#rwby blake x reader
heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
how about a Blake belladonna x female reader.
blake is not a very affectionate person which is normal considering what Adam put her through, but Reader is but doesn't overstep her boundaries and let's thing go on her terms( doesn't say I love youand doesn't initiate physical contact in order to not make her uncomfy).
Until one day Blake catches reader saying "I love Blake belladonna" while she is sleeping so the lil neko goes and snuggles herself in R's hoodie( R wakes up and ask if everything is ok) and falls asleep listening to her heartbeat
I'm sorry it's very specific but I can't get that scenario out of my head.
thanks for reading this whole shit and for your time have a good day!!!
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Blake Belladonna x She/Her Faunus Reader
A/N: It’s so hard to attempt to write slow burn without writing everything that happens in between. I managed to compress this quite a bit despite how long it still is. Improvements! Warning for near drowning of the reader character and the drowning of Adam. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 3,795
When Blake severed the train cars and by extension, her relationship Adam, (Y/n) stood by her side, she almost rested her hand atop Blake’s shoulder, but thought better of it. They watched Adam’s portion of the train slow to a stop, watched his figure shrink as the distance between them grew. The locomotive whistled ominously as he finally vanished from sight, too far behind to see.
“You did the right thing.” (Y/n) quietly assured.
Blake shook her head and fixed gambol shroud onto her back. She then slunk into the train car, head hung low.
(Y/n) bit her lip but did not follow. She felt it best to leave Blake alone for now. She sat down, watching her legs swing above the tracks as the wind whipped at her bare face. She tapped her nails against the hard material of her White Fang mask, once worn with pride.
She inhaled deeply. The White Fang was not an organization to be proud of anymore. But if Blake had decided to stay… (Y/n) didn’t think she would have been able to bring herself to leave on her own. She brushed the mask off of her lap and with a clatter, it was lost amongst the iron and gravel.
This was the start of a new chapter. She only hoped she and Blake would not grow to regret their choice. The way Adam just stood there and let the distance grow… somehow they would meet again and the thought gave (Y/n) goosebumps.
They never would have guessed where that decision and all that followed would take them. When Beacon fell, they had felt awful. Adam had been there, he stabbed Blake, slashed (Y/n)’s face, cut off Yang’s arm… Blake felt that as long as she was there, she’d be putting them all in danger, so she ran.
(Y/n) and Yang had been distraught, but where Yang was resigned, (Y/n) was determined to go looking for Blake. She tried to entice Yang to come along, but she wouldn’t budge. (Y/n) promised she would let her know when she found Blake as soon as she could because although Yang acted indifferent, she knew she was just as worried about Blake as she was.
(Y/n)’s search lead her to Menagerie and to a smoldering mansion. The smoke obscured the dawn, but through the commotion (Y/n) still found Blake in the center of it all, calling her fellow Faunus to action.
“Blake!” She called out, pushing through the crowd.
Blake scanned the crowd, quickly leaping into the sea of people when she saw (Y/n) struggling to get through. She reached her hand out and pulled her forward with enough force to knock their bodies into each other with force.
“(Y/n)!” Blake hugged her, she hugged her! “I can’t believe you’re here. I missed you.”
“I- I missed you too.” (Y/n) stammered, clumsily returning the embrace though her mind had suddenly grown fuzzy with the contact. She never would have guessed Blake would be so happy to see her. They were friends sure, but she had never seen Blake be so affectionate.
“Your tail,” Blake giggled, “it’s gone into overdrive.”
(Y/n) yelped in embarrassment and pressed her tail flat against her backside, making Blake laugh a little louder. (Y/n) couldn’t say she had ever heard Blake laugh like that before either. The Blake before her now was so different from the Blake who had left Adam and the White Fang behind her. She wasn’t covering her ears anymore. She was healing, budding like a new sapling in a scorched forest. She was breathtaking.
“What, (Y/n)’s here? No way! Wish you could’ve gotten here a little sooner. It was a crazy night.”
Sun swooped in, slinging a heavy arm over (Y/n)’s shoulders.
“You decided to stalk Blake too?” He grinned.
“I wasn’t stalking!” (Y/n) sputtered, horrified, “I was only— I just wanted to— I was only tracking her scent! (Because that sounds so much better) Just to make sure she’s okay! Because she’s my friend! And it looks like everything’s cool so I guess I’ll just head back to Vale—“
“Don’t go.” Blake spoke hurriedly, taking (Y/n)’s hand before she could slip away, “I need you.”
She needs me?! Me?!
“Huuuh…?” (Y/n) could only feel the fire in her blood skyrocket to new temperatures only found in the center of the planet. Sun snorted at her and she gathered enough functioning brain cells to elbow him in the stomach.
“We need to go to Mistral. The White Fang, Adam, they’re going to attack Haven Academy. I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but will you help us?”
(Y/n) wished that Blake knew she would never need to ask. Ever since she had tentatively whispered to her that she wanted to leave the White Fang and even before that she had (Y/n) in her pocket. (Y/n) would follow her to the end of Remnant as long as she wanted her.
“Just what have you gotten yourself into?” (Y/n) scoffed, then smirked, “I’m in.”
“Aw yeah!” Sun whooped, “Faunus dream team right here. Ilia, you’re welcome too. Even if you did stab and electrocute the crap outta me.”
“Ilia?” (Y/n) spun around, finding the other Faunus standing an awkward distance away.
“Uh, long time no see?” Ilia coughed, absently rubbing the back of her neck.
(Y/n) decided she wholly missed way too much while she and Blake had been apart.
The journey to Mistral was long, plenty of time to catch everyone up on what had gone down since the fall of Beacon. (Y/n) was surprised how easy it was to fall back into place with Blake, but it felt so different. Blake was different. She seemed more confident, more surprisingly she was kind of goofy. It was cute.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel a little jealous seeing her with Sun. Maybe he had brought that out of her. And things were awkward with Ilia too, but that was nothing new. Both of them had been very aware of each other’s crushes on Blake when they were both still in the White Fang. (Y/n) had tried to avoid being alone with her during their trek to Mistral, but she did catch her alone eventually.
“Congratulations, I guess.”
“…For what exactly?”
“Oh come on,” Ilia groaned, “don’t play dumb with me. I’m trying to bury the hatchet. Start fresh?”
“That sounds fine, great even, but what are you congratulating me for? I honestly have no idea.”
“You and Blake, idiot. Obviously. The girl we literally fought over behind her back? The girl you got to run away with?” She reminded, each word growing more noticeably bitter until she took a deep breath in, than a long exhale.
“Oh, well, we aren’t together-together. We haven’t been, and probably won’t be, anything other than friends… not saying you should try shooting your shot or anything though.” (Y/n) warned, making Ilia roll her eyes.
“Are you kidding? Did you see the way she ran to you when she saw you? You should have heard how she talked about you when we were fighting too. When it’s all said and done, she trusted you enough to tell you she wanted out of the White Fang over me… and she was probably right to.” A regretful look washed over Ilia’s face and (Y/n) put a hand on her back.
“Look at where you are now. You’re making a difference for the better, like what the White Fang was meant to do. You’re a good person, Ilia.”
Ilia’s lips twitched upward for a moment. She didn’t quite believe (Y/n), but she appreciated the sentiment from her old rival. “Thanks.”
“Everything okay over here?” Blake asked, jogging up from the slower ranks.
Both (Y/n) and Ilia flinched as if they had been caught doing something they shouldn’t have. Blake was somewhat aware of their rivalry but not the full extent of it.
“Yeah, just, um, catching up.” (Y/n) shrugged. Ilia nodded.
Blake bit the inside of her cheek, eyes darting between the two of them almost as if she was suspicious. Then as casually as she could, she eased herself between them and began a new subject.
When they finally made it to Haven, they dominated. (Y/n) had been scared to see Adam again, but Blake faced him with a courage that inspired (Y/n) to give her all as well. Together, they had him retreating into the woods, utterly defeated.
When they burst into the academy, they were in awe at all the familiar faces they saw fighting along. (Y/n) stood back, smiling fondly as team RWBY reconnected. She did feel the absence of her own team acutely. She could tell Sun did too. They were all in Vacuo last she heard.
“Told you I’d find her.” She chuckled when Yang forcefully pulled her down into the hug.
“I’ll know better than to doubt your nose,” Yang smiled tiredly.
Apparently the reason for the fall of Beacon and the attack at Haven was a lot bigger than anything (Y/n) or Blake could have imagined. Salem was no joke, and though it was an easy choice for Blake to continue on with her team, Sun already decided he was going to link back up with his team and the reminder that (Y/n) had a team of her own that she had separated from made her feel more than a little guilty.
Blake had told her it would be okay for her to go to Vacuo while they all began their journey to Atlas, but of course (Y/n) couldn’t agree to that. First and foremost her loyalties always laid with Blake, even before she had a team. Not to mention how dangerous this mission to defeat Salem would be… her team would understand. They knew how she felt about Blake, and this was a mission to save all of Remnant after all.
So she stayed. Everyone was happy to have her aboard, none more so than Blake. The further north they traveled, the colder and more difficult their journey became. They hit a wall with Argus and when trying to get through peacefully failed, they decided they would need to get more creative.
For (Y/n)’s part in the mission, she and Blake would disable the communications tower. Yang had drove them as close to the tower as she could without being noticed and (Y/n) only grew more anxious the closer they got.
