batwynn · 2 months
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A kiss, M’lord?
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Derek: Because I fucking love you, okay? Stiles: ...I never imagined you'd love me back.
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I know that they exist. So please someone give me all the sterek: Red, white & Royal blue AU's because they had to right? They exist right? Please for me sanity say that they exist.
I need them NOW.
Pretty please. 😎☺
Not very many, surprisingly. But here's what I got.
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royal blue fits better with Derek by 08JustLizeth80
(1/1 I 3,129 I Mature)
Where Derek Hale is the prince of England and Stiles is the (extremely) ineloquent and mouthy first son of the United States.
Where Stiles thinks royalty is such an archaic concept it shouldn’t even exist (which has nothing to do with his inadequate and totally not existing crush on the prince).
Two Prisons by Neurodivergent_Fox_Demon
(16/16 I 79,912 I Mature)
Allison sighed, running her hand over her face. “Are you packed? We’ve got to be on the plane by 5 am, and I do not want to be kicking your ass into gear at the last moment.” She raised a brow at his confused expression. “Fuck, please don’t tell me you forgot.”
Stiles put his cigarette out on the cup he had carried on to the roof with him. “Obviously I forgot. This week has been a nightmare. Why and where are we taking a plane tomorrow?” He sat up and looked over the lawn, hugging his knees. Their mother was in their third year as President of the United States and Stiles knew the drill, backwards and forward. Show up and look pretty for the cameras. Lately though, it was hard to keep up with every little event she had thrown their way.
Allison groaned and closed her eyes trying to remain calm. “London, England… Princess Laura’s wedding? You really forgot about that? It’s only been everywhere in the news for over 6 months.” She stared at him, frowning
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 3 months
I spent all of the love I've saved
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We were always a losing game.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 9 months
I found a Red White and Royal Blue au with Sterek!!!!
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Here's the link so y'all don't have to ask me for it ❤️🖤
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volatilehearted · 1 month
some princes don't become kings aka: stiles stilinski is surrounded by the smell of shit for three minutes
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loubagoob · 9 days
Currently obsessing/hyper fixating on 2 different fandoms, and I can’t decide which fandoms fanfics to read. While reading one I’m thinking about the other and vice versa.🤯🤯🤯
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halevetica · 11 months
Here’s is a synopsis of my new Sterek story, for those of you who are curious!
(Huge shout out to @outtoshatter for helping me with this summary and also the awesome title name)
Flattery. Derek's life is full of it. Fake smiles, fake compliments, fake people. It's exhausting.
Desperate for a night away from the high-expectations and rigid life of royalty, Derek escapes to a small tavern where he meets a sweet, attractive, genuine man who only gives him the name "Mischief". He has Derek swooning by the end of the night, and Derek doesn't swoon. Their night together, the first and only real connection Derek has had in years, if not his whole life, ends too soon, and he must return to his responsibilities.
Stiles isn't ready to give up on the mysterious, handsome "Samuel" that he met in the tavern, convinced they have a connection. He finds himself risking family secrets and even the peace of his own kingdom just to keep that connection even when it seems impossible.
As circumstances force them together despite betrayal and aching hearts on both sides, Derek must fight both his heart and Stiles while Stiles struggles to prove to Derek that everything between them is real.
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ambear9 · 10 months
okay where are all the Sterek Red White and Royal Blue fics?
I don't have time to write my own but I might just have to
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undercoverbastard · 1 year
“Fine. On three?” Stiles asked, hands moving to the ties at the back of his head. Mystery Man smiled and nodded, mirroring the position.
“One,” Stiles began.
“Two,” Mystery Man continued.
“Derek! Where did you go?! Mother has been seeking your presence for the last hour!”
Stiles felt himself seize up in partial shock. He never finished removing his mask but Mystery Man - Derek - had. Stiles was stuck between watching Derek’s chiseled, sharp-angled face come into view - his multi-colored eyes somehow popping even more with the lack of a mask - and between watching the movement of the girl who barged in, dressed in the riches of cloths, dress the blood red color of Beacon’s Royal Family with the family crest proudly pinned to the golden trim around the swoop of her neckline, who looked murderously annoyed.
+.+.+ OR: Cinderella!AU… with a twist! WA fic born of my recent Royaly AU/Historical AU fixation that was supposed to be a snippet, became a bit more developed but also… not really?
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hauntingmiser · 1 year
Okay. I screenshoted a Pinterest comment that really said something about some things that will question your sanity...
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I mean...
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Can they?
