#really saving this dor later but
multific · 2 years
Going Along With It
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
“I don’t understand your attraction to him.”
Your eyes snapped up to your friend, she was a medic while you were a soldier.
You finally had a day off so you decided to meet her as the two of you headed for the canteen and sat down.
Naturally, your conversation is headed in the direction of men.
She knew you had a huge crush on Ghost, and she just didn't see it.
You brought your cup of tea to your lips and you really wished it was something stronger instead. 
But it was still rather early, so tea it is.
“Out of every possible man around us, you chose Ghost... Like... really?”
She rolled her eyes, you only let out a sigh as you looked behind her and then back at her. 
The canteen was small and besides you two there was only a men eating there.
You knew she had a crush on Soap, but it was only that, a crush, she barely talked about him, so maybe it wasn't even a crush?
“You know I value our friendship, right?”
"In fact you are my only female friend around here."
"Then why do you need me to say it again? You know already why I like him."
"Because it's hard to believe that you fell in love with someone who you never saw the face of and who is your Liuetenant." she had a point, but you still didn't understand why he wanted you to repeat yourself. 
“He’s a beast. Ghost is a Liuetenant and rightfully so if you ask me. He has so much power and strength that you can’t tell me any man at his level wouldn't turn you on. And don't even get me started on that accent and that mountain of a body. I will admit that he’s rough around the edges, but that makes him interesting.” You paused to take a drink of your tea, satisfied with your explanation. “I’d hit it every damn day if I could.” you said as your last point.
Your friend burst into a fit of giggles and you rolled your eyes. If she thought what you just said was funny you really would hit her with a chair.
“Holy fuck, Y/N!” She giggled. “Turn around!”
You did, and for a second you felt your blood run cold.
There he was standing right behind you, Simon Riley. 
“He’s been there the whole time!”
Your heart stopped for yet another second.
Well, now he knows. 
Yeah, you never brought up your attraction to him before, and you certainly didn't want him to find out this way. You planned on getting around to it maybe with a more romantic setting? Or perhaps when he tried to save you? During a shooting?
Eventually, you planned on doing it, not here in the terrible canteen. Maybe when being turned on by him during missions? You weren't sure. This wasn't the way you wanted him to find out.
Not like you could do anything about it now so, you decided to go with it.
“Good. At least I won’t have to repeat myself.” you moved to face forward in your chair as you heard him move behind you.
"Fuckin' hell." you heard him say as Soap laughed. 
Maybe, but just maybe he will go with it as well. And maybe he will ask you to join him in his room for a chat later.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​
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outofangband · 8 months
Rambling Morwen thoughts, more in my houseless for exiles tag, sorry for aforementioned rambling
“Rashness, lord! If my son works in the woods hungry if he lingers in bonds, if his body lies unburied, then I would be rash. I would lose no hour to go to seek him.”
-Chapter 14, The Journey of Morwen and Niënor
Everything in this exchange is so important to me, but it’s specifically the if his body lies unburied that really gets to me because I think it speaks a lot about  Morwen’s trauma from the Bragollach, and Húrin and Rían’s vanishing
Just have so much of her pride is in twined with her grief so much of her grief is so intertwined with uncertainty, and not knowing.
Her father and uncle, and a lot of her male relatives who died with Barahir, she never got news of their death.  If she did, it would’ve been decades after it happened when she finally came to  Doriath, if Beren’s full history was known there. Her mother may well have died in the Bragollach too*
And then her cousin, the last of her people there also runs off, and she never gets any news of her, and she never learns at least presumably never learns what happened to Rían’s son**
And of course Húrin! Húrin Rides off for war and never returns, and no tidings from any of his people who fought in the battle come back either. She doesn’t know if he’s dead, or captured, or simply prevented from returning as she says herself.
I have a couple posts in my houseless for exiles tag about this but also leaving Hithlum behind, knowing that she would never see it or its people again, and would likely never know of their fate, is yet another grief. She would have left Aerin and anyone else she was close with, knowing the circumstances they would be in and knowing the parting was a permanent one.
Which leads to my main point
Morwen is willing to drown crossing the Sirion (as she tells Mablung) or be murdered by Morgoth’s most dreadful monster (as she nearly is) trying to get news of Túrin, or save him or even just to bury him! She’s willing to risk that just to make sure he gets proper burial and so she knows what has become of him.
I’m sorry to bring this back into my thoughts about those words and traits that  are always associated with Morwen; her pride, her grief (and also her inability to grieve!!,)  and severity and stubbornness and resilience but I think it’s all so fascinatingly connected. She has been denied closure for decades. She’s willing to do pretty much anything to make sure it doesn’t happen again
And that’s part of what makes that last interaction at the grave of her children so heartbreaking
And this should be a post in itself I’ll make later but I also think about how for those who knew Morwen, they suffer this same uncertainty
…but Morwen also was lost. Neither then nor after did any certain news of her fate come to Doriath or to Dor-lómin.
(Also, I love her being able to tell the difference in the members of the party and to be able to tell that there’s one more member that there should be when these thousands of year-old fully trained elven scouts didn’t notice that it’s both awesome and very funny to me! And the part about Morwen refusing to be led back to Doriath by Niënor! It’s the second to last mention of her pride and resolve in the novel and it’s part of the last description of Niënor as Niënor!)
Anyway I love Morwen very much and I will do an entire post on the whence came he! Scene
* Neither the mother of Morwen nor her parents or any other maternal family is mentioned in canon. In The Shaping of Middle Earth, Tolkien originally had the mothers of Morwen and Rían as being of the house of Marach, his original reason for them having survived the Bragollach and ending up in Hithlum. He discarded this however, making Morwen and Rían refugees of the Bragollach but never saying anything more about their mothers.
** kept this part short as I have several post specifically about this aspect of their relationship and their relationship and general, which are very important to me, I’ll link one of the more recent ones just for my own organization here
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Unplanned part 3 final part || Part 2
It was a while later, when the sun had moved to shine into soap's eyes through the window, that simon prompted them into moving. Or rather his stomach did.
Soap lifts himself up, his knee cracks, simon laughs at him. He's about to step away to give simon some room to get up himself.
"Uhh.. Johnny? Could you uh- give me a hand?" Simon's still sat on the floor, facing him. Soap puts a hand out dor him to grab, and simon grunts with the effort of getting his legs underneath himself. Well, legs was a generous statement. He kept his weight on one leg and used the other to stabilize.
"So what's the damage?" He asked once simon was firmly leaned against the wall.
"Might be easier for you to just read it." Simon limped heavily toward a stack of papers on the kitchen island. Soap's isn't afraid to say the sight made him panic just a bit.
"Woah! Hey, should you even be walking right now? It doesn't look like you should be walking!" Soap rushed to his side. Simon just handed him the papers in lieu of answering.
"Jesus, Si, you really shouldn't be walkin' around," soap leased a breath. " puncture wound under the clavical, torn deltoid- shouldn't you be wearing a sling for that?" Simon gave a noncommittal shrug with his good shoulder. "Five broken, and nine fractured ribs, torn abdominal wall, internal bleeding, surgery to remove shrapnel in the thigh, and a fractured knee cap- you got crutch or something for that?
"Yes, I'm wearing a splint, mister "it probably isn't even that bad, and now I need a knee brace"" simon rolled his eyes.
"Well excuse me for trying to save you from also having a wank knee." Soap grumbled. "Where's your crutch, 'cus I know they didn't leave you without a crutch." Simon stayed silent. "Simon." Soap scowled at him.
"Left it upstairs." Simon mumbled.
"Simon!" Soap scolded him with a frown.
"Whaaat? It gets in the way!" He whined, childishly.
Soap pushed simon to sit down with an exasperated huff, before running to grab the crutch. Simon was still pouting when he returned. Soap chuckles as he sets the crutch down.
"Actually use is." He says sternly. And then simon is pushing himself up off the couch, crutch in hand. And Simon's response to soap's questioning is truely brilliant...
"I'm using the crutch like you asked. I'm hungry." It looks like he would have stamped his foot as well if he could've. Soap urges him back down, promising to finish making his food for him.
Once simon is settled, ans all of soap's things are put away, they snuggle together on the couch and watch whatever shitty movie they want.
And at the end of the night soap carries simon bridal style up the stairs. Simon ends up stretched out on his back, with soap's head resting over his heart, tracing idle shapes on his belly. And they fall asleep wrapped up in eachother's arms.
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larmegliamori · 8 months
What are your preliminary thoughts on the Second Foundation by Brown? I agree somewhat about Dors, and think it gets better, but I also imagine that she’d become more pessimistic and exhausted long after Hari died. I mean, her life is long so she could go through a lot of personality shifts. Daneel seems to always be his enigmatic flamboyant self though which I appreciate. I feel like he was too “edgy” in the Bear/Brin/Benford books esp the first book. Even TV Demerzel has a softer and sassier side, and she only uses malice in a strategic way. And you can’t blame her for her dark moods…..
Hi! As for now, at Chapter 8 (Luna) I can say I'm pleasantly surprised. It seems to me that Brown is tying all the Galactic Ends (First and Second Foundations, Gaia, Solaria, the robot factions) together in a way that's more reminiscent of Asimov's series. I especially appreciate how he's tackled the Fallom issue and the Solarians, it feels very realistic.
On Dors: although I pretty much still stand by the post I made yesterday, I'm glad she has a more active role later on. It's written that being with Jos gives her a feeling of kinship, and I hope this has an impact later on (not in a romantic sense, I hope. She misses Hari and has a kind of situationship with Lodovik -I'm not really sure if they're meant to be read as a couple-, but maybe on her greater purpose in life).
And Daneel. Please someone save him he's gotten robodepression. It's interesting how he's recognizing that his plans have been ineffective and he's suffering from it, but I appreciate this angle more than the Second Foundation Trilogy's Daneel, who played god a little too much for my tastes. Ok for steering humanity, but straight-up genetic engineering and causing mass extinction of non-human life forms? (In all honesty, it felt like Benford, Bear and Brin just took Asimov's characters and forgot everything about their canon characterization... and it wasn't very pleasant to read. Happy Seldom totally my OC donut steal XOXO) Brown just has him working on the sidelines and, again, it feels more coherent to Asimov's characterization.
Overall I got a positive impression, and I hope the rest of the book won't disappoint! I hope I answered everything, otherwise I'm always happy to answer other questions and/or chat!
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
what thought about part 24 are you rotating in your mind the most?
ooohhh, good question! Part 24 started out as kind of a filler part, to be honest. The only reason it exists is for the russingon scene, which is setting some Stuff up for later, and for structural and pacing reasons couldn’t be squeezed into either parts 23 or 25. But then I started thinking of what else I should put into this part, came up with a unifying theme, and am now very pleased with it! The two most important scenes are still the russingon one and the Lúthien section, and most of the russingon-specific thoughts I have are too spoilery to share, so let’s talk about Lúthien!
