#regulus black being a baddie
daemyra-writes · 4 months
what about a bartylus au where kreacher disobeys regulus in the cave and last minute saves him.
panicked, kreacher takes him to the only place where he knows regulus would feel safe and it’s barty crouch jr’s place, but then voldemort finds out about regulus defecting and puts the word out to his followers to find regulus.
evan risks his own neck by tipping barty crouch jr off (because he knows if regulus went into hiding, barty would go with him). evan knows he wouldn’t be able to flee with them because 2 defected DE’s is bad enough, let alone 3. so he stays, knowing he can slip information to them from the inside. oo, spy evan??
so, together bartylus flee to france with what little amount of savings they have and find a small cottage in a remote area. barty who hides them with the fidelius charm (i imagine pandora would have offered to be the secret keeper) while regulus recovers and they plot to hunt down the rest of the horcruxes.
bartylus who make a home in france, even after the war is won. barty crouch jr who learns to speak french. regulus who then gets a muggle job at the local bakery and brings home fresh pastries and bread every day. maybe they also eventually get married ??
anyway. bartylus 💗🫶🏻
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biquinntile · 6 months
Regulus Black's Patronus
if you hc, something different I totally respect it. I know I've seen a lot of folks pick a lion, with him being named after the brightest star in Leo, but I'd like to give my arguments for why I think that isn't the case. I will be using wizard in a gender neutral sense since the Old Hag didn't want us to have a gender neutral term for magic-user smdh
Firstly, it's very hard to not associate the lion with Gryffindor, and I think that an important part of Regulus as a character is the fact that he is a Slytherin. Our leading Slytherins have this running theme of redemption and forgiveness. Regulus's story was really brought up during Draco's time as a Death Eater apprentice or whatever, when Draco was battling with his morals and his duty and his fear. It was supposed to be this parallel because Regulus was the same age when he was recruited into the Genocide Gang. Like, I cannot stress enough how important it is to his character that he was a Slytherin, he was a Death Eater, he was from an elite pureblooded family who were no strangers to dark arts let me tell you that. He had no reason to question his beliefs, to rock the boat, to step to the Baddest Baddie of the time, especially when I'm sure Regulus knew better than anyone what he was capable. Let's remember that not every Death Eater had a dark mark...but Regulus did. And he did it anyway, knowing he could and would day. He did it like a Slytherin too, using trickery and telling no one. Working in darkness. Kreacher was the only being for over a decade that even knew how he'd really died. Tell me that's not a Slytherin at work smdh. And thank Merlin for his Slytherin work ethic. All this to say I loathe any implication that Regulus should have been in Gryffindor or he would have been in another world. He was a Slytherin AND a good person. That's who Regulus was.
Secondly, I think a very important detail about Regulus is the contrast between him and Sirius. The House of Black is a well-known, established family of pureblooded wizards, predominantly Slytherin to boot. They're the elite, the wealthy, and their family's reputation holds a weight in wizard society. People know who the Blacks are, and Walburga and Orion aren't exactly great parents, if how they deal with Sirius shows us anything. I might be drawing too much from my own experience with a judgmental and strict household of dickhead parents, but while some's reaction to a toxic and strict household was to rebel and fight back and go toe to toe with their parents, like Sirius, I felt I related more to Regulus. Being as perfect as you can, never disagree, figure out how to do what they want before they even ask so they can never get upset and mistreat you. Regulus is obeying where Sirius would break the rules, despite them both being able to acknowledge that the rules are broken and/or wrong. They were too different to be able to understand each other, both attributing the other's reaction to a gluttony for misery. Regulus, to me, represents a person that had their entire life laid out in front of them by his family, and yet his final moment is about choice, his ability to decide for himself what he believes is right and wrong. For me, I feel like him being in Slytherin is important because he would have believed that the Sorting Hat decided for him because he was from the Black family, but we all know that the Sorting Hat gives suggestions more than anything. He chose to be a Slytherin the same way that Sirius chose Gryffindor, but they couldn't understand each other's choices. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Brothers turned strangers by the hands of Fate, molded by their experiences without any understanding of what the other person was making. It's devastating.
Thirdly, I'm sure you're thinking, "Okay, tough guy. So his patronus isn't a lion! So what is it then?" Honestly, I'll sign on to anyone who has evidence for why. Patronuses actually tell you a decent amount of information about what kind of wizard you're dealing with. I think his would be a fox because the fox embodies a lot of the more positive qualities of a Slytherin: cunning, quick wit, mysterious. There's a playful mischief there, which is what I imagine Regulus has when he starts getting comfortable, smoking weed in Barty Crouch Jr.'s basement, you know what I mean? I also have this really strong headcanon that Regulus and Sirius were very close before Sirius went to Hogwarts, but with Sirius gone and absorbed in his new Gryffindor friends, Regulus spends those two years hanging out with Kreacher and getting deeper in the pureblood propaganda his parents spit out, driving a huge wedge between them...but before all that, I like to imagine that Sirius used to try to comfort and protect Regulus from the shittier parts of their family, and I imagine that he'd open up the big windows and tell Regulus stories using the constellations, something they both grew up connected to by their family's tradition. I think that Sirius would not have paid attention to all the stories though, and I could see him grabbing from whatever stories he could remember. I like to imagine him telling the story of the Fox and the Hound, unlikely friends, that go up against Narcissus, the flower that was obsessed with its own reflection or The Banshee, the angry mother that would scream until your ears bled. Silly stories told slightly different by Sirius's embellishments and stitching in things he'd forgotten. I don't know it's a soft headcanon but apparently strong enough that I am here making this post, advocating for his patronus to be a fox. So. there's that.
All this to say, don't listen to me if you don't want to! Believe whatever you like, none of this is real. I just kinda wanted to organize my thoughts about it because I've been thinking about him for a long time, and I feel very strongly about this...clearly...lmao
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how i imagine a Regulus Black girl
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enjoys astronomy and always looking out for the moon and stars
loves greek mythology for the drama happening
really good in historic subjects
enjoys a bit of company when reading but wears noise-cancelling earphones when doing so
has hundreds of unfinished notebooks
music in maximum volume all the time
is the youngest sibling but is also the high expectation kid of the family
likes to be on her own but is really scared of feeling really alone one day
sleep procrastination of course
acts like a baddie but deep down really craves attention
creates playlists every week
loves a deep scrub bath every now and then
their music tastes is so specific yet so broad and they know it's superior but being on aux is horrible
want validation but want to feel free of it at the same time
night owl but actually also likes the day sometimes on specific parameters
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(not my pictures (told you I'm a pinterest wh0re ;)))
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mangomonk · 1 year
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ requests are open! ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
at the moment, i only write for
regulus black
sirius black
remus lupin
james potter (maybe?)
i don't currently write smut, but am happy to write angst, fluff, slice of life, etc..
i'm more inclined to write non-generic female!reader/ocs namely because a lot of my writing currently draws from my fics, which centers around southeast asian baddies (as one myself mwah).
i'm just testing the waters right now and playing things by ear, so i'd love to take any requests, but ask for patience and that you're as descriptive as possible with your requests. the more interesting/detailed your request, the more likely i'll write it (that being said, i work full time and already know i won't be able to fulfill every request). i love hearing new ideas esp because i'm in a writer's rut at the moment, so would love to hear about what you're thinking about! let's chat!!
please do not repost or translate!
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youcantbesirius · 3 years
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Pairing: Sirius Black x reader, platonic Regulus Black x reader
Warnings: swearing, plot changes, character death
Y/h - your house
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Sirius watched the y/h halfblood witch sit on the table in the courtyard taking a crispy stick from her Hufflepuff friend putting it in between her lips imitating smoking. And as she let the puff of imaginary smoke go a smile broke on her lips as her shoulders shook likely. Her laugh was one of the most contagious things ever. The way you wheezed in bits of your laughter made even the coldest person crack up.
As your eyes met his, his world seemed to stop. He was loosening his tie seemingly short for breath. You, on the other hand, hopped off graciously and hopped over to the young Gryffindor wrapping your arms around him.
"Sirius! Long time no see" you chuckled as you swayed him from side to side.
"Hi..." he chuckled resting his chin on top of your head.
It was quite funny how the noble heir of the Black family was with the halfblood witch. Yet, it made perfect sense. Your mother was a nanny for the Black brothers. And you were simply there, helping her make some money after she was cast out of the pureblood community for being with a muggle.
Walburga and Orion were hard people. But they paid no attention as long as you were doing what you were told. (Depending on your house) They were, however, very pleased that Slytherin got such a talent. And then your mom found better job at the ministry and your time with the Blacks was over. Regulus and Sirius were your best friends and not being able to see them much was painful.
"I haven't seen you much since the sorting ceremony..." you stated in concern. You knew better than anyone what it must be like for him.
"Yes...I, you know how my parents are" Sirius's hands found yours. Both of you, touch starved kids found solace in your hand holding.
"To the dogs with them as my mum would say" you scoffed looking deep into his eyes "you know I am always there for you, both my mum and I are" and he nodded at your statement smiling softly.
As a friendly, defying in spite attitude, you showed that your attitude was very different than the most. You didn't have to be talented at divination to forsee what type of person would you become.
And the years went by, you were still very much the same, if not even harder. Many things happened, you matured quickly and with it stress came. Sirius and you drifted apart a bit. You were a bad girl of your own and he was a bad boy of his own. The only person who truly knew you inside out other than him was Regulus Black, your guardian angel.
"Lay off the alcohol, y/n/n" Regulus took the bottle from your hands handing it to your Hufflepuff best friend to take.
"I need to let loose, Reg, I need to..." you were leaning your forehead against his chest struggling to stand.
"I know..." he looked around catching the sight of his womanizer brother. Sirius's face, even though tipsy, held so much concern.
In a few quick steps he approached them, ditching his previous conquest. His hand landed on the small of your back as he turned to his brother.
"What's wrong?" Sirius looked down at his friend who was struggling.
"Her mother was hurt, bad this time" Regulus whispered.
"Shit..." Sirius closed his eyes.
"Well, that is the wonder of being an auror, never home, never there but it brings money and might leave your kid an orphan" you spoke bitterly.
