67i203 · 1 year
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artwork by frank kelly freas [1922 - 2005]
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May is Wedding month, so here are stories about weddings! Some are only about a wedding, some just have a bigger part about a wedding. There are lots more I can't remember right now, if I think of many more there will be a part 2!
Found Wanting by dreadwulf
Brienne is still convinced that the entire affair is a joke on her. Surely there is a real bride somewhere in the castle, who will be brought out once the crowd has had a good laugh at the cow in a satin gown. When she said as much to her intended, he said it was surely a joke on them both. Let them laugh, he said. What’s funnier is that Queen Daenerys made the match in the first place – she must have thought them intolerable to one another. The Beauty and the Kingslayer. Surely Brienne could see the humor in it?
Something Drastic by bearsofair
Brienne ducks out of a wedding reception early. Her "date" comes looking for her.
the battlefield between us (isn't here tonight) by robotsdance
“I missed you, ” Brienne says like she’s admitting something else, and Jaime wants to say it back to her in exactly the same way: loaded with all of the things they’re not saying. Let that truth settle between them, unsaid but at least somewhat spoken. That could be enough. To share that quiet understanding with Brienne, here, alone together in the middle of the woods, in the middle of a war, in which one of them will be on the losing side. That could be enough. I missed you too.
Brienne would understand.
What Jaime says instead is “Marry me.”
The Lion, the Wench, and the Wardrobe Trailer by GilShalos1
Jaime Lannister’s entire acting career has been built on playing reckless cads and heartless villains – ever since a scandalous death on his first film, Kingslayer, was quickly hushed up at his father’s behest. Nearly fifteen years later, acclaimed director Olenna Tyrell has announced her retirement: after one last film, Oathkeeper, inspired by the mythic story of the Long Night. She wants Jaime to do what he does so well, play into his on-screen persona and off-screen reputation, and be a villain for the ages in her final film. But to make sure his infamous ways don’t interfere with production, she requires his personal assistant to keep him on the straight, narrow and sober. Brienne Tarth, in her first job on a film set, finds herself tasked with keeping the impossible Jaime Lannister under control …
Something Blue by Aviss
Jaime Lannister was a wedding planner, though he sometimes missed his old job where he was actually allowed to kill people. Ten minutes with his latest clients and he was already convinced they should not get married. He wasn't a marriage counsellor though, he wasn't invested in this Hunt and Tarth wedding beyond the planning of the ceremony.
Never A Bride by CourtingDisaster
(Modern AU) Wedding bells are ringing in Westeros. After an unpleasant first meeting, Brienne and Jaime find themselves being thrown together over and over as their friends and family marry off. After all, as Tyrion likes to point out, there really aren't any other groomsmen tall enough to escort everyone's favorite bridesmaid...
Over the course of several weddings and receptions, Brienne and Jaime form a sort of truce, perhaps they even become friends. But Brienne isn't going to let the atmosphere of romance carry her away, no matter how handsome Jaime is...is she?
Vows by theworldunseen
Jaime Lannister profiles the most interesting and romantic weddings in the country for his super popular blog, The only problem? His own heart has been stomped on, and it might have ruined weddings for him forever. When he finds out about a woman who’s going to be in her twenty-seventh wedding party, he thinks writing about her might be his way back to loving weddings. But Brienne Tarth isn’t anything he ever expected.
What happens in Sunspear (doesn't) stay in Sunspear Series by Luthien
Brienne wakes up the morning after a night on the town in Vegas Sunspear, with unexpected company in her bed - and that's just the first surprising discovery she makes.
My Best Friend's Wedding by wildlingoftarth
A desperate Brienne hires a “professional party date” to accompany her to Renly’s wedding on Tarth. It’s just a weekend – what could go wrong?
so keep me close. by SeeThemFlying
Brienne pines for her husband, Jaime, who she is convinced is not madly in love with her.
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Braime (Jaime/Brienne) Master list 1
A close shave - ChocoNut E, 1k
Summary: Jaime wants a shave. He gets much more than that.
Now That You're Here - Lady_in_Red M, 8k
Summary: A woman's battle is in the birthing bed, where Jaime is helpless to protect those he loves.