I’m actually really pleased with Lúthien’s little plotline in part 24. In canon, of course, Beren and Lúthien fuck off to Ossiriand after coming back to life and do not really participate much more in the narrative. This is an extremely valid choice for them – they have been through so much trauma – and one that fits in quite well with the rather self-centred nature of their romance. Lovely and beautiful, imo! But also very inward-looking. In tfs I wanted them to take a more active role in the narrative, because I like them and don’t want to relegate them to background characters; but I also had to think about why they might make such a diametrically opposite choice to their canonical one. So they go to Dor-lómin for handwavy geopolitical reasons (Ossiriand isn’t safe any more after the fall of Himring, does that make military sense idk JUST GO WITH IT), and then Lúthien channels Finrod and discovers how cute and wonderful mortals are!! My girlie deserves some cute and wonderful mortal friends ok 🥺 and now she’s invested in saving the world for Lalaith’s granddaughters and their granddaughters – which is ironic, because Lalaith herself wouldn’t be alive if Lúthien hadn’t managed to steal two Silmarils from Morgoth. I think this is the best and most normal response to the Mortality Problem anyone can have – Lúthien knows she will be leaving the world soon enough, but loving mortals has inspired her to leave it a better place when she goes. So it’s still ultimately her own selfish love – only what is hers – that is motivating her here! But she’s done great things in the name of love before, and she can do them again.
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electricprincess96 · 9 months
why do you dislike astarian?
I'm sure if I answered truthfully I'd get mountains of lectures telling me why I'm wrong and awful for not liking the fandoms darling but heres my attempt to articulate my issues. This is in no particular order.
1. It actively makes no sense in character for any version of Tav to keep Ast*rion alive.
A good aligned Tav would likely attack him after he attacks them when they meet and if we assume we give him the old "OK we'll forgive you this time but don't do it again" once he tries to snack on us without consent while we sleep that reasonably should be his last straw.
An evil aligned Tav should have even less reasons to give him second chances cause killing should be nothing to them. And it isn't till later we really know how his worldview would align with an evil Tav
The only real reason to keep Ast*rion is if you are roleplaying a pushover OR you are being Meta because you the player find him attractive. Even Lae'Zel who starts the game really mean (somewhat justifably so since shes put in a cage and racially abused after being put through what her people claim is a fate worse than death), has a good reason to be kept around, she claims to have a cure for the parasite and will share it with the rest of you. Ast*rion offers nothing other than trying to stab you when you meet and then trying to drink your blood without consent while you sleep. Realistically his luck should have run out like if it was Wyll or Karlach or Lae'Zel in charge and you didn't control them he'd be dead. Probably even Shadowheart and Gale would as well.
2. By changing how DnD Vampire Spawns work they made his plot actively very confusing.
OK so Vampire Spawns are meant to not have any control over themselves, their master is meant to be able to control them. We briefly see this when one of the Spawns goes to disobey Caz*dor later. The issue with that is if Caz*dor can control them.... why does he need to punish them into submission? Ast*rion says he almost escaped once but why did Caz*dor ever give him enough freewill to even attempt that? Is Caz*dor just a sadist? If so they don't do a good enough job portraying that. They make the hunger and bloodlust that Spawns feel seem almost.... inconsequential for Ast*rion after that first feeding scene, they basically plays so fast and loose with the DnD Vampire lore but still used the lore to justify every bad thing Ast*rion did under Caz*dor so that he doesn't have to admit any fault like no don't bend the lore into a pretzel but then still use the lore for justifying and exonerate Ast*rion.
3. I don't get the impression he changed as much as people claim.
Like does he grow through his romance? Sure he starts to see Tav as more of a person and less of a tool. That's great. But Lae'Zel and Shadowheart both have fantastic development OUTSIDE of their relationship to Tav. The bar was set too high for you to hide his development behind a romance route I have no desire to do. I'll admit this is an issue Gale to a degree suffers from as well, less so that he doesn't change if you romance him but in his case more so his very examples of his growth are hidden in his romance scenes.
But with Ast*rion I did not think he really self reflected in the ways I would have liked. Even right before fighting Caz*dor he was still claiming he had no reason to feel guilty about what he did as a servant of Caz*dor, like yes the game wants me to believe you had no control, but someone with a conscience would still feel guilty about it. Also everyone else provided you've been pushing then towards good throughout the game will choose to make the right decision on their own accord when given the chance in game, every version of the Ascension scene I've seen requires a persuasion roll for Ast*rion, meaning he doesn't choose to not do the ritual himself he always needs to be persuaded not to whereas provided you've pushed Shadowheart towards good the whole game she will choose to save Dame Aylin on her own, Lae'Zel will choose to turn against Vlaakith on her own etc. The only way he doesn't need persuaded is if 1. He never learnt about the ritual from Raphael, thus he is only there to kill Caz*dor anyway or 2. You kill one of the Spawns in the battle thus the ritual can't be complete
4. He was favoured by the developers at the detriment of other characters.
It's insane that there's literally proof from some of the people who worked on this game that they favoured Ast*rion over other characters when it came to content. And some of his fans think this is somehow a good thing? When all this does is show the rest of the fans (who let's remember the most recent stats the majority of players are not Ast*rion Girlies, they are very loud within fandom but fandom is not everyone who bought and played this game) that we are not as valued by Larian and that's gonna breed resentment.
Wyll got absolutely shafted compared to other companions and everyone got shafted compared to Ast*rion. When the game had to cut out content for Wyll and Karlach but was able to add in like double the amount of romance scenes of Ast*rion when compared to the next companion with the most scenes then we need to start asking why this was allowed. We'd all rather have a complete story for everyone than an extra sex scene with Ast*rion that doesn't add anything to the plot.
5. His fans are obnoxious
Now.... I will be the first to admit all the fans of each of the characters are kinda obnoxious (except most Wyll fans, you guys are cool, I like you). I love Gale and even I know that his fans can be overly defensive at times (sometimes justifiably so, other times they just need to take a step back and realise not every joke at Gale's expense is hateful). BUT because Ast*rion fans are so prominent in fandom spaces you are more likely to run into obnoxious Ast*rion fans than the rest. Like if a post doesn't mention him, don't bring him up in the comments, if someone says "I'm role-playing a Lawful Good Paladin etc. I need a Rogue cause my character wouldn't bring Ast*rion along" don't spend the next hour of your life trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to justify why someone who is Lawful Good should be OK with having the man who disapproves of you helping slaves around. And stop throwing the "canon" word around. This is an issue I have with fandom in general nowadays but "canon" doesn't matter much. BG3 will NEVER canonise a love interest for Tav, they might never even canonise a class or race for Tav. So stol trying to argue that because Ast*rion x D*rge got so much extra content that it's canon to try and win some silly Internet war. All you're doing is annoying people.
What's kinda sad is... I found Ast*rion to be incredibly charming early on, not my type for romance but I enjoyed having him around for the snarky commentary. But whenever his plot came up I found myself rolling my eyes cause the rest of the game Ast*rion seems so self aware that he's kinda an asshole yet when his plot scenes happen he seems to lose that self awareness and it just soured the character for me. But hey, by most modern day gaming standards he's still basically Shakespearean in comparison so this will likely be the only post I make detailing my issues unless I'm asked something more indepth.
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23, 18, 16, 1, 7 for the askgame :-)
23. Ship I’ve unwillingly come across?
Probably skyshipping or the fact that there are like 10 yusho x Yuya (which is literally FATHER AND SON INCEST??) fics on ao3. Life is pain.
18. A ship this fandom has been sleeping on
DEFINITELY Kazuma x Vetrix from Zexal. They literally have chemistry and like a good half of the WDC arc is dedicated to Vetrix planning his revenge on Faker because he believed he killed his boyfriend. Vetrix was in LOVE with that man I tell you. There are multiple times where Vetrix says how Kazuma was the most intelligent and crafty man he knew, and even if he was evil, his plans were started with good intentions. YUGIOH OLD MAN YAOI IS REALLLLLLL
The character everyone gets wrong
it’s either Syrus or Yusho for me. It feels like the GX and Arc-V fandom has a hateboner dor both of them when both of them have done almost no wrong. Syrus is literally just a Self conscious teenager who’s worried he won’t amount to anything and while Yusho is kinda stinky poopoo for leaving his family, by the time he was reintroduced to the story it was at the time where the shows writing was imploding on itself so technically it’s not his fault. HES JUST A DAD WHOS TRYING TO BE JOYOUS
16. I can’t understand why people like this thing
I don’t See the appeal of main girl x main guy yugioh ships. I was a big fan of peachshipping when I was a child but now I’m just kind of annoyed with it.
Yugiohs writing has an issue with mysogny and general sexism, to the point where the woman don’t do anything unless it’s for the sake of a man. Hell, it’s even worse in Zexal. Half of Yumas female friends are just apart of his harem and have no personality than “I like Yuma” and contribute nothing else to the plot. It’s really sad because their designs are VERY cute yet they do nothing with it.
The worst example of this is the fact that people legitimately ship Kaito x Droite/Dextra when it’s origin comes from sexism. Dextra was randomly made to have a crush on Kaito just so Vetrix could beat her ass in a duel like five minutes later, then her crush was forgotten entirely after this.
In conclusion, straight ships in yugioh are not that good!!!
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
No character, but I have mild annoyance when I watch Vrains because the way people treat Aoi Zaizen is absolutely disgusting, stop acting like she’s a damsel in distress and that Yusaku has to save her like HOLY SHIT. Also Yusaku is canonically gay so nice job calling yourself out on your bigotry!
That’s it, I think
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boomstyle · 1 year
Chapter Sneak Peak
Chapter 7. Escape
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[White Space]
Meanwhile, Morpho Eggman was trapped inside White Space and looked exhausted. He glanced over his marital ring with rage over his loss. Morpho Eggman's marital ring hosted a potrait of his wife, Omletta. Her death ignited his vengence when the hedgehog brats murdered her.
Moreover, his dimension explosion during the Neo Galtic revolution between Eggman Empire and former Galtic Kingdom (so called Ancients). The dimensional explosion respresented tragic tie from both sides.
Regardless, Omletta and Agent Stone were safe. Morpho Eggman had ordered Agent Stone to refugee along with Omletta to Eggtopia an hour before the last battle started on Morpho dimension. 'Were they really okay?', Morpho Eggman thought.
Morpho Eggman tried to message Agent Stone on his wrist communicator but there was no signal. It seemed that getting out of the white space was his only option. Fortunately, he had several nano dimensional portal device inside his hidden cape pocket. He activated his nano dimensional portal device, setting it to his desired location, and throwing it which generates portal to Eggtopia zone.
