#rosi's fic tag
venator-arts · 11 months
infinity stone are hearts of kyber
hey yall this is an explanatory post for my new fic infinity stones are hearts of kyber (pls check it out) based on this comic
if you're interested, please go read the fic first as thing contains spoilers
Obi-Wan Kenobi power: teleportation via knock-off World Between Worlds; can teleport as long as he can see/has an idea of where he needs to go; lightsaber will always return to closest ally attunement moment: seeing Qui-Gon stabbed
Planets/beings connected:
Lothal Loth Wolves Purgill
Plo Koon power: enhanced battle meditation; stronger connection between him and those he is close to; gains memories of each of his men; because of this connection, he feels deaths in the force a lot stronger attunement moment: the malevolence
Rey power: psychometry; she connects with the minds of those who held/used the object, can understand some of the thoughts they may have had attunement moment: completing her lightsaber (which is actually a lightsaber staff cause i think thats cool)
Planets/beings connected:
Jedha - Holy City for Jedi; jedi hold mind stone in high esteem Father - idk man i included the other two and he fit the vibes; my notes say "Father is mind (yuh)"
Mace Windu power: shatterpoint (i dont need to say more) attunement moment: learning shatterpoint
Planets/beings connected:
Coruscant - in the core of the planet from the old sith temple (sith love power) and the reason why a city planet hasn't collapsed Son - the dark side of the force
Palpatine power: reality manipulation (helps him with all his evil sith things) attunement moment: idk do we really know anything abt this man
Maul power: went mad from being chopped in half and teleported to a random planet and holding onto a Shard that he wasn't attuned to; later allowed him to see through palpatine's plan
Planets/beings connected:
Mortis - self-explanatory Mortis gods - all three are connected in the loosest sense while having stronger connections to other stones
Qui-Gon Jinn power: able to learn force ghost things; can look into certain significant events (eg. his death) attunement moment: ambiguous, i think it happened along the way
Yoda power: visions; extension of life attunement moment: Force Priestess saying he can learn from Qui-Gon how to ghost
Luke Skywalker power: visions of past, present and future attunement moment: healing a bleeding crystal (this bit is canon from comics i looked it up)
Planets/beings connected:
Takodana and Maz Kanata - Maz is the guardian of the stone that is in the planet's core (it's why she's so incredibly old) and time moves different in pockets of the world which i made up Morai - lil green owl that follows ahsoka, led ezra to find her in the World Between Worlds
Cal Kestis power: psychometry/force echoes; connects with the souls of the people using the object (also i play him with an orange saber cause i think its cool) attunement moment: collecting his crystal on Ilum
Planets/beings connected:
Vormir and Red Skull - only actual crossover with mcu cause i couldn't be bothered to think of a planet that fit Daughter - gave her soul to save ahsoka
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aska234 · 5 months
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Drawning inspired by @solcaeruleus 's amazing fic A Drop of Poison
Guys, I don't know what to tell ya more then just go read it, Its really cool. I cannot wait to see what happens next! :DDD
In honour of the author I sorta spedrun making this one, which means it is now 4am hahaha<3 (dw, I'll get some more sleep later and I enjoyed making this one all the way through ^^)
Have a great day/night everybody!
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eggcats · 4 months
Somehow a random fic I'm writing in my Housewife Vox universe of Rosie lamenting about her idiots has developed into her forcing them to have a conversation about Alastor possibly going into rut now that hes in a relationship with Vox, lmao
"So help me, nothing you two will do will be done first when you're too affected by your instincts to know better. You WILL be a gentleman, or I will kill you myself and then feed you to him!”
“Uh….I'd rather not eat-”
“You will.”
(I had to add this dialogue on the off chance I never actually publish bc it was too funny to me).
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swxrxgini · 2 months
Can you please write headcanons for Bhallaladeva when instead of devsena, he became obsessed with reader after seeing her portrait. And requests his mother to arrange their marriage. Can you also please write how will he court her and act around her before and after marriage? Thank you ❤️
|: The apsara in the portrait...
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Receiver....Author: "Hello? Yes, okay. Thank you for the request!! This psycho is definitely a fan favourite and I love him so much!"
Receiver....Synopsis: "The beauty of Heranshi was it's princess and upon seeing a portrait of her painted by a villager from Heranshi, the elder prince of Maheshmati falls for her after seeing her portrait.."
Receiver....warnings: "Hello? Okay, not many warnings, but Bhallaldeva is probably a bit tamer here since he's not so much behind Devsena so he doesn't feel like he's losing another thing to Bahubali, so he's a bit tamer and not so much after the throne now| Reader mentioned to have siblings and mentions of pregnancy| He's a bit OOC|| Part 2: Nsfw"
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✤ Bhalleldeva is a man of refined taste as one would say, he's a royal and the elder son of Rajamatha Shivgami Devi and a crown prince. Of-curse he's known for his lavish tastes. He wanted the throne, but couldn't get it. So when Shivgami Devi sent him away for, he got delighted as it gave him a chance to earn the throne back.
✤ While Bahubali was away, Bhalladeva indulged himself in different things, drinks, games, fights and especially women..when one day, as he was having fun with drinks, he overheard a few of the noble men's servants talking about an apsara from Heranshi, "Have you seen her hair??", "So black and so long, perfect for a lady of her title" compliments after compliments poured from their mouths for the so called princess.
