#rich people are still people
werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
Disappointed but not surprised to see people blaming the victims of the OceanGate Titan sub disaster.
These people were human beings. They left families behind. One of them was only 19 years old.
If you're actively celebrating and mocking their deaths, unfollow me. Block me. Never interact with me ever again.
They didn't deserve to die because some arrogant cunt ignored basic safety regulations and took them all to the grave with him.
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"oh please everyone has gay thoughts sometimes" so what i'm hearing is that heteronormativity is so ingrained that a significant percentage of the population regularly experiences bisexual attraction? but dismisses it as something that all straight people experience? this is so concerning are you guys okay
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
Publishing has always been a fucking nightmare, but now it’s a layer of hell. It’s not enough that writers be good at what they do. Writers have to maintain an active social media presence and cultivate a following. Be available.
They have to be conventionally attractive enough to look good enough to see on a screen, aesthetically pleasing, kind, funny, up-to-date on trends, socially aware but not so controversial that they turn off a brand from California from slapping their discount code on a video promoting a book.
They have to do all of this with no media training, with little help from the companies that are supposed to be doing this for them.
Of course, a lot of this isn't possible for say, the 40-something mother of two who teaches English at a school and writes on the side. She’s boxed out of an already complex industry that already has enough walls.
On some level, I think authors have always marketed themselves a little, but we’ve reached such a crazy point where we’re demanding the author become the influencer. Accessibility in publishing has narrowed from an inch to a sliver. And that inch was hard enough to get in as is.
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ongoing-catastrophe · 1 month
i've seen some people in the batman fandom look (very reasonably) at this rich mans "crusade" against crime and be like he's selfish and self important and it would be much better if he invested in infrastructure. but
have you considered the funnier and more ridiculous option that he has? imagine that all of gothams schools are funded by the wayne foundation to ensure a certain quality of life and education even for the poorest kids. they have free daycares and free clinics and free pantries....but all the craziest villains in the country still flock to Gotham because of...vibes?
Bruce is trying everything and he's so confused why everything that works everywhere else just WON'T work here. Gotham becomes a global statistical anomaly, baffling social scientists everywhere.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 234
More of the Tiamat Au? More of the Tiamat Au! 
Sharing a body was strange. Ten limbs split between the nine of them- thirteen if one counted the tails and seventeen if one counted the fact that their cloak… skirt… whatever could mimic the wings of their other form. 
One which they would change back to after a few moments- there was much less stumbling when it was all fours. Not to mention that if not for the tails they’d have easily toppled over with how many arms they had making them slightly top heavy. Okay more than slightly, it was taking a bit to adjust. 
Honestly the fields of wheat and other crops did nothing to hide them with how tall even this body was, but it was still better than nothing, and they were using the fact it was the middle of nowhere to their shared advantage. 
At least the humanoid- not human, even now their shared power thrummed through the air, leaking from them- form was smaller than their true draconic one. Well, perhaps they shouldn’t call it their true form, when they were once all human, halfa and liminal alike, but they’d long since stopped being such. So perhaps it was in fact true to call the form they had become as their normal state now. 
Actually, could they even separate now? Or had their power melded together so much that it was impossible now, and an attempt would end them? It would at the very least crack their core- 
“What the fuck.” 
Their head lurched, a little too far if the jolt of pain was anything before it melted away. They were all too used to moving their own necks separately. But all of them agreed that discovery could not happen-
It was a child. A preteen with red-orange hair, blue-green eyes, expensive clothing, and most damming of all, large swaths of bruising across his arms. Bruising that did not come from usual play, and looked far too much like hand prints for any of their comfort. 
Someone had very much not been taking care of this child. And that really made them quite angry. 
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Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent being good friends who are now bitter and jaded about each other, not able to bring themself to care for the other but also not being able to hurt them is WONDERFUL for angst but what would be truly hilarious are Bruce Wayne and Two-Face very publicly remaining friends. 
