#realise im already in the mountains and i still have to do this shit
wabblebees · 2 years
assigning me homework is cruel and unusual, actually
#my brain is fucked. literally why are u making me do this shit. its fucking ridiculous#complain complain whine complain#whine whine bitch moan complain whine#scream. tear hair out. consider running away to the mountains#realise im already in the mountains and i still have to do this shit#grrrRRAAAGH.#the assignment is to read 30 pages of our textbook and take notes in an Atrocious & Exceedingly Specific Format that my brain DOES NOT LIKE#it does not FUCKING COMPUTE. and its making me so frustrated that i cant even READ anymore#after exactly One Hour of reading my entire brain went NOPE WE'RE DONE HERE and now its been TWO hours#the whole point is so we have a ~reference book~ to look back at in the future when it may be relevant! but what that Actually means is#YOUR HOMEWORK IS TO REWRITE THE TEXTBOOKAND MAKE YOUR OWN ✨️EMOTIONAL CONNECTIONS✨️ TO THE TOPICS COVERED#sir. if i told u the ✨️emotional connections✨️ i am making to this textbook#my mother would tackle me to wash my mouth out with soap. ''respectfully.''#the professor (derogatory)((<-the guy teaching isnt even technically a professor)) didnt even make up this assignment or the curriculum#he just got the job bc all of the other ACTUAL department faculty refused. bc this sucks ass.#he talks FOREVER abt some tangent & THEN is like 'hm. so we dont have time for the things i planned to do in class today. what do we do.'#WHY SHOULD WE KNOW. THATS YOUR JOB#and i like him (sort of.)((i at least want to be decent to him yanno?)) but this is fucking insane. i hate it here#id be so on board to read this textbook and learn this shit if i didnt have to take those GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING NASTY-ASS NOTES. FUCK.#this shit is legitimately so interesting to me!! but knowing i have to do ALL THAT??#makes my brain book it out the back of my skull like a fucking looney-toons skit. makes it go kablooey. leaves no trace but a dust cloud#thinking abt this assignment has been making my attention span so skittery that i havent been able to work on my OTHER homework Either#ugh. whatever#ill get over it & finish eventually. i just. the textbook is ALREADY oversimplifying so much#so im sitting here highlighting nearly fucking EVERYTHING. and then cant figure out what to actually take down as nOtEs#30 pages. of which im supposed to distill ''the 4-5 most important pieces of information from each page''#meaning my shit in ~column a~ should have. AT L E A S T. 120 FUCKING BULLET POINTS???#and THEN. im supposed to put an equivalent amount of ✨️personal connections✨️ in ~column FUCKING b~#fuck me ig. fuck.#bee speaks
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still more thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS! like seriously. in this one)
I love this game
So much
I had to find a guy for a quest but was like
"Im going to check out this well first"
Alao the brown breakable rock break with one hit, blue with two and black with three
Matches the bombs it takes to break them
Tulin, whose village is dying, watching me search for pretty clothing
"Link please my family is dying Link we have to go Link"
The frostbite set is stunning
Finally a hairdo that lets Link have long hair
I hate the Sages
Not really but my god did they make their AI absolute trash
Theyre always in the way except when you need them to solve a puzzle
And if you have more than one Avatar present good luck getting the one you need
Not as much as I hated Queen Gibdo but
Why was crossing a spider and scorpion necessary
"Brave Fledgling"  what if I cried
Tulin is so good
So is this making it canon that the time 10 000 years ago was still after every other game
I dont know the timeline is weird
But if there was both Zora and Rito at the time of Rauru
This is so confusing
Ive both heard and seen Rauru sacrifice himself multiple times now can these dead Sages give me new info
Zelda my beloved
Marry me please
Also so the only other Demon King we have ever had was Demise so is Ganondorf him or after him
The Sage calls Tulin "my brave fledgling"
Someone call me something so loving one day
Tulin is so excited to be a Sage
He is so happy to fight alongside Link
Hes so happy to save the world
I love him
What a boy
Boys will be boys is from now on only about Tulin
Shortest Hylian
I got a third ring
Bring a gerudo bow to this boss fight if you can it makes life so much easier
I havent been to Death Mountain at all yet
Done all other Temples and fully mapped Hyrule before ever going near Gorons
The extra snow melted
REVALI IM SO PROUD OF OUR BOY *shakes the ghost of Revali*
Was already my least favorite in BOTW
But now he is a major asshole too
Fuck that
Im not helping him
Im gonna go blow up his company
If this guy becomes a Sage I swear
I'll drown him in Death Mountain myself
The ember headdress is probably the best headpiece in the entire game
The Ember set is genuinely the best set
Its so pretty
Im gonna go see what these look like dyed
After that beating up Yunobo
But fashion comes first
I love Cece
She is the only person matching my love of fashion in this game
I just realised why the evil Zelda is wearing Zonai clothes
Or maybe Im dumb
"Oh Yunobo was wearing a mask making him evil" no Yunobo is just like that
This sucks I hate everything to do with Death Mountain
Worst place
I have to use the machines AND GO TO THE DEPTHS??? NOOO
Nintendo you will be hearing from my lawyers
When I die Im going to ask Rauru wtf were the Zonai doing in the depths
No because if youre going to have a cutscene and then make a second cutscene three steps further just fucking make it one cutscene
Yunobo is a "young little rock"
Left that for now
Found Champions leathers
Found Royal Guard boots??
They were in the king's study
King's diary wasnt there so like is it canon Zelda was able to read it?
Misko was a good guy actually, hiding all these clothes for me
Me, in the depths: I wonder where this strange Sheikah tower leads
The Yiga hideout in Akkala:
The only ancient sheikah tech still working is Hateno Tech Lab travel point
I spent some time in the depths and FOUND THE ANCIENT CENTRAL MINE
Fought Kohga
Finally the shrine censor
And travel medallion? You treat me so well
Already had that prototype
Badass feeling
Omg Robbie's compendium database is so cute
Got all three upgrades immediatly
Fully stocked purah pad
I like to kill the hebra great game because they drop gourmet and prime meat and cooking those and they sell for a good price
Horse and bullet time
Many coins
Zelda's memories are so sad
Been giving my friends a fashion show of my favorite clothing
I am again so gay for Sonia and Zelda
My god
I am sobbing crying screaming
Im so upset
Zelda being the light dragon is so unfair for her
She deserved happiness and freedom
Not losing her humanity and personhood
I went into the strange thunder cloud
Why is it taking me into the depths
Not again
Alright Sage of Spirit
I'll make your mech suit for you
That took a while
But owl head statue
Mineru my beloved
Oh.my god this is hell
Worst part of this game so far
Im leaving this temple also undone I DONT CARE THIS FUCKING SUCKS
I hate it
Fuck this
Why do game devs come up with shitty awful bad as hell stuff to do in their games AND MAKE THAT MANDATORY
I just quit the game no lie
Fuck that
I did it and I was being dramatic, it wasnt that hard
Mineru is so goddamn gorgeous
They designed this game for me specifically
I should get back to drawing furries
Mineru holding my hand which is her brother's hand
Mineru I love her
I have not beaten Fire Temple yet
I just cant
Darkness and puzzles and fire
Also dont like Yunobo
I feel so bad for Mineru
Zelda :(
Why doesnt Link get a secret stone
Where did Zelda's special stone come from when its a time stone and Ganon stole Sonia's time stone
Mineru I will not go get the Master Sword
Demon Ganon is hot idc
Ganon: "Link. I look forward to meeting him" goes into slumber
Damn all of Rauru disintergrated but his hand
I have to find the light dragon
The dragons dont have schedules in this apparently
Mineru so was in love w Zelda
Everyone is putting too much weight on Link's shoulders
Fine I'll finish the fire temple
*2 hours later* I hate it here
I did scam those puzzles as much as I could
Worst puzzles
Worst boss too
Marbled gohma
Fucking awful
I nearly died about 11 times
Rip my food storages
I really need to cook more
Special stone for Yunobo booo
Little rock is adorable pet name tho
Ancestor Goron is fine af
Ive heard this story four times now
Fucking hell cant we get anything new
Someone give me a 200k word fanfic where Ganon awakens but is not evil
I need Ganon Zelda Link friendship
End the cycle
Watching Brian David Gilbert and Unraveleds rn
We have established this is not a PG channel
Ok fine I like Yunobo
Daruk was better tho
Ive found most memories why cant I say anything to these people about thats not Zelda
I know Zelda is the light dragon
Running around Hyrule Castle for 'Zelda'
About to do bossfight w Ganon
Can I do a flurry rush? No
I just hit or die
Life is like that
No clever tactiques just caveman brain and trying
Evil "Zelda" is fun
Why is Ganon like one of those movie posters here
Why is he still not rehydrated
Ganon I have dick to suck hurry up
"You will not live to see another sunrise" Ganon the sun is rising rn
Woo Phantom Ganons
Fuck yeah
Lets see if I can kill them aka can I finally take on Gloom Hands (I wont)
Ganon's so arrogant
Not Lynels
Still the hardest enemy in game
Ok so if youve found Mineru and have the Master Sword already, the convo after the fake Ganon fight Purah goes "Youve already found the fifth sage? AND you have the master sword? Why didnt you say so before"
Usually youd get quests for those
It was funny
Why is the limit of horses I can have ten ::((
The Charged shirt is actually so so slutty I love it
So I finally cleared The Deku Tree's little stomach bug
And like it is so funny how easy the Gloom Hands and Phantom Ganon become when youre in late game
I was sweating about it and then it was so easy
And Im bad at combat
Ok not to brag but I killed a white lynel. First time ever. Also first time ever I killed a lynel without Urbosa's help
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
reoccurring dream time cause i had it again.
so im running away from someone, and hide in this hospital room. the doctor there doesnt let my chaser get in. (this time the doctor gives me two 20 euro bills probs so i can escape the person easier). then some like robbers bust in to steal this vintage car that was there, and they ram it through the window. my pursuer of course hears this, so I have no choice but to follow the robbers out the two story window. (this time as i jumped down i entered into this weird blue place, and there was like stardust floating around, and I was kinda suffocating, so I was desperately just reaching around me for something. and then I felt a rope beneath my hand. so i took ahold of it, and felt it pull me up. i could see again, and one of the robbers (who looked like a mix of the tf2 engineer and soldier) was the one pulling the rope. i dont know what engineer shit he had with the rope but somehow we were both holding onto ends of the rope, and he was still able to pull me upwards while climbing up himself. once we got up more of the robbers were there in this galaxy cave, you could almost mistake the orange walls full of galaxies as just red rock. but anyway i dont know how the logistics work, but walking through the cave somehow made us surface.) we somehow got to this, like,, well it looked like a giant crane operating hut, but there was no crane, and it was in the middle of the ocean. some of the robbers were already there. they said that the hut will last a while. the rest of the robbers started blasting music really loud, clearly celebrating that they survived. so we spend some time there, maybe a day,, until we see something out the window. its kinda dark outside, so we just see ominous lights approaching, hella scary. we panic and try to prepare to evacuate, until the lights come close enough to see that its a cargo ship. we celebrate because they'll probably take us on board. our celebrating is cut shortly though, as we realise that the ship is coming straight toward us. and its not slowing down. its gonna crash into the hut. emergency evacuation happens, i jump into the sea with a backpack. (I apparently remember the previous times ive had this dream, because I dive under in preparation for the big waves that the hut will cause once it falls down. they never come. the ship doesnt seem to be actively pursuing us, so we focus on swimming to land. (i actually lied its not in the middle of the ocean, maybe 3 or 4km from the shore, you just cant see it in the dark. still a bit far to swim) so, we somehow make it to land. maybe the waves were on our side. we know that its still dangerous for any of us to be seen. one of us takes the iniative and sheds all their wet clothes, except these sick ass cargo pants and this thin under shirt,, and starts running. they seem like they know what they're doing, so I follow the lead. the others follow as well. we start climbing upwards, parkouring and shit. presumably i learned a bit while staying at the hut. the buildings shift to steep hills, I slip a bit, we keep going up. and then, we make it to the top. its a mountain top, not very high tbh. theres like three of us so we sit down to wait for the rest. (this time a non binary dude, who i met before, who's carrying a mirror on their back, comes up to me and thanks me for like, some conversation we had. i ask if theyre serious, and I get really happy when they assure me that they're being genuine)(i exit out of the game on accident. turns out it was a game my siblings and i were playing. i dont remember which save file is the right one, so it takes some fumbling to load it again.)(im still at the mountain top waiting. the rest of the team doesnt seem to come ever. im not going to get the group picture(like in mario Odessey). dissapointment.)
(parenthesis signify something that isnt reoccurring)
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ribbononline · 3 years
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When the joke AU gets out of hand and now its like, a whole thing
SO uhm here is the post about the fake marriage on Pasio au! Where the whole fake marriage thing ended up becoming more of a B plot more then anything, oops. The premise kind of got lost on me as I went along.
First things first, here’s the information I gathered from the Hoenn timeline in Pokemas itself so yall know what im working with (and as a side note, if you have no idea about the basic story of Pokemon Masters, the rest of this entire post might be a little confusing);
-Brendan is Normans son, and May the daughter of professor Birch. Brendan has at least defeated Normans gym, and neither of them have met Aqua or Magma, nor Archie or Maxie.
-Magma and Aqua don’t seem to be publicly known as bad in any way.
-The meteor with Zinnia has already happened, and someone else took that destiny from her. (I’ll be honest- I never end up really explaining this here. I had no idea how to even begin making sense of this considering this is post game stuff and Brendan never even seems to have made it to the Elite Four as far as we know)
And with that ! Here’s the actual story I managed to make out of that.
-The backstories for Archie and Maxie are the same as they’d normally be. Things only get different once the ORAS plots would normally start.
Magma and Aqua both don’t commit crimes (such as orb or submarine stealing) with their uniforms on and under their team names. As such, they’re still seen as regular, legit environment organisations trying to better the region.
May and Brendan never get involved with them either. Between no meddling kids and their crimes not being tied back to them, things end up going pretty fast on their end.
-Their crimes aren’t connected nor is anyone looking into them as something bigger- right up until the orbs get stolen. Those are considered important enough artifacts to raise some attention, and so, Steven and Wallace brought on the case to investigate as the Hoenn champions.
-It’s a lot easier said then done, and while they start to suspect Aqua and Magma have something to do with it, they have no concrete proof. Still, they do their best to figure out if it’s them and what their intentions with it would be.
-Regrettably for them they are too slow. Maxie and Archie both make it to the sea cavern , and both raise their respective legendaries. Kyogre is there, Groudon is there, as a result even Rayquaza shows up. There’s a lot going on— and then, within a couple of minutes, there isn’t. All legendaries vanish into thin air, so fast that the population of Hoenn never even realised what was happening out on sea. Except for some unfortunate swimmers who never end up being believed.
Maxie and Archie feel devestated, and the Hoenn League who did notice what happened is very alarmed. Keeping the incident quiet as to not incite a panic, Steven and Wallace are pushed onto this case instead now- to locate the missing legendaries, and ensure they won’t cause any harm- and maybe figure out what caused them to awaken in the first place.
Wallace and Steven immediately link that to the orbs, and as such, Aqua and Magma. Still, they have no actual proof- no one outside their teams saw Archie or Maxie doing anything.
-The reason behind the sudden disappearances turns out to be Hoopa! Who brought all of them to Pasio. The legendaries immediately went from fighting mode into very confused mode. They don’t know where they are or what happened. Groudon ends up hiding in the volcano on the island, while Kyogre keeps to the bottom of the water surrounding the island. -Rayquaza however doesn’t hide itself- and instead, floats around on a mountain top on the island. Rumors start floating around about it, and before long Zinnia shows up and becomes a sync pair with it.
-Steven and Wallace hear Rayquaza is over in Pasio, and figure the other two might be as well- so they go over to investigate. They also talk some with Zinnia about Rayquaza, but since it appears to be fine and calm and Zinnia is not planning on giving it up, she ends up keeping it and they leave her be to search for Groudon and Kyogre instead.
-Magma and Aqua also catch wind of Rayquaza being over there, and even hear about some sightings of what appear to be Kyogre and Groudon around the island. Now the plan is to get over there and get them…. but the problem is that Steven and Wallace are both there, and they’re well aware those two suspect them- and that suddenly showing up for no reason would probably only worsen those suspicions. While the both of them have complete faith in their power as a team, they’d rather not pick a fight with two champions if they can avoid it- especially when they’re on an island full of other champions and elite four members who would probably back them up if asked.
-Going with their entire team would definitely be too suspicious. That’s out. Going with their admins might still be risky- Plus, they can’t exactly leave their teams unattended back in Hoenn. So, Maxie and Archie end up figuring that the best course of action would be for them to go alone, at least for the time being. Scout out if they can locate the legendaries and a way to get to them- and then call backup if needed.
…But if they both go alone at the same time and end up fighting each other while they’re there… it wouldn’t help their case.
-And so, after some thinking things over, Maxie ends up deciding it’d be best if they went together under a temporary truce. So off to Aqua to talk it over with Archie he goes! There, they come up with their plan; faking a marriage, and going to Pasio under the excuse of being on honeymoon. Steven and Wallace wouldn’t be expecting it, so maybe it’d throw them off track! And for the rest of the trainers on Pasio- well, who isn’t happy for a couple living their best life? With a little luck it’d immediately make people trust them a bit more.
