#reggie loves picnics
ellecdc · 1 month
girl girl hear me out YAPPER GF X REGULUS!! Pls pls pls like u could do anything u wanted with them!!! I have a few ideas (take any or none)
May be she just walks up to him one day like clearly wanting to befriend him cuz she has a lil crush and just starts yapping about how the great hall had her fave pastry for breakfast today and he's so confused but also intrigued and then she starts sitting next to him in classes and asking him to hang out at hogsmead and she just yaps and sometimes she thinks may be he zones out but then he'll bring up this super niche detail she mentioned last time like "hey what happened to that quill you forgot in the potions lecture?"
they r already dating and she worries she's too much energy and talk for him and tries to be quiet and he's just like r u sick? R u mad at me? What's wrong u haven't gone on a 30 min description/rant about ur day
3. May be someone else brings up she talks a lot and Reggie defends her?
you guys really love your bubbly/talkative readers with Regulus, don't you? (so do i); thanks for your request!
Regulus Black x yapper!reader who didn't think he was actually listening
CW: fem!reader, rolling thoughts, brief mention of difficulty making friends, people talking about reader behind her back, swear words (on ellecdc? nooo [sarcasm])
Your family said that you had an incessant need to fill silence from the moment you could talk. 
“If there’s a room with our daughter in it, you can be certain that it won’t be quiet.” Your mum had proclaimed as she beamed at you lovingly one day.
While it was certainly a trait that your family had always found rather endearing, you felt that it made it particularly difficult making friends once you began attending Hogwarts. 
But the friends you managed to make loved you for it, and they had often stated “you can call her what you want but you can’t call her boring.” 
That didn’t mean your other classmates appreciated your stories or tangents, though. 
Which is how you ended up serving numerous detentions for speaking during class or lectures and disturbing the students around you, and how you’d been cycled through numerous seat partners in potions class. 
And that is how poor Regulus Black ended up stuck sharing a worktable with the likes of you.
He didn’t seem to mind, though. And if he did, well, he certainly never said anything about it.
You were quite sure he tuned you out during your rambles, hardly ever sparing you a glance and keeping his eyes trained on his parchment in front of him as he took dutiful notes during lectures.
Couldn’t be you, however.
You were too busy lamenting about the fact that you couldn’t get more than twenty feet to the mooncalf herd up the hill behind the quidditch pitch before they would all run off. They only came out at night, you see, and you wanted to take some photos of them. Some photos turned into midnight picnics, and picnics turned into sharing apple slices by means of throwing them towards the bug-eyed beasts and watching them argue over the slice until you threw another. But even after feeding them forty seven apples and counting at this point (Winky the house elf from the kitchen was not pleased with you), they still wouldn’t let you get any closer to them.
Your next course of action was to try a smellier and higher value treat; you wondered then if mooncalves could have tuna? Tuna was certainly smelly enough. Well, if you couldn’t entice the mooncalves, you’d certainly entice a cat or two. 
You wondered then if mooncalves and cats got along? Kneazles were nearly the same size as the poor beasts, but cats were much smaller. You figured cats would look at a mooncalf the same way they’d look at a goat. 
You’d seen a cat ride a goat once, not many people believed you, though. You’d have to learn how to make a pensieve one day just to prove it to everyone. You didn’t much care for goats, though; something about their square pupils seemed alien to you. 
Which seemed odd considering there were numerous beasts in the magical world that really were quite alien, yet it was  goats that did it for you.
And why were they always associated with the devil? Was it because of the square pupils? Do you think there’d be a book that explained that?
But you didn’t even realise that the period had ended until Regulus stood and collected his books, offering you a curt nod before leaving the classroom. 
Fuck….do you think he’d let you copy his notes? 
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Merlin’s tits, she never stops talking! I feel bad for the poor sod stuck next to her; Black probably wants to avada himself every class. You heard a classmate mutter as you walked to your workbench, movements slowed as you lowered yourself into your chair and tried not to let their words hurt you. 
You were used to the comments, you were used to the sentiment honestly; did they think it was easy being you? Did they think you didn’t get tired of listening to yourself too? 
Of course you did, it was exhausting; your brain never stopped moving, and apparently, neither did your mouth.
But it did hurt a little, perhaps because Regulus had been quite gracious about it thus far. He had listened to you carry on about the astrological significance of space waste and how that was affecting the magic of the stars. He had listened to you bemoan about the positive impact that centaur migration had on local flora and fauna and how the fencing of fields and forests was going to cause unimaginable damage to the life cycles of such. He also had listened to your morose mooncalf story and the update the next day that you were able to order cans of tuna via owl to the castle.
And he’d not so much as bat an eye at you.
Certainly he’d have said something to you if you bothered him? 
Although, perhaps this was why Slughorn put him beside you, because he knew Regulus wouldn’t say anything; had Regulus done something to anger Slughorn? Was placing you beside Regulus less about you driving your seat mates crazy, but more about being a punishment for Regulus?
Well, you couldn’t imagine Regulus had done anything bad enough to deserve a full term with you as a potions partner.
No, you decided, you would not be his punishment.
So when Regulus entered class that day, and Slughorn read out the instructions for today’s potion brew, you resisted the urge to speak.
You were quiet when retrieving your potion ingredients, you were quiet as you checked and double checked the brewing instructions, and you were quiet as you waited for the potion to reach its boiling point. 
You actually thought you’d done quite well; you sort of wished you had started a timer, this may very well have been a record for you. 
Well, unless sleeping counted. Would sleeping count as being quiet? Oh gods, what if you talked in your sleep too!? You’d have to ask your roommates.
“L/N.” Regulus called as if it hadn’t been the first time he’d done so. “You alright?” He asked, ducking down in an attempt to meet your gaze as you watched a divot appear between his brows.
“Yeah? Why?” You asked, finding yourself furrowing your brows in solidarity; you found Regulus to be too pretty to look so worried. 
He shrugged his shoulders and straightened up, though the space between his brows remained divoted. “You’ve been awfully quiet, s’all.” He murmured quietly, and you were surprised to see a dusting of pink on his cheeks.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” You muttered perhaps pointedly; his eyes narrowing to match the furrowed brows. 
