#rip lord henry
wilde-shit-posting · 1 year
We should hold a trial to convict @justastrugglinghotchocolate for crimes against Lord Henry.
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agirlmadeofchaos · 11 days
RIP Lord Henry Wotton, you would’ve loved alpha male podcasts.
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werewolfetone · 2 years
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Nightmare blunt rotation
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literatecowboy · 10 months
The King With No Name
1. An Unconventional Princess
Part 2 here Summary: König - the king of Caldera - has been called upon by your father to choose a bride from his daughters in order to establish an alliance to keep peace over the lands they rule. When he arrives, he is enraptured by you, your father’s eldest child - an unconventional woman by all standards. He pursues your hand in marriage, doing his best to make you fall in love with him like he has fallen in love with you - much to your dismay Author's Notes: Inspired by the royalty fics I’ve been seeing around lately Warnings: Arranged marriage, eventual smut, pining, dogged pursuit of reader’s love and affection
Kaustav Castle was well-positioned and well-fortified and as a result, had stood the test of time and war. Built at the intersection of three rivers on a large, grassy plain, it had served as the seed of a kingdom and a city had sprung up around it. 
Many kings had walked its halls and ruled from its throne. Blood had been spilled on its battlements and fires had ripped through the chambers but she stood strong through war, flood, and plague. 
The times were peaceful now and your father intended to ensure they remained that way, so he had invited a guest into your home. Gates creaked open and drawbridges crashed to the ground. Banners waved and fanfare played as the king of the neighboring empire, Caldera, rode his large black stallion into Kaustav Castle’s courtyard to be greeted by your father the King, and many of his lords. 
Your sisters gathered at the window above in the dining room, watching as he came into view. 
“Is that him? Why is he still wearing that hood?” Sadie asked, peering around Lydia to get a better view. She smoothed her hand through her hair and fanned herself slowly. 
“They say he never takes it off, not even in his castle. He must be quite the terrifying sight on the battlefield.” Lydia murmured, watching as König dismounted and shook your father’s hand firmly. 
“He’s so…big. The stories did not do him justice.” Sadie murmured. Her cheeks pinkened and she giggled. You rose from where you were seated by the fire, sharpening your hunting knife, and tucked the blade into its sheath at your side. 
“Let me have a look,” you grunted, pushing the curtain further aside and looking down on the scene with your arms folded. König knelt and kissed your mother’s hand through the hood - you knew she would be impressed by his chivalry. 
“You still want to marry him?” you turned to Sadie and leaned against the wall, concern etched across your face. 
“If he chooses me, I will go. He…intrigues me,” she said with a soft smile, blushing. 
“And what if he chooses you?” you asked Lydia. She frowned. 
“I know that you’ve been speaking to Lord Henry and father seems to favor him. What will you do if König wishes to marry you?” you asked. Lydia shook her head. 
“I will be making myself scarce, though I do not plan to avoid him outright like you do,” she admitted. 
“Father wishes for him to marry me and I wish for the same. I will charm him and distract him from you two.” Sadie said, a twinkle in her eye. You snorted. 
“Oh, Sadie, what would we do without you?” you said, smiling and embracing her gently. Outside, König and your parents walked into the castle. 
“I ought to leave before they get up here. I’ll be in the stable preparing for a hunt if either of you needs a break from the formality.” you offered. Your sisters bid you goodbye as you slipped into the hidden servant’s corridor and raced downstairs and towards the outside world. 
You had always been different from your sisters. Your father had hoped for sons, but when you were born and quickly followed by your sisters, he had elected to raise you like the son he did not have. While Sadie and Lydia had been raised as proper ladies and were doted upon by your father, he had raised you to ride and hunt and govern and had pushed you almost to the point of being controlling. 
Your mother was still unsure about her oldest daughter going about like a man, but as your father was in poor health and there were no male heirs to the throne, she was relying on you growing up strong enough to maintain power after your father’s death to protect her, Sadie, and Lydia.
When you reached the stables below you called out a greeting to the stablehand who waved back to you. Your family was beloved by your father’s people and you made sure to spend time socializing in the village to build good relationships with the people you would someday lead. 
“Going out for a hunt?” a voice called out to you from the back of the stable as you brought your little tan mare out of her stall and hitched her to a post. You raised your head and made eye contact with one of the lords visiting for König’s arrival. 
“Ah, good morning, Lord Marrick. And yes, I’m off to look for game before dinner. Will you be joining my father and König?” you asked. 
“Call me Ferdinand, please, my lady. And yes, I had planned to - will you not be attending?” he asked, leaning against the stable wall and offering your horse a snack. 
“I’m doing my best to stay out of sight of König,” you admitted with a laugh. “My father has offered him the hand of any of his daughters, after all, and even though I am not…conventional…I wish not to risk marriage being forced upon me.”
“Will you never marry?” Ferdinand asked, his voice softening. There was something in his eyes that you couldn’t read as he came a little closer to you. You hefted a blanket, then a saddle, onto your horse’s back. 
“No. When Father dies, I cannot risk having the control of my kingdom wrestled away from me by a man who means to harm the people,” you admitted. Ferdinand nodded slowly. 
“That is…a shame, I must admit,” he said softly. Your cheeks felt hot. You and Ferdinand had known each other since you were children and had always been close. He cleared his throat as you tightened the straps of the saddle and buckled your bedroll onto the back. 
“I have a gift for you,” he admitted. You turned and smiled at him. 
“Oh, Ferdinand, you didn’t have to get me anything,” you said. 
“Nonsense, your birthday just passed, did it not? This might help you on your hunt today,” he said, fumbling in his pocket. pulling out an item wrapped in cloth, and offering it to you. You took it and unwrapped it slowly, gasping when you saw the contents. 
A small charm on a chain laid against the leather, delicately carved from a deer’s antler and decorated with silver. It was the symbol of the goddess you held most dear to your heart - the goddess of the woods and plains. 
“It’s for good luck. I had it blessed by one of her priests in town before I came.” Ferdinand admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
“Oh, Ferdinand, it’s lovely. I will surely have bountiful hunts with this attached to my quiver.” You embraced him warmly, smiling against his chest as he hugged you tightly. 
“Here, help me put it on!” you invited, slinging your quiver off your back and unlacing the leather at the top. You held tightly to it as Ferdinand gently laced the leather through the charm and tied it into place securely. 