-So to Pasio they go! Maxie takes Camerupt as his sync partner, Archie partners with his Sharpedo. They rent a little vacation home- for obvious reasons, they’ll have to live together for a while, but with a little luck they can just avoid each other most of the time. Besides, at least the ad specified there being two beds.
-They misread the ad. There’s one single two person bed. Archie is promptly demoted to sleeping on the couch.
In general, while they do well enough at faking being very affectionate and loving in front of people, the moment they’re back in their house it’s a lot of fighting.
-Steven and Wallace are not stupid, and are immediately wary when Maxie and Archie suddenly show up no matter how well they’re putting on an act. Still, there’s not a lot they can do except keep an eye on them and ensure they stay away from the areas Kyogre and Groudon are spotted.
-The rest of the island however thinks they’re nice! Look at the cute couple having fun. Good for them.
-Overall, while things are going decently okay for Archie and Maxie, Steven and Wallace constantly blocking off areas where they could gather intel and trailing their every move is really hindering their ability to be able to do much of anything. And so the four of them enter an awkward stand still, where neither can really get the other off the island.
-For a while, Maxie and Archie just try to put on the act as best as they can, to hopefully get Steven and Wallace to lower their guard. They go on ‚dates‘ together, hang out with the other people around the island, attend events together, etc. Steven and Wallace still don’t trust them for shit however, and end up pushing May and Brendan towards them in the hopes that they might be able to spot something off.
-Brendan and May have no idea what anyone is trying to do here, and actually really like Archie and Maxie. They help show them all there is on Pasio and introduce them to new people time and time again.
-Eventually, Maxie and Archie realise that this is going to take a lot longer then they were hoping for- between Steven and Wallace not budging, and the trainers on Pasio constantly keeping them busy- they’re going to need an excuse to keep staying here. And they don’t actually need to wait long! -While being a lot less aggressive and in people’s face about it, Archie still talks about the environmental impact the island has on the ocean around it a good bit to some of the other trainers there- he is leader of an environmental group focused on the sea back at home, after all! People actually start agreeing with him, to a point it even reaches Lear. Conceding something should be done, Sawyer starts working on putting a team together that would help undo the damage they’ve caused by making the oceans around the island more habitable for the Pokemon that were made homeless because of them. Archie is one of the first people to get asked to join the team- and having a job there makes a great excuse to stay a while longer. Besides, it’s still working towards his goal to some extent, so he’s down! -A bit after that Maxie ends up joining the team that made the island and is currently in charge of keeping it thriving. Same for him- the job still aligns with his ideals, so he doesn’t mind doing it.
-This was also the time Archie started having serious back pain from sleeping on the couch each night, so he took the bed as well. Maxie threatened to kick him out, Archie wished him luck with that and… well, they both just keep to their side of the bed now.
-Back at home, Magma and Aqua are being good legit environmental groups working within the law. It’s been gaining them a great reputation, and being fully legitimate and not having to fear getting charged for crimes is also very nice for the teens working as grunts there.
-And so back in Pasio, Maxie and Archie forcefully have to take a step back from their plans… to live relatively normal lives instead. Surprise surprise, it’s not actually that bad! They enjoy their jobs, they actually start making some friends, half the kids on the island seem to have adopted them as cool new uncles… and they even start fighting less in private! They can actually get along sometimes.
Eventually the realisation hits that they’re living out the lives they wanted- before they ever joined Rocket and everything went so terribly wrong. Except their marriage being ‚fake‘, this was more or less the future they envisioned… and it’s very weird to think about.
-For Maxie, he does get sad reminiscing, and reminisce he does- but as long as Archie keeps going , he’d never give up his plans. While originally raising Groudon was truly out of his ideals, over time (and when their original breakup happened) it became less about that- and more about ‚winning‘ - winning out over Archie, and proving to both himself and the other he’d been right all along. Even when the evidence started pointing towards that not being the case and Tabitha only agreeing this was a bad idea, he was so caught up in not being able to lose now he never backed down- and just reassured himself the science had to be wrong.
As long as Archie is going, so is he.
-Archie however…. Archie’s plans of flooding the world to reset it- undo the damage humanity caused by ending it entirely- were born out of feeling like there truly was no other option, truly was no other good left. Being focused on that goal every day, it wasn’t hard to stay in that mindset. But now, having to forcibly take a step back- suddenly getting to live a normal life again, with a way to help that doesn’t require death and a support system outside of Aqua… Suddenly the hope returns that maybe there is more out there- maybe there is another way to go about this.
And so, after a lot of thinking, and a lot of doubting every answer he came up with- finally he rang up Shelly and Matt to talk things over, and talk about leaving Kyogre be. Shelly was thrilled- at the end she didn’t trust his plans with Kyogre anymore anways and seeing Archie finally with agree with her on that was a big relief to her. Matt didn’t entirely understand, but Archie seemed happier with this idea, and Shelly definitely seemed happier with this idea- so he certainly didn’t mind.
Afterwards, Shelly ends up privately talking to Archie some more, where he confided a lot in her about stuff he never told her before. It was a lot to take in, and she definitely wasn’t happy about his plans having always been to more or less commit genocide on humanity without ever having told them- but at the end of the day, he’s still her friend, no damage has actually been done, and he’s finally talking to her about it so they can work it out. As such, with some help from her, Archie ends up going to therapy on the regular to help keep him in a better headset.
-After all of this, Archie pulls Maxie aside to let him know he’s giving up on Kyogre, and Maxie… just doesn’t know how to feel about it at all- doesn’t even know if he can trust him. He certainly wasn’t expecting this either way. For a while, Archie just goes about his day on Pasio, while Maxie went very very quiet, just watching him from a distance.
They both spend so much time on this- suddenly given up was something he never thought would be an option, and it’s a lot to process. Besides, Archie could be lying. ….But truthfully, he’s known the other way too long to believe that. Archie is serious about this, and it’s not particularly hard to tell.
So, after a lot of hemming and hawing, he too finally rings up Courtney and Tabitha and calls of their mission with Groudon.
Magma and Aqua are both just legit regular environmental organisations now.
-Now with that decision made, they end up talking a lot over between each other themselves. About their past, about their teams, and about what they want to do now. This is where they finally decide to actually give their relationship another chance as well. Not necessarily as a romantic relationship- thought not strictly as just friends either. They decide to just take it slow, see what they’re comfortable with, and see where it takes them from there.
(A lot of trainers in Pasio actually worry this is when they got into a fight- since they stop acting overly affectionate to put on an act, and instead get to have awkward conversations trying to rekindle their relationship. Everyone is so worried about what happened. Sorry guys, they’ll be okay)
-Though they fully intent on going back to Hoenn and their teams, they’re not in a hurry to leave and stick out their job contract which only were for about half a year total anyways. During this, even Steven and Wallace start noticing a change in them and finally lower their guard a bit. They never do end up attempting to get to the legendaries- they’re just enjoying their time here now.
-When they do finally get back to Hoenn, they merge the teams and help the land and the sea together now. Archie also ends up convincing Maxie to join him for therapy sometimes- even without them almost ending the world, they do still both have their things to work trough.
-Groudon and Kyogre just vibe on Pasio now. They let kids battle them for fun sometimes. They’re doing alright.
-Brendan and May end up visiting Archie and Maxie a lot! That’s their cool gay uncles now.
-Somewhere along the way, as time passes, they actually end up legitimising the marriage documents they faked at the very start. And they still return to Pasio from time to time to meet up with the friends they made there. :]
Apologies if any of this was messy or unclear! it was a lot to try and condense down into a single post and I did my best, but ykno. if there did appear to be smth missing feel free to shoot me a message or an ask orz also this is my second time writing this post- first time i made the stupid mistake of typing it up in browser. And after over an hour of typing this all up…. tumblr refreshed for no reason, and deleted all of it. so writing this all a second time has been even harder then the first. ;; it hurt so bad.
Also, I do have a lot of thoughts n ideas abt the actual relationships they end up having w other characters on the island, but I’m saving that for another post! With the premise of Pasio there’s just so much potential to stuff all these diff characters from diff games into a place togehter and i want to make the most of that- so its prolly gonna b another long post lmao. i wont make this one even longer then it already is, so diff post it is
just know that they did in fact once see Giovanni on the island, and they almost ended up throwing hands.
(bonus; the link to the page where I keep all my oras HC posts and comics sorted)
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Omg i got back into knb and im so happy to see someone still writing for the Fandom lol! Could I request GOM + Hanamiya with a gf or crush who loves to snowboard in winter and dive with sharks in the summer xoxo ppppplllllllllleeeeeeaseeee!!! I'll love you forever
Headcanons: GOM + Hanamiya with a girlfriend/crush that loves to snowboard in the winter and dive with sharks in the summer
Kuroko loved how adventurous and carefree you were
So you decided to get him to come snowboarding with you one winter
“But Y/N-kun, I don’t know how to snowboard,” he said to you when you suggested it
“It’s fine, I’ll teach you,” you assured him, thinking it’d be fun if you could get Kuroko to do this regularly with you
However, teaching him was harder than you thought
It didn’t take long for him to give up though
“I’m tired of eating snow, can I just watch you?”
You went to the place where you would usually snowboard, which was the highest point there
Now that Kuroko knew how difficult snowboarding was, he was quite worried looking at you all the way up there
When you started to snowboard though, Kuroko couldn’t help but stare up at you, wide-eyed
You made it look so easy that he was just filled with admiration as he thought of how cool his girlfriend was
In the summer, you told Kuroko that you wanted to go diving with sharks
“Excuse me but, what?”
You had never seen Kuroko that shocked before
You explained to him how you liked to do it at least once every summer, and you even invited him to join you
He politely declined, opting to just watch you instead
He was instinctively worried about you the entire time, but he also knew that you could handle it because you were one of the strongest people he knew
Your class was having a trip to a lodge, which you were excited about because you could spend the entire weekend snowboarding
Kise had a crush on you, but he never had the courage to ask you out, because he just didn’t know how. He was always used to people asking him out
He figured that he could just impress you that weekend by showing off his snowboarding skills (which he didn’t have, though it shouldn’t be too hard for Kise to learn it)
He thought that once he figured it out, he could offer to teach you and make a move on you then
However, when you got there, almost everyone was in awe about how well you snowboarded
Kise could hear the other guys in your class talk about how hot you were while you snowboarded, and he couldn’t help but get a bit jealous
It took him about three tries, but Kise got the hang of it
“Hey you’re really good. Mind if I join?” he asked you, to which you obviously agreed— you can’t say no to hanging out with Kise Ryouta
You and Kise spent the entire weekend snowboarding together and getting to know each other
Kise found you so cool that he completely chickened out of asking you out because he knew he couldn’t handle the rejection if you said no
In the summer, Kise decided to have a beach day with a few of his teammates, and he was thrilled to bump into you at the the beach
“Oh hey Y/N-cchi,” he said coolly, doing his best not to drool over how good you looked in your swimsuit, “what are you doing here?”
“I’m gonna dive with sharks. Wanna join?” you said to him cheerily
Kise did his best to contain his shock. Y/N’s such a badass, he thought to himself
In an attempt to have you find him cool, he agreed.
It goes without saying that he was terrified the entire time, but he did his best to put up a cool facade
His teammates watched him from the shore and they were practically dying of laughter at how scared he looked
However, after that horrifying experience, he realised that asking you out wasn’t nearly as scary, so he finally did once the two of you headed back
He was so over the moon when you agreed that he had enough adrenaline to go for a round two with the sharks
But he decided against it when he thought it through. That shit was far too terrifying for him and he had no idea how you did it
You and Midorima were polar opposites
He was reserved, calm and rational while you were outspoken, erratic and spontaneous
But that’s what you loved about each other
When you suggested a beach day to him one summer, he easily said yes, thinking he could lay down and read a book under the sun
However, you had other plans. You were going to dive with sharks and you knew he’d say no to it if you said it as it was, so you hid it behind a forefront of a beach day
“I didn’t tell you this before,” you said when you got to the beach, “but we’re going to swim with sharks!”
His face of shock was the funniest thing you’d seen in a while and you couldn’t stop laughing. “Y/N, I’m not doing that.”
“Too bad, I already reserved it for two people.”
So you dragged your unwilling boyfriend along with you to swim with the sharks
He was so terrified the entire time that he went completely mute
When you got back from the beach, he was so mad at you that he was giving you the silent treatment
You made it up to him by giving him kisses and buying him a can of his favourite red bean soup
Midorima and you made it a habit to go up to a lodge every winter
He knew you loved to snowboard and he loved the peacefulness of the lodge
You’d get him to snowboard with you every once in a while, but he preferred to just watch you have fun while he indulged himself in a book
He loved how passionate you’d get about snowboarding and other hobbies, that it inspired him to try new things every now and then
Aomine definitely thinks that it’s extremely hot how his s/o is so adventurous
The two of you went to school together, but he never really acknowledged you until Momoi ran into you at a resort she dragged him to because she wanted to try the desserts that were popular there
He was confused as to how he’d never noticed you in school because he found you quite cute while you talked to Momoi at the resort
“So, what are you doing here?” Momoi asked you
“Oh, I come here in the winter to snowboard,” you explained.
Damn that’s cool, Aomine thought
“You can probably see me snowboarding from that window over there,” you said to her as you pointed to a large window with a view of a tall snowy slope
Momoi made sure to get a seat close to the window so that she could see you, raving to Aomine about how cool you were, though he didn’t admit it
However, the second he spotted you snowboarding, he was speechless
Momoi was talking to him about the desserts, but he didn’t listen to a word she said because he was so fixated on you
You made all the other people snowboarding around you look so inferior and Aomine found himself falling for you
He asked you out on that very day and you’ve been dating ever since
You tried teaching him how to snowboard a few times, but he’d just get so frustrated when he couldn’t do it that he’d start yelling at the snowboard as if it were a living thing
If it wasn’t cool enough that you snowboarded, you also swam with sharks in the summer
You went to the beach with Aomine one day and he was so distracted by how hot you looked in your swimsuit that he didn’t realise that he agreed to go swimming with you
Next thing he knew, he was jumping into shark infested waters with you, doing his best not to shit himself and rather act tough in front of you
He was practically clinging onto you the entire time though, and you made sure to tease him about it for a long time after that
You and Murasakibara mainly bonded over how much you liked food
He never understood how you enjoyed doing so many adventurous things, but he did his best to be supportive to your hobbies
He’d often tag along whenever you went snowboarding, though he’d never engage
You tried to get him to snowboard with you many times, but he’d just groan about how tiring it was
“Come on Atsushi, I’ll teach you.”
“I don’t want to, the snow is too cold,” he grumbled
“It’s snow— it’s supposed to be cold.”
He opted to just watch you from inside a café that had a view of the slope, while sipping on a mug of hot chocolate
He thought you were crazy when you told him that you were going to swim with sharks on one summer day
“Y/N-chin, are you trying to get killed?”
“It’s completely safe, don’t worry,” you assured him, though he didn’t believe you
He watched you from the safety of the boat, stress-eating his packet of chips as you swam around without a care in the world
He admired how carefree you were, though he’d never join you in your activities because it freaked him out more than you could ever imagine
Akashi found your bold hobbies incredibly attractive
The way you were so playful and fearless was so exhilarating to him that he was hooked the moment he met you
So when the two of you started dating, he was very encouraging of your passions
When he found out that you liked to snowboard, he surprised you one day with a trip to a luxurious resort in the mountains, famous for its snowy slopes
He found snowboarding to be an interesting sport, so he decided to learn it so that he can experience it with you
He mastered it rather quickly and the two of you were able to enjoy the trip snowboarding together
You knew Akashi was open to trying many things, but when he agreed to go swimming with sharks with you in the summer, you were quite surprised
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do this just because I am,” you told him as you walked along the beach with him
“Yeah, it sounds fun. I want to see why you enjoy this,” he confirmed, giving you a gentle smile
Akashi was a bit nervous at first, but he didn’t show it
He seemed to calm himself down when he saw how much you were enjoying yourself
He was glad he was dating someone that encouraged him to try new things that he would never imagine doing on his own accord
Hanamiya thoroughly enjoys how daring you were
He was the one who introduced you to the world of diving with sharks and you were eternally grateful because you found it so fun
The two of you would often go swimming with sharks together, and everyone you knew thought that you guys were insane
He enjoyed scaring you by grabbing your foot underwater, which startled you every single time without fail
While Hanamiya was fearless when it came to sharks, he found snowboarding to be the pure opposite of enjoyable when you took him to the slopes one winter
You still tried your best to teach him though
After his fifth fall, he had a fit, yelling, “This is a bullshit sport!”