Like everybody in Gotham knows of the district attorney’s fall from grace and his former friendship with Bruce Wayne but even after Harvey’s gone and committed atrocities they just...still can be seen getting coffee with each other. Two-Face crashes Bruce Wayne’s board meeting for the sole purpose of pissing him off. Two-Face is in the middle of fleeing a robbery when a foot sticks out and he goes FLYING ass-over-tits, then looks over his shoulder for the perpetrator and instead of murdering them he just tells Bruce to go fuck himself and keeps on running from the cops
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tungtung-thanawat · 9 days
I’m not from thailand but there is a very similar capitalist ruling class vibe in my country that I’m picking up in these Thai BL shows and I’m tangentially but closely related to this class and all I can say is…Ming is really not that bad.
These rich boy with hearts of gold/ rich boy finds heart of gold through interaction with poor boyfriend dramas I think has skewed the way that we view rich people. As in we think of them as people that operate on a general set of values and principles that we all hold. But the casual way that Ming imprisons Joe and thinks nothing of how he’s ruining the biggest opportunity Joe’s had in his career just because he can buy him a better, more lavish life is almost painfully realistic. And no it does not at all contradict with the fact that he loves Joe. And I think the way Up plays Ming with this careful mix of being totally self unaware, even innocent at times but with absolute entitlement in every thing he does, even at his most kindest is just so chillingly revealing of the ruling class psyche.
So many people are horrified by what Ming is doing and while I’m not saying that they aren’t horrific (they are) - it’s just that if you actually know a Ming you’d know that playing with poor people’s lives is like a Tuesday morning activity for him.
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alicentes · 6 months
I didn’t sit here for years tryna stay calm and silent while listening to your bad takes on gale (who grew up oppressed, in poverty and then witnessed his entire district getting wiped out then rightly went to fight in the rebellion because it was his inlg chance of tearing down the system the wanted him and his family dead) being a “terrorist war criminal who is single handedly responsible for killing innocent people including prim and who is the REAL villain of the hunger games” just for y’all to turn and start stanning and defending actual facist dictator and child trafficker Coriolanus Snow because you saw a young hot version of him.
#i actually do enjoy coryo as a villain and liked his origin story but people are really making excuses for him? and they know what he became#gale hawthorne#the hunger games#anti coriolanus snow#tbosas#like even in tbosas he shows that he is a sociopathic narissist. he tries to be good but those traits are still there and he embraced them#as for gale he was oppressed his entire life and lived in the poorest part of panem and resents the rich who were complicit in his suffering#the things he does for the resistance were things he thought was neccessary to win to end oppression#the other option was losing the rebellion and getting tortured killed and allowing snow to cause a lot more suffering#do i agree w everything he does? no because he is a character with flaws but i dont blame him one bit for decisions after the genocide of 12#he has to live with the consequences of what happened during the war and what he had to do to survive#but he is not a bad person for fighting back and willing to kill to survive he also does not understand the toll it takes to have to kill#him and snow are the same age and they both choose survival but snow is choosing power for himself and restoring his families wealth#and gale is choosing to join the rebellion and willing to fight for the sake of the rest of his people and to put an end to the suffering#one creates an oppressive society and one is tearing down that society both do whatever it takes#wow i guess i have more thoughts on gales character than i originally thought and the comparisons with snow are interesting
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silvermoon424 · 5 months
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Wealth Shown to Scale
This visual walkthrough of just how disgustingly wealthy the 0.001% are blew my mind. Once you can actually start to visualize how much money a billion dollars is, you can fully grasp the fact that nobody can earn or deserve that much wealth.
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gentleman-todd · 7 months
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[ source: (S2) Ep.100 - Enough (Part 1) ]
I’m sorry, but why do we keep continuing to act as if Jason was out on the streets jacking tires because he felt like it?
Why frame this as Jason just being an angry kid doing angry kid things because he’s parentless (or powerless and lashing out or whatever) when he was stealing the tires off the batmobile so he could feed himself because he was disadvantaged - ie: homeless. He was fucking homeless - ?
I’m probably nitpicking, but I don’t give a shit. Also, the narrative that Bruce is who “made” Jason a good person “against all the odds” is such bullshit.
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People wanted Jack’s defining characteristic to be Lesbian or Woman or even Businessperson, but it turns out her defining characteristic was Billionaire.
