#renner fanfic
cowboylikeyouu · 2 months
why does everybody hate mcu clint so much??? i’ve read his comics but i still love jeremy renner’s portrayal of him and stuff :(
like i can understand being disappointed in some ways about how the character was changed for the movies, but i can’t understood all the hate for him
for me, personally, it's not that mcu clint is a bad character per se, it's really just the fact that he doesn't feel like clint barton. give him any other name and he's a fine character, but compare him to comic clint and they're in NO WAY the same person.
on one hand you have that responsible, serious husband and well adjusted father of three, who cracks a joke here and there but takes everything pretty serious most of the time, who has his life under control, while everyone else on the team is a mess. he doesn't have that much of a personality, no weird habits or (dis)likes, he really fades in comparison to other team members like tony, who's lines are always on point and who gets a back story and everything.
on the other hand there's this 6'3" disaster of a human being, who lives for coffee, dogs, tv shows and nothing else, is obsessed with purple for no reason at all, grew up in a circus after he escaped his abusive dad, can't take anything seriously and cracks the funniest joke all the fucking time, even makes fun of captain america on a regular basis (at least in the early avengers comics), runs away from himself and responsibility, fucks up nearly all of his relationships because he really sucks at emotions, but then forms those really precious bonds with people like kate, and who's just kind of an asshole really, but simultaneously a fucking ray of sunshine. plus he's deaf and we always love some representation. oh, and mcu clint is like the straightest guy ever, and then there's comic clint who is just so easy to headcanon as this bisexual disaster, and we all know how much fandom loves a queer coded character.
so, the mcu basically took away every fun part of the awesome character that is clint barton and it SUCKS. i really don't hate movie clint as his own character, i just hate hate HATE the fact that he's supposed to be THE clint barton because he IS NOT, and he'll never be. i'm sorry, but jeremy renner just can't pull it off, i'll never understand how they saw bigger-than-steve, blond-mess, purple-loving, coffee-addict comic clint and where like: "oh yeah, let's cast 5' 9" jeremy renner and give his character a huge, healthy family, and no mental health problems, that's just perfect😍"
it's just so sad to be aware of the awesomeness of comic clint and then watch the movies because you're constantly thinking "oh what could've been..." if they did comic accurate movie clint, he'd definitely be a fan-favourite and we'd have tons of edits, and ships, and merchandise, but NO, most mcu fans just forget about him or don't find him special or entertaining (bc his mcu version really really isn't) and he gets left out of all the casual merchandise you can find in random shops (i literally have an album on my phone that's dedicated to photos i took of cheap avengers merchandise with the "o6" avengers sans clint lmao)
you're obviously allowed to love movie clint and jeremy's portrayal, that's great!!! i was an mcu fan way before i even knew just how different comic clint was, and i loved mcu clint so much back then! but after reading the comics and thousands of fanfiction, i'm just really really angry that there isn't a good live action on screen representation of my all time favourite fictional character, and i think many people feel the same :(
okay, i think i'm done lmao.
anyways, shout out to avengers assemble clint, my one true love <3 the mcu should take notes.
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scavengerssuccotash · 6 months
We need more Mayor of Kingstown fics.
Mike deserves some love
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sarahrogersevans · 10 months
Looking Out For My Sister- Clint Barton sister!xreader comfort fic feat. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff
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Summary: Clint comforting Y/N during a rough time
Warnings: fluff, angst, comfort fluff, mentions of mental health struggles a bit if you squint
~Y/N’s Pov~
It was a slow week at the compound and I decided to rest in my room for a little while and as I went to lay in bed I saw Clint outside shooting his arrows doing target practice and as I watched him my mind wandered and I fell asleep on my bed. A few hours later I felt a hand rub my back and I opened my eyes and I saw Clint smiling at me and I tried to cover my face with the blanket and Clint chuckled while rubbing my back gently and said “hey Y/N sweetheart you missed dinner, you doing ok? You’ve been pretty quiet lately.. I’m worried hun.”