Blake noticed and took her hand. She stopped walking and asked her what was wrong, her ears titled downward.
“I don’t know what it is… something just doesn’t smell right. I’ve smelled it a couple times before, but this is the strongest it’s been and I swear it’s getting stronger.”
“What is it?”
(Y/n) shook her head, unsure. “Something bad. We have to take care of the tower quickly. The sooner we get back to Yang, the better.”
When they got to the tower, they saw that a worse trouble than them had gotten their first. The tower watchmen were scattered around the tower, unresponsive, and that was when Adam decided to make himself known.
“I have waited so long for you to be alone Blake, but you can’t seem to be without each other for even a minute, can you?” He growled, baring his teeth at (Y/n).
“Adam! Why can’t you just leave us alone!” Blake yelled.
“You used to be such a good soldier (Y/n), a confidant. Then you just had to go and ruin everything, didn’t you? You manipulated Blake into leaving me so you could have her all to yourself.” He tightened his stance, hand on his sword, “I’m going to make the scar I left you with at Beacon look like a mark of beauty by the time I’m done with you.”
“She didn’t manipulate me into leaving!” Blake readied herself for Adam’s attack, “You did that all on your own, Adam!”
“So I just wasn’t good enough for you.”
“You know it’s so much more than that.”
Adam released an angry scream and lunged forward, starting the battle in earnest. The way he was moving was erratic and reckless. After Beacon and Haven and now ambushing them here, it was clear that he would never stop hunting. Try as Blake might, this cycle could only end one way.
“Blake, watch out!”
Adam had Blake backed up dangerously close to a cliff overlooking a magnificent waterfall. Blake’s back foot skidded off the ledge, but before she could fall completely, (Y/n) took her hand and swung her back up onto the ledge, placing herself into the precarious position Blake had been in moments before. Adam tried to take advantage and swung his sword with the intent to cleave (Y/n) in two no doubt, but (Y/n) gripped his wrist in one hand and his jacket in the other, taking him down with her into the frigid waters below. The last thing she saw before the water enveloped her was Blake on the cliff above, hand outstretched.
Below the water, Adam did not let up. They punched and kicked and struggled against each other. Their oxygen was quickly running out and Adam seemed more interested in making sure they both drowned than saving his own skin.
(Y/n) kicked him hard in the stomach trying to wrench herself free from his clutches. She heard a bubbling, gurgling sound and saw Adam begin to sink though his arms clawed at the water above him in a futile attempt to breach the surface. (Y/n) didn’t take the time to watch him sink any lower, her own air supply had reached was reaching its limits.
No matter how hard she kicked, the shimmering surface never seemed to get any closer. Dots began to speckle her vision and her lungs burned hollow. The light above her was suddenly blocked out and then she knew nothing.
(Y/n) came to with a round of violent coughs, expelling a concerning amount of water and bile. Hands grasped at her and hot breath fanned against her lips, gradually the muffled voices became clearer and (Y/n) opened her eyes, only finding gold before being enveloped in wet, inky black hair.
“Blake, give her room to breathe.”
(Y/n) blinked when the harshness of the sun met her full force. When she was able to keep her eyes open, she saw Blake and Yang hovering over her.
“Oh, (Y/n), can you hear me? I’ve got you, you’ll be okay.” Blake sobbed, cradling (Y/n)’s head in her hands.
“Blake—“ (Y/n) fell under a coughing spell and Blake shushed her.
“Just focus on breathing. Blake and I are going to carry you to Bumblebee so we can get to the ship. Just hang on.” Yang told her, already scooping her up on one side while Blake worked on the other.
They balanced (Y/n) on the motorcycle and Yang slipped in front of her while Blake took the back. Yang revved the engine and Blake held onto (Y/n) tight as they zoomed through the forest, catching up to the stolen airship with all the their friends on board.
It took a some time before (Y/n) could fully get her wits about her, but when she did they were well on their way to Atlas. She and Blake were wrapped up in a big blanket, her clothes still uncomfortably wet. She shivered, and one of Blake’s ears flicked against her cheek. Blake lifted her head from (Y/n)’s shoulder to get a better look at her, sleepily checking her all over.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) cleared her throat, trying not to think about how close Blake had been willing to sit with her yet again, “I’m fine, just a little uncomfortable with these wet clothes.”
“Me too. Unfortunately this plane is disappointingly bare of resources. Thankfully, Ruby and Qrow lended us their cloaks. It helps a little at least.”
(Y/n) looked down at the blankets and sure enough, they were a familiar deep red, one a little rattier than the other.
“Thanks guys.”
“No problem!” Ruby smiled, Qrow gave a loose thumbs up without looking away from the plane’s course.
“Blake, how did you get so soaked?” (Y/n) asked, her brain still felt waterlogged, so she had a hard time following all that had gone down.
“Really?” Weiss shook her head in disbelief.
Yang snorted, “Who do you think pulled you out? By the time I found you guys, Blake was already doing chest compressions.”
“Ah.” The chill from the water still enveloped her, but just beneath it, a fire began to rage.
Blake had pulled her out of the water and she— and she—
“Sorry about that!” She laughed awkwardly, putting a little breathing room between her and Blake, “Well, um, thanks for uh, not letting me die!”
Blake blinked twice in rapid succession, a bit stunned by (Y/n)’s sudden liveliness. Then she smiled warmly, scooting closer to (Y/n) once more. The poor girl could just about faint.
“Of course I wouldn’t let you die, are you kidding? Stop moving around so much, I’m freezing.”
“Not gonna do you much good in those wet clothes,” Maria laughed, “If you really want to warm up, you’re gonna have to take those off.”
A mix of laughter and groans rose from the group but (Y/n) was already too far gone to hear it. Turns out, she ended up fainting after all.
Once they were all set up in Atlas, (Y/n) worked really hard to allow Blake plenty of personal space. She worried a lot about Blake’s comfort and how her own feelings might affect Blake should she ever learn of them and judging by the not so subtle teasing of literally everyone, it might be sooner rather than later.
(Y/n) worried constantly about boundaries, making sure to show Blake she respected her autonomy. She wanted to leave no doubt that even if Blake finally put two and two together, they would still be friends at the very least. Adam had treated her like a possession who owed him everything. If Blake thought for even a second that (Y/n) was taking advantage of her budding affectionate side, then she would punt herself off of this floating rock of a kingdom posthaste.
But that was what made it so hard! Since when had Blake become so openly affectionate, and with (Y/n) specifically?
It seemed like every moment they could possibly be together, they were. Blake always had a hold of (Y/n)’s sleeve between her fingers or sleepily lean against her during morning briefings. (Y/n) often found herself wondering how she hadn’t failed a mission yet given she frequently flew by the seat of her pants because of how often Blake distracted her.
It was becoming harder and harder to maintain the invisible bubble (Y/n) tried to keep between them. It was hard to see Blake’s ears droop when she tried to reclaim that distance. It was becoming harder not to let an, ‘Be safe, I love you.’ slip off of her tongue when they were sent on separate missions. What was a girl to do?
A tired groan rumbled passed (Y/n)’s lips as she put on the soft and warm academy issued hoodie that quickly became a favorite after long days. It wasn’t late by any means, most of her friends were still out doing their own tasks, but being as exhausted as (Y/n) was, she slipped right into her bed. Mornings started hellishly early anyway, it was smart to get in as much sleep as possible. And without anybody else around, sleep came easily.
Blake entered the barracks just a little less than an hour later. Having heard that (Y/n) got back a little earlier, she hoped to ask her if she wanted to go to Robin’s election party with her the next night… as a date.
She was super nervous, and a party wasn’t exactly her first choice for a romantic date, but if she backed out now, who knows when the next opportunity would come along.
At first she was disappointed to see that (Y/n) was already asleep, but she got over it fairly quickly. (Y/n) must have been exhausted to have gone to bed so early, she needed her rest, and truthfully, Blake could use a couple extra hours too.
Blake got ready for bed and pulled back the covers, pausing when she heard (Y/n) begin to mumble. She chuckled quietly, it had been a long time since she heard (Y/n) talk in her sleep. Sometimes when they were doing overnight missions in the white Fang, Blake would hear (Y/n) say all manner of things when it was Blake’s turn to keep watch.
Blake crept over to (Y/n)’s bed and carefully sat near the foot of the mattress so she could better listen to whatever silly things she might say.
She seemed to be having a passionate discussion with someone. Some of the things she said were mundane, other random, and some things were completely unintelligible, but one thing made Blake’s heart nearly leap out of her chest.
“Because I’m in love with her. I’m in love with Blake Belladonna.” (Y/n) snoozed, but the passion with which she spoke couldn’t have been more clear if she had been wide awake. “Her hugs feel like sunshine and she’s more beautiful than when the moon and stars reflects off of tranquil waters. ‘Gotta be good to her and leave her be so I don’t cause any waves.”
Blake blushed, touched by those sleepy words, but also a bit saddened by them. If she understood that last mumbled line correctly, and if (Y/n)‘s waking thoughts were being accurately worded, then she was worried about getting too close to Blake and making her uncomfortable.
However, that’s not how Blake saw it at all. She loved (Y/n), without her, who knows where she would be right now. She wanted nothing more than for them to be closer, so closer she would get if (Y/n) felt like she couldn’t be the one to make the first move.
