#repurposed kitchen cabinets
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Found this in my archives. I think it's a wonderful idea if you need new cabinets or want to redo the kitchen on a shoestring. Find a second hand cabinet you like in a thrift shop and do this.
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magisource · 9 months
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Backyard Porch in Portland Ideas for a sizable modern wood railing back porch renovation that will include decking and a roof extension
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ncspaint · 1 year
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WIP: Jason Todd Oneshot?
This is repurposed from a rewrite of a different fanfic that I think could probably work as a one shot or like. A short series.
TLDR: You get thrown into Gotham, end up working for Penguin as a singer, end up being Selina's roommate. You've met Jason as the Red Hood. Tonight, he climbs in your window.
Excerpt under the cut, appreciate any feedback and thoughts 🫶
The nightmares, it seemed, were in escapable. You sigh, throwing the blankets off of your body and slipping into your newly purchased slippers. You heads downstairs, pouring yourself of cup of water and throwing it in the microwave. You rummage through the kitchen cabinets, moving Selina’s stack of tea out of the way to reach the box of hot chocolate mix. You head back to the microwave, careful to shut it off before it finishes as to not awaken the entire house. You add the mix to the packet, stirring it with a spoon, and heads back upstairs.
You've barely set foot in the door when you notice a familiar red figure lingering at your window, “Red?” You whisper.
“Hey, sweetheart. Mind if I come in?” He asks.
“Are you a vampire or something? Can’t enter uninvited?” You reply, a small smile on your lips, your free hand resting on your hip. You close the door behind you with your foot.
He huffs as he climbs through the window, “You shouldn’t sleep with the window open. You could catch a cold, or worse.” A deliberate avoidance of the question, just like his father taught him. He shuts it behind him, locking the chill of winter outside.
“Or worse.” You repeat, taking a step forward and a sip of your hot chocolate, “Like strange men climbing in my window with unclear motives?” You tease, walking around the bed to meet him by the windowsill.
Jason’s finger traces your arm, “Missed you.” He murmurs, “Wanted to see you.”
“You could’ve dropped by the Lounge.” You reply, allowing him to caress your arm. Your skin reacts to the continuous touch, goosebumps forming on your shoulders.
“You were busy. Didn’t want to interrupt.” He replies, pulling his hand away from you.
You raise the cup to your lips, hiding your disappointed sigh by swallowing more of your drink.
The truth, you know, is that he didn’t want to see his older brother around you. Didn’t want to know what you would sing to him, didn’t want to see how the two of you would interact, didn’t want to feel jealous. Jason spent years in Dick’s shadow only to die there. And when he came back, he’d been replaced.
“I would have made time for you,” You respond, placing the cup of hot chocolate on your nightstand. Would have preferred to spend the time with him, if you were being honest.
“It went well?” He asks.
“It did. Dick is… charming. Beautiful. Any girl would be lucky to have him.” You recall, remembering the night. Dick’s eyes sparkled the purest blue. He had a laugh like a warm summer breeze, like an ocean wave breaking on the shore. The perfect man, some would say. “But he’s not my type.”
Because, at the end of the day, Richard Grayson is not perfect. As a child, he was wild, reckless, and angry. So angry that he tried to avenge his parents’ death by killing their murderer. So angry he began fighting crime. So angry that he yelled and screamed and fought Bruce over petty things, over big things, sometimes just to have an excuse to fight. He’s grown since then. He’s now a man who knows how to manage that anger, who takes on the role of father and older brother and uncle and whatever else he needs to be because there are more important things than his emotions.
He is Dorian Grey personified.
“I thought you couldn’t love a man you can’t look in the eye,” Jason’s hands remain at his side, the white eyes of his red mask seeming to bore into your soul.
You did say that, at first. Because you were scared, because part of you can't help but look at him and think of the thousands of people who voted for him to die. Because you don't want to hurt him if you leave.
You smile, a small, pathetic sort of smile, “Everybody lies.”
Jason chuckles and your heart flutters. You stand there, dumbly, staring up at him and waiting for him to do or say something, forgetting that you too have hands and a mouth. Jason begins to slowly peel his jacket off, revealing an shirt identical to the one she you last saw him in. As he slowly takes off his gloves, pulling at each finger, he says, “I hear you wear my jacket often. Heard you wore it tonight.”
“I never leave home without it.” You reply, twiddling your thumbs, “I feel safe when I wear it.” You add, sheepishly.
Jason makes a noise in his throat, one so primal that you know it must have turned him on, must have satisfied his possessive nature. He reaches out with his right hand, his calloused finger tips running up your neck. Your skin reacts to the touch, gentle but full of desire, sending a pleased shiver throughout your body. His fingers stop when they reach your chin, the index, middle and ring hooking into the curve, the middle stretching ever so slightly so that it grazes your lower lip.
“Tell me what you want to do,” He whispers.
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sherbet-shivers · 2 months
A Minor Malfunction Part 2/3
**Please do not share to non-kink snz blogs — no need to drag vanillas into this! Formatting tips are always welcome <3**
Blurb: Co/nnor is still suffering a little virus (Part 1 here and Part 3 here)
Characters: Co/nnor R/K800 (-centric because he’s babygirl) and H/ank A/nderson
Length: 5k+ words
TW: cursing, human and robot injuries and homicide, fake drugs, some coughing; lightest of spoilers
Since investigations were never quick, Connor really should’ve expected this case to be no exception.
It took roughly half an hour just to reach the crime scene alone, and now that they’d arrived, minutes were accruing like Deviants themselves. The scene wasn’t too unique compared to other similar incidents, but that didn’t mean it was absent surprises either.
For starters, there were multiple human victims — two adult men aged somewhere between thirty and forty years. They were dealers allegedly draining their own androids for their Thirium in order to produce more red ice for local distribution. The Androids were both inactive and found just outside the immediate area given they’d lost a critical amount of blue blood. It was likely they’d shut down since there was no way their bio components could sustain their systems on such minimal fluid. This was the first case in which Connor and Hank had investigated people using their own androids to bolster their personal RI supply, and for some reason, Connor doubted it’d be the last.
The men had been assaulted by the Androids in their kitchen based on the amount of blood smattering the countertops and the overall state of disarray. Chairs were knocked over, the fridge was left open, the stovetops were on when police arrived, and there were broken dishes, toppled pots, and loose silverware scattered everywhere. The men had done a good job remaining inconspicuous in their affairs; even their next door neighbors reported no suspicions of their notorious trade, nor the abuse of their Androids. Connor purported that the tiny apartment was designated for the sole purpose of their operations — not particularly lived in or used for shelter. His theory was based on the fact there was no food in the house, and every single cabinet, cupboard, or similar compartment had been repurposed for RI storage. Not to mention the home was completely battered, obviously lacking much needed maintenance and cleaning. Even the naked human eye could catch the layers of dust and grime coating every flat surface in sight. Hank was the first to say as much after he entered the living quarters and immediately tripped over a bag of old Chinese food containers and syringes.
“Fucking shit!” He had hissed, glaring down at the trash bag like it had personally assaulted him. “I swear if this place is crawling with rats like that damn pigeon house I will shoot those filthy bastards on site!”
Miraculously none of the officers had encountered a single rodent; however less fortunately, Connor’s nose was starting to grow unbearably itchy given all the dust and cobwebs decorating the dry air. Not to mention it was freezing inside — the other investigating officers bundled under several layers and still chattering against the cold. Connor suspected the leaks in the roof and broken windows were to blame for the influx of frigid air, which was starting to really stiffen the cogs in his chest and extremities.
Connor slowly gravitates to Hank’s side, peeking over his shoulder as the senior observes one of the victims.
“More red ice,” he grumbles as he plucks a PVC packet off one of the men’s person. The crystallized drug sparkles like false ruby under the scope of Hank’s flashlight. “Given the toxicology report, it’s a wonder how this guy didn’t overdose before he was murdered.”
Hank passes the packet to Connor, the latter fumbling the substance between his fingers while he examines it more closely.
“The composition isn’t exact to other red ice compounds we’ve seen in the past,” Connor observes. “Perhaps they were developing a hybrid; something inexpensive with a similar effect and appearance.”
Hank scoffs, shaking his head. He pats down the rest of the victim’s body. “A living eye could never catch all that, but I guess that’s why you’re here, right Connor?”
“Correct,” Connor confirms.
“Well,” Hank says, rising from the floor and clapping his hands together to rid them of the dirt caked in the grooves of his skin, “I have my theories, but uh, why don’t you go first while I wash this shit off?”
“Of course,” Connor nods as he watches Hank step over the victim’s body and head for the kitchen sink. He wastes no time pulling up the list of evidence saved to his specs.
“Based on what I’ve gathered and the analysis of my digital reconstruction, Victim A was likely assaulted by Android B first. Victim B was preoccupied with the stovetop while Victim A busied himself with collecting the Androids’ Thirium.”
Hank hums, encouraging Connor to continue while he tries to unstick the sink’s rusty left handle. “Go on.”
“To access the blue blood, the victims would often drain a specific wound afflicting the android’s torso; the area just beneath where a human’s right rib cage would end. The puncture wound was scarcely healed between draining instances, and therefore the most reasonable source of continued drainage. I believe Victim A was attempting to reach Android B’s puncture when the bot suddenly refused his inspection. Thus-“
Connor jerks in surprise as Hank yanks his hands from the sink basin to avoid the gush of suspiciously gross water pouring out the faucet.
“Ah that’s just fucking great! Ice cold, filthy fucking water! Matches the house itself, I guess,” Hank curses as he extends his hands away from his body. Even a few of the surrounding officers take steps away from his reach.
“Hang onto that thought. I’m gonna go wash this off in a puddle or something.”
With that, Hank and the remaining officers head outside the home, leaving Connor alone with the still running water. The Android heads over to the sink and promptly halts the flow, which has collected in the basin turning it a muddy, sewage brown. For sanitary reasons, he should really drain the fluid, but something about the discoloration even has him grimacing.
While inspecting the mess, Connor is completely unaware of the steady pool of rainwater collecting just overhead, seeping through the cracks of the ceiling; and just as he’s about to return to his former position, the roof panels give way and unleash their tide. With his reaction time hindered, Connor barely side-steps the planks crashing to his sides. It’s a lucky dodge, but still not quite good enough to avoid the wave of water that crashes him dead on. Within the blink of an eye, he’s become drenched in icy fluid.
He’s thankful he was the brunt of the accident and not Hank or the other human officers, but if he wasn’t already shivering before, he sure was now. That pummeling had put a dent in his defensive barrier, and the large influx of water was starting to sink into his circuits faster than it could be flushed out.
A similar alert blares through his system, only this time it glows red and reads as a warning.
WARNING!!! Functionality: Highly Impaired. Code: C5Y0091-44BC. Result: Bio-Component Defects And Malfunction. Water Intake: Level 4. Risk Of Shut-Down: Moderate. Self-Repairs Update Ongoing. Time Remaining: 53 Hours, 21 Minutes, And 17 Sec-
Connor sneezes freely towards the ground, his hands pathetically hugging his shoulders and shaking against his sodden sleeves. Water had definitely infiltrated his cavities, only congesting him further. Get a grip, he mentally commands. Don’t-!
“Hh’PTSHH’huh! ssh’hHIEW!”
Come on! Get a-!
The Android lifts his head, spotting Hank who's just re-entered the house and is already barreling his way.
“Connor! What happened?!” He asks, examining the android’s body then glancing between the fallen debri and the hole in the ceiling.
“N-Nothing, L-Lieutenant,” Connor stammers, his voice as uneven as autotune. “Th-the ceiling…it must’ve fallen under the p-pressure of the s-storm.”
His voice has taken on a robotic vibration, frying it with digital gravel.
“Jesus…,” Hank murmurs absentmindedly, his gaze returning to Connor himself. “Did it fucking fall on you? Why are you soaked?!”
“I-I’m okay,” Connor reassures, though the constant shivering and sniffling probably doesn’t make him any more convincing. Two other, entering officers are starting to look at him. He didn’t need this extra speculation, so he opts for changing the subject, and fast.
He glances at Hank’s hands.
“D-Did you manage t-to w-wash your hands off?”
Hank stares at Connor like he’s asked him to perform the electric slide. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the smoothest transition out of the spotlight. But even so, he didn’t say something wrong again, did he? Connor smiles through chattering teeth, when suddenly, Hank catches his cheeks in his palms and sternly peers into the Android’s eyes.
“Christ Connor you’re freezing,” he murmurs, an unusual hint of worry seeping through his tone. Connor wasn’t supposed to evoke that tone, so he does his best to console his partner.
“I-I’m okay, Lieutenant,” Connor repeats. “I-I’m just glad n-no one was injured,” he adds, blatantly ignoring the 59% efficiency report blinking in the corner of his sight. “The temperatures m-may slow m-me down, but I assure you I a-am s-still capable of completing my job.”
