#facts about hanuman
poonamranius · 2 years
पृथ्वी से 28 लाख गुना सूर्य हनुमान कैसे निगल गया? क्या यह विज्ञान के साथ मजाक नहीं है? Facts about Hanuman Eating Sun Story In Hindi
पृथ्वी से 28 लाख गुना सूर्य हनुमान कैसे निगल गया? क्या यह विज्ञान के साथ मजाक नहीं है? Facts about Hanuman Eating Sun Story In Hindi
Facts about Hanuman Eating Sun Story In Hindi : पृथ्वी से 28 लाख गुना सूर्य हनुमान कैसे निगल गया? क्या यह विज्ञान के साथ मजाक नहीं है? या तो मजाकिया तौर पर यह सवाल पूछा है या फिर यह सवाल इसलिए पूछा है कि देखते है लोग कैसे–कैसे कॉमेंट करेंगे। इस हिसाब से तो आपको हर उस चीज पर सवाल उठाने चाहिए जो की आसान नहीं है। जैसे कि हनुमान जी ने बिन थके इतना विशाल समुद्र कैसे पार कर लिया। अरे श्री हनुमान जी…
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vi-timepiece · 1 month
Yes or no: would you eat the sun if you were capable of such a feat
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shayariwallah · 1 month
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sanatan-dharmaa · 8 months
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futzfuck · 2 months
I think an overlooked bit in Monkey Man is how bleach is used as imagery and association. Bleach is often use is to remove stains from clothes/surfaces, disinfect things, and just generally clean stuff. I think this plays a lot into the revenge narrative central to the film, as well as offering a comparison/contrast to the villians’ methods of “removing India’s scars”
When the Kid first shows his hands he says they look that way from bleach and chemicals and calls them his CV. Now, without the mention of bleach this scene is still impactful within context, bc the Kid is indirectly saying that his life is defined by his trauma and the death of his mother (and maybe even his inability to save her). Hands are also a reoccurring symbol throughout the film in an of themselves. But back to bleach. I think mentioning bleach is important bc it depicts bleach as corrosive and something higher ups don’t want to engage in. “Give me the job no one wants to do, and ill do it.” No one at Kings wants what the Kid wants, and no one there is willing to cleanse the city and the establishment of its own corruption.
There’s also the fact that Kid’s pseudonym comes from the brand of bleach he uses at his job. By naming himself after the bleach he uses, Kid associates himself with an aggressive way of cleansing, which is kinda the whole message of Monkey Man as a narrative. It’s telling that the closest thing to a conventional name we have for the Kid just reinforces his purpose within the story.
Finally, the Kid bleaches his monkey mask before he goes to Kings for the final act. I think this is symbolic of him stripping away his persona of “Kong” that he used as a fighter from the mask, replacing it with the identity of Hanuman he has come to inhabit. The lighter fur looks more like the fur Hanuman is shown to have throughout the movie, both in the children’s book and the puppet in the stage play. It could also symbolize the Kid “cleansing his mind” of what remains from before he was saved by the hijras, and fully embracing his purpose.
Am i thinking about this way to much? Obviously but i don’t care bc its fun lol. Love this movie.
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One thing about Monkey Man is that to genuinely enjoy it, you have to do your research.
I'm not Hindu, so of course i don't know the full story of Hanuman and came out only knowing what the movie told me. But just like Biblical imagery in other films, it goes deeper than what the movie it explicitly tells you.
What's great is you learn more about other people's culture, hell you can even connect better with other people. In my case, i have Hindu friends, and the sheer fact that when talking about this movie they explained their religion to me was magical, the same way me explaining my religion to them is magical. But researching yourself can create a similar experience. [p.s: the reason I'm not explaining any explicit stories is cause again I WANT Y'ALL TO RESEARCH]
I think it's bad faith for people not to research and find out about other mythologies in films, especially since everyone regardless of religion is expected to understand every biblical allusion.
Also doing this would fix the pacing of so many movies. Monkey Man main issue was pacing, but that's primarily because it has to re-explain the mythological elements and the Kid's motive, only for people to still say "it's too confusing" or "i didn't understand the Kid's motive til the very end of the film" or "the romance was too sudden" (there was no romance), because even when smacked over and over again by the plot, people don't want to actually understand the story because they see it as a cultural story with no value.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
As a Dad: Leo Edition
note: hey everyone! happy Ramadan, happy Easter, happy Passover, happy Vaisakhi, happy Hanuman Jayanti, happy Mahavir Jayanti, and happy days to secular folks! i hope you all are having a safe holiday.
• there isn't much that we all collectively agree on more about leo than the fact that he's somewhat of a bossy dude
• that being said, he does mellow out in his older years and becomes more laid back...then he had children (biologically by some miracle or by adoption)
• he read every single baby book he could get his hands on but then they went out the window when he realized that parenting is nothing like what they say in books
• the 0-8 month phase wasn't so bad, his sleep schedule is wonky so mostly he's up with the baby. he's very calm, very soft spoken, and gentle with the baby when they're fussy cause they can't communicate
• bath schedule, eating schedule, sleep schedule, the man has schedules people.
• absolutely loves bath time cause he's the dad who will put the bubbles on his head to make the kid laugh (i dont make the rules)
• loves the pre-walking stage the most cause you just put them on the floor and let'em roll and crawl in a confined space
• lord help this man at the walking and talking stages
• he tries to get your kid to talk but all the kid wants to do is scream so..there's that idea gone
• when the kid wants to run around naked while leo's trying to get the diaper back on, now that is where he gets tested cause that little shit-
• incredible amount of patience though, especially with tantrums. splinter never raised his voice at him as a kid until he became a teen, so he wanted to carry that on with his own children
• now when your kid hits the 3-8 stage, oh boy. if leo could go grey, he would be grey.
• he tries to teach your child discipline and respect, and while your kid is respectful, unfortunately they have leo's sharp tongue and makes it everyone's problem
• leo believes in time outs or taking things away as punishment. he doesn't believe in spanking and thinks yelling accomplishes nothing. he does get a certain tone that makes it known he means business
• he knows full well your child is going to make mistakes and creates a safe environment to where your kid can come to him when this does happen without much punishment
• but we all know that's a perfect world and if it's leo's kid, their mouth is going to be their downfall
• he thought the 3-8 stage was bad until ages 13-17, oh boy.
