#riva's family
petiteblasee · 2 years
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Quem está sozinha no mundo não tem como escolher as tarefas que quer fazer, não pode se considerar incapaz para determinada coisa. E não existe espaço para aversão ou fraqueza . É preciso fazer de tudo. Toda a feiura e a tristeza, todas as coisas que a maioria das pessoas não suporta nem pensar — é preciso encarar tudo isso. É preciso ser capaz de tudo.
*:・゚✧ Malibu Renasce - Taylor Jenkins Reid
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extraordinary-heroes · 11 months
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Robins #2 (Cover art by Baldemar Rivas)
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7thartheaven · 2 years
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Family embrace
Amour (2012), Michael Haneke
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katierosefun · 1 year
god i love taylor jenkin reid’s books in that so many of her protags are all so. fuckign unhinged and focused on doing what they want to do, watching how all their dreams slowly but steadily blossom and watching them be absolutely insane in how they get to that point is so. god i love u complicated women i love u flawed women i love u women who are a touch selfish and a lot insecure but trying their goddamn best to live the life they want
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dykeredhood · 11 months
All my assorted angst impels me to file a legal name change sooner rather than later
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lltntbt · 1 year
Reading Malibu Rising is thinking over and over again
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families are like books…the ones that are used and battered are the ones that were loved.
Sophie Lark (Love Contract)
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thegrapefruitthatkills · 11 months
“How were you supposed to change in ways both big and small when your family was always there to remind you of exactly the person you apparently signed an ironclad contract to be?”
-TJR, Malibu Rising
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The Naani Diaries by Riva Razdan - fiction about Indian marriage and culture
Thanks @HarperCollins and @blogchatter for review copy. #TheNaaniDiaries is enjoyable #contemporary #womensfiction with feminist view on Indian wedding and marriage culture. Check out full review ⬇️
The Naani Diaries is is enjoyable contemporary women’s fiction about Indian marriage and culture with many other interesting topics to discuss. The Naani Diaries by Riva Razdan Publication Date : January 10, 2023 Publisher : HarperCollins India Read Date : February 22, 2023 Genre : Contemporary, women’s fiction Pages : 564 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclaimer – : I received this book as…
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mirtadraws · 2 years
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Some of the “Poluotok” paintings that didn’t make the cut:
-at the market
-the riva (waterfront) after rain
-Sforza Pallavicino (the crest of the Venetian general who built the Forte bastion in 1567, which is now known as the park of Vladimir Nazor. The fortification system built by Venice when they took control of Zadar is today called “the walls of Zadar rebellions”, to commemorate 11 rebellions citizens undertook against Venetian rule)
-this weighing scale has been here for as long as I can remember
-first star
-tiny balconies
-St Donatus
-the Forum at night
-the town at night
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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Yellow Toad (Incilius Luetkenii), family Bufonidae, El Salvador
photograph by Erick Rivas
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
family lore- my maternal grandmother’s godmother is Maria Riva, Marlene Dietrich’s daughter. Maria is like 90-something, still kicking, and probably healthier than my grandmother. She taught my grandmother how to make Marlene’s special scrambled eggs, and that’s still how we make them today. I told my mom that I voted for her in the poll, and I’m excited to tell my grandmother, because she’ll be pleased <3
(there is more family lore, should there be interest)
the interest is through the roof and I'm wondering how I can politely beg for the scrambled egg recipe
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theselectapp · 2 years
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Private Beach Access Dubai - The Select App
Are you looking for an app that provides the members with the best private beach access in Dubai? If yes then no worries you are at the right place. The Select App gives access to its members to enjoy the luxury beaches in Dubai by getting a membership of Dubai beaches. Upgrade people's lifestyle by accessing exclusive luxury hotels, gyms, kids clubs, pools, and beaches. Download The Select App today from the play store. For more info, call us today at +971 (4) 24 33 926 or visit the website https://www.theselectapp.com/
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dykeredhood · 7 months
If I don’t speak for several days it’ll be because I’m still weeping about the entire concept of the steadfast tin soldier
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dalishious · 10 days
All About The Antivan Crows
(NOTE: This piece is a revised, 2nd edition of an old one, updated with information that has since been added to the lore. I will be deleting the outdated post to avoid confusion!)
