#rs: weak and wanting
seance · 2 years
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driaswrld · 11 months
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cash in, cash out — gojo satoru and geto suguru.
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wc : 1.7k
summary : the one where the boys pick the kids up, satoru loses his wallet, megumi almost throws up, the twins argue color theory, tsumiki gets the aux and suguru has a coupon.
part of : the star paradox collection.
notes : this had me cackling a bit as i wrote it i love the family dynamics esp since this is when the trio is new to the kid thing (around 2009) ALSO yes, suguru has a love for y2k girl groups : pussycat dolls being one of em don't @ me gege told me it's canon.
other : fem!reader, rs label undefined so can be read as platonic or poly (they're lowk dating w/o knowing) mentions of unsafe (?) driving?? mentions of bribery and also tomfoolery and shenanigans
current casette : father stretch my hands pt.1 - kanye west
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“—now we do headcount.” Suguru turns in his seat as Satoru slows the car and shifts the gear stick to neutral. “If you’re hungry, say I!” Satoru raises a hand up, his knuckles smacking against the roof of the interior, and Suguru internally dies.
“You’re hopeless.” Tsumiki laughs to herself, rolling the window beside her down, leaning against the frame, spring breeze warming her cheeks.
“I…” Mimiko raises her tiny fist upwards, mimicking Satoru, all while Nanako unclicks their joint seatbelt and breathes a puff of air, exasperated and hair a mess.
Megumi grunts, giving a weak thumbs up. He almost looks like he’s about to throw up.
The car ride was… something to say the least—
“—buckle the seatbelt already, brat!”
“—swallow your spit before you talk, you pig.”
“Steer the car for me, Suguru.”
A click reverberates through the car as Satoru unclicks his seatbelt and turns, ready to dive out of the driver's seat and into the backseat of the car, with arms outstretched to grab ahold of six year old Megumi’s neck.
Suguru’s arm flails to the side as he steadies the abandoned steering wheel from the passenger seat.
“Why didn’t name pick us up?” Mimiko mumbles, clutching onto her strawberry colored doll to her chest.
Ignoring the repeated smacks of Megumi’s foot to the side of Satoru’s cheek, Tsumiki shrugs, gaze fixed outside the window at other cars passing by. “She had work, I think—”
“So we’re stuck with the idiots.” Megumi grunts, and Suguru’s head whips around, lips morphed into a thin line.
Pride, oh sweet pride. Nanako, busy typing away at some cute game on her tablet, looks up for a second and locks eyes with Suguru, who withers a little under her gaze.
“He called you an idiot, Geto-san.” She says, ever the little instigator.
“Take the wheel, Satoru.”
But anyways.
Satoru huffs, almost pouting as the car in front of them stalks forward into the KFC drive thru. “It wasn’t even that bad,” he murmurs as he shifts the gear stick once more, moving the car forward.
Suguru can only chuckle nervously. “Yeah, not too bad…”
Behind Satoru’s back, he gives the kids a funny look, and they all snicker quietly. Well, save for Megumi who’s bordering on car sickness from that messy car ride.
“Alright,” Satoru mumbles to himself before he pushes his sunglasses up to rest in his hair, one arm hanging out the window, looking over his shoulder for a brief moment to check everyone over. “What does everyone want off the menu?”
Honestly, he’s a little proud of himself and Suguru.
Usually, you’re the one who handles picking all the brats up after school, but somehow, the boys managed to do it.
Although, it did take a bit of crisscrossing with seatbelts shared in pairs of two— hey, at least they’re all in one piece, right!
“Twister!” Nanako exclaims with a grin and Mimiko nods along with her twin sister, setting her doll down in her lap with a smile that Suguru mirrors, something so small making him feel so… soft inside. “I want the one with the sweet flavored chicken inside—”
“I want the spicy one.” Nanako nods along, turning her attention back to her tablet, clicking away.
Satoru hums, turning his head a little to the side, and Tsumiki mumbles, “Maybe just a chicken sandwich… with some coleslaw too.” He looks to Megumi, who still has his mouth twisted into something between a frown and a pout, so cute—
“And what do you want, Megs?” Suguru asks before Satoru can, as the car treks forward in the drive thru line, drawing closer to the order speaker.
“Whatever Tsumiki gets, I’ll get that too.” Megumi shrugs a little and a smile stretches on Satoru’s face — though he hides it well, straining his head forward.
(Mimiko can see him through the side mirror but he doesn’t even remember that.)
After ordering and making it halfway down the length of the drive thru, there’s only two cars ahead until the pay window.
Suguru is helping Tsumiki plug the aux cord into her ipod touch — a birthday gift from Satoru.
“I don’t think the cord’ll fit,” Tsumiki mumbles, peering over his shoulder, head leaning against the headrest. “It’s probably too big or something.”
All while Mimiko and Nanako are arguing over a dress up game on their tablet.
“She looks better in purple—”
“But I like the yellow better—”
Megumi narrowly dodges Satoru’s elbow as he bends his arm to rummage through the storage compartment of the armrest.
“Don’t worry too much, Tsumiki—” He mumbles, haphazardly searching for another aux cable, and his wallet, because for some reason he didn’t feel it in his pocket just now. “Suguru’s good at making all kinds of things fit—”
A smack to the side of his head sends his sunglasses flying off his head into Nanako’s lap, and the twins share a look with each other. “We should try sunglasses on her—”
“I don’t want her to look like Gojo-san—”
Megumi snickers just as Suguru snatches the shorter aux cable from Satoru’s hand.
Tsumiki tilts her head to the side, a grin reaching her lips once Suguru finally gets the aux connected. “Hold on,” Satoru whispers to himself, shifting back in the driver’s seat and moving forward to take the place of the car that was just in front. “Suguru, I can’t find—”
“Check under your seat or something.” Suguru cuts him off, scrolling through the sheer ridiculous list of songs on Tsumiki’s ipod touch — most of which are Taylor Swift and a few J-Pop groups. “It’s not there.” Satoru huffs in defiance.
From where Megumi’s sitting slumped in the backseat, he can see the shadow of Satoru’s billfold laying under his seat.
Naturally, Megumi wants to watch him squirm a little. Afterall, Suguru told him to look there and he was too proud to, so…
Satoru’s phone vibrates from inside the open glove compartment where it’s charging.
“I’m sure I had it in my side pocket…” He mumbles to himself, and Suguru gives him a look of absolute defeat with a hint of nonchalance.
“Well I don’t have any money on me—” The timing couldn’t be worse really. “Of course you don’t. Because all of you freeload off me—”
Megumi rolls his eyes, “As if you don’t make six figures.”
The phone vibrates again, and it’s the least of Satoru’s problems, really.
“Is that all I am to you? Some bank?”
Because here he is, next in line to pay and he doesn’t have his card in his hand, Suguru is still flat broke as always, you aren’t here and it’s not like the brats in the back have a steady flow of income coming in.
Why didn’t he just set up his damn online accounts when you told him to?
“Maybe you should answer that,” Suguru shrugs, damn near unable to hide his little smile when he comes across a song by the Pussycat Dolls. He has half a mind to say out loud that he’s raising Tsumiki right.
The phone vibrates again.
“Jeez, fine, damn.” Satoru is shifting around in his seat like he’s possessed, patting down his pockets, all while the phone keeps vibrating.
He reaches over with a frown, yanking the charger out and answering the phone with a single tap and a curt, “I’m busy right now, what is it?" Putting it on speaker as he leans over in his seat again to search his pants.
“Hello to you too, sunshine.” Your voice echoes through the phone and Satoru winces, pink tinging the tip of his ears. “Sorry name, I just—”
“He lost his wallet and we’re going to starve.”
Megumi leans forward, sticking his head out and leaning against the passenger seat.
Tsumiki and Suguru stifle a laugh, and Mimiko lifts her head with a pout. “But— I don’t wanna starve!”
“Oh, Mimi…” You sigh, damn near ready to punt Satoru into the sun. “That’s not going to happen, Megs is just making fun—”
“I have a coupon for a biscuit from that magazine yesterday,” Suguru says and he locks eyes with Satoru who glares straight at him. “Hey, I’m just suggesting solutions!”
Shoko, who’s sitting beside you in the vacant classroom looks up from the mission report she’s signing up for the both of you and bellows a huge laugh. It really doesn’t help Satoru’s pride at all, and he grabs the phone, clicking it off speaker and hugging it against his ear.
Suguru watches as Satoru slumps in his seat, one arm hanging over the steering wheel and another out the window. A grown man, twirling the side of his hair and pouting.
He doesn’t even think twice before snapping the photo — he ends it off to the twins’ tablet, and they exit their game to open it, giggling into their tiny fists.