[Eggtopia Zone]
As he reached to the neon dystopian city, the phone signal improved drastically. Morpho Eggman send a text to voice message through his wrist communicator to indicate his presence.
"Preapare my latte! Make it extra creamy for today!", Morpho Eggman ordered.
[War Hall, Eggtopia HQ]
An hour later, Morpho Eggman stepped into War hall. Agent Stone and Omelette stood up adjacent to his desk with a cup of coffee on top of it. There was a picture of Morpho Eggman, Leta and Omellete in a cup of latte. Morpho Eggman smiled over the latte whilst drinking it slowly reminiscing the good memory he had with his wife and daugther.
" Daddy ", Omelette cried as she hugged her father.
" Omelette, that's my girl. Don't cry again! You're a supervillain. ", Morpho Eggman replied.
"Sir, we didn't find any sign of Dexter during our last battle. ", Agent Stone reminded.
" Then, find him! His existance would bring us and Eggman Empire down.", Morpho Eggman smashed the table.
"Dad . . ", Omellete cut off.
"Wait, dear. Brother, preapare our spare eggmobile! We're hunting Dexter down. Omellete, you can follow uncle Stone and dad for now but don't neglect your study!", Eggman instructed.
" Understand, Dad!", Omellete nod.
[Trunk Base, few hours after Eggman's return]
Few weeks after Dexter saved the young pink hedgehog, the young hedgehog partners collaborated well. They divided daily task for cooking, cleaning, surveilling camera, searching for ingredients and woods for fire. Amy Rose and Dexter got along well after the first impression. The young pink hedgehog grew trust over the young male hedgehog. 
At bruch, Dexter was gathering up woods. He had gathered tinder and kindling but it's not enough to start out fire in the wilderness. At Seaside Island, wilderness xqmp fire require tinder, kindling and fire woods. The young male hedgehog swinged the sharpened abandoned axe over a tree but a call from his communicator interrupted him.
"Dexter, (alarm voice from his AVA) I heard a voice signal from your device. I tried to silent it but it keeped ringing and a notification popped out saying danger allert.", Amy Rose informed as she boiled a eater and seasoned a raw fish.
"We need to pack up!", Dexter instructed.
Dexter teleported from his current position to his base. At his base, Dexter helped Amy to pack up his bag. Luckily, other than his drinking bottle, AVA and C Pick 05, they had nothing to worry about any belonging left behind. The young male hedgehog intentionally dropped a map with a cross on random location. Afterward Dexter picked her up bridal style whilst teleported themselves from their base to Thirdle Dor. Thirdle Dor is located at the Skye coast of Bygone Island. Skye coast provide a direct sea route to a European country in Soknic Boom world, Spagonia.
On the other hand, the Eggman family was approaching to close to their base. Morpho Eggman remembered the trunk base at his home dimension. It was filled with campsites of rebels and the trunk was the rebellion's secret base. Now, they had to hunt the leader before they're hunted down. Eggman brought a group of badniks and survelaince moving camera to detect the young male hedgehog's presence. Omellete and Agent Stone went down to the secret trunk base to see any signs of Dexter around. Dexter was not around but the food scraps, map and firewoods left signify the presence of Dexter in Sonic Boom's world. The assistant smirked while his niece stared blankly.
"Uncle, he's gone. Why do you smirk?", Omellete asked.
"Omelette, I know where he is." Agent Stone said.
Agent Stone took the map and showed it to Eggman. However, Eggman didn't find any signs of Dexter around but he found 5 surveillance camera around the base close to the Peril river.
The map indicated that Dexter was going to Mazuri. Hence, they set out a journey to North Mazuri to capture Dexter with their Eggmobile for a week but his presense was nowhere to be found.
"Darn it!",, Eggman ripped the map.
"He con us!"
"Forgive me, Sir.", Agent Stone apologized.
" Accepted Stone. We just have to search the whole country then.", Eggman grinned.
Meanwhile, Dexter and Amy had passed through Spagonia to Apotos to Shammar through sevral high speed rail. They're safe from Morpho Eggman and his assistant now but there's no telling when Eggman would find him. The most important thing was a mission to save the multiverse from the control of Eggman and other villain by retrieving a crystal.
Which country in Sonic Boom would Dexter and Amy go to? What would they be doing there? Find out on the next chapter of The Conquest of Crystal.
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With My Life
October 2022
I heard my phone go off, an alert for a message coming through on my social media. I ignored it, I hardly ever used it and figured it was just another scam email. The only reason I still even has it was for family to send things or to see what was happening in their lives. If I lived closer to them, I wouldn’t even have it. Being 1300 miles away made it hard to keep up with anyone, especially when I didn’t have their cell phone numbers anymore to text or call them and catch up. There was always too much drama, scam posts, political opinions and sad posts of animals needing good homes. For every post from a family member, there were 15 more from people that I would roll my eyes at and scroll past.
                I silenced my phone and kept plugging away at my current client’s request. This particular one had been the bane of my existence for the past few months and I was ready to be done with it. Arguments with the attorney’s office, complete silence from the title company, at least 5 emails a day from the client who couldn’t seem to understand the hold up. He was constantly asking for updates on the progress and couldn’t seem to grasp that until he got us what we needed from him, then we were stalled on making any headway. I was ready to pull my hair out by the end of every day and my constant headache got worse with every email he sent. Deciding to take a quick break, I grabbed my vape and headed out the back dor. The sun beat down on me and I took a deep breath, relaxing my shoulders and unclenching my jaw.
                I had always been a naturally nervous person, preferring to either hide away or blend in if I couldn’t find a way to make myself invisible. Thankfully for my sanity, when I started this job I found the perfect little nook for when I needed to step away. There was enough cover to keep the elements away when it was nasty outside but still be able to enjoy the few sunny and warm days we had left of fall. I could still keep an eye out on the area around me but wasn’t easily seen. If you wanted to see me, you really had to look. I took a few more deep breaths and soaked up a few more rays of sunshine. A few hits on my vape and a mental pat on the back, I decided to get back in and finish what I could.
                What I thought would be a quick and easy phone call and just a couple short emails turned into an all-day project. I worked straight through lunch to tie up any loose ends and sent an email to the client to let him know what the last couple of items I needed from him to get the loan sent off the next day. I knew that it was highly unlikely that I would be able to send everything off but I still held out a little hope. Time seemed to fly by, and the next thing I knew, it was the end of the day and everyone had already left. The cleaning crew were already hard at work trying to get everything ready for the next day and the lights were shut off in all of the main areas. I quickly cleaned up my desk and locked all of my files away for the night, packed up my work bag and headed outside to wait for my ride.
                Six years and counting of seizures had left me with a paid off car I couldn’t drive and relying on other people for rides wherever I had to go, my mom being the main person to get us back and forth anywhere we had to go. I still lived at home with her and my step dad. It made the commute back and forth to our jobs easier and a great way to save money instead of having to rent an expensive apartment within walking distance to my job. It didn’t bother me quite as much as it used to in the beginning, we at least had reliable transportation and we both worked the same hours so it was a win-win for both of us. The only times it bothered me were nights I had to stay later than normal or when the weather turned nasty. Tonight happened to be one of those nights for both.
                There was no car in sight and the wind had picked up, bringing a sprinkling of rain along with it. I had completely forgotten they were calling for a storm that evening and, in hindsight, I should have just stayed in the building and waited for her. Too late now. The best thing I could do was move to under the drive thru awning and hope that she got here before it got too bad outside. I pulled out my phone and saw the messenger notification still sitting on my home screen. I cleared it off and sent her a quick text, letting her know where I was waiting at. She sent a message back fairly quick, saying that she had just gotten out of work and would be there as soon as she could so I closed the app down on my phone and waited.
                I stood there for a couple of minutes before remembering the message again. Opening the app, I saw the message was from someone named “Ken” with a profile picture of a tv show character. Immediately, I thought ‘Hmm….I wonder what kind of scam this could be’. I had been in banking for 12 years at that point and had seen just about everything in the book. From the fake paychecks for using a bumper sticker, to a relative in jail needing bail money and everything in between. I had my profile set to private and usually the only people that could get a direct message to me either had to already be friends or we had mutual friends in common. Curiosity got the better of me and I went ahead and opened the message. It at least had to be good for a laugh or two. When I read it, all the person had put was just a simple short message.
Ken: Hey, been a long time. How have you been?
                I wondered who it could be. The name didn’t ring a bell. I tried to pull up their profile to get an idea of whether I actually knew this person or not, but there wasn’t much to see. It looked like a new profile, just a couple of pictures from other tv shows and it looked like they lived in the same area as me. Maybe it was one of my customers from one of my old jobs? I had worked at a couple of banks before the one I was currently at and had built fairly close relationships with a lot of them. Some of them, I still kept in contact with to this day! It felt good to know that, even though I no longer saw them on a daily basis, I could still remain close with some of them and make sure they were still doing okay.
                I went back to the message and tried to wrack my brain. Who could this be? I didn’t know anyone by that name and with no picture to go off of, I didn’t have much to guess by. They had to know me if they were able to find me on here. I wracked my brain but I kept coming up empty on guesses for this person. I debated on just deleting the message and blocking the person but my guilt complex decided to make itself known. What if it WAS someone I knew and was just not remembering them? I pondered for a minute on what to do before deciding to put on my customer service hat and type out a polite reply.
Me: It’s great to hear from you, it has been a while! I’ve been doing well, thank you for asking. I just started a new job and am excited to see what comes of it! How have you been? Has everyone been doing well?
                I read it over a few times before I hit “send”, deeming it polite and appropriate and would hopefully be enough to give me a little more information on who messaged me. Maybe It would be enough that I would remember them quickly. Besides, worst case scenario and it was a scam or a hacker, I could just delete my profile and start a new one. I read it over again and sent it off, shoving my phone back into my purse and look around for my ride. I heard it go off again but before I could see what they sent back, my chariot arrived to whisk me away from work and back home. It couldn’t have gotten here soon enough! As soon as I got in the car and we pulled out of the parking lot, the heavens opened up.
                A torrential downpour quickly made it almost impossible to see and the streets started to flood, unable to keep up with the storm. Neither of us spoke as we drove through downtown, trying to focus on not getting hit or washed away. Once we finally got out of the city, it seemed to start letting up a little and we both released a breath. My mom removed one of her hands from the steering wheel and tried to shake and stretch it out before placing it back where it was. The white knuckle grip she had for the past 10 minutes had really done a number on her already hurting hands. I knew she had to be in pain, it was near the deadline for her monthly reports and she always came home with stiff fingers and shooting pains from keying in so much information. 