Blake joined the other Faunus in the same bed. The lack of room suited her just fine since she wanted to snuggle as close as she could. (Y/n) wiggled, subconsciously confused by the sudden lack of room, she squinted against the dark, sleepily asking what was going on.
“It’s just me.” Blake whispered. “Are you okay with this?”
“Yeah, are you okay though? Is something wrong?”
“No,” Blake smiled, “everything is just fine.”
“M’kay,” (Y/n) yawned, wrapping an arm around Blake to pull her in closer, “good night.”
“Good night, sleep well. We have a lot to talk about in the morning.”
But (Y/n) was already sleeping again.
Blake shook her head fondly then closed her eyes, focusing on the thrum of (Y/n)’s heart to lull herself to sleep.
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frickingnerd · 6 months
poly relationship with team rwby
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pairing: ruby rose x weiss schnee x gn!reader x blake belladonna x yang xiao long
tags: wholesome fluff, polyamorous relationship, established bumbleby & white rose, double/group dates
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before the five of you started dating each other, blake and yang were a couple, as well as weiss and ruby
yet there were some lingering romantic feelings that the girls had for you and eventually yang was the one who said out loud what everyone was thinking; they should open up the relationship and have more than just one partner!
at first the girls start to date you as well, but over time other pairings begin to build between the girls, like yang and weiss or blake and weiss
your relationship is rather casual, so whenever anyone wants to start dating someone else, it's not a big deal, since you're so used to it by now
there isn't any jealousy between the five of you, since with so many people, everyone gets attention from anyone at some point
though there are clear favorites between the five of you. blake and yang are the closest to each other, weiss is ruby's favorite and you're weiss’s favorite!
those are often the pairing that go on dates together, but whenever someone wants to join in, they're allowed to
ruby often crashes your dates with weiss! and you often have to invite yourself to join blake and yang on their dates
since all of team rwby lives together in the same dorm room, you're the one who always has to come visit them there.
overtime you become the unofficial fifth member of team rwby and they even let you keep some clothes and a blanket in your room when you want to stay for the night!
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thatanimewriter · 9 months
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➳ request: Hello! Can I request Ruby, Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Neo with either a male or gn!reader (whichever is more comfortable for you) s/o who is tall (Not that tall, I’m talking like 6’0) and normally very stoic but absolutely melts when shown any affection at all from the girls and turns into a massive cuddle bear. Please and thank you! Have a wonderful day!
➳ character/s: ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, neopolitan
➳ warnings: you're a criminal (neo)
➳ notes: 6'0 feels tall for my little 5'2 ass LMAO thanketh for request :)), also sorry these are kinda short-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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no one knew why y'all were together initially, it was weird
why is this energetic child with this sophisticated partner????
but everyone knows you have a soft spot for ruby, because even if she's annoying you, you'll be less harsh with her
and if she ever clings to you, a nearly invisible smile rests on your lips
she could use her semblance to sit on your shoulders or cling to your bicep, yet you never pushed her away
if anything, the people saw how you kind of craved it
people wouldn't believe their eyes when they see you with your head atop hers and your arms wrapped around her waist
especially with the big, innocent looking eyes rather than your usual half-lidded gaze
they would think someone is a photoshop wizard if they showed them a photo of you cuddling in your sleep
who knew someone could have such different sides to them??
what a strict couple istg
you're both so serious most of the time, if weiss wasn't so dramatic at times, people would think you were the same person
not a big affection person, but only because she's touch-starved
when she starts initiating, she's very nervous to because she doesn't know if you want her to
but then she sees the way your face relaxes and your body slumps a bit
and now shes gonna be initiating a lot more, but mostly in private or in times of high stress
if anything, you want hugs all the time and she's the one telling you to chill out (pun intended)
she'll never reject you though, but she will look annoyed
often forgets you're perceived as stoic, because she's more accustomed to cuddly you now
wishes you weren't so tall so that you could cuddle easier though-
another stoic girlie
she probably purrs if you give her cuddles and scratch her head and behind her ears
rubs her head against you when she wants attention (only in private)
found out how much of a cuddle monster you are because of it
probably complains a little when you don't let go of her in the mornings and hug her tighter
gets whiplash from soft you and serious you all the time
the moment you're alone with her you're being all pouty and making grabby hands for hugs
secretly loves it, but she also has a reputation to uphold
has a lot of photos of you being cuddly on her scroll
you're 100% mor affectionate than she is, but it's fine
you'll never be perceived as a stoic person ever with her around
she's constantly coming to give you affection, so you'll have to give up the serious thing
she always teases you about being soft around her
you'll never escape her snide comments about how you're not as stoic as you want to be
you're the one being hugged, not doing the hugging
and she'll secretly film you every time-
hidden scroll on the bookshelf waiting for you to come in the room and get hugged >:((
when she feels sad she always reviews those videos to feel better about things
and she never tells you she's filming :))
is small enough to dangle from your arm as well
constantly clinging to you
she's very mischievous, but i think when she sees you melt a bit at any semblance of physical contact, a genuine smile would cross her face
you being softer also encourages her to be more vulnerable and less performative
she lives for the height difference though-
she won't be too affectionate in public when y'all are criminals
will let you keep the stoic facade when wreaking havoc for sure, won't jeopardise that reputation
but in private, only soft times, never serious times in the scary sense
serious times in a loving, deep talk way ;v;
she also has lots of photos of your sleeping face while you cuddle her
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I just found your page and I can’t stop reading your headcanons! I do have a request for all of team RWBY (Even though I know you said a limit of three characters) This doesn’t have to be a poly ship.
How would team RWBY to finding out their boyfriend is a masked superhero? The kind that gets mentioned on the news and on the internet. They don’t tell team RWBY who they are, but they find evidence like the mask in their bag, or their secret stash of gear and tools.
Team RWBY discovering their Shared Boyfriend is a masked superhero
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•To dive right Into it the girls were worried about you like super worried about you
•You were tired all the time and were acting introverted and asocial… well more than you usually are
•They thought of ways to approach you about your current state but none of them knew how
•Yang and Blake though that they should just go at it the same way Yang got Blake outta her funk
•Though that fell flat when they realized they didn't even know what the cause was
•That's when Ruby came up with the brilliant idea to snoop around you're room to try and find clues
•Needless to say the rest of the team was in
•What they found however wasn't what they were expecting
•They found all types of gadgets in hidden places in your room and they also found trauma kits which was very worrying
•They also found quite a stockpile of dust which made them worried that it was stolen which brought up a whole new issue
•That's when they found it, the mask and hoodie you were when you go out to fight crime
•That when it all clicked, it's also when you entered into your dorm room
•Chaos ensued after that
•Ruby being Ruby had the most vibrant reaction shouting out that you were the vigilante thatha been appearing on the news and how cool it was
•Yang being almost as loud commented that it was actually pretty cool and flirtatious commented about how she's the girlfriend of a superstud now
•Blake being the calmest of the bunch said how everything makes way more sense now and pouted a bit saying why didn't you tell them
•Weiss being weiss scolded you about how you haven't been getting enough rest and about how dangerous what you were doing was but that she supports you and just wants you to take better care of yourself
•You being you took it all in stride and promised everyone that you take better care of yourself, but you felt the need to bring up that they could've just asked what was going on with you and you'd have told them
•Then you teased them about being so concerned for him that they couldn't help but snoop into your business, saying they must really be smitten with you
•Needless to say that ended up with a very embarrassed Team RWBY
This is the Vigilante Costume Reader uses
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im not sure if this is an okay request but family headcanons with rwby? like what kind of mother they are and how they treat their children and partner :)
Of course this is okay, it's really cute! I know I get a lot of NSFW requests, but wholesome ones are always welcome and highly appreciated!
Team RWBY as Moms
Ruby Rose
Ruby is so sweet as a mom, she absolutely adores her family. No matter how many kids you have or their gender, she is gonna accept them with open arms
Being one of the top Huntresses means she is often out of the house in the mornings. But she always makes sure to come back right on time and call her familly if otherwise
Loves showing off Cresent Rose to the kids, and when they get old enough she lets them hold and try it out. If they want to be hunters/huntresses she is the first person to help them figure out a weapon
Does races with her kids, but always cheats and uses her semblance
Is decent at cooking, but really specializes in baking. Her cookies are to DIE for, your kids always try to sneak them at night (secretly you do too, don't tell Ruby)
Auntie Yang and her partner are always coming over, it's great! Everyone gets to catch up and the kids get to play, it's always a great time
Ruby always talks about how awesome Grandpa Qrow is, so clearly your kids look up to him. You often have to debunk a lot of the outlandish statements but it's cute nonetheless. Whenever he comes by it's always a big deal
Grandpa Tai tries so hard to be cool, it's often a joke in your household. He once tried to teach the kids to skateboard and fell flat on his face, giving himself a nosebleed
It's so sweet though! The kids always look forward to seeing him for a good laugh (plus he gives great hugs)
Ruby loves to barrage you guys with kisses
Weiss Schnee
Weiss never had a good childhood, fault being on both her parents. When she and her partner decided to have children, she swore to never make the same mistakes her parents did. She refuses to continue the cycle of abuse
Winter is always welcome to your house and always makes it to family events. She's still a bit cold but actually smiles when around you guys. Willow stays away a bit since she's still dealing with stuff, but makes an effort to occasionally visit. Jacques banned from even seeing any of you, and if he ever tries Weiss will threaten him with a restraining order
She always makes sure to go to all her kids events, no matter how disinterested she may be in the type of event. The excited look on their faces make it all worth it. Oh, and she's totally the mom to wave at her kids while they perform on stage
Can sometimes be strict when it comes to rules she has instated. No staying up too late, no staying out past curfew, stuff like that. She wants her kids safe!
