#really tried to word this so i wouldn’t have to say an an fan lmao
project sekai culture is suffering because your favourite character is an.
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mossyvil · 3 months
poly rookvil + yuu thoughts!
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notes: sometimes you just have to write the things you want to read so that’s what this is LMAO
this is an established relationship, if anyone’s interested i can write some stuff for pre-relationship/getting together! also requests are open update: part two here
the three of you guys are basically inseparable outside of class time! whenever one of you is missing it’s almost a guarantee that you’re with the other two somewhere
they are so sweet!! both of them show their love in different ways, but at the end of the day none of you are feeling unloved or undervalued in the relationship because love is given so freely
rook is obviously more straightforward with his affections- he’s very into (respectful) pda with his lovers and will literally go on tangents about all the things he loves about you and vil! even to other students who really don’t give a shit
vil has to be more subtle in his affections, being a celebrity means eyes on him at all times, and the last thing he wants is crazy fans hounding you and rook. even a more “normal” relationship would be hard to navigate, much less one with two other people
as you can probably guess, self care days are a must with these two! they love to pamper you anyways, so a day they can take care of you (and your skin, thanks vil) is a perfect way to spend a day off from classes and work!
speaking of- vil is extremely busy, with modeling shoots and interviews and the like. he tries his best to not let it get in the way of your relationship, but it can be hard sometimes
on days where vil can’t be with you, rook and you try to make the most of it. he takes you on your date of choice (pls don’t let him choose he is not to be trusted) and uses it as a chance to get some one on one time with you
vil, shockingly, is a very big cuddle bug! most people think he wouldn’t want to be that close to someone, especially when he needs his beauty sleep, but he actually sleeps better with you both and wakes up less rested after a night alone
rook will say the most OUT OF POCKET shit randomly and vil will glare at him while rook is just 😌
they’re both so proud of you, someone who has almost nothing to their name in a new scary world, for persevering in spite of it all, and they love you more than words ♡ rook will definitely write a poem about his love tho
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itsmarsss · 3 months
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 6 - Transaction Action
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn’t exactly considered classy, Stolas.)
"Stolas wants you don't get mad", he blurts out. "What do you mean Stolas wants me?"
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | 1st bonus | pt. 7 | pt. 8 | pt. 9
Word Count: 12,920
Warnings: threesome, afab!reader, unprotected sex (don’t do that y’all!! also this does NOT lead to a pregnancy or anything like that lol i fell for that in a fic once and i hated it so don’t worry abt that), making out, dry-humping, dirty talk, fingering, Stolas has a cloaca (like in canon), Blitzø purrs, hair-pulling, feather-pulling (?), tail play (?), use of blindfold, physical restraint (no ropes, just.. tails again lmao), light choking, stolas is very submissive, penetrative sex, standing sex, sexual tension, name-calling, light degradation, dom/sub undertones, squirting, i think that’s all. this chapter is basically just sex honestly.
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When Blitzø called you up into his office only a few minutes before you were supposed to go home, this was not where you’d thought the conversation would be going. You could have imagined it would have something to do with his whole situation with Stolas, judging by the weird suggestive way he asked you to go and the fact that the full moon was just the next day, but, then again, that was Blitzø, and that wasn’t really anything abnormal.
So when he sat you down on his chair, circled behind you and offered you a fucking shoulder rub (which, what the fuck?), you knew something was up. “Okay what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“The fuck’s wrong with you?” He retorts.
“Blitz. What did you do?”
“Why do you think I did something?”
“You would not be giving me a fucking massage right now if you hadn’t done something.”
“Maybe I’m just trying to get you in the mood… ‘s it working?” He half-heartedly tries some flirty humor.
He sighs. “Okay I did do something.”
“Oh what a surprise!”
“But it wasn’t like. Well I didn’t do do something. I just did something.”
“What does that fucking mean?”
“Stolas wants you don’t get mad,” he blurts out.
“What do you mean Stolas wants me?”
He sits down on top of the desk in front of you so he can face you as he speaks. “Well you know the thing I have with him?”
“Not exactly, it’s really fucking confusing.”
“Not that confusing. We use his little magic spell book-”
“His Grimoire.”
“Yeah that. We use that in order to have I.M.P. happen and everything. And I bring it back to him every full moon.”
“Yeah and where does the whole sex thing come in again?”
“Well it’s like. Uh. It’s like an exchange, you know. He lets us use the book, which is kind of a little bit very illegal but ya know he’s royalty he won’t get in trouble or something like that, I don’t know, and in exchange I have sex with him.”
“Like just once a month?”
“Like just once a month,” he repeats in confirmation.
“That is-”
“Fan-fucking-tastic, right?”
“Not exactly what I was gonna say. But sure.”
“Well it is. And guess what? Stolas wants you to… participate… in our activities.”
“Stolas what?”
“I told you! He wants you.” Blitzø smirks, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
“What? No.”
His expression falls immediately. “What do you mean no?”
“I mean, you can’t just go offering sexual favors in my name! I’m not some fucking sex doll!”
“You said you wouldn’t get mad!”
“No I didn’t, you just asked me not to.”
“Look I didn’t offer it, he just asked for it!”
“Well then tell him no! I see this guy all the time for years and sure he’s hot or whatever but he’s so composed and polite and never shows any fucking ounce of interest and now he pulls this?”
“I mean you’re not awful to look at. Maybe he’s been thinking about it all this time. Maybe all those years he’s been jacking it off to you in his-”
“Well this is not the way to go about it.”
“He just told me to ask you. It’s supposed to be a ‘non-pressure ask,” He says, in air-quotes, “but, like, he’s a prince you know? And we need the book.”
“Does none of that sound concerning to you?”
“Not really,” he shrugs. “It’s just what I do.”
Your mind wanders to yourself a few years before and you wonder if it would be wise to accept a deal like this. You wonder, too, if you should talk to Ozzie before deciding on it, but then again… you kind of didn’t want to have that conversation. And would it be so bad to hook up with two hot guys and get something you needed out of it? You realize you were sounding just like Blitzø. Or just like… 
You shake the thought away. This was different. “What about us?” You find yourself asking.
“What about us?”
“How would we go about this? Isn’t it gonna be weird?”
“What? No way. We’re just gonna be friends who… sometimes… fuck the same guy… at the same time. And that’s it.”
“Is it… good? Like is it good at all with him or just like. A ‘get it over with to get what you want’ kind of thing’?”
Blitzø averts his eyes to the floor, hesitating before giving you an answer. “Best sex I’ve ever had. But don't go telling anyone that.”
“Well shit.”
“So, you in?”
“I... the full moon’s tomorrow, right? Can I… think about it?”
“As your boss? No. But as your friend… sure.”
“Wow. So caring of you.”
“Yeah yeah call me mother Talita or whatever.”
“Mother what?” You stifle a laugh.
“Mother Talita? You know, that… nun or whatever.”
“That’s Mother Theresa, dude. And she’s been down here.”
“Yeah well so am I.”
“Well, am I dismissed, sir?” You mock him, putting on a stupid accent, trying to ease the tension up.
“Sir, huh? I can work with sir.”
You smile. Has it been that long since that day you met?  
[. . .]
Millie looks confused when she opens her front door to find you on the other side of it later that day. Well, not day anymore, technically. A little later than that. And a little later than later, too. 
Alright, it’s the middle of the night and you’re sort of, kind of, panicking. A lot. 
“Y/N? E’rythin’ alright?” She yawns, clearly woken up by your knocking on her door.
“I know you were sleeping, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine. Something happen?”
“Not really. Well not yet.”
She raises an eyebrow, curious. “Come in, girl.” She walks you inside and the two of you sit down, facing each other, on the purple couch you always compliment her on. Moxxie comes out of their room, rubbing his eyes and barely awake. “Sweetie everything-“ he yawns. “Everything okay?” He doesn’t even register the fact that you’re there, eyes barely open.
“Yeah Mox. Y/n’s just here to talk.”
“Oh. Hey.” He finally fixes his eyes on you and gives you a little wave.  
“Hey Mox,” you wave back.
“‘S it a both of us talk or a Millie talk?”
“Millie talk.”
“Okay. I’ll be,” he vaguely points back to the room, his mind clearly still foggy from the sleep. You feel bad for waking them up like this, but it’s not exactly the first time something like this has happened, be it you showing up at their door at late hours to talk to either or both of them just like this, or one of them (both too, once) showing up at your place instead. “I’ll be right. There.” 
“Sure, Mox. You can go back to sleep now, alright? I’ll be right back,” Millie tells him with a fond smile, and he nods before walking back into the room, closing the door behind him to let the two of you talk. 
“Okay. Ya wanna tell me what’s going on now?”
“Blitz asked me to do something and I think I’m gonna say yes but I really don’t know if I should ‘cause it’s a little bit insane.”
“Oookay. What’d he ask ya to do?”
“Well not just him. Apparently- apparently Stolas-“
“The prince guy?”
“Yeah, the prince guy. Apparently he wants to make the deal they have like… a three person thing.”
“What?” She asks loudly, voice pitched up. 
“Yeah. And apparently he asked Blitz to ask me to participate tomorrow.”
“They want you to like… fuck ‘em?” She makes a crude gesture with her hands, trying to confirm she understood you right.
“… yeah.”
“Well shit!”
“I know!”
“And you wanna say yes?”
“Is it crazy if I do?”
“A little!  I get that you wanna fuck Blitz but you’re sure a threesome with this royal guy is the best way to do that?”
“Hey! I don’t wanna fuck Blitz!”
“Y/n. I love you. I love Blitz.” She pauses, trying to make a point. “You two wanna fuck so bad it’s painful to watch sometimes.”
“That’s not true! And we both agreed waaay back when we met that we wouldn’t. That’s why we���re such good friends!” You exclaim, as if what you’re saying is normal and even obvious.
“Again, I love you. Very much. But I don’t need to keep fighting some urge to fuck you so that we can stay friends, ya know. That’s not normal.”
You go quiet. The point she’s trying to make is fundamentally right, and so there’s really not anything you can say to dispute it. You know that. 
“That’s not the point here! I think I want to say yes, just see where it goes maybe. But what if we’re right? And then we fuck and things are weird and I’m just involved in this situation.”
“I think you’re giving it too much credit. Things could get a little weird but it’s not like it would fuck up your friendship.”
“You don’t think it would?”
“Not if you don’t let it. But I’m a little worried about the threeway part of it. This isn’t Blitz asking you out. You know that, right? It’s Stolas asking to fuck ya. Through him. He’s like. Just a part of it.”
“I know. And I don’t want Blitz to ask me out, by the way. Alright? And yeah obviously this feels a little weird. But the guy’s hot and I’ve always noticed that. And don’t tell him I told you this, like ever, but Blitz says he’s the best sex he’s ever had.”
“Blitz said that?”
“Yeah! I think I’m just curious.”
“Girl, you know what you wanna do already. I dunno why you even came here.”
“I want your opinion!”
“My opinion is you wanna do this so do it! But maybe don’t commit to like… a forever kinda deal ya know. Do it once and see whatcha think.”
“Okay. Yeah. That sounds… smart.”
“ I never said I thought it was smart, it’s dumb as shit!” 
[. . .] 
Blitzø was already in his office when you got to work. Well, obviously. You’d passed up on the carpool this morning, choosing to walk this time instead. What was weird, though, was the fact that the place was so oddly quiet at that time of the morning, when usually there would be some sort of argument between Moxxie and Loona going on, or some weird client explaining their whole life story to Blitz somewhere, or even Millie training in the middle of the office. 
Millie and Moxxie weren’t there, though. Strange. “Where’s everyone?” You ask Loona. 
“The two fuckfaces went up on their own.”
She shrugs. “Don’t ask me. Blitz told them to. Said he’d go for a different target with you when you got here.” 
“‘Kay. Thanks.”
You walk up to his office, knocking on the door. It was closed, which was also weird. He almost never left it closed unless he had a client in there, which Loona would’ve probably told you about. “What?” He yells from inside.
“It’s me.”
“Oh. Come in.”
You do. You open the door to find him sitting on his chair, hands behind his head and feet over the table. “So?” He asks, and you know he’s referring to your answer to what he proposed the day before. Alright, straight to the point then.
“D’you think I could go tonight and see how it goes? Before, you know, committing to the whole deal thing and all?”
“I mean I guess?”
“Tell him I’m doing that,” you assert yourself.
He doesn’t seem to have any complaints about it. Quite the opposite, in fact. “So… ya wanna get ready at my place? I can help you relax a little  before we go.” He grins, doing that stupid thing where he wiggles his eyebrows up and down. 
“Stop making things weird!”
“Learn how to take a joke, bitch!”
“Learn how to be funny, asshole!”
[. . .]
At home, you’re feeling nervous. What the fuck had you even gotten yourself into? What had gotten into Stolas to request you participate in the agreement anyway? You’d barely ever exchanged that many words in the times you’d seen each other throughout the years. 
Still, there you were, getting ready to fulfill his wishes.
Well, if you were doing this, you should dress to impress, right? You convince yourself that’s what you’re doing, but really you’re just trying to compensate for the anxiety by dressing nice and at least feeling hot. 
You smile at your reflection in the mirror: you look nice.  It’s been a while since you’ve gone out with anyone. Well, not that this was going out. It’s still been a little while since you've hooked up with someone, too, though. You sit down on your bed and grab your phone, noticing you got a text from Millie. 
mills: how u doin?
You send her a selfie as a reply. 
you: thank u!! u really think so?
mills: duhh?? bur r u sure ur ok w this?
you: i think so
mills: thats not a yes
you: if i get uncomfortable ill leave promise!  right?
mills: right.  so. u finally getting it on w blitzzzzzzzz 😏😏😏😏
you: ew bye millie!!
mills: aw cmonnn
you: no!! bye!!!
No getting into that subject. Millie has been adamant about pointing out the sexual tension between you and Blitzø for ages now. And, just as you could admit the night before, it’s not that you don’t notice it, or even that you were in denial about it being there- you were denying any acting upon it. And it was working out great, in fact! It’s what made you two such great friends, right? And tonight you were throwing years of that self control out the window. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all.
You tried not to dwell too hard on that, as there’s plenty of other things to think about at the moment, and you click out of Millie’s contact and on Blitzø’s instead. 
you: im ready can you come get me???
He takes a few minutes to reply.
blitz(n)o: ON MY WAY
[. . .]
“Shit” is the first and only thing he says as soon as he pulls up outside of your apartment complex, checking you out.
“What? Is it too much? I thought it was simple enough.” You look down at your outfit as you get in the car- a black tank top, lacy black bra peeking out, and simple, plain black shorts.
“No it’s simple. Pretty uh. Pretty simple,” Is all he says before turning his head to face forward, beginning to drive.
What did that fucking mean? “Okay.”
He changes the subject. “So! Ya ready for the time of your life?”
“I don’t think you understand how much I’ve fucked before.”
“I don’t think you understand how good I am.”
“Sure thing, Blitz.”
“Oh don’t act like you haven’t been thirsting for this dick for years now.”
“I most definitely haven’t.”
“That’s not what I hear.”
“And what do you hear?”
“What I hear is that my dick must be good.”
You cringe as you remember the moment. You were wondering when he’d bring that up again. Though you hoped he’d forget about it, you know him, and you know he wouldn’t. “Oh come on, that's low, it was a slip-up.”
“You said it though.”
“You can’t prove it.”
“I have witnesses!”
“Will you shut up?”
“Oh no, I’m gonna talk about this forever and ever and ever and ever and-“ 
“Shhhhh I wanna listen to some music,” you turn on the radio, trying to get out of the conversation, and tuning into one of the Wrath stations. You sing your hearts out to a few songs until you get to the palace, and then your mood immediately shifts- this is real. This is going to happen. It feels thrilling, but it feels weird, too. 
“Come on, we gotta get in through the balcony.”
“I- uh- cause… his wife. Well, ex-wife? Or whatever.”
“His wife’s here?”
“No, she leaves with his daughter when I come over.”
“So why would we get in through the balcony?”
“Well the servants!”
“He’s a prince, Blitz, can’t he do, like, whatever he wants?” 
“Look, we just gotta. ‘Kay?”
It doesn’t really seem up for debate, so… “Okay.” You follow him, and rather ridiculously climb up Stolas’ balcony, feeling like a fool. When you get up there, Stolas is sitting on his bed, tapping his foot, waiting for you. His eyes light up when he sees the two of you. 
“‘Sup, Stolassss?” Blitzø greets him.