The Antivan Crows, also known as the House of Crows, is a league of assassins from the northeast nation of, as their name suggests, Antiva. While their notoriety is especially high in their home country, the Crows are well-known across Thedas as brutally efficient killers. The bulk of their work is in Antiva, but they accept contracts all over the continent. Because of their reputation for adhering to agreements—something that should one fail to do makes one’s life forfeit as far as the Crows are concerned—they are an expensive but valuable investment.
To find the Crows anywhere from Ferelden to Seheron is not an unlikely sight. Nations at war send them to cut down leaders on opposing sides. Noble houses with grudges against each other send them to cut down family trees. And of course, politicians vying for power send them to cut down their competition. Whatever the reason, the Crows are never short on contracts. They are even willing to intervene in Circle politics.
While assassinations are the most common contract, and what the Crows are most known for, they’re also no strangers to thievery and spying. In Antiva City rests a giant, well-protected archive, housing of all their collected blackmail secrets, records of past contracts, recipes for their own special poisons, and other such valuables. The secrets in this archive are what keeps the Crows ruling Antiva from the shadows by controlling the nobility and merchant princes. That is, those that aren’t among their ranks.
At the very top of the power ladder is a council of Guildmasters made up of the eight most wealthy and powerful Crow Houses. The role of Guildmaster is most typically inherited down through a family, after successfully proving their skill by single-handedly killing a target with nothing but a ceremonial dagger. The Houses that are part of this council are known as Talons, ranked from one to eight, one being the most powerful. Talon has also been used interchangeably with Guildmaster when referring to the leader of one of these eight Houses.
Below the Talons are the lesser Houses, known as the Cuchillos. The Cuchillo leaders not Guildmasters but simply Masters, entitled as Lords, until their House may gain the rank of Talon. The ranks of these different houses can change with circumstance, gaining or losing power. House heads are also capable of taking over different houses by eliminating others, should they dare to be so ambitious. As such, despite being part of a larger organization, the Antivan Crows are always in competition with each other, and are not unknown to assassinate within their own ranks to get what they want.
The current Eight Talons are as followed:
De Riva
Other known Houses are:
Di Bastion
Members of the Antivan royal family and merchant prince dynasties routinely join the high-ranks of the Crows, either as a way to boost their social standing, or because they were forced into it. Assassinations are seen as part of everyday politics in Antiva, and how positions of power often change hands. Having strong ties with the Crows brings a noble family both leverage and security. They also have an arrangement referred to as The Azul Contract, in which bastard royal children are given a choice of either exile or joining the Crows – such as the case was with Viago de Riva. In return, the Antivan Crows all but run the nation. Even kings have come directly from the Crows.
While the Crows are mostly led by nobility, the bulk of their organization is made up of their recruits, though the word recruit makes it sound like there was a choice involved. The vast majority of recruits, referred to as compradi, are children between the ages of five and ten, bought as slaves or found on the streets alone. For example, Zevran Arainai was seven years old when he was bought by the Crows. Compradi are usually gathered in scores at a time, though only a few survive to become full-fledged assassins. The Crows keep the children in poor, cramped quarters, and raise them in emotionally detached and torturous conditions, teaching them to know nothing else but murder, as Zevran puts it. They are allowed no personal items, and are encouraged not to make friends. Along with general training and education in Crow ciphers and Crow history, training of recruits includes pitting them against each other, tests of pain resistance and gauntlets, and challenges like locking them in an oubliette for weeks. All this leads most Antivan Crows immune to morality as much as they are to interrogation. It also breeds loyalty to the only life recruits know. Indeed, many Crows would sooner kill themselves than betray the guild.
