#reference to that one clip of him and bad anyone? no?
vpofcookies · 6 months
for the tiny techno doodles u should put him in a little bowl :) boy soup
I was looking for a ham sandwich but I think I found a grilled cheese instead
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commsroom · 1 year
doug eiffel is relatively offline, his choice of... constant, unyielding background noise so he never has to be left alone in the company of his own thoughts... is the radio and/or tv, but he is also always watching youtube videos like "Can We Drive 1,200 MILES in an ABANDONED Van With NO TITLE? - First Start in 17 Years" and "Monster Jam - INSANE AIR Compilation." zero doubt.
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
Savanaclaw students: Wait— Is that Yuurin?
Yuurin: *running laps*
Savanaclaw student A: *shouts* HEY!!! YUURIN!!!
Savanaclaw student A: HOW MANY LAPS ARE YOU DOING?!!
Yuurin: *signals with her hand that she's doing 50 laps*
Savanaclaw student A: Oh. Okay. That's not bad.
Leona: *sips his coffee* She meant last 50 laps.
Savanaclaw students: Eh?
Ruggie: Yuurin woke up at 4AM.
Leona: Yeah. The lady already finished 100 laps.
Savanaclaw students: ...
Savanaclaw student B: HEY, YUURIN!!! TAKE SOME WATER BREAK!!!
Savanaclaw students: YUURIIIIIIN!!!
Leona: You don't feel sleepy at all after running like that?
Yuurin: No. Actually, I feel wide awake.
Leona: ...
Leona: You remind me of an Arctic tern.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I don't think that animal suits me.
Leona: It does. Here. I bought you a hairpin that looks like one.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: This will look good on your hair.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: You didn't need to send a photo to your parents, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Leona: That's good. *clips the hairpin on her*
Yuurin: ...Thank you, housewarden.
Leona: You're too formal. Just call me by my name.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Leona-senpai.
Leona: *ruffles her hair*
Yuurin: *her hair gets messy*
Leona: Shit— Let me fix that.
Other first-years: *staring at MC because of her bird hairpin*
Ace: *teasing smirk* That looks good on you, bro.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Thanks.
Ace: ...That's not what I—
Yuurin: *ignores him and focuses on class*
Professor Trein: Yuu, can you answer this question?
Yuurin: Yes, professor. *then proceeds to answer the question correctly*
Professor Trein: *smiles in satisfaction* You didn't forget any details. Great job, Yuu.
Yuurin: Thank you, Professor.
Ace: *mutters* Nerd.
Deuce: Dude, what?
Ace: What? He reminds me of Housewarden Riddle!
Yuurin: *looking at him*
Ace: ...
Professor Trein: Yuu? Is there something wrong?
Yuurin: Nothing, professor. *sits back down*
Akihiko — You look great with your hairpin, Yuurin.​ (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Yuurin — Thanks, Aki. How's your health?
Akihiko — It's great. I haven't been sick for a week now. ​(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Yuurin: *smiles*
Ace: *approaches her* Yo! *smirks* You were textin' your girlfriend?
Yuurin: *her face turned serious* No. It's my brother.
Ace: Eh? *stands next to her* You enjoy talking with your brother?
Yuurin: Yes. Is there a problem?
Ace: Whoa— You don't have to look at me like that.
Yuurin: ...
Ace: Anyway, who gave you that hairpin?
Yuurin: ...My housewarden.
Ace: ...
Ace: You're just new here and you're being bullied? *clicks his tongue*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: No one's bullying me.
Ace: You must be naive then.
Ace: No decent guy would think that receiving a cute hairpin is a good thing.
Ace: What you're experiencing is lowkey bullying— Hey! Where are you going?!
Yuurin: *has already walked away from him*
Ace: Hey! I'm still talking to you! Hey!!!
Jack: What? ACE SAID THAT?
Yuurin: Hm.
Jack: ...
Jack: Well, does it make you want to take off the hairpin Leona-senpai has given you?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I don't want to take it off, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to think that Leona-senpai is bullying me.
Jack: ...
Jack: Well, I can wear hairpins too.
Jack: So we're matching.
Yuurin: ...
Jack: ...
Yuurin: Won't that cause an even bigger misunderstanding?
Jack: ...
Jack: You think?
Yuurin: Yes.
Leona: That's not a problem. I'll start wearing hairpins too.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: Oi, Ruggie! Buy every freaking hairpins from Sam!
Ruggie: Sure. You want the cute ones?
Leona: Yeah. The cuter the better, that little shit. (referring to Ace)
Yuurin: ...
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lizdive · 2 months
Hello! Might i request a Boothill x reader (romantic) who likes all things cute? Pretty dresses and lots of plushies! People make fun of her though and call her childish. Im curious how he would be with someone like that, maybe she likes to do his makeup or braid his hair. Thank u in advance if u do this request and i hope ur having a great day!💕
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Hi nonnie <33 My day has been lovely !! Hope yours is as well 🩷🤍 tysm for requesting <33 if ur unsatisfied tell me and i’ll redo it !!
notes 𐙚 fem! reader — "you" + "my girl" + "she/her" used to refer to reader ,, romantic relationships ,, not proofread ignore typos
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⭑ You and BOOTHILL’s dynamic appearance wise surprises many people — you both are the literal definition of opposites attract aesthetically. Likes it when people stare and likes showing you off. He hopes you enjoy showing him off, too.
⭑ BOOTHILL always carries your bags when you both go shopping. He’ll also give you his wallet and let you spend as much as you want. He’s loaded because of bounties so buy all the pretty and cute things you want.
⭑ "Y’look gorgeous, sweetheart," he says for the millionth time as you show him a dress you’re thinking of buying.
⭑ He’ll buy you plushies when he’s coming back from missions. Picks only the cutest ones for you. If he’s unsure he’ll usually just buy them all. They aren’t for free, though!! Every plushie will be paid for by a kiss from you.
⭑ If you name your plushies, BOOTHILL will try his best to remember the names. Whenever he’s greeting you with kisses, he’ll make sure to greet the plushie you have with you and pat it on it’s head.
⭑ If you have fighting abilities and use a weapon of some sort that’s decorated all cutely, he’ll definitely buy you charms and lace and things so you can further decorate your weapon !!
⭑ He doesn’t think your childish at all. Everyone likes what they like. Would never ever judge you and is very supportive of your likes. He does not tolerate anyone bullying or making fun of you and he makes that clear.
⭑ "I couldn’t help but hear ya talkin ‘bout my girl. Y’better shut yer trap and hope she ain’t hear a thing," BOOTHILL says as he slowly pulls his revolvers out of it’s holster, intimidating the person who dared talk bad about you.
⭑ Doesn’t mind if you do his hair — he loves it! Especially when you braid it or do a nice bun or something to keep it from being a hassle during missions. If you put in clips or bows, he’ll keep them in until they fall out naturally. He’ll take them out if he knows they might fall out during a mission or something, he doesn’t want to lose them.
