#vampire elf discourse
electricprincess96 · 9 months
why do you dislike astarian?
I'm sure if I answered truthfully I'd get mountains of lectures telling me why I'm wrong and awful for not liking the fandoms darling but heres my attempt to articulate my issues. This is in no particular order.
1. It actively makes no sense in character for any version of Tav to keep Ast*rion alive.
A good aligned Tav would likely attack him after he attacks them when they meet and if we assume we give him the old "OK we'll forgive you this time but don't do it again" once he tries to snack on us without consent while we sleep that reasonably should be his last straw.
An evil aligned Tav should have even less reasons to give him second chances cause killing should be nothing to them. And it isn't till later we really know how his worldview would align with an evil Tav
The only real reason to keep Ast*rion is if you are roleplaying a pushover OR you are being Meta because you the player find him attractive. Even Lae'Zel who starts the game really mean (somewhat justifably so since shes put in a cage and racially abused after being put through what her people claim is a fate worse than death), has a good reason to be kept around, she claims to have a cure for the parasite and will share it with the rest of you. Ast*rion offers nothing other than trying to stab you when you meet and then trying to drink your blood without consent while you sleep. Realistically his luck should have run out like if it was Wyll or Karlach or Lae'Zel in charge and you didn't control them he'd be dead. Probably even Shadowheart and Gale would as well.
2. By changing how DnD Vampire Spawns work they made his plot actively very confusing.
OK so Vampire Spawns are meant to not have any control over themselves, their master is meant to be able to control them. We briefly see this when one of the Spawns goes to disobey Caz*dor later. The issue with that is if Caz*dor can control them.... why does he need to punish them into submission? Ast*rion says he almost escaped once but why did Caz*dor ever give him enough freewill to even attempt that? Is Caz*dor just a sadist? If so they don't do a good enough job portraying that. They make the hunger and bloodlust that Spawns feel seem almost.... inconsequential for Ast*rion after that first feeding scene, they basically plays so fast and loose with the DnD Vampire lore but still used the lore to justify every bad thing Ast*rion did under Caz*dor so that he doesn't have to admit any fault like no don't bend the lore into a pretzel but then still use the lore for justifying and exonerate Ast*rion.
3. I don't get the impression he changed as much as people claim.
Like does he grow through his romance? Sure he starts to see Tav as more of a person and less of a tool. That's great. But Lae'Zel and Shadowheart both have fantastic development OUTSIDE of their relationship to Tav. The bar was set too high for you to hide his development behind a romance route I have no desire to do. I'll admit this is an issue Gale to a degree suffers from as well, less so that he doesn't change if you romance him but in his case more so his very examples of his growth are hidden in his romance scenes.
But with Ast*rion I did not think he really self reflected in the ways I would have liked. Even right before fighting Caz*dor he was still claiming he had no reason to feel guilty about what he did as a servant of Caz*dor, like yes the game wants me to believe you had no control, but someone with a conscience would still feel guilty about it. Also everyone else provided you've been pushing then towards good throughout the game will choose to make the right decision on their own accord when given the chance in game, every version of the Ascension scene I've seen requires a persuasion roll for Ast*rion, meaning he doesn't choose to not do the ritual himself he always needs to be persuaded not to whereas provided you've pushed Shadowheart towards good the whole game she will choose to save Dame Aylin on her own, Lae'Zel will choose to turn against Vlaakith on her own etc. The only way he doesn't need persuaded is if 1. He never learnt about the ritual from Raphael, thus he is only there to kill Caz*dor anyway or 2. You kill one of the Spawns in the battle thus the ritual can't be complete
4. He was favoured by the developers at the detriment of other characters.
It's insane that there's literally proof from some of the people who worked on this game that they favoured Ast*rion over other characters when it came to content. And some of his fans think this is somehow a good thing? When all this does is show the rest of the fans (who let's remember the most recent stats the majority of players are not Ast*rion Girlies, they are very loud within fandom but fandom is not everyone who bought and played this game) that we are not as valued by Larian and that's gonna breed resentment.
Wyll got absolutely shafted compared to other companions and everyone got shafted compared to Ast*rion. When the game had to cut out content for Wyll and Karlach but was able to add in like double the amount of romance scenes of Ast*rion when compared to the next companion with the most scenes then we need to start asking why this was allowed. We'd all rather have a complete story for everyone than an extra sex scene with Ast*rion that doesn't add anything to the plot.
5. His fans are obnoxious
Now.... I will be the first to admit all the fans of each of the characters are kinda obnoxious (except most Wyll fans, you guys are cool, I like you). I love Gale and even I know that his fans can be overly defensive at times (sometimes justifiably so, other times they just need to take a step back and realise not every joke at Gale's expense is hateful). BUT because Ast*rion fans are so prominent in fandom spaces you are more likely to run into obnoxious Ast*rion fans than the rest. Like if a post doesn't mention him, don't bring him up in the comments, if someone says "I'm role-playing a Lawful Good Paladin etc. I need a Rogue cause my character wouldn't bring Ast*rion along" don't spend the next hour of your life trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to justify why someone who is Lawful Good should be OK with having the man who disapproves of you helping slaves around. And stop throwing the "canon" word around. This is an issue I have with fandom in general nowadays but "canon" doesn't matter much. BG3 will NEVER canonise a love interest for Tav, they might never even canonise a class or race for Tav. So stol trying to argue that because Ast*rion x D*rge got so much extra content that it's canon to try and win some silly Internet war. All you're doing is annoying people.
What's kinda sad is... I found Ast*rion to be incredibly charming early on, not my type for romance but I enjoyed having him around for the snarky commentary. But whenever his plot came up I found myself rolling my eyes cause the rest of the game Ast*rion seems so self aware that he's kinda an asshole yet when his plot scenes happen he seems to lose that self awareness and it just soured the character for me. But hey, by most modern day gaming standards he's still basically Shakespearean in comparison so this will likely be the only post I make detailing my issues unless I'm asked something more indepth.
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eff-plays · 2 months
Anyway! No more Astarion discourse for now. I can feel my brain rotting and I need it for more important things.
