#romani au
angellilou-art · 3 months
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End of the fight 💧
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theneonflower · 1 year
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[fate au] 💖
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hersheysmcboom · 4 months
Every reason au
When they were young Wanda and pietro were kidnapped and separated, Wanda was turned into a black widow while pietro was trained by hydra, their both eventuality sent to kill a mutant in Spain with the power to control metal
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suguruslut · 4 months
When Dick gets in a fight at school after being called a racial slur, Bruce dives into researching about how to help his child deal with racism, learning a lot about his son's identity (and his own) in the process.
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[Image Description: Colored drawing of Ocarina of Time Adult Link (Bean) and Majora's Mask Link (Forest). Bean is looking up at a butterfly with a smile, reaching to let it land on his finger. He has a case for the Ocarina of Time and the sage medallions hung on his belt. Forest has a hand on his hip, looking to the side. He wears a tattered green tunic and a blue vest. He has scars based on the Fierce Deity markings, and flowers in his hair. End ID]
I decided to adjust my ootinks a little, I realized I COULD pull oot adult Link if I wanted to because I make the rules. SO Forest has been deaged to 11 and "Grasshopper" is now Bean, and both younger AND older. Same personalities, just messed with their ages
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creamecafe · 2 years
Low-key thinking of making a Romani!Gratiela!Wanda Maximoff x Reader fanfic bc idk if anyone has made one. Should I guys?
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nerissalmao · 3 months
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I don’t know exactly what it would entail, but imagine a version of Hellfire but it’s Esmeralda singing it about Frollo. Yes, a total crack idea, but given all the female covers of the song online I think it would work well with a female voice. And also the pure concept of a role reversal like that would be chilling. Like yes we know how kind Esmeralda is, but what if we just bent that personality a liiiitle bit and she sings her own version about him? You know, for uhm scienceeee..
Ignore the awful eye editing on my gothic more sinister looking Esmeralda thing I made for this AU, I used an effing “vampire maker” and expected it to have green eyes. Womp womp, Nerissa, womp womp.
But uhm yeah VILLAIN ESMERALDA, people.
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darksaiyangoku · 10 months
RWBY/Swords of Fate: Arc Kingdom
Chapter 1 - The Omen
Fairy tales. Myths. Legends. Stories with dashing heroes and sinister villains. Many of these tales share a common source and many diverge from their original tellings. No two versions of one story are ever exactly the same. They evolve, shift and adapt. This is one such a story. In two worlds of aura and magic, there was a young man who desired fo cherish and protect. He never imagined that he would be the one to pull the legendary sword from the stone. With that simple choice, he carved a new path for himself; the path of a hero and the path of a king. And so begins the story of the Arc Kingdom.
—1st June 734 AGW, Remnant - Kingdom of Atlas, Solitas—
Jaune and his team threw off their thick coats as soon as they entered Atlas Academy. Even in the summer, the bitter cold of Solitas still packed a punch. The heat from the generators hit them like a truck. Team JNPR all hummed delightfully as they welcomed the warmth.
Jaune: Woah man!! That's muuuuch better!
Nora: Ahhhhhh!!! It's good to be out of the cold.
Pyrrha: Oh my. *looks around* this place is magnificent!
Ren: *nods* It is remarkable indeed.
The inside of the building had royal blue marble floors, with ivory white walls, pictures of the various locations of Solitas and the alumni of Atlas Academy Huntsmen and Huntresses. Walking down the corridor was the headmaster of the school, General James Ironwood, sporting a five o'clock shadow. Accompanying him were two new faces. One of them was a young man with auburn hair, green eyes and who wore a white coat over an emerald green suit. Next to him was another man with long, white hair, light purple eyes, wearing dark purple suit.
James: Team JNPR, welcome to Atlas Academy. *smiles* It's great to see you again after so long.
Pyrrha: It's great to see you too, Headmaster Ironwood. Are you enjoying your summer break?