✤ And one thing led to another and he got the foreign nobleman to pain a picture of the so called apsara, he was curious, he couldn't lie..and he could see why people of your empire loved you so much, you were so gorgeous with your long hair, gorgeous eyes, and stories of your kindness and more only encourage his sudden infatuation with you.
✤ He told his mum on accident how much he had begun liking you, and she excitedly call for a meeting after Bahubali returned for a while and they visited Heranshi for a while and met with the king and queen, both of them glad to meet the great Shivgami Devi, and her sons, Bhallalldeva and Bahubali.
✤ They were invited by the king and queen for a festival and you held a dance performance as the princess of your empire and he was star struck, Bahubali would smirk and nudge Bhallaldeva's shoulders and tease him about being obsessed with you before even knowing your name, as Bhalladeva would push him away as he giggled softly.
✤ You and your siblings were introduced to Bahubali and Bhallaldeva and he got to know your name, Y/N, and he was swooning, you were even prettier up close..he could barely hold himself up and he swear to god he felt his knees buckle underneath his weight as you smiled at him.
✤ After a lot of talk, you and Bhalladeva were to be put into an arranged marriage and so he started courting you, he would bring your extremely gorgeous pendents and jewellery; anklets, armbands, earrings, necklaces, nose rings, bracelets, dress belts, expensive clothing, some even bejewelled with gold and stuff.
✤ Flowers, gifts, statues, portraits, expensive clothing, spoiling you with food you liked, jewellery you enjoyed beaded with your birth stones or gemstones, diamonds, gold, silver, platinum and so much more. He would gift them to you and though you found it a bit too extravagant, your parents were happy you had gotten such a wealthy and rich fiancee for yourself.
✤ He knows he's conceited, a bit cruel, a bit of a sadist and if we're being honest, not a fit person for someone as kind and gorgeous as you. So he had to suck up SO MUCH pride and go to Bahubali for advice or Kattappa if hes EXTREMELY desperate and ask them for advice and actually takes some things into consideration even if he thinks Bahubali just talks his brain and word vomits whenever he speaks.
✤ Bahubali actually thinks this engagement between you two is pretty beneficial, not only for the alliance of empires, but also to build his relationship with Bhallaldeva. And he is pretty happy to do so with his brother, even if he doesn't like his brother a lot.
✤ Bhalladeva and you would be sitting like eating lunch or dinner and he would listen to whatever it is you have to say if you're more talktative and if he's the more talkative one, he'd be trying to tell you as much as he can about the books he read, stories of his childhood, about himself, about his empire, Maheshmati, to you while you listen with interest. If you're both a bit closer at this point, you both might even feed each other.
✤ Eventually he did have to go back, but you got your parents to send you with him to Maheshmati for a while to see how living there would be like while Bahubali headed back to see Devsena with Kattapa.
✤ You and Bhalladeva got certainly a lot of time together, you did not like his father Bijjaladeva a lot who sneered at you, but you didn't say anything to Bhalladeva because you did not want to be disrespectful to him and his family, especially not his mum, who come to like you a lot...But after a while, Bhalladeva did catch the uncomfortability you got around his dad and asked you once while you both laid in his bed.
✤ You did eventually speak your mind out a bit, trying to be as respectful as possible, ready to be kicked out or whatever..but he sighed, internally he knew you'd be creeped out by his dad's weird, not because of his weird body stature, but rather by his scheming, sort of evil intended nature..He calmed you down, promise to protect you...and talked to his dad about it as well.
✤ Simply to say, his dad was not happy and did try to scheme your death, but he shut it down and gave a stern talking to his dad. While you and him slowly got closer and closer, until Bahubali came back with more news that he liked Devsena and the two fell in love and stuff, it was pretty rushed, but him and Devsena seemed closer than anything.
✤ You and Bhalladeva's marriage was first and since you were quite beloved for your kind, generous and wealthy reign in your family's empire, people welcomed you with open arms. As you and him got married in a lavish wedding, your mother cried.
✤ During your marriage, let's say they still had the shoe stealing tradition, and so your sisters stole Bhalladeva's shoes which were so huge compared to them, and they had to be extra tricky, they stole the shoes when he removed them and he couldn't even feel bad cause you were laughing softly, looking so pretty.
✤ It was a good bonding moments and he did give your sisters huge sum of money to get his shoes back as your sisters, you, Bahubali, your close families laughed gently, and you were accepted into the family by Shivgami Devi immediately.
✤ Bhalladeva did complain to you about how he wanted the throne and stuff, but trying to a form a relationship with you, advice on relationships and stuff all came from Bahubali and so the two formed a bond, he became more interested in spending time with you rather than running an empire and besides, his mum's judgement never went wrong.
✤ You thought he showered you with gifts before, he showered you with gifts and affection even more after marriage, constant kisses, constant spending time together with him reading you old stories of Mahesmati or Heranshi..whatever he can get.
✤ Both getting palmistry to see your future in marriage and he did not wish to tell you anything, no matter how much you demanded it. He definitely became more mellowed out and calmer after your marriage, constant affection in private, though in public, his hand is always around yours. People of Maheshmati think it's rather adorable and servants even more so.
✤ He sometimes has you watch his fights with Bijjaladeva, him sometimes making back-handed compliments which you threw back with equally sassy yet respectable comments which made Bhalladeva laughed, though he tried not to show it.
✤ You know in the first week of marriage, Bahubali was sitting on the floor with kid's toys and you bent down and held his chin and kissed his forehead like a mum and you both go so confused cause he called you mum on accident after that and Bhalladeva instantly though you both were drunk...