Hank doesn’t look convinced, far from it actually, but he ultimately chooses to free Connor of his hold, perhaps motivated by the approach of the remaining officers. He clears his throat and nods, averting his eyes to the remainder of the scene. He’d have to clean up the fallen shit, but honestly that was the least of his current concerns. One victim was piled beneath rooftop shambles, and if he knew anything, it was that Fowler would blame him for the tampered scene — whether it was his fault or not.
“Alright,” he grumbles. “But-,” he exclaims, pointing a finger in Connor’s face, “-you’d better tell me if you start bugging out! The last thing we need is you breaking down or glitching or something.”
Connor’s gears tighten. “Of course, Lieutenant. That won’t happen,” he assures.
“Good, ‘cause I’m not filing a broken equipment report after we’re done here,” he mutters, returning to the crime scene. As he does, he huffs under his breath, shaking his head and hiding his expression behind a curtain of loose bangs.
“Fuck, almost actually had me worried there, Con!” He admits. “I seriously almost asked if you wanted a break, or were hurt or feeling okay, but I forgot you don’t really want or feel, well, anything, do you?”
Connor’s hands grip tighter against his arms, leaving scratches across his synthetic skin that are slow to regenerate.
“Correct, Lieutenant,” he murmurs, his LED flashing yellow.
Hank accepts his answer, already having shuffled over to the fallen planks to scoop them out of the way. Connor tries to help him, but Hank intercepts his reach.
“Uh-uh! You keep telling me what you found, then go ahead and re-investigate the bodies, yeah? Or at least, y’know,” he glimpses down at the victim half-buried beneath the rubble, “the ones you can still see.”
By the time they’ve managed to clean up the majority of the roof and granted Connor enough leeway to re-inspect the final victim, more than an hour has passed. His metal was freezing cold to the touch, barely above 35 degrees, and his malfunctions were getting worse by the second — only functioning at an even split of 50%.
Still, it looked like their investigation was nearly over. The other cops had long left the area (probably in order to avoid clean-up duty), and Hank was equally ready to go with just the final victim remaining to be studied. For a man who hated his job, he’d rushed to get another look at the body. He was already down on his knees, hovering over Victim A and scouring his wounds with his flashlight.
“So, you’re saying this one attacked the Androids first?”
Connor nods. “Y-Yes. It’s m-most p-probable.”
His stutter was getting worse. So far Hank had been ignoring it, but there was no way he hadn't noticed.
“So run the last part by me again? Y’know, about how the second Android got involved?”
…No response.
That was unusual.
“Connor?” Hank calls.
No response. Again.
What the Hell?
“Connor? Connor??” He repeats, this time glancing back at the Android in question. To his unease, Connor is looking somewhere unseen, as if in a trance. Making a face, Hank claps his hands together, startling the Android out of his daze.
“Goddammit! Connor!!”
Connor blinks twice and immediately looks to his partner.
“Apologies. D-Did you need me?” Connor asks.
“Well I’ve been calling your name four damn times, so yeah,” Hank answers sarcastically. “I thought you said you were fine. The Hell is up with you?”
“N-Nothing, Lieutenant. I’m sorry,” Connor apologizes again. This time though, Hank isn’t letting him slide so easily.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. What’s going on, huh? You’re even loopier than yesterday,” he scoffs. “Y’know I was joking earlier but now I’m not so sure. What is it, huh? You actually malfunctioning or some shit?”
“N-No!” Connor exclaims a bit too hastily, based on the way Hank raises an eyebrow his way. He hadn’t meant to raise his voice so high. It was an impulse he rarely leaned into, but it was difficult given the constant red warning swimming through his ocular piece. “N-No…my operations are functional.”
“Functional?” Hank repeats, placing a hand on his knee. “What happened to optimal?”
For a middle-aged drunkard, Hank was remarkably astute — a quality Connor often admired, just not in this moment.
“I am fine,” Connor breathes, trying to keep his voice as still as possible. “I’ve already ran internal diagnostics. It s-seems that I’ve contracted a small virus that is affecting the r-regulation of my bio-components.”
“What?” Hank exclaims, suddenly up on his feet and fully facing his Android. “Affecting how? For how long??” He asks, bordering concern and curiosity.
“My temperature regulation is h-hindered, resulting in fluctuating internal temps ranging from r-roughly 30 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.”
“30?!” He knew Connor was cold, just not that cold.
“My ocular c-components are s-similarly impaired, occasionally resulting in low visibility and an inability t-to scan c-certain d-data in the environment. I s-suspect I will not be able to immediately diagnose b-blue blood, as taste receptors are partially numbed.”
Hank honestly didn’t see that as a negative per se, but he wasn’t about to say that aloud.
“And I am experiencing m-mild g-glitching affecting airway c-cavities, though this is, again, a m-mild inconvenience.”
Hank looks Connor up and down, expression unreadable. For the first time, Connor swears he’s sensing something. Something internal outside his usual program, and aside from the errors he’s affected by. This was something new, something strange and unpleasant. Something like…
He waits for Hank to say something — anything — even if it’s at his own expense, and yet all the detective does is stare at him. Finally, after a few more bated moments, Hank does something unexpected: he laughs. And when he does speak, it’s in the flattest tone Connor’s ever heard out of him — a tone befit an Android.
“So you have a cold.”
Blue rises to Connor’s cheeks. Anxiety was giving way to another unwanted emotion: humiliation.
“…Yes, Lieutenant. The common cold would likely be an equivalent to my condition.”
Hanks laughs again, placing his hands on his hips as he shakes his head in amusement. “Learn something stupid everyday,” he muses. Then, more seriously, he continues: “So what exactly uh, happens when you’re-,” he waves his hands around Connor’s person, gesturing to his entirety,” -like this. Hm? I’m assuming bots don’t get sick leave.”
He was genuinely curious (maybe even a smidge compassionate), and as always, Connor has an answer.
“CyberLife has been notified of my dysfunction, and their report denotes that as a m-model RK800, I am c-capable of both s-self-diagnostics and administering minor self-repairs. A-As such, this inconvenience is nothing I c-cannot h-handle myself. Given approximately-,” his LED hums and glows a faint blue, “-51 hours, 32 minutes and 11 seconds, my s-systems should be rebooted, and myself returned t-to optimal f-functionality. In the meantime, I apologize for any hindrances this may c-cause our investigation, Lieutenant; however, CyberLife has assured that these errors are m-more likely to c-cause self-contained discomfort, and are therefore highly n-negligible to outside company.”
He wiggles in place. “That is why I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m s-sorry for the disturbance, and urge you to ignore my incongruity lest it endanger or c-concern you or others directly.”
“Right…,” Hank nods, still eyeing Connor with skepticism. “But you know it does kind of concern me when you’re all dopey, ignoring my questions and shit.”
“It won’t happen again.”
Hank snorts, rolling his eyes. “I’ll take your word for it, but forgive me if I think you’re full of shit when you say so,” he says, returning to the victim. “So, anything else I should be aware of? Any other surprises?” He chuckles.
Hank awaits an answer, even if it’s meant as a joke, but once again he’s met with silence. He sighs and mutters something unintelligible to himself; something along the lines of “I swear to God kid if you aren’t listening”; but just as he’s about to call Connor again and wake him from whatever tizzy he’s fallen back into, the Android makes a sound he doesn’t recognize.
Hank waits, but there’s no response again. Was Connor trying to say something and he’d missed it? “Hey! Connor! What did you sa-?”
Hank startles, jerking enough to lose his grip on his flashlight, which tumbles from his hand and rolls across the wood flooring. He swings around fast enough to give someone his age whiplash, still not entirely believing such a human sound was produced by his partner. That is, until he watches him make it again. The android’s shoulders bounce twice, chest inflates with a faux breath, and then-
“Ih’TSHH’Uui! E-Excu’h-! Hhh’idTSHh’iew!”
He somehow catches the final sneeze in an artificial web of fingers. Why he even bothers Hank doesn’t know; after all, it’s not like he could infect anyone. Then again, it was probably just another habit to make him appear more human; though to be honest, Hank almost found it creepy.
When Connor catches his partner staring, he looks utterly embarrassed; the sky-blue blush rushing to his face and discoloring his ski-sloped nose. To regain his composure, he’s quick to readjust his trademark tie and fidget with the cuffs of his sleeve.
“Excuse me, Lieutenant,” Connor offers sheepishly.
“…did you just fucking sneeze?” Hank asks, only the way he says it makes it sound more like an accusation than an inquiry.
Connor nods and rubs his nose. “Forgive me. It’s another side effect of my-,” he pauses, refusing to say malfunction aloud. “-condition. I’ll try not to let it happen again.”
“It’s not that I just, didn’t know you things uh, did that,” Hank replies un-eloquently. “Not that I even knew you got sick for Christ’s sake.”
“It’s not common,” Connor answers, his eyes averting shyly. “It’s to vent out my systems. Usually androids don’t need to resort to these processes since they clean themselves manually, but with my bio-components partially corrupted-“
Connor sniffs and pinches his nose, unaware how he seems to be bewildering Hank further.
“-my systems are relying on automatic reflexes. CyberLife did add that they m-may be on high alert for outside disturbances. S’h-?! So given how duh’hsty this area i’hiH-! is…”
Connor glimpses around the abandoned kitchen, wiggling his nose and sniffing in succession, again.
“-I suppose I’m-…I-hH‘m…-?!”
He’s intent on continuing, he really is, but he just can’t. Therefore, he swivels around out of Hank’s sight, and sneezes as quietly as possible into the bed of his palms.
“pP’SHHIi’Eew! ihH’SCH’yuU! ‘chyiieEW!”
Or not quietly at all, really. It was just so hard; especially when his nose was so relentlessly ticklish! Staving off the fit for hours probably didn’t help, but in his defense, he still wasn’t 100% sure fighting it off actually made it worse. Just…99% sure.
“ahH’Ah-! H’ahH-…! HH’ATSCH’hyieEW!”
The water soaked into his systems must be more  agitating than he thought. He sniffles damply and rubs his nose on his sleeve before clearing his throat of the congestion that’s settled there. When he faces Hank again, he isn’t even aware of just how blue he’s turned, or the little curls of hair that've been freed by the exertion of his fit. He coughs into his fist.
“Excuse me. Sorry. I was saying that I’ve become highly sensitive to the changes in the environment. Like the rain and-“, he sniffs, hesitant to even utter the word, “-dust.”
The initial shock of disbelief wearing off, Hank’s expression dissolves into a smirk that teases more at one corner of his mouth than the other. “So first you catch colds and now you get allergies, too?”
Connor swallows.
“Not necessarily,” he defends.
Hank nods, still looking cheeky. “But you are sneezy.”
“A bit…yes,” Connor confirms, scrubbing at his face again. Static is still tickling his nose, and spreading an itch to the rest of his face. Is this how humans felt when they were overreacting?
“I’ll stop it next time. I’m sorry.”
He fears he may have given the wrong answer the way Hank stays silent, but ultimately, his partner must appreciate his courtesy, because his expression softens and he rises to rub Connor’s shoulder in earnest.
“Twenty more minutes and then we get you out of here. I’m starting to freeze my balls off, anyway.”
Twenty minutes don’t come fast enough. Thankfully they’ve managed to piece together exactly how the crime went down — from the names of the victims and their Androids, to the means of assault, the murder weapons, and the motives. The cost however was Connor’s comfort, which if not indicated by his breathy sneezing and constant shaking, was evidenced by the 44% efficiency he was operating at. He needed a charge, and maybe just a little time to shut his eyes, which were being swarmed by constant alerts. The walls of text and meaningless numbers were starting to pile up in the corners of his eyes and really impair his sight. He had attempted to blink them away as quickly as they popped up, but at some point he’d given up altogether — doing so was expending crucial battery life he couldn’t afford to spare.
And now even his balance was beginning to suffer, causing him to lean and rock whenever he inched in any direction. To keep himself steady and warm, his hands were permanently grounded to his arms, keeping him enveloped in a hug of his own making.
As he watches Hank wrap up, Connor suddenly remembers that his night was far from over. He still needed to file his case report to CyberLife, and the idea of walking all the way back to the station was no more appealing. As an Android he wasn’t afforded the luxury of catching himself a taxi since it was illegal to spend currency on himself alone. Usually Connor didn’t pay this inequality any real attention, but in his current state, he finds himself fixated on the rule. If he thought on it further, perhaps he would’ve inspired some kind of opinion; ultimately though, he knows there’s nothing he could do but accept it. Thus he turns his attention back to his current priority: Hank, who he needed to return home safely before reporting their findings to CyberLife. He’d made a promise to Sumo, after all.
He may be exhausted, but he still wasn’t ready to deem his performance a total failure just yet.
“Alright, I think we’re just about done here,” Hank sighs, looking and sounding just as relieved as Connor was. “Don’t tell the Chief but uh, based on what we found here-“
Hank peeks at Connor who meets his glance.
“-fuckers probably deserved what they got.”
Connor glimpses at the Android bodies, then that of the human victims. He shrugs, albeit reluctantly. “That is n-not a j-judgment I can m-make,” he answers.
“Sure it isn’t,” Hank sighs. “Anyway, let’s get the fuck out of here. Come on.”