⭑ You know that pose where the person is sitting on their partner’s lap as their partner is lying down on the floor and they do their makeup? That’s you both.
⭑ He’ll get all giggly and squirmy at the fluffy brushes as you do his blush and eyeshadow. He’ll try to remain still, but he just can’t help it :( he’ll apologize a lot throughout the makeup session,,
⭑ BOOTHILL will always be careful so as to not wrinkle or ruin one of your dresses or your hair or makeup, especially if your looks are very intricate like lolita fashion or you just care a lot for your appearance.
⭑ Overall 10/10 perfect partner very respectful snd indulgent !!
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vizslasaber · 5 months
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summary: in the middle of the night, echo finds you, hurt and exhausted and in need of an apology.
pairing: arc trooper echo x reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: none! just a sprinkling of angst and grief.
a/n: i love echo so much & im so glad he’s okay as of the finale!! this takes place sometime around the early seasons, but after the season 1 episode “cornered.” also, i listened to waves by chloe moriondo while writing this!
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You’re not sure what to think of Echo.
Most of the time, he’s quiet. When he does speak, it’s usually to enforce a rule, remind the group of their current plan, or to keep Wrecker in check. You’ve seen his softer side, with Omega and occasionally his brothers, and it’s rare but honestly endearing.
The thing about him that most irks you, however, is that he never wants to seem to interact with you.
Officially, Hunter is the group leader; ever since Clone Force 99 accepted you into their squad, that much has been clear. You’re the only non-clone—or “natborn” as the others refer to you—living on the Marauder. It’s been several months since you saved Omega from bounty hunters on your home planet of Pantora, and now, you’re as much a part of the Bad Batch as anyone else.
Except, you’re not a batcher. Not really.
Despite how much you care for your squadmates, it’s easy to feel separated from them at times. Easy to feel different. Most of the others have picked up on this by now, and often go to great lengths to make you feel like one of them.
Not Echo, though. He seems—wary of you, almost, and you’re not sure why. Once, you brought it up to Tech, who simply waved you off with one of his shrewd, knowledge-filled comments. “You are new here, you know. Some people are simply slower to open up than others.”
You, however, know that’s not the case. You’ve seen Echo with his brothers, and with Omega. He can be kind, and funny, and even angry. But to you… to you, he’s nothing but quiet.
For some time, you tried your hardest to be yourself around him—to crack your usual sarcastic jokes at his expense, to be friendly, like you are with the others. But the constant avoidance and clipped answers leave you increasingly confused and hurt.
So you withdrew from him, too.
It still bothers you, sometimes. But you’ve learned to brush it off.
Now, you sit in the cockpit, feet resting against the control panel. A ration bar—one of the good ones—rests in your hand. Every so often, as you watch the blue glow of hyperspace streak past the viewport, you take a bite of the ration bar.
You’re on first watch. Someone has to stay in the cockpit to oversee the ship’s journey back to Ord Mantell—and, since you still can’t fall asleep in hyperspace, you keep volunteering for the job. The cockpit is mostly dark. All the lights are off, and the viewport is dimmed. Anything brighter reminds you of how sleep-deprived you are, and so you’re content to sit in the blue gloom.
Leaning your head against the headrest of the pilot’s chair, you close your eyes. Your entire body feels heavy with exhaustion, but every time you try to drift off, the rumbling of the ship’s hyperdrive jerks you awake.
The sound of footsteps startles you. You open your eyes, leaning around the back of the chair to inspect what little part of the ship’s corridor you can see. You can hear the sounds of someone moving around by the small common area, but you can’t tell who it is.
Tech’s probably experimenting again, you think wryly, and settle back into your comfortable position.
Soon, though, the footsteps grow closer. Someone enters the cockpit with a tired sigh, placing something on one of the chairs nearer to the door. It sort of sounds like Hunter, but with the similarity between everyone’s voices, you can’t be sure.
The footsteps halt suddenly. You look up to find honey-coloured eyes surveying you with apprehension. In the dim light, awash with blue, you register the glint of a cybernetic headpiece.
“Oh,” you say, blinking up at Echo, “hi.”
Echo only grunts.
You frown, looking down at your hands, at your half-eaten ration bar. “It’s late,” you say quietly. “You, um—you should get some rest.”
When Echo answers, you don’t look up. He says, voice low and gravelly with sleep, “I slept for a couple hours.”
Slowly, you nod, fiddling with the foil wrapper of the ration bar. The cockpit falls silent; you wait for Echo to leave, but he stays still, his shadow falling over your tired frame.
You want to ask why he’s still here. You want to be rude, to ask him to leave so you can have some peace and quiet. But truthfully, he isn’t saying anything, or causing any disturbances, so instead you hold up your unfinished ration bar. “You want a bite?”
Echo blinks. It seems to take him a moment to process your question. Then, to your faint surprise, he nods. “Thank you,” he says as you hand him the ration bar wordlessly.
It’s a peace offering, of sorts.
He sits in the co-pilot’s chair and takes a hesitant bite, chewing slowly. You see his expression brighten—probably at the realization that this is one of the good ration bars, the kind that Hunter always says not to hog—then return to his usual neutral one.
You watch as he swallows. He hands you back the bar, holding out his hand, but you don’t take it.
“Why… why are you here?” you ask quietly.
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Echo drops his arm and breaks eye contact, looking almost embarrassed. Or maybe even ashamed.
Still, you wait for his answer. Several long, painful seconds pass before he says anything. When he speaks, it’s like he’s forcing out the words.
“I wanted to—” he pauses. His flesh hand fiddles with his metal one. “I wanted to apologize.”
You feel your breath hitch. Staring, you try not to gape. “What?” you say, whispering without meaning to. “I don’t—”
“I’ve been horrible to you,” Echo continues, voice steadier. “I didn’t mean to be so… withdrawn. I didn’t realize I was doing it. I… I hope you can forgive me.”
Instead of acknowledging his apology, you bite the inside of your cheek with uncertainty, then cross your arms over your chest. One of the others must have put him up to this. Probably Omega, or perhaps Hunter. Raising an eyebrow, you ask, “Who sent you?”
“No one!” Echo replies hurriedly, then presses his lips into a thin line. “I mean, Hunter told me that you—he said that—” He sighs. “I didn’t realize it on my own. But I came because I wanted to.”
You blink, cursing yourself when you feel your eyes sting. With a start, you realize that this is the most Echo has said to you since you joined the squad.
Taking in a breath, you wring your hands anxiously. “I just… I just don’t understand why.” You shrug. “You’re not the same with me. Not like how you are with the others.”
Echo swallows. “It’s not—”
“I just want to know what I did wrong.”
At that, Echo falls silent. Guilt permeates the air, enough that you can feel it.
“Hey,” Echo says, kinder than you’ve ever heard him. “Look at me.”
You do. His eyes, like lava, or maybe liquid gold, bore into you. It almost hurts to look.
“This,” he continues, gesturing to the space between you, “is not your fault.”