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coreene · 5 months
I know there was some discourse about Astarion's age a while back and here's my thoughts on it:
He may have been turned into a vampire when he's 39 (correct me if I'm wrong) but elves' bodies mature at the same speed humans' does. They see maturity around or after 100 years because of experience etc, I also remember reading it is after that point they can't dream about/remember their past lives.
What I'm saying is, Astarion might have been a vampire for 200 years but he's an elf. His trauma sat back his emotional maturity for sure, but I think by elf standards he is 239. His aging stopped physically but by elven standards it counts.
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kylatea · 5 months
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So never thought there would be Tav Discourse going around based off of the immense fandom around someone's random Tav but I know one thing: I'm tired of just seeing white ones.
I rarely see any Tav darker than medium light tan get massive amounts of love. Show me your dark-skinned Tav's folks! (Like I know mine isn't even as dark as the game can get you but I basically mean your nonwhite human/elf/half-elf Tavs. Let's get some damn diversity around here.)
This is Quora based on an old DnD character I had. A human Necromancer with a cursed eye due to her trying to resurrect her sister. Growing up a street urchin with just her sister by her side, she developed into a street-smart scholar of the Necrotic arts.
This is my second run with her. In the first run, she got with Astarion cuz a Necromancer and a Vampire is just cute to me. This run she's going for the human explosive himself Gale. And you know what, after years of being in rough environments and even excommunicated from her own group that took her in as a child (if y'all want that story let me know) she needs the sweetness Gale brings.
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themainspoon · 1 year
If you are a WoD fan and you aren’t aware of how fucking wild White Wolf’s strategy for marketing Demon: the Fallen was, that changes right fucking now, get ready.
So, the year is 2002, American Culture is still moving past the Satanic Panic, and your job is to market a Table Top Role Playing Game where you play as literal demons who were aligned with the Biblical figure of Lucifer. The book has a big ass pentagram on its cover, and is filled with information on fictional demons and their demonic powers.
How do you market this?
Well, isn’t it obvious?
You satirise Chick Tracks by making a fake one about how the game you’re supposed to be promoting is satanic. I’ve linked it below, it’s only 23 pages long;
But you may be thinking: “Ok, that’s a funny concept, but why is this such a big deal to you?” Well, buckle the fuck up kiddo’s, because I want you to look at that last panel again:
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Do you notice anything about it that could prompt further inquiry? What about that URL?
You see, the chick track was only one part of this little marketing stunt.
And so, I ask again, how do you market Demon: the Fallen?
You create an entire fake Evangelical church website called the Eternal Grace Evangelical Church, and write a fake sermon in which you claim that the brand that hired you is producing games that turn children into drug addicts and sexual predators, also claiming that Vampire: the Masquerade was involved in real world murders including the fucking Columbine School Shooting.
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Below is a link to the site from the Internet Archives Wayback machine, the main bulk of the interesting stuff is in the sermons section.
Quick note, they used EVERY part of the evangelical bullshit playbook to make this site look legit, they went hard on this. So, the site is satire, but it still feels like it would be a good idea to mention that they satirise everything about Evangelicals, including their homophobic, transphobic, anti-catholic, and anti-pagan beliefs.
If you don’t want to read it yourself, here are some actual quotes from this fake Evangelical site that was, and I can’t stress this enough, MADE BY WHITE WOLF TO PROMOTE DEMON: THE FALLEN: (above disclaimer applies here too)
“Eternal Grace Congregation Church is a community of Christians who seek to love, worship and praise Him and to communicate the Word of the Gospel to the world around us while exposing the lifestyles and and recruiting prctices of those deviants who would make this world a place of horrors. Among these are homosexuals, gamblers, drug addicts and role-players.”
“You may find it useful to tell role-players about the Dallas youths who were burned to death in the steam tunnels of Southern Methodist University (of course it was the Methodists) while exploring them for treasure. Tell them about the syphilis-related insanity of Jimmy Cox, a Tennessee teenager who used role-playing games to build around him a coven of homosexuals. Tell them about Michelle Sikes, the Montana role-player who had a sex-change operation. The more perversion you can ascribe to involvement with role-playing the better. You may even wish to fabricate some of your own, to better illustrate the point to your specific at-risk individual.”
“Listening to accounts of the role-players’ games is either the height of tedium (it must be said, pardon my air of judgment) or evinces strong feelings of pity, […] Invitations to participate, if accepted, place the individual in a precarious position himself, and will probably expose him to the scourges of drugs, fornication, homosexuality and Catholicism/paganism in many cases.”
“point out to them that the activity borders on delusion (“You are not an elf, Tommy!”) and heresy (“If God intended for you to act like a demon, he would have made you a demon, Jenny”).”
“In addition, rumors (which is why I relegate this to a side note instead of including it in the main body of my discourse) link the activities of the Columbine high-school “trenchcoat mafia” with Vampires Masquerade.”
“As good Christians, it is obviously our duty to prevent our youth from learning the corrupt ways these books and games teach. Sex, suicide, drug abuse, homosexuality, “golden showers” and many other behaviors proscribed by the Lord and the Good Book come as a result of players taking their games too far. In particular, the moral execration contained with the Demon book takes these aberrations to new levels by openly encouraging players to act in the interests of Satan (or Lucifer, as he is depicted herein).”
“Additionally, role-playing games teach that violence is an acceptable and even admirable way of solving problems. Significant portions of their rules are devoted to combat and weaponry. Demon, for example, also contains systems by which the satanic characters can attack or use magic upon their enemies, with dark arts spawned from Hell itself. These are not unlike the gay community’s reactionary “straight bashing” in response to the more physical efforts of their loving fellows (but loving in the Lord’s intended way) to bring them back into the fold.”
“This Week: Pastor "Father" Ramos discusses the Catholic Church and the 68 Million deaths its evil has caused throughout the world! You won't read this in the history books! Father Ramos also discusses why he has chosen to reclaim the Holy tile"Father" from Catholocism.”
White Wolf was frequently quite edgy, and often wasn’t great at dealing with social issues (you could argue this is still true of the modern World of Darkness in some cases). But honestly I think this is a fun stunt. It mocks evangelicals for all their insane bigoted beliefs, and for basically giving all the stuff they call satanic free advertising. No matter what though this is an unhinged marketing stunt, and it is so wild that they actually did this.