Hank leads the way towards the exit, and as usual, Connor is quick to trail him like a puppy chasing its owner. He’s so close to being done and escaping this fortress of death and dust, but of course, fate can’t let him off so easily. The whole day had been work, and apparently his shift wasn’t quite over yet.
He feels it before he fully realizes what’s happening. That prickling burn in his face had returned with a vengeance, syncing with another alert that blinds his view completely.
WARNING!!! Functionality: Critically Impaired. Code: C5Y0091-53BC. Result: Bio-Component Defects And Malfunction. Risk Of Shut-Down: Imminent. Self-Repairs Update Ongoing. Time Remaining: 54 Hours, 26 Minutes, And 03 Seconds.
Wait, did the time remaining increase?
Connor is too preoccupied with completing his objectives to heed his system’s warnings, and thus dismisses the alarm pounding in his head. With a mighty effort he attempts to trudge forward in Hank’s wake, every step heavy and audibly creaking. His bio components slosh with rainwater, sending chills through every circuit and rendering every movement sluggish and dizzying. The pixels in his view were collecting like a storm and creating clouds of noir fuzz that eat away at his peripheral sight.
And that damn vibration in his chest and nose! It was so fucking distracting! He doesn’t need to alert Hank to his current state any more than he already has, and he definitely doesn’t need to get whisked up in another pathetic fit…but the tactics he’d used so far to abate his reflexes just weren’t providing him any hints of reprieve.
Desperate, he resorts to a new plan of action, quick to secure his nose between the pads of his thumb and forefinger. He’s seen Hank do it before, so maybe if he just…! Connor clamps down hard on the sensitive tip to try and curb the itch that’s nested there, eager to quell the phantom sensation by massaging and kneading strategically. Rain water squeaks against his grip, and the stubborn tickle has him coughing breathily against his control. Please let this work! He can stop this one! He just needs to concentrate. He just needs to try harder! He just…ne’hH’eds…t-t’hHU…!
Abandoning his cause, Connor blindly frees his hand and reaches for Hank’s shoulder. He ends up at his sleeve instead, but honestly that’s close enough given the urgency of his position. He gives the detective’s jacket a little tug, signaling for his attention.
Hank peeks at Connor over his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“S-Sir-! I-I’hh am…,” Connor trails off, and catching the Android’s desperate gaze, Hank pays him his full attention. The Android shuffles, blinks side to side, then flusteredly exclaims, “g-going to do ih’hIHT-!…a’hh’gain-!”
Hank blinks, and when he finally catches on, he blinks again.
“Connor,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes and gripping the Android’s hand. “You’re a damn-near indestructible supercomputer worth double my yearly salary. Are you seriously telling me you’re about to sneeze again? Like a preschooler?”
“Y-Yes-!” Connor answers seriously between hitching breaths. Hank isn’t surprised he didn’t catch his attempts at teasing, but he’s also unaware of just how mortified Connor is — how he’s feeling. “I understand I — huh-! — f-frightened-“
“I wasn’t scared.”
“-you la’aast time s’so I th’hah-! I thought I’d try to w-warn you’that’I-!”
“Fuck’s sake just shut up and get it over with!” Hank hisses.
Permission granted. To spare his commanding officer the unsightly scene, Connor twists his body and races to cover his mouth with steepled hands. He hiccups two “breaths” (a pattern Hank was beginning to pick up on) against his palms before succumbing to his nightmare.
“Hh’IPTtsSH’IEW! Aah’-! eH’SCH’hh! Iy’hh-! hah-! H’hiHH-! hHYi’DSHH’uU!”
He coughs so hard afterwards, his chest rattles and mouth leaks stale rainwater. It’s the trigger that melts Hank’s bemused expression into one of utter fear, his eyes wide and unblinking. Up until now he’d found this whole thing funny, maybe a bit quirky and unusual, but now? Now this felt serious. Dangerous, even.
Hank scrambles to Connor’s side. Without seeking permission, he grabs both Connor’s wrists in his hands and forces them away from his face, revealing a tortured expression he should’ve noticed earlier. Connor looked outright uncomfortable. He looked distressed. He looked…
Really sick.
Guilt anchors Hank’s heart to the bottom of his gut, and out of some sort of paternal instinct, he holds the Android steady by pulling him into a hug.
“Connor!” He calls, but the Android is prisoner to a loop of gasping and sputtering. Pressed close together, Hank can hear the faint whistling emitting from the Android’s chest. Paired with the aggressive huffing and whimpers of sound, Connor didn’t sound too much unlike an asthmatic. Hank’s hands are becoming numb the longer they remain locked around the man’s body, and with every violent shiver, his body shakes in chorus.
Connor clutches greedy fistfuls of Hank’s jacket, relying on him entirely for support to stay upright. It’s like he’s clinging for life support, and the impression makes Hank’s own blood turn to ice.
“Connor?! Connor, son!! Are you okay?!”
To his horror, Connor blindly shakes his head. It’s the last hint to compel Hank to action. Desperate to comfort the Android further, Hank cradles a hand to the back of Connor’s head and pillows his face against his chest. The Android wiggles weakly against his grip, but Hank adamantly refuses to budge.
“Relax, kid. I used to be a dad, remember?”
He closes his eyes and traces soothing circles between Connor’s shoulder blades.
“Getting sneezed and coughed on is part of the job; maybe for detectives too. So quit your fighting and just get it over with — I’m here for you now.”
Either his words resonate convincingly enough, or Connor can’t hold out any further. Either way, the result is the same.
Connor groans faintly from the bed of Hank’s breast pocket, barely catching another breath before he’s snapping forth again. First coughing, then flung into another sneezing fit.
“EH’DSHH’CHhui! ‘CHiiEeW! ‘SCHH’yyiuh! hHi’tshiiew!”
The last one is barely a sneeze, more like an exhale of empty, fizzled out air. Hank noticed how Connor, even in all his desperation, had refused to sneeze on him; instead letting loose at the last possible moment by pressing his forehead to his chest and aiming each burst towards the floor. Even while at the end of his rope the damn man was too polite — a wholesome and unreasonable characteristic Hank acted like he abhorred, but silently envied.
Relieved to be finished but feeling infinitely worse, Connor lifts his head slowly, already pulling out of Hank’s touch to crush the back of his wrist against his nose. He wasn’t about to look Hank in the eyes, not that he could see clearly to begin with. Errors were swarming his senses like gnats, declaring him critically defective and dangerously malfunctioning — as if he needed a reminder of the obvious.
Rocking on his heels he clutches his head in his hand and surrenders to the glitches tearing up his bio components.
WARNING!!! Functionality: Critically Impaired. Code: C5Y0091-53BC. Result: Bio-Component Defects And Malfunction. Risk Of Shut-Down: Imminent. WARNING!!! Functionality: Critically Impaired. Code: C5Y0091-53BC. Result: Bio-Component Defects And Malfunction. Risk Of Shut-Down: Imminent. WARNING!!! Malfunction. Malfunction.
“I-…I’m not…”
Malfunction. Shut-Down Sequence Initiated.
N-No. He wasn’t going to shut down. It was a status he couldn’t afford, especially given his type of work, his mission, his expectations, and his model. A malfunction this spiraling…was unbefitting a rumba, let alone an RX800 Android like himself. If he couldn’t pull it together and send back a satisfying report to his creators, then…what could he expect? He’d be forced apart and aptly replaced by a new Connor model. He would be broken down; he’d be expendable once again. He’d lose his purpose. He’d lose his job! He’d lose Hank!! He didn’t want that!!!
“Connor! CONNOR!!!”
He…he didn’t…
DING!Shut-Down Sequence Complete.
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morvantmortuary · 6 months
the night before -
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The Morvants have their own Christmas Eve traditions.
warnings: allusions to child death and animal death, some gore, necromancers being creepy and possessive.
(I wanted to get this up earlier tonight, but my sister in law got in and I got distracted visiting, so! consider this a late night bite for the nocturnal crowd 🖤
As always, you can read this for just your favorite, or you can read it as though you’re dating a combination of all three - so long as you don’t mind your bed being very crowded at the end 😜)
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All three Morvants share memories of the looming dread the holiday previously inspired:
The skeletal revenants that glowered through the House in the days leading up to the gathering — ritualistically sweeping, dusting, and mopping until their fingers fell off, or their task was complete and they immediately collapsed again into a heap of paper-thin skin and bones (that the boys then had to sweep up themselves and return to the basement).
The continued frustration of Maxi and Hector being constantly shooed out of the kitchen, despite both eagerly wanting to help prepare for the festivities, and being forced to go sit uncomfortably with the other men of the family as they visited before The Night’s Trial. Not to mention the guests of They Who Decide, who lounged around smoking eye-watering cigars and drinking heavily in the parlor while they talked of their grim variations of business.
The fury of a protesting Rora repeatedly being near-dragged back into the kitchen by her mother’s iron grip at her elbow, no matter how often she tried to slip away, or fake cramps or a headache in the later years, because Mathilde insisted it would be Rora’s duty to be hostess of such glittering evenings herself one day.
(Hector, to this day, swears that whatever dish Rora was forced to touch during the cooking process always tasted bitter. Like her anger had seeped into the food itself.
Rora, when asked, would simply say it was a trace amount of the cyanide her mother had caught her trying to slip in when her back was turned.)
The stiff, uncomfortable clothes - starchy old-fashioned suits for the boys, a tulle nightmare-confection for Rora, all with entirely too much ancient lace and in a grim grave-shroud white for the season.
They would be buried in them, after all, if they failed. As Vincent so loved to remind them.
Where other children waited eagerly for Christmas Day, eyes bright with the hope of presents to come, the three little ones all felt dread piling up in the pits of their stomachs like snowdrifts for weeks in advance. Each door of the antique wooden advent calendar revealed another implied threat — behind one, the baby teeth of a long dead relative who had neglected his necromancy studies. Another displayed two desiccated little slips, barely bigger than moth wings: the eyelids of a little girl who wasn’t asleep when Saint Nicholas arrived.
None of them cried when they took turns unveiling each grim reminder. They stopped all that carrying on when they were seven and eight, respectively, even when the occasional wet specimen — already milky white from a century of preservation — made one of them shiver, unsettling their breakfast in their stomach.
The little cabinet of horrors sat on the mantle all the way up to Christmas Eve, Vincent’s recitations of how each souvenir came to reside there echoing in their heads as they went about their Yule preparations.
Maxi would join his father in the embalming room, preparing for his teenage apprenticeship that would be his destiny. He learned how the dead would whisper anything they could still remember, too terrified to remember restraint, and how to salt the wards in the House’s guts that kept madness and death where they belonged.
Hector’s father would take him into what would one day be repurposed as his dark room, where he would study how to make himself a better vessel for the dead (until his mother Esperanza found an excuse to spirit him away, and showed him how redraw the boundaries within his own head).
Rora would be left alone with Mathilde, who would at first be eager for the prospect of time shared with her only daughter… until she sulked and snapped her way through every attempted lesson in the Things A Lady Should Know, be it cooking or sewing or coquetry. When Mathilde at last threw her hands up in disgust, waving Rora away, she would be left to her own devices… as well as her grandfather’s taxidermy diagrams and tools.
The three would study as diligently as each knew how, learning whatever tricks they could that might give them a way to survive the encounter.
At midnight, they snuck into each other’s rooms - a different one every night, so they might avoid any lurking ears or spectral gaze - and traded what little they knew. It was against the rules of the challenge, and if caught, they would all have to pay the price.
But none of them wanted to see the others lost. Especially to the black teeth and sightless eyes of that ancient wretched thing.
Though they had no way of knowing it yet, this would be only the first instance of breaking every rule they were ever forced to learn,
Ten Christmas Eves, they survived.
Every one of them made it out of the midnight maze one way or another, some years by the barest strands of ectoplasm.
Sometimes Saint Nicholas stole a strip of skin, a hank of hair from their scalp — anything it could get its bone-thin hands on, desperate to sate the aching hunger that plagued it. Hector lost one of his back molars the year he turned fifteen, and saw the creature place it right in his own jaw before he fell back through the other side of the dark.
They found each other every time as dawn broke over the cemetery on Christmas Day, wrapping each other in the by-then damp blankets that had been left out for them on the frozen ground, and watching the light push back every scrap of night left to make sure the creature in red couldn’t find its way back out to them again.
Then Hector was taken away to Mexico when he was sixteen.
Rora died the day she turned eighteen.
Hex completed his last run through the midnight maze by himself, and Maxi’s first Christmas Eve not spent fleeing in terror happened in a House where the only voices were those of the dead.
Those years, they all agreed, were the worst.
Christmas Eve with you is so different, for them, it’s surreal.
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While Halloween holds his heart, Maxi doesn’t mind Christmas so much anymore. After years of keeping only to the traditional decorations so his late ancestors didn’t complain - red candles, white lights, garlands of dried herbs that had been handed down for generations - he finds he actually enjoys dressing up the House when you’re around.