Against your will, a lone tear slips down your cheek. “So whose fault is it?” you whisper, barely loud enough to be heard over the ship’s engine
It’s obvious from the look on Echo’s face that he’s thinking of something—or someone—specific. Despite how much you want to, you don’t push.
You just wait.
“It’s my brother,” Echo finally murmurs, and you raise your eyebrows, quickly cycling through the rest of your squad. Hunter, Wrecker, Tech… maybe Crosshair? You can’t think what any of them, even the one who’s no longer a member of your group, have to do with you.
“Your... brother,” you repeat dumbly.
“Yes.” Echo nods. “Fives.”
Oh. A fellow soldier, then. Probably from before the war ended… and probably long dead.
Drawing in a shaky breath, you hastily wipe your cheek with your sleeve. “What—what about him?”
“You…” Echo shakes his head, then lets out a humourless chuckle as he turns to look at the viewport, at the swirling blues and whites and greys of hyperspace. When he speaks again, his voice is barely above a whisper. “You remind me of him.”
You blink.
Truthfully, you have no idea what to say to that. Luckily, Echo continues, saving you from having to come up with an answer.
“Your sense of humour, I mean. The sarcasm, the jokes.” He shrugs, and the light from the viewport catches on his cybernetic headpiece, glinting in the otherwise dim cockpit. “And… and the way you know people.”
“‘Know people’?” you echo, confused. “I’m not following.”
“You understand people,” Echo says, and finally looks at you again, eyes impossibly sad. “Somehow, without ever having experienced what others have gone through, you understand their pain—and you feel it with them.” He closes his eyes for a brief moment, then opens them again. “Fives used to do that too.”
And suddenly, as though a switch inside you has been flipped, it all makes sense. “And that’s why you’ve been avoiding me,” you realize, and Echo winces. “Because I remind you of him.”
“See?” The barest hint of a smile graces his lips. “You’re doing it now. And you’re not even trying.”
“I guess I never thought about it like that.”
“I’m sorry for everything,” Echo says. “I am. It just…”
“Hurts,” you finish, and Echo blinks, surprised. You smile softly. “I know you too, you know.” Reaching out, you take his flesh hand, gently prying it open and taking the ration bar. As Echo watches, you split the remaining piece in half and hand one to him. “And for what it’s worth—I forgive you.”
The shadows colouring Echo’s face suddenly seem lighter. He smiles, then—really smiles.
You take a bite of the ration bar and smile back.
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pyroy3 · 2 months
Compiling additional proof against Wilbur into one, easy to understand list.
I'm making a simple list that anyone can refer to when faced with doubts about Shelby's and other victims claims. I don't know if this will reach the right audience, or reach anyone at all, but i'd like to get it off my chest.
Why do I care so much? Because i've followed Wilbur since his day on the Jacksucksatlife channel. He had a great influence over me as a teenager, and it sucks that he was an asshole all along. I want to see him fail, that's all.
Main points are all in Shelby, Nikki, Minx and other creators' videos on him. These are just small details that are easily missed.
Wilbur being abusive towards his friends
The first video in particular really highlights the amount of power that Wilbur holds. "Tell them about how awful I am to you" seems like a dangerous thing to say as someone who is actually abusive, but it's likely that he knows he can get away with it. He doesn't expect anyone to call him out on his behaviour.
I think she has also mentioned the biting a few other times. This is pretty obvious proof that the biting was happening, and atleast got to the point of causing bruises.
A clip talking about how Wilbur threw Niki because she playfully said she was big and strong. His quick sentence "you were saying you were stronger than-" could either be him misremembering, deciding to ignore that detail, or literally saying that he interpreted her actions as claiming to be stronger than him. He says it was a "consensual throwing" but we already know how terrible he is with consent. TLDW: Niki said she was big and strong so Wilbur threw her "to assert dominance" (and show that he was stronger than her).
In Tommy's disneyland vlog, there is a short clip where Tommy playfully unties Wilbur's shoelaces and gets his hand stomped on. Thing like these flew under the radar because of their brotherly bond. You'd expect two young brothers to react like this, but not a grown man and his teenage friend. Tommy tells him that his finger got cut, and instead of apologizing, Wilbur says it was because Tommy was gonna untie his shoelaces. He essentially says that Tommy had it coming, that it was his fault he got hurt.
The biting behaviour wasn't exclusive to romantic partners. This is a clip of him biting Tommy's hand "for content", despite Tommy repeatedly shouting no. The biting isn't bad here, but it once again proves that this was something he genuinely did.
The story starts at 0:38. Here, Wilbur tells the story of how he helped Techno pick apples by gently throwing them so Techno could put them in the basket. Techno says that Wilbur is very bad at throwing. In response, Wilbur says that he threw an apple as hard as he could, aiming for his stomach. Instead, he accidentally hit the shoulder that his surgery was on. Anyone who's been hit in the stomach should know how painful it is. If Wilbur were to throw an apple has hard as he could at his stomach, it would seriously hurt. But he laughs it off. Wilbur once again claims that the person he hurt deserved it, because techno made fun of his throwing ability. I've heard that Techno's dad yelled at Wilbur for doing it, but even then, he still laughs about the story.
Wilbur's music and separating it from the artist
It's completely natural for a musician with a history of bad mental health to blame himself in his music. One of Wilbur's biggest inspirations, Crywank, have lots of songs about being a bad person. A symptom of depression is to believe you're a bad person. But as far as we know, Wilbur's music actually told the truth.
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I can't find the tweet, but we also know that one of wilburs old friends(?) came out with the info that Lovejoy's song "concrete" was based on their experience, and the song explains Wilbur's neglectful behaviour.
You should know what Lovejoy's music is about. A lot of it is based on toxic relationships, being cheated on, being abused. It is a complete mockery of the people that he hurt. "Call me what you like" is clearly about being in an abusive relationship where his partner takes advantage of him and cheats on him. She forces him to "bump his head into every doorway she sees suitable for them to go through". Not that he knows what the song he wrote is about though, since he couldn't recall a single thing about the song during the genius interview. Yes, he was high, but he may as well had someone ghostwrite it for him.
Singing "you claim your ex-boyfriend's a policeman, I say you need better standards" in the song Perfume is crazy when his standards are allowing abuse to happen.
When listening to Scum, you repeatedly hear him admitting to being scum and waste. Concrete is about how he's a piece of shit. Consequences should remind you of the actual consequences of his actions. I already explained what's wrong with "your sister was right". His parody songs are direct reflections of his real personality.
However, if you still want to listen to him - spotify has a feature where you can put local files into your playlists. If you have his music downloaded, you can listen to it on spotify without giving him money or views. Just saying.
