#ryan talks education
ryan-sometimes · 4 months
Hot take: Schools need to start failing students again. In recent years schools and teachers have been discouraged or even punished for failing students. Students who are technically failing are simply being passed from grade to grade without ever being given time to catch up.
When I taught 6th grade earlier this year, many, MANY of my students were several grades behind. It's actually easier to name the ones that WERE on grade level. All of them were being advanced into 7th grade, even though many of them were barely in 4th grade in terms of academic progress. And this wasn't just the school where I taught, it's all over the place.
So many students are so far behind that teachers simply cannot catch everyone up. There aren't enough teachers or hours in the school day to both catch up students to past grades and keep them on track of their current grade. They need to fail. Failing is the only thing that can catch them up.
There are students graduating high school right now who are still in middle school academically.
Failing students is harsh, but necessary. It gives them time to catch up academically which students desperately need right now.
How are these students expected to thrive in college, where failing is an option? Where there's nothing to stop them from failing?
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ferromagnetiic · 10 months
"Heard you can control magnetism and I can't help but wonder how that works exactly. I mean technically all matter is magnetic, some more than others, but you catch my drift." Undeterred the brunet genius carries on. "So are you creating your own magnetic field then and can manipulate how electrons interact with each other or are you limited to the usual type of ferromagnetism? If it's the latter, do you need a certain percentage of, lets say iron, in a material so your powers have an effect on them? Or does it not matter?
To say that Tony thought about this a lot would be an understatement.
[Feel free to ignore this if you want, he's just been curious and wants to know everything about Kids powers >:) ]
          【 UNPROMPTED ASK. 】                      @ravarui 【 Tony 】
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          It's not often someone takes the time to inquire about the mechanics of his devil fruit ability, and it's even less often that he answers them sincerely. On occasion his nakama have tempted him with the question, though more often than not, the individual asking hasn't been expecting a sincere explanation and they tended to give up trying to make sense of him halfway through. Kid remains notoriously terrible at explaining things. He works on visuals and feelings, and has a tendency to leave out important details; he gets irritable when people don't already know the basic principals he's relying on and he has to go back and explain things further. Most commonly, anyone who investigates how his abilities function will get a clipped answer something along the lines of ❛ Because I ate a rotten fruit, now quit worryin' about it. ❜ Over time, similarly to a father who does not have the energy to explain complicated subjects to their infant child, he started to give up on trying to go into graphic detail of how he was able to control magnetic properties, and tends to not even bother.
This time, it is not his loyal friends asking him at all. It is a total stranger, no less, and his paranoia of what consequences may occur if he provides untrustworthy people with too much information is rearing its ugly head. He doesn't know this guy, so why should he hand out all his secrets to him for him to use as his pleases? Why should he give him an opportunity to use his honesty against him? Distributing free instruction manuals for his devil fruit powers to anybody who asks is a horrible idea, and this particular man in question doesn't exactly strike him as someone stupid enough to find this information utterly useless. He's composed, well kept, displaying a degree of quiet confidence that doesn't need to be boldly stated. Kid can read his intelligence in the way his eyes move — focused, attentive, but yet somehow simultaneously distracted, as if he's juggling multiple thoughts and ideas whilst still effortlessly managing to carry their conversation. He reminds Kid of the people who have the ability to both read a book and speak to others at the same time, without one action compromising the other. People like him put him on guard. The ones who didn't need to demonstrate their intelligence were generally the most dangerous.
Maybe he was an undercover marine? His clothes didn't match, but that didn't prove his innocence. His well-groomed appearance seemed like something a marine would want to don, anyway. He should dismiss the question and tell him to fuck right off and leave him alone. None of his business, was it?
He seems to know what he's talking about. At least, more than the last person who tried to make sense of Kid's powers. He wondered how much he could even really do with the most basic walkthrough of how his magnetism functioned. Understanding a concept didn't necessarily make that information particularly helpful, after all.
Besides. Something about this man was intriguing to Kid. He could sense something he couldn't name; a very particular energy that he can't pin down. At the very least, he detected no active hostility from him. Kid considered himself to be fairly good at reading people when he wanted to — this is partially due to honing his haki to be especially sensitive to the auras surrounding a person and recognizing how to detect any malice in their intentions, but additionally, it was also simply a learned behavior that stemmed from having a dear friend who could not regularly show his face. He learned to understand body language in order to adapt for his sake. Movements. Tone of voice. Choice of wording. This man was not giving off obvious signals of being an enemy, at least for now.
Kid watches him for a long time. He sucks his teeth, making an audible clicking sound with his tongue when he releases them. He's trying to decide if it's worth it or not.
Well, maybe an incredibly vague rundown of his powers wouldn't be the worst thing. He could leave out anything that might be readily used against him, and he could stop if the stranger started probing for more than he was willing to offer. Even if Kid didn't trust him, he did pique his curiosity.
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     ❝ Ya answered yer own question. 'S like ya said — everything is kinda magnetic; just not always enough to do a whole lot with. ❞
There's a slight pause here as he shifts on his seat, leaning his right elbow to rest against his knee. He deeply exhales as he moves, in a way one might expect from a much older gentleman, rather than a healthy young man in his early twenties.
     ❝ Ya know all about atoms, don't ya? I ain't gonna explain that shit if ya don't. ❞
He should, since he already brought up electrons. This isn't necessarily a subtle insult. Multiple members of his crew had a limited understanding of basic scientific principals due to their upbringing and home environment. It wasn't unusual for his question to be answered 'no', and at which point, Kid was quick to lose interest in continuing the conversation. Trying to tell someone that there are tiny little specs smaller than dust that made up everything in the universe sounded like the nonsensical ramblings of a madman. The only reason he even knew about the existence of atoms to begin with was because Old Man Ketil had taken the time to tutor him, even if he hadn't been particularly happy about it at the time.
The stranger doesn't stop him, so Kid continues.
     ❝ Atoms have their own force fields, right? They got their core — their nucleus, protons, neutrons — then ya got the space around them, these little... loops, I guess. Yer electrons spin and orbit and make these electrical rings that circle them. When they move in the same direction, that's their magnetic field, right? This charge that goes all around the core. ❞
He can already feel himself struggling to tell what areas should elaborate on, and what he should skim over. He wonders how long it will take for the stranger to give up trying to follow.
     ❝ It ain't like I can see atoms or some shit; that's not what my fruit does. But I don't need to, 'cause I can feel those loops. See, the Jiki Jiki no Mi, it gives that magnetic charge a physicality. It makes it tangible. Makes ya more aware of it being there. So every one of those loops stops being this force ya can't touch, and instead it's like, they're all made of strands of thread, or silk or somethin'.      Ya try to touch one strand of silk, it's just gonna break. Ya can't move anythin' with one strand of silk. But when ya get a fuck ton of those strands all together, and ya grab them all at once.... ❞
To demonstrate, he makes a tight fist with his right hand. In conjunction, an empty, partially crushed beer can that he had earlier discarded on the ground then begins to levitate, moving closer towards him and hovering just inches below his enclosed palm; it deliberately swings, almost as if he's trying to make it resemble a yoyo on an invisible string.
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     ❝ — That's how ya make rope. Then ya just gotta tug that rope in the right direction. Ya gotta decide if ya want to attract or repel, and it's like contractin' the muscles in yer arm. ❞
He squeezes his fist closer towards his bicept at this, tensing the muscle fibers below his skin. But then, he slackens, and releases his fist entirely, letting the can immediately succumb to gravity and fall to the ground with a tinny clang.
     ❝ Anyway, that's why it ain't easy to, say, control blood through the iron cells. The iron is too diluted; not enough to grab onto. Doesn't do shit. ❞
The average human being has approximately around four grams of iron in their body, though the exact quantity depends on a large number of variables. When that's dispersed, there isn't a whole lot of force to be created from moving those individual iron molecules. What created significantly more force than moving those four grams of iron was Kid's fist, punching them in the gut at full strength and rupturing their spleen. However, that didn't mean he wasn't capable of magnetizing the human body at all; since his devil fruit's awakening, he has since acquired the ability to do just that.