Five times Jaime witnesses a birth.
When Jaime met Brienne... - ChocoNut T, 3k
Summary: Lord Selwyn, an ally of the Starks, sends his daughter to Winterfell to help her get over Renly who turns out to be no more than a one-dance wonder in her life.
When King Robert’s party arrives there at the same time, Brienne attracts a certain Kingslayer’s attention.
White - Lady_Blade_WarAngel M, 3k
Summary: Jaime and Selwyn talk, as Jaime fears that Brienne will die in childbirth with their latest addition. A Snowstorm begins and Brienne goes into labor early, leaving a heavy choice for her and Jaime to make.
Language of love - ChocoNut M, 1k
Summary: Jaime wants to ask his lady love to marry him. Only, he can’t bring himself to do it the conventional way.
The Morning - MonaThePoet M, 826
Summary: Brienne stirred first, following the first night she had ever laid with anyone.
New Dawn - miera M, 4k
Summary: What if Brienne woke up while Jaime was contemplating leaving Winterfell that night, and then the morning brought a new surprise for them both?
layers of tarnish - thebothsandneithers M, 7k
Summary: Brienne didn’t stop frowning at him. She had her hands braced against the doorframe, like she might need to physically bar him from entering.
Which she might. He wasn’t really supposed to show up at her house anymore. Apparently, a mobster prince knowing her address was bad for her health.
More than a night of passion - ChocoNut E, 2k
Summary: Jaime Lannister is no playboy. His reputation points to exactly the opposite. Nor is Brienne the type to jump into bed on impulse even if it involves the man she’s fancied for a while.
Rumors - ChocoNut E, 1k
Summary: Most rumours claimed he had fallen for the woman he had sacrificed his hand for. A handful insisted this was the doing of his loins, the frustration of not having been with a woman for this long.
Their speculation was he’d have his fill of her while it lasted before eventually returning to the one he loved.
take a chance on me - robotsdance T, 1k
Summary: Jaime is on his knees. Oathkeeper’s blade is under his chin. Brienne’s hand is steady.
Stay with me - justtrynawrite M, 1k
Summary: Jaime has a nightmare. Brienne helps him get over it.
Remember - ChocoNut T, 1k
Summary: Five times Brienne tries to jog Jaime's memory when he remembers nothing after the bricks collapse on him, and the one time she doesn't have to remind him.
Run away with me - ChocoNut E, 2k
Summary: Brienne struggles to change out of her hideous pink gown on their way back one night. Jaime steps in to assist her.
You are my knight - ChocoNut G, 2k
Summary: Hyle Hunt returns to Brienne’s life. Jaime obviously doesn't take it well.
Did I forget to post yesterday….yes! But it’s fine. If your here thanks so much would love to see you supporting future Masterlists as well!!!
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pearly--rose · 11 months
9 people you'd like to know more
Tagged by @pretty-thief, @wildlingoftarth (& I'm pretty sure @goddesspharo also tagged me weeks ago and I totally forgot to answer)
last song: Older by Searows, and because I am Mentally Ill™ about Jaime x Brienne (see: "current obsession" below) I'd like to add that the lyrics give me real Jaime Lannister "put this in the fire” vibes.
currently watching: Rewatching Skins (lmaooo I know, but it makes for good background noise. Though I gotta say, that show did not age well!!! At all!!!!)
currently reading: I've gone through a real reading slump in the past few years, and am just starting to get my mojo back. Just finished Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, and also read Circe last month (I'm very late to the party.) I've got A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara on hold at the library, because apparently I'm only interested in media that will completely destroy me?
current obsession: You all know it's Jaime x Brienne, I can't even pretend I'm normal about them. I'm also pretty invested in the Women's World Cup at the moment, but after the first two USWNT games it's starting to feel a little masochistic of me...holding out some hope for Sunday's game, but I'd be a lot more optimistic if someone would just punt our coach into the sun, first 😂 Oh and let's add Formula 1 to this List of Pain, which is all @sdwolfpup's fault since I finally read Heart Full of Gasoline earlier this year. I'm literally wearing a Lewis Hamilton shirt at this very moment. Look what you've done.