He lets himself be silly now, hanging black stockings with skulls and crossbones for each of you on the mantle, decorating a tree with peculiar and morbid little ornaments - many of which are now momentos from the odd places the two of you end up together. He insists on watching Nightmare Before Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life at least once each season, in pajamas with hot cocoa, and he has a whole other repertoire of cookie recipes that he only makes in winter.
(If he holds you a little tighter and kisses your temple during George Bailey’s shouts of delight as he realizes he’s alive again, you don’t notice enough for it to strike you as odd.
You’ll never know how happy you made him to be alive again, too.)
He relishes the hunt for the perfect present, spending all year making notes to himself about the things you want but hesitate to buy yourself, or what you’re still trying to convince yourself you need. He wants to take care of you in any way he can, and if that means giving you permission to let yourself have something, then he’s happy to grant it.
A pattern returns from your more intimate moments, though: he focuses all his attention on you, eager to please, but the minute you show him any attention in return, he’s so overwhelmed he nearly forgets what he wants altogether.
You’re enough.
Every Christmas morning he wakes up in your bed with you, unscathed and unbloodied, unafraid, is more than enough.
Christmas Eve, however, he still insists on the two of you staying at your place.
He frames it more as wanting a break from the House, with all the decorating he’s been up to, and that’s sort of right. But truthfully, it’s because he’s certain he’ll never be able to sleep there on Christmas Eve as long as he’s on this side of the Veil.
At night, after the two of you have finished your last sugary snacks, and he’s held your back against his chest until you slip into a seamless sleep, he still lies awake until he absolutely has to move. He kisses the soft center of your cheek before he does, as if that itself is a spell of protection for the brief time he’s away.
He pads on silent feet to your living room, pausing at your fireplace with a wary glare to ensure his contingency measures are still in place.
The fine strand of silver-coated wire glints in the light, stretched taut across the width of your firebox and deceptively smooth for how sharply razored it actually was.
On your hearth, there are wards and glyphs in an unrecognizable dialect, all written in something the dull color of dried blood.
Subconsciously, he sucks the tip of his index finger as he turns towards your front door, the faint taste of iron filling his mouth.
Toeing into his shoes and sliding on his coat, he steps outside onto your porch as silently as he can manage. When he hears no noise from your bedroom at the creak of the floorboards of the soft squeak of the door hinge, he finally closes the door.
While you sleep, warm in your bed and your sugarplum dreams, he circles your house counter-clockwise seven times, trailing salt behind him as he speaks in a dialect of Louisiana French you’ve never heard from his lips in the daylight.
When he hears the slow, rhythmic ring of distant sleigh bells, he doesn’t stop or hesitate. He keeps one eye on the moon, iris reflecting solid red in the winter light.
He’s not a crying little boy anymore. He can fight back now, and he knows damn well how.
If he speaks the invocation a little louder, a challenge to the listening dark, he doesn’t realize it.
He’d take apart a centuries-old shambling corpse of Theseus of you. In a heartbeat.
When he enters your house again, the salt border over the sparse ice on the ground gleams with a tinge of red like bloody snow.
After checking the fireplace one more time, he finds the most central, load-bearing wall in your house. It has to be this one. No other will do.
He sets his left palm against it, feeling for something… before he sets his right one against it as well, satisfied. He leans his forehead in the space between them, and as his eyes close, the words tumble out of his mouth on an exhaled sigh.
If he’s learned anything in all of this - how the flesh and the sinew of a body calls to him above all else, how blood controls the flow of life, how decay is the purest form of devotion - he knows how to protect you.
And he’ll do it with everything he has, to his last breath.
Then he’d come back and do it again, so long as you were still alive.
The heater in your house kicks on briefly as something seeps deep through the wall, starting and stopping in a perfect imitation of a single human heartbeat.
Satisfied for now, Maxi abandons his shoes and his coat, padding his way silently back towards your room.
When he passes the innocuous milk and cookies waiting on your coffee table, he mutters a curse for the devourer to choke on them, long and hard.
He’ll spend the rest of his night with one of his hands under your heart and the other wrapped around his scalpel.
If he looks a little tired in the morning, when you kiss the edges of the bags under his eyes, he’ll only grin and tell you he was too excited to sleep.
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Hector is used to loud, crowded Christmas Eves, whether it’s warm and welcoming with his mother’s family, or cold and cramped with the elite of They Who Decide.
The ones he spends alone with you, however, are always his favorites.
Hex, for not liking to sing too much, is nearly always humming something cheerful under his breath when the two of you are together. He’ll sing quietly along to the remixed and traditional carols from his childhood that he has on a playlist dancing in small, shuffling steps through the kitchen as he prepares his next creation. If it’s a baked good, there might be a few pleading prayers in between verses, oscillating between languages, desperately trying to thwart the curse that causes some of his most beautiful creations to end up frosting-side down on the floor.
If it’s something he’s cooking, though, then whichever of your houses he’s in will be pleasantly warm and delicious-smelling for the rest of the evening, and even a bit into the next day.
When he’s not in the kitchen, then all the man wants is to be warm, and his favorite way to be warm is with you. He’ll spend all his time sprawled across your couch, keeping you next to him with a fuzzy blanket, or tucked into the other half of his hoodie. Being colder than you, he breaks out his collection of fuzzy socks, only sliding one off when he sneaks his toes onto the back of your knee to shock you awake from an afternoon doze.
His presents, while maybe not as obsessive, are still thoughtful. Something that makes him think of you, even if it’s not something you strictly need, per se. It’s also more likely to be something the two of you can share somehow: a movie you both wanted to see, a video game you can tag team on, a bottle of some really lovely mezcal to split after Christmas dinner. Something to give him an excuse to spend more time with you, even though he already loves being attached your side.
He’s going to be here forever. He’ll make sure of that.
He also would insist on spending Christmas Eve at your place — he knows the ghosts in the House very well. They’re family, after all.
But even that doesn’t mean shit on a silent night.
He makes sure to serve your favorite at dinner that night, getting you nice and pleasantly full and sleepy on something delicious. If you drink, he’ll encourage you to imbibe a glass or two, maybe three. Anything that will get you through this evening as quickly and painlessly as possible, to make sure there’s no risk of you waking up.
He couldn’t stand it if that scarlet-suited fucker ruined it for you.
He knows what that’s like.
He’s a restless sleeper, but he lays still with his lips to your shoulder until your breathing settles, and he can watch the gentle little twitches of your deepest dreams. He only moves when he’s sure it won’t disturb you, and even then, he lingers for a moment, caught by the curve of your eyelashes against your cheek. He has to remember to take a photo of that sometime. Capture it against film, so the beauty of it can be seen for long after you’re both gone.
He slips out to your living room, checking the precautions he’s set up for the umpteenth time: the firebox wire is fit in place, and he’s strung its match across the bottom of your bedroom door for good measure.
He can be hard to reach, sometimes, if his soul wanders away from his sleeping body. He’s not about to risk drifting off on the job when it comes to you.
If he’s lucky, he’ll remove it in the morning, and you’ll never be the wiser.
But better safe than sorry.
On the brick floor of the firebox is a thin scattering of terra-cotta colored ash, the scent still heavy on the air as if something beautiful was freshly burned. On the back wall are etchings of the same color: wards, drawn with a smoldering stick of his mother’s incense.
He isn’t sure if the remaining curls of smoke are actually comforting, or if it just smells to him like coming home after a long time away.
Seating himself in the dead center of your couch, he lets his head fall back, his hair spreading across the tops of the cushions. He puts his hands, palm-up, out to either side of him, arms limp like he excepts to fall asleep at any moment.
He listens to the soft sounds of your house, the settling of the floorboard, the winter wind tapping at the windows.
Like the ends of fingers, flesh gnarled away at the tips down to bone…
When he thinks he hears the faintest hint of crunching ice, he closes his eyes, and his chest falls still.
For a few minutes, there’s nothing. Utter silence, muffled by the cold against the glass panes.
His fingers twitch, moving like they themselves are dreaming.
When he opens his eyes again, breathing deep like he’s just come up from under water, both hands are being solidly held.
He sits up, looking to his right — and sees a stranger in a white nightdress.
Her features are pale, her lips blue like she was kissed by frost. Her hair hangs around her face like it’s still faintly damp with clammy sweat, and her eyes are glazed, even when it’s obvious she’s trying to focus on his face.
When he looks to his left, his heart drops.
Seated next to him is a young boy, no older than eight or nine. His clothes look like something out of a period film, patchwork at the knees of his pants and elbows of his jacket like they’ve been darned and re-darned multiple times.
His skin might have been tan, but the full color of it is lost under a disquieting yellow from underneath.
He must have been sick.
When he smiles at Hex, hopeful, one of his teeth is still missing.
Hector sighs, returning the smile somewhat guiltily.
Beggars can’t be choosers.
Quietly, he looks between them, and explains what they need to do. Where they need to stand, and for how long.
What to do if Saint Nicholas tries to talk to them.
They listen, and when he finishes, they sit so still he’s almost afraid they don’t understand.
But as one, they both silently rise to their feet, and turn in opposite directions. The woman exits through the back wall of your house, melting through like water. The boy, holding himself straight and proud with the weight of his new responsibility, marches through the front wall and out onto the porch.
With a quick look over his shoulder, and another smile through the window, he begins to circle your house.
Hector stays until they’ve both covered one counter-clockwise rotation, then rises to his feet. His joints crack a little as he does, and he winces slightly.
Before he heads back to your room, though, he looks over to where the milk and cookies are perched on your coffee table.
He uses both hands to flip it the bird. He put red pepper and cayenne in that shit, he hopes it hurts like hell going down.
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Rora has… never been much of one for holidays. Especially not the ones that require being performing for family. She was already reminded every day how much she disappointed them by being something other than the perfect debutante; the holidays only heaped that on in spades.
But you. You are an excellent reminder of the joy that can be found by being alive.
In an attempt to make some cash (the whole ‘being undead’ thing kind of hampering the legal on-boarding process at most companies), Rora would be spending the season harvesting fresh mistletoe and American holly out of the swamp to make her own wreaths and decorations. She figures, having already established herself as a local artisan (to the degree that taxidermy dressed in burlesque gear counted as art — which maybe you would argue for more than her).
She wouldn’t drag you along to come foraging with her - unless you wanted to, in which case, you’d be more than welcome.
But she would be happy to spend the month joining you in whatever holiday traditions you preferred, as long as you didn’t mind her braiding and weaving various forms out of her plants when she did.
You’d sit with your head on her shoulder, your eyes torn between the black and white movie on the screen and the skillful work of her nimble hands. While you wrapped presents or trimmed your own tree, she’d be a chair away, working on her latest projects (until you needed help reaching something on the tree itself, in which case she’d immediately shoo you off the ladder like you were something fragile and take your place).
The only time her hands would stop were when the two of you were getting ready for bed — or when she’d abruptly appear next to you when you were reading or watching something, holding a sprig of fresh mistletoe over your head with a sly smile on her face.
For the holiday, you would find at the end of a silver chain a resin pendant, encasing a smaller sprig of mistletoe.
Rora, at your request, would put it on you immediately, her eyes glowing the same soft green as the leaves inside…
And then immediately bend down and enthusiastically kiss your chest, all over and then some.
She was only human, after all.
She, too, would insist on your house for Christmas Eve.
The House didn’t frighten her. Nothing really frightened her anymore, after being dead for so long.
Save for something happening to you. She would do anything, bend this world and the one beyond to her will, if it meant she could keep you from seeing a tenth of what she’d had to endure.
The mistletoe and holly served a dual purpose, you see. For every so many sprigs and boughs set aside for her little stand at the local flea market, she set one aside for you.
In the winter evenings, when you were busy with your own holiday secrets or blissfully asleep, she would tinker with the branches and the leaves, waiting for them to dry and diminish of their original hue before she infused it with some of her own.
On Christmas Eve, after she’d thoroughly worn you out before bed (she couldn’t cook, but she was always delighted to dine) and laid out milk and cookies both laced with enough cyanide to kill a horse (it wouldn’t work, it was just for her own catharsis), she set to work on her true, intricate design.
Yes, she uses the firebox wire, same as the boys. They’d been using it since they were thirteen, she wasn’t about to abandon tradition. But she also etches her own runes around your mantle, hiding them after with a garland of beautifully arranged plants that seems to nearly glow with just how verdant they are.
When the whole fireplace almost seems alive with fresh greenery, she settles herself on the hearth, pulling on the protective smock she wore over her clothes for all her taxidermy projects.
After a deep breath, and a moment to angle her arm around the firebox wire, she shoves her hand as far up the chimney’s throat as she can manage it.
She grumbles as she searches, wincing at the ash that falls while she moves her hand over the bricks and around the lintel - and nearly smashes what she’s looking for.
Oh-so-carefully, moving as slowly as she can, she frees the pathetic little bundle from its tomb before bringing it back down to her own eye level like she’s holding a handful of diamonds.
It is, in fact, a collection of mouse bones.
Small, sad, discolored from age and long shot of any fur it might have once had in life, the skeleton nearly crumbles apart in Rora’s hand.
