#receiving so many nice messages on this ask game
bandzboy · 8 months
hi i'm late to this but you also give me bang chan energy!!!! literally every time i look at one of your fairy fm posts i learn something new about music and it's always fun to see you talk about it with so much passion!! and like channie, you're sweet and delightful and always a joy to see <33
i understand how you feel like you aren't doing enough but you've come a long way and i couldn't be prouder of you <333 i'm always kinda disconnected from stuff and i'm not very consistent on keeping in touch with people, but it's been very fun to watch you grow (and i've been watching old chan's room lives and really the way you've both grown makes my heart full) <3
this is so sweet 🥹💕💞💖💞💕 i truly just aim to like showcase my love for music and also make people learn about music in the best way i can because even i am learning every day and i'm no pro by any means but truly sometimes i just want people to see music differently and appreciate artists more! chan is definitely one of the artists i support and respect so much that it goes beyond me stanning skz or kpop he is the type of person that makes me want to work hard and be a better musician/producer because his passion for music and producing is genuinely inspiring in every single way
but truly thank you so much it means the world :< especially having mutuals who have been with me ever since i started my producer journey it has been a year at this point and idk where this is taking me but i need a lot of courage and patience to continue i hope it genuinely flourishes into something good
which kpop idol do i give off the same energy as?
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andwewerehappy · 7 months
me, walking quickly by a reflective surface: I look hot today
me, stopping to look in a mirror only to be greeted by puffy eyes, bumpy hips, and visible love handles: you sure about that one champ 👀
0 notes
shhhsecretsideblog · 30 days
#3, prenatal massage
Healing Hands
Great setting for this prompt! Thanks for the request, really hope you like it! And thanks to @gravid-transluna for being my beta 💜 Content: fpreg, inconvenient birth, clothing birth, unassisted. 2,652 words
Prompt: “I’ll be fine, it’s not like my waters have broken-”
“Look… My ankles are swollen; my back aches; my hips hurts; my boobs are sore; my bladder is being used as a punching bag and I’ve not seen my feet for weeks! I am going to get that massage.” Kate told her husband in no uncertain terms, standing by the front door and struggling to pull her coat around her large and low-hanging pregnant belly.
“Fine.” Tom sighed, resigned to his wife’s argument. “At least let me drive you, I can wait in reception and take you home afterwards.”
Kate had received a gift voucher for a prenatal massage from a friend at her baby shower. Unfortunately, with finishing her job and getting everything ready for their new arrival she’d completely forgotten about the voucher and was swiftly running out of time. She had been feeling practice contractions on and off all week but today she’d had quite a few and Tom was getting a bit nervous about the idea of Kate going out, convinced she was in labour.
As they walked to the car the mother-to-be felt the start of another cramp begin to tighten across her middle. Kate placed her hand on the side door of the car and took a deep breath releasing it slowly.
“Babe, you’re having contractions.” Tom warned, seeing his headstrong wife go unusually quiet. Again.
“They’re not real contractions.” Kate assured. “Anyway, I’ll be fine, it’s not like my waters have broken-” she paused, feeling suddenly… off and noticed the slightest dribble of liquid run down her inner thigh. For fucks sake.
“Kate? You okay?” Tom asked her over the roof of the car from where he stood at the open driver's side door.
Great timing baby, Kate thought with annoyance. She so desperately wanted that massage, with all the stress of painting and decorating the nursery, finishing her job before maternity leave, not to mention the burden of carrying around a 7lb baby wherever she went. She was really looking forward to having a nice 45 minutes of relaxation and calm.
“Hmm.. yeah fine. Just a kick.” Kate lied easily. She would be having that massage dammit, especially if she was about to spend the next god-knows how many hours labouring and birthing a child. She deserved to start off calm and relaxed before the chaos rained.
Kate pulled her coat under her bum as she sat down in the car, hoping the thick fabric would absorb the slight leaking from what she suspected was her waters beginning to break.
She didn’t have any more cramps… contractions in the car driving to the spa, and Kate was thankful and reassured. Perhaps it wasn’t her waters, or perhaps she was just in the very early stages of labour. There was no need to panic, or to tell Tom.
When she arrived at the spa for her appointment she was given a dressing down and was directed to the bathroom to change. “I’ll just wait here for you, hun.” Tom said, kissing her cheek and sitting down in a chair in reception, pulling out his phone to play games.
Kate had another cramp whilst changing out of her clothes. “Hoooo….” She breathed slowly through the rising wave of tightness. “Hooo… okay baby, I get the message. Just give your mum one hour to have this massage. I’m gonna need it if you’re on your way soon.” She affectionately rubbed the bare skin of her rounded stomach, standing in just her knickers as she braced through the pain.
Wrapped in the dressing gown, Kate met her massage therapist outside the treatment rooms and was led inside. It was dark, very low soft lighting, the smell of lavender was thick in the air and a soft instrumental sound played through the speakers in the ceiling. It was calm and tranquil and perfect. After a quick discussion and assessment form, Kate was briefly left alone to remove the dressing gown and lie herself down on the massage table, on her side beneath the provided towel. It took a bit of negotiating with her slow and heavy body, and it set off another cramp, but she was soon lying along the cushioned bench with a pillow between her legs and a soft fluffy towel draped over her semi-naked body.
Anita, the massage therapist, had wonderful healing hands, Kate thought as she closed her eyes and held her bump. Pressing and massaging all along her spine and hips, Anita’s nimble fingers worked their magic and helped soothe all the overworked and taxed muscles in Kate’s body which had been strained and put to the test during this pregnancy. With the gentle acoustic music and the aroma of oils and incense, Kate felt for the first time in a long time - truly relaxed. That is until the contractions ramped up.
In the darkened room Kate had no concept of time, but she found herself breathing heavily and it felt like she was bracing herself every few minutes for the next wave. A groan slipped out from her mouth during a particularly fierce one.
“Is the pressure okay?” Anita asked softly. “Harder? Softer?”
“Mmnhh… more pressure please.” Kate moaned. “On my hips…”
Anita continued her work, focussing on Kate’s hips and pressing into her lower back and the tops of her thighs, the fluffy towel draped across the parts of her body not being worked on. But the contractions kept coming - longer and stronger - and Kate gripped the towel which was covering her belly and breasts, squeezing it tight between her tensed fingers. Soon she was groaning again, longer this time.
“Are you alright?” Anita’s voice laced with concern for her heavily pregnant client.
“Yeah…oooff! Just some kicking and cramping. But I’m fine.” Katie schooled her face to a natural and relaxed expression. She knew her labour was progressing by the steady waves of pain that kept on hitting, but she could not handle the idea of moving or having to deal with these contractions without Anita’s magical hands pressing into all the right pressure points, making the pain bearable.
So she did the only thing she could… She kept quiet and kept breathing, letting the expert fingers of her massage therapist ease the pain of her advancing labour.
Half way through the appointment Anita had her change positions; first to lie on her other side so the masseuse could tackle Kate’s other hip and thigh; then the mother-to-be was moved to a padded chair where she was instructed to sit backwards on it, effectively straddling the cushioned seat and resting her forearms on the tall backrest. The movement was arduous and with it Kate became very aware of how low the baby had moved - practically sitting just behind her pubic bone. She was glad to be sitting wide-legged over the chair as she didn’t think her thighs could close now with how deep the baby was nestled.
Anita ran her expert hands up and down the length of Kate’s spine, her fingers sliding over her bare skin with the aid of the fragrant massage oils. “Mnnnhhh… lower…” Kate grit as yet another contraction twisted across her belly contorting it into a tight ball, the labouring woman desperate for Anita to press deep into her flaring hips to relieve the pain.
Somewhere deep within her an urgency was rising, Kate couldn’t work out where but the pressure was forceful, aggressive and overwhelming. She whimpered and moaned, the weight and fullness in her pelvis bubbling up closer and closer to boiling point.
“What’s wrong?” Anita asked, removing her hands from Kate’s body, fearing she had hurt the mother-to-be.
“Hoooo…. Don’t stop! Mnnnhhh…” Kate moaned heavily into the crook of her elbow, tiling her hips backwards towards the other woman chasing the healing hands, her belly squishing between her legs and resting on the cushioned chair.
Against Anita’s better judgement, she followed the instructions and continued pressing into the pregnant woman’s lower back and hips.
However, Kate’s moans could no longer be construed as noises of relief and relaxation; her whole body was tense and tight, her fingers gripping hard and white knuckling the back of the chair. The pains were coming every couple of minutes now - she couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. The pressure soon reached breaking point. Without instruction she felt all her internal muscles squeeze downward and she let out a deep and primal grunting sound.
Anita’s hands vanished in an instant. The masseuse said something but Kate couldn’t hear it; her sole focus was on the giant heavy mass sitting on her cervix and it needed to come out. Now. She gasped a breath and pushed, uncontrollably, too shocked to do anything other than follow her body’s instincts. Somewhere in her peripheral a door was opened and closed - she’d been left on her own, labouring and pushing, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. All that mattered was the baby's head that was starting to part her folds.
“Are you Tom?! Kate’s husband?!” A woman came rushing into reception looking as white as a sheet, seeing him and immediately making a beeline towards where he sat.
“Yeah? What’s wrong, where’s Kate?”
“I- I think your wife might be in labour.” Anita blurted out, breathless and panicked.
“Damn it.” Tom cursed, pocketing his phone and rising immediately to his feet. “Erm, okay, what’s happened, is she alright? What makes you think she’s in labour?”
“B-because… because I think she’s pushing…”
“What?!” Tim shouted, and the pair ran down the corridor towards the treatment rooms.
Tom’s heart was in his throat as he followed after the freaked-out massage therapist. Pushing! Surely she couldn’t be pushing, she was barely in labour when she went in. Tom tried to reason with his overactive thoughts that were jumping and leaping ahead to a whole host of problematic scenarios. Maybe the girl was mistaken, or just got scared at seeing a woman in labour.
Tom’s fears were soon realised as they approached the treatment room and even with the door shut the sounds of Kate groaning could be heard through the wood. He felt sick, she can’t be having the baby now, she just can’t. Jumping headfirst into the unknown, Tom nervously opened the door, stepped through, and at the sight before him his stomach fell to the floor.
Squatting the wrong way over the chair with her back to him, and wearing nothing but her underwear, his wife growled and moaned and strained. Oh my god she is pushing! Tom stood there for a beat, jaw hanging open, frozen at what he was seeing. But when he started to see the shape of something begin to bulge between her obscenely wide bent legs, the fabric over her crotch tenting as something slipped out and then retreated, Tom jumped into action.
“Holy shit!” Tom cursed before running over to his wife. “Oh my god Kate. Talk to me babe, what’s happening?” He wrapped an arm over her upper back and crouched beside the chair, trying to keep his voice calm yet loud enough to be heard over her animalistic grunting.
“Tom…. Mnghhhhh! It’s coming outtttt!!!” Kate cried and disappeared into another pushing grunt.
“Call an ambulance!” Tom shouted at the scared looking Anita. “—No, wait! Help me get her off this chair.”
“Babe,” he said softly to his wife, “listen to me. We need to move you, the baby is coming and I can’t help you like this.”
“Mnghhhhhh!!!! Can’t move!!!!!” Kate clawed at the back of the chair, standing up on wide legs straddling the seat, the baby crowning into her knickers.
“Hold on to me darling, that’s it.” Tom moved Kate’s shaking hands onto his shoulders so her weight was on him instead of the chair. He pulled the padded chair out from beneath Kate’s awkward squatted position, and with strength he didn’t know he possessed, casually tossed the furniture aside so he could stand directly in front of his labouring wife. “Are you alright standing Kate? Or do you want to move positions?”
“Hoooooo oh Tom… I can’t be having the baby here!” Kate mewled.
“We don’t have much of a choice hun.” Tom said with a smile, trying to be a reassuring face in this totally unexpected situation. Looking down he could see the obvious shape of the baby’s head pushed against her underwear. “I think the head is almost out sweetie. We need to get these off.”
Tom tried to shimmy Kate’s panties down while Anita ran off to call the ambulance. His wife was trembling from head to toe, he could feel the shudder of all her muscles beneath his hands as he tugged the underwear down past her hips but her stance was too wide to get them much further.
“Hold on sweetie, I’ve almost got them off.” Tom muttered, ignoring the painful clawing of his wife’s nails as she gripped his shoulders, focusing instead of making room for the emerging baby. Their baby.
“Mhhhhh— oh Tom!!! I need to pushhhhh— I’ve got to PUSHHHH!!!” Kate roared with the force of the contraction that pushed the baby further south, knees dipping to open her hips and make more room for the excruciatingly large shape that was barrelling through.
Tom stretched the fabric of her underwear as far as it would go, pulling it just beyond the apex of her thighs, managing to get his hands between the clothing and his wife. And he felt it, the soft and bloodied surface of their baby’s head stretching his wife wide open. He barely had time to awe at the miracle, his first contact with his child before the head slipped out fully into his palms. Kate sobbed with relief.
“Oh my god honey, the head’s out!” Tom couldn’t wipe the shock and happiness from his face as he held the baby’s crown. “Can you move your legs a little bit, Kate? Your undies are still on.” He said with a laugh.
Nodding, in shock and still catching her breath, Kate moved her legs and after her husband pulled them to her ankles she ungainly stepped out of them. It was the weirdest sensation, moving with a baby still half inside of you. Kate could feel the baby’s head brush against the tops of her thighs but also the kicks that still flexed in her womb. She placed an unsteady hand between her legs and felt her child’s newly born head.
“Hi… hi baby.” Kate murmured, breathing still laboured. “You just couldn’t wait for me to get that massage could you?”
Tom laughed, but then he saw something flash on Kate’s face, signalling a sudden change. “You okay?”
“Unghh…. Oh I think— I think— yup, here comes the shoulders…” Kate groaned and began to sink to her knees, Tom reacted quickly and kept her steady as she lowered to all fours. “Oh fuck!!! Mnghhhhh!!!!!!”
With Kate deep in the midst of the next contraction Tom scrambled on the floor to kneel behind her as the baby slipped further out. One shoulder, two shoulders, and then in a gush of fluid the body and legs shot out of Kate’s body and slipped into Tom’s hands.
“A girl! We have a girl darling!!” Tom blubbed as his daughter coughed her first breath and started crying. “Here she is!” Tom said, handing the newborn to his wife through her legs.
“Oh my god…” Kate sobbed, pulling her baby to her bare chest and rubbing her tiny little back gently. “Look at you… oh my god. You’re perfect.” The tears rolled freely down her cheeks as she stared in fascination at her baby.
Tom picked up a towel from the massage table and placed it around his wife and daughter. Kate looked up at him in shock, tearful, exhausted, unable to say anything but the obvious. “I had the baby.” She whispered. He knelt beside her and lovingly kissed his incredible wife. The paramedics arrived 15 minutes later.
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
No bc I keep thinking of modern Sev trying to get into the dating game because she wants to settle down and she gets on a dating app because Jinx had mentioned in a conversation with Silco and she ends up matching with reader,,, ahh it’s stuck in my brain
i changed this just a bit to make jinx even more of a shithead hehehe i hope u love it
men and minors dni
"aunt sevy." sevika rolls her eyes at the nickname she hates, and looks up from her book at jinx.
the girl's ten years old now, old enough to know just the right buttons to push to annoy sevika. and sevika's stuck on babysitting duty, because she's an idiot and agreed to be the shithead's godmother when jinx was still a harmless, quiet baby.
"what?" she grunts.
"why don't you have a wife?" jinx asks.
sevika groans. "did your dad put you up to this?" she asks. silco's been bothering her about the same thing lately.
"no." she says. "'m jus' wonderin'. when we have birthday parties and stuff, all the adults bring their boyfriends and girlfriends and wives. but you never do. why not?" jinx asks.
sevika tries her best not to kick jinx's shin. she manages, but not without flicking the kid's forehead.
the truth is that sevika's been asking herself the same thing lately. but she's realized that after so many years of emotionless hook-ups, she's got no idea how a relationship would even fucking work, and she's decided it's easier for everyone if she just... doesn't try.
"mind your own buisness." sevika grunts eventually. jinx studies her with those frighteningly inquisitive eyes of hers, before she smirks, turns on her heel, and runs to her room.
sevika's too relieved by jinx's disappearance that she doesn't even consider that the girl could be up to something.
three days later, sevika gets a call from silco at five in the morning.
"do you know what fucking time it is?" she groans into the receiver as she rubs her sleepy eyes.
"i'm sorry."
"what's so fuckin' important that you couldn't wait to tell me at work?" sevika asks.
silco's responding sigh is long enough for sevika's stomach to sink. "you should dress nice today. a suit, maybe, or at least nice slacks and a button up."
"why? do we have a meeting?"
"no." silco says. sevika waits for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. she huffs.
"silco what the fuck is going on?" she asks.
"you have a date tonight."
it's silent for a few moments. sevika tries to remember if she'd drunkinly given out her number to someone, or if silco asked her to butter up a client. she draws a blank. "...i do?" she asks.
silco sighs again. "jinx got the idea in her head that you need a wife, so she made you a dating profile."
"she's been cat fishing some poor person as you, and she's scheduled a date for the two of you tonight at seven."
"she what!?" sevika screams. her neighbor pounds on the wall that they share. sevika pounds right back. "silco, there is no way in hell i'm going on a date jinx set up for me."
"yes, i figured you'd say that." silco sighs. sevika's phone buzzes. "check your messages."
sevika pulls her phone away from her face and checks the new text sent from silco.
she gulps when your picture pops onto her screen.
you're... everything. if sevika was asked to describe her type, she'd have described you to a tee.
silco starts talking on the other line, and sevika blinks down at your picture one last time before pulling it back up to her face.