“Get going now, before the sun sets!” he said with a laugh, smiling as you took your horse’s reins. 
“I’ll come see you later and tell you stories of my hunt should anything exciting happen,” you said, eyes gleaming as you led your horse out into the courtyard and prepared to mount up. 
König sat in the parlor with your family chatting idly with your mother and father as Sadie leaned forward attentively and Lydia busied herself in the corner of the room behind him. Movement outside of the window in the courtyard drew his eye and he watched as you led your horse outside. He was instantly enraptured by your beauty, your boldness as you waved goodbye to someone in the stable, and your strength as you controlled your horse.
“I believed you to have three daughters?” he asked suddenly, cutting off your father as he discussed local harvests. Your mother and father glanced at each other warily. 
“Yes, I do. The third is…a rather special case,” your father admitted, taking your mother’s hand. König watched as your horse nosed at your pocket and you laughed, pulling out the apple you had inside it and giving it to her. His chest tightened and he leaned forward slightly, gaze fixed on you intently. He watched the horse nibble at the apple in your small hand and imagined how it might fit in his.
“She is special?” he asked idly, his gaze fixed on you as you swung the reins around and mounted up. Your father followed his gaze. 
“I have had no sons. I suppose that as a result, I raised her as I would have a son.” The room lapsed into silence. 
König watched as you spurred your horse forward and took off at a gallop, laughing as you raced out of the castle gates and towards the open plains. His heart thumped faster in his chest and he was thankful for the hood that covered his flushing cheeks. 
“I should like to meet her.”
Your hunt was largely uneventful, and you spent more time enjoying the sensation of the wind flowing through your hair and shooting at random tree targets than you did hunting game. As hours passed and the sun set, you felt sure that it would be safe to return home now. Sadie had surely charmed König and he had declared his intention to marry her to your father. 
After reaching the stable and untacking your horse, you sorted everything away and fed her before bidding her goodnight. Ferdinand met you at the castle’s backdoor, concern in his eyes. 
“Your father is looking for you. König seems set on wanting to meet you - he kept asking after you at dinner tonight,” he warned, following you as you slipped inside. 
“Seriously? Do you know what he wants?” you asked, your eyes widening. 
“Just to talk, I guess. He didn’t seem interested in Sadie or Lydia at all,” he said, following you as you headed into the kitchen. 
“Fuck, Ferdinand, that’s the last thing I wanted,” you growled, snagging some leftovers one of the cooks had left for you and sitting down at the table in the corner. Ferdinand sat across from you. 
“Just lay low, okay? I’ll warn you if I hear anything else.” he offered before taking his leave. You ate quickly and quietly, lost in thought, before rising and hurrying out of the kitchen and going into the servant’s stairwell. You thought it best to avoid the main halls for now - who knew where König may have been lurking?
When you reached your room you breathed a sigh of relief, shutting the door behind you. You had failed to see the looming shadow in the hallway behind you, and as you stepped behind the partition in the corner of the room to undress, the door slowly creaked open. 
You froze - you were wearing only your underclothes - and slid your knife from its sheath on your belt which you had hung on its hook. 
“Sadie? Lydia?” You called out softly, stepping slowly around the partition. You squeaked and dove back to safety as you caught sight of the looming mass standing at your door. 
“Get out!” you whisper-shouted, doing your best not to wake your sisters sleeping across the hall. 
“I am sorry. I had to see you…to speak to you. You are a thing of beauty.” he said, his heavily accented voice almost breathless. 
“You have no right to come in while I am dressing!” you hissed, pulling your sleeping gown over your head so that you were covered and striding out into your room, your knife leveled at his chest. 
“Get out!” you snarled, jabbing at him and fixing your stance to hold your ground. 
“You are not capable of hurting me with that little thing, maus,” he murmured but did not come closer. Your hand trembled slightly as he drank you in. 
“You are even more beautiful up close.” he breathed, eyes wide. He clasped his hands together and fell to his knees. He had not felt so flustered since he was a young boy. 
“I would choose you from your sisters as my wife, maus, if you would have me. Please,” he begged softly, offering you his hands. 
“Get out. I won’t warn you again. Marry Sadie.” you hissed dangerously. His heart fluttered - he was falling for you hard. 
“If you will not agree now, you must come to know me and I will come to know you. Yes? I will come to see you tomorrow.” he breathed, the plea evident in his voice. You surged forward, pressing the tip of the knife where you guessed the base of his throat was. 
“Out.” you snarled. König got up slowly, and taking the knife by the blade gingerly, kissed your hand as it was wrapped around the handle. You jerked away, leaving him with the knife. 
“I will see you…gute nacht, maus,” he murmured, taking the knife with him as he left. Your heart thundered in his chest as you slammed and locked the door behind him. 
What the fuck?
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
I expanded on this. Sorry, it's longer than I thought it would be.
Vecna's first clue that he had the wrong man was when he went to awaken Eddie Munson as a newly born vampire.
"Get up," Vecna commanded.
Eddie groaned, rolled over on his stomach with his face down in the dirt and his ass up in the air.
"Five more minutes, Uncle Wayne," Eddie whined.
"Get up!" Vecna growled.
"Why? There's no school today," Eddie yawned, his eyes closed. "I am sleeping in today. I am in no mood to receive anyone, dearest Uncle. Please, take my messages."
"Wake up, you fool!" Vecna roared and kicked him in the stomach.
Vecna's powers were weak as he was healing, or otherwise, he would be using them on this idiot.
"I'm awake!" Eddie exclaimed, his eyes opening as he flopped onto his back. "Lord Vecna, I pressume?"
"Oh. That's what we've been calling you. It's from my game," Eddie said. "Vecna is a dark wizard with great powers."
"It's. . .acceptable," Vecna said.
Vecna's second clue was when he was going over his plan for Hawkins. He stopped talking when he noticed that Eddie was scribbling furiously in a notebook.
"Are you taking notes?" Vecna asked.
"What?!" Eddie asked. "Oh. No, absolutely not."
"What, pray tell then, are you doing?" Vecna asked, gritting his teeth.
He looked at the pages. Scribbled all over them was the name Steve Harrington, Mr. Eddie Harrington, Mr. Steve Munson, and a list of first names. He pointed to the list.
"What are those?"
"Name ideas for the child that I imagine having with Steve," Eddie said with a sigh.
"Yeah, that's my favorite. What do you think?" Eddie asked.