And for that reason Sirius decided the Potters were better choice. They had money and he would only burden your mom, not to mention his parents would kill you both if you were to take him in.
"Fucking hell..." Sirius moved the hair away from your face that was still resting on Regulus.
"Let's take her to her dorm" he said to Regulus.
Next morning was probably the worst. Your head seemed like it was about to explode. You shifted on your bed only to meet the eyes of your amused dorm mate.
"I could not believe it when Black brothers brought you up. Like I wasn't so surprised seeing Regulus, but Sirius too. Damn baddie" she chuckled as you silently rubbed your face.
Hogsmeade day, you thought. You cleaned yourself up, ditching your uniform and grabbed your leather jacket. Your rock style was very much refreshing to the school. Tight grey jeans, chain, baggy tucked in t shirt with some random band you loved and of course your black leather jacket. You did your makeup to hide the evidence of last night and decided it was time. So upon arriving you sat on the table in Hogsmeade park, your feet resting on the bench, a cigarette in between your lips to so desperately calm yourself.
Once cheerful, now surrounded by darkness of your aura, still touch starved in desperate need of love. You thought about your life. Of the goals you wanted to reach.
"Pads, I don't think it is a good idea" you could hear panicked Remus.
"Yeah, what if she throws hex at us" the squealing voice didn't help your migraine.
"I know her, Wormtail. She wouldn't" you heard Sirius's annoyed voice.
"Come on guys, what is the worst that could happen" James Potter said.
"Well, I am not sure if this is upgrade from when we were young or a downgrade. Your looks are definitely upgrade" Sirius smiled causing you to raise a brow.
"Are you flirting with me, dear Sirius?" You spoke even though cigarette was still between your lips, shuffling through your pockets to find that bloody lighter.
But Sirius beat you to it, lighting it for you.
"Thanks" you took a puff and looked at the group.
"We need your help" Sirius spoke taking your free hand in his. And just like when you two were young, you felt calmer, but there was something new. Adrenaline rush surged through your body.
"With what?" You took the cigarette out of your mouth looking at the rest of them, your eyes only meeting James's who quickly dropped the eye contact.
It happened with most of the boys. The only two that were able to maintain it, Black brothers.
"W-we heard you are outstanding with nonverbal magic and we need you to help us" Peter, you assumed, spoke but quickly hid behind Sirius as you looked at him.
"Peter, I don't shoot laser nor hexes out of my eyes, I won't hurt you" you stated annoyed.
"I suppose it has something to do with your problem, Rem" you looked at the boy who looked up at you in shock.
"How do you know?" He asked nearing closer to you.
"Animagus, mum thought it would be safer for me. Accidentally saw you guys on my run" you shrugged.
"Did you speak to anyone about it?" James asked.
"Do I look dumb to you? Of course not, your secret is safe with me, Rem" you looked at him and he met your look.
"Thank you so much" he smiled.
"What is your animagus?" Sirius asked "I am hurt you did not tell me"
"You weren't talking that much to me, lover boy. To answer your question it is (your patronus animal or your favorite animal)"
"Nice" James smiled.
As you were about to light another cigarette a hand quickly pulled it out of your mouth and you faced annoyed Regulus.
"No more for today" he scolded earning a laugh from his brother.
"Do we have a deal, (nickname used for your animagus form)?" He asked you as the boys began to leave.
"Mhm, meet me in the library after lunch" you winked at him and for a second you could swear you saw Sirius Black blush.
It was the last year. You and Reg drifted this time, due to his affiliation. Not that you did care about that, bit his excuse was "I am doing this to keep you safe, damn it!"
It was a painful goodbye that still tasted salty. The news of his death brought you more pain that anything ever did. But his heroic act was what brought Voldemort to be defeated and not be a threat ever again. As a part of the Order, your new friends, the Marauders and Lily and well Snape, it was funny how you two became friends. You sat both him and Lily down, locked them in a room, much to James's dismay until they sorted it out. You were in 12 Grimmauld place preparing to leave.
"Stay..." Sirius took your hands "Please..." he looked down at you, at your softly lips.
"Okay..." you whispered looking up at him licking your lips a bit.
"Can I-?" He gulped earning your quick nod.
"Yeah?" And it was the best kiss you ever had in your life, with your childhood friend, crush and the only man besides Reg, that you felt peace.
"Took you two long enough" is all you could hear Kreacher mutter.
Kreacher and you were close. Not only because of Regulus, but you would not let him overdo himself and would send him to rest.
You chuckled at the remark looking up at Sirius.
"Glad to have your blessing, Kreacher" he smiled at the muttering house elf who went to his chamber.
"Now that we are alone..." Sirius smiled leaning back in to give you a long kiss.
"You are insatiable, Sirius" you giggled.
"Don't pretend you don't like it " he cornered you against the table lifting you up on it.
Your love was very affectionate, full of touching, almost like you were attached to a hip. That is why ever since you were younger you were comfort for each other, you were safe haven, you were made for each other.
And after years, there you stood with him watching your children run around with your godson Harry, laughing at James who ran after them trying to get them inside to eat. You looked at Lily who was shaking her head.
"Remus and Severus will be here soon" she notified.
"Good. Haven't seen my touch starved, sarcastic friend in a while" you gave Lily a look making her chuckle.
"Hugs for Severus and chocolate for Remus it is then"
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You got old together, had many memories you decided to store. The funniest being you becoming grandparents. Sirius broke into a fit of sobs seeing his first grandchild.
"See dad, now you represent your initals S.O.B." your son Regulus teased.
"Shut up" Sirius hiccup looking at the little princess of the Black family.
"Maybe her dad won't be as protective as her grandfather will be" your daughter Arabella laughed.
"Oh no boys until 20!" Sirius hugged you as you laughed at him.
"Tsk, you are in position to talk you womanizer" you teased.
"See! I AM! Because I know boys are scumbags, I speak from experience!" He said.
"What if she likes girls Sirius?" You teased.
"Same goes, you were a bad girl!" He attacked your cheeks with kisses earning an ew from your children
"WHEN WE WERE YOUNG!" you protested.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
1. I don't know if this is a stupid question, but what's a meta ? 2. I saw your recent comment on @niffizle 's fic that you hated Cursed Child. Why ? I'm a mudblood when it comes to the HP series as I've only watched the films. I have no opinion on CC, so I'd like to know yours. 3. Dramione is a grave I fell into 2 years ago, from which I'm still unable to dig myself out. So I vowed to not get sucked into any other ship, so I started on Perks just for Dhr, but you've done it, I've fallen for PN
Hi there!
1. It’s not a stupid question. When I first joined tumblr I had no idea what it means. Meta is a bit of a vague notion. It derives from ‘meta analysis’ and that would actually only mean a certain kind of analysis that is about overarching themes or something. Say something like “The ‘not like other girls’ trope in modern Children’s literature” could have a chapter on ‘Harry Potter’. Fandom uses it far more loosely. In fandom context meta is any thoughts, ramblings, analysis, research on characters, tropes etc. that does research on the text and shows we enjoy. For example I wrote something about ‘Did Draco deserve a redemption’ and I used evidence from the text, tropes etc. to argue that at the very least there were some tropes that JKR used that could have worked within a redemption arc (like the parallel to Regulus Black). That would be a meta. I could also write a meta on how Harry in his PoV really does not realize when people are in love (and deduce that Seamus and Dean were a couple since 6th year and that Harry just never realized). Usually metas are done to explore characters or even more important to try to guess where the plot will go. Naturally unfinished books or series induce more metas. I’ve been part of the GoT/ASOIAF fandom for quite a while and they write huge amount of metas (at least the corner I’m in). HP fandom is not so interested in metas. The reason is probably because the books are finished. Imagine something like everyone doing their own posts instead of submitting their takes to @dramionediscussion or the Harry Potter confession blog and making huge posts. Still there are some metas on subjects that are still hotly debated (Severus Snape for example. the fandom will never be of one mind about him).
2. Actually, I gobbled up CC when it first came out. It was after all hyped up.  And there are some things I like. I like that Draco Malfoy is not the baddie (although he is far from redeemed) and I certainly like that he says that he enjoys being bossed around by Hermione (the only really good quote). And Scorpius is just the nicest kid ever. There are several things I do not like about it though. a) Harry is such a shitty father in CC. The man who told his son in the epilogue that it’s totally o.k. if he gets sorted into Slytherin is suddenly not o.k. with that? Mildly rejects his son because of his friendship with Scorpius? Draco is a far better father in CC. b) Astoria (who is nothing more than a blank slate really) is killed off off screen before the play to give Draco man pain. And in a magical world she somehow contracted an incurable blood curse? c) they jump between several timelines and in each timeline Hermione is with Ron or alone and in the one she is alone she is still in love with Ron and very very bitter, while Ron is with Padma or Lavender (I honestly don’t remember). And then Ron is a shitty husband to Hermione in the original timeline and in the end they just reconcile without Ron having to do any work? I mean I never vibed with Romione, but I saw it coming, but to reduce Hermione to a lovesick puppy was just too much for me. d) Draco doesn’t even get a real redemption. Supposedly he sheds his blood purist beliefs (and seeing Scorpius this is even somewhat believable) but he was still married to a pureblooded wife, he still does research on dark artefacts and as far as we know he did nothing to atone for his role in the war save moping about how unfair it is that everyone judges him (that is a bit exaggerated of course). Actually Harry and him sort of get along during the play, because they have to save their sons. O.k. and now e) what is to me the original sin of The Cursed Child: Voldemort has a child with Bellatrix. Not only does the timeline not work really, but it violates about every trope that is important in fantasy. Villains who want immortality do not get children. It’s either children or immortality. It is an unspoken rule that someone who cheats his way to immortality and commits sins to get there cannot have children. Period. Also I’ll never be rid of the idea that Voldemort and Bellatrix had sex. Yikes. Double Yikes.
So to sum it up. To me Cursed Child is fanfiction and it is only about five on a scale of one to ten. I’ve read better fanfic.
3. Glad you like Perks and glad I’ve converted you to Paneville. I always feel good when I convert people to a ship! It’s a really good ship, in my humble opinion, and I don’t understand why it’s a rarepair. Slytherdor for the win! YEAH!  And don’t try to dig yourself out from the Dramione hole. It’s a nice place. lol! I still have so many ideas for fics!
