replied, making no move to release you from his arms.
"What does that mean? You've been calling me that since we came back." You asked innocently, your fingers gripped at the cape on his back experimentally, not sure if you were clinging too tightly.
"It means 'my queen'," Namor replied softly, not sure how you would take it.
You pulled away slightly to look up at him. He met your eyes with an apprehensive gaze. You smiled softly, "I like it,"
Namor exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding, "I like it too."
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" You asked, leaning back into his embrace, unable to stop yourself from snuggling into his warmth.
"Yes. But I worry about you. It will be difficult," Namor replied, kissing the crown of your head.
You let the silence sink in. You had thought about your circumstances for hours at a time as the week had passed. Time was moving quickly and also not at all. Tomorrow was your wedding to a man you barely knew, who you chose over a man you had known your whole life. Yet, you couldn't find it in yourself to regret it. You chuckled to yourself, then stood up, surprising Namor.
You gazed at the handsome King, who should intimidate you, even scare you after everything he had done. But you felt safe, you felt cared for. Even if it was not love, not yet, it was close. You felt yourself smile at him, "You promised to take care of me. To make me happy. To love me, while I learned to love you."
Namor tilted his head, a look of amusement on his face, "Yes, in reina. I do not take this lightly. I never took a queen in all my years ruling Talokan. I never felt it necessary nor did I feel compelled to, until now."
"You are cruel and ruthless, Namor. I know this. But I also know that you are kind, protective, and do not act without reason. I trust you, more than I should trust anyone that I have known for such a short time. I don't fear what tomorrow brings because I trust you, wholeheartedly," You cupped the king's cheek. The softness in his eyes at this moment could melt the coldest heart. "May I kiss you, in ajawo?"
Namor's brow raised at the use of his language, and a smile spread across his face. His hand found yours on his cheek and clutched them as you leaned in to kiss him. It was chaste, earnest, and full of promises.
M'baku watched from high up in the council room as the city prepared for the grand celebration that would take place tomorrow. Wakandans and Talokanil alike were setting decorations, preparing a bounty of food, and practicing exhibitions to perform for the new royalty. He wished to drown himself in a barrel of wine or a bottle of whiskey but shook his head. The Jabari King had refused to partake in any alcohol since that fateful night.
He had stopped weeping over what had happened, although the guilt remained. A deserved brow beating from Okoye and several pep talks from Shuri had distracted him from falling into a deep depression. He couldn't even find it in himself to hate K'uk'ulkan. The man reacted in the exact way he would have if he had stumbled upon the same sight.
M'baku dreaded the next day. He dreaded that, without any blood family to be found for you, that he would be the one to give his blessing. The woman he loved would walk from his arms into another man's and it was his own doing. The great Jabari warrior was also worried beyond measure. He admired the feathered serpent god and the kingdom he built, but he knew nothing but cruelty from the man.
Except on that day, of course, the day of the treaty and alliance. He had been gracious, kind, and friendly. M'baku had found an easy comradery with the sea king until it was obvious that you favored the other man. Then his feelings had soured. But he trusted your judgement as much as it broke his heart. He knew you would not have chosen someone that you would not be able to tolerate. From Okoye's words, there may have already been a spark manifesting that first day.
"M'baku, how are you?" The gentle voice of Shuri broke his brooding.
He sighed heavily, turning to the Princess, "As well as can be expected. At least we can say with confidence that I did not completely destroy this alliance before it truly started."
M'baku scoffed at his own comment, sitting heavily on the throne. Shuri approached him slowly, "She has sent a message, asking if you would like to speak with her before tomorrow. She wants you to give the blessing, but only if you wish."
There it was, the expectation of him as your only kin. His father was dead and no other Jabari was close to you in the way that he was. He stared hard at the ground. He would need to see you once before then, if only to release whatever feelings he had pre-emptively, so he would not lose himself in front of the kingdom when he blessed the union. "Tell her to come. She is right, we have things to discuss."
"I am not sure I should go in there with you," Namor stood with you at the doors to the council room.
"I need you with me, in ajawo," You replied, already knowing that using his language would touch him.
Namor sighed as he turned to you, cupping your face in his hands, "In reina, this should be a private conversation. You have not seen him since the betrothal was decided on. You left angry and he was left guilty and devastated. I do not want to intrude on matters of the family."
"You are my family now, Namor. K'uk'ulkan," You grasped his hands in your own, staring into his eyes hoping he would see your desperation. You had thought you were ready to return to the palace, but your anxiety had skyrocketed the moment you entered the familiar halls. "I need you with me, please."
"Do you still fear him?" The Talokan King asked, stepping even closer to you, his thumbs caressing your cheeks.
"I do not, but my body remembers. It rejects this place," A tear escaped and Namor brushed it away. You had never thought you would abhor the Wakandan royal palace but trauma was powerful.
Namor leaned in and kissed your forehead. He stepped back and took your hand before waving his hand for the two Dora soldiers to open the doors for you both. When you entered you found not only M'baku there but also Shuri. A surprise for everyone it seemed.
"K'uk'ulkan," M'baku greeted the other king, standing and nodding his head at him.
"King M'baku," Namor replied with a similar nod. He addressed Shuri, "Princess, we did not know you would also be in attendance."
"I could say the same about you, Namor," Shuri's voice wasn't outright aggressive but still held some steal. There seemed to be no love lost between the former enemies.
"I asked him to be here," You defended him, still gripping his hand. You turned to your childhood friend. "Baku, how are you?"
"I have been better. I trust that he has kept you well," M'baku addressed you, ignoring the other two in the room as best he could. You looked healthy but tired. There was a tension in your body that had never used to be there when you were in his presence and it made his heart clench.
"Yes. I am well, we both are," You glanced at Namor before releasing his hand. He stepped back, not wanting to intrude. When you glanced back at M'baku you noticed the pain in his eyes and how they lingered on your previously joined hands. The tension in the air was suffocating and you knew that it would not wane with the other two people in the room. "Namor, Shuri, can you leave us to talk?"
"Are you sure?" M'baku asked, beating Namor to the question.
"Yes. Namor, you were right this is a matter of family. We need to speak alone," you turned to Namor and Shuri. Namor nodded and turned towards the doors that sprang open. Shuri hesitated but you shook your head. "Please, Shuri."
She sighed then left the room, following the Talokan King. The doors closed behind her and you stood before your childhood friend, your brother in all but blood. Both of you hesitated, not sure how to begin what would be an emotional confrontation. You both tried to speak at the same time and then simultaneously gestured for the other to go first. You both smiled slightly.
"You do not have to give the blessing, we can go without it," You began.
"I will do it. My father would have wanted it that way. It is also asking for K'uk'ulkan's word that although he is taking you from us, he will not forget your heritage and what this marriage means. It is tradition," M'baku insisted. "It will look good to the people. Outside of those involved, a few of the Dora, and the council, no one knows what took place that night. We are framing my bringing you to the table during the treaty celebration as our introduction of a marriage alliance. It will look like a decisive diplomatic decision. It will be celebrated as such."
You listened intently, understanding that appearances had to be kept, and honor maintained. He was waiting for you to say something but your mouth ran dry. M'baku had truly taken on the mantle of King and was doing a fine job despite the emotional turmoil.
You took a deep breath and stepped forward. You willed the tension to leave your body and the anxious shaking to stop. You gently took his much larger hands in yours, "Baku, I forgive you. I want you to let go of any guilt so that tomorrow we can really celebrate. Father would have wanted that."
The Jabari King gripped your hands firmly. He shook his head, sadness bearing down on his large form. "I never wanted this. Even when you left I knew you left because of my growing feelings. I didn't ask you to stay then because I didn't want to force you. I didn't want to ask you for something you couldn't give. I never thought I would try and take from you."
"You were drunk and asleep," you cupped his cheek, making him meet your gaze. The proximity had your heart racing. "I know you M'baku. I know you better than anyone and you would never hurt me on purpose. So I ask, that tomorrow, you be happy for me. It is sudden, and it comes from a sad incident, but I truly believe I can be happy with him. He has only shown me compassion in this short time. Even when I have ignored him or lashed out. He has only been gracious."
"I did not expect him to offer to marry you," M'baku revealed, his hand came up to hold the one you had on his cheek. "I did not expect you to accept either."
You hesitated, feeling the warmth of him as he leant into your touch. The familiar smell of him surrounded you. The grip he had on your hand felt so normal but also too tight. Your breathing sped up and you were overcome with the memories of his weight on you. You gasped, and shoved him away.
M'baku was shocked then his face crumbled with shame. You willed yourself to breathe normally, hugging yourself, "Baku, I'm sorry."
He coughed, stopping the sob that fought to rip through his chest. The King stepped back, giving you room, lifting a hand to stop you when you tried to step forward. "You made the right decision. I would have hated to see you fear me every day. Don't apologize."
"One day, I promise I will be able to hug you again. Like old times. We will spar in the snow, and I will tackle you and wrestle like we used to," You put on a brave face, the memories of that night still playing in the back of your mind.
"Go, I'm sure K'uk'ulkan will want you well rested for tomorrow. You must show him what a beautiful bride Wakanda has brought to him," M'baku tried to joke.
You were still shaky as you turned to the doors. When they opened, Shuri entered first. She scanned your shaking form with concern but you shook your head, walking past her. Shuri watched as you walked straight into Namor's waiting arms, and buried your face into his neck. He clutched you and whispered something in your ear that made you nod. The Talokan King looked up, nodded at Shuri and glanced at M'baku, before he turned with you and heading down the hall. Shuri watched until you and Namor were out of sight before she commanded the door closed and approached the Wakandan King.
"What happened?" She asked, taking in the stoic king who was staring up at a point on the ceiling.
"I will give my blessing tomorrow and watch her marry K'uk'ulkan." He replied, running heavy hand across his face before meeting the Princess' piercing gaze, "She will be happier with him than she can ever be with me. Today proved that."
Shuri was not at all convinced that M'baku believed what he said but she only nodded, worrying about her friends.
Namor turned at the sound of your approach. He took in your wedding clothes, a mix of Jabari furs, though lighter than tradition, and flowing Talokanil fabric. You were draped in jewelry and your hair intricately braided. He approached you with a smile, taking your hand a laying a kiss upon your knuckles, "You look beautiful, in reina."
"You look beautiful too," You replied. His skin matched the stunning gold that graced his body. He wore a cape that covered half his chest and atop his head was the grand headdress he had worn at the celebration of the alliance.
"Are you ready?" He asked, entwining your hand in his as he led you to the double doors.
You nodded, making the jewelry in your hair jingle. You stopped and looked up at the handsome visage of the king, feeling surprisingly giddy. You could hear the music and the chatter of the people. Both countries had come together to celebrate a prosperous union and the excitement was infectious.
"Namor, K'uk'ulkan," You addressed your betrothed who smiled down at you, also being sucked in by the jovial atmosphere permeating through the doors of the grand hall. "I am happy to be marrying you. In spite of everything that has led to this moment, I look forward to being your wife and Queen."
The King smiled broadly as he cupped your cheek, "I promise, in reina, your happiness will be mine to protect from now on."
With those words he took your hand and pushed open the doors. You walked together down the procession line, regal and majestic towards the dais that looked over the crowd. There were cheers and music as you presented yourselves before your people. You noticed that the entire Jabari tribe was in attendance, your fellow warriors coming to see you off. The Talokanil were also present, dressed in light clothing that shined with the gleam of vibranium threading. There was singing and dancing as you made your way through the crowd.
Once you had made it to the dais, there stood a Talokanil shaman and a council member to officiate. The crowd died down at their command. Before you lay a table with representations of the four elements, a tradition of Mayan weddings. The grand headdress was removed from Namor's head as incense was lit and waved around the expanse of the space.
The council member spoke first, "We now ask for a member of the Jabari tribe to witness and bless this union for the prosperity of the alliance between Wakanda and Talokan. To the happiness of the daughter of Jabariland and the first son of Talokan."
M'baku stepped forth. His expression was schooled but softened when you met his gaze and smiled at him. "It is with great pleasure, that I, M'baku, King of Wakanda and Son of the Jabari, bless this union and wish the greatest happiness to this daughter of the Jabari and my dearest friend. To K'uk'ulkan I ask that this union remain a symbol of not only our alliance but of your promises to treat this treasured woman as precious and as much one of yours as she is ours. Let our ancestors also bless this union and bring peace and happiness to these lands."
Cheers exploded as he draped you and then Namor each in a gold necklace. Namor nodded and shook M'baku's hand. They exchanged words that you could not hear over the sounds of jubilation. When M'baku stepped back, the Wakandan council man moved forward. He compelled you both to repeat after him as he expressed traditional vows of love and loyalty. You felt your heart swell with each devotion. Hearing Namor repeat the words as he gripped your hand tightly solidified that you had made the right choice. The way the Talokanil King looked at you as he slid the ring onto your finger and you did the same to him spoke volumes of how much he already cared for you. There were cheers from the Wakandans as the first half of the ceremony ended.
The shaman of Talokan took his turn. He spoke in Yucatec Mayan with Griot blasting a translation from speakers embedded in the halls.
"We stand before the Mother Earth and the Cosmos to bring this union together in their spiritual blessing," The shaman lit a candle in the middle of the table. Namor gestured for you to stand at one side of the table as he stood at the other. You looked upon the flowers, fruits, seeds, and candle on the table before looking back into the eyes of the king. His gaze was warm then it changed. Suddenly steely and full of rage, but it wasn't directed at you.
In an instant, Namor stepped around the table and caught the spear, inches before it impaled your chest. He whipped around and threw it full bodied in the direction it came. The crowd was shocked into silence as they witnessed the spear pierce the chest of a Talokanil woman and lodged itself into the ground, pinning her so she could only stand impaled.
"What is the meaning of this?" M'baku yelled, stepping forward.
Namor turned, eyes full of rage, "Stay with her."
The command was harsh and the look in the serpent god's eyes reminded the Wakandan King of the barely survived punch to his chest during the battle of Wakanda. He placed himself to block you partially with his body as Namor flew to the end of the procession. Namora and Attuma appeared from the crowd, flanking him as he landed before the impaled warrior. Namor's voice echoed in Yucatec Mayan that Griot continued to translate.
"Child, what is the meaning of this? You ask for your death by attacking my Queen on our wedding day. You insult the people of Talokan and Wakanda with this dangerous farce!" His voice was barely controlled rage as he came up to the face of the Talokanil woman.
She spat at the king despite her mask, knowing the gesture would get her meaning across, "You insult us K'uk'ulkan! You insult the very kingdom you say you protect by choosing a surface dweller as our Queen."
"Our ancestors once sacrificed humans to the gods in exchange for blessings. I think it is time that we do that again," Namor nodded at Attuma and Namora who moved to carry the offending woman. Pulling her form from the spear that was still pierced through her made her screams echo in the spacious hall. Namor headed back towards the dais as the woman screamed and fought.
"You will bring us to our ends! I am not the only one who sees how you fall from grace K'uk'ulkan!" She continued to berate the king.
When Namor reached the table again he gruffly told M'baku to step back to his place. Namor took your hands and looked at you, "No one will harm you."
You were astonished at the display of violence and cruelty. But the logically part of you knew that this was the man who had killed Queen Ramonda without a hint of remorse. This was the man that had attempted to take Wakanda under his rule. This was just another part of the man you were to marry. He sighed, and you saw his shoulders fall slightly, and his eyes soften. Namor returned to the gentle king that you knew him as, "Forgive me, in reina. But I must make an example of her."
"In ajawo," You spoke softly, "she really meant to kill me?"
"Yes," Namor confirmed before his eyes hardened again and he turned from you. Namora and Attuma held the woman with her her back on the table and her legs draped over the edge, a trail of blood had followed them. She still fought against her captors, even turning to spit in your directions. Blood was pooling in her breather as she glared at you.
"You will never be the true Queen of Talokan," She raged at you.
Namor had taken a dagger from the Shaman. You could see the Wakandans watching in horror. The Dora Milaje tried to control the crowd, until someone screamed, "Spare her, this is not the way!"
M'baku was the one to address the crowd, cooing as the rest of the Jabari joined him until the people were silent. "This woman has committed an act of treason not only to Talokan but to Wakanda! She offends not only King K'uk'ulkan but Jabariland as well! Her penalty from the Wakanda of old would be banishment. But the Wakanda under my rule sentences her to death. She however is not one of ours to lay charges against. She belongs to Talokan and if they wish to sacrifice her as penance, if they wish to offer her life to their gods, then I allow it."
Namor was surprised by the backing of M'baku. When their gazes met an understanding formed. This was a personal vengeance for an attack on the woman they both cherished. M'baku returned to his place, ignoring the appalled stare from Shuri and Okoye who stood off to the side. There were murmurs in the crowds of Wakandans and Talokanil alike.
Namor lifted the ceremonial dagger, "With this sacrifice we pay back, in part, our debt to the gods and all their blessings. We spill this blood as an act of union between lands and people. Let the gods of the world answer our calls for blessings. With this sacrifice we invoke the powers that bring us into this world and take us from it."
With a powerful swing, Namor shoved the dagger deep into the chest of the Talokanil warrior, twisted it and then let her blood flow from the table and onto the floor.
The Shaman, unfazed, blew the conch shell and continued the ceremony, "We call upon the cardinal powers of the elements; fire, earth, water, and air, to purify this sacrifice and guide this partnership through light and love."
The Shaman moved forward and took your hand and Namor's placing them together and tying them with a red woven strip of cloth. He guided your hands to pour a pitcher of water over the table, over the seeds, flowers, fruit, and blood. "Let us now rejoice in this union and welcome the Queen of Talokan!"
There was a moment of hesitation before the Talokanil cheered riotously, followed by the more apprehensive Wakandans. Namor pulled you close to him, cupped your cheeks, and kissed you. You could do nothing but kiss him back as your mind reeled.
I'm sorry. Theres a part 3 in the works
leave me reviews, please
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
You have a great opportunity to experience heart healing at this time. In the past, you may have found it difficult to trust and let yourself be loved, and therefore had many barriers up that stopped others from seeing your true worth. Now you find yourself in an empowered position where you are open to the possibility of partnership. This is very exciting! You know for a fact that you don’t need anyone else to validate you or complete you, but this doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be nice to be cherished and supported.