✤ Apparently Bahubali is your babyboy brother too. And you were so incredibly happy for him as his marriage was done to such a gorgeous girl which you definitely teased him about as he giggled like a babygirl, while Bhalladeva glared at Bahubali.
✤ He has portraits painted of you and he gets pissed off if they don't portray your beauty exactly as he sees it, whenever after a puja he gets prashad, he feeds it to you first before eating it himself, same of taking the puja from the diya, he does it to you first before himself.
✤ Very protective and possessive, his murderous tendencies do jump back in when some man or lady tries to disrespect you, he has threatened and maybe killed hurt some people, not that he will tell you.
✤ Always decorating you with stuff you have in your closet after a day because it's a way he relaxes, seeing you dolled up and pretty, as it's tiring for you, since you have to take off so many heavy gold, diamond, gemstone and silver and other jewellery.
✤ It won't be too long before you do get pregnant, if you want NSFW headcanons...that's another thing, request it and maybe I'll do it. Maybe add in some scenarios for this too, fluffy ones though.
✤ But seriously, you do get pregnant pretty quickly, cause man he's a..how to say, he desperately insatiable guy and he thinks you'd look gorgeous while pregnant, and have children with your looks who he thinks will be absolute beauties on earth.
✤ During his and Bahubali's coronation, you calmed his nerves and told him it's fine to be a commander of arms right beside the emperor too and Bahubali thanked you immensely for it that his relationship with Bhalladeva was healed and not torn apart for the throne. He took the oath as Devsena made you sit with her, since she was cooing to your pregnant belly the entire time and congratulating you
✤ Speaking of Devsena, you and her literally become best-friends, especially after her and Bahubali's marriage and she gets pregnant not too long after you, brothers are not so different after all.
✤ But before she was pregnant, she gifted you so many things and you gifted her so many things from your empire, Heranshi as well. You and her took so much time with each other that after a while the brother's got jealous of each other's wife for having so much attention of their wife on the other's wife...yeah..
✤ Overall, pretty cute marriage, he's head over heels, loves you, obsessed with you, kills for you, dies for you, decorates you and loves your kids a lot.
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© This writing work belongs to me, swxrxgini, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine, kiara. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
i saw the goahead to make fanart and i immediately jumped at the opportunity
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all doodles are of the latest chapter !!
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rosenbergamot · 6 months
Something about a bottle of vodka that (almost) jogs your memory
“Scar…” Grian’s exasperated voice rings through monopoly mountain. He quickly peeks down into the first level. His friend is holding the bottle of vodka he had managed to find ages ago. “Where on earth did you find this. How on earth did you find this. What even are you doing with this.” 
None of his ‘questions’ are actually questions; his inflection does not go up, as Grian is not actually curious as to where he got the alcohol, rather he is tired of his shenanigans and trying desperately not to lose his mind. Scar kicks his feet and giggles, his hair leaking over and dangling in the air. 
“Why, I got it from the village, of course! Before I burnt down that house— you remember the one, don’t you, Grian? It seems those pesky villagers knew how to distill alcohol. Have you ever seen that before, Grian? Distilling alcohol? In a village? It’s madness!” 
Grian’s beady little eyes glare up at him from the ground floor. “Scar, I don’t think either of us have seen villagers before we got here. There’s not much we’ve seen.” 
Of course they have. They’ve had to. It was only natural— he knows it in his heart. But they can’t remember this fact. When Scar tries to hold onto the memory, it floats away from him. Things he should know dissolve between his fingers. Things he shouldn’t know linger on the back of his neck. 
He picks up his cane and walks downstairs. The slats of the window are tiny but if one squints and tilts their head in the right direction, then they can see the entire desert and forest sprawled out in front of them. The sands sometimes hold their footprints until the wind blows them away, covers the paths they’ve taken. They’re still working on building up a cactus wall as defense. 
The sandstone awards them a bit of coolness in the day. At night it becomes unbearable, as they both flock upstairs to try and conserve as much heat as possible. There’s always a careful distance they keep from each other in the day, but during the night it becomes impossible to do so. When Grian grumbles and pushes his nest towards Scar’s sleeping bag, curls up right next to him and nudges at his arms until they open and he can be enveloped by him, that’s when Scar truly feels like he’s back to being a person again. 
If they could mend the self inflicted rift that exists in the daytime… well, maybe Scar wouldn’t feel so prone to drinking. As it stands, though, Grian’s found his bottle of alcohol and he is not looking impressed.
“Say, have you ever had a drink before?” He asks as he peels the bottle out of Grian’s hand. He smells like the sun. He’s been out all day. 
Grian scoffs, his pretty features twisting a bit as he obviously thinks about it. “Of course I have! I-- well, I haven’t had one here, but I can only imagine I have before. In another life.”
In another life. If only they got to have that. Another life seems like an intangible dream. 
He hums thoughtfully. He’s only had a few drinks from this bottle. Just enough to stave off the gnawing anxiety and bloodlust that grows underneath his skin everyday. 
He starts to toss the bottle from hand to hand, watching the way the liquid inside jostles. “The taste was at least a little bit familiar to me when I tried some. I’ve definitely had it before! No clue when. I wonder what I liked to drink before I got here? That guy… the other me. I wonder what he was like.” 
He laughs but it doesn’t have much humour. 
