#retro valorant
retrogamingblog2 · 5 days
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Pokemon Go Propaganda Posters made by Erin Lovett
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alillttn · 2 months
If you're European and you see this, please sign the initiative on live-service games. The Stop Killing Games initiative is a good cause for the gaming industry and forces devs to be responsible for making video game experiences still accessible even past EoS. For example, as a NieR fan, I would have loved to play NieR: Re[in]carnation earlier, but I wasn't able to play it bc it was already a couple of weeks past EoS. Same goes for the numerous dead mobile Pokémon games. It's very likely that other live service games, like Genshin, WuWa, FF14, etc., will follow the same fate once they stop earning enough money/players. I just want people to experience them even past EoS.
If you're European and *have* signed the initiative, thank you for your time and sacrifice.
TL;DR: If you want to play games even past EoS, tell more people about the Stop Killing Games initiative. Please.
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forcefeedingsoup · 6 months
in case you need to hear this today:
you don't have to be good at games to have fun playing them. It's okay if you can't even beat the CPUs. Games are meant to be enjoyed, and they aren't necessarily meant to be played aggressively.
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figurasretro · 5 months
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fly fish -
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Sigil of Valor (Blueprint Ver) by Dan Scott
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
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"May the spirit of Arkaine protect me."
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furygamers · 1 year
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Hello! I am Ch3ckmate, I am here to look for friends/just have nice discussions with people.
I am gender fluid and bisexual. I also collect stuff, voice act, sing and play games. Talk to me if you want lol
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dantussy · 8 months
Vittorio Gassman legge la Divina Commedia: Inferno, Canto XXVI, vv. 90–142
(...)"Quando mi diparti’ da Circe, che sottrasse me più d’un anno là presso a Gaeta, prima che sì Enëa la nomasse, né dolcezza di figlio, né la pieta del vecchio padre, né ’l debito amore lo qual dovea Penelopè far lieta, vincer potero dentro a me l’ardore ch’i’ ebbi a divenir del mondo esperto e de li vizi umani e del valore; ma misi me per l’alto mare aperto sol con un legno e con quella compagna picciola da la qual non fui diserto. L’un lito e l’altro vidi infin la Spagna, fin nel Morrocco, e l’isola d’i Sardi, e l’altre che quel mare intorno bagna. Io e’ compagni eravam vecchi e tardi quando venimmo a quella foce stretta dov’Ercule segnò li suoi riguardi acciò che l’uom più oltre non si metta; da la man destra mi lasciai Sibilia, da l’altra già m’avea lasciata Setta. "O frati," dissi, "che per cento milia perigli siete giunti a l’occidente, a questa tanto picciola vigilia d’i nostri sensi ch’è del rimanente non vogliate negar l’esperïenza, di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente. Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza". Li miei compagni fec’io sì aguti, con questa orazion picciola, al cammino, che a pena poscia li avrei ritenuti; e volta nostra poppa nel mattino, de’ remi facemmo ali al folle volo, sempre acquistando dal lato mancino. Tutte le stelle già de l’altro polo vedea la notte, e ’l nostro tanto basso, che non surgëa fuor del marin suolo. Cinque volte racceso e tante casso lo lume era di sotto da la luna, poi che 'ntrati eravam ne l'alto passo, quando n’apparve una montagna, bruna per la distanza, e parvemi alta tanto quanto veduta non avëa alcuna. Noi ci allegrammo, e tosto tornò in pianto; ché de la nova terra un turbo nacque e percosse del legno il primo canto. Tre volte il fé girar con tutte l’acque; a la quarta levar la poppa in suso e la prora ire in giù, com’altrui piacque, infin che ’l mar fu sovra noi richiuso".
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abr · 1 year
Un fatto straordinario, ha detto Walter Veltroni commentando il Papa entrato e uscito dalla camera ardente di Napolitano senza nemmeno un segno della croce. Lo dico anch'io: è proprio un fatto straordinario. E però in senso opposto: a differenza del Veltroni gongolante su RaiTre lo giudico un fatto straordinariamente negativo. (...) Un tempo lo facevano tutti e adesso non lo fa nemmeno il Papa. Non mi piace fare la parte dell'apocalittico, è un ruolo ingrato, ma se quanto accaduto nella camera ardente del Senato non evidenzia lo stato agonico del cattolicesimo romano ditemi voi. Per Veltroni la fissità bergogliana testimonia il «grande rispetto del pontefice nei confronti delle istituzioni di questo Paese». L'ex capo del partito democratico sembra dunque confondere il segno della croce con la pernacchia. (...) Un Papa così inerte è sconfortante per tutti i fedeli. Starsene impalato davanti a una bara è un venir meno alla propria missione, assegnata da Gesù a Pietro (e dunque ai suoi successori) durante l'Ultima Cena: «Conferma i tuoi fratelli». Un Papa che davanti alla morte si mostra senza parole né gesti non conferma: smentisce. Forse è stato ultra rispettoso verso l'ateo morto, di sicuro è stato poco riguardoso verso i cristiani vivi (...). In ogni tempo i grandi pensatori cristiani hanno assegnato grande valore al segno della croce. Per Tertulliano bisognerebbe farselo «ad ogni passo, quando si entra e quando si esce, nell'indossare i vestiti, a tavola, nell'andare a letto...». Per Ratzinger è nientemeno che «la sintesi della nostra fede». Invece il video del Papa immoto e silenzioso al Senato mi è sembrato una sintesi dell'agnosticismo costituzionale. E mi ha fatto venire in mente una poesia poco allegra di Cesare Pavese, quella che finisce così: «Scenderemo nel gorgo muti». Vade retro! Gesù nel Vangelo di Matteo ci esorta a fare l'esatto contrario: «Gridatelo sui tetti!». Lui che da quindici secoli fa il segno della croce nel mosaico di Sant'Apollinare in Classe.