“Says who?”
Your eyes traitorously darted to the students who had been discussing your habits, and Regulus followed your gaze.
He rolled his eyes and muttered something in French under his breath as he turned his attention back towards your shared potion. “Those tossers are just mad that they have nothing of value to say.”
You more felt than heard a disbelieving breath escape your lips as you looked at Regulus in bemusement. 
He didn’t seem to notice though, as he continued to the next step in your potion and carried on. “Did the tuna work?”
You stared at him dumbly before your brain kicked back into gear. “I beg your pardon?”
“The tuna.” He repeated. “For the mooncalves?”
“Oh.” You started, giving your head a shake as you tried to find your balance you had long lost during this conversation. “Erm, no, but I did indeed attract a few cats.”
“Ah.” Regulus offered, smiling at you (or at the expected poof from the potion signifying that the two of you had brewed it correctly thus far). 
“Also, I found out why goats are often associated with the devil, but the book you’d be looking for is Biblical in nature.”
You stared at him with your mouth agape as he continued. “There’s a quote where that Christ bloke mentions something about separating people from one another just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. They’re used as a metaphor for the ‘bad’ or ‘inferior’ member of any group; it could also be understood as the divide between the pure and the wicked. I say goats got a bad rap, though.”
The next step in your potion brewing process was to allow the potion to simmer until it turned a milky white colour, so Regulus lowered the heat before appearing to remember something.
“I almost forgot…” He started as he began rooting through his book bag. “I asked the shopkeep at Brood & Peck, and she said this is a favourite of mooncalves; maybe you’ll have more luck tonight?” He asked as he held out a parchment of beast treats to you. 
“You’ve been listening? This whole time?” You whispered in awe as you took the bag delicately as if  he had just handed you a delicate china dish. 
His brows furrowed again as he searched your eyes. “Well…yeah? I’m rather invested now.” He explained just as your potion turned its intended colour. 
“Very good Mr. Black, Miss. L/N.” Professor Slughorn commented as he walked past your workbench. 
You were alerted to the fact that class was over when everyone’s potions were vanished with a pop and students started to pack up their belongings.
“You’ll keep me posted, yeah? About the mooncalves?” Regulus asked as he started walking backwards towards the door. 
“Sure.” You murmured, earning you a wide smile from the notoriously quiet boy. 
Yes… You’d be more than happy to keep Regulus Black posted.
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alixmarauders · 24 days
Balance is key | Regulus Black x fem! reader
Regulus Black x clumsy fem! reader who has a crush on him
part 1, part 2
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You were sitting at the back of the class alone, your Gryffindor friends not being around, probably too hung over from the night before to listen to McGonagall’s voice for two hours straight.
You yawned slightly, when you felt the chair next to you being dragged, and then someone falling into it. You turned your head, then you widened your eyes. Next to you there was Regulus Black, Sirius’ brother but, most importantly, your all time crush.
“Hey, Y/N” He smiled at you, you could swear your heart was about to stop.
“Hey Reggie- I mean Regulus?” You blushed, you were already making a fool of yourself, you couldn’t believe this.
“Reggie’s fine, how was last night?”
You were about to respond, when McGonagall interrupted you abruptly, scolding you about not paying attention, making you both look down at your notes.
An hour went by, and you were bored out of your mind; you started rocking on your chair absentmindedly. It was all fine, until Regulus decided to look over at you, making you loose your balance. You squinted your eyes, preparing yourself for the fall, but it didn’t happen. You slowly peeled your eyes open, noticing Regulus with his wand pointed at you.
“L/N, I thought I made it clear not to rock on these chairs. Mr. Black, great promptness, 10 points to Slytherin.”
You quickly adjusted yourself on your chair, trying to hide yourself behind your hair while blushing.
You thought you had gone mad, your crush couldn’t possibly be calling you cute. You turned around to thank him, but while doing so, your hand knocked all of your papers off your desk.
McGonagall didn’t even comment on that, shaking her head, while you knelt, trying frantically to collect all of your papers but inadvertently hitting your head on the wooden surface, making Regulus kneel under the desk as well.
“Love, what the fuck is happening”
He called you love.
“Regulus, would you please stop flirting with the girl? If you keep this shit up, she’s going to kill herself somehow.” Evan was watching the scene unravel behind you, rolling his eyes slightly.
“F-flirting?! Oh my fucking-“
“L/N! 10 points from Ravenclaw”
“Oh, what the fuck?!”
“Make that 20!”
You decided to keep your mouth shut, while Regulus chuckled lightly. “Easy for you to laugh, you just gained 10 point while I lost 20”
He stared at you. “Fuck!”
“Mr Black, 10 points from Slytherin. I can’t believe you guys.”
You widened your eyes, while he just chuckled. “Happy now, love? Now, can we please go sit? And then talk, maybe?” You nodded, your heart galloping in your chest.
You sat back down, trying to distract yourself by taking notes, though it didn’t seem to work at all.
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When the lesson ended, you started collecting your papers, while peeking at the boy next to you, who seemed in no hurry, putting all of his stuff away slowly.
“Hey, Y/N” You stopped abruptly, looking at his eyes, then looking at your hands. “Are you free on Saturday?”
You widened your eyes. “Me? Yes! Yes I don’t have anything to do! Nothing at all! Could stay with you all the weekend-“ You stopped, why the hell were you behaving that way. Embarrassing.
“I mean, maybe we should start with a picnic at the Black Lake, but if you want to spend the night…” You looked up at him, you were sure you were burning up somehow.
“Oh… Sure, so it’s a date?” You slapped a hand on your face, accidentally hurting yourself. Why did you have to make everything awkward?
“Yes, sure! It’s a date” You peeked through your hands, Regulus was smiling kindly at you; he gently peeled your hands away from your face and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“Cute. See you on Saturday”
That was official. The Firewhiskey must have done a number on you, because there was no way this was happening.
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potteraep · 2 months
- Bros the type to!
-yuuta okkotsu x gn! Reader
-I’ll still write for hp and Reggie yall I swear but I love this man so bad I can’t
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-Bro’s the type to reassure you unconditionally !