She holds it close to her face, poking through it with her index finger as she counts. When she knows for sure she has the skull, and enough limbs for it to work, she folds the tiny remnants into her delicate fingers.
What happens next is hidden by the dark veil of her hair, her own deep green shining between the strands as she whispers something in Latin.
Around her, a breeze gathers in your perfectly still house, tiny whispers seeming to echo off the walls.
When she raises her head again, the scars from her own resurrection are a deep, pulsing green -
But the mouse skeleton is standing upright in her palm, assembled like it hasn’t been in years.
The eyeless little thing looks up at her, and if it had a nose to sniff and ears to twitch, it would.
She smiles at it - a soft one, one she usually only saves for you - and kisses the tip of her finger before pressing it to the tiny arc of the dusty skull.
The mouse, at first surprised despite its featureless face, presses back.
Rora strokes her finger along its spine, watching it shiver its little vertebrae in happiness as she whispers to it.
She holds her hand back to the firebox, and with some gentle urging, the little skeleton skitters onto the bricks again. Glancing back over its tiny scapulae, it eyes her with its empty sockets, before scrabbling its way back up into the chimney from which she pulled it.
Rora stands again, dusting her hands off on her smock before just standing there. Waiting.
Then, just as whispers had filled your house before, a new breeze sweeps along something else: squeaks.
As she listens, the tiny, echoing squeak develops yet another echo. Between your floorboards, she can see the hint of a deep green spark, which in turn seems to split itself in two.
She stares down, watching the green spark divide itself over and over as tiny echoing squeaks grows into a veritable chorus.
When it finally stops dividing itself, she stamps twice on the floorboards, and a mass of something that grows vivid green rattles incessantly in the direction of your chimney.
A small army of skeletal creatures in varying states of assembly squeezes its way out between the cracks in your floor, the pieces throwing themselves into the firebox and up the flue like some sort of horrific reverse vacuum.
Rora supervises until an entire extermination van’s worth seems to have shoved itself up your fireplace, glowing a nuclear green that fills the whole room, before it at last falls deceptively silent.
Smiling like a cat, she steps out of her smock, depositing it behind a chair and out of sight before sauntering her way back to your room.
Let that dead fuck try his luck against her new darlings.
She’d been wondering how well that petrified skin would hold up against thousands of little tiny teeth.
When she crawls back into your bed, you barely even stir when she pulls you close.
You will never know the terrors that lurk in the depths of old magic.This time of year will always be joyous for you.
They will each and all make sure of that.
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(if you read this far, I hope your holiday is going swimmingly - or at least, less stressful than theirs. :’D thanks for stopping by and sharing part of it with us! 🥰♥️
merry creepmas to all, and to all a good fright! 🖤⚰️)
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somuchfrstardust · 2 years
thinking about with kobra gets sick, he isolates himself. completely hides himself away when he’s at the peak of whatever sickness he’s dealing with
but it’s not just hiding away in his room, no, it’s compiling his lanky self in the most odd and unthinkable places around the diner. beneath the booth tables, behind the bar, inside a storage closet, inside the kitchen cabinets, etc
once, when he was feeling hot and cold flashes, sweating, hardly able to keep any food or water down, he crawled his way inside the old, dingy dishwasher in the back of the kitchen. it’s insides had long been tore out and repurposed, because when and why would they ever bother to fix the thing up and use it? at most, it had been used to store random shit.
he had moved whatever was inside, tossed in the counters, and crawled inside half delirious and shaking. it was dark, small, and an odd lukewarm temperature. but kobra curled up inside, head between his knees and arms around his legs. he must’ve been in there for hours, and the others practically tore up the diner looking for him.
he was good at hiding the signs of when he was starting to grow ill, but poison was good at catching them anyway. fun ghoul is the one that finds him, throwing open the door and stood shocked when kobra was revealed, as though ghoul didn’t actually expect him to be inside.
“fuck, fuck, he’s in the ‘washer!”
it’s all spotty after that, but jet and poison were there in no time, and helped pull kobra out. he was limp, and it had been so easy for jet to lift him up and take him to his room with the others hot on his tail. they got water in him, and poison spent practically the whole night sitting vigil by his side
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theevilslicey · 2 years
Time for some Damian Wayne things
Damian inherited his father's need to have dark private places where he can think.
This has led to him making burrows around the manor. Where he sometimes naps, reads and draws.
Bruce and Alfred were unaware of this until they started finding them around the manor.
- Bruce once opened one of his filing cabinet and found out the bottom two drawers were removed and turned into a burrow
- Bruce goes to wind the grandfather clock so Alfred doesn't have to: Finds Damian sleeping with Alfred the Cat inside the clock
- Alfred goes to the garage see which car Dick just stole: Finds the trunk of Bruce's 1960s Corvette popped open and Damian is reading a Manga with the quilt Alfred had mentioned to Bruce going missing two weeks before and 4 of Bruce's pillows that he was sure Selina stole
- Bruce sneaks into the kitchen to swipe a slice of Mrs. Kent's apple pie, finds Damian has taken over one of the UPPER cupboards, and there is a whole bookshelf in there with a repurposed dog bed, a blanket that Bruce is pretty sure he has seen in the Kent's living room before and green back pillow
- Alfred found a nest of blankets and pillows under one of the sofas with Titus snoring away in them
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moonlight-rider25 · 1 year
Winchester Girl. Chapter 1
Warnings: Rated PG13, swearing, smoking, fluff, angst
Present day, Massachusetts 11:49pm.
…"Well, aren't you two a sight for sore eyes."
You take a deep breath and swing the door open for the two towering men to slip in between. Latching it behind you, you exhale heavily and slowly turn towards them, they both stand with a solemn look on their face as they stare back at you.
"Glad to see your two smiling faces…" You say sarcastically as you cross your arms over your chest.
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"...So what's the occasion, boys?"
Sam wipes his hand over his mouth and begins to stir anxiously before you. Dean keeps his eyes set on you, hands deep in his pocket with his usual stoic face resting in place.  You roll your eyes and turn towards the doorway of the small kitchen; adjacent to the living room. 
It wasn't much and it sure wasn’t fancy, but it was yours and you were proud of it. Left to you by your gran, you couldn't complain of the slightly run down two bedroom home you had once grown up in with your mom and sister. Strutting over to the fridge, you swing the door open and closed with a smack. Returning only a moment later with two beers in hand. You cautiously extend them out towards the boys and they take them without a word while you seat yourself down against the fake leather sofa. They pop the covers off, resting them on the China cabinet nearby, and take long sips; still refusing to utter a word. You peer towards the TV and grasp your vodka soda, from the side table. You take a long sip from the cracked, repurposed KFC straw facing away from them.
"..Gonna make me drink alone?" You ask coyly, still looking towards the small flat screen.
Finally you hear their footsteps approach from the back of the sofa and watch Sam ease into the old, tan, oversize recliner, somehow still making it seem small.  Leaving Dean to perch uneasily at the opposite end of the sofa by your feet.
You sip from the straw without meeting their precarious looks and clear your throat. 
"Look I got a 9 to 5 to get to in the morning, and PTA after school, can we please skip the guessing games, and get to the point?" 
Sam rubs his brow as Dean stares blankly down towards the coffee table and they stir anxiously. 
"We didn't mean to intrude, Y/N, we just need a little help on this one.." Sam finally utters apologetically.
"No shit, I assumed that much. Why else would you two lumberjacks show up unannounced at my door?" 
You state coldly reaching down towards the coffee table for your pack of L&M reds. You pluck one from the pack and toss it back on the table. You place the slim white cigarette between your lips and feel around your pants pockets for your lighter. Fishing down into the crease of the couch, only coming up with stale goldfish and matchbox cars; you sit up and reach further into the gritty couch crevice.  Finally hitting a familiar feeling with your fingertips, you peer up to spy Dean's hand extended with his shiny metal zippo lighter ready, inches from your cigarette. You reach over and puff eagerly, lighting it on the flame and peer up into his glimmer green eyes for a brief second before sitting back against the couch crossing your legs again and exhaling slowly.
"When are you gonna quit those, Y/N?..." Dean asks, snapping the lighter closed and dropping it back in his jacket pocket. 
"Oh, save it.." You say after taking another long inhale.  "...100% of non-smokers die too… especially in this line of work." 
Dean stares daggers at you as you flick the end of the cigarette into the ashtray. You boldly meet his look again, bringing the butt of the cigarette to your lips and sucking at it again.
"Vamp nest." He says coldly in his deep intimidating voice. "A big one…" He says craning his head over to eye Sammy. 
"They, uhh, apparently have been targeting young women…" Sam adds, once meeting Dean's look.
He swallows and brushes the stray hairs from his face as he stutters to get the words out.
"Where?" You ask, exhaling a vast white cloud of smoke from your mouth directly towards; Dean who grimaces.
"About a day's drive from here.." Sam answers with a nod.
You flick the ash into the ashtray beside you again and turn back towards the TV.
"..Think it can wait till tomorrow morning?" You ask with another puff thick in your throat.
It was Thursday night, you were mom free Friday after 8am to Sunday at 5pm. Sam and Dean both know and most of the time, respectfully understand this; after all, it was obviously the biggest reason you weren't as active in hunting, as you wanted to be. 
Sam remains silent, nodding in his seat after taking a long sip of his Bud Weiser.  Dean looks back towards you, and you slowly meet his eye, taking a sip from your straw.
"It'll have to be, won't it?" He says with a devilish look in his eyes.
You crack a sarcastic smile through the straw in your mouth and roll your eyes as you turn back towards the TV. 
You finish your butt and stub it out, leaning forward on the couch before getting up and making your way towards the linen closet to grab sheets, pillows, and blankets for them. You hear them mumble low in their thick deep voices, not as quietly as they probably imagine; and make sure to slam the closet door shut, signaling your return. Your arms full of bedding for them, you see Dean relaxed against the back of the couch with his feet kicked up on the coffee table. His arm outstretched against the top of the plush sofa where you had just been. They both turn towards you with curious looks on their faces.
"So, one in the recliner, one on the pullout…" you say slowly, rounding the couch. "...That or you can share the pullout…" you add through a smile, placing the bundle of blankets on the couch.
They both crack a smile and you look around trying to make sure everything is in order for them.
Dean eyes you again with a daring look; “...Sammy can’t bunk with you?” He says with a snicker.
You glare towards him with a warning look.
"Feel free to use the shower…help yourself to snacks.." You gesture towards the kitchen.
"You uhh… you got any of those little foil wrapped things? …come in a two pack?" Dean asks with a smirk.
You exhale a quiet sigh, biting back a smirk, and watch as Sam tries to hide his own smile creeping across his face.
"Pop Tarts?" You ask through a snicker.
Dean's face lightens up as he allows his smile to grow across his lips.
"Yeah! Those little devils are delicious!" He tells you, straightening up against the couch a bit.
You allow the laugh to linger in the air as you stride towards the kitchen. You reach up into the cabinet and grab the two boxes perched on the faded painted shelf; brown sugar for Sam and Chery for Dean. You swing the cabinet shut and walk back out into the living room, kicking a few action figures to the side in the process. You hold up the two foil covered packages and they both beam a smile in your direction. You toss them their pop tarts, hearing them eagerly tear into their packages as you head for the bolt lock on the front door. You fasten it and dip back into the kitchen against the doorway swatting at the light switch on the wall. You hear Dean's eager hum as he indulges into the breakfast snacks; while reaching for the metal cord on the lamp beside the couch. You grab the remote from the coffee table and toss it in Sam's lap, who's also enjoying the child's snack. 
"Don't stay up too late," you tell them, brushing your fingers through Sam's thick head of hair as you trek back towards the hall to your room. "Finns an…"
"..An early riser, I know… we know!" Dean remarks through his mouthful.
“...God, you need a haircut..” You joke towards Sam.
You walk past your doorway and stand quietly for a moment watching Finley sleep soundly, with the gentle blue hue of his dinosaur nightling on his bed stand. You pace back towards your room and quietly shut your door behind you before slipping into an old oversized tee shirt, and drop your bottoms to the floor. You plug your phone in, and place it on your nightstand before rotating the little knob on your lamp; the room growing dark. The hushed murmur from the TV in the living room, fills the air as you roll over in bed and sigh a deep exhale of relief. 
He chuckles a bit and you trail away from the two down the hall.
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As much as you hate to admit it, there is a huge sense of relief knowing the two Winchester brothers sit out in your living room tonight.  Not a goddamn thing to fear; burglar, ax murderer, or the creatures that haunt most people's nightmares; would be getting very far into your house tonight. You recall a time where you spent every night with that kind of reassurance… but it had been years since then.  Regardless of how many nights alone you spent in your bed reminding yourself not to worry of things that may go bump in the night…your past had a funny way of always showing back up at your worn out New England door. Little did those tall handsome Winchester boys know that a little part of you each night was always hoping they would... 
The sun peeks through the faded shades as you hear the little peppering footsteps tear down the wooden hallway. You roll over in your bed peering at the alarm clock 5:12 am glows back at you. You sigh, turning back over and groaning against your pillow.