     ❝ — But if ya can give tangible loops to any atom, ya can start makin' the whole person into one huge magnet, and ya don't have to worry about findin' the right cells to single out. Ya just start screwin' with the electrons to stitch stronger loops to all the atoms, even if they're usually too weak to do anythin' with. ❞
The problem with that was the energy expenditure required to create a significant magnetic field for almost every individual atom that made up a human person, as well as the concentration it took. It was a work in progress, and admittedly, even just being able to do it for a short amount of time was impressive enough; but this skill is still in its primitive stages, and requires significant work before it is honed to its fullest potential. He still has yet to master isolating oxygen atoms in order to repel them from a person's body and suffocate them, for example. When it came to ambitious desires, Kid always preferred to go big. He longs for the day that he can control the entire world through its geomagnetic field. He impatiently waits for the day that he can hold the entire Earth hostage, if such a thing were possible. He has visions of controlling the tides of the seas through the movements of the moon, and the ground would split apart at his will, because the stranger was right — magnetism is potentially present in all things, if he is only able to utilize it, manipulate it, and create that which he needed in order to control anything he desired. Playing God has nothing to do with it; he just enjoys tearing things apart for the sake of seeing how they work.
This is an awful lot of time spent on conversing with someone he doesn't even know. He doesn't feel particularly compelled to elaborate in too much more detail beyond this, though the explanation is certainly missing some key elements. Manipulating the shape of magnetic materials was more complicated than simply moving an object around in the air, and involved more focused work on pinpointing individual areas and applying force to alter the structure of the metal, as if he were playing cat's cradle. Altering the patterns of electrons and changing the relationship between north and south poles were other topics that he didn't need to bother with right now. Whatever. He got his answer. Maybe's Kid would give him a few crumbs more if he bought him another beer or something. Dinner, maybe. Was he even listening? If he wasted all that time yapping to this guy and he wasn't even paying attention, Kid might just shoot him in the head out out of sheer annoyance.
     ❝ Ya get all that shit, Buttercup? ❞
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reareaotaku · 1 year
so I had a though what if the Barbies and the Kens actually had private parts but actively avoided them (think, using etc)?
Like Barbies do have boobs and you can see that the Kens have nipples. Also dolls - as far as I remember - had panties, craved in, panties.
I believe in the movie they talk about how they don't have genitals. Though, let's say that they do have privates, what would happen? Also ignoring the second part
Pleasurable Sin [Headcanons]
Yandere! Ryan! Ken x Fem! Reader Tw: Smut/Nsfw, Masturbation/Jerking Off, Ken has a dick! 🔞18+ Content due to dark and adult themes. Read at your own risk
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The Barbies are more sexually aware/have a sexual education
The only reason the Kens don't ALSO have a sexual education is because they don't take it seriously [Also, they're not really getting laid]
There are no diseases, STD & STIs, because there's nothing to give it to them if that makes sense?
They are humanized versions of their doll personas, meaning they have human bodies and need food, water, air, etc
The Kens are very sexual
Your Ken, Ryan, is always touching you and humping you, quite literally
The first time Ken jerked off he had no idea what he was doing
He grabbed the base/shaft and slowly moves up towards the tip. He slowly picks up the pace, which causes him to groan. He really liked the feeling and speeds up. He quickly speeds up when feeling his lower intestine tighten up and then cums all over his hand
He's out of breath and excited with this newfound pleasure
It makes him wonder if you also feel like this
He's completely clueless and thinks you also have a penis
"Well, don't you pull on it too?"
You look at him confused, before laughing at him. He blushes, embarrassed, feeling like a fool."
"We don't have the same genitalia, you know that right, Ken?"
"Of course I do... So what does it look like?"
Once he does figure out what jerking off and how good it is, he does it a lot
When you rub against him, it's like seeing stars
It feels better when you rub him than when he rubs himself
Man will do anything for you to touch him
He's very loud and cries during sex
He'll cover his mouth when your mouth is wrapped around him, because he doesn't want anyone to hear him
Suck him like a lolipop, it's like a treat for him
Barbie Dreamhouse Ken would care about your pleasure
Ken is so excited and sometimes forgets to please you
He moves so fast and energetically
Though, if you tell him, he'll be more cautious, because his biggest fear is you not loving him. So, when he does realize that he's been upsetting/displeasing you, he's scared
While he does enjoy the feeling of being inside you, if you show any discomfort, now that he has eagle eyes on you, he'll be quick to ask what's wrong
He's willing to do whatever you're up for
He's also really easy to turn on
If Boner Alerts existed, his would go off anytime you're near
You don't even have to do anything; You just talk a certain way/Lean into him just a little to far/ You look at him a certain way... Well, it all works and he gets excited
He gets really sad when you say no, but is willing to do it by himself. He'd rather you help him, but it's okay, he'll just use his imagination
Oh boy, does his imagination run wild
Good thing Porn doesn't exist in Barbie Land, because he'd be wanting to do it all with you
While he does love 'Love-making', he doesn't think about it constantly. Sometimes he loves the way you look in the sunlight. You look beautiful when you smile. Your laugh makes his heart beat and his skin gets those goosebumps. A shiver runs up his back when you look at him like he's the only man in the world
There's no one else like you. Yeah, the Barbies are pretty, but you are one of a kind and you're the only person who owns Ken's mind
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boujiestpoet · 5 months
Oh that's not pt 4
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Summary: Lando starts dropping cryptic love messages in his instagram, getting fans excited until they discover who he is talking about, and he HARD luanches his new (not really new tho) girl.
Faceclaim: The one and only Ryan Destiny
Genre: Social Media/ Real life
Taglist: @dutifullyannoyingfox
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Amara the poet
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💬❤️ liked by landonorris,mclaren and other 600,00
Amara_thepoet: Throwback Thursday, I joked about moving to LA for my acting career, he never let go since
landonorris: 😘
f1wags: So cute
flonorris1: I remeber he came home in tears 😂
↳ maxfewtrell: He took so long we left him ↳ landonorris: Why would you tell them that? ↳ Amara_thepoet: 😲 ↳ flonorris1: 🤷‍♂️
sam: Not them jumping on Lando
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Hey....hey how y'all doing? I sincerly apologise for not posting but I'm back, education almost took me out but I can finally see the ligh by the end of the month.
This is the ast chapter for the Oh that's not series, I feel in the future I will make a rewrite.
Thank you for reading I hope you liked it, any adviced is welcome just give feedback nicely.
Taglist: @dutifullyannoyingfox
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night at the museum puppet history au
okay so
Ryan is the new night guard at a children's history museum, it's full of funny puppets most roughly the size of what the new professor puppet is now (some smaller, some bigger)
and much like Larry, he very quickly finds out that these puppets come to life at night and i mean, yeah he freaks out, it's life-size puppets coming to life, that's not exactly non-creepy
Shane is the curator of the museum and likes to make jokes about how the puppets seem to have a life of their own sometimes (Ryan isn't sure if he knows about what happens at night in the museum but Shane absolutely knows)
The main point of the museum is that it hosts various educational talks about history appropriate for small kids right and Shane is just one of the many puppeteers (he usually controls the Professor) but once Ryan makes friends with the puppets, the Professor and co. like to teach Ryan about the more obscure and non-PG history that we get in the actual show (idk about you but cannibalism and death is not exactly kid friendly and the Professor has been dying to tell someone about all this history he knows)
that's all i have for now
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
so why do i still long for a home? - ryan leonard ☆
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wc: 1.5k
tw: family angst, departure, leaving, arguing
ryan leonard x oc hughes sister!
death by a thousand cuts au
frankie's summer had been going amazing.
the girl finally felt like herself again. scratch that, the better version of herself. she was finally happy, and life once again held purpose for her, she felt like she had finally found her passion after searching so long to find it and that was the best feeling for the hughes girl.
she would admit that the hours were long, but it was nothing compared to the hours of 'torture', as she would call it, in the rink.
she had everything she'd ever wanted; a job she loved, loving friends, and a passion.
"I have to talk to you," summer said, coming into the brunette's room with a nervous look.
summer had liked her summer so far, only liked. of course, the girl was having a good time, but she didn't know if she held the same passion for modeling that frankie held. she wanted to return to bc in the fall, and that seemed to be the farthest thing on her best friend's mind.
