#rwby trash post
blakebow · 1 year
I have made claims about Bumbleby being the thing that would ultimately destroy Team RWBY’s dynamic for literal years and this latest episode completely validated all of that.
Instead of giving a single fuck about her clearly depressed, struggling sister, Yang was too busy playing tounge twister with her undeserved kitty cat girlfriend.
god i hate bees. it made Yang and Blake into the worst versions of themselves. Blake was better off with Sun, because he made her character better and made her more independent. Blake is so dependent on Yang now that she can’t even stand up for herself. 
this whole thing could’ve been prevented, if Bees had never happened. 
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foxaoxarts · 1 year
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Better time than ever to post this completely unrelated sketch which I never got around to finish huh?
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dunkzech · 1 year
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uhhhhh i dont make gifs anymore but i made a rosebird playlist amongst the million things i’ve done during the years i wasn’t blogging in here...... i was 16 when i had this blog? mother arryn followed this blog?? im 24 now and all my gifsets are still popping off??? LOL. 
find me on twitter as @kususappho @qiyanators if u need me to somehow be right about everything in rwby for the nth time............ i totally called adam and yang being foils to each other btw <3
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barb-l · 28 days
Random question, but have you heard of or watched RWBY before? If not then I can’t recommend it enough. It’s got great fight scenes, a killer soundtrack, a fairytale aesthetic, and the four mains are badass girls.
If you haven’t watched but are at all interested, I’d recommend starting with the four Color Trailers (Red, White, Black, and Yellow in that order).
Yep! I started watching RWBY back when it only had up to 3 volumes lol
I'm not all up to date now tho. I stopped watching after they killed Penny AGAIN. I dont think I'll be go back until I know they're reviving Penny a second time like they did Pinocchio
I did draw some art way back when tho
There's more that I drew on paper, but they were posted on my hacked blog that no longer exists. Tho I'm pretty sure there were a few reposted on reddit...
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etinceelle · 1 year
Just wanted to say thank you here to everyone who wrote me nice words under my last post, or sent me asks, it means a lot and I'm glad I have support. I'm not really feeling answering to everyone at the moment but know that you have my love
I don't think it's really interesting to share that, but I know I shouldn't care too much about all of that, it's Twitter and only a minority. It's just that I'm already dealing with family issues and it added up to the pile right when I was feeling a little bit better, so I kinda crashed hard ngl
Being called out for a mistake, a misunderstanding, without any attemp to listen, read or understand, when you already have been harassed irl when you were younger or when you're fighting with toxic people since a young age just makes me feel so bad and it feels so unfair. Being called out for being someone you're not, when you're actually TRYING to FREE yourself from the very people you're accused to be, is just, idk what word to use, I'm so ANGRY
It's just so freaking annoying when you always try to do your best, to be someone kind and safe, but EVERYTIME people only care about the tiny bad thing you didn't do on purpose and they send their whole army at you like you're a criminal. I'm freaking tired.
Sorry for venting here, I guess I'm just feeling more comfortable here even if in the end I don't really know. Maybe I'll delete that as well, I don't know. Funny thing too is that I thought I could enjoy some NND but in the end I'm just too frustrated. When I'm upset I just find everything related to the topic annoying so I just don't want to care or know anything about it rn. Tbh I'm also frustrated to be called a "RWBY artist" because people knew me when I was drawing a lot of it because of V9, but I'm not. I'm an artist who loves to draw RWBY, but not just that, and at the moment I'm so pissed I want to draw anything but that. I'll finish the requests before it's over, but it might take more time. Tbh find someone else to be NND ceo's because I don't care
Anyway I'm tired to feel like trash but urgh I can't help it, Genshin and Mario Kart make me feel better but I just need to freaking travel somewhere
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itsclydebitches · 7 months
Have you seen the posts going around saying shit like "If a mutual likes Hazbin Hotel I will block them"?? It's genuinely upsetting me tbh, not just the idea that people don't like the show, but that they despise it so much they can't even stand the thought of someone they know liking the show. It reminds me of the Steven Universe hate train only worse. They also say shit like "the show is just someone saying swear words and expecting you to laugh", and if for a second we put aside the fact that that is blatantly not true, what's wrong with that? I'm allowed to like something that's a bit trash, right? I've already seen two different people I follow reblog posts to that effect (and worse, someone saying all a character boils down to is "i love being sexually abused <3" and i don't know how they ever came to that conclusion) and it's driving me mad. And somehow I just know that they don't actually give a shit about any "controversies" surrounding vivziepop, that's just a convenient excuse for most of them. I don't even care if Vivzie is a bad person, that's none of my business. just live and let live, you know?