I listened to what Clint said and my eyes filled with tears and I cried softly and Clint came to lay beside me and I felt him stroke my hair and he held me close. “I’m having a rough week Clint.. I don’t know how to explain it..” Clint kissed my forehead gently and said “hey it’s ok Y/N everyone has moments like that but you don’t have have to go through it alone alright? But you do need to eat something, so how about I go warm you up some dinner and we can watch your favorite movie since we don’t have any missions today, deal?” I smiled and I nodded my head “That sounds good Clint thank you.” Clint got up and went to the kitchen to go make food and I set up a movie for us to watch and then I got back in my bed to lay down. My thoughts started to become overwhelming and I grabbed my phone to put on some ambience music and I felt relaxed and I closed my eyes just a bit to rest.
A few minutes later while I was waiting for Clint to come back my mind started to wander again and I tried to listen to my favorite song but even that made me cry and I felt so stupid for crying, “I hope Clint will be back soon..” I said to myself as I tried to calm down a bit.
Natasha heard me crying and she came in the room and sat on the edge of my bed and said “hey baby girl you ok?.. I heard you crying and I got worried, what’s bothering you?” I shrugged and said “just feeling pretty overwhelmed..” I saw Nat come sit by me and I hugged her tight and as soon as she comforted me I felt more relaxed. Nat said “hey I gotta go help tony with something will you be ok Y/N?” I nodded my head and said “yea I’ll be alright thanks for coming to checking on me Nat love ya sis.” She smiled back at me before leaving and said “love you too little chick.”
~Clint’s POV~
I was in the kitchen warming up Y/N some of the dinner and I made her favorite dessert I know she loves and after I finished putting that together I started heading back to her room and on my way back I saw Steve Rogers walk by and I nodded and said “hey cap.” Steve nodded and said “hey Clint, I haven’t seen Y/N at training the last day or so is she ok?” I sighed and said “yea she’s just going through a rough time but she’s ok cap I’ve got things handled I’ll let you know how things go.” We shook hands and then I got to Y/N’s room and I set down her food on the table and I kneeled down by her side of the bed and saw she was sleeping again and I caressed her hair gently and I smiled at her and whispered to her “hey my little hawk.. wake up, I’ve got your dinner here for you.” She opened her eyes and looked at the food and she stretched a bit and sat up. “Hey Clint.. sorry I was sleepy again..” she said softly and I kissed her head and said “hey it’s ok you needed it, how are you feeling now?” She smiled and shrugged “I’m ok though I’m pretty hungry oh and I set up a movie for us to watch if you still want to watch it tonight?” I got excited and handed her the food and said “yea of course Y/N! Which movie is it?” I helped Y/N to get comfy by me while she ate and I waited for her to tell me which movie she picked. I saw Y/N grab a dvd box and she said “Lilo and Stitch if that’s ok? Disney movies cheer me up.” I rubbed her back gently and I smiled at her and said “hey I love Disney movies, that’s a good one to watch I’ll get it started while you eat ok?” I pushed play on the movie and I cuddled up next to Y/N as I watched over her and I noticed she finished eating and halfway into the movie I saw she fell asleep on my shoulder and I put my arm around her protectively letting her rest and I smiled knowing she was feeling relaxed and I whispered to her “goodnight kid sweet dreams.”
Hey lovelies!! I hope you like this comfort fic xx♥️🤗 I’m back!!
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chasingmidnights · 2 years
If We Ever Meet Again
Title: If We Ever Meet Again 
Summary: You and Loki were childhood friends but Odin banishes you on the eve of Loki’s birthday, claiming you were not suited for him. He banishes you to Earth and once Loki finds out, he vows on Odin’s life that he will find you again. 
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Pairings: Loki x reader
Warnings: this one I’m putting an 18+ on it; mentions of sex (not really smut but mentions briefly); being attacked/kidnapped; banishment; unconsciousness; and I think those are the major ones you need to look out for. I apologize if I missed anything but you are responsible for what you read. 