And Grian’s eyes look softer when he finally peels his stare away from the droplets racing down the bottle. “Yeah, it would seem that bits of our past bled through into this life. Like, I can’t resist pressing a button or flicking a lever no matter how dangerous it may be. Other me must’ve been a right moron, don’t know how I lived to be… here.” A hum. “And redstone makes me… sad. As if I’ve lost something close to me. Something really important." His face falls. “I don’t get it.” 
Normally Grian only gets like this when the sun falls. Normally he’s guarded, witty, sharp; and Scar is much the same, each of them trying so desperately to preserve what little bits of dignity they have left here. Prideful people. Pride is such a sin, he can see it now. 
He sits down, stares at the swirling shapes of the sandstone on the wall. “Sometimes I can feel my brain try to remember my memories. Things important to me. People important to me. But it’s like there’s a… a block.” 
A strange warble comes from Grian. He makes those sounds sometimes-- bird sounds, that is, which makes a lot of sense given that he is a hybrid, but they only happen in specific circumstances. They’re different each time, from chirps to melodies to whistles to clicks. It happens when he’s bored, when he snuggles up next to Scar at night, when he accidentally hurts himself, when Pizza is being extra cute.
This sound is sad. It rings in his chest. 
“I’ve tried to ignore it.” Is what he admits after a few minutes. “I, um… grabbing this gave me one of those feelings like you described. It was as if I’d done this before. Not just with anyone. With you...” His voice gets real quiet at the end. 
Scar fights to keep his voice even as he responds. “Do… do you think we knew each other before?” Before we got thrown into hell. 
For Scar, the answer to that question is obvious: yes. He felt it as soon as he saw all of them. He felt something deep in his chest when he saw Grian, flashes of memories trying to bubble up to the surface but unable to. When Bdubs first spoke to him, he felt an immediate instinct to comment on his height-- which would have been very rude of him! They’d just met, after all!
Except they hadn’t. They’d known each other before. An election. A moon. A home. What even is he trying to remember? 
“I…” Another sound worms its way out of Grian. It’s more desperate, uncomfortable. He laughs it off awkwardly. “Can I try a sip of that alcohol? I think I suddenly need it.”
For the first time since they began talking, Scar really looks at Grian. His face is tight with stress, eyes shiny, nose flaring. His feathers are all fanned out, his ears twitching. In another life, Scar thinks maybe he also had wings. He can feel an absence on his back, like something has been missing all along, a vital piece of him.
Grian’s wings don’t work. None of the avians have actual working wings that can sustain them for a long period above the ground; they can all flutter, sure, but it’s as if their bodies aren’t made for it anymore despite them having these traits. 
He tries to make his smile as gentle as possible as he passes him the bottle. “Of course, of course! Would be downright cruel of me to make you handle this while sober!” He aims for a humorous tone, but the situation is so fucked up and strange that it falls flat. His smile is pulling painfully at the edges. 
Grian unscrews the bottle, smells it. He makes a face. He looks at him.
“I recommend not smelling it.” 
He rolls his eyes, then takes a swig of it. The face immediately turns to disgust. He swallows it, gagging, coughing, pounding his fist onto the table. It looks just like he did when he tried for the first time. It makes him start to laugh. 
“Scar!” He wails. “It tastes horrible!” 
“It does.” He swipes it from Grian, steeling himself before taking a sip. He only flinches a little bit this time. He looks to see if it impressed Grian, but the avian is flapping his hands, eyes screwed shut. Dangit. “It’s not supposed to taste nice, Grian! Because then you would drink all of it and it would be horrible. It’s the alcohol’s defense mechanism, y’see? It makes itself so bitter when you first take a sip that you run away immediately! That way you don’t drink it all right up and end up gettin’ yourself killed! But it doesn’t work on me.” 
For better or for worse.
Peeling his face off the table, Grian turns to glare at him. “Well, it could stand to taste a little less like… that. Maybe then it would hurt less people.” 
“I guess.” He studies the way the bottle glints in the diminishing daylight. “So… are you gonna have anymore?”
“Are you kidding me?” He scoffs. “Of course I am. Pass it here.”
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starlight-write · 5 months
Okay, I've been inactive for a HOT minute so I figured it's about time I finish some of these requests (which are still open).
There's a Radioapple fic that's been collecting dust in my drafts for a couple months now so that'll be posted either tonight or tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's some of the lovely requests I've received. I plan to write them all eventually, but I think it'd be fun to let you guys decide what I should work on next! <3
I'll leave this poll open for a week and I'll write based off supply and demand. Have fun! <3
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
Hi there! I’m imagining this prompt, maybe for Rosie and Aidan in Young Vets au? Because not gonna lie, Rosie seems like a disaster when they first start talking 😂😂
person a finding any stupid excuse to text to person b, but person b doesn't answer. person a is freaking out when, in reality, person b just doesn't know how to talk to person a
(Or literally any prompt that inspires you with Young Vets Clegan. On my knees begging for crumbs from this au because it has me in a chokehold)
ahh rosie and aiden my loves. you're right about no rizz rosie there LMAO. god love him. (for new folks - here's rosie's young veterans au headcanon list that kinda explains his backstory in this au. + what aiden looks like in my head, and rosie's phone pov)
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"Hey, your phone's gone off like three times in the last minute,"
Rosie looked up from where he was picking toys up off the ground. Ken, occupied with Naomi, slid his phone across with his foot- it going off a fourth time as he did.
