#rosi's aladdin au
venator-arts · 1 year
guess who updated for the first time in a bajillion years
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(Aladdin AU)
*Alastor the chief advisor of Queen Sera waited for a pimp named Valentino to meet him, standing by Alastor was his assistant Vox, a man who had the ability to hypnotize people which Alastor used to hypnotize the Queen, thankfully Valentino arrived*
Alastor: You are late.
Valentino: A thousand apologies Lord Alastor.
*Valentino bowed and Vox glared at the slimy pimp in disgust*
Valentino: Is this the cave?
*the men men stood in front of a cave that was shaped like a tiger’s head, it made Alastor think of Prince Adam’s beloved pet tiger Lute who would bite anyone who made the young man uncomfortable*
Vox: This is the Cave of Wonders.
Cave of Wonders: Who disturbs my slumber.
Valentino: It is, Valentino.
Cave of Wonders: Only one may enter here, the Diamond in the Rough.
Alastor: What are you waiting for? Go on.
*Valentino slowly approached the cave and when he stepped in the mouth closed crushing Valentino leaving blood and guts everywhere*
Vox: Great, another failure.
Cave of Wonders: Seek me out the Diamond in the Rough.
*the royal guards chased a short blonde young man clutching a loaf of bread with a slightly younger woman running alongside him, they were Lucifer and Charlie, a brother and sister who had to steal to survive*
Lucifer: All this for a loaf of bread.
Captain of the Guards: I will have your hands for a trophy.
*Lucifer ran until he found Rosie, a woman who was friends with their mother, who pulled them into her home until the guards went away, when they Lucifer and Charlie left they sat down while Lucifer tore the bread in half so he could share it with Charlie, but they saw a pair of homeless children who needed food more than either of them did*
Lucifer: You can have this.
*Lucifer handed his half of the bread to the older child*
Charlie: You can have mine too.
*Charlie handed her half of the bread to the younger child, it was another night without food, but the children being fed was more important, Lucifer saw a crowd gathering, it was a princess named Lilith riding into the city seeking the hand of Sera’s beloved son and Prince Adam in marriage*
Guy #1: Another Princess for Prince Adam to reject.
Guy #2: Why doesn't he just pick someone?
Lucifer sighed, Adam was the Prince Heaven, Queen Sera's only child after her husband the King passed away when Adam was still in diapers.
The children from before ran out into the street.
Lilith: Ugh! You little brats!
She went to whip them and Lucifer ran out and took the whip to his arm.
Lucifer: If I were as rich as you, I would be able to afford some manners.
Lilith: Out of my way!
She kicked him into the mud.
Lucifer: Look Charlie! It's not every day you see a horse with two asses!
Everyone laughed.
Lilith glared: You're nothing but a filthy street rat. You'll die a street rat and only your flees will mourn you!
The palace gates closed as Lucifer charged them.
Lucifer: I don't have flees..... Bitch. I hope Prince Adam rejects you.
A few hours later and Princess Lilith was storming out of the room.
Sera: Leaving so ...... Soon?
Lilith had some of her dress missing as she stormed out.
Sera: Adam.....
Adam was sitting by the pond with his pet tiger Lute.
Sera: Adam! Adam! Oh confound it Lute!
Adam: Oh Lute was only playing with that spoiled princess Lilith. Weren't you girl? Hehehe.
Sera did not look impressed.
Sera: Adam my dear, you know the law, you have to get married-
Adam: To someone of royal statues I know. But mom if I do get married one day I want it to be for love.
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123puppy · 2 months
Human RadioApple Aladdin AU:
Prince Alastor, often sneaks out, is barely seen outside the Palace walls so no one knows what he really looks like, draws blood on the streets, primarily royal's blood (because they're pompous fucks)
Downright rejects hands of marriage, wants nothing to do with relationships
Lucifer, an Emperor from another land, visited Alastor's 'territory' but was only there to sight-see
Lucifer bumps into Alastor and conveniently knocks his hoddie off, letting Lucifer see a beautiful face squinting down at him
And Alastor, snaps at Lucifer "Watch where you're going" and hurries off, pulling his hoodie back up
Lucifer stares as he watches the pretty man leave, snaps out of his stupor, and goes to call out to him, but something catches his eye in the sand and he finds a nice pair of glasses
Did these belong to the man? Is he walking around without glasses!?
Spoiler: Alastor went to Rose's market, he's memorized it for years now, and automatically tracks down a single path that has fewer people he can bump into and quickly asks if she could offer him a new pair of glasses, a hefty bag of gold in one hand
Rosie is a lovely woman, quite the gal, and is loved by everyone within the town, but she and Alastor's relationship is something else, they're THE best of friends, the gossips, THE duo, they complete each other, and Alastor can always rely on her
So it comes as no surprise she knows that clumsy oaf Alastor had lost his glasses too, and what a feat! An Emperor!
Sadly Alastor couldn't stay, he wanted to learn more about this man but he couldn't be out for too long, he had another 'suitor' to sick Nifty onto, or his grumpy Black Panther Husky, the poor cat enjoys a hunt more than an easy meal
Fortunately and unfortunately, Lucifer has a whole month to chase after this mysterious hoodie figure, and Alastor DOES NOT enjoy the stalking one bit
How is he going to off people with this little King on his tail???
So imagine his frustration when he finally murders someone in cold blood (a greedy tax collector heh), disposes of the body, heads back to get some sleep, and hears familiar footsteps following him
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
Adamsapple Aladdin Au
Alastor, his pet parrot Vox and a lowly thief were in the middle of the desert. The thief approached him.
Alastor: Do you have it?
Thief: I had to slit a few throats but I got it.
He held up the other half of the scarab that Alastor needed. Vox flew down and snatched it for him.
Alastor: Finally.
He put the two pieces together and it came to life whizzing around him and taking off.
Alastor: Follow it!
They followed it until the golden scarab flew into a mount of sand that turned into a giants lions head.
Alastor turned to the thief: Remember, everything else is yours, but the lamp is mine.
Lion: Who dares wake me from my slumber?
Thief: It is I, Valentino humble thief.
Lion: Know this, only one may enter here. A diamond in the rough.
Val looked back at Alastor.
Alastor: Well what are you waiting for? Go!
Val took one step, and the lion came down and devoured him.
Find the diamond in the rough
Alastor: But where is this person? This, diamond in the rough?
Captain of the Royal Guard: Stop thief, I will have your hands for a trophy.
Lucifer: All this for a loaf of bread.
*Lucifer was a young man with blonde hair and was short, after his mother died, he had to find a way to get food for himself and his sister Charlie, the only thing he could do was steal food, thankfully Lucifer knew the city like the back of his hand, he ran through the maze like city until he found the home of his mother’s friend Rosie who kept Charlie safe while he got food*
Rosie: You know you can stay here.
Lucifer: You can barely feed yourself and I know how to get food.
*Charlie came out and hugged Lucifer, Lucifer proudly held up the loaf of bread*
Lucifer: Dinner is served.
*he tore the bread in half and gave one half to Charlie, but as they walked through the city, they saw a pair of homeless children who needed it more than they did, both ended up giving the bread to children, Lucifer and Charlie saw a crowd gathering to see a princess named Lilith riding through the city seeking the hand of Prince Adam in marriage, no one in the city saw the mysterious Prince who grew up in the palace with his mother and pet tiger, it was known that many princes and princesses came to marry the Prince and it usually ended in disaster, Lucifer eyes widened when he saw the children from earlier running towards the street*
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Offspring Rating List: Disney characters
Now, time for Disney, the leading New World Order company. Keep in mind that this is only half done because there are so many characters (especially male-female pairs) that Disney has, I'll have to re-edit this, adding more.
Mickey/Minnie: yes (why hasn't the company ever given them one)
Donald/Daisy: ???
Goofy/whichever girl: ??? (he's been granted Max already)
Pete/Peg: granted two
Gadget/Zipper: granted 42, I think
Max/Roxanne: ???
Max/Mona: ???
PJ/Beret Girl: ???
Bobby/Stacy: ???
Snow White/Florian: ???
Bambi/Faline: granted two
Thumper/Miss Bunny: granted a few
Flower/Miss Skunk: granted one
Cinderella/Prince Charming: ???
Anastasia/Baker: ???
Jaq/Mary: ???
Lady/Tramp: granted four
Scamp/Angel: ???
Ruby/Buster: ???
Jim Dear/Darling: granted one
Aurora/Phillip: ???
Pongo/Perdita: granted 15 (though adopted 84 more)
Roger/Anita: ???
Baloo/Rebecca: Beckers has Molly but I'm not sure about further
Kit/Molly: ???
Hathi/Winifred: granted one
Thomas/Duchess: three plus how many kittens originally planned for a follow-up
Robin/Marian: yes; either six or a dozen
Father Saxton/Little Sister: ???
Bernard/Bianca: ???
Tod/Vixey: yes (six should be just fine, at least that's what Vixey thinks)
Taran/Eilonwy: ???