If you aren’t in a relationship, the Universe is presenting opportunities for you to experience a real soul‑to‑soul connection. This can only happen, though, if you stop letting past experiences cloud your judgment in the present. If you are already in a relationship, know that there is an opportunity to take it further at this time. Either way, enjoy the experience.
Rama and Sita are Hindu personifications of the divine masculine and feminine and are associated with the festival of light, Diwali. Embodiments of divine love and holy union, this magical couple can be invoked for help with overcoming challenges in relationships and can help those who are ready to open their heart to love. Rama and Sita are the central figures in the Indian epic the Ramayana. In short, the story is that Rama and Sita were royal rulers and a great demon lured Sita away by impersonating a wounded animal and an injured beggar in the forest. As Sita had great compassion, she fell into the trap and was stolen away from her one true love. On his quest to find her, Rama led an army of monkey warriors, including its leader, Hanuman, into a battle between good and evil. They prevailed and the royal couple were united once more. Their coming together is still celebrated today.
DECK: Divine Masters Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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omshant · 7 months
Real talk: do you guys think I am Shiva? He's the destroyer. Should I even ask that tho? That seems kind of strange to me especially as a prisoner/lover/and slave of Jesus Christ. But idk. I cannot get this idea out of my head. And Rudra is like calling out to me or something. I actually try to reject that stuff and not listen to it, it's too weird and esoteric and idk.. but it keeps coming up again. And who is NMUHAMODH NGU?
Was Muhammad (PBUH) a true prophet, a prophet sent only to and for the Djinn (earthbound souls of children and/or sprites), a covert apostle, a fraud, a victim of conspiracy and persecution, a charismatic, a conqueror, (just) another author, or someone or something else?..
Just another author: that's the funniest option to me. Covert apostle would be the most interesting. But I think my answer would have to be that he was a persecuted messenger sent only to and for the Djinn whose material got twisted up by the uncles and made into a religion. Idk. That seems really kind of random or specific I guess. But that's just how I feel. Dude actually I'm pretty confident on that, but I don't really have facts or support to back it. I don't know why I just really really feel it.
Islam is a cancer on the world still. But the fine points of beauty is Islam cannot be erased.
Also, do you guys believe the Apostle Paul is my Roshi? :) I love him so much. I love him more than words can tell. Dude his heart is so amazing. I just love him even though multiple times I've tried to reject him and consider the Bible without his books. Sometimes I don't even want to read his letters because I cannot grasp the contents and I get so confused. Other times I'm craving them more than anything else in the world. Ephesians. Philippians. Philemon.
I wonder if I embrace Shiva, if I then have to credit something to the other deities of Hinduism.. what would they be? Kali, Krishna and other avatars of Vishnu, Rama, Saraswati and Mahishasura Mardini (I'm very curious about those two).. Durga, Brahma, Ganesha, and others.. and what about Hanuman as Shiva.. what about Hanuman????? I thought maybe Shiva was an angel or just MAHA SAGAR or something. I guess Shiva is a time traveler kind of..
I just gotta quit this leaven, My Guys. I just don't know if I can.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Some Interesting Facts On The Hindu Epic Ramayana
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I hope I am not boring you with my posts on Adipurush, a movie that you seem to hate as I believe it has shown certain things that hurt Hindu sentiments. People have been criticizing Lord Ram and Sita’s attire, Bajrang Bali’s facial hair, and also the way Ravan has been depicted in Adipurush. However, mind it that I am not really praising the action-adventure drama Adipursuh, but I am singing the praises of the original Hindu epic Ramayana, which you must be very well familiar with. So, in this post, I am presenting some interesting facts about Ramayana which some of you may be familiar with if you are a Hindu like me. I have acquired knowledge of Ramayana over the decades and these are very minor portions of the massive knowledge of Ramayana that I have accumulated. If you want proof of these facts, I would advise you to read Ramayana by yourself. Did Prabhu Shri Ram Really Exist? International researchers have found that the Ramayana, which was written by Sage Valmiki 10,000 years ago, is actually based on a chronicle of events and characters recorded by him. This is not a work of fiction. This really happened during his era. People justify the existence of Lord Ram with the Ram Setu a.k.a. the Adam’s Bridge, which is a chain of natural limestone shoals connecting India and Sri Lanka. But the major conflict with this concept lies in the fact that Sri Lanka was not the actual Ravan’s Lanka. In Ramayana, the location of the island nation of Ravan’s Lanka is somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean where the Mauritius Islands and British Islands are situated at present. So I would like to ask you, how come Lord Ram built the Ram Setu to travel to Sri Lanka when Sri Lanka was not the actual Ravan’s Lanka? Think logically! As of now, there is no actual proof of the existence of Lord Ram. But there is proof of the existence of Lord Bajrang Bali. It is said that Bajrang Bali, being an avatar of Lord Shiva, had the superpower to alter his form and assume the height of a behemoth giant and he could even become small like an ant. Near Ashokvan in Sri Lanka, where Ravan was supposed to have kept Sita, there are massive footprints of Lord Bajrang Bali. These footprints are from the time when Bajrang Bali traveled to “Lanka” to meet Sita. Note that it is still unsure whether Sri Lanka was Ravan’s Lanka. The footprints are massive! While he walked, the footprints differ as he changed his form from his enormous size to his original size upon reaching Lanka. But does this mean then Sri Lanka was actually Ravan’s Lanka? Who knows, these all happened very long ago for anybody to estimate the correct facts. If Bajrang Bali was real, and Ravan was real, which I will be proving in the next sections, so was Lord Ram. Legends say that after rescuing Sita from Ravan, Lord Ram doubted her chastity. She had to go through the “Agni Pariksha”, which means “trial by fire”, to prove her purity to her husband. She had to enter a burning pyre to prove herself as “pure”. She proved her purity as the fire did not burn her, and she came out unscathed. Legends also say that as Ravan arrived to kidnap Sita, she prayed before the Fire God “Agni Dev” and the Fire God created her exact double. It was Sita’s exact lookalike, not her, whom Ravan had actually taken to Lanka while the Fire God took the real Sita to heaven with him. Therefore, Ram was bound to perform the Agni Pariksha on Sita. When the lookalike of Sita was made to enter the fire, the Fire God destroyed the lookalike and restored the real Sita. This was the actual reason why Ram performed the "trial by fire" on Sita, according to other legends. Was Ram’s Biggest Devotee, Bajrang Bali a.k.a Lord Hanuman, Really A Half-Man And Half-Monkey? After my research on Lord Hanuman a.k.a Bajrang Bali, who was Lord Ram’s biggest devotee, I came to the conclusion that he was no half-man and half-monkey. He was a human being just like you and me. A big, tall, sturdy man, even bigger than any giant WWE wrestler you have ever seen. I will now tell you the reason, why he has been depicted as a man-monkey in Ramayana. Actually, he belonged to the “Vanar” sect of the then society. The word “Vanar” means "monkey" and that’s the reason people usually “imagine” him as a monkey. In reality, he was neither a monkey nor a half-man and half-monkey. He was a forest-dwelling man. So, were the other Vanars. Just like Bajrang Bali, they were not chimpanzees, gorillas, and baboons, but they were forest-dwelling men who went with Lord Ram to Ravan’s Lanka to rescue Sita. You might have heard of Bollywood star Tiger Shroff. Does his name "Tiger" mean that he has a head of a tiger and a body of a man? No! Jokes apart, the same is the case with Bajrang Bali a.k.a Hanuman. People simply can’t stop imagining him as a half-man and half-monkey just because of the “section” or “caste” of the then society to which he belonged as per Ramayana. When Lord Ram first met Bajrang Bali, he talked to him and was impressed with his wisdom. He told his younger brother Lakshman about Bajrang Bali. Ram asked Lakshman in the Sanskrit language – II Na Ana Rigved Vinitasya Na A Yajurved Dharina Na A Samved Vidusha Shakyam Evam Vibhashitum II This means, “The person with whom I just talked to was well-versed in all the four Vedas. Who is this enlightened man who is well-trained in the Rigveda, has enormous power to remember the Yaajurvda, and has achieved scholarly knowledge of the Samveda? The manner in which he talked to me, this type of impressive conversation is impossible without Vedic knowledge!” So, do you think that such a learned man who had achieved all the wisdom of this world, can be a monkey? No! Never! Lord Hanuman or Bajrang Bali was a human just like you and me. Bajrang Bali was the avatar of Lord Shiva. There are tales where Bajrang Bali went to Sita and asked her for some food. Sita then started preparing meals for Bajrang Bali and kept on serving him. But the more she served, the more he ate! This continued until Sita became worried that very soon all her supplies will be over if Bajrang Bali kept on eating like that. Bajrang Bali kept on asking for food and Sita went on serving him. Sita then pleaded before Lord Shiva that if Bajrang Bali’s hunger is not satiated soon, all her supplies may get over. It was then Lord Shiva appeared behind Bajrang Bali. Sita saw to her amazement that it was Lord Shiva himself who was devouring her supplies, as Bajrang Bali was none other than an avatar of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva, in fact, was testing her. It was then Lord Ram who gave a tulsi leaf to Sita with his name written on it and asked her to feed it to Bajrang Bali. Upon consuming the tulsi leaf, Bajrang Bali gave a massive belch as his hunger was satiated. As per Valmiki’s Ramayana "Uttar kand 36.23", Lord Brahma said to the God of the Winds, “Your son, Bajrang Bali, will be terrible towards enemies and will be invincible to friends. No one can defeat him in wars!” And that’s how Bajrang Bali was. He was invincible and possessed divine powers to do things that would seem impossible to anybody. According to Hindu mythology, Bajrang Bali possesses the gift of immortality. As a celestial being and an incarnation of Lord Shiva's divine energy, it has been said that Bajrang Bali will reside on the Gandhamadan mountain in Kaliyug (which is now), transcending the boundaries of time and mortality. You may not believe this but as per reports, he is still alive, but is in the form of energy. He is an avatar of Lord Shiva and so, he is not visible to the naked eye in Kaliyug. It is said that, at present, he is meditating in the mountains. You must be thinking, what rubbish I am speaking of. These are facts based on my research and let me tell you, I am from a science background. Science does not believe in God. But there are certain things on this planet that science fails to explain. Ravan - The Brahmasur: Proof Of His Existence Ravan was actually a half-Brahmin and half-demon. That’s why he is often referred to as Brahmasur. Ravan’s father was Vishwashrava, who was a Brahmin and his mother was Kaikasi, who was a demoness. I would like to clear up the misconception that most people have regarding Ravan. Ravan has been represented as a demon with ten heads. That’s what we think! Because Ravan represents evil, so we imagine him as a demon with ten heads. But this is far from reality. Ravan was a human with great powers, and he lived 10,000 years ago. There is no arguing to the fact that the man was huge! He stood at a staggering height of 16 to 18 feet, that’s why he is often represented as a demon. And also because of his evil manners, where tales reveal that he once tried to rape a damsel named Rambha who was the consort of Nalakuvara, the son of the God of wealth Kuber. So, the angry Nalakuvara cursed Ravan that if he tries to even touch any woman without her consent, his head will blow up into pieces. And mind you, in earlier times, the curses of Gods and sages were so powerful that if they cursed someone, that person was sure to be doomed. As a result, after Ravan abducted Sita, he didn’t do anything wrong to her. That’s the reason Sita remained pure in Ravan’s captivity. He never touched her. Now, I would like to talk about the ten heads of Ravan. You are wrong if you think that Ravan used to have ten heads or that those ten heads appeared whenever he wished them to. Actually, ten heads signify how learned and wise Ravan was. If you think that he was a cruel and wicked ruler, then you are mistaken. As a ruler, Ravan was magnificent, and he was also a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Under him, the kingdom of Lanka shone with gold and prosperity. The ten heads of Ravan actually represent that he had mastered all of the six Shastras and four Vedas in Hinduism. That’s why he is said to possess the "wisdom" of ten heads. He did not actually have ten heads. Also, Ravan and his kingdom of Lanka depicted in Adipurush are absolutely fake. The kingdom of Lanka shown in Adipurush has been depicted to be covered in darkness and surrounded by monstrous creatures. This is far from reality! The real Lanka. described in Ramayana, used to shine in gold and was the most glamorous kingdom you would have ever seen. Talking about Ravan’s existence, he did exist around 10,000 years ago. He had authored books like “Ravan Samhita” which focuses on Lord Shiva’s worship, astrology, and medicine. He had also written the book “Arka Prakasham” which focuses on Siddha Medicine. I have both the books with me and they have been legitimately written by Ravan. I have to tell you, instead of abusing Ravan, if you read the books which he had written, you will become one of the wisest persons in this world. Ravan was also a maestro veena player and he himself had composed the “Shiv Tandav Stotram” which Hindus chant even today. If you ask me, I would say that Ramayana may be a semi-fiction that had been woven around a great learned king who ruled over the land of Lanka many years ago. If you think, the airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers in 1903, then too you are mistaken. Ravan had his own “airplane” in which he had abducted Sita. There was no Godzilla-sized flying vampire bat that has been shown in Adipurush. Ravan’s airplane was called “Pushpak Viman” and he used to fly from Lanka to India crossing the Indian Ocean on that. It is said that Ravan actually had stolen the Pushpak Viman from Lord Kuber, the lord of wealth. Ravan’s kingdom of Lanka which has been mentioned in Ramayana, was exactly at the location where at present the Mauritius Islands and British Islands are located. It is not the country of Sri Lanka. Who knows, maybe the Mauritius Islands and British Islands were conjoined into the land of Lanka 10,000 years ago. Ravan had asked for a boon of immortality from Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma politely declined the immortality boon and instead gave Ravan the boon to become invincible. Brahma also said to Ravan that his life would be at his navel. While giving Ravan the boon of invincibility, Brahma mentioned that no God or Demon can kill you, but he forgot to mention human beings! God Vishnu, thus, incarnated himself as “Lord Ram” and came to earth as a human being to kill Ravan. On the tenth day of the battle between Lord Ram and Ravan, Vibhishan (Ravan’s younger brother) told Ram to strike an arrow at Ravan’s navel, thus, killing him. Now if you ask me, why Ravan kidnapped Sita? Was he so lustful that he would marry her at the cost of his life? No! The fact is that Ravan himself wanted to die at the hands of Lord Ram! Surprised? Well then let me tell you that facts reveal that Ravan actually knew that he was destined to die at the hands of Lord Ram, who was an avatar of God Vishnu. He was told that he would be killed by an avatar of Vishnu, and he knew that the Vishnu avatar was none other than Lord Ram. That’s the reason he abducted Lord Ram’s wife because he wanted Ram to come for him and kill him. After being killed by Lord Ram, Ravan attained salvation, which means he would never be reborn on Earth ever again. He died at the hands of God! After Lord Ram shot Ravan, and he was on the verge of dying, Ram told his brother Lakshman to hurry and take blessings, words of wisdom, and life lessons from Ravan. Lakshman approached the dying Ravan, stood at his head, and said, " O the great learned Demon King, do not let your knowledge die with you. Share it with us and wash away your sins”. The dying Ravan did not respond to Lakshman and looked away. An angry Lakshman went back to Ram and told him that Ravan was too arrogant to tell him anything. Ram comforted his brother and asked him softly, “Where did you stand while asking Ravan for knowledge?” Lakshman said, “Next to his head so that I can clearly hear what he had to say”. Now, Ram walked to where Ravan lay. Lakshman watched in astonishment as his elder brother knelt at Ravan’s feet. With palms folded, he bowed before the dying Ravan. With extreme respect, Ram said to Ravan, “O Lord of Lanka, you abducted my wife, a terrible crime for which I have been forced to punish you. Now, you are no more my enemy. I bow to you and request you to share your wisdom with me. Please do that for if you die without doing so, all your wisdom will be lost forever to the world”. To Lakshman’s surprise, Ravan opened his eyes. He raised his arms to salute Ram and said, “If only I had more time as your teacher than as your enemy." Ravan further continued, "Standing at my feet as a student should, unlike your rude younger brother, you are a worthy recipient of my knowledge. I have very little time, so I cannot share much but let me tell you one important lesson I have learned in my life. Things that are bad for you, seduce you easily; you run towards them impatiently. But things that are actually good for you, fail to attract you; you shun them creatively, finding powerful excuses to justify your procrastination. That is why I was impatient to abduct Sita but avoided meeting you. This is the wisdom of my life, O Lord Ram. I salute you, and these are my last words. I give it to you”. It was then Lakshman stood at Ravan’s feet respectfully and then Ravan narrated to him some life lessons which I am presenting before you. - Do not be an enemy of your charioteer, your gatekeeper, your cook, and your brother. They can harm you anytime. - Do not think you are always a winner, even if you are always winning. - Always trust the minister who criticizes you. - Never think of your enemy as weak or powerless, like I thought of Hanuman. - Never think you can outsmart the stars, they will bring you what you are destined to. - Either love or hate God, but both should be immense and strong. It has been revealed by the Sri Lankan government that they have kept Ravan’s corpse preserved in a coffin which is 18 feet long, inside a cave in Sri Lanka. It is not known whether this claim by the Sri Lankan government is legitimate or not. To end this, I would like to conclude with the saying-- II Rāmādivat Vartitavyaṃ Na Tu Rāvaṇādivat II This means, “One should behave like Lord Ram and not like Ravan”. Ram and Ravan are two men of contrasting characters in the Ramayana. Both had knowledge, wealth, and power. Ravan was a great learned man and he had studied the Vedas but he did not possess any sense of modesty or humanity. He tried to rule the three worlds, heaven, hell, and earth all by himself. He used his power to harm the noble and the pious. In contrast, Ram used his power and wealth to serve the people. And also if you think that Adipurush has been taken from “Planet of the Apes”, then again you are mistaken. It was actually the “Planet of the Apes” that was hugely inspired by the Hindu epic Ramayana. Guys, I can go on narrating about Ramayana for eternity. But I believe this much knowledge of Ramayana is enough for the time being. I will see you guys in my upcoming reviews on The Movie Blog! The original "Shiv Tandav Stotram". This chant of Lord Shiva was composed by Ravan himself! https://youtu.be/2IlzAP9ibT0 Read the full article
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poonamranius · 2 years
पृथ्वी से 28 लाख गुना सूर्य हनुमान कैसे निगल गया? क्या यह विज्ञान के साथ मजाक नहीं है? Facts about Hanuman Eating Sun Story In Hindi
पृथ्वी से 28 लाख गुना सूर्य हनुमान कैसे निगल गया? क्या यह विज्ञान के साथ मजाक नहीं है? Facts about Hanuman Eating Sun Story In Hindi
Facts about Hanuman Eating Sun Story In Hindi : पृथ्वी से 28 लाख गुना सूर्य हनुमान कैसे निगल गया? क्या यह विज्ञान के साथ मजाक नहीं है? या तो मजाकिया तौर पर यह सवाल पूछा है या फिर यह सवाल इसलिए पूछा है कि देखते है लोग कैसे–कैसे कॉमेंट करेंगे। इस हिसाब से तो आपको हर उस चीज पर सवाल उठाने चाहिए जो की आसान नहीं है। जैसे कि हनुमान जी ने बिन थके इतना विशाल समुद्र कैसे पार कर लिया। अरे श्री हनुमान जी…
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ltwilliammowett · 4 years
The mermaid- the Myth
A mythological creature has fascinated sailors throughout time, and it wasn't really the kraken, it was the merfolk. A creature half human and half fish and almost everyone knows it. Because they are also present in almost every culture and have been for thousands of years. Archaeologists have found accounts in Mesopotamian mythology of Oannes, a male fish-god from over five thousand years ago. In Assyria (around 1000 BC) there is the goddess Atargatis, a woman who was transformed into a mermaid as punishment after she had killed her lover. The Greeks also knew sea creatures, as the followers of Poseidon were Νηρεΐδες, Nereids.