• puberity is not on leo's side here
• grounding becomes more of a ritual and leo runs a tight ship. he will hold his grounding opinion until he thinks it should be lifted, no matter how long it takes
• of course your kid is also a ninja so sneaking out is a thing (leo can't get too mad cause he did the same but "do as i say and not as i do" is leo's famous line)
• reasonable parent and thinks carefully about how severe a punishment should be or if the circumstance really even calls for one
• chores, bedtime until they hit around 13, the kid must have at least an A/B average, a C is acceptable if the subject is particularly hard and the kid is trying their best
• dorky dad. just a dorky dad.
• dad sneezes
• doesn't strike me as a girl dad or boy dad cause he's so attentive no matter the gender
• he's the dad that doesn't call it babysitting cause it's his kids
• he will get down on the floor and play with his kids
• has a little girl? no problem dressing up and letting her do his makeup and nails
• has a little boy? wrestling and rough housing it is
• kid(s)will be respectful and smart, and just very genuinely nice kids
• kid(s)'ll also deck someone with no hesitation
• vegetables are non-negotiable
• very proud man when it comes to his children and never hesitates to praise them
• the children will each have special nicknames
• he's not the fun parent but is also not not the fun parent
• never misses an event, even though he has to attend in the shadows. he is always there
• affectionate dad, more verbally than physically, but he gives your kids head kisses all the time
• as long as the kids aren't trying to kill each other and are just playing, the noise doesn't bother him much...it's the silence that does
• definitely the type of dad to send 👍
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siphoklansan · 4 months
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Introducing…𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
mentioned: Lilia Vanrouge, Anan Atthakornmetha, Charin Kamolnath
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꧁𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐤𝗼𝐫𝐧𝗺𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚꧂
มธุรา อัฐกรเมธา 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
“Exiled to the deep, where the nagas reside; never to return again.”
Height : 197 cm.
Birthday : 9th of May
Age : 700+
Homeland : East of Scalding Sands (Attidaya)
Best Subject : None.
Club : None.
Talents : Ancient Magic, Fighting
Hobby : Taking care of his pet naga (Nham)
Dislikes : royalty
Favorite Food : Miang kham (เมี่ยงคำ)
Least Favorite Food : Unseasoned, plain food.
꧁𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜꧂
- 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐫𝗺𝐲: The ability to manipulate a large amount of individuals (specifically an army) at once to turn viciously attack their own. This ability can only be activated when Mathura uses a special flute. The drawback to this ability is unknown, possibly minor fatigue.
- 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧: Warriors are adorned with talisman (tattoos) , giving wearers resistance to black magic and blot. And also some resistance to normal physical damage (ex. a normal blade, a bullet)
- 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠: A skill obtained from battles near and/or in the sea, Mathura is able to breathe underwater.
꧁𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐚꧂
- Mathura is based on the Ramakien character Maiyarap (ไมยราพ)! Maiyarap is a violent yaksha with light purple skin, and is a dangerous warrior who later on died by the hands of Hanuman.
- It took me painful hours to come up with his Unique Magic name, and I even had help from my sister😭 So the name is not the best, I know </3
- Maiyarap had two abilities, one is to make an entire army to fall asleep by his flute, and second is to turn invisible👁️👁️. I wanted something along those lines for Mathura, but I realized that the original ability is similar to Malleus’s.
- I really, really like the name “Maiyarap” and initially wanted to use that name but I decided not to because Mathura is based on him, not a carbon copy of him.
- The rose carving on his earring symbolizes the flowers on a dancer’s crown (ชฎา), which also means that Mathura does dancing in his free time!
- Mathura’s purple hair is purely based on the fact that Maiyarap had purple skin✨
- Unfortunately, Mathura is usually in the deep sea so he is technically considered an NPC. But I can promise that there will be appearances of him in my big project (regarding the mysterious oc of mine 👀)
- Not so fun fact, I redrew him 3-4 times. Those were not happy times at all. I suddenly forgot how to draw old men and I struggled SO bad.
- Mathura is dressed like the uncle next door (for those SEA fans out there, yes he’s only clad in a towel wrapped around his hips) but tbh his age would make him more like a great great great great great great great grandpa next door-
꧁𝐀𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐚꧂
- Mathura Atthakornmetha was the general of Attidaya (East of Scalding Sands) for centuries until he was exiled to the deep sea due to treason.
- The deep sea in Attidaya is home to sea dragons known as naga, and Mathura has made one his own pet named Nham!
- As his surname suggests, he is Anan’s uncle! However, they have only met on several occasions, and Anan was still a child in those times.
- Charin knows Mathura very well, since Mathura was his mentor back in the deep sea. They cut ties as soon as word got around that Charin was getting fighting lessons from a criminal though, yikes😟
- Mathura was a very strict and ruthless mentor at that time, and he’s guilty of it ever since Charin left. He couldn’t help but think that maybe he should’ve been more gentle with the merman, since he was such a young boy :(
- The huge gash on his chest was caused by none other than Anan’s father right before the verdict that leads to Mathura’s exile.
- Mathura is a very…unhinged and vulgar type of guy. He’s incredibly blunt too, will tell you straight on about what he thinks and feels. He’s not the type to sugarcoat his words, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t feel bad about it afterwards…..on rare occasions.
- Mathura sucks, and I mean SUCKS at naming things. Never let this man name your pet cuz bro named his own pet naga Nham, which literally means WATER.
- “Well, she’s in the water and she’s a sea dragon, so?” <— his words
- Speaking about his pet naga, he babies her so much. He would clean her scales as a hobby. He just loves taking of a sea dragon that can swallow him hole🥰 would use a baby voice to talk to her too-
- You might be thinking that Mathura probably respect women like Anan and Charin. You’re not wrong, but he also won’t hold back with women unlike those two. A woman’s gonna fight him? Bring it on honey cuz he ain’t holding back too💪👹
- Bro’s the type to have a resting bitch face and is ACTUALLY a bitch, too.
- Yes, he knows Lilia.
- But there’s still a possibility for you to befriend him…though it might take a long time to break down this ex-generals walls, he’s quite lonely. He’ll give you a chance- if you’re worthy enough, of course.