Basil/Miss Kitty: maybe
Dodger/Rita: yes
Tito/Georgette: ???
Ariel/Eric: granted one
Belle/Adam: ???
Lumiere/Fifi: ???
Cogsworth/Wardrobe: ???
Angelique/Fife: ???
Aladdin/Jasmine: ???
Iago/Thundra: ???
Simba/Nala: granted three
Timon/Tatiana: ???
Pocahontas/John Rolfe: ???
Nakoma/her husband: ???
Nakoma/Thomas (in some sequel-less AU): ???
Centipede/Miss Spider: ???
Earthworm/Glowworm: ???
Quasimodo/Madelleine: ???
Phoebus/Esmeralda: granted one
Hercules/Meg: ???
Mulan/Li Shang: ???
Yao/Mei: ???
Ling/Ting-Ting: ???
Chien-Po/Su: ???
Flik/Atta: ???
Rosie/Slim (if they became one): ???
Tarzan/Jane: ???
Aladar/Neera: most likely
Kuzco/Malina: ???
Kronk/Miss Birdwell: maybe
Milo/Kida: yes
Mike/Celia: yes
Tylor/Val: ??? (if they want to be more than friends)
Nani/David: maybe
Stitch/Angel: ??? (I don't know if they should, considering they were both created by Jumbaa)
Dr. Doppler/Captain Amelia: granted four
Kenai/Nita: yes
Rutt/Anda: yes
Tuke/Kata: yes
Maggie/Bob: no
Grace/Barry: no
Mrs. Calloway/Junior: no
Lucius/Honey: ???
Violet/Tony: ???
Chicken Little/Abby: maybe
Runt/Foxy Loxy: no
Linguini/Colette: ???
Edward/Nancy: ???
John/Mary: ???
Bolt/Mittens: no (I'd rather it was in a human-free anthropomorphic world)
Tiana/Naveen: maybe
Charlotte/Travis: maybe
Rapunzel/Eugene: maybe
Felix/Calhoun: maybe
Anna/Kristoff: ???
Hiro/Gogo: ???
Riley/Jordan: no (I'm not sure if any thing between them would last)
Judy/Nick: ???
Flash/Priscilla: ???
Luca/Giulia: ???
Mariano/Dolores: ???
Meilin/Carter: no
Meilin/Tyler: no
Wade/Ember: yes
Clod/his girlfriend: ???
Gale/Fern: ???
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patdroid · 5 months
Regressor! 철춘희 Lore
🐵 Chul Choon-Hee’s age range of regression is usually 2-5, but has the rare occasion of going up to 6. (It’s rare because 6 years old is when the trauma started for Chul)
🐵When she’s regressed, she only speaks Korean, meaning that unless someone can translate what she’s saying by voice or figure out what she wants by her movements…you’re only going to get “bad English” from translation sites and so many failed attempts at what she wants.
🐵Ryeley’s usually the main caregiver when Chul’s regressed, but if she can’t do it, or she needs extra help, Ryeley resorts to getting the rest of the hotel involved. (And if it’s happening when the hotel can’t help Ryeley…she brings Chul over to Vox and Velvette or Rosie. Valentino isn’t allowed near her…and neither is Susan)
Ryeley, holding an age regressed Chul: Keep her away from Susan?
Rosie, looking a bit irritated: Keep her away from Susan.
🐵If Valentino somehow comes near Chul, she instantly slaps him with her tail, as a way of defense. And even though she’s regressed, her powers are still very much active, meaning that when Valentino gets slapped, he’ll be asleep for quite some time afterwards. (If this happens during the time when Val and the other workers are…well, working, all of the workers are forced to get a mandatory break. And if Angel Dust is there when it happens, he thanks Chul for allowing a break to happen.)
🐵During one of the first few times that Chul regressed, she received a pair of gloves from Vox and Velvette that have special technology, making her feel like she didn’t lose any of her fingers. Now, if someone sees her regressed, they instantly go and get the gloves before Chul sees her hands.
🐵If one fails to get her gloves in time, she instantly cries. The reason why she does that is because her trauma seeps through her regressed mind if something reminds her of it. (That includes seeing her hands with a finger missing)
🐵Chul regresses whenever she gets bad nightmares about her life before becoming a sinner or if something triggers her to remember her past. This is especially true during certain days of the year, including the anniversary of the day when she first entered Hell. (Note: She considers her anniversary of appearing in Hell being September 25th, not the 24th. This is due to her time zone being ahead of my time zone. For her and a few other places, it was a Saturday, while for me and lots of others, it happened on a Friday.)
🐵Chul doesn’t like restricting clothes when regressed, so when it does happen, she actually wears an outfit similar to the one that gave her her Overlord name, but without footwear, it being in all green, her hair getting tied up like how Jasmine from the animated Aladdin movies and series had it done, and the gloves being a part of her look.
🐵She doesn’t use pacifiers when regressed…at least, in the normal way. The way she uses them is almost like they’re dolls... (That’s one way to use your imagination) …or bouncy balls. Whichever one comes to her mind at the moment.
🐵Chul’s really energetic, especially in regards to what her human life had, so playtime can turn into “Chase the Monkey Demon” time at a quick moment’s notice. This also causes Chul to quickly set up innocent pranks or to draw on the walls with markers and manage to not get caught. (Niffty personally wishes that those things don’t happen, but she can’t really control it)
🐵Tantrums and meltdowns aren’t common for Chul, but if one does happen, someone gently calms her down. (Usually Ryeley does it, but others also do it on occasion)
🐵And finally, if Chul is ever in the mindset to watch television, Vox always finds a way to come over (even if Alastor is around him) and watch cartoons with her via special tablets. (Yes, Vox is the TV Demon, but in my AU, he’s learning about newer technology, social media and streaming services from Velvette; sometimes using some of the stuff he has learned and using it in his programs) As for what Chul will watch when regressed, she usually goes for shows with a TV Y rating whenever possible, but can settle for certain TV Y7 shows if needed. Just…don’t play any cartoons from the country that she was in as a human. She’ll attack the tablet if that happens. (Vox learned that the hard way when Velvette forgot to clear the tablet off one time)
And about Chul’s look when regressed…I’m not joking. Here’s a picture for proof.
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venator-signum · 4 years
okie dokie have a self promotion post cause i actually feel pretty good about my writing right now :) go check them out if you like
okay thanks bye
Execute Order 65
There was a shift in the Force. You wouldn’t have felt it unless you were looking for it. It was soft, silky, barely there. Only tiny little wisps of it at a time but should you gather them together, the picture was clear as day and rang out with the sound of millions of voices, echoing, ringing. This little ghost was about to change the fate of the galaxy.
“It is time.”
Exactly what it says on the tin, Order 65 is issued instead of Order 66. (Sorry this is my first fic I'm officially uploading so I don't think I'm very good at summaries just yet)
reminders of people lost
The Ghost crew don't particularly like him. Or at least so Luke thought. He's not sure why.
descended from royalty; ascended from the street
“Were you stealing supplies for the rebellion?” The other looked up and crossed his arms defensively as Luke continued. "It's not uncommon around here."
“What if I was huh? What are you going to do about it? Turn me in? Trust me, I’ve gotten out of Imperial hold more times than I can count.”
“But you are a rebel, by definition, are you not?”
“...If I was?” Luke nodded, as if in approval.
“Good. You can help me.”
“What? Why would I help you? I have no idea who you are and you have no idea who I am.”
“I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find information on you. You said you had been captured several times?”
aka an aladdin au i made up entirely based on that one (1) scene in the temple on Malachor
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
Emi, I'm kissing you on the mouth right now, you're so sexy. In general but also for taking the bait.
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
The Constantinople AU
This AU is from 2017 and came about because I watched a TED-ED video about Constantinople's walls, relistened to the Aladdin soundtrack and because I had earlier talked with a friend about how I had not really seen people make a genie a woman. I came back years later to explain it to my friend Jonah and add new stuff and this year I showed it to @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone to add even more things. It's one of my favourite AUs for sure.
Dramatis Personae:
- Herakles Karpuzi (APH Greece) as Son of the Roman emperor and heir to the throne - Sadık Adnan (APH Turkey) as Soldier in the Ottoman army and Imposter Prince - Dilan Taş (Human OC) as Jinn and Sadık's unsuccessful wingwoman - Athanasios Karpuzi (Human OC) as the Roman emperor and serial skirtchaser - Salvatore Vento (Human OC) as Advisor to the emperor and Fuckface McBadDad - Michele Vento (APH Sicily) as Herakles' childhood friend
The Happenings™:
- It's set in Constantinople in an alternate Universe, close to ours. It’s the late High Middle Age/Early Late Middle Age (depending on how you want to periodize. I am working with how the German Middle Ages are divided, which is arguably a very bad method for classifying Byzantine. But this is my silly Hetalia AU, not my term paper). Around 1300, I’d say.
