#rona fic
loumand jodhaa-akbar au when
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lauronk · 8 months
can i make a fic about jellyfish just as long as a fic about plants?
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well i'm sure as shit gonna try
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chipthekeeper · 1 year
what is you favorite super subtle velcinta moment that makes you want to chew glass?
Okay so we know in episode 8 when they're in the cafe and we get the scene that fully rewired my brain? "I'm a mirror, Vel" etc and then our second hand-holding moment? It's the moment right after that. Vel's looking out at Bix and Brasso when she feels Cinta take her hand and then looks back at her but Cinta is also looking out across the street. They're there for a stakeout after all, makes sense for that to be where her eyes go.
As soon as Vel looks out again Cinta looks right at her.
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It's so quick and so subtle and barely even in focus but it's there and it makes me crazy just how much emotion is in that one little moment. Along with that hand hold in general it's the moment that makes me just go "??????" when people try to claim that Cinta doesn't actually care about Vel or love her, because to me this is the CLEAREST indication that she does. Even after she's sort of cold and chastising, SHE is the one to take Vel by the hand and send a clear message that they're still connected, that there's still affection there even if it's not as much as Vel would want. And she may not be able to look Vel in the eye for that moment because she needs her to focus and because "the mirror hurts" as Diego Luna would say, but she can't help but look at her when she turns away again. She can't help it because that's her love.
I dunno, I don't think I'm explaining it as well as I meant to but it really is a subtle thing in their arc that makes me insane. I'll probably never stop finding little bits of this scene that do that, honestly.
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Ohhh okay, I understand a bit better now :D So maybe something like resting your head on Hux, a hand on the cheek, a surprise hug, or a silly attempt at hand holding?
I tried, it's cringey but...blame Miss Rona for screwing me over for a week ;7; Thank you for the suggestions!!!
Tfw you need to reassure your robot...
Your turn for the survivor scavenging had come, and you really weren’t looking forward to it. Thankfully, your friends were not expecting you to go alone, hence why you now walked alongside Dwight.
Well, you had hope for at least a moment.
“Which map is next?” came Dwight’s voice as a whisper, his attention on your pondering expression while your strolling continued.
“We could try for MacMillan. The food there somehow always restocks fast.” You suggested while looking up ahead. “Though we’ll have to be real careful about the traps.”
“Maybe a different place?”
“Yeha, maybe.” you chuckled before returning to your thinking.
“How about Dvarka?” Now Dwight gave his own input, but this specific idea prompted you to stop walking. You turned your head to him, blinking for a few moments.
“There’s nothing worth looking for in Dvarka.”
“Oh.” Dwight gave a slight pout, but his features changed to those of alertness once you resumed your walking. “I figured you’d be the one to know.”
“What makes you say that?” you questioned as Dwight caught up to you.
“Well, you do seem to visit Dvarka a lot.” he began while fumbling with his soiled tie.”A-Aren’t you ever scared of the Singularity?”
“Scared of Hux? Of course-” Hold up; you had to pause for a moment.
Once again, you and Dwight’s walking ceased as you mustered something up. In all honesty, you really weren’t sure how to explain that this robot wasn’t a threat to you. It wasn’t an unnoticed fact, but nobody really knew what was going down between you and Hux. Well, neither did you. 
“I mean…he’s just a robot. An extraordinarily smart one.” you gave a bit of a shrug. “Are you scared of him?”
Such a question was practically rhetorical with the way Dwight stared at you, not a single word slipping from his lips.
“Nevermind.” Another chuckle escaped you before you dug your hand into the stained satchel slung around your body. “Let’s scratch Dvarka off the list, we could maybe head over to Autohaven. Heard the sandwiches are typically tolerable and the Wraith doesn’t seem to mind company as long as he’s left alone.”
“Yeah, we can do that.” Dwight nodded before you carried on with your wandering in the direction you knew would bring you to the Wraith’s realm. And although the journey was silent, save for the world’s environmental sounds, the thoughts in your mind swirled rather loudly.
You wondered just how much Dwight knew about your ordeal with Hux, if anybody knew more about it in fact. Knew that this supposed superior being kept you around for some strange reason. The robot lacked affection and emotions, lacked so much that…there was basically no name for what went on.