“Hello Blitzy. Y/n,” he stands up to greet the both of you, immediately flustered over your presence. He's definitely never done anything like what you’re here to do ever in his life.
“Your Highness.”
“Oh, Please no, what have I told you? None of that.”
“Sorry. Old habits. Hi, Stolas.”
“That’s much better, darling. I like it when you say my name.” Oh.
“I brought her like I said I would, ya fucking perv,” Blitzø smirks.
“Uhm. I can see that, Blitzy.” He looks over to you. “Are you alright with this, dear?”
“Yes, I think.”
Stolas tilts his head to the side. “You think?”
“I’m not really sure why I’m here, honestly. You never really… showed any interest before.”
“My apologies, darling. Things were… a lot more difficult, then. But I have always noticed you.”
“I’m not that sure if I believe you, but-”
“Would you let me show you, then?”
Oh shit. “Yeah. Okay.” You nod, a little more enthusiastically than intended. 
“Hey I’m feeling a little left out here,” Blitzø complains, arms crossed over his chest. 
Stolas lets out a chuckle. “Is it alright if he joins us, dear?” He asks softly.
“Bitch I’m the one who actually knows her!”
“I am only checking in with her!”
“Let me check in with her!”
“Very well, then, go ahead!”
“It cool if we threeway?”
You let out a laugh at his wording. Ever a poet. “Sure.”
“Nice. See, Stolas?”
Stolas chuckles again, and sits down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Blitzø follows, sitting down too, but leaving the spot between them empty. He signals for you to come sit with them. Blitzø leans down, pushing your hair out of the way so he’s granted access to your neck. As he begins kissing the spot right under your ear, Stolas grabs your hand, holding it in his. 
They stop moving altogether. 
“What, can’t take it? We barely started!” Blitzø jokes. 
“It’s not that, asshole. Let’s just not get straight into it, yeah?”
“Shit, okay. You like to watch?” He grins, and you don’t have the time to respond before he lunges over at Stolas, grabbing him by the collar of his vest and pulling him into a hungry kiss. 
Stolas seems taken by surprise at first, but quickly lets himself get lost in it, wide eyes closing and startled expression relaxing. At first the kiss is only that- hungry. But as the moments go by you see it morph into something else- they look like two men starved, ready to devour each other whole. They move against each other aggressively, messily, over you, with Stolas cupping Blitzø’s jaw with both of his hands and Blitzø pulling hard on the feathers on the back of his head. Once in a while you can catch a glimpse into the way their tongues move against each other, desperate and careless, and it’s fucking hot. 
“Fuck,” you find yourself mumbling under your breath at the scene, unable to hide the way it’s got you all hot and bothered, and the two men pull away from each other, both out of breath. 
Blitzø smirks, very obviously enjoying the reaction they got out of you. “So. Like what you see?” 
You only nod.
“Wanna try it out?”
You nod again, slowly. 
“Use your words, dear,” Stolas urges you, and fuck it’s delicious.
“Wanna put on a little show for birdy here?” Blitzø grins.
“Yes,” you repeat yourself. He’s so gonna give you shit for the way you’re acting right now after you’re done.
But right now he’s almost sweet about it. “Come here,” he tells you, expecting you to lean in. You do. 
Blitzo kisses you abruptly, with no time for you to think twice of it. He kisses you fervently, slowly, taking his time with this kiss that feels long overdue. Honestly, thinking back on it, it feels crazy that, with the sheer amount of sexual tension between you, you’d never even kissed before, despite the constant half-jokes about everything you half-seriously wanted to do to each other. It had always seemed like a line you shouldn’t cross- one you wouldn’t be able to come back from. And you suppose you were right: there was no way things could go back to normal after this. You could act like things were normal, but there was no way in hell you’d be able to forget whatever was about to happen. 
This was a problem for future you, though, because current you is busy enjoying every second of this.
He smirks into the kiss, and you can’t even get yourself to complain about his smugness like you normally would. Instead, you reach over around him, twirling his tail around on your pointer finger, hoping to get a reaction out of him. He lets out a kind of whimper you’d only ever heard animals make, clearly unprepared for that. You’d want to make fun of it, if only it didn’t sound so fucking hot and if only it didn’t seem so fucking enticing to have him whimper for you. You’re filled with the urge to make him do it over and over and over and over again, which sucks, because there’s no way you’ll be able to hold a normal conversation with him with those sounds to be remembered.  He pulls away from you, though, as soon as he catches himself making the noise. 
“Damnit, woman, gotta give a guy a warning!”
You shrug, half-apologetically, and the both of you turn to take a look at Stolas, who has his eyes open impossibly wide- all four of them. His mouth hangs open and there’s a very visible pink flush on his cheeks and it looks so damn cute and it’s making him look so very, very fuckable right now. 
“Was it a good show, Stolas?” You ask, trying to get a reaction from him.
Stolas can only get himself to nod slowly, as if lost in a trance. The look on his face makes you want to eat him right up.
“Well. Do I get a show?” Blitzø asks, and a surge of boldness rushes through you, pushing you to crawl your way onto Stolas’ lap, tracing your fingers along his face and his beak and looking up at him through your lashes in feigned innocence.
 “What do you think, Stolas? You think he deserves it?”
The prince gulps. It’s exhilarating- to have a fucking Goetia prince under you gulping in anticipation to have you. It’s been a while since you’ve let yourself feel this sort of power over someone. “I… believe it’s only fair,” he responds.
You nod in agreement, pleased, and pull him to you by the collar of his tailored vest. Kissing Stolas is obviously pretty different from kissing Blitzø, but different definitely isn’t bad in this case. It’s a lot more tongue, which makes sense. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been wondering what it was even like to kiss him, considering the, you know, beak. But his hands were planted on your hips and his tongue was moving against yours and he wasn’t desperate in such a way that rushed things too fast, but he was still so clearly eager with the way he kissed you like he’d run out of time that it got you stunned. Fuck, all thoughts that could still linger of this being a bad idea were getting thrown out the window by now- you’d deal with those later. 
“Okay okay I get it,” Blitzø complains, interrupting the moment by pulling you away from Stolas by your hair. It makes you freeze in place on the demon’s lap. Did he really just pull on your hair right now? You try to blink the shock right off your face, and maybe the fact that it might have turned you on for just a second, but it’s there long enough for Stolas, who’s staring at you with wide eyes, to notice- you can see it in his expression, like he was making a mental note of it, but he doesn’t mention it out loud. 
“That’s rude! What’d you do that for?” You scold.
“Oh, don’t tell me you don’t like it, I heard ya tell Millie you do. And the two of you got too many clothes on for a proper show.” You decide to brush off the first comment as to not freak yourself out- you know what conversation that came up in and you did not want to think about the fact that he’d apparently overheard it. Instead, you focus on the latter.
You look back at Stolas, who’s been awfully quiet since Blitzø’s interruption. So much for ‘using your words, dear’. “Actually I think so too. You agree, Stolas?”
“Oh my- fuck, yes!”
You and Blitzø share a look at the reaction, both grinning. 
Blitzo wants more, though- he wants to prove to you just how dirty Stolas is, how you should have believed him when he told you about it. “Come on, you can do better than that, Stolas. Don’t be shy now. Tell us what you want.”
“What I want?” 
You nod eagerly, encouraging him. 
Blitzø moves closer, settling on kneeling behind Stolas, voice dropping an octave as he coos at his ear. “You can talk to her like you talk to me. She ain’t no saint.”
“Really, Blitz?” You raise an eyebrow at the comment.
He looks up at you. “What? You’re the one already on his lap.” Okay, yeah, fair enough. 
“So? I can bring out the toys if you want. Just say the word, Stols.” Blitzø urges him. You take a mental note of the nickname to ask him about it at a later time. 
Stolas hesitates for only a couple seconds before describing the most dirtiest, filthiest ways in which he wanted to be fucked. You find yourself wanting to fulfill them all as he talks to you. “I want you to fill me up with your fingers. I want it so badly. I have fantasized about it. You have no idea how much I’ve thought about this, for how long. Want to gag on Blitzy’s big cock, I want to hear you while he thrusts deep into you, you need to know how perfect it feels. I just want- I- I don’t know what I want, I- I-”
“Fuck.” Blitzo breathes out.
“Fuck.” You reapeat. Fuck, indeed.
A new sense of eagerness runs through you and compels you to move to unbutton the buttons on Stolas’ vest that you’re sure are all made out of real gold. Blitzø seems to be in the same line of thought as undoes his cape from behind him. Why was he even wearing the fucking cape for a scheduled hookup? Whatever, it just needed to be off, off, off. You both move at what feels like it could very much be the speed of light to undress him. 
Hearing what Stolas fantasized about had clearly turned the both of you on beyond comprehension, and every ounce of rationality was getting thrown out the window by the second. The clothes you’d taken off of him were blindly thrown somewhere in the room, leaving him only in his pants and underwear, and as much as you did want them off too, you didn’t have it in you to get up off of his lap yet. “Fuck, Stolas. Few months ago I wouldn’t have thought you had that kind of mouth.” You ground your hips against his, experimentally, trying to gauge his reaction.
He didn’t seem to be expecting you to do that, his hips betraying any tries he could make at seeming unbothered by it as they seemed to involuntarily thrust up to meet yours instantly. And then he fucking hoots. Incredible. He covers his mouth when he realizes the sound he made. 
“I told you. He’s a filthy fucking whore.” Blitzø says, still behind him. Stolas gulps at the insult. He likes it, you realize. 
You run a hand through the feathers on his chest, keeping the other on his shoulder, and you can feel him shiver under you. Blitzø keeps on, speaking in that low voice that wasn’t even directed at you anymore but still gave you chills, bringing his hands to pull Stolas’ down from your hips and on the mattress, on either side of him, trapping them firmly there. You get the idea- and it fills you with anticipation: if things keep going like this, you’re sure to have an utterly helpless Stolas between you. The image your mind conjures of it alone is already breathtaking enough to leave your mind foggy. You roll your hips against his again, and again, settling into a painfully slow pace just to tease him.  “What’s up with that, Stolas? The lady thought you weren’t even into her! Acting all polite and shit and then going home and jerking it to her. That what you were doing?”
Stolas doesn’t reply, and you could have mistaken that for him being uncomfortable, if only his body wouldn’t keep betraying him. Blitzø has learned how to use that condescending, mocking tone to get the prince going, having turned it almost into an art form at this point with the way he seemed to know exactly what to say and how to say it to tug on his strings.  He closes all four of his eyes, breathing growing more erratic as he grinds back up against you, pointlessly chasing what you purposefully simply won’t give him enough of. 
“It’s okay if you did, Stolas, baby. You can tell us,” you coo, as if taking pity on him. The truth is seeing him like this, all flustered and pathetic, was something you came to find out you enjoyed- very much so. 
He opens his eyes- only the lower ones- and stares at you with them wide. “Only- only sometimes.” 
“Oh, did you now? Poor thing! Did you hear that, Blitz?”
Blitzø lets out a mocking laugh from behind him, still trapping his hands in place. “So pathetic. I bet you jerk it to the thought of our last full moon too, don’t you, Your Highness?”
Stolas doesn’t reply, once again. You halt all movement at the lack of response, as you’ve come to realize teasing him is beyond fun. “Come on, answer him, Stolas.”
“I can’t help it.”
“I knew it. You’re a fuckin’ mess, Stolas! Look at your feathers all ruffled up. So pathetic. ‘S it the girl on your lap or the guy right behind you, huh?”
Stolas completely ignores him. “Your- your clothes. I’m the only one undressed here.. They should be off too,” he pleads, eyes closed once again. 
“Which one of us?” You ask.
“Both of you.”
“Fine by me,” Blitzø shrugs, freeing Stolas’ hands from his grip and taking off his jacket, revealing a button up shirt and… are those suspenders? You restrain yourself from making fun of them so as to not ruin the mood. You’ll make fun of them later.  He takes the shirt off swiftly and begins to unbutton his pants, too.
“This what you want me to take off?” You inquire, pulling on one of the straps of the black top and tilting your head to the side. It’s pointless to ask, really, and you know that- there was only so much for you to take off, unlike the two freaks who were practically competing for the most clothing layers in hell. Truth is, you just want to make him say it. 
 “Yes,” he affirms, pulling at the hem of your top. “Please.”
You nod, pulling it over your head and discarding it somewhere on the floor next to the bed. You take your time, not missing the opportunity to make a little show of it. “Better?”
“So much.” He breathes out.
“Holy fuck I’ve always dreamed of seeing those,” Blitzø comments, staring profusely and unashamedly at your chest. You’re still wearing the pretty black bra you’d picked earlier, and you let out a genuine laugh at the reaction.
“Shut up- ” Whatever you were about to say next dies out as Stolas places a kiss on your collarbone with no warning. 
“What, you don’t think it’s true?”
“Oh, no, I believe you.”
“Cocky bitch.” 
“You- fuck-“ Stolas nips at a sensitive spot on your neck, just under your ear. “You asked, you pri-” you suck in a breath as he runs his tongue along your throat.
“Hey now, we’re trying to have a conversation here,” Blitzø scolds him. “They don’t teach you it’s rude to interrupt at prince school?” He mocks, and his tail ascends to Stolas’ neck, entailing itself around it and tugging on it. It pulls Stolas’s face away from your body and leaves him gasping for air, and, fuck, it’s hot. “Where was I?” He asks you nonchalantly, tail still squeezing Stolas’ throat just enough to make his breathing erratic. “Telling you how many times I imagined what it’d be like to bury my head in your sweet, sweet-”
“Joke’s on you, insulting me only turns me on more.” The spade of his tails lifts Stolas’ chin up, forcing him to rest his head back on Blitzø’s chest.
“Why does that not surprise me- will you quit staring at my boobs?”
“I mean it’s kinda hard when they’re like right there. And where’s that energy for the pigeon here? He hasn’t taken his eyes off ‘em since you took the shirt off. And he’s got four of ‘em.”
You look back down at Stolas, who not-so-gracefully makes a point of directing his gaze somewhere else. 
“You been staring, Stolas?”
“No.” It comes out breathy, the sound threatening to not even come out given the hold of Blitzø’s tail on his throat.
Blitzø scoffs.
“It’s okay if you were.”
“Hey!” Blitzø complains. “I’m being treated so unfairly here!”
You ignore him. “Did you get a good look?” You card your fingers through Stolas’ hair before caging his face in your hands.
“What do you mean-”
You pull yourself off his lap altogether and he whimpers at the loss of contact, immediately muttering out apologies for staring at you. You just can't believe how easy it is to make him so submissive, such a mess. 
“I’m not punishing you for staring, Stolas. I just think you got a good look already. Don’t you wanna take a good look at Blitz too?” Blitzø raises an eyebrow at you as you lock eyes, silently questioning where you plan on going with that. 
Stolas doesn’t have to be told twice, and turns his head, and only his head, to look at Blitzø , in almost a full 180° turn. It’s freaky, and not the sexy kind of freaky- scary freaky. 
“Geez don’t fucking do that!” Blitzø releases the demon from his own tail’s grip on his throat. “I was gonna let you move!”
Stolas whips his head back into place and turns his whole body to face Blitz this time. “Sorry. I got carried away.”
“Yeah I noticed.”
Stolas doesn’t look embarrassed by what just happened the same way you noticed he’d been when he let out the compromising noises earlier, and you chalk it up to a single reason- he’s too busy ogling at Blitzø’s almost naked body. You get up off the bed, walking to the other end of the room, where Blitzø had left his bag. Rummaging through the collection of sex toys he’d brought in it, you were positive you’d find what you were looking for somewhere in there- and you do.
“The fuck are you doing?” Blitzø calls out.
You wordlessly hold up the blindfold in reply, putting the other stuff back inside the bag before turning around to face them, only to see both men staring at you intently. “What?” You ask, walking back towards the bed. Was this like a wrong move, or something?
“You wanna use that?” Blitzø asks you.
“Well it’s not for not me, is it? It’s for Stolas.” You explain, casually, and said demon chokes on his own spit. 
“Well, yes. I think you’ve stared enough for now, haven’t you? You don’t think we can take care of you? Isn’t that what you wanted?” 
His cheeks burn a flaming pink hue again and you wonder once again if what you’re suggesting is actually welcome, your confidence faltering for a second. “Have you guys never used it? I thought-”
“Oh we’ve used it alright. I think the pretty bird here’s just a little overwhelmed. Is that right, Stolas?”
“You’re just… so forward, y/n.” It sounds like it’s a good thing, judging by the way he says it. You still want to make sure, though.
“Is that an okay thing?”