“I’m not sending you money, Satoru—”
“Please! I promise I just misplaced my wallet,”
The twins pass the tablet over to Megumi who folds his lips to hide his laugh, nudging Tsumiki who leans over to giggle at the picture too.
“Pleaaasee! C’mon, I promise I’ll even set up my account like you told me to—”
Suguru sends a sneaky wink to the kids and they all burst out laughing, to which Satoru whips his head around, only to find everyone ducked down in their seats, suspiciously minding their own business.
Suguru’s even gazing out the car window, a guilty whistle leaving his lips.
“I let you two pick them up one time and—”
Satoru cranes his head out the window, his voice lowering to a whisper. “name, I’m begging you. This is a man’s pride we’re talking about here—”
“You can always use Suguru’s coupon—” You murmur.
“I’ll get a chocopie with your order.”
"I'm literally paying— hey, what do you take me for? I have some semblance of self respect—”
“Two chocopies and a twister.” He looks around before ducking his head again in a whisper, “I’ll even pay for all your meals this month— matter of fact, you can just take my card—”
“Two months, including takeout.” You grumble. “And add an egg tart, I’m sending the money to Suguru right now.”
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
At last. My personal 100% fav interpretation/hc of the tyrant and his mind.
Gortash is absolutely and incredibly possessive and Durge's disappearance did break him. But not because his lover left or smth. It's because someone 'stole' his possession (possession being Durge). Quite frankly, it didn't even matter whether it was Durge or someone else he held to the same standards. But since it happened to be Durge he now also had to deal with the uncontrollable but that is Orin which is even worse.
I mean. Y'all. Gortash has the fucking Iron Throne and he.did.not.change.its.name.
The Iron Throne and it's layout was specifically designed by Sarevok to resemble Bhaals own physical plane. And Gortash kept it untouched. Not even changing the name. He essentially just said: Hey bhaal your plane is now mine and u can't do jackshit about it.
And if we dig even deeper it is a message to Durge too; Hey babe I'm now the owner of your father's treasured possession (which is u ourself Durge) and also I've replaced the being you worship as your God with myself. Xoxo Gortash.
He's also playing with Durge. The carot and the stick treatment all the time. Their rs is more akin to a power struggle and any and all weaknesses will be observed, noted, and if necessary used against them. By both of them.
He worships Durge, but in a way that he wants to rip them from Bhaals grasp and lock them in the cage he lovingly prepared for them. He thinks they're equals, yes, but that doesn't mean either of them will start playing fair. Their refusal to do so is what made them equals in the first place.
He's possessive and mad and quite insane and willing to go to frightening degrees in claiming what he considers to be his. It's a violent obsession, literally and figuratively speaking.
And ofc, he is capable of softness. But that softness always has an ulterior motive. He is not nice to be nice, he is nice to bind them closer to him. To ensnared and trap them. To find weaknesses and ways that work. It's the carrot and the stick and lovebombing all over again.
The more time he spends with them, the more gruesome and all encompassing his obsession grows and he wants to steal from a god. Essentially, he's Karsus but it's not Mystril he's up against, it's Bhaal and the weave is a little Godling.
Also ofc they've been doomed from the beginning cuz ofc they are, Gortash grows mad and violent as the mad dog that is durge grows more reasonable and chill until they do the fire and ice thing and go up in smoke.
And now in part 2 I shall elaborate how I enjoy my durge-
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jaembun · 5 months
the way you look should be a sin.
if mark’s at your door, the only thing you’re going to do is let him in !⠀⸻⠀mark lee x gnr ⠀ fluff (?) pre rs ⠀ wc 1.4k ⠀ now playing . . ☆
생각⠀my girlfriend! my! girlfriend! thnku isa for inspiring me to write this he’s kind of the only thing important ever
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you hadn’t really been properly asleep anyway, having drifted off in a half-slumber after scrolling mindlessly on your phone for a while, and you supposed that was why the sudden sound of it ringing from its place still loosely clasped in your hand woke you up so easily. everything was still vaguely blurry when you pushed yourself onto your elbows, squinting hard in order to see the name of the contact flashing across your screen. mark met your eyes, and you flopped backwards onto your mattress before tapping the accept button and then pressing the same hand to your mouth to stifle a yawn.
“are you awake?”
you pulled the phone back from your ear to aim a slightly incredulous look at it, even if you knew your best friend would’ve been none the wiser to the expression.
“i mean, i am now. what is it, markles? did you forget something?”
mark stumbled over his next words, muttering them under his breath more than anything. “no, but.. ah, nevermind, dude, it’s fine. i don’t know why i called.”
you sat up slightly in your bed, ignoring the slight chill the blanket falling away from yourself gave you, eyebrows furrowed a little in concern at the unsure tone of your friend. “mark? what’s up?”
he started to say something more but cut himself off, words trailing off into nothing. it was silent on the phone for a few moments then, only the sound of your shared faint breathing coming through the lines until he finally got his words together and spoke up properly.
“i’m, um. i’m outside your apartment.”
that woke you up fully, eyes widening a little as you stood up out of your bed, leaving it unmade as you padded over to your window and looked down more than a few floors to the street outside—where, if you squinted, you could almost make out mark’s figure lit up by the streetlights and standing alone on the pavement, recognisable mostly by his familiar fleece jacket.
“what the fuck, mark? i’ll buzz you in, come on. you must be freezing, i don’t—why are you over here so late? did donghyuck sexile you, or something?”
you stayed at the window just long enough to watch his small head shake before moving over to your door in order to let him up, shivering again with the now complete lack of your blanket.
“nah, he’s at jeno’s. i just.. i don’t know. i missed you, man.”
the words made you stop in your tracks, for a second. his voice was small, but it sounded sincere—and it was sincere, you knew it was, because mark couldn’t have told a lie even if he was paid to do it. had been earnest since before he knew what it meant. you covered how choked up you suddenly felt by scoffing, depsite it sounding weak even to your own ears.
“yah, you sweet talker, you probably just want me to make you a hot chocolate. get up here already, hm?”
his laugh was barely that, sounded more like an exhale of air than anything, but you were glad for it all the same. quiet fell over the two of you again, but this time it was more comfortable, with only the idle sounds of the elevator and his footfalls coming all the way to your door. 
“see you in a sec,” was all you murmured through the line before hanging up and shoving your phone into the pocket of your sweats, fiddling with the lock on the door for a moment, another, before it was finally open and mark was standing before you. 
he looked tired—you weren’t surprised, seeing the last time you checked it was creeping past two in the morning—but his mouth still curved up into a small smile that you mirrored with ease, beckoning him in and pushing the door shut behind him, reaching out with the tips of your fingers to slide the lock into place.
“so what’s up, markl—“
before the nickname could fully pass your lips mark was falling into you, head finding solace tucked into the crook of your neck and hands coming up to loosely grip onto the fabric of your shirt on your waist. his fingertips were red from the cold, but his cheek was hot from where it was resting on your shoulder. 
“can we.. go t’bed?”
it was just as mumbled as it’d been over the phone, but this time a lot louder—he was right next to your ear, after all, his periodic soft exhales hitting your skin causing little shivers running across it that weren’t from the chill, this time. you simply nodded in answer to his request and attempted to detach yourself from his grip to walk him over to your unmade (but comfortable, you defended to yourself) mess of a bed, but mark made a vaguely whiny noise of protest and clung onto you tighter.
your laugh came out a little too high in the dead silence of your apartment, hoping even if mark did notice the way your ears burned a little hotter that he’d be kind enough (or tired enough, at least) not to bring it up as you slowly walked him to the sheets, trying not to trip up on his feet shuffling backwards, trying not to focus on the way he felt so malleable in your careful hold.
“take this off,” you murmured lowly once you’d reached the foot of your bed, tugging gently at the fleece he was still wearing and trying not to cringe at how suggestive your words sounded even if your intentions were innocent. you focused on nudging at his feet, too, where his shoes were still on. “and these. you’re not putting your dirty trainers anywhere near my blanket, markles, for real.”
“mm.” was all he hummed in reply, but didn’t move from his spot. you were ready to do it for him if it came down to it, but before you could reach for the zipper of his jacket he taking half a step back, barely out of your space, and doing it himself. they were left lying idle on your floor once he’d rid himself of both the offending items, but you figured they’d be just fine for a night—it wasn’t like you didn’t have a few hoodies and jeans doing exactly the same thing while you avoided putting them away properly for a day or two longer.
where you stopped in your place once he had deemed himself ready go, unsure of what move to make next, mark had no such qualms. he let himself fall back onto your sheets and got himself comfortable like they were his own, the way his brow furrowed when he didn’t see you following a clear indication of what he wanted you to do, and you found yourself being able to do nothing but comply with his wishes, slipping in next to him after abandoning your phone on the bedside table.
the lights were faint, streetlights only just shining in through your window, but you could still see his brown eyes trained on your own as you led there face-to-face. you tried to speak but, embarrassingly enough, your throat failed you, and so you only tried again after turning to the side for a moment to clear it. 