Anytime she snaps at her kids or partner in frustration she immedietely stops and apologizes
Her dad is quite adamant about your kids having the Schnee Glyth semblance, but Weiss isn't worried about it. No matter what they have she isn't gonna love them any less
Has the BEST Birthday parties on the block, every kid wants to come! Tables lined with delicious food, tons of bounce houses, fun games, all the digs! Weiss also loves to use her summons to entertain the kids (They especially love the giant knight)
When the kids are at sleepovers and leave you two alone, you guys like to have mini date nights where you sip wine and talk. Weiss loves hearing about your day
Once the kids are put to bed she basically collapses on the couch with you and just lays there for a while in your arms
Blake Belladonna
Probably the most motherly of all of them. She had a great relationship with her parents and keeps a lot of her family traditions
Grandpa Ghira and Grandma Kali are very present. Ever since their grandkids were babies they were always very involved. Kali was most obvious about it, and likes to spoil her grandkids whenever possible. Ghira tries to be more aloof and calm about it, but you and Blake once caught him conked out on the couch with your sleeping kids in his arms
Very gentle with her kids and soft spoken. But when she gets angry you can hear the sharpness in her voice (that instantly shuts her family up)
If your kids runs away from you guys in public, Blake uses her weapon to yoink them and reel them back in
Uses her clones when they play games, she always wins at tag
Ever since they were babies, Blake likes to read books to her kids at bedtime. She reads a mixture of children's books and classic literature. It doesn't really matter what she reads, the soft sound of voice is the perfect lullaby
Teaches her children about Faunus issues and history very early on in life. It's important for them to know their history and culture
Always is ready with her phone to take photos and videos. She wants to capture all key moments your family experiences! Once a year she likes to have the family sit down and go through the collection
Sun likes to come by randomly and surprise you guys. Sometimes you'll be watching TV and hear a knock at your window. Blake reprimands him lightly, but it always ends up being a good time
Yang Xiao Long
Yang is the Cool Mom™️
She lets her kids dye their hair, get piercings, and tattoos. Of course the tattoos only when they get to an appropriate age, but it's not discouraged
Whenever the kids want piggyback rides she is happy to provide. If you have more than one kid she tries to carry them all at once
All the kids in the area adore her and loves to call her Auntie Yang
Definitely adores rough housing and play wrestling. She loves to teach simple moves and have contests (whenever she lets them win she gets really dramatic)
If they want to become hunters/huntresses, Yang is HAPPY to spar and train them! And if you want to join it makes a great family bonding activity
Does her kids' hair every day. Even if it's just a quick brush she loves to make sure they look their best
You own a grill that she loves to use. She likes to barbecue on weekends! Most of the time is fine it's just uh... she likes thing on the burnt side. Often you'll have to specifically tell her to not overcook everyone's meal
Loves to flirt and kiss you in front of the kids. Their cries of anguish and cringe is like music to her ears
Auntie Ruby and her partner are frequent guests in your house, they visit all the time. Whether it's to go to dinner or mini golf or just chill inside. It's also great for you all to catch up and the kids to hang out
Yang is the Cool Mom, Ruby is the Cool Aunt, and Qrow is the Cool Grandpa! Everytime Qrow comes to visit your kids practically tackle him. He always tells the best stories and sneaks your kids snacks and money
Tai tries to be the Cool Grandpa but kinda fails. He's sprained his ankle many a times trying to impress. Although they laugh, your kids absolutely adore when he comes around
There is no mention of Raven in the house. Yang refuses to bring that drama into her family life, she hasn't even approached her in general. But Yang doesn't care, she has everything she needs
{Like my work? Consider tipping me on Ko-fi! Every little bit counts~}
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rubyrose2014 · 7 months
Hey guys I heard that rooster teeth is officially gone and I’m sorry to hear about all those people out of a job and wish them all well RWBY holds a lot of memories for me even though I got into it while Monty was no longer with us
Hopefully someone will pick up Rwby and give it the ending it deserves for Monty
Keep Moving Forward
-Monty Oum
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I'm trying to write more when I have free time so I'm pushing myself to do a writing challenge in March - credit goes to @creativepromptsforwriting which is where I found the 30 day writing challenge and an extra prompt for 31st ☺️ I also completely randomised which pairings I allocated to each day just for some extra fun, hopefully I produce some good stuff! As always requests are still open, and any comments are appreciated, list of upcoming works under the cut (I'll link the works as they come out so find this post for the up to date list) - ✨
Day 1: Kiss of Death (Lae'zel x Fem!Reader)
Day 2: Negotiations (Ambessa Medarda x Fem!Reader
Day 3: Sweet Like Candy (Jinx x Fem!Reader)
Day 4: Style (Abby Anderson)
Day 5: Watcher (Ruby x Weiss)
Day 6: Our Love is Bound by Shadow (Lae'zel x Shadowheart)
Day 7: A Place Like This (Adora x Catra)
Day 8: Idle Hands (Sevika x Fem!Reader)
Day 9: Bare Your Fangs (Sevika x Fem!Reader)
Day 10: Promises Made, Promises Kept (Jinx x Fem!Reader)
Day 11: Hold Me Close (Caitlyn x Vi)
Day 12: Freedom (Karlach Cliffgate)
Day 13: Impulse (Blake x Yang)
Day 14: I'm Not That Girl Anymore (Jinx x Fem!Reader)
Day 15: I Will Not Share You (Lae'zel x Shadowheart)
Day 16: Firelight Embers (Lae'zel x Shadowheart)
Day 17: Burning Rubber (Caitlyn x Vi)
Day 18: Mirrors (Ellie x Abby)
Day 19: The Poet of Avernus (Karlach x Fem!Reader)
Day 20: The Warrior Queen (Ambessa Medarda)
Day 21: Hard to Love (Ellie x Dina)
Day 22: Breathe Me In (Ellie x Fem!Reader)
Day 23: Wait For Me (Ruby x Penny)
Day 24: Heroic (Lae'zel x Shadowheart)
Day 25: Justice (Grayson)
Day 26: Like Waves in the Ocean (Ruby x Weiss)
Day 27: Cabin in the Woods (Blake x Yang)
Day 28: Shall We Dance? (Cassandra Kiramman x Fem!Reader)
Day 29: Call Me By My Name (Abby Anderson)
Day 30: Sing Me a Song of the Past (Ellie x Abby)
Day 31: Cat Got Your Tongue? (Adora x Catra)
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Yandere Valentines: Finding a love letter written by someone else (Yang, Blake & Nora)
Yang Xiao Long: 
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Before she is even halfway done reading it is burned to ashes. 
Even hell fire would be nothing more than boiling water compared to her rage. 
She will instantly confront the person who dares try to use sweet words to get her darling.  
Makes it very clear who her darling is with. (Whether they actually are or not.) 
She is snappier with those who try to get close to her darling for the rest of the day. 
Blake Belladonna: 
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She catches them just as they were leaving the letter. 
Will either read it right in front of them or later on. 
Either way she will show them just how she feels about their little love letter. 
They definitely won't be coming anywhere near her darling after their ‘little talk’. 
Keep a closer eye on people around her darling just in case anyone else gets any more funny ideas. 
Nora Valkyrie: 
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They really should be running as far away as they can. (Not like it would really help.) 
She tears the letter apart after reading the whole thing. 
She does end up getting into their face about how they are ‘trying to break up her and her darling.” 
She does become very clingy and affectionate after for the rest of the month. 
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illusory-torrent · 1 year
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“i wonder if people are loving this playlist as much as m— OH JESUS!”
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
blake belladonna masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating blake belladonna would include
nsfw headcanons *
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samwinchestersbf · 1 year
{ The Ghost of Beacon }
Chapter 1. "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
A RWBY x reader
warnings: small language, maybe ooc?
small authors note: I just created this idea on a whim, I am open to criticism. The gender neutral reader will be using they/them so anyone is welcomed to read. I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors in advance, I also have a small concept on how tumblr works beware! Please enjoy :) More chapters to come. (This takes place along with the original storyline with a few tweaks. I might toss in some romance when the time comes but who knows.)
Short Summary: The ghost of Beacon was thought to be a legend however with the recent spikes of activity, the school has grown unsure. The students with no idea of the story behind it all have determination to find out...
Reblogs are appreciated!!<3
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At first it was...difficult to come to terms with your death in the first couple of years. It's not like anyone noticed anyways, with all the speculation and lies.
Your days passed by very quick to say the least, you grew bored of it all. You craved to have fun if you were going to be a ghost trapped forever, right? Especially with new fresh students coming in.
Now here you were, amongst them all without their knowledge. These new students definitely piqued your interest, as did the last ones but there was something about them. You couldn't put your finger on it, perhaps it was just their behavior so you brushed it off.
You were too stuck in your thoughts to hear the headmaster's speech, along with his colleague. "Are there any questions?" He asked smoothly before taking another sip from his mug.
