#robrae week 2018
airilymusing · 6 years
It’s only late if the next year’s week has started, right? 
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Bail Me Out of This Bad Date!
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Dick hated being single. He hated attempting to date. He hated it. It sucked.
But there was a point, after being dumped at the alter where one had to get out there again and look again. Not that Dick wanted to. He would be very content being single if he didn’t want to have someone to love so badly.
Thus far on his date with Shawn Tsang, he’d been felt up, eye balled, net-worthed, and poorly treated as a person.
Which had lead him to texting the only person he knew who could help him out with this disastrous date. His brother’s girlfriend, and his old time friend: Raven.
Now, Dick would have texted Kori, but as they were still not on friend terms that was out. Barbara had just dumped him at the alter, which meant Dinah, Helena, and Zatanna were out and on his side. And there was no way his brothers would help him with this. Also, he didn’t want his friends knowing he was disastrously attempting to date again; which meant Donna, Roy, Lilith, Wally, Garth, Vic, and Gar. And that left him with Raven.
-Save Me! 
He texted when Shawn was powdering her nose or whatever.
-Please bail me out of this bad date!
-Pleas Rae!
-I’m busy.
-Are Not!
-I Have Homework Dick!
-I will do whatever you want. But please!
-Any particular bail out?
-You might get slapped.
-Just Bail Me Out Of This Bad Date!
-Gimme a minute.
Dick slid his phone back in his pocket just as Shawn was walking towards him. Her ugly teal hair bounced, and she smiled as she shimmied into her seat beside him. He smiled politely at her. It was a few minutes after the wine was served that he felt her presence which had him feeling her hands on him as she walked around him.
“I thought that was you,” she purred.
Dick’s jaw just about dropped. Her lips were red, she was wearing a ruby red dress that clung to her every curve, her long legs were bare, showing off their toned curves, and her sandal heels gave her three inches of height he knew she didn’t have, as her long black hair fell around her in elegant waves. Those dark eyes of her though were a dare to him.
Fuck! When had she grown up!? Now Dick was seeing what Jason saw. This was not the awkward goth twelve year old who dyed her hair purple.
“You didn’t call me last night,” she pouted. “You promised, said it was the best you ever had.”
“Excuse me!?” Shawn strangled out, which had Dick’s eyes snapping to his date.
“And you are?” Raven asked, her elegance was as obvious as the pearls she was wearing, and she smiled very coyly.
“I’m his date!”
“I’m his lover,” Raven responded, her smoky monotone dropped a bit, and fuck did she sound hot! This was not the girl he knew!
Shawn screeched, and there was strangled sounds from her, he then had a slap and water thrown in his face as she stormed off, which had him bewildered as Raven sat across from him and nonchalantly picked up a bread stick as she broke it for a bite.
“How was that?” she asked calmly.
“What the… Rae!” he managed.
“You asked me to bail you out,” she defended.
“Not that, you were fine with that, but the dress!” he gaped at her.
“I was actually going to be going out with Kori and Zatanna before your SOS.”
“And the homework?” he demanded.
“Due tomorrow, mostly done. I was going to dinner and then editing it,” she shrugged.
“does Jason know about you being here?” Dick asked her.
“No, Jason’s busy with Jason things, and even if he was here, he wouldn’t stop me. Jason does not control who I do and do not see, he is my boyfriend, not my keeper.” Raven picked up the menu and looked it over.
“Rae, that wasn’t… you know…” Dick started.
“I know, I just wanted to clarify that, now do you want to go home, and change then we can go to dinner? I want burgers,” she said.
“Dressed like that?”
“I want burgers Dick, and you promised to do what I wanted so long as I bailed out of this terrible date.”
“So I did. How does Jason tolerate your level of demand?” Dick mused as he paid and stood. He offered Raven his arm and she stood, slipping her arm in his.
“With tremendous amounts of adoration and waffles,” she said.
“Still a sucker for waffles?”
“Always, now, you change and we’ll go for burgers,” she said and he found himself walking into his apartment. He wondered how she did this? Then again, he didn’t mind.
Dick changed quickly and paused at his bedroom door before he walked out and saw Raven walking right back in from the shadows, tossing her hair aside as she pulled on a coat.
No, not a coat, one of Jason’s jackets.
“How do you two do it?” Dick asked her then.
“Do what?”
“Oh. Um… Usually our dates are take out, Netflix and sweats, or books, depending on if we want a movie or reading,” she shrugged. “Now, burgers,” she grabbed his arm.
“I got the spot Rae!” he smiled.
“You do?”
“This better be a real burger joint and not that vegan crap Damian tricked me into. I want a real burger Dick. Made from cow, grilled, with onions, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and everything else. I will not be toyed with here.”
“You sound just like Jason,” Dick sighed.
“Because we are serious about our food. Now burgers. Real burgers,” she ordered.
“It’s no Big Belly joint, Rae, but it’s good. I lay my honor on it,” he assured her.
“You better.”
“I kind of missed this,” Dick suddenly admitted.
“Missed what?”
“You and me, hanging out,” he smiled.
“You can always just call and ask, now burgers!” Raven declared.
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trickstersmagic · 6 years
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Robrae Week 
Day 3: Drunk
Here's one that's actually on time.
Robin is drunk and telling Rae he loves her over and over.
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chromium7sky · 7 years
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Damirae week day 7: handcuff together. As i promise, my birthday present to you guys. And uh happy bday to me lol 😆😆 got this idea with abit chat with @bookaholicpt 😆😆 Anyway enjoy!! P. S- damn it jason lol 😂😂😂
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fuckyeahrobrae · 7 years
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RobRae Week 2018 is coming up :D It’s our fifth year and I’m SUPER excited <3 You guys can make art, fics, vids, edits, fanmixes, whatever. Literally anything. Don’t forget to tag your work with #robrae and #robraeweek18
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amateurwordbender · 6 years
Drunk Undercover
written for robrae week 2018 on @fuckyeahrobrae
prompt: day 1 (undercover), day 3 (drunk)
let’s pretend I didn’t post this a day after robrae week ended
also on ao3
“Robin, I have a problem.”
“It’s Dick here, remember?”
Robin turned to face the only person who would be calling him by his vigilante name at this nightclub. She giggled, and Robin took an inadvertent step back. Raven never giggled.
“I don’t… I don’t get why you let people call you that. I mean, you’re baaasically a celebrity; do you know how many people must make fun of your name every day?”
Robin squinted at her. “Are you…?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve got a problem.” Raven frowned. “Did I tell you that already? I’m drunk.”
“I wasn’t aware half-demons could get drunk.”
“Me neither! I thought my magic—”
“Shh!” Robin glanced around. Thankfully, the music was loud enough that nobody seemed to have overheard Raven’s near-shout.
“Sorry.” Her whisper-yell wasn’t much better, but Robin decided he’d take what he could get. “I thought my magic or healing abilities would negate the effects, buuuuut nope.”
“How did you even get alcohol?”
“Oh, come on, Robin-Dick, don’t be so naive. Do you really think they card here?”
Robin resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. When he’d first found out that a suspect he was following frequented Club Essence, he’d known that he would have to use his connection to billionaire pain-in-his-ass Bruce Wayne to gain entry. As Raven was the only one who knew his civilian identity, Robin had figured she was the best to bring along. (The team had temporarily banned him from taking solo missions after the debacle that had originally forced Raven to enter his mind.)