“are you okay?”
the smile was back. still small, still sincere. “i am now.” and. oh. mark was so—lovely, sometimes. all the time. you didn’t know what to do. but it seemed you didn’t need to, because then he was turning over, away from you, and then shifting backwards until it was all too clear right where he wanted you.
and so, swallowing back the way you felt choked up for the second time that evening, you shuffled closer and slung an arm over his hip, feeling him relax under your touch almost instantly. it was more than just your blankets providing you with warmth, now. mark had always run a little hotter.
“night, markles.“ you mumbled half-into the nape of his neck, lips almost brushing his skin. there was a light sound as he tossed a hand back to find where yours was resting on his side and squeezed once. twice.
“see you t’morrow, ynnie.”
and that was all it needed to be. a boy in your arms, both in your bed. sharing warmth until the sunlight pouring in through your windows would force you to leave it. as simple as that.
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ba9go · 2 months
thinking about watching horror movies with itadori yuuji
itadori yuuji x gn!reader, fluff (sfw), implied established rs
if you're scared of horror movies...
yuuji is so excited when you finally agree to watching a horror movie with him!! he is so so proud of you for mustering the courage to confront your fears
yuuji is so excited but he knows you're terrified of horror movies so he keeps asking to make sure you're really okay with this
"you'd seriously do this for me?! you're the best, thank you!! it's not that scary, i promise! okay, maybe just a little... but it's fine! i'm with you, 'kay?"
yuuji holds your hand throughout the entire movie and does not let go (he will literally only grab his soda and popcorn with his other hand)
yuuji cusses out anything and everything that scares you.
the ghost is about to appear but the door swings open so freaking slowly, creaking ominously, and you're hiding your face behind yuuji's arm from all the suspense
"man, this ghost is weak as hell! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR ALREADY!"
yuuji feels kinda bad for this but he thinks you look so cute, all scared because of the movie. you're gripping his hand so tightly and the way you bury your face in the sleeve of his hoodie has him cooing at you
"hey, hey, you're okay! i'll tell you when the bad guy's gone, okay?"
and if either one of you need a toilet break, the two of you are going together. yuuji is not leaving your side 🫡
if you love watching horror movies...
yuuji is PUMPED. movie date nights? nah, HORROR MOVIE DATE NIGHTS
at first megumi and nobara are a little concerned for your mental well-being, thinking that yuuji's somehow coerced/brainwashed you into watching horror movies with him every week. they soon realise that you two are truly a match made in heaven.
"yuuji!! can we watch The Rope Curse 2 next week?"
"hell yeah we can!! let's do it!!!"
yuuji is so excited to finally have someone to yap with about horror movies. the two of you have the time of your lives geeking out about all the underlying themes and the visual effects and the cgi and all that shmazz
yuuji has boxes and boxes full of old horror movie cds and blurays and it has become your shared mission to clear out these boxes.
you guys stick little sticky notes on the cover of each cd/bluray with little ratings ("Mother!" - 6/10, not the greatest but hey there's jennifer lawrence!)
"babe, what would you do if you saw the nun in real life?"
yuuji sucks in a deep breath before slowly exhaling
"maybe take a picture and show you?"
"i'm not sure valak would appreciate that, yuu."
"you're probably right. can we cosplay lorraine and ed warren for halloween this year?"
"hmm how about i be the nun and you be the crooked man? nobara and megumi can be lorraine and ed!"
"let's do it!!"
this was so self-indulgent sorry 😮‍💨
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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┗🖋️In between fights and smoke / Daydream collides with a poison cloak / Putting nightmares into a tight choke / Fixing it with a lust-filled stroke 📖
🎧: Taylor Swift - I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
wc: 2.4k
genre & warnings: angst, sprinkle of fluff, smut, stoner!hee, petnames, weeds & alcohol, kind of like toxic rs, cursing, appearance of other enha members, cunnilingus (f receiving), fingering, slight nipple play, creampie (?), unprotected sex, etc etc mdni
a/n: this is a part of The Tortured Poets Department series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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The device shook on your palms, the icy night breeze seeping in your skin, truly, you should've worn a thicker jacket instead of some flimsy cardigan on your way here.
But who could blame you?
Getting a cryptic message out of nowhere, more so if it's about your oh so, loving boyfriend, would make you bolt out of your house even during the ungodly hour of 2:37 am.
You read the text again, and you couldn't help the scowl in your face.
"Get your boy."
You've always wanted to receive the magical three words. Not the vomit-inducing one.
Sighing, you tucked your phone inside your pocket, proceeding to walk into the spacious rustic porch of the eerily quiet house.
No knocks were needed, the owner of the residence opening the door once you're in front, motioning for you to come in.
You did and the first thing that you could think of is the unusual atmosphere of the building. Most of the time, the blaring music and glaring lights would repulse you, but there were none of those today.
Did the party end early?
Before you could ask where he is, the male with you answered your unspoken question.. or questions at that.
"No rave for tonight because we decided on another festivity, down in the basement." he says, giving you a weak smile as he shoves his hands down in his pockets.
"Thank you, Jay." you returned the smile, which he wasn't able to see for he's already heading into his kitchen.
You then sauntered at the said place where you could find the person that you have personally come to pick up.
Entering the area almost made you want to go to the hospital. The smell was revolting, a mixture of burning fronds, sweat, ashes of joints and alcohol invaded your senses and it was nauseating.
You stood there for a minute, scanning the realm of awfulness until your eyes landed on the guy that was supposed to be in bed with you. Cuddling you and whispering sweet nothings to make you sleep but here he is, giggling like a child, blowing out a puff of smoke that paints his lungs black.
"Heeseung." you called, paying no mind to the other inhabitants of the spacious basement, footsteps nearing closer in his figure that was slumped on a sorry ass sofa, "Let's get you home."
His eyes snapped open, craning his neck to peer at you, recognition flashed and his expression lighted up. He threw you a wide grin, patting his lap as an invitation for you to take.
"There's my baby! Look, everyone! My baby is here!" he mused, pointing at you, and for a second you'll dare say that he looks nothing but an angel.
Big bright eyes, squinting just a tiny bit with how wide his grin is. Vermillion tresses frame his cheeks so well, pink pouty lips, and an adorable scrunched up nose.
An innocent one. Your innocent one.
Except you know who, what, and how he is. But you're not one to back down from a challenge. The moment you decide to date him, to let him in your life, you know that you're in for a disastrous ride.
"Really, Y/N? Him?"
"I thought you were wise and smart."
"I wish you luck, dear."
You shook the echoing voices in your head, opting to focus on the current dilemma at hand.
"Hee, let's go. Yeah?" you murmured softly when you're in front of him, attempting to get him out of this hell hole with you.
He whines, pulling you into him out of the blue, that made you yelp, gripping his shirt to steady yourself in his lap.
He dips his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet, vanilla scent, a stark contrast of the environment he's in for the past few hours.
"My baby smells like cake, delicious." he hums, his hands going over your waist, and you tried your best to get him off you in a lenient manner.
"Go get a room." his friends, Jake and Sunghoon, who are also in the room fake gagged, and Heeseung didn't take that well.
He takes you with him when the annoyance shoots over his veins, hauling you with him and out of the house but not without yelling a playful yet condescending statement.
"At least I'm not like you losers! I actually have a girl that gets my dick wet!"
You kept your mouth shut, the scolding will come later but for now, it's your turn to do the dragging, ushering him into your car so you can finally drive away from here.
Arriving at your own home felt like breathing fresh air, well, the groans of your boyfriend brought you back to reality.
"Lee Heeseung!" you shout in anger, and despite being in a dopamine-incited state, he still has half a mind to be alert when you used his full government name.
"Woah, baby? Why?" he's struggling but manages to come over to you, his hands moving to wrap you in his arms.
You dodged the affection he was about to give, choosing to throw him daggers through your eyes, "Why? Why?!" you shout in pure exasperation.
"You can't just say that! I am not your toy that will 'make your dick wet!' That was so disrespectful!" you imitated his words from earlier with a mocking tone, jabbing at his chest harshly, "I don't deserve that."
His eyes soften, cupping your face and his thumbs caress your cheeks, smoothing your wrinkled features, "Of course you don't. I'm so sorry baby, I was joking with them."
"That wasn't a good joke, Hee. That hurt me." you utter, leaning into his warm touch.
How you hated it when you're this weak for him, then again, this is what you swore to protect and reveal to everyone who judged him early.
They don't know that his calloused hands from all the fighting he did can bring such velvety skinship.