Sorry for ranting, you're literally the only blog i follow who posts Hazbin fan content
Rant away, friend! Luckily for me I haven't come across any of those posts yet. Plenty of discourse surrounding whether fans are allowed to make romantic and/or sexual content for Alastor, the expected shipping wars, and - as you say - vague references to Vivzie controversies (which I'm too new a fan to even be aware of yet)... but nothing that's a complete rejection of the show itself. That's probably because I've only engaged with blogs posting a lot of Hazbin content though.
I'm a big fan of old school Internet rules which includes an emphasis on cultivating your own online space. You know, the thing tumblr is explicitly designed for. So in theory I applaud anyone blocking users/tags for a show they're not a fan of. Performatively posting about it more as a way to guilt others for liking Hazbin at all... not so much. If you want to block something just block it. If you're mutuals with someone you both presumably like each others' content. Not all of it necessarily, but enough to have followed in the first place, and often being mutuals for long enough leads to friendship because you're both getting interacting with one another a lot. All of which isn't to say that people don't unfollow mutuals, or that you can't drop a mutual because they've started posting something you dislike. Obviously both situations do happen, but it feels like an extreme enough response that these posters probably aren't actually doing this very often. Most people will wait the mutual out until their interest gets hooked on something new, or block the Hazbin tag and keep the friend, or just block without making a big announcement about it. So posts like that feel more like a way to show off how much you dislike the show and guilt others for their enjoyment which yeah, can be upsetting to see. Especially when, as you say, it costs nothing to just let people like things.
Which might sound hypocritical on my part given my RWBY interests, but I think there's a big difference between critically examining a show while supporting others who genuinely love it, and simplistically blasting it. I COMPLETELY get why Hazbin wouldn't be to everyone's tastes and, like with the SU example, anything that gets popular enough is going to develop its haters (especially cartoons trying to tackle non-childish subjects. That's always going to be a fandom landmine). But if you're going to make claims about a show, at least watch it to ensure you can back up your stance? And if your takeaway is still, "This is the worst fucking thing I've ever watched"... cool. Go forth and write about that on your own, personal blog. But no one should be surprised when they're also blocked for bragging about how many Hazbin fans they've blocked.
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Ruby's treatment of Penny in v8 was pretty disgusting and their reunion in v7 was nothing short of lackluster, but the fact that she actually grieved for her the whole volume 9, didn't immediately get over her death like the rest of them (with the exception of Weiss to an extent), and tried to preserve the last thing that remained of her, says that Ruby was only one who gave a shit about her. Penny's death hit so hard it finally forced Ruby to snap out of her I-will-save-everyone holier-than-thou hero complex.
Like recall Yang and Blake. Who the fuck would behave this way like an hour after learning of their friend's death? Can you imagine Yang acting the same way if it was Blake who'd died in her place? No cuz Yang cares about Blake. But it's not that uncommon for our paragons of virtue and glory to have little to no reaction when something horrible happens to their friends/allies, is it? Either Penny meant nothing to WBY or rt legit sucks at portraying relationships and human emotions.
Long Post Ahead
It's both.
RWBY does not give a fuck about Penny and RT being trash at portraying human anything are both accurate statements that has been coexisting for as long as the show has been running.
And honestly, I'm not even surprised that _WBY doesn't give a shit about Penny. Ever since she was introduced in V1, Penny was Ruby's friend and only her firend. She didn't interact with anyone else in Beacon, and we only got to see her teammate Ciel ONCE in the entire show, so I would be more surprised if the rest of RWBY even know something about Penny before she died. Yang did in V7, and I was a bit shocked because they have NEVER interacted once after their first meeting.
But back to the matter at hand, it's very clear that the writers brought back Penny because the fans expected them to (which is fair) but just stopped at that. Penny is back because it make sense and the fans like her, but why? Narratively, why is she back? Especially when Ruby was less than adequate in treating Penny's return or seeing her as a friend. Not only that, Penny was still stuck in the same predicament that troubled her in Beacon, that she doesn't have a choice or a say in how she want to live her life as her own person, but instead must put duty and her role in the grand scheme of things first, leaving her with no agency for herself.
Many people criticized Ironwood for this, but RUBY also took that choice from Penny in V8. She constantly wave off Penny's concern for the people now that they have created a civil discourse between them and Ironwood, and shut down any of Penny's attempt to properly deal with her regrets and choices.
And then Penny dies, and the Winter Maiden power went to who it was always meant to go to. Why was she brought back? Why put her through so much only to fucking kill her off again, and for her death to be for someone else's motivation, whether it be Ruby or Jaune?