- Athansios Karpuzi is the current Roman Emperor, which makes Herakles the heir to the throne. Athanasios is desperately trying to wed his son off to any available suitors to form new alliances, but two things keep getting into the way: 1. Herakles is thoroughly uninterested in playing along with Athanasios’ plans. He’s not a chess piece on his father’s board if he's got anything to say about it. 2. Salvatore Vento is Athanasios’ closest consultant and protests any marriage for whatever reason he can find. For the sole reason that he has been eyeing the throne for himself the entire time and wants to marry his own son, Michele, to Herakles.
- Like in my Hetalia AU "Like Father Like Son", Salvatore and Athanasios trust each other as far as they can throw one another. There is no genuine trust here at all, no sympathy, really, they just stick together because they know the other is useful. Have some assorted banter as result of this:
Salvatore: "Immortal what a name! What a title to bear! Although immoral would have fit you much better." [Athanasios’ etymology is “immortal”]
S: "Maybe you wouldn't have to struggle to find a suitable bride for your son if you stopped dragging every young woman within and from outside Constantinople to bed." Athanasios: "He's into guys too, problem solved." S: "Oh, yeah, me dumbass thought you needed stop whoring around, how silly of me."
A: "If he is into anything at all. But if I have another child, they might keep this empire going." S: "No legitimation to the lineage's claim to power like a gay loner and a bastard child." A: "Ah yes, I hired the man whose wife ran away with his son so he could berate me about family life. How I value your opinion, Salvatore." S: "She didn't run away." A: "No, she just hides and sends you people until she can get her divorce. I'm very inclined to give it to her."
S: "They're childhood friends! They'd make a great couple!" A: "All I can hear is what a great emperor you'd make, ruling on my corpse."
- So. Herakles is staunchly resisting any marriage to anyone and minding his business one day, walking along the great walls of Constantinople. He stops to look out into the surrounding area and suddenly, hears a noise. Confused, he looks down and sees someone scaling the wall. Sadık looks up and sees the most beautiful man he has ever seen … spotting him trying to get into the city.
- Sadık is part of the Ottoman Turks, who’re conquering the area around Constantinople these days. He’s some nobody in the army and thought he’d give it a shot and get into the city by himself to earn some fame (and money).
- Herakles is seriously impressed Sadık managed to actually almost scale the famously impenetrable walls of the city. Not impressed enough to actually let him in. So these two banter a bit, Sadık now distracted by this hunk in front of his nose. Herakles correctly assesses that he’s a Turk and says of himself that he’s the emperor’s son. Sadık: “Hey, hot stuff, if that’s true and it’s so impressive, why don’t you let me in as a reward?” Herakles: “Yes, of course. And then I’ll open the gates for the rest of your people, so that you can just walk in and take the city. What impossible thing do you want to happen next, a kiss on the mouth?” Sadık: “What’s so impossible about that?”
- Either way, Herakles threatens to sick the guards on him, which leads to a “Oh no you wouldn’t” - Herakles grins and definitely would, so Sadık has to retreat. (#Don’tSickTheGuardsOnMyAssYou’reSoSexyAhaha).
- He goes back to camp, having gained nothing but a crush. He gets in real trouble for rummaging around the booty, where he finds an oil lamp and WOULDN’T YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Dilan, a Jinn, pops out and Sadık uses his first wish to get out of trouble. Once that is done and the two have a moment of peace, he's thinking about what to do next and his mind circles back to Herakles.
- Dilan: "Ah yes, they always want something with love ... so who struck you and what's the problem?" Sadık: "Well ... I don't really know if it's true but he said he was the son of the emperor. He certainly looked the part! And I didn't really want to wait for him to call the guards to confirm it." Dilan: "Wait ... so you want to get with the son of the Roman emperor?" Sadık: "If that handsome little shit didn't lie to me, then yes." Dilan: "Isn't that a little out of your ballpark?" Sadık: "What, is it out of yours? Can't help me in that case, magic lady?" Dilan: "Psht, don't make me laugh! I can make the impossible happen, just tell me what you need." Sadık: "I dunno ... I guess getting inside the city?" Dilan: "That's it? That's all you need? That's less than a no-brainer -" Sadık: "Oh yeah, if it's so easy then, save that second wish for later. I got past one of the walls already once, I'll figure that out without your magic." Dilan: "Alright, alright ... and what about the wooing of your sweetheart?" Sadık: "That we'll see to once we're there ..."
- Dilan and Sadık chitchat while they make it to Constantinople. Dilan spends some time in the lamp, because walking is boring, but she does tell him that she's pretty sick of being in there. So that's where Sadık learns about her wishing to be free. Dilan in turn learns that Sadık doesn't have such a rosy life either (especially because now he can't return to the army, after he basically deserted).
- So they get to Constantinople and decide to actually factcheck if they got the right guy - and if yes, some general information about the emperor's son. Luckily enough, a friendly trader/tradesman tells them a bit about the city and the imperial family. Dilan: "So, did you by any chance ever see the emperor's son?" Trader: "Oh, well, that's an odd question, isn't it? But since you don't seem to be from here, I can understand the curiosity. Well, let me think ... You often see him only from afar ... during a triumph where he had accompanied his father during the campaign I got to see him up close. What a regal figure there at the head of the troops!" Sadık is too lost in the vision of his crush all decked out in military gear on a horse. And then taking all that gear off and being a regal figure while he fucks Sadık into the sheets … Dilan: "Yeah, yeah, yadda yadda, we need something more concrete. Height, hairstyle, haircolour, what does the dude look like?" The trader/tradesman is a little baffled but does provide a description that lines up with who Sadık saw. So with that information, they start to wonder how to woo a future emperor.
- Luckily, now that the trader/tradesman thinks they're here for imperial gossip, he actually mentions the fact that Emperor Athanasios hopes for his son to follow his footsteps and is currently looking for a suitable match, so that Herakles can be of political use even while he's still in charge. So Dilan and Sadık get an idea how to get into the city and Herakles heart. Or his pants. Milestones are still up for negotiation.
- After the grand entrance happened, where Herakles definitely took offense at either "Heard your prince was a sight lovely to see" or "Heard your prince was hot, where is he?" because either question was accompanied by Sadık's flirty looks, Athanasios actually lets Sadık and Dilan into the palace. There he and Salvatore discuss the entire thing, aka if whoever Sadık pretends to be is a good match.
- While they talk political stuff and snark, because of course Salvatore is against it, Sadık continues to feel very smug in his new princely identity and makes flirty eyes at Herakles. Herakles is just like "ugh" and much more happily plays with his cats. Which tbh sounds like they're 16 or something, but they're not that much younger than in canon (I think they'd be 22 and 24 here).
- Hijinks ensue. Herakles tells his dad that he’s a Turkish soldier that tried to sneak into the city and Athanasios doesn’t believe him, thinking Herakles is now lying badly to not get married. Dilan and Sadık are developing a friendship that is best described as hoes being bros.
- Dilan: "Look, you like cats. Cats are furry. Hairy, if you will. You know who else is hairy? Sadık. He's juuust as hairy as a cat - shhhht, I'm wingmanning for you and it's working great, you can thank me later."
- At first, Dilan mostly employs her magic for some silly little things with Sadık to woo Herakles. It doesn't work very well. Herakles: "I know it's magic, that's not impressing me - Okay, it is kinda cool, but you're still a dick." Dilan: "But a dick with a cool sidekick, come ON! What else do you want me to do to make the nerd viable?!" Sadık: "You call that wingmanning?!"
- Once Dilan realizes dickbags Athanasios and Salvatore are, she also uses little magic tricks to continously make their lives worse. Ironically, this may be what finally endears her and Sadık to Herakles. (If you haven't noticed, he doesn't like his father very much and Athanasios doesn't care for him aside from being a political pawn).
- At one point, Michele shows up at court! Herakles is overjoyed to see his childhood friend, which he hadn’t seen in years! Sadık is absolutely not, because it looks like just when he and Herakles almost had something, this twat shows up and steals the show!
- Dilan: "Well, I can't make him not love this dude, but I could beat the dude up." Sadık: " ... keep that in mind."
- However, when Dilan goes to investigate what Michele is doing here (and wingwomanning again), this ensues: Dilan: "Hey brah, what's up, why so blue looking? Is it because your boo just told you you ain't his number one anymore?" Michele: "I, eh ... no ... May I ask who you are?" Dilan: "Just one of the servants of the insanely charming and powerful - and hairy - Prince who's here to marry the Prince. Yep, he's sooo gonna marry that guy." Dilan: "There was a whole musical number about it, you should have seen it, I was on top of my game." Michele: "Sure heard about it, you stirred up trouble here. Hope it helps ... I'm not saying that Herakles should marry someone his dad set in front of him, but it'd be nice if he found someone at last. He told me he was very lonely the last years ... I don't want to leave him behind just as lonely again." Dilan: "Yeah, it'd be - Leave him behind?"