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sweet-pea-channie · 2 years
Forbidden Love - S.S. AU Pt.3
Author: @sweet-pea-channie​​
Words: +7.2k
A/N: Part three of Forbidden Love for you guys with a bit of drama going on! Hope you like it!
Do you want to be added to the taglist? Let me know!
Masterlist - Series Masterlist
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Never before in your life have you run so fast. But also never before you had to run so fast. Having to run was a bit exaggerated, but you had no other choice. You couldn't stand there in the hall any longer and listen to the bawling from the throne hall. Everyone was happy for the future king and queen, everyone except you.
In five days, you would have to watch Stiles say yes to another woman he didn't love. Everything you had ever hoped for, no matter how far away the dreams were for you, was snatched away from you today.
Still with your hand in front of your mouth, trying to suppress several sobs, you ran back to the courtyard. Tears were already streaming down your cheeks and gathering on your hand. The many tears limited your vision and so it happened that you stumbled and fell. That was the moment when you collapsed. You didn't care who saw you like this. You didn't care about anything.
You couldn't hold back your sobs anymore and so you whimpered loudly in the courtyard of the castle. You didn't even realize that Alice had followed you and was trying to pull you up, but she couldn't do it without your help. "Y/N, come on, not here. Anyone could see you here."
"I don't care," you whined, trying to knock Alice's hand away. Luckily, to Alice's help, Helena came running and saw the situation. She helped Alice to lift you up from the floor and dragged you into the next room where you could be undisturbed. Alice and Helena lowered you back down and knelt on the floor in front of you.
You were so out of it that you didn't even notice that they had taken you to the pantry, and you were sitting on a sack of potatoes. "Y/N, you need to breathe. Take a deep breath, you're going to panic," Helena talked to you however it didn't seem to help.
You buried your face in your hands and tried to shut off everything around you. Even your thoughts, but that was impossible. Again and again you heard the voices of your father and Katherine, how they kept telling you not to meet Stiles so often. If you had listened to them now, you wouldn't be in this situation. Sometimes it would have been better if you hadn't had your own way.
There you had the mess. Maybe it wouldn't have come to this and you never would have fallen in love with Stiles. And even if you had, maybe you never would have gotten your hopes up like you usually did. Maybe he would never have noticed you and maybe he would never have fallen in love with you. But all those maybes remain just maybes too.
"Y/N, talk to us," Alice begged you, putting her hand on your knee. Helena, meanwhile, fumbled in her apron and handed you her handkerchief so you could use it to wipe the tears from your face and blow your nose. You took it from her and tried as best you could to give her a smile. However, the look on Alice's face showed you that it was anything but a smile. "You look terrible."
"I feel awful, too," you finally replied, though in fragments, as best you could. "I just... I want... I want that to not be true."
Your eyes were bloodshot and your nose was red too, as if you'd been crying for hours, meanwhile it had only been a few minutes.
"Y/N," Alice said softly, squeezing her hand on your knee a little to get your attention. "I know this is going to sound harsh, but you were never meant to be by Stiles' side and you know it. Maybe it's better this way. You'll gain distance from him and your crush on him will fade over time."
"That's anything but having a little crush, Alice!" you said angrily, looking at her for the first time. "You have no idea what we've been through!"
"A few times meeting in secret for a few minutes? Listen to yourself, Y/N. Stiles is going to be spending a lot of time with Caroline in the future and-"
"Stiles and I have slept together several times, okay?!" you almost yell at your friends, receiving shocked looks on their faces. No one knew but you and Stiles. Sure, your girlfriends knew you saw each other more than once, but they had no clue how intimate you were with each other. "Stiles was the one who took my virginity, and I took his! Just a few days ago I was back in his room and spent the night with him there together! You guys have no idea!"
"You know how dangerous that is!" argued Helena with you. She couldn't believe the news and was on the one hand shocked that you and Stiles were so intimate with each other, but on the other hand somewhat glad to know that Stiles had also developed these feelings for you, and they weren't just one-sided. She felt that you had talked yourself into a lot of things and that Stiles was possibly taking advantage of you, too.
"Not if you do it right! Stiles knows exactly when it's safe. He's learned when the right time for women is when they're fertile and when they're not! We know exactly what we're doing!" 
"Don't you know," Helena tried to tell you. "What if someone catches you? Even if he knows when the right time is and when it's not, what if someone catches you? Y/N, you don't even want to know what kind of penalties you could face." 
"I still can't believe it," Alice muttered, still kneeling on the floor in front of you. "How do you even make it into the castle at night?" 