Wordcount: 2,480
You were laughing as you ran away from the man behind you, a bright smile on your face. You glance back over your shoulder only to find him gone, causing you to stop in your tracks. The sounds of the forest fill your ears as you listen for any movement. You were about to turn around but a twig snapping nearby causes you to jump. You laugh to yourself and try to convince yourself that it was nothing more than an animal. When you turn around though, you slam into a hard body. You look up at the man and a huge smile forms on your face when you realize that it’s Loki. He is smiling down at you as he wraps his arms around your waist. You couldn’t stop the butterflies from forming even if you had tried but honestly, you didn’t want to. Loki pulls you closer to him as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“And where do you think you’re going, pet? Trying to get away from me?” 
You can feel his warm breath fan over your face and you can’t help but melt into the feeling. “I would never, not in a million years.” 
Seeing Loki’s smile grow bigger causes yours to do the same. You let Loki tilt your head up as he places his index finger and his thumb on your chin. Your breath catches as he begins to lean forward and before you know it, he is slotting his lips against yours. Instantly, they begin to move perfectly against each other and you couldn’t help but feel how right and good this felt. 
You remember when you met Loki, it was at school and he was your first friend. As the two of you grew up, a certain attraction began to bloom between the two of you. He was your first kiss at the young age of fourteen, which seems like a lifetime ago. Whenever somebody tried to court you, Loki would get insanely jealous and scare them off. Which honestly, you didn’t mind because you weren’t interested in anyone but him. And you did the same thing to him. When the two of you parted, you were both breathing heavily and soaking in the moment. He presses his lips gently on your forehead before resting his own forehead against yours. When you finally catch your breath and it returns to normal, you finally speak up. 
“I thought there was something that you had planned?” 
He straightens himself up and a huge smile curls up on the corner of his lips. “Right. Follow me, love.” He then grabs your hand and with child-like excitement, he pulls you along behind him. You couldn’t lie, you loved seeing him like this. 
After a while, Loki finally comes to a clearing and he pulls you to his side. A gasp escapes you when you see the view in front of you. There’s a small waterfall that spills into a pool of crystal clear water, it was beautiful. The whole area is surrounded by trees, so you and Loki had complete privacy. To the side, there was a blanket spread across the vibrant green grass and on top of the blanket was a basket along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. 
“Loki, this is beautiful. I love it!” You squeal before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 
“Come on, let’s go enjoy ourselves, darling.” Loki then leads you over to the picnic. 
After you and Loki had eaten the lovely spread that Loki had prepared, the two of you laid there for a while. You were curled into his side with your head on his chest and an arm draped over his stomach. As you listened to his steady heartbeat, he was combing his fingers through your hair. You didn’t want this moment to end. You begin to wonder how long the two of you had been laying there but time seemed to have stood still in this place. You let out a sigh of contentment causing Loki to glance down at you, wondering what you could possibly be thinking. 
“What are you thinking, love?” Loki inquired as he continued to comb through your hair with his fingers. 
“Nothing.” You pause for a brief moment before continuing. “We’re having one of those moments right now.” 
Loki’s curiosity begins to rise. “Oh? What moments?” 
“One of those moments when everything is so perfect and so wonderful that you almost feel sad because nothing can ever be this good again.” You try to explain. 
Loki lets out a soft laugh. “So, basically, I’m depressing you?” 
“Yep.” You reply, giving him a slight squeeze. 
“You’re very weird.” Loki couldn’t help but chuckle. 
You crane your neck up to look at Loki the best that you could. “And you’re wonderful.” 
Loki couldn’t help the warm feelings that started to bubble up inside of him. In all of these years, you were the only one who could make him feel good about himself. He says your name and he waits for your reply. 
“Yes, Loki?” 
He takes a deep breath before speaking up again. “I love you.” 
You immediately sit up to look at Loki to see if there’s any of him not being serious. The longer you look without saying anything, you can see worry beginning to form in his eyes. 
“Did you hear me?” He inquired, arching a brow as he did. 
You don’t even respond, you simply lean in and press your lips against his. He immediately begins to move his lips against yours and he adjusts you so that you are now straddling him. You break apart from the kiss first to catch your breath and as you do, you stare him in the eyes, lovingly. You lift a hand up to cup his cheek and he leans into your touch. A fond smile tugs up on the corner of your lips at the man beneath you. You’ve loved this man since you were old enough to love and now after all of these years, he’s finally admitted it. 