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I know I usually post my OCs on followers milestone events, BUT as the majority of you guys voted to see the next OC, I shall deliver✨ He’s not the typical twst oc but this is all I got😞 I’ll make comic on him soon but for now, thank you all so much for sticking around my blog despite my hiatus and supporting me along the way💖🫶 I love you all so much /pla<333
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rrcraft-and-lore · 2 months
Monkey Man and why I loved the heck out of it
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At it's core, it's a Bollywood flick presented to the West with familiar nods to previous action films - I definitely picked up hints of Tony Jaa's influence on Asian action flicks throughout.
It's heavily focused on police corruption, something commented a lot about in India, and here, more importantly, Indian films. Just like America has its love affair with mobster flicks, Bollywood has a long history featuring films that showcase police corruption, sometimes tied into political extremism, fanatical or greedy religious leaders, and Monkey Man comments on all this as well and pays nods to that commonality. We've got televangelists and religious leaders in the states funnelling money, preaching prosperity gospel, and using it to influence politics and fund lavish lifestyles here.
Monkey Man shows this happening in India, and is filled with Indian culture and symbolism through out. The focus on Hanuman, the god and one worshiped by the strong, chaste, wrestlers, champions, and fighters. It's a common thing to have a household deity if you will. Some families might choose to focus worship on Ganesh, others Hanuman, some might do Mata Rani or Lakshmi. Here, it's the divine Vanara (monkey people race) - one of the Chiranjivi - immortals/forever-lived.
Hanuman. Themes of rebirth, common in South Asian history and mythology are present from Kid being a ringer, beat up fighter getting whooped for money to being reborn and facing his trauma through a ritual/meditate process that I don't want to get too much into to not spoil the movie. Post that, he begins his own self alchemy to really become the true Monkey Man. Nods to Ramayama, and an unapologetically Indian story featuring dialogues throughout in Hindi - don't worry, there are subtitles.
And of course a love for action flicks before it, all the way back to Bruce Lee. A beautiful use tbh of an autorickshaw (and you might know them as tuk-tuks in Thailand) which are popular in India with an added kick...I swear, that thing had to be modified with a hayabusa motor. Which is an actual thing people do - modding those dinky rickshaws with motorcycle engines, and considering they weigh nothing at all, they can REALLY FLY once you do that.
Monkey Man brings to the big screen other elements of India people might not know about, such as the gender non conforming and trans community that has a long history in India, presenting them as action stars as they go up against a system of corrupt elites oppressing part of the city, marginalized communities, and minority voices as depicted in the film. I'm not sure if people are going to get all of that without having the context, but I love that it does it without holding anyone's hands.
It's a fun action flick to see in the age of superhero films, and I say that as an obvious superhero/sff nerd. Also loved that Dev included a little bit about Hanuman's own story in the film, and the loss of his powers - almost mirrored by Kid's own loss of self/skills, strength until he confronts his trauma and is reborn, and in fact, remade (not necessarily the same). Also, the use of music was brilliant, including one scene with a tabla (the paired hand drums of south asia) - and Indian music is central to Indian stories.
This is a culture with evidence going back to the Paleolithic with cave murals showing art of Indian dance nearly 30,000 years ago. Yeah, that far back. As well as Mesolithic period art depicting musical instruments such as gongs, lyres, and more.
Indian music is some of the earliest we can find that has high developed beat and rhythm structures such as 5, 7, 9 and now the extremely common and known 4/4 and 3/4 - which so much of Western music is built upon. The foundations and experimentation of/in Jazz. John Coltrane and John Cage were heavily inspired by Indian music and incorporated a lot from it into their works. And Monkey Man blends Eastern and Western music through the narrative as comfortably as it does an Indian story in a very familiar Western accessible structure.
Dev did a wonderful job. And thanks to Jordan Peele for bringing it to screens.
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stainedpoetry · 9 months
So I was just a little sad couple of days ago and all of a sudden I had this one thought and it changed my mood completely. And now it does everytime whenever I'm down.
I was sad and then I thought that this is the same earth on which shree krishan came with Radha Rani. Idk and idc whether you understand what I'm trying to say but thinking of it like this just makes me feel so privileged. That I'm on same earth where Shree Krishan came, we are here now where Shree Krishan had already been. And since we have got this life as humans it's already a miracle because we are so privileged that we got to know about Shree Krishan "the karta dharta of this universe" it's magical. And the another thing is knowing the fact that shree Hanuman ji is also here around us somewhere. I mean like these thoughts just change my whole mood. I automatically feel blessed thinking about all this.
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hindulivesmatter · 5 months
I used to think Hinduism could be reformed but seeing y’all sanatanis clownery has me convinced that only Periyar-style radical atheism can help this country. Y’all are the damn problem
We should shift to "Periyar-style radical atheism"..... Right....
E.V.Ramaswami (aka Periyar) was honestly what I'd call a Hinduphobic, perverted idiot. What he preached bordered on the verge of insanity to the point where Jawaharlal Nehru called him a lunatic. Former Tamil Nadu chief ministers late C.N.Annadurai and M.G.Ramachandran, who were once close supporters of Periyar, had parted company with him later because of his unjust and unethical policies and behaviour.
But, my apologies, his teachings are the only thing that can help this country, hmm?
Let's look at some fun facts about him, shall we?
Some things Ramaswami did:
Paraded naked idols of gods and goddesses.
Married his own daughter. His second wife was his adopted daughter. Wow.
Used every opportunity to condemn the Hindu Gods and ridicule Hindu customs and traditions, while keeping a steady silence on Islam and Christianity.
Organised a procession in Salem in Tamil Nadu with big cutouts of Ram, Sita and Hanuman garlanded with slippers.
Reportedly used to tell his followers that if they encountered Brahmin and a snake on the road, they should kill the Brahmin first.
Was very pro British. He wanted the British to rule India and didn’t join the independence moment
Was responsible for starting reverse casteism against the minority brahmin community in the Hindu fold
Was a firm believer of Aryan invasion theory
This is the man you want to follow. This man has absolutely no respect for the religion you wish to see "reformed".
And we're the clowns? Please. Literally all we have asked for is to stop the destruction of our temples and respect our history and culture, and you fuckers take that as a personal insult.
If us speaking of about history and all the crimes that have been committed us makes you uncomfortable, maybe you're the damn problem.
Take your Hinduphobic ass somewhere else, and let us live in peace, you dickhead.
[Exhibit 43]
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ramcharantitties · 5 months
Raghuvan, Teri raah nihaare
s/n @vijayasena the only reason why I'm still posting
Chapter 8
The moon was beautiful. It shined through the branches of banyan tree of the area, slit by the leaves and its shine falling around, shadow of the leaves casting dark night on the road. The cats hid in the crevices of the streets, or roamed freely like they reigned the city. They looked over their shoulder suddenly, eerie of the clang noise.
