whitleyschn33 · 8 months
Not reblogging because I don't want to derail their posts, but Kitkat's and Burgers' discussion of clothing in RWBY makes me really want to see Edna Mode: Remnant Edition. I want to see how unique fashion can be created using materials designed to actually withstand abuse and work with the Semblances/fighting styles of the user ala The Incredibles so bad. Add in the devastatingly-underutilized concepts of "all of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura" (which would include their uniforms/clothing) and "embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique", and a character's choice of fashion could be just as much about function as it is form and actually aid them in their fights.
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laserdog10 · 8 months
Ruby, Jaune and Sun, I felt like those three are more like main characters. Aside from being leaders to their own teams, I think there's more to them than just goals to become huntsmen. For Ruby, struggling to become the leader while growing up, with Jaune learning from his mistakes to improving to follow the legacy of his ancestors, and Sun trying to make amends to his teammates in the books. What do you think?
Ruby and Jaune are spot on, but seeing as the books are god awful and I don't consider them canon at all cause they did Team SSSN so fucking filthy it's not even funny.
However I do agree that Sun's journey as a Huntsman should have indeed been about him maturing and taking things more seriously. I don't agree that he's a bad Sun Wukong allusion, just that RT handled him poorly (like everything in their damn show). Sun isn't a terrible leader, but he was definitely getting there to be his best and we never saw his progress because it was relegated to books that focused way too much on CFVY and also assassinated CFVY as characters.
Coco was honestly fine before the books, and I feel that as a second year IIRC, she could have given Ruby, Jaune, Sun, and dare I say Cardin some pointers on how and what to strive for as Team Leaders, and she subsequently learns from them too.
Cardin I feel is a complicated case since in canon he's really just the simple bully archetype, yet we here that he stayed and helped protect Beacon when shit got rough, and I say that could've been the perfect time to turn him into a Eddie Brock/Flash Thompson type person and realize he needs to shape up and atone for his previous behavior. Cardin's not a bad person, he's just a jerk that needed to wisen up but we unfortunately never got to see that.
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caddeter · 1 year
Skimming through the RWDE tag after the Volume 9 final aired reminds me of how the FNDM will defend the show by saying ‘people make mistakes’ and ‘the writers are only human’ because now the show seems to be sending that message.  It also reminded me that I wrote over 1000 words explaining why I think that’s terrible.
‘People make mistakes’ is the absolute worst argument in defense of something that I have every heard. I find it even more insulting than the infamous ‘don’t like, don’t watch,’ because it implies that putting effort into your craft is optional.  What this argument says is that I am in the wrong for expecting anything more than garbage. You are legitimately saying, ‘It could have been better, but you’re wrong for saying so.’  Yes, I realize that nobody is perfect and that they are going to screw up every now and again.  That’s why I’m criticizing it.  I mean, when was the last time you heard people get criticized for doing something right.
This argument of ‘people make mistakes so you can’t complain’ also ignores the moment after, where they look back on what they did wrong and learn from it.  That’s why we make mistakes, so that we can grow as people.   Why should we try to improve ourselves if we’re already ‘good enough.’ ‘People make mistakes,’ is a fact of life, but that does not mean we should throw up our hands and give up all attempts to get better and it certainly doesn’t mean we should accepting bad stories.
But enough about my philosophy on mistakes, let’s talk about this one, specifically how situational it is:
Twilight is recognized across the globe as one of the worst books ever written.  Even ignoring the way it bastardizes the concept of Vampires, it’s a story that reads less like a romance and more like a drug addiction. The lead characters have all the chemistry of a brick and a dead rat.  The relationship it tries to push as beautiful and grand is downright abusive at points.  And this isn’t even getting into all the misogyny and racism and pedophilia in those books.  But people make mistakes, so I guess we shouldn’t hold it against Myers.
Sword Art Online is one of the most infamous anime there is.  Despite its large following, whenever someone looks over it with a critical lens, they come to the conclusion that it’s utter crap.  The plot and worldbuilding are inconsistent. The characters (Kirito especially) exist more to fill out roles in a fantasy than as actual people.  It’s all about making Kirito look good and ensuring he comes out better than when he came in, no matter what.  It goes out of its way to include some kind of sexual assault of the lead female character in a given arc with no respect for the subject matter, to the point where it’s hard to tell if Reki Kawahara thinks rape is the worst crime a man could commit or if he has a fetish for it.  But people make mistakes, so the critics are more in the wrong for making videos on it.