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The sea maiden, by Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919)
One legend even says that Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike, was transformed into a mermaid after her death in 295 BC. In Ireland, it is the merrows, both male and female, who are the main creatures there. In South Asia she is known as Suvannamaccha, a princess who fell in love with a human. In Western Europe, especially in Hungary, France and Germany, is Melusine a girl who has a human father and a fairy mother and therefore has a fish tail.
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Ramakien Murals depicting the hero Hanuman meeting the mermaid Suvannamaccha, Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok, Thailand (1831)
Africa calls her Mami Wata- mother of the sea, she is also considered a goddess. The ancient Chinese Shanhaijing text contains descriptions of mermaids, as well as early Japanese and Korean sources, although their versions combine a fish body with a human head.
These are only a few examples and as you can see these beings are everywhere and often they are women. Besides these mermaids there are also other creatures that are counted among them but they are no mermaids. Like for example, the Scottish Selkie, the Greek Siren, nymphs or the German Undine or the Loreley.
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Ulysses and the Sirens, by Herbert James Draper 1909. In modern times, sirens have been used to depict mermaids. In ancient times sirens were half woman and bird 
In the seafaring folklore mermaids are both good and bad. This contradictory personality as a beautiful and seductive virgin and as a monstrous sea creature is a fitting example of the wild, violent and yet fascinating nature of the sea itself. They are said to be vengeful, addictive creatures; if no respect is shown for them, the ship is doomed. They cause storms, confuse the crew or lure an innocent seaman overboard to finally drown him. On the other hand, she was also good for calming the sea and therefore many Figureheads were mermaids.
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Mermaid  figurehead, Prince Fredericks Barge 1732
Of course, this myth formation was further nourished by repeated sightings. Colombus reported seeing a three mermaids on his first voyage to south america. On 4 January 1493 he wrote in his log that the female forms “...rose high out of the sea, but were not as beautiful as they are represented.” Another mermaid encounter once offered as a true story is described in Edward Snow's "Incredible Mysteries and Legends of the Sea." A sea captain off the coast of Newfoundland described his 1614 encounter: "Captain John Smith saw a mermaid 'swimming about with all possible grace.' He pictured her as having large eyes, a finely shaped nose that was 'somewhat short, and well-formed ears' that were rather too long. Smith goes on to say that "her long green hair imparted to her an original character that was by no means unattractive.'" In fact Smith was so taken with this lovely woman that he began "to experience the first effects of love" as he gazed at her before his sudden (and surely profoundly disappointing) realization that she was a fish from the waist down.
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Mermaid by Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann 1873
Several mermaids were reported in the late 19th century near Vancouver, while one was reported off Victoria in British Columbia in 1967. In August 2009, after dozens of people reported seeing a mermaid leaping out of Haifa Bay and doing aerial tricks, the Israeli coastal town of Kiryat Yam offered a $1 million reward for proof of the creature’s existence. As recently as February 2012, work on two reservoirs near Gokwe and Mutare in Zimbabwe stopped when workers refused to continue, stating that mermaids had hounded them away from the sites.
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Advertisements depicted the Feejee Mermaid as a beautiful creature
The desire of the public to have such accounts confirmed has led to the inevitable hoaxes being played on the gullible for profit. Fake mermaids made in China and the Malay Archipelago from monkey and fish parts were exported to Europe by Dutch traders from the mid-16th century onwards. In 1825 a very convincing mermaid from Japan drew large crowds to Bartholomew’s Fair in London where it was being exhibited.
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A 'Feejee' mermaid, 19th century, a Victorian hoax, a novelty taxidermy specimen constructed from part fish, part monkey
On inspection, it proved to be the body of a woman with an enormous fish’s tail stitched to her skin. Never one to miss a lucrative trick, P.T. Barnum was soon exhibiting his own Fiji mermaid in the US, produced in much the same way.
Apart from sightings and supposedly real mermaids, the mermaid experienced a real hype in art but also in literature which led to numerous pictures, fairy tales and novels but also to movies and sport. Until today the mermaid is one of the most popular mythological creatures. Even though manatees or other animals have probably always been thought as supposed mermaids. 
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
Okay so this may not make sense unless you seen BNA, But How would Guilds of your choice react to the fact that MC is a beastmen, but can switch between their beast form and human form(Going off on that they thought MC was fully human), and maybe a little on Shino would react 😖(cause well..you know when it comes to his past love and the whole-thing) Sorry if this seems like a lot and if you don't want to do it, you can just delete this. Have a good day or night.
Yessss I just started watching it actually and it’s SO GOOD!!! I do hope that these hcs are what you were looking for! Also I’m doing this under the assumption that MC knew they were a Beastman! Enjoy hun~
With how close you and the Summoners are on a daily basis this was bound to come out eventually, so when they all learn that you’re not entirely human like they had all first assumed needless to say there’s a whole lot of questions. Shiro at first goes off on a tangent, speculating that your sudden shifting ability could maybe be some undiscovered ability of your sacred artifact since all the other transients you guys have met with similar abilities have all been because of their sacred artifact. He lays off when you assure him that you’re pretty sure you were a beastman long before you came to Tokyo but that just brings about a whole bunch of other questions about beastmen types and abilities. He’s honestly so intrigued that for a moment some of his questions probably push the boundaries of what he’s usually like so just be sure to give him a lil nudge to think before he asks.
Kengo doesn’t really see what the big deal is - to him it’s just one more cool thing about you! However even he thinks it’s pretty neat that you can switch between two different forms at will. He’ll ask the obvious questions about the differences between your human and beastman form - does it make you stronger? Give you special powers? Make you look more intimidating? Though he has to remind himself that you can change forms whenever you want because you’ve shocked him more than once when he turns away for a moment and then turns back to find you’ve changed in that momentary time span.
Ryota can’t stop himself from fawning over your new appearance, asking you why you never told them about this before because you look so cute! If you’re okay with it he really wants to feel the new changes that come with your beastman form; he’ll compare his hand to yours and cuddle up to you as he admires your new appearance, the whole time asking if everything’s okay at different intervals. Plus if you have fur fully expect him to give you plenty of fuss because it’s just so soft!
Hanuman is super psyched when he finds out! He’s constantly asking you to switch back and forth to see how quickly you can shift and if you humor him with it he’ll be grinning like a dork the whole time because it is so entertaining. Agyo swiftly jumps in eventually to scold Hanuman into letting up and giving you a break, even as you laugh it off and say that it’s fine. Agyo doesn’t have nearly as much of a reaction as you thought he would, but if you’re some kind of beastman though he makes an offhand comment to himself that you look like you’d make a pretty good guardian dog partner now!
Moritaka, similar to the others, is taken aback when you first tell the Summoners, but doesn’t truly believe it until he sees you shift back and forth with his own eyes - somehow seeing it happen right in front of him suddenly makes you beastman abilities more real than just simple words. He’s equally entertained watching Ryota fawning over your new appearance and Hanuman egging you on with the switching, but acts as a voice of reason if they get a bit too much. To him it’s almost like you’re just like any other therian when in your beastman form, but he goes out of his way to remind his rambunctious friends that even while not being entirely human like they all first though you’re still you. A part of him also ponders how Yatsufusa would react upon learning that the one who holds the soul of his beloved is a beastman, but that’s a question to wonder for another time.
At this point there’s been enough surprises and sudden revelations about you that Toji thinks he’s seen them all. But then you switch from your human form to your beastman form and suddenly he’s right back to being absolutely mystified about just how many surprises you’ve got up your sleeve. Most of the questions he’s asking are about how many people know and if the teachers have been notified and things along those lines but you can tell that he’s looking over your new form pretty damn intensely. You jokingly ask him if he wants to join Ryota in the impromptu petting, and though he refuses the fact he keeps looking back at you from the corner of his eye is obvious he’s considering it. If you’ve only told the Summoners about being a beastman then Toji makes a comment about how this could be useful if you ever need to go into hiding - just about every big player in Tokyo has their eye on you so being able to shift into another species than what they all know you as could play into your favor if you need it.
It doesn’t occur to you that you probably should have given the Berserkers guild a bit of a heads up about being a beastman until you walked right into the Colosseum in your beastman form. You don’t even make it past the door before Garmr all but barrels you over, the joy of seeing you back melting away to alarm and confusion seeing that you aren’t in your human form. The poor therian is conflicted because you definitely smell like you, but you don’t look like you, and he spends so long sniffing and running circles around you trying to determine whether this is some kind of trick to make him think you’re his master that his head is spinning by the time that Bathym peeks his head out to see what the commotion is, dragging an unwilling Andvari out with him. 
Neither of them buy your assurances that it’s really you at first, because obviously you were a full human, right? But then you turn back into your human form and all of a sudden you’re being swarmed by all three at once. Garmr is absolutely ecstatic knowing that it’s definitely you and won’t let go of your arm, Bathym is trying to pry for all kinds of details wanting to get a good ol look at all the changes your beastman form causes, and Andvari is already rattling off the possible marketing schemes this new development could bring in like it’s some kind of neat parlor trick - honestly not the reaction you were expecting.
By the time you actually manage to worm your way inside the commotion has brought some of the other fighters out from the locker rooms, and any hope of keeping that little secret to yourself goes out of the window because of course Bathym’s gonna spill the gossip to them. Ikutoshi’s nonchalant about it really and just assumes that it must be some kind of thing to do with your sacred artifact similar to his own, but he does have a couple questions of his own when he sees you shift into your beastman form.
Nomad nearly has a damn heart attack when he sees you in your beast form, and almost fools himself into thinking that someone must have done something to you to cause the transformation. Do the guy a favor and let him know that you’re a beastman before he convinces himself that he’s got to add someone else to his revenge list; Once you do explain to him Nomad calms down significantly and mostly just makes a comment about how he gets why you didn’t go out of you way to tell the other berserkers since most would probably wanna put your skills to the test in a fight the moment they found out.
SPEAKING OF FIGHTING. Macan takes the whole beastman thing in stride, but he gets super excited if you’re some kind of lion/tiger/cat beastman because. If anything he’s insistent about taking you on in the ring in your beastman form, which when coming from Macan is probably an offer you’re going to want to turn down unless today’s the day you’ve decided who’s gonna eat who. It doesn’t help that Claude is also eager to see your beastman prowess in combat, having been notified by Snow of your presence and the situation during your encounter with Garmr. He desires to see what you’re capable of in this new form especially if you’re one of the bigger kinds of beastmen, and if you agree you’ll probably end up earning yourself a couple more brownie points in his favor, but if you’re firm he’ll relent and leave the matter be for now.
You bring the fact that you’re a beastman up to the Genociders so casually, but honestly out of all of the guild’s their response is arguably the calmest. I mean Arc already had some suspicion that there was something about you that wasn’t entirely human, so when you first confide in them that you’re in fact a beastman it only confirms their suspicions. If you’re worried about their reactions about keeping it from them you really don’t need to be because they take it all in stride. 
It takes a little bit of helpful coaxing from the guild master before they’re able to convince you to show off your beastman form around them, and they remind you constantly that no matter what form you take you’re still the same person in their eyes. Arc spends some time talking to you about different kinds of beastmen as well as if you only have the one form (depending on if you retain this information since coming to Tokyo is another matter entirely but Arc still appreciates that you go out of your way to answer their questions in a bid to get to know you better. 
Of course it doesn’t take long for Azathoth to butt in too to get a good look at you, giggling to himself as he asks all about how you ‘unlocked a new skin’ and when you were gonna tell them you unlocked that achievement. Though from the way that he grins and laughs to himself the whole time, you have a feeling that he knew long before anybody else thanks to the previous loops. It still doesn’t stop him from trying to poke and prod at your beastman form, having plenty of fun messing around with your new fur, feathers or scales depending on the kind of beastman you are.
Of course to Babalon and Surtr you will still be their darling child. Upon seeing your beastman form Babalon is quick to dote on you, cupping your face in her hands before smoothing a comforting hand along your ears and cheeks. The way she coos over you is just as motherly as before, but you can tell that she finds amusement in the way you relax into her touch when she finds the spots that ease the tension right off of your shoulders. This is only further amplified when Surtr brings a hand to rub fondly atop of your head, going off on some long winded speech about how you should never be afraid - that you’ll always be his beloved child regardless of if you have feathers/fur/scales etc. Honestly you’re pretty sure that he gets off topic about the whole thing but at least you know that he’s being genuinely kind about it.
Bonus! Shino
Shino is absolutely stunned by the revelation that you’re a beastman. To know that you, the one who carries the soul of his beloved can take on the form of a beastman within these Tokyo walls leaves him feeling conflicted. There is some naive part of him that thinks this could be some twisted fate, that his inability to be with you in your past life no longer barred by his status as a beast, that the version of you here and now is no longer held back by the concerns of the past world. This is also conflicted by his torn feelings about the whole thing however, where he feels as though he still doesn’t deserve his relationship with you regardless of whether you’re a human or beastman. While he doesn’t really make any movements when you change his eyes are trained upon your beastman form, intently watching the way you shift between forms. So intently that it’s easy to feel a little intimidated under his gaze, but he snaps out of his stupor upon hearing your voice calling out to him, bringing him back to the present moment.
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metalkart · 3 years
10 Amazing gift ideas for home decor
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The fact cannot be denied that people usually buy stuff for themselves but when it comes to picking things for someone else, they get baffled. We generally lack gift ideas due to which things get messed up at the time of occasion. Mark your special presence at any party or occasion with some outstanding gift ideas related to home décor like metal wall art, modish wall clocks, Brass Ashok ki Lat, metal planters etc. Let’s discourse about the same in detail -
Modern metallic wall clock
Metal wall clocks are the best decorative for gifting purposes and are quite in vogue these days. Its contemporary design, fine finish, high-quality metal, amazing art work and superb appeal will mesmerize your friends to the extent that they can’t stop appreciating it.
Metal wall hanging art
Let your mate feel the real charm and glory of home decor with brilliant wall art gift sets that include om circle, Banyan tree with Buddha, 3D wall tree, big iron leaf wall hanging, metallic plates wall art etc. Such gift items would explicitly raise your standard of choice.
Brass sculptures
In our culture and tradition, living space is incomplete without brass sculptures of Lord Krishna, Lord Vishnu, Sai Baba, Panchmukhi Hanuman, Solar God, Balaji, Narayan Shankh etc. Keeping this in mind, you can gift this brass decorative at any occasion and win many compliments.
Traditional lamps and lanterns
Gone is the time when lamps and lanterns were used only when there is no light at home. Nowadays, such gift pieces have become a new wrinkle in town. To name a few, there are crystal glass lamps, brass hanging lanterns, bowl-shaped lamps etc.
Designer lotus diya set
The antique lotus diya set enhances the charm and space of pooja room and thus becomes one of the popular gift items. The religious people would admire the aura and divine look of this décor piece. Its brilliant artistry, fine finish, amazing quality brass metal and soothing effect would make the entire space radiant and ecstatic.
Antique copper bottles
Those who wish to add a traditional touch to their home décor can be gifted a brilliant set of designer copper bottles. These can be placed at the side table or wall corners. If you are looking for an antique and modish gift item, this would probably be the best choice.
Brass Ashoka ki Lat
Brass Ashoka Pillar National Emblem is a magnificent symbol of Indian art. Its magical look and aura fill the space with patriotism. This is a stunning and brilliant art piece and can be gifted to your near and dear ones. Its high durability, great quality brass material and magical finish would entice the viewers.
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Metal planter with stand
Gift this aesthetic and majestic metal planter to nature lovers who are fond of filling their space with greenery. Unlike ceramic or earthen pots, this metal planter is durable, keeps its shine and needs less maintenance. Moreover, it comes with a stand to look more stylish and handy.
Aesthetic mirror for entrance
Give a pleasant surprise to your family or friend on their birthday with a designer mirror décor piece. Its magical presence at the entrance accentuates the overall grace of the living area.
Brass dry fruit bowl set
If you follow a culture of distributing gifts to your relatives and friends on Diwali, do not overlook this artistic dry fruit bowl set that is best suitable for any occasion.
Be it metal sculptures, diya set or Brass Ashok chakra pillar showpiece, always go for well-acclaimed online platforms that offer premium quality products.
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devnicolee · 4 years
The Chosen Ones (5)
Warnings: Slow burn 
Word Count: 10,079
Pairing: M’Baku x Original Character
M'Baku's hands painfully clutched the sides of the window, half of its shattered glass scattered around his feet. His eyes were transfixed on the path of smoke slowly dissipating into nothing like he was hypnotized, as if his intense stares alone could bring the woman who flew out the window moments prior back to him. Every second that passed and every mile she traveled farther away from home and him, his frustration and rage at the people left behind grew. It only took moments, barely enough time for the group to catch their breath and truly process everything that transpired, for his rage to boil over. 