-yuuta knew deep down he wasn’t always good with words or knowing what they meant all the time, so he tried his best to reassure you anyway other way
to taking you on little ( and stupid) cute dates whenever a slight mood seems down but even just because he loves you to remind you just how deep that love ran.
on a picnic or walk in the park? He’ll shyly hold your hand thru out the whole trip continuing the conversation so he wouldn’t have to keep his mind on your soft hand in his.
he’d run to flower shops buying a boquet of your favorite flowers with a personalized message about how much he loved you
On Mornings after long days he’d sneak to go get you coffee and a small snack, he’d bring a pen with him to write little hearts and notes about how pretty you were and playing it off as the server probably did it on a wrong order
other times it was more simple actions like kissing your hand before leaving somewhere or just when he held it
or the way his arm snaked around your waist protectively when the train was to crowded, or the way he’d kiss your cheek in public while standing in crowds to remind you he was there
-Bro’s the type to keep so many pictures of you !
-he never really took pictures of himself or pretty things, most of his camera consisted of schedules important dates papers and his friends
it wasn’t until he met you he found his gallery had increased by hundreds of pictures of you( and him) you laughing, you eating, you in general,and even you all sad and crying over a sad movie
he’d made you his lock screen and even getting help from inumaki to use widgets so he could see your smile everytime he looked at his phone
He loved those pictures and picking them out into favorites would take him a lifetime to sort out
but he loved pictures of you holding his hand, of you kissing his cheek and where you just looked at him with such love in your eyes even a mad man could see what you felt for him and what he felt for you.
he’d sometimes even borrow inumakes Polaroid camera to put the pictures in wallet and phone case ( some even sitting on his dresser and nightstand)
-bros the type to be the first to like all your posts !
-yuta kept his social media accounts private and only have less then ten followers only being his jujutsu friends, and you
he’d check your account all the time just to relish in how absolutely perfect you were, burying his face in his hands as his face turned redder with every picture he’d seen of you
and maybe his constant check was the reason he always saw your posts the second they came out he’d smile liking it immediately and commenting about how lucky he was and pretty you were
he’d be so proud to say he’s your boyfriend at seeing how much people seemed to like you as he did but he was sure it wasn’t possible to love you more then he does.
he’d come to you in person kissing you saying how gorgeous you looked as usual and how much he loved you
he’d talk about the pictures to , inumaki, panda and even Gojo had gotten an earful of how pretty you were and how lucky he was to have you
-Bros the type to be a cuddle monster!
yuuta basked in your love and affection it being his drive, he’d give anything to lay with you all day without a worry his hands tracing shapes on your hips to stimulate his thoughts and his head on your chest listening to your heart beat
He doesn’t like to admit it but he loves it so much the second you kiss his head and run your hands thru his fluffy black hair he’s hook, line, and sinker and he knows he’s so done for
he’ll fall asleep with his body being held against yours or your arms wrapped around him like a blanket, he doesn’t mind ever and would drop just about anything to be near you
he’d never admit to his friends he loved it so much already being teased relentlessly for the fact a picture of you having yours arms around him while he nuzzled his head in your chest was his wallpaper
he loved the feeling he got when you’d kiss his head or cheeks while he laid with you his hands trailing a promise ring on your finger the cold metal making his brain run in circles
He swore he had heart eyes the second you would bring his face up and leave little kisses on his face making him smile and laugh like a little boy with a school crush.
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lonelywitchv2 · 1 year
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summary: it’s safe to say you didn’t expect company when you snuck out for a picnic with Regulus, your relationship more forbidden than the forest itself.
content: the marauders basically being your older brothers after you grew up next door to the Potters, protective and angry James and Sirius, Sirius and Regulus still being on bad terms, fluff turned slight angst, short, food, teasing, mentions of Sirius and Regulus’ parents 
wc: 587 (just a little blurb)
part ii part iii
join my taglist!
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“So you’ve never read Pride and Prejudice?” You asked, almost offended by your discovery.
“No. Do you happen to remember that my parents are blood supremacists who forbade me from reading muggle literature?” Regulus responded.
“Okay, maybe I forgot. Either way, this is unacceptable. Reggie, it appears we have found our next book to read.” You announced, picking up a strawberry that Regulus had been reaching for.
“Oi! I was gonna grab that one!” He exclaimed, trying to reach for the red fruit, only to have you pull your arm away from him.
“You snooze, you lose,” You said with a shake of your head.
However, right as you went to bite into the sweet berry, Regulus tackled you, his body hovering over yours and your wrists pinned against the picnic blanket laid on the grass.
Throughout being tackled, you somehow managed to continue your hold on the strawberry, refusing to yield to him.
“You could’ve just asked to split it and I would’ve done it, love,” You pointed out, cocking your eyebrow.
“Well, this is much more fun. Isn’t it?” Regulus’s voice dropped to a whisper, his face lowering closer and closer to yours.
“It is…” You breathed out, lifting your head up until Regulus’s lips were pressed against yours, his hair brushing against your forehead.
The blissful silence was broken by a loud shout.
“What the hell is this?!” Sirius yelled, causing the two sixteen-year-olds to quickly break apart, scrambling to opposite sides of the blanket with their eyes wide in horror, the strawberry long forgotten.
You opened your mouth to respond but faltered at the rage burning in Sirius’s eyes.
“What is it Padfo- what in Merlin’s name is going on here?!” James’s eyes fell upon the sight of Regulus and you, his big brother mode immediately activating.
All words of defense and explanation quickly disappeared from your tongue, unsure of how to respond to the obvious rage emitting from the two boys.
“James, Sirius, I... I can explain- we can explain, please-” You stuttered out, struggling to get any words out of your mouth as your panic set in.
“No. No, c’mon Y/N, we’re leaving,” James said, his voice as firm as his grip on your arm as he pulled you off of the blanket, glaring at Regulus and dragging you away from the Black brothers- one of which was frozen in horror, the other seething with rage.
“Y/N-!” Regulus called out, going to stand before falling back from a shove from Sirius.
“What the fuck, Regulus?!” Sirius exclaimed, “Why her? Out of every girl in this school, you chose the one who’s like a little sister to me- is it to get back at me for leaving?”
