aidyaiden · 4 months
if someone ever asks me my favorite harry potter character i'm so ready to answer "harry potter's dad's best friend's brother's best friend"
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quillkiller · 1 year
also im fucking removing the word casanova from the marauders fandoms dictonary yall are always. always wrong
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crimsonlovebartylus · 4 months
me and my bestfriend realizing nobody knows bartylus like us 🫡
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reggie is my roman empire.
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Sunday February 18, 2024, 3 PM – 5 PM
Alchemy Arts Inc., 1203 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago IL 60660
Your Pal the Pentagram – Liber V vel Reguli
Chalice of Heaven will be starting a series of classes dealing with one of the most iconic symbols of the occult, the Pentagram. This series of classes will be lighter on theory and more about how to use them in rituals. The fourth class will discuss Liber V vel Reguli, an incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, adapted for the daily use of the Magician of whatever grade.
We will discuss an overview and anyone will be welcome to do it. This is the perfect chance to try it if you have never done it before.
Any questions, please email [email protected]
Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1026401038451699/
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superiorkenshi · 1 year
Y a le nouveau chef de rayon il était pas la quand j'ai fais ma colo vue que c'est un alternant et la il ma vue et le boug ma toucher les cheveux??? En disant que c'est jolie (certes il a raison) mais esh qui t'as cru être pour me toucher?? IL MA PAT PAT! J'ai envie de vomir-
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8899000345 · 1 year
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achillvs · 2 years
regukus is joined by regulis in my "way too common typos for regulus" club
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nicolae · 2 months
Web design: CSS - Structura regulilor - Priorități
Există câteva reguli CSS pentru regulile noastre. Există o ierarhie a modului în care sunt aplicate pentru a oferi o aparență de ordine și pentru a evita conflictele. În primul rând, trebuie să luăm în considerare unde se află regula. În general, cu cât fișierul CSS este „mai aproape” de linia de cod care îl folosește, cu atât este mai probabil ca acel fișier CSS să înlocuiască ceea ce se află în…
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asistenta-virtuala · 3 months
START Summer SALE! - Reduceri de până la 90% la mii de titluri!
Temperaturile sunt pe cale să explodeze, iar noi răspundem cu un SUMMER SALE la fel de fierbinte! În perioada 9 – 14 iulie pe Librex este SUMMER SALE, cu reduceri de până la 90% la mii de titluri și pachete speciale de cărți din diverse categorii. Iată câteva titluri de neratat: 1. Pachet Sub soarele din Positano + O vară în Provence Sub soarele din Positano de Nicky Pellegrino – O poveste…
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bmhasdeu · 8 months
Ziua Siguranței pe Internet
  Ziua Siguranței pe Internet se desfășoară anual, în a doua zi de marți a lunii februarie. În anul 2024, această zi este sărbătorită la data de 6 februarie. În această zi sunt organizate diverse activități care au scopul utilizării internetului și a tehnologiei cu responsabilitate, în special de către copii și adolescenți. Această zi este foarte potrivită pentru organizarea diverselor…
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lixzey · 11 months
Monster Among Men
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September 1st, 1972
The family of four eased their way through King's Cross station. The Potters; Fleamont and Euphemia, held onto each of their children—twelve-year-old James and eleven-year-old Y/n—It was their youngest's first year at Hogwarts. 
“Mummy, Jamie's being a little prick!” Little Y/n Potter huffed angrily, glaring at her older brother.
 “James Fleamont Potter, stop bothering your sister.” Euphemia Potter chastised her eldest child, swatting his hand away from his whining sister. 
“Who? Me?” James feigned innocence. 
Euphemia sighed, “What am I going to do with the both of you?” 
“Love us? Buy us sweets?” James smiled cheekily at his mother. Euphemia looked at her children, tears welling in her eyes. Y/n immediately hugged their mother, James following her lead. Euphemia chuckled, as she tried to flatten James' hair—which stood in different directions at the back of his head. She kissed her son's cheek before turning to her youngest child. Euphemia threaded her fingers through Y/n's mass of curls. “My little girl, all grown up! Be sure to write to us as soon you get sorted, Y/n.”
“Don't worry, Effie. Our daughter will be sorted into Gryffindor.” Fleamont beamed at his daughter, ruffling her hair.
Euphemia shot a glare at her husband, causing him to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. “Don't put the wrong idea in your daughter's head,” Effie turned to her daughter. “Any house is fine darling, your father and I will still be proud nonetheless.”
“Don't worry, Mummy. I'm gonna write to you and Daddy every day.”
“Y/n/n's gonna be in Slytherin.” James teased, which he instantly regretted because Y/n stomped on his foot, digging her heel into his shoe.
“Your mother is right, anywhere's just fine.” Fleamont chuckled at his bickering children. “Look after your sister, James. I mean it.” He patted his son on his shoulder twice before taking the twelve year old in his arms into a tight hug.