Why he can get away with it
Look at him. He is an attractive white man in the UK, And pretty privilege is a thing, no matter how you look at it. He's popular and has gotten empathy from impressionable teenagers on the internet. A lot of people have put him on a pedestal after he showed support for the LGBT+ community and BLM, singing about being against capitalism. People feel bad for him because of his history with mental health problems. They excuse his actions because he was depressed during his relationships. He also has a pattern of exclusively targeting those weaker than him. Tiny women who he can pin down, throw or bite to show he's stronger than, and teenager Tommy who believed they had a brother dynamic. You will also notice that the only people who have shared their experience with him have been women who didn’t feel strong enough to fight back against him. He is a manipulator through and through.
This is not all the proof there is
If you need more convincing, watch other creator's videos on the subject. Shelby, Niki, Minx, Alicenyannyan. There are also more small things that he has done that add up, either violent behaviour, yelling, or ignoring people's boundaries. You will also This man is undeniably abusive.
Thank you to anyone who got this far, I hope someone will get use out of it. I'm happy to finally get what I wanted to say out there.
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meatballsu · 11 months
I have rewatched TADC many times recently and I come up with many interesting theories about Ragatha (My favorite) and I think it is great to share them here.
Theory: Ragtha is kinda on Caine’s side, or at least she is the person who always “giving”.
This isn’t intend to propose that Caine and Ragatha are “bad” or something. I’m not sure if anyone is watching the GenV series (Spoilers alert!)
and I think Ragatha is sorta a role like Kate that supports the Caine.
One thing is that when Caine is stopped by Pomni questioning about how do they leave, Ragatha immediately takes the question with a little stuttering opening, like she helps Caine when the AI is malfunctioned.
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Another thing is she apologized to Pomni when glitching, says Pomni had a bad day, it looks like Ragatha took the responsibility that she should take care of the newbies.
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I also noticed a very interesting detail about Ragatha's motion design. I collected all the clips of she approaching while people remaining steady. You know it usually means this person is a sacrificer in relationships.
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Even when she is not in a good mood about Pomni's “abandon” . Ragatha still approaches and stands by her side.
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This gives me the feeling that Caine may have demanded or asked her for help to care the new "sucker".
Additionally, the Kaufmo part also striked me a little. (It may turns out to be simply the pilot needs and my overthinking. But consider I have to wait for months to expect a new episode so why not brain storm.)
So Ragatha is the person who promts to check Kaufmo:
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Ragatha: Oh, wait, we should go check on Kaufmo. And I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni.
While Kinger refuses the idea and says:
I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit.
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After they went to the carpet, Ragatha mentioned that:
Well, we usually do, when we first arrive, but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen.
When she saw the abstracted Kaufmo and she stuttered that the creature might be the “terrible thing” refered to what she said before.
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At this time I think we can assume that:
Ragatha knows the pursuing exits could drive people to the breaking point.
Ragatha knows people who breaks will happen terrible things.
Ragatha knows by Kinger (who is unresponisive but still noticed somthing wrong) that Kaufmo is unstable recently.
Ragatha knows what “abstract” is, and someone( people who came earlier than her or Caine) kept warnig/brainwashing her that “ Don’t overthink about exist or terrible thing gonna happen”.
Why Ragatha wants to take Pomni to go check on Kaufmo even she knows he is in a unstable situation?
I think it can be explained that:
She wants to form a stonger colleague relationship with Pomni by taking her to meet the used-to-be-frindely Kaufmo (who liked to tell jokes). or—
She wants to warn Pomni by letting her see “the terrible thing” to stop her from thinking about exit.
By going through all this points, I feel that Ragatha is the most positive on the concept about “No exist”. It looks like she tries hard to prove that there is no way out.
This point is also supported by Caine. And Ragatha hints in a non-obvious way through the pilot that Caine treats them with good intention:
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The official site introduces the series with:
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So nevertheless, I think Ragatha is still a trapped victim, and the pilot seems to show that she grows a bit Stockholm syndrome and stands by Caine’s side to defend her sanity. That's why she is described as the sweetest optimist.
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I find Jax's different attitude is intersting when Ragatha and Kinger mentioned their daily routine:
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Jax didn't comment on Ragatha explaining their useless sleep routine.
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violetmuses · 1 month
Opposites Attract - A. Aretas (Part II) ❤️‍🩹
Title: Opposites Attract - A. Aretas (Part II) ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Detective!Reader
Main Storyline: Working with the Miami Police Department, you meet criminal Armando Aretas for the very first time. @adoresmiles @nobodygetsza 🏷
Part I ❤️‍🩹
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“Where did she come from?” Armando Aretas revealed this question about you while facing Mike and standing in his brand-new portable cell.
This federal transport would send everyone back to Miami, Florida.
“Joined our department and she's been pretty quiet until this point.” Mike defended your work here. “Almost fought me before we visited you last time.”
“She swung?” Armando wouldn't laugh despite the joke.
“No, but she'll definitely kick some ass when provoked.” Despite noting Aretas, Mike turns your way regardless. “Just like you.”
Across this space, you closed your eyes while trying to sleep. Even Mike's longtime partner and best friend Marcus Burnett trailed the operation.
Once everyone returned to Miami safe and sound, you watched surveillance cameras as precinct staff observed Armando.
“What happens now?” You looked toward Mike and Marcus. “We can't keep Armando in the building all night.”
“Her place…” Marcus pointed near you without thinking twice.
“I'll smack right upside your peasy-ass head, Marcus!” Mike then scrunched up his face. “No.”
“If anyone's harboring a fugitive, it might as well be her.” Marcus brought you up once more.
“That's crazy.” Mike couldn't believe what's going on.
“I can't bring Armando near the house with my family and you don't want to scare Christine, either.” Marcus continued speaking.
Burnett even referred to Mike's wife Christine, a physical therapist. She also helped Mike heal throughout the shooting recovery years back.
“I'll do it. Just tell him.” You say, gathering your belongings to leave with Armando.
Here we go. You thought.
No more restraints, but Armando still joined the backseat of this car that night and small luggage occupied your trunk.
“If she calls from any bullshit, you're dealing with me.” Mike handles the warning for Aretas and still protected you.
“Same rule applies.” Marcus also stepped up. “I made the suggestion, but don't make me knock you out. She's like family.”
“Back off.” Armando grumbled from his spot while sitting in your car. “I'm not stupid.”
“Open the back door right now and whoop his ass, Mike!” Marcus nearly erupted over Armando talking back.
“Stop arguing. Can I leave?!” You finally roll down the driver's seat window, pissed.
“Go.” Mike then lifted both hands to absolutely surrender, watching your car exit.
Organizing essentials at home, you straightened up the guest room while Armando waited.
“Everything's set up whenever you're ready.” You find Aretas looking downstairs, mainly focused on pictures.
You loved ones gathered different snapshots around the living room. Even Mike and Marcus invited special moments through photographs.
“Oh, hey. Thanks.” Armando realizes your presence.
“Of course, but I have a question.” You look near Aretas.
“Sure.” He waited again.
“Before Mike cut us off, what did you plan to say at the prison?” You seemed curious.
“I wanted your phone number.” Aretas flirted right back.
“No chance.” You scoffed. “By tomorrow, Mike should come back here and you'll be gone.”