In spite of (Or rather, because of) its troubled production, Sonic 06 is one of the worst video games in existence.  It’s so glitchy, it borders on unplayable.  The story is bland at best, flat out terrible at worst.  The new characters it introduced were all unlikable for one reason or another.  Level design was horrendous and boring.  People have made numerous videos and blogposts explaining why it is one of Sonic’s worst games, if not one of the worst games period.  But people make mistakes, so we should stop complaining.
Post season 4, Spongebob Squarepants took a downward dive.  Characters became little more than one unlikable trait.  It crossed the line from mischief to malice, so good characters suffered while the bad ones triumphed.  It was extremely evident that they had already run out of ideas, because they kept rehashing the same episode plot over and over again and needed to pad out some episodes.  But people make mistakes, so they should never have tried to fix this.
Lucy is the most boring movie I ever sat through.  It’s just ‘This girl gains reality altering powers, be amazed at how easy everything is for her.’ There is never any point where she is in any sort of real danger or anything actually threatens her.  She loses all empathy for her fellow man and has no problem throwing them away like broken toys (In an Asian country when our main character is white, mind you), yet it expects you to see her as the good guy throughout. Instead of being terrified by her rampage, it expects you to be amazed.  And maybe that would have worked if it used said reality altering powers in more creative ways.  But people make mistakes, so I guess it’s a good movie.
I could go on for ages and never run out of examples for any given form of media.  And this is all ignoring examples that are actively malicious, like stories that are intentionally sexist, racist, or homophobic.
And then there’s that other group of people this argument conveniently doesn’t apply to:  The critics.  If people make mistakes and you think we should just ignore that, then you can’t challenge the critics on any ground, because they made a mistake by talking about the writer’s mistakes.  If we are not allowed to judge your writer, then why are you allowed to judge ours?
Not to mention how this logic is almost self-refuting. When you say this, what you are saying is that the only thing wrong with the criticism is that it is criticism.
Furthermore, this argument also somewhat undermines the effort other artists and writers will put into their craft in order to make something as best as they possibly could. If we should all just accept when someone fails to make something good, then why should we recognize how Fictional Games ensured that Amnesia The Dark Descent had an atmosphere which on its own could leave you terrified rather than relying on cheap jumpscares?  Why should we praise Tatsuya Endo’s writing for blending heartfelt, humorous, and action-packed when he wrote SpyXFamily? Why should we celebrate Avatar the Last Airbender not just for its amazing story of multiple cultures coming together and strengthening one another, but also for its fully realized and fantastical world?
By saying that we should accept mistakes and that it’s wrong to criticize bad writing, you wind up saying that all of their effort was pointless.  Why bother trying to make something as best you can when people will accept anything?  If we’re not going to pay attention to what a story or writer did wrong, why should we pay attention to what a story or writer did right?
‘People make mistakes,’ means just that, that people make mistakes.  So how about we treat those mistakes as mistakes and hold people accountable for them, rather than act like everyone and everything is perfect and infallible?
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crystalsandbubbletea · 5 months
People who complain that RWBY has bad writing and that Blake x Yang was "too sudden" have clearly never seen Lore Olympus and Helluva Boss.
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pungent-things · 9 months
In hindsight, I really wish I had gotten into Touhou Project instead of RWBY.
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
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you have the power to end these patterns
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Why didn't I do this first?
Original under the cut
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Clyde, I’m angry because they’re doing it again. They had the opportunity to make a complex situation and they’re making black and white again, Clyde. I’m not happy. I’m very angry, Clyde. The fact that Jaune isn’t allowed to lash out for a second when a village he was protecting was destroyed while Ruby can bitch and moan about a burden she placed on her shoulders really makes me fucking angry, Clyde. Duck this SHOW. Christ.
I feel you 🤣
I do understand the fans - RWDE included - who are fully anti-Jaune because yeah, in the grand scheme of things it's a problem that he is again allowed to hog the emotional spotlight when we've got a cast of four to develop. But within the non-meta context of the story and what we have to work with... hard agree. My problem with the focus of Ruby's meltdown isn't simply that she's complaining about something she actively took from others with horrific consequences (though that is a huge part of it), but that it's explicitly pitted against the death of Jaune's village. Yes, we can infer that Ruby is upset about a lot of things - like Penny - but that's not what's written in this scene. So what you end up with is:
Jaune: I'm lashing out because the family I've been protecting for years in my unimaginable isolation have all been killed and my supposed friends are calling me crazy and won't even acknowledge that this is a true loss
Ruby: I'm lashing out because my self-imposed leadership has gotten too hard for me to handle and my teammates haven't noticed that I'm crumbling under the authority I demanded others grant me
The middle part of that is the only part of Ruby's meltdown I agree with - yes, her teammates have been awful to her since landing in Ever After and I HATE that Yang's sisterhood/Weiss' partnership/Blake's supposed pride in Ruby have all but disappeared - but that's only a small part of her underlying complaint which is... that she got what she wanted? Ruby wanted to call the shots and now she's pissed that people expect her to call the shots. Like yeah, you can (and often should) write a character who regrets their choices, but if they don't acknowledge their agency in those choices (which Ruby veeeery much hasn't) they just come across as a selfish asshole. Which is also a great archetype! ... just maybe not in the supposedly innocent, pure soul meant to be a pretty simplistically good hero?