“It’s not that, Sirius- I…” Regulus faltered.
“What? Spit it out!”
"Listen, I... I really like Y/N- really like her. Please, I'm not doing this out of vengeance, Sirius. I wouldn't even think about hurting Y/N! Siri… I’m not lying to you, I swear," Regulus stuttered out, the childhood nickname accidentally slipping off his tongue, "It's... real and I've never experienced anything like it before.”
“Godric… I just don’t…” Sirius paused, chewing on his lip, “I can’t do this right now.”
Sirius turned around for a moment, but turned to face his brother once more, “We aren’t done, Regulus. But this? This is.”
Regulus sat there speechless as his brother jogged to catch up to James and you, looking down to see the red strawberry sitting on the blanket, miraculously untouched.
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wordsarelife · 1 year
if you’re thinking of writing anything w regulus black x reader 💓💞 like hc’s about what he would be like in a relationship (would he open doors for u, tie ur shoelace etc etc, restaurant dates) or where reader is all like enemies to lovers with him ?? thank u bby
—dating regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader
summary: headcanons of being in a relationship with regulus black
warnings: none
authors note: did it a bit different than you asked, let me know if I should do a prequel or anything!!
reading your favourite book to him on the astronomy tower, while his head rests in your lap and you're combing through his hair
he's more of a listener, so when you're having dinner in the great hall, you engage in loud conversation, while he just sits and listen, holding your hand under the table
picnic dates where you swap previously read and annotated books and lay on a blanket all day reading them
brought you a record player from hogsmead, that he keeps in his dorm, so you can listen to your favourite songs while you're spending time with each other
he sometimes dances with you in the dark of the astronomy tower, the first time he had said that all the lessons he took had to be good for something at least
swapping love letters or just short little poems you read and wrote down that remind you of each other
regulus is a really thoughtful person, you sit next to him in class and he often brings you quills and paper, because you often forget them. he has always an extra set for you
you're always wearing one of his rings, at the same time he never takes of the little friendship bracelet you had made for him even before you started dating
you're the only one who's allowed to call him 'reggie'
on those evenings you can't sleep, or everything just gets too much, he stays awake with you and reads your favourite chapter of your favourite book, waiting until you eventually fall asleep in his arms
he often buries his head into your hair, because he loves the smell of it. you never stopped buying the same shampoo after you had noticed that
as stated before, he doesn't talk much around other people and he's not really a big fan of pda (he's more of an behind closed doors kinda boy and generally a very private person)
but what he does is say little phrases of encouragement, during school or just sometimes when he deems fitting. for example: "keep going, baby" or "you can do it, sweetheart"
he's used to you so much, that sometimes he just knows when you need time to cool off, so he keeps quiet and combs through your hair
he thinks its funny when you get mad about something someone else did, you're a big ranter. he just watches you, smiling, as you run around the room and utter different sentences in disbelief
occasionally when you do that, you will turn to him and ask him things like: "do you believe they've done that?" and he will answer: "that's really shitty of them, baby"
honestly, he doesn't even care about the others (obviously he does when anyone hurts you etc) but he could listen to you rant for hours
you go to every single one of his quidditch games, enjoying just watching him play
after the games, you often find yourself in the slytherin common room at the piano (just imagine they had one there) while he teaches you note for note how to play it right
every time regulus shows you how to do something (like dancing or playing the piano) he's very patient with you, never rushing or raising his voice when it takes you longer to figure something out
overall you have a super healthy relationship, because you’re honest with each other and talk a lot about your feelings. that wasn’t easy for regulus at first, but you grew up in a pretty loving and open household where you regularly discussed you’re feelings so you helped him learn how to do that. at least that way you could teach him something too.
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gayaristocrat · 2 years
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Key: Smut = {s} Fluff = {f} Angst = {a}
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Male Reader {s}
Request: This is just me being a slut, like my name, but wearing a skirt for Eddie for the first time. Like he’s just rambling and rambling then he notices that you’ve changed from pants to the skirt and then he starts being absolutely feral. Then he spreads your leg and starts kissing his way up your thighs and you’re just leaking like crazy underneath, leaving a wet spot on the front And he makes you keep it on as he rails the fuck out of you
Eddie Munson x FtM! Reader {s}
Request: Omg omg I'm going feral over this but imagine an FTM reader and Eddie Munson but like. Eddie putting a pillow under Reader's back and pressing on their stomach while absolutely RAILING him---
Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {f}
Summary: How would Billy Hargrove be in an a-z fluff?
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Request: Hi I LOVED your billy a-z fluff if you are doing requests can you do another billy a-z but smut? Or headcanon
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Request: What do you think Billy Hargrove will do to help his boyfriend who is scared of sex?
Billy Hargrove x Male reader {f}, {s}
Request: Hi! Going off of Billy helping his bf with his fear of sex, how about Billy planning a beautiful night for his bf who told him they feel confident to have sex and Billy make love to them gently and praised them
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Summary: While Billy was punishing you, you discover a secret about yourself you never know about. 
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Tyler Galpin
Tyler Galpin x Male Reader {s}
Summary: Tyler's boyfriend gives him head as he falls apart at the sight
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Male Reader {s}
Summary: Harry’s boyfriend gives him head while at a very important zoom meeting for work
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Archie Andrews
Yandere! Archie Andrews x Femboy! Male Reader*
Request: So do you still take request? and how is your day? I was thinking yandere Archie Andrew x femboy male reader. I like yandere books btw. The plot is that the reader is new to Riverdale high
Archie Andrews x Mute! Male Reader***
Request: Reading your fics always makes me happy. Would you do a headcanon of archie taking his boyfriend who is mute out on a picnic for their birthday and just being soft to him and affectionate with some soft nsfw
Archie Andrews x Male Reader**
Summary: How would a date night with your heroic boyfriend, Archie Andrews, play out?
Reggie Mantle
Reggie Mantle x Male Reader***
Summary: Since Reggie had been denying you attention, you decided to find it somewhere else, knowing full well how easily jealous he gets.
