#saffi is here of course
tngpolycule · 1 year
Anyways! Finished Picard today, fuckin sucked. Like there was maybe 3% good scenes and the rest was just so bad . Soooo bad. Bad characterisation bad plot bad everything
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thrashkink-coven · 9 months
Hi all,
Welcome to the last part of my 2024 altar tour! 4/4
What a year it has been! I have learned so much and made so many new friends! My altar has always been a reflection of my psyche, seeing it’s beauty reminds me of the beauty that exists within me. :)
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So this is my final little work space where I do pendulum magick and tarot readings. There is a devotional mug to Lord Lucifer which I use for our morning coffee chats. There is also Lucifer’s devotional dragon statue, as well as the dual scrying mirror for him and Faviel.
There is a normal mirror and a statue of a pharaoh’s tomb. The board which the flowers and offerings are placed on dawns Faviel’s sigil and candle. To Faviel I have offered a palm stone, flowers, an acorn, smoky quartz, some black earrings, and some grubs.
Beside him is my pendulum in a selenite charging bowl along with my pendulum mat.
The black and white image you see was a piece of art I made for Archangel Jophiel after he gifted me a vision a year or so ago. I use it whenever I’m reaching out to him.
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Beneath my altar is some space for storage where I keep my larger cauldron, mortar and pestle, larger candles, etc. There is also my stand where I keep my broom, fire poker, and shovel. My witch broom is wrapped in a protective seal. I use it to sweep ash from my prayer mat.
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And finally, here are a few of the books I have in my collection that have greatly greatly aided me in my craft. Remember to do your research my dears!
The Arbatel of Magick- First English edition 1633, new edition 2013, edited by Earl Marwick
Healing with Form, Energy, and Light- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Gods and Goddesses- Hallam, Elizabeth
The Lesser Key of Solomon- S.L MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley
The Dictionary of Alchemy- Diana Fernando
The Art of Angels- Howard Loxton
Backland’s Book of Spirit Communications- Raymond Buckland
Transcendental Magick- Éliphas Lévi
The Greater Key of Solomon- S.L MacGregor Mathers
A History of God- Karen Armstrong
A Dictionary of Angels, Including Fallen Angels- Gustav Davidson
Making Talismans- Nick Farrell
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses- Johann Scheibel
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim- Scott Alan Roberts
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft- Raymond Buckland
Candle Burning Rituals- Raymond Buckland
The Complete Book of Black Magick and Witchcraft
Green Witchcraft, Folk Magick, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft- Ann Moura
The Book of Forbidden Knowledge, Black Magick, Superstition, Charms and Divination- First Edition 1910s Johnson Smith & co. New Edition 2016 edited by Earl Marwick
Three Books of Occult Philosophy- Henry Cornelius Agrippa
and of course, The Holy Bible- New Living Translation.
I have many other books in my collection on tarot and astrology in my living room, but these are the books that have had the greatest impact on my craft. Here are a few of those other ones:
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Love Potions- Tatania Hardie
The Book of Destinies- Jane Struthers
The Crystal Bible 2- Judy Hall
The Tarot Bible- Sarah Barlett
The Wicca Bible- Ann Marie Gallagher
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs- Scott Cunningham
Magic and Medicine of Plants- Reader’s Digest
The Power of Birthdays Stars and Numbers- Saffi Crawford and Geraldine Sullivan
The Witches’ Goddess- Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches’ God- Janet and Stewart Farrar
I wanted to end this tour off with my reading material because I want to emphasize how important it is to understand that “magick” is not just “stuff”.
I really enjoy all of my magical tools and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having and wanting pretty things or an aesthetically pleasing altar. In fact I believe aesthetic and care are acts of love in themselves. Don’t ever let someone shame you for wanting to decorate and indulge in the aesthetics of your craft.
But please do remember that our greatest magical tool is our minds, our senses, and our experiences- our brains. Remember to read read read lots of material from many different sources. Contemplate honestly on everything you read, hear and experience. Do not take everything you believe today as a fact, do not box yourself in to anything. (Maybe that’s the Luciferian in me speaking lol)
Learn how to do magick alone, without any tools. My magick is not my stuff, although my stuff greatly aids me in my magick. Does that make sense?
Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to growing and learning so much more this year! :)
Blessed be!
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divinemissem13 · 17 days
No Secrets on Risa
Star Trek Femslash Week 2024 Ship: Saffi Word Count: 873 Rating: T Prompt: When on Risa
"I thought we were here to relax," Raffi sighs, when she returns from a swim to find her girlfriend's head buried in a PADD that surely involves quantum mechanics or something equally exhausting.
"I am relaxing. This is me relaxing." Seven replies indignantly.
Raffi is gratified that she at least has the decency to look up from the PADD and admire Raffi in her gold bikini, so she rewards Seven by making a show of leaning over to pick up her towel and beginning to dry herself off.
"Oh yeah? What are you reading? Klingon romance novel? Captain Proton?"
Seven only hums.
"That's not a yes," Raffi points out. "Let me see!" Raffi grabs for the PADD but Seven's reflexes are too quick.
"Can't I have any secrets?" Seven asks, raising one metallic eyebrow while a teasing pout blooms on her lips.
Raffi tosses her towel aside and joins Seven in her chair, straddling the ex-Borg on her hands and knees as she leans forward to capture that pout between her own lips. She waits until that moment when she can feel the tension leaving Seven's body before she murmurs, "Nope!"
Raffi grabs for the PADD again and this time she is successful. With one more quick kiss, Raffi jumps back up and starts to thumb through the PADD with a self-satisfied grin. Sure enough, it's filled with scholarly articles and complicated texts. "This PADD could belong to a fourth year student at the Academy!" Raffi exclaims. "You aren't getting this back until we leave."
"Well then what am I supposed to do all day?" Seven demands, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting for real this time.
"Let's go swimming!" Raffi suggests, eying her girlfriend's ubiquitous leather jacket and long pants. "You did bring a suit didn't you?"
"Borg do not swim," Seven declares obstinately.
Raffi crosses her arms and glares back. "Bullshit."
"My cybernetic components are not waterproof," Seven insists.
"That would have been great intel to have a few decades back. We could have boarded the cubes with Super Soakers and been done with it," Raffi huffs as she settles back into her own chair.
"Super Soakers?"
Raffi sits up again and swings her whole body around to face Seven. "You're really going to tell me that will all the species that the Borg assimilated — all the technology — that they never figured out how to make their cybernetics waterproof? And you have no idea what a Super Soaker is?!" Raffi honestly isn't sure which thing is less believable. Borg know everything — can do everything — as Seven is usually the first to point out.
Now, Seven just shrugs. "In space, it was not a priority."
Raffi looks closely at Seven and it's only because she knows her as well as she does that she can spot the flicker of insecurity in her icy blue eyes. She scoots forward to the edge of her chair and puts her hand on Seven's leather-clad arm. "Babe? Do you… do you not know how to swim?" she asks cautiously.
