#regulus black preference
courfee · 9 days
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it's been exactly a year since the last chapter of Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule and I still miss it. This scene is probably one of my favourite things I've ever written and I've wanted to draw it for forever, so now seemed like an appropriate time
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kairospy · 11 months
When i say James Potter is the little spoon I mean Regulus hates having his back turned to anyone, hates having people where he can’t see them, hands on him while he’s unaware, but James loves being held at any given moment
Movie date? He’s pressed against Regulus’ side. Hanging out with Sirius? They’re essentially holding hands. He will plop down on Regulus’ lap randomly and all Regulus does is change the book to the other hand so he can play with James’ hair
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
idk why im in such a bad mood rn but it actually PISSES ME TF OFF how the entire marauders fandom collectively decided to take this bum-ass loser character with one discernable impact on the storyline (regulus. im talking about regulus) and make him a super complex, three-dimensional MAIN character in the era that’s being literally paired with JAMES POTTER(???) when they could’ve taken a character who AREADY has existing complexities and everything they could ever want and develop them. but they won’t because that character is a fucking woman ☠️☠️
the way the black sisters would have the entire fandom in a fucking chokehold if they were boys. do you actually think sirius and regulus would be as cherished as they are now if they were women? hell fucking no, regulus would be hated on so badly. the way we were given narcissa and fucking andromeda too? here’s the entire fandom yapping on and on about how cool regulus is for rebelling against the dark lord when narcissa was doing it and fucking getting away with it too (because she’s better and doesn’t suck ass). here’s andromeda going against her entire bloodline ON HER OWN but yet shes still so overshadowed by sirius (who literally came after her). then you got bellatrix who is canonly one of the most powerful (and cuntiest) witches in the hp-verse and you decide to go and develop BARTY instead. think about it. they’re both crazy except one is more of a loser and is a male so of course the fandom will choose him.
and then. of course. lily evans who is literally the mother of the entire verse itself is still out here fighting for literal recognition and development from the fandom. and those mfs still give it to regulus instead ☠️☠️
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bloodbruise · 5 months
messy jegulus period sex ? curious about your thoughts 🤲
lets be so real a little blood is not stopping james from having his way with regulus
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littleliterarylesbian · 2 months
I can't explain it but I have a random vendetta against the Timothée Chalamet as Regulus Black fancast. idk. I can't explain it other than that I hate it and that it just feels wrong.
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maladaptivewriting · 8 months
you know the jily fans are crazy cause every jegulus post is like
i ship jegulus (NO HATE to lily, i love jily too, just my opinion, i dont hate women 🙏🙏🙂🙂🙂🙈🙈🙈🙈)
like okay let’s let people ship what they want without immediately calling them sexist
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marlsswrites · 1 month
A solid plan
Ice skating AU, part 10!!
August 18th - words: 399
First part Previous part
James' regular Sunday could go many ways, sometimes he would go out with his friends, sometimes a family dinner, or an early night and he'd finish his day off with some selfcare. But never in the history man, was James Potter found reading a book unless he downright had to - and this wasn't a short occurrence.
He would like to say he's not got a clue what's happening to him, but that's a lie, he has a very clear answer dancing around in his head like an angel themself. Spinning and soft touches, swift swipes of his sharp grey eyes and sparkling glints that decorated his sinful fingers that James just wanted to touch, feel, touch, hold-
So that is why he was curled up at 9PM, warm and cosy under a thin blanket, cup of tea rested on his bedside table - steam flowing out of the top in white whisps as it cooled down. And of course a book - Little Women specifically. He usually would've watched the movie and forgot about the book, but Regulus went on a full rant about how books are such unique literature that movies could just never do them justice. 
It was adorable.
The book that Regulus had given him was actually his own copy, James wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not, but the snarky little notes in the margin made him laugh and add that sweet splash of Regulus into whatever words were flooding into his curious eyes. 
Adjusting the gold frames around his eyes as they slipped down his nose, he offered a glance towards his digital clock that stood glowing on his nightstand - a big 21:32 illuminated on the front of the stark black background. Now turning his eyes back to his book, he'd read about a quarter of it; give or take. 
So he slowly took a sip of his now cooled down tea before promising himself that he'd finish the book tonight, then he'd catch a ride with his mum to their ice skating session, admire Regulus from afar because he was far too scared to fly to close to the sun and have those icy eyes burn him to the bone. And maybe if his ego is big enough to push him forward, he'd offer his opinion on the book in passing.
Solid plan.
A breath sucks in through his lips, and now out slowly.
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wolvesandshine · 3 months
Regulily where Lily and Regulus dated in secret in hogwarts and Regulus taught her dark magic. After they broke up Lily swore she would never use it again - until Harry was born. Dark magic always has a high cost and if she had to pay in blood to keep her son alive she would do it without a second thought
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vinylfoxbooks · 11 days
Update on the marauders D&D, all of the main character sheets are finished (I might end up making more in the future but idk) and I know what type of creature they'll be fighting but now I'm at a standstill because all of my dice, other than the ones I use for my actual campaign, are packed away. The fight scene will have to wait for when I finish moving and am all settled and have time.
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03junkie · 26 days
please ive been listening to disney songs and yeah i think i need a marauders/ skittles teen beach movie au
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adh-james-version · 2 months
it’s strange for people to be in the marauders fandom and have never read the Harry Potter books and/or seen the movies.
Like how do you jump into a fandom that you have NO background on. Even fanfics/tumblr/tiktok/instagram/fanart etc. can’t give you the back ground needed to try understand all the references and things that people make. Cause all of this (kinda) stems from the books in one way or another or another.
I’m not saying you needed to be the biggest potterhead nor am I saying you had to LIKE it- but you at least needed to read all of the books or AT LEAST watch all of the movies
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gw3npo0l · 2 months
'jily this 😡😡 jegulus that 😡😡'
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can someone rec me some rlly good marauders fanfics im craving them
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kevindaes · 2 months
i have uni orientation next week and i need a bedtime story to keep me occupied and distracted from the horrors so any fic recs would be appreciated ^_^
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littleliterarylesbian · 11 months
my fav kind of jegulus is "Slightly Evil and has Definitely Killed a Man" x "Saw the Other Covered in Blood and Thought it was Hot."
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lexithwrites · 6 months
Demisexual black brothers TM
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