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sampirism · 1 year
Sorry but I'm cackling about some of the reception to Astarion's arc. I can't keep this to myself after reading youtube and reddit comments. I haven't delved into the Tumblr discourse on this yet and I'm working off of memory of clips I've seen, sorry if the quotes aren't fully accurate-- BG3 spoilers specific to Astarion's ending(s)
There is a particular subset of people who insist that Ascended Astarion is the correct path because ritual rejection Astarion is, and this is verbatim what I've read: "weak, feeble, a docile puppy" which I am losing it a little bit over. Among other things. I should have collected screenshots!
I'm not here to convince you that you can't like this ending, because you have every right to prefer Ascended Astarion, but to say that, objectively, he isn't evil or that this is a "better version of him" is morally bananas. You can have your evil boyfriend, it's okay! But a world domination goal is not often sought by those outside the evil alignment! (You could argue that 5e lore explicitly states vampires are lawful evil, but I personally don't vibe with locked-in alignments WRT classes and creatures and BG3 itself doesn't even have an alignment system)
Furthermore, there is the... insistence that this is a more or equally romantic route? "He still loves you! He calls you all these pet names! He says he loves you!" Baby, he does this because he literally sees you as a pet. You don't get to ascend beyond spawn (sorry, "consort") and **he is literally using the same manipulative voice he used on you when he admitted those were moments he was manipulating you** You can get a dialogue where he will willingly say I love you as a lie. When you ask him if he'd ever use compulsion the way Cazador did, he doesn't say no, he says he won't have to because you will be so obedient. There's a Wisdom check to reveal he sees you as degrading yourself when you ask to be turned.
Please, enjoy your vampire lord boyfriend, but don't act like the text implies that this is best for him or that he sees you as an equal. This is what he says when you say "I think we should break up" after killing the Netherbrain
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Also, I know we're discoursing a fictional elf here, but when it comes to ritual-rejected Astarion, its certainly... eyebrow-raising to see people calling a character who broke the cycle of abuse as "weak" and "miserable" because he's a little nicer now, cried after killing his abuser, and he can't walk in the sun :sob:
sincerely, fellow Astarion enjoyer.... Enjoy what you enjoy (without harming anyone!) Have fun with the darker aspects fiction has to offer!!! Embrace evil if you want to!!!!! Just don't try to convince me that killing 7000 people for unlimited power is the morally superior option
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omegawizardposting · 1 year
Actually, discourse in non-human communities sounds like a great bit of world-building.
Elf: "Elves and dwarves don't hate each other. That's a stereotype started and perpetuated by humans."
Dwarf: "Speak for yourself, knife-ear."
Elf: "Wow. Okay. The anti-elf slur was really unnecessary. Anyway, I'm making out with my dwarven husband and there's nothing you can do about it."
Werewolf: "Actually, monsters shouldn't live in human communities. We're inherently dangerous."
Vampire: "Get a load of the internalized monsterphobia on this guy."
Incubus: "What about me? I need to have sex with humans to live. As long as I get consent, I don't see how I'm dangerous."
Werewolf: "Honestly, any monster species that feeds on humans should just stop breeding."
Demon: "Jesus Christ."
Vampire: "How about you put a silver bullet in your own head then? Werewolves don't feed on humans, but you guys are still responsible for the majority of human deaths in monster-on-human violence."
Werewolf: "That's why I live in the woods."
Ghost: "Jane, I saw you at Target fucking yesterday."
Angel: "No one is ever happy. If we have too many eyes and halos of fire, humans say we're a threat. If we look human, other non-humans tell us we're assimilationist."
Unicorn: "You guys do have human-passing privilege."
Angel: "Oh my G*d, hiding who and what we are isn't a privilege. This conversation isn't for you. Unicorns are beloved by humans."
Unicorn: "Um, did you just conveniently forget that they hunted us to near extinction, or...?"
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skiplo-wave · 11 months
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ok can we talk about WTF is this list for GOTY? tbh we didn’t had as much good shit as initially thought this year, idk.
like LOZ:TOTK is winning by a landslide. i mean, it’s zelda. that shit always win.
literally heard absolutely nothing for AW2, except for being on epic game store (ew) despite being highly anticipated.
BG3 is my pick idgaf. the vampire elf twink can get fucked with me and a literal bear all day.
spider-man 2 is probably going to be a runner up, mfs like it. i don’t have PS to judge (and ew $90 for live no thanks).
while RE4 remake is good (played it way too many times to get on the skins and shit), it doesn’t hold up as well as the OG RE4.
SMBW just came out two weeks ago, and is an actual baby game. ik ik all super mario bros games are baby games, but this. this can literally be played by an infant fresh out of the coochie with that new baby smell and mf can kill it.
Yeah my money is on Tears of the kingdom. The fact so many people played not spoiling but just dicking around breaking all laws because in the game YOU CAN shows just how fun gameplay is. Doing the story plot is mere chance depending where you yeet yourself off sky islands lol Also gonna get my amiibos this friday :D
Spiderman 2 as hyped as it was I didn't see nearly enough posts on twitter compared to TOTK. Besides people roasting Miles new suit ( that shit fugly omg) and dumb discourse if Miles is woke or not. He's spiderman just like all other 8000+ spidermen
I still don't want heck Baluder gate is but vampire elf twink is all I need to know ( and porn of him hehe)
RE4 Leon is breedable babygirl but nothing will EVER Top Mommy dommy Lady D. Need more sexy monster ladies to toss me around damn it >:/
Mario wonder. I've been playing good wild trying 100% each level I can but yeah it's for babies. The fact Yoshi and Nabbit is just easy way to not die. Or if you have online on many people and standees can save you. Very much baby game, but a fun baby game that broken out of " New" Wii super mario bros x3. Also new voice actors doing wonderful job!
I never heard of alan wake what is that
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toastannas · 11 months
keeping this off my game blog and out of tags to avoid discourse but i need to say it: astarion bg3 and fennorian eso are not that similar beyond "elf vampire guy that the fandom loves." they would Not like each other in the slightest.