“I love you too, Loki.” You finally reply. 
In a swift movement, you were on your back and Loki was now on top of you. He was peppering your face with kisses and you couldn’t help but giggle. When he was done, you remembered that his birthday was in a few days. 
“Oh, what do you want for your birthday?” You have a feeling that you already know what he’s going to say. 
Loki groans at the mention of his birthday but recovers by pressing a kiss to your neck. “You know, I don’t want or need anything for my birthday.” Loki pauses briefly before continuing, pressing another kiss to your neck. “Well, there might be one thing that I want.” 
“And what would that be?” You inquired, humming in approval as Loki pressed yet another kiss on your neck. 
“I think you know darling.” Loki says seductively and he grinds his hips into yours. 
The next several hours, the forest was filled with yours and Loki’s passionate moans and groans as the two of you made love to one another. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the trees as your bodies started to cover in sweat. When you were finished, you laid there just soaking up this wonderful moment that you and Loki had just shared. This wasn’t the first time nor would it be the last time that this had happened between the two of you. When the two of you decided to head back towards the palace, you had the biggest smile on your face. However, little did you know that the two of you were being watched. Odin was watching from one of the balconies and he started to shake his head in disapproval.
It was the night before Loki’s birthday and as you walked up the palace steps in your glittering gown, you couldn’t help but stop in awe at how lit up the palace looked. You couldn’t help but stare up at the palace, you closed your eyes as you took in a deep breath and you let the music fill your ears. After a minute or so, you continue up the palace steps and you make your way to the extravagant ballroom. You were just outside the ballroom and you were taking in the glamorous scene before you. The party was in full swing and people were already dancing with smiles on their faces. Those who weren’t dancing were off to the side talking, waiting for a turn to dance or were simply just watching. You searched the crowd for Loki when you finally spotted him by the thrones with his mother, Frigga. A smile begins to curl up at the corner of your lips at the sight of him. You were about to take a step into the ballroom when suddenly a hand is covering your mouth and you’re being dragged away from the party. You tried to scream out for help but it was no use, it came out muffled so no one could really hear you. The unknown assailant continued to drag you away and he eventually grew tired of you fighting against him so he knocked you unconscious and he threw you over his shoulders. 
When you finally come to, you slowly sit up, groaning as you do. As your vision comes to, you begin to realize where you had been taken to by your captor. You were in the Bifrost. Loki had taken you here a few times, you loved crossing the Rainbow Bridge on horseback. However, being in here right now, you have a different feeling. Especially when your eyes land on Odin, his face scrunched up in a stern scowl. You immediately scramble to your feet. 
You bow your head and curtsy as you do. “All-father, your majesty.” When you stand back up and your eyes meet his narrowed gaze, a shiver runs down your spine. 
“Do you know why you are here?” Odin’s voice is deep as it booms through the Bifrost.
“No, your majesty, I don’t believe I do.” You answer honestly. You notice the exchange between Odin and Heimdal and worry begins to form in the pit of your stomach. Whatever is about to happen, it can’t be good. 
“You are not good enough for Loki and never will be. I do not condone this relationship.” He slams his staff down and it echoes throughout the Bifrost. 
You couldn’t help the hurt that just struck through your body. You had always thought fondly of the King and Queen. 
“I am banishing you from this realm and sending you far away from here. You will never see Loki again.” Odin informs you, his voice stern and unwavering.
Your eyes grow wide with fear and shock. A tear slips down your cheek and your voice cracks as you speak up. “Please, no.” 
“My word is final.” 
You glance over at Heimdal who was in the process of activating the Bifrost. Suddenly, the walls begin to move and they slowly begin to build up speed. Odin is next to you in a flash and he has a tight grip on your arm. 
“You are henceforth banished from Asgard and never to return!” Odin orders. 
The next thing you know, you’re being pushed into the portal that the Bifrost has opened. “Loki!” 
