#red tap
redfirerai · 1 year
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The kids (Duke, Damian and Dick) are yelling in the other room
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strawbuddy-luv · 4 months
Thinking about Tim accidently adopting Maps the same way Bruce adopted him-
Like Maps showing up to save Tim's ass, because he's losing in a fight (that he should definitely be winning but "fOr sOmE rEaSoN" isn't). Afterwards Tim's like "Kid you cannot be out here", but Maps ends up following him around, as he tries to escape via rooftops, and after like 30 minutes of convincing, Tim is (partially forced) to bring her back to his house(/Nest) because "She has no where to sleep :(". And then two seconds after she lays down to nap Tim calls Jason in a panic
When Jason shows up Tim just opens the door to reveal a child sleeping on his couch.
Jason: ...You really are a Bruce mini, you're stealing children now Timbit?
Tim, slightly hysterical: No, no no, its worse than that. She showed up in the middle of a fight, that I was totally winning, saved my ass, revealed she knows who I am, demanded she become my protégé, claimed I was "a danger to myself and others" and I "Needed someone to ground me like Robin grounds Batman", and then she gaslit me into bringing her back to my house.
Jason: Oh my God she's just like you
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synthsays · 5 months
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Chamber of Reflection - Mac DeMarco
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uc1wa · 7 months
jason todd who’s a little religious and says he wants to wait for marriage to fill you full with his cock and cum. jason todd whose tongue is lapping at your entrance and his fingers are circling your clit, reminding you that the bible doesn’t say anything about the inability to do this.
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homkamiro · 9 months
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Tapping massage
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heartnosekid · 2 years
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birbs in a gumball machine keycap 🐣 | source
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firstxprince · 3 months
RWRB is a very serious movie made by very serious actors.
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allforthe-gay · 1 year
it is completely one hundred percent baffling to me that any of the foxes would come away from witnessing neil and andrew's reunion in baltimore with the opinion that their relationship was just hate fucking . like my brother in christ are you blind
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pjs-everyday · 8 months
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pinky sayssss, “CRY!!!” … uhhhh, can you do that? 🥲✨
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ive-been-timebombed · 19 days
Jason’s tired. Dicks drugged. Danny talking bout hotdogs. Everyone’s confused
What in the floppy flippy fish sticks. Or was it Flippy Floppy fish sticks? I don’t know been to long since me and Wally got together and cursed at each other. Curse is a strong word.. it was more like tell each other the stupidest things that come to mind instead of cussing.
Back on track Jason was staring at the sparkly king dude. And sparkly king dude is staring back. Oh Batman I’m getting a cramp. Really hope Little Wing thinks of something. Im all out of ideas that aren’t dislocate my bones. And blue boy already thought of that and tied me up a bit more special.
Man. I hate bondage. My Dick hurts! And I’m Dick! So everything hurts!
Holy ancients, that’s my child. That’s baby JayJay. And he has a core. A dying core. I did that. I left him to stave..
“My king? Is something wrong?” Okay I’m grateful to you for bringing me here but shut up space man. Danny looked down to the summoner and with a flick of his wrist the man tumbled to the ground like a bag of bricks.
Danny floated up and flew to the edge of the summoning circle looking down to see what shields the summoner had put.. only there weren’t any and Danny concludes that they were a complete baboon.
Danny walked out the circle and to his child. His ectoplasm was rancid, old and stale. From his core trying to absorb ectoplasm without the ability to clean it.
Danny bent down in front of Jay, “Hello, Ghostling” Danny said in fake confidence.
Jason was not panicking he would like to point that out. He was merely trying not to yell. Or scramble back away from the being. Who was just crouching down in front of him. The being put its hand on his shoulder. It was cold yet warm at the same time. Like how one would feel after getting out a cold refreshing pool into the warm air.
“Hello, Ghostling” The being spoke to him, it was comforting and softer then how he spoke to Wickham.
Ghostling? The fuck was a Ghostling? Why did he have to be a ling? He’d much rather be just a ghost. Not ghostLING. That makes him sound like a child. Which he was a few years older than that.