Because Penny wasn't a character to RT. She's a plot device, and that's all she was. I don't doubt that Yang would care more if Blake dies or vice versa, or Weiss would care more if it was Winter. They don't have a reason to care about a plot device that doesn't directly affect them or their story. Only Ruby could because Penny was her friend, but even then I still could not look past how she treated the poor girl.
It's just a frustrating ordeal to look at, because you could've went literally any other route, and it would have meant something. Penny would have meant something. But it's too late now. They wrote themselves into this corner, and now they have watch their story crumble under the pressure.
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trialbystory · 20 days
Vytal Festival Day 3: OCs
This will be the first of (hopefully) two things I post for the Vytal festival event being hosted by @remnants-of-rwby-events, but it's gonna be a bit different from my standard fare. When it came out RWBY was a big deal for me, to the point that despite being deep in a mindset of 'I'm not writing fanfic anymore, it's all original stuff all the time from now on,' I couldn't get the idea for a fanfic out of my head. Now I never actually wrote that story, but I did build the OC team that it would've followed. I posted them on reddit at the time and had some basic ideas of a story involving them, but never progressed beyond that. But I'm going to share a slightly polished version of them here with you. If you want to use any or all of them in your own projects, you're more than welcome, though I would appreciate being mentioned as their original creator and being told you're doing it so that I can check them out. Just please bear in mind that when I came up with this merry band the only thing we had to go on was the first season of the show; Volume 2 was five months away, Grimm Eclipse was still just a fan-made tech demo, and basically all the other spinoffs were in the concept phase or just barely past it.
Now without further ado, I present Team VCTR (Victor)
The team is led by Violetta Arlotti. Vi had anger issues when she was younger, and her father started giving her combat training as an outlet, going against her mother's wishes. After being gifted her grandmother's old huntress weapon, she took well to the lessons and wound up enrolling in Beacon. During initiation she was partnered with Connor Gray and impressed the headmaster with her cool head under pressure, which is what earned her the leader slot. At first she was hesitant to accept, seeing the worst in herself and the best in her teammates she thought she was the least suitable to lead. But with time and communication her fears were abated, and now she has the utmost confidence in all of VCTR, herself included. She doesn't always make the right call, and sometimes her anger still gets the better of her, but at the end of the day her team trusts her to pull them through, and so far she's been successful.
Appearance: Dark purple hair (worn in a ponytail), green eyes, and a few inches shy of being the tallest member of the team. Her combat outfit consists of a sleeveless top, leggings, and a leather bracer on her left arm. She carries a pair of quivers filled with arrows, one filled with standard broadhead arrows on her back, and another with dust-treated arrows on her right hip.
Weapon: Crystal Rain shifts between two forms as needed. The first is a Glaive and the second is a Longbow. The most prominent feature is a green crystal that in glaive form is located at the base of the blade and in bow form it acts as an arrow rest. It can also collapse down for storage, folding to roughly half the length to be carried more easily. Semblence: Shockwave: Vi can use her aura to generate a blast of force that follows in the wake of her own or her weapon's movements, allowing her to functionally add a second strike to her attacks while the ability is active. While it technically can be used with any of her movement, its utility outside of combat is limited and it's difficult to manipulate the force of the shockwave down to something that is more finesse than destructive.
The next member is Conner Grey, who is the only one to have been aware of any of his teammates before joining VCTR; while attending signal he developed a crush on his classmate, Tanis Phaena. And while his outgoing personality and prominent sense of humor caught many eyes among the both the male and female populations at Beacon, his romantic endeavors were often short-lived due to him still holding a torch for his Faunas teammate. Connor takes it upon himself to keep spirits high among his teammates through a combination of trash talk, banter, and pranks. Despite this, the others know that they can rely on him when it comes down to the wire. And while he's the weakest, slowest (without his semblence) member of the team, only Tanis can match him when it comes to sheer tenacity.
Appearance: Hazel eyes and short, messy black hair. Rarely seen without his signature grey zip-up hoodie, paired with simple blue jeans for the regular day to day, or by a pair of cargo pants as extra storage for dust and if he's expecting a fight.
Weapon: Comitas & Gravitas, a pair of telescoping batons designed and built by Connor originally as a test of how simple of a weapon he could design and still get his teachers' approval. The simple bludgeoning weapons have concealed dust chambers allowing them to be charged with elemental effects when the situation calls for it.