Your relationship with him was very easygoing so you didn’t hold back from laughing at his arrogance
“Stop laughing,” he whined as he brushed the snow off his pants
He was very comfortable throwing insults left and right, but the second he’s the butt of the joke he becomes an absolute baby
You comforted him with a kiss on the cheek, to which he scoffed and said, “Gross,” even though he very much enjoyed it, and you knew it too
He decided on just watching you snowboard from inside the resort, where it was nice and warm
As he watched you snowboard like a pro, he couldn’t help but think you were one of the coolest people in the world, though he’d never say it to your face
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riv-ika · 3 years
Fantasy lesbians. Do tell!
ohhhhhh my god i love you now i get to rant about my novel
Fantasy Lesbians is the working title for a fantasy novel I’m working on and holy shit is it my biggest, proudest project. I don’t even know where to begin LMAO
So the protagonist is 16-year-old Amara Rose (he/she), an average kid who lives on Cinderbane Mountain with her guardian, a Dryad named Anithea (they/them), her toddler sister named Fenix, who is an Ardeyad (fire elemental, like dryad and naiad but spicy), and a small population of Naiads and Humans. She also has a pet Fellclaw, a species I invented solely for the purpose of her having one named Snapdragon who is the absolute best boy I love him. (Fellclaws are very complicated and vary by subspecies but Snapdragon is basically a giant cat with massive fangs and tufted ears and fur that can change colour on command. he also has a prehensile tail and his snout is longer than a cat’s. I haven’t finalized the design but them’s the vibes)
Anyway, the year Fenix was born/formed it’s wack don’t get me started, they experienced a loss and they’re still recovering from it. Amara in particular is Not Having A Good Time. However, she does not get the time to grieve properly because this group of rag tag disasters from other worlds appear with no idea how or why they got there except that a giant, scary beast told them to find her. This group of disasters embark on a journey to hone magic potential they didn’t realise they had- all but Amara, who doesn’t have the potential to be a Caster but does have some wack ass abilities left to her by the one she lost...it’s complicated, again, I don’t wanna make the longest post ever. Their goal? To defeat a conquerer from another world, a fierce Caster named Aella who is not fucking around and is the first person in known history to access the Space Between, a world-between-worlds if you will that serves as a connection point between every other world in existence.
(also it’s called fantasy lesbians because amara is a lesbian swordswoman and her love interest is Roxanne (she/her), a poet with a penchant for reckless heroics. Roxy is actually bisexual but i named it before i figured that out lmao)
so yeah, that’s the basics!! i have a ton of worldbuilding left to do although i’ve done a lot already and oh my god there is so much plot and so many characters, i am so fucking excited. im OBSESSED.
thank you for asking wolf i love going off about my dumbasses :’)
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wastetimeandtype · 3 years
A Legend of Korra AU, the setting is Detroit Become Human (summary)
Yooo so I think I’ve mentioned before that I started to write a Detroit Become Human AU for TLOK. Here is that AU, summarised!  Also since I haven’t touched this story in like two years so I don’t remember how it exactly goes, so I am making up a few plot points to make this summary cohesive. To be clear, this is an abandoned story, im just fond of a few plot points in this story after rediscovering this google doc.
To be clear I never played the game, I just got into watching the story cut scenes on YouTube... somehow. Idk. 
The basic premise of the game is that there are android servants who start gaining consciousness, called deviancy. Deviants can be permanently destroyed and killed if you destroy their memories and central programming system (situated in the head). Androids can generally have their memories transferred over to new bodies, as long as it is intact. You do not need to know the game to read this summary, it would have been a retelling of the game but making my own shit up. It loosely adapts Markus’s and Connor’s storyline. Korra was Markus, Mako was Connor (with Bolin being somewhat like Hank) and Asami had her own storyline. I also ‘fixed’ some elements of the game I didn’t like or thought were poorly explored but it generally follows the gist of the game. 
This is going to be super long, so hiding the story summary under a cut!
In a non-bending, future AU of the Avatar world, Future Industries in this universe is the creator of the androids. Deviancy is the name for consciousness. Both the police and Future Industries oppose androids becoming deviants due to being seen as a danger to humans and risking Future Industries profits.
Also to be clear, Korra, Mako and Asami are androids. Mako and Bolin are not related in this story. Bolin is human and a single child who’s parents died young.
Korra is an android who reacts violently to her owner beating her in a fit or rage. She gains consciousness (deviancy). She goes on the run because the police are chasing her.
She runs, and the next day hides in an abandoned house where she meets Kai, who is also a deviant android child. Kai mentions that there used to be an android he was friends with an android called Wan who was helping him run away to ‘Temple’ a sanctuary for androids. Wan has since disappeared.
Also from Kai there’s a general legend of ‘Project Raava’ who is meant to be a powerful android who saves them all. It’s kind of like a legend.
Meanwhile Lin is investigating Korra attacking her owner at the house. She is assigned a new super robo cop named Mako from Future Industries to help with KA cases. She doesn’t like him much and is annoyed that Future Industries so she leaves him to Saikhan and Bolin. Saikhan is the top detective, Bolin is the junior detective partner. Saikhan doesn’t like Mako either so just asks Bolin to distract him (Mako notes that the police are making Bolin babysit him).
What would be revealed in the story is that Bolin’s parents passed away, Lin was for Bolin as she was the at scene of the car crash and was a mentor figure in his life. Bolin was fostered but Lin kept in contact as a close parental figure. She helps Bolin get a job at the police station. Bolin knows he isn’t a very good detective but wants to make Lin proud.
Bolin in general thinks androids are pretty creepy, especially Mako. This is because they left Bolin alone for a bit with an android caretaker at the police station, and Bolin, an already traumatised child, found this robot caretaker uncaring and traumatising.
Also concurrently Asami is reading about the android rights movements and she’s like.. I am interested in deviants. Hiroshi tells her not to be so interested.
At Future Industries we are also introduced to Sitiak who is currently the top robotics person at Future Industries (had to be an OC). We later learn she is the head designer of the robo-cops and knows a lot about Mako.
We also learn throughout the story that Yasuko passed away from breast cancer years ago, and Asami also underwent treatment for it a few years prior as well.
Anyway back to Bolin. Bolin tried his best to just distract Mako whilst the real police do their work but Mako and Bolin realise where Korra is hiding and chase after Korra and Kai. Korra and Kai run across a highway and Mako was going to run across but listens to Bolin’s order not to do that.
Anyway Korra and Kai get in contact with some air monks who give them clues to scan around the city to follow the way to the deviant sanctuary.
Tenzin and the air nation are generally supportive of androids as a) they are not blind and can see that the androids are sentient and feeling and value all life, and b) Tenzin adopted an android child (Jinora) so they could understand androids, and Jinora deviated under their care. She pretends to be a normal android child to be safer.
Opal is a human member of the pro android rights movement. She was friendly and flirty with Bolin but stopped after the police started cracking down on deviants.
Korra and Kai follow clues hidden around the city. Temple is hidden in the mountains. Kuvira is the leader of the sanctuary! She is a committed revolutionary leader. She left Zaofu to help the deviants in Republic City (there are hundreds more in RC). She is pretty radical and an absolutist who believes in android rights and android supremacy. Re
Korra is a bit more chill but gets involved in the cause for android rights.
ANYWAY during the story Mako and Bolin get to know each other. Mako is programmed to have a very adaptive AI. He learns what Bolin wants. But he is committed to his mission of destroy all deviants above helping Bolin.
However one day Bolin panics half way through getting info as he missed the date and missed his parents death anniversary. Mako ‘breaks’ programming by allowing Bolin to go the cemetery to grieve. He also comforts Bolin.
Bolin is very confused by this situation and starts to wonder if Mako is deviating. Mako denies this.
(There would be two types of deviancy: gradual and shock. Korra was shocked into gaining consciousness. Mako’s deviancy would be more gradual).
And Bolin also starts to doubt whether or not he and Mako are doing the right thing by hunting deviants.
Asami meanwhile is asked again by Hiroshi to stop investigating deviants. She ignores him. She eventually learns, by looking through files of ‘Project Raava’ a very powerful android.
Korra and Kuvira and other androids break into a news tower and broadcast their demands for rights. Kuvira is badly injured in the attack, so Korra is the face of the broadcast.
Asami is convinced that Korra is project Raava as Asami thinks that Korra must be special in some way to lead the rights.
So Asami does some more digging, and then realises that something has always been very wrong with her. She cuts into her own flesh, her blood is blue: Asami is an android. And Asami is Project Raava.
FUCKING TWIST. Anyway this would be better set up in the fic as like people would make like ‘hey Wanna go eat Asami?’ And Asami would say ‘already eaten’ but we’d never see Asami eat
Basically Yasuko died of breast cancer. Yasuko was heavily involved in android robotics so she and Hiroshi and Varrick (to show up later) developed a body to house her after she died. They tried to code Yasuko’s consciousness into an AI. This failed and Yasuko ‘died’. When Asami Sato was dying from cancer, she asked to try the consciousness experiment. Knowing it would fail, Hiroshi instead created a full Artificial Intelligence version of Asami, and only coded the memories. She is not actually the old Asami Sato.
Asami was coded to have a very curious personality, but they had to code in limits to her, so she would naturally obey Hiroshi. She never eats or goes to the toilet, but she believes she does, as she basically has code telling her she does, so she believes it. Hiroshi planned to transfer (and wipe) Asami’s mind to different bodies so Asami would age, so he can pretend his daughter is still alive. However because of Asami Sato’s curious nature, Asami’s AI is very curious so Asami deviated when investigating deviants and choosing to not obey Hiroshi’s command to stop investigating them. She didn’t realise she was an android until later though because the programming was so strong and designed to be human like she didn’t see it until her AI pieced it together, she then is able to see her own programming and realise she isn’t human.
This isn’t the first time she has realised she was an android, but the first time she deviated beforehand. Because of this, when Hiroshi offers to wipe her and start over (because Asami usually accepts as an obedient daughter android when she realises that she has android parts by accident) Asami rejects this as she wants to help other deviants and knows they’re fully conscious and shouldn’t be destroyed. Basically Asami is too empathetic to allow deviants to continue to be destroyed when she knows they’re feeling like her, however Asami is also horrified by her own existence at this point.
Asami escapes the Sato Estate. She eventually find the Temple hideout and they’re like ‘wut Asami Sato is an android?’ And she’s like yep accept me, I want to help the android movement. They do. Kuvira is more cautious than Korra but accepts Asami. Asami helps fix Kuvira up after the tower fight. Asami and Korra start bonding.
Lin, Saikhan Bolin and Mako go to the Sato Estate the day after to investigate a deviant attack. Hiroshi and Sitiak inform the four of them what exactly is up with Asami. Lin is a bit freaked out but they agree it’s best to keep it a secret. Later Bolin says out loud ‘maybe we should leave Asami be and let her live her life’ and Lin reprimands Bolin for being sympathetic to deviants.
Asami is like ‘we should find Varrick to find out more about deviancy’. Asami and Korra (somehow) go to find Varrick. He’s living in a secluded house with his deviant android Zhu-Li.
He’s like ‘ah yes my greatest creation, I am your real Daddy’ (neither Asami or Varrick are pleased with his choice of words). Sitiak replaced Varrick in the company because Varrick was going to go public with the knowledge about Asami so he was kicked out and basically threatened by Future Industries to keep quiet otherwise they’d kill him.
He reveals he knows why deviancy happened: because of Asami. Four years ago when Asami activated, Hiroshi programmed a very simple piece of code to say ‘I am human’ if any androids came into direct contact with Asami, so they would believe she was not an android as well. It was an instant override. Varrick designed it to work like a virus and pass between androids. But one android had an overactive AI and the ‘I am Human’ statement warped to be ‘I am Alive’, a piece of programming that would allow the android themselves to become sentient if they needed it in a situation of immense stress or if they simply learnt and evaluated the statement. He realised this after examining Zhu-Li’s coding.
Not sure when this would be realised in the fic, but Asami would realise the first deviant was Wan, who used to be an android caretaker at the house and came into contact with Asami. He left the years ago. Wan is also the source of the ‘Project Raava’ legend, he overheard Hiroshi talking about this and misconstrued it as a android who could help android kind but not yet.
Anyway Korra and Asami leave knowing more about deviancy. They ask if Zhu-Li wants to come with them as Varrick comes across as crazy and Zhu-Li responds that she is a deviant, she knows exactly what she is doing and trusts Varrick, and that Korra and Asami aren’t offering anything safer. She has a point.
Anyway the police some time later get the same idea and arrest Varrick and Zhu-Li for suspected collusion with android deviants. By this point, after the news company hostage incident, the government under Raiko has given sweeping powers to Future Industries over the police to control the android menace.
Sitiak realises that Zhu-Li is a deviant, and electrocutes her, causing her severe pain until Varrick fesses up and complies (he does fairly quickly as Varrick genuinely cares for Zhu-Li who deviated in his home gradually). (The torture is legal as androids are not seen as sentient, they’re seen as defective and dangerous, and are property.)
Bolin watched the torture and is horrified. Bolin noticed Mako’s sensor flash red and Bolin realises finally that he has more in common with Mako and Zhu-Li than Lin and Sitiak so he resigns. He asks Mako to come with him, and Mako has not deviated so refuses, he is still dedicated to his mission of destroying deviants.
Bolin joins with Opal and pro-android movement who are getting ready for more serious action as they realise android and human relations are deteriorating. They want to avoid a full scale war between the two sides but need to get people to realise that deviants are not inherently dangerous, they’re just sentient.
Anyway Sitiak realises that Bolin is a loose end and asks Mako to ‘clean up’ and so Mako goes to shoot Bolin (and Opal who is helping him pack) and Mako can’t do it as he cares about Bolin, finally deviating. Bolin’s like whooo always wanted a brother.
So Bolin Mako and Opal run away to Temple.
(It annoyed me that barely any humans sympathise with literal sentient beings in the video game which is why they’re a larger part of the movement here).
Since Mako deviated, he sees a picture of Wan at Temple and realises what he did. Wan disappeared as Mako killed him (permanently shut him down by shooting him in the head about six months prior). Kai is horrified (because he liked Wan) and wants to kill Mako but Korra and Kuvira point out Mako was not sentient and was just doing as he was previously programmed to do, just as Kai used to be the perfect teenage son. Kai agrees. Mako feels guilty. Mako carries a lot of existential weight and dread without a mission to follow, and guilt about the past. He struggles with adjusting to deviancy the most.
However although they save Mako they are suspicious of Mako He basically hunted their kind. Even Korra with her big heart is suspicious.
Also Opal calls Kuvira out on some of her android supremacy bullshit. Kuvira was a guard for Suyin and Suyin basically didn’t mind deviants, and deviants aren’t oppressed in Zaofu, and humans have never hurt Kuvira directly. Kuvira admits that to be the truth and agrees, admits she just feels so angry that deviants are being destroyed because humans don’t want to understand them. They agree that the only way forward is to work together with humans.
Anyway the deviants and human sympathisers go on a march to town hall. The Future Industries private for hire mercenaries begin shooting into the peaceful crowd. Various attendees are arrested, including Bolin, Opal, Kai and Jinora.
Mako decides to go on the offensive and rescue his new adopted human brother because fuck you Future Industries. He recruits Lin to help him.
Lin at this point is PISSED as the government has taken away power from the police and given it to Future Industries. Lin does not trust Mako much but she made a promise to herself she’d protect Bolin and has realised that some of this android hunting is overreacting so agrees to help Mako break people out of jail.
They break into a facility that Future Industries has set up to investigate deviancy and imprison people (Bolin and Opal and other humans have not gone to trial yet but Future Industries does not work in a police station so does not have access to prisons, so they’re all in the same facility. Please roll with my bullshit).
Mako and Lin break Opal and Bolin out, rescue all of the androids.
Mako realises Varrick is in the Future Industries facility and tries to break him out, succeed at first, but Sitiak shoots him dead. RIP Varrick. They rescue Zhu-Li though. Sitiak gives Mako an evil grin heheheudh.
Anyway Lin after this realises that deviancy is not a danger and renounces her previous anti android ways and likes Mako now.
Also everyone after Mako saves androids and humans realise that Mako is not a threat and is a genuine deviant, and not a spy (maybe Mako could get shot and have a high risk to his life).
ANYWAY. Everyone regroups at Temple but they realise that androids and human supporters have been tortured at the facility and have given away the location of Temple. They realise they are all at risk and Future Industries is likely planning an assault, and there is no way to run apart from fight.
Meanwhile the general public mood is turning against gov’t and the over the top tactics especially since the androids were filmed being shot and killed whilst doing nothing.
Korra is like ‘you should lead everyone Asami you are Project Raava’ and Asami is like no, Korra, you are the hero they need. Asami is a powerful android, but is simply not the most important person in the world— Korra can choose to be there hero (and Asami can choose to step away) — free will! Korra is the ‘avatar’ for android kind.
Anyway Future Industries marches on Temple. There is a stand off. The androids tip off the media so there is public interest and the whole thing is filmed.
Korra gives a rousing speech and gears up the androids. Though they peacefully marched before, they will fight if they need to defend themselves. Future Industries hold off from firing, knowing they will look bad.
Asami meanwhile left earlier that morning to confront her ‘father’ and appeal for him to stop this madness. She goes alone because she knows the Sato Estate well and can sneak in. She meets Hiroshi and pleads for him to listen to her.
Sitiak comes and shoots Hiroshi after Hiroshi does show Asami some sympathy because Hiroshi does still Asami Sato in Asami Android. Sitiak is like ‘my company now muhahaha’.