For a moment he was worried about the string of texts he was getting, thumb shaking against his screen as he unlocked it.
Had to go to Boston for work. Have you been here?
The next two messages were pictures, one of what looked like the intricate ceiling of some sort of city hall building, the second a mirror selfie in the reflection of a window.
I have to come back in a couple weeks. If you're free maybe you can come, lots of kid stuff for Naomi too.
Rosie swallowed, sucking in his bottom lip.
"Everything okay?"
Ken's voice pulled him out of his head and he snapped his gaze up, relocking his phone and shoving it into the front pocket of his sweatshirt.
"Yeah- just a bunch of robotexts."
He should've texted him back, that much he could acknowledge. Aiden didn't do anything wrong. It was sweet that he wanted him around- was still planning on wanting him around two weeks from now. But the longer he thought of what exactly he should say the more clueless he felt, ultimately deciding to let it simmer for a bit.
About an hour went by before Curt seemed to be getting a sudden string of texts himself, eyebrows furrowing when he looked at his phone. It looked like Ken was about to ask if something was wrong at the same time Rosie was, Curt looking back up before both of them could.
"When's the last time you talked to Aiden'?" He said, and Rosie's face felt hot.
"Uh," He stuttered, pushing a hand back through his hair. "I mean he texted earlier, about some- some work trip- didn't get back to it yet. Is something wrong?"
Curt stifled a laugh, exhaling with a head shake.
"Biddick, what."
Tossing his phone to where Rosie was standing, Curt crossed his arms. "Don't know what you did to the guy- never seen him like this over anyone."
You and Ken were going over to Robby's house today right? Has he said anything about something I texted him?
Then there was a screenshot of their text thread, followed by two more messages.
Was mentioning that there's kid stuff too much?
If he says anything about it can you tell me so I can take it back or apologize or something? Thx.
Rosie looked at the screen and looked away, sucking in the right side of his flushed cheek.
It wasn't too much- well maybe it was but not in whatever way Aiden thought it might've been. One of the better parts of the past couple months of this had been how he came around to his daughter like it was no big deal. Like that's exactly what he'd been gunning for when he agreed to let Curt set him up with one of his Air Force buddies, even though Rosie was near 100% sure it wasn't.
He liked that Aiden thought of her when he thought of him. It made his chest warm that his idea of down time on a work trip was shepherding a toddler around a major city.
He could see it when he squeezed his eyes shut and liked what he saw. But now when the other shoe dropped like it always did it wouldn't just be his own sorry self getting hurt.
That, he struggled to stomach.
Rosie sat down hard next to Curt on the couch, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling as he passed him his phone back.
"You sit there for much longer without textin' him back I'm gonna call him." Curt said with a nudge to his side, giving him a satisfied hum as he fished his own cell out of his pocket.
Sorry I took so long to get back. Been a couple times but not since Naomi, think I should be free in a couple weeks (:
A reply came within a minute, before he could even exit out of the app.
Great. Miss you guys!
He assumed Curt saw the way his eyes widened when he felt him leaning into his space to look at his screen. On instinct alone he went to shove his phone back away, the other man grabbing his wrist before he could.
"Nope." He said, pressing down the side button to unlock his screen. "3 words, and 'm gonna type 'em myself if you don't."
Huffing, Rosie shot a glare at his friend out of the corner of his eye as he reopened the text thread and started typing.
Miss you too.
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sunkraken · 6 months
I love the idea of lilith x rosie can we pls get more fics in the tag I’m actually sobbing my eyes out why are there only 10 and half of them are just radioapple and one of them is just MY fic 😭😭😭😭
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venator-arts · 1 year
guess who updated for the first time in a bajillion years
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rosie-b · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Hi @kasienda! Thanks for the ask! 🩷
True Blue - It's not even that close. This is my baby, the AU I've put the most effort into and gotten the best response to. I got to crank up Gabriel's villainy and then had to put myself in his shoes in order to get Marinette to join his side (even just for a while). It was a challenge (still is, since it's not finished yet) that I really enjoyed, and I've loved the comments I've gotten on it! I really adore it when I can know that I'm not the only one who loves my fics, and this is one of the fics that allows me that security.
it's them (again) - Recency bias, partially! The idea for this fic was just so fun to work with, and it required more thought than your average AU since it doesn't really intersect with canon at all. I had to create a whole new world, and limit what I showed for simplicity. I think it worked pretty well! It still doesn't have many hits on AO3 compared to my other works, but I think it's just the side effect of locking my fics (what can I say, I don't enjoy AI stealing my work). When few people respond to my works (like with this one) it makes it harder for me to enjoy them, because I feel like I did something wrong. But this one was born in specific circumstances that allow me to at least temporarily overlook its response, and I think it has a unique charm that I'll keep liking. Plus, for a low number of hits, there's a high corresponding rate of kudos and bookmarks on this fic, which I do find encouraging
Centuries Overdue - Another fun AU to work with! I enjoy writing things that make me think and plan and scheme, I guess. Plus I got to work with two artists on it!! This fic (historical and modern, unique magic elements, plot twist-reliant) was unlike any others I'd written, so it forced me to try new things and grow as a writer. I think it turned out pretty well!
The Bedbug Problem - The last Ladrien fic I had a real blast writing! This was for the ml secret santa exchange, and while I haven't heard whether the fic's recipient liked it, I did, at least. I had fun trying to include certain elements I hoped the recipient would like as well as the ones that would drive the story forward. It always helps when you have similar tastes to the person you're writing for, because it feels like it's partially your gift, too!