Adikavya was sure not to make any noise, but it was hard to drag a man in his full youth and on top of that, unconscious. The door of faraway, cast out storage room was weak and shut with a sound she was irritated of. Although, the storage room had enough space to hold both Adikavya and Ram. She sat him down on a solid iron box, supported against the wall with a falling plaster. The smaller stool made out of jute strings and straws was not far away from her access. Adikavya grabbed it, sat down and heaved a sigh. "Why did I do this" she muttered to herself, grabbing her head in her hands. It was not more than 1 am, and her whole family was hopefully in a deep slumber. If someone caught her with this man, she would be in an unavoidable trouble.
The only escape from this mess would be going to Ram's house and calling Babai. Why shall she be worried about a man who is not related to her? The cool night resulted in goosebumps on her skin, as she looked at Ram. Open shirt, sweat on forehead, hems of his trousers were lathered with dust and splashes of mud. His beard looked overgrown and his hair stuck to his forehead. Ram looked like a mess. Adikavya shook her head and got up.
The 15 min walk to Ram's house turned in a 8 min speed walk. The shawl covered her face, head, shoulder and arms, even her mother wouldn't be able to recognise her. Adikavya cursed herself as she walked there, multiple thoughts jumping in her mind. What if she can't get help there? What if someone from her family sees? As the questions arose, so did the speed of her steps. As she turned around on the curve, Ram's house street was visible. She looked up, trying to find any conscious being in the house.
What she didn't expect was a woman standing there. A quick, silent chant of Hanuman chalisa stabilised itself in her mind. Adikavya stood there frozen. The woman might have sensed the presence, turning around. Her face looked familiar but not recognisable. The woman smiled, "kaisi ho, adi?" How are you adi?
Jangu came soon, rubbing his eyes. "Itni raat mein kyu bulaya?" Why did you call me so late at night? Adikavya sighed, telling him that Ram is in her store room, and he should quickly go and get Ram. Jangu stared at Adikavya and nodded, running away on the street.
"You should marry him" Sita whispered. "Don't tell me what to do" Adikavya retorted back. "Jangu has gone to fetch Ram, then why are you here? Ram would have been brought home in the morning anyways when everyone would see him, then why did you bother?" Sita came closer to Adikavya. "Kindness" Adikavya whispered to herself. Sita turned Adikavya around. "it's not kindness. Even if you don't like him, you know marrying him will be your only option to escape from your home" Adikavya looked alarmed. Sita continued, "you've wanted to escape your home forever. This is your only chance. Do you really think your family will let you study if you don't let them get you married? They will only send you in a place worse than this then." Before sita could continue, Adikavya looked up.
"What should I do about the fact that he slept with you? And that he was caught being a stud? Wouldn't that harm my family's reputation? And the fact that once he gains consciousness, the first person he will run to is you? And that Mahal of yours?" Adikavya asked.
Sita quiet down. "Why are you here, Sita?" Adikavya's question poked sita. "Ram, I have asked Ram to never step in sita Mahal again. I was here to talk to Babai, to let you and Ram get married. And tell me, which man hasn't slept with me? It doesn't matter, Adi, because no one will point fingers too long at him. He's a man, educated one. Do you really think anyone would be fazed for long?" Adikavya looked away. She was running out of reasons now.
"You getting education will be considered more of a heinous act than him sleeping with a whore" Sita said that as a matter of fact.
Adikavya huffed. Sita was right. Her family is not so open to let her complete her masters. It's a surprise they still are letting her study. "Akhtar came yesterday" Adikavya's immediate reaction startled Sita too. "What?" She was in absolute disbelief. Akhtar in a brothel? How is that possible? "No, just to meet me. But I asked him to leave. Tell him to never come again. You should be more cautious about your surroundings, Adi"
They spotted Jangu, dragging Ram. Sita pulled her shawl closer to her body. "I don't need a life lesson from someone who sells her body" Adikavya muttered. "At least I earn for myself" Sita replied and left before she could even see Ram clearly.
tagging- @budugu @thewinchestergirl1208 @rambheemlove @ramayantika @bishh-kanya @chaanv @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @cursedcursives @hopelessdemonic @nerdreader @bitchy-bi-trash @vijayasena
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Story Idea: Part-Time God
Imagine a very unassuming guy (of any ethnicity or nationality) who goes to work, pays his taxes, complains about the price of gas, food, and rent (etc.), things any regular person would do. But he is in fact an ancient Eurasian thunder god who, when called upon, battles drought-bringing water-serpents in the clouds. His glowing ethereal form is that of a giant, bearded man with a horned helmet and ancient, golden attire. He wields either a stone mace or a forked thunder weapon that showers lightning bolts across the heavens.
This dual nature is not a case of a deity being cursed to forget their divine origins like the Hindu monkey god Hanuman. Nor is it a case of a god being punished to live as a mortal like Marvel's silver age Thor. Perhaps the protagonist's father, the king of the gods, is aloof and disconnected from the human world. Therefore, our hero takes it upon himself to live among Man in order to stay grounded and to better understand their day to day struggles in an ever-changing world.
It's important to note that he is NOT a superhero. This god does not use his power to deter crime. It is only used in battling water-serpents, which ensures the survival of mankind by routing droughts that would otherwise destroy all the world's crops. Basically, if he doesn't perform his holy duty, the world will starve. It's best to think of the narrative in terms of ancient religion and the importance of the harvest to agrarian societies.
The meat of the story would be the strange juxtaposition between his mortal and immortal lives. There would be a clean divide between both, with episodes focusing on the tedium of his daily human activities and the explosive action of his divine battles. But occasionally these lives would bleed into each other; for instance, an injury born from his heaven-shaking combat, could be explained away as some embarrassing accident, like rolling an ankle or tripping up the stairs. Or, a human friend or coworker might notice his sour deminer after a drama-filled argument about the merits of mankind with his father in heaven.
If anyone asks, yes, this is a self-insert. I was bored while waiting for a doctor's appointment. I was wondering what it would be like to have a concurrent second life free of aging and illness, one where I could soar through the clouds and test my divine strength by battling ancient foes.
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Sequel or second chapter to the M'baku/Reader/Namor love triangle. Like the wedding and the angst and the healing. Everyone reacting to reader and Namor starting to actually fall in love with each other.