"The tunnels under the castle. Stiles showed me how to use them to get out of his place in the hallway back then. Since then, I sneak there more often at night," you replied. Alice pressed her lips together and shook her head slightly.
"That's so dangerous, Y/N. There are guards everywhere and at night all the lords are on their way to the village to go to the women's houses there. If someone had seen you, they would have thought you were one of them. I don't even want to know what they would have done to you." 
"But it never came to that. We were very careful," you replied, and you could feel the blood boiling in your body. Your friends didn't want to understand you and apparently couldn't either. 
"It's going to happen eventually, though!" added Helena, shaking her head as well. 
"You've got to stop this, Y/N. Now more than ever! Stiles is going to have to share a room with Caroline." 
"That's a forced marriage! She'll get her own empire for sure," you hissed, turning your head away from your friends to stop looking at them. 
"Listen to yourself. You don't really think there's a future for you two, do you? Now I understand why you thought you could be his mistress too. You need to get that out of your head. Forget Stiles, he doesn't deserve you," Helena argued with you a little louder. 
"You guys just don't get it! Have you guys even been really in love before? So much that you feel like a piece of your soul is ripped out every time you have to say goodbye to that person? You don't know what it's like to see that person laughing, it fills your heart so much that you don't want to see or hear anything else in the world! So much that you don't want to live without this person anymore! You have no idea!" you yelled at your friends by now. 
Alice winced at every other sentence you said, you had definitely intimidated her, and she realized there was no point to any of this. You had already gotten the idea of loving the prince way too deep in your head. She didn't know how to help you anymore. Helena, on the other hand, wouldn't give up and kept trying to convince you to give up Stiles. "And in this case, I'm glad not to know. I'd rather be a virgin for several more years than put myself in danger every time."
"Just leave me alone," you hissed at her, slapping Alice's hand off your knee. "I want to be alone now, and I don't need to be told anything by you. You can save it." 
"Y/N, you know we only want the best for you," Alice sighed as she looked at you sadly, coming up from the floor to stand next to Helena. "I don't care. Leave me alone, please."
 Helena jabbed her elbow into Alice's body to indicate that now was really the moment to leave you alone. Alice looked at her friend, asking for help, but she just shook her head and turned to the door to leave the pantry. "Come on, let's go." 
"We'll be back at the castle if you're looking for us," Alice said before following Helena and letting the door fall behind her. 
As soon as you heard the door, you burst into tears again, but this time it was more out of anger. You were angry that your friends didn't understand you, angry about the whole situation. You threw away the handkerchief Helena had given you out of anger and buried your face in your hands while the tears ran down your cheeks again. 
Everything hurt. Your legs from running, your knees from falling, your neck from crying and your cheeks from wiping so many tears, but most of all your heart hurt, and you didn't know how you would ever recover from it. And while you looked there in the pantry and cried your heart out, you didn't even notice what else was going on in the castle. 
The guests had taken their seats and were stuffing their stomachs with the dishes you had prepared. Everyone was celebrating the great news that the queen and king had announced, the atmosphere was great, each of the guests was happy and toasted to the good of the country, everyone except Stiles. 
Stiles would have liked to run after you as soon as he saw that you had run out of the castle. He also saw the shocked looks of your friends looking at him. He wasn't sure at first if they were looking at him in shock because of the news, or because you had left so abruptly. But when they ran after you, he knew it was because of you. 
But Stiles couldn't just leave the meeting. He had to fulfill his duties and speak up as well. "I, too, can only speak of pure joy to have a woman like Caroline by my side soon. Together with her, we have a perfect alliance with Saint Lucia. This alliance will help us a lot in difficult times. I am happy to be able to rule over the country very soon. But we don't want to keep you waiting too long. We have made sure that you will get the best feast we can offer you. Enjoy the meal! And don't miss out on the wonderful wine!" 
Stiles literally felt sick as the words came out of his mouth. He had been rehearsing them all day, hoping that they would come out as naturally as possible. And it seemed to work. The guests cheered again and slowly started to approach the table where you were standing a few minutes ago. But there was still no trace of you and your friends. 
Forced to sit at the table for the next hour, Stiles poked at his plate while everyone partied like crazy. The wine was getting less and less, showing that many had a few glasses of it by now and were starting to feel the side effects. Stiles looked around and saw his mother standing deeply involved in a conversation across the room, Caroline laughing along with his father at a story he told from the war. This was his chance, and he had to take it. Stiles had to come after you and find you. So he excused himself to the guests still seated next to him and headed off in the direction you had disappeared. 