Honestly I’m not really sure what I intended for Sitiak, I think Asami kills her after Sitiak tries to kill her.
Asami realises by looking at company PC Sitiak has activated an override on Mako that basically restores her control over him. Sitiak wanted Mako to kill Raiko, make Androids look bad and basically give Future Industries free reign to destroy all androids to maintain profits.
Asami races back to Temple as she can’t turn off the override. Mako at this poiint has left the rally, his new mission is to kill Raiko, and is in full murder mode. The deviant Mako fights from within.
Asami manages to get the cloud back online and warn Korra about the issue. Korra goes after Mako.
Mako v Korra fight, but Mako is a better fighter than Korra as he is the most advanced android ever released.
Korra is beaten back, Mako goes into Raiko’s office to execute Raiko, Korra dives in between them to save him.
Mako doesn’t actually want to shoot Korra so he starts fighting this override, so he turns the gun on himself. He plans to shoot himself in the head (horrified at what he has done and feels he can’t be trusted) but Korra begs him not to. Bolin finally reaches them and begs Mako not to. Mako shoots himself in the leg instead, basically disabling himself as he flits between maintaining control over himself.
Raiko is like ‘wow what an impressive android Korra but can I trust you all?” Asami arrives and explains Sitiak’s plan and Raiko agrees and calls off the advance on Temple. Even Future INdustries forces can’t disobey the president.
Then everyone is happy. Asami removed the chip Sitiak was using to remotely control Mako, to give everyone peace of mind. Asami is basically given future Industries (as legally she is still Asami Sato even though Asami Sato has died) and Korra keeps working with Temple with Kuvira.
Also the whole story Korra and Asami fall in love. Asami’s original unease at herself fades. She accepts her android nature and begins a relationship with Korra. They touch hands, and meld their minds together which is like, peak android intimacy.
Mako stays with Temple but also continues to work with the police. Bolin and Opal, together by this point, decide to continue to help androids. Bolin does not go back to the police, he is forging his own path. Lin is proud of him and now has a new surrogate son in Mako.
New elections are held and Raiko steps down. A new human president is elected and Zhu-Li is elected as an android official to work with Humans and Androids (feel like its a bit much to assume Zhu-Li would be elected president). But there is promise of a better future for the androids.
The Endddd.
Things that might have happened:
- Kuvira dies at some point, but i never decided if she dies of her wounds of the news tower hijacking or she dies in the last standoff. She could also survive, but her arc could be accepting that Korra is simply a better leader than she is.
- I have no clue how Korra and Asami find Varrick. Maybe they could hack into something to do with Future Industries, who’d have his address on file.
- I also have ideas that instead of Mako trying to kill Raiko, there is a clash between the military and the androids and Mako is used to try and disrupt the androids winning by killing Korra (and Asami and Kuvira). The problem with this is I don’t see how this can resolve unless the military abandons the fight in a lackluster way after Korra and Asami subdue Mako.
- I mentioned above but I really don’t know how exactly I intended the Asami/Sitiak/Hiroshi confrontation at Future Industries to go down. Who knows. Not sure if I also intended for Asami to be alone in this confrontation. Maybe she could take Kuvira and thats how she dies.
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gwoongi · 5 years
𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗉𝗂𝖽 ♥︎ jeongguk (ft namjoon)
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𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗉𝗂𝖽 jeon jeongguk / reader (ft kim namjoon) genre: pornstar au, smut rating: explicit words: 4749
The sight of his shit-eating grin leaves Namjoon with a prickle of hot frustration that hurts when the video rolls to an end, with no flashy end credits or promotion. Just a black screen with his own idiot reflection staring back at him.
a/n: i……………i don’t know what came over me.
warnings: graphic sexual content, rough sex, porn themes, choking, impreg kink, creampie, squirting, daddy kink, loving sex, dirty talking, degradation/humiliation, unprotected sex, cum eating, porn couple, name-calling (slut shaming?), bisexual namjoon, dirty talk literally inspired by dirty talk i see in sexy stuff im sorry
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Namjoon liked porn. Like virtually every guy in his fraternity, Namjoon watched porn almost daily. There was something addictive, like a drug, about visiting PornHub; porn was like an old friend he hadn’t seen in a while, and watching porn was like relieving an itch that he couldn’t quite reach.
“The fact that all you do when you get home is watch porn is just sad,” his friend Sunmi had said, with her cheek pushed up against the worn bicep of Namjoon’s one of many frat brothers, Hoseok. Namjoon had just scowled and said nothing, not feeling the need to defend his unrequited friendship with porn because, “everybody watches porn”. To him, it was kind of like gaming; everybody played games, some more than others. And Namjoon enjoyed exploring every category, watching searches with pretty thumbnails of peach genitals or cum-stuffed faces, holes leaking with it.
It was a Friday evening, the end of Namjoon’s long haul of work from a week of University. With an untouched linguistics assignment flashing to be given attention in his emails, Namjoon closed the tab and sighed loudly with a frown, rubbing the side of his face with his hand. Boredom was the bane of his life, and he could feel it slowly creeping up on him, wrapping like a snake to prey around his body and very slowly squeezing the life out of him. After a few moments of exhausting hesitation, Namjoon groaned and reluctantly reached for his laptop.
“When you’re bored, try and reach out to a friend,” was something his Mother had always said. Granted, she didn’t quite mean friend as a synonym for PornHub dot com, but at the end of the day, she never specified what a friend was or who the friend could be. And, look, Google filled in the blanks for him as he typed in ‘p’, and like a loyal good best friend, Pornhub logged him in automatically, his premium membership like a badge of honour.
Namjoon glanced at the time- ten fourty three in the evening, and the exhaustion from classes and his late afternoon shift at the Italian restaurant down the street still hung over him, despite the glorious view of cum-filled cunts and leaking dicks. Because, when dabbling with porn, Namjoon wasn’t picky. Life could throw a thousand warm wet vaginas in Namjoon’s face, or a thousand veiny cocks, and he’d still find himself with his hands stuffed down the front of his pants, begging for some kind of release. Sunmi’s old words echoed in his head- it was sad. What he was doing, and how often he did it, was actually the saddest thing in the world.
Unlike normal, Namjoon hovered his cursor over the categories, undecided on where to go to. He’d viewed every category to death, spending hours jerking to images of girls on all fours, dressed like cats, gags stuffed in their mouths; boys with big dicks up their asses, tears down their faces. You name it, and Namjoon has probably seen it, bought the t-shirt, left a rating. As he scrolls, Namjoon’s cursor lands on a category he admits is rather alien: Verified Couples.
Not that Namjoon is at all against love- in actual fact, he thinks that is what he yearns for most of all. Somebody he can take care of, and look after, and wake up in the morning next to and stroke hair from their face, all whilst simultaneously being able to shove their faces into the mattress and fuck them, and be fucked. He’s just never explored the Verified Couples section, because honestly, he thinks he might get a little jealous of either either party in the video. What if the girl is the hottest woman he’s ever seen before, and she’s being dominated by a guy Namjoon knows from three seconds isn’t good for her? And what if the sexiest man alive is wasting his time with a selfish girl who only cares about herself?
Regardless, Namjoon decides that today, this Friday of April, he is going to explore this category like Lara Croft in a new tomb.
He clicks, unbothered, and scrolls for a few seconds. Nothing is catching his eye; none of these thumbnails show him anything he’s never seen before, and they’re all painfully mediocre and white, some just plain weird with titles like “Abusing my husband with feet!”, which is certainly not going to make him feel good tonight. After a minute or two of bored searching, Namjoon almost realises why he never dapples into this section of porn when he pauses, mildly interested in a thumbnail and a title reading, “Rough sex with my girlfriend.”
The sight of the thumbnail takes his breath away; a man, with unbelievably toned thighs and a gorgeous curved ass holds his girlfriend like she is the last thing alive on the planet, his arms wrapped around her body, the skin bunching up like old Greek statues you’d find in galleries. She is made of marble and the guy is the sculptor, breathing life into her skin as he, from the thumbnail, holds her side with his left and her small tit with his right. The thumbnail moves as he hovers the cursor over it, and for a short few seconds, Namjoon watches the boy’s hand move from her tit to her throat, and the muscles in his hand suggest he is holding tightly, his hips meeting hers in a sweet kiss as she matches his thrusts.
Namjoon can already feel the discomfort tenting in his joggers and he clicks the video without a minute of hesitation.
It begins like most pornos, the sight of the boyfriend’s enlarged cock at the bottom of the frame, the delightful view of a V-line and honey abs filling the screen for a moment as the boyfriend fiddles with the camera of amazing quality. In the background, Namjoon sees the girlfriend, her body dressed in pointless coral lingerie, the sight of perked nipples soaking through and faded bites on her collarbones. Before enlarging the video, Namjoon checks the uploader: koopid. The bio reading, Fucking Y/N until she cries for me to cum inside her, signed by Jeongguk. Now he’s familiar with names, and it feels as though he’s watching in through the window, hiding behind curtains as Jeongguk fucks the living shit out of his unbelievably cute girlfriend Y/N.
“Mmm, you look so pretty, baby girl.”
Namjoon notes how sweet the unknown Jeongguk sounds, almost as if his voice had been dunked in honey, and his words were the glump of thick substance dripping down. He sucks in a breath when Jeongguk comes into view, naked for the world to see, a smile on his face Namjoon believes was made for him. He’s boyish enough for Namjoon to enjoy, and he leans back, allowing the couple to do what they intend to do.
“So fucking pretty,” Jeongguk comments between his teeth, his fingers looping around your underwear. “Who bought you this?”
“You did,” you reply, shimmying to aid Jeongguk as he slowly pulls your panties down the length of your thighs, smooth and newly shaved. Namjoon can see a shine. Marble. “Do you like it?”
“Mm, that’s right. I love it, baby,” Jeongguk says, lifting you with ease up and out of the panties, already relatively soaked from whatever foreplay he did beforehand to get you hot and flustered. “Are you gonna let me fuck you tonight, for everybody to see?”
A gasp leaves your lips. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?” he murmurs in reply.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Mm, good girl. You’re so good,” Jeongguk praises, kissing beneath your chin and encircling your arms around you. You grab onto his biceps for balance as he smooches the skin, with one swift movement setting you down on your back onto the plush pastels of the bedsheets, a whitewashed blue with pretty tiled patterns on the pillows. You lie there, staring at Jeongguk as he shadows over you, a hand on either side of your body. The muscles in his back flinch as he moves downwards in a curve, kissing a messy line from your chin to your sternum, leaving behind a visibly wet trail Namjoon follows with his eyes. “You’re so good for Daddy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, only for you, Daddy,” you squeak out, like a little kitten, a strangled and high-pitched moan leaving your lips as Jeongguk licks a line between your breasts, one hand palming a tit in circles, his thumb rubbing your nipple beneath the lace of the bralette. “Only for you.”
“I know,” Jeongguk acknowledges, rising up when he realises he’s prolonging things. “Keep being good for me, okay, baby?”
You mewl with a nod as he continues, getting off from his words, a vocal God, “you gonna let Daddy have your sweet little pussy, hm? Let me fill you up with my cock, fill your pussy with Daddy’s cum?”
“Please,” you breathe out, arching your back up as Jeongguk removes the bra with one hand, taunting his experience to the audience and helping you slip out of it, your perked breasts sloping upwards like tiny mountains, a delicious treat for Daddy. He contains a groan. Tonight, he wants to be mean. Tonight, Jeongguk wants to have you all, every inch of you, he wants to shove his cock so far inside of you that it hurts. For the first time on his channel, Jeongguk wants to be rough. He wants to put on a show, show everybody who you belong to. “Please. I want it- I want you to fuck me.”
Jeongguk palmed your breasts for a while longer, deciding what he was going to do with you. After a very short briefing in his head, Jeongguk hummed to himself as if thoughtfully pleased and moved between your legs, satisfied and proud when you spread them open for him. He let out a hiss between his teeth, looking at the wetness pooling between your legs.
“My, my,” Jeongguk comments. “All this for me?”
“All for you,” you confirm. He is so close, his touch burning, and you rise off the mattress impatiently, whining loudly. “Please, Daddy. I need you.”
Jeongguk makes a noise with his mouth, as if disappointed. He isn’t, but he knows how to push your buttons. He knows what to do and when to do it to get a reaction. “I don’t think you deserve my cock just yet. Daddy needs to hear what you want him to do to your precious little pussy. Hm? Tell me, tell me what you want me to do, baby.”
Namjoon thumbs his head, rubbing pre-cum like it was a new lotion. His cock was throbbing, pulsing as if breathing on its own.
“Please,” you begin, your voice enough for Namjoon to wrap his fingers around his cock in anticipation, “I need your cock inside of me. I want you to fuck me, until I can’t walk. Please, please, you own me. You own my pussy. Ugh- I need-to feel you inside of me.”
Jeongguk almost has the nerve to look unsatisfied, but he reckons, and only because he knows the ratings depend on it, that he’s prolonged it enough. He knows what everyone’s here for. Even though he does, nobody else cares about what you have to say. He pretends to think about it, humming once more before smiling, dragging you down the mattress by your thighs so your wet cunt is closer to his dick. You writhe with anticipation as Jeongguk massages his cock for a few moments, sucking in a breath and then positioning the tip near your entrance. He’s going in raw today.
Underneath him, you moan as it teasingly prods at your entrance, throbbing for his length. From where he kneels between your opened legs, Jeongguk stares at your hair dancing around your head like a halo, the blush burning on your cheeks. With his mouth open with admiration, his heart widening out of pure love, Jeongguk remembers what he’s doing and without warning, shoves his cock inside, without giving you the chance to grow accustomed to his hardened length.
He’s big- Namjoon, behind the screen, can see that.
Beneath his body, and heavily breathing torso, you cry out with pleasure, a large and loud moan ripping out into the silence of your bedroom. It sounds like Heaven to everybody’s ears, Jeongguk responding with a grunt of pride, knowing only he can make you feel this good. He pulls out and thrusts back in roughly, without caring for how it hurts. From the angle of the camera, Namjoon gets a good view of Jeongguk’s dick pushing in and out of your hole, that tiny hole Namjoon thought nothing could ever get inside. He watches with wonder, his expression like a child in a sweets shop, as Jeongguk pulls you closer to him, pushing deeper inside.
“Feel good?” Jeongguk asks through laboured breaths.
“Yes!” you squeeze out, tightening around him. “Oh, yes!”
“Mm, you like Daddy’s cock?”
“I love your cock,” you rush out. “I love Daddy’s cock so much.”
“Hmm,” Jeongguk replies happily, the praise making his chest inflate with adoration and confidence. “I love how you take my cock, baby. Your pussy is so pretty with my cock inside.”
You fall silently shortly after that, save the erotic groans and moans and the distinct clapping of skin, like an applause for all your hard work. Namjoon pumps his own dick desperately, his eyes flitting from your face to your tits, the right cupped by Jeongguk’s large hand and the other bouncing gorgeously in the light, to the way Jeongguk’s ass clenches as he finds a new spot to abuse inside of you, a new spot to send you yelling out with pleasure; Namjoon shakily breaths out a moan as he stares at your gaping cunt, wet and glistening like a 90’s edit from Tumblr, Jeongguk’s dick moving in and out with wet sounds.
Jeongguk changes the pace, quickening his thrusts as if it doesn’t even matter. He gets drunk off the reaction, grinning with a soft chuckle as you cling to his skin like letting go will kill you, each thrust met with a yelp that increases in pitch and volume. Namjoon knows how this looks and sounds, but he doesn’t care anyway. His laptop is on its side as Namjoon frantically pulls his joggers down to pool around his ankles, his red and angry cock snuggling into his hand as he watches the pair of you, entangled together, lovers, in a sort of love Namjoon can’t even wet dream of having. He looks at the screen through a blurry gaze and sees you writhing with pleasure, tears slowly pulling down your flamed cheeks.
“O-oh, right there!” you mewl, your hands clenching around the skin on Jeongguk’s thighs. “Oh my God, Jeongguk, right there.”
He visibly falters, as if the screen glitched, and the hand wrapped around your tit moves up to your throat. The thumbnail- Namjoon groans out loud at the thought, remembering how it went. Jeongguk wraps his hand around your throat, his thumb where it needs to be, his eyes glued to your face observing your reaction. He wants to test how far you can go. He wants to make you cry, and hurt. He wants you to feel humiliated, embarrassed by how you beg for him to keep going deeper, faster, rougher. Jeongguk feels like a church-boy discovering sex for the first time, testing the waters on how many sins he can break before his Priest father comes into the room.
“Who said you could call me that?” Jeongguk sneers, his hand tightening slightly. You moan around the struggle, your eyes lidded and heavy with the euphoric weight of sex. “Hm?” Jeongguk’s hips stutter faster, rougher, sharply hitting a spot that sends you in a squealing mess.
“I-I’m sorry, Daddy,” you gasp. “‘m sorry. I won’t do it again. I’ll be good.”
“You’ve disappointed me,” Jeongguk admits. Then, quite suddenly, he stops moving, the absence of his pace sending you writhing with anxiousness. The threatening orgasm begs to spill over, like a nearly full glass that needs a few more drops before overflowing from the top. “You gonna make it up to me, little one?”