Semblance: Air Cushion: Connor can create and manipulate thin layer of air around his body. On the extreme end of the scale this can provide an extra layer of impact absorption or affect the trajectory of incoming projectiles to mitigate their damage (though the margins for pulling that maneuver off are razer-thin). Generally though, it's used for maneuverability; by creating the cushion between himself and the ground and controlling the air currents within it, he can effectively create controllable, near-frictionless platforms under his feet that not only allow him greater movement speed, but the ability to change his own position and facing without losing momentum.
Member number 3 is Tanis Phaena. Born and raised in Vale, she was less subject to bullying than other faunas her age due to her intimidating appearance, but that didn't mean she had it easy. She was mostly ignored by her peers until she enrolled in Signal, where Tanis developed a false cheerfulness to shrug off efforts of the more courageous bad apples she ran into there. At her Beacon initiation her combat prowess earned the respect of her new partner Robert Morgan and thanks to his quietly intimidating presence combined with the open support of her other teammates her situation improved and eventually that false front was replaced with actual happiness. As a result she is fiercely loyal to her friends and endeavors to always stand up for them the same way they did for her. Appearance: Short, copper-red hair and amber eyes with slitted pupils. Green scales run from her hips and shoulders down the length of her limbs, with short but noticeable claws on her fingertips. The shortest member of VCTR, Tanis is built for speed and agility.
Weapon: The Gorgon Twins, a pair of katars she built at signal based on the recommendation of a teacher. The blades can split down the middle and retract to the side, allowing one or both to function in a more defensive manner as a kind of buckler and also revealing the hidden chakram launcher that provides Tanis a ranged combat option.
Semblance: Point Focus contracts Tanis' full attention down to a single opponent, slowing her percption of time so that she can attack with pinpoint precision giving her increased reaction speed. This is an extremely potent ability, but it severely limits her awareness of the wider field of combat. Increasing the range of her awareness while in her semblance is one of her biggest training goals.
Last but not least is Robert Morgan. Even at a young age, Rob was a prodigy. He was entered into youth fighting tournaments and quickly earned distinction and popularity as a duelist, becoming a household name in Atlas. His parents enjoyed their son's fame, and the money he earned allowed the family to move from Mantle to the floating city, but Robert himself resented the constant attention, and wished for a more private life. So rather than make his debut on the international tournament scene he traveled to Vale and enrolled in Beacon, where he mostly kept to himself. He respects his teammates' abilities and values their friendship (though he rarely admits it out loud), and while being part of VCTR has helped him come out of his shell, he still ultimately prefers the company of his own thoughts.
Appearance: Shoulder-lenghth shaggy black hair, brown eyes, and a strong, barrel-chested frame. Typically seen in a long red coat with metallic buttons and wide cuffs, which he wears left open with the sleeeves pushed up above his elbows.
Weapon: Satisfaction, a Cutlass that can mechashift into a flintlock pistol. Despite its appearance, the latter form does include a repeating dust-cartridge magazine, but the flintlock mechanism does need to be manually cocked back for each shot. The weapon also contains an additional dust mechanism that's used to generate smoke for Rob to use with his semblance.
Semblance: Mistwraith allows Rob to control (but not create) smoke, fog, and other visible gases and vapor. Provided he has enough to work with, he can do everything from obscuring sightlines to creating illusions from the mists, including duplicates of himself, his teammates, or his opponents. Mistwraith also allows Rob to keep the mist sustained and concentrated, even in situations where it would otherwise naturally dissipate.
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oddlyhale · 9 months
I need to ask hale since you analyze ironwood:
What do the fans hate ironwood’s prosthetics limbs?
Where did the hatred for it come from? It’s not even what ironwood did anymore, they are pointing out his flaws on his body and disgusting by it.
I just saw that recent post and I just wonder where is this hatred for prosthetics coming from?
I could understand the hate for ironwood (it is bad writing of course but I understand) but hating someone for synthetic limbs to help in society is bizarre?
I mean do they hate yang for having a metal arm? What about mercury and his metal legs?
I just… I don’t understand them and their unyielding hate for that.
I don't think they even care about Yang's prosthetic arm. She's just their token disabled character that happens to be their favourite blonde and white waifu, so they'll act gallant and think others are the "real ableists" because Yang is a trash character. They don't care about being progressive, they just want to have a one-up on characters they hate.
Yang is the thing that keeps their nonexistent scoreboard high, thinking they have an advantage to speak out against everybody else who is "bigoted" while believing they have the free pass to be as ableist, bigoted and racist as they want to be.
Ironwood is constantly targeted for his triple-amputated body, wishing characters like Ruby or Pyrrha would tear him apart and make fun of him for not being whole. He's not all flesh, much to their disgust, so they humiliate him.