- Dilan: "Good news! His loverboy is not here to stay! He wants to go to the west, he's just here because of his terrible dad!" Sadık: "Oh, that's good! Wait ... isn't his father that asshole of an advisor?" Dilan: "Yeah. Why." Sadık: "The guy who wanted to marry his son to Herakles since apparently forever?" Dilan: "Yeah, but his son is not going to marry him." Sadık: "I smell a trap 10 miles against the wind."
- There is no trap however. Herakles realizes that the crush on Michele is nothing but a childhood crush and has to be left in the past … and that he wants to move forward with Sadık. When he wants a conversation one-on-one, Dilan wants to make it a one-on-two, but Herakles asks her if she doesn’t want to keep Michele company in the gardens, it’s not gonna take long, an hour or two at most. Then she can also fetch Michele when they’re done, so that Herakles can say goodbye before he leaves for Sicily.
- Dilan thinks about it, finds it’s not a trap (and if it was, nothing she and her fists couldn’t solve) and goes in the garden. There she talks with Michele and makes the mistake to either show off her magic powers, tell Michele of TurGre’s meetugly (#Don’tSickTheGuardsOnMyAssYou’reSoSexyAhaha) or to be like: “Hey, do you wanna know a cool secret? Sadık isn’t a Prince, all of this is my doing. Pretty cool, eh?”
- Unfortunately, they’re not alone. Salvatore was searching for Michele in the gardens, to get his “fucking rotten brat of a son” to play along after all instead of disappearing once again. So he overhears this. Salvatore: "Oh, so Prince Sadık is not a Prince? That's a funny joke indeed and I'll laugh my ass off the hardest in the end."
- So just when Herakles and Sadık had time to talk about their feelings and confess and, also, you know, make out and fumble for good measure, they get interrupted. Literally when Herakles was finally stripped down to his tunic and Sadık slid his hand underneath it.
- Athanasios: "This is gonna be the last wall you breached, you little rat." Herakles: "Dad! Stop it!" Athanasios: "This man nearly ruined our dynasty. Arrest him." Salvatore: "Arrest the man indeed. Go and get the ex-emperor." Athanasios: "Ex-Prince. It's not the right time for your snark." Salvatore: "I'm not talking about that small fish. Guards - arrest this careless idiot who nearly ruined our city by letting a scammer into its walls! Clearly the emperor's been in on this and can't be trusted!" Athanasios: "You've lost your mind." Salvatore: "You've lost yours and it's actually the thing you'll miss the least when syphilis is going to eat away the last of your rotten brain in the dungeons. So get him! And that ottoman faker, too, just get the trash out of here."
- The scene ends rather dramatically, because I love the thought of Michele and Dilan rushing to their help, but they get held back. Dilan maybe gets restrained by some anti-magic stuff. And Dilan begs Sadık to use his last wish to help him. To solve this problem. But Sadık refuses, because he promised to use it to set her free. So Dilan is just livid and upset, distraught, yelling at him to let her do something while he gets taken to the dungeons.
- So now Salvatore’s in charge and setting his plans into motion. PR is of course the first thing that needs to be done, so there’s a speech to Constantinople’s masses: "But, as you know, I respect and regard the royal family, the entire dynasty, more than any of you! So I am not going to assume power, it'd be a crime against God himself who granted us this emperor, if I had removed him for anything but his unstable condition and his tragic mistake of almost letting his lineage being tainted! Not to mention that this would have been the end of our beloved empire, our city, suddenly overrun and ruled by those barbarians! No, of course I'll give my power to the true heir who was merely a victim to his father's incompetence. To prove I really mean it, I'm even going to give up my son to the Prince, to forever bind my loyality to the throne!"
- Michele: "I hold no more respect for you as father as I did when we left. I'm not going to play along your perverted plan." Salvatore: "Well Michele, if you don't respect me as father, then maybe you'll respect me as the Roman Emperor!"
- Meanwhile, in the dungeons, Athanasios and Sadık have some great chitchat. Sadık: "Guess that's some quality father and son in law bonding time, eh?” S:“Though I'm pretty sure your son would rather call me daddy than you." A: "Once this entire drama is over, I'll have you decapitated. Or just kick you back to your people and let them handle this." S: "Ah, but when I came here as a fake prince, your arms and gates were wide open. Should've listened to your son when he told you so."
- Here’s also some Salvatore content: Athanasios: "And now you strut around in my clothes. I'm surprised they even fit you fatass!" Salvatore: "Oh, the entire imprisonment is really getting to you, ain't it, emperor tightlips? Ah, I meant - ex-emperor tight lips. Now you've sunk low enough to insult me with such details. Is it because you have nothing else left now that you're off your high horse?" Salvatore: "I thought so. At least you're enough of a sound mind to not threaten me with 'once I get out of here' hot air. Because we both know you're not getting out of here in a lifetime anymore. And yes, I’m wearing your rags, since I’ve got no time to waste.” Salvatore to Sadık: "Actually, it's sad that you aren't going to be there to watch it. Although, I think a public execution would just spice the entire wedding festivities up, if I think about it."
- Ah yes. The wedding. Herakles: "You look great today, my love. Like a polished jewel." Michele: "Thanks. I'd never seen a man more handsome than you though. Truly, a prince with all his qualities seen right away." Both: -sigh- Ft. Dilan, who’s just watching the kids sadly and is trying to reassure them she got this, she’s gonna find a way, it’ll be fine!!!
- Herakles and Michele wonder why Sadık didn't use that wish. To which Dilan replies he said he'd free her with it, but she didn't believe he'd actually uphold that promise. And he shouldn't have because now she's useless and he's in trouble. (And Hera only falls more in love with Sadık, because being a good person is HELLA swoony.)
- Dilan also tries to cheer them up and I believe she can still do small magic tricks, she just can't get out of whatever shackles/confinement she is in. So when she isn't despairing or raging, she tries to cheer Herakles and Michele up with some silly little tricks. She shapeshifts into their fathers to make fun of them. Which leads them to an idea ...
- I have no idea what it is though. I only know that the grand final and resolution involves shapeshifting. If anyone who's better at plots wants to give me ideas, please do.
- However they manage to stop Salvatore's machinations, this is what follows: Salvatore gets thrown into the dungeons. Herakles decides to not let his father out and instead take the crown himself. He becomes emperor and marries Sadık. Sadık uses his last wish to set Dilan free. Michele goes to travel to Sicily, promising he’ll write letters to them and come visit some day (Dilan promises the same).
- The end of Salvatore and Athanasios rotting in jail together is SO satisfying to me, bc now that they are useless to each other, there is nothing left to do but be a pain in each other’s ass. They hate each other and they DESERVE EACH OTHER.
Sequel Bait:
- Before we get to the sequel bait, let me give you some prequel bait for a change. Here's a little "what if one of the many suitable matches for Herakles had been one of the Beilschmidt brothers" scenario. Plus free medieval history lesson:
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- Now for the actual sequel: Three years come and go. Herakles and Sadık settle in their new rules as emperor and ... emperor's husband. (I don't know if Byzantine empresses were "put into office" in the same way the Emperor was. If someone is more knowledgeable about this than me, correct me).
- Their marriage is going swell, however both struggle in their new official roles. Herakles faces all the administrative problems and tough decisionmaking that comes with being a ruler, while Sadık struggles to be accepted by the people of Constantinople. Where Herakles tends to take care of the court, Sadık tries his hand at being a military leader.
- One morning, Sadık wakes up with Herakles in the room. Which should not be surprising, if it wasn't for the fact that Herakles had left the city yesterday. He's oddly nonchalant about it when Sadık asks him and also ... weirdly chipper? Eager? Kitschy in his flirting? He's at first flattered, but soon very confused by everything and wonders if either he hit his head real hard in his sleep or if Herakles fell off his horse when he tried to make it out of the city.
- Turns out none of it, because after some more eyelash fluttering, his "husband" goes POOF! and turns out to be Dilan, who's on the floor laughing. "You should have seen your stupid face! Really! Wait, I'll show you!"
- After Dilan is done shapeshifting into Sadık, absolutely overacting his reaction and argueing with him about it, they finally get to catch up. Turns out that Dilan was bored by travelling around the world and wanted to check in on her old buddy.
- She couldn't have chosen a more opportune time to do so. Once Herakles returns, he ... at first has a weird reunion with his husband. Sadık is kind of wary around him and starts to list his attitude and general personality traits/ticks as proof for ... something. Takes a while for Herakles to get the news that Dilan is back, too.
- Herakles is very relieved to hear that! He wanted to confide something in Sadık, because after he had returned to the city, someone had taken him aside. Natasa Simonides, an old and trusted courtly advisor, needed help. Recently, her husband Ibrahim disappeared and she's worried.
- Natasa also told Herakles a secret: Ibrahim is a Jinn, which is why his disappearance worries her even more. Herakles informs Sadık and asks Dilan if she knows anything, but she sadly hasn't heard anything either. - Before she can zip off and see if she can find Ibrahim, Herakles asks another favour of her - to educate Natasa's twins, Timothea Farah and Omar Veniam instead. Natasa thinks they may be able to find their father, but they don't know they're half-Jinn, so they'd need some guidance. Dilan happily agrees to be their teacher!