Cy had given Raven a modified version of the rings that he used to appear fully human. It had darkened her hair from violet to black and changed her skin tone to match Cyborg’s, but that hadn’t fazed Robin. No, it was seeing Raven in a dress and heels that was… jarring. For a superhero team that lived together, the Titans rarely saw each other out of uniform. For Cyborg, the reason was self-explanatory. Beast Boy and Star simply seemed content to wear iterations of the same outfit every day. For Robin himself, it was a form of protection. Plus, it made wearing the mask 24/7 seem more natural. And he knew that Raven wore her uniform—in particular, her cloak—like armor, too. He’d actually been a bit concerned that the absence of her cloak would make Raven stand out when she amplified her attitude for defense.
But it turned out that he’d been worried for nothing. Raven was, apparently, a very good actor when she chose to be. She’d flirted with sleazy guys with no problem, blending in with other spoiled rich teenagers with ease while they waited for Robin’s suspect to appear. She’d been doing so well. Of course something had to go wrong.
“So… yeah,” Raven was saying. Drunk Raven was a rambler. “I just kept drinking to stall conversation, and then I started to start to enjoy the buzzzzzzzzz, and I thought I would be fine, but now the room is sorta spinning and I don’t think anyone else has noticed so I must be… ine-breviated.”
“Hey. No picking on me right now or I’ll throw up on you.”
Robin shook his head, fighting a smile. “Okay, we’re going home.”
“Whaaaat? No, I’m fiiiine,” Raven protested, floating a foot above the ground. Robin yanked her back down.
“You’re not. Case in point. We’re not going to be a very effective team right now anyway, with you unable to focus.”
“And you worrying about me, worrywart?”
“Don’t be like that. You’re starting to act like Beast Boy,” Robin said, smirking when Raven made a face. “Are you clearheaded enough to get us back to the Tower, at least?”
“Yeahhh, yeah, no problem.”
Robin watched her doubtfully, but he led them into a corner where nobody would notice her portal. Or at least, anyone in this drunken corner who saw would chalk it up to a hallucination.
Of course, Raven teleported them right into the middle of a busy road. Tires squealed, headlights blinded, horns blared, and Robin had to drag his friend to the sidewalk.
“Honk you too!” Raven shouted after the cars. Then she looked around, laughing almost maniacally. “Heeeeeey, this isn’t the Tower. Oops.”
Robin sighed. “I’ll call a cab.”
Approximately four and a half minutes later, a sleek black luxury car pulled up to the curb.
“That’s not a—” Raven broke off with a hiccup.
A man in a suit emerged from the car to open the door for them.
“It’s a driver I trust. Come on.” Robin half-nudged, half-carried Raven into the back. Which was more difficult than it sounded because she began levitating just as they crossed the two feet to the car. Robin slipped the driver a generous early tip, giving him instructions to drop them off at a convenience store about a block away from the bridge to Titans Tower.
Once they were settled, Raven immediately slumped over to lay her head on Robin’s lap. She almost never voluntarily touched other people. His cheeks warmed, but he kept it together enough to slip off his jacket, folding it into a makeshift pillow.
“What a gentleman,” Raven said with enough sarcasm to sound like herself. But there was a teasing note in her tone that Robin knew she would’ve never let leak into her voice if she had been sober. She reached up and poked his nose, which didn’t help him keep his composure.
“Stop that.”
She just giggled. They lapsed into silence, Raven shifting on his lap every so often. They’d turned onto a highway when she spoke up again.
“I’m sorry for fucking up the investigation.”
Robin was surprised to hear genuine regret in her voice.“Hey, it’s fine,” he said with a light chuckle. “Honestly, the rest of us have fucked up enough that it was about time you made some trouble.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Her voice lowered, and Robin had to strain to hear her. “I’ll be getting you all into all sorts of trouble soon enough.” Her fingertips sparked with power, and a lamppost outside their window shattered. The driver must’ve been startled as the car swerved before correcting itself. Robin found himself grasping Raven’s hand.
“What do you mean, Rae?”
She shook her head. Her eyes were wet with tears, but she blinked furiously. “Nothing.”
Her words had been alarming, but Robin didn’t want to press her in this state, so he let it go. He squeezed her hand lightly, and eventually, the quiet hum of the car lulled her to sleep, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
After another couple of minutes, a few grappling hooks, and three security codes, Robin carried Raven into the common room in the Tower. He knew that Raven would blast him into another dimension if she found out he went into her room, so he laid her gently on the couch instead. He tucked a real a pillow beneath her head and located a blanket to drape over her.
Robin stepped back, feeling a fondness for his closest teammate warm his chest. “Goodnight, Raven.” Before he could stop himself, he bent down to press a light kiss to her forehead.
In the morning, Raven woke to find a note on the coffee table.
Plasmus escaped. Left with team to deal with it.
Remind me never to give you access to alcohol again.
Rest up; I’ll see you later.
The note was terse, as it always was with Robin, but it brought a smile to her face. And sitting beside the curling slip of paper was a mug of warm herbal tea.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Damian could say this about his brothers and sisters, with respect.
Dick was their light, their ever shining optimistic light that they needed to do what they did and survive. Dick was light and home.
Cain made them a family. Where Dick was their light, Cain made them a family she had taught them how to be a family in a way that Dick wanted, but couldn’t.
Drake was the most intelligent of them. He was the one who could crack dead, cold cases right open with merely a hint of a clue.
Brown was the most resilient of them, yes, he would say that. He had watched Brown be tossed around, get right back up and kick ass to carry on. She embodied resilience.
Thomas was their stability, their needed normalcy. Even if he did not see it, Damian saw it. The normal way Duke Thomas had leveled them out to some sense of normalcy outside of billionaires and Bats.
However, the one who embodied their strength, was Todd. Todd was their strength, the fire, the emotions, the storm of the Bats. He was their fury, he was their strength. Even Damian saw that.
But Todd had always been different from them. Different because Todd was the storm, Damian often felt that he and his brothers were caught in the storm, but Todd was the storm.
Raven was Todd’s calm though, she was his world. Damian envied that, because for years he had wanted to have Raven for himself. She was beautiful, she was smart, she was interesting, she was level, and perfect; at least he had thought she was perfect. Todd said she wasn’t, but Damian didn’t believe that for a minute. She was just… it was Raven, she was an angel.
But she belonged with Todd, a thousand times over it was clear to him now. Clear to him after watching them at their worst, and at their best. Raven and Todd belonged together, as different as they were they belonged together. That was a truth, they were like magnets. It was why Damian was here in this Tower, feeling guilty about the situation as he looked in on his elder brother holding Raven’s hand. She hadn’t woken up, she was so ungodly pale, and gray. It was abnormal for her.
Damian looked at Todd, stretched out, and his head falling at an awkward angel as he slept, his hand gripped his phone, and Damian had an idea what that meant.
Still, he walked forward with coffee for Todd. Todd’s eyes snapped open, a dangerous pulse of green reminded Damian, yet again, why Todd was so much more dangerous than they gave him credit for before Todd looked over at Raven.
“Father insists that you go shower,” Damian stated handing Todd the coffee.
Raven twitched and suddenly Todd was up, before he said anything to him and over Raven.
“Rae, come on sunshine, open your eyes,” Todd whispered, and Damian had never seen Todd so weak, or desperate, he felt he should leave, but he couldn’t as he watched Raven’s eyelids move for the first time since she had lost consciousness on the battlefield.