                “I really hate driving in this!” she said as she adjusted the defrost to try and help clear the windshield a little more. I looked over at her and she was squinting, trying to see out and I let out a small chuckle, asking her “Did you maybe try putting your glasses on and see if that would help?”. She looked over at me and smiled, pulling her other hand off of the steering wheel and repeating the process, “My cheaters aren’t going to help with this smart ass.” I tried to joke with her and cheer her up a little, “Look on the bright side then! You have a great copilot with a deafening set of lungs and an extra set of eyes! Between the both of us, we can do this! You’ll have to work the pedals and the wheel but I can at least help keep a lookout!”
                She smiled and shook her head, looking a little sad for a minute before reaching over and taking my hand in hers. “One day Mija, one day you’ll get there. And when you do, you can be the chauffer and take me wherever I want to go for a change.” I squeezed her hand and gave her a slight smile. The rain had let up quite a bit the closer we got to home and she didn’t have a white knuckle grip of the wheel anymore so I took the opportunity to gaze out at the passing scenery and let my mind wander. 
                There wasn’t much to see, it was already fairly dark outside. We lived in a small town outside of where our work was, about half an hour away. Some of my friends thought it was so far away but it worked for us. Our little town of 1100 people was quiet and calm most of the year except for services on Sundays and the town festival every fall. It was perfect for us, and gave us a chance to wind down after being in the bustling traffic and the city life. Though some people would consider our city small, to me and mom, it felt huge. Going from a town of 1100 people to a city of over 70,000 felt like a huge change to us. Sure, there were bigger cities around Decatur but we never really went there and were already fine with dealing with the area we had to be in. 
                It had a fairly good university, one of the top corn and soybean processing factories in the country and plenty of shops and restaurants. We may have considered it big, but it was still considered a “small town”. Our drive in and home sometimes made us wish we lived closer but the smell reminded us why we didn’t. Depending on the time of day and which way the wind blew, the stench varied between corn syrup and dog food. When it rained, it was even worse and seemed to linger even longer than normal. 
                The drive was long, but it was worth it. It gave us plenty of time to vent and talk about our days before we got home. We had always tried to leave work at the door. Don’t let it bleed into our home lives and worry about it later. Nine times out of ten, we never had any problems with doing just that. Sometimes my work life and home life would collide but it was few and far between, especially with my current job. No more late night phone calls or trying to help someone over the phone. No late trips in the middle of the night to try to fix whatever was wrong at the branches or alarms that were tripped. It was a fresh new start and one that I was ready for at that point in my life.
                By the time we pulled in the drive at home, you would never even know it was storming not far away. Halfway home, we had very light rain but at home? It was dry as a bone and you could see the stars peeking out through breaks in the clouds. Central Illinois weather at its finest, if you don’t like it just wait 5 minutes or drive down the road. It might be a completely different story there.
                We walked in the door and each headed off to our own rooms. I dropped my bag off at the foot of the bed and started to strip my work clothes off. I grabbed my comfiest hoodie and sweatpants, taking advantage of my step dad working late and not bothering to keep on my bra or underwear. After a quick dinner and cleaning up the kitchen, we turned on some home improvement shows for background noise and decided to do our own thing. Mom loved to wind down at night by coloring on her tablet and I had downloaded a few e-books at work for the evening. I grabbed my tablet and tried to turn it on but all I got was a black screen. The battery was dead and the charger was nowhere to be found.
                I let out a frustrated breath and went on the hunt. I was famous in my family for easily misplacing or losing things so it was no surprise that I couldn’t find something when I needed it. I could now add “charger” to that list. I went to my cubby hole in my room that I designated for charging cable and plug ins…only to find it empty as well. Where could it be? Rational thought went straight out the window and I immediately went to tear through my other hiding spots, leaving a trail of destruction in my wake. Halfway through making my room look like a tornado had ripped through it, it dawned on me. “Dumb ass,” I scolded myself’ “It’s in your purse! You took it with you to work instead of your phone charger.”
                I cursed myself some more and dug the charger out of my purse. Realizing I still couldn’t read or listen to my audiobooks until it had a charge on it, I reached down and took my phone and earbuds with me back to the living room. I could at least use those until I had some juice on the tablet. Huffing out a breath at the state of my room, I decided that I would take care of it later and strolled out to the living room. Putting my tablet on the charger, I went to the kitchen to fix a cup of my favorite chamomile and mint tea. “Hey T,” my mom said, looking over her glasses at me from the couch, “have you taken your meds yet?”
                Oops….I hadn’t even thought about them. “No but I’ll go ahead and take them now” I told her. Going over to our overflowing shelf of medications and storage boxes, I went ahead and grabbed mine from their designated day in the case and set them down to finish steeping my tea. Once it was ready, I blew on it to cool it off a little and tossed my pills back with a sip. “Oh good!”, mom piped up again, “You can grab mine for me too while you’re in there!” I looked over at her with a smile and decided to try to make her laugh. “Oh of course madam! Would thoust care for a frosty beverage from the ice box to aid you?” I asked with a fake posh accent and a deep curtsy. She rolled her eyes at me and laughed, “Just get them for me would you?? Goofy girl!” Mission successful. A smile and a laugh were exactly what I wanted to cause.
                I reached over to her section and grabbed hers out of her pill box. Having two people in the house and an epileptic made for a lot of medications. Depending on the days we needed refills or were fully stocked, we looked like we could open up our own pharmacy in a heartbeat. Once I gave her the night set that she needed, I walked over to my side of the couch and flopped down. “T? Are you feeling okay? She asked from her end of the sectional, “You seem a little frantic.” I gave her a smile, “Yeah, I’m just tired. It was a long and frustrating day. I still can’t get the loan finished that I need to and it’s like pulling teeth to get anyone to cooperate! I’ve gotten better answers from school children than I have from them! I am just ready to relax and be a couch potato for the night” She held her tablet up at me and showed me the picture she was working on. “That’s my exact plan for the rest of the night!”
                We got comfortable in our spots and went about our own projects. I popped an earbud in and opened my audiobook app on my phone, selecting the shorter romance novel that I had gotten earlier in the morning and hit play. While the prologue was going, I remembered that I had received a message from “Ken”. I switched over to my messenger app and immediately felt terrible. 4 unread messages! I probably should have checked this sooner…especially if this was one of my older clients. I opened them and started reading.
Ken: “Yeah, it really has. I think the last time we talked, I was still living in Shelbyville!”
That made me pause….Who did I know in Shelbyville? I had a few distant family members there but none of us were on speaking terms. I kept reading on, hoping for another clue.
Ken: “If I’m being completely honest, life hasn’t been all too great. Got divorced about a year ago, separated for over two. Moved back home and living with my mom. Just working and sleeping whenever I don’t have the kids. How about you? Have you and mom been doing okay?”
                None of this was ringing a bell….I knew my seizures had done some damage but not this much! Who could this be? Lives with his mom, has kids and is divorced…..Still coming up blank I kept on.
Ken: “Hello? Are you okay?”
                I felt terrible…..For the life of me, I just could NOT remember who this was! I dug through every memory I could think of with my previous clients but no one seemed to match that! I decided to bite the bullet and ask who this was.
Me: “Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond! I just got home from work and finished dinner. I am so sorry to hear about your recent struggles and I hope they get better. I hate to ask but my brain has seemed to realize we are no longer at work and has clocked out for the day. Would you remind me of your name?”
                Hitting send, I took a deep breath and tried to reason with my guilt complex and anxiety. I’m not being rude, it’s completely reasonable to ask who it is! They seem to know me and mom, it’s been years since I’ve seen them and it’s understandable to ask for their name. They will understand and if they don’t, then I can just block them and delete the message. No skin off my back! The bubble popped up that indicated they were writing back so I waited a couple of minutes for their response but nothing came. I shrugged and locked the screen. Laying back on the couch, I listened to my book for about an hour before I could feel my eyes starting to get heavy. Yawning, I got up from the couch and stretched myself out. I could feel the tension on my neck and between my shoulder blades so I twisted around as best as I could to try to relieve some of it.
                As I passed my mom, I told her I was headed to bed, gave her a kiss on the cheek and wished her a good night. In my room, I stripped off my pjs, put my earbuds back in my purse and put my phone on the charger for the night. I double checked all of my alarms were correct for the morning and crawled into my nest of blankets and pillows on the bed. Wrapping myself in my warmest blanket, I curled up and knew it wouldn’t take too long to fall asleep.
                The next morning I flew in the door at work and rushed to clock in. Alarms that go off every 15 minutes, starting at six in the morning, and somehow I still overslept. Another perk of living at home, I wasn’t the only one who did that morning. My mom hollered down the hall that we were both running late and rushed to get ready. Had it not been for her, I would still be passed out in bed. I clocked in just in time and got all of my files out to get started on the day.
        ��       I hadn’t been sleeping well for a couple of weeks and had felt a little off lately, but stress always did that to me and in combination with not sleeping well? It wreaked havoc on my body so it made sense at the time as to why I felt so off. I checked my emails from overnight and saw that not only had the lawyers office send me a couple, but the title company had sent quite a few and the customer sent one in the middle of the night with new requests for his loan. I groaned and dropped my head down onto my desk. It was going to be another long day, I could already tell. It would be so much easier if they would communicate with each other instead of using me as the go between. This person wants this done, but won’t do it unless the other person says they will. The client wants this done but one place says no to the change while the other says yes. It was like dealing with children in a petty argument! I was shocked I still had hair on my head for as much as they made me want to rip it out.
                I had never been more grateful to have an office of coffee addicts just like me. It meant there was at least 1 fresh carafe of coffee ready to go and Keurigs ready at a moments notice. I stepped into the conference room and sure enough, a fresh pot of what smelled like raspberry coffee was ready to go. I grabbed my favorite mug from the cabinet and filled it, leaving just enough room for a splash of creamer. I sat back down at my desk and took everything out I would need to survive the day. Earbuds from my purse, a charger in case they go dead, my phone and its charger, my vape and my worry stone. I popped an earbud in quickly and opened my music storage to see what felt good for the day.
                Between my music collection at home and what I had purchased on my phone, I could always find something that sounded good for the day. Whether I needed something to kickstart the day or something to calm me down, I had it at the tip of my fingers at a moment’s notice. Feeling like I needed something a little heavier for the morning, I scrolled through my library until I came across Ozzy Osbourne. That sounded like the perfect way to start the day, and as soon as I clicked to play “No More Tears”, I knew it was the right one. I felt my body relax and my brain slow down. I grabbed my files, opened all my apps and got straight to work. The next thing I knew, it was lunch time and “Return Of The Mack” was blaring in my ears. I shook off the fog in my head and headed out for lunch, opting to spend it outside again since it wasn’t too bad out. I grabbed my phone and vape and stepped out the back door. I needed a chance to calm down and if the hustle and bustle I heard inside was anything to go by, I did NOT want to spend my lunch in there. 