“Fair enough. Good night.” Armando dropped this conversation and headed upstairs, leaving you.
The next day, you're kind enough to make breakfast and share that kitchen table with Armando.
“Mike just texted me. Everything's packed?” You cleaned up this space.
“Yeah. Thank you.” Armando clipped the response once more and didn't talk much otherwise.
“You're welcome. See you around.” You at least bid farewell. Aretas would still join AMMO sooner than later.
Heading outside, you watch Mike's classic Porsche roll up.
“Good. Armando didn't burn your shit down last night.” Mike jokes with you when leaving the car.
“Don't kill each other.” You kept squinting through the Florida heat.
“Sin promesas, cariño.” Armando pulled his native language of Spanish.
“Hey!” Mike gasped upon realization. Even you cracked up watching both men bicker when the Porsche left your home.
Father and son indeed.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 27, Unhinged - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, gratuitous Hamlet 2 reference, mention of masturbation, descriptions of violence, death, full on crazy.
Word Count: 1.4k
Previously On...: Nat sent you and Bucky some Hydra security footage she was able to get from her old KGB contacts. You're in for a wild ride.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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There was no real rhyme or reason to the footage, no overarching narrative that tied the clips together. They were just short, interspersed segments, with no sound, from different camera angles within the Hydra base. The base was probably operating underground; the harsh fluorescent lights acting as the only source of illumination, which made it impossible to determine time of day. 
Most of the clips were mundane– shots of a younger version of Jade Carthage training in weapons and combat, eating with the base’s other operatives, sitting in some sort of school room and seemingly being made to recite information. One thing was clear– the girl was not the tortured prisoner she’d led Nick Fury to believe. 
You and Bucky watched clips as Jade got older, her training more intense. The scientists at the base put her through extensive endurance testing but, upon completing them, she always looked happy, as though glad to have pleased her keepers with her results. Periodically, an older man in a suit would be seen in the footage. He appeared to be a higher up in Hydra’s hierarchy– the other occupants of the base deferred to him as though he was someone of importance.
“I know that guy,” Bucky said the first time the footage showed a clear image of the man’s face. “Not his name or anything like that, but I remember seeing him with Alexander Pierce.”
You reached up to hold the hand that Bucky still kept on your shoulder, squeezing it in support. “You okay to go on with this?” you asked, knowing that Pierce, as the man who had commanded him to kill Tony’s parents, among others, was a shadow that still loomed large over Bucky’s psyche.
He swallowed. “Yeah. I’m good.” 
The two of you kept watching as Suit Man came to observe Carthage, bringing her gifts and acting almost… parental toward the girl. It was disconcerting to watch him gently stroke her hair or offer her a hug, knowing the kind of man he must be, if he was working so high up within Hydra.
“What’s that?” you asked, rewinding the clip and enlarging it over a folder that Suit Man had handed to Carthage. “Holy shit,” you said, once you’d made out the face on the photo attached to the front of the file. “Buck, that’s you.”
Bucky leaned forward, squinting at your screen. “How can you tell, doll?” he asked. “It just looks like a bunch of pixels.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I’ve stared at your face long and hard enough to recognize it anywhere, Barnes,” you told him. “Whatever’s in that file, it’s about you.” 
Bucky gave you a look you couldn’t quite unpack. “Keep playing it,” he said after a moment. 
You zoomed out and resumed the footage. Over time, Suit Man would bring Carthage more files. She would continue her training, follow her same routine. You were nearly nodding off with the monotony of it when something changed. A new camera angle appeared in the footage, this one seeming to be of Carthage’s quarters within the base, and you were surprised by just how… normal they were. She had a four poster bed, a vanity, bookshelves– it was a typical room for a young woman. The only thing that looked remotely out of place were the photos on the walls. Once again, you paused the video so you could enlarge the image.
The walls were covered in seemingly hundreds of photos of Bucky.
“Holy shit,” you whispered.
“Are those… are those all me?” Bucky asked as you dragged the image around your screen, wanting to see every available corner of her space.
“Yes,” you said. “They… these all look like surveillance shots. Why do you look like Jesus in this picture?” you asked him, squinting as you pointed to one where he was wearing robes and standing by a river, his long hair tied half-up in the back of his head.
“Shit, that’s from when I was in Wakanda,” Bucky exhaled. “How the fuck would Hydra get shots of me there?”
You leaned back. “Well. Rock me, rock me, rock me, sexy Jesus,” you said under your breath. 
“We just discovered that Hydra somehow found a way to spy on me in the most technologically secretive nation on the planet, and that’s your takeaway?” Bucky asked.
“I’m neither blind, nor a nun, Barnes,” you replied before zooming out and starting the footage once again. “Though, with a Savior that looked like that, I’d gladly devote the rest of my life to serving the Faith.”
“Pretty sure that’s blasphemy,” he said, though you could hear the shy smile in his voice, and you just knew he was blushing at the compliment. “I don’t understand, though. If I’m her target, why’s she hanging my pictures on her wall?”
You squinted your eyes as the Carthage in the footage drew a heart around one of Bucky’s headshots with what appeared to be lipstick. “I think…” you began, an idea coming to you, “I think they’re manufacturing infatuation.” You bit your lip in consideration. “If there’s one thing on this planet with more obsessive, singular focus on a target than a Hydra-trained assassin, it’s a teenage girl with a crush. They’re making sure she’s got the concentration of both.” You watched with sick fascination as Carthage took the photo she’d drawn the heart on, and bringing it over to her bed, appeared to be talking to it as she crawled under the covers.
“Oh, shit,” you said with realization. “We should skip over this part.”
“Why?” Bucky asked, clueless to what you knew was coming. “What’s going on?”
“If I am not mistaken,” you said, as Carthage held the photo to her chest before slipping a hand under her blanket, “she’s about to start masturbating to that photo of you.”
“Jesus fuck!” Bucky exclaimed. “Fast forward, Pocket! Fast forward!”
You skipped the video to the next time stamp, trying and failing to control your laughter. It wasn’t that you were laughing at Carthage– this was a gross violation of a private moment, and no one, not even her, deserved that; no, you were laughing at how horrifically uncomfortable it seemed to make Bucky.
“Come on, Barnes,” you said, getting yourself together, “you’ve already fucked the girl twice. Now you’re suddenly shy about watching her cum?”
You felt Bucky stiffen behind you, and you felt bad… momentarily, but he didn’t acknowledge your comment, so you kept watching the footage, until there were only a few minutes left. Suit Man returned and after a few moments, said something to Carthage that had her jumping for what appeared to be joy and throwing her arms around the man. 
“Something’s about to happen,” you muttered, eyes glued to the screen. And then… shit hit the fan.
You and Bucky watched in horror as Suit Man handed Carthage a pair of guns, and the two moved systematically through the base, with Carthage slaughtering every operative in their path. 
“What the hell?” Bucky whispered. 