They have no idea that his vulgar way of speaking can actually be so honeyed and gooey if he wants to.
They don't know him like you do. So, it is your mission to show them that a wild man can be tamed.
"I'm sorry, baby," he lifts your face, allowing you to look into his apologetic caramel orbs, "let me make it up to you, hm?"
You stare and nod, because if you're going to be honest, there's no getting out of this.
He presses his lips onto yours in a searing, messy kiss, tilting his head to further deepen it. Your hands cling to his hair, tousling it the more the make-out session gets hotter.
His hand squeezed your left breast over your clothes, causing you to moan and he took that as an opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth, licking every corner that he can reach.
Your tongue clashed with his, not for dominance, but for the sole purpose of riling each other up. He moans when you suck on his tongue, unexpected surprise but he loved it nonetheless.
He returned the favor with much zeal, disconnecting from you and the string of saliva broke when he dipped his head to smooch all over your neck. Trailing open, wet mouthed kisses down your clavicle, then biting on your collarbone and sucking on the damage, leaving a purple patch on its spot.
He slowly raises his head, his pointy nose scraping on your mastoid until he reaches your ear, his hands grabbing your ass to bring your lower area to his, making you feel his hard member poking on his jeans.
"Am I doing a great job of making it up to you?" he inquires, like a puppy in need of some validation.
"I think," using your palms to lift his head, giving him an eskimo kiss, "you have to do more."
He smiles, hoisting you in his strong arms and easily manhandling you into the comforts of your shared bedroom, hurling you onto the mattress with matching pecks on your face and lips.
"Guess I'll have to do my best." he murmurs against your lips before all hell breaks loose, clothes tossed everywhere until you're both stark naked.
You gripped his hair tightly when his mouth snaked on your chest, popping a nipple and sucking on it while his left hand played with your other mound, pinching and tugging on it. His right hand slithered down your stomach, passing by your navel until it reached your core.
A gasp was heard from you when he dipped a finger in your wetness, swirling the juices around your labia and his index finger played with your clit in an up and down motion.
He lightly nibbles on your nipple before switching to the other one, giving it the same treatment as he continues his actions on your pussy.
So many sensations all at once and it had you twitching and drenching under him. He's always been good at having you at his mercy when it comes to things like this.
His ministrations came to a halt when you moaned his name. No, he won't let you come if it's not in his mouth.
Heeseung positioned himself in between your thighs, his fingers digging into your plush flesh and spreading your thighs wider, his face so close to your heat but you don't have the time to be embarrassed when he sticks and flattens his tongue out on your pussy.
He licks away your juices, humming in delight with your taste. He's not a man of patience, evident in how he inserts two of his fingers inside, curling it in a relentless pace and it hits the spongy spot perfectly.
"H-hee! Ah!" you mewled, his name is the only thing in your mind. He's so fucking good, your good boy. It shows when he frowns, concentrating on giving you the fitting pleasure to make up for his mistake.
He sucked on your clit harshly, alternating to licking it with his hardened tongue while his digits worked you to oblivion. Soon enough, you've come undone, releasing in his mouth which he graciously received, slurping you clean, only stopping when you have to physically push him away due to overstimulation.
You were breathing heavily, then you steeled yourself when you felt the tip of his manhood poke your hole. Half lidded eyes staring at him, giving him the signal that he can go on and ruin you into his liking.
"bab- fuck! Feel so good." Heeseung groaned when he entered you in one go, your walls clenching around him. When he feels your hips move, he begins to slam into you, docile at first then he hears you beg for more.
How could he even say no to his precious baby?
His hips rams harder and faster, it makes your whole body shake. Every drag of his length accompanies a squelching sound with how wet you are but you couldn't care less, it's the result of what he's making you feel.
Even in your rapture drunken stupor, you can still feel the vein on the side of his cock, sliding so exquisitely inside.
With his large hands supporting your hips, he lifts one of your legs on his shoulder, a completely different position but it allows him to plow deeper into you. Pushing his cock further until it kisses your weak spot, a rather melodious moan erupting from you and that was enough for Heeseung to know that he had hit the jackpot.
He continues fucking into you, your wetness spreading on his balls, thighs and sheets yet it turns him on so much.
He gazes down at you, and my god, a scene worthy of jacking off when he's not with you has been engraved in his brain. You are so fucking divine under him.
Eyes almost rolling in the back of your head, tiny hands grabbing the pillows for dear life, and drool running down your chin. Sensual and messy are everything he had always wanted.
He lurches down to give you a kiss, swallowing your saliva and moans, he detaches and speaks, "I fucking love you."
"I-I Hees-" you tried to return his sentiment, but a coherent sentence isn't available at the moment due to your hazy mind, courtesy of the excellent fucking you're currently receiving.
Heeseung thrusts are becoming erratic, desperate and he knows he won't last long.
"Come on baby, cum with me, yeah?" he mumbles, "Don't hold back." he orders, every word punctuated with a powerful thrust.
You opened your mouth in a silent moan, gushing on his pulsating dick and your tight walls were sufficient for him to release his seed inside, milking him dry.
He pulls out, some of his cum smearing on your womanhood, and he collapses beside you.
Aftercare can be done later, too tired for that, but never for a cuddle. He pulls you close to his heaving body, both of you catching your breath.
"I really am sorry for what I said a while ago." he mutters, rubbing consoling circles on your flushed skin.
"Do you promise not to do it again?" you gazed at him, looking for any signs of deceiving when he agreed without any hesitation, but the only thing that you see is his ethereal halo made out of his hair.
"Hee.. please don't destroy yourself." you flopped back into his sturdy chest, tracing lines on his muscles.
"Of course baby. If I did that then I won't be with you anymore. We can't have that happening."
He chuckles and you do too.
Surely, you don't need any prayers from those people who act like they care about you. They don't have to go out of their way to make their god bless you, because you are already graced with the greatest blessing.
People will judge either way if you tell them that he's your boyfriend. But none of that matters because you have already decided that he is yours, and you are his.
The next time, or should you say, for the future times where you sit inside the bar where he works at, wearing the sexiest dress you could muster that he'll inevitably rip off of you later, you can simply shrug the comments of the nosy dumbasses.
Watching him sing his heart out while playing the electric guitar, you know that he is a force to be reckoned with but he loves you, and you believe that you're the one thing he needs in this cruel world to change.. to improve.
You'll fasten his seatbelt when his journey is turbulent, anchor him when he floats too high, and you will cement him here on earth if he flies away too much.
You will do everything for him, for Lee Heeseung is your heavenly man.
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@ramenoil @shakalakaboomboo
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hxjikonn · 2 years
Congratulations for your milestone!!!!
Can i perhaps request twst platonic comfort long fic with the staff with Lilia separately perhaps saying like “i’m proud of you” and pat reader’s head please? Reader gender is GN and preferably uses with ‘you’ instead of pronouns please if its possible—
of course no pressure for this request— i just need a comfort becus daddy issues lmao but sam is more like big brother vibes
A/N: Thank you anon! I’m gonna cry this is actually so frikkin cute 🥹, I’ll do my best take on this one and I hope you like it. I do have a limit of 3-4 caharcters only so I’ll do Lilia, Crowley, Trein and Crewel ♥︎ also p.s sorry this took so long 😭🤚🏻
Peer Pressure
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☆Staring☆: Lilia Vanrouge, Dire Crowley, Mozus Trein, and Divus Crewel.
Synopsis: Twst Dads Staff and Lilia, being the father figure you never had. Yes! I’m talking to boys, girls, gays and non-binary baes who has daddy issues 🥹
Heads up/Warnings: Mentions of Stress, Lil small smidge of angst, VERY LONG AND NOT PROOFREAD Platonic! rs with reader.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Studying in NRC was no cake walk, that’s a given fact, and more so when you’re a magicless nomad from who knows where, as much as you’d love to just blend in with the crowd and not be noticed, you stuck out like a sore thumb.
You were treated as a weak poor unfortunate soul who fate has thrown to the wolf den to be eaten alive without a fight, You didn’t like how they perceived you, you didn’t like how you were treated as a push over who couldn’t stand a chance in this school. So you made yourself keep with everyone else despite not having a speck of magic in you.
You really are doing everything you can to be treated as an equal by everyone, but even when you’re giving it your all, it’s never enough for them to respect you, no matter how many overblots you face and how many dorm leaders and students you help, you will always amount to nothing in their eyes.
Still you tried, tried to keep your chin up, but you’re only human, and you can only take so much. You were sat in the deepest part of the school library, the ancient history section, where dust had collected on the bookshelves having been left unnoticed for so long, not a single beam of light could peek through the thick books that rested on the high shelves. No one bothered to go here, It was silent, this became the place you’d go to when you feel that you’re about to break.