Then Jason’s body felt cold and lightless then the ropes on his arms were off and his arms are free. Jason immediately scrambled back bragging his older brother in the process not taking his eyes of the floating man as he untied the vigilante.
“Ow- cramp,” Dickhead groaned as rolled to the floor holding onto his foot. With his now free hands. “I hate being tied up, Little Wing- holy smokes you’re not human.” Dick had fixed his mask as it was slipped down from sweat earlier blinding him. His eyes focused on the being that had floated back looking between the two vigilantes.
“No I am not, mostly at least.” The being shrugged looking at the two with a sly smile like he knew something the other two did not.
“Mostly.?” Dick repeated in a mumble sitting up
“What the fuck are you? Why do you quiet the pits?” Jason spoke as he stood up dragging Nightwing up with him.
“The pits? What are the pits.?” The being spoke with a tilt of its head.
What are the pits? Should Danny comfort him? Oh it was so much easier when the kid barely had the ability to think. He missed the baby Jay. Now it’s big Jay. He certainly took after his grandpa. Guess it skips a generation..
“The pits? What are the pits.?” Danny asked his kid tilting his head in confusion. The pits.. pits? Armpits? No doubt it’s that. Mud pits? Danny gave up on trying to guess whatever a pit was. He was more concerned at the stale ectoplasm in his son. Could he even call him that anymore.?
“The Lazarus Pits! The bright green liquid that was used to summon you!” Jay grew angry? He doesn’t feel that angry.. his core is panicking? Does this Lazarus Pits force emotions? Or amplify it?
“You mean ectoplasm?” Danny asked glancing over at the other vigilante other than his son. He didn’t have a core, so he was still alive and mortal. He did however look atrociously high. Or drugged.
“What- you mean that shit from ghostbusters?” Jay seemed to relax? Maybe Danny’s clean ectoplasm is filtering into his system.
“If I had a hotdog for every time I heard that sentence. I’d have enough to start a war with the vegetables.” Danny floated up into a sitting position crossing his ankles.
Man, I miss Wally. He’d pay attention to me.. but no. I’m here listening to sparkly king dude and my Little Wing talk about something I could barely make out. Hotdogs? I’m hungry.
“Hotdogs..? Ain’t the saying dollar? War- what are you talking about-“ Little Wing said from beside me. King sparkles was looking at me. King sparkles kinda reminds him of little Jay.
“I think your friend is drugged.. looks like a second away from passing out.” King sparkles gestured to me, then Jason looked at me.
I’m gonna throw up.. Is that bad?
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Trick or Treat…or Else
This is unfinished because I felt like I kept screwing up Jason’s characterisation a bit. Gotta work on that.
Jason glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall to his left, it’s was 2:57 on Halloween. His patrol wasn’t due to start for a few more hours, but something tugged at him that cause him to feel like something was going to happen. He wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad feeling just yet. He just knew that whatever is was put him on edge.
“Haven’t you taken enough pictures, Danny?” Tucker laughed through the screen of the computer Danny had set up in a four way call between himself, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.
“I could never have too many pictures of my little princess!” Danny retorted as he snapped another photo of little Ellie in her Halloween costume.
“Ahem!” Ellie puffed out her chest and put her hands on her hips. The pose made her look even cuter, Danny thought.
“Oh my apologise,” Danny grinned cheekily, “my little badass.” He corrected himself.
Ellie, decked out in her mini Red Hood costume. The child sized leather jacket had been a gift courtesy of Sam, while the mini Red Hood helmet had been designed and built by both Tucker and Danny working together to ensure it would be perfect. They might have gone a little overboard however, since they’d managed to incorporated a real working com unit, an air filtration system in case of a gas attack, night vision, heat vision, and an emergency beacon should Ellie wander off and get lost that only Danny or Tucker could access. Danny had also hand painted two nerf guns for her, and gave her hand painted ‘grenades’ that were just glitter bombs. Ellie had insisted, just in case she was ‘forced’ to choose ‘trick’ from Trick or Treat.