He ran down the hall towards the kitchen, hoping to see you there somewhere, but when he opened the door into the kitchen, he only looked into astonished faces. No one had expected the prince himself to show up. He had been seen there often as a small child, but the older he got, the more his mother forbade him to spend time there. Stiles smiled kindly at the workers and thanked them for the delicious feast. He also assured everyone that they would not have to worry about their jobs, and he could see the relief on their faces. After making sure he hadn't seen you or your friends in the kitchen, Stiles left the kitchen and headed for the meadows. At this time, just before sunset, the chickens were always brought into the coop to protect them from the wolves. Maybe he would find someone there. He didn't care by now if anyone would see him. Soon he would be king of the land, then he could get away with anything and if he ever wanted to go to the coop, nothing would stop him.
And as Stiles had thought, he actually found one of your friends there. He couldn't remember her name, but he had seen her often enough to recognize her immediately. He tapped gently on the wood of the stall to get her attention and leaned against the door. Your friend, Alice, flinched briefly and turned toward the door where she could see Stiles. She recognized his worried look and wanted to turn her back on him, but she couldn't do that in front of her future king. Even though he might be different. She brushed the dirt away from her apron and then stood up straight, just as they had been taught should one speak to the royal family.
 "You don't have to do that," Stiles assured her, pointing to her apron. Alice nodded and picked up the basket again, which she had dropped in fright. Stiles hadn't even noticed, he was far too busy trying to find you. "Have you seen Y/N, by any chance?"
"No, your highness," Alice replied. She knew you certainly didn't want to see him, either. After all, she hadn't seen you in a while now, either. She assumed you were still looking in the pantry.
"I said you didn't have to do that. By that, I mean etiquette, too," Stiles said, turning once when he heard someone approaching behind him. He recognized the girl immediately, too. It was your other friend.
"I can guess that she doesn't want to see me, but I'd like to explain everything to her myself before maybe the situation doesn't arise to do it anymore. Are you sure you haven't seen her?" he asked again, looking first at Alice and then at Helena. 
Helena shook her head, not to deny Stiles' question, but rather to warn Alice. Alice put her head back and closed her eyes before taking one deep breath. She was in a quandary and couldn't make up her mind. She had always been the weakest of the trio and was quick to give in. Stiles could see right through that. "I just want to talk to her for a minute," he said.
"She's in the pantry," Alice pronounced quickly, only opening her eyes again afterwards. She saw a brief smile on Stiles' face and an annoyed look from Helena, who was still standing behind Stiles. Alice pressed her lips together, unsure if she had done the right thing or not. "But you didn't get that from me."
"I promise you," Stiles replied, saying goodbye to the two girls before heading to the pantry. 
You didn't know how much time had passed since you had holed up here in the pantry. Alice and Helena were long gone, but still, you sat in there and had to deal with the news. At least you had stopped crying, but that was probably only because there were no more tears. You had cried it all out. 
The door of the pantry opened, and you wondered who would come in so late. The staff would have been busy cleaning out the kitchen instead of looking at the supplies. You lifted your head to look at who was entering the room, and your heart stopped when you saw the face of Stiles.
"Go away, Stiles," you muttered, turning your back on the door. When you had said to your friends a few minutes ago that you would like to be alone, you really meant alone. Not even Stiles did you want to see right now.
Stiles ignored your request, though, and walked further into the pantry until he was standing behind you. He put his hand on your shoulder to get your attention, but found that you really didn't want to see him. Eventually, you slapped his hand away and stood up jerkily to walk away from him. As you did so, he heard you struggling with tears, even though you thought it was finally over, and you couldn't cry anymore. Stiles knew how stubborn you could be and decided to take a seat on the sack of potatoes himself and let you have your peace for now.
He watched you stand against the wall, resting your hand on the cold wall to lean against. Your other hand brushed the tears from your face that were forming again before you buried them deep in your apron. It was quiet between you for a long time, no one dared to start talking. You had hoped that he would eventually give it up and leave, but that wasn't the case. Stiles stayed in the room with you the whole time.
At some point, he had enough and stood up to come closer to you, but the hand you raised to make it clear that he should not come closer stopped him, and he accepted it. Despite everything, he stood much closer to you, so close that you could hear him breathing.
"Y/N, I-"
"I should have known it would come to this," you interrupted him, finally looking at him. Stiles cringed inwardly when he saw your red eyes. They were already swollen from all the crying and your nose was all red too, your cheeks still glowing in the dusk from the tears on them. "But still, I didn't think it would tear me apart the way it has now."