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American Horror Story
Michael Langdon
Michael Langdon x Male Reader
Summary: Michael takes a liking to the reader and falls for him. Michael wants to ‘question’ the reader, but things get more heated than they should.
|| 1 | | 2 | | 3*** ||
Michael Langdon x FtM! Reader***
Summary: Michael has a hard day at work, but thankfully he can come home and relieve his stress every day.
Michael Langdon x Male Reader***
Summary: Being tied up as Michael plays with you like his little rag doll was not how you planned your night to go, especially being denied and teased by him.
Michael Langdon x Male Reader***
Summary: Sometimes its good to just be an obedient little puppy
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Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
Ambrose Spellman
Ambrose Spellman x Male Reader**
Summary: Could Ambrose Spellman really have found the love of his life or is he just another summer fling?
Ambrose Spellman x Male Reader***
Summary: What could possibly make Ambrose Spellman punish his sweet little boyfriend?
Father Blackwood
Father Blackwood x Male Reader***
Summary: Reader and Sabrina try to come up with a plan to get back at Weird Sisters, but he wants to do something bigger. But what happened when things take a turn?
Harvey Kinkle
Harvey Kinkle x Male Reader ** (angst to fluff)
Summary: It's time for Harvey's boyfriend to confess a secret, but will things go as planned?
Nicholas Scratch
Nicholas Scratch x FtM! Reader
Summary: Nicholas spends a special holiday with his boyfriend
|| 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4*** ||
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Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester x Male Reader***
Summary: Sam and reader both hate each other and they work out their frustrations together
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Misc. Characters
Mike Schmidt
Mike Schmidt x Male Reader***
Summary: Mike wants nothing more than to fuck his boyfriend’s ass into oblivion. But in order to do that, his boyfriend must teach him patience and obedience first
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r0mantic-f00l · 8 months
I've actually decided to write my boy happy for once?? unheard of, I know
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Champagne Conversation
Stars bloomed in the sky like the spring flowers blossomed in the ground, each one glowing brighter than drops of heaven in the Sun.
The night air was cool, was brisk, was welcoming as you leaned back on the picnic blanket, watching as the black sky showcased its wonderful stars and Moon.
Soft music was playing from a radio you insisted on bringing along, claiming to your boyfriend that you could carry the large, dense object through the street (yet he still took it away from you to carry it himself, although it was just as heavy for him as it was for you).
Wrappers of chocolate and packets of strawberries rested by the picnic basket, thrown lazily by it as you two couldn't stop looking at each other to properly place the rubbish in the basket, or rather the bin.
Regulus sat beside you, pouring two glasses of champagne as you waited, and you both laughed when Regulus had spilled the champagne slightly on your dress, though the boy did apologise profusely and you laughed away his unnecessary apology.
Regulus gave you your glass, which had a strawberry floating on top of the champagne, and you thanked him, smiling as you took a sip of your drink after you sat up.
He also took a sip, and made a disgusted face as he swallowed the champagne.
"Reggie, I told you not to drink it if you don't like it." You giggled.
"I do like it!" He tried to proclaim but you shook your head, still laughing whilst you did so.
"Don't lie, you hate it!"
Regulus sighed before nodding his head, his wavy black hair flopping over his forehead as he did so.
"I do hate it." He muttered.
"Then why do you drink it?" You asked with a grin as you took the champagne flute away from your boyfriend and placed it down on the lid of the flat strawberry packet.
"Because you like it."
"You drink it because I like it?"
You chuckled, taking a sip of your champagne before speaking once again.
"So if I jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?"
"Yes." Regulus answered, no hesitation or pause before his response.
"But why?" You giggled, to which the boy smiled brightly, his smile mimicking the shine of the stars above.
"Well I wouldn't want you to jump off a bridge, I desperately wouldn't. But if you really, completely, wholeheartedly wanted to, well I'd jump first so I can see if it's safe enough for you to do so."
"And if it isn't safe and you break many bones and end up in hospital?"
Regulus grins. "Well thank Merlin it was me rather than you."
You shook your head, placing your glass down next to Regulus'.
"No, Reggie, you need to put yourself first."
"Above you and your needs?"
"Yes!" You said exasperatedly, though your smile still lingered.
"Well no. That's just impossible. Of course I'd put you above everyone and everything else in this entire universe. There's not a single scenario where I wouldn't protect you instead of myself."
"Well, that makes us both fucked."
Regulus tilted his head in confusion. "Why?"
"Because there's not a single scenario I wouldn't protect you instead of myself."
He chuckled, making you huff.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Mon amour, you couldn't carry a stereo down the street."
"That has nothing to do with me protecting you!"
"It has everything to do with you protecting me."
"How so?" You crossed your arms as your tongue poked the inside of your cheek whilst Regulus found your defensive expression adorable.
"If you're not strong enough to carry a stereo, how are you strong enough to protect me from, say, a lion?"
Regulus chuckled, yet he was slightly perplexed at your response.
"Yes, love. Love makes you strong."
"Hm. Does love make you stupid?"
You gasped in fake offence, and shoved the boy's shoulder gently.
Regulus laughed, throwing his head back as you joined in with his laughter.
Eventually, you both began to calm down from your giddiness, and Regulus leaned on his elbow, laying on his side as he gazed at you, that soft smile never leaving his face.
"I will still protect you even if you try and protect me instead. The tiger wouldn't even get a single scratch on your beautiful body."
You smiled, leaning closer to him to nuzzle his nose.
"Hm, I wouldn't even let you get close to the tiger."
You kissed him, both of you still smiling as your lips touched.
Pulling away, Regulus rested his forehead on yours as he intertwined yours and his fingers together.
"I wouldn't even let you be in that situation."
You sighed.
"Fine. You win."
The boy chuckled, pecking your left cheek before you rested your head on his shoulder.
"I always do."
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invisibleraven · 3 days
32 dust motes for Rulie?
"Where to next?" Reggie asked, wiping at his sweaty brow.
"The attic," Julie grimaced. "It's the worst, which is probably why I left until last."
"Well I'm here, we can tackle it together," Reggie reminded her, reaching for the cord that would lower the attic stairs.