"I hope all of you are happy," he said slowly, voice quiet and deadly as he turned around to face Asha's family and the remaining council members. Despite being in the presence of the Dora and the Black Panther, most of the group shrank in his shadow. Usually, M’Baku’s bark was bigger than his bite, not nearly as terrifying or intimidating as his appearance would have someone believe. But it seemed his gentle giant personality flew out the window with the love of his life and before them stood, simply, a raging giant. 
"Excuse me?" T'Challa asked as silence fell over the group. "Are you blaming this on us?" T’Challa was frustrated, already internally blaming himself for how utterly spectacularly his plan failed. He genuinely thought he was helping, and perhaps foolishly, did not even once consider this outcome. He expected outrage, anger, of course. No decision he made came without those from someone. But this? This type of catastrophe? He was wholly unprepared. But he did know that hearing someone voice the thoughts already swirling around in his mind caused rage to flare up in him.
"Well, who else is to blame King T'Challa? You are the ones who were forcing her to hide and pretend and lie. You all created t-this system that treats her like a second-class citizen, that allows people like that woman to attack her. What in Hanuman's name did you expect? That she would be able to sit here and take that all her entire life?" M'Baku yelled, his voice booming, vibrating throughout the large throne room. 
"Not that I need to justify the choices of this family to you or anyone, Shuri and I have been trying to help Asha. You wouldn't even know her, wouldn't be able to sit and judge us if I had not forced her to join the tribe and take that job in Jabariland in the first place! She didn't even want it. You have known her for what? A month? We," he emphasized, gesturing toward the sister he had left, "have been here by her side her entire life!" T'Challa voice raised to match M'Baku's as the men traded verbal jabs at the other, neither willing to shoulder the blame the other carelessly tossed at their feet.
"Yes, and some help the two of you have been while she was being emotionally abused and mistreated in her own home. This," he scoffed, "this isn't a life! What you and your parents forced upon her isn't a life. And you didn't fight for her to have the life she deserved. From where I am sitting, you never have. If you had, it wouldn't have taken 25 years. If you had, she would not have felt the need to flee out of your window to Hanuman knows where!"
"And what of you hm? Did you ever stop to think about why Asha didn't flee up to the mountains to be with you the first chance she got? Since you know her so well... since you offered her freedom and a real life that we didn't? Because maybe Asha understood what it could cost all of us, maybe she understood there are larger obligations at play. But you don't care about the cost! To us... or to Asha for that matter. You don't care about what is best for her and her family. You just care about her being who you want her to be. You don't love her for her, you love her for her powers. How is that any different than Hasani? Or my father who demanded she be who they wanted?" He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself before adding, "If you knew my sister as well as you think you do, you would know that she would never choose to sacrifice this family for herself." 
"I knew you didn't deserve to be King, time and time again you prove that you are just a boy. A child who has no concept of leadership," M'Baku spat. "Because if you did, you would have been willing to sacrifice it all for her.  It would never have to be her choice! You all had countless opportunities to do something different, to avoid the consequences of being indifferent to hate. When your parents or the Council plucked at the threads holding your sister together, you did nothing. Because you do not care about her, you only care about your family's grip on power, just like your father."  
T'Challa's eyes flashed red as M'Baku's words sank in. A king no longer stood before him, the Black Panther and a very overprotective brother did. His suit instinctively wrapped its protective fibers around his body, launching him into attack mode. The only sounds in the room were sharp breaths and the collective bang of the Dora banishing their spears, ready to defend their King if needed. There was no room for God, Bast or Hanuman as the safe space separating the two vanished completely. Verbal blows were over, physical ones were zooming toward them with the speed of a panther as T'Challa said in a low voice, "Do. Not. Ever. insinuate that I --"
"Alright, enough boys, enough!" Nakia yelled, cutting off her boyfriend and pushing her way between the two men. Her hands pushed against each of their chests to force them apart. She didn't expect to actually move them, and she didn't, but it gave them both a physical signal to retreat to their figurative corners. They could argue all day if they wanted but Nakia knew it would be a worse end to an already terrible day if T'Challa killed one of his council members.
"You are all dismissed," she called out forcefully to the remaining council members, who no one else seemed to realize were still there. They all seemed to be too invested in the drama, feeling that the council meetings had gotten far more interesting now that T'Challa was king. And though Nakia actually did not have the authority to end any meetings, they all scampered, quickly gathering their things to leave. Once the last soul exited, leaving M'Baku and the Royal Family behind, Nakia added, "We all failed her and so we all shoulder the blame for this. Had we not... she would here and not... not lost. Arguing over who failed her the most and who loves her the most won't help us find her or help us get her back. So, let us focus on that for now and then Asha can tell us all how much we failed her in person. Agreed? Good." She answered herself, not waiting for either man to respond before redirecting her attention to Shuri. "Now, Shuri, can you trace the signal from her beads?"
Shuri had been silent those far, watching the two men argue from the window. She wiped the stray tear or two from her eyes as she walked back to her original seat and picked up her tablet. After a couple of seconds, a large-scale 3-D map of Wakanda was projected at their feet. The group moved out of the way to get a better view, looking down to see a thin red line labeled "Princess Asha Udaka" appear and slowly zigzag its way out of the inner dome around the Capitol. The dot traveled a short distance in the wilderness before stopping abruptly above the Land of the Heart-Shaped Herb.
"Her trail ends here," Shuri stated, pointing at the end of the line. 
"So she is there?" M'Baku stated, half as a matter of fact statement and half as a question. "Let us go and get her." 
"I didn't say she was there. I said her signal ends there," Shuri snapped back, understandably still angered at M'Baku's earlier attack as they were directed at both she and T'Challa.
She continued tapping away as Nakia said, "How is that possible? Override her tracker bead and find her that way."
"I am working on it," Shuri responded immediately, clearly agitated. There was silence as Shuri tapped away on her screen, eyes growing bigger. 
"What is it, Shuri?" T'Challa asked.
"She destroyed her beads, either accidentally or on purpose. We won't be able to find her this way."
"How do you know that?"
"Well, if she manually turned off her tracker, I would be able to override it but I can't. And right before it stopped transmitting a location, her health bead sent out a distress signal, then stopped tracking and recording all health data. That bead never turns off, it can't. It records everything to the minute. So, best guess, and my guesses are usually never wrong, she destroyed them." 
"I thought you couldn't destroy vibranium?" M'Baku asked, not truly understanding how the beads or vibranium worked. 
"You can destroy anything if you have something powerful enough. Asha's powers certainly aren't enough to destroy vibranium, you know - reduce it to atoms. But with enough sustained fire, it can melt. And the beads are made of more than vibranium. Once exposed to an open flame for too long, the tech can be rendered useless. The point is, her beads won't help us. She could be fine and not want to be found. But... she could be hurt and be unable to tell anyone. We just don't know, so we have to find her the old-fashioned way." 
"She didn't leave Wakanda, nothing has crossed the exterior border in the last hour," Okoye offered as she checked a log on her beads. 
"So aside from the border, where could she be headed in that direction? Any place of significance to her?" 
"That path is on the road to everywhere significant. The border, Warrior Falls, Jabariland, the Hall of Kings... It also depends on if she is looking for a place to be alone for a few hours or shelter for days. The mountains could give her shelter but who would she go there for besides you? Warrior Falls is her favorite spot but she won't find shelter there." 
"And I doubt she would choose to go to the Hall of Kings," Shuri added. "It houses the Garden of the Heart-Shaped Herb," she added for M'Baku's benefit. "No one has been there for over a month. After Killmonger destroyed it, the priestesses refused to return, saying Bast cursed the land." 
"My son... perhaps we should just let her be," Ramonda offered, approaching the group from her seat off to the side. Everyone's heads turned, almost as if they forgot she was even in the room. Her words coupled with the almost annoyed look on her face caused a cloud of anger to settle over the group once more. 
"What? How could you suggest such a thing, Mama?" Shuri asked in disbelief.  
"Your sister can only bring this family ruin. Why bring her back here to further destroy everything? Whatever she is searching for outside of this palace may be what is best for her." 
"Asha is our sister. She is a member of this family, a leader in this country. The only people who have destroyed everything are you and Baba for creating this mess. We are finding her and we are bringing her home." 
"I am just sugg-" 
"That is the end of this discussion. And you would do well to never make that suggestion in my presence again." His tone almost as lethal and harsh as the one he banished Elder Shani with earlier. T'Challa turned his back to his mother before continuing, "M'Baku and I will take the Talon and clear every inch of Wakanda like a grid. The body scans will identify her tattoo. You all stay here in case she returns."
He did not wait for confirmation or approval from anyone else for a plan, deciding if someone had a better idea then they would have said it already. He motioned for M’Baku to follow him out of the throne room without another word.  
The ride on the Talon was virtually silent as the airplane piloted itself and T'Challa intently examined the sand table in the middle of the ship that reflected the passing landscape beneath them. He transitioned for pacing, throwing aggressive glances at the table, to standing hunched over it, staring at the sand disheartened and frustrated. The sand rapidly transformed into the different trees and rivers they passed over and people they passed over, all the dark gray color of the sand. T'Challa warned M'Baku that they would be waiting for purple sand, that it would be her. M'Baku let T'Challa do that while he just stared out of the window at the sea of black as if he could see Asha's body in the darkness. 
"Why do you love her?" 
M'Baku wondered if T'Challa got pleasure out of asking him deep questions out of the blue. "What's not to love?" M'Baku asked, not looking away from the window. At the returning silence, he grinned slyly and glanced back to see a very unsatisfied look on his face. He understood, understood the question and its purpose. If his thoughts were any indication, perhaps T’Challa worried that he was merely infatuated with his sister, not actually in love with her. He knew he did not need to but he did care about convincing T’Challa that that was not the case here. That his love was real and not some childish fantasy or obsession with magic.
"You know I noticed her at your challenge. There I was, down the mountains for the first time in my life, determined to die for that throne. And when I looked at the crowd, she was the first thing I noticed. My eyes drew to her like a moth to a flame. It was fleeting though, I could only focus on her for a second for there was fighting and honorable dying to get on with. And then the first time I saw her... truly saw her, in Jabariland… I mean, Hanuman. I have been with a great deal of women in my life but I had never seen one like her before. I saw it - that sadness you spoke of. But I also saw fire, passion, fierce determination. What do I love about her? I love the way you can see her heart soar at every compliment or kind word. I love the way her eyes, already filled with fire, light up when she discovers something new about herself. I love how she values family despite hers being so fragmented. I love that she is so dedicated to Wakanda, loves Wakanda so deeply despite not receiving that love in return. I love her quiet strength, her endless compassion."
He paused for a few moments, turning around to lean back against the wall of the ship. A hearty laugh escaped his lips as he stared across the ship at nothing. "You know the first time I realized it?" he asked as he walked up to T'Challa, looking down at the sand table. "We uh... we have this small cliff across from the Lodge. From there, you can see the best view of the sunset in all of Wakanda. To most of the tribe it isn't anything special, truth be told. Myself included, having had access to it my entire life. It became mundane and ordinary. But Asha, she likes sunsets so I took her there while she was in Jabariland. And you could see her whole being fill with joy and excitement, like this ordinary, mundane cliff was the best thing she had seen in her life. I don’t know, up until that point, I had tried to keep my feelings at bay. I didn’t deserve her I told myself. But the idea that she could love something so boring and ordinary made me feel like maybe she could love someone who was boring and ordinary. Who did not possess the power she did.” 
The two men fell silent for a moment, T'Challa not knowing what to say. After a few minutes, M'Baku added, "You were not totally wrong earlier. When I was young, I wanted so desperately to be like her. I would pray on my knees until they ached to be blessed with a gift. I thought I had grown out of that. But your sister... I just wanted her to see what I saw, to accept the freedom I could offer, to choose me. Because if she chose me, if she could love me, then maybe I was not as ordinary and boring as I always felt. But I didn't think about the cost to her or you all, what was the cost to mere mortals in the face of her powers? But that... that selfishness isn't her way. All I saw was two people who were wholly unfulfilled. And I was so desperate for her to be mine so I could fill us both… so she could be free and I could be a part of something that was not ordinary that I never stopped to consider that maybe it is time for her to be hers. Time for others to stop forcing their wants on her  and that includes me."
T'Challa simply stared at him, not expecting even half of an answer as detailed, nuanced and passionate as that. “I-I am sorry. For the throne room,” he started to say but M’Baku stopped him. 
“We both said things, things I know I regret and you did not deserve or earn. Let us leave them in the past, yes?” M’Baku asked, extending an olive branch to his king. T’Challa nodded but before he could say anything else, a flash of purple sand caught his eye. 
"I found her!" he called out. 
M'Baku moved quickly to the sand table where purple sand was interrupting the field of gray while T’Challa directed the Talon to turn around and slowly lower to hover above the trees. "She is in front of the Hall of Kings." 
M'Baku touched the purple sand that represented her horizontal body, expecting it to crumble in his hand like sand usually did to but it remained solid. He held it in his hand, silently pleading with Hanuman that she was alive and well.
"We cannot get any closer?” M’Baku asked as T’Challa activated his suit and motioned for him to follow him down the ramp. 
“Out of respect for Bast’s whole place, we do not fly or hover the Talon directly over the Hall of Kings or its immediate surroundings. 
M’Baku nodded then questioned, “Any idea why Asha would come here?"
"My father used to come here and pray. Only the Panther Tribe and those who tend to the Garden are even allowed here. It is sacred ground. Asha has never even been here." 
"And they believe it is cursed now?" M'Baku asked, an eerily feeling falling over him as they moved through the darkness with little light to guide them. But he could not tell if that was because the land was actually haunted or because he was simply overthinking after what Shuri said. 
"That is what the priestesses have told us... that Bast was enraged at the destruction of the Garden. Everytime they come here, they say they are overcome with dark thoughts, visions of Bast. They hear cries and rustlings in the trees," T'Challa answered.
"And you believe them?" M'Baku pushed a low hanging branch out of their way as they approached the clearing she was supposed to be in. "I do not hear anything."
"The priestesses have tended to this garden for most of their lives with Zhuri. It is their whole world. They have no reason to lie," his voice trailed off as the reason for their journey came into view. "Asha!"
T'Challa and M'Baku raced forward when they saw her body in a heap on the forest floor. As they approached, T'Challa quickly inspected the area and noticed the scorched black Earth branching out from beneath her body, her lack of shoes, and the cuts littering her arms and legs. Her face was hidden from view, covered by all her braids. She was knocked out cold. M'Baku reached her first, recognizing that T'Challa should have due to his enhanced speed, but understanding and appreciating the gesture. 
M'Baku knelt down into the soft earth beside her, gently shifting her head so her face was facing up. He was startled at the lack of warmth in her body. Usually the girl felt like a furnace but now? She was as cold as ice. M'Baku felt her coldness as if someone had replaced his own blood with ice. He was so sure, convinced they would find her alive and well, probably  too convinced. He had not prepared himself for any other possibility, refused to even consider it. Now all the other possibilities were vying for his attention, demanding he reckon with the reality that Asha was no goddess at all... she was human, a mere mortal like the rest of them. 
"Check her pulse," T'Challa said, his voice even and cold. He knew from the way M'Baku held her cheek, the way the man seemed paralyzed that all was not right. He had not allowed himself to consider this either, forced the thought out of his mind every time. But staring at her, wishing for a different scenario would not change the current outcome. They needed to know and prolonging it would not ease their pain.
M'Baku nodded, signaling that he heard the question. He couldn't get his mouth or vocal chords to work enough to verbally respond. He took a deep breath, sent a silent prayer to Hanuman before starting to move his hand down to her neck to find a pulse. For a moment, he thought back to their time in the mountains, that sunset on that cliff. It truly was a perfect moment, a perfect stolen moment that ended too quickly. Asha seemed to believe that was all they were, all they would get: a selfishly seized stolen moment that was not actually in the cards for either of them. But M’Baku refused to believe that as he prayed to Hanuman. He prayed that life, no matter how strong or feeble, would still pump through her veins when his fingers pressed into her neck. Because he knew she deserved more… and he knew that they deserved a lifetime of moments designed especially for them and freely given to them to fulfill. 
Asha groaned as she opened her eyes, shifting a bit as she registered the hard forest ground beneath her and the pain radiating through her body. One look at the sky above her caused her to sit up quickly, completely ignoring the immediate frustration and pain born from crashing to the ground. She quickly noticed several things that were not as they should have been. It was pitch black outside when she left the palace but now? The sky was ablaze with deep hues of purple and blue, lights that moved across the sky like a living organism. If she were not so perplexed, she would have been content simply lying there to admire its beauty. 
She didn't even really understand how she got here - she crashed in the forest, that much she remembered. But now? She was surrounded by tall swaying grass like that of the Alkama Fields, not the towering thick trees and greenery that surrounds the Hall of Kings. She stood up quickly, dusting the dirt off her purple dress and turned from side to side, trying to notice any landmarks or buildings that would help her discern where she was now.
She walked a few paces ahead of her before an eerie feeling settled over her causing her to stop in her tracks. There was nothing out of the ordinary ahead of her and yet, the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. She turned around slowly, the sight behind her rendered her speechless. And thank Bast it did or else she would have let out a blood-curdling scream and she doubted theblack panthers staring at her from this tree would have appreciated that. She counted 10 or so of them as her eyes swept across the tree frantically. Her legs turned into jelly as examining stares passed between her and the majestic but deadly creatures. They seemed to regard her with interest, while Asha was too busy looking from the tree to the very short span of grass that separated them.
That is an easy leap for any one of them.
Asha's mind started racing, trying to access years of knowledge about Panthers and quickly sift through it all for something that could help her. As if her knowledge was a roaring rapid, the facts flew past her at an unnatural speed, uselessly until one old legend jumped out at her. Many believed that the Panther Tribe had a deeper connection with all panthers, those on the island and those in the wild, and so no panther would ever harm them. However, now seemed like a poor time to test that theory in Asha's opinion.
She pushed down with her hands, deciding that flying was far safer than walking and would help her find her way home. However, much to her shock, nothing happened. She tried again, facing scrunching up in intense frustration and concentration as she tried to force fire out of her extremities to gain flight. But she couldn't even get sparks... she was completely and utterly powerless. She groaned softly in frustration, not understanding how she was rendered powerless - something she had hoped and prayed for - the one time she actually needed them.