(btw, next chapter of Perks is up!)
Thanks for the ask!
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ao3feed-jily · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nGH8I5
by prongsandpads
Ok hi this is my first ever fic I'm posting. I do have something really big in the works yet but I'm hesitant to start posting it in case i need to change some details, so for now, here's a lighthearted marauders fic (at least I think it'll be lighthearted. Not sure how far I'll go with it yet) from baddie Mary Macdonalds POV. I will letcha know if I decide to go ahead and make it canon compliant.
May end up being a Mary/Regulus fic which I know is very uncommon and sounds weird but if Jegulus can work so can this lmao. I love them both on their own so I will love them together too.
Background Jily, Wolfstar and Dorlene
7th year marauders.
Words: 2092, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Lily Evans Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Euphemia Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Dorcas Meadowes, Regulus Black
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Regulus Black/Mary Macdonald
Additional Tags: POV Mary Macdonald, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nGH8I5
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blankdblank · 4 years
Ridikulus Pt 36
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“Among word of an incoming engagement to both Elven King and Lord on the heels of a soon to be named premier of Jaqi Black’s latest cinematic appearance comes with another new tidbit to clarify a long since pondered puzzle. Not a few months past the win of the Kenmare Kestrals, the team which won the Quidditch League Cup with Miss Black at the helm of Thief, an unmistakable pregnancy was announced by Rita Skeeter. Such conditions are protected and some fans have questioned if the Kestrals should have relinquished the trophy as their Thief has possibly broken that rule against harm of any possible child conceived at any duration of a pregnancy.
From none other than Newt Scamander we have our answer, Boa Red Panda Cubs. Known upon further research to have used Morphers as surrogates in the past while Miss Black and then fiancé David Tennant had been guarding their surrogate for their little girl on a protected island question of survival through the oncoming battles brought on a wish to leave some good behind should the worst come to pass. An old offer from Newt, known to be good friends and mentor to Miss Black since discovery of her Basilisk on Hogwarts grounds, was taken up and together have forged a new brighter future for a once marked to near endangered status with populations soon to be thriving with hoard of daughters in the fifteen cubs born, fourteen of which are female.”
Process of impregnating was next along with statistics that even before the war they were marked for extinction if they had not been regimes to your islands anyways through the destruction of their home territories in the war. With a stunning two month gestation period to calm any nay sayers on you being so heavily pregnant for such a short time out of nowhere. Some more it carried on filling in details on the rare breed and then branches into how this was a much needed good bit of news on the heels of a chunk on the yearly pox push that was marked as successful branching into news on the fostered youth in the Elven and Dwarf territories.
Letters plopped onto the end of the table and Regulus said, “Jaqi, from Newt.” Waving the letter he lifted them opened at your approving nod reading, “Apparently Newt has been hearing whispers on an inquiry into the validity of your win on terms of pregnancy. He submitted memories of conception and birth to go with his official statement on the event along with documented notes on the Panda populations. Apologizes for not warning you sooner.”
You shook your head, “Had to come out soon enough with the new season.” Continuing to finish feeding Em so you could eat before your first class.
The second page however was turned to and Lindir said, “Oh,”
You looked at him as Regulus asked, “Oh?”
Lindir said, “It’s a death notice. It reads, speculation and rumor has spread around the absence of a driving force of our allied forces these near on two decades past. Harry Potter, upon the discovery of Auror Nymphadora Tonks, wife of freshly elected Minister of Magic Remus Lupin, has been revealed to have sacrificed himself to push Auror Tonks and another to safety in the call to flee. While hope was held out in the search of the final missing duo and searches of the new lands were approved by the leaders of said lands coming up moot with the exception of the discovery of another kingdom named Rohan.
Aged just out of his teens brave young Harry is survived by numerous aunts, uncles and cousins along with his newborn son now in the custody of his godfather Sirius Black.
For now this is just a notice of death with another issue to follow enlisting all of those lost to the flight and battles prior destroying our old world. While talks of a memorial are still in discussion within the Ministry walls to be forged and no doubt unveiled in the summer breaks of our magical schools to ensure all will be available to attend.
Again the Ministry is continuing its plea to not use the flue system until all grids have been inspected. Out of a yet to be explained fluke formerly assumed deceased Leta Lestrange was discovered by her distant relation along with that of her oddly still toddler aged baby brother Corvus Lestrange. Their arrival came on the heels of the feather and spider barrage from the flue system making it all the more puzzling as no other long since deceased figures have been discovered as of yet.”
Sirius said in shifting the bottle in Fin’s mouth, “We had to say something. People kept asking on Harry and no doubt would when Leta was spotted.”
Em swallowed her last spoonful and Regulus smiled taking her on his knee as you said, “Not a bad explanation.”
Neville said, “Well Hermi and I are off to check on Lockhart today, see what he remembers.”
You asked, “Luna not going?”
Luna answered, “Oh they have me helping Draco with possible ideas for the memorials. I was thinking of involving Thestral charms somehow, or Nifflers if the former is too morbid for some.”
Neville, “Besides, we figure since we know him a bit more than others he might be more open to sharing with us.”
Ginny said in your glance her way accepting the crescent roll bin she passed your way, “I get to go with Regulus to gather notes from Star Speakers from the Elven Kingdoms to pass onto our Astrology classes. I get the impression it will take a while.”
Again Lindir turned the page taking in each odd article until he said, “Three headed puppies for sale... Is that accurate?”
He asked looking to Regulus who leaned in, “They’re not meant to sell those in papers. Strictly protected creatures requiring licenses.” Reading over the ad he said, “Cerberus do have three heads, however these are memorabilia on the mascots for a pro Quidditch team. Selling homemade goods to honor their favorite teams prepping for the future season and no doubt stashing up funds for tickets.”
Lindir looked your way asking, “Does your team have a mascot?”
Ginny answered as oh were eating, “Kenmare Kestrals have golden harps on a green background. Other than that they are known for using Leprechauns on occasion.”
Lindir looked to the paper in search of an ad for that and Regulus chuckled, “True Kestral fans buy from the source. Their own shops in Ireland. Badge of pride for them getting goods with the official seals and details around signatures from their favorites.”
Lindir nodded, “Yes, Lord Glorfindel informed us of the tradition of autographs. Quite interesting gifts from those you admire.” Again he looked to his paper and you held back your giggles at his tries to blend in on his second morning he had slept over the night prior. Figuring out himself how he fit into the incoming future of dwelling with his One. Before long however you were off to school claiming a kiss from Em on her cheek as well as one for Fin then hurried off through your door to make it to your desk in time for your students to enter. All seeing your hands smoothing around the waistband of your jeans ensuring your blouse was tucked in properly still. Questions still lingering in their eyes with a few papers spotted in between making you say, “Alright. Before the lesson, anyone have any questions about today’s paper?” All the hands shot up and with a smirk you went a desk at a time answering each to calm any confusion or concern from those stunned by some of what was in the papers.
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Tucked in a private suite in the bustling floor for energy maladies Lockhart laid back in his assigned bed still under watch of the doctors there ensuring nothing else had befallen the popular Wizard. Upon seeing the familiar young Ministry Members he inched up in his seat grinning at the pair collecting a silver framed compact and another small trinket now rested on his lap. “Miss Granger and young Longbottom, I was curious which of my old students would be sent my way to question me.”
Pulling a duo of stools from the wall over the teens sat and Neville asked, “Feeling better? Remus said you were rather queasy last time he saw you.”
Lockhart nodded and said, “Yes, and I am pleased to have been so prompt in checking on me. While it appears mainly my captors were only able to drain my energy I was able to ascertain much more. And while some may not believe me to be of much use sans powers my plan worked out brilliantly.”
Hermione’s brows arched up, “Your plan? You planned to be captured?”
Lockhart nodded with a spreading smile, “You see, we arrived here and there were whispers of a Wizard hiding horcrux and deeming to endanger us all. How better to draw out such a fool than with a chance to take a hostage. I make quite the damsel, and I knew you all would find me soon enough. The Elf Lords did share which lands were known and which might be more likely for said baddy to be hiding in. Starting off, I have this for you,” passing over the silver framed compact to Neville closest to him. “Mirror glass charm contains my travels and especially the castle they kept me in, which is where I found this,” into Hermione’s palm a golden ring with runes of Khuzdul around a large rectangular sapphire narrowing her eyes recognizing Durin’s marker inside the band. “There were two more I couldn’t reach. But that one I managed to get close to. I know they said that Wizard had an affinity for using rings for his misdeeds so I assumed that might be the most useful.”
Neville asked, “Where did they take you, any idea?”
“Just past Gondor within a ring of mountains, not Mordor, I know Mordor has a volcano, there was one in the distance, perhaps one of the Elves might know where I was. Upon our flight back however there was a destroyed little village we flew over similar to where the Dwarves were met heard those houses were in hills. Caught sight of Mordor and a set of islands in the distance all coated with white glowing trees.”
Journals were brought over from his night table as well copied to ensure he had full record of all this adventure the pair flipped through listening to his sharing exact details around symbols they knew to be where he would embellish later. And when they went to leave he grinned saying, “Some might find it a bit mad however this will make a perfect plot for my next best seller.”
His next round of tests had the duo leaving trading nods and handshakes with the former Professor on their way to head to your house first to go through the memories and journals more thoroughly. Leaving the possible basilisk venom dip of the ring to you later so any memories from it might be tapped by you for more help in the search for the remaining Dwarf Rings from Sauron. A report was drafted up to share with the Ministry to be edited later for full disclosure once you had consulted the memories and Elves for information on the unknown lands and any more cursed items securing all threats to peace had been quashed.
To their evenings off the duo relaxed while Fred and George at the shop caught their first glimpses of a few Dwarves eyeing the shop known to be yours. The brothers stealing glances at one another from across the sales floor making note to share with you more clients for the gender swap potion clearly successful by Thorin’s demonstration.
Ginny’s evening however seemed to drag on while Regulus gleefully delved into learning about the stars and constellations of this world. For his hope to possibly use a name for a child of his own with Lindir the rule limiting that sank his mood a tinge at least until the next tale was shared. Copies of each record was made by Regulus who would compile them later to fit better way for sharing with the schools for one of a set of encyclopedia’s of sorts on this new world and lands to be sold and used in schools to inform the masses to study.