It is very rare for a recruit to rise all the way to the top of the organization’s tiered leadership, but not unheard of. For example, Teia Cantori, climbed her way to the head of her house – but despite this, she is still regarded as an “overreaching street rat” by her noble peers.
The Crows favour recruiting elves, as they are widely regarded as beautiful and unthreatening; both advantageous impressions for an assassin. However, they take recruits from all races. Assassins are most typically rogues, but the Crows also train warriors and even mages, providing protection for their apostate assassins from the Chantry.
An experienced Assassin may gain the title of Master Assassin with time, putting them just below the leader of their House in terms of rank. Masters are capable of deciding their own contracts, and command groups of Assassins below them. Guildmasters decide which Master Assassins get which contracts based on the amount of the contract’s offer they bid to give to the guild, and their chances of success. Regularly, Assassins are not allowed to bid on contracts, and are instead assigned contracts or roles in larger ones by the Master Assassins that command them. The exception to this is when an Assassin is attempting to gain the rank of Master.
Save for rare exceptions of escape, Crows are Crows for life. The only way to leave them is to make them think you are dead, or find someone willing to protect you from them. Otherwise they will hunt you down and kill you for betraying the guild, and that is the better alternative: Anyone who angers the Crows and lives risks ending up in their own personal prison, the Velabanchel, to spend the rest of their days locked up and tortured.
Antivan Crows are often easily identifiable by those who recognize their unique tattoos – a tradition taken from the Rivaini. Some of these designs are sacred to the Crows, marking them as which house they belong to, while others are purely decorative. While some Crows display their tattoos with pride and intimidation, others prefer to keep them hidden.
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age II
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Codex Entry: Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age II)
Codex entry: Blackfeather Boots (Dragon Age II)
Codex entry: Finesse (Dragon Age II)
Codex Entry: The Crows and Queen Madrigal (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Item Description: Gift of the Talons (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
Dragon Age: Last Flight
Dragon Age: The Silent Grove
Dragon Age: Deception
Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 1
Dragon Age: The World of Thedas vol. 2
Dragon Age Promotional Wiki: Assassin
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baileypie-writes · 1 month
~Why Glitter Force is Problematic~
In case you don’t know what Glitter Force is, it’s the English dub of the anime Smile Precure. It was produced by Saban, and released on Netflix in 2016.
Not long later, they did it again. Only this time, with the season Doki Doki Precure, which they changed to Glitter Force Doki Doki.
Instead of keeping everything the same, Glitter Force changed way more than necessary. It’s also racist and homophobic. So let’s talk about it.
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~1. Name Changes~
For some reason, Saban decided to be racist and remove all Japanese culture from Smile and Doki Doki Pretty Cure; whitewashing it. They renamed almost everything, even things that didn’t need to be.
Smile Precure Name Changes:
Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy - Emily/Glitter Lucky
Akane Hino/Cure Sunny - Kelsey/Glitter Sunny
Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace - Lily/Glitter Peace
Nao Midorikawa/Cure March - April/Glitter Spring
Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty - Chloe/Glitter Breeze
King Pierrot - Emperor Nogo
Joker - Rascal
Wolfrun - Ulric
Akaoni - Brute(was also changed from a demon to a troll)
Majorina - Brooha
Akanbe - Buffoon
Cure Decor - Glitter Charm
Smile Pact - Glitter Pact
Decor Décor - Charm Chest
Princess Candle - Princess Wand
Märchenland - Jubiland
Bad End Kingdom - Shadow Realm
Nanairogaoka Middle School - Rainbow Hills Middle School
Candy and Pop’s names were kept, I’m assuming because they were already English.