Julie went up first, waving away the dust motes that floated in the air, the smell overwhelmingly musty and stale. A veritable sea of boxes reached out in front of her, and she sighed, moving aside for Reggie to come back.
"Holt pack rat Batman!" Reggie exclaimed as he saw the mess there. "Okay, where do you want to start?"
"Well anything marked Carlos is his to deal with," Julie replied diplomatically. "We can divide and conquer the rest."
"You sure?"
Julie looked at the boxes marked with her mom's name, and nodded, not able to speak around the lump in her throat. As much as it was going to hurt to go through her stuff, Julie knew it had to be done.
They started in, tossing garbage, putting holiday stuff aside to be sorted through later, and left most of her dad's boxes for him-Julie wasn't sure what his system was, but she wasn't messing with it.
That left Julie's own sparse collection of boxes, which they got through rather quickly. Reggie occasionally jibbing at her for old drawings and dorky photos, but she had done the same to him when they had cleaned out his childhood bedroom, so she supposed it was fair.
Then it was time to tackle Rose's boxes. Reggie reached over and squeezed her hand, giving Julie strength as she opened the first box. It was filled with postcards from her aunt, the two of them having written back and forth as Rose toured the country in her youth. Julie put those aside-Tia might want those.
It didn't hurt as much as Julie thought, shifting through these memories. She got to share them with Reggie, making him laugh, smile, and even tear up right along with her as she did.
"I wish I could have known your mom," he said wistfully.
"Me too," Julie replied quietly. "She would have loved you."
He pulled her in for a hug at that, and Julie held him tight at that, hoping he didn't mind the tear tracks she was surely leaving in the shoulder of his flannel.
"Okay, next box."
In it there were a bunch of photo albums-some from Rose's youth, some of Julie and Carlos as kids. Given their father's profession, there was never any shortage of photos. Julie flipped through one from just before Carlos was born, grinning at her tiny form in various costumes, sometimes with an equally tiny Carrie.
"No Flynn yet?" Reggie asked.
"We met in kindergarten," Julie replied, flipping further ahead, showing him a picture of the two of them. "See?"
The next page showed a heavily pregnant Rose and Julie at the park, grinning wide as they enjoyed a picnic.
Then... a picture Julie didn't remember being taken. Nor the little boy sharing ice cream with her in it. But there was something about him niggling her brain.
She turned to Reggie who was looking ashen as he took in the picture. "Julie that's me."
Reggie nodded. "That's me, when I was five or six? We came to LA for a vacation, and I wandered away from my mom. A nice couple found me, got me an ice cream, introduced me to...their daughter."
Julie got very fuzzy flashes of a little freckle faced boy, eyes red with tears that smiled when she offered to play with him. Giggles on the swings, and then... nothing.
He sniffed, grinning. "Well this is a story to tell the grandkids. Fate is funny that way."
"Also," Julie said. "This means you did get to meet my mom."
"I really did," Reggie replied, kissing her temple. "And she was great."
"Yeah," Julie said, looking at the picture, unable to help but smiling. "She really was."
They all had a good laugh and cry when they showed Ray the picture later that night. And years later, when they got engaged, that picture, and the one they took recreating the image, was the one that went on all of their invitations.
Fate indeed.
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monachopsis7209 · 1 year
regulus black as the prince
james potter as the personal guard
prompt : letters, 27 june
royal au, 423 words, letters @jegulus-microfic
as the royal prince’s personal guard, it was james’ duty to protect him at all costs. that included following his royal highness, prince regulus of the black house, as he went through his daily tasks. walking through the courtyard of the grand castle, going to events and fairs that happened in village and most of the time, just sitting in the gardens or regulus’s room.
the young prince wasn’t very tall, nor was he built. he did however have beautiful dark curls that sat atop his head, contrasting with his fair skin. his eyes were like grey clouds on a rainy day. regulus had many unnoticed freckles that only james knew of because of the many times he’d watch the prince smile while walking in the garden or greeting villagers while the sun was up and shining.
sir james on the other hand, was at least a whole head taller than the prince and was pretty well built. he had jet black hair that fit perfectly with his tan skin. his bright hazel eyes had woody green flecks in them when the sun shined in his face that was only noticed by regulus when they went out in the gardens for walks.
this made both regulus and james seem very attractive to the common folk (and unknowingly to each other). because of that, they would both get confessions and love letters.
once on a walk around the nearby village, a pair of girls were following them. after a while, james had had enough of the giggling girls and regulus was also getting annoyed, so sir james turned around and confronted the girls. both the giggling girls passed a letter, each to the prince and his guard.
it’s been about 3 years since this whole thing started. they made it a tradition or personal routine to open and read all the letters and notes the both of them had received at the end of the week. james would have to endure the hundreds of confessions that regulus would receive and vice versa.
it took some time for both of them, separately, to realise that the feelings that they felt was just pure jealousy. james would start acting weird after seeing regulus feel impressed by a certain confession and regulus would start acting defensive when james did the same thing.
about 10 years later, both the prince and his guard, now husbands, would answer the same thing when someone asks “how did you realise you loved him?” “letters. all the letters and confessions he received”.
bonus point:
~ wolfstar exist in this universe, sirius is the next in line for the throne, and remus is his servant(?). kind of like merthur.
~ jily happens platonically. lily is one of the baker girls who’s close friends with remus. and becomes james’ friend because he’s always down in the kitchens looking for a snack after a walk in the gardens or getting something for a picnic with reggie.
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Jughead and Betty's Picnic Basket, A Collection (Part 1)
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From Archie’s Pal Jughead #121 (1999).
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From Betty #64 (1994).
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From Jughead Double Digest #46 (1997).
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From Betty and Veronica #165 (2001).
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From Jughead #245 (1975).
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From Laugh Comics #235 (1970).
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From Crowd Control, Betty and Me #170 (1988).
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From Bland to Grand, Betty and Veronica Comics Digest #150 (2004).
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From No Fuel Like an Old Fuel, PEP Comics #296 (1974).
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From Fan Elan, Archie #490 (1999).
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From Trick Schtick, PEP Comics #354 (1979).
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From The Edge, B&V Summer Fun #5 (1998).
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From Flirt Alert, Jughead’s Double Digest #1 (1989).