Loki, who had sensed you being in trouble, he excuses himself from his current conversation to go find you. But by the time he gets to the Bifrost, he was too late and the portal had already closed. He glances between his father and Heimdal but it doesn’t take long for him to figure out what has happened. 
“Father, what did you just do? Where’s Y/n?” 
“I did what I had too. She was not worthy.” Odin answers, almost as if it was completely obvious. 
“Tell me you didn’t.” Loki doesn’t need an answer though to know that it’s exactly what his father did. 
“Loki-” Odin begins but Loki cuts himself. 
“This was not your decision to make! I vow to you father that I will find her again and when I do, you will regret ever banishing her!” With that, Loki disappears, leaving Odin and Heimdal alone in the Bifrost. 
As you traveled through the portal, your body was being tossed around like you were a rag doll. Everything blurred past you and it made your head spin. It felt like you were in that portal for a lifetime before you finally found yourself falling in a night sky. Tree branches scratched at your delicate skin and tore the fabric of your dress. When you landed, your vision began to darken as you went unconscious. In the distance, there was a farmhouse and a little girl had witnessed the entire thing. 
“Daddy, I just saw a shooting star!” She exclaimed excitedly, her eyes were wide with it. 
The father chuckles as he goes to join her at the window, peering out it to see if it is still there. “Darn it, I must’ve missed it.” 
“Can we go check it out?! I saw where it landed, please!” She begs as she pouts at her father. 
“Yeah, alright. Come on Lila, let’s go see this shooting star.” Her dad agrees, a smile on his face. 
After putting on their shoes and coats, the pair leave the house to go find Lila’s shooting star. She leads her father to the woods and they end up walking deep into the woods. When they finally found what they thought was going to be a shooting star, they were shocked when they found a body instead. Lila begins to take a few cautious steps forward when her dad pulls her back. 
“Lila, go back to the house with momma and your brother.” Her dad firmly instructs. 
The young girl looks up at her dad. “But-” 
“No buts Lila. Now.” 
Lila sighs but does as she’s told and starts off running back towards the house. You’re finally starting to come too just as the man is slowly approaching you. You begin to sit up, groaning as you do and the man rushes over to you. 
“Woah, woah, easy there.” He tries to soothe you, his voice calm and even.
Your vision finally clears, you begin to panic, not knowing where you are nor the man in front of you. Your breathing is heavy as you continue to panic and in between breaths, you manage to finally speak. “Where am I? Wh-who are you?” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re in Iowa and my name is Clint Barton.” He pauses as he looks around, the branches all over the ground cause him to look up. A clearing was made when you passed through the trees. “Where did you come from?”
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miharuwrites · 4 months
Did you guys know Jeremy Renner sings? Because I just discovered this.
I knew the guy played but I didn't know he sings. He's really good too. No auto tune here it sounds like. Now I'm wondering if Clint secretly sings in the shower with his aids out. He's pretty sure he sounds terrible but doesn't care. Nat sneaks in and sets up a recorder at some point. Plays it back to him later that evening over Chinese food and cartoons. He has to admit he isn't as tone deaf as he thought. Nat just rolls her eyes.
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letthewhumpbegin · 9 months
Didn't See That Coming - an Avengers fanfiction
Title: Didn't See That Coming Fandom: Avengers: Age of Ultron Genre: hurt/comfort, angst Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff
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Summary: "What the...?" Clint mumbled non-understandingly. He released the boy from his protective grasp, who immediately ran away to its mother. It was only then that Clint's eye fell on Pietro standing a few feet away from him. Well, standing?
Word count: 3176 No. of chapters: 1 Warnings: mentions of gunshot wounds, blood, medical procedures. Original post date: 23 April 2023 Completed: yes
POSTED ON: AO3: click here FF.net: click here Tumblr: click here
Any and all feedback on my writing is highly appreciated 🥰😇. You can find my full writing masterlist here.
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jinxquickfoot · 1 year
1) is it SO LOVELY to see Jeremy back on his feet, thank god
2) This made me reeeeeeeally want to write a Clint & Scott fic
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iluvkiss1 · 9 months
On my end, ever since I watched S.W.A.T, I can't get Farrell and Renner's characters out of my head.