Stiles didn't know what he wanted to say to that. He knew that anything he would say would only make it worse. Even he had fooled himself, even he knew it was going to come to this one day, and yet he couldn't keep his hands off you.
"At the moment I don't even know what I find worse, the thought of losing you to another woman, or that I had to experience it this way. I thought that if that day ever came, you would tell me yourself, but that I had to find out through your mother at a meeting like this makes it worse. If I hadn't been up there, would you have told me at all? Or would I have found out through others in the castle? Probably even from other employees in the kitchen. Stiles, I... I don't know how I'm going to recover from this again," you rattled down, gesticulating wildly with your arms, your pitch rising a bit as well.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I wish I could have told you in person, but I didn't get another chance to really leave the castle. My mother had me-"
"So you knew that a few days ago would be the last time we made love? Is that why you were so different with me?" you interrupted him, looking at him with sadness in your eyes.
"The last time? Y/N! No one has found out yet, and no one will find out. I promised you then that you would remain my secret. Yes, I already knew it at that time, maybe that's why I seemed different to you, but my love for you hasn't changed because of that!"
"Are you serious?" you asked him.
"I've never been that serious about anything before, Y/N. You are the most important thing to me here at the castle, without you, I would drive myself crazy. You've always been there for me when I wasn't feeling well, showing me how it feels to be loved and what it's like to love someone so much yourself. It is you, you are my person. No matter who comes, you will always come first," he assured you, taking a step closer. He reached out his hand to you and looked at you with pleading eyes. You gulped and took his hand in yours.
"I may not have as much time to see you as king of the castle, but I will always make time for you, no matter what. And you won't lose me for any other woman either, you are far too important to me for that," he murmured, resting his forehead on yours. "And I love you far too much for that."
You smiled a little and looked deep into his eyes. Stiles put his hand on your cheek and closed the distance between the two of you by kissing you. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to you, so Stiles couldn't help himself, and wrapped his other hand around your body. His tongue touched your bottom lip, and you let him in. Who knew when the next time might be that you could kiss him like that again.
"I'm still mad at you, though," you murmured against his lips as you pulled away from him to catch your breath.
"I know, and I'll make it up to you," he said, giving you another kiss before taking a step back from you to look at you completely for once. He ran both of his hands over your cheeks again to wipe away the last traces of tears before taking your hand in his and giving you a kiss on the back of your hand. 
"I have to get back. Otherwise, someone will notice I'm gone so long. Why don't you come to the Magnolia Tree tomorrow before you prepare supper, okay? Then we can talk about all this again, okay?"
You nodded and jumped into his arms one last time, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders while your feet just barely touched the ground. Stiles put his arms around you and hugged you tightly to him. Everything almost felt like normal again, but only almost. Maybe it was the thought that you would have to share Stiles from now on, or that he wouldn't be able to spend as much time with you. But none of you could have guessed that all this time someone was standing at the door watching everything.
A new day had dawned and with pure anticipation, you stood in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the royal family. Only last night you would never have expected that you would stand here again so happy. Even your friends were visibly surprised to see you in this state. They hadn't seen you yesterday and were very worried, they didn't expect to see you here again.
"You look happy," Alice whispered as she stood next to you with no one around to hear your conversation. "I fully expected not to see you here again for a while."
"I thought so too, but Stiles was still with me after he found me. I think you told him where I was, didn't you?" you asked Alice, diligently continuing to cut the onions while Alice nodded beside you. "But everything is fine. He assured me that everything will stay the same. No one will be able to replace me, he said."
"I'm glad to see you happy after all you must have felt yesterday. But I'm still not so sure if that's really what's going to make you happy in the long run. Are you sure that's what you want?"
"I've never been happier, Alice. It shows me that I am more important to him than not just any woman, but more important than his future wife and therefore queen of the land," you replied, and only now did you realize how much you really meant to him. You had been having the thoughts all night, but only now, when you had said them out loud, did you realize their true meaning.
"Stiles and I will have another quiet meeting later, and then he can tell me everything and explain. I was too upset yesterday, and Stiles had to get back to the castle before it could be noticed that he had sneaked away," you told additionally. Somehow you were glad that your friends now knew how far the relationship with you and Stiles had progressed and that you could always tell someone about it. You knew you could trust your friends with anything, and they wouldn't tell anyone to take advantage of it themselves.
The door to the kitchen, which was already open, suddenly banged against the wall behind her as if someone had hit or kicked it. Everyone in the room was startled and quickly looked at the entrance to the kitchen. There were two guards there, who looked at all the employees once, as if they were looking for someone. And that was confirmed quite quickly.