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From Feed Deed, Archie’s Girls Betty and Veronica #130 (1966).
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From Munch A Bunch, Jughead Double Digest #1 (1989).
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From Some Changes Made, Archie's Pals 'n' Gals #54 (1969).
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From Getting Antsy, World of Betty and Veronica #6 (2021).
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From High Jinx, Archie Giant Series #553 (1985).
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From We Love You Madly, Reggie and Me #52 (1971).
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From Scene Stealer, B&V Summer Fun #6 (1999).
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From Size Revise, Archie Giant Series #552 (1985).
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From Winner Takes All, Laugh Comics #366 (1981).
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From Meal Zeal, Jughead's Jokes #46 (1975).
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From Doggin' It, Jughead's Jokes #55 (1977).
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From Lunch Bunch, Jughead’s Jokes #78 (1982).
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From Shrewd Dude, Jughead’s Jokes #55 (1977).
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From Treasure Pleasure, Jughead #304 (1980).
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From Action Reaction, Jughead's Jokes #46 (1975).
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From Switch Pitch, Jughead’s Jokes #61 (1978).
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From Rescue Miscue, Archie Giant Series #463 (1977).
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arcadekitten · 10 months
If you had an unlimited budget what kind of merch would you want to make?
Oh MAN if I could do like, anything...
Hold on I'm about to get really self-indulgent
-I would love to make plushies, most definitely! They'd have chibi-esque faces to match their chibi proportions, and maybe even some would come with special accessories (like detachable glasses and hair accessories)
-I would make official cosplays! I don't think I ever really see official merch stores do that but man it would be cool! Luckily I feel like many of my characters are pretty easy to piece cosplays together for already, but being able to supply clothes that were accurate for the stuff you wouldn't be able to find otherwise would be cool!
-I would make figures. But not just figures! Figure sets! I remember my friend once told me about a dream he had where my characters had blindboxes, and he got a Reggie and a Twyla from a sleepover set and a Mary from a picnic set! While I don't think I'd want them to be blindboxes(because I'd hate making people feel like they'd have to gamble!) I would love to have little mini-figurine sets like that!
-An official card set. They'd be a lot like Hyllindrix's cards from Blackout Hospital, but using my characters for the different numbers and suits etc! (The four aces would definitely be Mary, Reggie, Vasilis, and Hyllindrix himself! Or maybe Hyllindrix would be better as the joker card haha?)
-Calenders!! I have always dreamed of making a calendar and I'd have a special illustration to match each month!
That's all I can think of right now haha! I know it's very unlikely I'd be able to do a lot of these if any, but a girl can dream! ♡
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Regulus, you sneak
January 14th-
James: Happy Valentine's day, my love *hands him a big bouquet of flowers and a ten page handwritten letter*
Regulus, schocked: Oh... *blushes becuase he realizes what happened* thank you, baby
James, gleams
Valentine's Day Morning-
Regulus, kissing James' face awake
James: Mm. *hugs him* What is this for?
Regulus: I planned a day for us.
James: Oh?
Regulus: Mhm. We'll have breakfast with Sirius and Remus *kisses James' temple* then we'll go to the forest where we'll have a picnic in our lake *kisses James' other temple* and at night; I'll make love to you under the stars *kisses forehead*
James, teary: Oh.
James: I'm not complaining, *sniff* but why?
Regulus: Because today is all about you, mon soleil. Now let me ravish you Jamie, or Sirius will burst through that door and kill be for what I'm about to do to his best friend
James bursts out laughing, his hand running through Reggie's hair while Reggie indeed, ravishes his lover.
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innytoes · 11 months
Apple orchard dates for Rulie?
For Reggie's birthday that summer, Julie had adopted an apple tree with him. Sure, it wasn't as exciting as her gift last year (adopting a dog together), but he still beamed when he read the certificate. Included was a trip to the orchard, where you could pick all the apples from your tree to take home. "I love apple pie!" he crowed. "Can we really go visit my tree in the fall?"
"Yep," she beamed, and he cheered, showing off the picture of 'his' tree to all his friend, proudly talking about how Strong and Productive their child was, look at all those apples. Julie tried not to laugh, or blush at the implications.
So before her visit, she called and orchard to make sure everything was ready for them, and on a beautiful sunny autumn day, they set off, Ellie happily panting in the back seat next to the picnic basket and blanket they'd brought. And Reggie's camera, of course. He loved being Ray's assistant, but he was gunning for taking over some clients on his own instead of always being second shooter.
So of course Julie agreed to 'wear something pretty' so he could practice his skills, though she insisted he did too, so they could take some couple portraits with the little remote as well. So Reggie had swapped his t-shirt for a nice button up, and Julie had made sure her dress matched his flannel, and even Ellie was wearing a cute red bowtie slipped on her collar.
They had a blast all day. The orchard also had some alpacas that Ellie was just fascinated by, and they worked together to get as many apples as they could carry back in the baskets they were given off of AppleToni ("Get it? Like appletini, but a name!").
They spread out their picnic under the tree and had lunch, and maybe a little nap together. She let Reggie have his little photo shoot, laughing when he kept flirting with her, saying things like how it was too easy to get good pictures with such a beautiful model. They took some pictures together, as well, and then, as golden hour was nearing its end, she pulled him close, into a kiss.
"I have a confession," she said, against his lips.
"You already tried one of the apples? I know, I saw you sneak a taste," Reggie said, smirking.
"There's another tree here for us," Julie said, taking his hand and leading him away. He followed, confused, looking back at his camera with a little nervous glance, but the place was deserted other than them. Julie had made sure of it.
A few rows later, they came to the biggest tree in the orchard, the one that had been there originally. The tree was lit up with fairy lights, making it look truly magical in the nearly set sun. And hanging from one of the branches was a wooden sign. Reggie blinked, going over to read it.
Reggie, I want to put down roots with you. Will you marry me?
He turned, gasping when he saw Julie on one knee behind him, with a little open ring box.
"Really?" he whispered, and she nodded.
"I love you more than anything," she said. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes!" Reggie said, all but dragging her up and into a kiss, as Ellie happily bounced around them, barking. Julie carefully took the ring out of the box, sliding it onto his trembling hand, and then kissed him again.