Tagging: @musing-and-music @beesreadbooks @albatrossisland @wordybee @gatomojado @robotsdance @angelowl-fics @cashewdani @halfagod
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mattatouile · 11 months
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by @starrybouquet
1. i fear no fate (for you are my fate) - Jaime/Brienne
When she finally disarmed him, he stumbled to his knees and her sword was at his throat.
"Do you yield?" she questioned him.
The look on his face as he gazed up at her made Brienne glad that she was already flushed from exertion.
2. (a love) a lantern in the dark - Jaime/Brienne
“But do you love him?”
Brienne’s instinct is to look away, the feeling in her breast so heavy and full it could choke her. But she knows her father needs to see the certainty in her eyes.
“I can’t remember what it feels like not to love him.”
3. waiting to be consumed by you - Jaime/Brienne
He steps close enough that he can whisper directly into her ear. “Listen.” He watches the shiver as it rolls down her spine at the feel of his breath. “What do you hear?”
“Everything,” she whispers, awe tingeing her voice.
4. a helping hand - Jaime/Brienne
“Is that a no then?” Jaime asks.
She throws the pillow at his head. “That’s your reaction?"
"I don’t really care what it’s called,” he says easily. “I care if you don’t want a brojob. Mutual brojob or bust.”
5. with a hint of sin - Jaime/Brienne/Addam
"If you try to hold my hand, I swear upon all of the gods that I will gut you.”
6. We Make the Rules - Jaime/Brienne
Brienne: I’m sleeping with my boss
Ygritte: Fuck me I’ll pay for my own bus
7. I'll unfold before you - Jaime/Brienne
“I want to see you, all of you,” he says finally, his voice thick. “It is as simple as that.”
She can feel her heartbeat from her tongue to her toes.
“Thank you,” she says faintly, feeling detached from her own body.
8. Concupiscence - Jaime/Brienne
Part Three: A Little of What You Fancy Doesn’t Do Much Good
In the years that followed, the Knight would always wonder how his fate was changed by being the prisoner of the Maiden and not some lesser man or woman. If he had been the prisoner of someone less honorable, less caring, he would be dead. In that respect, he was thankful to be her captive.
But only in that respect.
9. The Limit Does Not Exist - Jaime/Brienne
She knew too well how the world worked for a young woman in a male-dominated field when she accused a well-respected man of misconduct. Not that she was accusing him of misconduct. She’d never felt ill at ease around him before. Angry, aggravated, infuriated, and a whole host of other adjectives to describe her urge to throw one of her textbooks against a wall, or run directly to the gym and hit a punching dummy until her knuckles almost bled. But not unsafe.
10. this seems a good place to start - Sam/Jack (SG1)
"Carter," he interrupts her, a warning in his tone that she shouldn't follow that line of thought.
"Thank you for trying so hard to find another way," she says instead. "And thank you for doing what was necessary in the end."
He looks pained for a split second before he schools his features, carefully retreating behind his well-constructed walls.
@bropunzeling @dollsome-does-tumblr @sdwolfpup @nire-the-mithridatist @pretty-thief @carothepoet @emungere @justshellies @linskywords @robotsdance
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kiraziwrites · 1 year
tagged by @laiqualaurelote (who just dropped another devastating chapter of the Ted Lasso Station Eleven AU, go read that shit ASAP)
last song: Training Montage by The Mountain Goats.
currently watching: Nothing, really—I’m in one of my frequent TV-viewing pauses, aside from occasionally rewatching snippets of Ted Lasso for fic purposes. Most recent watch was Severance, last month (loved it, I’m very eager to see Gwendoline turn up in S2 eventually). 
currently reading: Pageboy by Elliott Page (just finished, actually), The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin (reread, belatedly prompted by that marvelous @swallowtailed AU), and The High Sierra by Kim Stanley Robinson (been dipping in and out of this one for months). Also a lot of long-form journalism (affectionate) and too much internet (derogatory) of late.
current obsession: Still on the Ted x Trent train, despite some IRL disruptions to writing this month. Also, a decade-old fic from a fandom I’m not even in that @auntieclimactic made me read the other week, which has been haunting me since. Anticipatory: gearing up to become temporarily unhinged about sports as soon as the World Cup begins (three weeks!)
tagging: @eponymiad @kormantic @robotsdance @pretty-thief and anyone else who feels like it!