"fine." sevika grunts. she can hear silco's smile, and she huffs. "shut the fuck up. which suit should i wear?"
silco cackles on the other line.
sevika almost passes out when she meets you in person. you're stunning, and she's nervous, and she knows absolutely nothing about you even though it seems like jinx has told you everything about her.
it's only when you've ordered your dinner and are chatting over bread that sevika finally confesses.
"i have to tell you something." she mutters.
you pause mid-chew, your lame story about a fat squirrel you'd seen earlier today entirely forgotten at the sight of your gorgeous date's grimace. "don't tell me you're straight." you groan.
sevika cackles, and you relax a bit into your seat, smiling as you watch her catch her breath. "no!" she laughs. "god, no." she wipes her eyes. "i am very gay. and i find you..." she trails off, her eyes darting down to your lips for just a flash, before she blinks and shakes her head. "very attractive." she says.
you gulp, ignoring your sudden arousal. "so... what's the problem?" you ask.
sevika sighs and looks down at her hands. "you've been catfished."
you frown. "uh..." you study the woman in front of you. "you are sevika right? i mean... you look just like your pictures..."
sevika chuckles and shakes her head. "yes, that's me in those pictures. but you haven't been talking to me all week."
"so..." you're beyond confused. "who have i been talking to?" you ask.
sevika cringes. "my fucking shithead niece." she says.
relief floods your body. this isn't a scam or a fucked up prank-- it's a real date with a beautiful woman who's looking at you like she's expecting you to throw your glass of wine in her face.
instead, you burst into laughter. "you sound awfully fond of her."
sevika's stiff posture relaxes, and she huffs her own laugh. "she was cute before she could talk." she says, shrugging. you laugh even harder, reaching across the table to take sevika's hand and squeeze it as you try to compose yourself. "but now she's old enough to ask me why i'm still single and work a smartphone..."
"well, that explains why you had so many typos in your texts."
"oh, god." sevika groans.
"you misspelled 'restaurant' like five times."
"it's a hard word." she chuckles.
you pull the gorgeous woman's hand up to kiss her knuckles, and watch in fascination as all her worry and embarrassment melts away. "so." you say.
"so." sevika repeats.
"if you'd like to leave i understand, i won't be offended. i'm not sure i'd be into the dates my little cousins would pick out for me."
"no!" sevika shouts. she cringes as half the restaurant turns to look at her. you giggle. "no, that's not-- i really want to be here. i just-- i just wanted you to know that you weren't talking to me... you were talking to a ten year old."
it's quiet for a minute as you try to wrap your mind around the situation. so you'll have to re-introduce yourself to the woman in front of you-- that's fine. you're looking forward to getting to know her, and it seems like she wants to get to know you too.
you take a sip of your wine, then giggle when a thought occurs to you. "god, i'm so fucking glad i didn't try sexting with you." you say.
sevika bursts into surprised laughter, and she has to pinch herself to keep from launching over the table and kissing you.
(jinx never lets sevika live down the fact that she married the first person she picked out for her aunt.)
(jinx also officiates your wedding.)
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob
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ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Novice | Felix | Easy to Expert (2)
Lee Yongbok (Felix - Stray Kids)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.8k
Pairing: Felix x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Sex Toys, Butt Plugs, Oral (F!Receiving/Anal; M! Receiving), Anal Play, Anal Sex, Unprotected Vaginal Sex (Don't do this, please)
Author's Note: This is a sequel to Easy. I got a comment on Archive requesting a sequel for something that was put off for…another time.
This was just supposed to be a second chapter but it devolved/evolved (depending on who you ask).
-> Series Hub <-
-> Part 1 <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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The morning after Felix utterly rocked your world, he had sweetly asked you to be his girlfriend. You agreed, of course, and then he took care of you that day because you could, in fact, not walk. He made you pancakes to eat in bed and he even carried you to the shower. Despite the soreness, you couldn't be more content and you spent most of the day just watching Netflix together. He got several messages when he didn't show back up to their dorm the night before that he then had to deal with. He even had several missed calls from Minho and one from Chan that he had to return. You were still half asleep then and didn't hear the conversations, but the group chat blew up so bad he had to shut his phone sound off. It was also evidently the chat you were not in that they denied existed.
Neither of you wanted him to leave after lunch, but he had stuff to do and a part-time job. When you stopped by the door to see him off, he put his shoes on then turned to you.
"I'll see you later, love." He leaned forward and you welcomed him, hit soft lips capturing yours. You hugged him tight and he laughed at your cuteness when you didn't want to let him go.
"I love you." you whispered and a giant smile broke out on his face and he bumped his forehead to yours.
"I love you, too." And with that he left.
Over the next few weeks you continued to hang out with them all as a group, not yet having another chance to be alone with Felix. On a Thursday evening you got a message from him seeing if you were free the next night. Would this be your first actual date?
"I know it's kind of unconventional…but would you want to go to the arcade?" he asked and replied instantly with a yes. You really didn't care where or what it was if it was with him. Plus, the arcade he was talking about was huge and had so many different things to do past game machines, like an obstacle course, trampolines, and a foam pit. Since he was coming from campus after his morning class, you met him there instead of him picking you up. One thing that was nice about doing college online was you had a more flexible schedule. You rocked on your feet, hands in the pockets of your coat as you waited. You had on a set of pink shorts overalls on over a white turtle neck and white stockings to protect you from the cold. Winter was coming. You decided to wear a short pair of pink Ugg boots that would be easy to take on and off at the arcade.
"(Y/N!)" It was easy to know it was him, even with the giddy tone, his voice was deep. Plus, certain words were still tinted with his accent even after speaking Korean for so long.
"Felix~!" You beamed as he jogged over to you and instantly pulled you into a hug. There was no else around so you eagerly returned it, but pulled back just in case.
"Ready, love?" He smiled sweetly and you nodded. His wavy hair, dyed blonde with a tinge of black at the roots, was tied halfway back and he looked ten times prettier than you could ever hope to be. He opened the door for you and refused to let you pay for your own pass. They stamped your hands to signify you had full access that day and you headed in after checking your coats. Since it was late in the morning on a Thursday, it wasn't very busy, and there weren't any children since they would be at school. It was the perfect time for two adults to goof around like kids. You wanted to go the trampolines first, but those would be tiring, so best left for later. You started with the traditional arcade games, and you kicked Felix's butt at a shooting game. You simply let him do the motorcycle simulator racing game, the way the fake bike moved kind of made you motion sick. He won the basketball tossing game and then you moved to the simulation games. Your favorite was the archery one and you both tied score on that.
"Foam pit?" he asked after you were done and you grinned, both of you running to the next place like children. No one else was there and you both took your shoes off and left them at the worker's station and he lead you up the stairs. There was a rope that you could jump onto and swing on before landing in the pit. It made you a bit nervous because of the height, but after watching him happily do it first, it made you less hesitant.
"Move out of the way!" You motioned to him, rope in hand. Taking a measured breath, you hooked your leg around the rope and kicked off like you were told. You squealed and let go, landing with an oof onto the blocks of foam. The worker even couldn't help but laugh at the two of you. You literally had to swim to get out and he helped pull you out. To take a break you got some snacks, chicken nuggets and soda.
"This is so fun, Felix." You beamed and he smiled around his bite of food.
"I know, love." He reached up and brushed a crumb from your cheek with his thumb and you smiled bashfully. The final stop for you was the trampolines. Once again, there was no one there and so you were given pretty much free reign. Instead of playing with the games that were projected, you just jumped around together. Like one must do, you would sit on the bouncy material, and he would jump near you to launch you in the air. You squealed in delight, and while you couldn't launch him to the same extent, it was still fun. The two of you had been at the arcade nearly four hours and you were out of breath as you put your shoes back on.
"Do you have anything else to do today?" he asked you as you left, a cold wind blasting at you, and you shuffled closer to him. You didn't see, but he smiled and he turned you with his hand on your shoulder so your back was to the wind.
"I don't why?" You looked up and him and his smile fell into a smirk.
"Hm, can we go back to your place?" He stepped closer, his nose nearly touching yours. You forgot you were in public for a second, ready to kiss him, but a kid laughing forced you to step back. It seemed school was out so there was going to be an influx of arcade patrons.
"Sure." You replied to him and you started to head that way. As you walked you noticed there was a thin flap of plastic sticking out of his bag, caught in the zipper.
"Hold on." You stopped him and went to fix it and when he noticed what you were doing, he swung the pack off his shoulder and out of your view.
"Hey!" You playfully glared at him and he shook his head, "It’s a surprise! Don't look." He fixed the plastic himself and you looked at him suspiciously.
"Hm, okay." You let it go and you continued to your place. Once again, he held the door open for you and you waited at the elevator. The door to the side that lead to the stairwell opened and you glanced to see who it was. It was the guy who lived a few doors down, some gym rat that thought he was hot stuff. You rolled your eyes at his strut and Felix smirked. Changbin made it work, he looked good, not over the top. This guy was…gross.
"Hey, unit 304." He strutted over and you didn't even look up from your phone.
"Who's your friend?" He had a flirty tone and you know he thought Felix was a girl. He looked at the guy, annoyed, then spoke. The guy's reaction was hilarious.
"I'm her boyfriend." His deep-ass voice rumbled through you and you bit your lip to keep from laughing.
"Oh, uh, sorry bro." He bowed a bit in apology and then scurried away. When you got into the elevator, you both burst out laughing and you continued to giggle even as you plugged your door code in. He helped you take off your coat and you hung them both up with your bag. He kept his with him though.
"Okay, what's the surprise?" You asked and he smirked.
"Later. Come here, love." He put the bag behind him on the couch and you sat down with him. His hand came to your jaw, slightly cold still and you leaned in to let his lips press to yours. Like last time, the kiss got intense fast, both somewhat desperate. You hadn't gotten the chance to really be alone until then, so you only got quick pecks in while the others weren't looking. When Felix's hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head, you whined softly and his tongue wiggled its way into your mouth. When you had to pull back to get more air, you scooted closer to him and he smiled. He adjusted his position so he had one leg up on the cushions, facing you.
"Ready for the surprise?" He placed a soft kiss on your jaw, then under your ear, not able to get to your neck because of your turtleneck.
"Yes…" You were a bit hesitant, wondering what the heck he got. When he pulled the plastic shopping bag out of his back pack, you were expecting some kind of candy or food that you liked. No. It seemed these last two weeks he had been thinking about what he found in your nightstand. The butt plug.
"This okay?" he asked, pulling out a few more items. There was some kind of kit to…get clean, then he also had made sure to buy the right size condoms. There was also a cleaner and lube and one other thing you didn't immediately recognize. You picked up the box to look it over. It was long and you turned it over to look at the picture on the front and your eyes widened. You shot him a look and he tried to remain smug, but he was a little nervous.
"A tail?" You shook the box. There was a light pink plug along with either a long striped cat tail or a round fluffy bunny tail. It advertised as well there were more attachments you could get. He struggled to find some words and pointed at the picture on the box.
"I-if you end up…liking it…" He finally got out and you huffed, amused with his flustered state. You hummed, placing the box back down and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Do you want me to go…get ready?" You licked over his ear lobe and he groaned low.
"Yes, please." he said that, but he ended up wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his lap, and kissing you again. You tilted your head, deepening the kiss, your hands on his jaw and his hands digging into the flesh of your butt. After pulling back, you smirked and he let you get off his lap. You put the items back into the bag and scurried back into your room. You had a little surprise for him as well. Hating that you only had a plain set of underwear on last time, you compensated for it and went to the lingerie store. At the time, you weren't entirely sure what he would like, but you think the black set would be perfect. First you shuffled into your bathroom, and took your clothes off. Your panties already had a dark, damp spot on them and you huffed. Just looking at the bag for a second, you replayed different over-thought scenarios in your head, and grabbed the cleaning kit. Reading the instructions, it was kind of embarrassing to think about going ahead with it, but it was really exciting as well. You went ahead and did everything you had to and the sensation was…weird to say the least. Made you excited too though, thinking of what Felix would be doing. Before him you never got turned on that fast that easily.
Going to the paper bag holding your new set of underwear, you put it on and had a few issues with the straps and ribbons. The top piece was just some ribbon with some boning that wrapped around each breast but left your nipples on display. A thin silk corset wrapped around your middle, once again with some boning. The panties were crotchless, with thin mesh and you had to tie the ribbons on the side to hold it up. Slowly you pulled on the fish net stockings, not wanting to poke a whole in them with your toes. It was the same mesh as the panties, and had ribbon crossed over and winding up, sewed on. Looking over yourself in the mirror, you hoped he thought you looked as good as you thought you did. The final piece was two ribbons you tied around each wrist and that was a bit difficult on your non-dominant hand, but you managed. Grabbing the bag he had purchased, you went back out to your bed room and laid each one out. Taking the box, you placed it inside your nightstand drawer and instead took out the plug you already had in there. Looking it over better, it was three different size rounds attached by the silicone but only had one vibration setting. Your core clenched at the thought of him using it on you, so did other places. Shuffling to your door, you propped it open and called for him that you were ready. You scurried back to your bed and stood at the end, trying to look innocent as he stepped in.
"Fuck." His voice was quiet but rumbled through the room and he shut the door behind him. You lived alone but it made you feel more secure and private still.
"Did it work?" he asked about the cleaning you assumed and you nodded shyly.
"You look amazing, love." He complimented, stepping forward and looking over every detail of your lingerie intensely.
"The idea is I can leave it on…But if you take it off be careful, it wasn't cheap." You fiddled with one of the ribbons hanging off the corset.
"You look amazing, turn for me." You did as he asked and he smirked when he saw that your panties were barely that, and that there was a hole in the crotch that would allow his cock easy access. Even where he would fill you with the plug was easy to get to.
"Hm, good girl." He hugged you from behind, his teeth nipping at your ear, his hard cock grinding into your butt.
"Lets get ready." Felix laid another kiss on your neck and you went back to the still unopened box and unwrapped the plastic. You watched him undress out of the corner of your eye. He came over to you as you pulled the black silicone plug out of the packaging and looked at the little booklet that came with it. He snatched it from you and the cleaning spray, heading to the bathroom, his underwear tented over his hard on. Luckily the little plug only needed a battery, and there was one included. Thinking he was probably cleaning up, you looked at the condoms and you knew that they ones you had were definitely the wrong size. The lube was specifically for anal, and it seemed it would numb you some, good for a first time thing.
"Battery?" he asked as he came out, now fully naked and your mouth watered.
"Next time." He huffed as you eyed his cock and you sneered playfully. You held out the battery for him and he got it in and hit the button. It buzzed rather aggressively and he smirked and shut it off.
"Hmm. A little later, okay?" Felix suggested and huffed at your eager nod.
"Lay down, love." He sat you down on the edge, and you did as he asked, in much the same position as last time. You were nervous this time as well, but for a different reason. You turned your head to watch him grab the bottle of pink lubrication and you shivered a bit.
"You're okay, love." You tried to calm down, but you squeaked when he made you move your legs into a better position, then kissed your pucker. He laughed at your reaction and your hand came to your mouth, covering it.
"Is that stuff flavored?" you asked as you smelled strawberry when he opened it.
"Yeah." You could hear the smirk on your voice and you shivered from nerves again. You gasped when the cool gel touched you, just a small bit on his finger at first. He smeared it around your hole and you felt a slight tingle, the numbing kicking in.
"Might make my tongue numb," he muttered to himself, feeling the tingle on his finger. He squeezed some more out and told you to breathe as his finger pressed against you, the long thin digit only entering your ass to the first knuckle. He pulled it back out, smirking at the clenching muscle. Smearing some some lube onto his finger, he added it to your skin and you yelped loud when his tongue circled your pucker.
"F-Felix!" You had a feeling that's where it was going, but it was still a very strange sensation. He hummed, the taste was very artificial, but that was okay. His arms wrapped around your legs like before, and he shoved the wet muscle into your ass and you tried to relax and not clench too hard. You whimpered as his tongue fucked into you, licking up the lube he had spread over and in you. As he continued, it became easier to breathe, but your fingers still dug into the sheets. You were a little worried by how aroused you were getting from this. Is this the kind of thing you needed from the start?
"Next time, I'm putting my cock inside you." His tongue left your ass and then licked a stripe through your cunt and sucked hard on your clit.
"F-Felix!" You gasped, your orgasm already rising fast. He really had pulled the seal off last time. The buzz of the toy hit your ears and then the silicone touched your puckered hole. There was obviously more lube spread over it and you had a hard time not clenching too much as he eased the toy in. It felt incredibly strange and new, but scarily good. The flat end of the toy nestled against the crook of your ass as he got it all the way in. He smirked as he saw your cunt walls clenching around nothing. You almost screamed when he shoved two of his fingers into you, the slight numbing from the lube tingling your pussy now. Another hard suck to your clit and you came. You settled down from it faster than the first time, but you were just as out of breath. He wiggled his fingers a bit and you whined, he could feel the little bumps of the toy through the wall of your cunt and even some of the vibrations. He stood and helped pick you up so you could be further up the bed. You were almost afraid to move with the toy in your ass.
"D-do you need a condom?" You wouldn't meet his eye, finger poking the box. You really liked how it felt to get full of his hot cum and you were on the pill…
"Well…they were more for-" He gave you a look and you nodded in realization.
"But next time." He winked and you flinched when the head of his cock met your soaking folds.