Seven blushes. "The Borg assimilated that information from countless species. Of course I know how to swim."
"But you never have. Right?" Raffi asks gently.
"I have never seen the necessity, nor the point of the activity," Seven says unemotionally. Raffi imagines this is what she used to be like, back when she was first rescued. It's not a side of Seven that she sees often but when she does, it is always painful to watch.
"Hey, scoot over," Raffi says, and Seven obliges, allowing Raffi to wriggle into Seven's side. Raffi brushes the long blonde hair away from the Borg implants, exposing them to the hot sun (not that Borg are bothered by extreme temperatures, she thinks with an internal eye roll). "So you don't swim. You don't read mindless trash. You don't even wear casual clothes. Why did you let me drag you to Risa?" she asks softly, with genuine curiosity.
Seven rolls to her side so that they are facing each other, practically nose to nose on a pool chair that is really only wide enough for one. "You really don't know?" she asks with an amused look on her face. Raffi shakes her head slowly and without breaking eye contact. "You love it here," Seven says simply. "And I love you." She punctuates the last statement with a kiss to the tip of Raffi's nose.
Raffi blinks at her incredulously a few times and then she sighs. "You are the most infuriating woman I have ever known. And I love you too."
"Come on," Raffi says, abruptly standing and pulling Seven up by the hand.
"Where are we going?" Seven asks, watching with an amused smile as Raffi stuffs all of her things haphazardly into her bag.
"We're going to find you some more Risa-appropriate attire. Something with fewer layers… something that can get wet," Raffi replies with a smirk.
Seven furrows her brow, "I thought we just agreed I'm not going in the pool."
"Who said anything about the pool?" Raffi asks seductively. She laces her fingers through Seven's, running a thumb along the exoskeleton on the back of her hand, and leads her in the direction of their room.
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treason-and-plot · 2 years
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There isn’t a class due to be held in the music room for another hour and a half but of course Liam has locked the door anyway as a precaution; his skin is pale and clammy, his breathing ragged, and he tells Saffron that he is way too nervous to be able to ‘perform’. Saffron finds it quite humorous that he keeps apologising for his lack of tumescence. She has only had three (male) sexual partners in her life which hardly qualifies her as an expert, but if she could give all of them some sage advice it would be to obsess less about their dicks, and more about their tongues. She couldn’t care less as long as her needs are met. Seriously, why do men think the world revolves around their pathetic penises?
“This is madness, isn’t it?” Liam says afterwards. Saffron turns away from him as she buttons up her shirt, irritated by the hangdog expression on his face. “The risks we’re taking are more and more crazy. God. What are you doing to me, Saffy?”
“I’m not doing anything to you, Mr. McFarlane,” she says, moving briskly towards the door. “This is all on you. Your idea to rendezvous in the music room. Your idea to cheat on your wife. Your sick, twisted morals. I’m just here for shiggles.”
“I don’t think that’s entirely true,” he says, his face transforming into a slow smirk.
“I have to go,” she says primly. “My next class is in exactly seven minutes.”
“Can you give me a parting kiss before you go?” he says.
“Oh my God, no!” she says, dry-retching. “Not unless you brush your teeth! Ew, ew, ewwwww!”
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berrypass-de-murdler · 4 months
2. And Then There Was Another One
As of posting this I've actually written episode summaries for 1-85.
Anyway today's peeps:
Don't really have any ideas for Signor Emerald atm?? Maybe a macaw
Father Mango is next on my to-draw list - I HAD to stop imagining him as Father Gregor from Spooky Month because it was getting ridiculous. Speaking of ridiculous, his head is going to be a literal mango. That's so much better, isn't it!!
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MISS SAFFRON - For the one that has a design for this episode, here's Saffie!! I'm not super proud of the drawing but I did like how her pose and design turned out lol. She's a... sheep?? Adorable evil dumbass of course, she seems to be one of the better-loved designs so yaayaaaay!! <3 She's never not seen without a giant grin and despite her issues is actually kind of nice to Logico sometimes??
Logico gets some old man murder news on a secluded island. He wants to defy his boss's orders, but is too curious about such an exotic locale, that he HAS to go. He goes there and meets Signor Emerald, Father Mango, and Miss Saffron. There’s a man body in the water being eaten by tiny sharks which is so appetizing. 
Detective stuff.
MANGO: How can you… I swear to god I’ll… Fuck it all… HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO SUCH A HOLY MAN OF GOD?! LOGICO: Whatever happened to ‘Thou shalt not kill’, you incompetent son of a bitch! 
The end!
I'm sorry this episode is as short as Logico, because nothing really happens in it ;w;
Lore-heavy episodes are longer I swear, and they also get generally longer once my perfect goat son is introduced. But for now, enjoy Saffron! :D Thank you to any and all support I've gotten on this project, I am eternally grateful <3
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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quinnharperwrites · 1 year
The Isles of Blirrosia: Chapter Two
Taglist: @anonymousfoz, @kaiarchives, @awleeofficial, and @immortaladrien
(Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! Also, I found a proofreader!)
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“Finally! A break!” a pale, redheaded girl exclaimed. 
“You’ve only had two classes so far,” Saffron said as she sat on the grass, careful not to sit on her magenta hair. “And don’t forget you have one more today, Lai!”
Lai practically threw herself on the ground. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m going to be so tense without you there! Sometimes, I wish we had the same aptitude.”
“We’re both manipulators—isn’t that enough?”
“Yeah, us and 11% of the grade!”
“That isn’t a lot…”
“But if you think about it, most of the other types manipulate too. Like, physiological aptitudes manipulate physiology. Science and technology aptitudes manipulate science and technology. See what I mean?”
Well, she certainly wasn’t wrong. “Okay, I admit it, you’re right. But you took your medication this morning, right?”
“I did, I did, don’t worry, Mom. You don’t have to check all the time,” Lai groaned. “But, while we’re on the topic, how was it this morning?”
“When the police files on the guy said that he was a Stardust Absrober, I got a bit excited. But after looking at previous altercations and fighting him myself? I think I have the right to be disappointed, Lai. However,” she folded her arms, “I wasn’t there for my own entertainment. What matters is that another criminal is where he belongs, so the city is one step closer to staying safe.”
Lai snickered when she said that. “That’s the spirit! Think of it like this, Saffy-Taffy! At least you got some more hands-on practice.”
“As if she needed it,” a new voice replied. Saffron turned to see her other friend, Zain Bolton, plop on the grass across from them. “Saffron, you get so many opportunities these days. And why are we sitting on the grass in the middle of winter?”
“Don’t look at me,” Saffron said, pointing to Lai, “It was all her idea.”
“And you agreed?!”
“Yes, she did! It’s better out here than indoors anyways.” The weather had somewhat improved from the morning. The sky was now clear, and because the sun was no longer obstructed, it was feeling more temperate. “I can feel my fire pumping through my veins!”
“Better for you, maybe. And you know your aptitude doesn’t work like that, right?”