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nightcolorz · 1 year
I leave this fandom for five minutes to go on an adventure with a vampire elf, a teifling warrior, and a wizard who has to eat magic boots, and come back to Marius gender discourse
Don’t worry! Marius gender discourse was fake 😭😭 I was being sent Marius gender anons as jokes meant to emulate actual discourse. It’s not a discourse that’s genuinely happening lmao. I was bamboozled at one point bcus I believed one anon to be genuine when it was actually just another joke 😔
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neurotheascars · 1 year
this blog has lots of unpleasant imagery on it and I'm too cognitively handicapped to tag reliably. This is my uncensored safe space.
I complain here so I don't complain out loud too much. I'm a reformed persecutor alter from a mixed origin system. Happy to explain to you how we exist if you think we don't.
18+ please.
Scroll at your risk.
I follow from my hosts account @polychaeteworm
My name is pronounced "Sara". I'm not a girl, not a boy, not a man, not a woman. I'm a tall alien. Femme like an elf, masc like a vampire. I'm mostly autoromantic and objectum for large bongs and blades.
I don't care what pronouns you use on me. My host defaults to he/him but I do not mind she/her or shee/hir. My species only has one sex, but an individualistic gender system, so I am Xenogender and genderflux in every sense of the words. I don't human gender concepts.
I love swords and smoking weed and I have a strong desire to run into the woods/onto a highway/into the ocean when I'm upset because I get weird alien homesickness. I talk about that here a lot, but don't worry, I am safe and supervised.
Really into Saltburn right now, so that shows up here too. Felix Catton is my Tumblr blorbo. I also just really really like dark royalty/vampire and academia in general as well as sick little freaks.
Kinks that might appear here- smoking/intox, blood/blades, shibari, parasitism/corruption, and maybe sometimes consang.
Discourse positions-
I'm anti misinfo and support all forms of plurality. My system is traumagenic but I do not like associating my existence with a mental disorder because of my origin within my paracosm. I respectfully don't like being referred to as having "come from trauma". My origin is complex and unrelated to any trauma. Do not call me an "apparently normal part" I'm not a part, I'm a complete entity and there is literally nothing normal about me.
I don't have a DNI, I just block if I don't want to interact. Just be nice and don't violate your own DNI to speak to me.
I'm a survivor of complex abuse (not quite RAMCOA but damn close) who writes and reads nasty things to cope and I'm not interested in hearing why you think I'm a freak for my kinks or the stuff I reblog. I'm pro-recovery and pro fiction. I do not support irl harm. I don't think of what I write as "shipping" because my system only reads and writes OC and we associate the term shipping with fandom. We don't mind fanfics, we just favor focusing on OC content.
Send all complaints to my host and steward, Orn (@polycheateworm) he is better articulate and I'm not nice to have an argument with because of my language challenges so please be patient. He also is better equipped to answer most questions you might have about me. Most of what I say here is dictated within the system so I'm actually less articulate as an altar than I appear on average so if I get upset and don't have an alter to dictate to, my language might decline.
What does your username mean?
My system has maladaptive daydreaming and I am an introject of an extremely developed OC from a paracosm.
Because I spent most of my life living inside an inner world that is as complex as the real one, my personal history and memories are not fully Earth Related.
Neurothea is an illness on the planet I come from. It hurts your brain in a lot of ways, you catch it from parasites and it can kill you. If you survive it you will have large scars from it. it's an exotrauma embodiment of complex abuse my human body has suffered. Its a fictional way that I as an alter interface with the difficulty my body has.
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Who is in Control
Part of the Iridescence Fictional Universe Blood Price Series Part One
Pairing: Lord Regent!Max Phillips x Light Elf f!Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.3K
Series Summary: After being named Eastern Regent of the Vampire Queen Max meets the Elvish ambassador of his new territory, he expected a stick in the mud noble and learns that he was both correct and incorrect. Possible Warnings: Blood (it's vampires), Max being a bit of a dick (it's Max)
Series Masterlist | Iridescence Masterlist Previous Chapter
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“Lady Ambassador, I’ve brought you the crimson heather blossoms you requested.” A servant from Maximos’ estate knocked gently at the door to the study you’d commandeered as your own, the tables laden with tomes in a variety of languages bearing spells and knowledge you were working through at an accelerated pace. You barely looked up from the small diary in your hands, waving to an open spot on the wooden table top, and the door closed quietly behind the girl as she fled the room.
To avoid looking lesser, weaker, in the eyes of any of the Blood Court you had taken to keeping stern and focused at all times when others were around; polite laughter and smiles were the most you awarded anyone, and when your vassals had reported and then dispersed all of them had decided to do the same. It wasn’t as though any of you thought yourselves superior to any of the Blood Court but quickly the arrogance of the vampires and their people had become apparent, especially when Lady Lynsendre had tried to proposition you directly after the meeting, so to avoid trouble it was easiest to keep as distant as you could.
Working around the natural discourse of magic between the blood magic and the light magic your kind used was proving to be a problem, but then again the blood magic that made vampires what they were had no known origins to your people or any others. So far whatever their magic was could only work on humans, records of Sidhe or Elvish vampires were non-existent, and any vampire that tried to drink the blood of an Elf or Sidhe reportedly would burn from the inside out. Even Dark Elves, whose natural magic abilities leaned toward death magic and control over elemental magic -as opposed to harmonious usage like yours- were just as deadly to the vampires.
But it made no sense why.
Sliding a piece of ribbon into the pages and closing the tome, beginning an examination of the blossoms you now had, was the first step to figuring it out. Your magic had always leaned toward nature and plants and you’d chosen to take advantage of the fact that there was latent blood magic all over, it was almost too easy the way you drew that deep red magic out of the petals. As if you were drawing something contagious, infectious, from the natural Wilding magic within the flowers.
What surprised you most was that the flower was normal after the blood magic was stripped from it, a simple heather blossom, and you needed to decide what step would come next. It was possible that there was something bigger involved with the blood magic itself but to really, truly, look into it you would need help from a Dark Elf to do so. Since there was little you could do with the essence of magic you’d extracted you began to seal it into a vial for keeping, that way you could possibly send it to be thoroughly examined.