"It's a terrible name," Vecna said.
"Okay, rude. You're just jealous that I don't want to have a child with you," Eddie said.
"You're testing my patience," Vecna growled.
"Oh, yeah? What else can you do to me? I'm already dead," he said.
"Just pay attention!" He snapped.
"If I didn't pay attention in school, what makes you think that I'm going to pay attention to you?" Eddie asked.
If Vecna still had hair, he would have pulled it all out.
The third and final clue was when he brought Eddie to Steve Harrington's house. What else could he do to him? Oh, he'll show him.
"I want you to prove your loyalty to me," Vecna said.
"Okaay. . .I'm not sure how fucking Steve would prove my loyalty to you but I would prefer it if I woke him up and got his consent first," Eddie said, giving a side eyed look. "What kind of monster are you?"
"What?! No, I don't want you to - " Vecna said.
"Look, man, I don't know what you're into but I am not into that," Eddie scowled.
"I want you to kill him!" Vecna snapped.
"Kill him," Vecna said again.
They stood in Steve's room, Eddie gazing affectionately at Steve's sleeping form.
"Aww, but Henry, he looks too cute to kill," Eddie said. "Look at him, I think he's fighting in his sleep."
"Imma kill you," Steve mumbled, kicking out a leg.
"Kill him."
"I shan't!" Eddie said. "To slay a sleeping prince with a greater beauty than all of the stars in the universe would be most uncouth of me."
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Vecna swore and Eddie gasped. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Oh, Henry, you really shouldn't have said that," Eddie grinned menacingly at him.
"Oh, fuck," Vecna cursed.
Eddie grabbed his face, flashed his fangs, and bit into his neck. Vecna tried to fight him off, but Eddie was suddenly stronger than him, and he couldn't make a sound as the vampire ripped through his vocal cords. Eddie kept going until he stopped moving all together, and then suddenly, his teeth met air as Vecna's body dropped to the floor. He was still holding Vecna's head.
Steve woke up to the sound of a loud thump. He blinked several times. Standing there, alive and well, was Eddie Munson. Dark blood coated his chin and his shirt as he held Vecna's dismembered head in his hands.
"I brought you a present," Eddie said.
"Oh my god!" Steve said, jumping out of the bed and grabbing the nail bat from underneath it.
Eddie dropped the head.
"He wanted me to kill you, Steve, but I couldn't, so I had to, I had to kill him," Eddie whimpered.
Steve dropped the bat and rushed forward to wrap Eddie into a tight hug. They didn't let go of each other for a long time until Steve finally pulled back.
"Let's get you cleaned up," Steve said and grabbed some clothes from his drawers.
Eddie let him clean his face, a fond smile growing at Steve's determined face. The smile dropped.
"I'm sorry," Eddie said.
"Dude, are you apologizing for killing Vecna?" Steve asked. "Because I should be getting on my knees and thanking you."
"Really?!" Eddie asked eagerly.
Steve blushed and began stuttering. Eddie could hear his heart beating faster in his chest. He smirked.
"What are you sorry for, Munson?" Steve asked with a sigh.
"For not sticking to the plan," Eddie said.
"I'm not mad about that, I knew you were going to do something like that. What I am mad about is that Dustin watched you die in his arms. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at that piece of shit lying dead in my room who caused that to happen! What I'm mad at is that you died, and I almost lost -," Steve cut himself off.
"What?" Eddie asked softly.
"You. I nearly lost my chance with you," Steve said, ducking his head.
Eddie grasped his chin and tilted it back up to meet Steve’s eyes.
"He couldn't control me, Stevie. It was because of you. Everything about me is heightened now, including my feelings for you," Eddie replied and cupped his cheek.
Steve sighed and leaned into his hand. Eddie moved to kiss him when Steve reeled his head back.
"No fucking way," Steve said.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked.
"I am NOT kissing you when there are chunks of Vecna in your teeth," he said.
"What? You don't want to kiss this?" Eddie grinned. "Come on! This is sexy!"
Steve ducked and weaved as Eddie tried to kiss him. He pushed Eddie and laughed. Steve dug in the cabinets and tossed him a new toothbrush. Eddie rolled his eyes and brushed his teeth. He slid his fangs out and made sure to carefully brush those too. He made a dramatic point of using mouthwash and tossed it back like it was a shot, gurgling it in his mouth. He spun Steve into his arms, dipped him, and kissed him. Eddie broke the kiss and pulled him back up.
"Wanna join me for a shower, big boy?" Eddie asked.
"Sure," Steve giggled.
"No hanky panky," Eddie said. "Strictly body and hair washing."
"I'll behave if you'll behave," Steve grinned, and Eddie laughed.
All of a sudden, the house started to shake, and Eddie stumbled into Steve’s arms.
"What the hell was that?"
"That was the gate officially closing," Eddie said. "I felt it."
"Are you going to be okay?" Steve asked and tucked a hair behind his ear. "Hey! Your ears are all pointy."
"Oh, yeah," Eddie said. "You like them?"
"Yeah," Steve said and started laughing. "You're not a vampire. You're a fucking cat!"
"Mean," Eddie pouted. "I am a vampire."
Steve started scratching behind his ears and almost immediately Eddie started purring, actual purring.
"Are you sure?"
After their shower, Steve went downstairs and dialed the number for Hopper's cabin. He knew that if they weren't up before, they were now because of the earthquake. Eddie joined him, snuggling up against his back and hugging his waist, purring. Steve smiled.
"Hello?" Hopper greeted.
"Hey, Hop, it's Steve," he said.
"Hey, kid, everything okay over there?" He asked.
"Um, yeah. I probably shouldn't say this over the phone, but I'm not sure what to do with it," Steve said.
"Something needs to be taken care of?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm on my way," Hop said.
Steve wasn't too surprised when Hop showed up with his daughter and the Byers in tow. Argyle was also tagging along behind Jonathan. Hop pulled Steve into a hug and immediately began to check him over. Argyle made his way past Hop and hugged Steve.
"Steve with the good hair. It's good to see you again, man," Argyle said.
Hopper growled and pulled him back.
"You okay?" Hop asked.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how to explain this," Steve said. "It's better if I showed you."
He led them to the living room where Eddie was waiting for them.
"Munson?" Hop asked.
"Hey there, Chief, glad to see I'm not the only one who can rise from the grave," Eddie said. "I think our resurrection stories are a tad bit different."