"We're looking for Y/N Y/L/N."- You held your breath and looked at the guards in shock. Alice next to you did the same, but still dropped her knife in her hand. The guards then looked at her and must have thought that this reaction could only come from the person you were looking for, whereupon they entered the kitchen completely and ran towards you as well. "Y/N, we have received orders to take you to the castle. You have the choice to follow us voluntarily, or we will make sure you do."
Still, you looked at the guards in shock. Not only because they were looking for you, but also because they had said all this to Alice and were standing in front of her. You were so shocked that you couldn't make a sound, and now you had to watch them grab Alice by the arm because she claimed not to be you. The guards thought it was a ploy to avoid being taken away, so they grabbed her arm to keep her from being dragged into the castle. Alice cried out when the guards held her too tightly and begged them to let her go.
Only Alice's scream brought you back to reality. "I'm Y/N, not her!" screamed loudly. The guards turned their heads to look at you, and one of them let go of Alice. "Is that right?" he asked into the room, looking at everyone else, who nodded silently. The guard this time grabbed you by the upper arm and squeezed so hard that you had no choice but to follow him. The second guard also let go of Alice and grabbed your other arm. Here there was no more talk of voluntarily following.
Everyone looked at you in shock as you were dragged out of the kitchen by the two men. Alice almost had tears in her eyes, it already felt like an attack on you. The guards dragged you out of the kitchen into the hallway of the castle without even explaining what they were doing, and from the way the two of them were going, you could already guess where they were taking you. After all, it was an order to get you. Still, you couldn't help asking where they were taking you. "Where are you taking me?"
"No one told you that you could talk, kitchen assistant," said one of them, squeezing his hand on your arm even tighter, so that a short scream went out of you. The other guard then squeezed even tighter and both of them stepped up a gear to get to their destination faster, or should you say, to get to the Throne Hall quickly. The closer you got to the room, the faster your heart began to race. There could only be one reason why you were dragged there, but you couldn't explain why or who knew about it. You were already expecting the worst, yet you were still in a calm state. Maybe it wasn't that bad and it all had another reason. What if something happened to my father?!
Suddenly, you were no longer calm and relaxed. You began to sweat and tremble. Each step towards Throne Hall became heavier for you, and your feet slowly gave way. The guards sensed this and literally dragged you along until they were standing in front of the door of throne hall. Two more guards opened the large doors and with a swish you were on your knees. With a force you couldn't have expected, you were thrown into the room and thus landed on the floor. Your head was still down. The fear of looking up was too great.
"Mother, what's going on?" you heard Stiles' voice and looked up in a flash. Gathered in front of you were: Stiles, his mother, Stiles' future wife and a few more residents of the castle who had something to say. No sign of the king.
"I think you've been taught to behave properly in front of the queen!" the queen said loudly, catching your attention. Full of fear, you pushed yourself up from the floor and stood in front of the queen with your hands behind your back. You didn't want to let anyone see how scared you were, and your trembling hands would only show it.
"Yes, my highness. I beg your pardon," you replied, looking back down at the floor. You were too intimidated by the whole situation.
"What the hell is going on, Mother?!" repeated Stiles. He was just as shocked by the whole situation here as you were, and so were many. "I want an answer from you now."
"Maybe you can answer it for yourself, son. What's so special about this kitchen staff?"
"I don't understand what you mean," Stiles lied to his mother, meanwhile not dignifying you with a glance in hopes of making it more believable. "I don't even know her, and I wasn't aware she worked in the kitchen until just now."
"Enough with the lies, Stiles!" the queen yelled at her son. You winced at the shout and squinted up through your eyelashes to see what was going on in front of them, but continued to keep your head down. "Why else would the lovely Caroline here come running to me last night just to tell me that my son was sleeping with a kitchen maid behind the back of the entire castle!"
"Mother, I-"
"I want to know the truth! And if you won't give it to me, then I'll squeeze it out of her," she interrupted Stiles, running down the steps from the throne to you until she stood in front of and lifted your head, so you could look her straight in the eye. "Tell me, what connection do you have with my son?"
You swallowed and could feel the tears coming. All of this was so enormous.
"I asked you a question and I hope you can answer it honestly. If I find out you're lying, it won't end well for you or your father, who is also employed here at the castle, right? Where is he, by the way?" she asked, looking past you at the guards behind you.
"He's on his way here, Queen," one of the guards answered.
So, this was a very serious situation, if it already involved your father. She wanted to make sure that you were really telling the truth and not telling her a tall tale.