As she stood there examining her hands, her legs started to feel warm. She ignored it initially, hoping it was her powers finally starting up again. That was until the unmistakable smell of smoke reached her nose. She looked behind her and realized the grass around her was slowly catching on fire.
"Oh no," she said quietly, trying to wave the flames away, using all the tricks she knew to absorb fire but nothing worked. She backed away from it, edging closer to the tree of panthers who seemed completely unperturbed by the fire coming closer to them. Every time she tried to channel her powers and absorb it, it grew larger and spread faster. Soon, she was surrounded. Asha covered her mouth with her arm, trying to avoid breathing in the smoke that was now obstructing her vision. Deja-vu poked through the haze of panic settling over her - she had been here before.
She lifted a hand to the flames, praying that she, at least, still had her ability to touch fire and be unharmed. But that proved to be wishful thinking as well. She cried out in pain as the fire burned her skin and caused the palm of her hand to turn red and immediately blister.
She clutched her burning hand to her chest, tears flowed freely at the throbbing pain radiating from it. She had never known the pain fire caused and now she wished she still didn't. She looked around wildly, trying to find an escape from the blazing inferno that seemed intent on killing her. With no other plan or recourse available to her, Asha simply yelled out "Bast! Help me!" Who else was there to seek help from at this point? There was no living soul anywhere near her, she was sure of that.
She was just about to close her eyes, resigned to dying alone in this inferno far from home, when a glowing light caught her eye. She looked up and the smoke seemed to clear just enough for her to see a panther approaching her through the flames. If Asha hadn't been so awestruck, she would have collapsed with fear. This was no ordinary panther, she realized. Its skin appeared to be made of diamonds, glistening and shining in the light of the flames, and was as tall as Asha herself. It walked through the flames as if they were nothing more than colorful air that had no effect whatsoever. When it was close enough, Asha was able to look in its eyes. They were a rich purple, almost like someone hand-picked the finest jewels and plucked them in its eyes. It reminded her of something, something distinct that she couldn't quite put her finger on with the haze of panic around her. 
She didn't know how she knew but she knew. It couldn't be anyone else. 
She and the panther stared at each other for, what Asha considered to be, an uncomfortable amount of time. Asha realized how often she blinked as she stared into its jeweled eyes, examining the intensity in which this animal tilted its head from side to side to study her. 
"If you are Bast, give me a sign? Or you know... be quick about it if you are going to kill me?" She whispered, laughing uncomfortably to herself. She wondered if she was losing her mind, here in this unknown place trying to escape fire by talking to an animal.
The fire. Asha was so taken by this panther in front of her that she had forgotten about the flames so quickly, flames that she had been terrified of only moments prior. She looked around wildly, realizing that the smoke was no longer affecting her. She could breathe easy again, it felt like nothing different than standing in a field of flowers. And almost as beautiful, she thought to herself as she watched the flames rage around her for a second, relieved now that she knew it couldn’t hurt her. She knelt down and bowed her head, understanding who was causing this, who was in front of her.
"Open your eyes, Asha."
Asha lifted her head at the sound of a voice to find a woman where the panther once stood. Asha looked around and found untouched, seemingly perfect grass, replacing the burning field that was there before. She also realized that her hand was no longer red and pulsing with pain. All the evidence of the last five minutes seemed to vanish, like it never happened. 
"Y-You are Bast?" Asha asked, her voice echoed the disbelief in her head. The answer was obvious, other-worldly radiated off the woman before her. She certainly was not human. Her deep chocolate skin glowed like the sun, adored from head to toe in gold robes. Nestled on top of her long, flowing black locs was a simple golden crown with purple jewels settled around it. The rest of the world fell away as Asha stared at her, captivated and sure that she could look at her for the rest of her days and it would never be enough.
"You called for me, did you not?"
Asha blinked a few times, her desperate calls for Bast almost forgotten. It felt like ages ago now despite only being minutes. But she hadn't actually expected the goddess to show up; after all she called on Bast for decades and she never came to her aid those times. "Y-yes, yes I did. Thank you f-for saving me. I suppose I didn't think you would show up," Asha admitted with an apologetic tone. There was an awkward pause as Bast simply stared at her across the field, clearly waiting for Asha to speak. "I am in the Ancestral Plane, yes? I died after my crash?" Her tone was surprisingly calm and casual, as if she was confirming the weather and not her livelihood. 
She laughed lightly, "Yes and no, you are in the Ancestral plane but no, you are not dead. You came close, that is certain. That flight was a dangerous venture even for experienced flyers. But worry not, you are very much still among the living." 
"Oh." Asha stopped her silent walking just behind Bast, causing the Goddess to instinctively stop as well and turn to her. Asha looked to her left and saw yet another set of panthers leering at her from a tree beside her, each woman standing on either side of its trunk, staring at the other. Asha's eyes flinted from Bast to one panther in particular. Most stared at her with interest for a moment before going back to sleep or turning their attention elsewhere. But not this one, its deep brown eyes bored into Asha's soul so intensely that even when she turned away, it felt like a laser on her profile. 
"You almost sound disappointed by that fact." Bast responded, interrupting her staring match with the panther. Asha turned her attention back to Bast, an amused look on her face. 
"Oh no, I mean I am happy to be alive. I guess I am just confused. Why am I here then?" 
"Well, I wanted to speak with you. I have been watching you... waiting for the opportunity to approach you. The moment finally presented itself. You have visited us before."
"Yes, in my dreams. I did not know what it was though, but I thought it was just some place I made up. And I never make it past the flames. Wait - what do you mean you have been watching me?"
"I have been watching you as I do with all I have deemed worthy of a gift, waiting for them to reach out to me. I meet with all the gifted at some point in their lives. When they have reached a point in their self discovery, I find that most need to be pushed forward, as you do now. Some reach that point earlier than others though. The waiting can be difficult, as it was with you but you finally got there."
The breeze passed by the two women as Asha stared at her. She opened and closed her mouth, 15 years worth of questions, anger, and frustration rising to the surface but Asha wasn't able to put any of it into words. 
She settled on saying, "'The gifted?' That sounds like the Jabari?" It didn't feel sufficient but she was still gathering her thoughts. 
"Yes, on this Hanuman and I agree. He calls them the Chosen, I call them gifts but they are all the same. All chosen... all gifts to Wakanda, especially now since your brother has reunited all the tribes. It just seems, unfortunately, that my people have yet to catch on as the Jabari did. But I am hoping the Jabari can lead them on that path of understanding. Your father was a particularly tough subject, clearly my plan to humble him with a gifted child did little to help him see the light. I am always right, people believe. But even once a century or two, I get it wrong." 
"Doesn't sound like much of a gift," Asha muttered to herself, upon processing the idea that her life was nothing more than a pawn in Bast's master plan. Asha suddenly felt angry, anger that felt like it appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden. But really, it had been building, boiling below the surface for 15 years.
"What was that child?" The tone of Bast's voice signaled that she was not asking because she had not heard. She just wanted Asha to say it out loud. 
Asha drew herself to full height, standing tall before her goddess, anger still steadily rising. "I said it doesn't sound like much of a gift... to have your existence used as a pawn in someone else's life. I endured years of pain and abuse for what? My father left this world hating mutants just as much as he did before he had me. You are Bast… all mighty and all powerful and you couldn't humble him a different way? Dangling my life in the balance was the only way? Is that what you want me to believe?" 
"I leave my people to make their own choices. I give the signs, I give the lessons, sometimes I give explicit instructions... it is your choice to follow them. Your father chose many times not to follow, did not recognize the signs or actively chose to ignore them. I realized quickly that there was little I could do for a man like that." 
That isn't good enough, Asha thought angrily to herself. But she didn't respond, she just turned her head away from Bast, frustration clear and evident. She turned to find that damned panther still staring at her, and somehow it made her even more angry so she looked up at the sky, hoping its beauty would calm her. But it didn't. 
"Your life was never in the balance. You grew up strong and powerful, as I intended," Bast added, breaking the silence between them. "I was always here for you but I thought you had forgotten me... you stopped praying."
And with that simple phrase, Asha snapped. She scoffed loudly as her anger boiled over, "'I stopped praying??' I prayed to you every day for years. I begged and begged, pleaded and cried for you to take this gift back. I begged to be normal. Were those prayers not loud enough? Were the sobs and agony of one of your gifts not loud enough to earn an audience?" 
"And you weren't there! I stopped praying because you weren't answering, or giving any indication that you heard me at all! Is this what you intended? I mean, look at me! Look at my life!" Asha yelled exasperated as she paced by the tree, ranting angrily. "My mother hates me, my father went to his grave hating me, the only real family I have are T'Challa and Shuri, I am not connected to my home or country in any real way, and I have spent my whole life lying and hiding."
Asha roughly wiped the tears before adding, "A-and to top it off, I have a man back there who I am madly in love with that I don't deserve," a small sob escaped her lips. "That I can't be with because of things I didn't ask for. Because of you! Because of this life you forced upon me… This life that you call a gift but has been nothing but a curse for the last 15 years. A-a-and you call me here and what? Expect me to thank you for it? You call me here after 15 years of misery, 15 years of watching my life fall apart and you say it is what you intended?? This is NOT a gift!" She shouted, her voice startling a few panthers in the trees. 
Asha's chest heaved slightly as she tried to calm herself after unloading years of pent-up anger onto Bast. She couldn't help but blame Bast for every bad thing in her life right now, after all she just told her that she orchestrated it all. All that pain, all that tragedy she flew away from, she laid it at Bast's feet. She didn't know why or what she expected in return. 
"I do not expect you to not be angry with me, child. Your anger is fair. But where you see a life of darkness, I see one overflowing with potential.” Bast’s eyes were filled with understanding, despite just being yelled at. “But you are tired. And I understand that too." 
Asha nodded, she was tired. That was how she felt, simply exhausted. Life... her life was too much work right now. She looked around, the soft swaying trees, the serene violet sky, the peace. There was such peace here, there were no powers here. Asha craved for it. 
"You could just... you could just stay here," Asha whispered to herself.
"This place is not for you. You have many years ahead," Bast answered, voice matter-of-fact and clear.  
"Why not?" Asha asked, now considering the notion seriously.  "Y-You get to choose right?? That's what we are taught, what all the stories say? Well, then choose to let me stay!" 
"No." Bast answered again. "You have a job to do. You cannot do it here." 
"Fine, send me back, but take my powers. I do not want them." Asha began to bargain. In her mind, Bast owed her something, owed her what she asked. If she couldn't stay here, she could bring one aspect of this peace back with her. She could finally get Bast to do the one thing she had begged her to do her whole life. She can set her free. 
"No, you were chosen. Wakanda needs you, as you are today." 
"You have my brother! He is the protector of Wakanda. Whatever job you need to do, he can do it!" 
"Your brother is not enough. For centuries, the Black Panther has been enough. But your father made terrible mistakes, mistakes that have altered the future of Wakanda. And your brother, rightfully, has opened Wakanda's borders. With it, new dangers unlike any we have ever seen will come. He needs you. Wakanda needs you." 
"No... no!" Asha cried out in frustration, falling to her knees before her goddess. She hunched forward as her hands grasped the ground in front of her, her nails digging into the soil. She wondered if Bast thought this was amusing, how quickly her anger turned to desperation. "I cannot do this. I asked you for years and you ignored me. Listen to me now, please. I am begging you. I d-don't want this anymore. P-please." Asha's voice broke as she sobbed on the ground before Bast. She imagined she looked as pitiful as she sounded. 
"Stand up, Asha Udaka," Bast commanded from above her. "You are a gift. You were made from me, my children do not kneel or grovel at my feet." 
Asha steadied her breathing, stopped her silent sobbing as best she could, before standing before Bast once more. "Do you know why you have never made it past the flames before? Because you are so terrified of who you are. Instead of accepting them, accepting the fire and all that comes with it as part of you, you shun it, you run from it, you hide from it. And you are right, with a life like that, you will never be happy. You will always be afraid, you will always be running, you will always be living with the constant fear of being burned. You will always be tired."
Bast took a step toward her before continuing, "Or... you could make the choice to do something different. The life your father promised you is not the life you must have. Perhaps the role you believed you were going to have in Wakanda is not the role you are destined for. It will be hard, I will not tell you otherwise. Going back is hard. There are very few on Earth whose lives aren't exhausting, that is the burden... the sacrifice paid for breath pumping through your veins. But it will be worth it, it is always worth it." 
Asha looked around, everywhere but at the woman in front of her, unsure of what to say. Was it that easy? Trusting her, having faith in her after feeling forsaken and forgotten for so long? 
Bast's hand cupped Asha's cheek gently, wiping away the tears that still streamed silently down her face. "You could stay here. Truthfully, it is not my choice, it is yours. I will not stop you... Your brother had to make the same difficult choice not too long ago. He is destined to be the best of them, the man to lead my people to new heights. He returned home because there was work to be done. I believe he is better for it. I believe you will be better for it as well."
"How? What can I offer Wakanda? Or anyone like this?” she gestured to herself, imaging what her emotionally-broken form looked like to Bast. “Half of the country hates me, half of my family hates me. My brother had a role - King. I have nothing but powers that most of the country would rather me not use."
"That is far from true, my child. You have everything, everything you need already. You are rare... destined to be the best of them, I know this. And the path to that power hasn't been easy. You can hate me for it but this was the path you needed, this is what Wakanda needs. You have the power no other gift has had, power to do things the normal hand would not dare dream of - the power to undo atrocities and build lasting bridges all across Wakanda. You are rare... destined to be the best of them. I know this because I willed it. You just have to learn to love it, for all its beauty and terror. And then use it to save my people, save Wakanda's future. And then, you may find that giving and receiving love from others, and knowing you deserve it, is far simpler than before." 
Bast squeezed her hands tightly. Asha didn't know what future she could save, what she could do for Wakanda. But as she stared around at the panthers and the Ancestral Plane, she knew one thing for certain - she couldn't stay here.
A small whimper next to her caught her attention. The black panther in the tree next to them was no longer just staring at Asha, it was sitting up as if it sensed her soul was about to leave. It almost looked like the idea pained it. As Asha stared at it, she realized that something about it seemed oddly familiar. She knew this didn't make sense, she had never seen a real panther in her life to remember one. But she could not help but think this one seemed to know her. She suddenly remembered what her brother told her after his visit here. He was there. 
I wonder... she started to think, taking a step toward the tree, when Bast squeezed her hand again, stopping her movements. "It is time to go now, Asha. I fear we are sending you home with more questions than answers. But you will see me again when you have done what you are destined to do. Then you will get those new answers you seek, understand?" 
Asha gave the panther one last look of longing, knowing whose soul inhabited it, wanting nothing more than the same opportunity to talk to him as she just had with Bast. But she knew this was all in Bast's plan so she answered, "Yes," before turning away from the panther for the last time. 
Bast opened her arms wide and Asha tentatively walked into them, immediately leaning into the hug as she felt warmth and safety she hadn't felt in ages rushing through her. Bast smiled and whispered, "You know... I must hand it to myself. The Golden Trio... you all are the rarest flowers in my garden. Brilliant, capable and meant to help us in such different ways. You are the three pillars on which the progress of Wakanda will stand upon. In the absence of one, she would fall. It is a heavy burden I ask of you and cruel that I should ask it without offering any guidance. But like all my gifts, you must walk it alone. Right the wrongs, protect our future. And then we will speak again. Goodbye until then Princess Asha."
Asha's eyes fluttered open, blinking profusely to adjust to the dim light surrounding her. Her head fell to the side as she laid there, recognizing the space as her bedroom in the palace. . She shifted beneath her deep red duvet cover, an audible groan escaping from the pain radiating through her body. Asha couldn't think of a time her body felt such extreme pain like this, feeling like she was just flung and subsequently trampled by a border tribe rhino. But she knew she had little space to complain. The fact that she was alive was a gift from Bast, that fall should have ended her life. 
Bast... her meeting with the Panther Goddess was fresh in her mind. It felt more like a dream, except she remembered it so clearly, so vividly. Usually dreams disappeared from her memory within seconds of waking up. But this seemed to be burned into her brain, like Bast wouldn't let her forget a second of it.
She started to sit up, deciding to find her family and apologize for her impromptu escape when a soft but firm hand stopped her movements. "Lay back down, Asha. You need to rest." 
Her heart leaped into her throat as she heard his voice. She looked up and saw him sitting on the edge of her bed. She didn't understand how she missed him, he seemed too big for her space. But she supposed she was too preoccupied with her own thoughts. "M'Baku?" 
A small but distinct smile fell on his face as he heard the relief in her voice, there was no hiding it. He squeezed her hand, the pair simply staring at each other as he helped her ease back onto the pillows beneath her back. She stared at him, happy but extremely confused. 
"W-what are you doing here?" 
His hands left her shoulders, rubbing up and down her arms in a comforting fashion. She appreciated the warmth of his hands, helping her realize how cold she was. She felt like her body would never be warm again. 
"I was worried about you. I wanted to make sure you were alright. Um... Let me get you some water yes? Stay here." Asha took in his nervousness, the anxiety in his voice. He was clearly trying to find busy work, something to do that was not simply staring at her or having the difficult conversation looming over him like a dark cloud. She watched him grab the water pitcher in the sitting area of her quarters. She stared around her, the profound desire to get up coursing through her. She just wanted to sit on the couch and talk to him, not lay in her bed like a patient. She swung her legs out of bed, ignoring the exhaustion and pain it caused to do such a little task. However, she would soon learn to regret that decision as she pushed off the bed to stand. The moment her legs took on her full weight, they turned to jelly. She crumbled back to the ground, with a soft thud. 
"Asha!" He ran back over to her, forgetting her water. "What do you need?" 
Asha tried to stabilize her breathing to talk, but nothing would come out. She had been so preoccupied, so trapped in her own thoughts that this was the first moment she actually registered how exhausted she felt. As if she could visualize it in her mind, she could see her internal tank empty, something that had never happened in her life. Panic settled as her eyes moved wildly around her room, trying to understand what she needed in this unforeseeable scenario. Her eyes fell on the raging fire in her sitting area. Was it that easy? she asked herself as she stared at the flames dancing in the fireplace. Her intense staring and look of longing did not go unnoticed by her companion. He picked her up bridal style, the young princess too tired to even be excited by being in his arms, and sat her as close as humanly possible to the fire without sticking her body in it. She hesitated for a moment, knowing it was crazy. But the flames seemed to call out for her, beg for her, growing taller and wilder as she watched them. She reached her hand out into the fire, the warmth immediately washing over her like someone basking in sunlight. She held her hand there, eyes closed, as her body soaked up all the fire in the hearth. Warmth spread through her arm and into every area of her body until she could feel it in every finger and toe, finally feeling full again. The price of her resurgence was the loss of fire in her room but she didn't feel as though she needed it now. She was not at 100%... she knew it would take some time to get back where she was. But this felt good.