Ah yes let's suffer together
Summary: The betrothal leads to a wedding of convenience. M'baku is still coping with what he has done. You and Namor may have a real chance.
Angst. Violence
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Namor watched you from the other side of the room. It had surprised Namora almost as much as it had surprised himself that he had allowed you to paint a mural on the wall. He had reserved the pass time to his own whims and the history of Talokan. But he reasoned, you were now part of that history, as you would be the First Queen of Talokan.
Tomorrow was the wedding. You had no hand in planning it barring choosing the design of your dress and what jewelry you would wear. It was not in you to plan flowers, decorations, and music when the ultimate decision to marry anyone was not your own. But in the week since you returned to the Talokan caves, Namor had been a steady and strong presence by your side.
He was so different from M'baku. If the roles were reversed, M'baku, would have tried his hardest to get you to participate in the planning of the royal affair. He would have insisted on the types of music and clothing. There would have been directions on how to make all the food vegetarian. He would have tried to cheer you up by reminding you that weddings were supposed to be celebrations. But, Namor left you to do what you wished. He didn't push you to do anything. In fact he simply allowed you to do whatever soothed you. He would personally bring food and drink to your chambers, ask easy questions about how you were feeling, and would offer physical comfort but never more than a brief hug, hand hold, or kiss on the forehead unless you asked for more.
You had been mulling over everything. How quickly your life had changed over night. The wedding had been announced but you didn't know how it had been received in Wakanda. The people of Talokan has been weary but Namor had been sure to speak of your virtues in as grandiose of a manner that he could. They had been welcoming the last time Namor had taken you around Talokan again. It had not escaped you how odd it was for you to become Queen to a nation that you couldn't really live in.
"It is beautiful," Namor's voice broke you out of your thoughts as he came up beside you. He had allowed you to paint your own mural. It was of Jabariland at the height of the spring when the snow would melt except for the highest peak. There was a small depiction of you, M'baku, and his father at the entrance of the caves.
Namor admired your work and you admired him. He was a beautiful man, his skin golden, and his eyes had both youth and maturity. You thanked Hanuman that Namor was not the type to be a mean husband. He turned to you and gently patted your head, a proud look on his face. When he went to cup your cheek you leaned into it, sighing softly.
"Can you hug me, please?" You asked, eyes closed. You didn't see the softening of Namor's gaze or the affection he had in his eyes as he pulled you into his arms. You were seated and he was standing so your ear was to his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist. His cape enveloped you, bringing you warmth and safety. His heartbeat kept a steady rhythm as you clung to him.
Namor said nothing as he held you, running one hand up and down the middle of your back. He found out quickly that you were affectionate and he didn't mind fulfilling your need in moments like this. Your guard was down and it warmed his heart to know that you trusted him, in spite of everything. It did not escape Namor that you could have and should have been angry at him for suggesting the marriage of convenience. But his only thought had been of keeping you from living a life next to M'baku, a noble king but someone who had scarred you, invisibly but deeply. At least with him, there was a chance for more, with time.
"Namor," Your voice was slightly muffled against his chest.
"Yes, in reina," Namor replied, making no move to release you from his arms.
"What does that mean? You've been calling me that since we came back." You asked innocently, your fingers gripped at the cape on his back experimentally, not sure if you were clinging too tightly.
"It means 'my queen'," Namor replied softly, not sure how you would take it.
You pulled away slightly to look up at him. He met your eyes with an apprehensive gaze. You smiled softly, "I like it,"
Namor exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding, "I like it too."
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" You asked, leaning back into his embrace, unable to stop yourself from snuggling into his warmth.
"Yes. But I worry about you. It will be difficult," Namor replied, kissing the crown of your head.
You let the silence sink in. You had thought about your circumstances for hours at a time as the week had passed. Time was moving quickly and also not at all. Tomorrow was your wedding to a man you barely knew, who you chose over a man you had known your whole life. Yet, you couldn't find it in yourself to regret it. You chuckled to yourself, then stood up, surprising Namor.
You gazed at the handsome King, who should intimidate you, even scare you after everything he had done. But you felt safe, you felt cared for. Even if it was not love, not yet, it was close. You felt yourself smile at him, "You promised to take care of me. To make me happy. To love me, while I learned to love you."
Namor tilted his head, a look of amusement on his face, "Yes, in reina. I do not take this lightly. I never took a queen in all my years ruling Talokan. I never felt it necessary nor did I feel compelled to, until now."
"You are cruel and ruthless, Namor. I know this. But I also know that you are kind, protective, and do not act without reason. I trust you, more than I should trust anyone that I have known for such a short time. I don't fear what tomorrow brings because I trust you, wholeheartedly," You cupped the king's cheek. The softness in his eyes at this moment could melt the coldest heart. "May I kiss you, in ajawo?"
Namor's brow raised at the use of his language, and a smile spread across his face. His hand found yours on his cheek and clutched them as you leaned in to kiss him. It was chaste, earnest, and full of promises.
M'baku watched from high up in the council room as the city prepared for the grand celebration that would take place tomorrow. Wakandans and Talokanil alike were setting decorations, preparing a bounty of food, and practicing exhibitions to perform for the new royalty. He wished to drown himself in a barrel of wine or a bottle of whiskey but shook his head. The Jabari King had refused to partake in any alcohol since that fateful night.
He had stopped weeping over what had happened, although the guilt remained. A deserved brow beating from Okoye and several pep talks from Shuri had distracted him from falling into a deep depression. He couldn't even find it in himself to hate K'uk'ulkan. The man reacted in the exact way he would have if he had stumbled upon the same sight.
M'baku dreaded the next day. He dreaded that, without any blood family to be found for you, that he would be the one to give his blessing. The woman he loved would walk from his arms into another man's and it was his own doing. The great Jabari warrior was also worried beyond measure. He admired the feathered serpent god and the kingdom he built, but he knew nothing but cruelty from the man.
Except on that day, of course, the day of the treaty and alliance. He had been gracious, kind, and friendly. M'baku had found an easy comradery with the sea king until it was obvious that you favored the other man. Then his feelings had soured. But he trusted your judgement as much as it broke his heart. He knew you would not have chosen someone that you would not be able to tolerate. From Okoye's words, there may have already been a spark manifesting that first day.
"M'baku, how are you?" The gentle voice of Shuri broke his brooding.