“Of course, I do, Zain! Don’t act like such a know-it-all. That’s basic information. Speaking of, can you believe that Professor Blume actually gave us this project? As freshman? At the Rosia City University of Heroics, no less.”
“Wait, what project?”
“Oh wait, you weren’t there this morning. Zain you tell her.”
“Professor Blume gave us a history project–”
“She doesn’t even teach history!”
“Shut up, Lai. As I was saying, she gave us a history project about the Pre-Modern Eras.”
“Why would we even need a project about that?! Everyone with half a brain knows the story! We’ve been in school for over 13 years and–”
“Lai, let the man speak! I wanna know how much I have to suffer.”
“Thank you, Saffron,” Zain grinned. “Anyways, we at least were able to pick which era we wanted, but we have to write a 10-paged research paper and make a PowerPoint presentation.”
“Oh hell no. What is this, high school?” Professor Blume was nefarious for assigning projects that belonged in a high school (or maybe even a middle school) class. “Okay, what are the groups?”
“That’s the worst part!” Lai yelled. “There aren’t any! She said it was strictly individual!”
“I decided to go with the Uzarian Era,” Zain declared. “It’s a long period, but it shouldn’t be too bad.”
“I’m going with the Acclimization Era. It’s only thirteen years long, so it’s an easy pass.”
“I guess that leaves me with the Readjustment Era.”
“What! Aren’t you gonna choose the same one as me?” Lai playfully whined. “We could make a pretty good team, Saffronator, don’t you think?”
“After what happened last time? No thanks. And how do you come up with all of these atrocious nicknames?”
“I’ll never tell! Anyways, you let me,” Lai smirked.
“Careful,” Saffron warned. “You’re starting to sound like a nuisance that I know all too well.”
“Oh dang. I forgot that fleabag was there with you.”
“What did he do this time, Saffron?” Zain asked.
“It certainly wasn’t as bad as it has been in the past, and it definitely wasn’t as bad as it 
could’ve been. He just asked me for coffee this time.”
“And you kicked him in the face, right?”
“Of course, she didn’t, Lai!” Zain scolded. “She obviously kicked him in the crotch.”
“I didn’t do either,” she sighed. “I said no and flew away.”
“I don’t know how you haven’t snapped at him, Saffron. I would’ve toasted him by now.”
“Yeah, and I would’ve used the remaining smoke to choke him. This guy has been harassing you nonstop since you turned eighteen. You don’t deserve this.”
“Well, I agree. But, if you did that, you both would’ve gotten a hefty fine. They might’ve even considered revoking your license.” 
“You’re right,” Zain sighed. “Not to mention, the public wouldn’t be too pleased.”
“I don’t know what they see in him if I’m being honest,” Lai started. “I mean, they treat him like an idol, at least some of them.”
It was no secret that Sensation was one of the most popular heroes ever. Definitely the most popular of their time, ever since Saffron’s parents retired.
“It’s not like there’s anything we can do about it,” Saffron replied.
“Actually, there is. Report him. You don’t owe him anything, Saffron,” Zain said firmly.
“It’s not worth it! He’s a beloved hero and a really good one, too. Blirrosia can’t afford to lose him.”
“It doesn’t matter! He keeps harassing you!” Zain retorted. “And he keeps getting into your dorm somehow. So now it’s not only you who’s suffering, but Mimi as well! Is that what she deserves? Is that what you deserve?”
“Okay, Zain. You’ve made your point. Getting heated won’t solve anything.”
“You know I’m right though.”
The trio fell silent. Zain’s smoky eyes bore into Saffron’s, staring into her soul. Eventually, she let her eyes drop to a patch of dandelion-speckled grass in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lai clench her jaw and cross her arms. She knew that the redhead hated conflict—it made her anxious. She was responsible for this, even if it was indirect. Just when she was about to respond, Zain sighed, before speaking again.
“Crap, I’m sorry, to both of you. I shouldn’t have escalated things like that.”
“No, you have a point. I just don’t see what I can do. And, not going to lie, this whole Matteo thing isn’t my biggest concern right now.” She stood up. “I have more important fish to fry.”
“I guess. I just worry for you sometimes Saffron. It seems like you’re always in the limelight, even when you don’t want to be.”
“Eh, I blame the parents,” Lai mused. “Before, it was Sabryna Solis this, Emil Solis that. Once they had kids, they practically declared the press as distant relatives.”
They all laughed. Trust Lai to make a joke to lighten the mood. “Ok,” Saffron started, “I’m going to head to my dorm, then I’ll start training early. I’ll see you two at dinner.”
“Yeah, I should get going too. I’m going to talk to Professor Zimmerman before class about my physical form. Bye,” Lai called out before walking off. 
“What about you, Zain?” Saffron asked. 
“I think I’ll stay out here a little longer. Soak up some sun.”
“What happened to you complaining about being outside?” she teased.
“No!” he protested, “I was complaining about sitting on the wet grass. Not about staying outside. Nice try, though.”
“Whatever you say, Zain. Whatever you say,” Saffron said before walking towards the dorms. “See you later!”
“Wait, Saffron!”
She paused mid-stride and turned back to face him. “Yeah?”
“I am truly sorry for being so harsh.”
“It’s fi–”
“No, it’s not. I was out of line.” He took a deep breath and looked at the sky for a moment, then made eye contact. “If…if you ever need me, I’ll be there.”
“Thanks,” Saffron smiled. “You mean a lot to me. Lai, too.”
“You deserve the best,” he said. “Both of you! I’m glad that you can call me a friend,” he rushed.
Saffron didn’t know what to say to that. She and Lai have been best friends for as long as they can remember, but they only met Zain after their first year of high school. The heartfelt turn in the conversation surprised her, even the apology left her shocked—he wasn’t wrong.
“Me too. But, you don’t have to apologize.” He was about to contradict her, but she stopped him again. “Really, it’s fine. You were right. I should be more proactive.”
“Well, I’m glad you realized that, Saffron.”
“Yeah…I’ll see you around, Zain! Thanks again.”
“Don’t worry about it, Saffy. Goodbye!”
As she was walking back inside, she felt someone watching her, so she turned around and saw Zain still looking at her; she waved and he waved back before quickly turning away. She chuckled to herself, turned back, and kept going on her way. But for some reason, the feeling didn’t subside.
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rinwellisathing · 7 months
You're Awful, I Love You: Part 23
Enver Gortash/Trans Male Tiefling Durge
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Sentry barely processed the world around him until he had fully left the sewers, breathing in the fresh air of the city. Well, as fresh as the lower city air in Baldur's Gate could be. He made his way to one of the corner book hawkers, examining the titles available.
“Vampires are popular this year, huh?” He asked, picking up one with a dark haired, red eyed man in noble clothing on the cover. “But here in Baldur's Gate? You'd have had better luck selling one set in Waterdeep or Neverwinter.” He set it down and looked over the others.