"How?" He asked.
"Well, the bats ate me until I died, and then I became a vampire," Eddie said.
"What's that?" El asked.
"An undead creature who feeds on human blood," Will replied.
"He's harmless though," Steve said. "He only feeds on animals."
"And apparently dark wizards from another dimension," Eddie grinned.
"How do you know he's harmless?" Joyce asked, worried. "How do you know that we can trust him?"
"Well, for one, I scratch behind his ears, and he starts purring like a cat," Steve said, demonstrated it for them. "And another thing. . . He killed Vecna."
"What?!" everyone yelled.
"So, he really is dead," El said. "Will and I felt him die."
"Well, if you need more proof, his decapitated dead body is up in his bedroom," Eddie said cheerfully.
Hop went to head up and stopped El from trying to follow. Jonathan and Joyce had done the same with Will. Argyle followed Hop, and the older man growled at him.
"What? You can't stop me, man," Argyle grinned.
Hopper rolled his eyes, sighed, and went upstairs with Argyle following after him. A moment later, everyone downstairs heard Argyle yell.
"Ah, man, brutal!"
A moment later, they both came down looking a little pale. Argyle clapped a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
"There's blood everywhere, man. It's going to be a bitch to clean up," Argyle said and stepped away to move back towards Jonathan.
"So, what happened exactly?" Hopper asked.
"Well, when Henry so rudely woke me up, he immediately tried to turn me into his bitch to help him take over Hawkins and turn everyone into his little minions," Eddie said. "It wouldn't take."
"Why?" Joyce asked.
Steve and Eddie shared a look. They talked about it briefly before they got here. They knew the question would come up. Steve trusted them, and Eddie trusted Steve.
"Everything about me is heightened now as a vampire: my hearing, my strength, my mind, my morals, and most importantly. . .," Eddie said and took Steve’s hand. "My feelings, particularly towards Steve. He wanted me to kill Steve, but when I couldn't do it, he tried to do it himself. He was still weak from when they tried to kill him, which I think is how I managed to do it."
"You're together?" Will asked.
"As of, well, right before you guys got here," Steve said, blushing.
"Well, there's no reason not to trust him after that," Hopper sighed. "I'm glad something good came out of all of this bullshit."
"Yeah?" Steve asked.
Hopper pulled him into a hug and lightly tapped him on the shoulder with his fist.
"Stay here with your boy," Hopper said. "Jonathan, Argyle, and I are going to dispose of the body."
"Oh man, I am so going to throw up," Argyle said.
"Okay, there are some gloves, bandanas, and aprons in the kitchen," Steve said. "You sure you don't want me to help?"
"You've been through enough tonight," Hopper said. "Let us take care of the rest. That's what you called us for, right?"
Eddie pulled him back onto the couch next to him, putting an arm around him.
"Delegate, baby," Eddie said.
Will sat down next to them.
"Did you always know that you like guys?" He asked softly.
"Yeah," Steve and Eddie said.
Will smiled at them, digging at a piece of thread on his pants.
"Me too, just guys, that is. You dated Nancy before, so is it just guys for both of you or. . .I mean, if you don't mind me asking," Will said softly, eager to know that he wasn't alone.
"I like both," Steve and Eddie said together again.
They glared mockingly at each other. Just then, the phone rang. As Steve got up to answer it, Joyce and El were pulling Will into a tight hug. It had been Nancy on the phone, wondering what happened with the earthquake. When he told her the gate closed, she immediately volunteered to bring everyone else around. When he walked back in, Will was smiling and laughing with Eddie. Steve leaned against the doorway and gazed fondly at the sight. A while later, Jonathan came back in with the rest.
"Well, that took longer than it was supposed to," Jonathan said.
"Why?" Steve asked.
"Argyle threw up on the body," Jonathan said dryly and paused. "And a little bit on your bed."
"Well, he did say that was going to happen," Steve said.
"Better out than in, brochacos," Argyle said, patting his stomach.
Jonathan and Steve shared a look with each other before they started laughing. Suddenly, the front door burst open, and the rest came pouring in. Robin pushed past Steve and threw herself at his side.
"Are you okay?" Robin asked. "What happened?"
"I happened," Eddie spoke up.
Everyone gasped, and suddenly Dustin was pushing past them. His eyes were watery.
"Eddie?" Dustin asked and turned to Steve. "Is that -?"
"It's really Eddie," Steve confirmed.
Dustin started sobbing and threw himself into Eddie's arms. Eddie hugged him tightly, his own tears spilling on his cheeks.
"How?" Dustin choked.
"Vampire," Eddie said, flashing his fangs and wiggling his ears. "Yeah, I can do that. I killed Vecna."
"What the fuck? How?" Dustin asked.
"The power of love, little dude," Argyle said.
"The power of love?" Dustin asked.
"Uh, he tried to kill Steve, but I stopped him," Eddie said, blushing.
"You two are dating?" He asked.
"Yeah," Steve said, and Robin squealed beside him, grinning.
"That's so cool!" Dustin exclaimed and hugged him. "Hey, asshole! Get in here, I want to hug you too!"
Steve laughed and hugged them both. A moment later, Eddie started purring, and Dustin pulled back from the hug.
"Hey! I thought you said you were a vampire!" He yelled at him. "You're a goddamn cat!"
"I am not a goddamn cat! Why does everyone keep saying that?" Eddie whined.
They started arguing when the phone rang again, and Steve slipped away to answer it. A moment later, Steve came back, grinning from ear to ear, his eyes filled with happy tears.
"That was Max's mom," Steve announced. "Max is awake, and her eyesight is back!"
Everyone erupted into cheers and tears. Lucas grabbed Steve’s arm.
"Are you serious?" Lucas asked.
Lucas burst into tears, and Steve pulled him into a tight hug, letting him cry into his shoulder. Lucas pulled away to hug El, picking her up off the floor as they laughed gleefully. Hopper tapped him on the shoulder, his own eyes filled with tears. Apparently, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. If Max could see this now, she'd know exactly just how much she was loved.
"Hey, kid, you got anything to celebrate with in the house?" Hopper asked.
"Hell yes!" Steve laughed.
Everyone was settling in now. Max had healed up nicely and had moved out of the trailer park with her mother. Along with the Munsons, they were given a house as compensation. Eddie was cleared off all charges and was still happily dating Steve. The Munsons and Steve were currently over at the Hendersons for dinner. Steve and Wayne were helping in the kitchen. Dustin and Eddie were no longer allowed to help. Dustin was pouting in his room while Eddie sat on the couch with Mews in his lap. They were both purring.