definitivo Langone si staglia a 20 mila metri di altezza sopra al pensiero poverissimo dei poveri Veltroni, via https://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/com-triste-vedere-francesco-inerte-davanti-morte-esultano-ex-2215492.html
ps.: sul papa mezzo buja nen mezzo arghentino e non solo su di lui, il severo ma giusto giudizio di sintesi lo offre il nostro Javier MILEI.
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
Gamers i contingut sobre videojocs en català. Part 2
Per veure la part 1, fes clic aquí.
Streamers de videojocs shooter i competitius:
(CATWs): Warzone, FIFA, Call of Duty, etc. Twitch, YouTube, Twitter.
Hirokus: molts jocs diferents. Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok.
El Moviment Ondulatori: jocs de lluita, col·leccionisme i història dels videojocs. Twitch, YouTube, Twitter.
Rockstr85: Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Threads, Bsky, Discord, Telegram.
ValSet i Jet Set Cast: videojocs nous i retro. Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Ivoox.
Shendeluth: Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram.
MeritxFeifer: Fortnite. Twitch.
Associacions que fan competicions i també streaming:
Gamesports Electrònics: competicions d'eSports a Catalunya, LOL i Valorant. Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, pàgina web.
Gaming Barcelona eSports Club: Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, TikTok.
Esports Electrònics de Girona: Twitter, Twitch, Discord, Instagram.
Streamers de jocs de carreres (racing):
LopezNorman44: jocs de carreres, Elden Ring i altres. Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, canal de WhatsApp. També porta el pòdcast de F1 Bandera Blava.
Alvamoll7: jocs de carreres. YouTube, Twitter.
A tot drap: jocs de carreres. YouTube, Twitch.
Streamers i creadors de contingut d'altres tipus jocs:
MirdeTost: jocs d'estratègia complexa i RPG, sobretot Crusader Kings 3. Twitter, YouTube.
Simmer valenciana: els Sims, Minecraft, indie, Wow i jocs de terror. Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Mastodon.
Gufolove: videojocs indies i soulslike, també anime. Twitter, Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, Discord.
Devidcat: YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Mastodon, Facebook.
Pulga Tejana: Twitch, YouTube, Twitter.
Comunitat catalanoparlant de jocs en concret:
CAT of Duty: comunitat catalanoparlant de Warzone i Call of Duty. Telegram.
CATCOM: comunitat catalanoparlant d'Star Citizen. Pàgina web, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, Guilded.
FortniteCAT: comunitat catalanoparlant del Fortnite. Twitter, Discord.
Cavallers del Cel: comunitat catalana de Simulació de combat. Pàgina web, YouTube, Twitter, Discord.
La Banda Catalana: comunitat catalanoparlant d'Age of Empires. Twitter, Twitch, Discord.
Grup de Telegram d'Animal Crossing: Telegram.
World of Warcraft: Telegram.
Grup de Telegram Cloud Gaming (Stadia i altres plataformes streaming): Telegram.
Rocket League en català: Telegram.
Rainbow Six Siege en català: Telegram.
Xe Quin Pasme!: jocs de terror. Telegram.
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a-tarassia · 1 year
È un concetto semplice. Ogni cittadino crea, con ciò che fa o non fa, delle reazioni, crea un prodotto, che sia materiale o non materiale, che può portare un cambiamento nella vita della società di cui il cittadino fa parte. È quindi necessario che l’individuo sia cosciente di ciò e agisca per il bene di tutti, per creare valore. Idealmente. Il valore può essere di tutti i tipi, anche solo sicurezza o solidarietà o anche conoscenza o bellezza e armonia.