Her skin pulsed then, it turned red, then gray, then white, then gray, it turned black and for a second it was blue before gray again, there was a pulse of power from her. Then she arched, a gasp parting from her lips as she slumped on the bed, and her eyes (all four of them) snapped open. Orange, slitted, abnormal for her, before the glowed red, then black, they shown white before the closed and she slumped on the bed gasping for air before her two eyes opened, the dark eyes stared an nothing, and Todd stared at her as his hand traced her cheek.
“I got you little bird, I got you,” he was murmuring.
Damian felt like an intruder who should leave but he couldn’t. The plain expression of emotions as Todd stared at Raven, it was captivating, and Damian tried to look away at his brother’s raw display of emotions.
“Who-Who are you?” she whispered. Damian felt something in him break at her question as he turned to look at his brother and Raven. Todd’s face only held relief, no pain at the question, just relief as if that question had not shattered a thousand pieces within him. It had Damian, and Damian wasn’t even in love with Raven anymore.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Todd asked her softly.
“Father…” she started. Then she looked at a loss then, as she stared at Todd. “Who…?”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about that, I got you,” he promised. “I’m Jason, I’m your friend.”
“I’m scared,” she said it like a small child would and that had Damian slowly backing out of the room.
Dick paused outside the room when he hear Jason sobbing, and he looked in to see a confused Raven holding onto Jason, and Jason just seemed so relieved. Dick didn’t think he had ever witnessed this.
“He just started crying, I don’t know what I did,” Raven said as she hugged Jason and looked at him confused.
“Yeah, cause it’s great to see you awake,” Dick smiled.
“Who is he? Who are you? What… What happened to me?” she asked and Dick froze.
“You… you were attacked,” Jason answered. “I’m Jason, your friend, that’s Dick, your friend.”
“I’m sorry I worried you, but please stop crying,” Raven said awkwardly.
“Give us a minute Rae, we thought you were dead,” Dick said as he leaned over to hug Raven and Jason. She just looked very confused but she wasn’t fighting them. So Dick was going to hug her.
“I didn’t die, I don’t think I did,” she muttered. “What happened?”
“I missed you Rae,” Dick said.
“I don’t think I was gone. I can’t remember.”
“We’ll figure this out, little bird,” Jason promised and Dick watched as she stared Jason levelly in the eye then.
“I trust you,” she stated this as if it was the only fact she had.
“I got you little bird,” his little brother said softly.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Crash the Wedding...
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Raven was used to the crazy shit Robins could get themselves into. She had ample expierence with it, and she didn’t really know all the Robins.
She knew Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian like the back of her hand. Duke had rescued her on a rare occasion she was mad enough to go get drunk because of something stupid her boyfriend did; she was surprised she wasn’t an alcoholic  because of Jason to be honest. She did not know Stephanie; though that was changing as Jason’s little sisters had decided to take over their guest room and make it a guest room. And Raven could honestly say she had never met Helena Wayne; Earth 2’s stranded Robin turned Huntress until such a time she could return to her Earth.
Which was why, this fine May, Saturday, morning she was surprised to open her door to find two Robins there, and looking desperate.
Raven’s hair was a mess, she had her toothbrush in her mouth, and Jason’s shirt was hanging hapherouzly off of her shoulder, plus her bikini panties had Bite Me written on the ass. Thankfully, Tim and Helena could not see that part of her attire, as she held her cup of tea and looked between the two troubled Robins.
“You wake up Jason, I’ll skin you both alive as I send you to hell,” she warned tiredly as she just stepped aside for the only two Robins who seemed to understand what a door was and how it functioned.
“Rae… we need your help!” Tim gasped, Raven nodded tiredly as she walked to the kitchen sink and spat out the toothpaste before wiping her lips with a towel.
“With what?” she sighed.
“Told you we came to the right place for help,” Tim said smugly.
“Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne I am exhausted so no games,” she warned.
“We can’t find Dick!” Helena hissed at her.
“Did you try Blüdhaven, he lives there you know,” she yawned. Jason’s fucking nightmares had kept her and Jason up for the past month, and now it was May first, the first day he had slept in a week and she was about to follow him again. Now there was this! Fucking Bats.
“He said he’s getting hitched.” Tim held a note out to her which had her taking it as she scanned it over then casted a silencing spell as she started swearing in every language she knew and had picked up from Jason.
“So will you help us out?” Helena said.
“Gimme two minutes,” she said as she stalked into her room, opening a portal so she didn’t give into the temptation to slam doors and wake Jason. Grabbing a pair of leggings she pulled them on, brushed her hair, leaned over Jason’s sleeping form as she pressed her lips to his temple then she left her sleeping boyfriend on their bed. She picked up her purse, her keys, and pulled on her shoes as she walked to Helena and Tim, grabbed their wrists.
“We find him, you two might want to put a tracker in him after this,” she warned.
Helena just blinked as Raven dragged the two after her, her empathy latched onto the robin she knew so well and she walked out into a casino in Atlantic City, there was some floozy draped on Dick’s arm as he drunkenly laughed.
“Rounds for everyone!” he cheered.
“Oh God,” Helena said.
“I…” Tim seemed baffled. Raven glared as she folded her arms and stalked forward.
“Richard,” she snarled, and suddenly the taller man was sober as his eyes landed on her.
“Rae!?” he squeaked and she grabbed his ear as she yanked him down to her level.
“Hey! Hands off my fiancé!” the girl squealed.
“Back off!” Raven snarled. Which had the floozy squealing as she scrambled back from Dick and her.
“Rae! I can!” he started.
“Are You Out Of Your Fucking Mind Richard John Grayson!?” she demanded as she marched with his ear in hand towards his sister and brother. “Seriously! Get dumped at the altar and you then turn around to marry the first gold digging bimbo you find! If I didn’t know better I would think I was dealing with Bruce Wayne! I mean seriously! Will you not learn!”
“Rae?” Tim said.
“Zip it Timbo!” she snapped.
“You have been around Jay too long,” Helena said.
“I am sleep deprived, caffeine deprived, and in empathy hell, but if you want to test me Helena Wayne I can, and I will kick your ass to hell and back,” Raven warned. She summoned a portal as she walked with her three Robins to Gotham, into Wayne Manor.
“She’s scary,” Helena whispered.
“She’s harmless,” Tim defended.
“Dick! What is the matter with you!?” Raven shouted as she whirled on him. “No, you don’t talk,” she warned him when he opened his mouth. “Not Even Jason Would Do Something This Stupid! Seriously! You’re an asshole! And I swear to Azar if I find you doing something this stupid again I will sic Kori on your ass. Now if you three idiot Robins will excuse me I am tired! Tim, keep an eye on your idiot brother.”
“Which one?”
She leveled a baleful glare on Tim who shrunk a little under her gaze as he sheepishly smiled. “Yes ma’am!” he squeaked.
“I am going to bed. Helena, a pleasure meeting you, you should join Stephanie, Cass and I on our next Bat bitching night,” Raven said.
“Oh, so that’s real?” the woman mused.
“Birds of a feather, must stick together I take it?” Helena said as she held her hand out, and Raven shook it.
“No, more like Batshit Batty Bats will drive us insane if we don’t hang out,” Raven sighed.
Helena laughed and Raven glared at Dick and Tim as she stalked through a portal to her room again.
Jason roused a bit for her.