After releasing his son, he reached out to his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug as well. “Do great things, alright sweetheart?”
“I will, promise!” Y/n hugged her father tightly before pulling away.
“Go on then. Take care of each other, alright?” Euphemia smiled lovingly at her children.
“Yes, Mum.” Both siblings chorused. As soon as the siblings boarded the train, James pulled his sister to the side. “Do you want to sit with me and my mates, or do you want to explore the train?” James asked, tapping his foot impatiently.
“As if I want to sit with you and your smelly friends.” Y/n rolled her eyes at her older brother, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Oh come on, baby sis! They're not bad.” James urged, pulling his sister to a compartment where three other boys sat. 
“Boys, this is my sister, Y/n.” James grinned, introducing his younger sister to the rest of his friends as soon as the compartment door slid open. “Say hi, Y/n/n.”
“Do I look like a house elf to you?” Y/n snapped, swatting her brother's hand off of her arm. “Y/n Potter, sister to this git.” she jerked her head towards James. 
“Can't argue with that, he's a prat.’' A boy with black hair that reached his shoulders chuckled, “Sirius Black, at your service.” 
“Oi, don't flirt with my sister.” James growled.
“I wasn't!” Sirius defended himself, “I'm just being kind.” he smirked. Y/n rolled her eyes at the two, her eyes landing on the two other boys. 
“That's Remus,” James pointed to the scarred sandy brown haired boy, “and that's Peter.” he pointed to a blonde boy with watery blue eyes. 
Y/n waved at the two with a smile, “You boys go ahead and talk about……boy stuff. I'm gonna walk around and explore the train.”
“Don't get in trouble, baby sis!” James teased as he plopped beside Sirius, reaching for a sugar quill in the middle.
“No, you don't get into trouble, Jamie.” 
“Jamie? Merlin, that's cute.” Sirius smirked, playfully punching James on the shoulder. 
“Don't call me that.” James growled, glaring at him. 
Y/n shook her head before walking out of her compartment, eyes wandering through each and every compartment hoping to find a friend. As she wandered through the train's halls, gazing into each compartment she passed, Y/n she bumped into someone. The youngest Potter fell to the ground with an audible thud as the train trudged along the tracks, when she looked up a boy who looked like Sirius was sneering at her. 
“Watch where you're going!” the boy hissed. 
“I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.” Y/n apologized as she stood up, meeting the boy's eyes.
“Clearly, you don't pay attention to your surroundings.”
Y/n scowled, “I said I'm sorry! What's got your wand in a twist?” 
“Let me guess, you're a muggle-born?” The boy sneered, moving away from her as if she was dirt beneath his feet. 
Y/n stood up face to face with the rude boy, “For your information, you little prick,” Y/n glared at the boy. “I'm a pureblood.” she hissed, poking him in the chest, making him scowl. 
“Ah, a Gryffindor in the making then. No wonder.” 
“What's that supposed to mean?” Y/n snapped. 
“Ooh, the little lion has claws.”
Y/n felt her blood boil at the mere sight of this arrogant, pompous, prat in front of her. “Aren't you a little ray of sunshine?” 
“Get out of my way, you filthy blood-traitor!” The boy pushed her hard to the side which made something snap inside of Y/n. She grabbed him by the back of his shirt, forcing him to face her and then she punched him square in his nose with all of the strength her little arms could muster.
The boy winced in pain as he stumbled backwards, clutching his bleeding nose. “You're gonna regret that, you filthy blood-traitor!” he hissed at her. 
“You're threatening me!? How about I  break your jaw!?” 
The boy snarled, before turning to walk away from the angry little witch. Y/n angrily stormed back to the compartment where her brother was. 
“What's got your knickers in a twist, baby sis?” James asked as soon as he saw his sister fuming. “Why's your hand all bloody?” he asked, eyeing his sister's bloody knuckles. 
“I punched some boy who's acting like a prat.” Y/N muttered, pulling out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiping the blood—his blood—off of her knuckles.
“Wow, you're not even in Hogwarts yet, and you're punching people.” Sirius teased, “I like you, you're feisty.”
Y/n's thoughts immediately went back to the boy she had just punched. He looked so much like Sirius, only his face was more annoying than Sirius'. 
“Hey Sirius?”
“You wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you?” Y/n asked, wincing slightly from the pain in her knuckles.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at her, confused. “I have a brother, well, I wouldn't call him my brother anymore because he's a prat. He's starting Hogwarts too.”
Y/N smirked, “Oh, really?” 
“What are you hinting at, Y/n?” Remus asked. 
“Oh, nothing. I just punched that little prick.”
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Hours later, after Sirius' extensive questioning, the train slowed right down and finally stopped. Students made their way toward the door and out onto a tiny, dark platform. 