                Once I got back to my desk, the afternoon flew by just as quickly as the morning did. I had worked over again without even realizing it, but at least tonight I wasn’t the only one. One of the other bank officers and a couple of the tellers were still in, trying to finish up their work and balance out for the day. I started to save everything on my desktop and made some notes for where I needed to start tomorrow and heard my phone go off. I finished up the last of what I needed to do and clocked out before heading outside to wait for my ride. I was shocked to see that “Ken” had responded back instead of just ignoring me. I still felt bad for forgetting whoever it is, I wouldn’t have blamed them if they didn’t respond.
Ken: “Oh, did you forget me already? Lol, just kidding. It HAS been a while, at least five years, since we’ve seen each other so I don’t blame you if it’s a little fuzzy. I’m sure your seizures haven’t helped much with that either.”
                Okay wait, what? Whoever this was knew about my seizures, which means I knew them fairly well. I tried not to tell anyone unless I trusted them or if they absolutely HAD TO KNOW in case something happened. I typed out a reply as best as I could, my hands starting to shake a little.
Me: “I apologize, some of my older memories are a little harder to remember than they used to be.”
Ken: “Don’t apologize, you’re fine! I’m used to it by now! You’ve had memory problems since we were in school. I was actually surprised you responded to my first message, I wasn’t sure if you would remember me with how hazy your memory could be.”
Wait, in school?! Okay, who the fuck is this person and how do they know me?! I started to type out that exact response but before I could send it off, they sent me another message that made me freeze in place.
Ken: “It’s JB”
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a-dorin · 2 years
i have a blurb idea! how about the character’s reaction to you coming up behind them and hugging them, maybe after you’ve haven’t seen one another for awhile? with either plo or eeth.
ps i’ve missed your writing sm ♥️
blurb idea granted lovely <3 here’s a bit of fluff with our favorite kel dor, plo koon
and thank you, i’ve missed writing for you guys :’) also, the reader is a jedi in this one. sorry if that isn’t clarified!
“i take it the mission was a success?”
“oh certainly,” your heart swells the moment you hear that voice.
his voice.
it’s gruff, roughened and deep from the modulator, but nonetheless it’s his. and gods, is it so so sweet to hear it again.
peering from behind the column, you notice the group of jedi strolling down the corridor, satisfaction painted across their features as they converse. you pick out kit fisto, quinlan vos, as well as aayla secura in the midst.
however, they were not the jedi you were searching for.
he was in the center of the group, arms folded across his chest, nodding in confirmation to every few words or so, or perhaps the brief inquiries about his time spent off world.
“well,” quinlan clears his throat, “i assume the council will have a complete briefing in a matter of hours. we’ll just have to hear all about it then, master plo.”
“i wouldn’t dare leave out a single detail,” the kel dor remarks, hints of amusement lacing his tone, “after all, who doesn’t love a good battle tale? i know you have a quite few yourself, master vos.”
“you know it,” quinlan smirks, shooting a wink at the kel dor, “we will see you at the briefing. may the force be with you.”
“and may the force be with you,” the kel dor dips his head, clasping his hands together.
as the jedi disperse, you inhale sharply, debating if this was really the time. after all, you could be noticed by wandering eyes. this would be out in the open.
but gods, it’s been too long.
before your mind can even process what the next step is, your body acts.
wrapping your arms around his frame, you squeeze, burying your head into his cloak. the familiar scent of lavender and teakwood floods your nostrils, your eyes squeezing shut.
“you’re not very good at hiding, little dove,” his hands find yours, intertwining your fingers with talons, “i felt you, wandering about.”
“i couldn’t wait till tonight,” you murmur.
“oh my beautiful girl,” plo huffs, “what am i going to do with you?”
“oh hush,” letting go for a second, plo faces you, gently cupping your cheek, “you missed me, don’t deny it.”
a talon traces your cheekbone, the kel dor leaning forward. his forehead brushes yours, bliss filling you to the brim.
“my love, i couldn’t even begin to describe how much i missed you. i don’t believe there’s even a quantitative number.”
“could you try to come up with one?” a giggle bubbles up in your throat.
“no,” he shakes his head, hand now drifting towards the back of your neck. he pulls you closer, letting out a shallow breath.
“before this briefing begins, i believe i have other matters to tend to. the first is telling you how much i love you, little dove. and the second, is explaining to you how there was not a single moment where you were not in the back of my mind. and the third, well. that may have to be saved for later tonight.”
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Hallo! You have a lovely blog. I have a question that has been gnawing at me for some time and I was curious for your thoughts; Which First Age Elven *realm* had the most/longest freindship with the Khazad? Evidently, Finrod Felakgundu had an outstanding friendship, but what of the rest of Nargothrond? The Feanorians had a military alliance, Maedhros saves Azaghal, and I had heard Curufin, son on Fea, had learned Knhuzdul. I could ramble more, but alas there is a text limit! Haha. Cheers!
Hi! Thanks so much, and thanks for the ask! This is a really interesting question. :) It's really difficult to know which First Age Elven realm had the best friendship with the Dwarves, because there’s so little information, although I think I figured out which one had the longest relationship! So here’s what we do know.
According to Morgoth’s Ring, the Dwarves entered Beleriand in Y.T. 1250 and met the Sindar at that time. The Silmarillion says, ‘Ever cool was the friendship between the Naugrim and the Eldar, though much profit they had one of the other; but at that time those griefs that lay between them had not yet come to pass, and King Thingol welcomed them. But the Naugrim gave their friendship more readily to the Noldor in after days than to any others of Elves and Men, because of their love and reverence for Aulë...’
We are told that Elves and Dwarves built Menegroth together, so I don't quite believe that their friendship was cool. I think it would have been fairly positive, especially since the Dwarves adopted the Cirth invented by Daeron; there was some level of cultural exchange. It also says, ‘Melian taught them much that they were eager to learn,’ and ‘the Naugrim laboured long and gladly for Thingol,’ which sounds positive. Still, it’s possible that their friendship with the Noldor was simply stronger than their friendship with the Sindar.
Then there’s the question of how long the relationship lasted. Did the Dwarves have much contact with Thingol’s people after they completed construction of Menegroth? According to The War of the Jewels, after Thingol built Menegroth with the help of the Dwarves in Y.T. 1300, in Y.T. 1320 the Dwarves spoke to him of their concerns of returning evil in the north, and in Y.T. 1330 Thingol hired Dwarven smiths, including Telchar, to forge weapons for his people. Much later, when Thingol receives the treasure from Nargothrond, he asks the Dwarves of Belegost to set the Silmaril in the Nauglamír, so it seems to me that contact between Doriath and the Blue Mountains would not have ceased in the intervening time. 
Thingol died in F.A. 502, and that was obviously the end of Doriath’s friendship with the Dwarves, but it seems likely to me that Doriath did have the longest relationship with the Dwarves than other Elven realms. But how long was it? The Years of the Trees lasted 1500 years, which was equivalent to 14,373 solar years, meaning one Year of the Trees is about 9.5 Years of the Sun. Thingol's people had contact with the Dwarves for 250 Years of the Trees, and 502 years of the First Age, which comes out to 2,877 years!
Moving on to the Noldor, it says that the Dwarves were more friendly to the Noldor than the Sindar. In terms of how and when they met, the Fëanorians settled in Eastern Beleriand in F.A. 7, according to The War of the Jewels. The Silmarillion says, ‘but all the great land between Gelion and the mountains, and between Rerir and the River Ascar, was called by the Noldor Thargelion, which signifies the Land beyond Gelion, or Dor Caranthir, the Land of Caranthir; and it was here that the Noldor first met the Dwarves.’
It doesn’t say that Caranthir was the first son of Fëanor to meet the Dwarves, but it seems likely that he was; Curufin settled in the Pass of Aglon, so it seems likely that Caranthir came in contact with the Dwarves before Curufin did, even if Curufin was more interested in their language. The time period when Caranthir and Curufin could have interacted with the Dwarves would have been between F.A. 7 and F.A. 455, when the Dagor Bragollach occurred and Curufin fled to Nargothrond and Caranthir fled south to Amon Ereb. Therefore, it seems like Caranthir and Curufin were most likely nearby/in contact with the Dwarves for a maximum of 448 years, depending on how soon after F.A. 7 they made contact.
The bit about Curufin learning Khuzdul comes from The Peoples of Middle-earth: ‘but Curufin was most interested in the alien language of the Dwarves, being the only one of the Noldor to win their friendship.’ The second half of that quote directly contradicts the later canon, however, because there are other Noldor who win their friendship. This isn’t to say Curufin didn’t win their friendship; only that Curufin wasn’t the only one, and it also seems unlikely that he was the only Noldo to be interested in their language, either, in a culture full of linguists and scholars; also, Finrod received a Khuzdul name. 
Nargothrond was founded in F.A. 52 and completed in F.A. 102, and the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains helped Finrod with the building. During this time the Dwarves also make the Nauglamír for Finrod. However, it’s unclear to me when exactly Finrod met the Dwarves. How soon after Nargothrond’s founding did its construction begin? Did the Noldor begin construction on their own and then later receive help from the Dwarves, or did the Dwarves assist in the construction from the beginning? 
We know that Finrod didn’t meet the Dwarves before Caranthir did, and it would have had to have been in or after F.A. 7, but no earlier. It’s possible that Finrod met the Dwarves in F.A. 7, or a few years later, or that he met them around F.A. 52, and it’s even possible that he began construction of Nargothrond without them and later received their help, so it’s really unclear how long the relationship lasted. But I tend to think he met them on the earlier side, closer to F.A. 7, if only because Menegroth was Finrod’s inspiration for his own hidden city and Thingol would have told him about its construction, which would have led Finrod to actively seek out the Dwarves once the Noldor made contact.
But at least we do know that this relationship was very positive (this is not the case for the Petty-dwarves, however, who said that the Noldor had stolen their ancient home). The fact the Dwarves bestowed a Khuzdul name upon Finrod signifies a high level of trust and respect, and it seems likely that Finrod wasn’t the only Elf in Nargothrond who they made friends with.  This in turn suggests that there continued to be contact between Nargothrond and the Dwarves after Nargothrond was completed, at least in my opinion; although it was very far from the Dwarven strongholds.
If the Dwarves’ friendship with Finrod and Finrod’s people began in F.A. 7 and outlasted Finrod’s death, but did not outlast the fall of Nargothrond, then the maximum amount of time the relationship could have lasted would be 488 years. But there are few clues as to when Finrod actually became friends with the Dwarves and how long the Nargothrond-Blue Mountains relationship actually lasted.