“An okay thing?” Stolas repeats, as if even thinking of questioning that is completely stupid. He crawls over to the edge of the bed, where you stood, and sits pretty on his legs with his back to you. “Please do it. I’ll behave, I’ll let you take care of me.”
Okay, green light. Very hot green light. 
“Oh, Stolas. I’m sure you will,” you place a kiss on the side of his neck, eyes locked on Blitzø’s as you do so. He, in turn, looks elated, eager for what he knows is coming next.. Whatever you were doing, it seemed you were on the right path, with both of them. You bring the soft black fabric over Stolas’ eyes, tying it up behind his head. Blitzø stares curiously at you when you make eye contact with him again. “You wanna play?” You ask, a devilish smile directed at him.
“Fuck yeah.” 
Silence takes over as Blitzø takes his time crawling over to Stolas on all fours, anticipation building inside all three of you by the second. He sits on his own legs, mirroring Stolas’ position, and places his hands on the prince’s knees, pushing his legs open. You can hear Stolas’ breath hitch. Blitzø moves closer now, kneeling between his legs and resting his hands on either of his thighs. Stolas immediately places his own hands on top of the imp’s and leans forward, trying to pull Blitzø into a kiss. Blitzø leans back and clicks his tongue in response. 
“Stolas I thought you just said you were gonna behave.”
“I am!”
“You’re not, though, are you? Do I have to spell it out to you? You don’t call the shots here. You touch me when I let you.”
“O- okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He retracts his hands, placing them by his sides once again.
“I don’t know, I’m not very convinced.” He looks up at you. “Think you can hold him for me, sweetheart?” He challenges. 
“Good girl.” The words leave his mouth and go straight in between your legs. You can’t help the way it sends shivers up your spine. Blitzø turns his attention back to Stolas. “Come here, Stolas, let’s leave some room for the lady, huh?” He gets into a sitting position and pulls Stolas onto his lap in such a quick motion it makes him gasp.
You kneel on the bed behind Stolas and look up expectantly at Blitzø. As much as Stolas isn’t calling the shots here, neither are you, you realize.
“Now let’s try again, shall we?”
Stolas nods and Blitzø finally pulls him into a kiss once again, hands firmly planted on his hips. You can hear their moans as they make out in front of you, the sinful noises filling the room, and if this were a scene in a movie you’d be replaying it nonstop. Their tongues dance against each other in pure, lewd, lust, and you’re so entranced by it that you almost miss Blitzø’s hand snaking itself down Stolas’ pants. The demon on his lap jumps in surprise, the hands he’d so obediently been keeping to himself involuntarily flying to Blitzø’s biceps. 
Blitzø immediately retracts his own hands from Stolas’ body entirely, and Stolas mutters what you think is a ‘fuck’ as he realizes what he did wrong. “It wasn’t fair, you didn’t warn me-”
“Nuh-uh, I gave you another chance already, Stols. I think you need to be taught some manners.” He looks up at you and signals to Stolas, and you blink a couple times before you catch onto what he wants you to do. 
You lean in closer, your front now flushed to Stolas’ back, and reach to grab his hands- one with your own and the other with your tail. Bringing them both to his back, you bind them with the tail, securing them together. It leaves your hands free, and you take the liberty to grab Stolas’ hair and pull on it, forcing him to lift his chin up, making him let out a shaky breath. Blitzø didn’t ask you to do that, but you’re sure he’ll appreciate it. You sure are.
“Now we’re talking. Can’t disobey now that you’re being held back, can ya?”
“I’ve apologized-”
“Ah-ah-ah. We’re past that already. And I don’t think you really are sorry. Ya wanna know what I think? I think you want to be held back. I think you want to be helpless.” 
Stolas takes a gulp instead of responding.
“Let's see if this way you’ll behave like a good little slut, huh?” Blitzø grabs Stolas’ face with both his hands and pulls him into a kiss that isn’t just desperate, but brutal this time around. Stolas’ little moans are delicious, and you watch over his shoulder as Blitzø snakes a hand inside his pants again. Like the last time, Stolas tries to move his hands, but your hold on his wrists restrains him from doing so. “I still feel like you’re wearing so much. Don’t you think we should take this off?” He pulls on the waistband of Stolas’ pants.
“Please do.”
Blitzø grins and looks at you. “I don’t know… What do you think, y/n? Think he deserves it?”
You lean down to whisper in Stolas' ear. “You think I should tell him you’ve been trying to move?”
“No. No, I won’t do it again. I swear.”
“Yeah, I think we could put him out of his misery.”
“If you think so,” Blitzø pulls on the waistband of Stolas’ pants and underwear again, prompting the prince to lift up his hips so they could be taken off, leaving him completely exposed. You find your position a shame right now, only able to see what you can over his shoulder, and decide you just have to switch it. You let go of your tail’s grip on Stolas’ wrists and let your hands off his hair, moving to kneel by Blitzø’s side, now able to see the whole picture, and it’s a sight to behold, Stolas’ naked body on top of Blitzø’s, his eyes - all four- hidden by the silk fabric.
“Holy shit.”
“What, couldn’t contain yourself?” Blitzø mocks.
“I’m the one who’s new to this.” 
“Oh yeah! You are! You wanna give her a proper show now, Stolas?”
“Yes! Yes.”
“You can touch me this time.”
“Oh thank fuck-” Stolas mutters out and immediately wraps his arms around Blitzo’s neck. He ruts his hips against his once, tentatively, trying to gauge any sort of response now that he’s been granted permission to. When Blitzø meets his thrust, he lets out a relieved sigh, and begins to grind onto him in a crescending rhythm, finally able to get some friction in his own accords. 
The second Blitzø starts purring, you’re done for. You don’t even really think before your lips are on his neck, and your hand rests on his chest, and his lips meet Stolas’ as they keep their pace against each other, and in a matter of seconds it all becomes a mess of entangled limbs and breaths and lewd noises. 
Your lips graze Blitzø’s earlobe for a second and one of his hands comes flying off of Stolas’ hips to your hair, pushing your head back down. “Do it again,” he demands, eyes closed and breathless, and you oblige, kissing up on the side of his neck until you get to his ear again, biting lightly on it, causing him to instinctively pull on his grip in your hair, and making you let out an involuntary moan directly to his ear. He thrusts up hard against Stolas at the noise, the purring growing louder. Stolas yelps at the change in pace, fast, brutal and utterly dirty now. “Come on, Stolas, you can give me one before we get more far.” 
Stolas’ face scrunches and you almost think he’s going to correct Blitzø’s grammar before he simply nods, ignoring it and leaning further so his forehead meets Blitzø’s, and it actually looks sweet. There’s no time for being sweet. 
You grab Stolas’ face, roughly pulling him to face you, and his movement falters. “Don’t stop, Stolas. Okay?”
You nod, pleased, squeezing his cheeks until his mouth is forced open and pulling him into a torturing kiss, slow and sensual and downright vulgar. A promised, he doesn’t stop his pace against Blitzø, who meets him with equally eager ruts of his hips, but doesn’t look nor sound nearly as fucked out as he does. Blitzø presses two of his fingers directly to Stolas’ hole, and, though he doesn’t insert them or even move them, the friction from it in between their bodies as the moved in sync seemed to be enough to turn Stolas into an even bigger mess, mouth parted as he let out the most impossibly filthy, delightful  noises, barely able to kiss you back properly. 
“I’m going to- I’m- Please, please, please, let me-” he’s so gone you’re not even sure he can register what he’s saying, how he’s begging. And he’s begging for permission, you realize. 
“You make the call,” Blitzø tells you. “Think he deserves it?”
“I’m not sure,” you taunt. “You think you’ve been a good boy for us, Stolas?”
“Yes. Yes, yes, yes, please, I’ll do anything.”
“Good, good boy. You can cum, Stolas. Can you cum for us?”
Stolas nods furiously, pace increasing to be impossibly more desperate, and you watch in awe as Blitzø inserts two of his fingers inside his hole, going back to thrusting into him right after. The noise of his fingers moving inside of Stolas, along with the breathy moans he’s letting out, is so pornographic it makes you blush- Stolas is so fucking wet that Blitzø has no issue inserting them entirely inside, though he’s still careful with it, curling it up in such a way it has Stolas letting out an animalistic screech. You can see he’s just on the verge of finishing, and decide you can put yourself to good use to help, snaking your tail up to his neck and wrapping it tightly around it, now aware that he likes that, but still in such a position that you can have a clear view when he cums- and oh, when he cums! 
The wet noises fill the room along with Blitzø’s grunts and Stolas’ utterly sinful moans, in sync with the way their hips meet and Blitzø’s fingers go deeper and deeper inside him each time. The sight is glorious, from Stolas’ semblant of pure ecstasy to the way he drips onto Blitzø’s fingers, hips faltering more and more as he loses himself while the orgasms hits him, leaving it for Blitzø to pump his fingers inside him a few more times so he can fully ride it out. 
You retract your tail from his neck as he rests his head on Blitzø’s shoulder, jumping up at the stimulation when Blitzø moves to retract his fingers from inside of him. Blitzø wordlessly offers them to you, and you silently open up your mouth, tongue out and all, so that he can place them inside. You run your tongue over his fingers, coated with Stolas’ fluid, looking at Blitzø through your lashes. You give them kitten licks, enjoying the way he seems affected by the sight. “Suck, bitch,” he demands, and you don’t even have the willpower to determine if you care about the name-calling or not, only doing as he says and sucking his fingers dry obediently. He looks pleased by it. “Ya hear that, Stolas? She’s tasting you on my fingers like it’s her last fuckin’ meal. Bet you wish you could see that,” he mocks, and Stolas shudders at the thought. You pull away with a soft ‘pop’, licking the remnants of the liquid from your lips. 
“Don’t be mean, Blitz,” you coo, moving to untie the fabric in the back of Stolas’ head. He takes a couple seconds to lift his head up from Blitzø’s shoulder, eyes slowly opening to take in the view of the two of you. He blushes slightly, and his eyes travel down to where his groin meets Blitzø’s, gulping at the sight of his cum all over Blitzø’s underwear. He’s sure he’s ruined it, but doesn’t have the heart to care. He can just buy him a new one. 
“Are you alright, Stolas?’ You ask him, softly, as he comes back to his senses. 
“Yes. Yes, thank you, thank you.”
Blitzø smirks. “So, Stols. Anything, huh?”
“I- uh-” Stolas stumbles over his words, embarrassment washing over him now that he’s come down from chasing his high. “I-”
“Are you backing down, Your Highness?”
“Don’t call me that,” Stolas scolds him. “And I still don’t know why I am the only one undressed.”
“Cause it’s fun,” you chime in, chuckling at his expression. 
“You a pussy, Stolas?”
“No- I’m- will you not call me that?”
“If you stop acting like one.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Now that’s more like it.” He grins, pleased. “You’re gonna eat her out, and I’m gonna watch.”
“What?” You’re the one to ask. 
“What, don’t think I didn’t see your thighs pressed together while you watched us. I could bet you so much money that you’re dripping wet just from watching.”
“I-” You glance at Stolas, who has his head tilted to the side as he watches you. He looks curious. “Okay.”
“Good fuckin’ girl. Come on, Stolas, don’t be shy!” Blitzø pulls you to lie down with your head on one of Stolas’ fancy silk pillows, and you feel anticipation bubbling inside you. 
Stolas crawls to kneel right by Blitzø’s side, facing your legs. His eyes wander from you to Blitzø to you to Blitzø, as if unsure where to begin. And apparently he is. “I don’t- I don’t know how to- what should I do?”
“You never eaten a woman out before?”
Stolas ashamedly nods his head no. 
“Didn’t you have a whole ass wife?”
“Well, yes, but we barely ever-” oh. 
“Okay, well, good thing I’m kind of an expert,” Blitzø grins confidently and you fight the urge to roll your eyes at it. “Ya wanna learn something new today?” 
Stolas nods feverishly. 
“Okay, well, change of plans, tits,” Blitzø tells you, crawling over to be at face level with you, his body fully on top of yours, weight held up by his hands on either side of your head. “That alright?” He lowers his voice again, staring deeply into your eyes. You’re beginning to suspect he could ask you to do anything in that voice and you’d do it, no questions asked.
You take a gulp. “Yes.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” he whispers, before capturing your lips on his roughly. This time around the kiss doesn’t start slow, or tender, or anything remotely wholesome. It’s obscene and hungry and feels so, so right. He leaves his weight for his left arm to support as, lips still linked with yours, tongue still dancing against your own, he descends his right hand to squeeze your right breast over your bra, and you feel him open a smile against your lips when he manages to make you suck in a harsh breath at the feeling of it. He massages your breast roughly over the piece of clothing before he tugs the bra cup down, thumb and pointer finger promptly taking hold of your nipple and rolling it between them. He pulls his face away from yours and halts his ministrations altogether, much to your dismay, to take a look back at Stolas. “You watching?”
“Of course.”
“Good. You see how you don’t just jump straight into it? Not that you can’t, but it takes the whole experience up a notch to start with some kissing, some touching, some squeezing,” he wiggles his eyebrows at the last part and makes a point of squeezing your boob once again.
“And what makes you so sure you’re doing it right?” You challenge him. You know he knows you’re only doing it to tease him, but whatever gets him back on you, even if only to prove a point. Blitzø fucking loves proving a point.
“Good question. Let’s see, shall we?” He lets go of your bra, letting it cover you again, and begins trailing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, your ears, your neck, your throat. He pays extra attention to your collarbone before supporting himself up and shifting his weight to his legs, straddling you. He places his hand back on your right boob this time, kneading it over your bra once again, and tugs down on the other bra cup, exposing your left. 
He dives right in with no warning. You’re given no time to expect it before he’s licking at you messily, your nipple hardening immediately at the contact. The cool air of the room hits the spit that now covers it as he pulls away and intensifies that feeling even more. You breath hitches. 
He takes it a sign to keep going, which it is, and encloses his lips around it, sucking like his life depends on it, and holy fuck it feels good. The moans you’re unable, and honestly don’t care enough about anymore, to contain, incite him to alternate between sucking and licking at your nipple, other hand busy massaging your other breast at a matching pace and tail caressing the inner of your thigh, though that you’re not sure is intentional. It turns you on, nonetheless. Only after a while of it is he sufficiently satisfied before feeling like he needs to continue his ‘lesson’. He lets his teeth graze and slightly pull at your nipple as he pulls away. “Yeah I think I’m doing it right,” he boasts.
“Oh fuck you.”
“Ha! Not yet! I’m teaching Stolas how to eat some pussy first, would you mind?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“Okay, we could give some more attention to the boobies-”
“Ew, Blitz! What the fuck?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t say fucking boobies!”
“It’s what they are!”
“You’re so fucking-” your words get caught on your throat when his tail wraps itself around your upper thigh, squeezing it tight enough to hurt just a bit. It feels good. “Fuck. Insufferable.”
“Can you let me finish? Ha. Finish. Anyway, we could keep on giving some more attention up there, but the lady seems really impatient, doesn’t she? So we can always just go back to that later.” Tail still wrapped around your upper thigh, he moves around from straddling you to opening your legs to make way for him to kneel between them. Wordlessly, he leans back down to kiss at your stomach, and his hands fly to the waistband of your shorts. He tugs on it and asks for confirmation that he can take it off, doing so as soon as he gets it. You lift up your hips to help him out and he discards the piece of clothing by purposefully throwing it directly at Stolas, who looks stunned by it for a second. 
You’re sure Blitzø’s next step is to just get to taking your panties off, but, instead, he wraps his hands behind your legs, pushing you to fold them and plant your feet to the mattress, and leaves small bites all over your inner thighs. Your breathing quickens as he gets closer and closer to where you simply need him at this point, but doesn’t get to it. You're torn between yelling at him to just get to it and just enjoying what he’s doing, however torturing it feels. You’re not torn anymore when he gives a rather harsh bite, tugging on the soft, plush skin of your thigh, sure to leave a mark, and decide on your first option. “Will you please get to it already, you fucking-” He knows you were about to insult him, and makes sure to shut you up just before you can, licking a stripe over your panties. “Shit. Yes.”
“The two of you really need to learn some fucking manners, you know? Have some fucking patience!” He scolds, and he tugs on the thin band of the lingerie with his pointer fingers, pleased with how you immediately respond with furious nodding, urging him to just fucking take it off already. He slides the underwear off your legs slowly as he keeps his words directed at Stolas. “Now if you’ve been doing things right, by the time you’re taking the panties off, she should be wet.”