What you hadn’t counted on was the energy to not only fight you, alive in a way much like Wilding Magic itself was, but to steadily grow and shape itself into a vaguely bipedal form by extracting energy from the garden of flowers just outside your window.
“A blood elemental?” The figure made to attack you, expanding like a red cloud, worming its way into your body only to shriek as your natural magic quickly swelled to combat the foreign energy. It burned like a fire had been ignited under your skin and you wheezed in pain as you fell out of the chair, bracing yourself on the floor with one forearm as you covered your mouth to prevent the swirling bile and rising need to vomit, and the rushing sound of white-noise blocked out everything before you felt two extremely cold hands cup your face and wrench your gaze up.
Maximos’ eyes scanned your entire face and there was a red glow to them, casting an almost maroon color over the brown irises, and he practically slammed his mouth to yours before you felt the release of that energy trying to claw its way through you. He was devouring it through your mouth, his thumbs pressing at the hinge of your jaws to hold you open for him, but even if he thought you’d fight you just couldn’t.
All at once you fell against him, like a puppet with its strings cut, trembling with the occasional jerk of your muscles as he drew his face back; the red to his eyes was much brighter now and every bit of strength you had was just gone. The Reagent Lord gestured to someone, you didn’t know who, and you heard the rapid footsteps as whatever servant had been there rushed off.
His hands were cold on your arms as he picked you up and placed you back in the chair you’d fallen out of, crouching so that he could stare at you while your head hung limp.
“Ambassador, I need you to look at me.” His voice was soothing and warm, soft and tender and musical, you lifted your eyes to stare into his and Maximos’ lips curved into a frown. He surged up again and slotted his mouth back to yours, mindful of his fangs, and the lethargic drag in your limbs finally began to fade as a better sense of clarity finally returned. Like he’d extracted poison from your very magic core.
This time when he drew back you were able to support yourself and sit up properly, to shake your head and feel the foreign magic no longer attempting to leech off your magic and your body.
“What in the name of the Immortals was that?” Your voice was weak from the unexpected incident, feeling a sense of dread begin to bubble up at the encounter, and Maximos could only shrug gently. His eyes stayed on you though, following you as you stood up, and the servant that had disappeared was back with a large tankard of tea as well as regular water.
“What happened to you, who tried to turn you?” Maximos’ was looking around the room and you realized that he was looking for signs of a vampire that’d been burned from your magic, that had been dusted by your natural defenses, and you glanced at the empty vial that had shattered on the floor. For any magic to have an elemental manifest like that it had to be a magic that wasn’t alive like Wilding Magic was, it had to be a secondary school of power, and while it shouldn’t come to a surprise that Blood Magic truly was its own entity like Fire or Death Magic… it was a surprise.
“I extracted the blood magic from those heather blossoms, they were crimson and from your garden, and when I went to seal it for further examination an elemental formed.” Maximos’ eyes snapped to look at you now and you wondered what he was thinking, his expression was very carefully blank, and after a long moment where you sipped the hot tea you’d been given he finally seemed to decide what he wanted to reveal to you.
“I thought that I imagined it, when I was turned. Blood elementals exist?” He sounded… lost, almost. His tone was so soft, so very different to what you’d witnessed in the past few days, that you believed him. The Regent stood up and looked around, you realized that the servant was gone and that you couldn’t hear or sense anyone else nearby, now his vulnerability and the delay made sense. Maximos sat down across from you and quietly you recounted the entire experience again.
“I think it’s the elementals that are creating the problem with other magic types, since I was able to extract the blood magic itself safely and handle it up until the elemental formed.” Which meant that there was a chance that a blood elemental was living inside every vampire, or leeching off them somehow, and you held up your hand carefully; Maximos’ eyes met yours before he pressed his palm flat to your own. He was cold, as you expected, and you carefully began to focus on the feeling of his magic.
As a low level mage you couldn’t do very many advanced spells, it was something you used to hate, but what you lacked in raw magic talent you made up for in knowledge; or at least you had, until now.
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He felt it, the call of your magic, and Max felt his instincts flare in warning; he forced himself to calm, watching as the faint glow around your hands began to spread to his, and for the briefest of moments it felt warm. Not the searing heat of blood down his throat, not the searing heat of living skin or a hot cunt, but a gentle warmth; the warmth of the sun on his skin before he was turned, the warmth of a cozy sweater when the winds were just starting to turn to autumn’s chill.
Something about your magic made him think of the faces he no longer remembered, of his mother’s gentle smile and warm brown eyes and his father’s face weathered from age but wrinkled from kindness around the corners of his mouth and eyes. Faces he hadn’t thought of for decades now, that he’d chosen to forget.
All at once his vision blurred, a crimson haze cast over everything, and Max had to throw himself away from you as the urge to rip you to pieces with his bare hands became overwhelming. It was like he was fighting with his own body, the sensation of something else living under his skin trying to make his limbs follow orders other than his own, and your magic abruptly stopped before you were pressed back into the corner of the room with a shield spell in place.
He hissed and stared at the way his veins had swelled and were pulsing under his own skin, breathed against the pain that flared as he forced whatever this was to settle, and if he were alive he thought he might’ve thrown up as he took great heaving breaths -more out of reflex than need- and stared at you. He’d never lost control like that, ever, and yet now he had.
“I think- I think your theory has some sound logic.” Admitting you were right wasn’t exactly what he wanted to do, after all the idea of any caster figuring out how Blood Magic truly worked -when his own kind didn’t exactly understand it- was a terrifying one. But it would be worse if the enemy were able to begin truly eliminating the humans volunteering their blood to keep his people sane, his kind would target any living thing and no doubt die attempting a meal of the Elves and Sidhe.
“This just got a hundred times more complex. I’ll- I have to call on the Dark Elves, they would likely be able to speed up the process of figuring this out. If that’s agreeable to you, Lord Regent.” You were putting your things to right, some of the various books and parchment had gotten tossed around in the magic mishap, and Max found himself considering it. He’d never really met a Dark Elf before, he’d heard of them of course and that they were the dark natured cousins of his now political allies, but if you didn’t seem worried about having them around he suspected that there was a good enough reason for it.