"Yeah...uhm sir?" You turned your attention to the timid blonde boy before he was cut off. "Good! Now take your positions." You let out a simple laugh and observed the group of teens ready themselves, the boy not aware of what was about to happen. "Uh sir...I've got a question" He still raised his hand.
Students were being flung into the air and he was still on rambling with his question as Professor Ozpin answered calmly. You walked over to him, "Good luck" You whispered into his ear before he was being launched at full force.
"My bets are on the energetic redhead" You tried to joke before realizing again no one can hear your remarks. You watched the collective group in the air, giggling a bit to yourself.
Professor Oz and Glynda pulling out their scrolls to watch on the surveillance system. "Hey! Let me get a peek" You tried to watch over Glynda's shoulder, she let out a little shiver. "Sorry, just let me see real quick" You attempted to take it before the tablet swung out of her grasp, her eyes widening.
You were able to see the students landing strategies before she scoffed, picking up the tablet from the ground. "Slippery fingers I see." Ozpin let out his own remark. "Oh shush, I don't even know how that happened." Her tone a little irritated. She walked off to go somewhere more private to observe.
You were a little shocked to say the least from your power. You didn't know you could do that? You decided to try again on the headmaster, you swatted at his mug, yet nothing happened. "Maybe if I- aha!" You hit the mug as he was about to take a sip, a majority of the drink spilling on him, before the mug took a tumble to the ground.
Glynda looked over her shoulder as she was walking away, "Now you've got slippery fingers" She mocked him, he seemed amused with his furrowed eyebrows. He glanced down at the mess, "Ignore that please." You bursted out in a laughing fit, feeling satisfied you now have the power over objects.
You recovered from your prank, thinking about it more now. If you were a stereotypical ghost, you could do much more than that. You could possibly try light tricks or even talking to someone finally. You yearned for conversation, sure you loved to be alone but you wished deep down for someone to hear your opinions and jokes.
You just wanted someone to know you were there, you wanted to be noticed.
You stood there, ruminating to yourself. It's not like Ozpin could see you, if anything he thought he was alone.
Soon enough Glynda spoke up again after quite some time, walking up to him. "Our last pair has been formed sir," She continued on swiping the scroll to a different perspective. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren...poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." You peered over her shoulder watching Nora be quite silly.
"They seem alright to me." You muttered, Glynda turned to Ozpin. "What did you say?" He looked up from his scroll, a look of confusion on his face. "I didn't say anything." He cocked an eyebrow before Glynda returned back to watching with a small eye roll following. So you could talk to people, if you really tried of course.
"But still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos." Ozpin replied with a small hum. "I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."
You wondered for a bit, it was possible to forge your way into any academy. You've seen it happen before besides no school is perfect.
Glynda put away her scroll, "I guess we'll find out soon enough" which in this case meant they were going to be finishing soon, you did want to test tricks on the new students. It'll maybe finally give you your own entertainment instead of listening and watching.
The collected woman walked off yet again, "At their current pace they should reach the temple just in a few minutes." She turned a little, she was truly a professional woman. As if you always knew that's who she's always been.
"Speaking of which; what did you use as relics this year?" She turned her full attention to him and called out his name again. He seemed too focused on his scroll, watching the kids from earlier have an argument. You believe he heard her because all he let out was another responsive hum.
He always did this, his little hums. Anyone was lucky if they had a full conversation with him.
All of a sudden you started to feel an intense pain in your stomach and throat, if ghosts could even feel a phantom kind of pain. You fell to your knees, trying to scream for help except not a single word came out. You coughed into your hand, pulling away to see your transparent hand stained with blood.
Get up. Get up. Get up
You blacked out and went dormant before waking up in a new scenery. You were in the academy now? You were still on the ground and quickly returning on your feet. An overwhelming confusion as you finally calmed down, realizing the pain beforehand was completely gone.
You woke up in that secluded spot you would go to clear your mind, a special place to your heart. It was dark outside and you could hear a faint commotion of people down the corridor.
You walked down there, walking through the door as you saw a sea of people surrounding the stage with four new students and Professor Ozpin. Everything must be over now, he's giving the new teams publicly.
"Oh shit, I missed all the fun." You sighed in defeat, still trying to figure out how that could've happened. You listened to Ozpin, making your way through the people to hop on stage.
"Looks like things are shaping out to be an...interesting year" He turned around, walking right through you. "Ow! You know that hurts right?" You hissed holding your stomach but he didn't notice.
He entered off stage as the girls and crowd cheered. You were obviously quick to follow right behind him.
He exited the room, Glynda waiting outside for him to talk to him. "I want to talk about what happened earlier today." He stopped in his tracks, and looked down at her. "Earlier?" He questioned before she took a breath in, "Earlier today, what happened wasn't ordinary. Stuff just doesn't come flying out of our hands and there wasn't any wind if I recall."
He raised an eyebrow before clicking his tounge to speak. "Yes that was quite odd but-" he was going to dismiss it all before a couple of students came to talk to him, surrounding him and Glynda. He politely answered some of their questions.
You saw the new team RWBY come out of the room, they seem to be having fun so you decided to follow them. They were chatting and walking to their brand new dorm.
After a while they finally made it there and you decided it was time to do what you originally wanted to do. Everyone was about to head to bed anyways so it was perfect for you.
The students said their goodnights to each other and were fast to fall asleep, now was the time to strike.
You went to team JNPR's dorm, knocking on their door and frantically shaking the door handle. "I'm coming..." Jaune's tired voice croaked before opening the door to absolutely nothing.
"Oh?" He looked down the halls with no sign of people whatsoever.
You decided to do it again every random hour of the night and you would follow him all day tomorrow to torment him.
The next morning he came off as very tired, explaining what happened and how no one has that much dedication to a joke like that. He believed it was a ghost, he was practically accusing you without knowing your name.
"Jaune cmon, maybe you were just restless all night from homesickness" Nora commented, she definitely had a heavy sleep effortlessly. Her friend Lie Ren was meditating on his bed.
He snapped his eyes open and whipped his head, drawing his teammates attention. He glared down where you were standing specifically, he must be able to tell you're there. He stopped before realizing he couldn't see you and apologized to them, "I thought I could sense something.."
Nora tilted her head and questioned the situation to the two boys "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
Jaune nodded desperately, "If it wasn't a ghost then it was most likely a student" Pyrrha suggested. "No it wasn't, I would've caught them!" Jaune rubbed his eyes, you did feel a little sorry.
"Then you should talk to Professor Ozpin about it later today" Ren replied, he was back to his calm meditation. The rest of the team agreed before you all heard team RWBY speeding out of their dormitory.
The four kids peeked out, falling onto the ground and catching up with the other team.
Hopefully this year would be interesting.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
RWBY enemies to lovers FEM r
blake and reader don't get along but one days it's after the whole Adam killing incident. R finds Blake having a breakdown (guilt maybe what ever you want) and comforts her<Blake falls asleep and starts purring 🥴> when she wakes up they're is a lot of fluff thank you .
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An Unlikely Source of Comfort
Blake Belladonna She/Her Faunus Reader
A/N: I made the reader a Faunus, but I was vague on what kind so y’all can decide what you’d like for yourselves. It’s hard to try to write shorter things while also having a large timeline to sorta fill out. I like for thing to progress at a natural pace so the buildup doesn’t seem forced or sudden but aaargh writing is hard sometimes. Hope you find a few things to like about this at the very least. The next Blake fic I have to work on is already working out much better so hopefully you’ll like that one when it’s done : ) Word Count: 2,244
Blake did not get along with (Y/n) at Beacon. Her words were as harsh as her glares. She was rude and emotionally volatile. Blake couldn’t really blame her, being a Faunus with blatant traits required one to be able to stand up for themself, but it was possible to overdo it and push away people who meant well.
Even in (Y/n)’s own team she was an outsider. There was no trust and tensions always seemed high. Blake was glad (Y/n) wasn’t on her team. Unfortunately there were times when they had to work together, assigned to spar or collaborate on a project. Blake never stood for her poorly attitude, however. Whatever (Y/n) dished out, Blake sent it right back. She could have been imagining it, but she thought it possible that (Y/n) actually began respecting her more for it.
Logically Blake knew that she shouldn’t be so worried. (Y/n) was a Faunus too after all. Nevertheless she could only imagine how (Y/n) would look down on her knowing Blake hid her ears while she showed her traits proudly.
But (Y/n) just tossed a towel over Blake’s head with a quiet grunt. Blake pushed the towel away from her eyes in time to watch (Y/n) pivot on her heel and start walking away, back to the clearing where Professor Goodwitch would be waiting for the students’ return from their battles in the forest. Anxiously, Blake called out,
“You won’t tell anyone, will you?”
(Y/n) stopped, but did not turn, “It’s none of my business, why the hell would I? Cover up already unless you’re waiting for someone else to come along and see.”
Blake fumbled with the ribbon, securing it back over her ears. She caught up to (Y/n) and the other students returning to the clearing and true to her word, (Y/n) told not a soul, nor treated her any differently.
(Y/n) was very rough around the edges, but Blake had learned after that day that she wasn’t so awful. She observed (Y/n) more closely in the following weeks, finding more and more evidence that the front the put on was just that, a front. Blake started talking to (Y/n) outside of class when she saw her. Nothing too overbearing for the unfriendly Faunus, but Blake hoped that with time, she would warm up to her.
And then Beacon fell.