It's also boasted by the stupid message that Miles said when he said Ironwood "lost his humanity" after losing his arm. Completely forgetting that Ironwood knew what he was doing and sacrificed his arm anyway to stop a villain. This still makes the scene afterward, where Team RWBY is acting holier than thou about Ironwood lying to bait in Watts, look stupid.
Full stop, Team RWBY would've happily let Watts continue to be a menace to both Atlas and Mantle if it meant saving their reputation. Ironwood didn't care about public reputation, as he's said openly.
By that logic, Yang is inhuman, but the fans will pitch a fit if you try to apply that. Because somehow that "logic" Miles put out there doesn't apply to their favourite waifu.
Same as people who don't really care about Blake being a minority. They'll make up edgy fantasies about murdering Adam and Emerald gruesomely but they'll say you're a "racist bigot" if you say one mean thing about their cat wife.
If there are progressives in the RWBY fandom, they sure do like being heavily bigoted at the same time, because I always have a hard time believing progressives exist in this fandom.
Then again, many of them are longtime Roosterteeth fans, and we all know how "woke" Roosterteeth "is" after all this time, hm?
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dextixer · 26 days
Yknow, at first i thought i would just make a thread telling everyone how manipulative this post about how "I dont hate critique but critique bad" is, to warn people about snakes in the FNDM hiding in the grass.
But then this utter clownshoes decided to invoke Monty, to talk about Montys wishes. To weaponize a dead person as a cudgel for a fucking internet argument.
This is why i hate most of the RWBY FNDM, because they are all sunshine and rainbows, all progressive, all nice people, or at least they portray themselves to be until they take off their fucking masks. And then all of these supposedly nice people reveal themselves to be manipulative ratfucks.
So, lets be very clear. If you invoke Monty in your shitty internet arguments, you are just a morally defunct person, you are lower than fucking trash. He is a deceased man. His corpse is not there for you to parade him like a fucking puppet for your own arguments.
The fact that it follows a fake ass "nice guy" facade is just the icing on the cake.
Despite the claims of the OP, they were not "suggesting that hate discourages people" they were being a snakey fuck by at first saying "Criticism isnt bad" and then outlining literally EVERY single tired anti-criticism buzzword phrase in existence. Everyone fucking knows that most of the time "Im not saying x is bad BUUUUUT" leads to the person revealing that, yeah, they are saying that X is bad. Its the most fucking elementary silencer for any argument in existence.
We have the ol reliables of
>"If you no like, just leave" >Conflating criticism with hate >Implying that people should not criticize passion projects >Implying that RWBY receives unique kind of criticism that no other thing does
Alongside that we also have some weird implications that RWBY is disliked for being "cringe" and of course, more instances of conflating criticism with "hate". If one pays attention they could easily spot a pattern, take a shot of your favourite drink anytime you see the word "hate" or its synonim when the supposed thread is supposed to be about criticsm.
As far as for the second part of the post that comes after my reply.
Criticism does not have to be constructive, its good when it is, but if a person can see something wrong, they can say its wrong without offering a solution. I dont need to be a professional doctor to see a bone sticking out where it shouldnt be etc.
And lets get back to the old sticking point "Oh, but why does RWBY have separate critic communities".
Because the fandom MADE it a fucking necessity! Just like with shows like Game of Thrones and many others! You think critic spaces or subreddits are some kind of never seen before thing before RWBY?!
The only reason RWBY has them is because of the fucking Fandom!
The RWDE tag on tumblr only exists because people were ASKED for criticism to be something that people could avoid, by tagging a post as RWDE anyone using this platform can easily blacklist the tag and NEVER see anything from it! And yet the Fandom instead of doing so CONSTANTLY comes into the tag, and then constantly bitches and whines about how criticism exists!
The critics subreddit exists because most people there were slowly pushed away from the main sub. It didnt START as that, but it became that when the mods of r/RWBY decided that instead of moderating discussions they would rather throw out all the critics because fans would NEVER behave in critical posts and would either mass report them or cause conflict!
Whether someone likes RWBY or not has NOTHING to do with personal morality. Its also extremelly ironic that there are constant "uwu, people say me bad because i like RWBY" claims with nothing to back them up while on places like twitter you can see RWBY twitter accounts say that anyone who dislikes RWBY is just a misogynist or the like.
I would rather take the most toxic critic foaming at the mouth about how RWBY is bad over people like op, ratfuck snakes who pretend to have no problem with criticism while sneaking in the same fucking anti-criticism shit into their threads.