Slowly, the dark and tiny enclosed space was filled with your quiet sobs and sniffles, shaky breaths and gasps were heard coming from your tiny curled up figure in the corner…you couldn’t handle it anymore, it was heavy, it hurts, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell anyone because you felt like it’d fuel the idea of you being weak and in need of help…
Unbeknownst to you, someone other than yourself lurked in that corner of the library, and that someone had heard your soft weeping, slowly and carefully he approached your tiny figure, you were sobbing on your knees desperately trying to hold yourself together, you were too caught up on keeping quiet that you hadn’t notice Lilia sitting beside you.
“You know…it’s normal for children to cry right?” He said, loudly enough for you to hear but quietly too since he didn’t want to freak you out. You slowly met his gaze, with swollen eyes glistening with tears, you sniffled and wiped your cheek with your sleeve “I’m not a child….” You retorted, voice hoarse and weak.
“Oh but your not an adult either?” He said ruffling your hair, you didn’t like this, it felt like he also saw you like everyone else in this school, puny. You brushed off his hand, you sighed…upset, you buried your head back in your knees “I really don’t feel well right now Lilia-senpai…I wanna be left alone” You mumbled, not another word was uttered after you said that, you thought he left, so you resumed to your pitiful state of feeling sorry for yourself.
It wasn’t until you felt soft pats on your head that you settled down a bit, “When Silver wasn’t feeling well when he was little, I’d always stay by his side until he’s better…children can’t be left alone when they dont feel well, or else they wont get better” he softly spoke to you, you could only answer with sniffles and hiccups.
“M’not a child…” you answered, still hiccuping trying to catch your breath from crying to much, “If you’d known how old I am, you’d probably see yourself as a fetus…” he joked, “I’ll never be equal to you guys will I?? I’ll always be the weakest one here…no matter what I do” you voiced out, you didn’t even know if you were shaking from anger or sadness…
Lilia felt it though, your emotions, he sighed and draped his school overcoat on your shaking frame, and continued to place soft pats on your head to calm you down again, “That was quiet offensive, you don’t even know how I think of you and yet you assume that…” he scolded, “You call me a child…” you snapped back at him
“That’s because you are one and yet you act like you should be the one running NRC, I need you to understand that I’m not calling you a child because I see you as a feeble human being, I call you that to remind you that you’re still young…it’s too early for you be stressed out, that’s a middle age man’s job” He scolded you holding both your face with in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“You’ve already done so much…I’m proud of you for keeping up with everyone in NRC despite you not possessing magic, it’s amazing, even Malleus thinks so…” he added, you felt yourself calm down, more so when he pulled you into a hug, you felt safe.
“Now rest, we cant have you exiting the library with puffy eyes, people would think they were stung by bees!” He jested, chuckling at himself. “I’ll wake you up when I feel that you’ve had enough sleep…” he patted your head and hummed a tune, tired from crying, you eventually gave in and let his hums woo you to sleep.
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Dire Crowley
Once again, you were called to Crowley’s office, not because you caused trouble no, you barely had the time in your day to do that. It was because somehow he probably has yet another taxing job to give you, that or he’s gonna scold you for something, what is it? Who knows? Sometimes it’s the most random things.
You knocked and waited waited for him to say you could come in…when he did, you walked in groggily, and shut the door behind you with your foot, you didn’t bother with politeness and courtesies, you were too exhausted for that, plus you knew he probably got used you’re attitude by now as you were used to his.
“What nowwwww???” You groaned, flopping on the chair infront of him. “Would it kill you to have some manners prefect?” He scolded, “Cut me some slack I’m tireeedddd” you whined in your hands. “Well I hope you being tired means you’ve done everything I told you to do, and I called you here to ask you if you’ve visited Savanaclaw-“ “to solve their flea infestation problem? Yeah It’s done. Savanaclaw is flea-free.” You cut him off, your voice monotoned and unenthusiastic.
He was surprised, “Well then, I assume you’ve also finished re-planted the flowers of wonderland in the botanical garden.” “YUP” you quickly answered. “What about the concerns of Pomfoire students about their stollen chemicals?” He crossed his arms “It wasn’t stollen, They misplaced it somewhere.” You answered again.
“Mandatory Dormitory maintenance check ups? Have you organized the School calendar events? Did you solve the Octavinelle and Scarabia feud? ” He started throwing the tasks he gave you. “Done. Done. And hmmm let me see…yup all done.” you replied as you picked on your nails. Crowley was shocked you managed to finish everything in a day, at this point he started to doubt you didn’t have magic.
“Have you….uhm….” He tried thinking of a task he hasn’t asked you about, “have you…done your homework?” He had nothing. You looked up at him with a confused look, but still answered “Yeah?” He cleared his throat and readjusts his tie “Hm…Well done then, you did well” he said.
“Can I go now? I haven’t eaten all day and Grim’s probably throwing tantrums because he hasn’t had his tuna sandwich…” you asked, he only nodded. Still kind of shock that you did every task he sent you to do. “Uh…’kay, bye I guess…” you stood up to leave, weirded out by the headmage’s sudden silence.
He only came back to his senses when he heard the door shut, and realized you’d left…you left to go home and eat cuz you haven’t eaten all day, yeah…wait… “HAVEN’T EATEN??!! ALL DAY??!” He shouted, shooting up from his chair to go chase you. His automatic Papa bird mode was up and running…literally. You thought you were safe from a scolding session, well you were wrong.
“PREFECT! Y/N! STOP RIGHT THERE!” He commanded, far across the other end of the hallway. You stopped, hearing his voice, you sighed and turned your back to see him speed walking his way over to you. “Here we go…” you said to yourself, preparing for the scolding, you didn’t know what it was about but you were preparing still.
Before you knew it he was standing infront of you, hands on his hips like a disappointed mother. “What did I miss this time?” You asked, “Apparently Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner” he answered. You blinked a couple of times, confused and dumbfounded. “Huh?” Was all that came put of your mouth.
“I can’t believe you! How could you not eat for a whole day?! Are you mad?! Have you gone koo-koo over the tasks I gave you?! You could get sick!” He scolded, you thought he was joking, so you laughed “Oh I get it…Don’t worry I won’t die, you won’t lose your errand runner” you joked. Wrong move.
The expression on his face was something you hadn’t seen before, usually you’re not at all fazed by Crowley, however this time you felt your stomach drop, but not to fear, it was something else. “Errand Runner….? Is that why you forgot to eat?…Is that how I make you feel…?” He spoke, uncharacteristically sad…
“Uh n-no, I was…I was just joking…” you denied smiling up at him, though you did feel like an errand runner most of the time, it was clear that Crowley didn’t know you felt that way. Silence was all that was heard between you two. Crowley was only looking at you, “Uhm…I should…go” you spoke, breaking the noiseless awkward situation.
You bowed and turned to your heel and left. For the rest of the night, all that filled Crowley’s mind was worry…You went to school the next morning, the happenings from yesterday was now long gone and done for you, it was weird and awkward sure, but you didn’t think it was that deep.
However it wasn’t for Crowley. As you were listening to Trein’s lecture, Crowley decided to pop in your class. “Is Y/n present?” He asked, poking his head through the door, “Y/n, The headmage is looking for you.” Trein spoke, unbothered, still writing on the board.
You looked up from your notebook to see Crowley by the door, this was unusual, since he only called for you when you dong have class. But you thought it must’ve been urgent. So you stood up and went to him. “Something wrong?” You asked, he smiled and shook his head, “Oh no, I just came by to give you this.” He handed you a lunch box, you looked up at him confused “wha-“ you were cut off with a headpat “Go back to your seat now, make sure to finish all that food, after class though, dont eat in class.” He said pushing you back so you’d go to your seat. “Sharing is good but Dont share that. You eat it.” He warned before waving you goodbye as he closes the door and leaves.
You were now left with a lunch box in your hand, you looked down and there was a sticky note on top of it that read “Do your best in class! I’m proud of you!” With a crow doodle on the bottom…you smiled at the note and went back to your seat. Guess you wont be missing meals anymore.
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Mozus Trein
Exam week. Probably the worst week in a student’s entire school year. Most even called it Hell week due to how dreadful and stressful it is. What’s worse is that you’ve been transported in a school that is in a world where you knew absolutely nothing about.
So everything you’ve learned from your homeworld, is USELESS here. Especially history. Back in home exams about history usually only contained questions about previous presidents, wars, kingdoms, ruler, and dates but here their history included magic. Which you don’t have and have Zero to No knowledge of.
You’ve concluded in your mind that you’d probably be butchered and served for lunch after you take this test because there’s no way you’re going to pass it. But what’s the harm in trying? Right? You spent hours and hours after every test everyday before the history exam in the library. Under a piles and stacks of books about twisted wonderland’s history. You felt yourself get lightheaded a couple of times but you shook it off.