"Don't look at me like that, Mews," Eddie scowled. "I'm not another cat. Stop it."
A moment later, Steve walked into the living room to find his boyfriend on all fours. His back arched as he and Mews circled each other.
"What?! Steve! She started it!" Eddie exclaimed.
"And I'm finishing it," Steve said. "Dinner is done. Don't forget to wash your hands."
Steve started walking back to the kitchen, and Mews gave Eddie a look.
"What? I don't have to listen to him all of the time," Eddie said.
"Coming, dear!" Eddie exclaimed and turned to him, pointing his finger at her. "This isn't over."
Mews reached over and licked his finger. She turned around and flicked her tail at him. Eddie hissed at her retreating form.
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inhuman-obey-me · 6 months
👁️ for Satan with Mc included please? Also, congrats on the 4k followers!! :D
"Won't you show me your weakness?" - Satan/MC
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The library armchair is as plush as ever, but no matter how much you shift around, you can't seem to get yourself comfortable in it tonight. Your thoughts are too loud, and for the umpteenth time, your eyes drift away from the book in your hand to the crackling embers of the fireplace.
"You always look so happy-go-lucky," Solomon's words from earlier echo in your head again.
It had been an innocent remark, just a random observation, while you and the Cat Chat spent a peaceful, fun afternoon at the Cat's Eye at Satan's request. After all, the sorcerer always likes to see you looking happy, and it was true, you had been enjoying yourself there with the two of them. It wasn't as if he'd meant anything by it.
Still, the words swirl around in your mind like an accusation.
You're not always happy-go-lucky, even if you look it. Actually, you wouldn't say you're very happy at all, lately. It's just that the smile finds its way to your face every time, without fail, when everyone else is around. Your cheerful attitude always brightens everybody's day -- that's what they tell you. And maybe for that reason, you find yourself acting cheerful when they're around, even as a dark emptiness grows in you in the times in between.
No, best not to dwell too hard on that. Don't think about that part of you screaming in your head in the silence. Don't think about that part of you that wants to rip it all down.
You tighten your grip around the warmth of your mug, squeezing your eyes shut as you try to fill the cold pit in your stomach with a hearty gulp of hot chocolate. The Seven Lords, Vol. 11 droops limply in your other hand, and with a shake of your head, you attempt once again to escape into the fantastical, faraway world where Henry can keep being exactly what everybody needs, all the time.
The Lord of Masks has got nothing on me, you think to yourself bitterly, and as you set your cup down, the hard clang of the ceramic against the metal coaster rings a little louder than you intended.
From the other side of the table, Satan's head snaps up at the sound. "Hey," he barks with annoyance, and you wince, bracing yourself for a sharp rebuke for interrupting his own reading.
Instead, however, his expression softens almost immediately. "Hey," he says again, more gently this time. "Are you still bothered by what Solomon said earlier?"
"What do you mean?" Automatically, you paste on an oblivious smile again, hiding your surprise. He knew?
He fixes a hard stare upon you as he chooses his words. "You know, you can't fool me of all demons by doing that."
"Doing what?"
"That. Smiling like that. You do it all the time. But I know that smile. I do the same thing." He moves closer and kneels down next to your chair, taking your hand. "I'm the Avatar of Wrath, I know when you're frustrated or upset about something. When you're unhappy, you don't have to act so strong about it. You can be honest with me. If you're unhappy, just be unhappy."
"I'm not trying to be strong," you argue, even as the corners of your mouth stay stubbornly upturned. Your voice cracks slightly, unsure yourself whether it's true. "I'm not trying to keep smiling. I just...do. Even if I don't want to, I can't help it."
He nods with understanding. "Alright. Smile unhappily then. But you've got to stop holding it in underneath. Come on, won't you show me your weakness? Scream if you want to. Get angry if you want to. Just let it out until you can't smile anymore."
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harrisonarchive · 9 months
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George at Kinfauns with his Aston Martin DB5 (photo by Henry Grossman); driving in 1965 (photo by Henry Grossman); with his Porsche in January 1979 (photo by Alan Giddins).
“We’d take a break [during Dark Horse recording sessions in 1974] to go for fish and chips, and there were two ways you could go. One was through this very winding road through the woods from Friar Park to the little fish place. And that’s the way we went. The first time, he took me in a Ferrari. Well, he really liked racing. I’m telling you, man, when we came back from getting our fish and chips, he drove through those winding roads as if he was on a racetrack. I mean really, really going for it. It was serious, and I’m holding on, thinking, ‘Wow, man, I sure hope we stay on the road because if we miss, we’re history.’ Well, we made it home in the Ferrari. The next time we went for fish and chips, he took a Porsche and he took the same route. The Porsche seemed to handle the road better, so he started speeding up. I just thought, ‘He’s such a fan of racing, I guess there’s this little racecar driver inside him.’ But then he really started going, and when we got into Friar Park we were really flying so fast that the car got away from him. There were these high hedges that lined the driveway to the garage, and we’re running through the hedges — and I just sat there acting as normal as I could, but I was praying, O Lord, please don’t let them read about us in the newspaper. Just get us back to the house. After he came out of the hedges, he shrugged and gave me a little laugh as though it never happened. I’m looking at George, and he just looks away like, Don’t say nothing. Well, we went into the house and neither of us ever said a word.” - Willie Weeks, Here Comes The Sun: The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison (2006)
“George offered to drive us [Gary and Chris Agajanian] to the airport [from Friar Park], which was quite a hair-raising experience — his version of driving in a Formula One car at the Grand Prix. I thought to myself, ‘We survived India with its tigers, cobras, and pythons, and now we’re ripping down the M4 motorway at a hundred and twenty miles an hour!’ Given the speed we were traveling, we were stopped by a policeman, and as George rolled the window down, the officer politely said, ‘Oh, Mr. Harrison, sorry, on your way then.’” - Gary Wright, Dream Weaver: Music, Meditation, And My Friendship With George Harrison (2014) (x)
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pen-inks · 20 days
RIP basil hallward you would have loved Tumblr
RIH (rest in hell) lord Henry, you would have loved Instagram reels
RIP Dorian Gray, you would’ve loved TikTok
RIP Sybil Vane you would have loved cosplayers
🕊️fly high (or low, if you’re harry)
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math-is-math · 11 days
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I finally finished annotating this book all I gotta say is Lord Henry I hope both sides of your pillow are warm for eternity
Anyway here’s a lineup of my designs of everybody from a while ago oops 💃 (Dorian has freckles btw but they’re barely visible rip)
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leikeliscomet · 2 months
We Failed the First Black Doctor (Part 1)
We failed the first Black doctor.