Doki Doki Precure Changes:
Mana Aida/Cure Heart - Maya Aida/Glitter Heart
Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond - Rachel/Glitter Diamond
Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta - Clara Yotsuba/Glitter Clover(this one makes no sense to me)
Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword - Makenzie Mack/Glitter Spade
Aguri Madoka/Cure Ace - Natalie Miller/Glitter Ace
Joe Okada - Johnny
Princess Marie Ange - Princess Marie Angelica
Ai - Dina
Sharuru - Kippie
Raquel - Rory
Dabyi - Davi
Jikochuu - Distain
Leva - Riva
Gula - Gura
King Jikochuu - King Mercenare
Lovely Commune - Glitter Pad
Cure Lovead - Glitter Charm
Love Heart Arrow - Glitter Heart Arrow
Magical Lovely Pad - Glitter Crystal Pad
Oogai Town - Seashell Bay
Oogai Middle School - Seashell Bay Middle School
Trump Kingdom - Splendorious
These aren’t even all the changes. They changed all the names of the attacks as well.
~2. Cut Episodes~
Again, Saban wanted no Japanese culture in the dub. So any episodes that contained too much Japanese culture were cut. In total, Glitter Force cut 8 episodes. They cut way more in Glitter Force Doki Doki, but I don’t wanna take the time to find out why.
1. One episode was cut because it was a festival episode. The girls went to their town’s festival, which obviously was Japanese culture. And they also wore yukatas.
2. Most episodes containing Akane’s family restaurant was cut, since they serve okonomiyaki, a Japanese food. This food appeared once or twice in Glitter Force, but they referred to it as “Japanese pizza”. Which isn’t even what the food is.
3. There was an episode with Japanese culture that stayed in the dub. And that was the one where the girls go on a field trip to Kyoto and Osaka. Although, in Glitter Force, they call it the “Asia Pacific Expo”. Now Saban, I don’t know if you know this, but Asia is a continent with many countries. And each one had its own unique culture. So you should’ve just called it the “Japanese Expo”.
4. Last one I’m gonna mention is the episode we’re Akane is assigned the task of showing an English exchange student around the school. She teaches him Japanese, and shows him her culture.
These aren’t even all of them, but putting all of them would make the post too long. Also, all these cut episodes resulted in plot holes and ruined character development.
~3. Toned Down/Removed Emotional Scenes/Episodes~
For some reason, Saban decided that children can’t handle anything too emotional. So any scene or episode that seemed “too much” to them was toned down or cut completely.
1. There was an episode where Cure March’s siblings are caught up in the middle of a battle. A big attack heads towards them, and March isn’t able to stop it in time. The attack hits, and a big cloud of dust envelops the children. Luckily, when the cloud clears, it’s revealed that the other Cures stopped the attack, saving the kids. In Smile Precure, there’s silence leading up to the reveal, making the viewers believe that the children are seriously injured, or worse. However, in Glitter Force, we hear the kids talking before the dust clears, saying “Hey, we’re okay!”. This completely ruins the suspense and emotion of the scene.
Shortly after, all March’s sibling run to her, hugging her. They’re all crying, and share a happy, emotional moment together. In Glitter Force, however, this moment is ruined by dialogue. The littlest brother asks why everyone is so sad, and a sister tells him that they’re not, and that they’re crying because they’re happy. That was completely unnecessary. And frankly, I think kids could tell that they were happy tears.
4. There was an episode about Yayoi, where it reveals that her father had passed away when she was young, and that she desperately wants to remember him. Though being young when he passed, she can’t remember that much, making her upset. Her father’s death is never shown, and it’s never said how he died. Glitter Force cut this episode out, because heaven forbid death be mentioned. Even though characters die in basically every Disney movie, and it’s fine. I think this episode is important, because it could be relatable for children who’ve lost family members of their own. It could even give them a sense of comfort. So Saban cutting it out is just really dumb.
Added after @glittercakes mentioned it
(Thanks for letting me know about this!)
3. In the final episode, Candy has to go back to her homeland, so she says goodbye to the girls. Candy is crying a lot, but the girls just smile, letting her know that it’s okay. When Candy’s gone, the girls break down, finally allowing themselves to cry. It’s a very sad moment, which makes the reunion even better. But in Glitter Force, the girls stay smiling the entire time, even after Candy leaves. Emily even goes as far as to call her dramatic.