“Well, this is fiction of course, but it's based on true events!” The Dragonborn woman whispered excitedly. “They say there's a nobleman in the city who is a real vampire lord!”
Sentry chuckled and shook his head. “Next you'll be telling me you believe there's a Bhaalist cult in the sewers and Sarevok Anchev is auditioning assassins for it.”
“Well, a vampire lord is less far fetched than that.” The woman folded her arms. “Are you going to buy today, or just critique, Mr. Ojeda?”
“Alright, alright Saffy, I'll take this one.” Sentry picked up one with a masked man on the cover holding a swooning woman in a fine bardic ensemble. “I'm finding myself more and more willing to try the romantic ones lately.”
“Someone special in your life?” The woman asked, gem-like blue eyes searching Sentry's face curiously.
“You could say that.” He paid and placed the book in his satchel, continuing on his way.
Back at Gortash's home, Bane's chosen found himself poring over old notes and stolen tomes he'd spirited away with him when he had escaped the House of Hope. Diagrams and old Netherese writings explained the artifact and its use, but none of that was helpful when he considered where it was, and of course there was no denying its location. After all, how many times had Raphael drunkenly ranted about his long desired prize being snatched up by his father for his own collection, 'kept as some museum piece' as opposed to being used to rule. But Raphael was vain, stupid, short sighted. Gortash was sure even the Cambion's followers knew that. To rule the hells was simplistic, narrow. Why not rule, well, everything? Gain the ability to conquer every plane of existence. It would just take a powerful enough being under his control, well, his and a partner's. He could not do this alone, nor would he have to. It would be fitting that the one who brought this idea back to mind, who inspired this plan with one earnest gift, rule by his side.
He spelled it out plainly as he could in a message to his Dread Executioner, deciding to use a blood red ink, knowing it would catch Sentry's fancy. The message was signed with the hand of Bane in the bottom corner, knowing names would be a poor idea to write down on such a message. He also paused considering what messenger could be trusted to deliver it, and soon his dilemma was resolved as the scent of rot and blood filled the air.
“So you are the Master's concubine.” A grating little voice disrupted his pondering.
“And who exactly are you?” Enver raised a brow, almost amused at the overdressed, diminutive being glaring at him from his fire place.
“Sceleritas Fel, butler and faithful servant to my Lord Chosen Sentry Ojeda, The Dread Executioner.” The little man sniffed with an air of self-importance, puffing himself up.
“Ah, I see...Then you can bring him this message. It is, after all, your job to see to his affairs.” Gortash smirked, sure to make the expression as condescending as possible.
“His....affairs...yes, and his affair with you must be ending! You are not of proper birth to share a bed with my dear, despicable master.” Fel huffed, pointing a gnarled claw at Gortash, circling him like a predator, but indeed seeming more like a small, disgruntled dog to The Tyrant.
“I hardly think someone of Mr. Ojeda's standing takes advice from his staff.” Gortash rolled his eyes, sitting back in his chair. “So, will you deliver the message or have you worn out your welcome here already?”
Fel opened his mouth to speak, then looked taken aback for a moment, ears twitching as though listening to something. “But...but master, I....” He cleared his throat. “Yes, very well. It seems my young master's father sees value in whatever this message contains. Give it here.” He reached out his boney hand.
“Good. I knew you'd see reason.” Enver handed Fel the rolled parchment. “You can return here with his response as soon as he's ready.”
Fel snatched the parchment, grumbling as he stormed back towards the fire place, disappearing in a puff of blood red motes.
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raffaelamusiker · 8 months
Formal request to also ask all of them for the fic ask
(You can't prove it's been a whole month)
Origonal post
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
‘Not yet’ whispers through the trees and B’Elanna shudders. And I couldn't even tell you why but it's my most favourite <3 From Existing In Your Orbit
What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Oooh boy. Honestly Rios staying in 2024.
Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I recently recieved amazing long comments on my Jemily series and I think they might be my most favourite. Also Jaz's comment on Mercy and the ones where people ask me for more smut because they're so funny.
What is your wildest headcanon?
I wrote a crack fic the other day where Seven drank a Big Gulp without taking a breath so I guess that one.
What’s your ideal writing setup?
Somewhere cosy and no noise.
Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Depends. For multi-chapter I usually try and have an outline or basis. usually just go with the flow and what kind of fic it is.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
“What, and I’m not important enough for you to want to stay?” Raffi shoots back, picking at her nails. 
The hand that’s gripping the page of the book in her lap moves quick enough that it rips it before she snaps the book shut loudly. A pang of regret fills her chest at the fact that this is one of Raffi’s books but her frustration takes over everything else. 
“Stop putting words in my mouth, Raffi.” Seven stands to walk away. “When have I ever said you aren’t important? If I didn’t want to be here I wouldn’t come.” 
“You’ve never said I am important!” 
Gasp angst who'd have thought.
Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Only if I'm trying to read a specific fic i've read before. I usually just scroll through all the fics til I find one I want to read again.
Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
Random. Gotta keep you all on your toes you know.
What helps you focus when you write?
Really wish I knew haha.
What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
This is a hard toss up but it's got to be either Before the Sunrise, Raffaela or Nostalgia
Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
Both. Writing is cathartic and helps me get out my messy thoughts but also I love sharing things with others.
Why did you start writing fanfic?
To get all these ideas out of my head and to help me mentally.
Which character is your favorite to write?
Hmm...I wonder...
Raffi, of course though Emily will always be my baby too.
Which character is the toughest to write?
Sometimes I find Seven tough from a 3rd person pov, but honestly men are just hard to write lmao
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
Well I've listed my CM and Picard faves already but my Voyager fave is probably A Collective of Four
How often do you read your own fics?
So often lmao.
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Well me and bestie want to write our AU's into books. Princess and Knight AU and Pirate AU. All wlw of course.
If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
All the Saffi fics should be real. Just saying. (Well not all of them...)
What inspires you and your writing?
Stupid dumb characters in my head /affectionate, and talking to others.
Do you research for your fics?
Usually if its needed. And it's usually for small little things.
What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
Probably in the middle. But I'll read near enough anything tbh.
Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
I usually focus on one character within a relationship with the relationship surrounding it.
Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
It depends on the vibe tbh. Sometimes it flows a lot easier than others. I do have to write from a giving position usually though otherwise its hard af lmao.
Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Angst. I never feel like I get fluff right honestly.
What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
Happy endings even if everythings gone to shit before. Except Before the Sunrise but that's an outlier. Sometimes I'll do ambiguous or bad but I tend to need the happy endings to make me feel better haha.
How many WIPs do you currently have?
Oh no...I don't even want to count. Ones that are written that don't include multichapters? Maybe 5? MC's and just ideas included thats probably in the teens honestly.
Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
Bestie Blaine is always the best beta and makes my stuff make sense <3
Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
If I had to choose one fic, it would have to be Foundations. Authors, alreadyaccepted, smol_yellowbumblebee, ericine, daxs10thhost, bimichaelburnham, sleeplessrivers, dolcewrites, fenrisranger, thequeerengineer, sgtmac, falltonadir...okay just everyone in the Saffi/Picard tag okay <3
What led to your interest in the fandom?