Reggie looked startled when he suddenly heard cheering, as their friends and family popped up from behind several other trees. Dad pulled Reggie into a hug, welcoming him into the family, and Luke and Alex were already popping open a bottle of non-alcoholic apple cider and filling glasses for everyone. Reggie just kept wiping at his eyes to catch the happy tears, staring at his ring finger in awe and delight.
And if in the spring, they got married at the same orchard, blossoms all around, it was just as perfect as their engagement had been.
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
things you said when we were on top of the world + rulie?
Reggie always used to think that, if by some rare, shining chance, he actually got the opportunity to propose to someone, he'd be incredibly nervous, possibly to the point of screwing the whole thing up. 
He isn't nervous, though. The butterflies that swarm in his stomach when he sees Julie, swinging a picnic basket and smiling like the sun, radiant in her yellow dress, joyful even though she thinks it's just a regular, run-of-the-mill Friday evening—
Those are just Julie's butterflies, the ones she's stirred in him ever since she looked him right in the eyes and asked him out. 
She hops into his truck with a giddy little squeal, leaning over the console to kiss him, though they're both smiling too much for it to be much of a kiss. She giggles. 
"Hi, baby." 
Reggie hums. He rubs his nose against hers, which makes her giggle again. 
"Hi, sweetheart." 
He gets a quick nose nuzzle from her too, and then she settles into the passenger seat, looking at him in that bright, lovely way of hers, through her lashes. 
Even if he didn't have a plan, he doesn't think he'd be nervous. Just being with Julie puts him right on cloud nine, and he knows she feels the same. He could ask her right now, and he's sure she would say yes. 
But he's always been a bit of a romantic, so he drives her to his favorite park, all of the way out to the hill where they had one of their very first dates, singing to her favorite songs all the while—
Only blushing a little when "willow" comes on, and she won't stop beaming at him whenever she sings that's my man. 
They spread the picnic blanket and nestle in the middle, admiring the edge of the city. 
They talk about everything and nothing. Julie feeds him strawberries, which maybe makes him blush a lot, but it makes her laugh and scrunch her nose, so he keeps letting her. He gets her back with a bit of peanut butter sandwich, which smears on her lips and between his fingers. Her breath catches before she kisses it away, and he lifts his chin with a victorious smirk.
She kisses that away, too, of course. 
The sun sets beautifully, perfectly, red and orange bleeding into pink and blue, and when she puts her head on his shoulder—
He knows, right then, that this is their time. 
"Hey, Julie?" 
She turns to him with a smile. "Yes, baby?"
"You know, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to love someone like you. Someone so bright, so amazing. Julie—"
And he isn't nervous at all as he unravels from her side to kneel in front of her, although his hands do tremble as he retrieves her ring and holds it out. 
"Would you let me love you forever?" 
Her hands are clasped to her mouth, and she has tears in her eyes, but disbelieving laughter spills out from between her fingers, and he doesn't know what to make of that at all—they had talked—
Then and only then is Reggie nervous. 
She must see it in his face, because her eyes get wide, and she shakes her head. 
"Oh, baby, I'm not…just wait a second." 
He squints as she fumbles for something in the pocket of her dress, only to gasp as she tips a bag into her palm and—
A simple golden band spills out. 
They both giggle helplessly as she shifts to kneel as well. Her eyes shine, and softly, through a smile, she says—
"Only if you let me love you forever, too." 
She shrieks as he tackles her, and they roll into the grass, laughing and kissing and grasping at one another with eager hands.
They have to pick the rings out of the grass later, but it's definitely worth it, and when they walk through the door of the Molina's house that evening, rumpled, grass-stained, and smiling wide, and everyone asks what happened— 
They share a look, lift their hands, and say—
"What else? We said yes."
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legolasghosty · 5 months
107 today please!
Yesss thank you!!! Love these, even if it takes me a few days to have time sometimes! More Hologramssss! (with a lil cliffhanger cause I'm mean and also the thing in question is sort of subject to change)
“Woah, what the heck?!” Luke exclaimed behind her. 
Julie jumped back, suddenly realizing that the light wasn’t in her head. The claw machine, which had been dead for far longer than Rose, was flickering to life. A few of the tiny bulbs on the sign stayed dark, and the grimy glass was still hard to see through, but the faint, tinny music was just how Julie remembered it.
“How is that even possible?” Alex asked, head whipping back and forth between the machine and Phantom.
“Maybe they’re talking?” Reggie suggested. “Computers do that.”
They kept talking but the words faded into the background as Julie spotted something on top of the pile of trinkets, something that definitely hadn’t been there all those years ago when this was a common stop on family picnics.
(Send me a number and I'll write that many words on my WIP and show you!)
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slut-ftv · 1 year
what are ur fav pandalily headcanons?
hi sorry i took ages to reply this has been sitting my drafts for months but anyways!
i’m a firm believer of pandora fell first but lily fell harder
pandora would make lily little paper/ lego flowers instead of real ones because they were sad whenever a flower died. lily’s room is filled with every single one—she never threw any away
once pandora made an offhand remark about how they didn’t really like poetry and lily got suuper offended and made it her mission to make pandora fall in love with it. every year on pandora’s birthday lily would write a poem for them
the poems were so good pandora kept on saying lily should publish them, but lily said she would after the war… of course that never happened. after lily’s death pandora tried to get every one published in a proper book, but died before it could be finished
they met at a slytherin party, when james asked lily to come with him (regulus invited him ofc). lily was fascinated by pandora’s “weird” dancing and asked them to teach her. they met up every week for lessons and then kept on finding excuses to spend time together
lily would steal the marauder’s map and use it to sneak them out of hogwarts and into the forbidden forest for little fairytale dates
pandora was very good friends with the house elves (reggie dragged them along to the kitchens when he went to discuss house elf rights) so they bribed them to make picnics for those forbidden forest dates. (the house elves pretend to be annoyed about the extra work but are secretly thrilled— they’re all massive pandalily shippers)
hope this is ok! i haven’t done any headcanons before so sorry if it’s not great
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