All these changes paint the picture that kids are too sensitive, and should only watch things that are happy 100% of the time. This is just ridiculous to me. Having emotions other than happiness in children’s shows is important, because it teaches them that it’s okay to be upset or sad. Having everything happy all the time, even when it shouldn’t be, teaches unhealthy lessons to children, like “it’s not okay to cry”. That’s what toxic positivity is, and it is not a good thing.
~4. Homophobia~
There are a few, minor details that were completely unnecessary for Saban to edit out, which gives the impression of being homophobic.
1. In the episode in Smile Precure where the girls get transported into the fairytale “Cinderella”, Reika gets casted as the Prince, since there are no boys. In Smile Precure, Miyuki, who’s casted as Cinderella, sees her as charming. However, in Glitter Force, all their interactions and dialogue are done in a joking matter, making sure the audience knows that they don’t like each other like that. That was unnecessary, as in the original, it’s never implied that they shared romantic interest. They were just following the story. In another scene, Reika catches Yayoi when she falls. We see Reika from Yayoi’s point of view, and there are the classic anime sparkles, insinuating that she sees her as incredibly handsome. She’s seen blushing a moment later. These tiny details were cut in Glitter Force. Because heaven forbid that a girl finds another girl handsome.
2. In Doki Doki Precure, there’s an episode where we really get to see Rikka and Mana’s friendship in greater detail. Rikka always makes sure that Mana is being responsible, and keeping her on top of things. Her fairy partner, Raquel, compares Rikka to being Mana’s wife. This wasn’t insinuating romantic interest. It was just comparing her traits to traits of a wife. But of course, Glitter Force can’t have anything related to two girls being together. So they changed the comparison to Mana’s mother.
These changes may be minor, but that’s exactly what makes it homophobic. They were tiny scenes that weren’t made to be taken super seriously. But the idea of two girls liking each other bothered Saban so much, that they felt the need to edit them out.
3. I heard rumors that the crew at Saban harassed one of the voice actors for being a part of the lgbtq+ community. I’m not sure if this is true though. So do with this information what you will. Let me know if you find anything on this.
~Conclusion: Stop Supporting Glitter Force~
The amount of people who still support Glitter Force really pisses me off. Like, I get if you didn’t know about Smile Precure. But there are people who know that Glitter Force is problematic and still call it the wrong name and watch it like nothing’s wrong with it. They either deny that it’s problematic, ignore it, or simply don’t care.
“But they made it easier for English kids to understand!”
I’m sure kids would’ve understood just fine if they kept the Japanese culture. Kids aren’t so sensitive, that the moment something is slightly different, they shut down. I mean, look at Disney. They explore different cultures in their movies all the time, and are still the most successful movie company in the world. Mulan and Encanto are super popular, despite the fact that they take place in and contain culture from China and Colombia. So if Glitter Force kept the characters original names and the culture, I’m sure the kids couldn’t care less.
The only time anime was edited this heavily was in the 90s-early 2000s. And they did it because anime was so new and strange, so they thought no one would watch it if it wasn’t American. But Glitter Force was released in 2016. At that point in time, anime was receiving a huge rise in popularity. So Japanese culture was much more normalized and understood in the west. So all those changes were even more unnecessary.
“B-But it was my childhood!”
It was mine too. But guess what? I got over it. And you know why? Because I don’t want to support something racist and homophobic. Besides, just switch to Smile Precure. Unless you don’t have a VPN, or don’t have the bravery to pirate it, it’s really not that hard. It’s not like it’s a completely different show. It’s just the original, better, non-problematic version. It’s okay to be sad and disappointed, but there’s no need to act like a child over it. Just because something was your childhood, it doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s problematic.
I also want to point out that Smile Precure was made to aid the children who suffered from the 2011 tsunami in Japan. All the Cure’s names are things that make people happy, and the anime’s title, Smile Precure, is a reminder that smiles can help you through tough times. So the fact that Glitter Force takes that meaning away is just awful.
Thank you for reading all this. I didn’t even get to go through all the changes Saban did, but I went through the most important. Let me know if this informed you in any way!
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