I know you’re thinking ‘What the hell, I didn't do anything to Ncuti!’. That right there is part of what I mean. When tabloids and fans say ‘the first Black doctor’, our minds go straight to Ncuti Gatwa and rightfully so. Some fans might say Lenny Henry. Some fans might even say Peter Davison. When I say ‘First Black Doctor’, I mean Jo Martin. I think about the Fugitive Doctor. I think about how in only one episode she appealed to so many fans. I think about how she carried a gun and ripped off a Judoon captain’s horn. I think about how a great character was fumbled so badly by the show. I think about how fans barely think about her now. I think about how the first Black doctor was done so dirty. Your next thought is probably ‘Well isn’t that Chibnall’s fault?’. In a way, yes. But also no. What exactly went wrong varies from writing processes to behind-the-scenes structure to fandom politics. To unpack why Fugitive was done dirty, we need to start from the beginning. 
Series 12 would be a complete 180 of series 11; returning monsters, a more energetic soundtrack and heavier reliance on Doctor Who lore (or whatever was left of it). Apart from a vague Timeless Child namedrop in The Ghost Monument, Thirteen’s run was smoother than her predecessors in terms of less overwhelming narrative arcs. No Hybrids or a Time Lord Victorious, just a girl and her fam. Until one day in Gloucester, a tour guide named Ruth would transform in a lighthouse and essentially change Thirteen’s life for the rest of her run. What seemed like an RTD-esque Judoon episode turned into the debut episode for a brand-new incarnation of the Doctor. And we never saw it coming. And neither did Chris Chibnall apparently. In an interview, he revealed that the script for Fugitive of the Judoon was already underway and the Fugitive was a last-minute addition. This was red flag no 1. A last-minute character wasn’t inherently a bad thing, as it was assumed Fugitive would return again in the second half of series 12 and likely in series 13. These appearances were lacklustre, but I’ll go into more detail later. Fugitive’s casting made a lot of noise; bad and good. Right-wing sides of the fandom were outraged at a Black woman playing a role they thought was exclusively for white men (no surprise there) and plenty of comments fuelled with misogynoir, antiblackness and colourism were thrown her way too (no surprises there either). What made this outrage worse was Fugitive’s ambiguous role in the timeline. Many were angry about Fugitive being before One and thought it disrespected William Hartnell’s legacy of being the first incarnation of the show. Contrary to popular fandom belief, Chibnall didn’t actually confirm if Fugitive is pre-Hartnell or not, he left her placement vague on purpose. We as fans have reason to believe so because she didn’t have a sonic and we saw One to Two’s regeneration on screen along with One’s companions, so we know she couldn’t be between those two. Pre-Hartnell is a ‘fanon’ theory, but this doesn’t take into account how Fugitive's TARDIS is a police box already. Another popular idea in the fandom is the season 6B theory. We know Two regenerates into Three, but the physical regeneration is never actually shown on screen, so a sneaky incarnation between them is possible. But again, the missing sonic does poke a small hole in that theory. Fugitive did however state she was smart enough not to need one rather than saying she didn’t know what it was, so maybe the 6B truthers were onto something. The Timeless Children promised to answer these burning questions and didn’t. So, we were back on square one, assuming we ever left it in the first place. With Chibnall also confirming Fugitive is not from a parallel universe, so she had to fit into the main lineup but not after Thirteen, figuring out the origin of the Fugitive became a painful and lengthy debate for answers we never got and probably never will.
Fortunately, details about the Fugitive would end up in her design process. Costume designer Ray Holman added elements of previous doctors in her design. The tweed in her jacket comes from Eleven, whilst her black trousers and boots reference Twelve. Her boots are also for combat purposes, drawing parallels to Three in terms of martial arts ability. Additionally, the colourful shirt she wears is Kente cloth, a colourful Ghanaian fabric, giving a small African cultural nod to our first Black doctor. Jo Martin has spoken about the importance of representation in interviews, stating she didn’t see a lot of Black characters growing up and how Fugitive allowed Black kids watching the show to have someone to look up to. She also noticed the Black and mixed race cosplayers and has shouted them out on her Instagram page. Many pictures and stories on her page showcased fans of colour in blue jackets and yellow glasses, giving the Fugitive her well-deserved flowers. For the first time, we had a doctor that looked like us and this was what made the Fugitive groundbreaking. A dark-skinned Black woman with locs playing the Doctor is something I didn’t see coming. A wish and a hope maybe, but seeing it come into reality definitely touched me. Not only was I seeing a Black woman of my complexion as a main character in Doctor Who, but she was the main character. Not only that, but her backstory was engaging. Why did she run away? Who is she running from? Where does she fit in the timeline? Within one episode, Jo Martin had already captured the ‘Doctor essence’ needed for the role, with some even saying it challenged Whittaker’s performance.
Enter Ruth. We see her get ready and head to work on her birthday. We don’t know a lot about her but she seems friendly. Her partner Lee on the other hand seems a bit sketchy. Fast forward, Judoon are on the hunt for the fugitive who they assume is Lee. Thirteen and the fam swoop in to help the two out. Thirteen knows something is wrong and she can’t place her finger on it. But as time goes on the situation spins out of her control. The alleged tour guide has ripped the horn off a Judoon’s head, an act of dishonour and humiliation. Thirteen’s doubts grow as the two reach the lighthouse because the holes in Ruth’s story are starting to show. Why live in a lighthouse? Why have a blank gravestone? Enter the Fugitive Doctor, previously Ruth. The lighthouse was her fob watch, hiding her memories and true identity. Lee was her companion playing a role similar to that of Martha Jones in Human Nature/Family of Blood and gave his life to save her. Taking that story, we now see how it plays out from the other side; from the POV of Martha Jones as protector to the POV of the Fugitive as the protected. In this 50-minute slot, we already have a backstory for this new doctor that still leaves room for the imagination. On board the Judoon ship, Gat is defeated by Fugitive with a gun she didn’t even have to fire. As she timed this according to the ship’s acceleration, Gat’s shooting takes place in interstellar space with no laws so Fugitive gets away with murder. Almost literally. She’s confident with a powerful presence and takes control of the room, contrasting Thirteen’s more chaotic and vulnerable approach. Thirteen and us as the audience are stunned as this complete stranger has saved the day and made it look so effortless. From there, the groundwork had been done for a new main character in the Chibnall era cast. But this wasn’t delivered.