“Rae?” he yawned.
“Sleep,” she whispered as she pulled off her pants again and crawled into bed beside him.
“Where were you?” he murmured.
“Dealing with your idiot brother?” she answered tiredly.
“Which one?” he breathed.
She didn’t answer as she drifted off and pulled his arms around her as she pressed against his chest for warmth.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Dick was the cuddler of the Bats, he would happily, gleefully, and boisterously point this out, to no end. He liked cuddling. He liked having people he loved in his grasp to know they were safe, and with him and nothing bad could touch them at that moment.
And Dick would honestly say there were only a handful of people whom he couldn’t cuddle; exclusively in this order:
-Raven, who would blast him to hell before he could reach her, or she would drop into the shadows, or she would create a voodoo doll and stab him a thousand times. The demoness, despite being one of his dearest friends was not cuddly.
-Jason, who would shoot him or stab him if he attempted to cuddle. Dick had only cuddled with Jason successfully once, and Jason was unconscious, likely to die after a bullet to the heart and nearly killed him.
-And Barbara, not that he wanted to cuddle her anymore, she had left him at the altar. All cuddling desires with Babs were forfeit as their break up had busted him up in a crippling way that had him actually wondering if he deserved love. He messed up with Kori, big time, now him and Babs, also every other relationship he had had ended in disaster. But he was not going to dwell on these dismal thoughts, no he wasn’t.
Now, he had managed to rally his family to his aid in a distraction; one that would help him and Jason both. Mainly him, as selfish as that was. But there was the Bats curiosity about Jason and his ‘civilian life’ which he hadn’t let them be privy to. Now was a perfect opportunity to exploit it and be safely surrounded by people that loved him.
Jason hadn’t answered his phone, pretty much for all of April, and April 25th was quickly approaching; this was probably a dangerous Time for Jason to be alone. And Dick had no doubts that Jason might be alone, because this was Jason, also Jason’s girlfriend wasn’t answering her phone. Which had him slightly worried as Raven was notorious about answering her phone, regardless of the time, who was calling her, or what she was doing.
That’s what had him, at the bright red apartment door, with the silver 4-C before him and Tim producing a key to unlock the door.
“Little Wing!” Dick shouted as he leapt through the door when Tim managed to unlock it.
“What The Hell!?” Jason yelped, which had Dick noticing where Jason was, on Raven, and Jason’s hand was up her shirt, and his other one was on Raven’s thigh. Dark and green eyes stared in mutual shock and horror at the sight of them. And for a brief moment Dick thought about being childish and tormenting Jason, but there was a stab of jealousy in him.
“Are we interrupting something?” Stephanie asked.
Raven was up and gone, Jason just look mortified and horrified. There were two slams of the door before they were gone. Dick darted to the door and pressed against it. He didn’t need to be an empath to know that Jason and Raven had been embarrassed and weren’t likely want to be around them now.
“Little wing! Come on!” Dick pleaded.
The family coaxed them out, and Dick sat perched on the couch, beside Raven, who was safely tucked in Jason’s arms and he glared at them in envy.
He stared in envy at Raven and Jason cuddling. His little brother, the one who didn’t let anyone touch him, hold him, comfort him; the one who didn’t let people near him, or in his personal space without stabbing them. Raven, the most antisocial person ever, who would rather go to hell than have a hug.
Jason was sound asleep, and Raven was hugging Jason’s arms firmly around her as they slept through the end of the movie. Raven twisted a bit, Jason pulled her closer, not even waking, and Dick was envious; not for the first time of Jason.
Jay had always been special, and Dick had always, at first, worked hard to break that down from Jason. Because he had been an asshole, and petty. Guess it work, he thought painfully, because Jason didn’t think he was worth anything to anyone and lived on that fact like it was religion. Now Dick envied Jason because Jason had something real, and he seemed to be of the impression he didn’t deserve it. Dick remembered when Jason was a cocky young dork with his first crush, now Jason was a man with a real girlfriend.
Dick wondered if Jason knew, from the way Raven was cuddling against him, that she trusted him. Trusted Jason to protect her, even though she was an indestructible demon. He wondered if Jason knew just how much Raven obviously loved and trusted him, and he wondered if that scared Jason. Jason deserved to be happy.
“Wow, never thought I’d see this,” Stephanie whispered when the credits rolled.
“What?” Dick looked at the young blonde.
“That look on your face,” Stephanie mused. “And Jason actually sleeping. Soundly, no nightmares.”
“They should be happy,” Dick smiled a bit.
“I’m surprised Raven’s cuddling against him.” Tim was staring at them, then he pulled his phone.
“Don’t!” Stephanie hissed.
The flash went off, Raven jolted as she twisted away from them, Jason grumbled as he turned a bit, pulling Raven with him.
“They’re cute!” Cass decided as she leaned on the back of the couch. Bruce said nothing, and Dick looked away from them.
He wanted That. He didn’t want Raven, he wanted to have THAT though. Again. He’d had it before, that precious love that made him trust someone with his heart. She had soared with it before he broke it.
“Leave them be, we should be getting out of here anyways,” Duke yawned.
“When were you Mr. Responsible!?” Tim demanded.
“Boys, time to leave,” Alfred decided.
“Yes, let them be,” Bruce said, and Dick saw a funny look on B’s face as he stared at Jason and Raven. Somewhere between happiness and wistfulness.
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airilymusing · 6 years
Chase You Down Until You Love Me
Dick spotted the virulently pink hair from across the room practically perk up as its owner laid eyes on him, and had to bite back a curse. Bruce would never forgive him if, on this very important benefit for the Gotham orphanages, the news were reporting on the scandalous behavior of his ward. And if little miss socialite Kathy Walker, otherwise known as his high society stalker, got a hold of him, a little foul language would be the least of the papers’- or Bruce’s- worries.
Dick understood that she was stuck with parents she despised and wanted to flip the metaphorical, and physical, middle finger to, but did she have to drag him into it? Sure, he was lowborn, and thus utterly unacceptable as a date according to the elder Walkers, but he thought he’d made it clear last time that her advances were both inappropriate and unwelcome.
Alfred had definitely not appreciated the bra he’d had to fish off the chandelier.
Or the high heels that had ended up in the punch.
Or the- well, he got the idea.
Dick had almost been grounded for a month before he managed to point out he’d been trying to avoid Kathy, and an incident, for most of the night before she’d cornered him by the buffet. Even Bruce couldn’t deny she was an uncommonly persistent foe, completely undeterred by almost anything Dick could throw at her- after having been forbidden from actually throwing anything after that one time with the chinchilla at the Humane Society benefit. In Dick’s defense, he’d thought most any girl would be happy to be distracted by a cute, furry animal. How was he supposed to know that she was scared of rodents?
Dick flinched as he realized that, while lost in thoughts of previous encounters, Kathy had managed to make her way across half the ballroom. He needed a defense, and fast! Glancing around, Dick and to despair of himself. He was Robin, leader and strategist for the Teen Titans, trained by Batman himself, and yet here he was, completely unable to come up with a counter to a pixie of a girl with bright pink hair, the arm strength of a newborn kitten, and an eye for mischief to rival Jinx herself. What to do, what to do...
It was as if Fate itself had smiled on him. Out of the corner of one eye, he spotted none other than Raven, leaning back against a pillar as far away from the main crush as possible.