"Ready?" He planned on doing it much the same way as last time. Rough seemed to work better for you, and he wanted to see in the future just how far you would like to go. You nodded in response to his question and his fat cock filled you instantly and your back arched. It was so odd, having the vibrating toy in your ass and Felix's cock splitting your pussy open. Even he was a little thrown off. Just like with his fingers, he could feel the nubs of the toy through the wall separating your cunt from your ass, and the vibrations were dull but present. Your walls clenched his cock hard despite you trying to relax, and you were so wet for him.
"Ready?" He asked again and you nodded, fingers already digging into the bedding near your head. Felix pumped his hips deftly, grinding his pelvis into your clit and immediately his pace was relentless. Before he kind of built up, his thrusts were hard but shallower. Not this time. The bed was already shaking from the force, the head of your bed frame banging the wall. Once again glad for living alone, you let the high pitched keens float from your lips. Tears pricked your eyes at the pleasure. He pulled you closer some, sitting more on his knees so your lower back rested over his thighs. This made your hips raised, your shoulders pressed into the bed to steady yourself. His hands held your lower thighs near your knees, and he rolled his hips, the angle letting his dick pummel your back walls. He loved watching your breasts bounce, wrapped with the black silky ribbon. The feeling of the thigh-high stockings against his sides was more enjoyable than he thought it would be. You were gorgeous naked, but like this it was like you were gift-wrapped just for him.
"Felix!" You gasped, back arching harder, head thrown back and he grunted, slowing his thrusts as you clenched around him in your orgasm. He was going back and forth earlier on whether or not he wanted to fuck your ass or not that night, but he decided he would. The way your cunt squeezed him was incredible and he really wanted to know how it compared. As your orgasm died, he pulled his cock out of you.
"Come clean me off, love." He got off the bed and you scrambled to kneel before him at the end of the bed. He grabbed the condom box and he saw you waiting eagerly to swallow his cock, slick and shining with your juices.
"Okay, love." He allowed and you reached to wrap your hand around the base and instantly took the rest of him into your mouth and slightly into your throat.
"Fuck~" He groaned and he was going to have to decide later which hole of yours he preferred. Pulling off of him, his cock was more clean than before, but now covered in saliva. He took a condom from the box, tossing it somewhere on the floor and opened the package. You took it from him, placing it just over the tip and bringing your mouth back to him. He swore again and you slowly let his cock bury in his mouth, the condom sliding over him as you went. When your nose touched his groin, you pulled back and swirled your tongue around for good measure, then pumped your hand over to make sure it was on all the way.
"Turn around." He helped you get up off the floor and you crawled back onto the bed, letting your front half fall to the sheets, ass in the air.
"(Y/N), you're gonna kill me." He huffed and you giggled. Hearing the lube bottle open again, the smell of strawberry wafted as well.
"Breathe." He coached and you did, each of the little nobs popping out of your ass as he removed the toy, shutting it off. He tossed it to the floor, it would be easier to clean the fake hardwood floor than the sheets or rug. You quivered at feeling more empty again, and gasped when he drizzled a big glob of lube straight onto your ass.
"Gotta get you ready love." Felix swirled his finger over your entrance, then pressed forward again, not stopping till his index finger was completely inside. It was a little shorter than the toy actually, but it was definitely different. You whined and tried to stay relaxed as he wiggled it some. Your hole was kind of numb from the lube and tingly from the vibrator. Felix continued to coach you as he added a second and later third finger to prepare you. The longer he did it, the more aroused you got, the odd feeling spiraling into a whole new kind of pleasure.
"Ah~" You whimpered and moaned as he withdrew his fingers. They were tingly as well from the lube and he stroked over his cock with the remaining gel. His hand was a bit sticky after, but he could worry about it later.
"I'm going to start, princess." He informed and you took measured breaths, trying not to flinch when the head of his cock touched your ass. You groaned as he eased in, digging your teeth and nails into your pillow to release tension. If you thought his cock felt big in your cunt, it was a whole new kind of stretch as he filled your ass. Your head swam and you had no idea it could feel so good. Your cunt clenched around nothing, wanting to be filled as well, something you could explore later. He sat inside of you, unmoving for a few minutes, both of you trying to relax.
"Move." You gasped out and he dug his fingers into your hips, thumbs into your butt cheeks. He made a shallow thrust and you both groaned at the feeling. He was much more gentle as he buried his cock deep into your ass than in your pussy. His thrusts were less punishing as well, pulling out about halfway before his hips met yours.
"More, please." You keened and he grunted, picking up the pace but not changing the depth. Your fingers left the sheets, needing something more solid, so they wrapped around the rungs of your head board.
"You like it rough, huh, love?" You moaned in agreement.
"You like my cock in your ass?"
"Yes, fuck!"
"What a slut, just for me though…" He grunted, leaning over you more.
"Ah!" You practically screamed, Felix's hot dick starting to fuck you deep, more grinding than anything.
"(Y/N), love, you're so good for me." He groaned, the rumble like thunder going through him and into you. Your cunt clenched around nothing again, you were getting close.
"Feliiixxx~" You keened and he gave you a husky chuckle.
"Cum, love. Cum for me." And you did. His hands held the head board for support, white knuckling the wood. Your ass was even tighter around him as you fell apart than your pussy, and it knocked him over the edge too, filling the condom. Eventually he wanted to paint your insides white. Your cunt, your ass, your throat… After both of you had calmed, still shaking, he pulled out and you flinched at feeling empty again.
"Ow, fuck!" You hissed as he lowered you into the hot water of the tub. He chuckled and you scowled at him which made him laugh harder. After you settled into a good position, you sighed, the hot water relieving your aches. He sat on the mat by the tub, arms crossed on the lip. He had reclothed his bottom half and helped you out of your lingerie while the tub filled.
"Hm. How was that?" He traced his finger through the water.
"You've ruined me, Felix Lee." You mumbled and his laugh echoed through the bathroom.
"So…I have an idea…" He drifted off and you straightened your head to look at him better.
"How would you like to get your pussy and ass filled at the same time, hm?" He suggested and you thought for a sec.
"We would have to figure out how to keep the dildo-"
"Not…not a toy…" He drifted off and your eyes widened in realization.
"If that's not-"
"Who?" you asked and he blinked in shock, then smirked again.
"Who do you want?"
-> I.N. <-
-> Seungmin <-
-> Hyunjin <-
-> Han <-
-> Lee Know <-
-> Changbin <-
-> Bang Chan <-
-> Series Hub <-
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
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linonyang · 1 year
five times changbin had soft heart eyes for you <3
pairing: changbin and gn!reader; genre: fluff, established relationship, very slight angst; warnings: none; word count: 1.1k
taglist: @awooghan @xiaoderrrr @cosmic-railwayxo (join the taglist here! :D)
note: hi, here is my delayed comeback lmao i thought i can immediately proceed to writing when my finals ended but i just felt more exhausted right after so i decided to give myself more time before i continued this. this was a celebration for changbin's birthday, supposedly, but at least i still got to post it. hope you enjoy this either way :D
© linonyang - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
check the rest of the series: chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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when you visited him right away because the rest of the boys left him for their break. he wasn’t able to go home in an instant since his sister told him she’ll fetch him from there a few days later. you were aware of their break, and once you asked him if he was going home already, you packed your bags quickly as soon as you receive the message, “not yet, honey!” you underestimated his reaction to your presence in front of the door. he was so smiley and he spaced out while staring at you too many times the whole time you were there until the day he needed to go home. he actually got a little sulky when his sister dragged him away from you because he wanted you to stick with him more, but you told him you can call him right when he gets into his sister’s car. he’s that clingy guy! one minute into the car ride, your phone rang, and the first thing you saw was him with puppy eyes. you really couldn’t resist him, so you let him whine loudly on your phone as he physically got farther from you every second.
when you accompanied him to the arcade when everyone wasn’t in the mood to join him. he knew he shouldn’t be pissed since everyone’s tired, but he was so thankful that you kept up with his never-ending energy. much to his surprise, you were also thrilled to compete with him in every single game in the arcade. you were mostly losing since changbin played in that arcade hundreds of times already. the last time you went here was for your date, and that was at least a year ago, so it was obvious that you were not trained to the core with the games. but when you finally beat him against one of his favorite games, he wasn’t able to take his eyes off of you when you were jumping in glee. he thought that maybe he should let you win from now on to see you smile. he should play video games with you in his place and intentionally lose every night just to make you win and see happiness visible on your face. he might never sulk to you because your delightful grin and glittering eyes make up for his insignificant loss.
when you came to him, not feeling yourself. you were too tired from all of the work you did for the last few days, so you spent your short rest time at night with changbin. he was nice enough to pick up your call and arrived at your place quickly with food for you two to munch silently for dinner. changbin encountered this state of yours occasionally, and he was understanding enough to not be overwhelming in your quiet and peaceful space. while you were slowly nibbling on your food and staring somewhere in your room, changbin looked at you. honestly, he was concerned. but he realized you found comfort in him, and that melted his heart so much that he wasn’t able to stop admiring your presence. you didn’t mind resting with him and the first thing you did to rest was call him. he thought of it again and again and he almost sighed blissfully in joy so loudly while looking at you, your legs and arms entangled with his. his short time of falling in love with you all over again was interrupted by the sound of your faint chuckle. you told him that his ears were burning, and you were confused about why. 
when you felt like the clingier one in the pair, you have no reason but you felt like clinging to changbin for a whole month. when you begged changbin to be your pillow for the day, he couldn’t be happier than ever—he was ecstatic. days like this just made you want to melt in your bed with changbin beside you, and he always looked forward to that time of the month from you. so when changbin dived into your bed and let you wrap your arms around him, he felt small, in a good way. he felt loved. you hugging him really hit differently, and he could exist for the rest of his life in between your arms. once night fell and you fell asleep with him in your arms, changbin saw you, the moonlight shining on your face, and he couldn’t help but touch your face delicately and be the one hugging you through the night. but you were still holding onto him tightly, so he spent some time gazing at your beauty until his eyelids fell on their own. he couldn’t tell how long he stared at your face, but he knew it was worth it. because you woke up, and you looked more breathtaking than last night. there was this glow on your face, and he followed your face and figure the whole morning as you did your morning routine, utterly aware that he spent most of his night analyzing every gorgeous feature on your face with so much love filled in his heart.
when you let him lead the way during your trip for your anniversary as a couple. changbin prepared a whole itinerary for your anniversary, and the first thing you told him was to bring you to wherever place he wanted to spend time with you. the whole day was amazing, and you weren’t able to imagine any other first-anniversary date better than this—it was perfect. the day almost ended and you spent the last few hours of the day by the park with a fireworks display. changbin had too much pride that you wouldn’t fear the loudness. but unfortunately, both of you ran away because of how loud the display was, as you were considerably near the actual fireworks. when you stayed under a tree, still not that far from the display, you watched the sky with your ears covered. changbin did the same for a bit until he heard muffling noises—your gasps of joy and fascination. he moved his head, and he knew what he was gonna see: your face with so much wonder. gosh, he loved seeing you so happy. he thought the misfortune with the fireworks display slightly ruined the day, but he guessed not, since you were still enjoying it. he spent the rest of the display looking at you and your sparkly eyes instead of the fireworks. when the fireworks display was over, you instantly chattered about it on your way home, and he did not stop looking at you with the same sparkly eyes as you.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Ooh! I have a funny request!
Could I request Lucifer, Mammon and Diavolo's s/o calling them "The most handsome demon" before running up to hug them in public?
Lucifer, Mammon and Diavolo's NB!s/o calling them "The most handsome demon" in public
ahhh this one is so cute..! >O<
NBreader, fluff, teasing, just wholesome stuff, something like a spoiler for Devilgram 'The Escorts' in small bonus;;
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-Well.. he does like PDA with you, but sometimes the way you show your love for him can be so confusing.
-It's not a secret that he, as an avatar of Pride, loves when you compliment him or show your love in general, but he prefers to do all sweet things in private, where he also can show you all his affection.
-So when he hears your cheerful loud voice screaming something about the most handsome demon Lucifer gets kinda alarmed. There were too many strange accidents and stories with you in Devildom so his first thought was that you get into another goofy story somehow.
-Yet when he notices that you are running right in his direction with open arms it is too late. You already jump and embrace him, nuzzling your face in his chest.
-"Oh! And I was wondering what you were up to this time.. S/o, you do know I'm really busy right now..?" - Lucifer scoffs, trying acting cool yet actually feels tingling warmth spreading in his chest. He can't help but pat your head with a little smirk. - "Be more patient and wait when I will be free, so we can get quality time together, okay..? And don't you dare trying something like that with my brothers now.."
-He values his status as a strict collected demon so all these lovey-dovey things in public are not for him. If you want some affection from him right in front of everyone so badly, then Lucifer prefers more mature ways to show his love for you, touching your waist or holding your hand tightly, thumb caressing your knuckles.
-"If you want something more than you should ask nicely, darling.." - he smirks, noticing how you cling to him more. - "Or this is too much for you right now? Embarrassed to say it out loud?"
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-Do you want to kill this man?!
-Mammon absolutely loves your affection, yet it's so hard for him not to actually admit it, but even receive, as he quickly starts blushing and giggling, getting too excited.
-And now you try to show your love in public? God, please send him some strength..
-He was just standing in the crowd, sending your message one after another, asking where you were fooling around without your great boyfriend, when he suddenly heard your voice. The most beautiful demon?? The hell you talking about?!
-Then when he sees you running to him with such a playful face. Mammon didn't even get time to realize something as you already knocked him down with a tight hug.
-"Huh!! S/o, y-you're crazy..! Scaring me like that.." - he mumbled, looking away, feeling as heavy blush started creeping on his cheeks. - "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today and will forgive you.."
-You can't ever imagine just how happy he is to receive such clingy affection from you in front of everyone. Yes yes, that's it! Everyone, look here and see that this precious human is just for a great Mammon..!
-But remember, darling, he's an avatar of Greed, after all.. So that means he will never let his most valuable treasure from his arms now, understand?
-"Come on, take my hand now..!" - he commands, trying to act harsh and dominating yet you can still see this blush on his cheeks and even on his ears. Did his neck get a little bit reader too..? - "I need to show everyone that you're my own human! It's natural, after all, I'm your first man anyway..!"
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-Ohh! He's always in his silly goofy mood, he absolutely adores these little games!
-It doesn't matter at all if he's talking with someone or even discussing some serious business, if you walk to him and just take his hand he would never push you away or tell he's too busy.
-How can he? Your hand is so soft and warm.. Oh and if anyone who was he talking to at that moment would even try to say something about your persistence.. The Lord doesn't mind showing his more serious, strict side to them.
-Diavolo knows your voice well so he immediately hears your sweet tone as you call the most gorgeous demon in the world. Ooh, are you talking about him?
-Of course he will turn to your side with open arms to catch you in his hug, pressing you to his big chest with all his strength. Well, actually now with all, as he would just crash you in this case.. But strong enough to make you gasp a little..
-"Ahh, s/o..! You wanted to surprise me today?" - his loud chuckle thundered across the whole corridor, as Diavolo kept squeezing you in his hug. - "Then the most gorgeous demon is glad to greet the most precious human..!"
-He loves to play along with your teases and flirt, as it always lights up his mood after a long day of paperwork.. Or when he wants to relax after a council meeting.
-"Oh, I just remembered..! Why don't you pay a visit to my castle today? You know this little hug is not enough for me now.." - Diavolo laughs again, this time in a more soft and gentle tone, as blood rushes to his face. - "I'm sure brothers would complain too much if you told him you have some urgent personal business with me today, hehe..?"
+a small bonus? I didn't know if I should have written it in hc so I added this here. Another reason why Lucifer is more emotionless to you outside is Maddie. He is ready to tolerate her pushy clingy behavior toward him due to her status and strength yet if she would try to have a beef with you, Lucifer afraid he wouldn't be able to control himself. This lady gave hard time to Lord Diavolo himself when wanted to marry him, which means she's really bold in her actions and even thinking about her trying to hurt you makes Luci's blood boil.
When Diavolo, actually, is absolutely not afraid, even if it will attract the wrath of a powerful witch. Not because he's airheaded, but because he doesn't want to tolerate her debauchery anymore. Sorry, Maddie, the one who will marry Lord of Demons is s/o and after that she can't even think about hurting you as you would belong to a royal family.
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mysticheathenn · 8 months
Tarot Game| Closed
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Hi Hexlings!
I'm excited to announce my first tarot game. These will be channeled and intuitive messages. I want to get a little bit more into personal readings and test the waters a bit so I thought this would be a nice way to do so. Depending on how this goes I may do this as a weekly thing.
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Rules of this game:
You must follow or be following my page
Like and Reblog this Post
Follow my Patreon (Free or Paid) OR Provide Feedback about your reading
Please be kind and patient while I finish your reading, as I don't know how many will play. Once the game is closed I will begin sending out readings.
Asks will be accepted until the deadline of Sunday 1/21 @ 6pm EST Status: Closed
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How to Play:
Send me an Ask (not a DM) with your name.
Since this game is intuitive and Channeled Messages please put the word Life, Finance, Career, Academic, Friendship, Spiritual, or Relationship (If Relationship Single or Taken). To let me know what topic you want me to focus more on.
Whenever you receive your message if you didn't choose Patreon option make sure to give feedback after receiving your message.
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tkwrites · 11 months
Worth the Wait - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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photos from pinterest
Title: Worth the Wait
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Quinn x Sarah
Warnings: Swearing, grief, mentions of a dead mother. Mostly, it’s fluff.
Summary: It takes more than a week, but Quinn and Sarah finally go on their second date.  