Blake had cut off contact with everyone then. She went back home to Menagerie, but trouble never seemed far. She managed to rally the Faunus to fight off the White Fang that were going to attack Haven Academy in Mistral. There were a lot of people there see hasn’t expected to see, JNR, her own team, and (Y/n) as well.
Given more time to think, it made sense that her friends would end up in this fight, but for (Y/n) to have been traveling with them as well was a surprise given her apparent aversion to teamwork.
Although they were happy to have Blake back, it took some time before Ruby, Weiss, and Yang fell back into a familiar rapport. But no matter how awkward things were at the time, (Y/n) more or less treated Blake as if no time had passed. She was the one who did a majority of filling the gaps and catching Blake up on all that went on while she was elsewhere.
By the time they got to Argus, Blake was tempted to think that she and (Y/n) were now proper friends. After the terrifying run in with the Apathy at Burnswick, Blake couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned until she finally crept out of the Cotta-Arc house to the cold and quiet street.
“You good?”
Blake jumped, then relaxed. She pivoted to find (Y/n) sitting on a nearby bench. Apparently Blake hadn’t been the only one who couldn’t sleep.
“Yeah, just a lot on my mind I guess.”
(Y/n) tilted her head, a invitation to sit on the vacant side of the bench. Blake took a seat, shivering against the cold metal. (Y/n) wordlessly shrugged off her coat and gave it to Blake.
(Y/n) grunted, still attempting to act indifferent even after all this time.
It was then that Blake noticed something about (Y/n) that she hadn’t before. Scars and burns littered her arms. Blake had never seen them before, but then again, she had never seen (Y/n) wear short sleeves either. She was always well-covered.
“You’re staring.” (Y/n) glared.
“I’m sorry.” Blake shamefully bowed her head.
“I don’t need an apology from you,” (Y/n) huffed, “It’s not like you were one of the people who did this to me.”
Blake was tentative to ask, but (Y/n) probably wouldn’t have taken off her coat at all if it was a subject she vehemently wanted to avoid.
(Y/n) leaned back against the backrest of the bench and sighed, the warm breath swirling through the air like steam. She told Blake about her childhood in Mantel. Her family had been so poor, that everyone had to work in the dust mines, and being Faunus, there were no opportunities for higher paying positions nor would it be feasible to find a safer form of employment because of the prejudice there.
She had lost many family and friends to the mines, but there was no time given to grieve, not even the smallest compensation nor apology. The scars that (Y/n) carried with her were from jagged rock, hidden fire dust clusters, and the occasional human supervisor who thought she wasn’t working fast enough.
Blake had no words. Nothing she could say would make what happened to (Y/n) any different and she had told Blake not to apologize once already. Instead she carefully put her hand atop hers and when that went over smoothly, she gently head-butted (Y/n)’s shoulder.
(Y/n) cleared her throat, then muttered, “So what’s on your mind then?”
Blake righted herself, a quiver of dread writhed through her stomach. Her hand unconsciously slid to where her own scar lay.
“Adam, my old partner, you might have seen him at Haven.”
“And Beacon,” (Y/n) growled, “an awful, miserable Faunus if ever I saw one.”
“He wasn’t always,” Blake’s ears drooped, “but anything that was once good in him shriveled up and died a long time ago. Even though I bested him at Haven, I have this feeling that he isn’t done yet.”
“Dangerous and unstable guys like that never know when to give up.” (Y/n) agreed. “But people like him are destined to be alone. You’ve got a team backing you up. You don’t have to face him alone.”
Blake swallowed the lump in her throat. A stiff and awkward arm curled around her shoulders. A watery smile tugged at her lips. She could at least thank (Y/n) for this much.
They had made it to Atlas. They went through literal hell to get there, but they made it. That didn’t mean things became any easier for them, however. Ironwood had them going through the paces every day, but it was a good feeling to have those official huntsman licenses.
Everyone was always busy. Being sent of on missions or special training, there was hardly any time to process where they came from, or what they endured. Not very different from what they were used to, actually.
(Y/n) was just returning from a late assignment and wanted nothing more than to fall into bed, but something made her give pause and that was Blake’s empty cot below a softly snoring Yang. Blake didn’t have any missions that would have lasted this long.
She decided to hold off sleep a little longer to check on Blake, wherever she may be. It took some time, but eventually (Y/n) found her alone in one of the training rooms. She would have missed her if she hadn’t heard Blake sobbing in the furthest corner. (Y/n) approached swiftly and asked her what was wrong.
Blake leaned into (Y/n)’s chest and attempted to silence her weeping in order to speak more clearly, but her voice seemed to tremble and break with every word. (Y/n) caught small pieces of what was eating at her and was able to fill in some of the gaps on her own.
“He’s gone Blake, you and Yang did what had to be done.”
“I still see him,” Blake shuddered, “when I close my eyes, he’s there.”
(Y/n) pulled Blake into her lap and enveloped her in a firm and secure embrace, slowly rocking her body from side to side.
“He can’t hurt anyone anymore, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t leave his mark behind. But if he tries to disturb your sleep again, I’ll be here for you.”
“Thank you.” Blake sniffled.
(Y/n) rested her chin atop Blake’s head and continued rocking until Blake dozed off, going limp in her arms. (Y/n) didn’t attempt to move Blake back to the barracks in case she woke up, so she stayed put. Occasionally Blake would stir and whimper, but (Y/n) would reassure her that all was well in the softest tone she had ever used and Blake would relax again.
Eventually Blake fell into a deeper, more comfortable sleep, and a rumbling purr began. (Y/n)’s eyes began to droop and she allowed the lull of Blake’s purr to pull her deeper and deeper.
Things were a little awkward between them when they woke up, and it wasn’t just because Flynt and Neon found them cuddled up in the training room in the morning. The soft, sleepy looks of confusion they gave each other when the lights hummed to life felt too familiar, too close.
Word spread of their sleepover in the training room because of Neon’s big mouth and soon everyone was giving them knowing Looks and teasing words. Blake thought that (Y/n) would bare her teeth and start throwing hands, but she seemed to be as bashful as Blake was, but in a more grumpy way. Blake thought it was cute…
Blake blushed and shook her head. She hadn’t developed romantic feelings for the rugged and grouchy Faunus, had she? She bit the inside of her cheek when she caught a small smirk tug at the corner of (Y/n)’s lips at something Qrow had flippantly said about Ironwood being a hard ass.
Maybe a bit of attraction had grown after all— oh no, (Y/n)’s eyes had found Blake’s! She definitely knew she was starring! Quick— think of something!
“Yang, we should spar!”
“What? But we just got back from—“
“Let’s go!”
Blake hadn’t fully intended to avoid (Y/n), but for the next few days she made herself scarce simply because the butterflies in her stomach were too much to bear. She even went as far as to take Jaune’s elementary school crossing guard duties for the day to avoid going on a mission with (Y/n).
As she waved the last children into the school, Blake sighed, hands full of casseroles that were truly meant for Jaune. At least she could head back to the academy without having to worry about running into (Y/n) until much later.
“Ah!” Blake jumped, almost dropping the stack of casseroles in her hands, but (Y/n) stepped in to re-center the stack and take half into her own hands.
“Bit jumpy.” (Y/n) cleared her throat.
“Sorry.” Blake swallowed uncomfortably, “What are you doing here.”
“Finished my assignment early. Thought I’d walk back with you since the school was on the way. Unless you don’t want to since you’ve been tiptoeing around me.”
“N-no! I’d love to- it would- walking with you would be nice!” When had Blake become such a disaster! This was so embarrassing!
“You sure?”
“Good. Cool.”
Together they walked stiffly side by side for a couple blocks before (Y/n) took a deep breath.
“You wanna stop by that tea shop across the street? I’ll buy.”
“That… that sounds wonderful.” Blake bit back a smile as warmth bubbled through her skin.
They sat in a cozy corner of the small shop with delicious warm drinks in hand, between them, an open container of the most appetizing of the casseroles to share.
“So… no nightmares?” (Y/n) asked between bites.
Blake shook her head, allowing herself a timid smile. “No. I uh, I never did thank you for staying with me.”
“It’s fine. If you ever need me, just let me know. I’d do it again in a heartbeat ‘causeIlikeyoualotyouknow.” (Y/n) grumbled into the styrofoam cup before slurping loudly.
Blake’s ears perked up, an honest smile lit up her face so brightly that (Y/n) had to look elsewhere.
“I like you a lot too.” Blake whispered behind the safe barrier of her own cup, just loud enough for (Y/n) to be sure to hear it.
“We should do stuff like this more often.” (Y/n) cleared her throat gesturing to the whole scene they found themselves in before shoving another forkful of casserole into her mouth.
Blake grinned, giddiness and relief swirling within her, not knowing whether to relax or jump for joy.
“We should,” she chuckled, reaching out to take (Y/n)’s hand from across the table, “We really, really should.”