"okay, shoot," frankie said, closing her laptop and focusing her attention on the blonde in front of her.
"have you thought about what you're gonna do in the fall?"
frankie had gave it thought. she'd given it a lot of thought, and she knew her answer almost instantly. she wasn't stupid; she knew summer wanted to return; she was just hoping to push off the conversation for a little longer.
"not really," she said, pushing the strand of hair behind her ear. everyone who knew the girl knew it was a habit she did when she wasn't telling the truth.
"I have, I want to go back to bc, and I know you don't, and that's okay. you can still stay here, you know my dad loves you-"
"i'm not staying here without you. part of the reason I'm having so much fun is because I'm doing it all with you. I'll just follow you back and find something else I'm supposed to do," she told her best friend.
"I think this is what you're supposed to do, frankie," she said as frankie sighed.
"i think it is too. but i'm scared. it's all becoming too real, and I don't know how everyone's going to take it," she said, thinking back to everyone's face when she told them she'd be moving to new york.
"you're dropping out?" her mother said, with a look of peer disappointment while her dad and brothers looked at her like she had three heads.
"i'm just going to try it out, nothing's for sure" she tried to smooth it over
"that industry is dangerous, frankie," luke said. the hughes brothers knew that a lot of those models either go crazy on drugs or go crazy trying to look better; they didn't know how they would feel about their little sister joining that whole scene.
"I only want to try it; if I don't like it, I'll return to bc in the fall," she said as she looked at her parents and brothers, who were all looking at her with worried eyes.
"are you running away from something? are you having problems with ryan? that's not a reason to just up and leave and change your whole life-" jack said.
"i'm not running away from anything-"
"seems like it" luke added with a scoff as she furrowed her eyebrows
"i really want to do this-"
"I don't like it," her father said, cutting her off, finally speaking.
"that's enough, frances. we've watched you throw away hockey, we're not watching you throw away your education as well. you don't have hockey to fall back on anymore; you're going to need a career, and moving to new york and partying for a living isn't," he said as her brothers held wide eyes. it was rare that their father ever raised his voice to scold them and even rarer for it to be directed at frankie.
"I'm eighteen; if I want to do this, I will-" frankie said with a shaky voice, raising her own voice.
"yeah? with what money? i'm not going to support this move frances! and god knows that city is expensive-"
"i already have a place to stay, and I have money saved up. I'm going whether you guys like it or not," she said, standing up and going to her room, slamming the door in the process.
"jim, that could have been handled better," ellen said once she was out of earshot.
"she's gone crazy!" the dad of four said.
"no, she hasn't. she's trying to find herself, and if doing this helps her, then maybe it's a good thing" she said before standing up and following after her only daughter.
"can i come in?" ellen asked with a knock.
"If you're coming here to change my mind, you won't," she said once her mother opened the door her back faced towards her.
"i know you won't. you're a stubborn girl. I just want you to remember that everyone in this house loves you and wants what's best for you, that's why hearing this news is a little scary, to say the least, but I'll always be standing beside you with a big sign and balloons no matter what you do" she told her as frankie burned holes into the wall. ellen waited for her to say something, but the stubborn girl did nothing.
"i'll be waiting for when you want to talk," she said softly before shutting the door.
frankie took a deep breath before sitting up and getting up to pull out her suitcase. she knew she couldn't stay here. they all looked at her like she was glass that was bound to break and she couldn't take it. thankfully she hadn't fully unpacked and only needed a couple of things.
the girl waited for everyone to head to bed before slipping out. she was startled when she saw quinn sitting on the island eating a bowl of cereal. the oldest hughes looked at her and down to her bag.
"you're leaving?" he asked his littlest sister as she nodded.
"you have to tell them, they're gonna worry-"
"I left a note," she said, continuing her way out the door, only for quinn to follow her out.
"frankie, don't leave. dad didn't mean to yell at you; he's just worried. we all are-"
"i have to do this, quinn. i'm not going to spend the rest of my life wondering 'what if'. I won't do it," she said, shaking her head as quinn sighed.
"at least let me drive you; you heading to the airport?" he asked, looking at her passport in hand as she looked at him suspisoucly.
"you'd do that?" she asked. quinn and her had never been the closest. he was six years older than her, and they were always at different stages in each other's lives. she was only nine when he left for the program.
"yeah, I'm not letting you take some sketchy cab," he said before grabbing his keys.
"thank you," she said, mumbling into his chest as she hugged him.
"just promise me, you won't be stupid out there, and if you ever need something, you won't hesitate to give me or any of us a call," he told her as they got into the car.
"okay" she said with a nod as they drove away from her home that hadn't been feeling much like home.
that had all been about a month ago. she had yet to speak to her dad but had exchanged a couple of check in calls with her mother and brothers but hadn't really spoken to them. 'needing space to be free' as she liked to call it.
part of her understood where her family's worries had been coming from. a lot had changed in little time. their daughter and sister, who seemed to love hockey like the rest of them, quit out of the blue, and now she was basically dropping out of college. to anyone, that seemed like an episode, but to the girl, it was her life.
the other part of her, though, didn't understand. her brothers left school, jack didn't even go, and they had been nothing but supportive of them. so why couldn't they just support her?
she knew her descion was not only going to cause an uproar within her family, but with her boyfriend as well.
she had barely seen ryan since school ended. he had been busy with the development program, and she had been busy with shoots. the two rarely got to talk. she had been feeling distant from him, and she knew he felt it too. he also still held hope she'd return to bc in the fall
"i'll always be here for you frankie. you need to stay here and live out your dreams," summer told her as she took a deep breath.
"I love you," she said, hugging her best friend.
the two girls stood there wrapped up in one another while the brunette didn't know what was to come for her. afraid of change, but excited for the new beginnings she was about to embark on.
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covid-safer-hotties · 30 days
Long Covid activist Meighan Stone didn't want to take her mask off. After pressuring her multiple times, an ER nurse called security on her. This public health failure happened at Sibley Hospital in D.C. These incidents are happening on a regular basis now as mask bans and proposals spread from L.A. to New York. You're not going to hear much about it in the news. When you do, it's framed as a problem for the vulnerable, with blue fascists freely associating masks with crime and hate.
None of the handful of stories that discuss these mask bans mention that we're currently in the middle of a deep Covid surge, at a million cases a day. None of them talk about mask bans in the context of Long Covid in adults and children.
A widely cited study declaring "strikingly low" rates of Long Covid in children was recently retracted due to major flaws in methodology. The researchers who pushed for this retraction are heroes and champions of truth.
Is the media covering that?
Not really.
To their credit, Time did recently run a very important piece on Long Covid in children, focusing on a recent study published in JAMA.
Here's the highlight:
They estimated that 20% of the previously infected younger children and 14% of the previously infected adolescents met that threshold [for diagnosis]. Kids infected before the Omicron wave were especially likely to fall into the Long COVID category. Those numbers are higher than some previous estimates—for example, a recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report concluded that only about 1% of U.S. kids had had Long COVID as of 2022. But other studies have come to similar conclusions, estimating that somewhere between 10% and 20% of kids who catch COVID-19 will develop long-term complications.
Media outlets like USA Today and NBC are also covering this study. For once, major news networks are devoting attention to something that deserves it. Of course, they're doing it after years of running stories blaming children's school performance and developmental delays on smartphones and lockdowns.
Earlier this year, The New York Times published a misleading, biased story on the "long-lasting" harm of school closures. And The Washington Post recently ran a story also blaming absences on everything except Long Covid and immune system damage. Even Education Week has run pieces attributing weak academic performance to school closures and stress, not the virus itself. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Pick a magazine or newspaper and you'll find stories like these, but very few talking about the ongoing harm of exposing children and teenagers to Covid. The ones that do are almost always sitting behind a paywall.
Absence speaks louder than words, and not just about Covid.