In economia viene chiamata esternalità l’effetto che le azioni di consumo o di produzione di un soggetto ha sugli altri soggetti. Anche un parcheggio fatto male, per esempio quando trovate una macchina piazzata in mezzo tra due posti, crea una esternalità negativa. Chi arriva dopo non riesce a parcheggiare né in uno né nell’altro posto. Il famosissimo caffè sospeso a Napoli è un tipico esempio di esternalità positiva. Chi prende il caffè al bar e decide di lasciarne uno pagato regala un sorriso e un caffè ad un’altra persona. La fabbrica di Gentilini che sta sulla tiburtina a Roma sforna biscotti a catena e succede che se passi vicino senti quest’odore di biscotti nell’aria, è un’esternalità, per me che c’ho lavorato accanto per due anni ad un certo punto da positiva è diventata negativa, dopo qualche mese quell’odore mi faceva venire voglia di strapparmi via il naso a morsi, ma datosi anatomicamente impossibile allora ho desistito.
Non è facile gestire le esternalità e visto che ne ho già scritto e anche abbondantemente sul mio altro tumblr anni fa, oggi volevo solo dirvi questa cosa qui che sto per dirvi.
Ho una vicina, su cui dovrei scrivere molto, ma mi limito a dire che vive con altre quattro persone, tutte adulte e oltre e lei si occupa del bucato di tutti, perché, salvo le due anziane, il marito e la figlia evidentemente sono nati senza mani, ma sorvoliamo. La mia vicina ha la lavatrice fuori casa, sul retro e sul retro ha anche il lavatoio che, dio solo sa come mai, usa in continuazione con una certa passione. Questa mia vicina fa una lavatrice al giorno, almeno, e la fa sempre la mattina presto, questo comporta che dalle mie finestre esposte verso casa sua, ogni mattina entra un piacevole odore di ammorbidente e dura tutto il giorno e io la consideravo una esternalità positiva, mi dicevo che meno male che sta povera disgraziata c’ha da lavare per un esercito ad ogni rotazione terrestre, io mi sveglio ogni mattina con un bellissimo odore che mi accoglie e che profumo e che cazzo di ammorbidente usa e quanto cazzo ne usa? Glielo devo chiedere. Ad onor del vero credo sia talmente forte che anche la mia dirimpettaia dall’altra parte della strada lo sente al punto che la domanda sul prodotto gliel’ha fatta lei, lo so perché, la dirimpettaia, quando parla urla fortissimo, esternalità negativa, so anche quando ha dei problemi con le colleghe e la sorella e quando deve andare dal ginecologo e quando la figlia non rifà il suo letto la mattina, ma non c’ho mai parlato.
Io questa del profumo di bucato la credevo un’esternalità positiva, no? Sono anni che mi dico che fortuna, che bello, che profumo rasserenante, che potenza del bucato che ha la mia vicina, ma come fa? È una maga? E invece no, @autolesionistra a mi ha riportato coi piedi per terra in un suo post in cui ha gentilmente spiegato che non è profumo di bucato la mattina quello che sento, manca poco che sia quello del napalm (cit.) perché in verità è inquinamento amici miei.
Il mio bucato del resto non profuma così perché a momenti lavo solo con acqua e se riuscissi a rifiltrarla la riutilizzerei, giuro, anche perché come dice un tipo su tiktok you do not need to be washing your fucking clothing like a maniac, Are ya’ll rolling in fucking manure, cause a lot of ya’ll wash your clothing like you rolling in fucking manure everyday.
Babies we don’t have all that money to waste and not even all that time to waste and not even the luxury to use all that detergent anymore sis.  
La mia vicina inquina ed è un’esternalità negativa, ma certamente non è che adesso posso addossare a lei le colpe di secoli di storia e corporazioni, chiaro, però adesso nella mia testa quella che credevo fosse una roba bella mi metterà invece ansia.
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insominac-nyx · 3 months
This is my very first fanfic for Valorant so I hope you all enjoy it! Please gimme any and all constructive criticism or grammar fixes if possible!
Cold Hands
Deadlock x Gekko
TW: None! Just wholesome and cute!
It was a particularly chilly night for those within Valorant Protocol headquarters. The reds, oranges, and yellows of the trees had long turned brown on their descent from the boughs surrounding the undisclosed location. Normally, the extensive heating system within the base would alleviate any issues the agents might have with the oncoming chill, but the machine had recently broken down, much to the dismay of the agents who dwelled within.
Many of these agents would bundle themselves in thicker clothing, Gekko would be miserable even after doing so.
His hometown of Los Angeles would rarely get colder than 60°F, and he liked it that way. Always perfect skateboarding weather, and he never had to worry about slipping on ice or getting sick.
But with all this snow and cold?
Mateo was arguably having a worse time than Reyna, who was currently bundled up under a mountain of blankets in her own room. A fact that he would have to keep secret for not only his sake, but for Neon and Clove’s as well, making sure to hide the photo of the slumbering empress in the deep recesses of his phone’s gallery, saving it for a special occasion. He would have to thank Sage for the reassurance that he wasn’t the only miserable one on base, maybe he could repay her somehow?