“One only, I can’t have a bunch of Elves running around my Keep acting like they own the place.” He’d noticed you kept mostly to yourself, kept your emotions dimmed to a polite coolness, and the fact that you were so… unbothered by being here shouldn’t have been as offensive to him as it was. But he felt it was a bit arrogant, that you were so unwilling to be whoever you truly were around him and his people, that even if it was a defense mechanism it came across more as distrust and a superiority complex than anything else.
Your long ears twitched in the same motion of your lips quirking upward on one side, like you’d bitten back some snarky comment, and Max couldn’t help himself. He wanted to see if your attitude was all ice, if you were as cool as you were trying to come across, or if there was a bit of fire under that veneer of yours.
“You’ve got more than enough of a superiority complex.” He was honestly mildly impressed that he couldn’t tell if the remark landed right away, it was clear you were definitely an experienced Ambassador, but that little lift of your lip turned down and your ears twitched again. The smell of blood was sharp, you’d bitten your cheek to stop yourself from rising to the challenge, and he turned to leave since you clearly weren’t going to let him see even a little bit of the real you.
“Says the man who decided to showcase his position by fucking his feeder in the middle of a political meeting, or were you trying to scare me off?” Max paused and couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his face, turning his head only a little to look at you over his shoulder.
“It obviously didn’t work, so either you’re arrogant or you’re stubborn.” He watched you, he could hear the blood rushing in your veins and smell it rising to your cheeks, your anger was sharp and floral and enticing. Max found himself turning fully, ready to engage further just so he could see you lose control, but you caught yourself. The fire vanished faster than he could blink, extinguished and smothered beneath that calm veneer, and Max honestly hated it.
“I’m just good at my job, Lord Regent, now if you’ll excuse me I need to send a message.” Max watched you go and found himself exhaling reflexively, hating that you could reduce him to human mannerisms so easily, and his eyes darted back to your books only briefly. He would just have to try a little harder, that was all, you clearly weren’t infallible.
Maybe he could tolerate you after all.
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All Fics Taglist: @haylzcyon @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @tauralmie @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here
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talenlee · 2 months
4e: The Blackguard Sucks
It is this blog’s position that D&D is a fun game, and that the best edition of D&D is and has been since its creation, 4th edition. This is mostly an entirely contrarian position that is merely backed up by playing 4th edition, and being completely unimpressed with every single thing I’ve ever seen 5th edition used to do. 5th edition, I can say, is pretty good for the content that people make, from the grand list of:
Here’s something about D&D 5th edition you haven’t examined
Here’s something about any other game you can implement in D&D 5th edition
Here’s an entire campaign of a game that could be run in almost any system because you’re watching comedians and improv artists who are used to the ropiest of systems and not prone to getting sulky because the elf maiden gave them a cold shoulder
Here’s how 5th edition is actually bad
Here’s how that person saying 5th edition is actually bad is wrong, and a hater
It’s a miserable place honestly, because I’m paying money to watch the campaigns, which are fun and good in a way completely unrelated to the game, and my friends are unfortunately in a space where some days are just taken up by twenty posts of a trans woman having to once again answer for the crime of not liking 5th edition. This also leads to a lowering of all discourse where entirely untrue things are said about a game where whatever sins it has going on, the most pertinent to the conversation are its fans who are really,
Nonetheless, it is important to interrogate your biases in a reasonable and thorough way and to that end I would like to present to you this true thing about 4th edition D&D, my favourite edition, that in addition to the Vampire, and the Seeker (huh never wrote about the Seeker?) the Blackguard sucks.
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And it kinda sucks because of its attempt to satisfy nostalgia.
The Blackguard in 3rd edition was a class I never saw in play. It was one of the first Prestige classes, and was designed to have a special reaction to the Paladin. Because of the Paladin being a core class that also had a lot of limitations that made it bad, almost every book included something to try and address the Paladin’s problems, and those things became support for the Blackguard. Because of this, the Blackguard is one of the most diversely supported Prestige Classes in 3rd edition which is an interesting accolade to hold for a class that completely sucks ass.
It’s not like the core prestige classes were bad. The Shadowdancer, Loremaster and Eldritch Knight are all perfectly fine. Shadowdancer even gets Hide In Plain Sight, which rules.
Anyway, the Blackguard is part of the identity of the Paladin. A Blackguard is a Paladin who falls, and is part of an entire story perspective that I still feel invites the embarrassing attention of complete tools, and kind of works completely against the point of 4th edition. This is doubly so because 4th edition has rules for respeccing a character, meaning major changes to your character can be done within the existing rules, and the term it has for an evil Paladin who has turned its back on its entire philosophical outlook is Paladin. This creates one of my favourite ideas in all of 4th edition, of the Unleashed Paladin.
Anyway, point is the Blackguard presents something that 4th edition doesn’t need.
But people want it.
You can play a Paladin who turns bad and starts using their powers for evil, even changing the powers you’ve taken and the feats you’ve taken, too. That’s Players Handbook compatible. But it doesn’t get to be called a Blackguard, it doesn’t feel like you’re really becoming a Blackguard, and so this need from people I don’t understand, was addressed in D&D essentials, which gave players the the Blackguard Class.
The Blackguard was a Paladin that had several features repurposed to change it from a hard-hitting melee defender with options that let it hit striker-level damage to become instead a hard hitting melee striker with options that let it hit striker level damage. And you might notice there’s an awkwardness in that sentence and you’d be right.
See, one of the quirks about the Paladin is that in the very low levels of the game, a strength-based Paladin is one of the most powerful melee attackers available. Not a striker, a defender. Over time, the strikers pick up the pace, but the Paladin is always working with a starting package that allows for some really absurd damage, and the weakness of the Paladin after that point is not in its damage output but instead in its ability to protect a party. Paladins need to be mobile, and aggressive and that’s okay for chasing one opponent down if they’re not too fast but it can lead to a lot of wasted turns if you’re not building for it, and splitting up a party can be a risk.
Point is, Paladin was always a melee damage beast.
The Blackguard is not better than the Paladin at melee damage.
It’s not better.