"Better?" M'Baku asked softly from behind her, a comforting hand still on her back. He figured it worked, instead of deathly cold, he could feel the warmth circulating beneath her skin now. It wasn't as powerful as once before but it was there. 
"Much. Not 100% but close. T-thank you." 
He picked her back up and carried her back to bed. Once she was settled, he sat down on the side of the bed next to her. 
"You gave us quite a scare. Flying away like that. On your third try? You could have died."
"Flying is the only way to escape a brother with super speed. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of nowhere and couldn't hold myself up any longer. I didn't mean to scare anyone.” 
“You could have died, Asha,” he lectured. His words fell on her ears like a parent scolding a child instead of like a… she still didn’t know what they were. 
“No one would have cared,” she mumbled under her breath. She couldn’t even stop herself from letting it slip but as soon as it did, she wished she had. The hurt on his face was clear. 
"The King, Shuri, Nakia and the Dora care about you deeply Asha."
"Are they the only ones?" She asked softly. 
M'Baku bowed his head, avoiding her expectant stare as he thought of a response. He cared about her, deeply so. But was now the time to have this conversation? After she almost died? He supposed it was foolish to back down now. This was what he wanted this whole time, to express his feelings. But now that it was here? He wished he had a few more days to get his thoughts together. 
"No, not just them. There are some that care about you more than you know, more than you will let them show you." 
It was Asha's turn to avoid his stare, his expectant look. She was in love with him, there was no secret about that. But 12 hours ago, there were so many barriers in their way. Now those barriers turned to wreckage and recycled into new barriers. They were different, but how different if she still felt unable to commit to him and this? 
"The woman you want... she is not who I am always M'Baku. If this day hasn't shown you. You watched her attack me a-a-and I just sat there. I surrendered so easily like a c-coward. I- is that the woman you want? Truly?" 
"Asha, stop. You are that woman, I see her every time I look at you. What other woman could have survived what you survived tonight? You are strong, you are deserving. You just have to believe it."
She nodded softly, looking out the window of her bedroom, confused and struggling. Her mind like she was standing in the Great Mound, watching hundreds of trains whiz by her and she could not grab hold of any of them. So many thoughts, so many tracks moving in different directions. Here she was again, standing at the crossroads of what she wanted to have, what reality dictated she must have, and what the world deemed her worthy of having. There was not a fiber of her being that didn't want M'Baku, but did she truly feel she deserved him? Bast told her she did… everyone told her she did… but did any other opinions matter if she still felt unworthy?
And this being the first moment, she really considered the possibility of being with him and its implications, would the Jabari even accept her? Many of them did not want to rejoin Wakanda in the first place? How would they feel if their chief married a lowlander? How would the Wakandans feel if their princess married a Jabari? That was a bridge the two tribes hadn’t been crossed once in history. 
Beyond that, it was difficult to focus on sorting out her feelings for M'Baku when she knew her tribe was at risk, all because of her. She was surrounded by the very real reality that Elder Shani was trying to tear their house down. Her engagement was off, of that she was sure. Why would she uphold the end of the bargain when Shani figuratively set their deal on fire? But did that mean she was relieved of her obligation? Does that mean after giving her the ammunition to tear their world apart, Asha could just escape to Jabariland and live a different life? She was still the princess, after all. Her obligations to marry were gone but her obligations to her family, to the throne, to her people were very much present. 
And then there was Bast. Apparently, there was work to be done. Could that work be done from Jabariland? Or did she have to stay here? What future did she have to protect? How does one even begin to learn to love themselves or powers they have been conditioned to hate? She wished she had more time to ask Bast questions as a million tumbled through her mind right now. Now, she just felt like she wasted the short audience Bast gave her ranting like a child. The goddess wasn't wrong - it was cruel to ask her to do whatever job she needed doing with no guidance, no direction. She wasn't equipped for this... any of it. 
"Asha." M'Baku saw it clearly in her face, she was drowning, unsure of what to do, her confusion and concern etched into her face. She looked older, more tired and weary than he had ever seen her. Like in one day, she lived a thousand lives. He knew that look, saw it on his own face a million times as chief. He knew what it looked like to carry the weight of the world and he also knew how grateful he was to the people in his life who forced him to lay that weight down, who gave him a break for a moment. He just wanted to help her do the same. "How about we do this? We deal with the big questions tomorrow. And tonight, we just be. No big questions, no overthinking,” he gently tapped her head, causing her face to scrunch up and the first genuine smile he had seen all night grace her face. “No decisions, no complications. We just rest." 
Asha's heart immediately felt lighter with his permission not to think for a moment, his permission to lay her baggage down and rest her arms for a while. It would do her a world of good, she knew that. She nodded, smiling at him. "Let's just be. Sounds like a plan to me." 
M'Baku leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead, Asha's body heating up at his touch. He looked at her for a moment before getting up from the bed, "I will take the couc-"
A small hand grabbed his, tugging him back. Her dark brown eyes looked up with him, unspoken pleads clear and on the tip of her tongue. "Stay. I want you to stay." 
Her meaning was clear, but M'Baku searched her face for confirmation. There were no reservations, no doubts. He rounded to the other side of the bed and slid in. She immediately nestled into his side, attracted to him like a magnet. 
"I would care," he whispered as she laid on his bare chest, her small frame dwarfed by his. He didn't hear a response but soon, he felt the unmistakable wetness of tears and knew she heard him. 
"T-thank you," she whispered back, throat tight as she tried to keep her emotions in. He kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes, another eventful day behind them and the start of something beautiful ahead.
Tags:  @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @missmohnique @jellybean531 @afrolatinpami @leahnicole1219 @archivistofwakanda
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iammanishk · 4 years
What Is Suggested If You Believe In Manifestation
There isn't an easy trick to answer this question. It isn’t an easy way to roll out the solution either. But not impossible though ! Yes that’s what I personally feel about manifestation. It surely works. Not only it works it change your life completely. The process transform to change the attitude of your perception.
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And at this very conspicuous Saturn Jupiter conjunction we need to understand the science behind manifestation, which ain't as easy as we often think. It isin't an analogy to be rolled out by just rehearsing a video or navigating plethora of articles from under sea bed of Google.
If we want to learn the “art of manifestation“ first and foremost we need to understand Mother Nature. What are we made up of ? What is this universe made up of ?
Why because the entire universe is within us, and we seek to implement by using the ocean which we significantly contribute and affect in some way or the other.
Don’t feel to be lonely; the entire universe is within you. All the nine planets, all the hidden infinite potential within us. We live in our own bubble, to understand universe, is about self discovery. In essence the entire universe is within us. This is where we apply the tools of meditation to Unravel, Unlock, Unfold the hidden potential within ourself and awaken the dormant potential within ourself , which is in dormant state since many of our own lives.
So for those who think that manifestation is just a trick to be fiddle with. Humble request take a pause and quit. Because there isn’t an easy path to follow. Yet no rocket science either !
Whenever we want to create something, we run into the world. We invest in stock market, in gold, in real estate, etc.
My guru always say “ What is that you want ? “ Be specific, be clear, before you actually begin to roll out the blue print.
But, wait ! Whether we had ever thought ; what all we want to create ? But we all want to create ! And we create only matter. Right ?
Path towards manifestation.
Now, if we only create matter. Then what matter is made up of ? All the matter is made up of energy; and in turn energy is made up of vibrations.
So, now one thing is getting clear in our mind that to create a matter we need to create positive vibrations only.
What we're as a physical body is just the tip of iceberg. We've infinite potential which is lying in the dormant form. Every human is not single; is a community of 55 trillion cells; every cell has the mind of its own. Just imagine 55 trillion mind is working within our body. And every living cell has its own memory, which is much more than 8GB. So, now we need to understand what we're. A HUGE hidden potential. Each of us are a dormant Hanuman.
Now if we have understood the basic fact, we need to understand the flavour of ourself. The flavour of our consciousness, which affects our outer world ; which affects the creation of matter.
The people of outer world relate with the flavour of our consciousness. Our inner world is influencing our outer world.
Few people attracts love and respect from their outer world easily.This doesn't happen with everyone. Isn't it? Right ! This is the power of our real world, the realm of consciousness.
Actual game starts from the realm of our inner world. We can easily judge the flavour of our inner world, by just truthfully watching the behaviour from the people of outer world. Experience of outer world influencing our inner world and the believe and flavour of our inner world influencing the flavour of outer world. Your life is unfolding within you, moment to moment and event by event..
But according to the law of quantum physics “you're the creator of your own destiny”
Now let us try to understand.
What is subconscious mind ?
Subconscious mind is a rich field, an ocean full of natural resources, wealthy minerals,sources governing your conscious mind. It is a concentrated field of natural intelligence.
It doesn’t throw any logic, any reasoning. Whatever you say it immediately creates it. It follows your instructions very easily
What is conscious mind ?
The life in conscious mind requires nutrients for survival, which is supplied from subconscious mind.
Subconscious mind send stimulus package to conscious mind where thousands of thought process is going on. When our conscious mind give proper yielding direction to our thoughts, we manifest matter.
When conscious mind merges with subconscious mind, at this very state whatever you visualize, it manifest. the power of mind.
When you’re in very intense emotional state you tend to program your subconscious mind.
Our ancient Yogi’s have stated that we have three state of consciousness
All three are connected to conscious mind, and it is just 4% of the power of the mind.
Fourth state is the Turia State, which has 96% mind power. This state of consciousness is connected to subconscious mind. And this state is achieved through regular practice of meditation power.
So, now the practice of “Goal Manifestation” it boils down to our thoughts. The collective power of our thoughts. Whatever you sow in your subconscious field knowingly or unknowingly the same same you will reap. If you sow seeds of thorns the same you would grow on your soil.
The universe is made up of consciousness,and from the same consciousness there are five factors which affects our individual consciousness.
How do we successfully be on the path of manifestation.
The argument to the quest start. To manifest we need to be very specific and particular on the following.
1. Nutrition
Our body is what we eat, our mind is what we read or what we see: “Jaisa ann waisa mann”.
And your thoughts create emotions which in turn affect endocrine system a chemical messenger system helping in the secretion of your hormones.
Check what you’re eating. Is it toxic to your body? Satvik food, be true vegetarian. Food we consume has consciousness and the moment we eat, it merges with our own self consciousness. The food we cook contains liveforce energy for three hours, so must practice a habit of eating fresh cooked foods. Once the food is preserved in machines and then consumed loose liveforce energy. Avoid packed foods or atleast for those specific time period; during which you’re on the path of manifestation.
endocrine system - Google Search
2. Breath
Mastering internal breath is very important. And this is one of the reason why our holy monks meditate on himalaya. There you can’t afford the have shallow breathing because of air pressure and atmosphere. So always a deep and continous breath only way to survive over hamalayas. Its an internal martial art. This is achieved through regular practice of meditation.
Breath helps in controlling our emotions. Remember positive emotions within ourself signaling positive vibrations to our 55 trillion cells and negative emotions signaling negative vibrations to our cellular system. And every negative emotions leads a signal to our community of cellular system : look wind up the signal is to wind up.
Controlling the emotions is very important in our goal manifestation. Power of emotions. Always have attitude of gratitude.
Witness the weather, formation of clouds, glowing and smiling faces of people, enjoying the sun rise. You’re lucky enough the day has been given to you : to blossom the gift of nature, blessings of nature. Bless everyone to whom you meet to make people around you feel happy. A simplistic approach to begin your day without applying any techniques, methods or protocols.
This will help to create strong thought patterns within you. A strong powerful vibrations. Powerful healthy environment surrounding you.
Our thought pattern belong to our own consciousness. Biggest pattern do arise within our social norms “ ‘I'm not good”. Start respecting yourself. Accept yourself the way you’re. Forgive yourself , no guilt within yourself. Resonate Unconditional love. Every emotions will produce some thought, and thoughts will produce something. Resonate positive stream of emotions continuously , which will influence your aura and people start appreciating the flavour of your consciousness. Such deep and regular practice will make your emotions steadier and gradually because of your habit it turns to be unconditional love.
Think only what you want. Don't allow the thought to enter your conscious mind the thing which you don't want.
Speak what you want visualize only what you want.
Give to others what you want. If you seek love then spread the happiness of love. Charity begins at home. Give unconditional love to your family members. Nature is very liberal, it doesn't owe to anyone, it returns back with many folds. Seek and it shall be given to you.
3. Praan the cosmic energy
To produce vibrations we require some energy; to activate energy we require some atma (self is life). Real I will always remain, it was always there, it is there, it will always remain there.
Practice some breathing pranayaam regularly. Right breathing techniques powerfully navigates and supplies cosmic energy through conscious mind. Breath provides self belonging conscious awareness. It gives strength to etheric body. Continuous deep breathing exercise will enhance your praanmaya kosh.
Past life karma are stored in gyaanmaya kosh which then rises to manomaya kosh where it due to emotions create some vibrations depending on the type of karma which leads to some thought generation. This thought when reaches praanmaya kosh, if the the pranamaya kosh is weak ; it bounds to take the shape of a disease.
Live in present, because present is truth, past is dead future is false. If you live in present you can create healthy emotions, which in turn it would create healthy positive signal to our cells and hence positive secretion of hormones. Fear, anxiety, anger disturbs our hormones secretions and in turn damage our thought process. but if you're in past you might deluge in negative thoughts.
Always perceive that what you're manifesting you'd already achieved. Live and feel the same emotions.The emotions sends a very strong message to mother nature in the form of vibrations. Always remember your vibrations will create the matter which you want. If you're sending healthy positive vibrations, nature would nurture the same.
On the contrary if you start thinking and feeling consciously that you'd failed to achieve or you aren't able to achieve, it will hurt your emotions. Negative energy would neutralize whatever you'd earned so far and your conscious mind will receive negative nutrients from subconscious mind . Your body will start secreting unwanted harmful enzymes. Our body secrets enzymes based on our thought pattern. If we're living with negative thoughts, body and endocrine system will produce harmful enzymes, contaminating our subconscious mind.
4. Write Golden Book
Golden Book is a journal where we illuminate three things at night before going to sleep.
What is it you want ? Contemplate fully before writing.
What you will get by attaining your goal ? What would be the change in your life.
What is the price you’re willing to pay for it ? What hard work will you do. How many hours you’ll contribute in achieving the goal.
A ledger book debit on one side credit on other side.
Write your “Golden Book” daily. Pen your thoughts your emotions in a diary. Read your write up daily before going to bed. Live with the emotions before your day end. Whatever you want to manifest, always write those thoughts in “present tense”. Only present is truth, rest is false. When we sleep our subconscious mind provides nutrients to conscious mind, so whatever you write feel the same with strong intent emotions before going to bed. Visualize strongly so that it gets layered in your subconscious mind.
This you must do every night. Now close the book, and meditate. Connect to your each breath inhale and exhale fully and deeply continuously without break. Now consider the feeling as if you’re not breathing air, rather breathing packets of energy. Shape size color will vary individually. Be aware of your thoughts fully. Deep continuous sound of your breath. At certain point of time you’re just vibrations as frequency. At this very juncture you’re no man, no woman just a vibration feeling light as if you’re absorbed in the environment feeling powerful, energetic. The feeling of ”Oneness”. Just the feeling of energy no restriction.
5. Manifestation at Quantum level.
Be generic and kind, full of gratitude to nature. Always resonate unconditional love. It might sound bookish in this modern world though. This will make your heart chakra powerful, which in turn will emit positive vibrations. What we give to others it comes back to many folds. Universe is very fertile : whatever you sow, so shall you reap. If you seek love give love in abundance to others, if you seek respect so shall give respect to everyone. It is law of nature, nature loves symmetry.
So move on…
I salute you and salute the very divine within you.
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salmankhanholics · 4 years
★Kabir Khan decodes ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’s popularity ahead of its fifth anniversary!
Kabir Khan, who grew up admiring the composite culture of the country and still believes it to be an intrinsic part of India, said 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' was his response to the growing religious discrimination.
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.Mumbai, Jul 16 (PTI) “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” is Kabir Khan’s most loved film and it is also that one movie he has watched maximum number of times thanks to his daughter who loves to catch it during its multiple TV runs.
Children love the message of unity that the film tries to convey in the guise of an India-Pakistan drama, which is what Khan said he set out to do by casting Bollywood superstar Salman Khan as a simple-minded Hanuman devotee, Pawan, who crosses path with a mute girl, Munni, from Pakistan after she strays accidently into India.
Kabir said the strength of the film was that it was greatly enjoyed by children.
Rest of the story of the much-loved blockbuster, which completes five years on Friday, revolves around Pawan''s, also known as Bajrangi, (Salman) attempts to unite the child, played by Harshali Malhotra, with her parents across the border.
There is a fairytale element to the story, which is a cross-border drama about the neighbouring countries on the surface, but also a metaphor for the artificial boundaries that people put up around them, Khan said.
"When I was writing the film, it was not about cross-border. It was about the borders that we put within our country. The first half is about his (Salman) prejudices about a different religion; it is about how we as human beings put artificial boundaries and segregate people on artificial lines,” Kabir told PTI in an interview.
"It is all unnatural whether it is (on the basis of) religion or caste or nationality. These are man-made boundaries that we have put up,” he added.
The director, who grew up admiring the composite culture of the country and still believes it to be an intrinsic part of India, said “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” was his response to the growing religious discrimination.
The film was lauded for its sensitive portrayal of India-Pakistan relations, while retaining its sharp political commentary.
The filmmaker said he believes common people from both the countries—India and Pakistan— should not let politicians or politics hamper the love and peace between them.
"Unfortunately, we get swayed by the politics of two countries. Politicians will always be hostile and they will play this game for thousands and thousands of years.
"But politics should not come into the life of a common man. Why should we carry the hostility and burden of politicians and unnecessarily start hating people whether it is of different communities or nationalities. That is what basically the film was talking about," he added.