“No other survivors,” you said, recalling the words from her bio sheet all those months ago. “They’re selling her story. Making it look like she escaped. Jesus Christ. She lived with these people for years. She’s fucking insane.” 
Carthage was pumping so many bullets into the agents at the base that she quickly ran out. From there, it was like she just snapped– beating the others to death with anything she could get her hands on. And if there was nothing readily available, she used her bare hands. “Fuck,” you muttered, feeling the urge to vomit. You turned your head, burying it into Bucky’s stomach as he stood behind you. “I can’t watch anymore. Tell me when it’s done,” you begged.
Bucky’s hand came up and rubbed comforting circles on your back. “Yeah, sweets,” he said, voice hollow, “I’ll let you know.”
After what seemed like absolutely far too long, you heard Bucky swallow, and he tapped you on your shoulder, indicating it was safe for you to look again. Turning back to the screen, you were disgusted to see Carthage absolutely covered in blood. The only thing you could think of was Carrie at the prom, but Carthage looked delighted with herself, the whites of her eyes and her blazing smile sitting in stark contrast to the dark lifeblood that coated her face. Together, she and Suit Man walked casually out of the last camera frame, as though she hadn’t just committed mass murder.
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tornoleander · 1 year
Jay’s been through it
CW: Sexual assault Implications brief discussion of sexual predators + lotta swearing
(Please let me know if I missed any content warnings and Check if you are ok to hear this theory before reading. This type content has potential to help or hurt you depending on who you are as is the nature of problematic themes. Safety over curiosity.)
This is cannon compliment. Uhh kids show?! Yeah I know shouldn’t really have these themes but they’re there hear me out. Spoilers for season 6/8 I guess.
I’m bothered by this scene and how It connect to certain events so I’ll cautiously share
Sons of Garmadon Episode 7:
Here is the clip
Kelo asks “Where’s the green Ninja”
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WHAT THE FUCK! Dude the double take I had when first watching this.
So he looked at Kelo’s… lower half and basically said ‘Cole shut up that man’s crotch is too close’. And not in Jay joking tone, he’s like dead serious and stressed. (The scene just cuts away after)
Jay you ok? Why is it implied some guy might have tried something?! Why else would he say that?! Who the FUCK touched my boi? What even is this scene?!
The fact it’s Jay that said it out of everyone is bad because it’s been implied to him before.
So let’s talk about the darkest Ninjago theory that’s been quietly circulating for a while in fan content. For simplicity I’ll call it captains quarters theory, If you’re unfamiliar I’ll explain.
Basically some speculation happened because of a certain villain that displayed subtle ongoing predatory behavior. And a part when Jay was his prisoner that caused people to worry what happened before the scene started.
As some of you have caught on It’s the scene where Cole rescues Jay from Misfortunes Keep.
He didn’t find Jay in his cell where he should have.
Cole found him beaten as ninjago has ever depicted except when literally dying.
no explanation given.
In the corner of Captains Quarters.
Nadakhan’s room.
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Dude :(
And his concern afterwards.
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And thinking he didn’t deserve saving.
“Thank you for trying to save me,-
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It’s Just a lot.
Doing awful things to make Jay wish it all away is terrifyingly in Nadakhan’s character. Not just the sadistic torture part.
Nadakhan has many behaviors similar to a sexual predator. I’ll go over it briefly but see my last post for a detailed analysis.
He Seeks out vulnerable people for victims. The Ninja are teens and he waits till or makes them emotionally vulnerable. The way he talks about gifting his wishes and giving his victims anything they desire can be read as grooming behavior. His secrecy in getting all the ninja alone and doesn’t even talk to his crew about his plans. Manipulative and Controlling obviously.
And the most glaring issues he’s WAY tooo fucking touchy all the time. Like watch his body language during Skybound and see how uncomfortable it is
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“Too slow junkyard boy”
Not to mention how explicitly he doesn’t care about consent….
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And “If you don’t come willingly Nya, I will take you regardless” followed by a forced marriage.
Side note he doesn’t refers to Jay with his name and the things he calls him…uggh “What lies is our little canary whistling now, hmm?”
So… It’s cannon compliant that something was attempted or happened to Jay. Bruh wtf.
Well if you feel like you resonate with this or it may help there a few great fanworks that explore this I can recommend if interested. Mmm comfort angst.
(Note don’t bother anyone for enjoying Nadakhan as a character. It’s fiction and it hurts no one)
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datura-tea · 8 months
holy shit this year marks 10 years of this blog and moz!! i can't remember the exact date i started posting here - my archive says i have one post from november 2013 but let's disregard that - but i do remember it was around late 2014/early 2015 :)
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^ one of the very first moz art pieces i ever drew, for fallout week 2015!!
memories and art through the years under a read more bc it got long
2014 → baby's first rpg!! i started playing fnv on my cousin's jailbroken xbox late 2013 and finished mid 2014 and i loved every minute of it. i remember waking up at 8am and playing almost nonstop until 2am the next day haha!
i didn't play moz on my first playthrough - but i did start creating a character that would eventually become her: a shorthaired ex-boxer who punched her way through obstacles when diplomacy failed. i remember she spent a lot of time with boone. i liked him then, because he saved my ass more times than i can count. but i digress. this is draft 1 moz essentially
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2015 → this is the year that i was doing my thesis so i could graduate but i was so depressed and stressed about it that i distracted myself by replaying fnv on pc, where i played through the dlcs for the first time. i fell in love with the dlcs' oversarching story; particularly ulysses, who i became obssessed with, especially since i couldn't find any content of him at the time. in the game, i played as moz; i had most of her personality and choices down, but her backstory was still up in the air.
fun fact: this was an existing sideblog that i remade to be a fallout blog so i could look for ulysses content, and when i couldn't find any, i made some myself, featuring moz as my main courier six. originally, i didn't ship them, but eventually i ended the year as a courier/ulysses otp shipper.
this was the year i started drawing digitally - my uncle let me borrow a drawing tablet and i used an old copy of photoshop i pirated hehe
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2016 → i graduated this year!! and promptly fell deeper into my depression. this was the year that it got so bad that i had to be medicated. through it all, this blog and moz and ulysses and my fandom friends were with me. and for that i am truly grateful :) this was the year i figured out how to lock transparent pixels so that i could color my lineart lol
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2017 → i started hammering out moz's backstory this year i think. there's a lot of sketches of her and her family in my files. i experimented with shading and backgrounds here but that experimentation was pretty short-lived
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2018 → i started using references seriously!!!! i did a lot of oc on oc kissing this year, featuring mostly moz and many friend ocs haha
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2019 → didn't draw much this year. actually this year was a blur and i can't remember much from it except from it being the year of my terrible no good bad copywriting jobs... anyway i did manage to continue my courier/ulysses brainrot and make this piece, which i'm still proud of
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2020 → pandemic time. i spent a lot of time asleep at home and i think this was also the year i started doing commissions?? shoutout to anyone who has ever commissioned me - thank you so much, i truly appreciate it!!