Post feeding at lunch you did get a glimpse of Regulus’ notes brightening your mood on having to keep delving into the painful subjects covered in the paper. Though after school a wish to have some time to yourself brought you to the open pastures beyond the stables in the middle of the trees you walked eyeing the branches above. Soft hoof beats behind you and a warm breath to follow shifting your raven ended silver ponytail across your back turned you around to find Turo there, “Hello Queenie, care to run?”
Grinning up at him in a stroke of his cheek he lowered his head to receive more, “Only if you’re up for it. Just needed some time to myself before heading home finding others.”
“Sometimes silence and solitude can be cleansing to a wounded heart. Our youngest require supervised runs, come and run with us, allow the forest to speak to your pain.”
“Thank you,” you said stroking his neck in a turn for the stables to dress the Great Elk hoping this run may help to lighten your spirits.
Scattered between the hoof beats stray tears flew off your cheeks in tiny gems nestling into the grass sprouting wild flowers for the opening steps of the run until the smaller elk came into view and surrounded you. The response to your letter to the Pear clan about the papers was thankfully supportive with actual glee that Em was never in risk for being harmed. Each of them so proud to hear of your special task of aiding an endangered species supporting the affection you have for magical creatures they treasured highly since first meeting you. They had put up with so much, the whole David mystery and dissolution of whatever that was just as suddenly as it had popped up, Em out of nowhere before the nonexistent wedding, and now hearing you carried cubs for a giant cuddly creature. You just hoped Em, if she learned the truth, she wouldn’t hate you for what some could be seen as a bold faced lie.
The boys were well aware that they were adopted, had memories of their families you knew they were holding back on to spare your feelings. So much like their wish to be older than they are, even to the point of barring playtime in fear of harming their clothes. There was so much you had to unlock for them and somehow in balancing the weight of all your godchildren with help of the new Ministry this generation would be a safer and happier one. Stolen strokes of your hand down Tuo’s shoulder in slowed breaks allowing another young one to pass him up had him glancing back to you in subtle checks on if your mood was lightening. A break for water however for the young ones had his head turn again to spot your downward gaze at the grass and he asked, “Are you in pain, Queenie?”
Your eyes met his and shaking your head you replied, “Do you get orphans in your herds?”
“On occasion. We have heard of the young ones you have gotten charge of. Is one of them unwell?”
“No, I just, another woman carried my daughter. I don’t want her to hate me when she finds out. Everyone knows about it now.”
Underneath you on his hooves his body weight settled and facing you as fully as possible he replied, “No greater gift to claim a young one who requires a clan. The sons you have accepted in your heart are beyond content to have been welcomed they will always bear a fondness and love for their adopted mother. Your daughter will be proud to have such a mother to guide her.”
That had a tear drop down your cheek causing him to inhale deeply, “A lot of people are dead because of me, and there was no shortage of people who wanted me dead. So many cruel people that never hesitated when I was a child to sentence me to be beaten and imprisoned. Only thing I can think of when I remember the names of people I’m responsible for their deaths is if I killed enough. If my little girl is ever going to have to be afraid to tell people her name like my dad was.” Another tear fell and you wiped your cheek on your shoulder saying after a sniffle, “It hurts so much, how easy it could have been for me to have killed them all, anyone who tried to hurt or insult me. I could have put even Melkor to shame I bet, all the chances they gave me to turn dark. Em shouldn’t have to be afraid, least of all of me, what I had to do to get us here where she could be safe.”
His mate had come up beside you turning your head with a comforting nuzzle of her head into your belly, “All our fathers face painful seasons we may not weather to build our herds stronger. Your pain will not be lost to your daughter.”
Tuo spoke again, “There is honor in kindness little Queenie. In mercy. A strength some will never face. Hard lessons must be given to our young and we must stay the path we cannot shield them from all suffering and trials.”
“Thank you,” you said stroking her face and his neck again. “I don’t mean to sour the mood of your run.”
Another of the Elk stated, “You have soured nothing. Runs are great times for clan discussions.”
One of the other females added, “We have seen the birth and growth of many a young one, the troubles are welcomed among our herd. Your daughter is your first child, always the most worrying along with your final child.”
The bounding steps of her youngest from his full belly of water had you giggle at the circle around her he made joined by his cousins around the legs of their own parents starting the second round of the run. It was nothing new you had heard but somehow with the hoofed creatures you felt more support in hearing it from them. Back to the stables you got swinging your leg over the front of the saddle to drop down and begin undressing Tuo who pressed his head into your belly glad for the gentle hug to his head and peck to his forehead as a goodbye freeing him back to his family. “Pleasant run, Darling?”
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Turned around your eyes fell on Glorfindel in his moment to wet his lips looking you over in this stolen time alone, “The baby elk are adorable.”
However you hoped to sound closing the distance he asked with hands smoothing from your shoulders downwards, “Something is troubling you.”
“Just over thinking the reaction Em might have to hearing I didn’t carry her when she’s older. The Pears are relieved, like others have been that she wasn’t in danger at all.” Inching his head closer to silently urge more from you he sighed to your stating, “I’m fine.”
The distance between you was closed and what was meant to be a brief kiss found him again pressed into that moment of that evening he had to leave you from such a warm chance at entangled matrimony to finally be all yours. Firmly his hands pressed into the small of your back melting more into the kiss that lured your hands from his middle upwards. Clearly he had hoped for a place more secluded, yet in the stroke of your fingertips along his jaw in a path towards his ear the stall he felt you step back to would have to be accepted for now. Two blind steps and he readied to lift a hand to open the gate to at least be inside for some semblance of privacy only the back of his hand met silk. In the blind fumble a decision of your own called your enchanted doorway that brought you straight inside the King’s apartment, unknowingly into the back of the King.
From the papers in hand his eyes rose turning at the body that pressed into his back. Pink lipped in a break for air Glorfindel straightened up a bit as you turned your head to catch the turning King’s gaze that warmed in seeing it was you. “Hello, Dew Drop,” you managed to squeak out with a hint of a blush that made the corner of his mouth tick upwards.
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“Hello, My Darling Starlight,” his eyes scanned over your face.
Glorfindel said, “Apparently our Love is fine.”
“Hmm,” Thranduil hummed and shifted a hand to stroke though your hair behind your ear, fingers finding their own strands of curls to tangle in at the warm demanding kiss, through which Glorfindel’s hands stroked along your back and side. The moment his lips left yours however to press to your cheek below your ear Glorfindel moved with a hand raised to your neck, thumb extended to angle your head in a slow tilt granting the King a straight path to trail his lips meeting your shoulder when you turned your head again. Hungrily now claiming your neck Glorfindel moved in what would be the tipping point to a blind tugging path to get the three of you on the lounge in the bedroom now locked to prevent the children coming in.
Against the back of the lounge you rested still on a knee stretching to give Thranduil more neck to claim. His hand you found only partially certain of its owner to ease up under the end of your disheveled shirt for the snapping of the tether or restraint. Your shirt went first and down your chest to your back he moved guiding you to melt more into Glorfindel’s kiss so he might selfishly steal the first taste of your skin and claim as many strokes and caresses as possible until Glorfindel gained the courage to be more bold. Their shirts were next and again in a tangle of lips that same hand was smoothed along your thigh in a silent path to the waistband you had magically undone.
Permission was given and while your hands worked the pair into a frenzy around you his to make you come undone first while his moan parted lips savored the bare skin revealed between those obstinate loose curls failing to bar him from that tempting silky skin on his newly made wife. Easily they crumbled first and in an experienced albeit rusty endurance Thranduil made easy the task of turning you to lay you against Glorfindel’s chest to wiggle your lower layers off and see to your release next.
Slow and tender his lips found yours upon your recovery and with a chuckle blending into your soft giggle to Glorfindel’s question of, “How do I touch you?” Thranduil simply kissed you while you did the instructing, until he had the chance to lay you against his chest to hold you through the finale of your lesson, hands loose and wandering to the helpful nibble on your ear.
Just breathing in the silence you sat between the pair, like kittens nuzzling their heads affectionately to yours with stolen kisses in between, both allowing you the first word in joint adoration of this blissful union. “I take it this means we’re married now.”
Those were the magic words and with a thumb used to turn your chin in a blissful hum Thranduil replied, “We are married,” claiming the lingering kiss to seal those words into being contractual. All it took, the offer of matrimony after the physical union and with agreement and kiss the marriage is born.
Of course you didn’t get the depth of that offer for them and how long they had waited to have this one particular moment they had dreamed of come true. Glorfindel was next not missing his chance to reply, “We are married,” beginning a kiss for which reason why you couldn’t help but struggle against the moment ending smile fighting to spread across your face.
The next silent moment however came with your hand smoothing over the droplet of milk now leaking out down your belly. “I should probably take a bath and pump.”
“Of course, a bath sounds wonderful.” Glorfindel said in his pop up with smile down at your bringing out yours at the Elf with haphazardly loose pants still open and threatening to fall that matched his lopsided curls your hands had eased one side slightly out from the ribbon wrapped down the length of his ponytail. Into his offered hand yours settled and you found your feet with crownless King smoothing his fingers through his out of place hair ignoring the open pants shifting down his hips in each step.
Thranduil, “Give us a chance to give you a massage as well if you wish.”
The pair while you dipped a foot into the hot spring in the open bath tugged off their boots and pushed the last of their coverings down to step into the water to help you down into the seemingly bottomless pool of a tub. “How deep does this go?”
Thranduil, “Not far, the bottom is lined with abyss crystals however that deepen the appearance of it. There is a bench inside here.”
They both helped you to sit down and while he worked the ribbon wrap from his hair Glorfindel said, “You most certainly were not fine when I found you. Would you care to discuss it? We are your husbands and here to aid in your burdens.”
Softly you sighed watching Thranduil’s long arm bring the floating soap bowl over in case you wanted to use some of his. “I was doubting if I killed enough of the despicable people from my world so Em would never have to be afraid they would do to her what they did to me.” They shifted closer to your sides in the lift of your feet onto the bench in front of you. “I’m never going to be perfect, I have moments or days even where I get so helplessly lost in the pain of all those wrongs. Seventeen years I didn’t have a life that was mine, I didn’t matter except as a shield, and,” you inhaled looking between them with tears bubbling into your eyes mirrored by theirs at the darkening or your roots.