As a filmmaker, Kabir said "Bajrangi.." was a reflection of what he had observed in the society around him.
"There is sad polarisation that is happening in our society, the unnecessary division of people on the lines of religion. It is definitely not what India stands for. We have to celebrate what India stands for. One of the strengths of India is its composite culture. It is inherent, you cannot take it away," he said.
"''Bajrangi...'' is a reaction to the fact that polarisation has happened more and more and I felt I needed to address that in my film," he added.
As a politically-aware filmmaker, Kabir said he cannot make a film without a social or political context.
"All of us have some politics in us and we look at the world in a certain way and we react to it (accordingly). Politics is not about which party to vote for, that is a very narrow way of looking at it. Politics is about the way we look and react to the world," the Jamia Millia Islamia and Delhi University alumnus said.
Kabir further said all his films have a certain tone -- either fairytale, fantasy, real or logical. With "Bajrangi...", he wanted to create "fairytale-ish" quality about a man of good heart.
"Bajrangi Bhaijaan" opens with the shots of snow-clad mountains. For the film’s climax, Khan created India-Pakistan border in Sonmarg, Jammu and Kashmir with around 7,000 people. Kabir said as it was a Salman-starrer, the end needed a grand setting.
"This is the fairytale part of the film. It is where you want people from both the countries to come together. In reality, that’s not possible. But in the film, I was trying to show the goodness in people so the Pakistani guard steps back, seeing the huge number of the common people and allows them to break the fence for Pawan to enter India.
Talking about the casting of the film, Kabir said Salman as Pawan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Chand Nawab were his initial and only choices.
When writer K V Vijendra Prasad, who wrote the story, brought the idea to Kabir for developing the screenplay, he wanted Salman as “he has this magical connection with children and if I can capture that with Munni, it will fly and I also know that Salman feels strongly about the politics of the film”. PTI KKP BK BK
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incendiaglacies · 5 years
Reasons why I have trouble accepting Hinduism on TV as written by a white person:
1. I was told by a white girl in third grade that we are all related because of Noah’s Ark. That does not appear in my religion.
2. I was told in eighth grade by a white girl that Evolution isn’t real and religion says it’s wrong. This to me still stands out as a defining fact of why I was so confused about my religion and beliefs.
3. In twelfth grade, a boy said that believing in a winged monkey god is stupid. He thought he was making it up, but Hanuman is a real god in my religion. The other two Indian girls and I shut him up real quick about that.
4. I have been asked to show proof for my religion as there is so much proof about Christ. They weren’t trying to be mean about it, but I still didn’t like it.
5. I jokingly said god can be a woman (because I pray to Ma Durga, to me God is sort of a woman). The guy I was talking to straight up said God is a man.
So when I see Hindu gods and mythology used interchangably on shows with magic rather than something to be prayed to by people, it makes me think that these people think of my religion as a fake. Like it doesn’t really exist. And it hurt.
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
My Funny Valentine
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Hey everybody! it’s ya girl Livvy here with a Black Panther fic, for With Love From Wakanda. I am honored to be able to collaborate with you this group of lovely Queens. Hope you all enjoy it, feedback is greatly appreciated and i will be sure to follow you all as well. Thank you to @hoopshoney and @purple-apricots for this amazing opportunity!! 
My prompt: “Did you just call me, ‘my love’?”
Warnings: heated make-out session, nothing too bad.
Relationship: M’Baku x Zoya 
Word count: under 2k [1,892 to be exact, i got a bit carried away]
Translations: ngelosi; angel
What was the purpose of bachelor parties anyway? It all seemed extremely boring to M’Baku at this point. Going out to a strip club with his friends, he used the term loosely, to celebrate T’Challa’s engagement to Naomi.  
The club was Erik’s idea of course, but none of them impressed M’Baku in the slightest. He was on his 3rd glass of Hennessy, and it don’t phase him one bit.   “Ayo, Baku!” Erik approached the Jabari king with a swag in his step. Looking him over and rubbing his chin, he snickered.   “Why you look bored? There are plenty of honeys to choose from. Have some fun and get outcha head.” M’Baku glanced at his gold fanged friend and scoffed a bit.   “None of this fun to me. They are all gorgeous, yes, but not my cup of tea.” “Man you trippin trippin. Imma go have fun with T’Challa, never thought I’d hear my damn self say that. Talk to ya later.”
To say he was in a funk was an understatement. What caused it? How I would’ve wrote it: It was probably the fight between him and his lady friend, Zoya, that caused them to not speak for weeks.
The fact that it was Valentine’s Day didn’t make it any better, seeing as how he had the week planned out months before the fight. To say he was whipped over Zoya wasn’t a lie. She treated him no different, and saw
him for who he was. Not just the king of Jabari Land, but M’Baku. “I’m gonna go back to the hotel. I’ll see you guys later.” Upon departing from the group to head home, he got a text that made his heart beat like a djembe drum in a tribal dance.   {Come by my hotel, the Manhattan. We need to talk. Room 214}
He thought long and hard about how to respond. Once he got his bearings together, he replied.
[Oh? So what do I owe the pleasure of gracing the queen of my presence?]
{I don’t need the sarcasm.} she replied. {Just get your ass here before I change my mind.}
“At least I can get away from the party.”
[Fine. I’ll be there soon]
Catching a cab to clear his thoughts a bit, he replayed the fight in his head.
[several hours earlier]
“You can’t even take one day off. One day off to spend time with me.” The ruby red haired queen huffed at the tall Jabari king. They had been at it for hours.
“I am a king. My duties are to myself and my country. Not some whiny little-“
“Finish that sentence. I dare you. One more word I will feed your ass to your tribe. All I’m asking from you, is spend a little time with me that’s all.”
He had, had enough of their arguing and needed to breath. The elongated sigh left his full lips, as he rubbed his face.
“I can’t be at your beck and call every minute of the day, Zozo. You know that.”
“You sure did spend a lot of time with that other chick at the bar, a few times this week I might add.”
“Are you jealous of Megan? She’s our guide around New York. I can sense something these in you Zoya. You want me. Don’t you?” The smirk shone on his face with pride. He knew just how to push her buttons.
“Hell no. Go enjoy your little Little Havana Barbie Doll, of a guide. Any of the Avengers could’ve given y’all a tour.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance and prepared a bath for herself.
“That’s it!” He exclaimed and got in her face. “Until you come to your senses about how you feel, I’ll be with the boys.” Leaving her there to contemplate what just happened, she growled lowly full of rage.
“I could ask you the same damn thing!” Zoya exclaimed in fury as she heard the door slam after M’Baku’s departure.
[Flashback over]
What flower shops are open this late? Maybe her favorite ice cream will do? The process to make it right and apologize for what he had done, was in full swing.
Fifteen minutes alter, after gathering that items he needed, he felt the hairs in the back of his neck rise due to anxiousness. Knocking on the door waiting with anticipation, it opened to a glorious sight.
“Zoya. I just-“
“I know. Come in before you draw attention to yourself.” Pulling him inside the room, she checked for any onlookers.
The room was dimly lit; held electric candles all over the place, soft jazz music playing, his pride and joy in front of him in a crisp white lace lingerie set and a matching silk white robe.
“Dear Hanuman you look good enough to eat.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of her for one second. The white lace looked as if it were painted on her skin, making it rove seem envious of what it was on.
“Oh I know. I’ve been blessed with a glorious purpose.” She began, and smirked slyly up at him, before putting the flowers in whatever she could find in the kitchenette of the room.
“And that purpose is to apologize for how I’ve been reacting towards you.”
Taking his hands in hers as the moved towards the couch, she sat on her knees and breathed evenly.
“M’Baku, it doesn’t take much to make me feel good. And yet you do the bare minimum and it means the world to me. I shouldn’t take your kindness for granted and what we have, I don’t know what to call it at all.”
Her palms were aching; heart pounding against her chest at rate that felt like a jackhammer on the pavement.
“ngelosi. What are you saying?” The tone of M’Baku’s voice was unwavering. He didn't know to expect next.
“Please don’t call me that unless you’re being truthful.” She sniffled at the thought of possibly losing him for what she was about to say.
“I am being truthful here. Where are you getting at?”
“What am I to you?” The words rushed out of her like a bullet train and caught M’Baku by surprise.
“I don’t want to just be your fling whenever, you or I, need to get off. I know this was the arrangement but it’s getting less fulfilling. I don’t want to be a fuck buddy, when I know I’m wife material.”
The tears that slid down her high mocha sunkissed cheekbones, fell into her lap. All the while, sniffling slightly while avoiding eye contact. Feeling a warm gentle hand, lift her chin up to look him in the eye, he spoke with sincerity. 
“Zoya. My love, I was afraid to tell you how I felt. I truthfully only thought you’d want this arrangement, after all was said and done. The first time was magical of course but, as it continued I finally saw the woman I want by my side.” Lacing their fingers together, he kissed the back of her hand.
“I want this to be more than just a fling between us.” Resting his head on hers, looking into her eyes softly, he was being sincere.
Was she hearing him correctly? Did he want her for real. The tears that shed this time, were happy one's, as she let out a sweet chuckle.
“Wait, wait. Did you call me, ‘my love’?” She was in awe and shock. “M’Baku, are you sure? Am I even fit to rule?”
“My love,” he repeated with a smile and caressed her cheek gently. “Without you, I am nothing but an empty shell of a man. With you, you make me better; stronger even. Beside every great man, is an even greater woman.”
All her bottled up emotions, that she held in for so  long over the last four years, were rushing out with pure happiness.
She didn’t know how to respond. Not sure what to do, letting her body do the work, she kissed him with so much love and passion. This kiss felt real and not forced; it was genuine and filled with heat.
His soft, thick lips engulfed hers with an intensity like no other. Tilting his head to the left slightly, to deepen the kiss, he held her face in his strong hands. All the while of taking in her sent, that was like fresh oranges infused with vanilla. It must’ve been the perfume he got her for her birthday, because it was heaven on earth to him.
The kiss itself was hotter than ever before. Dragging her nails down his firm chest, moaning shakily against his lips as it intensified even more, she had a thought. Upon breaking the kiss, she was caught off guard, by his lightning speed reflexes.
“M’Baku..” Zoya groaned softly as his lips trailed down her neck in ecstasy, causing her heart to beat faster in want and need. Feeling a little daring, Zoya draped her left thick thigh across his lap, while M’Baku caressed it and tugged at it. Of all the times he's been in between them, he’s taking his time to enjoy it more than ever.
“Yes my Queen?” He was too focused to on her pleasure to even talk.
“You didn’t ask me to be yours. You simply implied.” Her elegant voice stopped his motions, gazing into her eyes once more and pulled her closer to his chest that’s as just as burning in desire as her own.
“Zoya Janelle Okafor,” He began, as he picked her up and locked her ankles behind his back, caring her to the bathroom that she had set up for them.
“You’ve thought this out haven’t you?” He loved the gesture wholeheartedly.
“I did. Because kitten felt bad, for how she treated the gorilla.” The elegant smirk that was etched on her face, as she rubbed her nose against his affectionately.
“The gorilla loves this, just as much as he loves you. Yet, I have a proposal to ask of you.”
Placing her on the counter; watching in amazement as the candles illuminated her heated skin, to give her a golden glow, he was at a loss for words. Then found them again.
“My love, will you be mine? For all eternity, in all the possible realms that are out there? I don't have a ring yet, but there might be one in the future.”
“Yes M’Baku. I’ve waited long enough.”
With the finale words leaving her breath, she pulled him closer to her body and kissed him with everything she had in her. Gripping her hips just as rough, and rolling his into hers. The white lace, that graced her supple hips, were soon ripped from her and throw behind him without a care.
“I just bought this!” She whined but was cut off by a sudden slap to her voluptuous backside.
“I’ll buy you more than your hearts desire.” His deep baritone voice awoken the chills in her body, biting her plump bottom lip as she unbuttoned his shirt.
“You’re lucky I love you.” She whispered ever so lightly, against his lips, pulling his pants down as well.
“I love you, too.” He responded softly and went backing to kissing his future Queen. Holding her close as much as he could, with the sound of the city drowning out in the background.
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holy-mountaineering · 5 years
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This spread is for wydk.tumblr.com/
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Tonight you’re getting the full Qabalistic Tree of Life Spread that I do and here you are. What I’m going to do is go through and briefly explain each card, its position on the Tree, and then I’ll give you a summary/synopsis of the spread as a whole.
Think of this spread as a sort of quantum map, or even the land of a regular map, everything is happening at once, in each place. It’s important to think of yourself as moving “through” the map but you are also simultaneously everywhere at once. For the sake of this specific experiment, think of this as a map.
Where we’re starting the journey from is Kether, the monad, the first sign of creation. We’ll call this your hometown, since it is where you’re from originally. Here we have the Princess of Disks, the earthy part of Earth. This is the last of the court cards. The Princess’ gaze is toward the Earth, her lance is also pointing down. She is trying to take a balanced look at the facts of her situation, unbiased and plain. She is looking at where she is right now, not how she got there or where she might go next, she is present. She observes behavior, not what people, including herself, say they might do, she sees what they do right now. She sees the patterns, not isolated events. Look at the facts in your life to figure out where you are. Deal in hard numbers and not abstractions when it comes to your everyday life and who/where/what you are right now.
In Chokmah, which is like your freeway getting you out onto the road out of your hometown is the Ace of Wands The root power or source of Fire, action, motion.
The Ace of Wands or Fire is the big bang of impetus to action, every other motion afterward is spawned from that moment. In practical terms this is the initial event or action that in it’s uncontrolled state causes a series of reactions. The first drive toward an end or event, the force that sets things in motion. The explosion that brings things to life might be a really messy ordeal. This is all the subtlety of a burning baseball bat with ten flames for nails. Regardless of the problem of stagnant things getting burnt, the Ace of Wands causes shit to happen and Will to drive forward. Remember that this is a tool, the Wand of the Magus and should only be profaned in useful and/or hilarious ways. You wouldn’t use a flaming baseball bat to get a moth off of your curtains (probably) and so the Ace of Fire can also be related to brute force or overreaching the necessary force.
In Binah, which is ruled by Saturn and for the sake of this reading we will call the first stop on your roadtrip. You haven’t really arrived anywhere but you’re stopping and getting a chance to repack your car in a more efficient way. Sitting in Binah is the Princess of Cups, the earthy part of Water. We could consider this the substance in water or water hitting substance head on. This is the idea of the canyon wall being ground down over the millennia by moving water. The nutrients and minerals in the earth are transported down river to the fertile delta. This is the natural, “following your feelings” within your daily life. Try not to fool yourself, follow your intuition, not just passing whims. Feel, don’t necessarily react immediately. Go with what you feel and intuit, let yourself go with the flow, if you will. Allow your situation to move with your emotions and be patient with your progress.
In Chesed which is ruled by Jupiter and again for the sake of this experiment we’ll say involves your influence and benevolence in your current trip is a fun one, XVI The Tower (or War), Peh, Mars. This is “war is hell” but mostly for the losing side. The practical interpretation of this card is something in your life that was built up and seemed really important is about to come down. This isn’t the end of the world or even the neighborhood, it’s just this ONE big thing. This is also not something of your doing per se but more of an “act of god” or an outside force. If the Tower is in the way of your progress, boom, easy does it. If that was something that you built and liked it might be a little harder. Things being stripped down to their foundations can be great if you want to build something better and not so easily destroyed. A thing might fall, but don’t go burning down the whole city just ‘cause this one building is going away. Your job is damage control.
Across the Tree in Geburah, which is Mars Town, where you find your drive and what you’re trying to accomplish/conquer is the 9 of Swords, Cruelty (to self, mostly). Like the other 9s this is a massive building up, in this case of Air, mind, thinking, communicating. This is beating yourself up about a decision that must be made. Astrologically, Mars in Gemini relates to action being thwarted because of a split mind on a matter. You are mentally at a fork in the road and you need to make a choice one way or another. You’re building up a lot of ideas but you need to decide which way you want to go or it’s going to keep tearing you up mentally. There is a lot of force and mass here, move it.
In Tiphareth, the Sun and center of gravity holding all this in place, the heart pumping the blood through this, your heart is some good news, 2 of Disks, Change. This is the old saying, “The only constant is change.” This is finding stability in the aforementioned changing. In other words, when stuff gets different, strap in and hold on, steady yourself, and get ready to go into the unknown. Look a bit before you leap but understand that position is king, not appearances. You’re building toward the unknown and pretending to know is not the kind of posturing you should bother with. Not looking for the result of the change, being in the motion, and enjoying, embracing the motion toward the unknown is where you should position yourself. Disks are Earth, matter, the material world, your everyday life and 2s are the suit trying to formulate into something from the rawness of the Aces or the beginning of the idea of Earth. Astrologically, the influential and expanding Jupiter is in the highs and lows of the Goat-Fish Capricorn, think rollercoaster, possibly one that goes underwater. And like rollercoasters, they’re scary but probably not going to be the cause of your death. Unless they go underwater, that sounds dangerous. This is a great time to be aware that you’re moving around and kind of always will be. Enjoy the twists and turns of the ride and don’t stress yourself about how and when it will end.
In Netzach, Venus town, where you have the realization about how this is going to change you as a person with a personality is the 5 of Swords, (mental/communication) Defeat. Like all 5s this is the microcosmic or human card, if you don’t believe me stand up and stick out your arms and legs, boom, you’re a pentagram. Swords are mind, thought processes, communication and the like, and this is mental growth limited by its mundane focus or dwelling on the limitations of yourself and other individuals. Realize your limitations and the limitations of others. You are seriously just a human and so is everyone else. Try to focus your mind on bigger picture things instead of mundane/shitty people, ideas, thoughts, and ways of thinking.
In Mercury Town Hod-ville, where all the Universities are and everyone has real intellectual shit going on is the Knight of Disks, the fiery part of Earth or acting on what must be done in your material life. This Knight looks over cultivated fields before the harvest. He sees what must be done first, which things would rot and which things can be harvested last. He sees the work he has done and prepares to reap the rewards. He is not yet in motion, he must figure out what part of his creation needs immediate attention. You planted the seeds and taken care of the field and now it’s ready for you to get the rewards of your labor. Find what you must do in your material, everyday world to get the best results from this.