Word count: 5,500
Comments: This one is a little long, but I felt like all the parts were needed to flesh out the characters the way I wanted. I hope you enjoy! 
Part 2 is being planned as we speak!
Worth the Wait
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Hey Sarah, I just wanted to let you know we’re headed out on the road, so I’ll be out of town for the next week. 
Quinn sent this message before boarding the plane. He’d never done something like this before - tell someone he was interested in that he wouldn’t be home. He didn’t want Sarah to think he was ignoring her, or putting off their next date. 
Can I see you when you get back? 
Definitely, he sent, a giddy, effervescent feeling in his stomach.
The following evening, for the first time in her life, Sarah sat down to watch a hockey game. 
Eunice was in their living room, anxiously awaiting the start of the game. Currently watching people talk about betting odds in her Canucks t-shirt, a stuffed orca on the cushion next to her. 
Sarah had lived with Eunice for a little over a year. They were friends in the way two people coming together for convenience could be friends. She was nice and sweet, and made the best mac & cheese Sarah had ever eaten. She was also dramatic and had a borderline obsessive love for many things, including the Canucks. Sarah had never paid much attention to that particular obsession, as it didn’t cross over into her life, until now. 
“You okay?” Eunice asked when Sarah sat down.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You never watch hockey with me, I thought maybe you were sad or something.” 
“Oh, no, my project is done, so I’m free for the night and thought I’d join.” 
Eunice squealed and threw her arms around Sarah, “I’m so excited to introduce you to the best sport in the world!”
Feeling instantly overwhelmed, Sarah put on a brave face, and watched as the national anthem began to play. The camera scanned over the players, 5 stood separate from the others in a line, and her heart jumped into her throat when Quinn’s face came across the screen. He looked impassively at the camera. He seemed so different than when they had met, determined and competitive, not so quiet and interested. It was strange to reconcile the two as the same person. 
“What does the C mean?” 
“It means he’s the captain. That’s Quinn Hughes. He’s like, the best defenseman in the league.” 
"Isn't he a little small to play defense?" Sarah asked, surprised. 
Eunice looked personally affronted. "Hughes is an amazing skater, which is the most important thing in being a good defenseman. Defense in Hockey is more tactical than super physical." 
When the game finally began, Sarah was instantly overwhelmed. They moved so quickly, and it was damn near impossible for her to keep track of the puck. There were terms being thrown around by the commentators that were so niche, she didn’t even know where to begin figuring them out.
“What’s icing?” she asked when there was a commercial break. 
“So, it’s when a team shoots the puck to the other end of the rink, but no one is there to receive it.” 
She knew that wasn’t quite right. There were plenty of times before the break when that very thing happened, but no icing was called, and couldn’t the goalie receive it and negate that altogether? 
“And there’s no out of bounds?” 
“Nope. Just the rink. You can get penalized for shooting the puck over the glass though.” 
The game continued, and after a scuffle, Quinn skated off to sit by himself. 
“Why is he there?” 
“He got a penalty. High sticking,” Eunice said without any additional explanation. 
The announcers replayed the offense in slower motion, showing how in the midst of a play, Quinn had accidentally hit another player in the jaw with his stick. 
“That doesn’t seem like it should be a penalty when it was an accident,” Sarah said. The other guy wasn’t even bleeding.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s part of the game. Keep control of your stick all the time.” 
The camera moved back to Quinn in the little cell. He removed his helmet and rubbed a towel over his face and hair before replacing it.
Eunice sighed dramatically, “God, he’s so hot.” 
Sarah had to agree. He did look hot - supremely so. Flushed and sweaty, it was difficult to keep her mind off imagining him in her bed like that.
“Wait, why is it 4 against 5?” Sarah asked as the game began again. 
“Cause Hughes got a penalty,” Eunice said, as if this was all the explanation Sarah should need. 
Sarah stopped asking questions. Every time Eunice had tried to explain something in the past, she would get so excited, she would leave out key points, or assume Sarah had background knowledge she didn’t, and Sarah would end up even more confused. She often had to look up whatever they were talking about after their conversation anyway. 
The period ended, and Eunice left the living room. 
Sarah continued reading the article about the basics of hockey she had pulled up on her phone at the last commercial break. She wished she could watch with someone who would patiently explain each rule as it passed in the game. She had learned Football from her dad that way. Maybe Quinn could explain it to her. 
“Okay, so what’s really up?” Eunice asked when she returned, plopping back down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a bag of caramels.  
“What do you mean?” 
Holding up one finger, she said, “you’re watching hockey with me,” she held up a second, “you’re trying to understand it,” a third finger went up, “and you’re, like, actually interested in sports?” 
“I’m interested in sports,” Sarah defended. “We’re a football family. My uncle coached.” 
“Whatever,” she waved her hand dismissively, “it’s a dumb American sport anyway.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes, but didn’t take the bait. 
“All I’m saying is that we’ve lived together for over a year, and you have never, not once, expressed any kind of interest in Hockey and I want to know what changed.”
The commercials ended and the camera cut to someone interviewing Quinn, who was in his full kit sans helmet. He answered questions in the same quiet, methodical way he had answered her on their date. Only this time, he said a lot of words without actually saying much of anything. 
Sarah chewed on her lip. 
“Did you finally discover how hot hockey players are?” Eunice teased.
“I don’t -” Sarah cut off, pushing a breath out her nose in frustration. 
She was about to tell Eunice that hot guys were not the only reason she watched sports, only to realize that that’s precisely what she was doing. 
“I met him,” she finally admitted. 
“You met who?” 
“Quinn,” Sarah said, gesturing to the TV. 
“Met? You MET Quinn Hughes?” Eunice asked, turning in slow motion to look at Sarah. “When?!” 
Sarah started, “on Monday.”
“Where? What? How?” Eunice demanded, her voice getting progressively louder with each word. 
“He came into the aquarium, asked some questions after one of my talks, and then asked if I wanted to get lunch.” 
“He asked you to lunch?” Eunice repeated. 
“Yeah, we went to get bao.” 
“Like on a date?” 
“I think so. I mean, he paid, and he got my phone number aft-”
“Quinn Hughes asked you for your phone number,” Eunice thundered, “and you didn’t think to tell me about it?” 
It probably wasn’t the right time for Sarah to point out that she and Eunice really didn’t have that kind of a relationship. In fact, Sarah hadn’t told anyone but Beth, her best friend from back home, who had been thrilled Sarah had finally met a good guy.
“Sorry,” Eunice said, settling on the couch like a proper lady in a period drama, folding her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to flip out.” 
Sarah wasn’t sure how she should react. She hadn’t intended on telling Eunice at all, worried - justly, it turned out - that she would freak.  
“But oh my fucking God,” Eunice yelled, throwing her hands up and breaking her posture to flop dramatically into a slouch. 
“What’s going on?” Jane asked, leaning in the door frame, rubbing sleep from her eyes. 
“Quinn Hughes asked Sarah for her phone number,” Eunice declared, gesturing to Sarah as if she were the reason Jane was up early before her graveyard shift, not her own yelling. 
Jane perked awake, “really?” 
“Yeah,” Eunice said, sounding like a petulant teenager.  
“Oh my God. I didn’t think this was a big deal,” Sarah said, putting her head in her hands. 
“That the most eligible bachelor in the whole city of Vancouver asked you for your number? I’d say that’s a pretty big fuckin deal.” 
“He’s just a guy, Eunice.”
“I’d beg to differ," Jane cut in. “It is a pretty big deal.” 
“So he’s not a guy?”
Both women rolled their eyes at her. 
“Of course he’s a guy,” Eunice said, exasperated. 
“But he’s not ‘just’ a guy,” Jane said, air quotes and all. “He’s a little more than that, I think.” 
“Why? Because he’s a professional athlete?” 
“Yeah. And millions of women across the world want to marry him.”
“He’s handsome and all, but I can’t believe that’s true,” Sarah said. “Do millions of women even watch hockey?” 
At the fierce glares she received from both of her Canadian roommates, Sarah held up her hands in defeat. “Okay, okay. Maybe millions of women watch hockey, and some of them find him attractive. But for my purposes, he’s just a guy. He was just a guy on our date.” 
“It's not about you,” Jane said. 
Sarah raised her eyebrows in a challenge. 
“What we mean is that it’s a big freaking deal that Quinn asked for your number.” 
She reeled back, “Is it so hard to believe that he would be attracted to me?” 
“No!” they both shouted, Eunice exasperated while Jane was horrified. 
“Of course he’s attracted to you. Look at you.”
“I think what Eunice means is that Quinn Hughes has celebrity status in this city, and so him asking for your number means that he saw something really special in you. Women throw themselves at him every day.” 
Sarah wrinkled her nose in disgust. 
“It’s like, a major, major compliment,” Eunice said. 
Biting her tongue, Sarah resisted the urge to tell her that it was a major compliment if anyone asked for her number, celebrity status or not. 
“So, are you going out again?” Eunice asked, sitting back down on the couch. 
“I mean, we said we would, but he’s out of town until next week, so I guess we will when he gets back?” 
“Oh man,” Eunice said, leaning back in her seat. “You are living such a fanfiction right now.” 
Sarah snorted and rolled her eyes. 
Jane yawned. “I’m going back to bed. I have to be at the hospital at 2 in the morning.” 
“I’m sorry we woke you up,” Sarah said. 
Shaking her head, Jane smiled. “I’m glad Quinn saw the same things the rest of us do. If anyone deserves a fanfiction love story, it’s you.”
Heat raced into her cheeks, and Sarah smiled, turning back to the TV as the game began again. 
“I cannot believe this,” Eunice said, picking up the stuffed whale to clutch in her hands. “You’ve got to introduce me to Kuzmenko.” 
A few nights later, Quinn was slipping into a dinner booth in St. Louis when his phone pinged with a message. 
Hey, I don't know what your schedule is next week, but The Electric is showing the Star Wars movies starting Sunday if you want to catch one together?
His heart jumped into his throat so fast, he made a sort of gasping choking nose that had Elias clapping him on the back. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Quinn said, clearing his throat. 
“Who is that from?” Petey asked quietly. 
Quinn was suddenly overwhelmingly thankful that he wasn’t sitting next to anyone else, who surely would have made a big scene of announcing that he got a text about a date to everyone in the near vicinity. Petey knew he preferred his privacy, and always respected that. 
“Remember that girl I was telling you about last week? The one from the aquarium?” 
His eyebrows shot up, “that’s her?” he asked, nodding at the phone.
Quinn nodded. 
As Elias watched, Quinn pulled up their practice and game schedules. 
Sounds awesome. I’m back in town Wednesday and free on Thursday or Saturday nights. 
Almost immediately, the icon of her typing appeared. His heart began to hammer a little harder, pulsing in his throat in that nervous, I-can’t-wait-to-talk-to-her way he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Thursday is The Empire Strikes Back, so I’m guessing that’s our choice. Unless you’d rather see the Force Awakens on Saturday?
Thursday is great.
Cool. I’ll get us tickets. Showtime is at 7 and they have a special menu for dinner and drinks at 6. 
Sounds great.
It was as simple as that. Quinn had never had a date planned so smoothly. 
Her text bubble popped up again, before going away. He gulped some of his nervousness down. 
When he clicked off the screen and looked at Elias, he found the other man smiling at him knowingly. 
“I didn’t think she existed.” 
“Sarah? You thought I was making her up?” 
Petey rolled his eyes, “No. I didn’t think the girl you always talk about wanting to date existed. But she’s right there,” he gestured to Quinn’s phone. 
Feeling his cheeks flush, Quinn shrugged to deflect the wave of sincere agreement that washed over him by busing himself with the menu. 
Leaving her last class, Sarah was beyond thankful to leave campus and go home. She was exhausted to the bone. It had been a hard week of studying and midterms. On top of that, nervous, excited energy was buzzing under her skin in anticipation of her date with Quinn that evening. 
When she got home and finally pulled her phone from her bag, she found a missed call from him. Stomach dropping, worry billowed into her thoughts like smoke. He was probably calling to say he couldn’t come. Why else would he call when they’d only texted so far?
 Rapid fire, her thoughts rifled through friends that might want to come to the movie before she snapped back to herself. This was her anxiety talking. It wasn’t the truth.
Taking the time to pull in a few deep breaths, she told herself he could be calling about something other than canceling. It took eight breaths before she felt calm enough to call him back.
The phone rang three times before he answered. “Hey.”
“Hi, sorry I missed you earlier, I was in my last midterm.” 
 “I’m sorry,” he said, wincing. That was one thing he didn’t miss about college. There wasn’t a lot, but the pressure of midterms and finals were something he was happy to live the rest of his life without. 
“Well, it’s done now, so I’m just excited to take a nap.” 
He laughed. 
“So what’s up?” she asked, trying, and failing, to not sound nervous. 
“I wondered where I should pick you up tonight,” he said. 
Relief sighed through her legs and she sunk onto the bed. “I was planning to meet you there.” 
“I can come pick you up,” he offered. There was no need for her to take the train when he could drive them. 
This was always an awkward conversation, but one she’d constructed with her therapist to ease her anxiety. If someone didn’t respect this, it was a sure sign she didn’t want to date them. “Quinn, you seem like a great guy, but I don’t want you to pick me up. I don’t know you very well.” 
A long pause passed over the phone. She wondered if she was going to have to explain this concept to him. 
Honestly, Quinn hadn’t heard that line in a long time. He knew from friends that women often did this to protect themselves, but something about his presence in the media made women trust him implicitly. He hadn’t taken advantage of that - he would never - but it had infiltrated his thoughts before, how easy it would be. 
She stood up for herself, and kept herself safe, and he respected her for that. “That makes sense,” he said.
It was so much easier than she’d been expecting, that Sarah had a hard time coming up with words.
“So I’ll meet you there?” he said when she didn’t say anything. 
“What time?” 
“Dinner starts at 6, so I figured like 6:15?” 
“Great. I’ll meet you out front?” 
“Sounds great.” 
They said some pleasant goodbyes and she flopped back on the bed. Karma was really seeing this one though. Nice, interested, a bit nerdy, and respectful, not to mention handsome, Sarah had hardly allowed herself to dream up a guy like Quinn. And now, here he was, suddenly in her life. A feeling like she’d just drunk champagne began to fizz in her stomach. A smile spread over her face as she hugged her pillow and set an alarm.  
Walking up to the theater, Quinn wiped his hands on his jeans, hoping he wasn’t about to revert back into a teenage boy with sweaty palms. He had to pee again. Nerves always shrunk his bladder. It hadn't happened in a game since he was ten, but other places - getting on a stage, press conferences, dates - always made him nervous. 
The theater was an old fashioned, stand alone cement building. A ticket booth complete with marquee lights sat between two sets of French doors. Sarah was already there, leaning against the wall, looking up at the building across the street. It surprised him she wasn't on her phone.
“Hey,” he said as he got closer. 
“Hi,” she said, meeting his eyes with a smile that made his stomach ache. Her lips were darker, making them stand out a little more. His eyes were drawn to them like a magnet. 
She slipped her arms around his neck for a hug. It felt so natural this time as he pulled her into his chest. 
As she broke away, she asked, “ready?”
He nodded, and she walked over to the ticket window, “I have a reservation for two under Roberts.”
The teenager working looked up from his phone. His gaze drifted past her. “You’re Quinn Hughes,” he said, mouth falling open.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder. 
“Hey, what’s up man?” Quinn said as if someone hadn’t just told him who he was. 
The employee - who couldn’t have been more than sixteen - was still staring at Quinn, even when he didn’t say anything else. 
“You’re coming to the show tonight?” he finally asked. 
Sarah had never felt so looked over in her life. It wasn’t that she was jealous. She would never want that kind of attention, but there was common decency not being met here. 
“We’re trying to,” she said, not unkindly, nudging him back to her reservation. 
The boy started. He blinked a few times before he said, “sorry, what was the name?” 
“Sarah Roberts.”
As they walked into the foyer. The ticket clerk slipped out of the booth, and came up to them, “hey man, I’m sorry to interrupt, but could I get an autograph? My girlfriend is a huge fan.” 
Quinn nodded, and reached for the paper and pen he held out. 
“Thanks so much, enjoy your show!” 
As soon as they turned around, a harried looking woman with flyaway strawberry blonde hair came rushing up to them. “Mr. Hughes, we’re so glad you can be with us tonight.” Apparently, Mr. “you’re Quinn Hughes” had spread the news. 
He gave her a polite smile. 
“I just wanted to let you know, we upgraded your reservations to one of our more private love seats in the back.”
“That’s very nice, but it’s not necessary,” he said, feeling embarrassed. Sarah was never going to go out with him again if their first date was under this much of a microscope. 
“Oh, no,” she said with a strained smile, “I insist.” 
Sarah looked up at him, wondering what was going to happen here. 
“Well, thank you,” he said, knowing that arguing would only draw more attention. So far, the other patrons were ignoring them, and he wanted to keep it that way. 
“Let me show you to your new seats.” She led them to a plush couch tucked into the back of the theater. No neighbors and a perfect view of the screen. No one would even need to walk in front of them to get to the bar or the bathroom. 
“Thanks so much,” Sarah said. 
The woman walked away, and she turned to Quinn with wide eyes, “that was wild.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” he said, his hand going to the back of his neck. 
“Does that happen a lot?”
He shrugged, “sometimes. Most people are pretty cool, though.” 
“I actually thought about reserving this, but it was like triple the price, and I’m on a grad school budget, so…” she trailed off, her cheeks flushing as she clasped her hands together.