“75 adults on the Wizengamot sentenced me to Azkaban when I was eleven years old, ‘by any means necessary’ they were told to get me to surrender Tulip. That’s what the records said along with notes of the names of seven ‘suspect’ Wizards who could have argued against the decision they kept from knowledge on the vote. They had me for a month before I was found. People have no idea how many chances I had to go dark, how easy they made it, and people would have still supported me. I could have put Melkor to shame. I spent so long with people that made my skin crawl, with a mark from the man who tortured my mother to death and tried to kill me and Harry. I can’t say how many times I wanted to snap and just blow up entire buildings with thousands for my death count.”
A tear dropped down your cheek furrowing their brows in focus to not cry themselves sensing the pain you were expressing. “I lost it once, I thought my aunt Bellatrix had killed my dad, I had her head in my hand and, I slammed it into the ground. And I kept punching her until she stabbed me in the side to get me off her. I lost it,” you whispered out to another two tears falling and you shook your head lifting a hand to wipe your cheeks. “Remus managed to snap me out of it, and I managed to get back, to the plan. I haven’t been able to breathe for seventeen years, and it hurts to breathe a bit right now. But, I’m trying, to see who I can be now.” Your eyes shifted to Thranduil saying, “I wouldn’t trust me to be in power right now. I’ll try to help you both if you need it, but-,”
They moved closer and smoothed their hands over your arms and Glorfindel said, “Take your time. There is no rush. No one is going to force you into anything you don’t want to take charge of. We have charge here.”
Thranduil drew your gaze adding, “No one is harming our little ones. There is an army to guarantee that now, all of the Elf Lords would send armies should anyone dare to be foolish and harm a child in these lands. A promise the Dwarf councils will surely back as well.”
“I’m sorry,”
You said and he again shook his head saying, “You owe us no apology.”
“There always was a goal, a job to do, no mission.”
Glorfindel said, “You will find peace, that was very much my same pain upon my return. The restlessness. I know you will handle the pain better than I had.”
Thranduil chuckled saying, “Made it his mission to collect every uncut quartz stone in our river beds. Took him months and upset countless beavers and bears in the process. Five hundred years of watching him drenching wet being chased by some creature roaring after him. You make mistakes, you learn and heal.”
You nodded and said to the ripple of your hair to silvery blue again calming them a bit at your pain retracting its claws, “Well whoever cleans that couch will be furious, I’ll charm it when we get out.”
Glorfindel began to smooth his hand down to your leg he claimed, “Pay no mind to the couch,” massaging it while Thranduil claimed the other.
Couch charmed and wrapped in a towel you dried your hair with your wand using a jet of warm air you shifted to help the others with theirs afterwards giving both a time to smile in your fingers again traveling through their long locks. Again in fresh pants the pair found you now in shorts and a tank top, lip tucked between your teeth in thought widening their curious smiles on the path to your sides for another cheek cupped kiss for the both of them from their loving wife once you had finished pumping your milk. Both speaking to you sweetly all the while and helping in the transition between bottles when the two were filled and capped the third when you had tapped out halfway.
Behind his back however Thranduil kept the hand holding the box with gift meant for just this occasion to Glorfindel’s hand being offered that snapped you from your thoughts. “Might we discuss something with you a moment?”
You nodded and joined them back on the couch, wetting your lips in the cross of your legs to look at the pair on the foot stools in front of you. Glorfindel anxiously bumped Thranduil’s arm with his and you looked between them and then to the expanded then retracted smile on his face that preceded his throat being cleared. “Our Love, now, with this new deepening of our union comes certain tokens to bestow and so after much deliberation and sleepless nights put to use between us we wished to present this to you. Like a small metal book the box now resting in your palm waiting to be opened in the retraction of the King’s hands from leaving it there. His fingers hovering a moment then reaching out to open the lid that caused your heart to skip.
Inside on 4 overlapping bands, 2 black, 2 silver with white glowing stones lining these. In the center a yellow heart also surrounded by more of the white glowing stones with two black antlers extending above it. “Oh wow,” you whispered to yourself.
Glorfindel said, “The black metal is Galvorn, a black form of mithril, among some of my properties returned to me upon my awakening from Gondolin and the lemon quartz stone is also from my gatherings that we chose together.”
Thranduil, “The rest of the ring is silver mithril with the remaining white stones that are from my collection of Lasgalen stones from Doriath carved out of the heart of a fallen star gifted to my line from Valar Queen Varda.”
Carefully you lifted the ring from its box that felt impossibly light for how heavy it should be. “Is this the, do you have separate engagement and wedding bands or is it all in one? We haven’t discussed this before.”
Thranduil, “Upon meeting your father we have chosen to adapt to your customs of using engagement rings, now, we are bound by marriage for our kin though a ceremony of sorts could be planned according to your customs. Also we are aware these rings sit on separate fingers to ours that sit upon our index finger and this has been fitted to your chosen ring finger.”
“You measured my finger?” You asked with a hint of a grin.
“Estel was bribed to help us with that.” Glorfindel answered, smiling as you watched as he eased the ring onto your finger that fit perfectly, “When you are ready to discuss a ceremony we could possibly discuss designs of what a wedding band might be.”
A moment you bit your lip and said, “I need some dirt.” Parting his lips at your pull back to ease over the back of the lounge you swung your legs over to head for the window revealed in the magical ease of the curtains back in its opening to let you pass through it. The pair of them stretched to see what you were doing, watching your stroll across the patch of grass looking between each of the bushes in the marked off garden plots, beside a patch of orange flowers they saw you charm two handfuls of dirt out of the ground, careful to leave the few small worms back in the garden. A bit confused a pair of guards tilted to watch your path back through the window that closed and covered itself again leaving you just in the sight of the duo.
Glorfindel, “You need dirt, for, what exactly?” He asked watching you ease back over the back of the lounge you sat cross legged on top of again.
“Not exactly fair if you both don’t have something shiny of your own.” Their brows inched up only to see your skin begin to shimmer in the multicolored hue of your eyes that grew lighter in spectrums of color to the deeper the breath you took in. Out of your lips around the dirt clump above your left palm a white flame escaped your lips while you mentally recited the Draconic spell splitting and contorting the clump in half. More and more they compressed making the shapes of rings, in the center an oval mystic quartz stone sat between two wide flat black metal edges of the ring that dipped for a platform for the stone, down the band the ring grew thinner and held white opal shapes between strips of the black metal.
A second breath drew their focus back to you on the lift of the second clump that you blew out over the clump that split into three, this time for two more black metal sat around five round green opals, the one in the middle the largest that around the top and bottom had five emeralds closing it off. The third had the same metal and shape, merely with blue opals and sapphires around the top and bottom of the center opal.
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At the dim of your glow they watched your hands to shift and offer the both of them the larger of the two styles of rings then locked their eyes with yours as you said, “These should morph to fit whatever finger you slip it on and won’t break, for your engagement rings if you like them.” Timidly the pair accepted the rings, lost for words on the skill of the gift you had made for them, looking next to the pair of green rings that they stared at taking in every detail of these as you slid them over the ends of their index fingers to the last knuckle. “We’re married,” that had their eyes shoot up to yours again missing the ripple of the stones’ colors turn to yellow, “Ceremonies for my culture can wait, we can have a family dinner or something. You’re a King and a Lord, you deserve to have your status marked. If anything I can always just put in the paper I eloped.”
Thranduil, “These,” he said clearing his throat to steal a second glance down at his hand that had him exclaiming, “It’s yellow now!”
“They change colors, I can make them stop-,”
“No,” they both said and after a shared glance eased their engagement rings on above their wedding bands. Tenderly with free hands Thranduil took the wedding band from your hand he eased onto your left index finger locking his eyes on yours. “I have never seen rings of this skill before.”
“I rarely make rings, yours must have taken months-,”
Glorfindel eased his hands around your free hand, “Thank you falls utterly short. Elleths rarely forge in our culture, merely hire a master craftsman. We will be the envy of all with your unmatchable gifts.”
Thranduil said, “Yes, truly. These five opals alone would have taken weeks to shape and I do not doubt several months to find the proper shade. I am flattered as well that they change hues. Five, we did not cover significant numbers for importance in our cultures, seven is sacred to our kin, five is sacred to yours?”
“No,” you said looking between them to say, “I thought, we have, five kids, between us.”
If they thought it was impossible to breathe upon seeing the ring that was nothing to now at realizing this was not just a wedding back but a sort of birth celebration as well that Legolas especially would be honored to have been included in. Glorfindel said, “Birth celebration as well, then truly this is beyond precious to us and will be to our children when we share it with them.”
“Well, um, my mother had one from my dad for theirs. Used to spark up around the stone when I got hurt. Um, Leg’s is in the middle, since he’s, well, fully grown, bad luck to put his anywhere else, and they’ll grow as the kids do and get their little crowns of emeralds.” Quickly you looked down and then up again in time for Thranduil’s lean in to steal a loving kiss trailed by a moment of foreheads tapped together. “I’m guessing you’re behind the antlers on mine?”
Lowly he chuckled and replied inching back to allow Glorfindel to claim his own warm kiss and pause with joined foreheads to Thranduil’s reply of, “It was a joint decision, as was the choice of yellow, your favorite color.”
“Thank you,” you said in their inch back and tangling of their hands in yours on your lap again. “Never really thought about engagement rings before, I mean, Barty gave me the rose gold pink teardrop ring, and it was beautiful, I was really grateful for it, I just…I guess you just don’t think of what you might want until you meet the person who you’d be needing it for.” You inhaled at their spreading smiles and said, “I’m rambling.” The narrowing of your eyes a moment had their brows twitch up tick only to hear you say, “There’s someone in my study.”
Glorfindel, “Is, that forbidden?”
“No,” you said uncrossing your legs in their rise to stand and help you up, “There’s just, someone there.”
Thranduil released your hand hurrying to the closet, “Grant us a moment and we shall inspect this together for any danger.”