My partner got me watching the first season of Picard and there were gays so, the rest is history I guess.
Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
I am quite open about it haha.
What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Reading other people's fics and interacting with them is the best way to enchance your own writing.
Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
I love writing long fics but lately that's been an impossible struggle and I've felt kinda like a failure. Last year I wrote something like 70 fics because I did a lot of drabbles. This year I want to focus on longer fics and I have quite a few ideas stored up.
Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
It depends. Sometimes i can look at a chapter and I'll guess how long it is (and then it'll be longer) but I usually go with the flow.
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
As someone who just got out of burnout, its to try something new. I started With Love, A which is a totally different format from what I've done before and it's really brought me out of the slump. Also talking through things with other people is always great.
Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
I would like to make my own canon someday haha.
Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Hurt/comfort is my beloved.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Polycule cuddle pile. Which one? I have too many to choose from.
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Alone - PH SaFaria Drabble
(Trying to get back in the swing of writing these dumbasses, might do more stuff, or maybe do a Kim-Ly Drabble later. Maybe both.
Contains sex jokes because Faria and raging because Sapphire. Was originally planned to contain reference to Sapphire’s forgotten past but I couldn’t fit that in.)
The clock ticks on the wall as Faria observes her friend.
Sapphire has been sitting in place for the last… 6 hours now? Staring at the wall.
“Ok this is just creepy as shit Saffie.” Faria tries. Her attempt to talk to the albino unfortunately fails.
The clock strikes 2PM and Sapphire rises from her seat and starts to walk down a nearby hallway, her metallic shoes making loud clanking noises, confused the cat follows after her.
“Wanna explain what that shit was?”
“What shit.”
“It was 70 minutes. We all know you cannot tell time.”
“Still unreasonable… unless minutes are like those REALLY short time measurements…”
“They are not. They are the shortest viable to use for this. If I were to use seconds the number would appear far higher than it is. 6 hours is a count I have no idea how you achieved.
“I guessed.”
“Ah of course.”
“I still think I’m right.”
“Your voice is so grating.”
“My voice is sexy you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sapphire turns to glare at her, Faria just laughs hysterically.
“Soooooo anyway were we going chief?”
“That is for me to know and you to find out.”
“I did not ask for nor did I want for you to follow me.”
“Ah but it’s a big place. You could get lost. All alone… cold… trapped.” Ok now she’s just projecting.
“Unlikely I have lived here on my own for several years.”
“Several whats?”
“Wooof someone’s angry.”
“I’M NOT ANGRY I- just prefer being alone ok?”
“Hmmmmmmm… well I prefer not that and my siblings are being boring and hunting rats right now and rats really taste like shit here so I’m gonna be following you.”
“Why. Why would you ever want to follow me around!?”
“Because you make cute noises when you’re angry Saff.”
Sapphire resists the urge to scream, that’s what Faria wants.
“You’re a dick Nightingale.”
“I was… I was calling you by your last name.”
“Ohhhh… right.”
“You are just… so dumb.”
“I’m brilliant.”
“Delusional.” They reach a meat locker, which Sapphire throws open and starts to walk inside, the stupid metal shoes making loud clanks against its also metallic floor. Sapphire follows her inside.
“You’re just never gonna leave me alone, huh?”
“Oh you love me~”
“I do not. I am 5 seconds away from beating you to death.”
“You can’t.”
“And why not?”
“See you’re very tiny and I’m quite large and in the world of beating people to death, I win.”
“I could shock you.”
“Yeah like when you restarted my heart after I drowned because you were scared I died and declared me your best friend.”
“You don’t. I do.”
Sapphire gives an exaggerated sigh. “Why are you like this?”
“Sexy? Dunno I was born this way.”
“Oh because it’s funny. And makes me sexier.”
“You simply lack a fear of death to a scale I just… I just can’t understand.”
“Ok two things. 1, I peg death and spit in its face, 2, you are the single most confusingly harmless monster I have ever met. Like what can you DO? You can like occasionally let out a small shock and effectively pretend to be a person despite looking like Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas’s frumpy cousin-“
“Never say that again.”
“-but like what do you DO? You seem to THINK you have the physical strength to fight someone but you DON’T. You’re not even like physically intimidating enough to make that threat towards… like most teenagers.”
“And I don’t mean like monster kids there are some small ones and some giant ones I’m using the average of human kids. I myself was a pretty big kid not to brag. I could beat your ass at 9.”
“If you do not cease this behaviour I will be forced to act.”
“Act HOW?” Faria says, easily picking Sapphire up with one hand. “You don’t even weigh much.”
“Put me down Nightingale.”
“I can PUNT you.”
“Wow you are just… convinced you can fight me. It’s almost inspiring to be honest.”
“I kinda feel bad for you but I also don’t because this is really funny.”
“My height makes me no less dangerous.”
“Ok true Katia is like smaller than you by a bit in standard form and she doesn’t need to get much bigger to destroy an army but you’re harmless with no actual useful abilities for a fight so the fact you barely reach my hips just becomes another debuff.”
“Fucking do it then.” There’s a moment of silence and nothing happens. “Yeah I fucking thought so.” Faria places Sapphire down. “So where to chief!”
Sapphire glares at her for a moment. If looks could kill, Faria would be completely fine right now.
Sapphire sighs in annoyance and keeps walking, eventually reaching a wall.
“Ooh a new wall to stare at, fun.”
“Silence Nightingale.”
Sapphire picks up a screwdriver from her pocket, and starts to take out random screws from the wall, many are already missing.
“Ok I need to know, the fuck are you doing man?”
“Do not speak like we are friends.”
“We are, you admitted that back on the island.”
“I was lying or something- I don’t know. Why are you sticking around there’s a whole world out there.”
“Because my instincts have decided I like you and I want to see where this goes.”
“I swear to god if your instincts think I’m your MATE.”
“They might I’m not sure. Never had this before.”
“Great. The giant grinning cat fucker might want to breed with me. We’re both girls idiot it doesn’t work like that.”
“Homophobic much?”
“I’m not I’m just saying I’m not a viable mate from an evolutionary standpoint.”
“Nature don’t give a shit. Nature just says “look tiny ragdoll maybe zombie thing who rages constantly like an angry toddler who wears a tie. Cute.” Doesn’t matter WHAT you got in your pants. And who knows you could grow a dick.” Faria jokes.
“I hate this conversation so much.”
“I hate you so much.”
“You don’t though.”
“Keep fooling yourself.”
“Why do you want me to leave Sapphire?”
“Huh?” The albino turns around.
“Look I mean I get it, the mating joke, the making fun of your height… I’m annoying I get that. But you know it’s nothing more than that, and you yourself said we are friends. So why do you want me to leave? You brought me here yourself. You’ve never made any active attempt to get rid of me or even make me stop following you around. Yet you keep telling me you want me gone.”