“The seats we had before would have been great,” he said, “people make a fuss.” He knew this woman was probably hoping he would share the theater on his social media, but finding a place like this was hard enough. He didn’t want to ruin that by announcing it to the world. 
Desperate to change the subject, he said, “Thanks for finding this. I didn’t know it was even here.” 
“I didn’t either,” Sarah admitted, deciding they may as well enjoy the upgrade and sat down on the sofa. It was plush microfiber - incredibly soft to the touch - and very comfortable. It wasn’t like she was going to demand they go back to the standard seats she’d booked.
“How did you find it, then?” he asked, sitting next to her. 
“I overheard someone talking about it on the train and looked it up. It looked cool, so here we are.” 
He smiled at her, and her heart did a karate kick into her lungs. She sucked in a deep breath. 
They made their way to the bar to order dinner and drinks. Everything was on theme, including Sarah’s cocktail that came out glowing bright blue with smoke billowing off the surface. She laughed, looking truly delighted with it. It made Quinn want to kiss her. Not that he hadn’t been thinking about that since they’d met, but something about the pure joy in her face when the bartender handed it over made the impulse even stronger. 
The problem, she soon discovered, with the couch arrangement was the fact that their food and drinks ended up on the end tables - on opposite sides of the couch, making it nearly impossible to eat and have a conversation the way she wanted to. 
After turning around for her drink for the third time, she let out a frustrated sigh. “Here, will you hold this?” she asked, handing him her glass. 
Quinn accepted it and watched as she put her plate on the table, and moved it in front of the couch. She then tucked herself around it, and sat facing him, with one of her legs bent at the knee between them. 
“At least for now,” she said, taking her drink back and setting it on the relocated table. 
Quinn smiled. He never would have moved that table - too afraid to upset someone. He admired Sarah’s willingness to solve the issue at hand. 
Her drink was still smoking when he set his beer bottle next to it. She'd let out the most adorable giggle with the first sip, scrunching her nose at the feel of the smoke. 
“So, what made you choose Vancouver?” he asked, “I’m sure there are places in the States where you can study Marine Zoology.” 
She was instantly impressed that he remembered her degree. Most people got the marine part right, but assumed she was a biologist.  
“That’s kind of a long, complicated story, but basically, my mom died a year and a half years ago and -” 
He cut in, “I’m sorry, Sarah.” 
“Thank you,” she gave him a sad smile. 
“Anyway, there’s a little more to it, but I ended up here because my uncle lives here. I wanted to study the ocean, but I had to be close to family, and the only family I had close to the ocean was here, so that kind of made my decision for me.”
Bracing herself for sympathy, she looked into his eyes, only to find a more open, understanding expression on his handsome face. “That sucks about your mom. My dad lost his mom when I was like two, and he still talks about how hard it was. I know it was really devastating for him. I can't imagine how it felt for you." 
She was so young - too young. She’d been his age. Even considering how long he'd been living away from his parents, it would be awful to lose his mom. She was the person he called for almost everything.
Tears pricked at her lower lashes. She blinked them away, busying herself with her drink to shut down that topic of conversation. 
He laughed when her nose scrunched up again. 
“I promise it’s really good,” she said, giggling, “the smoke just tickles.” 
“Sure,” he teased, then added, "it's actually really cute."
Her gaze caught on the amused set of his mouth, and lingered there for a beat too long. Tearing her eyes away, she asked, “what about you? Why Vancouver?” 
“Well, I was drafted here,” he said after swallowing his bite of salad. 
“So you didn’t have a choice?” 
“Yes and no. I toured and interviewed with a lot of clubs, and I liked it here along with a few other places. They knew how I felt, so they knew it would probably be a good fit. But the draft is always kind of a gamble. My brothers both went to New Jersey, which is pretty unheard of.” 
“Your brothers play hockey too?” 
He nodded. 
“How many of you are there?” 
“Just the three of us,” he said, “and a whole mess of cousins. What about you?” 
“I have an older sister and an older brother. They still live in Nevada, and they both have a bunch of kids. My brother married my sister's best friend, so they’re all really, really close.” 
She said it with a kind of sadness that Quinn knew well: a specific feeling that stemmed from your siblings being together while you were apart. Even though everyone was doing good things, it was still lonely to be the odd man out. 
“I get that,” he said. “My brothers live together in Jersey, and my grandad’s there too, so I feel pretty separate sometimes.”
It was strange to Sarah how much they had in common. Both from families of three siblings, both in Vancouver because of a mix of circumstance and choice, both understood familial loss to at least some extent. She had never met a man like him. 
The bartender announced the movie would start in 5 minutes. 
“I’m going to use the restroom,” she said. “Do you need anything on my way back?”
He shook his head. 
When she came back to their little corner of the theater, she found a refreshed drink on the end table. 
“Thank you,” she said. 
“Of course.” 
The movie started and it was instantly calming to her. Being there with Quinn felt like a special treat, like something out of a daydream.
When she lay her hand, palm up, in the small bit of love seat between them, Quinn was quick to pick it up, entwining their fingers. It felt a bit like he was fourteen again, just excited to hold a girl’s hand. He wanted to touch her all the time, but knew they weren’t there yet. He couldn’t wait to get to the point in the relationship when he could rest his hand on her thigh, or put an arm around her shoulders without it being a big deal. It felt so close, he could almost taste it. 
Leaning progressively closer throughout the movie, Quinn finally put his arm around her. He had to stop himself from celebrating when she rested her head on his shoulder. 
When the movie started winding down, Quinn began to wonder how exactly the end of the night was going to go. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he didn’t want to do that in the theater or the foyer, where prying eyes and cell phone cameras were in abundance. Maybe he could ask her if they could walk to his car so he could kiss her there? Or maybe he could take her to her building's parking garage? Every way he thought about asking her sounded fucking creepy.
He was still caught in that internal debate when the movie ended and the house lights went up. How was he going to do this? He could just come out and tell her, but it made him sound paranoid and more than a little full of himself. 
“Could you walk me to the train station?” she asked, effectively ending his internal argument. 
He bit back the suggestion that he could just drive her home. “Yeah. Sure, of course,” he said. Maybe there would be a dim corner he could tuck them into and kiss her. 
The night air was cool, and humid when they stepped outside. Heart pounding, Sarah hoped he couldn’t feel it through their clasped hands. 
“You’ll have to lead the way,” he said. “I don’t really take the train.”
“Too many people.” 
While holding his hand was nice, Sarah’s mouth had felt empty with yearning all night. A deep longing to kiss him had been purring in her chest for over a week now, and seeing him made it rumble even louder. From the way she caught him glancing at her mouth throughout the night, it seemed like he felt the same way. 
There was a small, clean alleyway she’d spotted on her walk to the theater. As they passed it, she tugged him off the sidewalk, turned around so she could slide one hand over the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
Quinn sucked in a sort of shocked breath at her forwardness. 
She pulled away just as he was registering what was happening and sinking into the kiss. 
Taking her hands back, a blush searing her cheeks, she said, “I’m sorry, that was really presumptuous of me.” Hoping she hadn't just ruined everything, She tried to not feel rejected. Had she been reading the signs wrong? 
“No,” Quinn said, his voice a little too loud. 
It was so strange to him that their physical connection, which had always been the easiest part of his past relationships, seemed to be the only thing they fumbled over. 
He cleared his throat, and slipped his hand up to cup her jaw, "no. I was just a little surprised.” 
Seeing the longing in his face when she looked into his eyes kicked hers back into gear, ready to squeal off the pavement. 
Leaning in closer, his breath caressed her lips as he whispered, “I’ve been thinking about this all week.” 
A shiver raced down her spine at his confession. “Me too." 
Pulling back just slightly, he looked into her face. It felt like he was standing at the edge of the most beautiful view he'd ever seen. He couldn't wait to jump over it. 
She tipped up, and he leaned down, and when their lips met, a gentle sigh passed between them. 
There was no awkwardness, no questioning of who would tip which way, or if it was too soon for tongue. No, Sarah just took advantage between kisses, and swept her tongue into his open mouth. He responded in kind, sliding his tongue along hers. 
Her hands found their way into his hair in an attempt to pull him closer. The soft noise he gasped into her mouth made her fingertips tingle with a heady sense of satisfaction. Molten desire dripped into her veins.
Quinn let all his other thoughts fall away in favor of savoring this moment. He wanted to commit every second of it to memory. She tasted like the tart syrup used in her cocktail, and the smooth sweetness of the rum. Coupled with the vanilla, woodsy scent of her perfume, and her soft, skilled tongue, it was the most intoxicating thing he'd ever experienced. He never wanted to stop. 
The world fell away. 
Then, it came crashing back. 
"Get a room!" someone yelled from the group of teenagers walking by. 
He pulled away, just enough that he could feel her panting breaths rushing over his lips. He didn't want to let the moment slip away. Not when it had been so perfect. 
"Can I make you dinner on Saturday?" he asked, still feeling a little breathless.
She paused, and he realized what he'd just implied. God, he wasn't thinking straight. 
Pulling back, he rushed to explain, "I can bring it with me to a park or something. I just want to see you again." 
A smile broke over her face, "I want to see you again, too." 
Simple, straight to the point. Quinn felt some of his anxiety drop away. 
"I'll think about where, but definitely yes to dinner." 
He beamed. 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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redtsundere-writes · 7 months
Out Of My League | Heartsteel!Kayn Shieda
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heartsteel!kayn shieda x f!reader
Part 4: Valentine's Day Special!
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Sypnosis: A chronically online girl doesn't know how to deal with his famous boyfriend lifestyle. Contents: Modern AU, Kayn is a nice boyfriend, High School AU, a verbal fight, fake dating vibes but not really. Word Count: 6871 words. Author's Note: So I tried posting this on Valentine's but my date with my boyfriend ended up being longer than I expected. Sowwy, but here it is, lol
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Part 4: Valentine's Day Special “For the love of God, do something!” You screamed desperately into the microphone of your headphones.
You were playing a match of League of Legends with your online friends. Your fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, your eyes didn’t take off of the screen, and the offenses of your friends bombed your ears. You were playing as Qiyana, sometimes you missed playing with Kayn as Zed.
"This was so winnable, and you fucked it up, man!" You exclaimed in frustration as you saw the “Defeat” sign flash on your screen.
Winter break was about to end. It's been six months since Kayn asked you to be his girlfriend. Once he graduated from high school, he signed a contract with Riot Records to become a star alongside Heartsteel. You hadn't seen him in over two months, but he always made sure to send you gifts so you wouldn't miss him so much. His gifts ranged from official Heartsteel merchandise to video games and jewelry. Your favorite gift so far was one of his silver earrings so you could match despite not being physically together.
“Nah, but how good is this Qiyana?” Your friend matched your energy, to which your other friends laughed. You wanted to keep a serious posture, but you couldn't.
"Hey, where’s Rhaast?" Your friend with his favorite waifu on his profile picture asked.
"I don't know, he hasn't reached out in a while," you lied.
You knew exactly where he was. He was in another country preparing for his last concert of his world tour with Heartsteel. After he graduated, Kayn quickly adapted to the rock star life. Spending all day writing music, meeting fans and traveling to many places with his guitar. He always sent you photos of the places he visited, the new foods he tried, and the talented people he worked with. Every day, he promised you that he would show you the world once you graduated from high school.
You had a good relationship where you were in constant communication, there was just one small problem. Your relationship was a secret. When Kayn signed his contract with Riot Records to become a star, his manager found out that he had a girlfriend. He only asked him to keep the relationship as private as possible. If he was going to be part of a boy band, the group's popularity might decrease if fans found out that a girl is the owner of his heart.
Kayn thought you would be upset with him for wanting to keep the relationship a secret, but he was surprised to find that you had no problem doing so. As an introvert, you don't like to be the center of attention. If everyone knew that you were a celebrity's girlfriend, you would lose your privacy and not feel comfortable.
Keeping the relationship private was the best for both, although it took Kayn longer to adjust to the idea. When he went on his first tour, he called you every night to remind you how much he loved you and missed you. He often told you how much he missed your hugs, kisses, and caresses. You missed him too, but it wasn't such a drastic change because you were already used to spending your nights alone playing video games or watching live streams.
You heard the sound that announced that you had received a message via Discord, and you didn't hesitate to see what it was about. It was nothing more and nobody less than Kayn. He had sent you a selfie of him with Ezreal before going on stage. He had taken it before giving his phone to his personal assistant to keep while he got busy.
“Is your girlfriend going to watch the show?” Ezreal asked him as he stretched backstage.
The loud music, the screams of the excited fans and the Heartsteel’s team running back and forth to make sure everything was okay. Kayn warmed up his muscles before going on stage. It was the last concert of the tour, and he didn’t want to ruin it. He was nervous, not as nervous as at his first concert, where he almost peed himself. Kayn still remembers that day when he saw his beautiful girlfriend in the audience for a split second and almost lost his balance. He wasn't as nervous as that time, but his hands didn't stop sweating.
“Yes, I sent him the ticket code,” Kayn answered, visibly excited.
The alarm on your phone went off. The legend “Heartsteel Concert ” shined on the screen in white letters. You smiled at the phone and closed the League tab to search the page where the event will be broadcast live.
"Hey, I'm leaving," you notified your friends as you reopened the Discord to leave the call.
“Where are you going? It's barely 7 PM,” your friend asked, confused.
You had gotten them used to the fact that you could play with them until 1 in the morning. Plus, they knew you didn't have many friends other than Rhaast and some classmates from your music class. After your confession was a success, the music class teacher asked you to help your classmates often, forcing you to make some friends.
“I'm going to watch Heartsteel’s concert,” you answered.
"Don’t tell me you're one of those crazy Heartbeats," he mocked.
“Yesterday I saw that some Heartbeats attacked another one who had gotten tickets to the last show,” another member of the group commented.
The fandom of Heartsteel grew rapidly every day. The larger the community, the percentage of aggressive fans increases. You saw every day on Twitter how the Heartbeats were fighting with other fandoms, especially with the K/DA fans. The amount of +18 fan art you had seen of your boyfriend fucking Ezreal was surprising. Although you saved a couple to bother him later.
“Well, their music is addictive,” you answered with part of the truth. “But anyway, the concert is almost starting. Bye,” and with that, you left the call.
You typed in the code Kayn had sent you so you could access the livestream. While it started, you went to the kitchen to make yourself some popcorn and grabbed your favorite chips from the pantry. You pulled a blanket off your bed and got comfortable in your chair as the screen announced the countdown.
When the timer reached zero, Paranoia's extended intro began to play. The audience screamed and applauded with excitement that the concert would finally begin after a day full of expectations. Yellow and purple lights flashed on the stage. The main screen showed the music video they had recorded for that song, while the side screens showed the spectacular entrance of the members. Yone and Aphelios were at the mixing console, they looked so focused on doing their job. Then Kayn came in, rapping the first verse.
Two sides to the story, but they never tell my side.
You kicked your feet in your seat when you saw him. He looked as cool as ever. Her pink hair with purple tips swayed against the air. He held the microphone in such a way that he could easily maneuver the change of hand. His navy blue leather jacket gleamed against the light, his crop top hugged his pecs perfectly, and the pants were as tight as they needed to highlight his figure.
"Kayn looks good!" You squealed with excitement without taking your eyes off the screen.
The concert went off normally. Ezreal singing his heart out, K'Sante interacting with fans and Sett rhyming with Kayn. You ate, sang and screamed from the comfort of your room. Kayn would sometimes fix her hair in front of the broadcast camera to proudly show off the earring you shared. You couldn't help but touch the earring in your ear proudly with a smile on your face.
It was the show’s halftime, where the band answered some questions to interact with the audience and let their bodies rest for a couple of minutes. They showed the livestream chat on the main screen behind Yone and Aphelios so they could read what the fans were saying.
“Say hello to our beautiful chat!” Ezreal asked the fans in the auditorium. The fans screamed and raised their lightsticks to the sky. You rushed to write something nice in the chat so that it would appear in the broadcast.
You: Hello! Kayn looks as handsome as ever!
Kayn quickly recognized your user among the hundreds of comments that cascaded across the screen. His cheeks flushed red, and he smiled widely at the compliment. That day he had asked the stylists to fix him as best as possible because he wanted to impress you. The effort was noticeable.
“How about we answer some questions from the chat?” Sett offered.
“That seems fine to me. EzrealLover69 asks: Who would you dedicated this concert to?” Yone announced the question, while Aphelios played a song that sounded like something that would reproduce in TV quiz shows.
“I want to dedicate this concert to my mom. Hello mom, I'm on television!” Sett responded as he waved at one of the cameras.The fans were touched.
“I want to dedicate it to Ernest, our pup,” K'Sante answered as they posted a photo of the beautiful Doberman they had adopted last month. The fans were crazy about the boys' cute comments.
"What about you, Kayn? Who do you want to dedicate this concert to?” Ezreal asked him, since it was his turn to answer.
“This tour has been very important for me because I always loved music and wanted it to be part of my life,” Kayn began while looking at the livestream camera. He paused briefly for the fans to get excited by his response. “I want to dedicate this concert to my haters. This is for those who didn't believe in me, bitches,” he said while flipping off the camera.
“I didn't expect anything less from him,” you thought as you shook your head. The members of Heartsteel laughed at the comment, while the audience went crazy because of his savageness. Kayn was drunk with the praise from his fandom. He felt good in his cloud 9, and no one could bring him down from there.
“Although I also want to dedicate it to someone very important to me… This concert is for my girlfriend,”
You choked on the popcorn you were eating. The band and the audience remained silent before the unexpected comment. A collective “what?!" resounded through the auditorium. Kayn was so comfortable in his cloud that he didn't even realize the mistake he made.