In 2022, barely 1 percent of all corporate television focused on climate change. That was, in fact, a record high. A year later, it fell 25 percent. That was 2023, the year we surpassed 1.5C of warming for all practical purposes. It was the hottest year in recorded history, and also the worst year for climate disasters, costing us $600 billion in the U.S. alone. Entire countries shut down because it was too hot for work or school. All that, and the corporate media spent even less time talking about the problem. Meanwhile, one columnist after another published long screeds against doomers and fearmongers, insisting that we still had plenty of time to turn things around.
A compelling piece by Ryan Hagen breaks down the unsettling relationship between western news media and the fossil fuel industry. As he points out, internal reports from companies like Exxon celebrate their campaign to turn liberal news outlets like The New York Times in favor of their own industries, convincing the public they were working hard to shift toward renewable energy when the plan was always to use it like icing on top of a cake made out of coal.
Tireless work by Amy Westervelt has chronicled the impact of these campaigns. As her research shows, climate change has morphed from a topic that 80 percent of the public felt an urgency about to, now, a divisive issue and a point that most people would rather not talk about. On top of that, think tanks like the Atlas Network have made a major push to criminalize peaceful climate protests and turn public opinion against activists. A Yale study found that more than 60 percent of Americans hardly ever hear anything about climate change now.
And if you bring it up...
You're a doomer.
There has been a concerted effort across the internet to paint anyone who actually cares about the future as a deeply unhinged fearmonger. Meanwhile, social media giants like Meta have relentlessly censored information about Long Covid.
Have you noticed?
Nate Bear pulled the curtain back on how the media works roughly a year ago. As he puts it, "A lot of the stories you see in the headlines are the result of a PR agency. And depending on the news, the PR agent might not send out a release en-masse but “sell in” the story as an exclusive to just one outlet... Every day a proportion of all news you read starts at just a handful of these agencies."
PR firms are constantly wooing journalists, creating an atmosphere where conflict of interest is more of a feature than a bug.
Caitlin Johnstone did a thorough breakdown of mass media bias. Perhaps the most egregious example: MSNBC reporter Krystal Ball leveled blunt but accurate criticism of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and correctly predicted that she would lose against Donald Trump because of all her neoliberal baggage. In response, the Clinton campaign threatened the entire network "not to provide any access during the upcoming campaign." The head of the network told Ball that she "could still say what I wanted, but I would have to get any Clinton-related commentary cleared with the president of the network."
So, she couldn't say whatever she wanted.
Johnstone cites a piece by Jeff Cohen in Salon that also outlines the peer pressure, groupthink, and careerism that dominates the newspapers, magazines, and mainstream news networks in the U.S.
As she further explains:
Journalists either learn how to do the kind of reporting that will advance their careers in the mass media, or they don’t learn and they either remain marginalized and unheard of or they get worn down and quit.
Christopher Hedges, who left The New York Times after a written reprimand for criticizing the Iraq War, has gone on to describe in disturbing detail how the U.S. media caters to the Israeli government, continually overlooking its war crimes. An outspoken critic of U.S. policy, Hedges has endured persecution for speaking the truth, including the cancellation of his news program for defending other writers and real journalists from charges of antisemitism.
Another outspoken critic, Mehdi Hasan, was dropped from MSNBC for speaking out over Palestine. As Sharon Zhang wrote after the decision, "Hasan has been one of the only news anchors on a major broadcast outlet speaking up against Israel's brutality." He was also one of the few news anchors who told the truth about Covid. As Hasan recently made clear in The Guardian, it's imperative for Democrats to take a stronger, pro-humanitarian stance on Gaza and break with Biden's approach, which has sparked outrage and disgust across the left.
Hasan makes a remarkable point in this column, looking to history for cues about how Democrats need to act to ensure history.
It's not vibes.
It's guts.
Nobody really remembers Hubert Humphrey, LBJ's vice president who lost the 1968 election to Richard Nixon by about a percentage point. It's a lesson worth talking about. Humphrey was losing badly because he couldn't stand up to his own party, the Democrats, who were actually very, very pro-Vietnam War. He managed to close the gap considerably in the 11th hour of the race, finally standing up to his own party and promising to end the war if he became president. Hasan wonders what would've happened if he had trusted his gut sooner.
Well, history gives us a few clues. After all, Nixon did end the war. In the decades since, the Vietnam War has gone down in history as one the biggest mistakes the U.S. ever made. Psychologists use it as a case study of entrapment in escalating conflicts. It's a touchstone used to rate our other failures.
Time and again, history tells us that doing the right thing actually serves political expedience far more than vibes.
Democrats could ensure a landslide victory if they would just take a clear stance on our biggest threats and challenges. They could be honest about Covid. They could stand up against mask bans. They could stand up against genocide. They could renew their promise to take on climate change.
We're not seeing that.
Instead, we see the same groupthink and indirect censorship that dominates the news media. It's not a surprise, given how entwined they've become.
Look at what's happening to Taylor Lorenz.
Outlets like The Washington Post and NPR, who pride themselves on their devotion to democracy and diversity, have assailed Lorenz for referring to Biden as "a war criminal" in a private social media post.
Here's the worst part of NPR's story:
Lorenz has also courted controversy, online, in print, and in real life. During the peak of the pandemic, and since its ebb, she has inspired mockery from conservatives over her insistence on wearing masks, even outdoors. She has cited autoimmune issues as the reason.
Look at the verbs here. Far from objective, they describe Lorenz as "insisting" on wearing a mask "even outdoors," and then frame her autoimmune issues not as a reality but as a reason, almost an excuse. For the record, multiple studies have shown that Covid spreads outdoors, especially at crowded events.
This is what writers and real journalists deal with as they try to do the right thing. It's disturbing to watch.
Both Jared Yates Sexton and Sarah Kendzior have expressed an ambivalent reluctance to get on board with the vibes as the DNC hosts their national convention. The kindest thing Sexton can say is that "It was a masterful feat of political theater" as organizers clambered to put down pro-Palestinian protests during speeches and tilted cameras away from violence and toward more soothing, therapeutic shots of Tim Walz with his family.
As Kendzior writes, "Today both the Democratic and Republican parties operate on cult logic, which means they sometimes have the same policies, but wrapped in different rhetoric--because cultists will abide anything so long as their leader is the one pushing it. Policies they would protest if they were carried out by the other side are suddenly deemed acceptable when pushed by their own."
The same goes for media coverage.
It's worth pointing out that Kamala Harris no longer supports a ban on fracking. She no longer supports a single-payer healthcare system, otherwise known as "Medicare for all" which would provide healthcare access to everyone. Her stance on border patrol and police funding have all shifted right. The media signs off on it, saying "Progressives said they’re disappointed but still support her as she works out the best strategy to defeat former President Donald Trump — even if it means leaving their cause behind."
But it's not just causes getting left behind.
It's human beings.
Is it simply a desire or a wish that nurses don't call security on us because we want to wear masks at an ER, like Meighan Stone? Do we have to leave our human rights behind so we can ensure our human rights?
Do we have to lay down our lives for vibes?
That's the current groupthink.
So there you have it.
The media doesn't report the truth. They spend about 1 percent of their time on things that actually matter. Politicians cater to an underinformed public, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that leads to nurses calling security on immunocompromised patients for wearing a mask, while newspapers and networks fire real journalists for daring to do their jobs.
It's really something, isn't it?
It doesn't help when readers and viewers complain anytime someone salts their mood with the truth. In an era where free, independent content matters more than ever, it's also harder than ever to come by. How are content creators supposed to tell the truth or talk about things that matter when they're constantly being reprimanded, penalized, and punished every time they try?
We desperately need a free press, and we need a public that supports a free press and not silos of dueling echo chambers.
You get what you support.
It's that simple.
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waitmyturtles · 5 days
Final Thoughts on The Trainee! (TL;DR That Last 4/4 Quarter Was a Major Fumble, But It Didn't Ruin the Whole Show For Me)
I had promised my friends @lurkingshan and @shortpplfedup that I honestly wouldn't write too much about The Trainee while it was airing, because I was mad sus about the crew of this show. Many of the crew of The Trainee had worked on an ill-fated GMMTV het drama called UMG, which aired last year, and which starred Nanon Korapat, Namtan Tipnaree, and Milk Pansa in an unfortunate, chemistry-devoid love triangle. It was a flop and I never finished it.