“Hey Dwight…can I ask you something?” you finally broke the silence. “Do I really go to Dvarka a lot?”
“Is this a trick question?”
“No, of course not.”
“Well, you do go often. Not even Gabriel goes, and he’s the one who knows all about it.  “Dwight shared. “A-And he brought something to our attention.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s almost like…the Singularity seeks you out. We all assumed it was a one-sided thing on his end. But then we noticed he leaves you alone during trials, even when you’re the Obsession.”
“Saving the best for last, I guess?” you cleared your throat  with a shrug.
“Yeah, but…when he doesn’t find you…” Dwight stuck a finger between his neck and shirt collar rather apprehensively, soon clearing his throat. “There was a time you were called in for a trial and for some reason he came to the camp!”
Dwight then shrunk at the volume of his own exclamation before continuing. 
“The Entity wasn’t very pleased with that.”
You could only nod your head as more thoughts entered your mind, wondering just what other things Hux was up to when you weren’t around. You hoped nothing harmful.
“Do you…” Dwight interrupted your thoughts. “Do you think the Singularity can feel? Like us?”
Good question.
“I’m…I wouldn’t know what to say.”
And while you were deep in thought, you were almost instantly brought back to reality when your shoe collided with a girthy root of some sort. Your body immediately fell forwards as you tried to catch yourself, but to your luck that wasn’t exactly necessary.
You felt Dwight’s arms holding your torso, wrapped tightly around your waist before you were hoisted backwards. Ignoring the compromising position the two of you were currently in, you turned your head to the side with an expression of relief.
“Thanks.” you breathed out, right before Dwight’s prideful expression contorted into a terrified one. So, you turned back to your front, already hearing the sound of machinery furiously whirring in your direction. Now it is your turn to widen your eyes in terror upon taking notice of a robot aggressively rushing your way.
In that instant, you tore Dwight’s arms off of you before positioning yourself in a protective manner. And while Dwight cowered behind you, you shut your eyes and quickly raised your hands in front of you.
“Hux, don’t!”
Before a slash pierced the air in front you, the last thing you were able to hear was the mechanical sounds come to a sudden halt.
After a few moments in which only Dwight;s whispers were heard, you finally opened your eyes to see an oversized scalpel hovering inches from your face. To your luck however, the massive weapon was steadily lowered to the ground.
A shaky breath was released from your body before you cautiously brought your arms down. In front of you stood Hux, dangerously close as his scanners shone red over your face.
He remained that way for more than a few moments, completely fixated on your form, never moving an inch and instead twitching as he recalculated. But that was when Dwight’s voice sounded from behind you.
“Please…don’t hurt us.”
“Hux!” You shouted when the robot attempted going around you, almost flinching at the sound of his name. “Don’t do anything.”
“The insect will suffer!”
“No, Hux! No.” you ordered. “Let him go. For me.”
Dwight gulped at the sight of you handling the robot, praying to the Entity that this being listened to you.
“Please.” you added in a whisper, gingerly reaching out to Hux’s scythe-like limb to place your hand on its non-lethal edge.
Hux’s decision of Dwight’s termination was no doubt firm as could be apparent with the way he somehow glared murder into Dwight. But…you were eventually able to see Hux’s body sag as if in defeat, prompting your shoulders to relax. 
“Here Dwight,” you removed your satchel to hand it over to the man, and he accepted it with trembling hands. “Just go. Don’t worry about me.”
Dwight was hesitant for a second, but he hurriedly scurried away into the fog the moment Hux threateningly lunged at him. You watched him disappear before turning your attention to Hux who you noticed stood erect enough to tower over you.
“Your location was undisclosed after your services to the greater being were done.”
“Can I at least get an apology for nearly getting mauled?” you crossed your arms as Hux surprisingly stepped back to give you some space. “Besides, I didn’t think you’d notice if I went to Dvarka or not.”
“Your thought process was incorrect.” he posited while digging his scythe-like limb into the ground beside you, caging you in just like several other times, but you turned in the opposite direction and began to walk away. Hux rapidly whipped his head in your direction, right before following suit. “Infinitesimal worms can’t reach you there.”
You reached a point in the fog where you found a rock large enough for you to take a seat, so you did just that before Hux loomed over you yet again. 