Walking through the base wrapped in a thick sweater and sweatpants just to keep warm, Mateo went so far as to put on multiple sets of socks and a pair of mittens his mother had knit him. His hand would raise in an awkward wave as he walked up to Deadlock, who was currently conversing with her fellow Northern agents, Sova and Breach.
“Well well, I didn’t realize we had polar bears over here!”
The Swede would call out as Gekko entered into view, swaddled in enough cloth to make the red-haired man sweat just from looking at him. Deadlock’s normally stoic expression softened at Gekko’s sight as she gave a nod of recognition. While he loved the brief moments that Deadlock lowered her guard, it was just as refreshing to see her cold demeanor return right after. Never before has he had someone be so honest and brutal with their opinions; it was leagues different from the pampering and smothering he received from his mother.
“If you think this is cold, maybe you should come with me to Sweden! I’ll show you a real winter!”
Deadlock and Sova would nod in agreement with Breach’s statement, discussing briefly the various places from their home countries that they could take the Latino.
“No mames güey! (No way dude!) I can barely handle this, and it’s barely even snowing! If you think I’m making it a whole winter in that place, eres loco! (You're crazy!)”
The three northern agents exchanged amused looks with each other before bursting out laughing. Breach’s booming laughter made him sound like a certain red-clad saint as it mixed with Sova’s more reserved but hearty chuckle as their laughter echoed through the common area. All the while, Deadlock’s stifled giggle, though barely perceptible over the two men’s amusement, drew Gekko’s attention more than anything else in the room.
She sounded like every good thing. As if those little giggles alone could convince him that anything bad would be okay. And on the rare occasion that she smiled in his direction, he felt like the sun was beaming down on him. Warm and soothing, as if capable of thawing out the coldest of winter. Little did the Latino know, Iselin felt similar in regards to Mateo.
The two had grown closer than Deadlock would have liked, hating how she would find the melancholy of her days thinking about her fallen sister interrupted by Gekko. The mere thought of him would put a smile on her face that took great effort to wipe away.
Mateo couldn’t help but stare for the brief moment her face lit up with elation. The normally serious and guarded Norwegian let her walls down just long enough to show the person underneath all that coldness. He enjoyed seeing this side of her as it slowly emerged more and more as she grew comfortable in her new environment and worked through her emotions.
Luckily for him and his little crush, the two were slowly getting closer after their mission at the Kingdom facility in Los Angeles, her aversion to his crew dissipating just slightly after Wingman’s efforts to keep them safe by closing the portal.
“W-Well at least I don’t make puddles when it’s barely warm and sunny out! And my arms don’t glitch out when I’m sweaty!”
Sova and Breach chuckled again at Mateo’s comeback, the Swedish man nodding in agreement before he walked up and pat Gekko’s shoulder innocently before slyly sticking his hand down the younger man’s back.
“Touché, you’re absolutely right!”
Gekko would immediately react to the ice cold metal that reached past the back of his neck down his back, shivering as his hands reached to pull the Swede’s mechanical arm out of his sweater.
“¡Híjole! ¡Chingada madre! ¡Vete a la pinche verga Breach!”
The Latino would screech as he scrambled away from the bigger man, shivering uncontrollably while glaring at the source of the booming laughter that echoed once more through the room.
“Hey, hey! It’s all good fun, don’t take it personal! I got stuff to do, so I’ll leave you alone! Don’t get too cold Gekko!”
With that, the redhead would stride down the hall with a confident gait, clearly proud of what he’d done before Sova walked up to Gekko, stopping briefly to give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
“I’ll be sure to talk to Brim and Viper, see if we can get this little heating problem fixed. Believe me, Reyna would be causing a lot more trouble if we didn’t have Sage keeping her warmed up.”
He and Gekko would chuckle softly at the statement before the Russian man pulled a finger to his lips in a playful manner before the blonde turned around and began walking down the hall towards Brimstone’s office, leaving Gekko and Deadlock alone in the common room.
“So… Deadlock, did you still wanna go to the training range? We got some time before dinner!”
A tussle of her wavy blonde tresses would mark her refusal as she looked away and thought, her icy blue eyes returning to Gekko’s chocolate brown orbs after a moment.
“I was actually wondering if I could play with your ‘crew’ again today.”
This was also starting to become the new norm for the two agents. After being told about what happened in the Kingdom facility in Norway and how she lost some important people to the radiant bear, Gekko proposed that one way for her to work through her trauma was to have Deadlock hang out with his little buddies in a safe, controlled environment. Though hesitant, she would begrudgingly agree, but only on the condition that she could use extreme force if they attacked. An agreement that was immediately accepted because he knew for a fact they wouldn’t hurt her nor would he let them.
Their first time hanging out in this way, unfortunately, resulted in Deadlock having a panic attack as the four pounced on her with the intent to play with the new face, overwhelming the Norwegian. Mateo only blamed himself for not telling his little buddies about the situation, but they would try again a few days later after he comforted Deadlock and made sure to tell the crew about his plan.