I dont even criticize RWBY that much anymore and i mostly just tell the critics spaces to not even talk to the larger fandom, and its because of dipshits like the OP.
Because the RWBY FNDM is full of these nice presenting, nice writing manipulative jackasses who are just smiles and rainbows while saying the same tired bullshit as always. Just a reminder, just because someone is "polite" does not mean they are not full of shit.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Why “It could be better” is not used as legit criticism anymore, but just as attacks on a show.
"It could be better" is a statement that could be made about pretty much any show, any book series, anything. 
But if all you do is use that as an excuse to criticize without ever offering praise of the things you do like, you aren't a fan. You’re just insulting the media while claiming to be a fan to avoid being called a hater; a common tactic employed by RWBY Critics who harass fans while crying that they themselves are somehow victims of the RWBY Fandom.
 If I didn't just describe you, then I'm not talking about you, and you have no need to defend yourself because again I am not talking about you. 
If I did just describe you, look inward to solve the problem instead of lashing outward.
But at the end of the day, if you’re going to offer criticism in the form of “this could be better” you best be making sure you have good things to say in the first place.
I always find it funny whenever someone makes a post like this or talk about rwby critics, how much people act like they’re the most toxic person who can’t handle criticism, when post like these usually refer to people who aren’t in favor of the show and talk about how much rwby sucks or is trash and is a dumpster fire they can’t help but watch. Those people often disguise their hatred as a critique and think anyone calling them out on it, is you somehow not liking criticism when that isn’t true at all.
When it becomes all you are talking about, you never have any praise, your feedback is overwhelmingly negative, why keep watching? You are wasting your own time and everyone else who actually enjoys the show and has to put up with your constant whining then.
Like I said, to be considered a fan of something, you have to actually like it. To paraphrase a wise man, if it isn't enjoyable, why bother?
Here, let me show you what I saw.
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novankenn · 1 year
"Ozpin's Fault - AU"
A Morning Surprise (3/4) - (965 Words)
(Tumblr exclusive "Remake" of Oops My Bad posted on AO3)
Pyrrha had yet to move from where her brain and body had shut down, when Nora and Jaune exited the bathroom. Jaune still looked extremely, almost mortally embarrassed, and as soon as she was clear of the door, she bolted for her bed, and wrapped her blankets around her.
"See, fearless leader... no issues." Nora had a huge smile on her face, as she turned to face, her lifelong friend. "So what's next? Breakfast?"
"Clothes for Jaune, but considering your last out burst..." Ren tilted his head towards the statue like posture of Pyrrha, "Our champion has shutdown."
"Well," Nora closed on eye, and tapped her chin with her index finger, while acting as if she was assessing Jaune. "She and I are about the same height, she's a little thinner than me, but her bust and hips are close. My stuff should fit her fine."
"What about her tail?"
"You still have your sewing kit?"
"Of, course."
"Problem solved." Nora turned her attention from Jaune to Pyrrha, whose face was getting redder and redder by the second. "Or... one problem solved. I don't think we should leave Jaune-Jaune alone with Pyr-Pyr... she might break her."
"You haven't helped the situation with a from the bathroom broadcast about Jaune not wearing underwear at night."
"Told you she was thirsty." Nora gave Ren a grin, before she winked at him and then moved towards Pyrrha. Nora guided the Mistralian champion to her own bed, before she started going through clothes, seeking out an outfit that would be suitable for Jaune to wear.
"Just get Jaune a Beacon uniform, Nora."
"Jaune-Jaune is too adorable... a Beacon uniform will look like trash on her."
"It's happening, and then we're going for breakfast." Nora pulled out to Ren's relief a rather modest sets of undergarments, followed by one of her normal skirts. "Here, make the alterations, and then scoot out, so us girls can have some privacy, okey-dokey?"
Ren just sighed, and went to work. The modifications would be a little rough, but Ren was hopeful at least they would be comfortable for Jaune to wear. As the pair continued to work, Jaune buried herself further into her blankets, and Pyrrha sat unmoving, her lips forming soundless words. It took Ren about fifteen minutes to make the alterations, and as soon as they were done, she was shoved out into the hallway.
As he was waiting, the door to JNPR's sister team RWBY opened and the eclectic collection of girls appeared.
"Ren, why are you out in the hall?" Ruby asked, as like the rest of her team was a little surprised to the sight of Ren without Nora.
"Vomit Boy finally putting the moves on, P-Money?" Yang asked with a wink.
"Don't be crass, Yang." Weiss admonished the blond brawler.
"Where' Jaune?" Blake asked as her sensitive ears picked up something from inside the room, a second later she was curled into a ball holding her ears in pain.