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sdwolfpup · 2 years
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I haven't done a recs post in ages but I read a fic last night by someone who said they were new to the fandom that I enjoyed so I figured I'd rec that and a few more from my extremely long list, heh. Starting with the fic from last night.
Unintended Consequences by Cloudsandsunshine - This is a modern AU where Brienne gets an unexpected visit at work from Tywin, who's there to urge her to take Jaime back after they've broken up. It's a very fun story with a Tywin that is still neck-deep in machinations but not so much in awfulness, and a Brienne that is not at all cowed by him, which makes it delightful.
the sinking man by @robotsdance - This is a sort of post-show/book canon AU where Jaime returns to Casterly Rock and is Struggling. He and Brienne are married and while he is haunted by Cersei's ghost and all it meant, Brienne is such a solid beacon of support and light bringing him home. Gorgeous and heartbreaking and vulnerable character study of Jaime. There's a line in this that just destroyed me. Heh.
The Wicked and Divine by @bussdowntarthiana - This is a mod AU that is very E-rated and very short and still manages to land with a sweet, soft heart at the end of it. What bdt shows and what she hints at form a story that is cozy and sexy.
I Owe It All To You by @theworldunseen - Another mod AU, this one is based on Dancing With the Stars and it delivers on every promise that premise makes. THE TANGO CHAPTER lives in my head rent-free.
While I slip away (with you), There's nothing that I'd rather do by @scoundrels-in-love - This is a post-canon AU where Brienne and Jaime are quietly happy on Tarth. It's a fic entirely about cat naps, and all the warmth and contentment that comes with spending your days with the one you love.
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nextstopwonderland · 1 year
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Yuletide 2022 fic #2: Wherever I’m with You (MOPI, T, Mike/Scott, 1k) for robotsdance
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vayalda · 2 years
Braime fic rec list (sorted by authors in the order that I read them)
The very first author I came across in this fandom was ShirleyAnn66, who is a literal queen. Not only did she finish the books with the EPIC story “A Dance with Ice and Fire” (Sorry, GRRM, but you can stop writing now because she already did your job). She also created the absolute masterpiece “All the Roads are Winding”. This story is one of the most genius fiction works I’ve ever read, both because it’s such a unique concept (and beautifully written at that) and because it allows her to continue it infinitely with the “All the Roads are Winding – Additional Universes Series”, which for example includes the incredible “The Rancher and the Mail Order Bride”. But you can also start out with some shorter pieces. I can highly recommend the “The First Lannister King and His Queen Series” with its two adorable, little stories.
The second author I found was @astolat who is probably one of the best-known writers in this fandom. She has published ten Braime fics and every single one of those is written gold, my absolute favorite one being Pretty.
The next author that crossed my path is @robotsdance, who, on top of being an amazing story-teller, is ridiculously creative, with the concepts and ideas being as varied as they can get. Must-reads from them include “Someday (you will be loved)”, “Always find me here” and the two fics “Through our paths diverge (I travel with you)” and “Inside of you (inside of me)”. But my absolute top picks are “Take care” and “The sinking man” which I love to pieces and could read every single week!!
The last author I’ll rec today is @eryiscrye. And hello, talent has a new name. Yep, seriously that amazing. Not only has she written “The Ties That Bind”, which is a story that gives me life and which I never wanted to end. She’s also done the impossible by writing “Unique in All the World”, which is a Braime-version of the movie “A walk to remember”. I’ve loved this movie for years and I love this fanfic just as much. But a warning for anyone who doesn’t know either: it’s a major tearjerker. She wrote a beautiful ending (it’s actually much better than the original ending of the movie) but I still cried my eyes out. So, if you don’t feel like crying or to soothe the soul afterwards, I can also highly recommend “The Other Side of Me” which is one of the sweetest short fics I ever read.