It doesn’t have mark punishment, it has access to the same powers, and worse, its striker powers added to the Paladin power selection means that the Paladin is now capable of making the same attacks if it’s willing to sacrifice attacks that may be better used for defending a party to instead start doing Blackguard damage. Utility powers added to the Blackguard like Deathguard’s Stance let it share healing around and get value out of being a heavy damage dealer, but then the Paladin can take those powers too, meaning that the Blackguard makes the Paladin better at tanking! There’s no reason for a Blackguard to be a type of Paladin except to satisfy the people who want it for nostalgia and as a direct result players get access to a mid-value striker that doesn’t outpace the real damage dealers, and makes their direct class competition, the Paladin, better by comparison.
It’s not like the Blackguard is a terrible class.
After all, it’s not the Vampire. The Vampire can at least attest to the way that it has a cool flavour that holds it together and doesn’t involve resuscitating alignment restrictions, to go along with its incredibly mediocre damage output and novel rules design.
Wait hang on, that makes the Vampire more interesting than the Blackguard.
Oh well.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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angel-milano · 11 months
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November 9 – SwynRPVision
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OBLIVION'S KISS is a visual novel dating sim for the PC released in 2018. It was created through a Kickstarter fundraiser by Avery Amons, a self-described half-elf who wanted to make a game "by Magicks, for Magicks".
The game takes place in a small, Magick-friendly town in Oregon, where the main character (a Mundus) is starting their freshman year at community college. There, they meet a wide cast of characters from all walks of life. They must face the trials and tribulations of college life--balancing work, finances, friendships, and even...love?
Players have the opportunity to romance one out of six characters (left to right): Sunny, the cool kid Medium hoping to make it big with their band. Michael, the shy and nervous Selkie trying to keep his identity from the wrestling team. Ava, the gothic Animal-Talent Fairy who volunteers at the local shelter. Robin, the studious vampire who has spent decades at the college learning everything they can. Jada, the hot-headed werewolf who is navigating the space after her secret got out. And Quinn, the laid-back sorcerer that accidentally summoned and now shares her body with a quipping demon.
The game has received mixed reviews since its release. Some have claimed that the storylines are shallow, and do not go deeply enough into the experience of being a Magick in a Mundus majority world. Others have called out the creator directly, claiming that they lied about their Magick status to get clout online, and recirculating a Tumblr callout post from 2012. The game had brief viral buzz on 4chan, who denounced and trolled the game's pro-Magick beliefs and diverse, queer cast. Despite this, the game has a dedicated and active fanbase, who continue to create art, share stories, and rehash discourse every few months.
Note: The above art is taken from a TTRPG called Monsterhearts, which has a similar premise.
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Yeah, I'm definitely done thirsting and talking about anything to do with the way our local beloved vampire elf looks. It's becoming very clear to me that there are people in the fandom who'll talk down on others simply for finding a character attractive... despite the fact that there's literally a dialogue branch where said character asks you to tell him that he's beautiful, and the fact that he clearly enjoys genuine praise.
It's gone beyond the folks who don't enjoy him being reduced to just sexuality - who are completely valid, he shouldn't be reduced to just sexuality, he's complex and fascinating and absolutely wonderful and that should never be ignored - and into the realms of some people going for peoples' throats or making passive-aggressive posts towards people who just express physical attraction for and/or sexual thoughts about him in general.
And like... I haven't been invested in this character for three years - for considerably more than his looks and the fact I think he's attractive, mind you - just to end up on the wrong side of fandom discourse about him, so... to avoid the chance of that completely, I'm simply not going to do it anymore. ✌️
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tanix-dragon · 3 years
What's up, I'm Tanix and this is my alterhuman blog. I share it occasionally with my headmates and we're basically a bunch of screaming lizards in a labcoat. The body is 20+ and all of us are adults, with the exception of Null, who is somewhere in her teens. If you need a single name to refer to the system with, Percival/Percy and Tanadin are both fine! We try to be friendly and open to chat with, and are always down to try to make new friends. Sourcemates and doubles of fictives are both enthusiastically welcomed.
Bigots and exclusionists of any kind are not welcome. Do not bring your discourse to me; I don't have the patience for it and Aegis really doesn't either. Endo and ace-spec friendly. This blog is not "kin-for-fun."
We have a personal website with our writings on it here!
Do you like our work? Consider donating to our Ko-Fi! Thank you!
The list of people here is as follows:
Tanix lei Dramon ak Hyuukii - he/him. Dragonkin as well as a deathclaw and silithid wasp therian. Host and perpetually tired. I mostly run the blog and body, and unless otherwise noted, I'm the one talking here, since this started as just my dragonkin blog. Hearthome in the Digimon setting. When I use a prefix, it's ~{.
Research - he/him. Human and fictionkin (fictotype is Gordon Freeman from Half-Life). Nerd, scientist, the one that does math and spreadsheets. Co-con with Tanix frequently. Uses -[ as a prefix.
Axia "Aegis" Giovanni - she/her. Nonhuman (cyborg angel? Part-time vampire and zerg? Unclear). Protector, takes over when confrontation happens or when Tanix gets too upset and can't handle it. Please don't get on her bad side. Very protective of Null. Both Axia Giovanni (VTM vampire) and Sarah Kerrigan (zerg/human from Starcraft) Uses ./ as a prefix.
Null - she/her or they/them. Nonhuman(?) (demon... something? Unclear). In her teens, kind of holds all the trauma everyone else has largely forgotten. She and Aegis are both trying to learn how to have fun and just... do things. Uses || as a prefix.
Valence Piceno - he/him. Nonhuman (tiefling) OC fictive. Cheerful, big Leo energy, kind of flirty on occasion. Absolute menace that we adore. Uses >> as a prefix.
Kyir Duru Lu'ann - any pronouns. (Mostly) human OC fictive. Queer as hell and here to give sarcastic answers to questions. Occasionally helpful and acts like the oldest and theoretically most responsible, but he tends to just peace out of the headspace a lot of the time. Where does he go? No one knows! Uses -| as a prefix.