“Oh nice, he let me sleep in 12 minutes today..”
You pull the blankets up over your head and sigh again trying to shake the sleep from your head…then your heart drops into your stomach 
The blood curdling scream that haunts your nightmares. You burst from your bed and rush towards the living room, completely forgetting your attire and the fact that the two Winchester boys are…were still sleeping in the living room. 
"Uncle Dean!" Finn yells, sprinting across the living room floor. 
"Finn! No!" You shout rushing towards him, but it's too late; he lands feet first in the middle of the pull out, where Dean's limp half covered body lays. Dean jumps, as Finn's body lands in the middle of him.
He grunts and coughs rolling over and sitting up, eyeing you who stands in nothing more than your old tee shirt, barely covering your butt.
"...Sorry!" You say lifting Finn off of the impressively gorgeous looking man and placing him on the floor beside you.
Sam, hearing the commotion stirs awake from his rest and tosses the blankets from his huge torso sitting up in the beaten up recliner. His bare chest and giant shoulders, glistening as he reaches over for Finn.
"Heeey, buddy!" Sam says through his sleep ridden voice.
Finn scampers over and crawls up into Sam's lap, perching himself on the large flat arm of the old tan chair. 
"Oh, jeeze, watch your feet bud…" Sam says adjusting the blankets over his lap.
You curl your lips up into a tightly pinched smirk and cover your mouth realizing how exposed you are standing with your back to Dean.
"What are you guys doing here?" Finn asks in his innocent little voice.
"Uhhhg.. were, we uhhh…" Sam stutters looking from yours and Dean's face for an answer.
Dean rolls over in his spot sitting up and batting his eyes, still not sure as to what the hell is going on around him.
"Uncle Sam and Dean are just in town on business, so they stopped by to say hello!" You lie coyly through your best mom face.
Finns face peers up at you with a slight scowl. 
"Why can't they ever visit when I'm not in school?" He asks with a frown.
"Uncle Sam and Dean's work is everyday, buddy.” You try to console the sad little face peering up at you. “They don’t get weekends and vacations like you do..." You add, turning on your feet to head towards the kitchen. You grab a pillow from Dean's bed and playfully smack him with it as you walk by. 
"Why don't you go get dressed and let Uncle Sam and Dean clean up the living room. You call over your shoulder heading towards the kitchen.
You turn the faucet on, and dump the coffee grounds from the day before.  You hear Finn's footsteps putter back up the hall and hear the groans of the men stirring. 
"You guys got about 90 seconds to make yourself decent before he's back out here…" you call from the kitchen. 
The water trickles into the dingy coffee maker and you grab the hand towel nearby, eyeing the many empty beer bottles placed on the counter..
"..We're decent.." You hear Dean argue in a slurred groan. 
"Mmmm… I'm sure.." You mumble to yourself through a smile, tossing handfuls of empties into the recycling.
They clink against each other and you hang the hand towel back up on the slim metal rack before shutting the cabinet door.
"...More decent that you are…’mommy’…" a deep growl of a voice echoes from behind you.
Spinning around, you see Dean standing in the kitchen doorway in his jeans and Grey t shirt; his hair messed a bit from sleeping. You scowl at him backing up against the kitchen sink and flash him a sarcastic smirk. 
"Sorry, I was too busy saving your.. ‘pitched tents’ from major injury…" you tell him, biting back a cackle. "...my bad!" You snicker.  
He looks you up and down leaning against the wooden doorway with a thick smirk on his face. Crossing his arms, he allows his eyes to linger up and down your long legs. You spin around choking on your laughter a bit and reach up on your toes towards the cabinets quickly realizing your oversized tee... is not over sized enough. You lower yourself back down, inching carefully towards him before standing directly between him and the small space between him and the door frame.
"...Cups are up there.." You tell him, reaching up and ruffling his bed head. “..Help yourself.." 
You mutter quickly walking behind the back of the couch by Sam who's buttoning up his flannel.
You hear Dean mutter something under his breath, as you pass by Finn in the hall who's proudly wearing a superman cape over his ninja turtle housecoat.
"Is she wearing pants?!" Sam asks surprised.
"Nah..nope.." Dean answers before he's greeted by Finn's wonderful outfit choice.
You pop a pair of loose Nike shorts on and fly back out past the couch again. Dean still propped up against the doorway of the kitchen.
"You make a better door than a window.." you tell him, slipping again between him and the wooden frame. 
He snickers but says nothing else as you reach into the freezer and pluck a couple frozen Waffles from the box. You plug the toaster in and drop them down into the metal slats before pressing down the handle.  Out in the living room you hear the giant plastic tote of action figures; crash onto the floor.
"Finn!" You sigh heavily, reaching up in the cabinets for three mugs. "You need to make sure to clean all those up before school today, hear me?" 
You grab the still dripping coffee pot and pour the mugs full. A small 'mmmhmm' coming from the living room as you wipe up the coffee splatter.  You hand Dean his brimming cup of black coffee and grab the cream from the fridge adding a dash to yours and Sam's mug. 
"Uhg, thanks..Y/N…you didn’t have to do..." Sam says with a slight smile as you hand him his mug.
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You sip eagerly from your own cup and swipe your pack of cigs off the coffee table from last night, shooting him a knowing look.  He smiles and nods as you pop a cigarette between your lips and peer around the living room for the remote you tossed in Sam's lap. He nods with a grunt through his mouthful of coffee and reaches beside the recliner, handing the small black TV control to you.  
You aim it at the small screen and flash on Finns current favorite Netflix show. You swipe the butt out of your mouth and step over towards Finn who's all too busy with ‘Thor’ at the moment. 
"Keep it down, babe. It’s still early for Uncle Sam and Dean, okay?" You tell him, pressing a kiss on the top of his golden brown hair. 
He nods and begins clashing the plastic action figure into an unwilling opponent and you pop the butt back in your mouth. You realize once again your without a lighter;
"Fuck!" You blurt out.
"That's a bad word, mommy." Finn tells you plainly.
"Yes, it is baby, I'm sorry.." You rush back towards the kitchen where Dean has moved enough out of the way of the door and light the propane stove. It ticks a few times before igniting and you crane your head down towards the flame inhaling to light your cigarette on the hot blue wave.
"Yeah…that seems safe.." Dean sarcastically remarks watching you. 
He takes a long sip of coffee and you remember the Waffles in the toaster. As if on instinct; they pop up and you grab a plastic superhero plate from the clean dish rack and plop the Waffles onto the plate. Along with a cup of apple juice and the smallest fork you can find in the utensil drawer; you place them at the table and call over to Finn for breakfast. 
Finley darts through the kitchen with Iron man and Thor battling midair.  He scoots sideways into his seat, making sure to prop them up and watch him as he eats. 
You turn towards the counter, cigarette in hand gulping back the rest of your coffee and pour another cup.
"Right, syrup…" 
You turn back towards the fridge and grasp onto the sticky bottle of 'real Vermont syrup' clanking it onto the table next to Finn. 
"Not too much!" You remind him as you strut back out of the kitchen. 
Dean takes a seat at the kitchen table with Finn and you hear a muffled; "Whoa buddy, that's enough..don't ya think?"
Sam folds the bedding up and meets your eye. 
"Oh, don't worry about that!" You tell him, taking a long puff. "I gotta throw it in the wash first." 
You hold the cigarette between your teeth and reach out over Dean's pull out filling your arms with the mismatched linens. Sam hesitantly hands you the 'neatly folded' sheet and you smile through your cigarette. 
"You guys hungry?" You ask as you exhale making your way up towards the hall, throwing the pile of laundry in your arms onto the floor in front of the washing machine.
"Uhhh, no were…were fine, thanks Y/N.." Sam says shyly.
"I got more poptarts." You say walking back out to the living room. 
Sam chuckles a bit, shaking his head; you both turn towards the kitchen hearing Dean's chair screech against the floor as he hears you mention 'pop tarts'. 
"Well…I'm fine.." Sam adds with a chuckle. 
You take a final long puff from your L&M and snuff it out in the ashtray. 
"Sorry Sam, I'd make you an omelet or something if I had the time.." You tell him apologetically.
You stop for a moment, crossing your arms and stare up at the tall man before you; taking in all the little details you remember…
His brown hair framing his face, his eyebrows flustered up when he talks, his little thin lips puckered as he listens to you speak, and the faint stubble trying desperately to grow in around his mouth and chin.  He's got a few more pronounced wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, but other than that all you can see is the man you once fell in love with.  
Sam's eyes dart back and forth as his smile falls away from his face then reappears again.
"It's fine, seriously Y/N..were fine."
He tries to meet your eye, showing his sincerity.
"Fine, and dandy!" Dean mutters loudly through a mouthful of pop tarts from the kitchen.
Both you and Sam laugh a bit hearing Dean in the other room. Sam clears his throat a bit and sets his mug down on the coffee table and exhales with a slight rock in his step before meeting your eyes again.
“Well you look, uh, good.. Been taking care of yourself?” he asks hesitantly, stuffing his hands down into his jeans pockets. 
You pause a moment, craning your head to the side a bit as you watch him shift uncomfortably.
“...Trying to..” You tell him with a playful scoff. 
He smiles and meets your eyes again for a moment, before shifting away quickly.  You sigh and turn your face down to the floor, spying his hands anxiously fidgeting within his pockets. You look back up holding your gaze on him for a moment.
“You don’t gotta be nervous Sam…” you tell him, shaking your head a bit. “...It's just me…”
He scoffs with a quick smirk, plucking his hands out from his pockets and planting them firmly at his waist.  Finally he sighs and meets your look, without darting in different directions. 
“You look good too, Sam. I’m glad to see it..” You add still watching him from your spot.
You sigh and shake your head a bit glancing at the clock on the wall beside the door.
"Shit!” You gasp frantically, “I gotta hop in the shower!" 
"Bad word mommy!" Finn reminds you from the kitchen.
"You're right, I'm sorry baby!" You call trailing back down the hallway.
“Help yourselves to whatever!” You call out down the hall, spinning the dial of the shower on.
Some time later you dash back out towards the living room, your hair flung up in a towel. You pick up Finn's sticky Waffles plate and drop it into the sink before grabbing a third cup of coffee. …Or you would have, but you spy the empty pot instead.
You dump the dripping coffee grounds into the trash, and start a new pot before dashing back out to the living room for your pack of cigarettes. Finn sits on the floor in front of Dean and Sam who are both fully dressed now and sipping their coffee.
"It's fine, I'm making a new pot.." You say reaching down between the couch cushions for your lost lighter.
"Sorry…" Dean calls from behind his mug. "...didn't mean to finish it on you." 
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Dean takes a long dramatic sip with a long smack at the end and Sam chuckles in his seat, clearly amused with the cartoons playing on the TV.
"Oh here.." Dean says, patting himself up searching for something in his jacket.
He extends his hand out, with his treasured vintage zippo extended towards you.
"Oh…thanks, but.." You stand before him with your finally recovered; plastic pink lighter in hand. 
You light your cigarette and pull down the towel from your head marching back off towards your bedroom. 
"Finn, try and use the bathroom before we go, please!" You shout from your room. “And change…you cant wear pjs to school!”
You slick some mascara on your lashes and dollop your armpits in some cheap ladies antiperspirant. You smear on some chapstick and brush through your hair just in time for Finn to appear at your doorway; eager and ready for the day as usual. You crouch down a bit, and plant a big sloppy kiss on his cheek before ruffling his hair into place.  
"Alright, you ready!?" You ask gleefully.
Back out towards the living room yet again you snatch Finn's lunchbox and stuff a snack pack, some knock off veggie chips, an apple, and a tiny water bottle into the black and yellow batman lunch box. 
Sam and Dean stand, looking towards you as you throw your purse over your shoulder and step into your flip flops. You help Finn with his backpack and turn back to face the two men.
"I'll be back in like 30..." You say, remembering to grab your pack of cigarettes and lighter off the coffee table.
"Y/N…do you…is there anything we can do?..." 
"No you're fine, I'll be right back!" You tell them frantically, peering down at your phone.
Sam elbows Dean, who tries to hold back the scoff, turning towards you.
"..I can take the kid.." Dean says as he clears his throat.
"...In ‘baby’!?" You ask with a snicker.
They peer out the window, then back towards each other. 
"..No, we'll be fine, don't worry about it." You tell them again.
They both sigh and you turn towards the door ushering Finn out.
"Y/N, we can help, just tell us what to do.." Sam says calmly in his reassuring tone.
The door is only ajar when you stop; sighing a deep breath before closing your eyes for a quick moment. 
"Okay, fine.. go do the…dishes or something.." You reply before shutting the door behind you.
"Dude, I don't remember her being this…this.." 
"Give her a break, Dean." Sam says with a long exhale. "She's a mom, now, and, …she's doing the best she can.."
You bite your lip sitting at the red traffic light watching the clock tick onward in the dash. 
"Come on…Friday…you can do this.." You mumble under your breath through a deep sigh.