James: *chuckles* As much as I'd like to, I unfortunately can't. There's always work to be done if we want to stop the threat of the grimm.
Ren: Evil truly never sleeps, huh?
James: And neither do huntsmen and huntresses.
Jaune: *raises hand* Um, Headmaster? Who are your friends with you?
Dr. Roman: Oh sorry about that, *chuckles* I was waiting for Jimmy here to introduce us. I'm Dr. Romani Archaman, from Vacuo. Most of the students here just call me Dr. Roman. It's very nice to meet you.
Nora: Hi there, doc!
Dr. Merlin: And you may call me Dr. Merlin. I'm an old friend of Ozpin's. It's a pleasure to meet you all.
Pyrrha: Very nice to meet you too. *smiles*
Dr. Roman: James has told us so much about you and Team RWBY. I heard that you all managed to fight back against a grimm invasion in Beacon. That's insane!
Jaune: *chuckles* Well, that's a little exaggerated-
Dr. Roman: Not at all! For first year students to fight back, let alone survive is a fantastic achievement! You should all be proud of yourselves!
Ren: *shakes head* We were just doing our jobs as huntsmen and huntresses. Making sure everyone got out of there alive.
James: And it was thanks you, RWBY, SSSN, ARBN and the other students from all the academies that countless lives were saved that day. It's no small achievement, it was heroic. For that, I thank you. *bows*
Jaune: Well... uh... we're always ready to help out when needed.
James: I'm glad to hear that, because it's time I showed you what I, Roman and Merlin have been working on. Come with me.
Team JNPR followed James and the two doctors down the corridor. They approached the elevator and entered inside. Team JNPR noticed that below the buttons to all the floors was a keyhole. From his pocket, James took out a key and placed it in the keyhole, twisting it. The elevator started to go down and Nora's eyes sparkled with excitement.
Nora: Are we going to a secret basement?
Dr. Merlin: *chuckles* Something like that.
The further they went, the more ominous it felt. Pyrrha felt her skin crawl. She was reminded of what happened one year ago when she was led underground back at Beacon.
Jaune: *holds Pyrrha's hand* Are you okay?
Pyrrha: *shakes head* Not really. But thanks, Jaune. *smiles*
The elevator finally stopped and the door opened. As they stepped out, what they saw was almost otherworldly. The room was lit by a brillaint blue light. At the center was a large, blue holographic sphere floating above them. Surrounding it were several silver pillars. Team JNPR were in awe.
James: Team JNPR, I give you Project Arcadia.
Nora slowly walked ahead of her team and gazed at the sphere. She noticed something oddly familiar about it. There were shapes that looked just like the landmasses she saw on the maps of Remnant.
Nora: Is that Sanus? Anima? Menagerie? Solitas?
Dr. Roman: To answer all of that, yes. You're looking at Remnant.
Dr. Merlin: Though to be more accurate, it's a Remnant. But not your Remnant.
Nora: Wait what?
Pyrrha: I'm sorry?
James: What you're looking at here is another Remnant, one of many.
Jaune: One of many? As in like a multiverse?
James: Precisely.
Ren: Why would you have a projection of another Remnant down here? What's going on?
Dr. Merlin: *raises hand* I believe I can explain that. A few months ago, I had a vision of a great disaster that would befall the other Remnant. *deep sigh* Ozpin was dead... and the Kingdom of Vale had fallen. Nothing leff but ruins and scorched earth.
Team JNPR: What?!
Dr. Merlin: Yes, dead. At the hands of the dark witch, Salem. I believe you've heard of her?
Jaune: We've heard of her alright. She's an old enemy of Ozpin's. Ever since he's told us about the history between them, he's been training us to fight her.
Dr. Merlin: That's Ozpin for you. He's made the right decision.
Nora: O-Ozpin's gonna die? And Vale will... burn?
Dr. Merlin: That might be what the vision showed me, but I'm determined to avoid that fate as much as possible. This is where you four come in.