On the Moon in Yesod, the receptive and reflective place that is alot about the feelings that you’re picking up from all this is the 5 of Disks, Worry. Like all 5s this is the microcosmic or human number and lord knows people worry like motherfuckers about how they are going to get by in the “normal” world. This is a worry that you’ll get your intelligence smothered by the laborious strain of Taurus. This is, like all 5s a human limitation issue. Well it won’t unless you only see your limitations and make it happen. Be smarter about you material situation so you don’t have to work harder.
Down here in Malkuth-istan, the everyday life mundane, waking up pooping, and going to work world is some really good news X Fortune, Jupiter, Kaph. The “wheel of” Fortune is the rotating of things from confusing and/or destructive to beneficial. The gods Hanuman and Sobek to Crowley represented these ideas and the spinning ‘Wheel of Fortune, ol’ Fortuna is the constant motion of life and our experience stuck in it.. The Sphinx on top has waited through the turns patiently and meditatively and now It is on top again. Expand your influence through patience. It’s getting better just you wait.
So, you need to take note of where you are right now and what is really happening, you need to get back to the foundations of how you do things and reformulate actions so you might be able to follow your heart or at least allow yourself a little more freedom in your relationships with people.
While you might feel like your influence and ability to affect people has been reduced, it is really just being demolished so you can have more room to be you, so stop kicking your own ass about it. What is falling apart here isn’t really your fault and it is FOR SURE going away, so you need to work on rebuilding plans and not trying to hold a falling tower together with duct tape. And that’s all because, this real world change brought about in The Tower, is in motion and central to this piece of your life. You gotta just get into it and roll with them punches and you’ll come out on top!
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: your growth isn’t going to be immediately understood and especially not by thinking about all the ways it might limit you or you might limit it. You’ll grow in your time and don’t focus on your shortcomings or the limitations of others, we’re all just human (besides me, a known lizard person). All that thinking and intellectualizing can best be put to work on accounting. You’re taking inventory of what you’ve made in your life ( for the rebuilding effort) and you’ll find you grew more than you gave yourself credit for and you’re still growing. It’s time to prepare to harvest the fruits of your labor. And hey, don’t surround yourself with reminders of your physical and material limitations. I am saying this for the second night in a row, but, not to sound too much like The Secret but you should focus on bringing limitlessness to yourself and not sit around thinking about what you can’t do.
And finally, in your everyday life, you just be patient about all this scary change shit, because shockingly, like the Tiphareth card the 2 of Disks, you are going to come out on top! Your fortune is changing for the better, so fret not! It does get better!
AAAAAAAAAAAnd there you are!
Hit me up with any questions, comments, concerns, or criticisms!!!
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Pt. 2: The Wine Down
(M’Baku x Black!OC)
Word Count: 1.9k
Part 1
A/N:This is a continuation of my Day 24 Fictober prompt.  I recommend going back to that if you want to enjoy this fully!  This will be a short little series, probably five chapters or less.  Let’s just see how it goes!
When Gina trotted backstage, wiping her brow elated, her friend Chandra was beaming at her.
“Ok!  We got a full session tonight!  Good job!”  
They shared a high five as she primped her makeup.  “Yeah, and the funny thing is, it was a guy I knew actually.”
Chandra stared at Gina suspiciously.  “Uh-huh, is he gonna be a problem or…”
Gina waves her off.  “No!  At least I don’t think so, I just met him today anyway.”
Chandra scoffs.  “If this don’t sound like some stalker shit, then I don’t know what is!  You meet a guy and a few hours after that he is showing up at your job?”
Gina takes a sip of water, rolling her eyes.  “It’s not like that!  Listen, let me do my rounds out here really quick and I’ll tell you all about it, ok?”
Gina got herself ready to serve patrons out in the lobby drinks and snacks as they played pool and lounged before and after a show.  She could here the raucous crowd as she began to step from behind the curtains of the dressing room and it was a boisterous crowd indeed.  A bunch of well dressed and rowdy Black men scattered about the room with cigars talk to one another in pockets of conversation.  Before Gina could make her way to the bar area, she saw him.  
He was standing by a chair, bent over talking to a friend sitting down who seemed to have had more than he could handle.  Gina scurried back to the other side of the curtain, running into Chandra, heart threatening to pop right out of her chest.
“Damn, Gina!  What the hell is going on?”  She exclaims.
Gina fans her face as she sits down in agony.  “He is still here, right outside.”
Chandra trots to the curtain, peeking.  “Which one??  Looks like it’s a bachelor party!”
You describe his hulking build and appearance ad Chandra spots him.  “Oh ho ho.  Girl, he is beautiful.  Mm, filling.”
“Don’t be gross, Chandra, dang!”  Gina moans.
“What can I say?  That’s a meal that’ll stick to your bones, honey.  You got a good palate after all.  No way in hell you can go out there though, rules and shit.”
Gina nods.  “I know, and trust me I don’t want to.”
Chandra looks at Gina pitifully.  “If you wanna take off, you can.  I’ll let Dean and them know you weren’t feeling good or something.”
Gina gets up to hug Chandra gratefully.  Chandra was a grad student in the physical therapy field.  She wanted to help children who suffered from debilitating illness and traumatic events push through their disabilities to live normal lives.  So, in the end, they had a lot in common being two working girls hustling for an education.  Before Gina started at the club, she prayed she wouldn’t find herself in a Player’s Club type of situation, but thankfully things never were like that for her, especially with Chandra’s guidance.
“Thanks, Chan.  I owe you one for real.”  Gina changes herself into some regular clothes before making her way to the back exit, and out of the door.
A  couple days later, after hours upon hours of studying, Gina was ready to take her microbiology exam.  The lecture hall was fullest at this time naturally, but long as she had a seat, that test was going to go down with a TKO.  And she was sure of herself when she walked out, having completed it.  She put in enough time where the test almost felt like she wrote it herself.  The answers just flowed from her onto the bubbles on her scantron and she felt better than ever for its completion.  It was time to celebrate.
After a much needed nap, Gina woke up in the evening to head over to the store.  She had a How to Get Away with Murder marathon waiting, and all she needed was some drink to wash all those ridiculous Final Destination-like plot twists down.
Heading to the liquor section, Gina perused the categories of Vodka, Rum, Brandy, Beer, and all the wine varieties before settling on a semi-sweet red that was locally made.  The price wasn’t bad, so she got another one in a sweet white before heading around to the register.
Then came the collision.
Gina tensed up as she came into contact with a big figure, nearly dropping her bottle out of her basket.
“Oh!  Sorry, I didn’t s-”
The figure started to apologize and the voice was very recognizable to Gina as she looked up at him and saw his face, appearing to have seen a ghost with that kind of expression.
Silence fell between them as their eyes locked on one another, not saying anything but saying everything that was spinning around in their minds.  When his eyes fell out of focus, Gina shuffled her weight, preparing to leave.
“It’s nothing, thanks.”  Gina muttered as she walked around M’Baku.
“Wait!”  He calls out.  
Gina stops, cursing under her breath as she turns around.  “Yeah?”
M’Baku looked around nervously, walking up to Gina with a half smile.  “Do you not remember me?”
Gina could’ve fallen through the floor at that moment and it would’ve been a nicer situation than her current one.  “Listen, I don’t know what you think you know, but I’m-”
“The produce aisle?  With the viruses and disease, right?”  M’Baku says slowly and expectantly.
Gina closed her eyes, exhaling sharply.  His politeness was barely making this easier as she kicked herself for her past brazenness.
“Riiiight….still, I’m kind of in a hurry, so…”
“Have to pop those wines bottles in an ice bucket, I get it.”  M’Baku chuckles.  “But I’m sorry if I am overstepping.  It’s not my intention to make you uncomfortable, we just had a nice conversation the other day.”
Gina stares him down.  “M’Baku, are you talking to me for THAT or for what you saw?”
M’Baku took a deep breath.  “I hoped you remembered my name.  It’s foreign to America’s standards, so that’s even better on you, Gina.”  
Gina scoffs.  “I’m glad you are impressed.  But so you know, something that does not impress me is a question not being answered.”  Gin turns on her heels to walk down the aisle.  
As she sets her items for self-checkout, M’Baku posts up at the checkout beside her.  “I didn’t want to be rude.  I figured I should not lead with...that as a part of us reintroducing ourselves, if we met again.”
Gina tries running the white wine across the bar code reader and it refuses to scan.  She sets it down frustratedly.  “Do you think I am ashamed of it?  That it is  secret life or something?”
M’Baku walks over to take the bottle of wine.  “Never said any of those things.”
“You didn’t have to, I can tell.”  Gina slides her card, grabbing the wine as the receipt prints.  M’Baku rings up the white wine without issue.  “I knew you were intelligent with your facts on foodborne illnesses, but I didn’t think you would be a fool when it comes to getting to know a person.”
Gina whipped around to M’Baku in shock.  “Is that what you think?  I’m foolish?  Then tell me, why exactly are you trying to talk to me if not for my club performance, huh?”  Gina crossed her arms waiting on bated breath for M’Baku to respond.
Calmly, he finished his transaction with the white wine, bagging it up.  “You are adorable when you find yourself to be right.  It was pleasing to watch when you discussed the fruits with me, discussed our backgrounds.  Made me feel I was christened by a Queen, even though your appearance was humble, I could tell that you held yourself in high regard.  I wanted so badly to know you more but the timing just wasn’t there, and I didn’t sense you would take my number, so I left it in Hanuman’s hands.”
“Hanuman?”  she asked.
“Oh, yes.  It is part of my religion, which I can go into depth more if you wanted to crack open this wine?”  M’Baku raised his eyebrows as he held to bottle out to her.
Gina pursed her mouth.  “I didn’t ask you to buy that for me.”
M’Baku groans.  “The amount of assumptions you make, I am surprised you are not a philosophy major!  Let me be nice to you, I have not brought up a single weird or out of place comment, and that will not happen if you would give me a chance.”
Gina took the bottle, looking at it as she mulled over the possibilities.  He was right, not once did he even bring up her stage performance, but that would come up eventually, no doubt.  He got the wine, but wasn’t expecting anything, though still she didn’t know him like that.  But she kept pepper spray and lived in an apartment with nosy neighbors and thin walls, so maybe this wouldn’t be a worst case scenario.  
“Ok, you have charmed me into submission!”  Gina says.
M’Baku kisses his teeth.  “I won’t go where I’m not wanted.  I don’t force myself where I m not allowed entry.  So please, enjoy your wine, I’ll be on my way.”  
As he walks off, Gina calls to him.  “What?  Wait!  I thought you wanted to come over!”
M’Baku continues to walk out of the automatic door.  Gina stands there frustrated a moment before taking off after him.
“M’Baku!  Hang on a second, will you!”  
He stops at his car to unlock the doors before turning to her.  “Yes, Ms. Gina?”
She huffs as she takes her phone out clumsily while balancing the bottles.  “Let me at least get your number so I can get back with you...”
M’Baku smirks as he takes the bottles from her, holding them easily under his meaty arms as he typed.  Giving the phone back, Gina looked it over before putting it away.
“I texted you, so…”  Gina mutters in a low voice.
M’Baku stands against his car holding the wine.  “You know, you are a good dancer, technically.  Good control.”
“Annnd there it is!”  Gina says laughing.
M’Baku shrugs.  “It does not influence my desire to know you, however.  I wondered what you may think of me, being a patron!  It was my first time at something like that, the groom and best man had covered us to be able to enjoy ourselves fully for the night, and needless to say I maxed out.”
Gina smiles, looking at her feet.  “I know, I saw the party afterwards.  I snuck out early so I wouldn’t run into you.”
“Yet here we are…but you probably have readings to do and the like, so...”  M’Baku says, studying her face intensely.  Gina got a vibe from him that pulled her closer, she wanted to know more about this foreign man who was taken with her.  Plus it warmed her for him to have  remembered her name, her studies, and not taking her shit.  She had already had her nap, so she was far from tired.
“I actually, just finished an exam, so I’m on a break!”
M’Baku smiles genuinely.  “I’m sure you did well.”
“I know I did, like taking candy from a baby.”  Gina clears her throat.  “So, if anything tonight could be a good night to...hang out?  I just wanted to chill, so if you're cool with boring, you can come by.”
M’Baku stands up from his car, hands folded in front of him as he stands right in front of Gina, looking down at her pleasantly.  “That sounds like a plan to me.”
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wakandan-flowerz · 6 years
Our Love In Color VIII
A/N: Here y’all go! Part 8. After this, I’m turning up the heat on this series. Y’all know the reader is Black and Plussized so, be nice.
Warnings: Fluff, plot progression, short but it is meaningful
Translation: iziqhamo-fruit, yam ivu-my rose, intombi encinci-little girl
“Mama, I need a favor.” M’Baku called, catching up with his mother as she was walking through the hall.
“Yes, M’Baku?” she said.
“You know that cream you used to use. The one that cleaned up blemishes and scars. I need some.” He said.
“Why?” Niyi asked. “You usually let your scars heal on their own.”
“It’s not for me. It’s for…someone else.” He said, catching himself.
“Oh? Would Jolasun need it? I can have it sent to her.” Niyi said.
“No. Just give it to me and I can take it” M’Baku said.
“Hmm. Okay. Just meet me at my room in an hour and I’ll have some waiting for you.” Niyi said.
M’Baku held the small container of medicine as he exited the palace gate. He made his way down the path trying to think of a way to tell his parents about Y/N. He stopped along the path at the sign of the tribal shaman.
Tribal shamen were responsible for all things related to Hanuman and the tribe's people fortune. M’Baku figured if they could advise him then, he would know how to make things better.
M’Baku entered through the wood door. “Shaman Tanimola, I need your help.” M’Baku said.
“Oh, I know.” She said. “Why else would you be here? What do you need?” Tanimola motioned him over to the table.
“What would you say to the situation of two people not being able to…be real lovers in front of the people who should know?” M’Baku said, sitting down.
“Why can’t these two people be lovers?” Shaman Tanimola said.
“Because…one of them has parents that want to see them with someone else.” M’Baku said.
“And does this couple plan to stay in hiding? Do they know that won’t be able to keep this a secret for very long?” she asked almost chuckling.
“They believe it will be better this way.” He said, shrugging and shaking his head. Shaman Tanimola stood up and went to the fireplace. She scooped up broken pieces of burnt wood and came back to the table.
“Your hand, Prince.” She said. M’Baku held out his hand, letting the shaman drop the warm piece of wood on his hand. She closed his hand for a moment and opened it. She looked at the ash that was left on M’Baku’s palm and studied the burnt wood. Her brows furrowed as her wrinkled hand gripped his wrist. She looked up to M’Baku as if he had said or done something strange and sat back in her chair, letting him go.
“Shaman? Ma’am?” he asked.
“Secrets destroy things rather than keep them alive. If you allow a secret loom for too long, it’s like a rotten iziqhamo. It gives off a terrible smell and look. Next, if left alone will fester and ruin the other fruit around it.” She said.
“So…are saying this couple needs to be open and tell the truth?” M’Baku said.
“Yes.” She hissed. “All truths must be told.”
“All truths?” M’Baku asked with the most perplexed face. “But…we’ve only been keeping the one secret.”
“One secret can beget another. When one secret is kept, over time, whether it be days months, years or decades, another one will grow and then another after that. And as secrets grow the more damage it will cause.” Shaman Tanimola said.
“Shaman Tanimola, will this really do that much harm? You are making this sound serious.” M’Baku asked, shaking his head.
Shaman Tanimola looked at his palm that still lied open to her view. “I fear the outcome may be dire.”
“Keeping this from my parents I thought was the only way I and Y/N could be together. My father…he would never allow it.” M’Baku said.
“M’Baku, again. All truths must be told in order for all to be free and for all to heal from their unclosed wounds.” Shaman Tanimola said.
“What? Unclosed wounds? Are you talking about something else?” M’Baku said, leaning forward. “What should I do?”
“I know this. However, it comes out. It won’t be the way you want it.” She said, getting up for the table. “I’m afraid that’s my time. You should go. I believe you had an errand to run.” M’Baku looked down at the medicine he was holding and nodded. He paid the shaman and left, trying to decipher her cryptic words.
You stood in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. The one thing you didn’t like about coming off your concussion was the work you now had to do. You were stopped by a knock at your door. The heavy knock sounded familiar, causing you to smile to yourself. “I’ll get it.” You told your mother who sat, knitting on the couch.
You went to the door, opening it slowly at first but, you were disappointed to not see him there. You found a basket inside, full of flowers, a small container in the middle on the side, a brown paper package with a chocolate label and a note. You picked it up and brought it inside. 
Setting the basket on the counter, you picked up the note, unfolding it.
Somethings for you to use to cheer you up, yam ivu.
You bit your lip, thinking about him writing a note to you. “Who is that from?” You nearly jumped out of your skin when you turned around and saw your mother, standing next you. She peered down looking at the note. “My rose, huh? How sweet. Was it the same person that gave you this?” Your mother poked at the discolored skin on your neck from M’Baku kissing and sucking on you from the previous night.
“Mama!” you said pushing her away.
“Aye, aye. Relax. Mama’s only teasing.” She said.
“So, he knows where you stay, yes? Should I start watching the house to know who he is?” your father said coming into the room from his study.
“Please, don’t.” you groaned, putting the note back in the basket.
“It’s been two weeks and a half, intombi encinci. I need to know who he is.” He said.
“I’m not a little girl, Baba. And I told you that when we were ready I’d bring him. You aren’t making this any easier. In fact, what if I say you are only making me more uncomfortable with the idea of bringing him to meet you.” You said.
“Bongani, relax. Let’s give them time. They aren’t rushing so we aren’t rushing.” Your mother said.
“Just tell me. Is it someone I’ve seen before? Do I know his father?” your father asked.
You sucked your lips in and looked at your father, determined to keep your secret and leaving them in suspense.
Your father sucked his teeth and stood back, folding his arms. “Sure, okay. Keep it to yourself. But, you better be the one to tell me. Don’t let this go too long. Don’t shut us out.”
“Alright, Baba. You’ll know in time.” You said, teasingly as you took the basket upstairs.
tags: @randomwordprompts @myboyfriendgiriboy @muse-of-mbaku @destinio1 @yaachtynoboat711 @great-neckpectations @iamrheaspeaks @storibambino @theunsweetenedtruth @rinsethemall @chasingsunlight @slimmiyagi @bidibidibombaclaat @yofavcocoa
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