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frickingnerd · 3 months
proposing to blake belladonna
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pairing: blake belladonna x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established romantic relationship, proposal (reader to blake), tiny bit of angst (about why reader is so serious)
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before you even get to propose to blake, she already notices that something about you is different and she's being cautious
there's this small part of her that worries that you might break up with her and that's why you're going out of your way to take her to a quiet place and seem so serious
but blake knows that you truly love her, just like she loves you and that there's no reason to worry about such things!
when you eventually get down on one knee and pull out the ring, blake is relieved for a moment, knowing you really do love her and want to be with her!
she manages to stay calm and smile quietly as you say how much you love her and ask her to spend the rest of your life with her
but once you're done speaking, she gets down next to you, cupping your cheeks and whispering out a soft “yes, i want to marry you!” before pressing a kiss onto your lips
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thatanimewriter · 4 months
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➳ request: Weiss, Blake, and Yang watching their S/O get knocked down into the Ever After and their reactions (not Ruby's weak-ass "Yang?") to seeing them alive down there? Thanks.
➳ character/s: weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long
➳ warnings: swearing, spoilers for rwby, mentions of death, descriptions of injury
➳ notes: honestly not a whole lot of ways this could go that would be in character, sorry if they're all kinda samey-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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she's definitely outta that fight after you fell into ever after because she thinks you and her whole team is DEAD
spends a while trying to just comprehend what's happened after she arrives in ever after
sits on that beach for a long time and just looks at the photo she has of you in a locket
eventually gets up and tries to find a way out when she finally came across you sitting on a rock with a bunch of bandages
very quiet gasp and tears just well up in her eyes as she stands frozen
eventually runs to you and gives you a hug like you'll actually die if she ever lets go
rambles everything she wanted to say when this whole war was over but now she can cause there is no war in ever after (yet)
actually thinks she'll never feel this level of stress and relief ever again, she's been through it-
rationality out the window the moment you fall off the path, she is frantic as hell
probably has a bit of a breakdown when she arrives in ever after just because she's not in the middle of a fight and it built up
a bit angsty about how she's a curse or somethin cause this is yet another person she cares about getting hurt with her around
when she finds you though, she's havin flashbacks to when she thought you died
will cautiously move closer to you and reach out her hand to touch you to make sure you're real and she's not hallucinating
cries when she realises you're real and gives you a big hug and some kisses to make up for any fight you had before now
if you have any injuries, she'll tend to them very carefully with whatever is around
is a lot more open and protective of you since thinking you literally died-
absolutely crazy once you've supposedly died, she is putting everything out there
yelling session and angry crying when she lands in ever after because what the fuck
depending on who found who first, she'd attack you thinking you're an enemy but stop when she sees it's you
would maybe hit you still for scaring her but will give you a hug after she's raged a bit more
soft and tender afterwards because she is able to properly show you how much you mean to her with no war
she'll help you with any injuries she gave you or any she might've made worse
if it's you who finds her first she's like, shook but runs into your arms after
might crush your ribs with how tight that hug is
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the-ultimate-puppeteer · 11 months
Request: Blake's S/O is glared at by Ghira, only for him to comment that Blake's glare is scaryier.
Blake's S/O gets glared at by her dad
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•So Blake had invited you to meet her parents at menagerie
•it made sense you had been dating her for a while now so of course she's want you to meet them
•Meeting her mom went very well she was bright and very welcoming her 
•dad on the other hand, he wouldn't stop glaring at you
•Like seriously did you do something wrong?
•Was it someone unknown law hed broken by dating Blake?
•You don't know what you did but his glare was seriously getting annoying
•Especially since it wasn't even remotely intimidating 
•Blakes glare was waaay more scarier than his
•Unfortunately you accidentally vocalized that last thought
•Good news his glare was replaced with a shocked face
•Downside now Blake was glaring at you and unfortunately she also looked Hot when she glared too
•You really should've kept your mouth shut
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Team RWBY - Childhood friend Reader goes Missing
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(So I tried to respond to the actual ask but Tumblr glitched out. So I'm doing it like this instead, apologies!)
You're so sweet thank you so much!! This prompt hits so well for me, you have no idea. I wasn't sure whether you wanted EVERY girl from the series or just Team RWBY. For this one I'm gonna do just Team RWBY, but if you want me to do the rest of the girls in the series, just send me a message and I'll write those up eventually!
Ruby Rose
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You and Ruby were two peas in a pod the moment you met. It was like two puzzle pieces made perfectly for each other. You both were into similar things and your personalities mashed super well. Not only did you have a similar sense of humor, you were one of the few people that actually enjoyed her over the top antics and affections. Ruby would often ambush you with a hug while you walked around campus, sometimes leading to you two falling in a pile of giggles. Every week you guys had plans. On Tuesdays you both liked to have Debate Nights where you both defend your opinion on something (often roping in the rest of your friends to be the jury). There wasn't a dull moment with you two, every day was full of laughter and joy. You were each other's first school friend and that friendship has lasted for years. After the Fall of Beacon, you were split up like most, but found each other fairly quickly. You were a great support for her and would always listen to her issues. She felt connected to you deeply on a different level. Even after the rest of Team RWBY came back, Ruby found herself strangely attached to you more. Being reunited with her sister and friends was one of the best feelings in the world, but the moment you and her found each other again takes the cake in her heart. It became incredibly clear that she was in love with you. Looking back on it, she did have a habit of making excuses just to talk to you in private. Ruby didn't know what to do with this information, but it will come up at the right time
One day at about 5 am, Ruby was awoken by Qrow with a somber look. Apparently during the night you went missing. No one saw or heard a thing. You were there sleeping in your bed and then you were just… gone. The thought of you being missing was terrifying, but Ruby tapped into her abundance of optimism and quickly got dressed and headed towards the town. You couldn't have gone far, right? You probably just went through the city and got lost, no big deal! For the next week her routine remained the same; Wake up early, gather friends to look for you, take break for lunch, keep looking alone, head back, sleep. At the start she was hopeful, but everyday just wore her down until the 7th day when it broke her. You've been missing for a whole week, where were you? Yang held Ruby as she cried, eventually passing her to Qrow when it came time to go to bed. He did the best he could and was as supportive as possible, but he knew Ruby needed space to process it herself, and brought her to her room. With a hair ruffle and weak smile, Qrow wished her a good night and left her to rest
Ruby was awoken the next day early in morning yet again, except this time there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, her heart stopped. You stood on the doorstep, clothes torn and bloody. There were no major external injuries but it was clear you were heavily shaken up. Hobbling in with a limp you entered the house and sighed at the warmth. Ruby was at a loss for words, only able to muster out a vague question of what happened.
Apparently when you were going to sleep last week, you decided to throw out the trash as well beforehand. When you exited the house to take it out, you were suddenly ambushed by multiple Grimm and dragged deep into the forest. Since you were going to sleep, you didn't have your weapons, scroll, or any protection at all. You were completely vulnerable. For the past week you had been both fighting for your life against various Grimm and trying to navigate your way out of the forest labyrinth. Just when you were about to collapse, you finally found the opening into the town and limped all the way back to your home
It hurt like a bitch, but you tried to smile as big as possible. You could tell Ruby was feeling awful about this just looking at you. Before you could say another word, Ruby lunged at you, pushing you both onto the couch behind you. You let out a loud hiss as your leg bent at an odd angle and your hip twisted. Her arms were wrapped tightly around your neck, her head buried into your chest. As you gained the strength to question her, Ruby cut you off
"Oh my god I'm so happy you're okay! I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you! I can't lose you!"
Hearing the absolute heartbreak in her voice and the way her breathing staggered between sobs pushed you to shed your own tears. In the forest, all you could think of was getting back to Ruby, the girl you loved. The fact that the whole time she felt the same sent you over the edge. You tightly hugged her back, ignoring the pain you felt from your injuries. Both of you just went back and forth saying how much you love each other over and over again to the point of it becoming unintelligable. Tired from being overworked physically and emotionally, you fell asleep together on the couch in each others arms. When everyone woke up in the morning they helped patch you up, with Ruby holding your hand the whole day
Weiss Schnee
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Weiss never expected to like someone so much. She was cold and abrasive, especially at the academy. But for some reason you just… stayed. And it wasn't annoying like it was with Ruby, instead whenever you knocked on her door she could feel her heart skip a beat. She'd still scold you for interrupting her and tell you to leave of course. Every week you pushed a little further, giving her space at the same time as to not overwhelm her. Weiss took notice and appreciated it deeply. She never had someone who took her interests at heart and it was so foreign. Your friendship took awhile to start, but once it got going it veeeery quickly turned into a closeted romance. Maybe it was due to her sheltered upbringing, maybe it was due to you not judging her for her family name, she didn't know. But something about you melted her heart and she fell hard. And it was super obvious, she is not good at lying. It got to the point that basically everyone knew of her crush except you. Ruby and Nora kept trying to get Weiss to confess to you already, but she managed to avert the conversations elsewhere. She'd tell you, but now wasn't the time
Weiss quickly regretted that decision when she came back from a mission to hear you never returned from yours. At first she thought it was a prank and got angry, but when she realised it was true, she started freaking out. She pretty much interrogated everyone who interacted with you that day and started slinging accusations. Emotions got heated and multiple arguments broke out. Ruby and Jaune tried to organize a search party for the next day but that didn't do much. The day ended on a sour note, and Weiss instantly locked herself in her room. She spent the whole night crying, trying to contact you through your scroll
While on a mission, the whole group got a message that you were found alive. Badly hurt, but alive. Weiss basically abandoned whatever she was doing and got to the location marked on her scroll as fast as possible. On the way she went on call with Blake and learned what had happened. Apparently SDC protestors learned of your appearance and relationship with Weiss and grew enraged. A Schnee didn't deserve to find love, and you loving her just made you complicit with her family's crimes! They took their chance while you were alone and approached you, asking for help. When you followed them to the abandoned building, you instantly knew it was a trap, but they bashed you on the head and kidnapped you. They spent the last few days interrogating you about the SDC and Weiss' "secret plans". No matter how many times you said you didn't understand they wouldn't take that as an answer. You got incredibly lucky when Ren saw a shady person enter the building you were kept in and decided to call backup and investigate
The whole travel her anger grew and grew, a flurry of emotions clouding her head. She doesn't even remember traveling to you, she became concious again when she saw your beaten, bloody face. You had a black eye and bruises all over your body, but other than that you were in good shape. The moment your eyes met, Weiss stormed over and began yelling at you. She screamed about how foolish you were to follow strangers, how stupid you were for being so naively kind, it all just fell out of her mouth. Rant lasting awhile, it all accumulated in her confessing what she had been holding for years,
"Why can't you just understand that I love you and don't want you hurt?!"