I had thought to think about where this crew came from about four episodes into The Trainee, when I realized that the MO of this series was to center not Ryan's and Jane's budding romance, but the inner workings of an office, and the infrastructures of making filmed content instead.
UMG was framed in a similar way. While the show struggled to contextualize romance among its characters, the center of each episode was actually about describing concepts regarding extraterrestrial life -- things like crop circles and whatever. (There were aliens in this show.) (Dammit, I can't find a gif of the aliens!) (Here's Milk with some boogie eyes instead, whatever.)
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As @lurkingshan wrote often during her watch of the series, The Trainee was ultimately a workplace BL, and I'd add to that that it was meant to serve as an educational series to GMMTV's unique audience. I wondered, early on in The Trainee, if I was just too damn old, as a working professional, to be an audience to this show. GMMTV's audience, of course, skews Gen Z and maybe very-late millennial -- GMMTV's shows are equivalent to shows airing on MTV or The CW by way of its majority audience market.
I certainly had a lot of experience by way of how interpersonal relationships mostly played out in this series (although I reeeeeally needed Judy to acknowledge her kissing Ba-Mhee and to talk about it, the way Jane acknowledged the power gap between him and Ryan after they started dating).
But, honestly? I ended up LOVING the breakdowns of how creating filmed content works, especially in regards to how viscerally and intensely these concepts were depicted.
And The Trainee stepped into some other territory, y'all! Many of us had intense discussions regarding bisexual inclusion and erasure once Tae and Ba-Mhee got back together. These concepts are sophisticated and important to ruminate on -- again, especially for a younger audience being fed most binary male-male and female-female queer media and concepts by a giant like GMMTV, which makes a ton of money on branding same-sex actors together. Queerness has a lot of spectrums, and bi inclusion was something I was glad this series unexpectedly took on.
So, against all this good stuff, that last 4/4 quarter sucked. I felt terrible for Ryan's 20-something hormones. Jane went to get a masters', and didn't even *call* his.... his boo? (Ryan wasn't Jane's boyfriend, obviously, maybe we could call Ryan his crush, his boo-boo, whatever.) Like. Jane didn't even come back to Thailand to visit, ever? Come awn now. If a show is feeding realism to a young audience by way of how corporate workplaces work, and how the art of an industry is made, at least please make the final romance a little more realistic!
(All y'all 20-somethings who were watching this show and wondering if you should wait five years for a potential boo to come back from overseas, please listen to your auntie here, GO DATE OTHER PEOPLE. Don't be like Ryan. Focus on *YOUR* NEEDS. This has been your reality-based PSA.)
But the rest of the finale was lovely for me. Jo, to me, was a realistic boss. He had a priority in keeping on Jane as an assistant director, because Jane was a great assistant director, and served well in that role, which served well for Jo's company. When Jane expressed an interest in growing, Jo knew that Jane couldn't do it in Jo's shadow -- and Jo said so. Jane taking a risk to LEAVE is a kind of risk I've had to confront time and time again in my own career, as I grew out of a workplace, and grew out of what that workplace was demanding of me. It's a wonderful notion for young people to contemplate on -- that movement in one's career must be first and foremost driven by the individual themself, for the sake of their own accountability to their growth.
I was thrilled to see Sea Tawinan in them white pants Ba-Mhee and Tae's engagement, Tae setting guardrails for himself to focus more on Ba-Mhee, and omg Pie's and Ba-Mhee's breakdown had me howling. Poon's a new fave as well. The Trainee confirmed my continued deep love and appreciation for Piploy, I think she's cute and great-great.
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I truly enjoyed this show. The crew ultimately de-centralized romance for most of the show to focus on how work lives and personal lives realistically intertwine. We are the same people at work as we are at home, with all of the messiness we bring to those tables, including unrecommended romances that may traverse age and power gaps. Things can get messy, but I think, other than the whole Judy thing and Jane ghosting Ryan for years (wtf man), The Trainee handled that messiness with empathy for the young people who did a lot of growing up during the course of this series.
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thevelaryons · 2 months
You said Corlys in the show doesn’t do well at politics. Care to elaborate? Because I do agree. Something seems off about the show portrayal but I don't know how to describe it. Been a while since I read Fire and Blood but I recall Corlys being a scheming character always at the heart of the politics in the war.
Yeah, Corlys’ characterization in HOTD has been heavily changed from F&B. The show portrays him as more of a rough warrior type whereas the book had him as an intelligent politician. Back when the show first aired, I tried viewing it as a mixed canon because Ryan Condal was saying that HOTD is the true telling of the Dance of the Dragons. But then GRRM came through with his two separate canons statement. Saved me a lot of headache trying to reconcile show!Corlys’ actions with that of book!Corlys. They are just two very different characters at this point. I would say that HOTD has very purposely altered the characterization in order to use Corlys to prop up other characters.
Season two barely gave Corlys any screentime, so I'll just focus on season one moments that I remember off the top of my head.
A statement like “history does not remember blood; it remembers names” is show only. Its purpose is to depict the character as ambitious at the cost of family. But book!Corlys is repeatedly portrayed as a person willing to sacrifice his ambition for the sake of family. As a result, the show gave us a character with great ambition but none of the cunning of his book counterpart.
This scene from episode 5 is a prime example. Season one has a couple different scenes where it looks like the characters around him are talking down to Corlys, and this is one of them. The show makes it look like Corlys has a real say in this matter, but if you watch how the scene is presented (the characters’ mannerisms), it’s Viserys who controls the topic. Whereas, Corlys appears humbled and at a loss.
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F&B does have instances where the naming of the grandsons is decided (it’s first name discussed there not last name like in the show). It’s a very subtle change but it sends a very different message. The book presents Corlys as the one who holds the authority of deciding the names of his grandsons.
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The fireside conversation between Corlys and Rhaenys in episode 7 has both of them not understanding politics. There’s talk of making Laena’s daughter heirs, but since Laena was younger in the show, the only way this could be done is by disinheriting the older brother, Laenor. Somehow, neither of them think of just betrothing the children to each other (even though that’s often the solution to 80% of these Westerosi nobles’ problems). We get the line about Corlys saying “history does not remember blood; it remembers names” in reference to the succession of the Driftwood Throne. But previously in episode 5, it was discussed that Jace would change his name to Targaryen instead of Velaryon upon becoming King. So it’s not even the ‘Velaryon’ name that will be remembered (and no the first name being Velaryon doesn’t count/eg. Daeron the Young Dragon has a Velaryon first name from his Velaryon grandfather but he is still viewed as a Targaryen because of his last name). In Westeros, there are examples of characters changing their last name to that of the ruling family if they come into a leading position but were part of a different family originally. So Corlys’ granddaughters would simply use the Velaryon last name upon ascension to the Driftwood Throne. Knowing something basic like this would probably be part of highborn’s education. Even the relatively lowborn Littlefinger in the main series knows this, as evidence by his suggestion of Harrold Hardyng changing his name to Harrold Arryn upon becoming Lord of the Eyrie. In the show, Corlys apparently doesn’t know this.
This specific scene between Luke & Corlys in episode in 7 is based off a book scene between Jace & Viserys.
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While show!Corlys can be considered a person acting in order to protect the children, so was book!Corlys and he was very politically competent about it too. This change is not too terrible because Corlys does eventually come around to the idea of Luke as heir, but his acceptance was not so openhanded that he's left with nothing. The context in book vs show is very different. Since the grandchildren are not betrothed to each other until much later in the show canon, it does make you wonder "what is Corlys getting out of this?" His name won't succeed him on the Iron Throne. His blood won't follow him on the Driftwood Throne. What even is it all for??? "History does not remember blood; it remembers names" is actually a very empty phrase. It's almost as if the HOTD writers coined it as a catchy saying to put on sweaters and mugs. It has no deeper meaning beyond that. Also, the betrothal in the book wasn't even a full solution apparently since we get no acknowledgement of Luke as heir when he was younger.