Your eyes wandered behind the queen, where Caroline stood next to Stiles with a knowing grin on her face. You couldn't explain how she knew all that, unless Stiles had told her about it to let her know about it as a future wife. But he wouldn't do that. He confirmed that too by shaking his head. He knew exactly what your thought processes were. "I'm sorry. I hadn't said anything," he mouthed at you, making sure that no one else had seen it.
"An answer, now! What do you have to do with my son," the queen commanded once again.
"I...me and Stiles...we-"
"Stop it, mother! Leave her alone, and I'll tell you everything!" yelled Stiles when he noticed that you were struggling to find the right words and were just intimidated by his mother.
In the queen's eyes, you could see her mood change a bit. From the stern look she gave you, her features changed to a mischievous grin. She turned back to her son, but at the same time grabbed your arm to pull you closer to the throne with her.
"Tell me, Stiles. Why does Caroline get the idea that the future king of the country should be madly in love with this kitchen maid. Tell me, Stiles."
"It's true, Mother. I've been seeing Y/N secretly for several years," Stiles replied.- "To do what? Tell me about all the things you've done."
"We...okay, do you really want to know? I fell in love with Y/N, and she fell in love with me. We kissed and made love, okay? Y/N was devastated after the news yesterday. I snuck away to be with her and comfort her. Yes, it's true, I fell in love with a kitchen maid," Stiles announced, remaining as serious as he could be.
His mother's grip on your arm tightened with every word her son said, so tight until she was most likely leaving marks. "Out! Everyone out!" the queen yelled, ordering everyone out of the room except Stiles, Caroline and you. The guards also had to leave the room and stop in front of the door. The queen wanted everyone out.
"Do you know what you have done, Stiles? You have just, no not only just but over the years dragged the name of our castle, our family through the mud with this act! I cannot allow my boy, future king, to have the reputation of having gone to bed with a servant!" Queen Claudia discussed with Stiles. You did not even dare to look into Stiles' eyes.
Suddenly, the words of Helena and Alice made sense, they had been right. Maybe it would have been better not to let it come to that.
"And you, how dare you make a pass at a prince! Were you not aware of any consequences!" she yelled at you this time, making you even smaller than you already were.
"I was just a little kid then, your highness. Over the years, we both just grew," you answered honestly. After all, the cards were already on the table now anyway. Lying got you nowhere here.
"Stiles, I am very disappointed in you. You are ending contact with each other right now."
"But Mother, I-"
"I don't care how you feel about this girl. Because from now on, you will never see her again!"
Your breath caught, and your eyes snapped wide open. Of course, you could have expected it to come to this, but hearing it now only made it worse. "You have a choice, Stiles. Send her to the dungeons for the rest of her life, or ship her far away to another country."
Your gaze found Stiles'. You could see that he was just as shocked as you were. He absolutely could not believe what a choice his mother had just made for him. He could not believe even less that the woman who would stand by his side in the future had betrayed him like this. It was clear to him from that moment that he would never get along with this woman. She was the reason that his true love was destroyed. How could he ever look her in the eye again, let alone be intimate with him at all.
"Mother, you can't do that. We can get her another job in the village. I won't be able to see her again if she can't work on the castle."
"And yet you will always manage to meet her again. I'm not going to take that chance! Make up your mind, Stiles. You will be responsible for her future now," his mother ordered him.
Both possibilities ran through your mind. Being in the dungeons for the rest of your life could only mean one thing, as much as she hated you. She would definitely let you starve and be forgotten down there. Until you would find a quick death. Going to another country would mean not being able to see Stiles again. And you didn't know what was worse. You would have preferred to die quickly instead of having to live without Stiles for many years, and that would probably have been your choice if you had been allowed to decide, but that was not the case.
"Anything but dungeon, mother. Y/N didn't do anything bad, and she shouldn't be in the dungeon for that," Stiles finally replied, giving you a sad look. He, too, knew that he would never see you again. This would probably be the last time he would be able to see you.
"So be it decided," Queen Claudia said, clapping her hands once to let the guards outside the door know they could come back in. You took the chance when her hand no longer held your arm and sprinted off. Stiles also threw himself down the steps to get to you and caught you as you jumped into his arms. Your feet gave way, all the emotions hitting you in one fell swoop. Everything that had happened in the last 24 hours was too much for you. The tears ran down your cheeks again, pulling on Stiles' shirt where you had buried your face deep in it. Stiles wrapped his arms tightly around you and once again held you as tight and close to him as he could.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry," he murmured into your hair, taking another deep breath of your scent. Stiles was so sorry for all of this. Just because you were born in the wrong class, he wasn't allowed to spend time with you, just because he was born into a royal family, he wasn't allowed to love you. It all seemed unfair and unjust to him. Now he soon had the power and still, he couldn't decide. But Stiles knew that if he succeeded, he would get you back.