When she realized what she said she fell quiet and put a hand over her mouth. For the next minute it was pure silence. You could hear a pin drop. It took you a bit to fully process so you just stared wide eyed. Weiss's face dropped as she looked to the ground solemnly. She blunted said you should have just exposed her so you could go free without harm. With that you broke out of your trance and instantly pulled her into a hug, letting out a small hiss at the pressure on your ribcage. You instantly let her know that it was worth protecting her, and when you confessed you felt the same into her ear, Weiss melted into your embrace. As you hugged she just kept calling you an idiot over and over again, threatening you to never get kidnapped again. Meanwhile everyone in the vicinity did a sigh of relief and thanked the gods you were finally a couple
Blake Belladonna
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At the start Blake didn't really like people much, that was obvious. But unlike Weiss who was more abrasive and combative, Blake preferred to ignore or dismiss. Even after you became friends with the rest of Team RWBY Blake was the last one to warm up to you. But things changed when you saw her reading a book from your favorite series. Shocked you knew of it, she inquired about your interest and you two spent the whole time talking about the plot and it's history. After that day Blake found herself intrigued by you, and was happy to find someone to enjoy books with her. Everyday she grew warmer. You noticed she would slowly start to approach you herself and actively start conversations. It was cute. Soon she realised that she was falling in love again. Blake tried so hard to fight those feelings off. Her relationships have always been plagued by tragedy and she doesn't want you involved in that. But every time she heard you laugh and saw you do cute little dances, it got nearly impossible to not fall for you
Although your friendship had been pretty steady, you knew Blake was hiding things from you. You tried to pry information from her to no avail, she kept being vague. Tensions just kept rising and rising until tt all came to a head when she finally spoke up. Blake told you everything, all about Adam and the White Fang. She even opened up about what happened with Yang and how she ran away from her team. It was… intense, to say the least. It was so much to process at once you couldn't really wrap your head around it. She was in the White Fang? Yang lost an arm for her? This Adam guy is still out there? The more she tried to explain herself and her history, it just made you more confused and overwhelmed. Your brain became overstimulated with emotions that you just blew up at her. She started silent, but eventually raised her voice as well. It was an intense back and forth argument between you two that ended with you both angrily retreating to your respective rooms. Blake layed in bed awake all night, thinking about your whole argument. It was wrong for you to blame her and yell, but she absolutely understood why you did. This situation is tough and multi-faceted. As she finally drifted to sleep, Blake made up her mind
The next day Blake emerged from her room to confront you and apologize, but found you were gone. Everyone else saw you leave the house in the early morning but haven't heard a thing from you since. Blake's heart instantly dropped. Remembering your last interaction made her imagine the absolute worst and made her heart race. Without a word she ran out and went looking for you. She didn't even have a game plan. Normally she is very levelheaded and able to control her emotions, but this time it was impossible. Adam was still out there watching, waiting. He already went for Yang multiple times, there is no doubt in her mind that he would target you too. Every possibility played in her head of him kidnapping you and hurting you
Blake scanned the streets and forest paths desperately, and after what seemed like hours, she finally found you. No hesitation she called your name, catching your attention. As she dropped in front of you, before you could say anything she grabbed you roughly by your shoulders. Voice quivering, Blake asked you if Adam touched you at all, tears in her eyes. You shook your head confused, gaining a desperate sigh of relief from the Faunus. She explained how you just up and left with no notice and how scared she got considering your fight. But you responded that you left behind a note telling her you were just going for a walk to cool down. You two spent the next couple of minutes clearing up misunderstandings and eventually got the full picture. And awkward silence fell upon you two, which you broke by apologizing for your outburst. Blake was silent at first, but responded in kind,
"I'm… sorry for not being upfront and honest with you. I always try to hide and run, because I'm afraid my past will come back to haunt me. Adam knows when I get close to someone, he knows when I…
I try to rationalize it by saying it's for your sake, but that's not fair to you. I can't do that to someone… someone that I love. I promise from now on there will be no secrets between us."
Her words shook your core, and made your face instantly flush. She was being the most upfront and genuine she's ever been, and you couldn't help but lose your breath. Gulping, you quietly tell her you feel the same, making her ears perk up. On the way back to your home, you both gently locked hands
Yang Xiao Long
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Yo, you didn't become friends, it's more like Yang kidnapped you and you got Stockholm Syndrome. Obviously I'm joking, you were actually a friend of Ruby's and happened to be Yang's age, so everytime you visited Ruby you two would get to talking. After a couple conversations, Yang deemed you to be fucking cool and constantly tried to talk to you and chill. It got to the point that you started hanging out with Yang more than Ruby, causing the latter to pout. Your interactions devolved into playful flirting and teasing. She would always call you "cutie" and make flirty puns at you, gaining a blush and sigh in response. As much as you guys messed around, Yang started to realize that it wasn't just jokes anymore. Over the years you've known each other the atmosphere changed. Subconciously she had been trying to give you hints about how she feels. It took her talking to Blake to really come to terms with her feelings and figure out what was going on with her
The next morning Yang happily slammed your door open and brightly called for you to get up. All of her happiness stopped in it's tracks when she saw your empty bed. With no hesitation she began asking everyone where you were, with varied answers. Nora and Ren ate breakfast with you, Oscar saw you watch tv, Weiss had an argument with you about beverage choices, etc. Blake was the only one with a solid answer, stating you were heading to the out of town store to get groceries. Yang could feel herself getting slightly annoyed, but appreciated the response and happily went to go meet you there. She hopped on Bumblebee and started the drive
While she drove, Yang tried contacting you through your scroll but wasn't getting a response which was odd. You were usually really attentive and always answered, at least sent a text message or something. After a couple more times she was about to put her scroll away, until you picked up. Yang happily spoke into the scroll, playfully scolding you for making her call so many times, but got no response. She listened closely and could hear the faint voices of two men yelling. They were clearly not friendly and were throwing threats all over the place. It was already giving her a bad feeling, but when Yang heard gunshots and the sound of you screaming in fear, she put Bumblebee in overdrive and beelined towards you
When you left the house, all you intended to do was get some bread and pasta for tonights dinner. You even went to the far off store that had the high quality noodles. But about halfway during your shopping the doors slammed open and two men stormed in holding guns. They began threatening the store and it's patrons. The old Shopkeep tried to tell them to leave but quickly backed down when they shot 3 bullets at his feet. One of the men chained the door shut and closed the blinds, while the other went around and gathered customers to the center of the store. Adults and children were herded onto the open floor and promptly restrained as to not intervene. Your scroll, thankfully on silent, kept telling you Yang was calling. You knew you couldn't respond to her, but you accepted the call to let her at least know what as going on. After a couple of gunshots you closed your scroll and shoved it in your pocket. As the other man got closer you looked around and found an opening behind the freezers. Before he approached you quickly slid behind and held your breath. No one noticed your escape, and went along their way. For the next 10 minutes you sat there in horror as you heard the store get ransacked and customers terrorized
The front windows suddenly shattered as a yellow and black bike got thrown through, ramming into one of the men. Yang quickly followed, eyes red and hair burning. She started to tear apart the store trying to find you, breaking shelves and display stands. You name was called but you could barely hear due to the freezers. Upset at the sudden entrance, the men tried to intimidate her, but she didn't even flinch. Knowing you were somewhere in the building, possible hurt, made her go blind with rage. With ease Yang defeated and apprehended the criminals with excessive force. A few extra punches and kicks and head slams are fine, right? Shopkeep thanked her and called the police, leaving Yang to find you. Now that the room was quieter, you could hear her desperate cries and called out for her, crawling out. You were barely off the floor when Yang nearly tackled you and hugged you tighter than before.
"I love you so much, I'll never let this happen again. I'll never let you get hurt."
In that moment Yang didn't even care about the fact she just confessed her true love to you, all she cared about was the fact you were in her arms unharmed. You didn't say it back, but you reciprocated her hug in a way that made her understand. The hug lasted for a couple of minutes, both of you just breathing together and calming yourselves. Once your heartrates dropped and your minds' settled, Yang gently helped you up and lead you to her bike, hopping on herself. Wrapping your arms around her waist, Yang quietly drove you back to the house in comfortable silence. That night Yang slept in your room with you due to anxiety and paranoia of you getting possible hurt. But even after those fears quieted down, you guys kept sleeping and cuddling in the same bed like the lovebirds you were
This was so long but so fun to write??? I hope these are alright!
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