 And if you’re already at it, just read all their other stories, too. :)
There’re lots more authors and stories saved on my tbr list, and if those are only half as good as these four, I don’t have to worry about running out of great fics in the next years.
TBC with more Braime authors…
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luthienebonyx · 3 years
1. There’s a song I’ve loved for about 30 years, and for about 20 years I’ve been thinking that I really should use it as inspiration for a fic - but somehow it was never quite the right fit for whichever pair I was writing at the time.
I was listening to that song again this afternoon, and I started thinking about what it would take to dig deep enough to find that mood and those feelings in the characters I’m hurt- writing about atm.
I should probably be worried, shouldn’t I?
2. Turns out that the story I wrote for Yuletide last year is my favourite fanfic I’ve ever written in any fandom? I’m sort of surprised, but also sort of not, given how long I’ve known those characters (decades), and how long I talked about how someone should write a story about them (not quite so many decades, but still decades). 
ask game
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captainelliecomb · 3 years
Game of Thrones Fic Rec Jaime/Brienne
the battlefield between us (isn’t here tonight) by robotsdance @robotsdance Rating: E No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Jaime/Brienne, Marriage, Lovers On Opposite Sides of a War, First Time, In the Woods Somewhere, War, Gazing Longingly Across Battlefields, Spontaneous Marriage Proposals, Canon Divergence, Officiating Their Own Wedding, Secret Marriage, Angst But There’s Hope, Mention of Past Cersei/Jaime
Summary: “I missed you, ” Brienne says like she’s admitting something else, and Jaime wants to say it back to her in exactly the same way: loaded with all of the things they’re not saying. Let that truth settle between them, unsaid but at least somewhat spoken. That could be enough. To share that quiet understanding with Brienne, here, alone together in the middle of the woods, in the middle of a war, in which one of them will be on the losing side. That could be enough. I missed you too. Brienne would understand. What Jaime says instead is “Marry me.”
Rec: Beautiful, painful story with powerful tension and pacing. Satisfying ending with hope, sharp, sparse writing that suits the story and the characters, and a tonne of emotional impact.
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dreadwulf · 3 years
1 and 15 please!
1.  favorite fic you wrote this year
Try a Little Tenderness  - I actually got it to do exactly what I wanted, and I was pretty satisfied with the result. Doing an alternate pov on ASOS was a fun challenge, and carrying on the bath theme was a lot easier than I expected. I can see Jaime and Brienne carrying on that tradition for their most intimate and vulnerable moments. 
15. something you learned this year
Get over yourself and get it out there. Done is better than perfect, even if it makes me screech on the inside that it’s not good enough. 
Also to experiment a little bit more, make my own additions to the lore and take risks. J/B fans are fantastic and they will go out there on a limb with me. 
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twelvemonkeyswere · 3 years
1 and 14???
Bots!!! Hi!!! :D Thank you for asking 💕
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason? 
yes! a couple. mostly because I feel like I’m not fully aware of what the story wants to be yet, so it needs more mulling over, or because I feel I can’t do it justice at the moment the idea comes to me. so I usually write the idea down in the “nursery” document, which I revisit every so often to see how things are coming along. sometimes something sparks again, and then I try to write.
14) do you make playlists for your current wips? 
replied to it here too! but basically I use One Playlist for background noise (it’s over 100hrs rn). I do have a “reminds me of JB” playlist I sometimes use specifically for fic, which is just a smaller selection from the One Playlist, but not very often.
ask stuff about the author if you want!
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pearly--rose · 9 months
Shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people. tagged by @pretty-thief
Stay Down - boygenius
Fireball Whiskey - Angie McMahon
Salt In The Wound - boygenius
Short and Sweet - Brittany Howard
Only Water - Wet
Thinking of a Place - The War on Drugs
Me & My Dog - boygenius
Not Strong Enough - boygenius
Ivy - Frank Ocean
It'll All Work Out - Phoebe Bridgers
Tagging: @dreadwulf @goddesspharo @kulliare @wordybee @finnickfoxes @ulmo80 @beesreadbooks @robotsdance @perkymcbadsuit @itsalwayssummerinthesongs
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slipsthrufingers · 3 years
hidden forces for the meme?