He sighed heavily, turning to the Princess, "As well as can be expected. At least we can say with confidence that I did not completely destroy this alliance before it truly started."
M'baku scoffed at his own comment, sitting heavily on the throne. Shuri approached him slowly, "She has sent a message, asking if you would like to speak with her before tomorrow. She wants you to give the blessing, but only if you wish."
There it was, the expectation of him as your only kin. His father was dead and no other Jabari was close to you in the way that he was. He stared hard at the ground. He would need to see you once before then, if only to release whatever feelings he had pre-emptively, so he would not lose himself in front of the kingdom when he blessed the union. "Tell her to come. She is right, we have things to discuss."
"I am not sure I should go in there with you," Namor stood with you at the doors to the council room.
"I need you with me, in ajawo," You replied, already knowing that using his language would touch him.
Namor sighed as he turned to you, cupping your face in his hands, "In reina, this should be a private conversation. You have not seen him since the betrothal was decided on. You left angry and he was left guilty and devastated. I do not want to intrude on matters of the family."
"You are my family now, Namor. K'uk'ulkan," You grasped his hands in your own, staring into his eyes hoping he would see your desperation. You had thought you were ready to return to the palace, but your anxiety had skyrocketed the moment you entered the familiar halls. "I need you with me, please."
"Do you still fear him?" The Talokan King asked, stepping even closer to you, his thumbs caressing your cheeks.
"I do not, but my body remembers. It rejects this place," A tear escaped and Namor brushed it away. You had never thought you would abhor the Wakandan royal palace but trauma was powerful.
Namor leaned in and kissed your forehead. He stepped back and took your hand before waving his hand for the two Dora soldiers to open the doors for you both. When you entered you found not only M'baku there but also Shuri. A surprise for everyone it seemed.
"K'uk'ulkan," M'baku greeted the other king, standing and nodding his head at him.
"King M'baku," Namor replied with a similar nod. He addressed Shuri, "Princess, we did not know you would also be in attendance."
"I could say the same about you, Namor," Shuri's voice wasn't outright aggressive but still held some steal. There seemed to be no love lost between the former enemies.
"I asked him to be here," You defended him, still gripping his hand. You turned to your childhood friend. "Baku, how are you?"
"I have been better. I trust that he has kept you well," M'baku addressed you, ignoring the other two in the room as best he could. You looked healthy but tired. There was a tension in your body that had never used to be there when you were in his presence and it made his heart clench.
"Yes. I am well, we both are," You glanced at Namor before releasing his hand. He stepped back, not wanting to intrude. When you glanced back at M'baku you noticed the pain in his eyes and how they lingered on your previously joined hands. The tension in the air was suffocating and you knew that it would not wane with the other two people in the room. "Namor, Shuri, can you leave us to talk?"
"Are you sure?" M'baku asked, beating Namor to the question.
"Yes. Namor, you were right this is a matter of family. We need to speak alone," you turned to Namor and Shuri. Namor nodded and turned towards the doors that sprang open. Shuri hesitated but you shook your head. "Please, Shuri."
She sighed then left the room, following the Talokan King. The doors closed behind her and you stood before your childhood friend, your brother in all but blood. Both of you hesitated, not sure how to begin what would be an emotional confrontation. You both tried to speak at the same time and then simultaneously gestured for the other to go first. You both smiled slightly.
"You do not have to give the blessing, we can go without it," You began.
"I will do it. My father would have wanted it that way. It is also asking for K'uk'ulkan's word that although he is taking you from us, he will not forget your heritage and what this marriage means. It is tradition," M'baku insisted. "It will look good to the people. Outside of those involved, a few of the Dora, and the council, no one knows what took place that night. We are framing my bringing you to the table during the treaty celebration as our introduction of a marriage alliance. It will look like a decisive diplomatic decision. It will be celebrated as such."
You listened intently, understanding that appearances had to be kept, and honor maintained. He was waiting for you to say something but your mouth ran dry. M'baku had truly taken on the mantle of King and was doing a fine job despite the emotional turmoil.
You took a deep breath and stepped forward. You willed the tension to leave your body and the anxious shaking to stop. You gently took his much larger hands in yours, "Baku, I forgive you. I want you to let go of any guilt so that tomorrow we can really celebrate. Father would have wanted that."
The Jabari King gripped your hands firmly. He shook his head, sadness bearing down on his large form. "I never wanted this. Even when you left I knew you left because of my growing feelings. I didn't ask you to stay then because I didn't want to force you. I didn't want to ask you for something you couldn't give. I never thought I would try and take from you."
"You were drunk and asleep," you cupped his cheek, making him meet your gaze. The proximity had your heart racing. "I know you M'baku. I know you better than anyone and you would never hurt me on purpose. So I ask, that tomorrow, you be happy for me. It is sudden, and it comes from a sad incident, but I truly believe I can be happy with him. He has only shown me compassion in this short time. Even when I have ignored him or lashed out. He has only been gracious."
"I did not expect him to offer to marry you," M'baku revealed, his hand came up to hold the one you had on his cheek. "I did not expect you to accept either."
You hesitated, feeling the warmth of him as he leant into your touch. The familiar smell of him surrounded you. The grip he had on your hand felt so normal but also too tight. Your breathing sped up and you were overcome with the memories of his weight on you. You gasped, and shoved him away.
M'baku was shocked then his face crumbled with shame. You willed yourself to breathe normally, hugging yourself, "Baku, I'm sorry."
He coughed, stopping the sob that fought to rip through his chest. The King stepped back, giving you room, lifting a hand to stop you when you tried to step forward. "You made the right decision. I would have hated to see you fear me every day. Don't apologize."
"One day, I promise I will be able to hug you again. Like old times. We will spar in the snow, and I will tackle you and wrestle like we used to," You put on a brave face, the memories of that night still playing in the back of your mind.
"Go, I'm sure K'uk'ulkan will want you well rested for tomorrow. You must show him what a beautiful bride Wakanda has brought to him," M'baku tried to joke.
You were still shaky as you turned to the doors. When they opened, Shuri entered first. She scanned your shaking form with concern but you shook your head, walking past her. Shuri watched as you walked straight into Namor's waiting arms, and buried your face into his neck. He clutched you and whispered something in your ear that made you nod. The Talokan King looked up, nodded at Shuri and glanced at M'baku, before he turned with you and heading down the hall. Shuri watched until you and Namor were out of sight before she commanded the door closed and approached the Wakandan King.