You dig your nails into the back of the pleather steering wheel as you sit agitated in your seat.
"Mom?" Finn asks from the back seat.
"Yeah, bud?" You reply, peering towards him in the rear view.
"...where's my homework folder?"
You roll your eyes as another deep breath courses through you.
"..probably on the kitchen floor where you left it…" You reply regrettably. 
The light finally blinks green and you roll out through the intersection. The crossing guard waves you on into the line up beside the school, and you park the car before jumping out and opening the back door for Finn. 
"It's alright, it's Friday we'll get your homework to Mrs. Barnes Monday morning, okay?" 
Finn hops out with a frown on his face. You straighten his hair once again and help him loop his arms through the straps of his backpack. You kneel down eye level to him and peer up into his bright little blue eyes.
"It's Friday!" You cheer quietly to him. 
He casts you a small, meek smile.
“Mom, can I stay with you this weekend?” Finn asks with a slight heartbreaking frown.
“No, babe, it's daddy's weekend, you know that..” You tell him apologetically.
“Just tonight then?” he pleads. “Just to say bye to Uncle Sam and Dean?”
You sigh, unable to give him an answer you or he wants to hear.
You bite back your bottom lip peering up into his sad little blue eyes.
“...We’ll see them again. We always do..” you huff in a regrettable tone.
“It’s not fair!” Finn protests angrily. “Why does dad have to ruin everything!?” 
“Hey, come on…it’s not his fault…”
You stand back up pecking a kiss on top of his head and usher him down the sidewalk towards the front of the school.  
"I'll see you Sunday!" You call cheerfully, as he angrily strides towards the front door.
You stand with your arms crossed watching, making sure he disappears between the two giant blue doors before you allow your gaze to drop.
You sigh as you regrettably sulk back towards the car, recalling what you told him; ‘we’ll see them again..’  hopefully…  
You shake the thought from your head. The sun is already beating down at full force under the bright blue skies as you pluck the doors handle and seat yourself against the driver's seat.  You turn the key and flip the AC on; its cool air blasts against your face as you shift the car into reverse.  You back out and head towards the wretched red light that never allows you a free pass. You stare off into the opposite direction of traffic and wait patiently; when your phone rings. You fish around in the passenger side seat for the vibrating brick and click the green answer button.
Tags: @nancymcl @123passwort
LMK, if youd also like to be tagged in these!
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I wanted to throw this somewhere--but its WAY too dry to put on my a03--so here, baratie room headcanon, kind of because i like to think the chefs at the baratie whove been there for awhile care about each other. And that Zeff's s good manager but through ACTIONS (I cant believe it took me this long to use my creative writing class as an excuse to write fanfiction)
You learn a lot about a restaurant’s management from its storeroom. On the starboard side of the Baratie, a massive maritime restaurant, and tucked behind a port-hole door in the back right corner of the kitchen, there is a broken freezer. It acts as the ship's break room. The room smells mainly of dry goods–dust wood, wax, and the kerosine–like smell that wafts off of burlap sacks–and faintly of food from delicious smells that creep under the door from the kitchen behind it. Two large, nondescript storage shelves take up the entire left-hand wall. Above the shelves is a wide, porthole-window that floods the room with light. A few feet to the right of the second shelf, and against the back wall there is a seating area: A table made of a barrel and a round slab of repurposed wood from deck repairs, four pseudo-chairs, two decks of cards, and a lamp. The chairs are a motley collection of recycled objects: One was a crate; another was a well-made child’s step up ladder with two wide, flat steps; a third is a rickety stool made from the legs and seat bottom of a rickety chair; the fourth is another crate.
A pile well-worn of blankets sits behind the table in the back right corner of the room. Further down the right wall, two smaller shelves filled with more dry goods take up the wall space closest to the front wall of the room. Though those shelves aren’t only filled with dry goods, they hold extra clothing for the chefs, dried meat, and old-well worn cookbooks. They hold silverware for lunch breaks and have extra shelves for chefs to leave their lunches. On the shelf that fits into the front right corner of the room there are muscle-rollers for sore legs fitted into a X-shaped wine rack.
Up against the front wall of the room, just a few steps to the right of the door lies a utility cabinet. It contains all your typical first aid supplies–rolls of clean bandages, needle, thread, scissors, painkillers, even acupuncture needles–and something a little more caring. A chef has to take care of their hands simply because they use them so vigorously and so often.
In the cabinet, just a shelf above a first aid kit there is a collection of containers-jars, pots, bottles, even corked vases–of hand care items: anti-inflammatory creams for joints, ointments, scar-oil, tigerbalm, and other miscellaneous mixtures that are either meant to heat or soothe hand muscles to stop cramping. There is a little remedy book in there made of tanned-pig-skin and stitched together with butcher's twine. Its pages, well worn and thin, contain remedies written in different colors of ink by countless hands. Helpful notes and stars litter the margins denoting what works and what doesn't. So pages, so well worn and torn, are tucked back into the book in tatters, their contents on another page to help future users. The very ink of that little book smells of love and community. The second I stepped into the room, I knew that the Head Chef of the ship’s kitchen cared deeply about their workers.
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creatorofuniverses · 11 months
Gt July Day 17 – Home
Seems like I’m pulling out all sorts of WIPs this month! This drabble is part of a much larger story I’m working on, titled Pipelines. Hopefully it makes sense without much context- this isn’t a drabble, but rather just part of the story, so I was trying to toe the line between recapping things in a natural way and leaving off things that would be obvious otherwise. Tl;dr on the context: Jamila got shrunk on accident by a magical underground smol and now is standing in said smol’s apartment.
Quite suddenly, Jamila realized that she was alone, for the first time since the unusual events in the church. She took in a deep, shuddering breath and tried to center herself; a difficult task, given that her surroundings were so foreign to her. Granted, there were some similarities to her normal life: she could hear the low murmurs and scrapes of people living in the apartments around this one, and outside in the street somebody called out to somebody else. Inside this apartment, it smelled like soap and paper, and a little bit like burnt toast from breakfast. She could relate well enough.
But that was where the similarities ended. She was standing in her socks in a stranger’s home; more importantly, she was only six inches tall and probably six feet underground. Jamila stifled a shudder and did her best not to think about that bit. There was a whole miniature city down here, somehow, but the idea of being even a little bit under the earth at this size was more nerve-wracking than she wanted to admit.
As was the pressing surrealism of the apartment around her. She took one more glance around the living room, at the oversized materials that should be absolutely tiny to her, and willed herself to get used to them. She wasn’t getting back to a normal, human size today, apparently, so being uneasy wouldn’t do her any good.
Easier said than done.
She walked over towards an open archway, assuming it led to the kitchen and intending to get herself a well-deserved cup of water. The sight of the kitchen, however, drew her up short. It didn’t look like a miniature version of a regular kitchen, but it didn’t lack in facilities either; instead, it looked to her like some kind of DIY plumbing experiment. An enormous (well, not enormous, but larger than expected) pipe protruded from the wall over a plastic basin that she guessed must be the kitchen sink. As with almost everything in the house, it looked like it had been repurposed from something else, the curve of it uneven and torn, as if it had been cut from something originally much larger. It probably had.
The “sink” was built into some cabinets, no two doors or materials the same, with a countertop stretching across. On the counter were a couple of peanuts (they looked as big as footballs!), an assortment of wooden and metal utensils that all looked handmade, and some kitchen rags that had frayed edges suggesting they were similarly cut from a larger cloth. The shelves were likewise cobbled together, and Jamila opened one experimentally just to see how the large, bulky hinges worked. She saw a stack of flat, golden-yellow foodstuffs, and only after staring for a long moment realized they were pieces of a potato chip that had been broken apart and organized. They each were as big and thick as tortillas. Disconcerted once more, she closed the cabinet.
The table offered no solace, especially once she noticed that it was built on an empty spool of thread. The chairs looked like they were made of toothpicks – actual toothpicks – and the hearth beside them had some coals that had long since cooled off. She supposed a flame was a bit hard to maintain at this size; and these miniature underground people – inlumini, as Zain had called her own kind – probably didn’t care much for bright lights. Zain hadn’t even wanted to walk into a ray of sunshine earlier. Then again, Zain could see in the dark, so Jamila supposed it was a bit of a wash.
Much as her idea of getting water was turning out to be. Frowning, Jamila realized she would have to figure out the tap, and also find a cup. She began opening cabinets, trying to ignore the bizarre versions of food within in lieu of finding anything she could drink water out of. In the third cabinet she found an assortment of cups, thankfully. No two matched, and they all had thicker walls than she was expecting, but they were undeniably being used as cups.
She pulled one out and turned it over in her hands, trying to figure out what it had been before a tiny lady added it to her kitchen. After a moment she got it- it looked like the cap that might come on a bottle of tacky glue, or something similar.
And she was about to use it as a cup. Her life really had taken an abrupt turn for the bizarre.
Setting the plastic cup on the counter, Jamila squared off against the pipe sticking out over the kitchen sink. She could figure this out. She practically had to, or Zain was sure to make some comment, and frankly Jamila could do without.
There was really only one lever, and it was a lever, not a tap or a knob. Jamila hesitantly pulled on it, flinching as water all but burst out of the large pipe, splashing into the plastic basin, gurgling down the drain, and getting the front of Jamila’s nice peach blouse a little too wet. The size of the droplets alone was a shock. Jamila hastily pushed the lever back, until the rush became a much more manageable trickle, and filled her cup before shutting the water off again.
She hurried back to the couch in the living room and sat down, taking a shaky sip from her water. Maybe she should just stay here until Zain got back from the medic; although, hopefully that would be after her shirt dried off.
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missrosiesworld · 1 year
The Luckiest One
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Noel stood in the kitchen of their new home, flipping, and folding a few eggs in the pan as Nevaeh slept upstairs. The peaceful quiet of the morning filled the room as he hummed to himself. Suddenly, he heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs, followed by a delicate yawn.
Nevaeh appeared in the doorway, her curly hair pulled back into a bun with a few loose strands framing her face. As she stretched, Noel couldn't help but think that she had never looked more beautiful. His wings flapped at the sight of her. Gratitude filled his heart and he felt extremely lucky to be called hers.
Nevaeh opened her eyes and smiled sweetly at Noel, walking into the kitchen as the aroma of breakfast filled the air. She came up behind him and softly brushed her hands up and down his spine, between his wings. His wings fluttered at her touch, and he turned around to see Nevaeh standing behind him with a smile on her face.
Nevaeh stood on her tiptoes to give Noel a kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck. "Good morning, mi amor," she said softly, a smile on her lips. Noel returned the kiss, his arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer. "Good morning, beautiful," he replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead before breaking away. "Did you sleep well?"
Nevaeh nodded, still clinging to him as she rested her head against his chest. "Like a dream," she replied, grinning. "I could sleep for days if I had the chance."
Noel chuckled as he turned his attention back to the stove. "Well, you'll have to settle for breakfast for now. I made your favorite. Omelettes."
Nevaeh's stomach growled at the mention of food. "Omelettes sound wonderful. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Noel brushed a stray curl behind her ear and replied, "Actually, could you set the table for us? Breakfast is almost ready." Nevaeh nodded and went to set the table, while Noel finished cooking their breakfast.
As Nevaeh opened the cabinets to retrieve the plates and silverware, she couldn't help but steal glances at Noel while he cooked. Despite the fact that they had been together for a while now, she still couldn't believe her luck in having such an amazing and caring partner.
As they sat at the table, Nevaeh couldn't help but watch Noel as he ate. There was something about the way he moved, the way he held himself, that just drew her in. She couldn't believe she had been lucky enough to find someone like him in the afterlife. Eventually, as if sensing her gaze, Noel looked up at her and grinned. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Nevaeh blushed, looking down at her plate. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you," she said softly.
Noel reached across the table to take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm the lucky one, Nevaeh. I don't know what I would do without you."
Nevaeh squeezed his hand back in return, looking at him with passion in her eyes. But then, a teasing grin spread across her face. "Noel, since when did you turn into a big ol' sap?" Noel blushed, his face turning red as he removed his hand and covered his face with it, stuttering.
"Shut up and eat your food, idiot," he said, his words lacking any real malice. Nevaeh chuckled, still in awe of him, and went back to eating her food. "I love you, Noel," she said, her voice soft. Noel rolled his eyes affectionately at her, a soft smile on his face. "I love you too, Nevaeh," he replied.
As they finished their breakfast, Nevaeh couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She felt grateful for every moment they shared together and knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that Limbo threw their way.
~ Here's some sweet, domestic, tooth-rotting fluff for everyone! Noel is from the amazing visual novel Repurpose by @residentialrabbit <3 ~
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ncspaint · 1 year
15 Steps To Make Your House Look More Expensive
High-end properties are not only more valuable in the real estate market, but they are also infinitely elegant and stylish. However, many people believe that they need a large budget to add a touch of glamour and luxury to their homes. However, with a little imagination and an eye for design, you can create a home that exudes sophistication and opulence. Continue reading for 47 budget-friendly home decorating ideas for 2023.