As you said, Maedhros rescued Azaghal from Orcs in Unfinished Tales, and Azaghal gave him the Dragon-helm forged by Telchar in thanks; later Azaghal joined the Union of Maedhros. Presumably the friendship/contact between Maedhros’ people and the Dwarves lasted from some time in or after F.A. 7 to Nirnaeth Arnoediad in F.A. 472, when Azaghal was killed and the Union of Maedhros was broken: 465 years max.
As for other Elven realms of the First Age, it is not stated whether Fingolfin’s, Fingon’s or Turgon’s realms had any contact with the Dwarves. It is unlikely that the Dwarves had any contact with Círdan because they did not venture that far, but they did receive pearls from Thingol that Thingol had in turn received from Círdan. It is also not stated whether the Dwarves had any contact with the people of Aegnor or Angrod, but it seems unlikely. Despite geographic closeness, it also seems unlikely that the Laiquendi had much friendship with the Dwarves either, because they ‘kept themselves by wariness and secrecy’ and after the death of their king Denethor ‘they came never forth in open war,’ suggesting they wouldn’t have sought Dwarven weapons.
In conclusion, here is a summary of the Dwarves’ relationships with Elven realms of the First Age:
The realms of Fingolfin, Fingon, Turgon, Círdan, Aegnor, Angrod, and the Laiquendi: negligible or non-existent relationship with the Dwarves
Thingol’s people: definitely the longest, lasting over 2,000 years, but we are told the friendship was less strong than the Dwarves’ friendship with the Noldor, and it ended with bloodshed and created mutual distrust for thousands of years afterward
Caranthir’s people: met the Dwarves before the other Noldor, relationship lasted 448 years max; a more positive relationship than the Dwarves had with the Sindar
Curufin’s people: relationship lasted 448 years max; a more positive relationship than the Dwarves had with the Sindar; Curufin was interested in their language
Finrod’s people: unclear how long relationship lasted; Finrod and probably Nargothrond as a whole had a very positive relationship with them, as shown by the Nauglamír and the bestowing of the name Felagund
Maedhros’ people: relationship lasted from before Dagor Aglareb to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, 412 years min, 465 years max; the relationship was strong as evidenced by a military alliance 
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multific · 3 years
They Tend to Your Wound - Preferences
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Dean Winchester
Dean promised to himself and you that if you were to get hurt by anything and he did mean anything at all, he would kill it. Even the smallest cut on your perfect skin, he would flip out and with a gun in his hand, he would go after the very thing that dared to put a wound on his beloved.
And this occasion was no different.
As soon as the werewolf dared to attack you and it left a nasty wound behind, Dean's mind was clouded.
You have seen him angry and worried, but seeing it this close was a new experience. 
You didn't even realize what was happening until you were in an abandoned house, on a couch, with Dean by your side.
He was too busy looking at your wound and tending to it, he didn't realize that you woke up. It was nice to see him taking care of you. Usually, it's the other way around, he gets hurt and you have to help him get back on his feet. But you kinda linked him being on the other side of the spectrum now. Although you could do without the pain that you felt.
You smiled at his worried expression, he took such good care of you. You loved him.
"Babe? Oh, Baby, don't ever scare me like that." he hugged you so tight you thought your eyes would pop out. But when you were in his arms, you just knew, everything will be okay.
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Sam Winchester
The vampire that decided to bite your arm was for sure in a lot of trouble.
You were walking back to the motel from the supermarket when someone grabbed you and dragged you into an alleyway. You couldn't really register what happened, all you knew was the pain in your arm before you heard a woman scream.
You could recall Sam and Dean being there and then you were in the motel room.
You looked to your left and saw Dean sleeping in his bed while Sam was doing something on his laptop, surrounded by books.
"Sammy?" you barely heard your own voice, but Sam did because his eyes shot up at you and he quickly made his way over to you, he slowly hugged you making sure he is not hurting your arm.
"I thought I lost you, Y/N!”
"I'm here, Sammy." you hugged him back just as close as he did.
You just knew that from that moment on, you'll never be allowed to leave the room alone, with that protective boyfriend of yours.
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He was still in shock. Why did you jump in front of him? Why did you feel the need to save him? 
Because you loved him.
And when you saw the knife pointed at him, you acted out of instinct, you didn't think. You just jumped right into action.
You felt the knife pierce your skin. You felt it in your flesh as the woman stabbed you. But you didn't care, in your head, you saved the most important person in your life.
It wasn't only later when you woke up in the hospital you realized just what a mess you made. Castiel was an angel, he couldn't possibly get hurt by a simple knife! How silly could you be?
"Y/N?" you didn't even realize that he was in the room.
"Cas." you offered him a smile as he looked even more worried. "Why did you do that? You know I can't get hurt."
"I know but... I acted on instinct. I didn't think. I'm sorry I made you worry." you said as he placed a hand over your wound. You saw a white light, and just like that, you felt a lot better.
Your wound was healed.
You were about to say something when he kissed you, silencing you in the process. 
"Don't do that again." he said when he pulled away. But you pulled him right back for another kiss.
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Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading my story!~
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outofangband · 1 year
what we know of Aerin in The Narn (plus my thoughts and opinions on some of them)
Aerin is an extremely compelling and tragic figure in The Children of Húrin, even despite her brief appearance. There is not much we actually know about her from the text so I thought I'd go through the times she was mentioned and discuss the canon facts and then share my opinions on some of them, where speculation might be warranted
This is in part just a reference for my recent headcanon posts and fic but I also just really love Aerin so much
Note: I go into her story in the Book of Lost Tales version here!
mentions of canonical abuse and violence
Aerin is mentioned in two chapters and appears only in one of them. She's first mentioned in chapter four, The Departure of Túrin
In this chapter we get this information:
She is Húrin's kinswoman though the exact nature of their kinship is unclear. She is forcibly wedded to Brodda, one of the incomers, who seizes both land and property in Hithlum (I talked about the textual information about this and the implications here) She aids Morwen in secret, bringing her food and it is in part because of her aid that Morwen does not die of starvation
It is worth noting that the exact phrasing of "by force" with regards to Brodda is not in The Silmarillion. Though the context makes it pretty obvious that it was unwilling, it's still an interesting addition/deletion.
The rest of what we have of her comes much later, in the chapter “The Return of Túrin to Dor-lómin”
We learn first that "some of the kindlier manners of old were still kept by Aerin" and Sador, now her servant, grants Túrin shelter. On this same page we learn from Sador that it is Aerin who feeds and shelters many who would otherwise have been thrown out. He tells Túrin again of Aerin's aid to Morwen and how she saved her from starving.  This time we learn to that Brodda, the man Aerin was forcibly wed to, did indeed find out and beat Aerin for it. Indeed, the mentions of Morwen in front of Brodda seem to frighten Aerin even more and she at first denies knowing anything. Whether she is attempting to mitigate any harm she might endure for what she had done to aid Morwen or if Brodda required her to deny anything is unknown. (I have plenty of posts speculating about this so I’ll leave it here for now. There’s some in my post Nírnaeth headcanon collections and fic and will be more in the next ones. Anyways)
“She knew all the counsel of your mother,” Sador tells Túrin of Aerin
When Túrin comes to the halls, Aerin is sitting beside Brodda at the feast. She is noted to go pale, seemingly at both his arrival and what it will mean, as well as for Brodda's anger which is raised at once.
When Túrin asks her of Morwen and what she can say of it, she says "nothing, in great fear for Brodda watched her narrowly."
When Túrin seizes Brodda and puts a sword to his throat, him and Aerin have this interaction
"Am I not Túrin, lord of  Dor-lómin? Shall I command you?" When he does, Aerin answers his questions of Morwen, saying she was persecuted by Brodda and co and had fled to Doriath about a year before.
We see little of her during the killing of Brodda and the initial outbreak of fighting. She next responds to Sador's dying words, urging  Túrin to leave "He speaks with the truth of death. You have learned what you would. Now go swiftly! But go first to Morwen and comfort her or I will hold all the wrack you have wrought here hard to forgive. For ill though my life was, you have death to me with your violence. The Incomers will avenge this night on all that were here. Rash are your deeds, son of Húrin as if you were still but the child that I knew."
Túrin responds to her, calling her faint of heart and saying that she too has not changed from when he called her aunt as a child and when she was frightened of dogs. (one of the very few facts we learn of her time in Hithlum before the Fifth Battle. The other one being that her father was named Indor. This is the only mention of him throughout the text. Though the name was originally used for the father of Húrin and Huor this was later abandoned and in the final version, Galdor was their father) There’s no canon evidence for this but for some reason I always read him reminding Aerin of HER being afraid of dogs as him misremembering in the way kids often do where they’re scared of something and project that fear onto adults. I can’t really explain why. But regardless these are some of the only sparse details shared about her.
Aerin urges him once more to flee. She tells him that all who were there that night will suffer for what he has done.
Túrin at last heeds her advice and leaves with a few men of Hithlum. The last we hear of Aerin is the speculation that it was her who set fire to the halls. Asgon says, "many a many of arms misreads patience and quiet. She did much good among us at much cost. Her heart was not faint and patience will break the last."
We do not know if she died in the fire. She seemed to think her death was inevitable no matter what she did. When she speaks of it to Túrin, she seems more resigned than frightened.
Her appearance is bleak and upsetting but also fascinating. Aerin is in some ways just as defiant and stubborn as Húrin is and she endures abuse for just as long. She is defiant to the end like her kinsman, maintaining whatever she can of her culture and defying Brodda to help Morwen and others, even when she faced violence for it.
(Also, Húrin watching this scene… theworldisquietheretooquiet were talking about this. )
I've talked a lot before this interaction between Aerin and Túrin namely here and  here but with more scattered throughout the tag so I won't go into it too much here but it's certainly a poor moment of Túrin's to treat Aerin such, even after learning of her courage and suffering in helping Morwen as well as others of his people. It's obviously not Túrin's fault he hasn't been able to be in Hithlum leading and aiding his people but Aerin has been there (again, not by choice) and has been taking on this role.
It's worth noting that while the Narn does not actually say if Morwen and Aerin were close before the Nirnaeth, BoLT actually does say that Aerin loved Morwen and although that version is not canon, it's part of a passage and section that makes it through to the final version otherwise largely unchanged.
I personally think that she and Morwen were close. Again,  I've made several posts about it before but Aerin tells Túrin in her last words to him that if he does not go to Morwen to comfort her, she will not forgive him for what he has done in Hithlum. It is also the only offer that he makes her, to bring her to Morwen.
“But go first to Morwen and comfort her or I will hold all the wrack you have wrought here hard to forgive. For ill though my life was, you have brought death to me with your violence.” 