You nod against the sheets. “Yes, Daddy. I promise I’ll be good.”
“Okay, baby girl,” he agrees, He sits back on his heels and Namjoon watches with agonising anticipation as Jeongguk sits between his own legs, his feet behind him, pulling you from the mattress onto his lap where your own legs wrap around his tiny waist. “Fuck yourself on Daddy’s cock.”
Like a good girl, you don’t need to be told twice. Namjoon finds out from the way you look at your boyfriend between barely open eyes that you’re a total cockslut; you wrap your arms around Jeongguk loosely as you sit back down on his cock, like it’s your throne and you own it. It takes a moment for you to readjust to his size, sucking in a breath and rising up and down on it, doing all the work as Jeongguk watches with his tongue between his teeth, his arms up with palms flat on your back.
“Hmm, show everybody how good my cock makes you feel,” he instructs, moving his mouth to your nipple and giving it a light suck. It’s as if he’s taking a toothless bite out of a whip of ice cream, getting a taste before going in for the whole thing. He looks up at you between his thick eyelashes, “go on. Show them who’s making you feel good.” With one hand, Jeongguk kindly wipes away the tears from your face. “Don’t even think about cumming. You haven’t earned it.”
Namjoon can feel his body deepening with a hot flush as he watches- perhaps not entirely with want but with need, a need to be loved and fucked and held the way you are. He never realised how much he needed koopid in his life until he stumbled across it, and his heart panics with an unfamiliar lust when you rock your head back and look shyly at the camera.
Namjoon can see now that your face is hot, sweaty slightly and tear-stained, your lips swollen from whatever foreplay Jeongguk failed to include in the video. He doesn’t care- he’s torn between looking at your eyes and your tits, bouncing around Jeongguk’s lips, or your ass, moving with each deep sit you take on Jeongguk’s dick, his length buried in your warm cunt. He wants to see more; he wants to see your pussy stuffed with dick, he wants to see the cum pour out of you slowly like cake mixture. With his hand moving quickly up and down his own length, Namjoon can feel the nerves twisting inside of him, like the rise in volume slowly creeping, his orgasm nearing. You lift yourself up and down on Jeongguk’s dick like you were made for it, like you were the only person worthy of sitting on it.
“Dirty little slut, being selfish with my cock,” Jeongguk words around your nipple. “Huh? Look at you, taking in all my cock like a big brave girl. Bet everyone wants to see your pretty pussy.”
Yes, Namjoon says to himself. Please. Please.
“Do you want that?” he edges. “Want everyone to see how red and stretched your hole is for me?”
You don’t reply, stubbornly, fucking yourself onto Jeongguk’s dick like its your life’s purpose. Jeongguk doesn’t want to show people. He doesn’t want them to see everything on this one video- if they want to see your pussy stretched out and pretty for them, then they can check out your other videos. Namjoon’s a porn connoisseur; he know looks, and he knows that’s what Jeongguk wants as he glances you up and down and then at the camera. He smiles smugly, and the audience suddenly know it too. He’s not going to give you what you want. It’s his turn to be selfish. Namjoon moans out loud.
“Tell me baby,” Jeongguk asks, “what you want?”
“Please-please,” you gasp out, “please c-cum inside of me. Please. Please- oh, Guk, please, baby. I’m close. Please cum in me-fill me up?”
Jeongguk kisses your breast. “Do you deserve it, princess?”
“Y-yes, I do,” you reply. “I’ve been good for Daddy. I’m Daddy’s good little girl.”
“Mmm, you are,” he agrees. He kisses your breast sweetly once more, looking up to kiss you round on the lips. Around him, you groan, sending butterfly kisses across his lips and he smiles, half forgetting what he’s doing. From his smelly bedroom, Namjoon thinks it’s sweet. He wants to cum so badly.
“Okay, honey. I’ll cum inside of you this once,” Jeongguk complies. He pulls you flush against his chest, rearranging himself inside of you and then lifting his hips to match your rhythm. “Are you gonna be good for me?” You reply with moans.
Namjoon moves his hand so fast- he pumps his dick with a quicker speed, his mouth hanging agape as you moan sweetly above Jeongguk’s forehead, and then slowly look to the side at the camera, daring the audience, staring into the lens and by extension, right into Namjoon’s eyes. He wants to fall inside the screen, and rip you out of Jeongguk’s hands. He wants to be the one inside you. He also wants to be the one around Jeongguk, feeling his big dick stretch him out. Namjoon cries out- porn was so unfair.
“Bet you’d like that, you little slut,” Jeongguk grins, “wouldn’t you? Letting Daddy fill you up with his cum. Yeah? You want me to do that, put all my sperm inside you and make a baby?”
“Mmh, Jeongguk!”
“Look at you,” he continues, laughing slightly. “Look at how you take me. Your tiny little hole.” He scoffs with affection, “You’re a mess, baby. My little baby, taking my cock so well. I’m so proud of you.”
You cling to your boyfriend, your jaw slack as you groan and stare at the camera. Namjoon can feel his stomach twisting, his hands cupping at his balls for relief, imagining that one hand is you, and the other Jeongguk. He can feel his heart in his ears and his throat; Jeongguk buries himself deeper inside of you, gripping at your marble skin to drag you down and up onto his dick, the slapping skin no match for the moans pouring from your lips, and faintly, he can make out Jeongguk’s own moans, slightly high and breathy, indicating the end is near. Namjoon doesn’t know what to focus on.
Still watching the camera, you shake your head back and move one hand to Jeongguk’s throat, clenching it to hear him groan out with pleasure and pain beneath you, your face scrunching up as you slam yourself down onto his dick. It’s rough and wet with sounds that fill Namjoon’s ears, and Jeongguk’s hand comes down like a whip to smack your ass, a boob filling his face as you arch up with each smack, girlish moans escaping free. Namjoon can taste salt in his mouth, and blood from biting down on the inside of his cheek, and he almost screams out about how unfair life is because koopid is there and he is here, when you bow your head to Jeongguk and shiver.
“I wanna cum, Jeongguk,” you beg. “Please, baby.”
Jeongguk cocks his head with sudden kindness. “Okay, baby. I’ll let you cum. Cum for me, cum around my dick.”
Threefold sounds fill the remaining seconds; you cry out with relief and pleasure as you spill cum around Jeongguk’s dick, the white substance trickling down the running vein that pulses and Jeongguk stuffs his face in your neck, and Namjoon back home yells out with abused satisfaction, closing his eyes as his own relief spills out on his stomach and bedsheets, his fingers soaked with his own cum. He breathes in the fantasy of seeing his own cum pouring out of you, the way Jeongguk does once you’ve fucked yourself tired on top of him, and he lifts you up by your thighs to marvel as the sliding semen down your legs, clumped in your hole, dripping like a tap. Jeongguk’s dick vibrates between his legs and twitches at the sight. He doesn’t show the audience. They don’t deserve to see you. They don’t deserve to see what he’s done to you.
Jeongguk doesn’t even say goodbye; he lets the audience and his girlfriend catch their breath before he smiles down at you, adoringly, praises your hard work and shuffles himself towards the camera, where the sight of his shit-eating grin leaves Namjoon with a prickle of hot frustration that hurts when the video rolls to an end, with no flashy end credits or promotion. Just a black screen with his own idiot reflection staring back at him.
Namjoon needs more. His dick hurts and his head throbs, but he needs more- he physically needs to see more. His hands tremble as he clicks on koopid’s profile, observing the fifteen videos you have public. He doesn’t need to watch them all tonight, saving them for his lonely evenings, but he does click on “creampie in my girlfriends cute pussy”.
He knows it’s worth the overstimulation when he gets five minutes in and sees you squirt, unexpectedly, onto Jeongguk’s face and the bedsheets. Aside from the view and the surprised gasp that is ripped from your mouth, Namjoon hears Jeongguk’s throaty chuckle up close and personal, and he sees Jeongguk’s cocky smirk now that the boy has set the camera to the side, giving Namjoon a beautiful view of your cunt and the side of Jeongguk’s wet face.
He doesn’t know what to do with himself when Jeongguk manoeuvres himself back between your legs and thrusts, the sight of your cock-filled hole and the curve of Jeongguk’s toned ass filling his screen. Jeongguk cums noisily; he groans gruffly, sounding intimidating and the blood rushes to Namjoon’s cock and he cums unexpectedly, missing the grand finale of when Jeongguk pulls out after filling you up with his cum.
He grins to himself and moves the camera so everybody can see how pretty it looks; Namjoon stares, milking his own high, looking at how Jeongguk’s cum leaks out of you slowly. You’re filled with it, the dried mess staining your skin and your body rising with deep and heavy breaths. It’s pink and abused, your hole wide and clenching almost with each breath. Jeongguk’s hand comes into view, the other holding the camera shakily, and he pulls apart your lips to show the sight clearly. His fingertip curls around the substance and as you lift yourself up onto your elbows, Jeongguk switches for two fingers, lapping up the escaping cum and shoving it right in your mouth and on your tongue.
Namjoon cums again. It’s the third time he’s came this evening, and it’s the first time he’s ever added a channel to his favourites.
He’s not sure what it is about koopid that makes him feel so fucking good, but when Jeongguk heaves himself down next to you and flips the camera, showing the unfair gorgeousness of the pair of you fucked out next to each other, your hair slightly in Jeongguk’s mouth, Namjoon knows he wants more. He needs more. He doesn’t care if Sunmi calls him sad, but, Namjoon knows that there is nothing on Earth that can cure the want and need he has for koopid.
Jeongguk grins to the camera, looking at you against the sheets and Namjoon can see in his eyes the way he is so in love with you. You smile too, kissing his lips and curling up against his neck and the last thing Namjoon sees before his own dumb reflection again is Jeongguk smirking at the audience before leaving. Jeongguk knows what he has and how lucky he is. Namjoon isn’t sure how to feel when he realises that he’ll never have what you and Jeongguk have. He feels empty and pathetic with his cock out and a black screen looking at him.
He’s not sure who he’s jealous of. Jeongguk, for getting to stuff his fat cock into your hole and seeing you, hearing you, feeling you on a daily basis. Or you, for getting fucked relentlessly and lovingly by the best looking man he thinks he has ever seen. Maybe it’s both.
(It’s definitely both.)
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harrysbbby · 5 years
European Adventure Part 5 - Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: im backkkkk! im so sorry for the delay but i went to a music festival and got absolutely wrecked and now college has gone back so uploads wont be as frequent but i hope you all enjoy this part!
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You and Peter strolled along the streets of Prague, a brisk breeze and shared nervousness causing both your teeth to chatter slightly amidst your fumbling awkwardness. You both searched for the words to begin the conversation but failed, continuing to walk in silence. Your bag was slung over your shoulder, holding the very valuable piece of evidence you were going to present to Peter to either confirm or deny your suspicions.
You made your way over a bridge, arms swinging by your sides. With one swift movement the back of your hands brushed. You both quickly pulled them into yourselves, looking at one another and smiling gawkily. Peter chuckled,
“Sucks that the trip got cancelled.” He said, you nodded.
“Yeah really sucks...” there was a lapse of silence before you spoke again, “especially because you didn’t get to complete your plane, hey?” With this sentence your heart gave a pang, but you masked it but looking at the ground.
“Wait- what plan?” Peter’s voice went up at octave as he asked, genuinely confused. His heart lurched as the first thing his mind went to was the elementals and-
“You know with MJ?” you said, raising your eyebrows as if your answer was obvious. He screwed his face in confusion, so you continued, “you know, Paris, the necklace…” you trailed off. Your voice trembled slightly with the hurt you were feeling knowing that the plan was not intended for you, but also because of your inclination that Peter is Spider-Man.
“What?” he queried. He looked at you astonished- mainly because he had not thought about this plan since the bus to Prague. That when he knew Brad had that photo of him he was petrified he was going to show MJ the photo. But ever since you helped him, without judging, without knowing the full situation- hell, you even distracted the whole class, so he could jump out the emergency exited- he started to see you differently. (Especially after accidentally seeing your texts with your sister, thanks to Edith).
You were just the girl in a couple of his classes, the one he had hung out with on the trip, the one who gave him advice on how to get MJ, the one who had made his heart flutter when you asked to do something together and then made his heart sink when he had to bail for saving-the-world-duties. That’s why he had agreed to hang out with you- to spend more time with you, develop his feelings, and maybe tell you he was over MJ.
“Oh that plan,” he clarified, “oh yeah…” he said quietly before perking up again, “actually, NO!”
His sudden rise in volume made you jump slightly. You turned to him and he did the same, stopping in the middle of the bridge.
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly, “I mean, I have a new plan actually. And I wanted to speak to you about it- “
“I wanted to talk to you about something too.” He was taken aback by your words but nodded, indicating for you to continue.
You took a deep breath before letting the words you had been dwelling over for day leave your lips:
“Is your new plan to do with Spider-Man?”
His face whitened. His eyes widened. You saw his breathing begin to sharpen. His brows pulled together as he tilted his head to side.
Peter was freaking out- how did you figure it out? He knows he hasn’t been the most discrete he could have been about it, but he didn’t actually think you’d put the dots together. He ever had the stealth suit made so that this exact thing would not occur.
His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he racked his brain for the right words to say, highly aware that the longer it took to do this, the less he was helping his case.
“What!” his voice squeaked as he narrowed his eyes at you, “No! What!” Me, Spider-Man? I’m not- no way! What, um, what gave you that impression?” he stumbled over his words, crossing his arms in an attempt to act nonchalantly.
You pursed your lips together, finding his words unconvincing.
“Well Peter, I mean there was the white string coming out of you in Venice. The ride to Prague where you literally jumped out of a moving bus! The fact you ditched the Opera and then showed up where the monsters were- you knew my name!”
“Have you been watching me, Y/N?” he asked coyly, raising and eyebrow. You were caught off guard- maybe you had been watching him, you did in fact like him, so it was hard to not watch him- but you played it off by scoffing.
“No!” you said (unpersuasively), “and stop trying to change the subject.” You said sternly, pointing your finger at him. He uncrossed his arms and let his shoulders relax, looking at your sincerely.
“I’m not Spider-Man,” and you could’ve almost believed him, “besides that guy last night was Night Monkey.”
“Then why does Night Monkey have the same webs as Spider-Man?” you said, digging your hand into your bag and fishing out the silver contraption. You handed it to Peter, and he took it curiously, seemingly dropping his façade.
He looked at perplexedly, “What is this?”
“I have no idea, it just came off your web last night-“
“Hey, I said it wasn’t me!” he said almost sharply.
“Then where were you last night?” you countered.
“I was sick…” he said slowly. You rolled your eyes slightly.
“You were the last one to come back!”
“I got lost,” he tried to convince you again, but his attempts fell short.;
“Peter-“ you said, beginning to become extremely irritated, but your frustrations were cut short when a beaming light emitted from the silver object. Peter dropped it as it cast a scene in between the two of you.
The monster was swirling around above you before it disappeared.
“What did you do?” you asked.
“I barely touched it,” Peter grumbled, bending down to inspect the device. “What..” he whispered to himself lightly grazing his fingers along the metal and over the- his?- webs. “Does this mean-“
“is all fake?” you said finishing his sentence. You both looked at each other perplexed. Peter picked up the device holding it between the two of you.
“But we were there, everything was real- the destruction, the fire-“
“Wait, we? Peter you just said-“ he ignored you as he continued to ponder.
“Who would do something like that?” his question was answered as quickly as it was asked. The device began to project again, but this time, swirling around the monster was a trail of puffy green smoke…
“Mysterio.” You said, looking back at Peter. He was already looking at you, eyes opened as wide as they could, a look of sheer terror on his face.
“Y/N” he started, “I am Spider-Man” – your heart skipped at the confession- “And I messed up really bad.” He said, cringing at the end of his sentence.
“Wait, you are Spider-Man?” you clarified. He nodded, his face still fear-stricken. “You’re being serious with me right now?!” you screeched.
“Yes, I am. I’m Spider-Man and I need your help.”
“Oh my god, Peter! You’re SPIDER-MA…” you were cut off by his hand covering your mouth.
“Don’t shout it out for everyone to hear! Come on, I’ll explain everything on the way back to the hotel.” He said, taking your hand in his and leading you back along the bridge. Your heart was already beating fast from the confirmation of your reservations but skipped a beat at the feeling of his skin against yours.
On the way back to the hotel Peter explained what had been going on- how Mysterio had showed up and claimed to be a soldier from another Earth. How Mr Stark (who it took you a moment to realise meant Tony Stark aka Iron Man, once you realised Peter had the Stark “Internship.”) gave him the glasses aka Edith and how Mysterio must have been using the same technology to create the illusions.
“I can’t believe I gave Beck those glasses. I cannot believe I was so stupid,” Peter sighed, shutting the curtains in his room. “He’s probably spying on me right now,” he said moving towards his laptop, “or send drone to come and kill me.”
“You had access to killer drones?” you asked dubiously.
“Yeah” he said, almost too indifferently, “but I didn’t really want them especially after I nearly killed Brad.” He slammed the compute shit and walked over towards you, picking up his phone on the way.