Discovering that Colin appeared in "Daredevil (2003)" as Bullseye made my brain explode. I literally love Clint more than anything, and knowing that somehow both of them portrayed characters in the same franchise (I know Daredevil isn't part of the MCU) is something I found damn interesting, lol.
I need some Clint/Bullseye. Perhaps both in Jim and Brian's place, but with the attitudes/stories/names of Clint and Dex. I don't know, it would be interesting. Or Bullseye getting into trouble with The Avengers, and Clint trying to clean up the mess, confronting him.
Or maybe, I don't know, a story unrelated to the Avengers but simply about Ronnie and Infinity War/Endgame. Who knows? Maybe after the snap, one day, Clint meets a mysterious assassin (Bullseye), and they end up getting along, trying to soothe each other's tragedy and pain with some companionship and poorly expressed love.
AHHHHH, I don't know, but I need something, I really need it!
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PS: it has absolutely nothing to do with it but... OMG, what a beauty:
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stormxpadme · 2 years
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New chapters of 24/7 are online. Find out what happened in Budapest.
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Friendly reminder I am redoing my taglists
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
Random idea for an Avengers fic. Would be set in a post-Avengers AU and an enemy-to-lovers story where Clint falls in love Loki, who learned all of Clint’s deepest secrets while he was being mind controlled by Loki. They bond over the shared trauma of the experience as Clint learns that Loki was also being controlled by outside forces.
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
OOOh i want clint barton fic, could you write about him and his gf, reader going to a bow and arrow shooting range for their date. clint teaches her how to shoot
A Moment To Remember- Clint Barton xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Clint and Y/N go to a bow and arrow shooting range for their first date and Clint shows her how to shoot
Warnings: none really maybe mild language but otherwise just a lot of adorable fluff
~ Y/N’s POV~
I was really excited because Clint and I are going out for our first date and Clint said I can decide what we go do and I wanna ask him to teach me how to shoot a bow and arrow but I’m not sure if he will consider that a date type thing but I thought about it a lot and I’m really excited about doing it.
Clint came over for a bit and we were talking about the weekend and what our first date would be like and I got the courage and was about to ask him about teaching me how to shoot a bow and arrow. Clint saw I was really excited and said “hey darling what’s got you so excited hmm? Excited about our first date?” He kissed my cheek and I smiled and I said “yes I am very excited, I was thinking for our first date would you take me to a shooting range and teach me how to shoot a bow and arrow properly? I really wanna learn.”
Clint smiled immediately and got really excited and said “oh Y/N my love absolutely!! I would love to teach you! We can a day of it, bring the gear, some food and we’ll make it fun what do you say honey?” I shook my head smiling at him and I hugged him. “Thank you Clint! I can’t wait it’ll be really fun, I hope I’ll shoot as good as you do.” I excitedly said. Clint caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead gently and looked deep into my eyes and said “honey you will do amazing I guarantee you, I’m so happy you wanna learn, how about we go on Saturday and I will teach you.”
~ time skip~
~Clint’s POV~
Saturday came and I was really excited about picking up Y/N for our first date and I getting the now and arrows together and I put together a picnic basket of her favorite snacks and drinks and I found a really nice shooting range to go have our date at. I drove to Y/N’s place in the afternoon and I got to her door and rang the doorbell and I held a bouquet of flowers in my hand to give to her and I felt nervous but in a good way and I just didn’t wanna mess this up because I really like this girl.
Y/N opened the door and smiled at me right away and I felt like I was blushing when I saw her adorable smile. “Hi honey I got these for you on my way over, I hope you’re excited about our date today Y/N I have it all planned out.” Y/N smelled the flowers and hugged me and said “Clint these flowers are beautiful and I’m really excited for our date.” I saw Y/N’s outfit and I loved how she looked. “Honey you look amazing today.” I kissed her and held my hand out for her to take and she smiled and put her hand in mine and we got in my car and drove to the shooting range and on our way Y/N and I listened to music and I let her choose the music and I loved listening to her sing along to the music and see how passionate she was and I just fell more in love with her.