Then came doomsday. You were sat in your usual seat, sweating bullets, leg bouncing from anxiety, the test wasn’t even handed out yet but your lips were practically chewing gum at this point since you’ve been gnawing on them for the past 5 minutes.
When the test was handed out, you tried your best not to accidentally have a mental shut down and forget everything you’ve studied for. You were already nervous from the questions, more so when Trein started walking around and observing everyone as they take their test.
Out of everyone, you had to admit, Mozus Trein, was the most intimidating teacher you had. Failing his class was an equivalent to a coffin and funeral party. So you tried your best to keep calm and focus on the questions. You didn’t rush it like some of the others, it didn’t matter if you were the last one in his class as long as your confident you’d pass.
You skimmed through every question time after time making sure you had the best answer. “Y/n. I said Time’s up. Hand in your paper or I won’t accept it.” Trein’s voice broke your trance, and there it was again, the anxiety, you weren’t done, you weren’t confident that you’d get a passing grade yet. But him staring you down made you hand give up the paper faster than lightning.
“Sorry, sir.” You meekly spoke. He took your paper and shortly after he dismissed the class. You couldn’t even sleep that night, and the night after, and the next night after that. It was that big of a deal. Came the end of Hell week Exam week it was time for the teachers to hand back the now graded test papers.
And lucky you, Your first class of the day was Trein’s. You went in with bags under your eyes from all the sleepless nights and the countless hours studying in the library. You hoped for the worst, that way you wont be disappointed when it does happen. Once the classroom was filled, Trein greeted you all like usual, “I’m sure everyone is well aware of what day it is, and I’m neither disappointed nor surprised by the result of last week’s exam, as I expected this already. Needles to say I’ll be seeing MOST of you again in the same class next year.” He stated, mercilessly, It was like venom. He went around the class handing the test papers one by one.
You gulped hearing what he just said as you waited for him to hand you yours, part of you told yourself you’re one of those people. What’s worse is that, he only placed the other students their paper on their table and left, so why is he HANDING you yours???You gulped as you took the paper from his hand, the test paper was faced down. Still standing there even though you had already took it. You thought of your funeral party already.
You flipped the paper with shaky hands…you couldn’t believe your eyes…it was a perfect score…you looked up at your teacher in shock “I think you mixed up my paper with someone else’s sir…” you said, only earning a small laugh from him. He placed his index finger on top of your test paper “that is your name? Is it not?” He asked, it infact YOUR NAME.
You left your jaw hung open as you stared at the paper infornt of you, your shocked state was broken when he pated your head “Very good Y/n, Surprisingly the one who isn’t from twisted wonderland is the one who scored the highest in my class, I’m very proud of you for that. Keep it up” he praised as he walks back to his desk.
You felt yourself smiling happily. You passed. YOU SCORED HIGHEST. You looked up at Trein who was now infront of the class writing in the board about the next lecture he was about to discuss and you hurriedly took out your notebook to write down notes. Soon the class you oh so feared to fail now became your favorite class to attend.
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Divus Crewel
You had no magic, no knowledge of it, and you don’t even know how to use it. Magic was already a hassle to learn, and you already progressed slower than most of the students in your class. Not in potionology though. This was wayyy easier to catch up with.
You see potionology class like what you used to do as a child, when you’d mix shampoos and soaps and tooth paste and pretend to be a witch in the bathroom. You liked this class since it was fun and you didn’t struggle that much with it. You cant say you’re that best student, that would be exaggeration. But you were one of the students who does better than everyone else.
Up coming this week was pop quiz Friday, usual pop quizzes included answering a sheet of paper, however in potionology, Crewel thought it’d be nice to put the pop in “pop quiz” to good use. The task was that you’d try to perfect a potion that pops when you threw it, the bigger the “pop” your potion made, the higher your score would be.
So ahead of time, you started doing research and tests on your potion, you sometimes went to Pomefoire or Heartslabyul to ask Rook or Trey for advice since they’re both in the school Science Club. You’d go to the library to borrow books about explosives, you’d go shopping for a concerning amount of flammable chemicals and other stuff in Sam’s shop. To the point where Sam actually made a promise to himself to call Crowley if you came back again.
After all that you’d go back to Ramshackle to test more stuff out. It took a lot of sleepless nights and failed attempts, you didn’t give up though, plus you and grim (and sometimes even Malleus) were having fun in the back yard of Ramshackle blowing stuff up. If you had neighbors they probably would’ve moved out by now
One day you finally had one you were confident had a passing grade. Probably not the best one out there but one that can get you a high score.You wrote down the recipe so you could remake it in the lab when Friday came, you’re more than excited to see this experiment of your blow their minds, not literally but kinda literally.
Then came Friday, the day you’ve been waiting for. You were nervous, happy and the anticipation was killing you. When greetings were exchanged the “pop quiz” began. Everyone was focused on their own potions, and so were you. Holding in your hand was the recipe and your other was carefully dripping and dropping chemicals on to beakers and test tubesz
You didn’t want the whole room to blow up…yet. As you hear some students groan out of frustration or sigh in relief, you grew more and more competitive. When the timer rang, you were already finished, everyone had their bottles clutched in their hands in fear of them accidentally dropping it and causing mass destruction.
“Alright pups, line up, we cant risk causing accidental arson, we’re going out on the field to test your potions.” Crewel said to the class, one by one your classmates start to line up. Careful not to trip as the walked. When you were all outside, and in a safe distance from the school building, Crewel had you all stand behind a magic barrier so no one would get hurt.
One by one students started to throw their potions, explosion after explosion, some disappointingly small and some scarily big. You were thrilled, you couldn’t wait for your turn. When your name got called you confidently strode infront to throw your potion. As you were about to Crewel lightly smacked your head with his teaching pointer. “Goggles Y/n, your goggles.” He warned. You muttered a tiny ‘oops’ and put on your goggles.
“Alright, on my count…” Crewel said, as he counted down to 3, when you heard three you threw it hard as you could and….nothing. You were shocked…embarrassed as you heard the chuckles and laughs from behind you. You were positive you tested this before and it worked, you must’ve done something wrong. How could you fail the one class you actually enjoyed.
Your cheeks grew hot when you heard small teasings from your classmates, Crewel reprimanded them but you knew even he was embarrassed and disappointed by this miserable failed attempt. You had failed him. As you were all about to walk back to the lab, small sparking noises were heard from where you had thrown the potion.
You all looked back and so did Crewel, he put up the magic barrier once again, the small sparks turned into big once, then…unexpectedly, the big sparks exploded scattering itself throughout the field…then there was silence. Not like the last time though, the silence this time was more like the calm before a storm. Crewel knew this, so he had the magic barrier expanded to cover all around you guys.
Suddenly explosions emerged, not just one, but multiple, more than you could count, it was loud and destructive and chaotic, everyone was panicking. When it finally stopped, the school grounds looked like a battle field. You thought this meant detention until you graduate, but then you heard Crewel laugh and clap his hands.
He went to you and ruffled you hair “GREAT JOB Y/N! THAT WAS OUTSTANDING!” He praised as he clasps his hands together. The other students…well most of them at least also had clapped their hands and applauded your work. No words was said but it seemed that Crewel had already adopted and favored a pup in his class after that day.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 5 months
That was so good!! I’m a sucker for Nat with children so thank you for sharing!! I agree with basically everything you said too, nat running to clint is so true haha!!
I have another for you!
Do you have any thoughts on Nat with Masc! Reader? What’s her weaknesses? How does Nat even control herself around them with fainting 🤭🤭
Thank you!! And same, mama Nat has a special place in my heart ❤️
Oooo. A good question. Now Mascs come in a variety of looks/attributes/hobbies obviously, but I'm going to go with the more stereotypical stuff cuz that's the easiest route lol. I'm also going with them not being a couple yet cuz it's more fun to write longing 😂 anyway:
Rs really good with her hands, always seems to be fixing or building things with Tony, or working on her car and so the thought of what those hands could possibly be capable of in the bedroom plague Nat. But also, not just the bedroom. She also wonders how they'd feel in soft moments, like tending a wound or caressing her cheek. She just really wants to feel Rs hands....