Bruce had discovered a threat by several villains to the event and, miracle of miracles, had actually agreed with Dick that the Titans would be good as discrete security. The other three were happily mingling, holograms concealing their more unique features.
Kathy was almost in range. Dick turned, acting like he hadn’t seen her and needed to check on something, slipping into the crowd before making a beeline for Raven.
She looked up through her bangs at him with a slight frown. With her hair glamored black and chakra stone similarly concealed, wearing an elegant black dress, Raven looked very different from her usual. For someone so unsocial, she could pull off the socialite look very well.
“Raven!” Dick hissed urgently the second he reached her. “Pretend you’re my date, please.”
“What?” She stared at him, raising an eyebrow.
“My stalker is here, and if she gets ahold of me the tabloids are going to have a field day. You’re here to save people, so please, save me from the wrath of Alfred and Bruce.” He explained hurriedly, offering her his arm as he did so. Raven, thank every god above, bemusedly went along with it.
“I thought I was supposed to be undercover security, not an undercover plus one.” She murmured.
“Look, given what happened last time, this is definitely within your job as security. I swear, sometimes I want to check to see if Jinx is this girl’s long lost twin with how much of a mess she can make.” Dick smiled, looking down at her fondly. It wasn’t hard. Raven was his best friend, and despite clearly thinking he was crazy, still agreed to pretend to be his date.
“High praise.”
“I’ll tell you about the ketchup incident some day. I think Alfred’s still got a ban on the stuff after that one.”
Raven allowed a slight upturn of her lips. “Probably wise of him.”
“I think so too.” Dick grinned. They sauntered slowly around the edge of the room, eyes both roaming as they looked for potential troublemakers, and Kathy, appearing to the gathered socialites like nothing so much as a young couple very much enjoying their break from the crowd.
It was almost peaceful.
Until a shriek split the air. “Richie! Finally I found you!”
Kathy had finally found him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Raven mouth ‘Richie?’, an incredulous smile growing wider by the second. Her eyes practically sparkled.
Dick grimaced, before forcing a bland, camera ready smile onto his unwilling cheek muscles. “Miss Walker. I’m glad you were able to make it.” Such a lie. He wanted to make a face, but didn’t dare.
“Like I’d miss a chance to spend time with you? Never!” She laughed, high and twittering, before her gaze landed on Raven. Kathy frowned. Dick tensed.
“Richie? Who’s that?”
“My date, Rachel. Rachel, this is Kathy Walker.”
Raven nodded in greeting. “Hello.” Her voice was that special monotone that, somehow, despite having no inflection whatsoever, could make the addressed feel about two inches tall.
“Your pleasure, I’m sure.” Kathy tossed her brilliant pink hair over her shoulder. Raven raised an eyebrow.
“Interesting hair.”
“Oh, I know! Daddy hates it.” Kathy beamed. Then, turning back towards Dick, she very blatantly disregarded Raven. Dick saw Raven’s eye twitch.
“Anyway. Richie, want to ditch this bore and come help me make some mischief?” She tried to purr. Dick raised an eyebrow himself now.
“Miss Walker. I am with my date. I’m afraid I don’t have any time tonight.” Or ever.
“But that’s so boring! Scandal is so much fun!” Lunging forward, Kathy latched onto his arm. “Come on, Richie! It’s not like you’ll be doing anything with her.” She pouted. ”I know you’d never actually date her, not when you have me.”
Dick tried to tug away. “No thank you.” He was aware he was definitely bordering on rude with how blunt he was being, but even Alfred had agreed that it was alright, if it meant there would be no more incidents. Kathy clung on tighter, and it wasn’t as if he could use any of the martial arts he knew to pry her off. Not without hurting her or raising some questions Dick really didn’t want to answer, and she was a nuisance, not a threat.
Kathy pulled harder.
“Go away.” Raven finally had had enough, it seemed. “He’s made it very clear you’re not welcome here.”
“Oh like you’d know. You don’t know anything about Richie, you were probably hired by that stuffy old Wayne to keep him stuck away from the fun. Parents are always like that, Richie’s just too nice to ditch his ball and chain like I always do.” Kathy snapped. “Richie never dates anyone.”
“I assure you, Rachel is my date.” Dick tried to intervene. “I asked her to accompany me because I wanted to.” Ugh, this was so awful. He was going to owe Raven so many books for making her deal with Kathy.
“Oh yeah? Then why aren’t you acting like you’re on a date?” Kathy challenged.
“We are.” Dick said, blinking. They’d been strolling arm in arm, how much more couply could they get?
“You haven’t kissed once all night.” Kathy said smugly. “If you were really dating, you’d be all over her.”
...What? Dick sometimes wondered what world Kathy lived in, that she thought he was somehow exactly like her, despite the evidence- aka, every single interaction they’d had- to the contrary. Just because she preferred draping herself all over whatever unfortunate she’d chosen- including Dick far too many times, much to his chagrin- Dick had always preferred to be a bit quieter in his affections.
So quiet, in fact, that he actually hadn’t told his crush he liked her. Which was neither here nor, there, not now! Dick tried to think of something he could say without just snapping at her. He was coming up blank. Raven was as well, it seemed, since she did nothing but lean into his side, a long line of pressure reminding him she was there for him.
When they didn’t move, or even say a word, Kathy folded her arms and smirked. “See? It’s ok Richie, I know how parents are. C’mon, let’s go have some fun.”
Dick sighed, and prepared to be rude. He’d just opened his mouth when he felt a small, gloved hand rest on his cheek, before wrenching his head towards it’s owner. Raven looked up at him with eyes that blazed, and rising up onto tiptoes, slammed her mouth onto his.
Dick felt his eyes bug out and his brain fry as he tried to process what was happening. Raven’s lips were cool against his own, and she kissed with an intensity he wouldn’t have expected from the reserved girl. She didn’t stop kissing him, and Dick’s eyes slipped closed, one hand coming up to cover her hand on his cheek as his other arm wrapped around her waist. 
Distantly, he heard Kathy huff. “Well then!” And stamp off once she realized neither were paying her any mind. Once her footsteps faded, Dick prepared for Raven to pull back, but she just tilted her head, lips moving distractingly against his as she did.
Dick didn’t mind at all. The girl he liked was kissing him. He could care less if the ceiling started caving in.
Of course, that was when Solomon Grundy decided to break through the wall.
Dick groaned as Raven pulled back, a small smile curving kiss-pinked lips.
“Duty calls. Richie.”
Somehow, despite the party being crashed by seven villains, the tabloids the next day still found time to feature, front page, the picture of Bruce Wayne’s ward kissing a “mystery woman.”
Dick just couldn’t win, could he?
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Soul Bond...
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Dick stood in Jason’s room and stared at his little brother who was currently tugging at his bandages. He held the small box, he bet this was the thing Jason was looking for and he bit his lip.
The ring was small, it wasn’t fancy, or even showy, it was rather simple, a gorgeous sapphire with two smaller pink accenting diamonds and two small accenting emeralds. It was set in white gold, Dick found it rather endearing, and it was clearly custom. Jason picked up his coat, riffled through the pockets and was starting to look exceedingly agitated which had Dick hesitantly knocking on the frame of the room.
“Looking for this?” Dick asked, which had Jason whirling around, faster than his injured body could handle as he stared at Dick for a moment then at the blue velvet box. Dick saw his brother’s eyes flash dangerously green as he stalked forward.