Even lesbians will be eaten when we eat the rich
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tbh i'd rather be in a room with mr. bonzo than lady mowbray
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
obsessed with your latest steddie au! steve’s relationship with his parents is so emotionally abusive and manipulative and my heart is breaking that nobody seems to recognise that
Thank you!!
I really wanted to focus on how Steve's parents are abusive in a way that is a lot harder to clock.
They're not out there screaming and kicking him out of the house. These people want you to like them, and they lie like they breath.
These are the adults who downplay serious issues, who make you doubt yourself, who smooth things over or even apologize on your behalf as a way to control and isolate you.
If everyone thinks you're terrible, and your amazing, doting, angelic parents are once again swooping in to save you, then your escape routes close up rapidly--which is of course, the whole point. They want their victims to rely on them and them alone.
For a lot of the Party, that's just not an evil they've encountered yet.
Throw in the fact that Steve does in fact, have a head injury, and things get muddy FAST.
It makes for delicious, angst-ridden scenarios and I am delighted everyone's happy to come along for the ride.
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Is Sun-jae going to become an average normal guy? Because that would be super exciting actually
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ambrosiagourmet · 1 month
Take this with a grain of salt but I don’t think Izutsumi necessarily MUST be be viewed as canonically aroace. I do not have a problem with that reading at all, to be clear, but I’ve been mulling this over for a while and with how much self-loathing and neglect informs her character it just doesn’t seem to entirely fair in insist on taking the “I don’t have a type” line at face value.
She’s a traumatized 17-year-old girl who thinks she’s unlovable and has never had the freedom to chose what to do with her life. Of course she doesn’t have a type and longs for a mom to love her unconditionally.
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thebroccolination · 1 month
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By now I think many people have heard that KristSingto’s upcoming series is an original script that was written for them. What we also have confirmed is that it was written about them.
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KRIST: This series was written by P'Backaof and directed by P'Lit where they created this script from the start deliberately for the two of us and they got information for the characters etc. from KristSingto directly. In the series, the name for P'Sing is Tamtawan, and my name is Phatapi. And Tamtawan Tamtawan and Phatapi are KristSingto themselves.
INTERVIEWER: Does that mean you play yourself?
KRIST: [laughing] Yes, we act as ourselves, so it's not difficult at all.
Today, Aof elaborated on his part on Twitter:
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[source: @backaof]
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[translation: @_beinglistener]
And Jojo added:
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[source: @jojotichakorn]
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[translation: @_beinglistener]
So, two gay men are the leading creative minds behind KristSingto’s comeback series. Time to study up on your KristSingto history, kids. \:D/
Long live sanctioned RPF. 🎉
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#krist perawat#singto prachaya#kristsingto#the ex morning#i’ve already seen the same tired ‘guess rent was due’ about krist and#i see on twitter when people link my thread about krist to people still insisting he’s homophobic#man’s rich#he works constantly#he even said it’s something he regrets now that his grandmother who raised him passed away#he worked so much he didn’t have as much time for his family—who he helps support#he is quite literally considered bl royalty#he has more queer people in his circle than straight#waa (gay) is his mentor#aof (gay) wrote this series and jojo (gay) thought up the concept so even professionally he's supported by queer people#you don’t have to like him#and you don’t have to admit to sending death threats to a stranger who doesn’t speak your language based on rumors you didn’t verify#just y’know#admit quietly to yourself alone in your head that you were wrong and you caused harm to a person who didn’t deserve it#plenty of actors use bl as a stepping stone to bigger jobs#he’s not one of them#he wanted to do bl for years but gmmtv told him he could only work with singto#so literally the only reason kit didn’t do bl until BMF was scheduling issues because singto wanted to study abroad#and singto couldn’t get a fixed date for it and then the pandemic messed with his plans even more#i’m glad to see more and more people are understanding who krist is recently#and even in the series they made pathapi’s controversy an impulsive act of anger#krist has said he used to struggle with being hotheaded#and one of his apologies for the igs was even something like ‘i acted without thinking of how it would look out of context’#he just wanted people to stop harassing him for his sexuality but the context isn’t in the igs#anyway my go-to when i’m too tired to talk about this is always this#if he had ever been homophobic thai people would be the ones leading the charge against him…but it’s interfans
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