- My only more in-depth infos on Jinn and their children with humans comes from this Monstrum video by PBS Storied. I don't think Thea & Omar would need to be taught by anyone to be seers and how to be in communication with non-human spheres, but it makes for a better story.
- So Dilan is off to teach the kids while Sadık volunteers to go and search for Ibrahim. Herakles resumes his imperial role in the city.
- It's not really fun and as the people become more and more agitated with the status quo, more and more people "remember" that the old emperor is still around. Enough people are going "What's that kid knowing anyways?! All those highfangled ideas and useless reforms, for what?" that a select few decide to stage a coup by releasing Athanasios from the dungeons.
- Now, I still haven't decided if Salvatore also gets let out. The problem is that I really would begrudge him his freedom ... but I also begrudge Athanasios his freedom! It doesn't feel fair that one bastard gets to walk free and the other doesn't!
- Out in the field, Sadık isn't having much more luck. No Jinn in sight and the trouble he has with a few of the men that accompany him keeps him thinking about the acceptance problems again. He really wishes at one point that Herakles wasn't emperor at all. You can imagine how terrible he feels for these thoughts when news of the coup catches up to them. Be careful what you wish for and all that jazz. On top of that, he gets into trouble as well - betrayed by some of the men he had taken along. He gets stuck in some place like a cave or an abandoned house he was investigating ...
- Sadık finds a large sealed bottle and thinks 'Well, what's the worst that could happen?' He is greeted by a GIANT cloud of smoke instead of anything edible/drinkable. By the time the cloud is human-shaped, he already has a giant grin on his face. Sadık: "Hah! I have a sixth sense for this kind of stuff!" Jinn: "Greetings, mor-" Sadık: "Yeah, yeah, quick question, is your name Ibrahim? Or do you know one of your kind called Ibrahim who's been passing through recently?" Jinn: "My name is Ibrahim - " Sadık: "Great! You know a Greek lady called Natasa? I take that look as a yes. Okay, so first wish is to get us out of here, second wish we'll see, third is like freeing you from the whole servitude bit - You do the three wishes thing, right? Anyways, your wife and kids are wishing for dad to come home, so get us out of here, you'll get explanations on the way back."
- In the meantime, Dilan and her protégés, along with Natasa and Herakles, have been trying to figure out how to solve the problem at court. It doesn't help that the news of Sadık's troubles also reached them (I know the speed of spreading information may be historically hella inaccurate, but I need it for the drama). So Dilan is torn between helping her best bud and helping the rest at court. The Greeks cook up a plan and assure her that she should go and help Sadık, they've got this.
- The plan is to get Athanasios to do something incredibly stupid that would immediately turn the people against him. They exploit the fact that Athanasios likes to listen to words that fall from pretty lady's mouths. So Timothea flatters her eyelashes and promises to tell him something of a vision she had ... that the divine has something to tell him through her. (Don't worry for her, she may have to endure his fingers under her chin, which is infuriating and nauseous enough, but no more skin contact than this). Thea gets backed by her brother to lend it more credibility once Athanasios considers with his head and not his dick.
- And we can all appreciate that Dilan has been sent away, otherwise the scene would have been like this: Thea: "The spirits are talking to me about you ... " Dilan: "Mhm, mhm, indeed, I can hear them to. They're saying that you're a bitch!"
- Dilan in the meantime reaches Sadık, Ibrahim and those of his troop that haven't betrayed and abandoned him as soon as they heard of the coup. A little happy reunion before she immediately fills them in on what's happening.
- They come up with a plan themselves to finally get rid of Athanasios and the Simonides and Herakles have begun to sweat a little back home, because Athanasios mistake of listening to the twins' advice has bought them time, but not really solved the problem yet. Which is when Dilan and Ibrahim sweep in, concocting an illusion powerful enough to wrap up everyone in Constantinople and make Athanasios seem like the literal devil. Some mass-hallucination miracle bullshit, truly, to assert that he doesn't deserve the throne.
- Maybe for good measure, Athanasios disappears after the illusion is over. Dilan and Ibrahim have no idea where he went, they say with a smile.
- Another grand finale! The four lovers are reunited, Thea and Omar are overjoyed to have their dad back and he is overjoyed to have his kids back. When Dilan tells the Simonides twins that they did a great job, she's a good teacher after all haha!, Ibrahim and Natasa invite her to stay. Dilan says that they don't need her, surely, now that Ibrahim can teach them, but Ibrahim says he could use some help. Herakles also encourages her, saying that he'd love to have her at court - and Sadık also bullies her into staying. "What do you wanna do, see the world again? Didn't do much for your peanut brain the first time around, maybe hit the books together with Hera so that you'll be a passable teacher some day."
- Dilan and Omar also have evolved a crush on one another during this entire mess. That's what I'll leave you with - all well that ends well.
Also hey you! Thanks for reading all of this! Here's a little bonus content if you made it this far!
A wonderful fanart of Michele and Salvatore by my beloved friend C0FFINATED over on twitter!
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Here's an amazing commission of the Greeks and Turks by @captkirkland ! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to repost the pictures myself on tumblr & you shoud reblog it from him anyways. Show him and his amazing art some love! From left to right it's Timothea, Herakles, Omar, then Dilan, Sadık and Havva (who's not featured in this AU, rip. Things would have worked to well with their brainpower).
Thanks for reading this! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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leoninekelter · 4 years
I had an idea today, so lemme know what y’all think?
Descendants: Wings AU!
Mal: Purple Glossy Starling
Evie: Crow
Jay: Red Macaw (watch Aladdin if it doesn’t make sense lol)
Carlos: Snowy Owl
Ben: Golden Eagle
Audrey: Rosy Finch
Jane: Scrub Jay
Chad: Blue Jay
Lonnie: Allen’s Hummingbird
Uma: Steller’s Jay
Harry: Bald Eagle
Gil: Oriole
I gave this big ass bird book so I just wrote this down in English class lmao
I’ve decided wings are genetic, so they get passed down from one parent! Belle is a Chikadee, and Ben got the wings from Beast, and Hades is also a Steller’s Jay (no theory or connection there, just cuz it makes sense)
I wrote Osprey Down in front of Doug but. That doesn’t sound right so I guess I’ll look into it :P
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colonel-insomniac · 5 years
The Thief’s Prince Part 3
finally I'm finished with this au. I loved it, really, but i also have other ideas. Read more on AO3
Bobby nods, focusing on that warmth as he stands up and puts on a brave front. “Right, let’s get this thing started.”
For anyone who’s wondering, riding a flying carpet is not as cool as it seems. It’s terrifying, going at such high speeds, unprotected. One wrong move and Bobby will be gone, taking a free fall through the air, a swan dive to the ground. So yeah, he’s scared, but it’s also so relieving. This freedom, it’s almost tangible. He’s soaring through the air, free, he never has to return. He could probably turn to Aladdin, tell him, “I don’t wanna go back,” and turn and go back, never returning to Bobby’s hometown. 
But maybe it’s the principle of the matter. Maybe he needs to go back, try to make things right. No matter how this ends for Bobby, he doesn’t want his friends to suffer because of his foolish mistake. Also, there’s a small but very large part of Bobby that feels as though he should get to make his claim. Yes, he’s robbed people, yes, he’s a thief. But he doesn’t deserve execution for that. 
There’s water below them now, and occasionally, Bobby can see animals gracefully leaping out of the silky water, diving back under. Even Sheldon is absorbed in the liquid below them, curiously studying it. Watching the mystical being totally entranced brings a smile to Bobby’s face. Small joys. 
His smile dwindles as he sees the palace of his home kingdom grow larger. “Are you sure you can fix this?” He asks Aladdin, worry seeping into his veins. 
“Well, I can try. We can always try turning back time with a second wish. I just don’t know if that’s the best option.” When Bobby looks at him questioningly, Aladdin adds, “Keeping things hidden from someone you care about is exhausting and eventually it’ll come to a point where this will happen again because you’ll get tired of sneaking around and hiding the truth.” Bobby looks away, but nods. 
“I guess you’re right.” He mutters. The carpet comes to a halt on the roof of the palace, and Aladdin ruffles Bobby’s hair before standing up. “‘Course I’m right. You wait here, I don’t want to risk this whole thing falling apart. Point out his room to me?”
Bobby nods, and looks around before pointing at a structure in the slight distance. “Be careful,” Bobby blurts, holding onto Aladdin’s arm. The taller of the two nods before leaping off. Old habits apparently die really hard. 
He gets nervous, though, waiting around for a mess he’s caused to change. What if Aladdin can’t fix everything? He has to go and try, at least. “Now, how does this work?” He asks himself. “Hey, carpet?” Bobby feels stupid for talking to a carpet, but he rears back when he sees the tassels move, almost as though it’s listening. “Bring me to the prince’s room, over there, please.” At Bobby’s words, the carpet gently moves towards its destination, as though it can sense that if it were to move faster, it would freak Bobby out. 