That next time would involve just Dizzy. Being the calmest of the four proved to work better to allow the Norwegian to settle down after her episode. The little radivore would basically curl into a ball and let Deadlock toss her into the air before Dizzy would float back down, allowing the blonde to release some of the nervous energy that built up being in the radivore’s presence.
Over the last couple months, the two would add another of the radivores into the mix, with the next being Wingman, then Mosh, and finally Thrash due to her over-energetic nature. Deadlock would take her time to adjust and work through the fight-or-flight response that urged her body to react to the little buddies’ presence, which often led to these hangouts having to be cut short to give Deadlock a break to mentally compose herself.
Gekko would be slightly hesitant of her request on this cold day, especially considering they just had one of these little therapy sessions the day before, and though she was making great strides, he was worried that she might be pushing herself more than she needed to.
“You sure chica? I mean, I totes dig it, they are great little guys, but are you ready to put yourself through all that mental stuff again so soon?”
Though she was a professional at suppressing her emotions on the battlefield, even Deadlock couldn’t hide the twinge of disdain that spread across her face as her right arm reached over and massaged the base of her mechanical arm, phantom pains still lingering after all this time.
A small part of her hated the pain and hurt that she continued to harbor from the incident. She hated the phantom pains, the fact that even her own body longed for the part of her that was missing. She hated the long nights where she grieved for her Staljager sisters, the only real family she had until they were robbed from her. But most of all, she hated the nights in her room, alone, surrounded by shadows and nightmares not even the Turkish agent could conjure up.
“Ja, I am sure. We can start off with all four this time as well, I think I’ll be okay. After all, you’ll be there the entire time, right?”
“Oh yeah, of course, whatever you need!”
The two would talk for a bit longer with Deadlock making a few jokes about Gekko’s attire before the two agreed to meet at his room after dinner, the Norwegian woman walking off in the direction of Killjoy’s lab while Gekko made his way back to his room to inform the crew about what was going on.
He hummed softly to the music playing in his headphones, not noticing the cameras in the halls that seemed to follow him after his encounter with Deadlock. Putting in the pin code to unlock his quarters, his eyes would be drawn to the corner beside his bed.
The four little buddies huddled up underneath a heat lamp the Latino had bought to keep them warm. The fact it helped warm up the otherwise cold room was an added bonus.
Thrash was the first to react to Gekko’s return, shuffling off the other three who dogpiled onto her as she made her way to the green haired young man. Pouncing him onto the ground in the middle of the doorway, Wingman, Dizzy and Mosh would wake from their slumber and make their way to Gekko soon after.
“Oi! Cálmate cálmate Thrash! Mira aqui, chiquitos! Blonde lady is going to hang out with us for a bit, okay? Best behavior everyone, especially you Thrash, no jumping on her, okay?”
Thrash grumbled softly but agreed with a nod along with the rest of the crew before Wingman waddled forward, a warbled tone directed toward Gekko, whose words would be lost on anyone but Gekko, who knew the meaning from his connection to the little guys.
“Look, she doesn’t like being scared of you guys just as much as you guys don’t. I can’t help her by myself, so I need your guys' help. You know our motto Wings. Five’s better than one, remember? We gotta help our friends whenever we can.”
Wingman considered it for a moment, his little arm reached to his face while looking up and thinking. Despite how ready she was to lock them back up like those Kingdom people did when they first met, even Wings would have to acknowledge how she tried to be gentle to himself and the other radivores. Another warbled sound and a nod marked his agreement before he called the others to return to their nap pile under the lamp.
“Thanks for understanding guys, I promise she’ll be on her best behavior too.”
Mateo would take the next hour or so to clean up his room, dusting off his shelf of knickknacks and picture frames from home and tossing all his dirty clothes into the clothes hamper by his desk before finally lighting a candle to make sure it didn’t smell bad by the time Deadlock arrived.
Almost as if she was watching, the woman would knock on his door almost the moment he plopped down onto his bed after his venture, scrambling to his feet before making his way to the door. He’d make sure to try and smooth out the wrinkles of his clothes prior to opening it, wanting to look presentable for the blonde.
“Hey Deadlock! Didn’t realize it was after dinner already!”
She stood in the door cautiously before noticing the radivores in the corner dozing before shoving the warm tupperware container filled with food into Gekko’s hands as she stayed in the doorway while the Latino made his way into the room.
“I know, that’s why I bought you this. Varun made curry, it’s spicy so I thought you’d like it. …You can call me by my name when it's just us.”
“Oh, Coach made it? Hell yeah, thank you Deadlo- I mean Iselin! Feel free to come in, I went and cleaned up a bit and I told the little guys to be on their best behavior around you, so no jumpscares! …Hopefully.”
Mateo plopped down onto his bed, patting the seat beside him before he popped open the container, the spiced scent of curry filling his nose and the noses of the radivores as they groggily woke up once again from their nap and made their way to the source of the delicious smell.