“It’s not a danger,” Glorfindel turned in the doorway of the closet accepting the shirt tossed his way he found the bottom to that parted for his arms to slide through to the sleeves, “How is this so weird to say, you don’t ever just, know, something. Like you randomly pull the toast off a bit early or it will burn or you go to check on your chicken coop even though it’s not laying day to find that there’s now a huge gnawing blackberry bush taking over the back of the enclosure that has to be moved or it’ll ruin the fence? Places to go aren’t really unreasonable to explain but sometimes I just feel I have to say something and usually it goes terribly wrong but I just have to say it because I guess no one else will.”
Glorfindel, “Such as?”
You sighed, “Such as I had to tell a girl Margerie in the year of the Triwizard Tournament, she came from Beauxbatons, the school Fleur studied at.” The pair nodded in securing their shirts and robes after having tugged on their boots to their knees, “Never met her a day in my life, never spoke a word to her, walk right up to her and have to say ‘How did you like the Trout in Their Pajamas?’ She slapped me across the face and storms off! Two days later, I have this other girl Ophelia coming up to me hugging me. Saying that there’s this whole convoluted plot that had been buried with Margerie’s family that goes all the way back to a Unicorn thief who had stolen this useless children’s book from Margerie’s ancestor and then used it to break into the conservatory where Ophelia’s family had been keeping their Unicorn herd. Nearly got the ancestor locked up from his name written inside the book cover.”
Their brows narrowed in confusion as you mimed and explosion on either side of your head, “I didn’t get it either, but apparently I pissed off Margerie and she went steaming mad and ranting back to their tower and Ophelia overheard it. Apparently they both had been compiling their own internal investigations over the years and they sent what they came up with back home and they caught the guy 87 years later.” Your hands popped up at your sides and fell again, “I don’t get it, just had to say it.”
Glorfindel, “That, must be tiring, does it happen often? Was it a voice you heard?”
“Not a voice, no, I’ve been down that road, no, that time it was the cover of the book popped up in my head. Which reminds me I have to settle a flight time for the Pegasus foals, could we fly over your forest, they don’t like flying over towns they aren’t fond of seeing people.”
Thranduil, “Our forest, and yes, absolutely, these, Pegasus, are they another Quidditch team?”
“No, they’re winged horses,” parting their lips, “They also mostly have fangs, and tend to not like people, well, most people. But they have a new bunch of foals and they have a traditional first flight that has to be a long one and usually we would take them to Sherwood forest for that but the Muggles aren’t situated enough right now for us to get the Prime Minister involved for the approval of memory charms. Still a work in progress on the tolerance of us for them at the moment.”
Glorfindel, “You have flying horses and yet you do not ride them,”
“They attack people. Viciously. Their nests are normally high in cliffs out of reach from people. We just have the tolerating herd at Hogwarts in the Forbidden Forest now quadrupled from those we saved in the move here otherwise Hagrid would have handled it, the new ones think he’s going to eat them.”
Thranduil, “Why do I imagine that day Thengel will drop by unannounced?”
“Well it has to be tomorrow you can have him for tea I guess. I can show the boys, even bribe a Unicorn to drop by possibly. Buckbeak could use a nice long flight I can take him instead of the bike this time still have to get myself a new broom. He’s been anxious waiting for his baby sibling to hatch.” The confused pair followed you out of the bedroom and through to your door linked to your house where you heard voices inside of your study.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Draco said only to be answered by Neville’s sigh.
Neville, “I know that, but he told us, he did it on purpose.”
Draco, “And they let him teach us?!”
Papers were shifted and once in the doorway you caught Neville’s eye and he smiled in relief, “Here’s Jaqi, Lockhart says he went there on purpose to play Damsel. Gave us his journal and this mirror glass charm of his travels and that place they locked him inside of. And, found this.” In his palm was the glass jar holding the ring Lockhart had found that lured the Lords in around you to see it.
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Thranduil, “That is Durin the Deathless’ crest. King Thror bore that ring.”
Neville, “Said there were more rings but he only could manage that one.”
“Hmm,” you said setting the ring down the accept the journal you lifted to sniff, “This is a copy, it smells like guava.”
Draco, “Kept the original for his next book.”
“Ah, naturally.”
Neville, “Says he was kept in the mountain but wasn’t Mordor. No volcano but it was in sight of an island with glowing white trees,” that had the Lords’ heads tilt to look at him directly, “And there was a city like the Shire that was destroyed on the way back.”
Glorfindel, “That is not possible, the only island with that description was taken by the seas ages past.”
Looking back at him you asked, “Which Lord would have ruled that one?”
Glorfindel, “Lord Elros. That would be Numenor, if they are correct.”
“Hmm,” you accepted the Mirror Glass Charm saying, “I’ll tend to the screaming ring later, for now, I’ll see if the Lords can help us find out where he went.”
Draco said, “We’ll keep the twins posted if you need a sub tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” you said turning back for your room leaving the pair to share their mutual notice of the ring on that particular finger, and into your closet where you confused your husbands in the tug of your shorts off to hop into a pair of jeans and long socks you added tall boots to your knees.
Thranduil asked, “How you were dressed was acceptable.”
“Not for a Mirror Glass Charm. Last time I went in one of those took me three days to get out and it was nonstop gales and moors.” Over the top of your tank top you pulled your silver low cut sweater that hung over your thighs that once the neck was tied over top you added a black rib covering vest and the holster for your wand from the pile of clothes you had sent back earlier during your bath to the vest pocket.
Glorfindel, “Three days?”
“Surely this time we can just skip to the end and miss any weather but I had to go day by day last time to figure out where they hid one of our Aurors a few years back in a Muggle Born raid.”
Pt 37
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disney’s ‘the hunchback of notre dame’, early 2000s kid nostalgia, and other midnight musings
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“What the fuck, Stina? I thought this was a blog for book reviews!” you say.
“Books, amongst other things. Hence the -ish suffix,” I say. “And all my mediocre ‘reviews’ are hit-or-miss in terms of engagement, so I’m pretty much free to post whatever the fuck I want.”
I toss my head. My hair whacks me in the face.
The first time I watched Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame was been circa 2006, in the ‘movie room’ of my preschool, huddled around a CRT TV with the rest of my five-year-old classmates. Not much about the film particularly stood out to me at the age.
Fast-forward fifteen years later; I’m cooped up in quarantine, hundreds of thousands of miles away from that first viewing. I’m living my best life, rejoicing in my introverted tendencies and having a laugh at the expense of all the suffering extroverts. I haven’t moved from my bed all day, except for the bare necessities, and I’m bingeing YouTube videos. All is well.
I discovered Lindsay Ellis’s channel quite recently- embarrassingly enough, through her videos on Omegaverse and the whole Addison Cain fiasco. I stumbled down the rabbit-hole of her channel, and here I am, a few dozen videos later, and I find her one on this film.
Which, of course, led me to want to re-watch the film, with the eyes and mind (supposedly) of an adult. And it went far beyond and above my expectations.
The film is dark, much darker than the average Disney film of today- not just thematically, but the graphics too. Except for the first parts with the Festival of Fools and the last scene, the rest seems to have a dark filter put over it all. Obviously, given its themes (I’m pulling these out of my arse; I’m a STEM major and I have zero to no knowledge about film) of freedom and equality, acceptance of those different from us, corruption and lust- all that good shit, in other words- you can’t exactly have sunshine and rainbows. But it’s such a stark contrast from what I’ve been accustomed to from Disney; Frozen has Hans about to decapitate Elsa, but the background remains bright and light; Simba sobbing next to Mufasa’s body in The Lion King is heart-wrenching, but a few scenes later, we have an anthropomorphic meerkat-boar duo singing about eating bugs and farting and all that classy stuff, so it’s not as traumatizing.
The themes are a lot more on-the-nose than a lot of other kids’ movies (forgive me if I err, I am aged and forgetful)- cue la Esmeralda saying, “What do they have against people who are different, anyway?”- you get what’s essentially the same ‘accept others regardless of their differences’, ‘prejudice is bad’ morals from, say, Zootopia, but having given the main characters fursuits makes it less obvious than in this movie.
(Or maybe I’m just a dumbass. I have no elaborate notes for this; I’m high on sugar and deprived of sleep so I might be spewing bullshit.)
Admittedly, the resolution is a bit… unrealistic. The citizens of Paris = sheep, essentially; they go from throwing fruit in Quasimodo’s face because the guards started it, to helping defeat them. Maybe there’s something about mob mentality in there, but I find it hard to believe that people who showed up to watch Esmeralda burn to death were suddenly totally cool with not getting what they didn’t pay for. But then again, this is a Disney movie, and you can’t make kids too cynical too early on. Let them have their innocence and ‘people will be with the heroes in times of peril because humanity is inherently good!’ before they realize that humanity kinda fuckin’ sucks.
The characters are some of the most human from those I’ve seen in Disney (other honorable mentions: the main characters of The Emperor’s New Groove, Moana, Tangled, Anna from Frozen). Quasimodo’s the main character (lol DUH, will I ever say anything not obvious?), and he’s so lovable, but not without flaws- he’s biased against gypsies in the beginning because Frollo’s the literal scum of the earth. To borrow from the K-pop fans’ dictionary: UwU he’s so pure!
Esmeralda sparks a bit of controversy because she’s another POC leading lady from a Disney film of the 90’s (a list including Jasmine, and, sigh- Pocahontas) who’s markedly more sexualized than the white Disney princesses. It’s not something I particularly noticed nor cared about until I saw it being brought up- I mean, the woman shows a bit of cleavage and then dances for a couple of seconds- but. I’m just putting that out there.
She’s an empowering heroine without having to belt in in your face (not me making a dig at Naomi Scott’s Jasmine from the Aladdin live action film), and I also love how her role in taking down the Big Bad doesn’t have to do with her ‘power of seduction’ (the scene in the animated Aladdin film where Jasmine kissed Jafar truly traumatized me as a kid).
Phoebus is… well, he exists. Kind of a Regulus Black archetype, but not exactly. The guy on the bad side who turns good and all is forgiven. Well, at least it’s not the ‘her love made him a better man’ trope. And he is a good guy. Even if he did spend a considerable amount of his adult years on the side of the bad guys.