Episode 8 is peak for this show erasing Corlys' political role. There's a whole petition happening behind Corlys' back to alter the Driftmark succession. F&B had Corlys bedridden, nearly at death's door, but he still remained the authority figure in his family. Rhaenyra turned to her father-in-law, Corlys, in order to have Luke formally named heir (he was 11 years old at the time yet never formally acknowledged which says a lot about Corlys' feelings on the matter). HOTD changed this to Rhaenyra begging her father for support.
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It seems to be a very carefully done change that makes Corlys appear like a very different character in the show than he was in the book. His influential role in his own family is reduced to a great extent. HOTD writers know exactly what they're doing.
Then in episode 10, Corlys shows up at Dragonstone, informs Rhaenyra that he has sent his fleet forth to secure the Gullet and also starts making battle plans for her. She has not offered him anything for his support. He also believes she killed his son. I know I say this every time so I'm basically beating a dead horse at this point, but when book!Corlys was angered with Rhaenyra for INDIRECTLY causing his wife's death, he was only brought around after political concessions were made in his favor. Show!Corlys DIRECTLY blames Rhaenyra for his son's death, grumbles about it, and then bends over backwards for her. In the second season, he quietly accepts the position of Hand without voicing a single complaint to Rhaenyra's face as his book counterpart would have done. At this point, I can't see HOTD writers ever allowing Corlys to air out his grievances against Rhaenyra to her face, unless they were trying to double down on the "men are evil, women are victims" central theme of the show.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Q. What I'm truly confused by is why they want people to hate Ryan and Oliver so much. Like they aren't attacking Eddie and Buck nearly as much as they're attacking Ryan and Oliver. I'm so confused by that.
A. Everything we are seeing is because they know, in spite of everything they are saying, that Tommy's existence on this show relies entirely on his relationship with Buck. The minute that relationship runs it course story wise he is gone, and they know it. Because of that Eddie became their enemy. Oliver wants Buck with Eddie. A significant portion of their audience wants Buck with Eddie. In their minds they needed the audience to turn on Eddie to make the case for Tommy. But their campaign didn't accomplish anything so they shifted gears and decided to go after Ryan personally. Unfortunately for Ryan, and the rest of us, in the middle of their hate campaign towards Ryan, Lou said some things during his cameo videos, and his Twitter past came to light, and people's reaction to those two things caused his fans campaign against Ryan to become even uglier. What they are attempting to do to Ryan is disgusting. He was completely out of line when he said what he said a few years ago, but he owned it. He acknowledged that he needed to work on some things and better educate himself on things he really didn't seem to understand. And he did it. He went away and genuinely educated himself, and made changes in his life that allowed him to grow and better himself as a human being. Which is all we can ever ask of one another. I will never understand how he could have said it, but that's not the point. What I can see and understand is the work he has clearly put into growing and learning from his mistakes. They don't get to erase Ryan's personal growth because it hurts their already weak defense of Lou. And that's what they are trying to do. And they're trying to do it all in the name of a temporary plot device on a television show. And that's too immature and disgusting to be allowed to happen. So we aren't allowing it to happen. And that angers them.
Their entire problem with Oliver is that he doesn't appear to be friends with Lou, and he isn't promoting their preferred ship. He promotes and talks about his preferred ship, which is what Oliver has always done. Oliver isn't doing anything he hasn't always done. What he has with Ryan is what they're trying to demand he have with Lou. They are completely dependent on Buck, and Oliver is making it pretty clear they're fighting a losing battle. Somewhere along the way someone convinced them that even though there aren't that many of them if they are nasty enough, and loud enough they can bully Ryan, Oliver and Tim into submission. It was an absurd plan and is of course a complete failure, but they're going to be as horrible as possible on their way out. We're nearing their end though, and Oliver and Ryan completely ignoring them is causing them more anger than we ever could. Our boys will be just fine. 💗
Thank you Nonny! :) Again much appreciated!
I admit that my brain has been fried by that deleted Eddie and Christopher scene we just got. So you won't get anything interesting out of me at the moment. xD LOL!
I also don't have the same insight in fandom dynamics that Ali does, so I'm just going to let her do her thing and answer this question as only she can. :)
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
calling bucktommy fans b*mmys just reminds me of the gay slurs used against gay men. There’s a better way to say that. Idk why y’all use that when people have said it sounds offensive. to me if someone says something is offensive that’s when you stop saying it. You don’t double down and say well actually it’s not. Because if it’s offensive to someone then you’re still being a twat even if it isn’t offensive to you.
First of all the word you're referring to is "bummer" not "Bummy" which would be a combination of Buck and Tommy's names. As many ship names are a combo of the first names like Buddie is Buck and Eddie.
Second a lot of words sound the same but are not in fact the same. Bummer and Bummy are two different words completely. They don't have the same origin and they don't hold the same meaning.
Also and more importantly a lot of British fans of 911 have responded to multiple posts about this topic (as the word you're referring to is old British slang) and stated that the word "bummer" is not used this way in the common lexicon and likely hasn't been for quite some time.
Furthermore many 911 fans from different parts of the world (including the UK) have also said they use the word bummer in a similar fashion to how we use it here in the United States:
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So does this mean that no one else should ever use that word anymore? And if that's true then shouldn't you be trying to educate people more on why they shouldn't be using the actual word bummer vs people who are using a ship name (again not the same word) made up of two characters names?
I agree that it's important to listen to people when they tell you that something is offensive to them but here's the problem anon. A lot of you B/T shippers are not coming from a genuine place. You're not trying to educate anyone. You're not trying tell us about something (unrelated to shipping) that's upsetting you. You're just trying to control the 911 fandom as a whole. The main reason I know this is because this isn't only issue that's been levied against the Buddie fandom from you all.
Your fandom does this kind of stuff all the time. You try to shame people into behaving in a way you want them to. No halfway decent person wants to be called homophobic, biphobic, ableist, etc but these are all things I've watched your fandom use against anyone who doesn't agree with you.
The reality is you all don't like the ship name Bummy, which fine you don't have to like it. Although it was your fandom who came up with it in the first place, it's where I saw the name to begin with (on twitter). Trust and believe I have better things to do with my time than sit around thinking up ship names for Buck and the guy who he hasn't even called his boyfriend yet.
So your main issue isn't that Bummy sounds like bummer it's that you don't like the name. Plus Lou said he didn't like it (in a cameo) and it just generally sounds silly. Okay so you don't have to use it. You don't get to control how other people talk about your ship and whether or not they talk about it in a positive way.
You also don't get to throw baseless allegations of homophobia at us because a ship name you hate sounds similar to an old slang word. You especially don't get to throw allegations at us when it's been your fandom out there attacking anyone who dared to post anything for Buddie and Eddie during pride month. Your fandom attacking and literally doxxing a journalist for posting positive Buddie content. Your fandom that has repeatedly harassed the 911news account. Your fandom that left comments talking about how Ryan should end his life after he opened up about his s*icide attempt.
Buddie fandom isn't innocent. We've definitely said and done things we shouldn't have. Taken things too far sometimes and I'm sure been our own brand of awful at times too. But the 911 fandom as a whole has never been as bad as it's gotten since B/T became a thing. You all were literally called out by the showrunner ffs. Instead of repeatedly accusing Buddie shippers (many of who are lgbtq+) of homophobia maybe you should start looking around at who is a part of your own fandom and the messed up stuff they've been doing because it's not doing you any favors.
(Fyi if this shows up in other tags besides Buddie fandom that wasn't my intention. I usually do my best to keep my posts out of B/T spaces. I even usually use * to not spell the full names and ships but for the sake of clarity in this post I didn't.)
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thecollectivefixation · 2 months
Deadpool and Wolverine thoughts
This movie was so good that it brought me back from the dead. HELLO?
As always this post will contain spoilers.