“Hey, I just…” Dick started, Jason snatched the ring back and opened it, then seemed to relax before glaring at him.
“Butt out, it’s not your fucking business,” Jason snapped.
“You’re my baby brother, and she’s one of my best friends, I think that makes it my business.”
“Fuck Off.”
“No, Jay, I…”
“You what!? You didn’t care Dickhead, not the first fucking time around, and not since. I dated her for YEARS under your nose, and you Bats never noticed. I lived with her! I Fucking Lived With Her! And you never knew! You don’t care so it’s not your fucking business so butt out.”
Dick caught Jason’s arm and the younger man stilled.
Jason, despite being larger, heavier, thicker, and in general stronger than he was, stilled and it was clear who the baby brother was here. Dick regretted so much he had done with Jason, the first time, and he hated that this time around he couldn’t even reach Jason because Jason just remembered how the first time around had gone. And THAT was not who Dick was, that had been the petty asshole Dick could be, Jason didn’t know him, and he didn’t know Jason. He wanted that to change.
“Jason, I love you both, now sit down,” Dick ordered and he managed to get his injured baby brother sitting on the bed again. Peeling at Jason’ bandages he inspected Alfred’s stitches and noticed the autopsy scar on Jason’s chest again.
“What do you want Dickhead?” Jason snarled shoving him off of him.
“I… Raven, she’s special to me Jason, I don’t know if you know but she and I…” Dick started.
“Share a fucking soul bond or empathy connection, whatever the fuck you want to call it, I know,” Jason sneered.
“Jason,” Dick said softly.
“I get it Dickhead, you have something I don’t, what’s fucking new. But she’s my best friend, your friend, but she’s my best friend,” Jason started.
“Jason! Stop interrupting,” Dick snapped. Which had his little brother glaring at him, his blue eyes pulsed dangerously green.
“I was saying, I have a bond with her, it’s not always strong, but… You make her happy, You Do. I’ve never seen her happy, or felt her happy, but you make her happy. And if you’re proposing to her, I back you a hundred percent.”
“You support me?” Jason looked dubious at the thought, and Dick wondered how far he had fallen in his little brother’s eyes.
“Yeah, I support you.”
“Dude, even a blind idiot, emotionally inept, like B or Dami can see you are head over heels in love with her. And I know you hide it well, but Raven’s… Raven’s also in love with you.”
Jason said nothing.
“Did you… you tell B about this?” Dick asked, his eyes were on the blue velvet box in Jason’s fingers, something his brother was staring at.
“Why not?”
“Why should I? He’s not my dad.”
“That’s bullshit Jay!”
“No it’s not, the deal is void, and has remained void since I died. I’m only welcomed here when injured or you guys want Raven,” Jason sneered, and Dick sighed. Well, fuck, a few years of trying to bond with Jason hadn’t changed anything. Yet. Dick would get it through to his little brother.
“You know that’s not how it works, right?”
“Yeah it is.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Why did she bond with you?” Jason asked him suddenly. This jolted Dick from wanting to go yell at B, and he looked at the little ring box in Jason’s hands.
“It’s not like she wanted to, she did it to save me.”
“Guess that’s what Raven does,” Jason muttered.
“Save our sorry asses,” Jason said humorlessly. Dick snorted.
“Why’d you put pink diamonds on the ring?” Dick asked.
“It’s her favorite color,” Jason answered as if that was obvious, and Dick stared at his brother for a moment.
“For sharing a soul bond with my girlfriend you don’t know that much about her, do you?”
“I know what she wants me to know.”
“That’s clearly nothing. Pink has been, and will forever be, her favorite color and she will kill you before admitting that,” Jason stated solemnly.
“I thought her favorite color was blue.”
“It’s a gorgeous ring, Jay, she’ll like it.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I happen to have a soul bond with her and she loves you, ridiculously so. Until I found out you two were together I couldn’t ever figure out what made her so happy.”
“Yeah, well, do me a favor and don’t tell her or hint to her about the ring,” Jason said.
Dick saw it then, the look of Jason prepping himself for rejection and Dick wanted to scream at his younger self, and B. He also wanted to fix all the mistakes he had made when Jason was small and felt unwanted; he clearly hadn’t outgrown that.
“You know she’ll say yes.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
“Just take her on a romantic night, get down on a knee and ask her!” Dick teased, Jason looked mortified at the sentence. Still, Dick wanted Jason to stop thinking Rae would reject him, because Dick doubted Raven would ever reject Jason. Best way to get his little brother’s mind off of this was to have him mortified at some dramatic gesture.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Time Travel...
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Raven tugged on her hat as she stood in Gotham,  Robin was beside her; no, Damian was beside her and she gasped when he yanked her into an alley as a blimp flew overhead, and they frowned.
“Where the hell are we!?” Damian hissed.
“The better question is when, not where, this is Gotham,” she said and they resumed walking after the blimp flew away.
“This isn’t right,” Damian said as they walked.
“No shit,” she growled.
“You have hung around Hood too much.”
“He’s my fiancé,” she snapped irritably. Really! She and Jason had been practically joined at the hip since they had officially become friends. Since then they had done EVERYTHING together when they weren’t apart; of course she had picked up some of Jason’s more sassy and snappy habits.
Raven picked up a news paper.
“Fuck.” She muttered.
“What?” Damian peered over her shoulder.
“We’re in the future,” she answered as she shoved the paper to him and continued walking.
There was deafening crash in the alley behind them which had her and Damian pausing. She looked at the taller Robin then they both turned ever so slowly around and stared behind them as there was a blur of yellow, red and green, she looked at Damian, and he drew his sword as he rushed to the blur. Raven drew herself into the shadows as she rose.
The fight ended the moment she slammed into it with Damain as she puled shadows around them and slammed them out shoving the attackers off the red, yellow, and green of Robin and dropping them into the ground.
“What the!?” the girl sputtered.
“Enough,” Raven snarled as she opened her four red eyes, which had the attackers scrambling away.
“You’re Robin,” Damian stated as he sheathed his weapon.
“Your… you’re…”
“Robin,” a voice said and Raven looked upwards to where Dick was. “Raven? D… Robin!?” Dick sputtered and there was a crash as Dick landed gracelessly then Raven found herself wrapped up in a tight hug from Batman which had her blinking.
“What…!? No, come on, we’ll talk more,” Dick said and suddenly there was a car pulling around the corner and stopping. Raven stared at it, and Dick pulled Damian and the new Robin to the car, Raven pursed her lips, and folded her arms.
“I’ll meet you there,” she said and walked into the shadows.
“Rae!” Dick shouted, but she had someone she wanted to see, based off of Dick’s reaction. She felt the familiar pull of his emotions, and she walked through the shadows for him, as she focused on him.
“What’s going on Bats’?” she heard his gruff voice when she walked into the Cave behind him.
“Just… remain calm!” Dick’s voice ordered.
“I’m guessing I disappeared on you,” she said softly. And then the world stilled as he turned to her, his eye wide, there were tears gathering in it.
She took a moment to take him in. He had lost an eye, obvious because he was wearing an eye patch, he appeared to also have a prosthetic leg, he was missing a few fingers, a hideous J was carved into his cheek right below his missing eye, and there were new scars. Slowly she walked towards him and his eye pulsed dangerously green, as it shown in the blue light of the monitors.
“Jason,” she breathed as she reached for him.
“You’re… you’re… you’re not real,” he whispered softly.