"What happened?" She asked, taking in the stoic king who was staring up at a point on the ceiling.
"I will give my blessing tomorrow and watch her marry K'uk'ulkan." He replied, running heavy hand across his face before meeting the Princess' piercing gaze, "She will be happier with him than she can ever be with me. Today proved that."
Shuri was not at all convinced that M'baku believed what he said but she only nodded, worrying about her friends.
Namor turned at the sound of your approach. He took in your wedding clothes, a mix of Jabari furs, though lighter than tradition, and flowing Talokanil fabric. You were draped in jewelry and your hair intricately braided. He approached you with a smile, taking your hand a laying a kiss upon your knuckles, "You look beautiful, in reina."
"You look beautiful too," You replied. His skin matched the stunning gold that graced his body. He wore a cape that covered half his chest and atop his head was the grand headdress he had worn at the celebration of the alliance.
"Are you ready?" He asked, entwining your hand in his as he led you to the double doors.
You nodded, making the jewelry in your hair jingle. You stopped and looked up at the handsome visage of the king, feeling surprisingly giddy. You could hear the music and the chatter of the people. Both countries had come together to celebrate a prosperous union and the excitement was infectious.
"Namor, K'uk'ulkan," You addressed your betrothed who smiled down at you, also being sucked in by the jovial atmosphere permeating through the doors of the grand hall. "I am happy to be marrying you. In spite of everything that has led to this moment, I look forward to being your wife and Queen."
The King smiled broadly as he cupped your cheek, "I promise, in reina, your happiness will be mine to protect from now on."
With those words he took your hand and pushed open the doors. You walked together down the procession line, regal and majestic towards the dais that looked over the crowd. There were cheers and music as you presented yourselves before your people. You noticed that the entire Jabari tribe was in attendance, your fellow warriors coming to see you off. The Talokanil were also present, dressed in light clothing that shined with the gleam of vibranium threading. There was singing and dancing as you made your way through the crowd.
Once you had made it to the dais, there stood a Talokanil shaman and a council member to officiate. The crowd died down at their command. Before you lay a table with representations of the four elements, a tradition of Mayan weddings. The grand headdress was removed from Namor's head as incense was lit and waved around the expanse of the space.
The council member spoke first, "We now ask for a member of the Jabari tribe to witness and bless this union for the prosperity of the alliance between Wakanda and Talokan. To the happiness of the daughter of Jabariland and the first son of Talokan."
M'baku stepped forth. His expression was schooled but softened when you met his gaze and smiled at him. "It is with great pleasure, that I, M'baku, King of Wakanda and Son of the Jabari, bless this union and wish the greatest happiness to this daughter of the Jabari and my dearest friend. To K'uk'ulkan I ask that this union remain a symbol of not only our alliance but of your promises to treat this treasured woman as precious and as much one of yours as she is ours. Let our ancestors also bless this union and bring peace and happiness to these lands."
Cheers exploded as he draped you and then Namor each in a gold necklace. Namor nodded and shook M'baku's hand. They exchanged words that you could not hear over the sounds of jubilation. When M'baku stepped back, the Wakandan council man moved forward. He compelled you both to repeat after him as he expressed traditional vows of love and loyalty. You felt your heart swell with each devotion. Hearing Namor repeat the words as he gripped your hand tightly solidified that you had made the right choice. The way the Talokanil King looked at you as he slid the ring onto your finger and you did the same to him spoke volumes of how much he already cared for you. There were cheers from the Wakandans as the first half of the ceremony ended.
The shaman of Talokan took his turn. He spoke in Yucatec Mayan with Griot blasting a translation from speakers embedded in the halls.
"We stand before the Mother Earth and the Cosmos to bring this union together in their spiritual blessing," The shaman lit a candle in the middle of the table. Namor gestured for you to stand at one side of the table as he stood at the other. You looked upon the flowers, fruits, seeds, and candle on the table before looking back into the eyes of the king. His gaze was warm then it changed. Suddenly steely and full of rage, but it wasn't directed at you.
In an instant, Namor stepped around the table and caught the spear, inches before it impaled your chest. He whipped around and threw it full bodied in the direction it came. The crowd was shocked into silence as they witnessed the spear pierce the chest of a Talokanil woman and lodged itself into the ground, pinning her so she could only stand impaled.
"What is the meaning of this?" M'baku yelled, stepping forward.
Namor turned, eyes full of rage, "Stay with her."
The command was harsh and the look in the serpent god's eyes reminded the Wakandan King of the barely survived punch to his chest during the battle of Wakanda. He placed himself to block you partially with his body as Namor flew to the end of the procession. Namora and Attuma appeared from the crowd, flanking him as he landed before the impaled warrior. Namor's voice echoed in Yucatec Mayan that Griot continued to translate.
"Child, what is the meaning of this? You ask for your death by attacking my Queen on our wedding day. You insult the people of Talokan and Wakanda with this dangerous farce!" His voice was barely controlled rage as he came up to the face of the Talokanil woman.
She spat at the king despite her mask, knowing the gesture would get her meaning across, "You insult us K'uk'ulkan! You insult the very kingdom you say you protect by choosing a surface dweller as our Queen."
"Our ancestors once sacrificed humans to the gods in exchange for blessings. I think it is time that we do that again," Namor nodded at Attuma and Namora who moved to carry the offending woman. Pulling her form from the spear that was still pierced through her made her screams echo in the spacious hall. Namor headed back towards the dais as the woman screamed and fought.
"You will bring us to our ends! I am not the only one who sees how you fall from grace K'uk'ulkan!" She continued to berate the king.
When Namor reached the table again he gruffly told M'baku to step back to his place. Namor took your hands and looked at you, "No one will harm you."
You were astonished at the display of violence and cruelty. But the logically part of you knew that this was the man who had killed Queen Ramonda without a hint of remorse. This was the man that had attempted to take Wakanda under his rule. This was just another part of the man you were to marry. He sighed, and you saw his shoulders fall slightly, and his eyes soften. Namor returned to the gentle king that you knew him as, "Forgive me, in reina. But I must make an example of her."
"In ajawo," You spoke softly, "she really meant to kill me?"
"Yes," Namor confirmed before his eyes hardened again and he turned from you. Namora and Attuma held the woman with her her back on the table and her legs draped over the edge, a trail of blood had followed them. She still fought against her captors, even turning to spit in your directions. Blood was pooling in her breather as she glared at you.