“First years! First years over here!” A loud voice called, “C'mon, follow me—any more first years? Mind yer step, now! First years follow me!”
“See you later baby sis, I'll save you a seat.” James smiled at his sister, ruffling he curls.
Y/n held his hand, “Jamie, I'm scared.” she mumbled, almost whispering.
“Don't be, you're going to be great.” James gripped his sister's hand tightly. “Whatever house you get sorted in, I'll be proud of you, Mum and Dad will be too.” James pulled his sister close, giving her an assuring hug.
Y/n smiled softly before letting go of her brother's hand and began walking behind the half-giant. The half-giant—Hagrid—led the first year students through the darkness, separating them from the rest of the students who were stepping onto large horseless carriages.
“No more'n four on a boat!” Hagrid yelled through the loud chattering, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. 
Y/n slowly walked to a boat, bumping into other students as she did. She sat at the back of the boat, scooting a little bit more to the side. Suddenly, she heard another voice, which made her blood boil again. 
There he was, the rude little prick. 
“You again?” He snarled. 
“Bugger off.” Y/n snapped. 
The rest of the boat ride was in silence. Both Y/n and the boy sitting beside her glaring at each other the whole ride.
The students hopped off of the boats, Y/N walked as fast as her little legs could carry her, hoping to avoid the rude boy as much as possible. The first years walked through the entrance hall with intricately designed stone walls. A weary woman stood at the top of the staircase. The woman nodded at the first years, before leading a herd of eleven year olds into The Great Hall. The hall was lit by hundreds and thousands of candles hovering in the air over four long tables. Y/n looked around, before spotting a familiar mop of messy black hair. She sighed at the sight of her brother, her worries fading away. 
The woman, Professor McGonagall, stood in front of the little first years. Before placing a four-legged stool in front of the students. On top of the stool, she put an old ratted pointed wizard's hat. The Professor then stepped forward, holding a long roll of parchment. “When I call your name, I will place the hat on your head and you shall be sorted into your Houses.”
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, standing up straight. “Abbott, Amaryllis!”
A blonde girl stepped forward, her hands were visibly shaking as she sat over the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the ratty old wizards hat over Amaryllis' blonde pigtails before it yelled: “Hufflepuff!”
Y/n didn't pay much attention to the next students that were sorted. The youngest Potter was nervous, her hands were all sweaty and shaky from anticipation. What if I don't get sorted into Gryffindor? My whole family's been in Gryffindor.
“Black, Regulus!” Y/n's eyes darted to the boy she has come to hate, barely a day at Hogwarts and she already hates the boy. 
“SLYTHERIN!” the hat shouted, barely even touching his head. Regulus smirked before running over to the Slytherin table, Y/n visibly cringed at the sight of his smug face. 
Professor McGonagall continued calling out names, until it finally came to Y/n. “Potter, Y/n!”
“I knew you'd be a lion just like us.” James grinned. 
Y/n took a deep breath before making her way up to the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the hat over her head, which fell over her eyes.
After what felt like hours, the hat finally yelled: “Gryffindor!” Y/n let out a long sigh of relief before she ran to brother's side.
Y/n smiled before turning her attention away from her brother. Suddenly, her eyes locked with a certain Slytherin. 
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @bobthe-turmpetman29
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alexsavescu · 1 year
Conducătorii auto vor putea contribui la aplicarea regulilor rutiere prin înregistrări video
În România, se află în dezbatere un proiect de ordonanță guvernamentală care ar putea aduce schimbări semnificative în modul în care polițiștii sancționează șoferii care încalcă regulile rutiere. Conform proiectului, polițiștii vor avea posibilitatea de a amenda șoferii pe baza înregistrărilor efectuate cu camere de bord sau camere de supraveghere, precum și a altor mijloace de probă. O noutate…
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cartipdf · 1 year
Învățarea automată a regulilor de asociere în mineritul datelor (data mining)
Învățarea regulilor de asociere este o metodă de învățare automată bazată pe reguli pentru a descoperi relații interesante între variabilele din bazele de date mari. Este destinată să identifice reguli puternice descoperite în bazele de date folosind unele măsuri de interes. Astfel de informații pot fi folosite ca bază pentru deciziile cu privire la activitățile de marketing, cum ar fi, de…
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nixnight1 · 10 months
*James and Regulus before entering a Gryffindor Party*
James: I'll give you an advice
Regulus: You...to me?
James: Yeah. Don't look too serious
Regulus: I'm Regulus
James: You got me there ;)
James: I'm saying, don't look to tight, you know what I mean? Unbutton a little your shirt like this, so you don't look too awkward
Regulus: *doing it like James* Okaaaay
James: Perfect perfect, you don't want to look too pure-blood like, try to look more relax
Regulus: Fine...
James: Like this, how do I look? *with his arms extended and his shirt almost all opened*
Regulis: James, there's a line between being relax and being a MANWHORE
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