“Not true for everyone,” you quip, and gasp in surprise when he grazes two of his fingers against your entrance, collecting the wetness and bringing them up for Stolas to inspect. It almost makes you want to die of embarrassment. 
“True for you, though. You ready for the best head of your fuckin life?”
“Highly doubt it.” 
He only sends you a smile, clearly confident, before lowering himself, hands parting your thighs further and wasting no time before licking a long stripe up from your hole to your clit, sending shivers through your spine. You let out a moan. It fuels him on, and he does it one, two, three times again before his tongue focuses solely to your clit, rolling it out in circles a few times. Your hands instinctively go to his head, taking hold of the base of his horns. What he’s doing feels good, but you know it can feel even better, so you guide his head to signal what you want- “Up and down.”
You’re not sure what his response to the demand will be, if he’ll scold you for telling him what to do, but he seems pleased to have you voicing exactly what you want. 
He pulls away for a second to comment on it. “That’s it, babe, tell me what you want.” He latches his mouth to your clit again, sucking on it a couple times before releasing it to go back to flicking his tongue at it, up and down this time, just as you urged him, and the feeling of it is heavenly. You assume.
You can feel a faint sign of your orgasm building inside of you as he keeps on for who-knows-how-long, and so it’s beyond frustrating when he pulls away altogether. 
“No! What the fuck?” 
“Hey, chill out! I gave a little demonstration, now we should let Stolas practice, shouldn’t we?”
As much as you want Blitzø’s mouth on you again, you don’t deny the suggestion, for Stolas is looking at you in such a mix of curiosity and hunger that it makes you crave his mouth on you too. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Stolas asks you, nervous. “Perhaps I’m not the most qualified to-”
“I’ll guide you, Stolas. Please?”
He only nods, taking Blitzø’s place between your legs. He stares, and it takes a lot of willpower not to close your legs at that. You remind yourself he’s curious, not judging- not only has he never gone down on a woman, the only woman he ever had sex with didn’t exactly have the same anatomy as you did. 
“There’s no clothes to take off anymore,” Stolas points out, nervous, as he runs Blitzø’s ‘demonstration’ on his memory again. 
Blitzø laughs. “That’s true. You just gotta dive right in. Long as it’s fine with the lady. Is it?”
“Yes.” You feel a little ridiculous in this position, being the object of some sort of sex lesson or whatever the fuck this had turned into, but, as soon as Stolas’ mouth is on you, Blitzø’s hungry eyes staring at the scene, it clicks that he wants to watch the two of you much rather than to genuinely be teaching Stolas anything. 
Stolas’ mouth is careful on you and his hands are unsure. Blitzø comes up behind him to place them on your waist, and the prince quickly gets the sign to grip at your sides. You’re surprised when he pulls your body down to him, pressing you to his mouth forcefully as he messily licks at your clit, reminding himself of the up and down motion you’d guided Blitzo into. You want more, more, more.
“Holy shit, Stolas, I want it inside. Please, please, please,” you plead, neverminding the fact he might be confused by the request. It doesn’t even cross your mind as you’re in the middle of it.
Stolas pulls away to turn and look at Blitzø, a silent question of ‘what the fuck does that mean?’ in his semblant. 
Blitzø lets out a laugh. “Your tongue, Stolas. She wants it inside her.” 
“Oh. Is that right, dear?”
“Yes. Yes, yes, yes-” he wastes no time in doing as he’s told- Stolas is very good at that, it seems. 
He gives your clit a kitten lick before slithering his tongue into your hole and, fuck, fuck, fuck, this is exactly what you wanted. He flicks it inside of you blindly and you can’t help but fuck yourself against it, thrusting against his mouth repeatedly to help him find a rhythm. It feels so good you feel that same feeling bubbling inside you again, your orgasm beginning to creep up again. It stays that way, though, and you realize what you want might be too much to ask of Stolas just yet. “Blitz?”
“Hm?” He’s watching the way you fuck yourself against Stolas’ face intently, barely registering the fact you’re speaking to him.
“Blitz. Your- your fingers.”
“What, birdy not good enough for ya?”
“It’s not that, I want- I want both of you.”
“Oh, shit. Yeah. Yeah I can do that. Scooch over, Stols.”
Your legs are opened impossibly wider, and Blitzø squeezes himself besides Stolas, who looks lost now. “What should I do?”
“Keep eating her out, yeah? Only difference is I’m gonna be fucking her with these while you do it,” he holds up his hand, wiggling his fingers in the air. Stolas blushes at the implication of what’s to happen and Blitzø runs his thumb over your clit in an achingly slow pace before one of his fingers finds its way into your entrance, wet enough now that it doesn’t hurt, but he does it slowly, still, curling it around for a moment before checking in with you. “Y’alright?”
You hum in confirmation.
“Gonna give you another one, alright?”
“Please just fucking put it in, Blitz.” 
He doesn’t make any funny remarks at that, only doing as demanded. He inserts a second finger, and this time around it feels like you need a few more seconds to adjust to it, which he gives you. He curls both of them up tentatively, without moving them from their place, and is pleased with the coarse moan he manages to get out of you. 
Stolas takes the noise as a cue to dive right in once again, licking at your clit ferociously. The stimulation feels so undeniably amazing you feel your senses tune out. Blitzø begins a slow pace as he pumps his fingers inside you, curling them up ever-so-slightly, and Stolas matches his rhythm as he gives your clit the attention it so desperately needs, and you faintly register yourself making noises so unhinged they barely sound like you, the knot in your belly threatening to come loose. 
And then Blitzø lowers himself up and suddenly they’re making out, with each other, with your cunt, all the while Stolas’ fingers claw harshly at your thigh and the pace at which Blitzø’s fingers move inside you picks up, with him choosing to pump only deeper and deeper inside you instead of pulling his fingers out to insert them back in, and then it all fucking explodes. 
The mix between a moan and a scream that you let out could be a sound effect on one of those freakin’ Angel Dust movies. 
Blitzø is quick to take his fingers out of you and suck on them as soon as he’s made sure you’ve ridden down your high, and Stolas laps up at the remaining fluid that gushes out of you.
“Holy fucking shit,” you mutter out under your breath, chest heaving up and down. 
“Is that a good thing, dear?’ Stolas asks, and you can see he’s fighting a smile.
“Asshole. I know you know what an orgasm is like.”
“Well now I’m fucking hard,” Blitzø says, and you prop yourself up on your elbows to take a look at him. He is. His black underwear, stained with Stolas’ cum on the front, looks impossibly tight. 
“What’s that you said about wanting me to feel how perfect his dick feels inside me again, Stolas?”
“Oh, you want-” You take Stolas by the hand and pull him out of the bed with you, pushing him against the nearest wall before turning around with your back to him. 
You lock eyes with Blitzø, still sitting on the bed, confused as ever. 
He gets up off the bed, now standing, but doesn’t move towards the two of you. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Well, what I’m planning doesn’t exactly sound the most comfortable lying down.”
“What are you planning?”
You tug at the back of your bra. “Can you take this off for me, Stolas?” His fingers fly to undo it and you let the piece of clothing fall to the floor in front of you, now entirely exposed. “Aren’t you coming?”
Blitzø wastes no more time, walking over to where the two of you stand in a hurry, taking his underwear off in his way, and your eyes widen at the sight of him completely naked in front of you. Fuck, you need, need, need him inside of you.
“How do you want me?” He asks, and you realize he’s sort of gotten the gist of your plans. 
Your turn around, facing Stolas again, body flushed against his. “Oh we’re recreating Stolas’ fantasy right now. Isn’t that what you asked for, Stolas?” You raise a hand to caress his cheek.  “I think you said something about me filling you up with my fingers? Is that so?”
“Yes,” he agrees, anticipation visible in his face as your other hand descends over his body slowly, knowing what’s coming next. You stop just before you reach his hole to tilt your head back on Blitzø’s shoulder. 
“Then he said something about how perfect you feel inside of him, that I just had to know what it feels like. Didn’t he?”
“Fuck. Fuck, you want me to-” Blitzø doesn’t finish his sentence, voice dying out at the proposition. 
“What, cat got your tongue now? Are you a pussy, Blitz?”
“Fuck, no.”
“Prove it then,” you tell him, before averting your attention back to Stolas, finally letting your fingers graze against his entrance. He hoots again, the second time the whole night, and you smile at it. “Look at me, yeah? Gonna give you what you want.” You press your middle finger into his hole and he sighs. You decide to take it slowly for now, circling around his answer, barely a knuckle in, teasing him to your heart’s content. 
The grin you sport is quickly wiped off your face as Blitzø parts your legs further apart with his foot and flushes his front to your back, aligning his dick with your hole, and you suck in a sharp breath in anticipation. “You ready?” He asks you, and, with a nod from you, he pushes himself in, inserting just his tip inside of you slowly, giving you a moment to adjust to the intrusion. 
“Fuck me,” you whisper, to youself really, as the uncomfortable feeling of the intrusion turns into an uncomfortable feeling of needing more. 
“Right away,” he tells you, as if you’d been talking to him, and pushes his whole shaft in at once. Not forcefully enough that it hurts, but fast enough that he’s now fully buried inside you. He relishes in the gasp you let out and asks if he can move.
“Yes, yes, yes-” he begins moving, fucking you from behind at a torturingly slow pace, making sure to bury himself deeper and deeper with each calculated thrust. You insert your finger further inside of Stolas, whose voice gives up on him, inaudible gasps coming out as you match Blitzø’s rhythm in yourself. 
Blitzø isn’t exactly known for his patience though, and so it doesn’t take long for his pace to grow more erratic. The end of his tail entangles itself with yours and he holds your hips firmly, pulling them against his. You insert a second finger into Stolas, pressing them in deep, and he grabs your head with both his hands, shoving your face against the fluff of his chest.
“Fuck I knew you had to be nasty, but this? Shit, this is like combining every wet dream I ever fuckin’ had,” Blitzø mumbles as he fucks into you. 
“It’s his wet dream,” you let out, referring to Stolas, whose chest muffles your voice slightly, and you make a point out of curling your fingers up, making the prince let out a sinful moan.
“Oh and you’re not enjoying this?” Blitzø fucks deeper into you, harsh thrusts meant to prove a point. 
Suddenly, Stolas leans forward, over your shoulder, and pulls Blitzo into a bruising kiss that’s meant to shut the imp up. It works. Blitzø’s hips falter slightly for a moment as he gets used to the change, but he adjusts quickly to it. It’s so incomprehensibly hot, the way they make out over you, their moans meddling with each other’s, the way they pant, the way you can feel they’re as into this as you are. 
Blitzø pulls away from Stolas and his mouth goes directly to your collarbone, biting at it, as Stolas sucks at your neck at the same time. 
“Harder,” you plead, as you can feel the familiar feeling of your orgasm approaching once again, and the feeling of it coils inside you in such a way that you know it’s going to hit you hard, and you chase your release blindly.
Blitzø smiles against your neck as he complies, fucking into you so impossibly harder, every roll of his hips so deliciously deep it could make you delirious with how perfectly he’s now managing to hit that sensitive spot inside of you. Just as before, you make sure your fingers hit Stolas just as deep, matching Blitzø’s now brutal pace, and the prince trembles against you, clearly close. Blitzø himself can’t even keep pretending he’s as unbothered as he’d like, seemingly also in a borderline delirious state as he aggressively thrusts against you, cursing over and over again under his breath.
“Fuck. Gonna cum, gonna cum-”He finishes first, and he does so with a groan, burying himself to the hilt inside you as he fills you up. You can feel his legs trembling, but he doesn’t let up his pace until he hears you call out for him.
“Shit. I’m so close- Please-” It must have taken all his willpower, but he ups his pace to match the way he’d been moving earlier, fast and hard, and, suddenly, you’re cumming. Not even just that, you can feel the liquid gush out of you as you squirt, cum dripping down your thighs and coating Blitzø’s cock, and the scream you let out pushes Stolas over the edge right after, too, and you let him fuck himself onto your fingers for a long as he needs to ride out his orgasm. 
It leaves all three of you a panting, gross, sticky mess, no sound emitted other than heavy breaths, chests heaving up and down as you come back to reality. 
You pull your fingers out of Stolas carefully, and he whines at the loss. Blitzø pulls himself out of you as well, and you bite down on your lip as to not do the same. Tasting Stolas on your fingers is exhilarating, and has you wishing you could go down on him. Later, maybe, you think to yourself, as you realize all of you seem to spent, too fucked out to jump right into another round. 
Coming down from your high to the silence that follows has you wondering if you should say something, do something, but leaves you stuck in place, as you have no idea what they usually do when they’re done. In hindsight, you probably should have asked Blitzø earlier- are you even allowed to stay any longer, to provide any sort of aftercare, or do you just clean yourselves up, get dressed, and leave? You don’t want to make things awkward by being the person to ask ‘what now?’ or something of the sort, so you wait for one of them to take the lead.
Stolas thankfully does. “We should get ourselves cleaned up.”
He leaves towards some other door inside his already gigantic room, and Blitzø immediately follows. You stay where you are, feet planted to the floor. Blitzø’s head appears in the door frame. “You coming?”
He utters no word as he walks up to you and drags you along with him into what you realize is a huge, beautiful bathroom. There’s a bathtub in the middle of it, the myriad of candles that surround it the only source of light in the room, and it somehow seems as if it’d just been drawn, steam coming out of the water, which made no sense. 
“When did you- how-”
Stolas laughs at your confusion. “I have got some spells under my sleeve, darling.”
Blitzø groans in annoyance. “Yeah yeah, now will you conjure me the fucking thing?”
Stolas’ smile falters for a fraction of a second before he agrees. “Of course, Blitzy, dear!” With a wave of his hand, a fucking shower materializes in a corner of the room. 
“Are you getting in?” Stolas asks you, motioning to the bathtub. He notices the confusion in your face. “Blitzy doesn’t like baths.”
“So you conjure him a fuckin’... magic shower or whatever whenever he comes over?” What the hell. 
“Well, yes. It’s not half as difficult as it sounds, trust me.” He slips into the bathtub, humming at the welcoming feeling of the hot water. “Do you enjoy baths?”
“Um. Sure. Yeah.” You glance at Blitzø for a moment, not missing the eye roll at the conversation. Oh, whatever. 
You get in, and Stolas promptly settles into washing your hair, because what even is reality? It feels nice, though you do wish Blitzø would share the moment with the two of you. You understand why he won’t, but tell yourself it’s fine, and you really want it to be, because the feeling of it is just nice, different from most times you’ve been intimate with anyone. No one’s ever drawn a magical bath for you and offered to wash your hair after sex before, that you’re sure of. 
When you’re all half-dressed again, you prepare yourself to bid Stolas goodbye and leave, only for Blitzø to be the first to launch himself back on Stolas’ bed, sprawling over it. Were you staying the night? 
What a weird fucking man. Can’t take a bath together after fucking you senseless but invites himself to stay over? In what realm is the latter less intimate? Still, you don’t find it in you to argue, plopping yourself to lie down next to him, Stolas following suit. 
You’ll think about it tomorrow.
[. . .]
“What’s got you so happy?” Millie asks you as you get ready to leave for Loo Loo Land, as Stolas has requested you work as security for him during his outing with Octavia, his daughter, which is something you wouldn’t normally do, but he must have offered a lot of money for Blitzø to agree. She’s asked you what your night at the palace had been like, but you hadn’t had the chance to talk to her in person about it yet. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell her, checking your gun’s cartridge. 
“‘T’s probably the dick down she got this weekend,” Blitzø inserts himself into the conversation, and you send him a dirty look. 
“Shut the fuck up.”
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A/N:I hope this doesn't suck omfg lmaooo and if the last few paragraphs do suck cut me some slack my brain is so fried at this point lol. anyways enjoy.
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sinning-23 · 9 months
Apple Of My Eye (Buggy x Ex!Reader)
ANGST ANGST NO COMFORT LOL! Angst isn’t really my specialty but my life is a goddamned tragedy so why not pull some my very pathetic love life and sprinkle it in a fan fiction lmao. ANYWAY! Enjoy!
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How had he managed ot fuck up so badly with you? His pretty girl, his star. You smile and wave to panicked audience participants, the bubbles from your hands looking like pure magic. But the look in your eyes when you seen him was fierce. You twirl and bend and flip, glitter sparkling around you when you did. Of course Buggy was still enamoured with you, despite you no longer being his.
Loving Buggy was like falling. The feeling od your stomach clenching in uncertainty, waiting to hit the ground but never actually coming close to impact. He was always there to catch you arms attached to him or not.