"You will never be the true Queen of Talokan," She raged at you.
Namor had taken a dagger from the Shaman. You could see the Wakandans watching in horror. The Dora Milaje tried to control the crowd, until someone screamed, "Spare her, this is not the way!"
M'baku was the one to address the crowd, cooing as the rest of the Jabari joined him until the people were silent. "This woman has committed an act of treason not only to Talokan but to Wakanda! She offends not only King K'uk'ulkan but Jabariland as well! Her penalty from the Wakanda of old would be banishment. But the Wakanda under my rule sentences her to death. She however is not one of ours to lay charges against. She belongs to Talokan and if they wish to sacrifice her as penance, if they wish to offer her life to their gods, then I allow it."
Namor was surprised by the backing of M'baku. When their gazes met an understanding formed. This was a personal vengeance for an attack on the woman they both cherished. M'baku returned to his place, ignoring the appalled stare from Shuri and Okoye who stood off to the side. There were murmurs in the crowds of Wakandans and Talokanil alike.
Namor lifted the ceremonial dagger, "With this sacrifice we pay back, in part, our debt to the gods and all their blessings. We spill this blood as an act of union between lands and people. Let the gods of the world answer our calls for blessings. With this sacrifice we invoke the powers that bring us into this world and take us from it."
With a powerful swing, Namor shoved the dagger deep into the chest of the Talokanil warrior, twisted it and then let her blood flow from the table and onto the floor.
The Shaman, unfazed, blew the conch shell and continued the ceremony, "We call upon the cardinal powers of the elements; fire, earth, water, and air, to purify this sacrifice and guide this partnership through light and love."
The Shaman moved forward and took your hand and Namor's placing them together and tying them with a red woven strip of cloth. He guided your hands to pour a pitcher of water over the table, over the seeds, flowers, fruit, and blood. "Let us now rejoice in this union and welcome the Queen of Talokan!"
There was a moment of hesitation before the Talokanil cheered riotously, followed by the more apprehensive Wakandans. Namor pulled you close to him, cupped your cheeks, and kissed you. You could do nothing but kiss him back as your mind reeled.
I'm sorry. Theres a part 3 in the works
leave me reviews, please
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thereader-radhika · 11 months
Sita in Ashoka Vanam - The Reality of Nandini's Luxurious Life
In Ponniyin Selvan, many gardens are compared to mythological gardens like Nandana vanam, Madhu vanam and Ashoka Vanam but there is only one garden like the Ashoka Vanam of Ravana, built between buildings.
They went into an extension of the palace that jutted out into the garden, a latha mandapam. It was built like a passage, to link two huge palaces.
There is only one person who perpetually stays in the 'Ashoka Vanam'- Nandini. Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar too notices that his wife is always outside the palace.
Why did she often sit by herself in the latha mandapam? What for? . . . One more question rose in his mind: what was she doing there when it was well past midnight?
In fact, Nandini is never shown inside her husband's palace except when she is with other people like Kundavai. Pazhuvettaraiyar, Ravidasan, Vanthiyathevan, Kandan Maran, Aditha Karikalan . . . all meet Nandini in this gazebo.
Nandini's state didn't go unnoticed even by the maids of Pazhuvettaraiyar.
Once two maids came to the back of the palace. They saw the uprooted trees strewn around the garden. "Adada! It looks like the Ashoka Vanam destroyed by Hanuman, doesn't it?" said one. "If our Sita Devi had been here, she would have felt very sad", replied the other.
Nandini's meeting with Vanthiyathevan in the gazebo draws heavily from the imagery of the Ramayana episode of Hanuman meeting Seetha in the Ashoka Vatika, with her maid sleeping in the corner and Vanarkula veeran Vanthiyathevan complaining that people call him 'kapi'(monkey). At the same time, it is contrasted by Nandini's attitude and her extravagant attire.
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Nandini too compares herself to Sita directly and indirectly.
Let them talk, Manimekalai. They spoke ill even of the great Sita Devi. And what did Sita lose because of them?
Whatever it is don’t mention that I am the wife of Pazhuvettaraiyar. I am not his wife . . . If a girl is forcibly abducted and brought home will she become the abductor’s wife by default?
Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar isn't as foolish as his behaviour suggests and deep within he too has an inkling of what is going on.
She kept talking about fasts and austerities but had never explained what they really were. It seemed like a ruse, the kind practised by cunning women one read about in stories.
All this can be contrasted with the big garden in Kundavai's backyard, where princesses are always dancing and singing. While there is a swan couch in Nandini's gazebo, Kundavai has a swan boat which lets her travel freely and openly.
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It is questionable if Nandini even gets adequate food as she is always lying about undertaking several viratam and nombu (that is, fasting and fasting). The only relief is that Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar doesn't spend much time with her and she could be sneaking in some snacks or fruits.
The status of Pazhavoor Ilaya Rani doesn't shield her from the barbs of Kundavai.
I’ve often insulted her and made fun of her after she came back as the wife of the old man of Pazhuvoor.
It doesn't offer much protection against perverts like Kandan Maran and Parthipendran.
Blinded by passion, Kandan Maran grasped her hand and stammered, "I will do anything for you."
While he spoke, Parthibendran suddenly clasped Nandini's hands and placed them on his eyes.
To be frank, she is scared to even travel in the same boat as her husband fearing that he would do something to her.
Basically, the only 'privilege' that Nandini gets are jewellery and clothes.
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The whole country knows that the Junior Queen of Pazhuvoor well known for her beauty is also fond of beautifying herself with the finest of dresses and jewels . . .Poor man, Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar! . . . He does not know about the fire that’s constantly burning in my chest.
Nandini's luxurious life, what she boasts to others and what others accuse her of, is mostly a myth! Other than exquisite jewellery and beautiful clothing, there is nothing pleasant about it.
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
3 Random Facts About Myself (because this is a popular thing to ask me apparently)
Infernape is my favorite Pokemon because of his Blaze arc in the anime.
Two childhood movies kicked off my love for my religion: One about Hanuman from 2005, the other about Ganesha.
My room is orange. My favorite color.
Past 7 peeps in my notifs: @sleep-can-wait @queenofapeacefuldawn @the-princess-fangirl @dukh-dard-peeda @ricesoupremacy @livie1507 @burntchickennugget2468
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