“…” Sapphire seems to be shaking.
“Why do you want me to leave?”
“I… have been alone so long.”
“Do you like being alone?”
“I can’t remember. I can’t remember anything about who I am.”
“It’s not a memory it’s a question about you as a person. Do you like people?”
“Do you like being completely alone.”
“I thought I did.”
“What changed.”
“I got shoved into a metal crate with a feral monster that licked my face.”
“So me? I’m what made you question if you wanted to be alone. Sounds like YOU’RE the one thinking of ME as a mate. Are you sure you really don’t have any instincts?”
“…Ah well maybe I do. None of that variety. I have a distinct desire not to see under my skin. When I have been injured my body forced me to close my eyes until I could stitch the wound closed. I still find the lack of blood to be odd.”
“Whatever the case, looks like you’re stuck with me! Also I have an urge to find a seam ripper.”
“Can you really not take anything seriously?”
“With you, kinda? Maybe? Answer unclear ask later.”
“I oddly don’t mind that…”
“Well when you’re done unscrewing shit for no reason maybe you can help me try to make a rat trap so Kat and Zero can stop chasing them around.”
“I… think I’d like that.”
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galactic-pirates · 2 years
Fandom, Creation and Me
With it being NaNo tomorrow I am doing update posts, and planning posts, and basically sorting everything out. It's also something I do at the end of/start of every year. It's part cleaning house, part goal setting.
This has been a funny year with moving house dominating all of it. I was just going to update my art goals, only to discover I didn't make my customary end of December post because that was during the madness. Then I remembered I didn't think I updated here either. I checked the archive and I did say I'd finally moved on September 13th but as to my fandom plans not a whisper. So I'm going to talk about it now!
Mid-April I made a post in which I said:
SO! My mission, should I choose to accept it bwahaha is to write EVERY SINGLE fanfic idea on my list (that I still want to write when I get to it) before the end of the year. Deadline December 31st. After that the slate is wiped clean. 
This started to go off the rails when I stopped writing in the summer. Some people write more when they are stressed as an escape. I wish I could say I was one of them but alas I unfortunately do my best turtle impression instead and basically very little gets done.
When I moved into my house that was a fresh start in the biggest way possible. I want - no I need - to make the most of that. I had to think about what serves me, and ultimately I decided to make my clean break then. So yeah, no more fanfic from me.
I have a few WIPs on my HD but thankfully due to my policy these days of not posting until stories are complete, that doesn't matter. I do feel... I wanted those ideas to be brought to life as I do like them, but I had to make a choice about what was best for me, and wistful thoughts about what could have been aren't going to change my mind.
So am I quitting fandom?
I'm still co-mod of Saffi Prompts and I intend to help with that if it comes out of hiatus. I'm still running Saffi Bingo, in as much as I sent out the cards months ago but nothing seems to have happened. I'm helping put together the 13th anniversary event for Bering and Wells next April.
I also just signed up for a Leverage Bingo Card because you see while my fanfic days are over, my fanart days are not.
I want to get into art in a big, big way. I feel like fanfic helped me a lot with my writing journey. Fanfic helped me see projects through from beginning to end, helped me produce on a schedule, helped me keep up the practice when my mental health wouldn't permit me to write other things. I owe fanfic a lot. It's my hope that fanart might fulfil the same function in terms of getting me started.
Now I know I've promised I would do art in the past and then haven't done it. For years I have made it a goal to do 1 piece a month and I've never got close. I think the best I ever did was at the start of 2021 when I think I made it to April before I stopped.
That was before though, and the start of my writing journey was a similar tale. I went through a time when I wrote once a year - for NaNo - and didn't write at all the rest of the time. It's unthinkable now but that's how it was. So just because I didn't draw on the regular in the past, despite saying I would, doesn't mean I will always fail at that.
No more fanfic from me. Expect fanart - eventually. I want to work through some art courses I have first before I go back to trying to draw what I imagine. Hopefully this will mean when I attempt those imagined pieces they will be better, and not as cringeworthy when I look back later as to how I ever dared post them on the internet.
P.S. What about gifsets?
Nearly forgot about that. Fandom Friday will not be returning. I don't have the time. However, I'm not ruling out making sets when/if I feel inspired to do so.
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fatopiaplus · 1 year
Saffron Elisabeth Harrengton
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My name's Saffron Elisabeth Harrengton, but you can call me Saffy. Here I am. 140 pounds of Miserable me. I'd come from a broken home. My dad was a mean drunk and my mom was into drugs. I ran away and finally got placed in a good foster home. These people were wonderfully fat and warm and I knew I wanted to be like them. In six months time I went from weighing 140 pounds ….
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... to a wonderful 215 pounds. Look at me. I gain mostly in my belly and as I looked in the mirror and my pants gently biting against my belly, I loved it. I was 16 when I decided that I wanted to be fat and I did all that I could to start the scale needle moving to the right.
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It's summer time and over the course of the school year, I've gained up to 275 lbs. I'm happier than I've ever been, and I'm getting delightfully paunchy. I eat all I can, trying to put on those pounds. Guys tease me a little, but mostly, people like the new Saffy.
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Here I am at Graduation. I got the car as a gift from my foster parents. It's kinda funny to see a 370 pound bunny squeeze inside, but hey ... there's funnier things on TV every day. I'm looking for a guy to help me grow as fat as I can be. I want to waddle so much that I look like a wind up toy. Know anybody who wants to help?? Of course, I want him to get fat right along side me. It's only right, ya know?
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Two years of college and I'm almost too fat to sit in the classooms. They had to bring in a table and a chair for me. Look at that belly! I am soooooo fat! Hey, but only 480 pounds worth! I haven't reached 700 yet! I want to be so fat that I waddle into work, do my stuff, waddle home and gorge, rubbing at my bloated belly as I waddle off to bed, happy and wonderfully filled. I've got guys hitting on me moreso now than when I was 140 pounds, but they're all so skinny! ICK!
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Seven years of intense gaining and look at me now!! This is definitely how I love to look! Oh, the feel of so much flesh hanging from me is so wonderful, I'll have to see just how much bigger I can get! I've got a wonderful job and I'm gonna waddle into work, then waddle home and gorge myself until I'm a fat match for miss Roxi. 680 lbs, so there's a long way to go yet!
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momentary-ecstasy · 1 year
saffi on vacation!
Raffi’s door whooshed open as she zipped up her shore leave duffel bag. “Are you ready to-” Raffi stopped mid-sentence because Seven walked in with a PADD in her hand and a very specific look on her face. Raffi tilted her head and held her hand out, “We’re not going to the biospheres on 343 are we?”
Seven smiled and set the PADD in Raffi’s hand. “Something you might enjoy more.”
Raffi looked at the report Seven handed her. “More than having sex in our private villa and laying on the beach in an artificial sun?” Raffi asked, but her face went from slight disappointment to open intrigue as she read on. 