“Are you gonna kidnap me again and take me to the colony ship?” You blinked up at him, feeling the warmth of his sensors come close to your face the minute he leaned in.
“You shouldn’t taunt me.”
“But I’m not taunting you.” you murmured, internally angry at yourself for smiling at his words of warning. And you just hated how you couldn’t control yourself, bringing your hands up to Hux’s fleshy head with a palm on each side. Right then and there, you felt as Hux’s body limped into your touch, melted in fact.
His machinery almost seemed to cool down, settle down, as his joints gave in and he dropped onto the ground. Even his sensors managed to dim down while he used your lap as his head and torso’s landing platform, but he still used his scythe to remain stable. 
With his sensor block on your chest, your thumbs caressed his organic material before you moved your hands behind his head. You carefully played with each of the instruments that protruded from him, right before you hunched over enough to lay your head on his.  
“What am I supposed to do with you?”
You hated the way you gave into this robot even after his impulses took the best of him.
He despised the tremors his organic matter quivered with every time you held him. Made him feel…like him. And the new stroking on his back…he could almost feel his circuits ready to blow. And to top it all off, you ceased all those actions which caused him to instantly lift his head up at you.
A quiet laugh left your lips before you cradled his head once more, smiling softly at him before leaning down to plant a kiss right in between his two red orbs.
So, Hux assembled the only word he and his inner voice could agree on in response to your question.
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xagave · 2 years
One of the things I'd like to do more of in 2023 is write more fic maybe. I'm not great at it and end up orphaning most of the stuff I write but like. Gotta feed myself in these times lol
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johnnybgoodes · 2 years
if any spelling bee fans still exist out there, check out my fic in progress!! <3
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Deleted my Twitter because it's doing weird shit to my brain. So I'll be talking more here. Ey
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
r/relationship_advice: How Do I Fix This Comments
This post is from the archives of r/relationship_advice where a few months ago u/Blue_Spirit asked the forum for advice on how to fix his strained relationship with his girlfriend, Bai.
Click here to see what advice Blue_Spirit got
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
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I've got slight poo brain tonight but im hggghh thinkign
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
still sick but alive, unfortunately 🤧
#last morning when i got up i wasn't at all sure i'd live to see the release of deadzone lol#since then i've been able to walk and stand up somewhat normally without wanting to cry and/or die#last night i slept more than the two previous nights combined. which still isn't that much but at least i did sleep#i did also wake up so completely drenched in my own sweat (from mild fever going down after i had taken a painkiller for a headache)-#-that i had to get up and dry myself with a towel 😂#and there was a huge wet spot (of sweat) on my bed where i had lied 🙂#i have lost three fourths of my vocal range so i can't e.g. laugh#(not that i've had a whole lot to giggle about these past few days 💀)#i'm bummed out i can't do preparations for my new job#i definitely should've started earlier but i would've had plenty of time this week had i not caught the cold at the stupid festival 🤧#i did not plan this! besides i'm not gonna start working weeks ahead for a job i'm not even getting paid for yet#for the same reason no one can expect me to work while sick for a job i haven't gotten a single penny from#hell even if i WAS paid no one could expecte me to work while sick#so i shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to work on my fic instead of the course plans#which btw i already sort of have because my predecessors gave me practically ALL the material i might need#so all i reallly need to do is change the dates of the course plans and bob's your uncle#but i'd like to also study the material a bit before teaching it so that i'll at least seem like i know what i'm talking about 💀#mom said on the phone that i've managed situations like this before so i will manage this too and she's right i guess but 😭😭😭#but yeah i guess this is some sort of developement from last year when i had the 'rona-#-and felt awful about ordering food/groceries in because ''i don't want to be a bother'' 😂
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randofanficrecs · 1 year
Random fic today is from the えんどろ~! | Endro! (Anime) fandom, Destined Choice by MagicalWishii
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1495 Fandom: えんどろ~! | Endro! (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rona Pricipa O'Lapanesta/Yulia “Yusha” Chardiet Characters: Rona Pricipa O'Lapanesta, Yulia “Yusha” Chardiet, Minor Characters Additional Tags: Romance, One Shot, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Love at First Sight Summary: It’s a special day for Princess Rona. She is to choose one suitor amongst a large group of men for her to marry and live happily ever after.