James: When Merlin told me of his vision, he mentioned that Salem gathered a group of rogue mages. Their magic was enhanced by a special Relic, of sorts; The Holy Grail.
Team JNPR: *eyes wide*
Dr. Roman: According to Merlin, this Relic is supposed to grant miracles. Perform feats of magic unattainable even for the most powerful mage. But if his vision comes true, that means Salem would get her hands on it.
Dr. Merlin: One way to avert this disaster would be to destroy the Grail. If that happens, Salem would be weakened. She could still be a formidable threat, but not enough to be invincible.
Pyrrha: Hold on... you want us to stop her, don't you?
Dr. Merlin: I'm afraid so. This is what Project Arcadia is; a form of multiverse travel.
James: *points to pillars* These are known as Coffins. Merlin and I were able to combine science and magic and use it for a new form of technology called Rayshifting. It transforms your body, breaking it down into its soul form, known as a Spritron. Once that's completed, you are then transferred into the universe. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work.
Dr. Merlin: As this is a prototype, we cannot physically send you to this alternate Remnant. Instead, we can send your conciousness into the body of your alternate self.
Team JNPR couldn't believe what they were hearing. This wasn't an ordinary mission. Jaune was trembling.
Jaune: Wait a second... I don't get it. Why do you need us to help you with this mission? What's so special about us?
Dr. Merlin: Those are fair questions, my boy. In the vision, Ozpin was surrounded by the bodies of knights. Among those were you, your Team and Team RWBY. Clearly, he sees great potential in all of you. Why else would he train you to fight Salem? Or choose one of you to be the host of the Fall Maiden?
Pyrrha: How did you-?
Dr. Merlin: Nothing gets past me, Miss Nikos. *smirks*
Jaune: *slowly backs away*
Pyrrha: Jaune!
Nora: Woah there! *gently grabs him*
Ren: Do you mind if we think about this for a moment?
Dr. Roman: Of course. We understand that we're asking a lot from you. Take one of the vacant dorms and rest up for the night.
Pyrrha: Thank you, Dr. Roman. Come on, let's go.
[Atlas Dorm]
Jaune sat on his bed and stared at the ceiling. The more he stared, the more he could feel an overbearing weight on his chest. Beside him sat his friends, unsure of what to do.
Pyrrha: Is everything alright, Jaune?
Jaune: *turns to Pyrrha and sighs* I dunno, Pyrrha. I just... this is a lot to take in. I mean, we're talking about a multiverse here! On top of that, they want us to go inside... ourselves to prevent Vale's destruction? That's a lot of pressure!
Nora: You're telling me. I mean, they expect us to just drop everything and say 'yes' to this? We're dealing with unfamiliar technology here. What if something goes wrong?
Pyrrha: These are friends of Headmaster Ironwood. Ozpin seems to have put a lot of faith in them. If he trusts them, then so do I.
Ren: Just because Ozpin trusts them, that doesn't necessarily mean we should. Something about Merlin doesn't seem right. For all we know, he could be lying.
Pyrrha: Ren, you're being ridiculous.
Ren: Am I? I don't think it's wise to just take what Merlin is saying at face-value. The fact that they want us for this mission and not have Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang or anyone else join us is pretty suspicious if you ask me.
Pyrrha: Look, I'm not saying that it isn't weird or that we shouldn't be cautious. I agree that something doesn't feel right. But think about it for a moment, what would Merlin have to gain from lying to us? And why would Headmaster Ironwood, a friend of Ozpin's, want to go along with it?
Nora: Agh! This is making me my head spin! Jaune, what do you think we should do?
Jaune: ...I need some air. *promptly leaves the room*
Jaune slid down the wall in complete exhaustion. He felt like he was letting his team down. He was the leader and he knew that they were counting on him to make a decision right now. But he was struggling. No matter how many times Jaune thought about it, there wasn't an easy answer to this. He reached into his pocket and took out his scrollphone. He dialed the number of the one person who understood the most; Ruby. Facing the camera, he waited until he saw her face. He felt a wave of relief upon seeing her again.