“Alright little guys, you can have a bite but I fed you earlier, this is for me!”
Iselin would watch anxiously as the four would hop, waddle, float, and slither over to Mateo, relaxing slightly once she noticed their complete interest in the food. Taking the opportunity, she would make her way to Mateo’s bed, sitting quietly beside him to not draw the attention of the little beasts.
He would spoon a bite of the curry into each of their mouths, not unlike a parent would their child. Thrash especially seemed to enjoy the spice, ramming into Mateo’s leg as she pleaded for more.
“Oye! Calm down Thrash, I already gave you some, I gotta eat too!”
The shark-like radivore ignored his words as she begged in a garbled tone and jumped onto his shin, pleading desperately for another bite.
“What a shame, and to think I brought these if you all were on your best behavior? I suppose only the good ones get nice things.”
Iselin spoke up shakily as she hesitantly drew Thrash's attention, pulling a small bag of cookie-like treats from her jacket’s pocket before placing one gingerly into the small hands of Dizzy and Wingman and tossing one into Mosh’s mouth.
The three would obviously like the Norwegian treats, audibly garbling and warbling in enjoyment while Thrash would stare at her before switching her gaze towards Mateo, hoping that he would “save” her from the big, mean, blonde lady.
“Nuh uh Thrash, that’s all you. If you want a cookie, you’re gonna need to be good like we talked about.”
With a dejected noise, the most energetic of the radivores would let go of her grasp on Gekko’s pant leg, laying on the floor in front of Deadlock, her tail still wagging at the prospect of food but obediently staying mostly still.
“Flink pike, see? Was that so hard?”
Iselin would reach out with her prosthetic, allowing Thrash to eat the snack from her hand before the radivore joined the rest of her crew who were playing with a little ball, finally giving the two humans a moment of peace while Gekko ate.
“Buen trabajo Iselin, that was really good! You didn’t push them away or nothing! Proud of you, chica.”
The blonde’s icy blue eyes would turn to Gekko, giving him a curt nod as he finished his meal, setting the plasticware on his end table before turning back to face Deadlock on the bed.
“Thank you Mateo, it’s just difficult sometimes. Trying to deal with involuntary responses isn’t easy, thank you for your patience.”
Her prosthetic would reach over to stabilize her remaining hand as it trembled with adrenaline, sighing heavily as she shook the memories of that day from her mind, ice blue eyes meeting chocolate brown as she relaxed slightly.
“But having you around makes things easier, I know you wouldn’t let them hurt me.”
“Of course, I’m glad I could finally help. Ever since I got here, it always felt like I’ve been behind everyone. I'm not smart enough for strategy and my aim isn't good enough to be super reliable in the field. So it’s really nice to finally feel like I’m making a difference, even if it is only through helping you.”
Iselin thought for a moment about his words, the obvious kindness and warmth that was Mateo seeping through. Her warm hand reached over and rested on top of his colder ones, trying to offer some degree of reassurance.
“You help more than you know, Mateo.”
Her eyes would focus on his warm brown eyes, reminiscent of the hot chocolate she would drink with her Staljeger sisters before looking down as her fingers subconsciously entwined with his, her icy blue orbs wide while the slightest tinge of blush dusted her cheeks.
“...Your hand is cold.”
“O-oh! Sorry about that, the lamp helps a bit but it's still pretty cold in here!”
An awkward chuckle came from his mouth, his free hand scratching the back of his head. Iselin would look down at their grasp, meeting his gaze with the flush pink growing more across her freckled cheeks. Her eyes would linger on his for a moment before her attention was diverted to the radivores all huddled up for warmth in the corner.
“Would you like to… cuddle… to warm you up? I mean, only if you’d want to. You can say no of course.”
Iselin had never been so eager… no, anxious, for a response in her life. It wasn’t anything like the anxiety she felt while opening her letter accepting her into the Ståljeger or the worry she felt when her sisters were away on missions she couldn’t join because she was still new.
So why did this moment scare her so much?
Why did the wait for an answer to such a mundane question make her feel this way. Her heart pounded in her ears, her palms felt as if they had been dipped into the ocean, and her face felt warmer than any fire. In those moments before his response, the force of the realization almost made her recoil as a familiar statement popped into her mind.
I’m falling for him.
How could she not when the Latino broke down her walls like they were made of paper. When he effortlessly coaxed the person she was before her sisters’ deaths, before that fateful day in that Kingdom facility, into the light of day? Through his humor, kindness, and dedication to her, she became more confident, less of a slave to her fear, and more comfortable with her situation within Valorant. To Iselin, it seemed like a modicum of her adoration and affection seemed like a good trade, but now she only hoped he would accept her offer.
Mateo’s face darkened with blush as he glanced down at his and Iselin’s hands before looking her in the eye, repeating the cycle a few times before nodding softly.
“Y-yeah, I think I’d like that a lot actually.”