When we got to the range we got out of the car and Y/N helped me carry stuff to our area and I got things set up and I could tell how excited Y/N was which I was really happy to see plus that smile of hers is just so cute. “Ok honey ready to shoot some arrows?” I asked her with a smile. Y/N came over and said “I’m ready Clint, will you help me the first few times?” I nodded my head and kissed her cheek and said “oh of course Y/N you bet! Don’t worry you will learn it quick, here come stand here and grab this here and then I will stand behind you if that’s ok and I’ll help you aim ok?”
Y/N got in position and started to stretch the bow and arrow and I helped talk her through how to aim a few times and we did a few practice shots together and I could tell she liked having me close to her. “Ok do you feel you’re ready to shoot Y/N?” She looked at the target again and saw she was ready and I let go and I watched her shoot and I saw it went really close to the middle and I kissed her cheek and feeling so proud of her and I said “wow honey!! You’re amazing at this!! I hope you’re having fun today?” Y/N smiled and said “this is really fun thank you for teaching me Clint! Hey do we have any food with us? I’m kinda hungry.” I grabbed the basket and said “here come sit honey let’s take a break I brought all of your favorite snacks and your favorite drink.”
~Y/N’s POV~
I couldn’t believe how lucky I got with Clint he is such a gentleman and the sweetest guy, this weekend so far has been wonderful. “Clint thank you for such a wonderful date today I’ve been loving every minute of it and I love spending time with you, I really like you if you couldn’t tell.” I blushed so hard I felt embarrassed but Clint tilted my chin up to have me look at him in the eyes and said “honey I really like you too and I’m so glad we did this for our first date, I’m glad I’m with someone who loves shooting now and arrows as much as I do and you are so wonderful to be around Y/N I care about you and I hope you will wanna go out with me again and today has certainly been a moment to remember, I never wanna forget this day.” I smiled at him and I leaned in to kiss him softly and Clint pulled me closer and kissed me back and he kissed my forehead gently and said “so how about we go have you practice shooting again hmm? We still have a whole day.
We got up and I got set up again and Clint watched me intently as I practiced and every so often he would help me aim again and I loved how he would hold me from behind, I never had something like this with anyone and I loved being with Clint so much we really have something special.
Hi darling!! I hope this is close to what you wanted! I hope you like it 😊💜xx
@lokiandbuckysdoll @jessybarnes
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magickhajiit · 2 years
Sokovia and Spiders
Rating- teens and up
Warnings- Some description of gore/violence
Summary- Peter Parker took on the mantel of Spiderman over a year ago. He’s life been a mess since the spider bite but protecting New York’s citizen gives him purpose.
But a run in with one of the Avengers results in his vigilante lifestyle being threatened. Now with the Sokovia Accords being held over his head Spiderman must evaded capture if he wants to continue to protect his city.
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Hail races away from the grey clouds above, meeting their mark they feel like freezing bullets when they hit Peter’s suit. There’s an actual bullet heading towards him right now, slicing through the air as a knife would butter. Appearing in the form of a prickle of apprehension his spidey sense warns him of it, giving him enough time to flip out of the way before splashing back onto the gravel.  Within minutes of sneaking out of the apartment his suit had been drenched, the colour darkened to navy and blood red. The hail is a hallmark of New York winters right along with freezing breezes and angry people, summers might bring forth warmth, but winters bring a blistering hot derived from the anger of New York’s citizens.   
Spiderman had been on his way back home when he heard the commotion, the reason for the noise became quickly apparent as he leaned over the edge of the rooftop. A man was stood there, in one hand he was waved a gun threateningly in the air, in the other he was clutching the coat of a young woman. Despite his words being slurred and the stench of alcohol he was steady on his feet when he demanded her purse. He didn’t seem like the type of guy to use an authentic weapon but Peter was unwilling to take that chance. She hadn’t yet had a chance to react when spiderman leapt from the roof. He braced himself against the impact of the kick that made the assailant stumble backwards. Before he had the chance to regain his footing the woman took the opportunity to escape, heels clicking on the ground mark her departure. The moments distraction provided the criminal with ample time adjust his stance and pull the trigger.  