We do not know much for certain about Aerin’s personality! While we can certainly infer that she is loyal and brave and kind by her actions and what Sador’s words about her, we only really see Aerin when she’s a captive and when she’s terrified and directly under threat. We do not ever get to see her free to speak or act as she wishes and I am saddened by that. It’s one reason of many I’ve done so much trying to develop her character pre Nírnaeth as well as after! I hope I do her justice
I love her very much. Always feel free to ask more!
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ghwstwriters · 2 years
“ have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state? ” (artemisia/gael)
question prompts. (accepting)
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"Seriously?" Daquelas palavras Gael quase, de fato, riu. Ou melhor, foi uma risada nasal, desacreditada, se questionando se aguentaria ficar mais alguns minutos com Artemisia naquela sala. Precisava falar baixo, praticamente murmurar, porque haviam pessoas demais interessadas em tirá-los da grande biblioteca — incluindo até mesmo o mentor deles, que não havia dado a autorização. Mas o grupo sabia que todos precisavam daqueles documentos, e, óbvio, sobrou para a dupla para ir buscar. O problema? No caminho, a menor havia tropeçado em um livro pesado e estrategicamente posicionado na frente da sessão onde estavam, que poderia fazer barulho e chamar a atenção dos outros visitantes. Quando Gael percebeu e foi ao encontro de Artemisia, já era tarde demais, e ela parecia estar com um pouco de dor no pé que topou contra o objeto. "Do you think so low of me? I'm saving it for fucking later, Darnell, let's go." Envolvendo a cintura dela com um braço, o jovem mutante quase obrigou a mulher a apoiar seu peso contra o próprio corpo. Dessa forma, ele conseguia se movimentar com mais rapidez. "I'm pretty sure the other sections have the same hidden book somewhere. It's a trap, really- Yeah yeah, I know you know." Ela nem precisava falar nada. De tanto que a conhecia, Gael sabia decifrar até mesmo os olhares frios da mais nova. Um revirar de olho foi o suficiente para mostrar seu descontentamento, também. "Maybe I should have laughed at your miserable state." Apesar do murmúrio, não havia veracidade alguma naquelas palavras. E, bem, dadas as chances, Artemisia deveria saber desse fato — e nem sequer precisava ler sua mente para isso.
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theserpentsadvocate · 2 years
@iceberg-hootenanny I tried to save your ask as a draft and tumblr deleted it instead, but if I recall correctly you said 4, 5, 17 for any Silmarillion character, so! (Insert joke about ‘ha, you think YOU took a long time to answer’.)
4. Has the character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them?
I go back and forth on whether Handir was even at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad (depending on which source you use, as few as three of the Haladin’s warriors returned, so his odds of survival are not good, and we know he did survive past that) – but if we assume that he didn’t remain behind as interim leader and he didn’t choose to stay because his son was badly injured (my preferred reason), then he would have been there.
Of course, the Nirnaeth is an experience, more than just a single event he witnessed, but my personal headcanon is that Handir saw his father killed. Witnessing it had a profound affect on him, being unable to recover the body had a profound affect on him, returning home with his men absolutely decimated had a profound affect on him – it’s hard to separate these things from each other, but the visceral blow of seeing his father cut down contributed tremendously to the near-despair he was mired in during his first years as Chieftain. Between that and watching his mother just hopelessly waste away immediately afterward, it took him along time to recover. (It didn’t help that he had to focus all of his attention on getting his people through the ensuing difficulties, and what extra strength he had he spent trying to be present and steadfast for his family, rather than on processing his grief. It’s not that his priorities are wrong, there are just no good choices here.)
Losing his cousins in the fighting at the Fords of Brithiach also had a profound affect on him (no less so because they miraculously popped up alive a year later), but in that case the fact that he didn’t witness it, was fighting in another area entirely and only found out afterwards that they were gone, was the really traumatic part, and it took quite some time before he could really believe that Hurin and Huor even were alive in Dor-lomin. It just juxtaposes really interestingly to me.
5. What have they got in their pocketses?
Knives, or string, precious!
…You know, it’s actually a decent bet that most characters I’m interested in would have at least one of the above. Except for the Valar, I guess.
Knives: Haleth, Nienor, Mablung, probably Fingolfin, decent odds any random member of the Haladin will have at least an eating knife
String: Beldis (well, thread, anyway), Niniel, maybe Idril actually?
Both: Brandir for sure
17. What was the character’s favourite childhood toy?
Handir likes to whittle, and he made Brandir a lot of little animals when he was young. I don’t know that there was one specific one that he preferred over the rest, although I’m sure he was very attached to various ones at different times, but having some wooden figurine his father made for him to play with was a staple of his childhood. He takes it up himself after his father’s death as a way to feel closer to him, although he’s not as good at it as Handir was and always feels slightly like he’s coming up wanting once he’s finished. In that way it mirrors his feelings about being Chieftain.
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whimsicallyreading · 4 years
Dark Roast No Sugar
Chapter Three
Aelin would never admit it out loud, but a day off was just what she needed. She spent the morning napping, snacking, and reading. Her stomach settled, and when she took off her shoes, her feet didn't look like they belonged to a bloated cadaver.
 Spending that time with Aedion was also refreshing. He kept the conversations light. Telling her about the antics between hostesses at The Pits, a run-in between Ren and the police. A story about the drug dealer they'd roughed up and how he'd pissed his pant when he saw Aedion and the stray puppy Kyllian had snuck into The Den.
 When they got hungry, Aedion offered to make them a late lunch. Her mouth watered at the prospect of his famous grilled cheese with two kinds of cheeses and ketchup.
 Lysandra came up to join them for lunch and her nose wrinkled at the sight of them dragging the cheesy goodness through globs of red sauce. "By the dark god, you two. That's disgusting."
 Aedion grins, a dot of ketchup on his chin, "You haven't even tried it yet. This meal is a riot with the guys and saved my ass with foster siblings." He wiped his face on his sleeve and leaned back in his chair. "You don't shit on the kid who can actually make edible food."
 Aelin laughs and dusts her hands off like a lady. "Actually, you don't shit on the kid who looks like he started doping at eleven. But yeah, I'm sure it was your budget lunches that saved you."
 "Shut up, you love it when I cook," Aedion collected their plates.
 Lysandra pulls up the chair next to Aelin's at their tiny, rickety table. She set down her container of salad, looking classier with her more mature pallet. Aelin swiped a cucumber from the top and chewed into the seasoned veggie. "Your food is nostalgic. What can I say?"
 Aedion's playful demeanor seemed to deflate suddenly, a furrow creasing his brow. "I suppose why I have you two together, we should talk some business."
 "Uh oh, that doesn't sound good." Lysandra tensed up, shooting a worried look at Aelin.
 "Is it the bidding for this month? I told you I could get at least an extra hundred dollars to you by the end of the month. If you need more, I could-"
 Aedion cut off Aelin's rambling with a raised hand. "It's not the bidding. Elias pulled enough to cover our bets for the month." Relief flooded through her, and she breathed out a sigh of relief.
 The underground fighting game in Orynth was wildly exclusive. To get a spot during prime hours when tickets were hot and the betting pool was hotter, the local gangs had to participate in an auction. It was pricey, but the cuts you got from winning a fight made up for it big time.
  Unfortunately, the Bane was not a wealthy group of men. A lot of them had families or relatives they were supporting. They usually scavenged up enough money to get two or three guys into the fights, and those funds were just enough to pull them through to the next month.
 Like Aelin, those families did what they could to fund money towards the bidding. Initially, she was going to volunteer as a fighter, but she found out about the baby, and they all agreed it was too risky for her to get in the ring. As soon as she was cleared, she still intended to participate in the fights to Aedion's chagrin.
 Between the extra patrols of her street and snuffing the rumors of her existence in the city, it took a chunk of the Bane's recourses and time. Aedion assured her that the guys understood her circumstances, but she contributed as much as she could monetarily until she could contribute physically as well. "What's going on then?"
 "Rolf took a beating in the ring last night. He's going to be out of commission for a while, but we didn't lose any money. He managed to bust the guy's head at the last moment and pulled through." He paused.
 Aelin was confused, though. It wasn't uncommon for one of the guys to get roughed up a bit, so long as they didn't lose, there wasn't an issue. "That's too bad about Rolf, but I don't see the problem?" she pushed him to continue.
 "He swears the guy was tripping on Synth," Aedion breathes out, pained.
 "Shit," Lysandra swears and stands up. "Is he sure it was Synth?"
 "It's kinda hard to rutting mistake, Lysandra," Aedion snapped. He was right, though. The Pits had rules against cheating, but they were followed loosely. If they couldn't see a knife being pulled, the fight wouldn't be called. Some of the Bane even doped before a match just so they wouldn't get caught at a disadvantage.
 Synth had a lot of physical effects. Adrenalin coursed through the user at such high rates it was practically superhuman. It gave them crazy speed, strength, and heightened focus. On the flip side, it also caused fever, bulged veins, twitching, bloodshot eyes, and uncontrollable rage as you came down. It would be hard to mistake it for any other street drug. Aelin had taken Synth once before, and it wasn't an easily forgettable experience.
 The detail they were glossing over was that only one person was currently capable of leaking a drug like Synth on the streets.
Arobynn Hammel
 "So," Aelin finally said, breaking up the heated glares they were sharing. "He's making his presence in Orynth known."
 "We can't know it for sure," Aedion looked at her with a sickening amount of pity. Aelin didn't want sympathy or comforting falsities. She wanted the truth.
 "Bullshit," Aelin declared, making Aedion wince at the sudden sharpness. "We've had sightings of Tern and Mulligan already. We knew he was sending eyes out. They must have seen us."
 Lysandra sunk back into her chair and rested her head in her hands. "I thought we made it?" her voice sounded extraordinarily young, feeble. Not at all like the vivacious woman they were used to seeing.
 "Lys," it was Aelin's turn to rest a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder.
 Her eyes were glassy and hollow when she looked up. "I really had myself believing we made it."
 Aelin's heart broke for her.
 Arobynn was a sick son of a bitch. She, Lysandra, and Sam had all come into his care at different times and served various functions within the Manor. One thing was the same though, they were all children.
 They were all coerced into doing grotesque things for Arobynn's sake. Things that they should, in all honesty, spend years in therapy to recover from. Yet, some horrors were too big for even Aelin to pretend to understand.
 Horrors that Lysandra was forced to live with every day.
 Arobynn's unofficial mistress.
 Aedion's fist slamming against the table startled them both and snapped Aelin from her thoughts. Lysandra flinched and leaned closer to Aelin. "It doesn't matter."
  He pointed his finger at them and then stabbed it into the table. "It. Does. Not. Matter. Where that piece of shit is. Rifthold? Wendelyn? He can be an hour away or watering the rutting flowers next door, but he will never have either of you ever again." The golden core in Aedion's eyes was molten.