Loving him was reassuance, making sure the knew just how important he was to you. Loving him was kind, calm, and precise. You’d kiss his face so soflty, intertwine your fingers when no one was looking and embraced him on cold nights.
But loving him was also patience. A thing in which he struggled to obtain at times. Shoving you away when all you wanted was to help comfort in the best way you knew how. Loving him...hurt. It hurt when he ignored your concerns, saying you needed to 'lighten up' or 'wheres the fun in that."
It hurt when you'd try and comfort him only to be met with anger. He needed time is all...right? and time you gave. you tried and trie dnad tried but nothing seemed to work.
Had he grown tired of you? No. It was obvious he hadn't when he would set you in his shows, you being the main act. He was never fond of sharing the spotlight but for you...his star? He'd do anything. Of course the would never tell you and he knows that's why you fell out in the first place. Poor communication on his part at least.
SO when you finally toldhim you needed to talk, avoiding looking at him, arms hugging yourself, he paniced. Of course he did. He knew that look, and th feeling in thepitof his stomach that came with it. You were going to leave him.
"Youre breaking up with me...arent you?" He chuckle bitterly, fists balling up at his sides. Even though the last thing he wanted was to be mad at you, he couldn't help the rage that filled his core. You were going to leave him...just like everyone else half
"I think we need to take a break..."You whisper, eyes welling up, knowing this was for the best. It still hurt though, but that's what it meant to love Buggy. To hurt momentaritly.
"You lied. You said you wouldn't....you." He cant seem to find the words.
Gods this whole situation is making you feel guiltier than ever. You did promise to never leave. And you still would keep it, opting not to leave the crew for his sake, no matter how much easier it’d make things.
It’s been months since the night and your heart can’t help but squeeze every time you see him. Part of you wishes things would have went different but knowing him.
It wouldn’t have.
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Happy Monday all :) Just realized we are over halfway done with s4. Crazy ha Naturally after an intense Chenford ep we have the next one be little lighter. Sadly they are missing 90 percent of this episode so it'll be a shorter one. But there is good moments of growth and such. Let’s get going.
4x13 Fight or Flight
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Lucy is attached to Nolan’s helicopter kid situation. Which robs us of any Chenford in this episode. Thanks a lot Nolan…I could tell that kid was suspect af in the elevator and I’m not even a cop. John asks for Lucy to ride with him so he can get into this kids mind. It is awesome she is sought after for her psychological experience. We all know Nolan isn’t going to be able to do that…
We get a little crumb at the beginning of the episode. Tim was clearly waiting for her. I love how he instantly supports her. Doesn’t question why she’s helping or upset she is doing that instead of them riding together. Only that if she needs anything he is there for her. Little moments make my heart happy. So I shall take them in lighter eps.
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We do get some good Tim and Angela moments which I will always be happy to enjoy. Tim runs into her and she tells him she has an old ‘friend’ of his in for questioning. He was pulled over and had a diamond bracelet in his car. It’s tied him to a home invasion that left 3 people dead. I do love getting a look into Tim’s work past and former arrests. Which ones are hang ups for him and such. She asks him if he’d like in on the interrogation?
Tim of course jumps right on it. Once he’s in the box Dez is deny deny deny about the bracelet. Saying he got it for his mother and lost the receipt. Ok buddy... Noting he was working the night the home invasion occurred. That his boss would confirm that for him. Watching Tim take charge in the interrogation is *fans self* Not to mention the bicep and forearm shots in this. Killing me softly sir.
Besides him looking fine af just sitting there I always enjoy watching him take charge in any capacity. .i.e. this moment. Why I love Metro Tim so much. It's sexy the way he walks over and commands his attention. Tries to connect with this guy. Knowing they have a past trying to use it to their advantage. Also him using words like recidivism getting me all hot and bothered. Idk why it just is LOL Anyways lets get back on track....Tim tells Dez he knows he wouldn’t have killed anyone. But they need his help to catch the people who did harm that family. They just need a name. He gives them the name of his lawyer instead. Wah wah
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Seeing Lucy with Nolan it’s hard to believe they were ever matched up. Boggles the mind really. Just in how they’re approaching this situation alone. Lucy gets an ID for this kid from dispatch. His name is Leo Thomas. He's just a teenager. Nolan mentioning well adjusted kid’s don’t steal police helicopters. Lucy going on to say could just be teenager attention-seeking behavior. Trying to standout and establish their identity.
How it’s gotten so much worse with social media. She isn't wrong. I can only imagine. Its way more than when I was a teenager. Not to date myself but I only had myspace and facebook for most part and I didn't even use FB till like 2008 honestly. Oh and instagram. I think lol My point is as a millennial we didn't have the amount of platforms that are around now. It's insane. I can't imagine trying to establish an identity on them.
So Lucy saying social media having an impact on behavior is accurate. I believe that. It’s funny how John asked for Lucy to tag along and to get in the kids head. Then when she does he fights her on it a little. *eye roll* Also why am I not surprised he was a boring teenager? LMAO This doesn’t shock Lucy either. Him questioning her being a rebel. With the parents she had growing up? I have no doubt she was. You don’t know her like that John and it shows…
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Nolan tries to connect with Leo now that he knows his name. John doing a big swing and a miss with him right off the bat. Trying to connect over now his family is sick with worry. Goes over like a lead ballon. He gets back on track with him though. Asking about learning to fly through video games? How impressive that is. Nolan starts to get some traction with the video game bonding. Leo begins to open up saying usually in a game how the main character survives through allies.
He asks John if he’s an ally? Lucy nodding her head fervently. Unreal how he needed to turn to Lucy for that answer. Do love her directing this whole thing though. What a downgrade from Tim eh Lucy? heh. Leo tells them they need to go on some quests first. Then they can talk about him landing this helicopter. John is skeptical to say the least.
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Its why Nolan keeps biffing it with this kid. Honestly it’s a wonder he got put on this kid at all. Good thing Lucy is there to steer the ship. I love love love her being the leader on this. Look at our bad ass. Questioning his decision making skills and backing it with rock solid logic. Also sound psychology. You know the whole reason he brought her in the first place......
Nolan may have a good connection with people but he doesn’t have the logic and emotional intelligence Lucy does. John is ready to throw in the towel but Lucy isn’t. She crushes it with some damn good logic. Explaining why he should give into this kid and what he wants. It’s like he completely forgotten why he was assigned this kid in the first place. To build rapport and get him down on the ground. Good thing Lucy is there or this would be going so much worse.
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He sends them on their first quest. To what looks like drug den. Saying he lost a raven haired girl he used to like from there from an OD. He couldn't save her but they can at least take down the monsters who caused her death. We find shortly after that was a lie. Since he has been home schooled for the last year. Nolan tries to get him to come down after one quest. Of course he doesn’t. It’s like John hasn’t caught on to the game here lol They ask for their next quest and he asks if they like alligators? HA
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We return to Tim back at the station. He’s called in Dez’s boss to verify his ‘alibi’. At first he’s corroborating it until Tim says he’s suspected of triple murder. Tim dismantling Dez's alibi within minutes of meeting this man. I love it so much. His boss immediately amends his statement and says he paid him off. To clock him in and let him go and he did the same thing for tonight as well. Tim reports this back to Angela ASAP. That they don’t have time to wait for his lawyer. They have something far more pressing. Another target to locate. If they don’t figure out where that is more bodies are going to drop.
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Lucy and Nolan are on their second quest. This part cracks me up. Dude they’re arresting is defending his alligator. Saying Cupcake is a sweetheart. Lucy’s reply cracks me up ‘Cupcake ate my taser’ LMFAO. His attachment to this creature is intense to say the least. The good thing about this second quest is there is a pattern though. Both quests have involved big drug arrests. Nolan tries to press the kid for it and nada. He continues on to tell them they’re going to have their final quest soon enough.
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Tim shows up at Dez’s house mid-search. He instantly goes into sexy Sergeant mode. Asking Webb what they’re found so far? It would appear nothing at the moment. So Tim takes over the scene. I love watching him in action. So confident and sure of himself. While teaching in the process. Yum Yum. Sexy teacher Tim is in the house.
Just takes control of this search and makes it more efficient. He's so good at his job. Also he is growing as a Sergeant. Took control without fully taking control and doing it himself. He delegated his team to re-work their search pattern. Look at him go. So proud of him. Growing as a leader makes my heart happy to see.
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We circle back to helicopter kid. They are slowly putting the pieces of the puzzle together. The guy they just arrested works with his mom’s BF. He's a known associate of his. It would appear they have a drug distribution chain going on. That one of the dealers they sell to was arrested and had to do with quest number one.
Lucy jumps in with her POV. This is why Nolan brought her along. Love watching her flex her psych brain. That muscle innate in her as she analyzes this situation. We finally find out why Leo took the helicopter. That quest #3 is to save his mother from her drug dealer BF. The problem is they don’t have any evidence linking this guy to what they’ve found today and he only has 40 minutes of fuel left…
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We jump back to the house with Tim and his team. They still haven’t found anything linking Dez to the 2-11. Tim has an epiphany and calls in a bomb sniffing dog. Explaining that they look for ingredients for a bomb or gunpowder from an illegal firearm. That's what they need to implicate Dez. I will also take Tim Bradford talking to a dog all day long. Ovary explosion for me. *fans self* The way he roasts this dog for getting distracted by a squirrel LOL I’m dying I love this man so very much.
Thor eventually finds exactly what they’re looking for. Pawing at a spot Tim is able to crack open and find the evidence they need. Look at him listening to all past advice Grey gave. Not showing up to a scene early. When he does he delegates and doesn’t take over completely. While still teaching in the process of that delegating. He would be proud. Lucy too if she could see this.
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Grey is able to get Murray to flip on Brian. Using cupcake Lmao it’s hilarious. Wants to make sure she’s taken care since she ate Lucy's taser. So he rolls on his partners including Brian. All for his alligator's well being it's too damn funny. Grey is delighted that’s all it took. Nolan and Lucy are able to complete quest number 3. They have him fly over his house so he can see them arresting Bryan. Telling him it is finally time to land that helicopter. He agrees and says he’s been air sick for hours ha They arrest him once he’s landed. Lucy looks so sad about it but they really don’t have a choice in the matter.
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Tim returns to Angela with the evidence they needs against Dez. He flips once Tim has hard evidence against him. Gives them every job, every crew member and what they’re going to hit tonight. They catch up to the getaway driver fairly easily. It is fun to watch this bad ass duo work together. Question him easily about the men inside and what they’re walking into. Tells them three men are inside the house not including himself.
They find out 2 of the 3 are upstairs looting. While the third is hovering over the family with a gun. Angela doesn’t want to go in hot with this third guy. Worried he’ll hurt the family in retaliation. Tim tells her then they go in a different way. A way I very much approve of. Why you ask? We get Tim Bradford in a TIGHT white t-shirt. Pretending to be a delivery guy. Mmmm just look how taut that shirt is across his muscled chest.
Sweet baby James this man is fit. Could wash clothes on those washboard abs of his. Don’t get me started on the gun show that is his biceps. Popping out of those sleeves. We also get some nice forearm action as well in these shots. Nothing for me to analyze except his beautiful form in these gifs. Imma need some ice water. This man does things to me. *ahem* Let's get back to the story at hand...
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Tim knocks on the door. Angela has the getaway drivers phone. So she texts the gun happy third guy it’s just food delivery. This gets him close to the door where they want him. Once he’s close enough they push through a flash bang grenade. Taking him out pretty quickly. Then we get to watch some poetry in motion.
Tim and Angela moving like badasses to secure the house. Just a couple besties taking down criminals like it’s nothing. These are some great shots of these two. I would like more Angela/Tim shots in s6. Just add that to my s6 wishlist haha Metro and the detectives working together be fun to watch. If I can’t have Chenford I’ll take Tim/Angela moments.
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We started with a crumb and we get to end with a crumb. I love Tim being the one to initiate a drink after work. He’s grown so very much makes me wanna cry. We all know it’s because of his relationship with Lucy. Our hardened grumpy Tim while still grumpy has grown a lot. Look at him not only doing post work hang but making jokes. Saying it’s all on Nolan ha! Such a nice moment. Until Grey comes over and says Cupcake broke free from animal control LOL Angela's reply is the best 'Who's Cupcake?' So very confused haha
Not a lot of Chenford but good moments and growth none the less. Next episode will be a good one for them.
Side notes- non chenford
Well this entire episode was that haha I did enjoy Harper’s SL with Aaron and him trying to get that man justice. His reason why behind it and all as well. He develops very nicely as a character. I do love having him around a lot.
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jaegonsmoon · 2 years
Can you imagine Alicents reaction to hearing about omega aegon and alpha jace being betrothed…her son… the vulgar Hightower wild card…drinks till he falls down on a nightly basis, has slept with half of fleabottom etc…engaged to innocent(as far as she knows lol), hardworking, straight laced mamas boy jace 😂 and while she is happy to see aegon change after the courting and engagement process take his duties to his family and the realm seriously for once and lay off the whores and wine she does not think it will last and is a manipulation tactic sadly lol probs thinks that aegon will be bored of jace in a week and will have all the power in the relationship and will chew him up and spit him out before going bad to his old ways haha only to discover when walking in on jace and aegon how much it’s pretty much actually the opposite lmao aegon is basically jaces simp and number once fan and would do anything to keep his alpha happy even if not means being a good boy haha
yes yes yes, listen to me— I looooooooveeeee love simp Aegon lmaoo!!! But yeah no one would be as shocked as Alicent, however—
I love Aegon being whipped af for Jace since… always. He always had a thing for Jace, it started when they were children, and it was all innocent back then, but as they grew… those scarce few times Rhaenyra visited King’s Landing after moving to Dragonstone Jace had grown beautifully. And Aegon, whew, Aegon drooled like a fool for him he always complimented him, and Jace sometimes would smile at him sometimes would look annoyed. But Aegon, he never, ever thought himself worthy of him so he never tried anything more than. Despite his personality and the reputation he had, he never intended to act on his feelings for Jacaerys. But the next time the family reunited, Jacaerys had just turned seven and ten and he had already presented as an Alpha and Aegon almost falls on his face at the sight. It didn’t help that that was the first time his nephew looked at him with something other than irritation. However, Aegon didn’t pay too much mind into it, because he couldn’t afford to—for his own sake. Though, he couldn’t help it when his tongue betrayed his mind and he just straight up told his nephew “You got hot.” And Jace gave him this hint of a smirk. Aegon was mortified but he tried to play it cool, he just blurted that, turned and left before Jace could say anything.
He went to Aemond, who was pacing his room, deep in thought. Probably scheming Lucerys’ demise—like fucking always, the loser. And he threw himself on a chair and whined about how fucking hot and beautiful his nephew had gotten, (to which Aemond strangely paused, asking sharply “Which one?” as if it wasn’t obvious whom Aegon has been head over heels for all these years) and that he wanted to die because he told him as much and he really didn’t have game when it came to Jacaerys. And mygodhewantedhimasalpha but it couldn’t be—
As comfort, Aemond offered to throw Aegon out of the window and make it look like an accident.
But then Aegon and Jacaerys were sat together at dinner and he swore Jace wouldn’t stop glancing at him. Aegon was unusually quiet too. Jace’s strong alpha presence and scent were driving him nuts to the point he could barely formulate any words, let alone a coherent thought. Not that he had many of those normally. He was shifty and nervous. And—for a second he had forgotten that he, himself, was an omega. And that he was radiating all of this pheromones and uneasiness through his scent to the very newly presented, unmated alpha next to him and he almost felt like he was entering a premature heat.
The thing is that, Aegon is an oblivious little thing. He never noticed how Jace has been giving him puppy love eyes since they were kids because he didn’t allow himself to indulge in his feelings. The idiot. Jacaerys tells him as much when he corners him that night, then proceeds to kiss him, and fuck him all night long. And then—Jacaerys, firstborn, heir, perfect, diplomatic, well-put-together Jacaerys Velaryon does what everyone thought against his principles. He marks Aegon that night, claims him as his. They bond, unwed.
Come morning he tells his mother of his deeds unashamedly, Rhaenyra is shocked, if anything a bit concerned. But she can see it in his son’s eyes and the way he speaks to her with such pride and confidence that this was not something he did on a whim, in the heat of the moment. “Is this what you truly wanted?” She asks. “It’s always been him.” He answers her with nothing but honesty drenching his voice. She accepts it, even when she knows it will be a trying thing for everyone involved.
Alicent swears this will end badly. She waits. And waits. And waits.