Systemic oppression? Nah, it’s one or two corrupt baddies. But again, it’s a Disney film, we need everything to work out for the good guys in the end.
Let’s get the gargoyles out of the way. To reference Lindsay Ellis’s video (she’s a lot smarter than I am and breaks this down better than I ever could): yes, the comedy’s oft ill-timed and inappropriate… for an adult audience. And the primary demographic of Disney films, especially princess ones (obviously Esmeralda isn’t a princess, nor does she marry into royalty, nor is she included in the group of princesses in the dumpster fire that is Ralph Breaks the Internet, but I had a book imaginatively titled ‘Disney Princess Stories’ as a kid that included Esmeralda’s story alongside Belle’s and Ariel’s, so I’m calling her a princess), are kids. And kids love fart jokes.
Additionally, I have a theory-that-is-not-really-a-theory-but-a-pretty-obvious-thing-that-happens that the gargoyles are figments of Quasimodo’s imagination, and the, at times crass and ridiculous things they say are just the voices in Quasimodo’s head (THIS IS OBVIOUS, STINA, YOU HAVEN’T STUMBLED ACROSS A STARTLING NEW REVELATION); maybe what he imagines normal townspeople to act like.
And then we have Judge Judy Chrissy Teigen Frollo. This dude is the embodiment of pure evil. He’s bigoted and rapey and abusive and one of Disney’s most successful villains- even better than Mother Gothel, who previously held the crown. It’s rare that a villain genuinely terrifies me, especially a cartoon one. Frollo, unlike your typical fairytale antagonist who wants power/fame/fortune/to overthrow Olympus, is far more sinister; driven from deep-rooted hatred instead of plain greed. He’s so much closer to people in positions of power and authority even in the modern world, and that element of reality makes him so much better as an antagonist instead of a literal sheep who hates carnivores (seriously, Disney, enough with the twist villains- they’re not working out).
Also, Hellfire slaps. In fact, the entire soundtrack does.
Speaking about Hellfire, I love the contrast between that and Heaven’s Light; how Esmeralda is viewed by Frollo (an object to possess, “Destroy Esmeralda, and let her taste the fires of hell; or else, let her be mine and mine alone”) as opposed to Quasimodo (someone with free will, “I dare to dream that she might even care for me”).
Another argument brought up, and admittedly one I had as a child was, ‘but if the whole point of the movie is acceptance and love as opposed to lust, why didn’t Quasimodo get the girl?’ Which, years later, I realize is an extremely misogynistic way to look at it. As Princess Jasmine said four years before The Hunchback was released, she is not a prize to be won. Quasimodo is Frollo’s antithesis; he lets Esmeralda choose, and she chose Phoebus. And Quasimodo accepted that, because he is good and kind and sweet and loving. Severus Snape, take note.
On a sidenote, I’m always kind of caught out of left field when the plot in films moves really fast- I’m really not a movie-watching type; I prefer to read, and books usually indicate how much time passes from one main plot point to another, and there are little slice-of-life, filler parts that tie in to character development and moving the plot forward, but at a snail’s pace. So, whenever I’m watching a movie and it’s one important event after another, I usually haven’t had enough of a refractory period to process it.
Let’s pretend that I segued smoothly into the next part of this (already tedious and long drawn out) review.
The Hunchback is the darkest film I’ve ever seen come out from Disney. Re-watching it as an adult made me pause every so often and wonder why the hell I wasn’t traumatized by it as a kid. I mean, the whole movie kicks off with Frollo about to throw an infant down a well. And then there’s that horrifying shot of the stone renditions of the Israelite kings on the church walls. Frollo falls to his death into fire. I mean, good riddance, but still. I guess it’s because the kids’ shows of today are awfully censored and polished so kids don’t have nightmares forevermore.
Update: tried to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Exited just as fast as I clicked on it. Disney sequels really ain’t shit (yes, I’m looking at you, Frozen 2).
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manage-mischief · 4 years
Regulus Black and the Darkest Shadows: Chapter 11
Read on AO3 or FF.net 
Summary: Kreacher returns…
Author’s Note: Thanks to everyone who has reviewed! You all are the best! I’m pretty sure you all know what’s coming in this chapter, but I hope you enjoy regardless! For excerpts/asks/requests, follow @manage-mischief on tumblr. Thanks to @leahstypewriter for being a fabulous beta reader!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
Chapter 11: Everything Changes
January 11th, 1979
The next evening, Regulus lounged lazily in the living room, waiting for his parents to get home from work. His arm was thrown carelessly over his forehead as he listened to the quiet popping of the fire. A loud CRACK suddenly ripped through the air. Regulus fell off of the sofa in surprise.
Swearing, he pushed himself to his feet and searched for the source of the noise. In the corner of the room, Regulus saw a small, shivering thing covered in a tea towel. Kreacher. Confused, Regulus approached the elf slowly and kneeled before him. “Kreacher?” Regulus said gently. Kreacher flinched when Regulus placed a hand on his bony shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
The elf turned his head towards Regulus, and peaked an eye out from behind his hands, which were covering his face. “D-d-dead. Army of the dead. Didn’t know Kreacher could escape. Didn’t know Master Regulus had asked Kreacher to come back.” The elf stuttered. Regulus felt cold and empty. He had been so happy to have survived his encounter with Voldemort that he hadn’t even stopped to think about Kreacher’s safety. What an idiot! How could Regulus think for a second that his loyal elf would be safe with that monster? No one was safe! Not with Him.
Carefully, Regulus gathered Kreacher in his arms and brought him to his bedroom. He laid the quivering elf on his bed, and covered him in blankets. Regulus poured Kreacher a glass of water from the jug on the windowsill. Kreacher gulped it down greedily. Regulus poured him some more. “R-Regulus is too kind to Kreacher.”
“Nonsense,” Regulus said, “I am so, so sorry I let you go with him, Kreacher. I-I didn’t know He would hurt you.” Regulus’s excuse sounded feeble, but Kreacher seemed to appreciate the words.
“No. Kreacher wanted to help. Kreacher wanted to make sure the Dark Lord was pleased with Regulus. Regulus was worried. Regulus is in danger. Kreacher heard Narcissa say. Kreacher doesn’t want Regulus to get hurt.”
Regulus was surprised at the elf’s astute assessment of his current predicament. He hadn’t even noticed that Kreacher had been in the room during him and Cissa’s conversation. That made him feel worse. “Kreacher…can you…can you tell me what happened?”
Kreacher’s golf-ball eyes filled with tears. “Kreacher went with the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord took Kreacher to a cave.”
“A cave?”
“Yes. A cave. An underwater cave. Kreacher and the Dark Lord had to swim to find it.”
“And what was in the cave, Kreacher?” Regulus’s mind was racing. Why had Voldemort need his elf to take a trip to a cave in the middle of the ocean?
“Kreacher and the Dark Lord entered a cavern. Kreacher had to cut his hand to open it.” The elf held up his right hand, which, sure enough, had a long gash running across the palm.
“Here, let me fix that.” Regulus carefully took the elf’s tiny hand in his own and began waving his wand and muttering healing incantations. The cut stitched itself back together before their eyes.
“Kreacher thanks you, Regulus. You are the kindest of all of his masters,” said the elf.
“What happened next, Kreacher?”
“The cavern wall fell away, and Kreacher and the Dark Lord entered a larger cavern, with a lake.”
“A lake? In a cavern? In an underwater cave that you have to cut yourself to enter?” Regulus questioned. None of the elf’s tale was making any sense.
Kreacher nodded. “Yes. And then the Dark Lord conjured a boat, and rowed him and Kreacher across the lake, to a tiny island. There was a basin on the island, filled with black liquid. The Dark Lord order Kreacher to drink.” The elf began shaking again. Regulus was furious—at Voldemort for hurting his elf, and at himself, for once again being a coward and doing nothing to stop the pain and misery that Voldemort had caused. Regulus placed a comforting hand on Kreacher’s shoulder. “What was in the basin, Kreacher?”
Kreacher took a shaky breath. “Kreacher does not know. But, it made Kreacher see and feel terrible things. Terrible. Kreacher was afraid. But the Dark Lord ordered him to drink until the basin was empty, so Kreacher continued.  And then, when Kreacher was finished, the Dark Lord laughed and placed a locket at the bottom of the basin, and then filled it back up and rowed away.”
“He left you there?”
“He rowed away and Kreacher was so thirsty and there was no water. Kreacher tried to drink from the lake, but…but they pulled him in.” He locked eyes with Regulus. “They-they pulled Kreacher into the lake.” Kreacher broke down in sobs once more.
Regulus’s vision went red with fury. He attempted to steady his voice as he pressed Kreacher for more information. “How did you escape?”
Kreacher regarded the young wizard. “Regulus told Kreacher to come back,” he said, matter-of-factly. “So Kreacher came back.”
“You were able to Apparate out of the cave?”
“No wizard would be able to. But for an elf, it was easy. You told Kreacher to come back when the Dark Lord was finished with him, so Kreacher did as he was told.”
Regulus stared incredulously. None of this made any sense. “Did the Dark Lord say anything to you, Kreacher? Anything at all? Did he tell you why you were there?”
“He told Kreacher that he was testing his defenses,” said Kreacher, “and when he left Kreacher on the island, he apologized.”
“He apologized?”
“He said, ‘I am sorry, dear elf, but I must sacrifice your life this day, so that I may live forever,’” Kreacher said in a perfect imitation of Voldemort’s voice. The hairs on the back of Regulus’s neck stood on end.
“So that I may live forever…”
But what had Voldemort meant? No magic could make someone live forever, no matter how powerful. And if such a power did exist, Regulus certainly had never heard of it. However, if it were possible, if Voldemort had somehow discovered such a power…Regulus’s stomach turned at the thought. If Voldemort could live forever, then they were all doomed. If he couldn’t die, he couldn’t be beaten. He thought of Sirius and his Order of the Phoenix. He thought of Des and the Muggles who had raised her. Of Broderick, the intelligent, understanding Muggleborn. And selfishly, he considered his own life. If Voldemort couldn’t die, none of them would ever be free.