“My girlfriends! All of you! Heartbeats are my girlfriends!” Kayn clarified in an attempt to correct his mistake. Given that, there were two reactions: the fans who did not believe at all and a confused audience by the apparent mistake.
"Kayn, you idiot!" You exclaimed as you stood up from your seat. Your popcorn fell to the ground, as the chances of still being his girlfriend after that.
You walked from side to side across your room to calm your anxiety while Heartsteel featured the next song. “This isn't happening,” you thought in panic. You returned to your desktop to open Twitter and see the reactions of the fans. The clip of Kayn saying “This concert is for my girlfriend” was spreading like wildfire.
Ezkaynisreal: If Kayn has a girlfriend, I'm going kms.
Daddyyone: Kayn biased be like: ☠️
ApheliosLover69: Kayn really made a mistake? 🤔
"They're not buying it." You thought out loud as you watched the endless threads of tweets while Kayn sang in your ear on the other tab.
The concert ended with fireworks, screams from the audience, and a shirtless Kayn. When the livestream ended, you sent your boyfriend a message telling him that you needed to talk. You had spent the rest of the concert reading Twitter threads where many fans began to expose theories of who could be the Kayn girlfriend’s and the vast majority were aiming at you.
Several fans found the newspaper reporting the first concert of Heartsteel, which was at your school when the talent show was. The students at your school, who were fans of Kayn since before he became a star, rumored that sometimes they saw him with you. But there was never enough evidence that proved there was something more than a friendship between you.
The only thing that made you look like a couple was a photo that Kayn had uploaded to his Instagram of you and the other members of the production team in the studio. There was nothing wrong with that photo. He had taken the photo of you while listening to Ezreal sing, making you look like you were part of the production. The only thing wrong with that photo was that you could see the earring that you shared, implying that their relationship is important to him, but it did not confirm anything.
Kayn called you on Discord after he showered in his hotel room. It was a video call, so you could see him shirtless and in all his glory. The window was open behind him, so you could see the lights of a darkened city.
“You saw me? It was a great concert!” He said, excited while drying his hair with a white towel. Some of his pink dye was lingering on the towel.
“Yes, it was a great concert… And a great confession! How did it occur to you to say that you have a girlfriend?!” You exclaimed in panic. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
“It was a mistake, okay? I really wanted to say “my girlfriends”, but I saw you in the chat, I thought about you and fuck up. I'm sorry,” Kayn apologized as he put the towel aside. "Just calm down."
“Calm down? There are Twitter threads where they describe how they are going to kidnap me so that you no longer have a girlfriend!” You screamed while you massage your temple to prevent a headache.
“You know how the internet is like, they're just exaggerating. You'll see that it will go away in a few days,” he tried another shot to calm you down.
“Kayn, I'm going back to school tomorrow. I'm not ready for this,” you explained your concern.
You already had problems communicating appropriately with your classmates because of how introverted you were. This was only going to make things worse. You didn't want Kayn's fame, you didn't want to be recognized, you just wanted to play video games and play guitar in the quietness of your room.
“Tomorrow, the crisis department will release an announcement where I officially say that I don't have a girlfriend and that's it, problem solved. You will have your normal life back,” Kayn explained in a calm voice.
"You promise?" You asked with a small voice.
“I promise,” Kayn responded. You could only let out a sigh that relieved your mind.
After a long video call with your boyfriend where you talked about the concert and his plans for when he returned home, you went to sleep with your head full of anxiety. The morning came too quickly. You got ready to go back to school and headed out. You decided to leave the official Heartsteel’s pins and keychains that Kayn had given you in your backpack so that people wouldn't suspect the change.
After some walking, you arrived at school and almost fainted when you saw the scene that was waiting for you. A gaggle of photographers was waiting patiently for you to show up at school. Now you not only have to anticipate your gossiping classmates, but also a bunch of reporters who care too much about the relationship of some teenagers,
You began to debate in your mind whether you should really attend on the first day. “If I enter, I will be bombarded with questions, and they are going to take many photos of me. If I don’t come in, they’re going to be more suspicious that I’m Kayn’s girlfriend.” You took too long to debate, so a paparazzo recognized you immediately.
“There she is!” He exclaimed as he ran towards you while taking photos of you. The others followed suit and quickly cornered you.
“Are you Kayn's girlfriend?!” “When did you start dating?!” “How big is he?!” It was the kind of questions that they bombed while they fired their flashes at you. You tried to cover your face from the cameras, but there were too many of them.
“No comment,” you repeated over and over again with a trembling voice while you were trying to get to the door of your school.
Not only did the paparazzi take photos of you, now your classmates were taking photos and recorded videos of what was happening. This was a nightmare. You wanted to wake up, but guess what? You were already wide awake. One way or another, you made it to the door. Two teachers kept the paparazzi away from you while you entered the building, leaving everything behind… or that's what you thought.
As soon as you stepped foot into the main building, all eyes were on you. You swallowed and just continued on your way to your living room. Several classmates from other classes approached you to ask you the same thing as the paparazzi. You avoided them as best you could, not being able to believe that everything was happening. Yesterday you were a normal girl with interaction problems, and now you were still a normal girl with interaction problems, but now you had a famous boyfriend.
You got to your classroom and everything got worse. Almost your entire class pounced on you to ask about your relationship with Kayn. You couldn’t resist it anymore. This was too much for you. Your body did the only thing your brain could think to do: run away.
Your legs were running as fast as possible to get to the music room. You went inside and locked yourself to prevent anyone else from entering. You threw yourself onto the bench there and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your breathing. You received a text message and didn't hesitate to see who it was.
Rhaast: Have you arrived at school yet? Are you OK?
“Everything is your fault,” you thought out loud before turning off the phone to ignore the message, but you forgot that Kayn hates it when you leave him on read. Not even a minute passed by when he was already calling you.
“Hello?” You answered reluctantly as you continued to monitor your breathing.
“What happened? Why didn't you answer me?” He asked worriedly on the other end of the line.
“There are not only gossiping classmates. There are paparazzi outside the school.” You heard Kayn sigh in your ear.
“The airport was also full of them when I arrived this morning,” he said. “This is worse than I imagined. I'll pick you up.”
“No! If you come, everyone will think that we are dating,” you warned as you sat properly on the bench to pay attention to the conversation.
“You're right. I'll send someone for you to drive you to the studio. We must talk to the crisis department,” Kayn proposed. You accepted and hung up the call.
After being locked in the music room for half an hour, you saw through the window, hidden behind a curtain, that the paparazzi were still there. They were waiting for you like scavenger birds waiting for you to die so they could tear off your skin. After a while, a luxurious black car arrived and parked in front of the school. “That must be my ride,” you thought, relieved.
After receiving confirmation from Kayn that this car was your escape, you left the school and ran towards the car that was patiently waiting for you. The paparazzi caught up with you to take photos, but they didn't ask any questions. As you closed the door and asked the driver to drive off, you realized that you were not alone in the back seat. There was someone in a gray sweatshirt with the hood up, sunglasses, and a black cap. He was incognito, but what gave him away was that familiar cologne that you knew perfectly well.
"I told you not to come, you idiot!" You hit Kayn’s arm as he took off his costume as they left the paparazzi behind.
“I'm sorry! Is it a sin to make sure my girlfriend is okay?!” He exclaimed before grabbing your wrists to make you stop. You tried to move away from his body, but he wouldn't allow it. “Is this how you receive your handsome boyfriend after 2 months without seeing him?” He asked, offended.
“What are you doing here?” You asked him, tired of fighting.
“No one hurt you?” He ignored your question to inspect you from head to toe. Kayn missed seeing you in the adorable school uniform. He didn't like to wear it when he went to school, but it looked pretty good on you.
“No,” you answered in surrender.
“I missed you,” he whispered before pulling you closer to his lips.
Kissing Kayn was an indescribable experience. Having more years of practice than you, each kiss for you was better than the last one. The only bad thing is that Kayn is not one for simple, short kisses. He gives his all and this would be no exception. You could feel his passion, energy, and focus on you. His hands ran along the curvature of your waist to get more attached to you. Kayn might be the celebrity, but you were the star of the show.
His lips devoured you without remedy. He felt free and happy to have you in his arms again after months of abstinence. He liked to knead your body like he was a baker preparing dough. The softness of your lips and the warmth of your tongue provoked Kayn to want to spend the whole day kissing you.
He grabbed you by your thighs and forced you to get on his lap. His hands adapted to your butt to hold you against it. Kayn is like the tingling in your legs, the gasp that comes from a touch of static energy, or the cold in your mouth when you drink ice water after having a mint. He is the reaction to a radical change. He was rebellious, disastrous, and spontaneous. Kayn never had a plan, he likes to act on instinct. The beast inside him was in control when it came to that kind of thing. Kayn was ready to take off his clothes, but someone stopped him.
“We're here, Mr. Shieda.” The driver said dryly. Colors came to your face when you remembered that someone had been driving this entire time.
“Thank you, Kevin. Let me tip you,” Kayn cleared his throat to forget the awkward moment and took out his wallet.
Riot Records, the largest record label in the country. The reason your friends can't play cool music on their Twitch streams. Riot Records' headquarters were in the heart of the city. It was a modern and vibrant building, with contemporary design and creative spaces such as recording studios, composition areas and equipped offices. It also includes common spaces for socializing, meeting rooms and an art and design studio. The environment influences creativity, the relationships between artists and the process of music production and promotion.
Kayn led you to a conference room where there were two women. A sophisticated blonde in a suit who was in charge of the crisis department at Riot Records and a pink-haired girl, who looked familiar to you, who was in charge of the marketing department for Heartsteel. They sat face to face. You were very nervous and Kayn noticed it right away, so he took your hand lovingly.
“It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Alune, I am Aphelios' sister,” The younger girl introduced herself with a friendly smile. You introduced yourself in the same way but with a weak smile due to your nervousness. "Well, since we already introduced ourselves, I'm afraid to tell you that you should break up." Alune gave them the bad news with a sad expression of being the messenger.
“What?!” You and Kayn exclaimed at the same time in shock, but then Alune laughed.
“You are so cute, obviously you don’t need to break up,” Alune said between laughs. They both relaxed upon hearing that she was just joking. "In fact, we need you to date a little more time together in the public eye."
“Why? Isn't it going to affect Heartsteel’s popularity?” You asked confused.
“Yes and no. It's true that we will lose a few fans, but it's a small investment we're willing to make,” the blonde explained with great precision and elegance.
“Really?” Kayn asked, just as confused as his girlfriend.
“Yes, the fact that you have accepted that you have a girlfriend now is the best thing that could have happened to Heartsteel. Alune opened her laptop, revealing a PowerPoint presentation about what they would talk about at the meeting.
This was the situation. Heartsteel was about to release a new single on February 15, after Valentine's Day, which will be titled: Heartbreaker. The Marketing department's plan is to take advantage of the current relationship of the most rebellious member of Heartsteel with his girlfriend, who came out of nowhere to promote it in the long run.
The plan was as follows: Step 1. Spread the tea of the relationship with the help of the paparazzi. Step 2. Send them on a date from Riot Records on Valentine's Day in a public place. Step 3. Pretend to break up in said public place, creating a total spectacle in front of the cameras and making it obvious that you were over. Step 4: Kayn announces on social media that Heartsteel will release a heartbreak song, hinting that it is about his ex. They were willing to lose some fans in the month that their public relationship lasted because they knew that they would get them back as soon as they break up.
“What do you think? Brilliant, right?” Alune asked after finishing her presentation.
“I don't know…” you commented while you were playing with your fingers as you thought at the situation
If you decided to do all of that, it would mean having to give up your precious privacy for a while. You wanted to do everything you could to help Kayn, but you didn't know if it was the right way to do it. Your boyfriend squeezed your hand gently to get your attention.
"It's okay if you refuse," Kayn whispered to you.
"I'm just scared, that's all…" you confessed, insecure.
“This is a foolproof plan. Many celebrity relationships are like this. They have fake relationships that help the two celebrities become better known,” the blonde explained with a wise air.
“Everything will be fine, you will do well. Valentine's Day will be in a month. You will return to your private life soon,” Kayn assured you as his thumb stroked the torso of your hand softly.
“Also, you can take advantage of this month to go out as much as you want. The more you guys go out, the better. You can go grab some coffee, go to the movies, maybe a motel…” Alune hinted, but the blonde nudged her to keep her quiet.
You smiled at that. The couple exchanged a knowing look at the idea. “Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a month of normal dating without repercussions,” you thought. If you were going to have to live your life in the public eye for a while anyway, what's better than to make the most of it?
“That sounds good.” You agreed to participate in this advertising stunt.
Kayn and you hang out together the entire month, like lovey doves in their nest. Kayn picked you up at school almost every day. His extravagant car caught the attention of your classmates and killed your friend with envy. He always kissed you, opened the door for you, and took you to eat at your favorite restaurants.
The paparazzi did all the work of announcing to the world that Kayn did have a girlfriend, and it was you. The Internet was filled with photos of you kissing in different places, walking down the street hand in hand, trying to avoid cameras, and sharing desserts in public. It was strange to see yourself on Twitter Trends. You enjoyed spending time with Kayn, but every date meant sacrificing a part of yourself for the entertainment of the public eye. The only thing that allowed you to kiss Kayn in broad daylight with paparazzi hovering around you was that it was one of the few ways you could support his career.
Valentine's Day was quickly approaching. Alune planned the last date. Kayn would pick you up, take you to a fancy restaurant, fight over dessert, and then you would throw the cake they ordered in his face. You wouldn't know if you could do it, but you had to try to do your best. You were not a person who gets angry easily, so you were afraid of not knowing how to act accordingly.
Alune sent you a red dress with pearl accessories. They looked expensive, so you were very careful not to ruin them. Watched some tutorials on YouTube to do your hair and makeup. It took you all morning to prepare, but you managed to highlight your best version. At dinner time, Kayn picked you up as always.
“Hi gorgeous. I hadn't seen you around here before, what's your name?” He asked you as he looked at you from head to toe, pretending you were another girl. You blushed as he took your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“I thought you had a girlfriend,” you played along.
“Yes, I have a girlfriend and I respect her a lot,” he responded with a playful smile as he pulled you closer by the waist.
“If you respected her, you wouldn't be flirting with me,” you frowned.
“Believe me, I respect her so much that I will do everything to you that I can't do to her, beautiful,” he purred into your ear before placing a kiss on your cheek.
You were shocked at his response. You didn't have anything clever you could top it off with. Kayn moved down to your neck to kiss it and gently nibble on your skin. Your body reacted to the tickling. Your boyfriend smiled as he saw you smile at the feeling.
“You always look beautiful, but today you are showing it off,” Kayn said with a smile plastered on his face.
Kayn drove without discretion, as always, while you watched the landscape pass in front of you. The nerves were consuming you inside, but you pretended everything was fine as you hummed some songs Kayn had on his playlist. You were happy and sad that this would be his last date in the public eye. He quickly noticed that you seemed to be a bit upset.
“Is something wrong?” he asked you, holding my thigh with his right hand while maneuvering the steering wheel with his left hand.
“I'm nervous. I don't know if I can do it,” you said before sighing in an attempt to relax.
“It will be like a normal date. Only this time, instead of saying goodbye with kisses, it will be with a bang. It will be fun!” Kayn explained, trying to cheer you up.
"I don't want to end our date with a bang,” you whined.
“C’mon! How many times have you threatened my mom for sucking at League?” He asked.
“But that's different. It's in the privacy of my room, no one can see me there,” you responded.
"Just think about all the times I've made you angry, and you'll see that the madness will come out on its own," Kayn said before patting your head.
You rolled your eyes and returned your gaze to the window. Kayn made it sound so simple, but it was because he was already used to that lifestyle. You wished you could adapt like him. Be as outgoing as him. That you didn't care about anything like him. But you weren't him, you were just you, and that's okay. You would get out of this your way, for your sake and Kayn's.
As soon as you arrived at the restaurant that the marketing department had chosen for you, the fierce pack of gossip-hungry paparazzi surrounded you mercilessly. Kayn completely ignored them and took you out of the car like a true gentleman. The reporters shouted questions that you couldn’t understand among all the noise. They were both instructed not to say anything, so that’s what they did.
The restaurant was illuminated by soft golden light that reflected off the ivory walls and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The tables were elegantly dressed with white tablecloths and covered with delicate china and sparkling crystal stemware. The soft hum of live music filled the air, complementing the lively conversation of the diners.
The date started well. They talked about their future plans, drank luxurious drinks, and the appetizer was delicious. If it weren't for the paparazzi and the publicity stunt, this would have been the best date in the world. They had started well, but they knew it would end very badly. Anxiety-filled thoughts invaded your mind again. You tried to push them away to enjoy the good things of the date, but time was passing, and you had to ruin it soon.
During the conversation, Kayn noticed that you remained somewhat distant. He reached for your hand that was subtly resting on the table to get your attention. You snapped out of your thoughts to focus on him. I smile at you and ask you how much you were thinking about.
"I was just thinking how sad it is that we're going to break up on our first Valentine's Day together," you whispered so only he could hear you.
“There will be more in the future. I promise. For now, let's focus on fixing this situation,” he said before kissing your knuckles with delight.
Since this was an Italian restaurant, they both ordered two different types of pasta that they decided to share. Kayn was trying to distract you with the pleasant conversation and caresses under the table so that you would stop thinking about the inevitable that was about to happen.