Stealing Freedom - This was the first fic I wrote that got a lot of attention (by my standards) and it's one that was a lot of fun to write! It's another fic that was a new style for me at the time and that required me to kind of scheme as I worked my way to the perfect ending. I think I struck a pretty good balance of angst and hurt/comfort where Adrien and Marinette's love for each other basically saves the day, which is one of my favorite things to read. I was really glad that other people liked it, too!
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russilton · 1 month
Rosie almost nobody matches my nerd the way you do in the most complimentary way possible— I love being part of your circle even when it means being exposed to comments and lines I know are tailored to personally stab me in the gut— it is an odd way to be loved but I also know I show mine in fetching JPEGs so i accept and genuinely treasure it even through the tears.
When we met I was already such a big fan of your work and that’s only gotten worse- I carry more guilt about not being Caught up with your fics than anyone else’s but I also think it might be because I have a bit of fear that I won’t be able to give you a comment or a live reaction half as good as I know they deserve. I still think about the fics I have read constantly, I know the others will put me in a coma
I can’t wait to do it though, and I will, because if there’s anything you deserve it’s to know how talented you are, and how appreciated that is on the back of the work you do making the world a little better each day. You certainly make mine better
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swxrxgini · 26 days
|: The apasara in his arms...
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Receiver....Author: "Hello, Yeah..due to popular wishes, I'm doing NSFW headcanons for this hot psycho. Again, this continues on from the last timeline of the last Bhalladeva post."
Receiver....Synopsis: "The apsara that was Bhalladeva's wife and one of the crown princess of Maheshmati, beloved by people, has an insatiable husband...just some moments with them.."
Receiver....Warnings: " Fingering, corruption kink (a little bit), mating press, size kink, unprotected sex (don't do it), nipple play, dacryphilia, bulge kink, finger fucking.| Fem! reader.||NSFW. ||Minors DNI.|| don't tell anyone I wrote this, I won't ask why you like this psycho, but I get it, he's hot|| Continuation from the last post.|| A bit OOC|| He's a bit tamer here and has a somewhat good relationship with Bahubali and doesn't like Devsena|| प्राचीन: ancient, for those who don't know Hindi."
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☪ It was probably a bit before your wedding that he found his eyes wandering your body a bit too long nowadays, a bit too perverted thoughts in his mind, how he wanted to squeeze you so tight and something more...not that he would do anything you didn't want, that's no way into your heart, as Bahubali said....apparently, Bhallaldeva doesn't listen to Bahubali a lot...
☪ And he was a bit affectionate sure, holding your hands when you're both together and during, as you both watch over the empire or as he feeds you while staring at you hopelessly and disgustingly in love. Or he has you sleep in his room (if it's permitted) and snuggled against you so close.
☪ After the wedding, it was all hell loose, if you're there, he's there and either right beside you or under you as you sit on his lap or around five feet from you, because he refuses to be far...Something he realized he's a touch starved, of-course he won't know this, but if you catch on, pretty nice for him.
☪ Tell me in my eyes that you don't think he doesn't have a size kink...Like the mans the size of a bull, you saw that bull fighting scene! You don't think he doesn't get aroused when he sees your tiny self, cause no matter how tall, you're short to him.
☪ say, there was probably a period, he felt you against him as he held your hips to help you lift or something and he realized how light you are...? Well, compared to him, you are. He could so easily pick you and fold you and that sent some ideas in his head, while you innocently did your task. He feels bad for having a dirty mind while you weren't doing anything, but again..he thinks you'd look gorgeous in a position like that
☪ And let's admit, it won't be too long before he actually had you underneath him, he's charismatic in some areas, okay?? And being honest, it's probably a bit of his first time too...but he'll softly moving his fingers in and out of your cunt, his face showing he was slightly embarrassed, a bit shy..but very fascinated.
☪ You did have to direct him a bit, but it's like natural talent that he improves so much, your legs are shaking by him fingering you to orgasm 2 times...Before he actually hoped you'd be able to take him, even if he enjoy the sight of you struggling to take him, his fingers enjoying rubbing circles on your clit...he finds it cutely entertaining...
☪ He enjoys scanning you, taking his time in undressing you as he smirks and simply stares up and down, it's his natural habit...taking his time in drinking your appearance. When you are finally vulnerable and naked, he'll take his time even then to tease you a bit, while his hands softly held your hips or gently strokes your nipples, softly pulling at the buds at times, or gently touching your clit to feel the wetness gather there..
☪ He thinks it's fun to see the innocence go away from you, corrupting your innocent mind a bit, while he pressed his knee near your head and fucking you gently for the first two to three times, until he lets loose and it always ends with you not being able leave the bed for a day or two. He apologizes a bit after you're both done, but he genuinely feels proud of himself for being able to do that...he would rub it in Bahubali's face if not for Bahubali having Devsena...
☪ It's the cutest sight in his eyes, watching your cry, struggle to take him while you slowly and softly started loosing your innocence as he pressed himself in you, feeling the bulge in your stomach...Or one finger softly finger pressing on your tongue, down your throat, almost choking you, but it's mostly to quieten any noises from you both to not alert anyone.
☪ Though he tries to quieten you, it's no use, the sound of skin, slapping and squelching is loud enough to alert all the guards and the ladies and servants outside...most of you're regular maids not even being able to have eye contact with you..which makes for a funny, but extremely awkward atmosphere the next day as they get you ready and stuff..