Ruby: Hey there, Jaune! How's Atlas?
Jaune: Hi Ruby. Uh, yeah... it's... okay.
Ruby: *frowns* What's wrong?
Jaune: *sighs* It's kind of a long story.
Jaune explained to Ruby about the dire situation he and his Team were in. His fingers were trembling so much that he nearly dropped the scrollphone.
Ruby: Hm. That's pretty rough. Do you think you can trust this Merlin guy?
Jaune: I'm not sure. I mean, if this other Remnant's survival hinges on us, shouldn't we go and help it?
Ruby: Well... what does your heart say?
Jaune: *small, nervous chuckle* It says I should go. I've always wanted to help others and protect those who need it. Even if that Remnant isn't my own, I should go and protect everyone there. Heroes go and fight the battles make sure we all live a better tomorrow, right?
Ruby: *giggles* Well if that's what you feel, then you have your answer. Good luck, Jaune and tell the others that too.
Jaune: Thanks Ruby. You're the best.
Ruby: *shakes head* No, you're the best. Make sure you come back in one piece, we still need to hang out at the Sweet Shack. *giggles*
Jaune: You can count on that, no problem. See you, Ruby.
Ruby: See you, Jaune.
Jaune hung up the scrollphone and held it close to his chest. Seeing Ruby made his heart flutter. He put his scrollphone away and opened the door to come back inside, only to see Nora, Ren and Pyrrha tumbling onto the floor.
Jaune: What the?! Were you guys evesdropping?
Nora/Pyrrha: ...no?
Jaune: Even you, Ren?
Ren: ...I got curious.
Jaune: *shakes head* Never mind. Look, I think we should help out Merlin and Ironwood. We all signed on to be huntsmen and huntresses. That means we do everything we can to save people from grimm and other evils. It'd be pretty irresponsible to just back out.
Pyrrha: That's a very mature decision, Jaune. I'm with you.
Nora: You can count me in too. If we can handle an invasion in our world, then a witch from another world is no problem at all.
Jaune: Ren?
Ren: I still think something's off about this... but if you feel it's the right thing to do, then I'm with you all the way.
Jaune: Thanks guys. *smiles* Now come on, we've got a cup to destroy!
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When you really got nothing to do but getting on nerves of reincarnation of your ex-boss. UPD: fixed the writing in the bottom. It looked a little off.
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martiederi872 · 1 year
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Jean and Wanda, my favorites. it's a pity that there are so few fanfiction and art with them
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angellilou-art · 2 months
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Angel and Demon in the sky ✨💫
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theneonflower · 2 years
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[fate au] hug for father
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So there’s this new fanfic I read that’s a FrankenStan story called “I’m not Victor Frankenstein” and I’ve been utterly obsessed with it since it came out lol
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the8thsphynx · 2 years
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[FGO OC x Canon]
“GAH--?! Ah, Lord River, you’re back to full health! And... surprisingly s-s-strong... UHM, I-I’m glad!!”
“All thanks to you and your gifted mind! I thought I was at death’s door, but your treatment brought me back to the light! How can I ever repay you--... Oh, are you falling ill, as well, Doctor? You’ve grown warm and your face is so red...”
“Th... this sort of thing should be reserved for some young maiden, right...?”
In the Fate OC Server there was the idea a long time ago to have your pairing in a Royalty AU!
It took me some time to finish, but here's Royal Physician Romani getting swept off his feet by the charming young Duke River!
(do not repost w/o permission)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 11 months
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(from here)
@questiontocertaintyofreality @whywoulditho ooo lemme do a little promo post to put in the REN tag because the fic makes me happy
Fair warning that as of writing this post, the fic is currently unfinished. I know some people are hesitant to start fics in light of that, but even if a fic remains unfinished my general perspective is to proceed forward and appreciate what an author did share of their work and play around with the little plot bunnies that spring forth in my head.