You must discover your own sense of style and express it through your home décor, while also incorporating elements that will transform your space into a dream home.
Begin by looking for inspiration in design magazines and collecting ideas on Pinterest. This will also provide you with a deeper understanding of interior design and assist you in decorating your home like a pro.
1. Repurpose Lamp Shades
Keep the base but replace the lamp shades with something more current and modern. Alternatively, spray paint the inside of a white drum shade with gold paint and the outside with your preferred fabric paint.
2.Rearrange the Furniture
Rearranging your furniture into a new layout gives your room a new look for free! This includes moving furniture from one room to another. Perhaps you could relocate your living room chaise lounge to the office and your two leather armchairs to the living room!
3.Backsplash With New Tile
A new tile backsplash is an excellent way to update your kitchen. For the most recent timeless inspirations, visit Tilebar.com. Choose the raised basketweave look with caution. They may be more difficult to clean up after spills in the kitchen. Don’t forget to think about getting a new Farmhouse apron front sink. This sink design would suit kitchens of all styles, including modern, Spanish, traditional, bungalow, and contemporary.
4.Family Photos
Decorating your home with family memories is a lovely way to decorate. However, mixing and matching frames, themes, and aesthetics is not the best idea. Instead, in each room you decorate, start with a theme. For example, in the kid’s play area, hang a gallery of photos from your Disney Cruise, wedding photos in the primary bedroom, and children throughout the year vertically up the staircase. With a black and white aesthetic, you can hide photography flaws read more …
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realtorjamier · 6 months
Home Decor in 2024. What’s Hot & What’s Not?
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Pink’s out. Peach is in.
Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2024 is soft and subtle “Peach Fuzz,” replacing last year’s vibrant “Viva Magenta.” Pantone is recognized globally as a leading source of color expertise. 
“In seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance,” says Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute™. 
If you’re looking to revamp your space, consider PANTONE 13-1023 and its complementary colors: everything from creamy, brown and tan neutrals to shades of teal, lavender and mint green. Note: gray is not listed. For those who went wild with gray or greige tones during that trend, you might want to roll up your sleeves and buy a new paint roller.
What’s out?
Say goodbye to Barbiecore (think pink). What else is losing favor? Here’s a quick rundown of trends that seem to be going by the wayside in home decor:
Sliding barn doors (Let’s face it – they don’t even do a great job of blocking light, smells, and sounds.)
White-on-white kitchens
Extremes – whether that means bare minimalism or over-the-top Grand Millennial
Heavy industrial style
What’s in?
Back kitchens
AKA butler’s pantry or scullery, this separate space keeps secondary or backup items hidden from site, tidying up the more public area. Here you can house additional refrigeration and freezing, warming drawers, wine storage, lesser-used mechanical devices, formal entertaining dishes and cutlery, etc. Appliance garages have been around for a while, but they seem to be gaining popularity as another way to streamline kitchens.
Bespoke bedrooms and bathrooms
Behind the scenes, highly personalized spaces offer homeowners comfort and creative freedom. Feel free to layer these rooms with your favorite monogrammed fabrics, artwork, family photos, and heirlooms. Make it meaningful.
Casual luxury
It may sound like an oxymoron, but  luxury doesn’t have to mean formal. Rather than opulent and imposing, choose comfortable, lived-in furniture that is still beautiful and lavish.
Bold wall treatments
Add depth and personality to walls by treating them as large canvases. Incorporate wallpaper, paneling, 3D wall coverings, stone or wood features, decorative molding. This is a take on dopamine decor – which continues to be popular – creative touches that make you feel good when you walk into a room. 
Separated spaces
Demolishing interior walls to create all-in-one living/working/playing areas is seeing a bit of a reversal. Delineating spaces by incorporating walls that still have good flow through the use of doorways and openings allows for rooms with purpose and intention.
Mixed metals
This may come as a relief. Chrome, brass, black, copper, bronze – all can be used when harmoniously paired. Trying to keep up with what’s in shouldn’t mean having to change out plumbing fixtures annually!
Mixed materials
Kitchen countertops don’t have to be one solid matchy-matchy mass. Add interest and dimension to this horizontal space. Consider a mix of materials for visual, tactile and utilitarian variety – natural wood with granite, or quartz with sleek stainless steel. 
Outdoors in
Windows seem to be taking center stage – becoming bigger and bigger. The view outside is more of a focal point than an after-thought. Biophilic design is also a way to get the feeling of nature inside your dwelling by adding large indoor plants and natural wood and stone finishes.
Mud-laundry rooms
Combining a laundry with a mudroom is a space-efficient idea. Storage components can serve double-duty: hooks, cabinets, cubbies and drawers.
Cheap, mass-produced furniture is becoming increasingly unpopular. People are gravitating toward quality pieces that are higher end and/or repurposed for a lesser environmental footprint.
A word of caution
Before you revamp your space with all the latest trends, carefully consider which ones truly work for you. If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, reach out to me and let's talk about what changes will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
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donatello makes noodle soup
[Word Count: 1 358]
There were some days when Donnie just. Didn't work.
He could have energy and motivation aplenty, could be bursting at the seams with inspiration.
He'd sit down to work, and everything he put to paper would be reduced to eraser smudges within the hour. Half-finished projects piling up in the corners of his lab, to be repurposed for scrap metal later.
It wasn't an inventive block or burn-out. It was his mind grasping for answers and coming up empty.
To his immense frustration, tonight was one of those nights.
Donnie found himself balanced precariously on a stool at the kitchen counter, knees pulled to his plastron. His forehead was laid upon them, eyes scrunched shut, arms limp at his sides.
Oh, ibuprofen, why do you forsake me?
The rain had started up again. While lovely in concept, the smell and the sound and the city lights reflecting off of city pavement, it kind of hurt.
Donnie's three-day "pressure" headache had reached its final form, the mother of all migraines. He could thank his lucky stars he didn't get them as bad as Mikey used to, but the point felt moot.
He'd been useless this week, dragging himself around his lab, stealing scattered snatches of sleep here and there.
It didn't help that he wasn't used to their lair yet. Months after the Shredder and the Kraang attack, he didn't feel at home here.
It felt... different. The silence wasn't loud enough.
He didn't like the restlessness. The past few months had been a continual blur of momentum. Rebuilding the lair. Fixing and upgrading his tech. Taking care of Leo. The list was endless.
Yet, he couldn't make his brain work.
Donnie gave a little grumble and let his legs dangle, bending to press his forehead to the cool stone surface of the tile. He turned his face to the side, squinting out at the lit side of the train car.
He should turn off both overhead lights, but he didn't want to injure his shell in a fall. Which was probably just him being paranoid, but–
His eyes caught on the spine of a cookbook peeking out from a stack on the back corner of the stove-side counter. He frowned (or scowled, since he was already frowning). Where had he–?
Noodle soup.
Donnie sat up, blinking. That was... that was the cookbook. With the recipe for noodle soup. His noodle soup.
He hadn't made that in forever.
Donnie stood, influenced by the gravitational pull of memories. He stumbled over to the counter, freeing the book from its dusty prison. He brushed his hand over the cover. This had come to the new lair?
In their first move, when everything was new and raw, it hadn't occurred to him to go looking. Not with everything else on his mind.
He thumbed through the well-loved pages, instinctually flipping open to the recipe. He stared at it, that same diagram embedded in his brain. When had he forgotten?
I'm making this right now, aren't I?
Resigned to the whims of his heart, he set the cookbook down and went to fetch a stockpot.
He didn't need a recipe to make it. The motions were imprinted in memory. But having the cookbook open was part of the process. It would be wrong to make noodle soup without it's "supervision."
He gathered the ingredients first.
It was strange doing so in a new kitchen set up. He turned to the right, looking for a cabinet that wasn't there, and came face to face with the fridge.
He could have grabbed the ingredients he needed (sesame oil, soy sauce, sriracha, and the rest) but it wasn't right. Non-refrigerated items went first.
He turned and rifled through the cabinets. Ground ginger and garlic were easy to find, and the rice vinegar took only a minute of reorienting to find where Mikey stored it.
The rice noodles were more elusive. Mikey kept the noodles in a lower cabinet, but after a few minutes of searching, rice noodles were nowhere to be found.
Donnie considered giving up (no, he would not use another noodle variety, thank you very much) before he remembered glimpsing some in the top of the pantry a few weeks prior.
Searching through it, he was rewarded with a single package of flat rice noodles.
Donnie filled a medium-sized bowl with semi-warm water from the sink and folded the noodles in to soak. He placed a strainer next to them ahead of time, a habit he'd formed after one too many close calls. He'd check back in eight-ish minutes, then two.
in the meantime, he switched the heat to medium-high and set out to gather the rest of his ingredients.
Chicken broth, eggs, cilantro. He skipped the green onions, as he couldn't stand the way they'd stick in his mouth. Everything else was laid out methodically on the stove-side counter for easy reach.
"Instruments of measuring?" he mumbled beneath this breath. "Check."
He measured the oil directly into the stockpot, followed by ground ginger and garlic. He eyeballed the latter, but was exacting with the former. He let the mixture heat for a half-a-minute, withdrawing a cutting board and knife and placing them on the counter.
When he returned, he added the rest of the base: sriracha, broth, soy sauce, and rice vinegar. Unlike Raph and Mikey, he valued his taste buds, so he added less sriracha than the recipe demanded.
He turned the heat up, coaxing the broth to a boil. The recipe recommended he add the noodles at this stage, but after many years of perfecting it to his tastes, he'd learned the texture was better if he waited.
As it cooked, he chopped cilantro, breathing in the scent of home.
It reminded him of late nights in the kitchen, when he couldn't sleep or couldn't think or couldn't bear to be alone. The unhurried certainty, moving through motions instinctive to the point of monotony.
For some, the repetition would have dissuaded, driven them away. For Donnie, it was grounding, a long bath in a dark room with a good book. He could get lost, allow his mind to wander, the weight of responsibility slipping from his shoulders.
His head was feeling a little better. Maybe the ibuprofen was kicking in.
When the broth had retreated back to a comfortable simmer, Donnie strained the rice noodles and added them to the pan. He watched, a hint of a smile on his face.
For the next few minutes, he'd put ingredients away. When he returned, it'd be time to finish the dish.
Cooking was an act of care, Donnie reflected. It took time and resources. The art of making something for someone in any craft was an act of care. Making something for your enjoyment alone – it sounded selfish, phrased like that.
Donnie was used to giving himself away. His time, his energy, his motivation – he would give it all, for his family. But when was the last time he had taken back?
It felt like life had been going and going, and then it stopped, leaving him reeling. His wheels were spinning on a nonexistent road.
When was the last time he had stopped? Did he remember how to?
Did any of them?
Donnie had never felt like a child. He'd always been "so mature for his age." Now he wished that he hadn't.
His eyes blurred at the edges. He sniffed, blinking hard.
"Urgh, stupid steam," he announced, to a kitchen of nobody. And then he laughed a little, because who did he have to convince? The cookware?
I'm almost done, anyway.
Donnie retrieved the eggs. With exact precision, he cracked them into a measuring cup and poured them into the soup, one after the other. They floated on top, just starting to white.
He'd let them cook for another four minutes, then add cilantro.
He wondered if the soup would taste just how he remembered. Somehow, he didn't think it would.
He wasn't sure how he felt about that. It wasn't good or bad. It just was.
Donnie shut the cookbook and put it back where he'd found it.
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meganmazurek · 1 year
#JustListed: Incredible Ann Arbor Hills Home on Melrose Ave
Don’t miss 2137 Melrose Ave, one of the original houses in the sought-after Ann Arbor Hills neighborhood with all of the charm expected from the era with a thoughtful and seamless Damian Farrell-designed addition. 
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The expansive first floor features a large living room with fireplace backing on a second fireplace in the office/den.
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The formal dining room, with original built-ins, is off of the kitchen with stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and recessed lighting. 
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The addition includes a large breakfast nook with the original beautiful repurposed kitchen cabinets, leading to the covered porch. 
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The spacious family room has custom cherry built-ins. 
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On the second level you'll find the original primary suite with an attached bathroom, 2 bedrooms, full bathroom, and current primary suite with a walk-in closet, two sinks, soaking jacuzzi tub, and standing shower. 
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On the third floor you'll find 2 bedrooms and large attic storage area. 
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The partially finished lower level provides another office or family room, laundry, half bathroom, and plenty of storage space. 
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The oversized 4-car garage features plenty of storage, workspace, and a loft.
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Located in an ideal location near both University of Michigan campuses, downtown Ann Arbor, Hospitals, restaurants and shopping.
>  Click here to see more pictures of 2137 Melrose Ave in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
>  Click here to watch the video tour of 2137 Melrose Ave.
Call or text 734-645-4296 to schedule a showing today.
About the Author: Megan Mazurek is a full-time residential Realtor with the Charles Reinhart Company serving buyers and sellers in Ann Arbor, Saline, Ypsilanti and throughout Washtenaw County.
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