“Danny,” Jazz voice held a fondness to it, “if you keep it up with the picture not only will you no longer have any space on there, you guys will be too late for the trick or treating.”
“Oh no! I don’t wanna miss it,” Ellie ran to Danny and started tugging on the sleeve of his costume, “let’s go!” She looked up at him and though the helmet obstructed Danny being able to see Ellie’s face, he could feel it in his bones that she was giving him those big puppy dog eyes of hers.
After a dramatic show of sighing in defeat, he picked up his daughter and said, “alright my starlight, but let’s say bye to the others first though.”
“Bye Uncle Tuck, Aunty Sam, and Aunt Jazz!” Ellie waved her little gloves hand at the screen from her place in her dad’s arms.
Tucker, Sam and Jazz all waved back and said their goodbyes and wishing her a fun time trick or treating. Danny bid his friends and sister farewell and ended the call.
“C’mon Little Hood, let’s go bug our neighbours for candy,” Danny beamed at Ellie as he put her back down and held out her candy bucket which had been a plastic black pumpkin from a dollar store. He’d hand painted a red bat symbol on the front of it for her, so that it would match her costume more. Ellie held the bucket in one hand, and held her dad’s hand in the other as they exited their apartment.
The clock had ticked over to 3:20pm the next time Jason spared it a glance. The trick or treaters would be put and about now. Most cities started later, but in Gotham there was always the risk of a rouge attack, so many parents would go out earlier, just to make sure they were home to avoid being out when it started to get darker.
Jason stretched his arms above his head and marked his page before putting down the book he’d just been reading. He stood up slowly and made his way over to his front door, checking that he had some Halloween candy at the ready just in case someone knocked on his door before he took off for the night. Jason knew that his building had several families with children under 14, so the likely hood of getting at least one truck or treated was pretty high.
When he was satisfied that he had everything in place he returned to the couch, picked his book back up and waited.
“Trick or treat!” Ellie cheered as the door opened.
The middle aged woman who opened the door let out a small gasp, “oh my,” she said with a smile, “Red Hood, I didn’t know you’d be patrolling our building?” Her tone was teasing as she reached somewhere past the door to grab some candy for Ellie’s pumpkin.
“Of course ma’am!” Ellie happily played along, making her own attempt at a deep ‘man’ voice, “crime could be anywhere!”
“Well I certainly feel safer knowing you’re out there protecting us Red Hood,” the woman laughed, “have a good patrol.” With that she closed the door, and Danny and Ellie Bahn making their way to the next ‘civilian’ as Ellie had started to call their neighbours.
Five groups of kids had come to Jason’s door so far. It was getting later, and he knew he’d need to start getting ready soon. Just as he was weighing the pros and cons of heading out on patrol early another knock sounded from the door to his apartment.
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Danny, visiting Gotham, notices a concerning amount of shades gathered at the bays. Turns out, the bays are where Gothamite villains and goons alike dump bodies. This is very interesting to the Bats, who only figured out that this 6ft. something guy (who did not have a Gotham accent at all) kept lurking suspiciously near the waters.
Danny thinks Jay is a particularly strong shade because he’s had zero sleep, running around trying to help the shades: *trauma dumps to Hood*
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rowynri · 6 months
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hehe! love these guys :D
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kittykatninja321 · 6 months
The thing is, Jason’s gender presentation as a motorcycle-tough guy is part of a costume, it was constructed as part of his Red Hood persona to project a specific image (if you’re gonna take over the criminal underground, ya gotta look the part). This is never stated explicitly in canon, but I’m intuiting it from the way his style of dress changes once he becomes Red Hood. Sometimes I wonder about how aware of this he is, like does he consciously view it that way or was it more of a subconscious thing? Most people are not tapped into the “gender presentation is not innate and is a performance” meta so it could go either way. I’ve seen some people compare it to the “over exaggerated on purpose” masculinity that some masc gay men present themselves with, and I do love that interpretation also
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thissying · 4 months
Max's onboard pre-restart, GP Monaco, 2024
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