With that said, some snippets and ramblings (spoilers, natch):
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I've said this numerous times before how I'll give more leeway to individual short comics with the hyperbole being used to quickly and clearly deliver a punchline with a limited amount of time and space (like in the chapter 91 "Hayflick Effect" → "Hey! Flick!" bonus comic), but I hate when Emma is stripped of all her nuance to facilitate familiar shipping formulas. I understand how this snowballs from innocuous offhand jokes in the fandom, but it's unfortunate when these things overtake popular perception of her. She's emotionally intelligent and cunning (we see this early on when she's brazen enough to muse what Conny's up during her confrontation with Isabella in the hallway, all while keeping up the most cheerful front), so I always enjoy reading fic that keeps that balance in mind.
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Beautiful, a simply beautiful exchange of greetings.
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The preestablished Noremma is absolutely delightful. Another thing thing I've mentioned before is my dislike of Norman being extremely uncharacteristically nebbish or aggressively confident and suave when pursuing relationships that' works in tandem's usually packaged with Emma becoming bizarrely demure. Again, I understand the appeal of stock scenarios, but it's not something I enjoy reading for them. I adore when they reach this level of knowing, playful banter with an underlying thrum of challenge, bred of familiarity at which boundaries can be teasingly skirted and which are low blows and off-limits, and founded on them being equals (after both of them, to different degrees, placed each other on pedestals).
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I generally have two default outlines for how I see REN getting together: all together at once, or NE getting together first before roping Ray into the relationship. Here it's clearly the latter, though with a bit of a twist in that NE isn't as intimately familiar with Ray stemming from a shared childhood, but there is an awareness of him being out there. There's also the layer of longing that I personally vibe with for him and incorporate into my interpretation of the ship that can be summed up as "Ray is first to know, last to go, and Emma is last to know, first to go." (Because when there’s something she wants and believes it’s correct to do so, she just goes for it. There might be some delay in trying to find the correct timing, but the progress on it dramatically picks up when she realizes, "wait, why aren’t we together? We should fix that." lfjldj adore that respectful tenacity and ambition.)
With Ray, there's a denial born from years of steeling away his heart so he would have the mental fortitude to see off multiple children on their shipment days and a bone-deep belief that after everything he's done, he doesn't deserve such love. He is committed to the vow he makes to Emma in chapter 38 about living on to protect their family, and multiple times he's at the center of discussions what's the best path forward to secure the safety of his friends and family. He can be in the spotlight for that, but when it comes to advocating for his own wants, he falters; accepts that internal strife born of self-loathing as penance for everything he's done to reach this point, prostrates himself to the idea that Emma and Norman are beyond him when it comes to matters of the heart, and attempts to twist and contort to himself he's content to live the remainder of his days with this secret if it means they'll be happy together. (I'll also do a quick shoutout to @salsae's vowsverse for the ultimate breaking down of this wall; simply spectacular culmination of all the build-up over the years.) But all this is underlined by a desperate clinging to the hope that a future with them is possible, a hope that he would never dare put to words but still subconsciously lingers as he tries to extinguish it.
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Tying that long tangent back around to this AU, again, Ray doesn't know the two as intimately as he does in canon, but there's a spark of hope at the thought of a different future for himself that he wrestles with, griping over the ludicrousness at the pair's goal and fighting them tooth and nail with each step of their approach, yet he's still the one to initiate their game and can't help but want to meet them to see if there's a foundation where his hope can bloom.
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Finally, I am going to McFuckin' Lose It™ if the reveal that Ray is the son of the kingdom's enemy happens in the middle of Norman holding court (either with Emma and Norman knowing beforehand or it being a surprise for them, too; both have delicious potential.)
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mako-neexu · 10 months
i need a romani archaman visual novel or his own game im willing to delete my fgo account haha
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