But then Aegon is pregnant and she has never seen him so happy. And then he births a beautiful baby boy and she sees it, the change in her son. The happiness and joy he radiates. It reminds her of when he was a little, he used to be a happy child. She regrets wasting those moments with him. She then learns that perhaps this is the life his son always dreamed of having but made himself believe he didn’t deserve. A part of her knows she’s the one to blame for it.
She’s ready and willing to change that. She then starts to spend more time with her son and grandson, until their bonds are healed.
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Hi! Thank you for my last request! It was so gorgeous! You have golden hands! Can I make another one? Here's an idea. Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn and Viktor x Female!Reader, who has a pet red fox. She bought it on a fur farm. Thus, she saved the life of a little fox. Thank you very much!
(Hey! Sure I can, sorry this took a while lmao but Enjoy!)
Jinx, Vi, Cait & Viktor x Fox Owner Reader
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She loves your red fox
From the minute she laid her eyes on it she fell in love with it
She wants it
She did get it
She always has it with her no matter what
It probably likes her better than you
But who can tell it’s wrong?
Who wouldn’t like Jinx better
She likes how you saved the fox’s like
It tells a bit about you and that you do love this animal
If you named the fox something she didn’t have input it
I'm so sorry but she’s either changing the name 
Or giving a silly nickname
She probably always has it in her lap
(She always does)
Or is following it wherever it wanders off
“Where are you going, Jinx?”
“I don’t know but TumTum knows.”
The fox loves her back just as much
She suggests that you guys go back to the fur farm and release all the animals
Well, you release the animals while she has a few “Words” with the owners
She likes messing with Silco with the fox
The man surprisingly doesn’t hate the fox
Don’t be surprised if you come home to find the fox on Jinx’s head
At her work desk
Both with goggles on
So still
And Jinx is making whatever the fuck she is
Just slowly back away and let them
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Vi at first wasn’t very big on animals
Not that she didn’t like them
She just never had any or didn’t really think she would ever get one
If she did it would probably be a dog
But when she got together with you and found out you had a red fox
She didn’t really question it
Just accepted the thing as her fur baby
They watch TV shows just sitting on the couch
The fox likes sitting on her arm 
She acts like she hates it but the fox messed with her hair so much
She loves it secretly, she wouldn’t say it though
She makes sure it has whatever the fuck it needs
She likes that you saved it’s life from a fure farm
She didn’t know what a fur farm was
But when you explained to her and told her
She felt bad for the other ones there if they were still there
She seriously suggests going back and getting them all
The next day you woke up with many animals in your living room
Vi just walks in with so many on her arms, head and some clinging to her legs
“So, I may have done a thing-”
She has a proud grin on her face %100
She tried okay?!
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She always really liked animals
Any type of animals
She had seen many, many animals before in Piltover 
She always loved each and every one of them
She really loves your red fox
She makes sure that little thing has ANYTHING it needs
Does it need food?
Caitlyn will take care of it
When she is upset with you she gets the fox
Not to take it
No, no
She would never
But just to go
“I just want you to know, we’re both highly disappointed in you.”
With the fox in her arms as she just stares at you
The fox is a smug mf
Wanna know why?
Because whenever you and Caitlyn are together
Que the furry wife stealer coming to squish in the middle of you and be in her lap
Because it gives the smuggest face ever
Caitlyn doesn’t see if but you do
She hated fur farms even before she got with you and met your fox
She probably also took the pets from there whatever way you did yours
Now you guys have a little farm 
Tobias is a fan, her mother will just need some convincing
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Viktor always did like red foxes
He had seen a great deal of them in the Undercity growing up
There was one that followed him around when he was a kid that he loved
And it looked just like yours so he loves it so much
He wholeheartedly also despises fur farms
Feels so bad for the animals there
He will take the fox with him wherever he can
Which is the story on how Jayce got a new lab partner
He is the mascot of the lab now
Has his own station and work uniform
Viktor likes holding him
Because the fox is warm
There have been a handful a times you have come home to see the fox peeping out of Viktor’s shirt
Because it was cold and shimmied it’s way up his shirt
They were just watching TV and both snapped their heads to you when you walked in
It was amazingly funny
“Oh, hello dear.”
“Why is the fox up your shirt?”
“We were cold.”
The funny part is there was a blanket right there
They just chose to ignore it
The fox has accepted Viktor as it’s human father
Has also rejected you now
I’m kidding, I’m kidding
But yeah it has a favorite
And their name started with V and ends with an R
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machineheraldandy · 9 months
New Miguel comic: Conchata
This is talking about the abuse Miguel/Gabriel went through and my unhappiness with the writing of conchata
As we all know the first issue of the 2024 spiderman 2099 comics has come out, there are 5 in total but only the 1st is out, the first one is about downtown. No I am not calling “barrio” having a zombie infestation and conchata gets bitten, conchata accidentally shows how bad the writers are at writing Latino characters by having Miguel call her “mom” and “Connie” Connie which Tyler calls her as a way to do a micro aggression. He calls Miguel “Mike”, and conchata “Connie” to erase their Hispanic roots, so why is Miguel calling her that, and to take into consideration, he’d more likely call her “ma” he is a proud Mexican man, he wears his heritage with pride, (literally as his suit is a dead of the dead suit), why is the first thing we see erasure, through conchata.
The next thing is her mentioning “barrio” the writing terrible “barrio man” stupid, they wanted to try and connect Miguel to his roots by using a random Spanish word, when they could have connected him to his roots by getting him to call conchata “conchata” or “ma” very easy.
Next up is the fact conchata basically blames Miguel for Gabriel’s death, she does regret what she says afterwards as it was the “infestation” making her speak but it was obviously her inner thoughts. Leading to a bigger issue. by the end of the comic Miguel forgives her for it and tells her it was just the infestation, but can we really believe that? Obviously conchata felt there was truth behind her words and she was upset Miguel had to hear them as she wanted to keep them inside. To me it was like the inner thoughts coming out of a drunk person as they have no self control, losing the control to keep the truths hidden as you lose the off button
Conchata is abusive, I’m not going to act like she’d a good mother to either Gabriel or Miguel, Gabriel faced abuse, mostly from George, but we aren’t going to pretend that conchata wouldn’t have been disgusting towards him as well in any way, and then of course Miguel, she physically abuses him, neglects him, and hates him, and the marvel industry has an obsession with redeeming her
As someone that was abused I can say abusers can be redeems in some situations, I had an abusive family member that is now my most loved and cared for family member, because they redeemed…themself…and put in the work..they got therapy…they admitted to their wrongs, they changed their ways, and removed people from their life that made them bad, does conchata do this? No lmao
We are expected to watch conchata get redeems when Miguel is putting in all the effort, abuse victims are not the ones that should put in effort, why? Because it justifies the abusers actions, doesn’t get them to learn, and lets them continue that behaviour on. Realistically Miguel putting in the effort, is showing a way abuse victims get stuck in cycles of abuse, and we are meant to believe everything is okay and that it is a good thing, it is not, it is a harmful message, and one many young fans who are just getting into spiderman will see, and can possibly start to believe this is okay, as fiction can and will alter the brain specially of younger people.
You could argue “well she is putting in effort now!” From the way the comic ends but
Miguel waits hours to see conchata, he tries to save her, he is patient with her, by the end he decided to do her jobs so she can figure herself out, a way of doing the work for her literally; and he’s too forgiving, he is still an abuse victim, and in a way this is signs that he will be abused again. And I have to mention the “too forgiving” bit, who is too forgiving? GABRIEL. And he does that as a BAD coping mechanism, he is a people pleaser due to trauma, he copes in the wrong way of trying to please people to the point of being overly forgiving because he is a victim of abuse, marvel is indirectly writing Miguel to start having Gabriel’s toxic coping mechanisms.
Yes it says she will learn to live with herself. But it says nothing about learning to become a better mother, learning to change, learning to become better.
Tho as much as I hate her and the writing, I love the art so much, this is absolutely stunning
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ryuttaeng · 2 years
I dont think my ask went in so im gonna resend it if that's okay | ryu x reader where someone who ult biased reader jumped the little gate thing and pushed through the bodyguards to try and take reader or kidnap her and ryujin was absolutely infuriated she was so close to going psycho LMAO
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pairing: ryujin x 6th member!reader
summary: you heard some people scream something behind you and ryujin, but you decided not to pay attention to it
contents/warnings: hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!
genres: hurt/comfort
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you always knew you were somehow one of the popular members of your group. ryujin always knew she had feelings for you for a while.
smiling and waving to everyone you could hear in the crowd, you tried to give your attention to everyone who called you. you and ryujin were last, when all of the other members were in the front and already made it to the van.
you could hear some people yelling and scolding someone, probably for pushing others to get closer.
ryujin smiled and waved to everyone she could see, already being in front of you while you were in the back. she could hear your voice for a while but then it was replaced by crowds yelling.
you nearly screamed when you felt someone’s hands grabbing you by your waist, holding you close to the person that grabbed you. you looked back and saw that the gate that supposed to prevent fans from getting closer to you was pushed open.
ryujin quickly turned to witness some girl literally gluing herself to you, as she buried her face in your neck, when you looked confused, scared and nonplussed at the same time. feeling her blood boil, she made her way to you two.
“y/n, i love you so much, you’re my bias since debut and i absolutely love your voice, your smile, your everything, can you be my girlfriend?” fan murmured in your neck, as her grip tightened. you wanted to reply her softly and reject her, but ryujin outpaced you.
“no, she can’t be your girlfriend, she’s already taken.” right when ryujin said that, bodyguards finally released you from fan’s grip, quickly surrounding you both with ryujin to prevent next accidents.
you looked at ryujin, while she tried to avoid your gaze. you sat with ryujin after other members asked and checked if you were alright after that fan.
“taken, you say?” you whispered, as ryujin turned her head to look at you. something in her eyes told you that her words weren’t just to make that fan get off of you.
you could notice ryujin’s blush on her cheeks as she was thinking of her response. “i- well, i really… like you.” ryujin looked away, embarrassed. “i hope you’re not gonna prevent me from being your girlfriend?”
ryujin turned around so fast, her neck hurts a bit. “wait, you mean-“ “yes, i like you too, jinjin.” you could see ryujin relaxing, as she took your hand in hers. thank goodness girls played some song so your and her confessions wouldn’t have been that loud.
“ew, unnies, get a room!”
“yuna, no!”
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magicxc · 11 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true.
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish.
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Hallween they’ll never forget.
Word Count: 3521
Warnings: more murder lmao
Chapter 7 - 3rd POV
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Series Masterlist
Feet scraping against the floor, Emery starts a string of stuttering - the fresh words dying on her tongue each time a new thought pops into her mind, as she tries desperately to put as much distance between her and Jason.
Tears filling both eyes, they spill down puffy cheeks while she scrambles up to her feet, shoulders violently trembling as she manages to throw accusation after accusation his way about the gum in question. 
“Really? I got it from a convenience store, you can’t be serious right now.”
“As serious as a heart attack Jason, stop fucking with me.”
Head rising out of the palm of her hands and eyes narrowed into slits, Lynnley feels genuine confusion on why the people around her have found yet another reason to fight with each other; especially considering what just happened.
“I'm sorry, wh- what's the reason now?”
“Uhh, apparently Emery here isn't a big fan of peppermint flavored gum?” Jason questioned.
“Jason you bitch, I fucking dare you to play coy with me again.” Emery screeched. “Lynn he- he- he has that shit flavored gum.”
Realising what Emery is referring to, Lynnley decides to play mediator between the pair, for fear that she’ll get sucked into a screaming match next, both physically and mentally exhausted from the events of the night.
“Em, chill out, it’s probably just a coincidence. For goodness sake, Jason can’t be the only one that buys the damn flavor or else they wouldn’t sell it.”
Walking off to the corner of the room, Jason leaves the argument, preferring to avoid the topic at hand, even if it means clearing his name. 
“Chill out? Lynn, our friends are all dead, how can you say that?”
“Because it’s the only thing keeping me sane right about now,” Lynnley ranted. “After everything I’m to believe that my boyfriend has been slaughtering everyone I love? How sick is that?”
“Just a few hours ago, you were convinced it was Lenny. What are the odds that our friends start dropping like flies the literal moment he steps foot into our lives?”
Hands cradled around her head Lynnley feels a multitude of emotions, the top one being revulsion. Was Jason really capable of doing something this cruel? Physically yes, but what kind of sane person would stoop that low on the moral scale? 
This is the same man that lotioned her entire body down after every shower. This is the same man that tracked her periods so he could have snacks, movies, and hot compresses on standby for when aunt flo paid a visit. This is the same man who insisted on cuddling her to sleep every night, stories about his day a common subject until he heard her light snores; an indication that let him know it was safe for him to rest his eyes. The first time she played asleep was an experiment after confronting him about it, a sly grin creeping up on her face after realising that he’d gladly lose sleep if it meant she could finally meet the sandman. 
So, could it be that Lynnley was so head over heels for the guy that a few tendencies went overlooked? Like his persistence on knowing her every move? Surely he was just protective. Or the fact that he kept his private life so secretive? Maybe he was just a tough cookie to crack.
Fingernails digging into her scalp Lynnley replays every sketchy moment Jason’s ever had, finding any and every excuse to combat it because one thing she could never do is live with herself after inviting this man into the lives of her closest friends and watching the deadly consequences unfold. Hands gripping at the roots of her hair, she doubles down on the fact that Jason is but a law abiding citizen and their sleep deprivation is getting the best of them. In fact he’s been by her side through some of her most challenging moments and not to mention most of the night.
“Most of the night? For fucks sake Lynn, OPEN YOUR EYES BEFORE HE SHUTS THEM FOR YOU.”
“Em, please can we just-”
Cut short in the middle of her sentence, Lynnley struggles to speak through the searing pain coursing through her body. During their heated bickering no one had noticed Jason creep up behind her, his pocket knife lodged deeply in her back. 
Mouth formed into an “O” Emery stood glued to the floor in shock, watching as blood slowly pooled to the front of Lynnley’s shirt. 
“Six centimeters to the left of the spine and eight centimeters down from the shoulder. That’s where I got you sugar,” Jason whispered, licking the shell of her ear. “It stings doesn't it? You see the tip of the knife punctures the lung at such an angle that any breath you do manage to take in is used to supplement your body as opposed to letting out those earth shattering screams, I just know you can make,” he snickered. “Be a doll and stay put for me."
And with that he yanks the knife from her back, none too gently, watching as her body falls limply to the floor. 
Blood splatters from the open wound and oozes from her mouth as Lynnley drags herself away from him, tears rapidly streaming down her face while she lays belly up on the floor - hoping that the hard wood can apply pressure to the wound she can’t reach.
Emery reaches out to Lynnley, vision blurry and body weak as she watches her friend's worst fear come true. Meanwhile Jason has his targets set on his final victim, slowly inching his way toward her. 
For each step he takes forward, she takes two back, mind whirling with thoughts of where she can reasonably stay put for another half hour or so. Her thoughts don't yield much answers and she instead breaks off into a sprint around the living room, foot ready to step into the hallway until a hand lands on her shirt and snatches it back. 
Jason finds this sorry attempt laughable at best, yet pathetic entirely. After all that, does she really think she stands a chance? Against him? No, in fact this little cat and mouse game has gone on long enough and it’s time he put this whole scuffle to rest. 
Hurling Emery on the floor, his pocket knife rests painfully on her throat. Pressed into her neck, the jagged edges prick the soft skin, small drops of blood sliding down to her decolletage just daring her to move any further. 
And move she does, arms flailing and legs thrashing, it isn’t until her palm connects to his face does his fingers replace the knife, curling tightly around Emery’s neck. Jason can't help the twisted smile etched onto his sinful lips, admitting that he likes a woman that fights back. 
Even if Emery doesn’t make it through the night, she’ll be damned if she makes it easy, or at the very least pleasurable for him. So instead, with every fiber of her being, she swallows the retort on the tip of her tongue and plays possum, body completely flaccid in an attempt to ruin whatever sick fantasy he’s conjured up. 
But all it is for Jason is a minor bump in a very satiable road. Though he finds himself on the verge of irritation this isn’t anything he can't get through. After all, he didn't work his way up to staff sergeant just to back down from a little challenge. She may not move for him the way he’d like, but Jason’s confident he can coax a little wiggle from her taut body. Plus, it’s the psychological aspect he enjoys most when it all boils down to it; so mobility or not he’s bound to have a good time. 