Things don’t go exactly the way her parents planned, as someone else managed to catch her eye.
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reitziluz · 2 years
sometimes you get a comment on your fic that shines not because it's long, or insightful, or praise - tho it can be that too - but because there's a detail in it that is a beacon that screams that the reader noticed a Very Relevant Thing but fell for your dastardly ruse hook line and sinker -
and suddenly you're writing specifically to pull the rug from under that exact reader's feet
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🤡 😈 🛒 💔 🎯
Okay my brain is still soup but let's give this a try
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
Okay listen sometimes I make funnies, BUT most of the time if I'm cackling to myself while I'm writing it's because one of my many idiots said or did something ironic or dumb or awkward. That being said, both of my current open WIPs have made me laugh while writing them, and that would be the Gary and Maggie teenage AU mess where they're both teenagers with crushes and act accordingly– foolishly– and Being Shelly.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Ah, yeah, you mean the Cian mentions I threw into the Agave + Caroline fic just to mess with you and @our-blood-is-our-ink???
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
So when I used to write Lu, it became this running thing that she had different hair in every fic, and I had a meta about it on the old blog that now I'm too lazy to go dig up. Otherwise though, most of the times you can guarantee at least one scene in a decent length work where I over describe the smell of something. Also I love a good parallel. And I also generally call my characters out for their habits the way a snarky shrink would, so. For all my kids that refuse a professional, congrats, they get me instead and I'm worse. :D
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Contrary to my reputation and to popular belief, I DO have emotions and I do hurt myself when I write. I know December 5th hurt the general audience, but it hurt me too! (and @andtherewerefireworks). Writing Rose's ~yknow~ scene hurt!!
And then I have this one Lyatt fic called Let Her Grow about the day one of their girls moves into her college dorm and I don't know why but it makes me tear up every time I reread it and I definitely shed a tear writing it. What the heck.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Hey Cate, considering I already tagged you, tell if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone owned up to guessing the December 5th ending? Even though... it was labelled... all along. Maybe after Mia was born, when it was clear that it wasn't that. Otherwise there's none that come to mind but I haven't posted series in a while, so.
Thanks Bandit!
Fanfiction Writer Emoji Ask
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blue-dream-rhapsody · 16 days
God, a man shows a perfectly normal amount of concern for my well-being in an unusually dangerous situation ONE TIME and I just never get over it, huh
(To be fair to myself though this is the same guy who said “I thought I recognized your voice” when he was trying to make an outbound call at work and it routed back to me and I’m. Not over that either)
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functionalasfuck · 2 months
Another episode of Rona has AU ideas she does not have the patience to write
This time for Guardian.
After Shen Wei ends up getting recorded in an underground fighting ring while on a case with the SID, Dragon City University’s MMA team finds the video and somehow hounds Shen Wei into becoming an assistant coach.
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grizzersmamma · 8 months
Omg omg omg omg I just read both of your Deamon AU fics???? They are so good!! And beautifully written!!!
please please if not too much trouble, can I please request for that Au?? Maybe like all of 141 meeting each other and Deamon’s for the first time?? I picture Gaz has some kind of bird like a mourning dove or a humming bird and Price has a stronger dog breed- like a Shepard of a sheep bearding dog �� y know something protective?
((sorry if you aren’t taking requests on this, I just wanna say it’s the best thing I’ve read💕💕💕))
Requests are always open! (I just might take a while because I'm slow af lol)
I wanted to get this out this weekend just passed, but I got a fresh 'rona shot on Friday and it took me out with more precision than a sniper bolt to the face jfc. I absolutely adore the thought of Gaz with a little birb (a pretty one ofc), but I'd actually already picked something out for him, so I hope you like it almost as much as your idea. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!
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Summary: John Price has hand picked every member of his Task Force carefully to create the perfect team we have today, even if it hasn't always felt like that.
Notes: Written from Price's POV reflecting on the team's past.
Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x Simon "Ghost" Riley
Series Masterlist: Here
CoD Masterlist: Here
Taglist: @heyitsropi
The first time John met Simon, he was only that, Simon Riley. The Ghost was yet to exist, and in his place, was a young man still full of life. He was friendly enough to the men close to him, but with a weariness toward anyone unknown.  