“I’m… I’m here,” she promised as she gingerly put her finger tips on his scar.
“Wh-Where were you?” he said as he caught her fingers.
“Lost,” she answered.
She gasped as he yanked her onto his lap and his head rested on her chest as he slid his arms tightly around her.
“I missed you,” he trembled as she wrapped her arms around him and she slid her hands through his shaggy hair as she pulled herself securely around him.
“I missed you,” she replied, because she could only imagine what the hell he had survived as she kissed his head and held onto him tighter, his hands fisted in her clothing and she gasped when he pulled away and kissed her hard, and chastely as if it was the Cubs game again.
“Raven… I…” Jason started.
“I’m sorry, and when I get home I’ll never leave you, ever again.,” she promised as her eyes traced over the scars and slowly she sat back on his lap. Jason’s arms stayed around her.
“You…” he started and she felt a pain radiating from his chest, a physical pain which had her looking at him, and hesitantly she undid the first button of his shit, he didn’t stop her, he just watched her face. She slid his shirt open and what she was greeted by were not the usual scars, the autopsy or otherwise. What she stared at was his sigil that was carved into his chest, skinned, and skin grafted, slowly she traced that new mark on him. Her eyes flicked to his, his white streak flopped in his eye and she leaned over him.
“I’m Killing The Joker When I Get Home,” she whispered the promise as the headlights came in, and she used her magic to do up his shirt as she felt his unease.
“I… I love you, little bird.” he said.
She smiled as she yanked him to her as she kissed him hard. “I love you too, handsome,” she promised when she pulled away, and slowly he smiled. Almost shyly.
“Who is that!?” the new Robin shouted.
“Carrie, this is… Raven, Jason’s Raven,” Dick said as he pulled off his cowl.
“And who’s the Robin,” she asked making herself at home on Jason’s lap, her fiancé’s arms slid around her in a familiar way, and she looked at the new Robin.
“This is Carrie, Carrie Kelley.” Dick answered.
The girl stared at her in awe and Damian scowled.
“Can someone please tell me what happened to Raven and I!?” Damian shouted in frustration then.
“I’ll fix it,” Raven said as she pressed herself securely to Jason, not sure if she wanted to let him go, or if he wanted to let her go. But she would not let him suffer, not like this, when she got home she was killing the Joker, because she knew that’s who tortured Jason like this.
Her lover pressed his nose into the crook of her neck and she closed her eyes as she held him tighter and held onto him.
“This is so cool! You’re legendary!” Carrie said as she bounced over to her, and Raven chuckled humorlessly as she looked at the younger girl.
“Carrie, this is the authentic Queen of Hell,” Jason’s voice was gruff and thick with emotions that she could completely label and she carded her fingers through his hair.
“The Raven who saves Robins!” Carrie declared.
“Birds of a Feather,” Raven and Dick mused humorlessly and she felt Dick’s love and sorrow and joy at this moment as she dared to look up at Dick then.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Duke groaned when his phone rang. Groping for it he shoved Claire off him and answered.
“Hello?” he yawned.
“I’m drunk,” a smoky monotone.
Duke blinked rapidly, quickly placing the voice as he sat up in his bed.
“Raven?” he sputtered. Jason, his older (in denial about his position in the Batfamily) brother’s long time, steady, live in girlfriend who the family had come to adore. Duke would admit it, it had taken one movie night and Raven had them all falling for her, Dick, Tim, and Damian had already known her since they were all in the Titans. But Raven even had B liking her, and B did not like meta humans, aliens or powered people of any sort; Raven was a demon and open about this heritage.
“Who else?” she slurred and hiccupped at the end of that. He just blinked.
“It’s Duke.”
“No, I called Dickhead,” she said.
“Rae, it’s Duke,” Duke said.
“Huh… it is?” she sounded baffled by this and he was getting out of his bed, leaving his secret girlfriend asleep as he rummaged around for pants; he was in NYC right now, so he could go get Raven and be back without hassles.
“I was calling Dick,” she slurred.
“It’s okay, I’ll be there, where are you?” he asked.
Raven rattled off a bar name, and he googled it as he walked out of the hotel room. two wrong stops, a wrong turn, and a lost cabbie later he was there and he saw Raven standing on the curb swaying as she held her purse and a knife, she looked so small! Duke had rarely seen Raven alone, and now she was here, and she was tiny, smaller than Cass.
“Heyya, Rae,” Duke smiled as he walked towards her.
“I called Dick,” she slurred.
“Why didn’t you call Jay?” Duke chuckled as he helped his brother’s girl stay upright then called a cabbie.
“I mad at him,” she said determinedly.
“What’d he do now?”
“Got shot and didn’t tell me,” she answered.
Duke stared dumbly down at her and thought this over. He didn’t really know Jason, not like he kne Dick, Tim, Damian, Cass and Steph, but he did know from EVERYONE that Jason did not tell people when he was wounded. Duke had thought that was just Jason’s reluctance to be a part of the family, but it sounded more serious now if he didn’t tell Raven, his girlfriend about it.
“Where’s Jay now?”
“Oh, in Austrailia, Arty promises he good,” she smiled.
“So he was shot on Outlaw work?”
“Biz told me,” she hiccupped as he loaded her up. The cabbie gave him a suspicious eye and he glared back.
“Brother’s girl, taking her home,” he defended as he sat there.
“Dick is an ass,” Raven decided.
“What did Dick do?” Duke asked in confussion knowing that Dick was the one she was originally trying to call.
“He didn’t answer his phone,” she slurred as she slumped on his shoulder. Duke wondered if she knew she had dialed him and not Dick. No matter, he picked up her purse, pulled her keys out as he felt her sleeping beside him. His eyes were growing heavy and he saw the cabbie starting to slump. Fuck! She was an empath! He quickly shook the cabbie awake and then nudged Raven awake.
“I didn’t do it!” she yelped which had the cabbie yelping when a mirror broke, Duke caught her wrists and had her looking at him.
“We’re good Rae,” he promised.
“You’re nice, we should hang out more,” she decided with a hiccup which had him chuckling. They pulled up to Jason’s building and Duke got out, then pulled Raven to him, she tripped so he hoisted her up as he got the keys and opened the building.
“Why don’t we hang out?” she slurred.
“Because you’re never around.”
“Hm… I must get Jason there more often, he make B happy,” she sighed.
“You care about B’s happiness.”
“No, but he make Jay happy.”
“I thought Jason was an ass,” he said.
“I’m mad at him. but I love him, want him happy,” she sighed. “Like Dick!”
“I don’t think anyone’s that happy.”
“Oh, Dick not happy, but he happy with family.”
“Why isn’t Dick happy?”
“Babs broke him. She broke her too. Don’t tell. Broken hearts no fun,” Raven decided.
“Jason ever break yours.”
“Yes. But he fix it. With duct tape.”
“Oh God. So many questions,” Duke said. He had a weird image of Jason successfully taping Raven’s heart together with duct tape, which was humorous and concerning.
“You should tell Claire you love her,” Raven yawned as she snuggled against his shoulder, he just about dropped her on the stairs then in shock.
“I feel it. You should tell her. she nice, I think. She not a bitch, like Kate. Don’t like Kate.”
“Noted, and being a drunk empath I ask you not to tell Claire about me loving her,” he said.
“Okay, it a secret.”
“What would… what would you do if you loved someone?”