“You know, back then when we first met? It was actually supposed to be you that ended up at the rest stop near the border,” Jason admits, smearing the blood stained steel on her shirt. “That night when you pulled into the parking lot, things felt too damn easy. Here comes this woman, in the pouring rain, pulling into this desolate place just to use the bathroom. It almost felt like a gift. 
Emery feels rage like none other. There's several things she has to physically hold herself back from and one of them is punching him right in his stupid face. At least if she goes out, she can do so with a bang; literally. But she has to keep her calm and play the long game. Even if it means revisiting the night that's cost her countless hours of sleep. 
Never did she think she’d come face to face with the man behind her night terrors, at least outside of a courtroom that is. But all this means is that she has to do whatever it takes for the homies lost along the way. She just has to play it cool long enough to survive the night because if it’s one thing she’s determined to do is get through this. 
Tucking his knife back into the pocket Jason continues his flashback, reminding her of that fateful night leading up to this very moment. In the grand scheme of things, it worked out much better than he could’ve ever imagined getting five for the price of one. And what a grand finale it’s turned out to be. 
“What stopped you from picking me that night?” Emery croaked.
Tongue tracing over his bottom lip, Jason seemed deep in thought before admitting that he wasn’t so sure exactly what spared her from such a fate. Bending down so his lips meet her ear, Jason goes on to recall step by step the events that took place leading up to the seventh victim and what a vivid picture he painted. So close yet so far away, their shoulders centimeters apart in the lot, symbolizing the literal inch in which her life was saved. 
Deeply inhaling, a twisted smirk finds its way onto his mouth, a heavy dose of nostalgia transporting him back to that very moment in the lot - her vanilla scented shampoo just as potent in his nostrils as it was in the rain.
Try as she might to widen her lids and roll her eyes back, the pool of tears that's gathered threatens to spill with the inevitable blink to follow. The fluttering of her lashes doesn’t help much and instead encourages the free flow of tears that slides down her cheeks. Heavy breathing from his weight or this moment she may never know, follows suit; wishing the earth could consume her entirely, all that talk about surviving the night tossed out the window. Why did she ever think she was strong enough to see this through? Why couldn’t he just make it quick? Instead he mocks her and sears her skin with his icky touch. 
“Shhh,” Jason coos. “We’re not even at the good part yet. Cause really I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Hands balled tightly together, Emery settles for turning her head to the side, the wall suddenly a lot more interesting than it was a mere few minutes ago. 
“You were the first time I’ve ever hesitated. And for obvious reasons I couldn’t just let you leave, but more so I wanted to see what it was about you that had me stopping in my tracks,” he explained, fingers tucking her hair behind the ear.
That night after brushing past one another, it was truly miraculous that he was able to clock your license plate given the circumstances, but by all means he did and wasted no time using his resources to track you down. What was supposed to be a one and done, something along the lines of an accident, turned into the prospect of a five for one special. And who could turn down such a possibility?! After a few weeks trailing her, he was able to find a way to end it all, but more importantly Jason was able to find his in - through none other than Lynnley. She was so desperate for love it was amusing, though it did allow him to brush up on his social skills if you will. That ‘relationship’ really brought his other talents to the forefront.
Just a little while longer, Emery thought. Who knew the prick was such a talker? But it just might work in her favor after all. If Julianna could survive drowning and Stephanie could survive a knife to the throat, the very least Emery can survive is this motormouth prick, gloating in all his murderous glory. In fact, a jail cell is too good for him, and if all goes well, it’ll be his organs at the end of a very pointy knife. 
“Can you believe it Em? Not only am I able to adapt to the personality traits of a loving boyfriend, but I was even able to get you all to join in.”
Did he just? Too stunned to speak, let alone think Emery couldn’t believe that he hadn’t a crumb of decency left in him. To brag about the literal deaths of her friends? Suddenly it was becoming too much. 
“Shut up!”
“I mean, I’m a pretty hands on guy, but to watch myself thrive in the psychological side of things was something else entirely. For sure I thought I would’ve been figured out after the whole Steph situation. But then this amazing thing happened-”
“Did I mention this is a new record for me? I tend to take care of things one at a time but phew, what a night am I right?”
“Jason you are literally SICK,” she cried. “What went so fucking wrong in your life?”
“Do you want the long version or the short version? It doesn’t matter though because you’re definitely someone I’ll carry with me for years to come. I mean look at this gotdamn scene? And as luck would have it, we meet again and I get to save the very best for last.”
Emery wretches, but all that comes up is a gust of air - the liquor from the night long gone from her bloodstream and her stomach. All she can manage is a dry heave as Jason condescendingly pats her head in comfort.
Raising up to shift his body weight to his knees, Jason goes on to undo the buckle of his belt, Emerys breathing now dramatically increasing in speed. Frazzled, she starts kicking once more, this time a loud cry managing to tear its way past her throat. 
Fingers clamped around her jaw, Jason squeezes it to discomfort and spits inside, mentioning how her mouth can be put to better use. 
“And please, don't flatter yourself Em, you’re not my type. I just prefer you of all people quiet. Go ahead and give it a swish,” he taunted.
With the belt free from his pants, Jason places it around her neck, quicker than she can stop it and loops it through the buckle with minimal effort. He goes on to admit to actually wanting to keep her alive to deal with the aftermath of everything, for the simple fact that it’s the mental aspect of things he’s grown to enjoy most. But he couldn’t possibly risk her identifying him to the police.
Horrified, Emery realises the gravity of her situation and notices that any major movement could actually work against her in terms of squeezing the leather around her neck. Fingernails scraping deep into his flesh, she tries to grab at his hands before they can grip onto the belt and they both push against one another, her strength oddly satisfying to him. 
This is someone who should be worn out, but it’s interesting what fear can make you do - another reason he’s found himself so infatuated with the group and the unexpected turn of events throughout the night.
Jason finally manages to wrestle her to the ground, cooing words of affirmation for the good fight she’s fought and grapples with the belt until he has it firmly placed in his hands. Pulling at the end, he wraps it around his knuckles and tugs it back as far as his body will allow. 
All of Emery’s focus now lies on the belt and try as she might, it just won't budge. She manages to slip her thumb between her neck and the strap, but it does very little compared to the strength of the man atop her. Heels buried into the floor, she tries scooting backward in an attempt to throw Jason off her though all she manages is shoe scratches embedded along the floor boards. Veins popping from her neck and teeth bared, Emery musters up the last bit of strength she has, a hoarse scream on the tip of her tongue as black dots dance around her vision. 
Wrapping the belt once more around his hand, Emery surprises Jason at every turn at the fight she’s put up. This night is definitely one for the books and a pilot to what his future skillset can conjure up. If he ever gets caught, he’ll be sure to credit her with this new inspiration of his and that way her name, too, will live on in the tales of time. Her efforts eventually subside, head sluggishly shaking from side to side, and he holds his position for a few minutes longer to make sure the deed is done. 
Tiredly huffing out a breath of air, Jason stands to his full height and fixes his clothes. Walking over to Lynnley, he crouches down and thanks her for the part she played in it all, acknowledging that none of this would've been possible without her. 
“I sincerely hope that you were able to enjoy the final show sugar,” he winked, bending down to place a final kiss to her lips. “If it brings you any type of solace, you were my favorite.”
Lynnley croaks out one last gurgled moan, no doubt a slew of curse words. A tear escapes her right eye, all her energy thwarted from the serious wound and Jason takes the time to brush her lids closed. 
Tires crinkling over the leaves on the ground breaks him out of his daze. Shuffling to the window, he sees what only could be Lorenzo’s parents pulling up. Digging his hands through his pockets, he pulls out the house keys and heads over to the back door
Unlocking the deadbolt, Jason slips through and jogs up as far away from the house as he can, stopping once he gets a good enough distance away to still be within earshot of the scene to unfold. That's the good thing about places this far out. Wide open spaces act as an echo, sounds rippling off one another until they fade into the distance. And even though he is a sizable distance away from the house, he reminds himself to be careful as the echo in question works both ways. But boy what he wouldn’t give to see the look on the parents faces at his parting gift. He’ll just have to do without for now as he’ll see it on the news station soon enough.
Peering behind a tree, Jason waits, watches, and listens for what comes next. How insanely cool would it be to pull this off again? The same family line, the same trauma, the same ending? It’s almost too good to be true. Hands slithering down to his pants, he has to adjust his bulge at the thought, leg shaking loose his oncoming boner.
But is it wise though? To hit the same place twice? No, that's how people get caught, they get too cocky. The only reason he’s been as successful as he has is because there are no connections. Different states, different people, different races, different traits - it’s how he keeps em guessing. And this? Five at a time? It's not his MO. He could roughly get away with something like this for months to come, authorities quick to profile someone else entirely.
He could never take full credit for it though. In all fairness, the other players of the game helped create the art scene in the same way the person who brought paint to Michaelangelo helped create the sistine chapel. And while he could never pair up to Michaelangelo, he did consider himself an artist. Did his work push boundaries? Of course it did. What great artist hasn’t? And while he didn't work much with paint or photography, he did prefer himself a realist of sorts, his works imitating that of ordinary people in ordinary surroundings. He may not have been Jean-François Millet, but his style will be talked about for centuries to come. 
The scream that echoes through the air has Jason smiling wide, trudging further toward the main road at a mission well done. The breeze is light and the sun is warm as it beams down on the earth, his next quest fresh on his mind. 
After all, lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, or does it?
A/N: Wowww!! This is a story thats been brewing for a little over a year now. I never expected myself to get so gory while writing and in the beginning it was super tough emotionally. Overall, my growth is insaneee and Im in mf awe of how this turned out :) Im finally at a place where I can, for the most part, jot my thoughts accurately on "paper"!!! This journey was fun and tiresome, and Im excited to see where my muse takes me next.
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olympiansally · 1 year
i tried to read fanfic after a long time, maybe like 2 years? i came across yours, and i have regrets, i'll be staying away from them for sure now thanks for ruining it for everyone :(
First of all: congratulation on being the first person ever to send me anon hate! I’m sure there’s a reward in there for you somewhere because yes, I’m so delightful no one else had ever done this before so yeah congrats on being the bitterest ever I guess?
Tbh it does say a bit about me that I’m answering this instead of my nice asks - and to the people who have send me sweet asks, I promise you they do mean so much more and they have filled my heart with joy even when I don’t answer them - however! I feel like there’s some points to be made here
To start, this is so? Vague?? Idek what I’m supposed to be insulted about? You didn’t even say which fic you read? Did you read more than one anon? Did you binge read my fics and then come give me shit about it? You did didn’t you? You secretly love me and my writing don’t you? LMAO
But in all seriousness, idk what you want me to take from this. Truly, whether or not you read fanfic has absolutely no impact on my life so uhh do whatever you want? And as for “ruining it for everyone” what does that even mean? Again, you are the first person ever to feel the need to express something negative about my stuff - and again, congrats!!
Besides, I’m not the owner of fanfics in general? People are out there writing and reading what they want and hopefully having fun - but you failed to see the point of it apparently and that’s kinda sad
I wouldn’t recommend turning away from fanfics entirely just because you didn’t enjoy one writer’s work though. Fanfics really are about finding your niche and while I might not fit into yours, there’s probably something out there to your liking.
Better yet, you could aways create content that caters to your whims and be the writer you want to see in the word - that is however much much harder and requires more effort and vulnerability than simply giving people shit for the content they give their community (for free, might I add, just because they’re nice enough to create things and let other ppl enjoy them!)
The entitlement of demanding any fan content creator meet your own personal standards screams delusional levels of spoiled child behavior to be perfectly honest and it is not a good look, so my reaction to this is simply? yikes??
I would like to add, also, that I’m under no obligation to entertain you and if you didn’t like my writing, well! You can always just close a tab! No one forced you to read it! Why waste your time and energy?
Though from the fact that you then found my tumblr and came here to send anon hate, I’m guessing you’re a fan of wasting your time.
Literally anything else would have been more productive than spending this much of your time on me if you weren’t enjoying it, so just get better soon I guess? Hot tip! You’ll probably be happier if you focus your efforts on things that bring you joy instead!
Lastly, while I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish here, I can only sincerely hope you learn something from this irrelevant little nuisance.
That is all, bye!
Oh! And thank you for the anon hate life experience I guess?? lmao
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paranoidpoltergeist · 2 years
Transformers: Cyberverse Review(1/2)
So I finally watched Cyberverse and figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and do my review while I was at it instead of having to rewatch it later. This ended up being so much longer than I expected and I tried to look back over it to the best of my ability but I wrote these directly after finishing each season so at some very odd hours of the day if anything is worded weirdly sorry about that. Please keep in mind this is my opinion and you might not agree:) 
Season 1: It’s a really good concept but the pacing is kind of weird and a lot of the background character's voice actors sounded like they would rather be anywhere else lmao. I know that they went with shorter episodes so they have to pace it differently than the more common 25-minute format but it ended up making things seem a little rushed. As a big fan of the seeker, characters like Novastorm just had me trying to figure out why Hasbro never uses new characters. At first, I thought she was a new character and then they FINALLY said her name 3 FOURTHS of the way into the SEASON and I couldn’t figure out if they were even talking about her, The original is highlighter yellow. However I can say I have a soft spot for a lot of these designs, Bumblebee was a fun mix of his original design and the newer one which I liked. Starscream’s design was kind of killer, although giving him a different design from the rest of the seekers was definitely a choice but one I didn’t mind. Them killing off Blurr physically hurt me but the way they did the world-building was one I actually liked. It was interesting and they mostly used it to move the plot forward so it didn’t feel boring or like nothing was happening.  All in all, really not bad. 6/10 Season 2: Episode one was the most confusing thing I’ve ever watched in my whole life. I was so busy trying to piece together what I missed from the gap between seasons 1 and 2 I missed 99% of what was going on. Then they just started rapid-fire introducing characters without actually introducing them and I just wanted to know if Bumblebee had his memories back. That and they introduced Starscream's little traitor shabang in one of the weirdest ways I’ve ever seen, we see him, he doesn’t get a voice line until he’s leaving Megatron for dead, and that immediately gets him demoted. I mean that all happened in the span of literally a minute. They introduce one of the most important parts of his character in a single minute. I understand it’s harder with smaller episodes but to me it made the pacing feel weird and I know it’s not just something that comes with shows styled this way because even Paw Patrol's pacing feels better. Have you ever gone to write a story but the idea came from an event right in the middle and so you had to scramble for something to stick at the beginning to you wouldn’t lose the idea? That’s exactly what this felt like. Which leads to the absolute whiplash of episode 2. I’d touch on this episode anyways but especially because of how the season started. This episode was so much better. Despite everything still happening quite quickly, it flowed a lot better. I have a feeling they originally started brainstorming the Decepticon section of this episode and then had to figure out a good way to lead into Megatron getting injured and then chose the route they did. Either way, this episode was a bit of a heavy hitter, Starscream's flashback at the beginning started a path to some sympathy and allowed for what was seemingly his death to hit harder. If you're not a fan of Starscream it probably wasn’t a super hard hit but you can still see it was a fairly brutal episode. They made the 10-minute timeframe work pretty well so bravo on this one. Despite Thundercracker not being the TC we all know and love I quite liked him. I’m not gonna lie I was apprehensive at first but I figured with each new series the characters tend to change a bit so they’re not all a carbon copy of one another and ended up really liking him. Starscream’s first upgrade was the goofiest thing I’ve ever seen, but the second was neat. I also liked the way they showed Megatron and Starscream’s relationship, I feel like in the end Stsracsream just wants people to respect him. He wants Megs specifically to see what he’s capable of, he wanted Megatron to acknowledge he finally got the win. So when Megatron proceeded to belittle him, having complete confidence his plan would fail simply because he’s Starscream, he got angry and a little careless, and just like that he fails. I mean the plan was kind of a bad one anyways and he’d probably have been fine if he had immediately thrown their sparks back in the Allspark but he's Starscream so he had to have his dramatic moment lol. On a lighter note this Shockwave is absolutely great he's not the super intimidating one we get from prime and not the total goofball from g1 he’s somewhere in the middle and it’s perfect. You can definitely tell which season I liked better but it was just so easy to go in-depth on this one because it had surprisingly a good story. They knew when to add fillers that still moved the plot along. They knew when we needed a laugh and when to hit us with the harder stuff. Loved Starscream going to Therapy only to immediately break out and Cheetor. He’s just great. They made him naive where it’s common to just make them straight-up stupid, I think that’s partially the reason I like TC so much (WHOSE DEAD?!) he was too honest not really stupid. Most surprisingly I even liked Arcee, she manages to be a strong female character without being too much or annoying. However, I DIDN’T like Jetfire, Maybe if he had a better character arc but he was just annoying with a singular redeeming moment lol. That and I'm sad he's not his usual giant self. Despite the rough start, I liked it. 7/10
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wisp-exe · 1 year
another essay from my class lmao
I spent two whole days questioning what I should write about.  None of the journals we did stick out to me enough to write a whole story based on it.  I couldn’t just make things up seeing as it’s supposed to be an essay that says something about me.  I finally decided to write about a story I’ve written almost every year.  