“Can you bring us a little lower?” He asks, hoping to see through a window. 
Luckily, the carpet manages to lower just underneath the window sill, and Bobby’s mop of curly auburn hair barely brushes the window. He watches as the rosy-cheeked prince approaches Aladdin. The two shake hands, and Bobby watches as Aladdin gestures while he speaks. Patrick’s face closes off, and he shakes his head, frowning.
Aladdin’s gestures grew more wild, as he grows slightly angry, evidently trying to explain something that Patrick might not be understanding. He desperately wants to know what they’re saying in there. Instead, he’s stuck on the outside, observing everything that goes on inside. Aladdin sits Patrick down and continues talking. The prince looks upset, as he turns his head to the side, and looks out the window, the same one Bobby’s looking through. 
Bobby can feel his eyes widen in terror, but Patrick doesn’t seem to notice Bobby, turning back to meet Aladdin’s eyes. He says something, and Bobby can see Aladdin’s face light up slightly. Not much, but maybe he has another idea or something. 
Eventually, Aladdin exits the room, and through a series of leaps, winds up on the roof again. “Okay, so he’s agreed to visit you and talk,” Bobby sits up straighter. That’s good news! “But, he didn’t agree to any sort of pardon, so we gotta get you back down there.” Bobby nods, and Aladdin places a hand on Bobby’s shoulder, his face soft, and a little sad. 
It’s kind of insane how easily they were able to sneak down to the dungeon, but they manage to get in and Bobby slips into the cell he had been tossed into not long ago. Aladdin stays on the outside, shutting the metal door. A small clang resonates throughout the gray dungeon, and Bobby shivers, remembering everything that he stands to lose. “Just hang in there, we have a plan B.” Sheldon, who has been oddly quiet, disappears into the lamp without a word. 
Footsteps echo, soft at first, but grow increasingly louder. Bobby’s stomach knots up, and he presses himelf into the corner of his cell, suddenly uncomfortable and trying to be invisible. When Bobby looks to Aladdin for guidance, Aladdin shakes his head slightly. The prince walks up behind Aladdin, and stares directly at Bobby. His eyes are closed off, but everything comes back to Bobby as soon as they look at each other. His hand goes to his neck, and he can feel his heartbeat in the space directly underneath his jaw. The three are engulfed in silence, awkward and filled with tension. 
“So,” Patrick begins, “how are you?” 
If Bobby weren’t in his current predicament, he’s certain he’d laugh at the question. It has to be the most awkward question ever. However, the audacity of the question at this moment angers him a little. “Oh, pretty good considering my head’s supposed to be chopped off tomorrow.” The prince winces, but Bobby can’t be bothered to feel any guilt over the coment. 
“Well—” Patrick starts to say something, but Bobby is quick to cut him off.
“Don’t even bother with an excuse. Me being a thief doesn’t mean my head should get cut off.” He says, cheeks flushed. 
“If you would let me speak,” The prince states, “you would have heard that I was gonna have you pardoned. I was being too harsh, and you’re right. I don’t know what its like to be out there, living with next to nothing. There are hundreds of plates and silverware and other things that are simply unnecessary; we can stand to lose some of it.” Bobby can feel the hope returning to his body, and he scrambles in an effort to stand up. He grips the cold metal bars that separate them.
“Are you serious?” He asks, voice filled with hope. 
Patrick nods, “Your friend over there was the one who talked some sense into me.” The two glance at Aladdin, who simply nods once. “He made me sit down and listen to what he was saying, and he was the one who suggested I come down to talk to you.” The prince tilts his head down, seemingly ashamed. He mutters a word that Bobby doesn’t quite hear, so he tilts his head. 
“I’m sorry.” Patrick states, his pink tinged hair shajing slightly. 
“C-can you let me out of here?” Bobby asks, face pale. Patrick nods, unlocking the door and swinging it open. 
Bobby rushes towards the prince, wrapping his arms around him tightly. At first the prince is too stunned, frozen in place, but slowly he hugs Bobby back. “Thank you.” He whispers to Patrick.
When they pull away from each other, Aladdin clears his throat and gestures for Bobby to follow him. “Thank you so much.” Bobby starts, lunging himself at Aladdin in an embrace. 
Aladdin laughs, patting Bobby’s head gently. “You’re welcome. I actually wanted to tell you that he has obvious feelings for you. I don’t think he’d be as willing to pardon someone else if they were under your circumstances. I barely had to argue with him before he gave in. I’m not saying you have to like, give your body to him,” Bobby breaks eye contact with the Arabian prince to glance at Patrick, who’s watching them, “Because you aren’t indebted to him in any way. His reaction isn’t your fault. I just figured maybe I hsould let you know.” Bobby nods, thoroughly shocked. He didn’t realize it, but now that it’s been said, it does make sense. The way the prince’s eyes lit up every time he’d see Bobby’s face, how quick he was to let Bobby bathe in his tub. It makes so much sense. 
Aladdin pat’s Bobby’s back, giving him a quick hug again before pushing him away. “Go, I know you like him too. I can tell.” Bobby’s face flushes, but he manages to retort: “Yeah, even I could tell you that much.” Aladdin rolls his eyes with a smile, walking towards Patrick. 
Bobby watches the prince closely, leaning against the wall. Next to him, the carpet places its tassel on Bobby’s forearm, and Bobby smiles in response, scratching very lightly at the carpet fibers. He watches the prince and Aladdin converse for a moment. They shake hands amiably, and the three—or four, counting the carpet—make their way upstairs.
Once outside, Bobby and Patrick watch as Aladdin flies off on his carpet. Bobby waves until he can’t see them anymore. They turn to look at each other, and Patrick nervously scratches at his neck. “I’m sorry, again. I shouldn’t have done any of that, and—” Bobby shakes his head, “It’s fine, really. Well, I can’t say that it isn’t affecting me, and I’ll be having some pretty terrifying nightmares, but—” 
Bobby’s cut off by the sensation of Patrick’s mouth on his. He’s a little confused, when did Patrick’s face get that close to his? His body warms up as he realizes he’s kissing the prince. “Wait,” He says when he pushes Patrick away slightly. “We can’t—I mean, I don’t think I can move that fast. Things happened, and I do forgive you, but I still need time to get over this whole thing.” 
Now this is the real challenge, Bobby thinks. This will determine what happens next. He’s bracing himself for some sort of negative reaction from the prince, but while he looks crushed, Patrick nods. Bobby excuses himself by saying that he needs to use the restroom, and he pulls the locket out, rubbing the metal with his thumb. “Can you make the guards and townsfolk forget what happened? It’ll make it much easier on me and Patrick.” Sheldon nods, and is about to snap his fingers before he pauses. 
“Wouldn’t you rather forget it too? I can make time go back, before this all happened.” Bobby shakes his head instantly.
“No,” he says, firmly. “I mean, I would, but I would make the same mistake if the clock rewound again. This is it, I can’t have this happen again and again.” Sheldon snaps his fingers, and Bobby smiles. “I know my third wish, too.” The genie leans forward slightly, waiting. “I wish to free you from being a genie.” Sheldon snaps again before his eyes snap open. 
“What?” Is the only thing he’s able to get out before green sparkles wash over him. “Why’d you…?” He asks, afterwards. 
Bobby smiles, “You’ve been trapped in there for the past twenty years, this past day has been the first time in twenty years that you’ve seen the world. It doesn’t matter what you did or said before that, no one deserves to be trapped somewhere for so long like that.”
“You could’ve used that third wish for anything you wanted, you could’ve made yourself rich, given yourself anything your heart desired, and you chose to free me?” Sheldon asks, voice laced with emotion. Bobby nods again, smiling slightly. 
Sheldon staggers forward, and Bobby catches the former genie in an embrace. “Go,” He whispers, “you’re free to do what you want now.” Sheldon whispers a ‘thank you’ to Bobby.
Bobby manages to distract the prince long enough for Sheldon to sneak past them. He’s done wrong in his past, that’s for sure, but maybe doing it for a good cause nullified his wrongdoings. All he knows for certain is that this is the end of it all. This is where he finally draws the line, because things are definitely going to change. 
“I have a question,” Patrick states out of the blue one night several weeks later. “And you can totally say no.” Bobby turns his head towards Patrick, curious. “Would you accept if I asked you to be my partner?” Bobby’s taken a little by surprise, by the question, and he leans back slightly. “I thought that’d be your reaction. It’s fine, forget it.” 
“No, I just…was shocked, that’s all. Of course I would, but can we still take it slow?” He asks, heart filled to the brim with joy. 
Patrick smiles at Bobby, placing a hand gently on his cheek. “For you, of course.”