After finishing eating, the inevitable happened: the dessert they didn't order arrived at their table. It was a small cake for two decorated with strawberries and lots of cream, the perfect cake to make a mess of. You felt something brush against your legs. You looked under the tablecloth, it was a note from Kayn on a napkin. “Scold me for pretending to go on a date with another girl to make you jealous. I deserve the punishment,” you read in your mind.
You still remembered it. The reason you almost gave up on confessing to Kayn at the time. Since you thought about it, you never scold him about it. You were so happy that he was yours that you forgot to be upset with him.
“Who is Rachel?” You asked him. Starting with the performance.
“A friend,” he answered without further ado.
“Don’t lie to me! Do you think I am stupid?!” You exclaimed as you slammed the table so that all the other diners could see it.
The audience watched the scene carefully, some were recording it and others wondered where the employees were to pick them apart in case things escalated. What they didn't know is that Alune had paid the restaurant to let them do their little scene without interruptions. You were drawing out anger from a deep place in your stomach that you didn't even know existed. Kayn's eyes widened. He didn't expect you to get violent.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! You are crazy!” Kayn screamed with a frown.
“Kayn Shieda! Did you sleep with her, yes or no?!” You shouted so everyone could hear their conversation.
“She is just a friend…” he said while rubbing his temple to avoid a migraine.
"Yes or no, asshole?!" You exclaimed as if you were playing League with your friends in the privacy of your room. Kayn remained silent, he did not know what to answer. By this point, the other diners were wondering what was going on. You leaned back in the chair and pretended to cry. "Is she better than me?" You whispered between fake sobs.
"Hey, if I tell you the truth, you won’t get angry?" Kayn asked quietly. You nodded as you wiped away your non-existent tears. “Yes, I slept with her, but it was only once!” he confessed with shame.
The diners gasped in surprise in unison at the great revelation. You smiled weakly. You couldn't believe you were doing what you were going to do. You took the strawberry and cream cake and smashed it on his face. The cream shot everywhere, and you ruined your boyfriend's thin black shirt.
"Fuck you, Kayn! Lose my number! We are so done!” You exclaimed hysterically.
You ran away from the restaurant. The paparazzi rushed at you again to explain what had just happened. The only response you gave them was the middle finger. You hoped you wouldn't have to deal with them again for a long time. You got into the “taxi” that Alune had sent so that you could escape from there and return home safely.
A satisfying smile appeared on your face. Finally, everything was about to end soon. You would return to your normal life and Kayn will be able to continue feeding his fans' bad boy illusion. Your cell phone was ringing like crazy from messages from your friends, who had also inevitably found out that you were dating Kayn, asking how you were doing. You turned off your phone to recharge your social battery. Tomorrow, you would tell them everything.
When the driver turned onto the wrong street, you started to worry. You approached his seat to find out where exactly he was taking you, but he only said that he was following Kayn's orders. You didn't want to doubt his work, and you returned to your seat.
"Kayn told you to bring me to school?" You asked confused.
"Yes, he told me you would know where to go," he answered kindly.
“Thank you, Kevin. Have a good night,” you said goodbye as you got out of the vehicle.
Your heels clicked against the clean floor of the empty hallways. The front door was open, so you had no problem getting in. You felt strange being the only person there during the night. You were like a ghost in pain, wandering around the place until you reached your favorite destination. You were surprised to see a light on in the music room. You opened the door.
“Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful,” Kayn congratulated you with a large bouquet of red roses.
You blushed at the unexpected surprise. You gladly received the beautiful flowers and admired the place. It still looked like the music room, the only difference was that now there was a table with candles and a plate with your favorite sweets. It was intimate, private and romantic. It was better than the date at the restaurant. This was the best date in the world.
“How did you get here before me? When did you plan this?” You asked, not being able to believe the effort he had made for you.
“I ran off like four traffic lights to get here so I could change,” Kayn responded as he guided you to the table to sit down. He pulled out the chair for your comfort and, once seated, gently pushed you towards the table. “I had planned to do something else for Valentine's Day, but my big mouth ruined everything. Although, I wasn't going to let myself ruin another important thing for both of us, so I thought about this,” he explained as he sat down at the table.
“You're crazy,” you joked.
“Crazy for you,” he took the matter seriously.
Kayn looked deep into your eyes. He wanted to make sure you understood that he would do anything for you and that there was no one like you. You were his world, his muse, his girl and his greatest desire. They didn't need words to express their feelings for each other in a moment of complicity and infinite love.
Even though there were delicious sweets on the table, Kayn only wanted your sweet lips against his. He kept you close to his body, his hands molded to your cheeks so you wouldn't run away, and his fragrance intoxicated your nose. You couldn't imagine yourself with anyone else but him, and your kisses made it clear to him.
“I love you,” Kayn whispered between kisses.
“I love you too,” you smiled against his lips.
Order your personalized fanfic. (Starting price: $5 USD)
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pokegalla · 1 year
Requested by @tryslogic
A little comfort and fluff for the soul✨
How will these Sans AUs comfort their S/o when they dissociate themselves after hearing bad news?
* Fresh is a fun guy to be with and you’re his S/o. He’s always ready to take you out for some fun and mischief! But he’s quick to catch on when you started acting different. Now he’s not very good with understanding emotions…..but he’s smart enough to know if it’s something not good. This was a clear bad sign and he’s already by your side once he’s figured it out.
* How he approached you was rather blunt- “Wassup brah? You not feeling yourself? Ain’t been getting yer messages in awhile.” He’s pretty casual about it and doesn’t seem concerned. Just genuinely curious. It only confuses him more when you don’t answer. So when you DO explain about receiving bad news and your dissociation as a sort of emotional whiplash…..he just stares at you…..then with a straight face says “Wat Dat? Is that like a rollercoaster-?” You swear if you didn’t love him, you would have punched him but instead you can’t help but laugh.
* But that’s definitely how he’s gonna help you! Making you laugh and come out of your shell bit by bit. He’ll get you your favorite snacks and chill with you the entire day in your home, playing games and snuggling. Once he sees you feeling better, he’ll look….surprisingly relieved. It’s odd he can’t feel emotions. But he does always feel…..something when he sees you smile. Something special.
* He wants to protect that special something you have together❤️
* He’s a wonderful bone-friend and he’s very sweet as he always will give you the space you need. So when he notices you not messaging as much, he at least keeps messaging you sweet words of confirmation, letting you know that he still loves you and gives you multiple cute compliments with cute emojis as well✨ he usually waits until you tell him what’s wrong or say that you wanted to talk. Once you do, he immediately goes visit you.
* He comes over already with sweets and coffee from a nice bakery just for the two of you to share while you both talked about what’s wrong. “C’mon love…..you can take your own time. But know that I’m here for you.” You can’t help but feel much more comfortable as you tell him your recent situation and how drained you felt. “Awwww you poor little thing~ I’ll make sure to take care of you~”
* And he was not kidding on that. He ended up giving you a fun little spa day at home! Giving each other face masks, mani-pedis, washing your hair, massages, that skellie spoiled you rotten- by the end of the day, you two were cuddling in each other’s arms. He made sure you were ok by flirting and complimenting you…..and seeing you blush was just a nice bonus~. He’d be so happy to see you feeling better, he’d smother you in kisses.
* He’s your little Casanova! He wants to make sure his sweet S/o is happy no matter what!
* Blue is a little confident sweetheart! At least he tries to be confident. Deep down he’s quite the Worrywart for the people he cares about. So seeing you distance yourself rang a lot of alarm bells for Blue. But oh he was so hesitant to confront you about it. What if he bothered you? What if he was overthinking? Oh what if HE was the reason you were upset?! He had to snap himself out of it. Whatever the case may be, it was his job to help his S/o!
* He kinda tries to dance around trying to ask you what’s wrong by asking questions about your day, if you’ve eaten anything, Y’know just making sure you’re ok. But when you question his concerns, he finally says it. “Well you’ve been….distant. And I didn’t know how to ask you directly. I’m sorry if I did anything wrong-“ you of course stop him right there. After all it wasn’t his fault at all! After the explanation, he understood right away! “Really?! Oh well we can’t have that now can we? Just leave it to me!”
* Blue did not hold back- he started cleaning the place, doing your laundry, dishes, and he didn’t want you doing ANYTHING. He wanted you to relax and have time for yourself! And he even made dinner for you! (He didn’t burn the kitchen down and it actually tasted pretty good thank god- but it seems he’s been practicing for you❤️). The day ended off with cuddles on the couch while watching a movie. Poor guy was super tired at the end but you couldn’t be more happier to have him as your bone-friend.
* He really is like your knight in shining armor, ready to defend you from anything! Even a bad day!
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selenacosmic · 4 months
*peeks into the ask box*
H-Hello 👉👈
Are the requests open? I forgot how to send requests since it's been so long.
If yes, I do have a request 👉👈
Soo, what if the Warlords have taken gaming as their profession when they live in the modern world? What if they are streaming while playing a game and MC walks in, giving him a hug and kiss on his cheek from behind and says "Food is ready", all the while not knowing they were on live stream. The live chat would be sending a lot of messages (nice, mean and funny) when the MC comes in, such as "Is that your girlfriend?", "Show her! Introduce her!", "She should be in streams too!", "I bet she plays better than you do!", etc.
What would the Warlords reaction to MC walking in during their important streaming and gaming time be? And how would they calm the chat down? Would they make time for MC by ending the stream? Or would they continue while being embarrassed?
......Such a long request. I'm sorry! I'll go back to hibernation now! Love you! 💖
*runs away*
Hi Mai! I actually really like this request! Thank you for the request!
MC interrupts the warlords streaming.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
Nobunaga wouldn’t be too worried about the chat in his stream, he would only smirk and make sure they all know he is lucky to have you. There are two options for him which is continue playing while ignoring the questions, since he doesn’t feel like answering any of them, or just end the stream and go spend time with you.
Nobunaga will naturally pick the second one, he had enough playing these modern games to entertain people.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi will be smiling widely at the kiss and tell you he will be right there with you. He will scold anyone who makes mean comments but will gladly answer questions about your relationship, though he will be quick about because he wants to end the stream.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu might be caught off guard, he won’t answer the chat for a while until he has calmed down. He will tell everyone in the chat to not annoy him with questions, as he didn’t want to expose you to a whole public.
Ieyasu won’t be embarrassed, but he will be blushing because of the kiss.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide will smirk and watch the chat go wild with amusement, he won’t seem that affected but in reality he is more than pleased to brag about having you as his partner. He will purposely ignore some questions and only give a few informations about you, before abruptly ending the live stream just cause chaos among his audience.
Mitsunari Ishida.
Mitsunari will happily smile and inform you he will be going to eat with you soon, he tries reading a few questions but gets overwhelmed at how fast the chat is going, so he easily gets lost and mixes up some questions. Still, he will prefer to end the live stream and deal with it later.
Masamune Date.
Masamune will proudly smile, specially when all the questions in the chat start popping up. He won’t answer any specific question, but will briefly tell the audience that you are his lover, the best there is. He will pull you slightly and give you a much deeper kiss without caring for the chat.
Keiji will be eager to end the stream then and there, but will get annoyed at some of the comments he receives in chat, he will still keep his playful facade, but will add a hint of sarcasm for every nasty or inconvenient comment he receives.
Ranmaru will get embarrassed and become a blushing mess, being teased by everyone in the chat. He will try calming down since he felt shy with everyone having watched you kiss him. Now he couldn’t concentrate on the game he was previously playing. He will have to end the live, a bit flustered.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin will smile and feel happy at the hug and kiss, but then he will remember that many people are watching it live. A frown will immediately form on his face and he will try to avoid answering any questions about you, not liking that others were now interested in you. He was jealous and wanted to protect you from the public. Kenshin decided to end the live stream, not wanting to deal with the public right now.
Shingen takeda.
Shingen will be full aware that many people are watching and won’t mind the kisses and hugs. He will even give you many kisses back just to flex to everyone that he has an angel as his lover. As for the questions? He will brag about how much of a goddess you are and that he adores you. Though he will ban any mean comments right away
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura will become as red as a tomato, telling you that he is streaming, though that would be too late. The chat would be teasing him for having a lover with his personality, though Yukimura won’t really take it to heart, he will just get a bit annoyed and ban some of the people being rude. He will continue to play a bit despite his red cheeks.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto will also be aware of the fact that everyone is watching and won’t mind, gracefully smiling at you and reading the many comments in the chat. He won’t really bother answering questions but he will make sure people know that you are his lover. The live stream will end with him leaving a lot of people curious and questions unanswered.
While Sasuke has a monotone voice and a straight face all the time, a smile will naturally appear on his face at your kisses. The chat will be more surprised that someone was able to make Sasuke smile so naturally. He will answer only the most normal questions and ignore others. He will keep playing for a bit and change subjects eventually to distract his public.
Kanetsugu was about to scold you to be careful, since a lot of people were watching and you might not want the public attention, but that was too late. He saw all the many questions in chat, instead he will scold anyone who makes too personal questions or weird ones. He will be torn between telling the public that you were his lover or try and preserve your privacy.
He eventually decides to briefly tell everyone you are his lover but that your privacy should be respected before ending the stream.
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serhum · 7 months
[Part 3] Birthday Game - Reader x Shohei Ohtani x Yuki Ishikawa AU - NSFW
Disclaimer: This is a 18+ writing so if you’re not comfortable reading this, please skip it! There will be a lot of smut & mentions of sex in this work so beware. ;)
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What I thought to be a short 5-minute nap went into a deep slumber. The clock shows it’s 5am already and I heard both of the men on my sides snore. “They looked really cute.” I mumble to myself. It’s really kind of them for not waking me up, although I promised Shohei another ‘session’ in the bathroom. I slowly get up from the bed as I’m still naked underneath the blanket. I tried to wiggle my way out carefully so that they don’t wake up. I collected my undergarments and slide into them. Then, I tip toed towards the bathroom after grabbing my phone and closed the door slowly, not bothered to lock it. 
I take a look into the mirror and saw several kiss marks on my body especially on my neck and chest areas. The thought of me making love with Yuki and Shohei still makes me feel giddy. Then, I open my phone to see several messages I receive from my friends who wishes me happy birthday.
“Are you awake already?” I was taken aback when I heard Shohei’s voice. He’s standing by the door shirtless, leaving him with his brief. His hair is messy but he looks too good to be true. “Ohh, I didn’t realize I was sleeping through the night. How about you? You should take a rest.” I reply and he shut the door. Shohei walks towards me and I turned my body to him. He closed the gap between ours and placed his hands on my hips and lifted me to the countertop. My breath suddenly got hard. 
“I think I haven’t tell you some of the things I really admired about you.” I suddenly said while having a staring contest with him. His face was a few inches away from me and when he heard me, he pulled away. “Really? What about it?” he grins. “Before that, I want you to pull the stool chair. This is gonna be a long talk.” I said to him while tracing his chest and abs. “Sure.” After he sits on the chair in front of me, I started to tell him the reason why I like him - not in a romantic way, more to as a fangirl. 
“I first heard your name during your time in Angels. You caught my eyes instantly,” I paused and took his hand so that our fingers interlock each other. “Since then, I found a lot of interesting facts about you online. I watched you play too even with Yuki. I like how determined you are to be a two-way player, how you tryna keep a lowkey personality in the midst of your popularity, and how you keep your body healthy.” I felt his thumb caressing my hands as well and he was so into my story. “You are such an inspiration to many, Sho. And I want you to keep being that way.” I smile to him.
“That’s very nice to hear. Thank you.” He simply replied with his husky voice and showing his eye smile. Very typical of him who doesn’t talk a lot but more into actions. “Not to forget that you’re able to challenge yourself in a completely different country and look at your fanbase. So big, just like these muscles, haha” I joked while grabbing his broad shoulders and biceps. I heard him chuckles as well. 
“If I had known you before Yuki, I’ll definitely date you, y/n.” My heart beats so fast when he muttered that sentence. That sounds like a confession to me. I look at him in the eyes and automatically my fingers reached to his eyebrows, eyelashes, and finally his lips. “You don’t realize how handsome you are, Sho. If you already have a girlfriend back in the States, she’d be really lucky to have you.” his dimples appeared.  
“You make me blush. Don’t you think Yuki will get jealous if he heard you complimented me?” he asks. I shake my head, “He already know that you’re my idol. Actually he left me dumbfounded when he said that you agreed to have threesome with me as a gift for my birthday. I was so embarrassed!” I jokingly punch his chest and he stopped me by holding my hands. “Don’t be. It’s my pleasure to make you feel special on your birthday, I should thank Yuki for this moment. I get to know you better,” he paused and I feel his face getting closer to mine. Our noses touched and there’s this electric sensation I get from him.
“I like how you hold me in your arms earlier. I like how our bodies move in sync. I like it when you play your tongue with me. I like everything about you but it’s impossible for us to be together. So I am grateful for this moment with you.” I might be carried away with the situation where we share our intimacy without Yuki eyeing us. I felt that I need to confess that to Shohei so that he knows what I feels. I feel his arms linger my body, giving me a bear hug. His manly cologne is still there although he was sweating all night. I’m actually afraid that it’s me who crossed the line? I sound like a cheating girlfriend right now but I will regret it my whole life if I don’t say those things to Shohei. Because he deserves to know how he made me feel.
He then kissed me slow but passionate, “Should we keep this as a secret from Yuki?” he asked in a lower voice. Thinking about what I said earlier, I realize that Yuki might be jealous even mad of our conversation. So I nod to him. “I’ll definitely miss you when I return home. We should spend time together again.” he said calmly while staring at me. His hands are now resting on my shoulders. “While you’re in Italy, we still have some time.” I said mumbling in his chest. Oh god, I like this man. It’s Yuki’s fault that he put me in this odd position with his best friend! 