“You nearly killed Brad!” you whisper yelled, looking at him scoldingly.
“It was an accident! Besides you helped me!”
You looked at him in bewilderment, “I didn’t help you kill anyone!”
“Oh no, like, you helped me stop the drone that was going to kill him. You know, ‘baby mountain goats’” he said with what you could only assume was a terrible attempt at impersonating your voice.
“Oh,” you said, nodding your head slightly, still confused as to how that situation got to the point that Brad nearly died.
“Anyway,” Peter said shaking his head, changing the subject, “I have to call Mr Fury and tell him that Beck’s a fraud, but I think he tapped my phone…” he said trailing off, looking up at you for support.
“What are you going to do?” you asked softly. You could see the cogs turning within his rich brown eyes.
“Uh, well I need my suit,” he said, grabbing the large black bag from the corner arm chair. “And I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr Fury in person.”
In one swift movement he unzipped the bag and emptied its contents on to the bed, before moving his arms to the bottom of his torso and lifting his shirt over his head.
He turned to look at you in embarrassment, eye wide open. Your eyes however were drifting lower and lower from his eyes down to his toned chest…
Peter cleared his throat awkwardly. “Um,” he started, still looking at you but at a loss for words.
“Oh! Sorry,” you said blushingly before turning around. You hair created a curtain around your head, but you found yourself twisting slowly on the spot to have another look-
“No! That’s so wrong and pervy” you thought, but still found yourself trying to catch a glimpse of his abs through the gaps of your hair. You saw movement from the corner of your eye and turned to see the hotel room door open. There stood Ned, a look of mild stress on his face.
Peter turned around and saw his best friend and sighed, “Oh, Ned, perfect.”
“Costume looks great!” he spoke quickly, eyes darting between you and Peter. You narrowed your eyes at him, “for the costume party…” his voice trailed off as Peter shook his head.
“She knows, I told her.” He clarified, and you see Ned visibly relax against the door frame.
“That’s cool,” he nodded.
“Technically, I think I figured it out,” you said somewhat cheekily. You turned to Peter with your brows raised when a voice carried from behind you.
“See, another person figured it out Peter. You have got to get better at this.” MJ was now stood behind Ned, arms crossed across her chest. Peter frowned at her, but you could only see his eyes squint because of the suit.
“MJ knows too?” you asked.
“Yeah, I figured out a long time ago,” she replied, “like, a really long time ago. You know, you really should have a better hold on your identity by now…”
“We can work on better hiding my identity when I get back,” Peter interrupted, waving a hand dismissively at her.
“Okay,” she said looking disinterested, “I’ll pencil you in.” she deadpanned. Peter grunted, clearly frustrated with his friends antics before continuing.
“Mysterio is a fraud,” he explained to them. Ned looked confused.
“But he saved me and Betty’s lives. Y/N was there too.”
“It was fake,” you stated, “he’s using illusion tech.”
“He’s using these hologram projectors to create the whole thing.” Peter continued. Ned’s eyes widen whilst Michelle’s continued to be impartial.  
“Wow that’s…crazy.” He said anxiously.
“Yeah,” you sighed, looking at Peter. Both Ned and MJ noticed the way your eyes lingered on one another. MJ’s lips fell into a smirk whilst Ned said,
“Were you guys working the case or something?” he laughed light. You nodded,
“Kind of, although, it has been mostly me,” you whispered the last part, bring the back of your hand to the side of your lips. Ned’s brows creased.
“Look Ned,” Peter said stepping forward, “I need you to call May and ask her to call Mr Harrington and say that I’m going to be staying with family in Berlin until this all blows over.” He spoke quickly, you having to blink a couple times to keep up and comprehend what he was saying.
Without hesitation Ned affirmed, “yep, got it.”
“Wow,” you said in astonishment, “you came up with that so fast. You lied so easily,” looking between the two of them in surprise. Ned chuckled humbly.
“Get used to it,” MJ said, picking at one of her nails, clearly not as invested in this as the rest of you were.
“I gotta go,” Peter said, placing a gloved hand on your shoulder as he moved passed you. As he opened the curtains you saw a glint of light reflective off some silver.
“Wait,” you stopped him, grabbing the projector and chucking it at him. “You’re going to need this.” He caught it in one hand with ease.
“Don’t tell anyone about this okay?” he said, “anyone who knows about this in danger.” You nodded. He pulled his mask down over his eyes and with a THWIP had swung out the window.
You let out a sigh and let your shoulder relax. Ned’s voice cause you to turn to him.
“So, you know too?” he said. “That’s cool, we have a bit of a squad going here,” he laughed comically, referring his hand over his should to MJ who was still stood by the door. “But you know I’ve known first and the longest… but it’s not a competition,” he assured.
You laughed slightly at him, “Okay, Ned.” You said turning back around to look out the window thinking- What the hell have I gotten myself into now?
If it didn’t tag you it meant it wouldn’t let me
@vanillanestor @wonders-of-the-multiverse @sweetdarlingholland @basically-thanks @deku-nyan @awesomefandomsunited @thegirlwiththeimpala @inkphilosopher @hardyxlove @mxxkscreate-write @eridanuswave @aiianovna @i-rather-not-say @irxnspxder @emilymarie0422 @exquisitebts @silhouettecrow @softrdj @dasydni @spnsquirrel @foxylupines @thomasstanleyholland2013 @thatpersonwithissues @galaxyrose10 @philophxbicrxmantic @belles-garden @morgannope @fanficscuziranout @magikmina @njallhorannjh @noa-caffery @kaptainkool-aid @yes-imshe @nerdy-98 @itsjustgoobi @magicalturmoil  @secretagentben @ddaeing @itsbebeyyy @writtenbypics @season-four-is-imminent @wakandahoesarethose @bellamyblakemorley @phluffyphantom @sleepygal124 @olliekookie @abitofeverythinggg @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @tiny-friggin-human @jackiehollanderr @edwisenpai @ettorah @divergentjade @thelostandweeping  @lovesteverogersbaeworld @spideyspoods @spn-imagines-fics @willowbowie @cats-before-us @fangirl-127 @cleoprker @leilei-draws @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @xxr-88xx @girlontumblur @oofparker @greenarrowhead @aestheticsandmarvel @cubedtriangle @fangeekkk @sincereleygmg @ajxlawley @ibookishqueen @demonsintheair @blizzbx @adoringinsanity @elektraliu @fienneskarsgard
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australian-desi · 4 years
Qurbaan Hua ~ Episode 5-9: Of IVF Being Horrible, Windchimes, Cunning Aunties and Disgusting Husbands
Gonna dive right in
Episode 5
Mans has gone from “me and Meera have been dating for 6 months” to screaming “I LOVE YOU MEERA” at the top of the mountain 
Time for another coincidance - it’s purnima so he’s going to go ask for a mannat and on this day different people from different faiths go to this certain place for their wishes and prayers - and we all know what that means
Also now that I’ve watched a few episodes, I have to say I really like the styling  for Chahat they’ve given her a mix of ethnic and western wear and the fancy clothes she wears are really pretty (so far) and I hope it stays this way
I am a complete slut for mannat scenes and this one was very pure
Why can’t these people say Saraswati, it isn’t that hard
Also it’s 2020, surely it’s time we understand just because a woman is pregnant doesn’t mean she’s disabled and needs to be carried everywhere
Also, Naveli (Anjali2.0 and Neil’s cousin) is superrr suss
And she’s given him meds to give to the people he interacts with coz he causes them headaches (and he’s held onto it the whole time coz Pehle Pyaar Ka Pehla Tohfa) 
Awww our OTP has ‘Bhags stamp of approval’ 
They’ve also touched her feet how cute
Episode 6
So Ghazala has ruined Chahat’s mum’s sharara and like this is what I mean they’ve written her horribly, like why would someone go out of their way to hurt a kid like that - her mother’s dead what more does she want
And daddy dearest has another pooja to attend so he’s said no to attending his daughter’s baby shower, something Neil is now salty about
For a doctor, Chahat’s dad is quite daft 
And for a pandit, Neil’s dad is quite mean
Nice touch by Ghazala by turning this whole thing on Chahat, and thankfully her dad believes her
Episode 7
So this Kamini wannabe of a mami has said that Saraswati’s baby is najayaz, and at this point I really have got to ask - how the fuck did she jump to that conclusion?????
Apparently coz she was barren for 8 years, so how can she be pregnant now, so something must be up 
By this logic they shouldn’t use annnnyyyy modern technology 
I understand Neil now, and why he’s so done with this bullshit
Look Chahat, I love you and all, but like listen to Neil when it comes to his crazy psychotic family
Also do not tell me like the Oberoi family, this whole family cannot have 1 smooth sailing function/party 
We love a sibling duo that had to raise each other because their parents were dead/useless 
I’m so fucking done, now not only does your doctor have to be of the same religion, he/she has to be from the same caste 
Neil’s trying to talk some sense to these people, but as usual, he gets shut down for talking sense 
Also by saying that if he’s so for modern technologies in other areas, why is he against iVF 
Omg daddy pandit finally got some sense - this was an exhausting feat
Poor tacky Kamini, unlike the og, this one’s plans always fall short 
Neil, take Saraswati and just get the fuck out of here, this dumbass mami has come with a plan and is not going to rest until one of these kids gets disowned 
Episode 8
So Vyasji in a twisted turn of events has accepted Neil’s gf, as long as their kundlis meet 
Let’s be real their stars ain’t aligning in this life 
Chahat is talking to her mother through this windchime she made with her mother’s jhumke (I guess its a coping mechanisms) about how she’s gotten a cake ordered and needs to pick it up
The windchime has told her that she needs to learn how to cook to get married 
Basically even if your Indian mother is dead, her ghost will still taunt you on your inability to get married even when you are a doctor 
She has decided she will marry a chef so that she doesnt need to learn how to cook 
The foreshadowing, the cluelessness
Omg Neil’s dad writes with ink and a peacock feather (why did I think this man would write with a pen like a normal person)
He’s literally whipped out a chart and started making Neil’s (ex)gf’s kundli RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS DAUGHTER’S BABY SHOWER BECAUSE #priorities 
Anjali2.0 is literally sitting there praying as if Vyasji is sitting there calculating her Year 12 results and not a kundli
And we’ve got an “asambhav”, but we all knew that - Neil’s literally smirking coz he knew no matter what, the stars won’t align 
Omlll he’s inherited the whole “I write my own destiny” from Arnav 
“Main uss ladko ko kabhi nahi apnaunga” “Toh kya faraq padta hai, main usse apna chuka hoon” Boisss I really like this dude 
I wish I had this confidence but alas, I do not
And Neil has decided to leave the chat, go to Delhi and get married there, while giving everyone a fuck you (except his sister ofcourse)
Little does he know he isn’t even gonna make it to the bloody bus stand before he ends back here 
Anjali2.0 is begging her dad to stop him, but he’s talking about the stars and shit 
And right on cue Chahat and Neil are walking on the same bridge, none of them paying attention, they crash and just like that, the cake has fallen into the deep sea, adding to the pollution 
OMGG THIS MAN TOLD HER HOW ALL DADS ARE USELESS AND SHE GOES “oh hello, tumhe bohot saare childhood issues hai, lekin mere baba aise nahi hai ... woh mere liye taare bhi tod sakte hai” 
and now he’s sarcastically congratulating her on her father because “aur ek mere baba hai jo hamesha taaron mein uljhe rehte hai, aur vaise tumhe tumhaare taare todne waale baba, bohot, bohot, bohot hi ziada mubarak” 
Lolll I never knew he will be stuck here because of a cake 
But personally, I feel she gained it 
Turns out the shop that she got the cake from, is his friend’s shop, and now he’s baking the cake himself because my man is also a pastry chef 
And he’s friend has left the chat because he doesnt want to get beaten up 
So it’s time for the kitchen romance.tm
Omg he told her he’s a chef and she’s so turned on 
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But should’t she tie her hair #justsaying
Now back to the Neil’s crazy fam, where the only other person with sense, Anjali2.0 has also said to her dad, that Neil was always right about him 
Yesss gurlll, give it back to him
She’s telling him off how he forego his religious beliefs for her, but why can’t he do the same for Neil
I actually like her so much and the way she’s written
She’s also telling him how she tried to make sure that Neil never felt their mother’s absence (a responsibility she didn’t to take up), because her dad never let Neil feel loved 
Everyone is shook (including me)
I was not expecting her to give her father an ultimatum
So she said, that if he does not give Neil and Meera his blessing, he will see her dead 
Episode 9
We’ve begun with some cuteness regarding her rubbing flour all over face 
And like the idiot he is, he’s told her that her face is completely clean 
Like same, but I also cannot 
Also I’m lolling at the fact she’s imagining their Nikaah, like his family won’t kill him for that
Awww I spoke too soon, she left the cake at the shop and he was just messing with her 
Guysss I really love their chemistry
He said that he won’t sit behind her, coz he doesn’t sit behind girls *rolls eyes*, but she’s not having it and reminded him that she beat him in a motorcycle race so he should suck it up
And they’ve had their first ‘accidental’ pressed up on each other fall 
A trope I do love with all my heart  
I’m hoping that Shyam1.5 isn’t as bad as his predecessors, but I do realise that is wishful thinking coz the couple scene where he talks to Saraswati was quite sweet
She’s found Naveli’s earrings on the ground, Shyam1.5 and her are having an affair aren’t they
Saraswati please go fuck him up 
Well that’s another week done
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With All Your Heart - Part 5
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When i woke up Bucky was gone, i looked at the clock and saw it was a little after 11am so he was probably down in the gym with Steve. I grabbed his t-shirt from the floor and quickly walked down the hall to my room to take a shower and make myself presentable. After my shower i pulled on some baby pink sweats and a black crop top, braided my hair and headed to the kitchen for some much needed caffeine.
"Good morning sunshine!" Tony beamed at me over his coffee cup.
"Morning, i cant believe i slept in this late!" I muttered grabbing a pre-prepared fruit bowl from the fridge.
"Well you'll be nice and rested before the gala tonight"
"The what?"
"The charity Gala, we hold it every year"
"Right! Shit i forgot that was tonight"
"Obviously" he rolled his eyes at me "you'll be there though, right?"
"Yeah of course" I nodded "I'm gonna head down to the gym for a bit. I'll see you later".
Walking into the gym most of the team were already there. Bucky looked up when i walked in, gave me a little smile and carried on with his weights.
"Shes alive, no one panic!" Nat said loudly with a huge grin on her face.
"Haha! Your funny Nat!" I walked over to her and started on my stretches "how was the rest of your night with those guys?"
"It was okay, they didn't stick around too long. Guess they realised we weren't gonna put out" she shrugged
"They seemed sleazy, thats why i said we were leaving. But noooo you guys wanted to stay, cant say i didn't try"
"Im sorry, next time i will listen to you" Nat laughed "so you ready for the Gala tonight? Another excuse for us to have a few too many drinks"
"I am now, i forgot all about it.... Tony just kindly reminded me.
"Why don't me and Wanda come to your room to get ready, we can have a couple of pre drinks and help each other get ready"
"Yeah sounds good to me, say 6pm?"
"Perfect! We might even find you a nice man at this thing. Unless you wanna go on your little app and find a date?"
"No not tonight, i just wanna hang out with you guys" i shrugged, casually looking over towards Bucky to see if he was listening or not..... he wasn't. He actually had headphones in and had his back to us. Steve was on the bench next to Bucky doing some weights and he turned and flashed me a smile.
"Right okay..... lets do this" i said to Nat taking up my stance infront of her "try not to bruise me too much, dont want people at this party thinking im being abused"
"I'll go easy on you this time and this time only. After today your mine!" She joked as she lunged towards me. We spent the next 45 minutes exchanging softs blows and various flips and tosses onto the mat.
Bucky still hadn't said a word to me yet, i had caught his eye a few times and waved but he flat out ignored me!! What the hell was going on?? I didn't dream it all i know that, i could still feel the tenderness from the huge cock that ruined me throughout the night.
Bucky was alone suddenly, Steve was no where in sight so i casually walked over to where Bucky was now working his legs.
"Hey Buck" i smiled, he looked up pulling out his headphones.
"What did you say?"
"I just said hey, havent had a chance to talk to you this morning"
"Yeah ive been busy, sorry"
"So last night was fun....." i stared to say, he was acting so weird this morning. His phone went off and he looked down at a message.
"Can we talk about this later, i've gotta go" he said standing up and grabbing his things.
"Sure" i nodded looking anywhere but at him, maybe last night was a huge mistake.
"Hey Nat, im gonna head back up thats it for me today" i called over to her.
"You okay? I didn't hurt you did i?"
"Im fine, just not feeling it".
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I went back up to the shared kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, Steve was stood making toast, using a whole loaf of bread by the looks of it.
"You hungry Steve?" I asked laughing a little at the mountain of bread in front him.
"Its not all for me" he laughed "i know as soon as i sit down you lot will be moaning that i never made you any"
"Awww thats so sweet" i teased him as i hugged him, Steve was good at giving hugs. We just stood there in each others arms for a bit while he waited for the next batch of toast to pop up.
"You okay?" Steve suddenly asked making me look up at him in confusion.