A small smile would spread across her face as she stood, pulling off her jacket and tossing it onto the beanbag chair across from the bed before climbing back onto the bed with Mateo. He couldn't help but stare as Iselin peeled herself out of that signature white down jacket, admiring the toned muscles that decorated her torso along with the subtle curves of her waist and chest.
Gently pushing his back onto the mattress, she’d crawl over and climb on top of him, straddling his waist before laying down as she nuzzled her face into his neck. Her warm breath made him blush even more red than earlier before Iselin spoke up, the Latino smiling playfully up at the blonde, which only served to deepen the rouge that spread across her face.
“What? Don’t look at me like that, what are you thinking?”
Mateo would take this opportunity to grab the Norwegian’s waist, eliciting a soft gasp as he used all those muscles he got from working out with Harbor to pull Iselin down beside him into her new position as little spoon.
“I think this is much better, don't you?”
With a roll of her eyes, the sentinel would relax into his embrace while he laid pressed against her back, his hands cautiously resting on her hips to prevent accidentally touching her inappropriately.
Her smile grew without qualms at how cute he was. Pulling his arms around her waist and placing them on her bare stomach to warm them more, it made Iselin wonder. The infiltrator wasn’t an aggressive person at heart, even apologizing whenever he defeated his alternative self in the field. And yet, How was someone so caring, gentle and kind capable of the same violence and killing as she or any other agent within the Protocol? In her mind, someone like Mateo should never be in a position to hurt others, instead he should be spreading his positivity to those who deserve it.
“This is okay Mateo?”
“Perfecto! Though I’ll be honest, never thought I’d be this close to your abs before.”
“Hold kjeft, dumme idiot.”
“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to cuddle with me!”
“Ja, don't make me regret it.”
The two chuckled softly at her reaction before settling in once more, allowing themselves the luxury of relaxing into the calm night. It was just the two of them. In this moment, the rest of the world fell away, and they wouldn’t mind in the slightest as they focused on each other.
Her content smile turned to a playful roll of her eyes as she noticed how lightly he held her, like a doll that might break in half if he held her too tight. She loved his gentleness and kindness, and the way he always expressed them as easily as she might shoot a rifle, even despite her rocky interactions with the radivore tamer after joining Valorant. Seeing Mateo’s hesitance gave her the confidence to tease a little as she tilted her head and pressed her lips against his cheek.
“I'm not a piece of glass Mateo, you can hold me tighter. I'm not going to shatter and hurt you.”
“Alright, alright. I just wanted you to be able to pull away if it was too much for you.”
Iselin scoffed softly, shaking her head at his words. If she didn't know that he came from a place of concern and care, she would've been insulted. But instead, the blonde would turn around to face the Latino before cupping his face in the warm flesh and cool polymer of her hands.
“If it wanted to leave, I would've already. I want to be here. With you.”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he squeezed Iselin a little closer, fully indulging himself in the warm smell of the baked treats as he took a deep breath of her scent.
“I’m glad you didnt leave then, thank you.”
“Thank me for what? I haven't done anything. ”
“For being you! If you weren't the way you are, I wouldn't be anywhere near as motivated to work hard. I wanna be strong enough to protect the people I care about.”
“Well, in that case, you are very welcome Mateo. “
The two would hold each other, Iselin’s warm skin warming the cold, shivering Latino as they remained cuddled close. The shared moment’s quiet and serenity would be interrupted by the Norwegian’s soft snoring, a soft smile spreading across his face as he looked at her. The Norwegian's stoic face softened in her sleep, and the lack of nightmares from the Latino’s presence gave Iselin a peaceful trip to the land of dreams.
He grabbed his phone and took a quick photo of her slumbering form, intending to make a little conversation with her at a later point before he cuddled closer to the blonde.
The Latino couldn’t help but take in more of her scent as he nuzzled his face into the small of her neck. The warm smell of almonds and cinnamon wafted from her and Mateo couldn’t get enough as his hands gripped tighter around Iselin’s waist. He loved the way she warmed him up so effortlessly, almost jealous of the furnace that was her body. Just one of the myriad things he loved about Iselin.
He loved her determination, to get over her fears and to protect. To make sure no one had to experience loss because of Kingdom like she did, and how that led them to their current position. He loved this softer, less rugged side of the Norwegian woman. The side that only he got to see, the woman before life forced her to become hardened to the world and to everyone else.
I love her.
The thought flashed into Mateo’s mind, leaving ruin in its wake as he looked down at the blonde he was cuddled with. Her soft snores were almost drowned out by the crew’s snores in the corner. His heart raced at the realization, thinking about how his gaze always seemed to linger on her when they were going about their business on base. The way butterflies invaded his stomach when she looked his way, giving a polite smile in return that the two both knew was for him alone.