Then you toss in the fact that Ruby's meltdown is contrasted with Jaune's and things look so much worse. Ruby is regretting her own choices. Jaune is grieving countless deaths at the hands of an established villain and the narrative's uncomfortable suicide metaphor. These are not the same. These are not even CLOSE to comparable and the only way you can try to weigh them equally is if you a) toss in all Ruby's trauma which explicitly isn't brought up or b) buy into her idea that the Paper Pleasers are "make believe" and therefore their loss is of no emotional consequence. Sorry, but that doesn't work for me in a story that (originally) positioned Penny as a person despite not being human AND in an episode that JUST had the girls prioritizing the Paper Pleasers' perspective over Jaune's. The story can't criticize Jaune for not listening to the highly-articulate, autonomous beings and then also claim they're nothing but insignificant figments of his imagination. It's one or the other. If the Paper Pleasers are "human" enough to treat their desire to die with respect, than they're "human" enough for Jaune to grieve the hell out of when they're gone. Plus, I know a lot of people won't buy into this because we didn't see the relationship develop on screen, but Jaune spent years with these non-human people who act innocent and silly and a little bit "dumb" sometimes. That sounds a lot like Penny! If Ruby is subtexually lashing out because she's still grieving a non-human friend she had for a year and two-ish months... why would we expect Jaune's grief to be any less after loosing a whole village of those friends after years of living together? He's grieving countless Pennys all at the same time, after all that time being alone. This basically takes Ruby's situation and magnifies it by a hundred: what if you had LOTS of friends die and the world ACTUALLY forced you into being the hero (Jaune becoming the Rusted Knight) and instead of just being ignored for two days, you were without your friends and family for two decades?
Seriously, Jaune's situation is a lot like Ruby's situation just with trauma squared - right down to him being a leader - except he didn't bring much of this down on his own head. Having these two meltdowns in the same scene isn't just a problem because Jaune gets more emotional screentime, it's a problem because I can't take Ruby seriously compared to the insane horrors Jaune is enduring beside her.
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unofficialadamtaurus · 10 months
I don't always agree with a fair chunk of current rwde-ish talking points (mainly WRT how dirty Jim Ironwood was done & how much the protags Fucked It Up dealing with him), but the fanbase's 'this is a tragically maligned masterwork' wags absolutely downplay the hell out of its wonky civil rights messaging. And the willfully deaf ears turned toward all that disclosure about Arr Tee's office scumbaggery are even more contemptible.
I have so much more respect for the fans who essentially say “this thing and its makers are flawed, sometimes deeply, but the this thing still brings me joy” than the ones who essentially say “this thing and its makers are perfect because it brings me joy.”
Acknowledging flaws ≠ hating something
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kitkatopinions · 13 days
Will you be posting your RWBY rewrites and other fanfics on Ao3?
Ahh, unfortunately, I'm not planning on it for the moment. If I ever did sit down to write up a RWBY rewrite, I'd think about posting it to AO3, but I'd have to weigh the pros of getting to share it with everyone with the cons of giving the anti-rwde stalkers a new place to harass me on where I haven't blocked like a thousand accounts. XD
In the meantime, most of the fanfiction I write is like... Too unpolished and long and not-keeping-continuity-ish to publish. You have no idea how many times my sisters that write with me and I will realize glaring mistakes we forgot about that we shrug off, or get done writing a scene and just 'find a linebreak' instead of ending the moment in a more thought out way, or get totally off track writing random arguments or conversations with useless information. XD That's all fine for non-published stuff, but if I did publish fanfics, I'd want to make more polished ones.
Maybe someday, though!
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saltwukong · 2 years
The entire plot point surrounding Ironwood becoming a bigger threat to the mains then Salem herself.
Send me a plot point in Volume 8 + your opinion on it so I can radically alter your already-bad perception of a terrible season of RWBY.
Here's the thing about that plot: it's a torpedo.