Caspian Ciana - he/him. Half-elf OC fictive, same source as Valence. Responsible and collected, if a little mischievous sometimes. Spends a lot of time "asleep" and inactive. Loves anything to do with water. Uses {{ as a prefix. Reblogs things he enjoys over at @caspianposting.
Goratrix Tremere - he/him. Co-host. Vampire VTM fictive, canon-divergent. Very opinionated and likes to talk, even if he comes off as abrasive. Co-fronts with Tanix VERY frequently and the one to finally unstick him from the front. Partners with Tremere. Uses -> as a prefix. Also has his own blog over at @goratrix-betrayed.
Japheth Cappadocius - he/him. Vampire VTM fictive, canon-divergent, different timeline from Goratrix but basically the same source. Pretty quiet and keeps to himself. Melancholy. Uses ◇ or <> as a prefix.
Popel Úlovek - he/him or they/them. Tiefling OC fictive, different source than Valence and Caspian. Smart and snarky nerd. Can be a little abrasive. Uses && as a prefix.
Beckett - he/him. Vampire VTM fictive, canon-divergent, same source as Goratrix and different timeline from Japheth. Sardonic, snarky, sarcastic, he's got it all. Uses 》 or ]] as a prefix.
Percival "P2" de Rolo - he/it. Critical Role fictive, canon-divergent. A little unstable and pretty private, so you probably won't hear much from him. Won't admit it, but would Die Of Excitement to speak to a sourcemate. Uses # as a prefix.
Serinoth the Gold - he/him. D&D gold dragon fictive, same source as Valence and Caspian. Cheerful, energetic, and an engineer. Basically my son now. Uses ^<= as a prefix.
Primus Tremere - he/him. Vampire VTM fictive, canon-divergent. Yes, that Tremere. Goratrix's, uh, partner? Husband? They're together. Very eccentric and energetic. Co-fronts a lot. Uses => as a prefix.
Roger de Camden - he/him. Another vampire VTM fictive, also canon-divergent. Enthusiastic nerd that we adore. In a subsystem with Lazarus, but so distinct that we track them separately. Uses [] as a prefix.
Flux - collectively they/them. A subsystem of six VTM fictives that gets very blurry very frequently. They are Psius Dramikan (he/they), Cirros Dramikan (he/him), Uldrak Illian (he/him), Sascha Vykos (they/she/varies), Ilias cel Frumos (he/him), and Troile (he/him). Many of them don't like each other. Yikes. Collectively use x? as a prefix, but individually, they have x1 (Psius), x2 (Cirros), x3 (Uldrak), x4 (Sascha), x5 (Ilias), and x6 (Troile).
Khouru - he/him. Doesn't want any further information shared at this time. Uses -$ as a prefix.
Emerald - collectively he/him. Median subsystem consisting of two D&D fictives (an emerald dragon and his half-elf alter ego), The Orchestrator and Talitus Verner. Nerdy, lawful, quiet but snarky. Don't show up much. Collectively use ?E as a prefix, but Talitus uses 1E and the Orchestrator uses 2E.
Keladarn - he/it/whatever. Vampire VTM fictive (what a surprise), quiet, brooding. Tzimisce Antediluvian, so old as hell. Excessively canon-divergent. Uses % or %% as a prefix.
Raphyel Snyder - xe/xem. Vampire VTM fictive, a Salubri, tired of people's shit but pretty friendly, "I'm a doctor, but" mentality, extremely queer. Cofronts a lot. Uses BHX as a prefix. Xe has xyr own blog over at @unlikely-archangel.
Orion - collectively they/them. A kind of weird subsystem I can't get a lot of info on. Orion seems to be a collective identity as well. Consists of fictives Grimgoth (he/him, vampire, son of Tremere and Goratrix, 1> prefix), Raha "Therimna" Al-Khaldi (she/they, vampire, 2> prefix), Dr. Benjamin Tanji (she/her, human/mage, 3> prefix), and Rani "RC" Ranfeld (she/her, corax/wereraven, 4> prefix). Collectively uses ?> as a prefix.
Lazarus Cappadocius - he/him. Vampire VTM fictive, Cappadocian, kind of Japheth's brother. Weird guy. Friendly. Wants to become a god. In a subsystem with de Camden, but so distinct that we track them separately. Uses {} as a prefix.
Prince Mithras - he/him. Vampire VTM fictive, Ventrue, very old and insular. We don't know what he's up to most of the time. Serious god complex. Uses + or ++ as a prefix.
Spades - she/her. Fictive?, kind of unclear. Some kind of demon or fallen angel. A little mysterious, very feral. Part-time Gangrel Antediluvian. Uses ♤ as a prefix.
Ace Santos - they/them. Vampire VTM fictive, Tremere, mom friend (gender neutral). Married to Lochlan. Backup co-host. Uses 🜸 or o> as a prefix.
Lochlan Sharp-Santos - he/him. Vampire VTM fictive, Tremere, chaotic dad/uncle that made that his whole gender. Married to Ace. Backup host. Uses VX as a prefix.
Zakarith Caldwell - he/it. Vampire VTM fictive, Tremere, anchiornis therian, awkward spitfire younger brother vibes. Uses -X as a prefix.
Temperance - singular it, plural they. Subsystem of three VTM vampire Antediluvian fictives, Saulot (Salubri, he/him), Arikel (Toreador, she/her), and Kenaddel (Ravnos, he/him). Well-balanced, pretty chill. Collectively uses ?T as a prefix, but individually, they have 1T (Saulot), 2T (Arikel), and 3T (Kenaddel).
Caluna - she/her. Voidborn megaraptor D&D fictive, a cleric and part-time druid. She's... really hard to explain, but really cheerful and sweet. Types in all caps out of excitement. Uses -! as a prefix.
Anadoxion Prestor - he/him. Black dragon from World of Warcraft, frequently disguised as a human warrior. Currently a fairly young drake. Anxious but determined, I love him. Uses AN> as a prefix.
Khadgar - it/he. Human from the Warcraft universe, unfortunate archmage, minder of its own business, and doing its best. Dad joke central. Uses KH> as a prefix.
Varian Wrynn - he/him. Human from the Warcraft universe, king of Stormwind and the Alliance, kind of serious and very, very lost at the moment. Uses VA> as a prefix.
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