He would think about how different she was when talking to other people, like Yoru or Phoenix, her attitude as cold as the winters of her homeland. And yet, for him, she was like a home cooked meal after playing in the snow or the sun on a chilly day. A source of loving warmth that soothed him like no one else could, not even his mother. If he had his choice, they would stay like this forever. Just the two of them, warm and safe. No radianite, no Kingdom. Just them.
Mateo would sigh softly as he shook the thought from his head. It was going to be a long time before that happened, so he would just enjoy the little time they had together as he held her tight.
“Creo que te amo, Iselin (I think I love you). Jeez, I guess I really am a baby for saying that in Spanish but it’s true. Pero creo que realmente te amo mucho (But I think I love you a lot).”
He would slowly join her in sleep, his eyes growing heavy as her sweet, warm scent enveloped him, drifting off to sleep before feeling Iselin shuffle beside him, turning around to face him before planting a soft, tender kiss on his cheek. Her soft and firm lips squished against his face as she looked up at him with sleepy embarrassment.
“I only know a small bit of Spanish but if you said what I think you did… I think I love you as-”
Mateo would interrupt her off with a proper kiss. Cupping her soft face in his rough hands, he’d press his lips against hers for a brief but passionate moment as the two held each other. Taking in the other's presence for this moment alone as their thoughts were filled with nothing but the other. He felt Iselin’s hand tightly grab onto his sweater as her breath left her lungs, the grip loosening as the two pulled away, their soft panting filling the air around them.
“You definitely understood what I meant, copo nieve~ (Snowflake~)”
A soft grunt would escape her lips as she crossed her arms and turned away from the Latino, her back still pressed against his chest while his arms wrapped tight around her waist.
“You’re an asshole, you know.”
“You said you love meeeeee~”
“Don’t make me regret it.”
“I won’t, mi amor~ (My love~)”
“Just shut up and kiss me again, Mateo.”
Sage would glance over to the endtable beside her as her phone screen lit up with a notification from Gekko. She’d reach over. Trying her best not to rouse the sleeping radiant beside her, the Sentinel would open the text to find a cute picture of a certain Latino and Norwegian. The two cuddled close, as his lips pressed against her cheek while she looked away in bright red embarrassment.
A small chuckle would spill from her lips before Reyna would poke her head out from under the warm cocoon of blankets.
“¿Qué es tan gracioso, querida? (What’s so funny, dear?)”
Sage would tilt the phone slowly, giving the Latina a moment to wipe the sleep from her eyes as they adjusted to the sudden brightness. Zyanya squinted.
“¿Mateo y la Noruega? (Mateo and the Norwegian?)”
Ling Ying hummed softly in agreement,” Indeed, I was under the impression that the two were at odds.”
Reyna just shrugged and shook her head before cuddling closer, nuzzling her face into Sage’s warm bosom.
“Well you know Gekko, always making friends.”
“Would appear that way. Being able to warm a blizzard into a flurry is no easy task.”
The Asian woman’s arms wrapped around and caressed Zyanya’s back, drawing little shapes that elicited another yawn.
“En efecto, nuestro sol radiante (Indeed, our radiant sun).”
“You should go back to sleep, you will be irritable if you do not get enough sleep.”
Reyna leaned up and planted a kiss on Sage’s lips, firm meeting velvet soft before resting her head in the crook of the Chinese woman’s neck.
“Sí, sí, tienes raźon como siempre. Buenas noches, mi media naranja. (Yes, yes, you’re right like always. Good night, my other half.)”
“Tiánmì de mèng, wǒ de yǒngyuǎn (Sweet dreams, my eternity).”
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law192000-blog · 1 year
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Sage is waiting for you 👨‍🍳. She has made some burgers 🍔🍔 especially for you They will help you regain energy and strength so you can continue the fight. Don't you want them? 💔
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figurasretro · 5 months
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all drive
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SENSI DELL'ARTE - di Gianpiero Menniti  
Perchè Ulisse all'Inferno? L'esegesi letteraria e la filosofia s'interrogano da tempo immemore sulla scelta di Dante, che colloca l'eroe omerico tra i consiglieri fraudolenti dell'VIII Bolgia. Ulisse, colui che nel racconto dell'ultimo "folle volo", pronuncia un inno all'uomo dal valore e consistenza monumentali. Eppure, l'implacabile "cupiditas sciendi" condanna l'uomo indifferente alla contemplazione di un traguardo atteso. Il desiderio perenne, che è "privazione", sorge e si rinnova, senza trovare completezza. Fame insaziabile. Non è anabasi, ascesa. È corsa frenetica che avanza solo in un moto orizzontale. Fino all'estremo mondo, "infin che ’l mar fu sovra noi richiuso".
"O frati", dissi "che per cento milia perigli siete giunti a l'occidente, a questa tanto picciola vigilia  d'i nostri sensi ch'e' del rimanente non vogliate negar l'esperďenza, di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente.  Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza". 
- Frammento dal Canto XXVI - Inferno - Dante Alighieri 
- William Turner (1775-1851) "Nave di schiavi", 1840, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
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