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2021 → i switched from my old-ass pirated photoshop to clip studio paint and never looked back. also i did a bunch of commissions for my grandmother's surgery, which failed, and i distracted myself from the sadness by drawing my ocs over and over and playing disco elysium
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2022 → by this year, i've got moz down pat and have started vaguely developing other ocs instead. but she's still always at the back of my mind
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2023 → i bought new brushes from true grit texture supply and immediately found new favorites that i started using for everything. i tentatively started incorporating background elements in some pieces!
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2024 → while it's still too early to say where this year will lead me art-wise, i will say that i started experimenting in realistic paint studio (which i bought in 2021, the same time as clip studio paint) a few days ago and i'm liking the results so far. we'll see!
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all in all, these last 10 years have been quite a ride, but i'm glad i stuck around and i'm glad you guys stuck around too!! much much love 💖💖💖
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fandomhype · 7 months
Plagiarism Somerton
I obviously didn't watch the new James Somerton apology video ON his channel because I did not want to give that man the views and you shouldn't either! It has been re-uploaded and summarised elsewhere so that he doesn't benefit if anyone wants to see it.
The original hbomberguy video was wild to me because of all the stealing, I found it highly entertaining, loved all the Memes and it honestly did my imposter syndrome wonders! but then I watched the Todd in the shadows video and it really upset me.
He didn't just steal from other LGBT creators he lied to his mostly young LGBT audiance who were looking to an elder gay for guidance and to learn about their history.
Todd's video starts with a clip of James lies being spread by another person on a podcast, there's clips of people discussing his made up gay nazi fanfic he has presented as hard facts. He actively harmed his own community for cash! There are young gay men bringing that subject up in conversation being laughed at for falling for it and that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
Now I'm not a part of that community but a lot of people I love are so that angered me a lot.
...and then he comes back with another apology video, conveniently within the three months he would have had to post something on his channel to retain his monetisation status weirdly?! In which he blames both a head injury and his ADHD for his theft - at no point does he address the lying in either apology video or any of the apology posts he made that I could find.
I have combined ADHD, when I was first diagnosed the NHS referred to it as ADD with Hyperactivity element but everyone seems to have gone back to calling it ADHD and that is the term used most commonly online so that is what I refer to it is as.
I am medicated but there has been a world wide shortage of my medication and I was without it for some time over winter, which was HELL! I got nothing done.
I am in no way a big creator, Youtube for me is a fun wee hobby that will hopefully grow and allow me to collaborate with other people with similar interests but ADHD is for sure a large part of my journey as a creator.
I've published like 7 videos and currently have around 10 being worked on because, you know... ADHD! *siren noises*
I know that I am forgetful sometimes, just for the record I also had several head injuries and concussions as a child because Lil undiagnosed at the time me truly had no fear of climbing or other dangerous activities so I have my script (because free talking a subject with this brain would be nearly impossible) open in one google doc and my research open in another. It's not hard.
That's the way it was at school, college and Uni too. James claims he went to Uni to do business. Every university uses anti-plagerism software for essays and has done since like the mid 2000's? so he knows not to copy pasta. He's straight up lying there.
Another thing he's lying about is his ADHD making him forget he copied things. Now if you tell me a joke that I like it'll stick in my head and I will straight up tell it as my own later, I've been called out for this many times! But entire articles? whole sections of other peoples videos? (he also flipped a fan Vid he had ripped off of another YouTube to avoid detection and tried to pass it off as his own) No that's not something you can accidentally do even with a swiss cheese brain like mine.
Weirdly all the the paragraphs James claims he accidentally copied were also edited to remove aspects of the Trans, Bi and Ace experiences that James markedly does not believe exist. Strange considering he accidentally copied them and assumed they were his own words? Imagine going back through a paragraph you think you wrote yesterday in the edit the next day and finding swarths of things you don't agree with there?!
Why am I telling you all this? Well because I wanted to put my two cents in as a creator with this condition, partly because I felt it was somewhat of an attack on us!? He's put it out there that ADHD creators are liable to steal from others and that's not ok by me. Also I just really like the sound of my own typing!
TL;DR : James Sommerton is a suck ass liar and he doesn't get to use his disability as an excuse for what he did! and...
Also watch Todd's Vid, everyone saw the Hbomberguy one but this one goes deeper:
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redditreceipts · 7 months
hiiii could you elaborate on philosophy tube coming out being the last straw? I never thought of her* as being especially bad but I don't really follow her videos.
*( I use preferred pronouns for people who are not sex offenders or something, obviously you are free to disagree with me)
why do I not like Philosophy Tube?
He is a horrible philosopher. Even before transitioning, his explanations were shit. Now they are even worse. Here is someone explaining what he does wrong, and here is another one.
He seems to lack any capability to look at himself from an outsider's perspective, and that's I think why he appears so... cringe? He takes himself so seriously. This is something I kinda respect about Contrapoints, at least Contrapoints seems to have some kind of self-reflection?
He made so much money with his bullshit "I am bisexual" video, just to later come out as a "trans lesbian" aka a straight man.
This is probably the most important, but he literally made a whole debakel about how gender dysphoria doesn't exist. He personally may not have gender dysphoria (which I would kinda expect, given his very late transition and him comparing transition to "changing a job you don't like"), but why does he have to act as if nobody else did? And why are we as taxpayers expected to fund his gender transition when he just sees it as a fashion choice? He just runs around and tells everyone that no single trans person has gender dysphoria. It seems like me, an evil nazi terf, cares more about people who make the choice to take hormones or do surgeries because they can't accept themselves if they don't transition. (And yes, he said "no one has gender dysphoria". Here is the video clip)
So yeah, I personally don't care that much about pronouns and I'm happy to refer to people as they wish to be referred to. I'm totally okay with anyone using the pronouns they think fit best to describe a situation and I also try to not misgender people just for the fun of it.
However, Philosphy Tube would have NEVER gotten this big if he had been female. NEVER. His explanations are bullshit, he doesn't understand philosophy, he throws people with actual gender dysphoria under the bus, and he makes a shit ton of money with it. If he had been female, people wouldn't even have watched his videos to begin with.
(Also I hope this doesn't come off as mean towards anon or something, it's just that every time I think about Philosphy Tube, I'm annoyed again haha)
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all-pacas · 1 month
random house fanfic tropes that vaguely or less vaguely bug me:
House hates working in the clinic. No one else seems to have this problem. One time he and Foreman bet clinic hours, so I guess you could say Foreman doesn't love it either, but so many fanfics are like "Chase was in a bad mood because he had clinic duty that day" and no. House is the one who hates it.
Speaking of Chase: did you know he's Australian??? Because I swear, every fanfic has to be like "he said in an AUSTRALIAN ACCENT" or "the AUSTRALIAN SAID" or like. We get it. We. We know. It's not even mentioned that much on the show. For real, I think it's seven or eight episodes before anyone mentions his nationality, before that he just has an inexplicable accent.