Hidden Forces is my oldest WIP. It’s a modern AU where Jaime is a police officer and Brienne is a private detective--they were buddies at the police academy before Brienne had to drop out for reasons. Feeling responsible for it, Jaime has supported her where he can throughout his career by sending jobs her way. When Sansa and Arya Stark disappear just after the sudden death of their mother and brother, Jaime hires Brienne to try to find them, unimpressed with the poor job the police are doing with the investigation. It’s a big ass story, and it constantly changes perspectives. This was the first scene I imagined and wrote, though:
Gonna put it under a cut because there are some allusions to sexual assault.
Jaime I
It was late when they called, but their tone had made the urgency of the situation clear enough. Words like critical and stablising her now had been bandied around, before she was asking for you sealed the deal and he was out the door. He owed her that much.
It was an hour's drive out to the facility, but there was no traffic at this time of night, so he got there a little quicker. And he'd overlooked a few of the speed limits. She'd understand.
Pia was waiting for him in the lobby, wearing her peach nurse scrubs and looking tired, but determined. She signed him in herself and took him up to the ward, bypassing some of the more tedious security checkpoints. As they walked, she filled him in on the situation, or as much as she could. Until Brienne was awake, they wouldn't know the full story.
Finally they reached a door and stopped. Pia put a gentle hand on his chest, stopping him from barging straight through. "You need to prepare yourself," she said. "She looks... well..."
"I can cope."
"She won't be awake for hours."
"I'll wait."
Pia stepped aside and after only a split second’s hesitation, he walked into the room. It smelled of acrid antiseptic, just like every hospital room he’d ever been in. She was as large as ever, feet lying against the plastic foot of the bed, but he had never seen her quite as still as this. A few IV bags hung from a stand on her left, tubes snaking down and disappearing into her arm and beneath the papery blue gown. 
Pia was right to have warned him. She had clearly been hit several times about the face, hard. Her cheek was shiny with swelling and dark with blood. Her nose had been broken again, and he suspected a few teeth as well, though it was hard to tell through the bruising. Her left cheek was completely covered with white gauze, all the way to her ear and across her eye. A cast encased her right arm from the wrist to above her elbow. The rest of her body was covered in heavy blankets, so it was hard to tell what damage she’d sustained there. At the end of her bed her chart hung ominously. A better man than him would have resisted, and left her whatever privacy she could have, but he was not that man.
The doctor’s handwriting was shockingly neat, laying bare all her ailments in clinically precise detail. It seemed she was in just as bad a shape as she looked: Dislocated elbow. Fractured mandible and left zygomatic bone. Laceration to left eyelid requiring stitches. Monitoring for internal bleeding. and then the ominous pelvic exam administered.
Nausea bubbled suddenly, guilt swelling swift and powerful in his gut. He let out a slow, calming breath, replaced the chart, and stepped a little closer. Brienne 
There was a chair, pulled up close to her left. He settled down into it, and after a moment, reached out and took her hand gently in his own, the only part of her that seemed safe. It was warm, and still edged with familiar callouses. The handcuff around her wrist, restraining her unnecessarily to the metal rail, only served to remind him that the only reason she was here, in this bed, in this state, was because of him.
This was his fault.
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mattatouile · 3 years
1 and 15?
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason? I started a very kinky Sam/Jack fic while I was drunk and playing DND one night because I read one that went too gentle on the kink it was playing with and I was like WELL I GUESS I HAVE NO CHOICE HERE BUT TO START ONE OF MY OWN. I will probably never finish it because it is a DOOZY and also because I’m still refusing to commit to actually writing SG1 fic because it’s scary. 
15) why did you start writing? Hypomania? I wish there was a better answer. I had a bad mental health period, cried about Jaime while in my bathtub for three weeks, got a good medication and felt that I needed Jaime to punch Tormund and I need Brienne to panic-laugh after he kissed her. And thus a fic was born. And then I got all addicted to people seeming to like what I wrote and I kept just writing the ideas as they came to my dumbass head. 
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