“I love Jason,” she said, and her large, dark eyes were sober then. “I love Jason with everything I have. I tell him. A lot. I always tell him. I think he needs the reminder. He’s not like Dick who always feels loved. I love my angry Robin. I love my Red Hood. Miss him. I’m mad at him, but I miss him. I need to call Dick, he should take me home.”
“You’re home Rae, I got you.”
“Oh! You’re nice. We should hang out more.”
“I’d like that,” Duke admitted.
“Good,” she nodded against his shoulder.
“Can I ask why you were calling Dick?” he said.
“Dick occasionally saves me,” she mumbled.
“And what about Jason?”
“Jason loves me, and always saves me, but I’m mad at him,” she slurred again, and she was out like a light as he fumbled with the locks on her apartment.
He put her on the bed, then texted Claire that he was staying with Raven for the night; just so she didn’t die of alcohol poisoning or something before he fell on the couch. The phone rang and he picked it up.
“Raven!” Dick’s frantic voice filled his ear, and he sighed.
“I got her Dick,” Duke promised.
“Oh good, Jay would kill me if I let her die.”
“I got her,” he promised. And hung up Raven’s phone. A text illuminated the phone then and he stared at Jason’s text to her.
-I know you’re mad at me, and I know you probably went drinking because I would too. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, and I’ll work on that. I love you, call me when you’re sober.
So Jason really did love someone, Duke thought it weird and cute reading that text before he put Raven’s phone back on the coffee table as he shut his eyes.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Stephanie was a wild card, and Raven frown as she was pulled along to a club with the fourth Robin.
The sapphire blue dress barely covered Raven’s ass, the kneehigh boots were uncomfortable, and the black leather jacket she had gotten from her boyfriend was too hot for the Raven’s long hair was drawn up, and she felt exposed.
“Come Rae!” Stephanie giggled.
“I’m not sure this is a good idea,” she said to the current Batgirl.
“This is fine, it’s not like we’re doing anything bad!” Stephanie grinned at her.
“You know Jason gets the exact same smile before we’re usually neck deep into trouble,” Raven observed.
“No he doesn’t, now come on, we’re undercover!” Stephanie pulled her along as the bouncer checked their fake IDs but waved them in when his eyes leered over them, she could still feel them on her ass as she walked after Stephanie.
Tonight was simple, she and Stephanie had been roped into going undercover in a club to lure a local mobster dirt bag out who had a thing for threesomes with girls WAY too young for him. Cass would have come in her stead but the Bats had a legitimate worry of Cass reading the situation, being uncomfortable and starting a brawl. Raven had been volunteered in Cass’s place by Stephanie, who had said that she was good under pressure.
Raven had been so stunned when the suggestion had left Stephanie’s mouth that she hadn’t had a chance to say anything different before she found herself being dressed up and painted up for the opp. She had gotten the crash course; despite Bruce’s obvious dislike of this situation, from Bruce himself as to what the objective was. And Barbara had reluctantly loaded her into the Bat’s system.
This was because of Jason, Raven knew that as her boyfriend was probably to blame somehow. It was his family that had crashed into their lives, and now Raven was getting dragged along by Bats. No, technically she was being dragged around by Robins. There was a difference she supposed.
If Bruce, Barbara and Kate had it there way then Raven would have been sealed in Hell long ago.
But Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Damian, and even Duke (shockingly) had rallied to her defense and said she wasn’t a monster. Now she was here, to be a monster.
Her eyes flicked over the crowd as she felt the club pulsing with the lust, intoxication, and energy, which had her head pounding. However she pushed that to the side as her eyes narrowed on the target.
‘BG, this is not a party, we are here for work!’ Barbara’s voice sliced through the comms.
“Got it killjoy, now chill, we’re on the case,” Stephanie responded and smiled as she took her hand.
Raven held onto Stephanie’s hand as she hurried with the blonde through the crowd.
“So we’ll get him to come with us, then knock him out and…!” Stephanie said.
“I got an easier way,” Raven said then, and Stephanie stopped, blinking her blue eyes rapidly.
“Watch and learn, little Robin!” Raven smiled as she walked through the crowd and her eyes narrowed on the pig. The man was disgusting, easily three hundred pound tub of lard, he was disgusting with his greasy hair slicked back, and his beady eyes gleaming as his mouth curved as she sauntered over.
Raven was repulsed by the lust she felt from him, and she slowly filtered that away as she walked by, the man caught her wrist as she was about to pass and slowly she curved around him.
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing here unattended?” the Russian asked.
“Girls night out,” she answered as she leaned over him. She could almost see his lust as she felt it, and slowly she let the demon’s nature slip from her fingers as she toyed with the emotions slowly.
“Is that so?” he mused.
“Uh-huh, me and my best friend,” she giggled as she let Happy out to play the front today. Stephanie bounced over to her, and Raven felt Stephanie’s disgust then.
“HeyyaRae-Rae! Whatcha doin’!?” Stephanie asked with her bubbly persona in place.
“Just chattin’ with this gentleman!” Raven giggled as she stood.
“Another pretty girl!” the Russian observed. Raven felt it then as she sealed his emotions as her puppet and she had him. Hook, line, sinker.
“Wanna join our party then big fella!?” Stephanie asked, leaning down so the man could oogle her breasts.
“Yes,” he licked his lips.
“Come with us then,” Raven purred in his ear before she was up, and the man trailed after them as a harmless puppy.
Raven shoved the man back in the wall, which had him grunting as her red eyes pulsed and the shadows quivered for her. Stephanie had her mask on.
“We know you’re smuggling girls in from Russia, how!?” Stephanie demanded as she slammed her knee into the man’s gut. “Talk!”
“There’s an easier way to do this,” Raven sighed.
“Rae, don’t do it!” a voice warned which had her tilting her head up to see Dick above her as he fell down the buildings into the alley.
“It’d be so easy though,” she sighed to Nightwing who landed in the alley.
“Don’t,” he warned her.
“Fine,” she threw her hands up.
“What was she going to do?” Stephanie asked.
“Empath, I could break him and make him talk,” Raven explained.
“Oh? Oh! Is that… huh? Can you teach me that!?” Stephanie giggled as she dropped the man.
“No, it’s not really a learn thing.”
“Raven!” Dick snapped.
“He’s breathing and all yours Nightwing,” she sighed as she waved off Dick and walked with Stephanie.
“You’re good at this,” Stephanie said.
“Empath, difficult not to be.”
“So, I’m just curious, before you and Jay were a thing, did you have a thing for Nightwing?” Stephanie asked.
“He does have that terrific ass,” Raven said sweetly.
“I knew it!” Stephanie gasped. Raven smiled as she walked with Stephanie. “Raven, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship! And you’re totally in love with my brother so I mush be your friend!”
“Birds of a feather, must stick together,” Raven decided.
“It’s a Robin and Raven thing,” Stephanie decided.
“Probably. And next time, we should get Nightwing to go undercover at a strip club!” Raven suggested.
“You have been hanging around Red Hood WAY too long.”
“Have Not!”
“You’re practically married to him.”
“Am Not!” Stephanie roared with laughter at that.
40 notes · View notes
airilymusing · 6 years
Day 5, Cuddling, is here!
22 notes · View notes
airilymusing · 6 years
Tumblr is being a pain in the butt with my formatting, so if you’d rather not mess around with that, here’s the link to my entry to day 1 of RobRae Week 2018 on AO3. 
22 notes · View notes