Rs got muscles, and while Nat obviously has some too, Rs are a bit bulkier. A bit more apparent and defined. So the fact that R likes to work out in tank tops or sports bras leaves Nat in a hopeless situation. She's gonna stare and watch the way sweat drips down Rs body. She's also going to imagine her hands following the path of said sweat, and going other places 😏
Rs short hair drives Nat crazy, all she wants to do is run her fingers through it and let her nails tease Rs scalp. Anytime she sees it damp (pool party, caught in the rain, post shower) has her swooning
When R wears sweatpants, good lord this woman goes feral. She's never seen it, but she just knows those are the pants R would wear the strap under. So the mental image of a bulge at Rs crotch just never leaves her head. And if she thinks about R pressing that bulge up against her from behind.....no she doesn't 🤫
As for the not fainting part, that's that spy training. It keeps her conscious. It doesn't keep her thoughts from wandering though, and after enough time passes, she'd probably slip up and just be out here outright ogling poor R because she's just sooo smitten
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thisisxli · 3 months
𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧.. - 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚
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Rs: Katsuki Bakugou x Izuku Midoriya
Warnings: angst, mentions of war
Tags: fluff, romantically implied relationship, small slow burn
wc: 0.6k
recommended song: (also best recommended if start at 2:00)
a/n: inspired by the bkdk tiktoks. Credits to @qpqsu and @xanchuu on tiktok
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Was it casual when you ran off to save me from the sludge monster? Even after I told you to kill yourself? Why did you do it?
I hate how you're always trying to catch up to me. Or is it me that's trying to catch up to you? Deku.
Was it casual when you went to save me again for the league of villains and put your life on the line? Sometimes when I really start to think about what had occurred, a part of me wishes it was you whose hand I took.
When did you get so strong?
Was it casual when you fully entrusted me to knowing your big secret with All Might?
To think I was the reason why All Might retired has me spiraling. To think someone like you became All Might's star pupil, someone who has always chased me and was beneath my feet. Why you? Why did it have to especially be you?
Why did it seem like you were looking down on me? Or was I just weaker than you?
Was it casual for you to stay beside me all this time even after bullying you all these years?
I'm always losing to you, Deku.
Despite everyone reaching for you, was it casual for my hand to be reaching yours? I always opposed you and tried to show my superiority over yours. And yet, I always lost. Why was that?
After entering U.A, absolutely nothing went as I thought it would. I always spent my days trying to figure out your strengths and weaknesses. And to see you sacrifice yourself for the sake of others? You almost look like a villain, for gods sake.
Don't use up all your energy yet, Izuku. We still gotta fight for the number one spot, remember?
Was it casual to keep the same old All Might card we got when we were kids?
I feel better around you.
Was it casual when your name was one of the last few words that came out of my mouth before I died to Shigiraki?
"Gotta win. . . Right, Izuku?"
Was it casual when you said, "All Might was my hero, but you were actually the one in my life"?
Was it casual when our feelings became one? You complete me, Izuku.
Was it casual for me to admit to have thought of a future together and proceed to lower my walls when I realized it couldn't be achieved anymore?
"Just how have I been treating you till now, Izuku? I guess I just thought.. We would be competing with each other for awhile.. And I'd be at your feet for the rest.. Of our lives.."
As much as I hated to sound so brittle around you, it hurt. It really hurt to know that I would end up as number one, not you.
Was it casual for us to go back to everything as if nothing happened? You're not smiling anymore.
Was it casual to tell you that I wanted you at arms-length? I don't want you going anywhere, Izuku. Stay by my side.
Was it casual for me to catch feelings for you in the end?
"I love you, Izuku," I choke out, clutching onto the diploma in my grasp. Izuku quickly turns back to me with a shocked expression, his lively eyes staring right into my own. He takes off his cap, his hair slightly falling down to frame his face. "Kacchan," he breathes, blinking at me.
"Look-" I immediately regret the confession and start to feel heat rise to my cheeks, "never mind, forget anything I said." I huff when I turn, the feeling of rejection settles in my gut just before having the sudden surprise of my wrist getting pulled back by a calloused and scarred hand. I turn to see Izuku who held a sincere smile. "I love you too, Katsuki."
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a/n: not my favorite ship but I had to, sorry not sorry. I hope you enjoyed, reblogs and notes are much appreciated.
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stariikis · 5 months
hii sorry if ur not taking requests just dont mind this 😭 but if u are, i just wanted to try askin:
Can you please write like a predebut sunoo x reader where its kinda angst cuz somehow they need to breakup so that sunoo can start on a clean slate on his idol journey or smth
* like i try to imagine angst cuz right person wrong time kind of thing 🥺
ofc i can!! sorry this is late, i procrastinate a lot and i'm not good at writing angst T^T
you above all? | kim sunoo
synopsis ; though there has been a tangible tension between you and debut-ready sunoo for a while now, things start to crumble when he asks you to break up with him. do you accept the fate laid out before your eyes, or do you decide to fight for this love? can you do it with a broken heart?
pairing ; to-be idol sunoo x trainee reader genre ; angst, established rs notes ; there's two endings to this fic because i couldn't decide between a sad ending or a happy ending. i'll prompt you to each ending, lol
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he thinks we should break up. 
the dimly lit practice room seems to shake around you when sunoo suddenly drops the bomb on you. at least he has the sense to look remorseful and guilty as he does so, because you would probably burst with anger. you would have never expected this. he agreed to wear your matching bracelets today. he greeted you with an innocent, weary smile when you met up to practice. he… he wouldn’t stop looking at your reflection in the mirror, eyes dull with a hint of wistfulness. 
the small blaze of anger towards him snuffs out like you’ve mentally stomped atop it. crushing the worry from growing into something you’ll never recover from. sunoo doesn’t seem to want this. 
so why is he looking down at his feet, just a metre away from you, fiddling with his fingers and looking like he wants to puke? why did he suddenly blurt, ‘i need to tell you something’ when you finished packing up after practice? why does he seem emotionless as he stands still? 
you throat dry, you don’t know whether to start asking why or leave abruptly and sort your thoughts out in the bathroom. but when you turn to leave, your legs make the decision for you. you’re frozen in place, knees going weak. the four walls have seemed to invisibly collapse upon you, hard like bricks, shattering like glass. 
what am i going to do now? 
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HAPPY ENDING (completed) SAD ENDING (completed)
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happy reading !!
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I want to have a dom/sub relationship with C//3P0 from St/r W/rs and I am so ashamed of myself for being so weak over a character that everyone finds annoying. I can't watch the movies anymore without getting flustered. The way he refers to everyone as "Master". The way he shuffles around so stiffly like someone locked in a tight BDSM suit, talks about his metal body like it's restraining him, is so hot to me. The way the wires on his tummy are exposed make me feel like I'm looking at someone showing off their midriff. I want to tug on his wires, I want to shove plugs in every socket he has and overload/overheat his systems. I want to drive him utterly mad with pleasure. I want him to enjoy every moment of it as he is programmed to serve his master. All his robotic movements send me mad. He is so cute. And so hot. I need him. Every bot fucker I bring him up to seems to think I'm off my rocker. Does anyone understand or am I just a loon??
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Lore Olympus Episode 245 Spoilers
So, just to summarize.
breaks into Leuce's home while she's sleeping,
manipulates a heck ton of animals to destroy Leuce's property,
steals Leuce's food to give it to her weird two-headed horse,
literally says she would kill Leuce if that didn't entail having to fill out some paperwork
ridicules and bullies Leuce the whole time she's there
and I'm supposed to be on Persephone's side here???
Like, let's remember, for a moment, that nymphs canonically face extreme discrimination in LO, to the point of being considered second-class citizens.
We've already seen that literally no one cares if a nymph dies or is forcibly transformed into something (which one could argue is a fate worse than death). Persephone can do literally whatever she wants to Leuce and would most likely face little more than a slap on the wrist.
Persephone knows that.
Leuce knows that.
The power dynamic here is not in the slightest bit balanced.
Persephone did all of this to Leuce, because Leuce flirted a bit with her husband. A man known to have lovers on the side, but let's not address that here.
RS keeps reiterating that Persephone is Not Like Other Gods, because she has compassion for and shows kindness to those of lower status.
Having read this chapter, I'll have to ask once again:
Bitch, where????
Aw hell nah, that weak sauce side-gag is LO's version of the myth of Sisyphus? Yikes RS, you really know how to suck the fun out of everything.
Thanatos' new mustache looks hideous, it's like he smeared porridge on his upper lip by accident.
Ares clowning on Hades will never get old.
"Do you think I have the capacity to be a father?"
Do I need to say it?
Do I really need to say it?
I fucking hate that RS made Thanatos say Hades would be a good dad because he bought him a sandwich. Fuck off, RS. Literally just fuck off.
Oh hey, Demeter's back.
We gonna treat her with the dignity and respect she deserves this time?
Oh, she's being made to act meek.
That means, probably not.
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Anon from a while back about not being able to get the s hook into my ResinS0ul doll without breaking my fingers…
I tried everything. Pliers: didn’t work at all, no leverage whatsoever, s hook didn’t even move. Fat lace/knotted/braided ribbon: too weak and started to tear. Skinny satin ribbon: nearly broke my fingers and started to tear. I crocheted a taut, thick band of tight stitches: stretched and nearly broke my wrist with the force. Yarn: I’m not doing that again because I need my hands for work and I learned my lesson the last time.