People have the wrong idea when they, in the depths of their rwde thoughts, say that Volume 8 was the plan trailing from Volume 7, and it was just poorly-executed. Poor execution was not the problem. Miles and Kerry said multiple times throughout the Volume 8 commentary that Volume 8 was what they had originally planned for Volume 7, and motherfucker, do I believe it. There is no real attempt to lead James Ironwood into Jack Tincan, antagonist of V8. Ironwood's heroic journey in Volume 7 starts on Chapter 2, and ends on Episode 11--9 and a half episodes, versus half of one--seven-ish minutes, maybe ten total--meant to basically try and throw a sheet over all of it and make way for incoming nonsense.
Volume 8 was made with no fucking regard whatsoever for Volume 7, in a manner that makes it clear that Miles and Kerry felt no need nor any obligation to account for new material inbetween what they'd already written and what was incoming. The 'poor execution' isn't just all there is: it's a bunch of writing habits and patterns that were absent throughout V7 returning with a vengeance 11 episodes in and littered throughout V8. They almost certainly took the reigns back after letting Burkhart and friends pen one and only one season of the show.
That's a thing that unfortunately happens even with authors writing the whole work solo: they have an ending in mind and already written, and they just refuse to change it despite interim material dictating that yeah, sometimes you have to change it.
Ironwood and Salem are the biggest proofs of this. Salem has a hilariously small part in a volume that was allegedly built up to be her entrance to the war she was fighting with the heroes, yet she literally never leaves her ship and Ironwood never meets her in person. They never even think of one another at all. Miles and Kerry never intended them to. Salem herself was a bit player--they wanted a villainous Ironwood, and damn it, they were going to have one, and to hell with anything that got in the way--including Volume 7 and including the big bad of the whole fucking story. The nuke that eventually menaces Mantle starts off intended to blow up Salem--and was probably going to do exactly that in someone's drafts, hence MK's scribbling over that with highlighter and inserting the Ozpin Cane Nuke From Nowhere to get that job done so that Ironwood could try to blow up Mantle for...no reason whatsoever since the fight was already won.
The pettiness is astounding.
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whitleyschn33 · 2 years
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As much as I have -100 hype for this volume, I will say - the poster art is pretty well done.
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lunatriense · 1 year
I wanted your feedback on something based on your status as resident rwde Pyrrha lover: while Schneekos can work well, I’m less inclined towards it than Ruby x Pyrrha or Blake x Pyrrha because Weiss idolizes Pyrrha in a way canon establishes Pyrrha dislikes. That being said, if the proper time and development was put into it and Weiss moving past that, I could see myself loving the ship. Do you know any stories that do that development well?
Well, I have one I've been writing (very slowly) that I think does a decent-ish job, however I'll admit that part is a bit rushed as it was intended to be a one-shot that then grew into something more, so they're already together by the end of the one-shot portion 😂 But they're both still growing and working through things. Aside from that, there's a modern AU called Erosion that has a nice development for them, but the rest of the Schneekos fics I know of don't put a whole lot of focus on that aspect.
That said, I also quite like Pyrruby and Purrha, and you're right that show!Weiss doesn't make a great first impression. I read it as her having been raised in an environment where flattery and the seeking of strong alliances was just expected, and having more than a bit of a crush on Pyrrha, so kinda falling back on what she's used to and royally screwing things up.
If anyone else has any recommendations, please feel free to share them!
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invincibleweasel · 3 years
Really hoping whoever the Summer Maiden is gonna be, isn’t gonna be a completely new never seen before character destined to die. Like, if you are gonna give spotlight to a non-main, at least give it to someone the audience already cares about to an extent. We already have a billion unused characters, no need for more, instead use the ones you already have, RT.
Give me Summer Maiden Ilia. Give me Summer Maiden Coco or Velvet.
Give me Summer Maiden Arslan or Reese.
Give me any member of NDGO as the Summer Maiden.
I’ll take any of those over a brand new blank face that will die in a volume or two. Amber, Vernal and Fria all died in the same volume they were introduced which effectively made their deaths lacklustre and have no lasting impact. And yeah, half of those characters I mentioned earlier are technically as unimportant as the Maidens but their existence had been established beforehand. They’re not completely new characters, they’ve had 3-7 years to gain a following, people care about these characters. Which would make it hit even harder if they were to die, losing the powers to whomever took them or whatever. 
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crystalsandbubbletea · 10 months
New introduction post!
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Welcome to Crystalsandbubbletea's blog!
Pronouns page for easier navigation (Now includes fandoms I'm in):
Info + Other blogs under the cut
-Aliases/Names: Crystals, Crystal, Bubble Tea, Bubble, Tea, Mint, Rian, Rain
-Age: 17
-I have ADHD, Autism, PGD (Prolonged Grief Disorder), possible PTSD. I am also a furry and therian.