"What the HELL?" Yang shouted after the glass shattering scream ended.
Ren didn't waste a minute, in passing his scroll, the one he was at some point going to call the infirmary with, over the door lock. As the door swung open, everyone heard...
"Ren and Ruby poked their heads through the doorway, finding Nora standing in front of a closed bathroom door, and a cherry faced Pyrrha wringing her hands, looking totally dejected and mortified.
"Do I want to know what happened?" Ren asked, totally knowing that he definitely wasn't ready for whatever chaos had just occurred.
"It seems, Pyr-Pyr is EXTREMELY thirsty..." Ren was sure Nora was using her annoyed voice.
"I couldn't help it! I'm sorry!" Pyrrha whined.
"What did you do?" Yang asked as she too poked her head through the door.
"She gave Jaune-Jaune's hooters a squeeze while saying beep-beep." Yep, it was confirmed. That was Nora's annoyed voice.
"She what?"
"I offered to let Jaune return the favour." Pyrrha tried to defend herself, knowing full well she had no defence.
"Um... she what?" Yang asked again.
"Are you okay, Jaune?" Ruby asked after entering the room and moving to stand next to Nora.
"I need an adult!" was Jaune's reply.
"Your voice sounds off." Ruby commented as a finally recovered Blake, assisted by Weiss also poked their heads into the room.
"Is NO ONE going to answer HOW P-Money beeped Jaune's boobs?" Yang asked. "When did Vomit-boy get boobs?"
"What?" Weiss and Blake asked, their gaze falling directly on the very uncomfortable looking four-time champion.
"I said I was sorry." Pyrrha mumbled.
"We've missed breakfast." Ren reported after checking his scroll. "And if we don't get moving, we're going to be late for our first class."
"We still have a few minutes for breakfast. I'll meet you in class." and with that she vanished in a whirlwind of rose petals.
"I'm missing pancakes because of you..." Nora's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Jaune get that bubble but out here, NOW! Momma wants pancakes!"
"No!" Jaune shouted back, in a voice that Yang, Weiss and Blake were sure was higher sounding than normal. "I've been defiled!"
"What did Pyrrha do?" Weiss stuttered, her eyes wide in shock.
"As I already said..." Nora took a breath. "Pyr-PyrturnedaroundwhileJaunewasinherundies,andrushedovertobeep-beepherboobies!"
"What?" Weiss and Blake both asked.
"We're going to be late, and our first class is with professor Goodwitch." Ren moved into the room, and knocked on the bathroom door. "Jaune, I know you're embarrassed, but we need to be on time for class."
"No, I'm very comfortable and SAFE in here, thank you very much!"
"It's with Professor Goodwitch, she's already not happy with us because of the food fight..."
"Not leaving! Just tell Aunt Glynda I'm having my period!"
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rwde-chibi · 1 year
Consider this: the fact RWBY has this subsection of a fandom dedicated to harsh criticism will fascinate people. I mean, so many YouTube video grilling the series, Reddit posts, whole Tumblr tags, etc.
Wouldn't that make you curious as to what sort of show would inspired such rage? At worst, you get total trash that's not even the entertaining kind. At best, you find that it's... good actually and that you cannot get the critics.
13 Reasons Why was a controversial book but it exploded in discourse come Netflix's adaptation. A lot of the criticism seemed "valid" yet I wanted to see the show for myself based on the show and the fact that it was big enough to get a second, third and fourth season.
It is now one of my favorite TV shows in the past decade. Would've flown past my radar if it hadn't inspired such passions from video essays, therapist videos and so on.
The same even happened with the RWDE. I won't name names but a certain critic of FRWBY has spoken how the intense hate towards the series led her to get into and geniunely enjoy it. So... yeah. Nice job fixing it, chief.
BTW, if RWBY or RT should hypothetically just stop... what would you do?
This mindset entirely ignores that people are often criticizing the show because not a single member of the “FNDM” holds Rooster Teeth responsible. As soon as Bumblebee happened the whole fandom stopped talking about the abuse the workers experienced because RT held a shiny keychain in front of them and suddenly human lives meant less than pixels on a screen.
Trying to spin the continued existence of a show that only exists through the abuse of workers onto people criticizing the show is also a really interesting way to shift the blame off the people who ACTUALLY contribute to keeping the show running despite the abuse in the people who buy their merch and who watch the show through means that drives up their engagement. You can say “well people criticizing the show gets more eyes on it”, but that’s not enough to sustain a show for 9 years, and it’s more likely the people who whaled for Amity Arena, or bought Arrowfall, or buys their shoddily made figures are the ones who actually show enough interest in the show continuing to justify them continuing to abuse their workers to keep it happening. Foisting the blame onto critics when the fanbase slobbered over RT for having two women kissed and ignored that they hurt real people in real ways constantly for years is ridiculous.