The thing is, my doll is perfectly strung, exactly how I like it and I don’t want to restring him because it’s not the problem. The problem is these giant knots that RS puts at the top of the neck which barely fit through the skinny channel in the head. I have this issue with every RS doll, but for some reason this one is the worst, and I’m not risking messing up the stringing to try and fix the knots which I know nothing about anyway to even try and fix them.
So, in my frustration, I go digging through junk drawers looking for this fat piece of satin ribbon I got on a gift years ago that I know I put in a drawer somewhere. I don’t think it’ll work, but I’m not leaving my doll headless, so I have to try something different from the last thing I tried. Unfortunately I got new drawers and I threw out a ton of stuff I didn’t need so I can’t find it, but in my rifling I stumbled upon…… duct tape. Wide, stupidly strong, but still flexible duct tape.
In a frenzy, I cut a long strip and fold it in half with the sticky sides together, trim the end, and then cut about 3/4 of an inch off the width, so it’ll fit under the s hook. I adjusted my dolls head, pulled the knots as close to the center of the hole as possible, slid the tape under the hook, and gave one very strong pull and that was it. The hook (with considerable force, but no pain to my hand, wrist, or fingers) popped right into the head and twisted easily into place. I swear I heard some kind of angelic choir as it happened. It’s like 85 degrees in here, I’m drenched in sweat from running around like a mad man, so I’m nearly delirious from giddiness as my dolls head just goes right into place.
Duct tape… why did I never think of duct tape? I’m so glad I don’t have to fear playing dress up with my dolls anymore because now I know that I can always get the heads back on with a little strip of duct tape. Now I can take a nap lol, it’s too goddamn hot in here.
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twstgameplay · 7 months
Chapter 1 - 6 OB Battles with a strong friend
Personally I don't raise my R cards and most of my SRs unless I don't have any other cards to work on. So I did all the OB battles up to Chapter 6 relying on strong friend supports. As long as you have a strong support, you can use your honey and books for cards you want to invest in.
If you haven't already, check out the FAQ for details of the elements and effects of all the OB battles. Mod Furoido made a post about doing all the OB fights with a team of Rs and the guest supports that you can check out here.
If you are having trouble finding strong or specific support cards, you can check out our post here on how to refresh the support list. You could also try finding supports on reddit or discord.
If you are persistent and willing to keep retrying the battles, you can defeat Chapter 1-6 OB battles with a fully built support card. I made sure the duo partner and power buddy of the support SSR are on the team. Until Chapter 6, all the Rs I use are Lvl 1 1/1 and I picked them for their elements in case I didn't get the support SSR spells in the first turn.
With Dorm Azul Lvl 80 10/10
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With Dorm Riddle Lvl 80 8/10
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With Dorm Leona 8/10
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With Dorm Leona Lvl 80 10/10
Most people get stuck with OB Jamil. You need a 10/10 Leona to do because you won't do enough damage without the 2 strong hits from his M1. This took a few retries until I was able to land strong hits with both of Leona's spells.
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With Dorm Riddle Lvl 80 10/10
Similar to OB Jamil, you need a 10/10 Dorm Riddle for his M1 2 strong hits otherwise you won't do enough damage.
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You can't use supports for the Ch6 towers but since you got past the towers, you should be able to beat OB Idia with the Tower 3 team and using a strong Dorm Azul support. I did beat him with a very weak team consisting mostly of the cards I recommend building for Chapter 6 Towers. I did try with Lvl 1 1/1 R cards but Idia burn affect took off too much HP before I could get to Turn 6 to have Azul's duo ready again.
With Dorm Azul Lvl 110 10/10 and everyone else on the team is under Lvl 40, no groovy, and spells are all 1/1. They do have the stat bonus from being MLB since we got that for the 2nd EN anniversary.
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~ 👑
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insolentgod · 3 months
slap in your face and mine
hi lovers, night out from a depressed girl but who has a big girl self-concept (me rs). I just wanted to write what came to mind and I wrote it anyway. I hope this reaches anyone who needs it.
probably gonna get my period, felt a damn anguish for hours tonight. now in the wee hours I pulled some cards (lenormand deck) about some people and they weren't so good (well, there are reasons). opened my TikTok and my FYP showed a sad trend and I broke down, cried and cried. cried for fear of losing friendships, cried for feeling alone (even though I'm not???), cried for accumulated fears and the most terrible cried for love (but not for a bad love). I cried so much and felt an immeasurable pain, bet it's those damn hormones. it's been a while since I cried so I allowed myself, I was feeling so weak and powerless, like I deserved to suffer
¿hi???????? do I deserve to suffer??????????? NEVER, never again.
just remember i kept creating more depreciative scenarios in my head and out of nowhere in a burst of hope (because despite everything my self-concept is still good) and finally i became aware of who i am. i'm freaking god of my reality, i control everything down to the smallest things, i'm not a person who deserves to suffer even the slightest bit. obviously not. i'm not going through that.
and neither are you, because surely you've been in the same state as i was before feeling sad, feeling hopeless, feeling like you have no power to change things, just have to feel and accept. NOOOOOOOO ok i said NO. you're not going to accept this, you're not going to accept life beating you down more.
what i do when i have these bouts of sadness (because i'm still melancholic) is affirm like crazy. i start affirming things that will reassure me and even mock my situation (this helps me). what i said at the time was something like:
"wait, am i suffering because of this? am i really here crying like a baby over a situation that i can step into the void and change? or that i can solve with affirmations, whatever. the point is, why am i suffering here? why am i losing control for what reason? if i'm ALWAYS in charge, if EVERYTHING IS A REFLECTION OF MY MIND. if i want something, i can simply have it???? how many PERFECT AND WONDERFUL things have i achieved so far, i can get everything i want and change whatever i want."
as i kept talking to myself, my good conscience returned and i started thinking "yeah, you're right, it doesn't make sense."of course after that, i said good things to myself, things to calm my inner child, because the reason i'm feeling so bad is because i triggered one of her traumas (a trauma i'll resolve in the future).
moments of hopelessness and despair are completely normal, my loves, please don't let it consume you. you have everything to change in your hands. freaking out and saying "omg what do i do? it's all lost." doesn't make sense, wake up, realize your freaking power, don't disgrace the god that you are.
if you really don't know how to get what you want, go back to basics, there are plenty of people here teaching and preaching their words, take the information and put it into practice. if despair comes, cry and let out what you feel, but make sure to REMEMBER who you are afterwards.
anyway my loves, that's it, felt like posting this here. I'm not going to review this, I'm going to smoke and go to sleep. So forgive me if there are mistakes. I don't want to read this text anymore
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @somethingclevermahogony!
OC Questionaire
My questions: 1. What would you say is your greatest weakness?
2. Who is someone in your life that you like but that you don't trust?
3. If you could magically learn any mundane skill right now (cooking, a particular dance, a language, singing, sewing, etc.), what would it be?
Because I'm trying to answer more of these for the ghosts, let's see what Captain Faalgun and Anarac have to say!
1. What would you say is your greatest weakness?
Faalgun: "It shames me to admit this, but I'm not as cautious as my station warrants. There's just- There's just this draw I feel to moments when my life is on the line. Like when you're flying at another ship dead on and either the other pilot dodges or you both crash. ...Or that moments when you throw the dice and they seem to hang in the air for an eternity, promising either fortune or ruin on nothing more than fate's fickle whim. I love that feeling, and I hate myself for loving it."
Anarac: "...I'm weak-willed."
2. Who is someone in your life that you like but that you don't trust?
Faalgun: "In my 'life' is a bit of a misnomer, but something about that Pashananath kid rubs me the wrong way. He's nice, don't get me wrong. A brilliant entertainer and a storyteller of immense skill, which is always something a long voyage needs. But Fair Folk like him are conditioned to behave a certain way, and that's not something he's going to be easily brought out of. I can't honestly say he wouldn't toss me overboard if it suited him."
Anarac: "The river god."
3. If you could magically learn any mundane skill right now (cooking, a particular dance, a language, singing, sewing, etc.), what would it be?
Faalgun: "Well, I suppose there's no better time to learn than after death. I've always wanted to know how to sail on the water. Flying City ships are all void- and aircraft, and the RS Starbreaker is much the same. For all my experience, I've never actually piloted a proper boat. I'd imagine having to think in two dimensions is quite challenging, but a good thrill."
Anarac: "Playing instruments, like Pash."
I'll tag @riveriafalll @leahpardo-pa-potato @tildeathiwillwrite and anyone else who wants to play!
Your questions:
Can you hold a pleasant conversation with someone you dislike?
Where do you wish you could be right now?
What's something fictional you wish was real?
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