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venator-arts · 3 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ezra Bridger & Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger/Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger & Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger & Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger & Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger & Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Ezra Bridger & C1-10P | Chopper, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Beru Whitesun, Leia Organa & Beru Whitesun, Luke Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger & Ahsoka Tano, CC-2224 | Cody & Luke Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody & Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader Characters: Ezra Bridger, Luke Skywalker, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, C1-10P | Chopper, Darth Vader, oc inquisitor characters, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beru Whitesun, Arihnda Pryce, CC-2224 | Cody, Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo Additional Tags: Inquisitor Ezra Bridger, Imperial Luke Skywalker, Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker, Luke Skywalker Needs A Hug, Ezra Bridger Needs A Slap, i will make that a tag thanks, Ezra Bridger Needs a Hug, Dark Ezra Bridger, in moment of clarity local teenager just needs his dad, Aladdin AU, More tags to come as I go, moon analogies for ezra, sun analogies for the twins, Post-Episode: s02e21-22 Twilight of the Apprentice, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, luke has no respect for pryce and good for him, Stormtrooper CC-2224 | Cody, did i mention that this is super duper duper loosely based on aladdin, I JUST WANT TO MAKE THAT CLEAR, Inquisitor Ahsoka Tano, luke with a shoto, sabine just wants her brother back is that too much to ask bro, Slow Burn, i've decided this is slow burn now cause looking at my notes, it will Be A While, Purge Trooper CC-2224 | Cody Summary:
“Were you stealing supplies for the rebellion?” The other looked up and crossed his arms defensively as Luke continued. "It's not uncommon around here." “What if I was huh? What are you going to do about it? Turn me in? Trust me, I’ve gotten out of Imperial hold more times than I can count.” “But you are a rebel, by definition, are you not?” “...If I was?” Luke nodded, as if in approval. “Good. You can help me.” “What? Why would I help you? I have no idea who you are and you have no idea who I am.” “I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find information on you. You said you had been captured several times?”
 aka an aladdin au i made up entirely based on that one (1) scene in the temple on Malachor
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Toss a Coin by littlemisstpk
Haikyuu!! || Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi || Explicit || Graphic descriptions of violence || 14,527 words || Complete
Summary: Atsumu is a highly annoying but equally proficient bard, and Kiyoomi is a deadly witcher with an image problem. A romance told through four encapsulated encounters.
Other tags: AU-Witcher Fusion, Canon-typical violence, making up & breaking up, implied/referenced character death
Tease by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Benny || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,376 words || Complete
Summary: Dean absolutely loves teasing his boyfriend through... unconventional means.
Other tags: Camboy Dean, Unicorn dick, High Dean, Boyfriend Benny, Benny is long suffering in this camboy thing, Dean in Panties, Panty Kink, Dildos
Body Positivity by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cas || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,398 words || Complete
Summary: Dean is fat, but he doesn't care. Cas loves him anyway, and apparently even has some kinks that involve his body?
Other tags: Titty Fucking, Chubby Dean, Enabler Castiel, Body Positivity, Lingerie, Dean wears Lingerie
Lost and found by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cas/Jimmy || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 2,039 words || Complete
Summary: Dean first saw a djinn lamp when he was young. When he returns years later as a specialised scholar, one of the lamps calls to him... SPN Kink bingo square: master/slave
Other tags: master/slave, Djinn!Cas, Djinn!Jimmy, Master!Dean, AU, (think Aladdin)
Slow by fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cain || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 2,334 words || Complete
Summary: Dean and Cain have been dating and Dean has finally asked for what he wants, but Cain isn't ready for that just yet... SPN Kink bingo square: Virginity
Other tags: Virginity, First Time, Consensual sex, Soft Sex, Dean is nervous, Dates
The Pitfalls of Being Famous (chapter 37) by tryslora
Teen Wolf || Derek/Stiles || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 3,822 / 165,419 words || WIP
Summary: Rosie's Daddy comes to school for her winter holiday party.
Other tags: Musician AU, Breakups & Makeups, Anxiety & Depression, Angst with a Happy Ending
The Pitfalls of Being Famous (chapter 39) by tryslora
Teen Wolf || Derek/Stiles || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 4,556 / 173,713 words || WIP
Summary: Christmas Eve is for found family and family and fluff.
Other tags: Musician AU, Breakups & Makeups, Anxiety & Depression, Angst with a Happy Ending
Have you posted a fic recently?  Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Friday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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dat-town · 8 years
Genie for your wish
Characters: Jin & You
Setting: Disney au – Aladdin, notedly Genie au
Genre: fluff, humour (?)
Words: 1664
Summary: Genies were the last thing you thought about when you bought your fridge. Apparently, magic lamps are considered old-fashioned nowadays.
For more fairytale aus, check my Once upon a fairytale masterpost.
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You’ve never believed in magic.
Okay, you had your own Harry Potter phrase like everyone else but other than that? Not at all. In your vocabulary things like divination, palmistry, horoscopes or oneiromancy are bullshit. Pitiful means some con artists use to trick naive people but you aren’t one. Most of all, you certainly don’t believe in genies.
But what can you do when this guy suddenly pops straight out of your brand new, shiny fridge? Yes, that’s right: an almost 180 cm young man just casually walked out of your tiny refrigerator wearing clothes that suit a sunny beach better than the freezing cold Seoul.
“I must be dreaming. There’s no way it’s real,” you murmur frustrated and blink in the hope that the unwanted vision disappears. Still, there he is with an annoying grin plastered on his face. You can’t help but facepalm. “And now I’m talking to myself, great, I’m going crazy.”
“It’s okay, it’s a common reaction. Also, I’m aware that I’m unbelievably handsome but I can assure you I’m real. My name is Jin and it’s a pleasure to meet you,” the sudden guest chuckles and introduces himself as a genie no less. You cannot quite focus on his words because he’s levitating in the air a feet above the floor and seeing this makes you dizzy. He says you have three wishes but you don’t listen because this must be some weird dream and you’ll wake up soon. However, it doesn’t happen any time soon.
Even though you threw this Jin guy out, the next day, the unreal, blonde guy is making breakfast in your own kitchen and smiles at you like it’s an everyday thing. Which is not because you’re an independent lady living alone and you’re absolutely not sharing with anyone who claims to be more than a hundred years old yet looks like and ancient Greek god.  Not to mention that according to your unwelcomed guest, you’re now connected until you’re granted your wishes. It’s so ridiculous, it must be some childish hidden camera prank but you won’t fall for his tricks. Or you thought.
“If you are really a genie, make the neighbours shut up!” you snap after an hour of useless studying because of the noise from above and your yell startles casually napping genie. You finally had enough of his fluttering eyelashes and persuading speeches about the importance of wishes. Let’s get over it.
“You wish is my command,” Jin grins widely and smacks his fingers. Lo and behold, the irritating fuss stops immediately.
It’s coincidence, you say and act like as if he wasn’t there after that incident. You hope he would get bored of waiting and leave but no, he stays stubbornly and looks like he has the time of his life watching tv with you and eating your favourite cereal. He even follows you to your boring university lectures where nobody sees him and makes silly jokes when you’re on the verge of falling asleep during class. Sometimes he sings when you cook and you don’t listen to the radio anymore because his voice could lull you into sleep. Even after two weeks of practically living with him, you don’t believe in this whole genie thing. It feels more like having a kind of nice ghost haunting you.
“Aren’t all genies come from lamps?” you snicker one time in a teasing voice as you sit on the counter watching him preparing dinner. The first time he invaded your precious kitchen, you chased him out with a frying pan but since you discovered he’s a chef-skilled cook, you hasn’t protested against his fondness for your fridge and stove anymore.
“Not anymore. It’s not practical. We have to evolve with the times, you know,” he snorts and shoots you a judging stare but during the time you spent together you learnt that you shouldn’t take him seriously when he acts like this.
“Sure, because the fridge is such a big improvement,” you scoff while you watch him flipping a pancake. You could get used to this sickeningly domestic feeling and it’s kind of scary. You know you shouldn’t get attached.
“Hey! At least, it’s bigger,” Jin reasons and you can’t argue with that so instead you change the topic and ask him about what people usually wish for. You still have two more to go and then it’ll be over. Everything will be normal again.
“Well, most people want money or power, like promotion at their workplace. Sometimes they want to make someone to fall in love with them, but we can’t do that.”
“And if I just wish for meeting the love of my life, not a specific person?” The rule makes you think out loud because you’ve always been a person who over-analysed everything. Maybe that’s why love avoided you since forever.
Jin furrows his eyebrows, deep in thought then nods. “Well, it might take a while but it should work.”
“Then let’s make a deal,” you suggest out of nowhere, running on the fuel of your crazy, spontaneous idea. “If I meet the one, I’ll free you with my third wish.”
The one thing I vaguely remember from Aladdin, the Disney movie that the blue Genie’s dream was to live as a free person. And seeing the happy, crooked smile on Jin’s face, I’m not terribly wrong if I think it’s his, too.
“Deal,” he nods and grants you your second wish. Now, you only have to wait.