“It came in twenty minutes ago,” Seven stood near the door. “Up to you what we do. I’m always down for sex in a villa.”
Raffi picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, reading the PADD as she walked out the door, “We can have sex on the way.”
Once they’d retrieved La Sirena from the storage facility where Raffi kept it, they set in a course for the research station orbiting a K-Class planet. 
Raffi was curled into the captain’s chair, reading and researching. Seven walked up behind her from the mess and offered her a cup of coffee. 
“Thank you,” Raffi accepted it and looked up at Seven, “These communications don’t make sense.” She took a sip of the coffee and turned her panel a bit to show Seven. “It’s not code. It’s not encrypted, but it repeats.”
Seven looked at the message they were given. “A malfunction?”
“Maybe,” Raffi closed her screen and looked up at Seven. “Is this completely unsanctioned or like Starfleet says ‘this isn’t very important get around to it if you can’?”
“It is not a priority,” Seven leaned her hip on the back of Raffi’s chair. “But if anyone had some time in the area they were welcome to it.”
“This station is in a rough spot,” Raffi looked out the viewscreen at the stars screaming past time, “Edge of Federation Space. Outside Ranger territory. It must be something important or dangerous they’re researching all the way out here.”
“That’s why I didn’t divert the whole crew out here,” Seven looked at the viewscreen as well. “Could be a communicator relay malfunction or anything really. Plus the crew needed a break.”
“Yeah,” Raffi looked up at Seven with a smile, “You get us into just as many scrapes as LJ.”
Seven looked down at Raffi with a smile, “I guess there’s still a little Ranger in me.”
Raffi took Seven’s hand and pulled her down so she was sitting in her lap with her legs hanging over the armrest of the chair. “I love that part of you.” Raffi went in for a long, slow kiss. Seven’s hands found their way to her face and gently held her close. Raffi pulled away a bit to add, “And all the other parts of you.”
“How long do we have before we enter orbit?” Seven asked, kissing across Raffi’s cheek to her neck. 
Raffi pulled up the informational panel then waved it away, “Long enough.”
“They’re not answering hails,” Seven said from the helmsman chair.
Raffi was looking at the holopanels in front of her, “I see lifesigns.” She tilted her head. “Four, looks like.” She moved a few things around, “Their network is… not secure. I’m broadcasting a message to all of their screens.”
“Can you get the shuttle bay doors open?” Seven asked, swiveling around in her chair to look at Raffi.
“Yeah, but I figured I’d knock first,” Raffi looked at Seven. She shook her head. “Switch me seats. This freaks me out.”
Seven grinned, “You don’t like the big chair?” She stood up as Raffi did. 
Raffi shook her head. “I like my shadowy little information corner.” Raffi tapped Seven’s ass as she passed, “Besides, if they start firing, we want you to pilot.”
Continued on AO3
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: S2E4 Reactions (spoilers!)
ngl i had a bad mental health day and watched this on my phone but it was still really really good
it's the ✨Seven putting a hand on Raffi's shoulder whenever they move✨ for me 😩
heavy metal guy being a puppy dog and respectful... love that for him
also say what you want but... he has a dwarven beard??? 🧐
Raffi fiddling with her necklace...
"We should have waited in the other future before jumping back in time" same Raffi bestie i was literally thinking this (and i wrote a fix it fic for you about it 🤠👍)
remember when the fandom freaked out over Saffi's first hand hold. now we have another one and it's so tender and sweet and i'm sorry i just need a moment
i really, really, really like this borg queen. i feel like of all the plot lines this episode i love borg queen and agnes' the most (and that's saying a lot as your local Saffi trash)
She and Agnes play off so well against each other and it's so intriguing seeing them interact and share how similar they are in their loneliness and isolation. It's so amazing
TNG theme playing when Picard beamed down to 10 Forward ARE YOU KIDDING ME OMFG I AM IN TEARS
The way I know it's Sir PatStew shoehorning all these damn pitbulls in these episodes
and i love that for him. pitbull love forever
Okay but? I really, really, really like this Guinan as well. The new actors they brought in to play old characters mesh so well with the story and the tone and the universe and it's so amazing to see
Guinan being more jaded, angry, sarcastic... it's a yes for me, because of course she would be in 2024 in the USA
Also Guinan is TEMPTING me to get red highlights. help
Guinan's *cocks gun* is so sexy of her, no i will not elaborate
NOT CRYSTAL BALL RIOS 😭 star trek picard is a comedy actually
Seven is me whenever i see karens around serving staff lmao "we're just going to back off from your personal space and you're doing a wonderful job 🤠👍"
Also. Seven respecting and thanking the police/law enforcement while Raffi and Rios are fighting against them, whereas in the future Seven is bitter at Starfleet and lowkey ignores them as a Ranger, whereas Raffi and Rios are in Starfleet and are totally subscribed to their ideals and beliefs. Interesting
Raffi's "I hate everything". Her body language in this. The way she's all bristly.
Also, someone gif this. Please gif this and send me the link and I will reblog it forever and ever
Raffi's "I hate this" vs Seven's "AND YOU HIDE IT SO WELL! <3" saffi is a comedic duo actually
not to gloss over the biggest Saffi scene in this episode but the way the two of them interact in the aftermath of grief is something that was really difficult for me to watch because *redacted trauma* so all i'm going to say is
it was very, very well acted and so realistically written, so kudos to everyone who made this scene. and i'm very glad that they didn't make the characters forget Elnor's death in like 2 seconds.
Well, Picard, Agnes and Rios lowkey did so that's a 0/10 for me
if/when i feel a bit better about it i'll definitely try to break this scene down because it was just. immaculate representation on their part
seven DRIVING LIKE THAT holy fucking shit
not her calling that car an antique 😭 y'all know she only knows how to drive because tom paris made them all drive around in the holodeck
Somehow this feels more violent than those bridge scenes where they're hit and everyone has to lurch in the same direction
"What does yellow light mean" "go faster" 🤡when i tell y'all they're comedy queens...
also ew ford product placement
"the cornerstone of every-" y'all know jurati was gonna say "relationship" before she was cut off 👀
once again, i am so intrigued by borg queen/jurati's interactions. i know they paired everyone off to film separately (because of covid?) and this is such a well thought out pair/plot line. not even ship wise but like, their dynamics and back and forth
this borg queen's gentleness in luring agnes to her and promising her what she needs... oh my god. it's just so amazing
Guinan hearing Picard's name and going "shit" like mood lmao
also that kid is so scary... never again please 😭
jurati knowing to limit the borg queen's access and ignoring her and walking away... thank you jesus
that lady in red who was reading lowkey reminded me of Kes
don't tell me Q is the jeff bezos of this fictional earth i will cry
Also Q losing his power... holy shit. Holy fucking shit
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treason-and-plot · 2 years
Why is Saffy mad at Sybilla again? Just having a boyfriend?
Hi Nonners! You are correct, although there are a few more layers to it.