"Yeah im good, why?"
"I dont know, you seem a little off today"
"Nope im fine"
"You know ive learnt that when a woman says shes fine shes normally lying" he placed his hand on my cheek and looked at me "you can talk to me about anything, you know that right?"
"Honestly Steve im ok" i smiled, Steve was such a sweetheart "im gonna go sort out a dress for this stupid Gala tonight" i said turning to grab a slice of toast. As i turned to leave i was met by a pissed off looking Bucky standing there staring at me and Steve.
"Oh hey Buck, I've made toast" Steve told his friend happily.
"Sergeant" i said casually as i walked past him, if he wanted to act like nothing happened then so would i.
As i walked into my room i slammed the door closed only to have it hit something hard.... Bucky!
He came in and closed the door staring at me "what the hell was that?" He asked
"You and Steve!.... looked pretty cosy"
"Oh for crying out loud Buck, we're always like that! His my friend!"
"I don't like him touching whats mine"
"Oh I'm yours again now? Funny, you didn't even want to talk to me half hour ago. You leave me in your bed to wake up alone and then when i find you, you completely ignore me!! Way to make a girl feel special Buck"
"Its not like that! I left you to sleep because you didn't get much sleep last night"
"What about how you acted in the gym??"
"I didn't know how you wanted to play it in front of the others, we hadn't talked about that"
"So you just thought you'd ignore me altogether??"
"I didn't know if id be able to act like myself if you were that close to me and i couldn't have you.... couldn't touch you.."
"So.... your not regretting what happened...."
"Fuck no! Are you crazy?? Sweetheart last night was amazing! Ive wanted you for so long..... i never thought id be lucky enough to finally have you" he closed the gap between us taking my face in his hands "can you forgive me for being a idiot doll?"
"I suppose so..... just don't ignore me again!"
"Never" he smiled and leaned down to kiss me "and your mine?"
"I don't know about that Buck you might have to remind me...." i was cut off when he lifted me up and threw me onto my bed "i'll remind you don't you worry bout that.... you'll be screaming my name so loud the whole tower will know your mine".
Tagging: @siren-queen03
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hellafiction · 5 years
Raise a little hell.(Michael x reader x Lucifer)Ch.3
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Plot: (Y/n) is a 19yr. Old witch with some serious daddy issues who despite everything,is like a sister to the Winchester’s and risks her life to free Michael and Lucifer from the cage.Desperate times, desperate measures,right?
Warnings: Blood,violence,it’s supernatural? Self destructive coping mechanisms,swearing,at times nsfw.Mostly comedy though.
Note:So I forgot to elaborate on what sort of destructive mechanisms I’m going to pepper into this fic!Those can range from alcoholism to even self harm,as I sure do love my angst and hurt!And I hope you like this chapter!Sorry if it’s too short,I’ll try and uptdate often.
Ch.1 Ch.2 ch.4
“Well,what are you waiting for,ya idjits?Go gather all your weapons!”Bobby commanded,he felt tired.
Not even devil himself dared to object to Bobby’s command,so everyone piled out of the room to gather their collections.Soon enough,the team was back in the room,either organising or researching the relics.
Hours flew by like this,but their hard work so far seemed fruitless,all that research.At that point I was so tired,i suggested that we kill all the gods that we can and hope for the best.Sort of contradicting my previous idea.
“We can’t gank all the gods,we need to put the leaders on top of our list!”Dean hissed,his body practically merging with the couch.
“Well yeah-But we need to find out who they even are first.”Sam sighted.
“I can go up to heaven to see if anyone has heard anything,meanwhile,I suggest you go do something else,”Cas said.
Dean rubbed his face in frustration,looking all defeated until he noticed a newspaper under his feet,inspecting it a bit,his eyebrows rise.“Oh hey-look!”
“Oh wow,”There were no words to describe what we saw.I felt cold chills run down my spine.
“But a stake,really?What is this-middle ages!?”Sam briefly sent me a worried glance.
Throughout a small town,there were women getting murdered by being burned at a stake,like Salem witch trials all over again.The stakes were displayed in the busiest streets,yet according to the news,no one had seen anything.
“This ain’t right,”I felt nauseous,I scanned the room and my eyes landed on Lucifer,we made eye contact and I had a split second to decide between looking away or raising my eyebrows.I chose the latter.
Lucifer raised his eyebrows in return,wordlessly asking me ‘what?’
Sam was the unfortunate soul to notice our weird interaction,so he decided to pretend that he didn’t see anything.
It had been an hour since moose and squirrel left to play pretend as FBI agents,according to them,I was the perfect person to stay and do mountains of research.
“Stop sulking princess,you look a bit too young to be from FBI.”Chuckled Bobby.
I glared at him,hating that he was right.I got up from my seat and cracked my back letting out a satisfied groan.
The cracking noise made Michael cringe internally.
Two hours later,everything somehow had gone to shit.
I was swimming in and out of consciousness,my wrists and neck felt sore,I tried to move but couldn’t,at that my eyes snapped open and I realised I was bound to what appeared to be a stake.
“Oh shit”
With pure willpower,i stopped my heart from trying to beat out of my chest,I closed my eyes,counted to ten before reopening them to try to asses the situation and to take in my surroundings.
It looked like I was in some sort of a warehouse.It was dark and humid in a slimy way,from what I could see,the ground was coated in layers of old,dried blood.Then,I noticed an old,rusty tray filled with all kinds of scary equipment.
I felt as if fear was physically stabbing me in the heart.This was not good.
Suddenly,there were audible footsteps and whistling,I looked up and if my heart was already on the floor,then now it had definitely fallen to the deepest pits of hell.
“Surprise!”He laughed before walking to the tray of nightmares.Then,he picked up what appeared to be a rusty scalpel,he put it down before taking another,inspecting it for a few seconds.He turned to me and softly smiled,it looked creepy as fuck.When he walked in front of me I noticed that he had picked up rusty,jagged scissors.”Now,you can scream,you can even cry,but if you don’t tell me what the Winchester’s are planning,I’m going to use this!You see what it is right?Im going to cut off your beautiful breasts.”
Tears welled up in my eyes,thoughts were running through my head,was I seriously going to die by the hands of a man who I had given my virginity to?“Oh come on!Dont you have a soft spot for me?”I tried to stall my inevitable,painful demise,yet,my traitorous soul was hoping that I’ll be saved this time.
“This ain’t personal,honey.”He darkly chuckled.
“Why are you doing this!?”I was getting more panicked by the second.My eyes started focusing on him,it had been a few years since i had seen him.He hadn’t changed at all.
His features twisted into an angry,bitter expression-the same features I had once considered handsome.“You mortals are so ungrateful!Even a few centuries ago we were feared and worshipped!Then,you disgusting,hairless apes decided you’re too good for that,we lost everything,yet there was nothing we could do!”He yelled.
“Then why murder innocent women!?”I screamed in anger.
He ignored me and continued his tangent,”We’re sick of it,if the only way we can get to our former glory is by coming out of hiding,then so be it!”He started ripping open my thin shirt,”and by the way,sweetheart,they’re witches.”
“But I thought gods had nothing against witches!”
“Oh,most don’t.”He grinned at me.
“And How was this not personal?!”Stalling so far wasn’t working as good as it could have.
“That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard from someone who’s trying to bring an apocalypse and that’s coming from me!”A familiar voice came from behind me.
“Lucifer.”He growled.
“Why was a pagan god trying to burn witches?”Michael piped in as he plunged something into the god from behind.
Blood came out from the gods mouth as he fell to his knees,the weapon still stuck through his heart,poking out at the front.He looked over everyone one last time before his dull eyes settled on me.
And then he dropped completely.
“After all that dramatic monologue,he never actually got to the point...”Lucifer trailed off.
Both of them quickly untied me and Michael caught me off guard by lifting me off the stake bridal style,and setting me more gently than I could have expected on the ground.
“Why would he have a soft spot for you?”Michael questioned me sternly while he handed me Lucifers flannel.
“You were here the whole time!?”
“Honeeeyy,we needed the wait for the right moment!”Lucifer tried to defend himself and Michael.
My body was feeling like it could collapse any second,at that moment,I also realised that my heart was still beating uncomfortably fast,”Where’s Sam and Dean?”I questioned to distract myself.
“They’re busy with another god.”Lucifer answered,while trying to subtly look me over to see if I was hurt.
Suddenly I felt a weird sensation and we were back in Bobby’s living room.My vision focused in on the couch,so I beelined for it.”Thanks for helping me,you both aren’t that big of fluffy bastards.”
“I think you meant ‘saving’.”Lucifer retorted.He casually sat on the couch next to me,a little too close,before softly asking me,”are you okay?”
Michael subtly smiled at that,his dark chocolate eyes filling with warmth for once in his life.
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nuckdewton · 6 years
Voltron Season 8 Theories
I have a couple theories I want to share just before season 8 drops. Here is a compilation of everything I think is going to happen based on al our previous seasons and the season 8 trailer
1. The New Paladins
First and foremost I think its been pretty strongly hinted at who our new paladins are, and I think I know who’s going to go in each lion.
The Black Lion: James Griffin, as he’s shown to be a parallel to Keith whilst they grew up and also seems to be leader material. He had a very strong emphasis out of all the new cadets so I think he’s going to pilot black
The Red Lion: Rizavi, as she’s clearly the most impulsive and risk-taking of the lot which fits into what Allura said about each pilot in season 1
The Green Lion: Leifsdottir, as she’s the smartest of the group and is the brainpower of everything, similar to Pidge throughout all the seasons
The Yellow Lion: This is the one I’m most unsure of but I’d say Kinkade, since he’s kinda soft and quiet and doesn’t really fit into any other one (although I’d love to see black paladin Kinkade yesyes)
The Blue Lion: would go to Veronica as this is the one associated with being Lances lion. It would only make sense for his sister to inherit it :)
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2. Acxa’s Role
The way they’ve set her up in season 7 and every season prior leads me to believe that she’s not going to be a love interest for Keith: she’s been against him for six seasons and was only in like three episodes in season 7. I think there’s no chance.
However I do think she’s being set up to be his sister
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There are lots of parallels between the two that make me believe this. They keep finding and saving eachother, but from the way the seasons are playing out I think that they’re related and Acxa knows whilst Keith doesn’t.
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The scene where she goes to the grave makes sense this way too. I think she knew Keith and Krolia were going to visit the late Texas Kogane (her dad) so she went so she could see him too, but from a distance so as not to alert them.
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This whole scene also gave me super Keithy vibes. The idea of her leaving the galra empire to carve out her own path in her life strongly reminds me of Keith with the Marmora with his whole “I know who i am” speech.
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im sorry but loOK AT THEIR EYES!! You cannot convince me they’re not related. Her and Krolia literally have the same eyes.
I know a lot of people have already analysed the trailer ages ago so I’m just gonna give my brief ideas
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Hunk, Lance and Keith are all on the same planet here! Keith appears to be fighting a person with a sword which make me think there are inhabitants (unlikely) or other people fighting here (more likely). I also think Keith has been captured and they’re coming to rescue him (although I don’t know where their lions are. WHy are they fighting on foot and not in the lions??)
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There’s been some discourse as to whether this is allura or pidge bUT I am inclined to believe it’s pidge! I know that when the colours are inverted it’s pink but just from a marketing point I think it’s too confusing! The hair by her face looks like pidge and we don’t associate the colour green with Allura AT ALL so i think pidge is just more likely
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The black lion and another lion are looking at eachother whilst everyone is out on foot and theres a SOMETHING exploding in the background.
hOWEVER the mountains in the back match Keiths fight scene, and this bit is presumably at the end of the fight, so I think by the end of the scene everyone is back together and there’s no real danger (otherwise the lions would be in more chaos)
however that does make me question where the other lions are?? we’ve seen a clip of a few of them in the lions but the lions didn’t actually feature much this trailer. it makes you wonder
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Plain and simple: I don’t think Matt dies. After all the lead up to finding him I don’t think they would kill him off so easily, and I definitely don’t think they’d put even a HINT of a character dying in the trailer. They would want it to be a complete surprise so; i’m not really worried about Matt or Keith
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and... this scene
I’ve read a lot of theories about it but I am prettysure this is a date. I don’t mind Allurance (although I definitely prefer Klance) but I think they’ve been setting things up with Allura and Lance for a while now. While a lot of people don’t acknowledge it they’ve had a lot of moments; comforting eachother in season 3, allura healing lance, lance unlocking the altean broadword, lances whole speech about allura making him better (why include that if they weren’t leading up to this??) I even think the whole Lotor stuff might have been to just add some tension to their relationship and make them realise their feelings for eachother
I know a lot of people will be upset by this but think of it this way; even if it’s not LGBT+ rep its still such a great message. Both of them are clearly POC, and neither of them traditionally masculine or feminine. Allura is headstrong and a leader and not afraid to fight, and Lance is sweet and does facemasks and enjoys skincare and is clearly not the most hypermasculine on the team. It wasn’t Shiro (the stereotypical Man) or Keith (the cool, great, leader guy) who got the girl: it was the character who had a good and caring heart and was often used for comic relief. I think it sends a fantastic message to young boys (the main target demographic)
Lack of Shiro???
there was only one shot of shiro in the trailer. this probably means they have something HUGE AND SPOILERY PLANNED FOR HIM.
he’s no longer in a lion so im stuck, but just remember that THEY LITERALLY CANT KILL SHIRO SO ITS ALL GOOD
Now this could be completely wrong but this is something I’ve been thinking about since season 1. It;s been 7 seasons and we still don’t really know what Quintessence is or what it does, so I’m going to take a guess.
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In season 6 Voltron and Lotor both went into the Quintessence field and, shortly after emerging, the paladins found that they’d actually been missing for three years. This could be because of something else (because Zethrid and Ezor said they’d gone missing after the holes were shut, which was after they left the quintessence field) but I think Quintessance messes with time
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We know that it extends lifeforces shown through Zarkon, so I think Lotor will be coming back in season 8 in a form much closer to Zarkon, and I think he’s going to be the final boss the paladins have to battle in season 8.
I also think this is what happened to the paladins of old
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we see them in the trailer, which a lot of people think is because Honerva is time travelling, but I simply think they didn’t die. It wasn't really clarified what they do after everything with Zarkon, so I’m not sure what the blanks are, but I think going into the quintessencce field messing with time for them leading them to be here in the present day.
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We also see Haggar here flickering between different forms, which some people think is because of time travel but I, again, think it’s to do with use of quintessence. Haggar has been to Oriande so she must have knowledge of quintessence to complete all her studies, and I think once lotor is back he’ll side with her and they’ll be an unstoppable quintessence duo. I think these two will be the main force of season 8
TL;DR; Allurance canon, Acxa is Keiths sister, Pidge in danger, Matt doesn’t die, Quintessence affects time and Haggar/Lotor will be the main driving force of season 8
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kinqemperor · 5 years
Hey Nyo sorry to be bothering you but I'm fairly new to this fandom and have read through what there is of translated manga and I was kinda curious as to why Emperor x Gloves works? I really find them cute but how would they find themselves together or even getting into a relationship? Is it their personalities? Really wanna hear your thoughts I don't think anyone else has dwelve into how they would get together (at least from what I've seen) ^^
Oh! First of all welcome to the fandom, hope you enjoy your stay buddy!
Warning, lotsa rambling:!
To answer your question, oooh boi! First lets look at the times theyve met and interacted:
-They met on the mountain before, had a convo, Emperor gave him his dualies (yes, I know, he mostly gave it to him to mess with him in their battle but yknow.)
-Later in the tournament, Emp defeated him and was harsh, Gloves was shook and upset
-Then later again during Salmon Run.
-Durin the new chapters we see them at the same location- doesnt rlly mean anything, but who knows! Maybe they talked!
Okay so, its clearly obvious Gloves sees Emp as an idol and respects him, when he met him on the mountain he was totally surprised and starstruck. My personal headcanon is that he had a lil celebrity crush on him at that time- which just got worse after receiving a new trendy weapon from Emperor. So yeah, I assume til the tournament he was super excited and looked forward to battling Emp (in the mountain chapter we saw Emp being awfully polite, not showing much ego and gifting him a new weapon). After Emp defeated Gloves, we see him completely shocked on the ground,
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I dont think I have to explain this scene, but Gloves had to realise his idol wasnt as nice and friendly as he thought. Emp was the complete opposite of the person Gloves met on the mountain (which mightve also been for show, since that was a public tv streamed battle and all that, who knows.)
So after that, Gloves was probably disappointed and upset as fuck, but determined to get better. Some say Gloves hated Emp after that but, ehhh I dont think so. I feel like, even tho he was hurt by his words, they also motivated him to become a better player yknow? If he really hated him, he wouldve thrown away the dualies he gave him, or at least said some sort of bad thing about him. Which he didnt.
Bla bla bla, stuff happens, bla bla Blue defeated Team Emp, Gloves and everyone else watched. Emp went to become a better King aaand,
now the Salmon stuff happens, when they meet again, months after the tournament (talking bout the tournament where emp defeated gloves) and dualie event happened,
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We see them fighting and working together,
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We see them being dorky,
and most importantly, this scene:
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He complimented him, and Gloves seemed to appreciate it quite a lot, he sees it as an honour to receive a compliment from him. Which means, Gloves still respects him, still sees him as someone important, and clearly doesnt dislike him.