In the meantime, you get used to having a flatmate. Especially because he always disappears for the night and comes back in the morning in fresh clothes, looking better than ever. He never uses the restroom or the bathroom, never sweats and never sleeps. Sometimes you joke about him being a vampire and he’s not amused at all. When you struggle with your Modern History class, he tells you his first-hand experience and soon, you find out that it’s been a few hundred years ago when he was cursed to live as a Genie. You whine about it but you secretly like when he surprises you because you can’t hear his footsteps when he’s levitating. You love listening to his stories, falling asleep on his shoulder on the couch while watching a cheesy classic or posing for him while using your corridor as a catwalk in the morning when he comments on your chosen outfit for the day. It has only been a month and you don’t remember how it was before him. You don’t even want to.
“Maybe my Prince Charming won’t come,” you blurt out hastily one day but deep down you know you’d already met him. He’s strikingly handsome, tells bad dad jokes, has nice shoulders and is terrible at rock, paper, scissors.
“Don’t say that.” Jin turns to you with a suddenly clouded expression but you don’t want him to be sad because of you. “I thought it would work. It should have.”
“Doesn’t matter. I have my third wish anyway,” you shrug with a forced smile and play with the hem of your worn t-shirt. Maybe you should ask for a better wardrobe.
“Really? What is it?” It piques his curiosity but your silence is a telling answer and his face falls. “Hey, you don’t have to...”
“But I want to,” you interrupt him because you aren’t in the mood for listening to him not knowing why he deserves this after a fail or rejecting your kindness. You look straight in those chocolate orbs and lightly plant your hand on his rosy-coloured cheek. “I want you to be free and human again. That’s my final wish.”
“Your wish is my command,” he says the monotonous words for the last time and even beyond the stars in his eyes, there’s sadness you couldn’t get a grip of. Isn’t this what he wanted so much? To be human again? But before you could ask anything, he smacks his fingers and he’s gone just like that. Without leaving any trace behind that would prove that he was there in the first place and suddenly your apartment feels empty without him.
For a few days, even weeks, you wait for him to magically come back. To you. Stupidly, you would like to believe that your second wish wasn’t a waste and he realized your feelings before he left. However, it looks like he isn’t coming back and it leaves you no choice but to move on. It was silly of you to let yourself be charmed. What did you ever think? Falling in love with a genie? Nothing good could come out of it.
In the end, it turns out he was right: your second wish comes true after all. It takes a while but you meet the love of your life for real. It happens when you least expect it. The one who sits across you on your train home isn’t levitating and he’s not blonde but he has the darkest raven hair you’ve ever seen and his smile is still the same.
“Do you believe in magic, miss?”
A simple question shouldn’t make your heart race like this but you try your best to stay nonchalant as you answer. “No.”
“Really? Because you bewitched me,” he laughs at his own joke and in your opinion nobody has ever pulled off a corny pick up line better than him. It’s impossible because he even gently tucks a lock behind your ear while leaning closer and the next thing you know he holds out a red rose for you. His familiar nougat brown eyes are sincere and his palm is warm on your hand. It can’t be a magic trick anymore: he’s real, this is real. “Sorry for making you wait.”
“Thank you for coming back,” you squeeze his hand and a smile creeps on your face. You couldn’t have wished for any better.
Genie or not, there’s no doubt that your time together with Jin will be magical.
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Tall woman-little man pairings I adore
Here are a list of tall woman-little man pairings, canon or fanmade, that I adore.
Roger x Jessica (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Kermit x Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Barney x Betty (The Flintstones)
Donkey x Dragon (Shrek)
Fox x Skunk (Skunk Fu; with Skunk being older than canon obviously, either it's an AU or it's a time skip where he's old enough to date Fox)
Fox (Skunk Fu) x William D. Ploohe (Disney Xover OC doppelganger of Winnie the Pooh)
Rita x Dodger (Oliver and Company)
Rita x Oliver (Oliver and Company; with Oliver being older than canon)
Rita (Oliver and Company) x Bolt (film of the same name)
Esme "Sukey" Lane x Baxter Crescent (Sing OC duplicates of Buster and Suki, since shipping MoonLane is pointless)
Esme "Sukey" Lane (Sing OC) x Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
Stanley the cat x Alicia the dog (my Bremen/Sing OCs)
Furrball x Fifi La Fume (Tiny Toons; I think Fifi is like an inch taller than him, though that's not much)
Furrball x Julie Bruin (Tiny Toons)
Gomez x Morticia (The Addams Family)
Buzz x Jessie (Toy Story)
Beast Boy x Raven (Teen Titans)
Beast Boy x Terra (Teen Titans)
Ted Wiggins x Audrey (The Lorax (2012))
Felix x Calhoun (Wreck-It Ralph)
Tails x Zooey (Sonic Boom)
Tails x Barby Koala (Sonic comics)
Tails x Lupe (Sonic AU where Tails is older)
Tails x Blaze (Sonic AU where Tails is older)
Spike x Applejack (MLP:FIM AU)
Shackelford x Dorothy (Clifford's Really Big Movie)
Drake Mallard x Morgana McCawber (Darkwing Duck)
Iago x Thundra (Aladdin)
Timon x Shenzi (The Lion King AU)
Timon x Piper (The Lion King AU)
Cody Maverick x Lani Aliikai (Surf's Up)
Dixie x male version of Zelda (The Fox and the Hound 2 AU)
Twig x Anna (Amphibia AU)
Mike Wazowski x Celia Mae (Monsters Inc.)
Tom (Tom & Jerry) x Brenda Springer (Animalympics)
Leshawna x Harold (Total Drama)
Phineas Flynn x Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Chicken Little x Abby Mallard (Chicken Little)
Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio) x Rosie (A Bug's Life)
Lady Kluck (Robin Hood (1973)) x the White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland (1951))
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venator-signum · 3 years
after wayyyyy too long - I have updated
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venator-arts · 3 years
a comprehensive list of fanfics/wips I've completed/am actually working on and how much im working on them (not in order)
(also I will update this every now and then when I write some more lmao)
• skybridger aladdin au - update: 7th chapter is finally up!!! (after six months... oops) anyways at a good point in the story, big time skip ahead
• finn fic - is there, maybe rewatch tfa and read some finnpoe then i might get inspired but wont post for agessss
• infinity stones - also there, working on it in bits and pieces, plan to have all chapters written out before posting (like 6 or 7 chapters - one for each stone and then maybe branch out in future for more worldbuilding idk)
• one-shots and snippets of execute order 65 au - the idea is there and i have things i want to explore but idk man it'll be longer than skybridger before i get to it
completed and posted fics:
Execute Order Sixty-Five - order 66 fix-it
rosi's spectres and skywalkers (series) - includes: reminders of people lost, i never lost hope, Younglings of the Rebellion and Wait For Me
Full of Hope - rouge one alternate ending
imagine all the people livin' life in peace - tros alternate ending
• mlb hbic au - starting to organise written snippets into order and connecting things together, lots still missing despite the 20ish pages worth of content, nothing posted but art is on tumblr
• anatis and grimalkin spin-off (from hbic au) - it'll happen as we go, bits and pieces will click together eventually ig and i can go off of ideas in hbic au
• akumanette - not a lot but some basic concepts down like trigger or akumatisation and some other points but wont be done done for a while
completed and posted fics:
rosi's miraculous one-shots (series) - includes: the motorcycle is actually a great idea, sweet dreams (are made of this) and i used to hear a simple song
• more of jim's perfect timeline au - mainly just a fic of barbara adopting all of jims friends with a healthy dose of half-troll mother son bonding
completed and posted fics:
jim's perfect timeline au (series) - includes: time in the hall of the mountain king and like mother like trollhunter
witcher daemon au - it won't leave me alone so I'm super excited for this one!!! there's a lot of worldbuilding that needs to be done to work out the mechanics of how daemons with work with witchers and mages and super powerful monolith breaking princesses; also coming up with names and animals for each character aksdsadj excite
completed and posted fics:
Soldier Poet King - aka jaskier writes soldier poet king in the witcher universe
completed and posted fics:
Keep Smiling For Me - peter and hope during the What If... Zombies ep
Little Lampbug and the Spider - aka natasha dies, yelena cries; yelena finds out nat's dead
completed and posted fics:
rosi's pjo one-shots (series) - includes: jackson & gardner and a god's power stems from belief
• evil!raven au - a fair bit is happening, plot points are there and i know where i wanna end up but so much is missing still but we getting there ig (now that I think about it it's not so much evil, maybe more feral raven constantly going apeshit)
• spirit blessed sokka & katara - will probs rewatch atla to get a feel for what i want as its gonna go through show events with some changes ig but a look into their powers is done in my notes and like the start is finished, may have to read some moon spirit!sokka fics (particularly zukka)
artemis lance (not the title but maybe it will be we'll see) - hehe Artemis gets adopted by dinah lance when she's a kid cause Paula gave her up for adoption to try save her from growing up in a family of criminals au; gonna be so much spitfire and mother/daughter bonding you won't even know (with a dash of team as a family, connor being a big brother and ollie abt to do anything for his girls)
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