☪ Speaking of, he has a breeding kink, which should be obvious, since most of the time sex is used for creating babies. So, being honest, sex only started as a way for you both to have kids, and then he just got hooked and couldn't stop the feeling...eventually did ask a doctor how to make sure you're not pregnant after doing it...got told to just pull out, something stressful in his head.. and quite devastating too...
☪ But again, rough sex is a way for him to also release anger, stress, jealousy or anything in between...it's also a good way to makeup after an argument. Bahubali talked to you for three seconds too long? Sex. Devena complain and argued wit him, even if he was the one in the wrong? Sex. His mum didn't give him enough presents? Sex. His mum took you away for too long? Sex. A guard stared at you for a .8 second too long? The guard is murdered and sex.
☪ I would say sex is like a glue, but actually it's more like a necessity at this point, like eating and breathing to Bhalladeva...which is just weird, his mum does eventually put him on a sex ban...And you do end up getting pregnant a bit too quickly after marriage...it's no surprise really, but if you don't? It's fine...Bhallaldeva does not care for kids, and certainly is not happy with having them..but for you it's different, but he likes being like a wine uncle...if wine uncle was a प्राचीन prince who was a bit of a nepo baby type guy.
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© swxrxgini. This writing work belongs to me; Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine, kiara. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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rosiegirlie · 5 months
Here to bother you about your OC if that's okay because I miss her! Can we get a sneak peek of her and Rosie's next interaction? 😁 - @softspeirs
bother away omg thank you for asking about Billie !! You're so sweet !!! So this is the only thing I've actually written for my next little installment, everything else I have is in a rough outline. As a warning it takes place towards the end of the thing so it might give a bit away and I'm sorry if that bothers you. And as a follow up warning this will most likely be edited/revised for when I put the whole thing together lol. But I hope you enjoy the taste !!
“Do you want to talk about it?” Rosie's voice was gentle as he asked.
“Harry already told you what happened.” Billie grumbled.
“That’s not what I meant.” Rosie reached out and brushed back a stray piece of Billie’s hair. Chills rushed down Billie’s arms as his fingers gently traced the back of her ear. She ached for more of his touch as soon as his fingers left her skin.
“What did you mean then?” Billie was sure she knew what he meant but she couldn’t stop herself from asking. She didn’t know why she needed to hear Rosie spell out exactly what he meant but it probably had something to do with her past of jumping to conclusions and ruining too many things before they even started.
“I thought you wanted a quiet night.” He lifted her hand up and kissed her knuckles that had finally stopped bleeding. “This isn’t quiet.” 
Billie looked away from Rosie but didn’t pull her hand away. “I don’t know if I can talk about it quite yet.” She confessed while staring at how their fingers wrapped around each other. 
“Is it about Eddie?” 
Billie looked back up at Rosie. He’d always been so easy for her to read but now that he was drunk he was an open book. He was so worried for her it made Billie’s heart skip a beat. She didn’t deserve him.
She shook her head and answered, “No, it’s nothing to do with Eddie.” Billie sighed and said, “It’s embarrassing…” she trailed off with a weak chuckle. 
Billie ran her free hand through her hair and her fingers caught on a couple of knots but she forced them through. She ripped out a couple of strands and tossed them out onto the ground in front of their bench. Billie felt so childish, so petty complaining to Rosie about gossip. She didn’t want to ruin his opinion of anyone even if she thought they deserved it. She knew how well respected Rebecca was on base. Besides, Billie didn’t want anyone else to get involved. She didn’t even think she could talk to Barbara about what she’d overheard and she told Barbara everything.
Rosie’s thumb rubbed over the back of her hand and Billie was pulled back into the moment. She felt herself leaning further into Rosie’s side. She’d fantasized countless times about what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his arms but none of them came close to the real thing. 
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But I hope you know you can talk to me about anything. There is nothing embarrassing you could possibly say that would put me off.” Rosie let go of her hand and reached a finger out to playfully boop the tip of Billie’s nose. “Did I ever tell you about when I met Majors Egan and Cleven?” 
Billie shook her head. “I don’t think so, no.”
Rosie was blushing fiercely but smiled as he said, “Let’s just say talking about flying in your skivvies doesn’t make the best first impression.” 
Billie threw her head back and cackled. “You’re not serious.” 
“I wish I could say I was joking.”
The sound of footsteps on the gravel and laughter behind them interrupted Billie asking for the whole story. Rosie straightened up and pulled away from Billie to give more than the illusion of a respectable distance between them. Billie hated how sick the sudden distance made her feel. She wanted him back. She felt weightless without his arm around her but for the first time in her life she hated the feeling. She needed grounding.
The pair were quiet while the group of airmen walked behind them and their banter did little to fill the space between Billie and Rosie. Billie suddenly realized Rosie had listened to what she’d said all those hours ago. He was respecting her wishes and letting her set the pace. It felt like it had been an entire lifetime since she’d shied away from his advance. But the more she thought about it the more Billie found herself opposing her original stance. She’d already proved Rebecca right that night so Billie figured she might as well go all in on bringing the gossip to life. 