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Part 2 ->
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wilde-shit-posting · 1 year
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@curious-georg @justastrugglinghotchocolate @eternaljunkyard @klqrambles and everyone else who liked the post (@bingosomen I'm looking at you) I'm sorry to say that @hedonistphilosopher did not make it through his neutering procedure. It seems like his sense of self was contained in the parts we removed.
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blues824 · 2 years
🎮You know the perfect match for Idia Shroud leviathan aka levi.
🎮They are both otoku shutin's who call other people normies. Both ar envious about people.
🎮Them doing online classes and doing anime matrons and taking about on of their animes that have a essay as a title.
Them talking about their brothers. Idia whoud not have to worry about them not liking his brothers because they are both obesed with technology.
🎮(Imagen his levi s/o sumenig lothan the giant Sea serpent and them going full on demon form for the first on elizia because she took there Henry from the 3rd strongest demon Lord ).
don't forget about Henry the fish.
🎮 (Idia calling them his player 2 and Idia is his Henry )
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Oh, my- How chaotic! I love it!
Also, I kept reader gender-neutral.
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Idia Shroud
Y’all met online. Idia was scrolling through Magicam and one of your videos popped up on his feed. He clicked on it since it was a game he heard about, and he enjoyed it. He went to your account and watched through all of your videos.
He then summoned up the courage to DM you and he was super relieved when you responded. He asked if you wanted to do a collab and that video blew up. Cater was outside of the Ignihyde dorm within seconds.
Many calls were exchanged between you two, and he was glad he finally found someone that was exactly like himself! You both trash talk others and call everyone else “normies”. Ortho is glad he found a friend. It was looking rough for a while-
Many many many watch-parties during online classes. You both are pretty smart, so there wouldn’t be any true consequences. One of your favorites is Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson killed my family and turned my younger sister into a demon, and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!
You and Ortho get along great. Idia usually asks you to help with upgrading Ortho, so that just proves how close you are. On the other hand, you don’t think he would get along with your brothers. They’re rude, annoying, etc.
Now, when I say the Ghost Bride Event was a mess, I mean it. You, being the Avatar of Envy, summoned Lotan to help out with your problem. You showed up with your horns and tails out, and even Sebek and Jack were scared. Eliza was quick to evacuate.
Of course, your pet fish. Idia becomes his second parent. You both talk to him like he’s your actual child, and in a way he is. When you have to go with Crowley somewhere, Idia will gladly take care of Henry for you. 
Lastly, the nicknames. You both would have a lot of gamer nicknames for each other. Idia would totally call you his Player 2. You call him your Henry. It’s an inside thing between you two, furthering your relationship with each other.
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risetherivermoon · 7 months
heres my (not composed at all) composed thoughts from today !!MAJOR dndads spoilers for ep47!!
first of all, hermie :(( THE INTRO??? JUST EUGH I WAS TRYING NOT TO CRY IN PUBLIC- the hand holding part? im just...god, anthony burch why would you do this to me
then theres linc helping norm carry the body, just accepting that thats what he needed then...god, and scary was so soft with normal this episode about everything the feelings were biggg, normal trying to do the spell with the coins- just ugh
(then theres the twins hotwiring a car together in perfect sync? i just love the two of them sm so i loved that detail, the fact anthony outright says that they move as one force too, just- god their twin codependency makes me ill)
them traveling to what im assuming (lot of context clues) is the remains of oakvale....the old man being barry?? im so happy will remembered that henrys an elf with his aging thing too, the fact he runs a refugee camp on old earth?? im in love with that, and just how they went with his character, it makes me so sad tho... mercedes :(( pls im in shambles
scam? scam likely caring about hermie?? im just- fuck man. scam apologizing repeatedly saying he cant do anything, admiting he was a terrible father? i just- him not realizing that something he created would grow into a person with a personality and people who care for him, then that being ripped away... normal punching scam? (deserved) and i just cant get over the way normal is carrying his body everywhere, and holding hermies hand-
HENRY AND DOOD?? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?? "for some reason you feel like home" GOD. henry asking if everyone wants tea and his hands trembling- lord.
will campos ripped my fucking heart out with that sob- i cant, it was so fucking raw.
the burial? them all gathering flowers?? the twins helping too??? im fucking ill im sick im done GODDD.
the words they all said? normal calling hermie his sweet prince? everything scary said??? normal saying that they should put the sun back because hermie never got to see the sunrise- IGFEIufh
the fucking shades witch- i was cackling oh my god,
lark shaking henry's hand and sparrow hugging him?!!? HENRY BARELY HUGGING BACK??
lil hero and norm at a shooting range?? six year old norm shooting the ground omg, lark was so gentle with him someone kill me- im a firm lark-is-normal's-dad-believer honestly
NORMALS THE FUCKING CHOSEN ONE??? YALL??? i saw this coming but i was still so caught off guard
literally wtf was that fleshy thing, mr burch im in ur walls
the last "NORMAL WHAT DID YOU DO??" shambles im in shambles
god this episode was so much...im losing it, it was great, the oak family episodes are always so amazing i love it...rip hermie, i miss him so much already
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jacaela · 2 months
I tried to show a society that doesn’t give women equal rights, and the frustrations and the pain and the difficulties that cause many of the women, but also to show certain women of strong character or ability dealing with that in one way or another, and what kind of accommodations they make with that and how they succeed despite these restrictions and the cost, there's always a kinds of a cost when you buck your social expectations. It’s certainly one of the things that I deal with in the books. The Civil War in England between Stephen and Matilda, which was over whether a woman could in fact inherit the English crown. And they passed her over but she was pissed about it and went to war and that war ripped England apart for generations. Henry I made all the lords of the kingdom swear their fealty to her. And then, some years later, he died, and most of the lords of the kingdom forgot about that oath, They said oh, it doesn't apply, because here comes her cousin Stephen who crosses the Channel quickly and steals the treasury and gets himself crowned king, and you entered a period called The Anarchy, where Maud, or Matilda as she was known, and Stephen fought for a decade, two decades, whatever — it got horrible and bloody."