Lilith is an example of exactly that, someone who doesn’t care about the people who get hurt by their actions as long as they are right, and their needs are satiated. For all her bluster about how much RWDE hates women and only likes white men, she sure is defending a show built on the abuse of minorities by straight, white men and women.
What would I do if RT and RWBY stopped? I’d continue living my life, I don’t post about RWBY that often and what I do post often takes about 5 minutes to put into words. The idea that to be “RWDE” you have to be obsessed with RWBY is laughable.
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greentrickster · 1 month
Physically forcing myself not to write anything else for 'Got a Light?' today. Because I actually never stopped writing it, I just stopped posting about it after the intro section was finished.
I can't help it, though. @fullbattleregalia wound up in this fandom and writing fic as well, and the two of us act as something of a perpetual writing machine when that happens, especially if we end up with the same favs like now.
Also, I've been writing in an almost exclusively linear fashion for the majority of my writing for the past nine years (thanks to Ningenkakushi and Saturation). Being able to sit down and just write whatever scene I feel like writing at any given moment, regardless of its place in the timeline, is fun! It's so liberating!
Plus, the pen is mightier than the sword, and in this case, since I'm in the RWBY fandom at the moment, this is in part because the pen is also a gun! And I have chosen to take most of canon out back and shoot it with my gun-pen! Will anyone other than Regalia be interested in a story focused on Torchwick and Neo that completely disregards 99.999% of anything that happened after season three, completely redid Ozpin's backstory, trashed the relics and Salem, and also Torchwick did die in the attack but he's a ghost now because I know the story of Stingy Jack and was inspired, and also also Pyrrha survives but it's still a Pyrrhic victory for her, and also also also Weiss managed to skip town and is thus traveling with Team RNJR and Qrow?? Who knows! Who cares! I want to read it! Regalia wants to hear it! Canon is dead, and I am the one who killed it! With my gun-pen! Wheeeeeee~!!!!!
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min3nc · 8 months
Another rwby ask but with the otp game
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
7. Who is more sentimental?
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
oh my babies. My literal OTP. So, let's imagine this is set after they defeat Salem.
Sleeping Habits
Look, the two of them are very busy women - What with Ruby being the leader, Weiss being a perfectionist and the leader's partner. So I imagine Ruby staying up and Weiss hanging around doing her own thing... Until they realize it's 1 AM and they gotta get early the next day to do SDC Ceo and The Hero of Remnant things.
They realize later that that's not healthy at all, and force each other to go to bed. Sort of an "I love you more!" contest but for bedtime.
Who is more sentimental
Ruby. But not because Weiss is a stonehearted gal, because Ruby is very open about what feels after the Ever After. Weiss though - She still hasn't gotten used to communicating her feelings.
She tries! But... She's still getting there yet.
Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them
Weiss is the one who gets nightmares the most. She has nightmares about Atlas for the years to come. She dreams of the fall, of Cinder almost killing her for the second time, of having to keep Cinder at bay while giving Jaune enough time to kill Penny, of Winter's pained look as she falls, having to see Ruby attempt to kill herself for their sake...
It's too much, at times. Weiss trashes in her sleep when she has nightmares, so Ruby gets up immediately and gets her something warm. Some tea, because even if Weiss prefers coffee, there's no way she's gonna have caffeine at 3 in the morning. Sometimes Weiss won't go back to sleep, and a sleep-deprived Ruby will follow her around going "Go back to beeeed, Weeeeeeissss".
Post-Tree Ascension Ruby thankfully deals with them better... they still make her wake up at night and sometimes keep her from going back to sleep, but it's not as paralyzing anymore. She does slightly better than Weiss... which doesn't keep Weiss from holding her in her arms until she goes back to sleep again, drawing circles in her back with her fingers as she soothes her.
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tumblezwei · 1 year
As someone who reads shonen especially trash shonen RWBY is if shonen was for women (I haven't watched it)
I'm pretty sure that this is meant to be an insult, but I'm choosing to take it in good faith because I love RWBY and my opinions are always correct.
I can't really call it shounen for women bc that's a bit of an oxymoron. But it's as close to what the OP of that post wanted as they could possibly get. It has action, deep relationships between women, deadbeat dads and daughters with complex relationships to their mothers, queer people, majority female cast, interesting world building and themes.
Now if only people would stop lying about it online and we could all have fun in peace.
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