“Shall we have a cold shower? You said you like being taken care of after sex, c’mon” Shohei said but I stopped him from walking to the shower. “Wait. I like that we have this kind of intimacy. Are you okay if I take a photo of us?” I nervously asked while grabbing my phone on my side. “I’m totally fine. It’s not that you’ll share it publicly.” I smiled at his statement. 
I activated the back camera and take candid photos of him. “Don’t be shy. Show me your sexy pose haha” I told him to pose and he acted really cool which is why the photos came out so good. “Can we also have photos together? Here, stand in front of me.” He gladly put me down from the countertop and we are now facing the mirror. “Can you wrap your arms around my neck? That’d be a good pic.” he does what I tell him. “You look so petite, so cute.” Shohei said at our reflections and I laugh. “Compared to you and Yuki, I’m just like a teenage girl.” I went along with him. 
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After several photos later, Shohei spun my body to face him. “Are you done, sweetie?” asked him. I put my phone down, “Is someone being impatient for the next round? Hm?” I continue by grabbing the strap of his briefs. Teasing him a bit. “I can’t wait to touch you and feel you squirm under my touch.” He sounded so sexy right now. “I need a little bit more of you, Shohei.” I whispered and with that he lifted me and walked to the shower.
My lips reach him and my tongue is trying to find its way to his mouth. He let me explore him and reply my kiss right away. My back is glued to the wall while he’s steadying me with his huge figure. “Mmh— you- taste so good- Hhh” he murmurs in between our kisses. 
With our bodies pressing against each other, I can feel his manhood on my lower body. I grab and rub it with my hands in the same tempo with our kisses. “You have no idea how sexy you are, Sho” I stopped the kiss and state what I feel. He smirked and suddenly the cold water flows on our bodies. “Oh my god!” We both chirped at the same time and laugh. “Oops, I didn’t mean to turn it on.” He said. Shohei’s figure is big enough to nudge the shower mixer without him knowing. “It’s alright. I’m the one who’s turned on by you.” I continue kissing him after those words came out of my mouth. I feel him smirking in the middle of our kisses. “Mmh—“ he let out a sexy whimper.
I feel butterflies in my stomach when he traces my body with his lips. He leaves his saliva here and there which triggers me to stroke his damp wet hair slowly. “I love that you’re the opposite of Yuki.” I said. He stopped right between my legs now, both hands still holding my thighs so I don’t fall. He looked up to see me and said, “Tell me.” “You’re more patient when we make love.” My response successfully made him grins.
Without wasting his time, he licks my clothed pussy that’s wet already. “Uhh—“ my natural responses were closing my eyes and playing with my harden nipples. My back arched more on the walls when he slid his tongue skillfully inside my vagina, making sure my thin underwear was moved out his way. His quick movements resulted in high pitched moan from me.
“Keep going.. Shohei,” I encourage him while squirming. The vibrations he gave me down there is out of this world. I feel it coming and he licked the wetness just for him to kiss me afterwards, letting me taste myself through him. “I like you, very much” I was surprised when listening to his sudden confession. 
“Can I go inside you now?” he added. “Yes. I need you inside me.” With that, he inserts his manhood deep inside me. This time I no longer feel hurt, instead I feel pleasure all over my body. “Sweet Jesus!” I mumble in the crook of his neck and reach for his muscular arms. He doesn’t go fast this time, meanwhile he increases his pace slowly. “Do you know how fucking tight you are?” he whispered. “U-huh.. and you’re so big.” I replied. We are now staring at each other intensely. When he accurately hits my g-spot with his slow tempo, I let out a whine. 
“Yeah you’re so fucking good. Come to me- come inside me—“ I chanted to him in a teasing way. I can feel him close to his climax when his body got more intense and he closed his eyes, with mouth opens. “Aahh- fuck” he sounded so manly in my ears. “But I’m not done yet.” I told him and I swiftly change our position where I pushed him to sit on the shower seat. 
I happily took control and now I positioned myself on his lap with my back facing him. “Do you like that?” is what comes out of my mouth when I took his whole length inside my vagina and sliding it up and down. His hands are now cupping my boobs from behind. “I like it when you take control, sweetheart” he responded. I turn my head to kiss his lips. “And I can’t stop riding you, Sho.” I keep circling my hips around him and feel so much pleasure. 
Minutes go by quickly that this shower has witnessed our numerous positions from the standing doggy to leg-up. We were enjoying our intimacy too much that I started to realize that Yuki is still in the bedroom next to us! Both Shohei and I have finally stopped our session and moved on to washing each other’s body in the shower. We took shower together where he rubs the liquid soap all over my body and on the other hand, I tried to wash his thick black hair. I tip toed to reach his height but he was kind enough to lower himself. It’s so fun with him around. He’s so playful but sexy at the same time. Shit, I can’t keep him out of my mind now.
“Are you done, princess?” Shohei asked me while drying his hair with a towel. I nodded. “I’m done, just a moment.” I tried to wear my undergarments and the last thing I found was Yuki’s oversized shirt so I decided to wear that. “Thank you for everything. I really enjoy our time together.” I confessed to him and gave him a peck on his lips. Before he responds anything, I walked out of the bathroom, leaving Shohei behind. 
To be continued
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loves1ckgirl · 7 months
Denki Kaminari with an online best friend
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Denki x American! reader
Online friends + maybe romantic-ish
Note, I have no idea how to write in the grammar of someone learning English so I’m just avoiding contractions and using a bit of chat gtp to make the sentence to be a little more incorrect lol.
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He initially met you while playing a FPS at 3am
The game between you and both was mostly silent aside from some English and Japanese cursing, Denki understood some what you said
You however; did not understand him, but assumed he was expressing the same frustration and wasn’t just getting upset at you
After your first game was played, he had sent you a few emojis and a little english
The game you had been playing along side some random from Japan had gone surprisingly well. It was such a bad game for the loser you wondered if it was because they were absolute garbage or all of a sudden you became a gaming god. As you leaned back in your chair and attempted to fix the knot that formed in your back from hunching, you looked back at your computer screen. There you see a friend and message request.
“You are good at playing. Can we play more?”
As you read the message, you decide to respond and pray he wasn’t some 30 year old incel. After all, you were bored, and a bit lonely.
After that first interaction, you would go on to play with him often
However, neither of you talked very often especially after you came to the conclusion you didn’t speak the same language
In the end, there were still some short convos
Kaminari liked these, as he thought you were cool
The fact that UA English classes were more rigorous helped him in talking to you (a hero needed to communicate with a large variety of people)
A couple of months in, he was struggling with his classes exponentially, and no amount of help by his friends would help him,
He then thought it was a good idea to message you and explain that he thought it would be nice to talk and learn through a fluent speaker instead
“Can we talk a lot I am learning English I think your cool.”
“I’m down. It’s late now though. I have school is tomorrow okay? Also, the your should be you’re”
Kaminari sends a cute little heart emoji,
“Yes. Thank you.”
For awhile, you’d avoid many abbreviations and some complex Slang
Eventually Kaminari had gotten more advanced and you spoke more casually
After exchanging Instagram and other accounts, instead of mostly talking as you guys played, it started during school and random times of day
The time difference didn’t mean much since the both of you had terrible sleep schedules
(Although, he was a bit more regular due to his hero school)
As you talked to him you obviously found more of his personality and it had become more endearing tbh
He’d most definitely google English pick up lines
Eventually as his friends noticed his behavior and how if he’d planned to play with you he’d decline
Also how he’d be texting more than before (mostly on his Sundays and Monday’s as you’d be awake the longest when he was.)
Lowkey hates the time difference tbh.
Anyway, as his friends noticed him typing away on those two days in particular they’d begun to ask questions about who he was texting
“My friend.” He’d say, looking up from the phone for a second before continuing the text. Mina had begun even more curious than previously.
“Whaaa? Friend? Who?” She asks, leaning over the couch and Kaminari’s shoulder. She sees joke flirty messages that he sends and receives.
He ended up telling them about you and explains that’s why his English grade was getting better
Anywayyy he’s overall super cute with you
Basically just being himself
If you ever wanted to learn Japanese he’d 100% do his best to help you enthusiastically
He tries his best to keep you updated since it’s its hard to talk to you regularly
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meieis · 8 months
thinking about the past -Satoru Gojo
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My note: Since I couldn't find anything to do, I wanted to watch the cartoons I loved watching as a child, as a result, while watching 'American Dragon: Jake Long', a scene I saw in the second episode gave me great inspiration.
Warning(?): None
Synopsis: In 2006, satoru constantly put himself in embarrassing situations around you. Satoru thinks to himself about one of these memories
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He pouted as he sat bored.
You weren't around because you Have a mission and he had nothing to do today. Now that he think about it, he should congratulate himself on having managed to get you and his relationship this far, maybe... Should he get himself a cake as a reward? Remembering the past was something he often did, sometimes even crying in his sleep... This was a fact, except for his memories with you, there was not a single memory that did not upset him, except maybe a few exceptions. From the first time you met in 2005 until the day you married you. The only good times are... Now when he has plenty of time to think... Why shouldn't he?
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Satoru, Shoko, Suguru and you. The full cast of second years, you and Shoko spent time more often because Satoru was stupid, he would bullshit and embarrass himself around you to get your attention. Everyone was used to ignoring this 'nonsense', except you. As the person who was the reason Satoru was embarrassing himself, you were sick of it, spending who knows how many hours of his day trying to get your attention, if failing that, buying gifts for you and already declaring you his girlfriend! You rejected him so many times and he didn't even care.
Suguru sighed while sitting with Satoru in the empty classroom, listening to Satoru talk about you, he begged God to save him. Just then, Suguru received a message, he took out the lighter from his pocket and handed it to Satoru. “Satoru, can you take the lighter to Shoko?” Satoru instantly agreed and quickly left the classroom they were in.
Within a few minutes he found Shoko and you, Shoko was listening to your conversation as she was waiting for a lighter to smoke. “He is so handsome!” he heard you say happily “I'd like to marry him, Shoko,” Shoko rolled her eyes at your words. “What do you see in him anyway?” These words are enough for Satoru! You are in love with him! This is a love confession! He always knew you were a shy tsundere!
he approached you with a proud smile "Shoko here's your lighter" he said proudly and gave the lighter to Shoko and quickly hugged your arm. “I feel the same way you do!” During this conversation Shoko quickly walked away from the you two. you looked at Satoru in surprise
“Wow Satoru.... I... I didn't expect you to feel this way....” you muttered in surprise. Satoru smiled and proudly placed his hand on his chest "You know me!" Satoru said proudly. “So… the chrollo from Hunter x Hunter is attractive?”
Satoru nodded, "definitely and— Wait.... WHAT?!" He shouted in surprise, causing the people on the street to look at Satoru with incomprehensible looks. "I was actually telling Shoko about the Chrollo, you know—" Satoru fell on both knees as if he was a defeated character in a game "My girlfriend is in love with an anime charac-" Slap "I'm not your girlfriend, you Santa!"
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2018. present day
Okay, he looks like the Santa Claus who would agree but the slap was definitely an exaggeration, he couldn't help but pout when he heard the door open... "I'm home-" Before you could finish your sentence he hugged you tightly "Welcome!" "You love me, don't you?" he said happily.
The fear of abandonment that he felt deep down, he remembered this memory and asked you. You love him, don't you? Even if you rejected him in 2005 and 2006, you - "I do" You caressed Satoru's hair as he hunched over as he hugged you "I'll do it forever" Those words made him smile, he guess... He remember this memory in the future it will be nice to think...
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"So what made you ask this question?" you asked during your phone conversation with Satoru. Satoru laughed playfully.
"I don't know" he said, and continue "After all, you. the one. who. said. you. would. never. marry. me. in the past"
you sighed. "And you too... The freak who said you'd make me yours no matter what" Satoru chuckled at your life-weary tone, and he say :
"But, still... I win, not you"
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Im not sure how this works but can I request Steve for the secret admirer bingo square if it's still available? I can just picture him being so sweet and thoughtful with notes and gifts or drawings. Thanks<3
Oh, this was such a cute idea! I don't know if I did it justice with the little piece I created. I hope you enjoy anyway. 💗
Secret Admirer (Bingo Game)
College!SteveRogers x Reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: fluffy, shy Steve, just very sweet
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✨ college steve playlist ✨
A small knock on your dorm room door and another piece of paper slipped through the gap at the bottom of it. It wasn’t the first one you’ve gotten. It happened all the time, to be honest. Sometimes it was a note, saying something along the lines of ‘You look beautiful today’ or ‘You make me smile’. Sometimes it was little drawings, hasty sketches but laced with so much precision, you could really see the talent behind it. And they were all signed by ‘Grant’. 
It was super sweet, but the problem was, you didn’t know a Grant. 
The first time it had happened was a Friday, about two months ago. Wanda had picked up the paper on her way to the closet and handed it to you with a smirk. 
“Wo’s Grant?” She had teased with excitement, thrilled to finally see you getting yourself out there again. But her face had fallen when you answered with an equally surprised look on your face. “I don’t know who Grant is.”
By now, you had gotten used to the little messages you received almost regularly, even missing them a little when ‘Grant’ had not sent you anything that day. It was exciting to figure out the mystery of your secret admirer, as Wanda had proclaimed, you wanted to know who it was. Who wouldn’t, right? 
But you had no idea. And after another two weeks of Wanda obsessively searching for your secret messager, you slowly began to give up, just enjoying the little gifts and accepting the forever unknowing of this mystery. You made peace with it. And besides, it wasn’t like the people you wanted would want you back, anyway. There was this one cute guy in your elective class, Steve Rogers, but he was kind of ignoring you. And who would blame him, you’ve heard many people talk about how cute he was, he had plenty to choose from. The people you’ve seen him hang out with on campus were very hot, too. And super nice. But they never held anything more than small talk with you. 
You weren’t very lucky when it came to relationships and dating. Which was why it was so nice to have those little messages passed under your door from time to time. It showed you that you weren’t totally undesirable. Which you weren’t. There had been one guy that had asked you out last semester but he was a total weirdo. And then there was A girl named Yelena, but she just disappeared halfway through the date - said there was an emergency, well, you knew what that meant. 
So yeah, to say you were lost was an understatement. Which was why you resumed pining for the hunky blonde in your class that smiled at you from time to time. Today, you had said class again and after yet another uneventful lecture, your professor had asked each of his students to sign up for the fundraiser he organized this semester. And as you stood in line, someone suddenly tapped your shoulder. 
“You dropped this.” You turned and came face to face with Steve who was holding a pen out to you. You were frozen for a second, just looking into his blue eyes and fighting not to get lost in them. 
“Oh, thank you.”
“No worries.” He smiled and then looked away, almost shyly.
You turned back and made another step as the line in front of you got shorter. But your mind was racing, your hand clenching the pen in your hand as you thought about the tiny interaction with Steve. This was your chance, right? He was literally standing right behind you. 
You turned around again. “Steve, right?”
A small smile snuck on his face, his eyebrows raising slightly, “Uh... yeah. And you’re Y/N, right?”
“Yeah... hey I don’t want to come off weird or anything, but would you maybe wanna grab a coffee with me?”
“Now?” He asked surprised. 
 You laughed nervously. “Well, preferably after we signed up. I’m not standing in this line for fun.”
Steve chuckled as he bit his lip and it was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen. “I would love to.” 
Now you were smiling like an idiot as you turned around to hide the little fist bump in excitement. You would mess this up, this was your chance! You stood next to Steve as he leaned over the table to write on the sign-up sheet. 
“Do you have a favorite coffee shop?”
“Stan’s place is nice,” you mumbled with your arms crossed, glancing over the way Steve carefully signed his name down. 
“I’ve heard of it...” He said concentrating, but you were too distracted by the name he scribbled on the dotted line beneath yours. 
Steven Grant Rogers
Could it be? Your heart began to race as you saw the way the G curved on the page. It was engraved into your memory by now. This was the ‘Grant’ you had been seeing for weeks, scribbled at the bottom of countless messages. 
“Your..,” you began, but your throat felt dry. “Your middle name is Grant?” Your voice had done a weird squeaky thing at the end of your question, and when Steve stood up straight to look at you again, his smile faded. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah... I’m just a little surprised. I’ve been getting some messages lately.” You told him carefully. Curious as to what his reaction would be. It seemed as though Steve realized, at that moment, just what you had discovered. And to your surprise, the too-cool-for-you facade you had prescribed him fell off his body like a curtain. He was blushing, his hand immediately rubbing at his neck, but he couldn’t hide it anymore. 
Quite frankly, you didn’t know what to do with the revelation. Secretly, you had wanted it to be Steve. But at the same time, the person you had crafted in your head with the help of the notes and drawings, didn’t match the man standing in front of you. It was confusing and exciting, and scary, and nice.
“Uhm, I guess there’s no use to pretend anymore, is there?” He asked embarrassed and your heart fluttered. 
“I... I thought you never noticed me.”
Something hushed over his eyes then. It was gone as soon as it had come, but it made Steve look sad. “Never noticed you? You’re all I ever think about. I just didn’t know how to tell you...”
“Oh.” You smiled, willing your giddy heart to calm. 
You were quiet for a moment, and Steve was fidgeting with his arms, trying to place them somewhere else. And when he finally settled on holding his elbows in front of his chest, his biceps bulging and drawing your attention, he spoke. “So, about that coffee,” he pressed his lips into a line nervously, “can we make it a date?”
You bit your lip while chuckling slightly. “I would love to.”
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