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plot - themes of purpose and belonging and finding their place in the universe
Let's start with how Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy tackled the whole phase 3 multiverse MCU and adding Deadpool into it. They did it so well omg. In Loki and current Marvel there's a focus on "the scared timeline" (also known as Earth-616) and how important it is. However, Deadpool is no longer in Earth-616 he's in Earth-10005. And when Deadpool is faced with his whole reality dying because the anchor (Earth-10005 Logan) has died he fights for his timeline to live. I really like this idea because it brings light towards the these timelines are just as important as the scared timeline even if their importance (the anchor) dies off. So he grabs a Wolverine who is hated by his own timeline and is assumed to not be his reality's anchor because he wasn't the hero he was meant to be. (I'm also assuming that each reality has a different anchor such as Iron Man being Earth 616's anchor because since he's died everything has gone to shit). And since it was stated by Paradox that bringing a another Wolverine won't replace the anchor i believe that Earth 10005's new anchor is the friendship and bond between Deadpool and Wolverine. How their character's developed and learned, together they are now intertwined.
In his universe he failed his team. He convinced everyone that he was meant to be alone, that he didn't want to apart of a team. He closed himself off from friendships and trust in a team and that caused the death of the X-men team, he couldn't save them. Then he want on a killing spree thus sullying the X-man and Wolverine name. He questioned his self-worth and struggled with survivor's guilt.
When we meet him he was at his lowest low. Deadpool teams up with him and you could see the flabbagasted look on that man's face when he gets told that Deadpool's Logan is the most important being of his reality. He teams up with Deadpool on the "educated wish" of him being able to get sent back in time before his reality's events because its clear he struggled with a lot of guilt and regret and he is not proud of who he is. He ran away and his decision to run away haunts him.
Throughout the movie you can see him grow and start trusting Deadpool. Another turning point was when the outcast group and Deadpool plans to take down cassanova and get her to send them home. He think they are stupid for going onto that mission because they are going to get themselves killed. However, after a talk with X-23 he realised that in each reality Wolverine has impacted people and people put their faith in him. He realises that he has a second chance of helping and saving the people who trust him and wants to team up with him. He's determined to help Deadpool save his 9 most important people of his life.
At the end when Deadpool locks in out and Deadpool plans on scarificng himself, he doesn't run. He doesn't run because he wants to make this right. He won't waste this second chance and if he's going down he's going down trying to save Deadpool's whole world (nine people) because he trusts Wade and he couldn't save his whole world (the x-men). He actively puts all his strength into breaking down that door. After when the TVA says that they won't send him back into his past to fix his mistakes he understands that without those experiences he wouldn't have done what he did. He's proud of who he's growing to be.
Now before this movie I never was a big fan of the fantastic four or the X-men. In fact this movie has caused me to start watching the X-men movies and ofc I' loving it. So watching the movie I was a bit confused about who all these characters are and started to research after watching the movie. It's really great how Ryan and Shawn brought these characters back that have either been forgotten or recasted. Chris Evan says that he loved playing Johnny Storm again. Bringing Gambit into the movie when his character originally got cancelled was also amazing. Because in the MCU theres this big focus on the main characters that we don't see a lot of the hidden heros of the MCU. Even references towards characters like Moon Knight with the Cup Cake truck made me very happy because I love Moon Knight.
Anyway overall I loved this movie and have many more thoughts on it.
I'll make a post talking about Deadpool character arc if you want lol
(also if i got anything wrong because I'm very new to the X-men universe and haven't really edited this post well. Please comment lol. And please also comment your thoughts because I want to know.)
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akajustmerry · 1 year
I support the wga strike 1000000% and want the writers to get everything they need and deserve. i also will be beyond ecstatic if the following shows are canned due to the strike (because I do not wish to see more of these shows)
Bridgerton and its spin-offs. Always have, always will hate this racist phoney show!!! A cancellation would make my day!!!!
Any and all mcu related shows (they're not real tv and they all suck thanks)
Rick and morty - is this show still going? Idk it shouldn't be!!!
Sex Education - this show shoulda ended YEARS ago. everyone in it looks too fucking ancient to even be there.
the last of us - fuck this show, fuck neil Druckmann's zionist ass
the Mandolorian - if I never see that green rat again it will be too soon
The white lotus - the way people talk about this show is so ANNOYING. I need to end so I can have peace and quiet
The Crown - you can shove your prestige monarchist propaganda up your assssss
the witcher - lmao Henry cavill leaving should just mic drop the whole show. anythings better than seeing liam hemsworth get employment
literally any of those shows that are called like "171 moonfire" and they're about cops dating fireman or something idk I call them "cute copaganda" same goes for all those ass medical shows where people cure illness by gazing into each other's souls
house of dragon - I love lesbian subtext as much as the next gay but there is no way this show is getting better. quit while your ahead, babes!!!
any true crime series, but especially ones produced by glee war criminal ryan murphy
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nightcolorz · 2 months
ryan please i need to know your last story made me a little insane so, how would you see Daniel taking care of a regressed armand?
YAY THANK U 🥰🥰 very glad I like making people feel mentally ill.
I’m going to answer this question from the amc iwtv perspective since the fic ur referring to is in the amc universe! Specifying bcus my answer would be different depending on whether we r talking about book Daniel or show Daniel lol.
I think Daniel isn’t a naturally nurturing person, and he canonically struggles with being a good father, so I think that he would definitely have trouble with knowing how to appropriately or gently react to Armand, someone he has complicated and negative leaning feelings towards, age regressing as a trauma response and leaning on him for support. But I also think Daniel is very adaptable when it comes to dealing with sudden unusual displays of mental illness that most people aren’t educated on, bcus he is so used to interviewing people with stigmatized and “weird” mental illnesses, and bcus he is not the most typical person himself lol. An investigative journalist who has the most experience with unconventional clients would have to be adaptable and in a way none judgmental like that. So I think Daniel’s good instincts and dedication to understanding people and doing his job could potentially outweigh his personal struggles, and he would commit to dealing with a scenario like that the best he could
despite being not the best caretaker, I headcanon that Daniel is naturally pretty good with kids. It’s possible that talking to Armand when he’s in a childlike headspace would be easier for him and come more naturally then talking to him as he is normally, lol. I think Daniel would be good with kids because kids are most comfortable with adults who let them take the reins and follow the path they go on. Kids like playing with adults who yes, and? Their ideas lol. And following someone’s lead and supporting their vision while challenging them in a way that is stimulating and keeps them moving forward is pretty much what Daniel’s job is. Daniel is also very unfiltered and honest which kids like lol.
I think if Armand was age regressed with Daniel, Daniel’s instinct would be to basically devils minion it lol. Let Armand play with things he finds interesting (even if it’s blenders), listen to him talk, ask questions, let him lead him around, play movies he likes, stuff like that lol. I think for Armand (especially if he were age regressed) distracting himself with stimulation is a very strong coping strategy, which Daniel would be apt at supporting, he sure does have a lot of experience with that lol.
Daniel also has very clear boundaries and morals, and (unlike Louis lol), if Armand was age regressed and stuck in a traumatic moment or mindset (as happens in my fic), and was expecting or asking Daniel to hurt him like his abusers, bcus I think it’s likely that when regressed Armand would potentially ask for sex or physical pain, Daniel would put his foot down and refuse to be that for him, assert that it’s wrong, etc. I feel like a modern old man who is very unlikely to indulge in someone’s damaging coping mechanism and thinks hurting children is wrong is exactly what Arun needs 😭
thankkk you for the ask!!! I’m glad u liked my fic!!
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moongurl95 · 5 months
7 Times the Charm
GN!MC / May or may not be an alternate version of a long fic I'm working on, but I've hit a writing rut and this prompt by @serpensortiamaxima (this is dedicated to you too OP!) got me churning out this piece until 4AM (now i can sleep with my brain empty! XD) also divider credits here
Summary: It was no secret that the Three Broomsticks can also be considered a social gathering for the latest news, and Sirona Ryan, the owner was at the neck of it. Or, a glimpse of a blooming relationship she'd observed since that Troll Attack in Hogsmeade. (One-shot also posted on AO3)
“Oh, there’s a face I haven’t seen before.” This may be the first time Sirona Ryan’s memory seemed to have failed her as she was confident in remembering her clientele.
“It’s my first time here.” The student had replied almost sheepishly, which explained everything to the bar owner. Of course, she’d heard about the latest talk in the streets of a Hogwarts student having been caught in a dragon attack.