I was five years old.  My family was visiting my uncle’s house for the weekend because my brother's and youngest cousin’s birthdays are only a few days apart.  My uncle’s family lived in an apartment above an office at the time.  There were toys all over the floors, and most surfaces were covered in miscellaneous things.  I was hanging out with one of the kids around my age when we decided to go to the bedroom she shared with her two older sisters and twin brother.  
The room was just as messy as the rest of the house, with toys thrown about, and clothes in every corner.  There were two bunk beds, they made the shape of an “L” in the corner of the room, with a small space between them.  There wasn’t room for any other furniture, so the kids kept their clothes in bags, but there was a fan on the ceiling.  I think they were only okay with all being in one tiny space because they spent most days with their mom, who was divorced from my uncle.  
My cousin tried insisting we played atop one of the beds, but I refused at first.
“Roman please!” She begged, the end of the last word drawn out.
“No! What if one of us falls?” I replied.
She gave in eventually, and we played with barbies on the floor.  We might have been playing house with them, or maybe a fantasy story.  I don’t remember anymore because of other events that happened that day overshadowing it, and the loss of memories that come with time.  
Inevitably my cousin quickly bored of this game.  She started to get upset, and eventually quit.  She forced me to put the barbies away, because if she didn’t want to play then I wouldn’t be able to play either.  I contemplated leaving the room and doing something else, but she convinced me to stay.
She once again asked if we could play on the bunk beds, and I agreed.
I had no clue what she wanted us to do on them, but up we went.  Once we both were on the bunk beds she told me the game she wanted to play.
“We should jump across the beds!” She spoke, with that childlike excitement you expect from a kid our age.
I looked towards the floor below me, before replying in a frightful voice, “What if we get hurt?”
“We won’t, I promise!”  
I suppose you can guess the outcome of the story at this point.  Really, I should have told her I didn’t want to do this, but what five-year-old is that smart?
She had us take turns jumping from bed to bed.  For a while everything was fine.  The room began to heat up quickly. Honestly, it was probably because we were two out-of-shape kids moving so much.  Perhaps the adrenaline also had something to do with it.  Whatever the cause was, my cousin decided the room was too hot.  She leaned over the edge of the bunk bed and pulled the string that would start the fan.
I’ve always been a very anxious person.  Even as a kid, I would shy away from anything remotely dangerous.  I think the fact I was with my cousin reassured me that I would be fine, and so we continued to jump back and forth. Over and over.
My cousin had me jump to the bunk bed that the ceiling fan was closest to.  I was at eye level with the blades of the fan, because of how low the ceiling was.  She asked me to turn off the fan for her.
I would have to lean over the edge of the bed to reach the string, as I was a much smaller kid than she was.  I did it anyways, of course, I didn’t want her to think I was scared.  I began to reach for the string, my hand fully outstretched.  I finally grabbed it and was about to turn the fan off, when I looked down.  My heart began to race.  I was leaning halfway off the bed, meaning I could fall at any moment if I weren’t careful.  I struggled to get a breath in, and the panic set in.  I hurriedly began to throw myself back to stop myself from falling.  
As I sat up, I failed to notice how close I was to the fan above me.  Suddenly my vision turned white.  The world seemed to freeze for the brief moment it took for me to hear a scream.  I don’t know if I was the one screaming, or my cousin, perhaps it was both of us.  My vision returned, and as it did my world exploded in pain.  I was definitely beginning to cry now if I hadn’t been already.  My limbs felt frozen, so all I could do was sit there on that bunk bed, the world around me felt as if it had slowed.  At this point, I had no clue what my cousin was doing, but presumably, she was just staring in shock.  There was blood pouring from my forehead, the sticky substance staining my clothes, and the bedsheets.  I couldn’t think about anything other than the pain.  
I heard more then saw my father come running into the room.  He began to panic when he saw me.
“Oh my god Roman!” He yelled in a panicked voice.
My mom heard his yell, and came running, “What happened?!”
I barely remember what happened between then and getting to the ER.  I have faint memories of my mother holding me, with a towel covered in blood being held to my head.  My uncle was driving us.
The doctor got my head to stop bleeding, then he laughed, “Well would you look at that, it’s just a tiny cut.  Looks like you won't be needing stitches today, kid.”
My parents sighed in relief. 
“Thank god for that,” My mom replied.
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trinrose3 · 2 years
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
She’s got a very complicated view of her parents. She never met either of them and she has no idea how to even find them or go about doing that as she was basically dumped at the hospital. Did they leaver her there? Was it someone else? Was she in the foster system already? Did they die? Did they just not want her? She sure as hell doesn’t know! She’s not mad at them cause she does understand that what they did was in her best interest. yes she’s bitter about it but she loves where and who she ended up with so she doesn’t have too many complaints; not all families are bound by blood.
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
Only child!
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
James was very lenient with her, not that she got in a lot of trouble anyways. James came from an abusive home so a lot of “punishments” were very off the table for his parenting style. Big fan of Fuck Around and Find Out™️ for small things like “this is why we don’t jump off the swings now come here so I can give you a bandaid”. Very big on gentle parenting techniques.
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
I wouldn’t say James is a helicopter parent, he respects her boundaries but yes he’s very overprotective
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
Once again complicated cause of her birth parents but she feels very well loved by James and the neighbors
7. What was the economic status of their family?
They’re decently well off, James is a doctor after all lol
8. How does your character feel about religion?
Doesn’t really understand it in all honestly. She’s agnostic
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Very book smart and intelligent! She’s wildly curious about her interests and her friends interests but if it doesn’t fit either of those or isn’t for school she doesn’t give a shit lol.
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
She knows she’s the Prev and can get a little bit of a big head but know that it isn’t a criteria for her own or others worth as a person
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
She has very good enunciation and has a good grasp on diction and larger vocabulary words even from a young age, her dad being a doctor very much helped with that.
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
She’s a bit of a teachers pet, a lot of other classmates weren’t necessarily the nicest to her and she’s pretty socially awkward so she didn’t have many people to turn to besides her few friends and teachers.
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
I can see her doing Debate! If there’s some sort of science club I can see her joining that as well, not much of a club person.
15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
Idk what degree you need for paleontology lol but I think it’s a PHD? So that?
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
Paleontologist, and she loves it!
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
For work sometimes!
18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
Bones lmao
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
I might be misunderstanding this her but how cruel some people can be, she just doesn’t understand why someone would do that bar a few exceptions
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
She’s very well mannered or tries to be; always the people pleaser. Someone who sticks up for others especially if they can’t stick up for themselves and want someone’s help. People who are just cruel.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Liam, Owen, Sky, and Lorenzo, I can’t imagine her having really good or many friends outside this specific group. Lorenzo <3
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
I’ll leave that up to you’re imagination ;)
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
Paleontology, musicals, I think she would like knitting/crochet, I feel like she collects animals skulls lol very out of the typically cutesy aesthetic she has
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John Bender relationship hc
Requested HERE
Tags: fem!reader, 80’s setting, John is cute, and also kinda feral, like one mention of sex?
Authors note: omg it’s been too long since I’ve seen the breakfast club ): no but also there’s no fics for any of them? Literally?? They’re so underrated. It was kinda hard to write ngl, like we don’t really get that much info on them in the movie haha I hope this is readable tho
974 words
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oh man 
He is so goddamn emotionally unavailable you wouldn’t believe it 
He’s pretty self destructive too and pretty quick to act out 
You probably met him in detention 
He immediately noticed you, tbh he thought you were hot as fuck 
He wanted to flirt with you but his idea of flirting is.. interesting 
Low key just bullied you for the entire day 
Affectionate bullying? 
You thought he was super annoying, but also couldn’t deny that he was hot 
He literally doesn’t shut up, it’s kinda impressive how he never runs out of dumb shit to say 
He acted up a lot more than normal during that detention, yk trying to impress you and all 
It low key worked
No but like he really only have two moods 
Annoying or gross 
After bullying you didn’t seem to work, he started making sexual innuendos 
Honestly he would find it so hot if you stood up for yourself and put him in his place 
It probably wouldn’t work, but he would be very ecstatic lmao 
When detention finally ends, he sneakily tries to ask you on a date 
By which I mean, he said “Hey sweetheart, I know this reallyyyy nice motel not too far away. How ‘bout we rent a room?” 
You didn’t even respond, just rolled your eyes and walked off 
It now becomes his goal in life to take you on a date 
He “accidentally” bumps into you in the hallways at school the next day 
He’s a goddamn loudmouth, sometimes he just can’t help himself from saying dumb shit so the first few times he asks you out.. don’t really go well 
He feels like he has to upkeep his bad boy persona
He tries to be even louder and more reckless around you, bc he assumes you’ll only like him if he keeps up with his reputation 
Eventually you tell him that you actually like him more when he’s just himself and he’s just mind blown 
He literally went :0 
When you first start dating he really has to get used to physical affection 
He has only experienced physical touch in a sexual or violent manner 
So when you just simply hug him, he’s stunned 
You held his hand once and the man was too stunned to speak 
Please just pet his hair 
I mean, have you seen how luscious it is 
You’re the first person to genuinely understand him and communicate with him 
His whole life he’s just been bossed around by his dad and authority figures 
So he falls for you, hard. Like, the guy is following you around school with heart eyes 
He skips his classes to watch your cheer practice lmao 
(He just wants to see you in a short skirt ngl) 
When he finally gets used to it, he’s a huge pda fan 
Literally doesn’t care where you are, you will sit on his lap and hold his hand 
Even if it’s in the middle of your English class 
This eventually leads to more detention, but to John that’s just more time he gets to spend with you! Yay :D
He’s with you all the time, but will never ever take you to his house 
He’s actually terrified of what his dad would do to you 
Or even worse, maybe he would do something to John in front of you 
John is so scared you think he’s weak for getting beat up by his dad 
Which is absolutely ridiculous, you would never think that 
You also tell him this, telling him that you also think he’s very brave for finally talking about it
If you have a similar home situation he would be your biggest support as well 
But if you have a good home situation, he’ll basically live at your house 
Ngl, he can be quite the charmer when he wants 
He’s really trying his best to impress your parents 
And besides all the times he’s been in the local newspaper for vandalism, they’re absolutely in love with him 
He still has those episodes sometimes, like when he gets too angry at his dad and goes and does something dangerous or stupid 
It always ends up with him hurting himself in some way 
Sometimes he takes his anger out on you, he would never hit you or anything but he can get pretty mean 
He always regrets it immediately after 
After a fight, he feels too shitty to go back to you and apologize 
So he just stays away for a bit, the longest he’s been away is a week 
You legitimately thought he left town or something 
He just hates seeing you cry and feels like the biggest asshole ever
As your relationship progresses, you’d be able to discuss these things with him a bit more 
He’s still very quick to blow up and get angry, but he really tries his best 
After a while, he stops leaving for such a long time, coming back after just a few hours 
You didn’t hear it from me, but makeup sex with John is the best lmfao 
He  l o v e s  it when you wear his big coat 
Sometimes he comes up to you and drapes it over you just because 
He can’t help himself, it’s so damn cute how you almost disappear inside it 
You’re definitely known as John’s girl at school 
Ppl don’t really mess with you, anything is better than having an angry John Bender on your ass 
He would literally do anything for you 
Such a simp tbh 
No but he definitely starts saving up his money, his plan is to buy a place for the two of you after you graduate 
Please just let him wife you up lolol 
He definitely became a lot nicer to other ppl when you started dating too, good job
Hi! Thanks for making it to the end <3
If you want to request more John Bender or anything else, you can do it HERE
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lxvestxned · 2 years
Tongue Tied (18+)
steven grant x f!reader steven and reader are fresh into their dating phase (after a long time of friendship). reader finally admits she’s ready to try something new. warnings: first time sex talk between two mildly drunk, awkward virgins lmao, pet names, alcohol consumption, minors go tf away this is clearly a telltale “i wrote this purely for myself and only to please me” bit of writing that has collected dust in my notes app. so do with this little 888 word blurb what you will. i just really love this dude and the idiots to lovers trope.
“I don’t really understand sex. I mean obviously because I’ve never done it before.” She didn’t mean to sound so annoyed with her last statement, but it didn’t help that she began to talk through a clenched jaw. “But, I think…” she shifted to hold her cup of wine between both hands as she stared down into it, “… I want to do it with you.”
Steven’s reaction (or rather lack thereof) was no surprise to her. When she looked up through her lashes, it was clear what was going on in his brain from his side of the loveseat. She could practically see the cogs churning and breaking down behind his eyes. And unfortunately, all the metaphorical computer shutdown noises coming from Steven.exe was not enough to fill the silence, so she’d felt the need to buy him time to power back up.
“Obviously, we won’t really know what we’re doing and everyone has warned me that it probably won’t be good the first time. But like— I think all of my friends lost it really young, back when we all had this limited concept of what sex was supposed to be and how we were supposed to be perform in it. And I just know I wouldn’t have to worry about all that with you. And anyway— anyway the other day, all you did was like groan while stretching and I still can’t get it out of my head. I just want to make you… feel good I guess.”
A bit of a long winded way to say ‘please let me put your dick in my mouth’, but at least she eventually got to a point. Steven seemed to have finally defrosted, but only enough to rapidly bat his eyelashes. His face was still stuck doing that thing where one brow was arched a bit higher than the other, his mouth agape despite the fact that he may not be breathing at all.
She took a long sip out of her glass, allowing him all the time in the world to respond. Although she realized that maybe it would be easier if she’d probed him with a question. “So that’s what’s been on my mind lately. What’s on yours?” She punctuated with an amused smile into her glass.
“Sweetheart, darling, my love.” His free hand flattened to his chest, wallops of air finally reviving him there. “Am I red right now? I must be glowing red.” They joined in laughter together as she nodded extra hard. He moved to fanning himself, while he set his own wine glass on the coffee table. She tried not to focus too much on how he had to fold forward and into her proximity to reach.
“Does that mean you want to have sex with me too?”
“Yes. Bloody— yes, love.”
She laughed even harder, inspiring some more from him as well. “Okay, let me say now though, I don’t want to do like full blown sex yet.”
“Of course, yeah.”
“I really, really just want to know how to—“ funny how the proper words to the action never feel right coming out of her mouth. Even when she’d try to engage in the sex-capade talks with her friends that they frequently got in to. Her lips could only press hard together. The rest of the sentence knocked at the front of her skull wanting only to burst out.
Poor Steven looked on patiently, hanging on for dear life. Until he was chuckling out a, “oh, shy now, are we?”
“God, I wish you could just read my mind.” She said instead, throwing a hand out in defeat.
He threw his hand in a similar gesture, “it’s okay, we’re talking about it. Just say it!”
She could feel the anticipation building suddenly, which she knew all too well would cause her to freeze up thrice over. So she started again, “I really, really want to know how to—“ she turned her head as far left as she could, only managing to clear her throat. “Sssssssssss…” ah, she really was useless. She jokingly dry heaved.
And she was grateful for his burst of laughter, he even feigned offense in his reply, “Oh my god, well don’t make yourself sick.”
“Okay, I’m being childish. I’m just going to say it. ‘Cause it’s literally no big deal.” She tried to convince herself, even setting the wine glass down beside his for some kind of finality. “I mean it might be a big deal, it’s not like I’ve seen it yet.” She cocked her brows at his crotch for a second.
“Oh my god.” He sounded incredulous.
“Can I suck your dick?” She dropped her palms to her thighs.
“Oh my god.” His voice pitched a lot lower that time he said it.
She felt aglow again. Awash down her chest like she’d been hit with a craving, just like when he groaned the other day.
He visibly swallowed, then licked his wine-stained lips. Before finally he said, “yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, I can what?”
“Yes, you can…” his eyes roamed the space around them distractedly. He was redder than the first time they’d kissed.
She couldn’t help but smile cruelly, as she began to close the distance between them, “see it’s not easy to say, is it?”
His laughter was so breathy she almost didn’t recognize it as such. Until they were both fighting back smiles between smooches.
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