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When I was being crushed by a crowd of sweaty singing drunks under the Slane stage in 1987 to a soundtrack of David Bowie’s Absolute Beginners, I hadn’t a notion I’d be back one day shepherding three daughters as they went wild for a musical chameleon of their own.
But that’s as it was 37 years later and I found myself draped in the ultimate sign of the times - a moulting feather boa - with 80,000 people around me dancing all night to the best songs ever.
The crowd gathered for Harry’s house party could scarcely have been more different to the one that had stormed the castle last time Lord Henry Mountcharles threw open his gates in 2019 to let tens of thousands of Metallica fans in to bang their heads and pump their fists to raging metal.
This time it was more fluorescent and female and family-friendly.
As the day started, parents hoisted children onto shoulders ahead of the long march from the wildly expensive car parks to the castle gate, following a rainbow trail of boa feathers.
There were stewards offering wrist bands to minors “and to the adults who might get lost at the bar”, the woman policing the table said as she scribbled my name and number on a band for my smallest child.
The road led past blocks of portable toilets where enterprising children sold rolls of toilet paper to anxious looking customers.
When asked about prices a child said they were “only €2″.
For the packet?
“No, per roll.”
They cost the kids 20 cent. The future of the rip-off Republic is in safe hands.
Once inside, the challenge was to find a space to sit for the hours before Harry. Tens of thousands of people were ahead in the race for that space so we struggled to find a patch of grass even three quarters of the way back from the front.
We ended up beside a super-organised group of families who had spread a network of picnic blankets across a small area having arrived at midday, a full two hours before the gates opened.
Dave Ellis from Carlow was the sole man in the group. He’d been sitting for more than two hours by the time we interrupted him. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get up,” he said. “I’ve lost the feeling in my legs and I don’t think they work any more.”
He laughed when asked if he was a big Harry Styles fan. “I was kind of roped into coming.”
Roped or not, he’d embraced the Styles spirit with zeal. “I spent last night putting hairspray on the boas to hold them together,” he said. “That is what we were told to do.”
“It didn’t work.”
Beside him was Serena Carney. “We’ve been sitting here for hours and we are not moving,” she said with the firmness of an Irish mammy.
The last time she was here was for Guns and Roses in 1992. “It was a bit a different, I suppose. The atmosphere was different for sure.”
She certainly didn’t have a picnic including feta cheese sprinkled with crumbled bacon at that gig.
We didn’t even have feta in Ireland back then.
Annie Mac took to the stage to play some tunes and if Slane had a roof she’d have lifted it off when she played a snippet of Abba’s Gimme Gimme Gimme (a man after midnight) and started a wild singalong.
Jenny Murphy from Limerick was another concertgoer in the parent trap. “I’m here with my daughters,” she said. “I’m not a big fan. The last time I was here was in 1995 for REM.”
How did then compare with now? “There is a lot more pink today and the crowd is so different. We took the bus up and there were three people over 25 on it. Me, my friend and the bus driver. But it’s great and there is such a happy vibe and people are so stylish.”
She did have one gripe though. “The prices! They’re mad. The t-shirts are 40 quid and the hoodies are 80. And I am just after buying a scoop of ice cream for a fiver.”
As the support act Wet Leg embarked on a scream therapy session which lead singer Rhian Teasdale promised would make everyone feel better, a man stumbled past carrying two hard-won crepes from one of the food stalls where insanely long queues formed for most of the day.
When asked if he was okay, he sighed heavily and said “I just f**king want to go home.”
Only four hours to go, I thought, but said nothing.
Not everyone wanted to go home. In fact virtually no-one else did. Grainne Gleeson from Downpatrick and Caoimhe Daly from Warrenpoint didn’t care about prices or queues or feta and were all about Harry.
“She’s his number one fan,” Gleeson said gesturing to her friend. “She’s seen him twice already on this tour and this is her third time. And she’s going to London to see him.”
Daly nodded enthusiastically. When asked why she’d want to see anyone play four times in a matter of weeks, she said that while “it might be the same songs every night it is a different vibe. And I had to come to Slane because it is such an iconic venue.”
Aoife Sheehan from Limerick said she wasn’t such a die-hard fan and was here because she got a ticket for her birthday. “I was a big One Direction fan but forgot about him until I heard his last album and was blown away by it. And look around you, isn’t the atmosphere just brilliant?
She wasn’t wrong.
Then Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody blared out of the speakers, a sign that Styles was ready for us. After that it was all screams and shrieks and singalongs and as I marvelled at the energy and the enthusiasm of the crowd it dawned on me that REM, Oasis, the Rolling Stones or even Bowie who I’d seen play this field had not come close to matching the joy, excitement and showmanship Harry Styles brought to Slane.
Hats off to him.
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jevilowo · 10 months
Lowkey want to write a batim fic where Sammy decids they should write and perform an Original Musical™ to praise the lord Bendy Christ
It starts off as a regular play but hes a control freak and fired the lost one writers and it became a Hamilton style 100% song thing
Tbh a lot of the musical is Hamilton vibes
Its about Joey and Henry creating the studio together and creating Bendy, Boris and Alice
Henry fucks off end of act one and act two is Joeys descent into madness and ink
Lacie gets to posess the Bendy animatronic as a treat. She plays the part of Bendy in the musical also
Buddy is Boris ofc
Susie is casted as Alice. Tom is hired as a bodyguard to make sure she doesn't maul Buddy or anything.
Susie's starring role doesn't last long
Alison: singing randomly
Sammy: holy shit that is very Lord praising worthy
Allison: huh what
Sammy: susie you're fired
Grant is made to play Joey, against his will. He's only doing it because Shawn's playing Henry and they have great onscreen chemistry
Norman was dragged up from the basement to run lights. He seems fine with it.
Jack does a good portion of the song writing. He isn't credited for this. Rip.
Live music provided by musicians turned lost ones and searchers!
Henry is confused as to why nothing's attacking him this particular loop. He follows the faint music blasting and walks in on a cluster of ink people screeching
What's this place man?
*dramatic thunk*
In the end they just do the musical for him bc the ink demon doesn't even show up
Susie had a hand in this as revenge for having her part stolen
Joey, watching from his house, is so proud he doesn't even care about the loop completely breaking
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