Now there’s a bullet lodged in the brick wall, cracks spiralling from where it imploded, having sailed through the air where Peter had been standing only seconds earlier. Irritated at the murder attempt Peter flicks his wrist, he can just about hear the click of the web shooter mechanism firing before the criminal is secured to the wall.  
‘’Hey, hey, hey, this is a new suit.’’ The guy just shouts obscenities at him from his place on the wall, eyes red around the edges, his scowl turning the lines on his face into deep crevices. Peter’s too busy looking at the newly formed hole in the wall, to pay any notice. In his mind's eye he can see what would have happened if the bullet hadn’t missed, metal slicing through spandex and skin before ripping through muscle. Turning his insides into a bloody smoothie. Damp gravel crunching under his weigh as blood loss causes him to crumple. He’d never been shot before, and he’s not adding it to his bucket list any time soon.  
Inserting a new cannister into his suit, his finger quick to fire. He hoists himself upwards, as soon as the web is secured onto a nearby lamppost, before sending a second. The rain has let up slightly as he swings through the city, no longer feeling like violent needles sticking into his skin. 
  Peter can hear him before he can see him, super senses allowing him to detect the suit’s inner engines from streets away. Why Ironman is hovering over the city at 11pm on a Tuesday is anyone's guess. Racking his mind for answers Peter theorises that he was after some criminal trading black market Stark tech. This area was halfway to home and a rough area of the city, infamous for its active drug gangs and weapons dealings. Yeah, that made sense.   
Still, Spiderman slips into the alley, between two apartment blocks, hoping he'd either fly overhead or spontaneously change direction. He wasn’t hiding exactly, just temporarily avoiding. Ironman ignores Peter's inner prayer and continues onward. Just a couple of blocks away now, Peter can hear another accompanying voice.   
‘’Do you have eyes on?’’ The question has a tinny quality about it, undetectable to most, making Peter think there must be a radio installed in his suit relaying the words.   
Fortunately, he can’t recognize the voice, meaning Captain America or Thor are unlikely to drop in on him at any moment. Letting curiosity get the better of him he strains to hear more, hoping in this scenario curiosity doesn't kill the cat- or the spider in this case.   
‘’No, not yet. Police reports confirm he’s been in this area recently.’’   
‘’Maybe he’s already gone.’’   
Peter’s stomach tumbles uncomfortably listening to the conversation unfold. They could be talking about someone else. They probably are. They have no reason to be hunting him. Though with Parker's luck there’s a good chance they are.   
Still, there’s nothing to confirm this until, ‘’No, the web-slinger might be quick, but he doesn’t have super speed.’’  Unless his brand image has been stolen and there’s another web-slinging hero flinging himself around New York then it’s probably him.  Can I sue if there is? Peter wonders.   
To be fair, hunting gangs is more of a Daredevil rather than an avenger thing. Ironman is practically on top of him now, a few more metres and he could look down and see him hanging from the wall uselessly. Futilely Peter shuffles down, wondering if it was better to be discovered or reveal himself.  ‘’Hold on. I installed heat detecting sensors last week.’’  
The flight part of fight or flight should kick in now, but at this moment, it evades Peter. Leaving him frozen as thin metal panels slide into place in Stark’s suit.  ‘’See anything?’’  
Ironman ignores the question in favour of hovering a little closer. So, he can glance directly into the mouth of the alleyway. Without the barriers of cloth and metal, Peter is sure they would be making awkward, uncomfortable eye contact right now.  
When the silence continues for a beat too long Peter fills it, ‘’Err, Hi? I’m a big fan.’’   
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Both of these weren't planned, but the ideas are nagging me and both will be written. But I'm curious to know which one I should write first.
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Currently trying to finishing my first ever Clintasha fan fiction and I cannot wait for it to be released. I’m actually so excited but also a bit afraid. 😂😂
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