“Welcome! Butterbeers on me.” Sirona assumed that the student was a transferee, after all, she’d never heard of a student starting this late in their Hogwarts education. “Glad to see you two escape injury.” She glanced between the two students with growing worry, having planned to check on the other shopkeepers and residents once the crowd had buzzed down from the recent Troll Attack in Hogsmeade.
“Thanks to this one. Single-handedly took down a Troll!”
“Is that right? Well done.” Of course Sirona couldn’t take the Sallow boy’s claim seriously, not when she was sure of the way the boy had looked admiringly at his new classmate. Before she could decide to play matchmaker however, they were interrupted by some brutes’ arrival.
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The second time Sirona next saw the pair was on a relatively calm day in the Three Broomsticks, she considered herself not eavesdropping at all while the two students had quite the passionate discussion over a round of Butterbeer.
“Honestly! Why do you have to trouble yourself on a trip to get something for my sister? Anne wrote she’d be delighted by your very presence alone.”
“Because Sebastian, it’s common courtesy to bring a gift when visiting your friend’s family.”
Now this seemed to be a development. Sirona had to keep herself looking busy as she wiped away at the mugs on the counter, casting a knowing glance by the corner table to quickly spy the flustered look on the Sallow boy’s face.
Sirona could only hope to Merlin that his ‘friend’ fancied him the way he seemed to.
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In exchange for asking her assistance on where to find her friend, Lodgok, Sirona in turn thought to request the new student’s help in retrieving her box of letters. Though she never would have predicted they’d also come as a pair this third time around.
“I’m not letting you go alone. And for Merlin’s sake, why a mine of all places? Do you happen to know what sort of creatures could possibly live there??”
Sirona could only watch in amusement as the Sallow boy was being pushed out by his classmate in an attempt to shush him, “Alright, alright – I’ll tell you all about it on the way. Just get going so we can at least finish this while there’s still sun out.”
The door to the Three Broomsticks had shut after their departure so Sirona could only guess how the rest of their day would go. One thing was for sure though, if she’d initially thought the Sallow boy only fancied his new friend before, then now Sirona was absolutely certain the boy was now smitten.
Maybe there was good reason to owl Mirabel after all, nothing better than an entertaining chat about young love over tea.
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The next time Sirona served Butterbeer to the new student at the counter, she was half expecting them to be with a familiar face. Instead, they sat alone, looking quite under the weather as they seemed to stare unseeing into the tankard, Sirona was just about ready to lend a listening ear after she’d served all the other customers’ orders when the student had stood up just as a familiar Slytherin entered the premises.
Sirona was quick to notice the two of them weren’t on speaking terms as they passed by each other – the Sallow boy taking the stool beside where his friend just left. She chose to quietly serve him his share of Butterbeer before she continued to keep busy.
“Sirona, would you apologize if you said something… true but ended up sounding… mean?”
So that was how it was… “Well dear, first of all, it’s not what you said, but how you made them feel. So yes, an apology should be expected.”
“But… how?”
Sirona raised an eyebrow at him as if to say the answer should be obvious enough, but ended up sighing in exasperation as the boy looked pitifully at a lost, “If you aren’t ready to tell them personally, then a letter might suffice, and don’t make it just a simple apology either – at least, offer to take them somewhere you’d think would be meaningful to them.”
“A letter! That’s just it, of course!” Sirona watched as the boy waved his hand in thanks as he rushed out the doors, she hoped everything would turn up for the better the next time she saw those two together.
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It didn’t however, for just days before the 5th, Sirona herself had received an unmarked letter notifying her of Lodgok’s passing – his gentle soul did not deserve the fate he was dealt with by his brother’s hands. Yet also here in her supposedly lively pub, sat another lost soul who she dearly tried to keep from straying to the Hog’s Head by keeping the Sallow boy’s tankard refilled with Butterbeer.
She’d heard he just lost his uncle and that the Sallow girl also informed him late, the poor twins were now left all alone.
And just when Sirona felt the boy slipping away, from the doors came in a face who she hoped would be successful in reeling Sallow from his darkest thoughts.
Sirona was glad to see the boy encased in a hug, he dearly looked like he needed one…
“You’re safe now. I promise, I wouldn’t let them take you away.”
It may have well been a secret language only the two students shared with each other, but Sirona was nonetheless relieved to see the boy’s shoulders relax, the undeniable soft sob that escaped him was a sound that would forever tug at her heart.
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And it seemed that heart wrenching sob echoed around the wooden panels of her establishment as the once lively pub was filled with students of varying years, all of which ranged from sniffling for their parents to a quiet uncertainty that loomed over the older ones.
Hogwarts was under attack, and despite how Sirona herself could not believe such a situation would even come about, the evacuated students who took shelter in the Three Broomsticks were enough to leave her unsettled for what was to come.
“Sirona! Are they here? Did they at least stop by here?” She could only shake her head in response, clearly seeing the Sallow boy was distraught.
“Sebastian! We have to settle ourselves and wait for Black’s announcement –“
“They could still be there, Ominis!” His next words were barely audible but somehow Sirona managed to catch a hint of it, “What if they’re fighting for their lives – alone? Against a Goblin Rebellion!”
“Attention, students!” Black did make an announcement right after that, clearing his throat as if today was a normal occurrence, “I am proud to announce that my esteemed faculty has handled the – uhm… rebellion. Yes, the Goblin rebellion – wait, what was that?”
Everyone seemed to hold their breath as a House Elf seemed to whisper the latest news to his master, who gasped out as if he was scandalized, “A casualty you say???”
Sirona felt her heart drop at the sudden news, she could only watch as Sebastian Sallow all but rushed out of the doors, fearing for the worst.
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Fear melted like snow from a season past, and while Spring came a bit too late for those who grieved, the flowers still bloomed.
The Three Broomsticks was once again abuzz with an energy of celebration and nostalgia – students crowded with relief at having survived their O.W.L.s and others were busy planning their summer ahead – two of which Sirona couldn’t help but approach, “Butterbeers on me, to the Hero of Hogwarts.” She’d winked before leaving the pair in their usual spot by the counter, not really meaning to overhear…
“So… I heard Fig left you a place in his will, back to London it is for you then?”
“Yes… and Feldcroft?”
“Can’t say I relish the thought of spending summer by myself, but I have a way to keep busy by doing some odd errands here and there, I suppose.”
“What would you say to a ticket to London?”
“I was only really planning to spend a few weeks there, fix some things that need to be done and well… spend some time in Feldcroft with you… if you’ll have me?”
“Of course! I – but why even take me to London – not that I’m complaining but –“
“Because I care, Sebastian. I – care about you… very much.”
Sirona couldn’t keep herself from spying a glance then, very happy to see the pair both sporting flustered faces. It may have taken a while, but there wasn’t a perfect time than any to start anew.
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heretherebedork · 1 month
There's a lot of talk about HR violation when it comes to Ryan and Jane and I'm not sure whether it's a joke or not but until now I don't think anything they've done was crossing a line? They were toying around it, sure, but not crossing it seriously in my opinion.
I also think Jane is very meticulous person, very responsible, takes his job very seriously and with Ryan's current position he wouldn't start anything with him. The one who crossed the line for the first time was Ryan with his confession in the episode 7.
Now girls... That's a different conversation entirely. They didn't even see a line. There wasn't any to begin with. All lines were crossed from the beginning with massage and late night calls and I'm not even talking about the kiss.
Oh, for Ryan and Jane it's more about Jane not violating HR. He's been good so far and he's holding himself to high standards and I think he's going to go a bit overboard next week trying to keep himself in those bounds with Ryan right there being adorable in his general direction. I think they deserve some HR violations but that's beside the point.
Judy and Bahmee though... yeah, ooof. Ooof. Could use a couple lessons from Jane, tbh. Long before the kiss. They just... that is the No HR department over there, apparently.
For me, Jane and Ryan are mostly a joke in terms of HR issues. I do admit that the idea of spending the night at a coworkers house by accident is wild to me but I also don't experience the world the same way most people do and am from a very different work culture both by being in the US and by working in education so I offer zero judgement on that besides a moment of me going 'huh'.
But Judy and Bahmee? They got nothing.
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