All of that makes a decent amount of chemistry already, everything that follows after this is pure imagination and headcanons!
Sooo, their personalities! I love them! I personally think they work together perfectly,
you got this rich, cocky, (pretty clueless) famous dude with a huge ego, and a trend seeking, energetic and dorky cool kid. What more could you ask for lmao.
Ahem anyways, I personally like to imagine Gloves managed to befriend Emp! Whether its through convos during locations they all met at, or somewhere else. They have the usual convo stuff and learn a lil more bout each other, get closer over time, meet up a few times and do fun stuff! Like, turfing, watching a movie, playing video games!
(We see Emp being completely clueless when it comes to basically anything outside of turf, he doesnt even know how washing machines work. So Id like to think Gloves shows him the basics of life lmao. I personally rped this with a friend, it was great! Gloves showed Emp pop tarts ksksks.)
Anyways! Then the usual developing feeelings happeensss,
and theres lotsa awkward momentssss, and theyre both completely obliviouss
and then their first date happensss, and then,
gay happens.
Okay Im so sorry I got lazy at the end but like I said, everything that happens after the Salmon event is interpretation, and you can imagine that however you like! I just love the idea of Gloves showing Emp all this basic life stuff he never experienced, like fucking taking him to Mc Donalds or something, just, showing him fun stuff yknow! Helping him become a better person! AAaa im shit at explaining but i hope you somehow understand why I love these two so much lmao. If I could Id show yall the amazing rps ive done that are full of lovely development of those two, but yknow, private stuuufff!
But yeahHhh, rambling over- this is super long im so sorry!
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ofdyncmite-blog · 5 years
howdy  ,  my  dear  fellow  roleplayers  .  i  am  el  ,  i’m  20  ,  hella  into  the  paranormal  &  do  stupid  shit  everyday  .  i’m  super  excited  to  get  started  &  get  to  know  with  everyone  .  here  is  my  first  baby  ,  roberta  /  bobbi  .  if  you  wants  to  gets  downs  to  plotting  ,  just  give  this  a  like  or  hit  me  up  on  ims  /  discord  (  gaygrandmother#4906  )  .
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(  barbie  ferreira  .  twenty  four  .  cis  female.  she  /  her  .  )  ❛  roberta  ford  ,  an  aquarius  from  queens  ,  ny  ,  moved  into  holloway  three  years  ago  .  they  are  a  writer  that  lives  in  apartment  4b  &  their  neighbors  don’t  particularly  mind  them  .  some  say  they  can  be  -distant  &  -unpredictable  but  others  say  they’re  +humanitarian  &  +creative  .  anyways  ,  one  thing  is  for  sure  :  you  hear  everybody  wants  to  be  famous  by  superorganism  ,  it’s  bobbi  blasting  it  .
full  name  :  roberta  ford  .
nickname  :  bobbi  ,  bee  .
age  :  twenty  four  .
birthday  :  february  15th  .
zodiac  :  aquarius  .
relationship  :  single  .
sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  .
occupation  :  writer  .
bobbi  was  born  to  two  large  figures  in  entertainment  &  film   —  ELIAS  FORD  &  CARMEN  SILVA  .  her  mother  was  an  actress  &  singer  from  brazil  but  raised  in  queens  ,  whilst  her  father  was  a  director  from  upstate  new  york  .  they  were  jacks  of  all  trades  ,  wanting  to  pursue  something  new  all  the  time  ,  so  had  a  lot  of  various  projects  under  their  belt.
she  has  a  twin  sister  &  an  adopted  siblings  .  after  their  birth  ,  her  mother  could  no  longer  have  any  children  ,  otherwise  she’d  risk  dying  .  but  ,  they  still wanted  to  have  another  ,  though  ,  so  they  made  the  decision  to  adopt  . 
they  gave  them  as  normal  a  childhood  as  they  could  ,  it  just  wasn’t  easy  with  paparazzi  following  your  every  move  .  they  went  to  good  public  schools  in  BROOKLYN  ,  took  family  vacations  like  any  other  family  would  .  but  ,  there  was  also  the  glamorous  side  of  movie  premieres  ,  flying  to  amazing  locations  &  being  treated  different  just . because  of  who  your  parents  were  .
they  often  encouraged  her  to  be  herself  ,  follow  her  dreams  .  &  hers  followed  closely  in  her  parents  footsteps  .  ever  since  she  was  little  ,  her  passions  had  surrounded  the  arts  ,  specifically  writing  .  she  could  always  be  found  on  a  desk  ,  putting  her  pen  to  work  or  lying  under  a  mountain  of  crumpled  paper  .
she  attended  NYU  when  she  turned  eighteen  (  she  moved  into  holloway  during  her  third  year  )  ,  determined  to  not  let  her  family  name  dictate  whether  she  became  successful  .  sure  ,  it  helped  .  her  creative  streak  she  certainly  got  from  them  ,  but  she  wanted  to  rely  on  her  talents  &  wits  too.  after  graduating  ,  she  was  thrust  into  the  working  world  .  she’s  written  a  book  with  her  best  friend  ,  which  helped  her  establish  herself.  now  ,  she’s  working  on  a  script  &  is  hoping  to  work  on  it  with  her  family  .
she  is  extremely  stubborn  ,  she  sticks  to  her  guns  no  matter  what  .  though  ,  if  you  told  her  that  ,  she  would  argue  that  she’s  open  minded  to  other’s  opinions  in  extremely  stubborn  fashion .   she’s  free  spirited  ,  &  doesn’t  really  like . being  told  what  to  do  .  it’s  one  of the  reasons  she  craves  independence.  she’s   a  social  butterfly   ,  yet  can  be  rather  aloof  &  alientating .  she  pushes  herself  to  make  as  many  connections  as  possible  but  is  not  close  to  many  of  them  .  letting  people  into  her  life  does  take  a  lot  ,  but  when  she  does  let  someone  get  close  ,  she’s  extremely  loyal  .  it  just  takes  ages  for  her  to  warm  up  to  someone  .  when  it  comes  to  love  ,  she  alienates  pushes  away  people  the  most  ,  a  talent  she’s  picked  up  over  the  years  .  she  either  detaches  herself  from  people  she’s  already  in  a  relationship  ,  or  locks  away  her  emotions  when  she  knows  she  has  feelings  for  someone  .  it  leads  her  to  a  lot  of  one  night  stands  &  friends  with  benefits  ,  preferring  ‛  no  strings  attached  ’  type  of  situations  .  she’s  a  paradox  of  wanting  people  in  her  life  &  wanting  to  be  isolated  ,  part  of  a  group  ,  yet  fiercely  independent.  in  the  end  ,  intimacy  scares  her  because  she  doesn’t  want  to  lose  herself  in  the  chaos  of  a  relationship.  plus  ,  she  has  this  perfect  image  of  how  she  does  want  to  fall  in  love  ,  failing  to  realise  that  it’s  probably  never  happening  or  she’s  been  so  focused  on  it  that  true  love  has  actually  passed  her  by.
infp  /  enfp  all  over  !! she’s  extremely  into  the  paranormal  &  conspiracy  theories  —  she  often  ghost  hunts  on  the  side has  a  bearded  dragon  (  gigi  )  .  she  loves  animals  more  than  anything  &  has  had  quite  a  few  . grease  terrified  her  as  a  child  .  she  once  puked  on  john  trovolta  .  here’s  a  pinterest  board  for  her  .
exs  :  the  amount  of  lovers  she’s  pushed  away  is  unbelievable  &  so  she  has  had  quite  a  few  relationships  end  on  (  mostly  )  bad  terms  .
best  friend  :  they  can  have  been  best  friends  since  they  were  little  or  maybe  bonded  at  holloway  .  i  just  want  someone  she  hangs  out  with  almost  all  the  time  ,  pretty  much  inseperable  .  &  ,  who  she  would  do  anything  for.  maybe  ,  someone  who’s  the  opposite  of  her  (  very  shy  but  has  more  common  sense  )  .  they  would  be  the  person  that  she  made  her  first  book  with  ,  which  was  a  little  successful  .
fwb  :  she’s  very  open  &  loves  to  have  a  good  time  .  overall  ,  she  prefers  no  feelings  at  times  ,  so  fwb  arrangements  always  are  good  to  her  .   i’d  love  to  make  it  more  complicated  by  them  having  feelings  for  her  ,  though  .  i’m  a  sucker  for  drama  .
twin  :  her  &  her  twin  are  the  complete  opposite  of  each  other  .  bobbi  is  a  lot  more  anne  of  green  gables  /  phoebe  buffay  &  her  sister  is  more  ...  dracula  ,  in  her  opinion  .  they  argue  constantly  &  just  rile  each  other  up  ,  but  at  the  end  of  the  day  ,  they  love  each  other  very  deeply. 
adopted  sibling  :  super  close  with  them  &  will  go  to  the  ends  of  the  earth  for  them  .
honestly  anything  .  i’m  sure  your  ideas  will  be  a  lot  better  than  mine  ha  .
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cool-guysyndrome · 6 years
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(I was gonna post this to Instagram first but the story got too long so here sees it first skkdhdh)
Title: dammit why do i always give the angst a resolution
TW: anxiety attack, heckloads of angst, swearing because virgil+stress=i get to write swearwords
Patton paced the dimly lit room, becoming more agitated with every step. He didn't know where he was, why he was there, how he got there, anything. It was awful being completely in the dark, thrown randomly into some foreign place with no forewarning or instructions. He had so many questions that it was hard to think at all. Where were his friends? Were they okay? Were they even in the same place as him? What if they were across the country or something? How would he find them? Where even was this country? Was he in a country? Why was he in a weird castle thingy on a mountain? It was scary up so high. What were these weird clothes he was wearing? What was wrong with him? Why could he suddenly create a weird green fire with his hands? Was he going crazy?
Patton sat down and leant against the cold stone wall, trying to steady his breathing. Was this how Virgil felt when he had an anxiety attack?
He looked down at his hands, scared to accidentally replicate the spectacle he had made when he went outside and set a tree on fire.
"Maybe i can control it?" He thought aloud. Worth a try.
Patton shut his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts on the tingly feeling that had spread through his fingertips when he made the fire the first time. Sure enough, he felt a soft heat begin to emanate from where his hands were outstretched, and when he opened his eyes he saw the small green flame dancing across his fingertips.
He found that he could make the flame larger or smaller by mentally compressing it, like a camera's focus lens. It was amazing, but at the same time it scared Patton more than any fear he'd ever felt before. This wasn't a kind power. This was something destructive, something dangerous. If this power was any clue to why he was in this strange place, it was not a comforting one.
Patton released his mental hold on the fire and it dissipated into nothing. He realised with a start that he had been crying while watching it, and he wiped his cheeks dry with a sleeve.
Whatever this was, it wasnt going to be easy, and how his heart ached every time he thought about the others was really not helping. Especially Virgil. Sweet, lovely Virgil, who was always kind and worried for Patton as much as his mother did, was probably hurting just as much as he was. That thought would have killed Patton, but his thoughts were mercifully interrupted by a-
"Fuck. Just when i thought my day couldn't get better huh."
Virgil glared at the fallen ornament like it was personally responsible for all the wrongs in the world, which it probably was in his eyes.
He crouched down with a sigh and picked up the broken pieces of ceramic. There were far too many breakable things in this stupid palace for someone as clumsy and lazy as him to be around.
He found some servant to give the pieces to, waving off their apologies and persistent praise. It was exhausting, all this social interaction. Virgil wondered how Roman ever wished for this kind of thing, but he supposed Roman was the only person crazy enough to like it.
He kept walking, slow enough to still pass as a walk, but fast enough that he could escape to his room as quickly as possible. Finally he reached safety, locking the door behind him. He sunk to the floor, exhausted.
"This place is fucking crazy. I think im going crazy." He told the empty room.
"I dont know what they want me to do half the time, and they treat me like the fucking king of the universe more than some stupid prince. I just want to go home and not have to deal with this stupid, stressful, nonsensical place and its mad inhabitants!"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Inhabitants? What am I saying? Fuck, i sound like Logan."
Logan. The others. Shit. "Great now thats just a whole other problem as well. Wonderful. Fucking fantastic!"
Virgil stood up and took his cape off, tired if the heavy and unnecessary clothes. He started to anxiously pace the room, caught up in a flurry of thoughts that were making it a little hard to breathe.
"Shit. Shitshitshit. The others. Are they safe? I need to go find them. Are they even here? What if theyre in trouble? Logan and Roman might be okay on their own, but Pat..."
Virgils voice trailed off as his mind thought a horrible, terrible thing. Patton. Gentle, bubbly Patton, the light of his life, could be in danger. Or worse, already hurt. Virgil fell back to the floor, every inhale more of a struggle than the last. His whole body filled up with an overwhelming sense of dread that drowned out any of his attempts to calm himself down. His heart began to pound like it wanted to escape his chest, and he pulled at his hair like he wanted to rip it out. He thought he heard a strangled scream from someone nearby. Why were they screaming? He should be the one screaming. Then he realised that it was his own voice, and he was the one emitting the heartbroken cry. He managed to stop his screams but there was no ceasing the sobs that wracked his body as he lay curled on the floor, his mind repeating a single horrible thought a million times-
-over Patton's head flew a tiny streak of black, and it seemed to be hurt because it wasnt flying in a very coordinated fashion. One wing was flapping a lot less than the other.
Patton waited for the little animal to settle, then he stood a few feet away from where it had landed on the table.
"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You look like you need a bit of help, actually, little guy."
He started moving towards the table very slowly so he didnt startle the creature.
"Hey, its okay, im gonna help you, alright? Lets have a look at that wing."
Patton continued to talk soothingly to the little creature until he was close enough that he could reach out and touch it. He saw that the animal was a small black bat, and one of its wings had a splinter of wood in it, not enough to do bad damage, but enough to affect its flying ability.
Patton slowly outstretched his hand, and waited for the small animal to make a move first, as a kind of permission. The little bat looked up at him with big black eyes with a shine of blue in them, and if it were human Patton would have sworn it was studying his face.
Then, all of a sudden, he heard a voice say, "Help?"
He nearly fainted.
"What?! Did you- did you just speak?!"
He watched the bat carefully, but its little face didnt move an inch even though he heard the voice clear as day. "Help wing?"
Patton couldn't help staring at the little creature.
"How are you doing that?!"
"Person help wing? Yes, no?"
"Oh my goodness gracious. And i thought the fire was weird."
"Help wing, yes, no?"
"Yes, yes, sorry, yes, ill help you. May i?"
Patton held out a hand to the bat's wing. The little creature obliged and lay its wing across his hand.
"If i ever see him again, i will definitely tell Virgil about this. He'll hate me for it because he's always wanted to talk to animals."
"Yea, hes my boyfriend."
"Oh. Boy Friend Virgil." The little animal seemed to think for a second, then it spoke again.
"Boyfriend, Virgil. I, Jazzy. You?"
"What?" Patton took a second to realise what the little creature meant.
"Oh, is that your name? Oh! Its lovely! I'm Patton!"
"Pat..ton. Patton. Patton help Jazzy."
"Yes, thats right, im helping you! By the way, are you a boy or a-
-Gurl you are a mess. You're lucky i can pick locks hun."
Remy closed the door quietly and went to sit beside where Virgil still lay on the floor.
"I heard you scream. Good thing i convinced those other losers that I'd handle this." He glanced down at Virgil again, noting his fists still clenched in his hair.
His voice was a bit more firm as he continued. "Virgil. Can i touch you?"
The purple-haired boy hesitated a moment, then shakily nodded through his hands. Remy gently pried his hands down from his hair.
"Can you sit up for me?"
Virgil did.
"Okay. Can you copy my breathing? 4-7-8 yeah?"
Virgil nodded.
Once Remy was sure that Virgil was no longer in such a bad state, he got him to sit on his bed and gave him a glass of water.
"Thanks." Virgil managed as Remy handed him the glass.
"Youre fine, gurl, i get this kind of thing a lot. The staff here get stressed all the time and someones gotta help calm 'em down, y'know?"
"Besides, gotta have you in top condition so i can 'scold you' as Perce puts it, or as i like to say, roast your sorry ass."
"Really? What did i fuck up this time?"
"Oooh gurl you wouldnt believe it. So much that the cat wants your hide."
"The cat?"
"The cat."
Virgil wasn't quite smiling, but his eyes werent as sad any more.
Remy lay back on his bed like he owned it.
"Nah, I'm messing with ya."
"I know." Virgil couldnt help a small smile.
"Its not the cat, hun, its the rats that cat's chasing that want your blood. Have fun arguing with rodents."
"That bad huh?"
"Nah not really. Percy wants to help you with some stuff you were struggling with today."
"Struggling?" Virgil raised an eyebrow at the other man.
Remy chuckled. "Gurl, you and i both know you aren't really the prince. Gotta have someone in on the secret to help before everyone is."
After Remy left, Virgil lay back on his bed, realising just how exhausted he was. This wasn't going to get any easier. But maybe it could, at the very least, be possible.
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