"Stiles, I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you," you whimpered against his chest. "Let me starve in the dungeon. But I don't want to spend my days without you somewhere in the wide world for the rest of my life. Please, Stiles."
"Y/N, I love you far too much for that. I promise you, I will come for you. I will find you and bring you back. I promise," he whispered as he noticed you being torn from him. The guards had grabbed your arms again, and at the queen's command, they removed you from the prince.
"The horses are ready in the courtyard! Make sure that she arrives at the port and leaves the country! I never want to see her here again!"
"Stiles!" you shouted as you were torn farther and farther away from him. Stiles stood there, in his mother's shadow, holding his hand over his heart, because not only was your heart broken again, but so was his. "Stiles!"
"Y/N!"- The door to Throne Hall locked as you were outside now in the hallway, and you completely collapsed. The guards had to drag you outside as you were making it hard for them. Over and over, you wanted to run back to Stiles. You couldn't get away from here. But one of the guards had enough and grabbed you to throw you on his shoulders. Thus, you had no chance to defend yourself against him.
On the way out, where the horses were already waiting for you, you suddenly remembered your father and sister. They had not noticed all this. Your father had not made it in time to know. They would worry about you forever and would certainly never know where you were. Your world was collapsing.
The horses with the carriage that would take you to the harbor were already waiting in the courtyard, and you became more and more aware of what was about to happen to you. Reluctantly, the guards threw you into the carriage and blocked the doors so that you could not get out.
You could see that a lot of people had gathered there in the courtyard. Among others, you could see your friends Alice and Helena, but also Stiles, who was standing on the balcony facing the courtyard. You reached out to him through the small window of the carriage, and all you could get out was a low whimper. Everything had given way. Even your voice.
"Y/N!" you heard a voice from afar as the guards spoke to the driver of the carriage. You looked out to the other side of the carriage and saw your father coming running quickly.
"Father!" you shouted as loud as you could and again put your hand out the window.
The driver of the carriage let out a short cry, and you heard the horses start to neigh before the carriage slowly moved forward. "No! My father is coming! FATHER!"
"Y/N!" he yelled again and stepped it up a notch to get to you in time. You could see him holding something in his hand and extending it in your direction. You couldn't tell what it was from a distance, though, and hoped he would make it in time.
The horses were speeding up, and you weren't sure if he would make it, but just before the carriage was about to leave the yard, the horses slowed down once to turn and slowed down as a result. Your father flung himself to the carriage and pressed something into your hand. "Take good care of yourself, dear! Take good care of yourself!"
You nodded to your father, holding in your hand very tightly what he had just given you, and looked up once more to where Stiles was still standing by the balcony. He lowered his head and turned to go back to the castle, and so you leaned back and let the tears flow.
Only after a while, you could pull yourself together and realize what exactly your father had put into your hand. It was a letter, closed and sealed with a very special seal that no one else used except the king himself. Your father had given you a letter,  given by King Noah that was specifically addressed to you. "For Y/N."
Taglist: @woahcrowley @spideysimpossiblegirl   allisonargentswifey8  @roxic93​@stiles-stark  @mxnsonsbabe 
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Derek: I thought, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen, and I had better keep it a safe distance away from me. I thought, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire. And then I was a careless fool, and I fell in love with you anyway. When you rang me at truly shocking hours of the night, I loved you. When you kissed me in disgusting public toilets and pouted in hotel bars and made me happy in ways in which it had never even occurred to me that a mangled-up, locked-up person like me could be happy, I loved you. And then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back. Can you believe it? Sometimes, even now, I still can't. Stiles: ...
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Chapter 12 of Two Prisons. I know I’m not really doing captions right now but I will get back to those when I finish this story.
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whatsallthisnow · 1 year
Concept that will NOT get out of my head:
The "I'm mad at you so I won't speak directly to you" trope, but it's a Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are written on your skin. Like, Character A has something dumb/offense and has decided to be petty.
I can just see someone passive-aggressively taking out their phone to call a 3rd party like: "please tell your friend/sibling/child that they are a complete ass and speaking of asses, theirs looks excellent in those jeans." "... I am literally right here?? Also thanks? I think?"
The longer they can keep it up, the better.
Anyway someone with more writing motivation than me make it happen. I don't even care what the pairing/fandom is just do the thing plz.
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