That caution, of course, extended toward John in the early few days. The first few times they interacted, he was strictly professional, his daemon even more so. The panther would stalk along beside her human, remaining in silence throughout all discussions, coming and leaving as quietly as a shadow. 
But over time, the younger man gradually began to settle. Simon certainly wasn’t the only person in the military to suffer from a rather poor childhood riddled with trauma and pain, and his team were kind enough to never push him too far. He would always maintain a slight distance between himself and the rest of the men on his squad, but he was often quick to smile and joke with them, telling what very well could have been the worst “dad jokes” known to man.  
Both Simon and Elanor seemed to revel in the pained groans his terrible jokes could invoke, smiling innocently as if not understanding why everyone was so upset. It wasn’t a surprise to learn that Simon had a younger brother, he certainly had the annoying-older-brother act nailed down perfectly.  
After a few good missions together, Simon was less reluctant to talk about his family with John in the room, discussing what he planned to get his nephew for Christmas, where he wanted to take his mum out for lunch during leave, and how he was going to get Tommy back for getting a stain on his ManU jersey.  
Simon was a good man and a great soldier, and John was disappointed when the time came for him to return to his own unit. John was to travel up north toward Herefordshire and Simon was to meet with some of their American contacts to help root out a cartel down in Mexico.  
Ghost was not the same person as Simon. He had the same daemon, the same brown eyes, but he was not Simon. He lacked the underlying gentleness in his eyes, and he’d grown to be cold and closed off toward everyone around him, friend or foe.  
If Simon’s daemon had been quiet before, she was dead silent now. Liz would trot over to the cat with a slowly wagging tail and try to greet her, but the panther would just look at her, before slinking off to go rejoin her human. It was heartbreaking to see a daemon who had only just started to come out of her shell become so walled off again.  
Sometimes he wouldn’t even see the animal in the same room and couldn’t help wondering where the daemon could have vanished to. Just seeing a daemon so far away from its human sent a shiver down John’s spine whenever he thought about it, his fingers instinctively curling themselves into the soft fur of his own.  
The reports he had seen about what had happened to Simon to create this Ghost, some of them first-hand from Simon’s own therapist, sent his stomach rolling uncomfortably, and the parts about their treatment of Elanor? He had sweat beading his forehead and Liz pulled into his lap. The rough collie did her best to comfort him, but he could feel her own distress at just the thought of such a thing happening.  
It took well over half a year before Ghost and Elanor were comfortable with turning their backs on John and Liz, and several before they were comfortable working alongside them. The Ghost and his daemon worked alone, but John and Liz were gradually, slowly, at the rate of a melting glacier, becoming an exception to the rule.  
This made it particularly difficult when Ghost was introduced to Soap.  
John MacTavish was, and still is, a loud and confident man. He doesn’t tolerate nonsense and will proudly stand behind his own personal morals and beliefs, even if it’s to the detriment of his professional career. He stands for what’s right, regardless of the consequences, and he’s entirely unapologetic of that fact.  
Soap’s daemon, Gwen, is a perfect match for him. A honey badger, just as unconcerned with the thoughts and feelings of others, and entirely fearless, even when up against daemons easily twice her size. They share a fierce aggression that would have most shaking in their boots, and John has seen firsthand even lions fleeing from their warpath.  
To say that Soap was a bit... much... for Ghost would be an understatement. Soap is so openly friendly with every team he works with, both verbally and physically, and his rather emotional responses to things seem to constantly have the masked soldier on edge.  
Since their first meeting, Soap has learned to reign in his emotions and has matured greatly with the help of experience and the guiding hands of more seasoned soldiers. But several years ago, fresh out of SAS selection, he was far too much for a quiet Ghost who could hardly stand having even John working with him at the best of times.  
While their first meeting didn’t exactly go swimmingly, it ended amicably enough since Soap didn’t seem to take Ghost’s reluctance to socialise to heart. Meanwhile, Ghost just appeared glad to have a break from spending time around someone so bright and bubbly, almost immediately vanishing on a solo mission for a week.  