People were still walking behind them, an unknown number of witnesses but Billie mentally pushed them aside and leaned back into Rosie’s side to close the distance he’d created. An unspoken gesture of consent; the invitation he said he would wait for. His arm immediately wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her until two were pressed tighter together than they’d been before. Billie couldn’t help but giggle as she settled into her new position practically on top of Rosie’s lap. She couldn’t bare to move. He pressed a kiss onto the top of her forehead and Billie barely held back a whimper. It was such a soft sweet thing but she couldn’t remember the last time someone had kissed her forehead. Her stomach flipped as she followed the train of thought and realized, not for the first time, that no one had ever treated her with the reverence Rosie seemed to hold for her. 
She stretched her neck to look up at Rosie through her eyelashes. He looked as drunk as Billie felt and Billie knew with every fiber in her being that Rosie wouldn’t kiss her unless she initiated it. Even though his eyes kept darting from hers to her lips. Just like she could only pull herself away from thinking about what his mustache would feel like to stare back into his blue eyes. Billie felt ridiculous but nothing felt as right to her as looking at Rosie up close like this. She wanted to look at him for the rest of her life. Billie would be the luckiest girl in the world if she could. Without another thought Billie stretched her neck and pressed her lips to his. 
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the-fandom-crossroads · 7 months
My Thoughts on the Alastor Ace Erasure rampant in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom
Disclaimer i am one Ace and don't speak for all Ace's when I say the fandoms treatment of Alastor makes me uncomfortable. I was and still am open to shipping alastor with other characters. But the constant Acephobia and Ace Erasure I see in this shipping content is to a point where I have to point it out.
First off I'm so tired of the "loopholes" folks list off for why they want to write smut with one of the only cannon ace characters we've gotten in years. I had to blacklist "nonsex repulsed asexual alastor" on ao3 because they aren't even bothering to list him as greysexual. Sure an ace can have sex with a partner once or twice. But they act like nonsex repulsed means the ace person can be written having sex every other chapter. AT THAT POINT IT'S NOT AN ASEXUAL PERSON ANYMORE.
At this point I'd honestly prefer it if they just said their fic au is that he's a homosexual. Because half the time them trying to work in "he's still ace guys! he's just also okay with doing a different sex position for each day of the week!" just comes off as Acephobic. And the few times they write him uncomfortable with the start of the sex it just sounds like Acerape or corrective rape. "He just doesn't know he likes it cause he's a virgin." or "he's uncomfortable until this partner starts making him feel good". The WORST ones are the "heat" fics where they have alastor think about if he had proper control of his body he wouldn't want to be having sex right now. because at that point it's just a date rape drug and they are using a fanfic trope to FORCE him to have sex against his will. And it's just so fucked up man.
Yes he is only confirmed as Ace and not Aro. Viv is intentionally not saying he's Aro because she knows it's a lost cause to tell the fandom he's not romantically into people. Because fandom will ship him regardless. So she prioritized making it clear he's at the very least Ace in cannon and there's no plans to give him a partner in cannon. I feel like the HuskDust bits in the final series is because she saw how much the fans shipped alastor and angeldust after the pilot. Alastor was locked in as Ace by the time the pilot was released and she said it on multiple streams afterwards that he would be Ace. Giving AngelDust a different love interest target just seems like the easiest way to shoot down the biggest Alastor ship at the time without saying she's doing it to sink the biggest alastor ship. Of course fans just latched onto Vox and Lucifier but made it worse by feeling the need to say Alastor's ace before putting him in a sexual situations anyway.
Sexuals have thousands of cannon sexual characters to choose from, from countless other series but they feel the need to fight to make the one Ace guy have sex. We get an Ace character and fans immediately try to work around it to still write smut with him. Aces can't even have one character. I'm looking up fics about a psychopath cannibalistic serial killer because he's the only Ace rep I've seen in years that isn't just fan headcannons and I'm getting punched in the face with so much Acephobia and corrective rape, it's horrifying. Aces can't go through the tag of a cannon ace comfort character without facing triggering amounts of acephobia. And that's just wrong. How can the fandom see this as okay??
If he was a gay character constantly being written into a straight ship with people excusing it as "well sometimes gay guys will have sex with women" people would be up in arms about gay erasure. But because it's an Ace character that they personally want to still ship with characters it's not Ace erasure. He's just an Ace that likes to have lots and lots of sex.
ALASTOR IS ASEXUAL. If you are in anyway trying to write Alastor in character or close to cannon. Then he does not desire sex that is the basic definition of Asexual. But yall can't except this tumblr sexy man doesn't want to have sex (because everyone wants to have sex\s). So you bend over backwards trying to explain to an actual Ace person why we are sometimes pushed or pressured into sex and how that's okay. How it's okay for you a not Ace person to write this Ace character being forced into sexual situations. Because "sometimes" Aces have sex. You're right we do sometimes have sex. I'm not saying everyone has to write Alastor as a virgin. But he's had sex once or twice in the last 80 years at most. It's more likely he's gone the last 80 years without any desire to have sex at all. So to go from that to suddenly having sex even once a week is too much sex for him to suddenly put up with. God my Ace brain can't even wrap my head around having sex every week (do you sexuals really do that?). And I haven't gone 80 years free from sexual expectations. To expect Alastor to magically be open to a bunch of sex is ignorant at best. Regardless of what character or ocfemalereadersona you try to push him to have sex with.
I don't know what else to say other than that i'm just tired. Tired and sad. The Ace community should be celebrating the fact that we finally have another Ace character in media. A character the show and creator have openly and constantly confirmed is Ace. But instead we are having to defend ourselves from our own terminology being weaponized against us to erase that characters Ace identity for smut fics.
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remyfire · 11 months
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