-I'm Indigenous American (Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma)
-I'm transmasc nonbinary (They/Xe/Ve/Zir pronouns), and also Trixic, Demiromantic, Demisexual (mildly sex-repulsed though-), and Polyamorous!
-I do follow a religion, however it's a religion that I founded (I only made one post about it, as I don't want my blog to go too deep into religion in case if people are uncomfortable/have religious trauma)
-Birthday: March 7
-I have two dogs, Bubble and Squeak are their names (And Squeak is part cat /hj)
-Traumagenic system (Will introduce the others later)
What my blog contains: I post incorrect quotes, art (Note: I reblog my art from my @crystalsandbubbletea-art blog), things about my book series, political things, ish that happened in my life, occasional vents (Please filter the tags "#crystals vents", "#crystal vents", "#bubble tea vents", "#bubble vents", "#tea vents", and "#rian vents" if you don't want to see my vent posts), things about the fandoms I am in, photos about projects I did, rambles, rants, queer things, and neurodivergent things.
Fandoms I am in: Baldur's Gate, RWBY, Red vs Blue, Halo, Percy Jackson, Andromeda Six, Murder Drones, Helluva Boss*, Hazbin Hotel*, Doctor Who, Demon Slayer, Hollow Knight, Warrior Cats, Undertale + Deltarune, Astroneer (Slowly getting into it-), and Fundamental Paper Education
*Note: I do NOT support Vivziepop, she's done way too many problematic things + Based Alastor off of cultural appropriation
Fandoms I don't like/VERY THIN ICE: My Hero Academia (The cultural appropriation in that fandom is intense-), Countryhumans (Specifically the shipping + NSFW side... Y'all need to look at the politics and histories of those countries your shipping, and I don't think it's ideal to ship land masses and make NSFW about them-)
Custom tags: #crystalsandbubbletea, #crystals ish, #crystal ish, #bubble tea ish, #bubble ish, #tea ish, #rian ish, #crystals storytime, #crystal storytime, #bubble tea storytime, #bubble storytime, #tea storytime, #rian storytime, #crystals vents, #crystal vents, #bubble tea vents, #bubble vents, #tea vents, #rian vents, #crystals asks, #crystal asks, #bubble tea asks, #bubble asks, #tea asks, #rian asks, #legacies by crystalsandbubbletea, #crystals sighs into the void, #crystal sighs into the void, #bubble tea sighs into the void, #bubble sighs into the void, #tea sighs into the void, #rian sighs into the void, #crystals rambles, #crystal rambles, #bubble tea rambles, #bubble rambles, #tea rambles, #rian rambles, and any tag with the names of my OC's
⚠️DNI: NSFW blogs that don't tag their content as NSFW, anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-Furries, anti-Therians, anti-Semitic, Islamophobes, Zionists, people who fetishize minorities, people who misuse tonetags, ableists, racists, TERFS, radfems, radqueers, anti-abortion, fatphobic, Wilbur Soot defenders, abuse defenders, victim-blamers, tag NSFW things on the asexual tags, RWDE (Y'all are the most racist, homophobic, fatphobic, and ableist people I have ever met), bodyshamers, transmeds, "LGB drop the T" (Y'all are hypocrites, we have rights BECAUSE of Trans people, specifically BLACK trans people), exclusionists, proshippers (Trauma related reasons-), anti-Cluster B Personality Disorders, Southern Baptist Christians (Trauma related reasons once again), people who think it's okay to send death threats and/or suicide threats, AI "artists", AI "writers"⚠️
Boundaries: Don't call me 'slut', 'cunt' or 'whore' even if it's a joke, don't flirt with me even if it's a joke (Trauma related reasons I'm not too keen on talking about)
THIN ICE: Countryhumans fandom, My Hero Academia fandom, people over 25 (Just don't be creepy please-), people who don't tag reblog bait
Other blogs:
Art blog: @crystalsandbubbletea-art
Blog for my fanfiction series: @the-official-legacies-blog
OC Ask Blog: @crystals-ocs-ask-blog
Clangen blog: @crystalsclangencorner
Berat blog: @berat-adil-emre-yukime
Warriors rewrite blog: @crystals-warriors-rewrite
Lore Olympus AU blog: @crystals-lo-rewrite
Gimmick blogs:
That's all! Have a great day! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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(*Cough* Also I make posts about my Indigenous American heritage *Cough*)
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anonarat · 5 years
You know what. I feel like throwing caution to the wind after being in hospital.
Can someone please explain to me why Bumbleby is so popular?
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