Kyle was a much safer bet for working alongside Ghost. The young man, while inexperienced, was the top of his class and always eager to learn more. He was like a sponge, soaking up every little piece of advice he’s given and doing his best to apply it to his work. He always asks the right questions at the right times, and always thinks on his words before speaking.  
His daemon, a friendly marbled polecat by the name of Milly, was the first daemon Elanor was willing to open up to. She wasn’t insistent like many of the other daemons in the military, providing the panther with plenty of space, but always choosing to sit beside her, greeting her with a happy chirp. These simple greetings were eventually returned with small nods or pleasant rumbles, and over time, and two daemons fell into the rhythm of being at one another’s side.  
Gaz was always seeking out new things to learn and Ghost had plenty to teach. No matter how difficult the lesson, he would always have the determination to see it through to the end, and his mature, competent nature was gradually winning over the stubborn lieutenant. On the rare occasion where Kyle wasn’t with John, he could be confident that Ghost would have the younger man’s back.  
But Gaz brought more than plain professionalism to their team, he also brought the fun, youthful spark that the group had been missing. His sassy remarks during OPs and cheeky behaviour off the field was worming its way under Ghost’s thick skin, and John could see it in the way his lieutenant began to offer banter of his own in return.  
It was like watching a grizzled old dog interacting with a friendly young pup, slowly relearning what it meant to actually enjoy life here and there. Sometimes Ghost still needed that time to be alone with Elanor, but Kyle and Milly were drawing them out of the dark and back into the light again.  
More often than not the two could be found sitting peacefully together, doing nothing but enjoying the company of their fellow brother in arms. Whether it was eating meals together in private where others wouldn’t see Ghost removing part of his mask, running on the track first thing in the morning to wake themselves up, or claiming the bench under the old tree where they could discuss upcoming schedules or laugh at the young recruits just learning to walk, it was all done by each other's side.  
John could see the pride in Ghost’s eyes whenever Gaz managed to get an upper hand on him in training, he could see how Elanor now greeted Milly with a gentle headbutt, how trust was building between them and their team was solidifying into something unbreakable. Gaz was a loyal man, almost to a fault, but he had awarded that loyalty to John and Ghost and, in return, had been given it back tenfold. 
But the team was yet to be complete, and it wouldn’t be, not until John MacTavish joined them.  
John was admittedly still not certain how well Ghost would take to working so closely with Soap after finding the other man a tad overwhelming the first time, but with Liz’s encouragement and seeing how much Ghost was beginning to come out of his shell, he had no choice but to commit to the selection. Soap’s file reported nothing but constant rapid improvement. He was a talented, driven man, and precisely someone John wanted on his new task force.  
The offer was sent out and immediately accepted.  
Soap and Gaz were, understandably, complete menaces. Two young men eager to prove themselves and have a little fun while they’re at it. They’re thick as thieves and both just as determined to inconvenience John as much as possible while dodging reprimands like the plague. “A bunch of children” he’d called them one day, earning a grunt of agreement from Ghost, Liz and Elanor sharing a look of endless suffering. 
As for the relationship between Ghost and Soap, the best John was hoping for was for them to learn to accept one another, even if that was just enough to be able to put their best foot forward during missions. And it worked well enough, until Las Almas happened. Until Sheperd happened. 
Until Simon happened.  
Years of hiding away, and suddenly it wasn’t Ghost standing before him. It was Simon.  
Soap was looking right at him, and Simon was looking right back.  
Something had changed between them. From the report he got from the two soldiers about the events that transpired he couldn’t tell what, but it was clearly something significant. It had changed them from work colleagues to something far more dangerous. A better man would have nipped it in the bud before it had the change to potentially ruin them, but John has never claimed to be a good man, good men don’t last long in their line of work.  
If he and Gaz are a good team, Ghost and Soap are unstoppable.  
When they think he’s not looking, John has caught how Gwen excitedly jumps around Elanor’s body, learning against the dangerous predator and covering her with affectionate licks. More surprising, is how Elanor returns the behaviour, nipping playfully at the badger’s feet and tussling about on the carpet like a pair of kittens.  
It isn’t until he sees Soap’s bare hand brush through Elanor’s fur that he knows the depth of what they are to one another.  
He just hopes he hasn’t made a horrible mistake.  
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