The first day of classes after the winter holidays had hardly been remarkable. Regulus felt like a zombie, dragging through the hours, longing for sleep. But he couldn’t sleep. He wouldn’t. Not until he knew what exactly Voldemort was up to, and how exactly to stop him. Since he had heard Kreacher’s tale, Regulus had spent every waking moment researching dark magic, hoping to uncover the secret. So far, he had found nothing. Besides the Philosopher’s Stone, which was apparently safely hidden somewhere with its creator Nicholas Flamel, there seemed to be no way to ensure immortality.
But what did the locket have to do with it? Regulus had asked himself this same question hundreds of times in the past weeks. When he closed his eyes at night, the scene of the lake that Kreacher had described haunted his dreams. Ultimately, these nightmares would force him awake in the early hours of morning, during which he would start his day’s research anew.
After he had finished his last class of the day, Regulus headed towards the library, determined to continue working. Pulling out several books from the restricted section, he set up camp at a table and began to read.
After an indeterminate amount of time, Regulus became vaguely aware of someone sliding into the seat next to him. When he looked up, he found Des staring at him, concerned. “You missed dinner,” she said.
“I did? Wow. Times flies.” Regulus turned his attention back to his book. In a flash, Des flicked her wand and the book slammed shut. “What was that for?” he exclaimed, frantically searching for his lost place. “I was reading that!”
“What’s going on, Regulus?” Des crossed her arms over her chest. “You look like you haven’t slept in a year! And now you’re avoiding us! Is this because of what happened before the holidays? Are you…have you gone back to him?” Regulus could sense hurt behind the tough façade she was presenting.
“No! No! Nothing like that at all! I haven’t gone back. It’s sort of the opposite, actually…And I missed you, Des.  All of you,” he added. She looked relieved.
“Ok, so, you’re not back with the baddies. That’s good. But something’s bothering you?”
“It’s just…I…I can’t say right now.” He glanced furtively around the library. There were too many prying ears.
Des rolled her eyes. “You know, the fact that you’re acting like you don’t want to tell me just makes me want to know more.”
Regulus hesitated. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to work out a believable lie. Unfortunately for him, his companion was not easily fooled.
Des cocked her head to the side, analyzing him. “You’re really not going to talk, are you? Merlin, Reg, if I didn’t know you better, I’d think you murdered someone.” She narrowed her eyes. “Wait, you didn’t…”
“No!” Regulus cried, forgetting he was in the library. He earned himself a few dirty looks from some of the more devoted students. A loud SHHHHHHH echoed from beyond the bookshelves, courtesy of Madame Pince. Regulus blushed. “No,” he whispered. “I didn’t kill anyone, Merlin, Des!”
“I’m sorry, but with all that’s going on in this bloody world right now, you never know.” she spread her hands defensively. “Ok, so, you didn’t kill anyone, and you haven’t gone back to…you know…so, what is it?”
“You just don’t give up, do you?”
“Not when my friend is in trouble.” Des shook her head defiantly. “And you, mate, are clearly in some kind of trouble.”
Regulus put his head in his hands. “I just can’t say! It’s too dangerous. I want to tell you, but I can’t!”
Des bit her lip, deep in thought. Her eyebrows scrunched together quizzically. “There’s a Hogsmeade trip this weekend,” she said, after a beat.
“Ok…?” Regulus replied, suspiciously. This seemed like an odd time to change the subject.
“I know the last time we all went to Hogsmeade was…hectic…but, I know a place where we can talk without any other prying ears. If you want to talk,” she cautiously suggested.
If Regulus was being completely honest with himself, this was not the type of trip to Hogsmeade he would have preferred to be taking with Des. But, he felt he could trust her. At least, partially. There was no way he could reveal everything he knew. It would be too dangerous for her, as she would likely want to get involved. No. This was definitely a journey Regulus had to undertake alone. Still, perhaps, Des would have valuable insights. “Alright,” he agreed. She smiled softly.
“Perfect. Meet me in the Great Hall for breakfast Saturday. We’ll go from there,” Des said, making her way to exit the library. “Oh, and Reg?” she called back to him. “Try and get some sleep. You look like a vampire with a hangover.” Regulus chuckled before returning to his studies.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Harry Potter: What an HBO Max TV Series Could Be About
The only real magic left in this world is intellectual property and its nigh supernatural ability to print money. With media conglomerates prioritizing their streaming services, beloved IPs have never been more valuable in garnering interest, sign-ups, and subscriptions for streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and HBO Max. WarnerMedia, the owner of the lattermost streaming service, also holds the rights to the Harry Potter IP, and of course they want to conjure up ideas to bring the world of The Boy Who Lived to television.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, a Harry Potter live-action TV series is in early development at HBO Max, with the streaming service having “early-stage exploratory meetings” with writers for potential ideas. “There are no Harry Potter series in development at the studio or on the streaming platform,” HBO Max and Warner Bros said in a statement, but once again, you’d have to be as thick as Cornelius Fudge to believe they aren’t doing their darndest to extend that Galleons-filled universe.
There are loads of avenues a potential Harry Potter TV series could go down. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them has proven that Harry Potter fans will embrace different characters and time-periods and there’s plenty of in-universe history to explore. With that in mind, here’s some ideas we’d love to see tackled by a Harry Potter television series.
Harry Potter: The Complete Story
This is probably the most controversial idea. To some, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson are the definitive Harry, Ron, and Hermione and recasting their parts is considered sacrilege. However, Radcliffe seems to know that it’s an inevitability, telling IGN: “It will be interesting to see how long those films stay… it feels like there’s a sacredness around them at the moment, but that’ll go, the shine will wear off at some point. It’ll be interesting if they reboot them and just do the films again or do a series; I’m fascinated to watch.”
A series seems to be the only thing that could really capture all of the details found in the original seven book series. With 10 hour-long episodes a season, a TV series could be the most faithful adaptation of the books, covering everything that the films left out like S.P.E.W., Peeves, and lots and lots of Quidditch. Some may think it’s too soon to rehash the entire saga, while others would love to see nitty-gritty details get their shine.
The Marauders
A TV series following the exploits of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew during their mischievous years at Hogwarts during the First Wizarding War seems like the idea most ripe for exploration. While the third book in the series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, featured a lot of exposition about the old gang and their relationships with each other, the films left a lot of the Marauders story to be implied. There would be plenty of time to feature younger versions of fan-favorite characters like Severus Snape and under-explored heroes like the Longbottoms, and the series could roll right into their graduation, the Order of the Phoenix, and that fateful Halloween night in 1981.
Riddle (or the First Wizarding War)
Speaking of the First Wizarding War, a fully-fleshed out origin story for the most notorious wizard of all-time could be a gripping miniseries. While most of Tom Marvolo  Riddle’s transformation into Voldemort was explored in the Harry Potter book series and subsequent films, a TV series could dive deeper, showing his time at Hogwarts and his use of the Chamber of Secrets, the murder of Hepzibah Smith, the gathering of the Death Eaters, and his recruitment of the outcasted creatures like Giants. The series could also give POV to characters important to Voldemort’s story, like Regulus Black, Severus Snape, and Lucious Malfoy. 
House of Black
An anthology series could explore one of the Wizarding World’s most notable families, the Blacks. As one of the largest, oldest, and wealthiest pure-blooded wizarding families in Great Britain, there are countless stories that could be told about all of the powerful wizards, both good and bad, from the Black family. The potential to play in different time periods and countries is definitely a draw, and writers would have the ability to create their own stories. Each episode could feature a different story about a different Black family member, but why stop with just the Black family? Maybe there could be a series about the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the twenty-eight British families that were still “truly pure-blood” by the 1930s, and all of the ways that the families overlapped, fought, and loved.
There’s a reason that Harry becomes an Auror when he’s older, and that’s because the idea of an Auror is extremely badass. In the Wizarding World, Aurors are highly trained law enforcement officials responsible for policing the magical and keeping the peace in the Wizarding World. In Britain, Aurors are trained to investigate crimes related to the Dark Art and are often called “Dark Wizard catchers.” A crime procedural set in the Harry Potter universe? Sign us up! 
Read more
Harry Potter Movie Streaming Guide: Where to Watch Online
By Kayti Burt
All Harry Potter Movies to Stream on Peacock This Fall
By Alec Bojalad
We know there have to be baddies other than Voldemort and Death Eaters up to no good, so a series could explore all of the nefarious things that people are using magic for and the folks tasked with stopping them. Training is supposedly rigorous, so maybe our story begins with a new recruit. Hell, maybe this series is just a magical version of Training Day. Wait, isn’t that what that horrible Netflix movie Bright was supposed to be about? Damn, well there’s still plenty of potential here for an action-packed TV series.
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Let’s do an American coming-of-age high school series set in the Harry Potter universe! After spending so much time at Hogwarts, I’m sure fans would love to see what wizarding school is really like across the pond. Known for being the least elitist of all of the Wizarding Schools, an Ilvermorny-set series could expand on some of the class issues that the new Saved by the Bell reboot on Peacock is tackling. 
Ilvermorny also has a rich history and a series could highlight the story of founder Isolt Sayre, her “No-Maj” husband James Steward and their struggle against Isolt’s evil aunt Gormlaith Gaunt. With so much known about the Wizarding World in the U.K., perhaps a new Harry Potter property could flesh out the Wizarding World in North America.
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With so much lore and so many expanded-universe stories still left to tell on screen, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is ripe for further expansion. Have an idea for a Wizarding series? Let us know in the comments!
The post Harry Potter: What an HBO Max TV Series Could Be About appeared first on Den of Geek.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nGH8I5
by prongsandpads
Ok hi this is my first ever fic I'm posting. I do have something really big in the works yet but I'm hesitant to start posting it in case i need to change some details, so for now, here's a lighthearted marauders fic (at least I think it'll be lighthearted. Not sure how far I'll go with it yet) from baddie Mary Macdonalds POV. I will letcha know if I decide to go ahead and make it canon compliant.
May end up being a Mary/Regulus fic which I know is very uncommon and sounds weird but if Jegulus can work so can this lmao. I love them both on their own so I will love them together too.
Background Jily, Wolfstar and Dorlene
7th year marauders.
Words: 2092, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Lily Evans Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Euphemia Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Dorcas Meadowes, Regulus Black
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Regulus Black/Mary Macdonald
Additional Tags: POV Mary Macdonald, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nGH8I5
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