Saffy and Sybilla grew up together as besties and step-sisters, but that all changed when Josh entered the scene. (Josh's Story can be read here for anyone who is unfamiliar with his storyline- trigger warnings for verbal abuse and violence.) So yes, their friendship basically never recovered from Josh’s arrival in Sybilla’s life. Saffron has never forgiven Sybilla for what she sees as Sybilla’s betrayal. I think it’s also fair to say that losing Sybilla as her bestie further accelerated Saffron’s fear of commitment. 
Fear of commitment and fear of becoming emotionally attached contributed to Saffron’s decision to be with a married man, because of course married men by their very nature can never commit. By Saffy’s reasoning Liam can therefore never hurt, abandon or betray her. 
It’s worth remembering too that even before she was ‘abandoned’ by Sybilla, Saffron spent her early teens believing that Joël walked out on she and Jared and Anita. And when she found out the truth (he had caught Anita cheating) it was yet another betrayal- a complete betrayal of trust in her mother. Of course Joël is now permanently back in their lives, but Saffron still bears the emotional scars of what she thought was his abandonment of their family when she was a young girl.
Thanks for taking the time to send me this very excellent question, Nonners!
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Can you write a medusa x mc fic where she gets a bit of overprotecting when one of her daughters has a date?
Written by: Shy Anon
"He's clean, Medusa. The boy has straight A's, plays in the band, in a book club, and volunteers to help clean up the environment. He's an only child. His mother is a businesswoman and his father is a local shop owner. Kind kid from what I could dig up."
A deep exhale leaves my lips, but it does hardly anything to ease my nerves.
"Thank you, Scylla. Anything helps."
"Anytime. Let me know if you need anything else."
"I will."
Hanging up the phone, I pocket it and lean my back against the kitchen sink. My fingers drum against the stainless steel rim and I can't wait to get this over with.
"Everything is going to be fine, Medusa. We're just meeting him and their first date is in the garden. So, if anything does go wrong, we'll be right there."
The cookie pan clatters a bit as my lovely wife brings it out of the oven and onto the stove top. The sweet aroma fills the room from the baked goods, but her kiss is the sweetest good of it all. I hope she's right, which she is most of the time, but I still wished she could have let me buy that shotgun, just in case.
Today is the day that we get to meet Saffi's boyfriend, Luke. I've always regretted the day that my girls would start dating, but its a part of life and I must deal with it. Fifteen was the age that MC and I eventually agreed on to let the girls start dating, but trust me, I tried to push the age limit to thirty, but it was to no avail. Can't blame a mom for trying. The doorbell rings and I can't help but think of it as an alert for what's about to happen.
"I'll get it!"
"Saffi, maybe I should-."
"It's okay, mom, you get the tea, its about to go off any second."
And she's right. The kettle whistles as soon as the sentence leaves her mouth and she just smiles.
"Told you."
My lips lift slightly as she strides over to the door rather quickly in her new dress that her and her momma picked out just for the occasion. Here we go.
Saffi greets the young boy with a smile and a quick hug, careful not to crush the flowers and chocolate in his arms. The dark haired boy surrenders the gifts to her with a smile, before Saffi takes him by the hand and escorts him over to us.
"Momma, mom, this is Luke. Luke, this is my momma, MC, and my mom, Medusa."
MC and Luke happily shake hands with smiles; as for me, I do my best to send him one of my disapproving glares just to see how he'll react, but to my surprise, he greets me just as happily as he did MC. Celeste has already met him at their school, so she went to Charybdis's and Prime's house to hang out with them. She knew that this was big for all of us and didn't want to be in the way. "Especially, if things go wrong." She said. I smile internally at the joke, but my face stays neutral for the current situation.
"It's a honor to meet both of you. Saffi has told me many great things about you."
He pushes up his glasses with a smile.
"The feeling is mutual. Saffi loves to talk about you, doesn't she, Medusa?"
I simply nod. "She does, but we would like to know more about you."
"Of course." His blue eyes glint with excitement against my cold gaze.
"Alright, let's head to the garden."
Everyone agrees and we all head out. MC and I carry the food and tea as Luke holds the door for all of us.
"You have such a beautiful garden. Saffi has spoken about it quite a bit, but I can't express enough how magnificent it is in person."
I bite back a smile. Keep talking, kid, flattery will get you everywhere and so will manners. He pulls out the chairs for all of us and helps us sit. Keep it up.
After pouring everyone's tea, MC and I immediately get down to business to interrogate him... Well, mostly me. With every soft question MC asks, I automatically follow it up with a harder question. For instance, she asked
"What subject do you enjoy most in school?" and I followed with up with "Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
The looks I get from both of my girls maybe a little shocking, but I'm just being straight forward. Apparently, his favorite subject is math because not only is that where he first met Saffi, but because he likes to solve problems, which brings the answer to my question to being a potential therapist because he wants to help people solve their problems. Good answer.
He keeps answering all our questions with confidence and it doesn't falter once, even when we mention about what his intentions are with our daughter. By the way that Saffi is blushing, I can tell that we, but mostly I, am embarrassing her, but Luke doesn't seemed fazed at all. In fact, I believe he enjoys talking to us, especially, about his good intentions with Saffi.
"Well, I believe its time for them to go on their date alone, now. Come on, Medusa, let's go inside."
I sigh internally, but nod. As we stand up, Luke stands as well. Very proper.
"We'll be in the living room if you two need anything." MC smiles.
"Don't be afraid to ask." I say bluntly, but Luke just smiles and thanks us before we head in.
Slumping on the couch, I finally let out a sigh and MC wastes no time on aligning our bodies with one another to cuddle and turns on the TV.
"So, what do you think?"
Kissing the top of her head, I sigh again.
"I think I like him." My hand reaches for the remote and turns the volume down some. "But let's keep that and volume on the down low. I still need to play the intimidating parent role."
My lovely wife, giggles. "I agree, but he really is a sweet boy. I didn't indicate that he has no bad intentions towards her. If he did have any, I think Celeste would've given us a heads-up in advance."
I smile. "Yeah, she would've. So, I guess if he can get three Godly beings approval to date Saffi, he can't be that bad."
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Here's a little Saffi headcanon for anyone interested:
There have not been any formal declarations of love yet. Neither has said "I love you" to the other. They both know that they love the other person, but haven't said the words.
Raffi hasn't said it because, while she can be a manipulative person, she doesn't want to put Seven in a position where she feels like she HAS to say it back before she's ready.
Seven, on the other hand, is terrified of what will happen when she finally says it. Bad things happen to people she loves. People she loves hurt her. She doesn't want that to happen with Raffi.
But! When they finally get over themselves and say it:
Seven says "I love you" first.
Raffi hesitates just a moment too long as she tries to process what Seven said. This freaks Seven out and she panics and tries to get out of that situation. Raffi stops her and says "I love you too."
"You do?" Seven asks.
"Of course I do," Raffi replies.
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