 The excitement was too much for Lysandra, and the dam behind her eyes broke. Deep, heavy sobs ripped from her chest, and her body wilted forward like a wind-whipped flower.
 They moved at the same time, but Aedion was faster. He pulled Lysandra from her seat and gathered her against his chest, shushing her and whispering sweet nothings into her hair.
 The bells rang downstairs.
 Aedion looked up helplessly, but Aelin raised a hand and mouthed, "It's fine."
 None of them wanted Lysandra to be alone right now.
 Aelin slipped her shoes back on and hopped down the stairs quickly. Hopefully, they wouldn't be too pissed no one was behind the counter when they walked in, she mused to herself. It only took her half-a-minute to get downstairs, but it was amazing the things people got outraged over.
 Mala forgive that the coffee gets in their hand a second later than usual.
 "Do my eyes deceive me, or was Aelin Galathynius taking a break?" Dorian Havilliard's greeted her with a bright smile and upraised hands. No trace of agitation at all.
 Chaol Westfall stood behind him and meekly tilted his chin. "Hello, Aelin."
 "Hello, Chaol." She greets him with a smile and walks into Dorian's outstretched arms. Aelin wasn't a hugger, but Dorian's hugs had a magic to them.
 "Where did you go?" Dorian asked without breaking his grasp. "I never thought I'd see the day you weren't slaving away behind the counter grinding beans."
 "We weren't super busy today, and I wasn't feeling the best," Aelin admitted.
 Dorian pulled away slightly to look down at her in concern. His dark, thick-framed blue light glasses slipping down his nose.
 "It's just the baby," she assures him. "Not the flu or anything. You don't have the right parts to catch what I've got."
 Chaol snickered, but Dorian's concern only worsened. "In all seriousness, you aren't working yourself too hard?"
 Aelin rolled her eyes. If one more person asked her that-
 "I'm fine, Dor. It was just some morning sickness and a stressful customer that came through. No big deal."
 His shoulders relax, and he releases her from his arms. "I believe you. Just-" he fumbles for the words to say, "If you have troublesome people coming in here and bothering you, let me know? Chaol can come over and hang out for the day. He has a friend, Nesryn. If it gets bad, I am more than willing to hire her-"
 Aelin smiled at him and waved at him. "No need for bodyguards. People are rude. It happens. Now, what can I get for the both of you?"
 Dorian was the son of the esteemed son of Dorian Sr. The owner of Adarlan Vaults, the most extensive banking chain across Erilea. It was a total accident that they stumbled into each other when Aelin went in looking for a loan to start The Stag with.
 At first, he was a bit of a flirt with her. When Aelin made it clear that she wasn't interested in his advances, Dorian backed off right away and fell into the role of the supportive friend. He and Chaol had been the first patrons of the shop when the doors opened.
 Chaol was technically his hired protection, but he and Dorain were life long friends bound by something more powerful than money. She never saw the two of them apart. While he appeared to be a quiet sort, he had a sharp mind and fierce loyalty that Aelin admired.
 "Two iced girl scout americano's," Dorian pulled out his wallet and handed her a twenty. "Large, please."
 Aelin accepted the cash and started filling cups as the two took their standard seats. She just got the espresso machine heated when a set of hands pushed her's aside and began flipping the switches for her.
 "Aedion," she groaned as his hip bumped her to the side, and he took over her tasks. "Seriously?"
 "You are supposed to be taking the day off," he looks at her pointedly. "Go sit with your friends. I've got this."
 "Do you have this?" Aelin set a hand on her hip. "You haven't used these machines before."
 Aedion scoffed, "It cannot be that complicated. Now go. Before Lysandra comes back down and wipes the floor with both of our asses." He pulls out two large mugs and grabs out a bottle of coconut flavoring. "Baby A is shielding you for now, but that woman has the memory of a rutting elephant. Don't think you can hide behind my niece or nephew forever." He's more talking to himself by the end as he starts over pouring syrups into cups. Did he even know what he was making? Aelin winced.
 She might have to return the twenty to Dorian.
 Aelin walks away reluctantly, "Mind if I sit here for a minute, boys?"
 Chaol stands up and pulls a chair out for her, "Not at all."
 He holds out a hand to help her sit, but she waves it away. She wasn't that pregnant yet.  
 Dorian has a hardbound book sitting in front of him, the face of his expensive watch catching the light as he turns the page. "I haven't seen you by the bank this week," he says without looking up from the page.
 "We've been enjoying the peace," Chaol sits back in his own seat and flashes her a grin. "That's a joke, of course. It's been horribly boring."
 "It's been a busy week. I haven't had a chance to drop my deposit off yet." Aelin typically made an excuse to visit the bank at least once a week. Dorian would kindly excuse whatever teller was working to take a break and promptly close the register so they could sit in the break room and talk over cookies and drip coffee.
 She was planning on going yesterday, but her feathers were too ruffled after the incident.
 "I suppose I can live without that excuse since I've taken it upon myself to visit you at work." He pulls a plastic bag filled with assorted chocolates and places it on the table between them. "If you need to drop off a deposit, I can take it back with me?"
 Aelin's hand darts to the bag of sweets and pulls out a dark, salty square. "Have I mentioned you are the most attractive man I've ever met?"
 They hear a loud scoff from the kitchen.
 "You've mentioned it a few times." He glances up from his book long enough to wink at her. "What about that deposit?"
 "I don't think I will have a big enough deposit to warrant the trip this week," the excuse isn't well-formed, and she hears it when the lie falls from her lips.
 "You said you had a busy week?" Dorian frowns.
 I did, but I'm putting aside extra money to fund my cousin's gang because my former foster father has a hit out on me.
 "The tips have been bad" not a total lie. "Maybe it will pick up again over the weekend," Aelin shrugs nonchalantly.  
 Aedion walks over with two cups of coffee and a mug of tea. He lets Dorian's drink slosh over the side as he sets it down. Dorian lifts his book away from the mess and glares.
 She wasn't sure what went down between Dorian and Aedion that made them hate each other. Chaol and Aedion had no qualms. They were even drinking buddies on the weekend, but Aedion had a bone to pick with Dorian long before she'd arrived back in Orynth.
 Aelin half-heartedly scolded Aedion as she accepted her drink. Taking a deep drink from the mug, she was surprised to find that it was made exactly as she liked.
 Chaol sipped his coffee, and Aelin watched as he barely held back a grimace. Dorian reached for his own cup, but Chaol discretely pulled it away before he could drink. Aelin caught the motion, but thankfully Aedion was already back in the kitchen and hadn't noticed.
 "I will remake those for you before you leave," Aelin assured them.
 "It's alright. As much as I love coffee, I really came by to spill tea," Dorian took his glasses off and leaned back in his chair.
 "Gossip," Chaol translated. "He means gossip."
 Dorian rolls his eyes, "That's what tea means, Chaol." Leaning forward with his elbows on the table, "A company called Wendlyn Ops. bought out The Pits."
 "What?" Aelin shouts a little too loudly. Dorian shushes her, and Aedion peers out from the kitchen with worried eyes. She waves him away and whispers in a quieter tone. "What do you mean The Pits have been bought out? What for?"
 "I didn't realize you would care this much about the seediest bar in town," Dorian laughed. "It's not like you can drink."
 "You aren't drinking, right?" Chaol scowls.
 Aelin reins back her emotions. She was definitely losing her tack being off the job for several months, but the secret basement underneath The Pits was where the fights were usually held. Iona Jayne would never sell the property when it brought in so much money.
 He either owed someone a rutting ton of money, he was being blackmailed, or the most likely option.
 Iona Jayne was dead.
 Aelin flipped Chaol off, "Of course I'm not drinking. No promises on that in about five months... Just, who would want The Pits? Are they repurposing it?" She can already feel a headache forming behind her eyes.
 "That's the interesting part," Chaol murmured. "The title for The Pits was transferred to a new owner just a few days before it was sold for triple its market value."
 Dorian's grin became mischievous, "Shady deals are going on, and I'm determined to find out what."
 Shit. Shit. Shit.
 Aelin forced a matching smile on her, "Well, this sounds like the making of an adventure."
 Aedion was deeply involved with all the goings-on at The Pits. If Dorian managed to learn too much and expose them, he would go down hard. She wasn't directly implicated in anything beyond a little racketeering, but one prolonged look at her record would raise some eyebrows. Which could tie her back to Rifthold and numerous murders. A lot of murder. Thievery. Hired assassinations.
 They would be screwed, essentially.
 Damn it all to hellas, she needed to talk to Aedion. Aelin understood why Dorian was interested in this. His father was involved with so many corrupt dealings they followed him like a shadow. She knew he was socially isolated beyond herself and Chaol. No one dared to associate with the son of Dorian Sr.
 Unveiling a corrupt business dealing and aiding the community could help separate his image from his father's. Rectify some of the wrongs his family has committed. Give him a chance at making a future for himself out from Dorian Sr.'s thumb.
 Aelin just wished he knew the depth of the task he was taking. How deep, dark, and dangerous this viper's den was. Sweet, sheltered Dorian Jr. would be eaten alive. A blue-eyed pup, trapped in the jaws of an adder.
 Little did he know that Aelin was a wolf herself, and she would not stand for that breaking.
 Aelin directed the conversation to safer grounds following the bomb he dropped. They discussed the book he was reading, the litter of pups his dog was expecting, his disgusting little brother. Chaol seemed to sour at the mention of Holland.
 Soon they were provided with fresh drinks, and Aelin ushered them out under the pretense of needing a nap. Definitely not a lie. Her stomach was rolling again, and that blooming headache was now a whole damn rosebush in her brain.
 Rubbing the knot between her eyes, she made the difficult decision of closing for the day. Business was slow. Lysandra hadn't come back downstairs. Aelin wasn't feeling well, and there was no chance she was letting Aedion use her precious machines again.
 Aelin looked outside the window. It was grey and dreary outside. Perfect conditions for the three of them to order pizza, rent a movie and just put this day behind them.
 "Aedion, I'm closing up." She didn't hear a reply. Aelin shrugged it off. He'd probably gone back up to sit with Lysandra.
 She opened a can of coffee grounds and inhaled wistfully. What she wouldn't give for a cup of straight caffeine. With one last longing sniff, Aelin refilled canisters for tomorrow and got to cleaning up the machines.
 All that was left was to close up the registers.
 She'd just unlocked the drawer when the ring of the shop bells went off.
 "Sorry, we're closed," Aelin said without looking away from the task at hand. She would have to remember to lock the doors first next time.
 Heavy boots thudded against her wooden floors as whoever it was approached the counter. Her irritation peeked. What was with the influx of entitled assholes lately?
 "We are close-" Aelin's stopped and her eyes narrowed at the gun barrel aimed at the center of her forehead.
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