(I think people should go 100% the opposite way. Write from Chase's POV and have him thinking constantly about so and so's "nasally American accent" or "clipped American tone")
"Ducklings" is a fandom term. House has never once and never will use it. The fellows are only ever referred to as "House's team."
Guess how many times Chase is called "wombat" in canon? One! I checked! It was an insult in passing about how he's a wimp who can't fight! (House to Stacy: You take the dark one, I'll take the little girl, and the wombat will run screaming at the first sign of trouble.) Holy shit this one bugs me he's not - it's not a thing. It's not cute.
Cameron. Is not. Shy. I've read otherwise well-written stories that are like "Cameron wants to be a leader and step up but uwu… she can't speak up…" are you kidding. She throws a fit when Foreman is put in charge in S2. She has never hesitated to speak in her life. Her problem is actually that she's so sure of herself and her correctness that she puts words and thoughts in people's mouths. Trust me, she isn't gonna hesitate for a second to boss the guys around. Because she does. Canonically. A lot.
House likes to fuck around. He likes pranks. He likes Having Fun and Doing Silly Things. He is not lol random!!!, he is not Wacky, when he messes with people it's usually for a reason. Often that reason is I'm poking at you to figure out something. Sometimes that reason is trolling. But he's not like. He's not a fucking manic pixie dream girl??
That said, I am still reading the deepest depths of ffnet so truly I am the one to blame
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altraviolet · 4 months
mini director's commentary on TEG: Ch 24
a new reader left a really nice comment on Ch 24 so I went back to read it and thought it'd be fun to share a few 'behind the scenes' facts about it!
Soundwave swirled the flask as Ambulon and Anode fought each other. After Ambulon finally wrestled Anode down and hooked her back up to the monitors, he rounded on Soundwave.
I have a very clear visual of this scene. It's SO funny to me xD I laughed when I wrote it and I laugh internally now rereading it. In my mind (if we think of this being framed like a comic panel or a movie) I see SW on the left, looking down at the flask he's holding in his tendrils, which he's swirling. Behind him is a very cartoony dust cloud of Ambulon and Anode fighting each other on the med bed, haha. You know when the characters are drawn super simplified, and you see little stick arms and hands darting around a dust cloud and you know they're fighting? That's what's happening at this moment and Soundwave is COMPLETELY ignoring the chaos behind him 😄 Lug is, of course, watching all this in a distressed state.
The montage continued, footage of a memorial service... Any crew member who wanted to say a few words was allowed to. The ceremony went on for seven hours, as evidenced by the timestamp in the corner of the clips... Aquafend gave a short, but surprisingly passionate, eulogy.
Two notes about this truncated excerpt:
1- the memorial ceremony is lengthened by people paying respects. this was directly inspired by a funeral I attended once. the lady in charge of the funeral was supposed to limit the time to one hour for memory sharing/storytelling. anyone could come up and share a memory of the deceased, but it couldn't be longer than an hour. we were there for much longer than an hour
2- I put Aquafend's euology in here not knowing what I was doing with him in the future, but knowing I wanted to be able to refer back to this moment as a touchstone of him Caring About People. I felt bad about how Aquafend's character was treated early in the fic and wanted to give him a 'redemption arc' in the eyes of the reader and Soundwave. I got my chance to refer back to this eulogy during the Irradion arc. I think this deepened Aquafend's character, made him less one dimensional than just "hurr hurr fuck u Soundwave I hate u." good for characterization and more interesting for the reader, hopefully :)
Soundwave found he was crouched forward on the couch. The snack tray in his lap had cracked. He unwound his tendrils from it.
this is after the Scavenger's memorial video concludes. I'm throwing this in as an example of show don't tell. we see SW's visceral reaction: I didn't tell you how he feels, I showed you what his body did without him even realizing. it's a small detail but I've always liked it. bonus: I got to use that tray in a future chapter. Cyclonus uses it to confront Soundwave about his past actions. Cyclonus confirms that SW is a changed mech, because SW says if he could go back knowing what he knows now, he wouldn't do what he did to the Scavengers
“Pff. These are an officer's quarters. They're supposed to look dignifi-” Rodimus stopped himself. “Oh my god. I sound like Magnus.” He shook his head.
Rodimus has this "omg I sound like Magnus" revelation because I, the writer, wrote Rodimus saying the officer's qtrs are supposed to be dignified, paused, & was like "wait, that sounds like a Magnus thing to say, not a Rodimus thing." lol. but I wanted to leave it in. and, why not? after a couple thousand years together, there's no reason Rodimus wouldn't absorb a tiny bit of Magnus, especially if he's seeing evidence that SW has disobeyed one of the few rules Rodimus has directly given him xD cheating? mayyyyyyybe... but fun
that's all! if you're ever reading TEG and have a question about a paragraph or something, feel free to hit my inbox. it's fun to think/remember back to the chapters... Ch 24 was posted in Oct of 2021 but I still remember these little details ^u^
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arson-09 · 4 months
its very interesting to me how Tamlin is the character and High Lord that is heavily vilified (I would almost say even more than Beron strangely) when he is the only High Lord to have talked about d how he has gone about removing slavery within his court, protecting lower fae in general, and his court was open to immigration from other courts (i cant remember if its mentioned again in acomaf but in acotar fae from other courts are free to move to the spring court. example, Alis) and how overall he is a great leader. Especially when you compare him and Rhysand as High Lords.
The Court of Nightmares is well, a nightmare. Its existence is extremely strange and makes Rhysand look very odd. as well as its unclear how Rhysand gets his wealth. Velaris was a hidden city until acomaf-ish, which means it was locked (so no immigration or emigration which isn't bad per-say but does bring up how it works economically) and Rhysands inability or unwillingness to protect his citizens (not enforcing the wing clipping ban and allowing people to be abused in the CoN. and before anyone starts about him not being able to control the illyrians, why did he make it a law in the first place? It just makes him look bad) makes him look like a shitty ruler. His supposed "feminism" and friendship with the people of velaris doesnt answer these very important questions or justify the strange shit he does. Versus Tamlin, which you can refer to my opening statement for the comparison. Also to note, his rule only came into question and stability after Feyre broke into people minds (which I do feel is extremely gross and a huge violation of ones autonomy and privacy) and had to sabotage him. I won't comment how I feel about this in this post, but it says a lot that she had to go through such lengths to break him down. Especially after it was revealed he was in fact a double agent and never actually siding with Hybern.
The only time Tamlin is an arguably bad high lord is in acofas and acosf where he is in a severe mental crisis and not in a position to properly rule. But even then, it's not clear if this is actually causing harm to the land and people. It's probably not good because they don't have a proper leader but I can't believe it's a severe issue.
Its definitely a strange choice, isn't it? Cause I think anyone in their right mind would choose the anti-tyranny, anti-slavery leader who does his best for his people... and its somehow not our supposed 'hero'
"I once told you I would fight against tyranny, against that sort of evil. Did you think you were enough to turn me from that?"
Acowar, chapter 44
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