#sam if i give you 20$ will you tell me what you’re doing
moonlightperseus · 5 months
samuel (dalton) reich what are you doing
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 1 month
Dr. Raynor asks Y/N and Bucky what they think the other’s deepest, darkest fears are (as some sort of teamwork exercise that the duo immediately calls BS on). This leads the reader to list off a bunch of things about thinking he’s a fraud, that he’s incapable of giving or receiving love, etc. Bucky, smirking, keeps it direct. He simply says that Y/N’s biggest fear is admitting that she’s in love with him.
He says it facetiously, of course. But the hesitation and lack of immediate barbed response says more than words ever could.
The silence, naturally, is the perfect opportunity for Dr. Raynor to use her notebook.
Maybe not enemies-to-lovers, but more rivals-to-lovers? A hefty amount of idiots-in-love, and probably some angst-to-fluff-to-Sam-owing-Sarah-$20-for-the-bet-that-they-weren’t-in-love.
Just Admit It » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Dr. Raynor has you and Bucky do a teamwork exercise which ends up with you two admitting your feelings for each other.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff ending, language, Rivals to Lovers/Idiots In Love, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator.
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“We’re going to try something different.” Dr. Raynor moves her notebook aside to lean her arms on the table. “I’m going to have you two do a teamwork exercise. In order to do that I need you two to face each other.” She says.
“Why?” You asked.
“Don’t question me and just do it.” She says.
You and Bucky turned your chairs around so you two were facing each other.
“Closer.” She says.
“Seriously?” Bucky says.
Dr. Raynor nodded. You and Bucky furrowed your eyebrows, already calling bullshit on it before moving closer to each other. You two were so close that your legs were touching his.
“Now, tell each other what you think each other’s deepest, darkest fears are.” She says.
You and Bucky sat there staring each other down for a moment in complete silence.
“What are you- are you guys having a staring contest?” Dr. Raynor asks.
You guys didn’t answer her. You two just continued to stare each other down in silence.
“Knock it off!” She snaps her fingers to get you guys to stop it. “Talk.” She orders.
Bucky rolled his eyes at her before looking at you, waiting for you to say something. You sighed loudly at the Super Soldier.
“Well, for starters, I think you’re a fraud.” You say.
“I’m a lot of things, but a fraud isn’t one of them.” He says.
“I also think you’re incapable of giving love and receiving it.” You say.
Bucky listened to everything else you listed off about him, which he thinks is simply untrue. He just chuckles and smirks facetiously at you.
“You wanna know what I think, doll?” He leans forward. “I think your biggest fear is admitting that you’re in love with me.” He says with the same facetious smirk on his face.
“I- that’s-” You couldn’t find the words you wanted to say, because he’s right and he knows it. “That’s not true.” You lied.
“Don’t try lying your way out of this. I heard my name come up in your conversation with Sam’s sister.” He says.
“You shouldn’t listen to or eavesdrop on people’s conversations.” You say.
“I wasn’t listening or eavesdropping. I heard you say it. I have enhanced hearing.” He says, sounding sarcastic.
You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it. You tilted your head back, groaning loudly. Bucky smirks to himself and leaned back in his chair.
“You’re so fucking annoying!” You say, almost shouting.
“The feeling is mutual, doll face.” Bucky says.
“How many damn times have I told you not to call me those stupid pet names?” You say, narrowing your eyes at him.
“I call you those little pet names just to annoy you.” He says, the facetious smirk returning to his face.
“How the hell did Steve even put up with you years ago?” You asked without realizing what you just said.
The smirk dropped from Bucky’s face and he clenched his jaw. Your eyes widened, realizing that the Steve subject is still sensitive for him. You two sat in silence. Dr. Raynor took the opportunity to write in her notebook during that silence.
“Are we done here?” Bucky asks Dr. Raynor.
“Yes, you two are dismissed.” Dr. Raynor says.
Bucky stood up from his chair, the chair making a scraping noise against the floor. You stood up and followed him.
“Bucky, wait!” You ran up to him. “I didn’t mean to bring up Steve like that.” You say.
“Don’t!” Bucky growls. “Don’t say his fucking name like you know him. You didn’t know him like I did. He was my best friend and you had to say shit like that.” He says.
“I didn’t mean to.” You say, trying to sound sincere.
“Save it.” He gets on his motorcycle. “I don’t want to fucking hear another god damn word coming from your mouth.” He says.
Bucky started his motorcycle and you stepped back when he drove way. You watched him drive away from a distance. You stood there, feeling guilty about the way you brought up Steve. You decided to leave Bucky alone and try to talk to him tomorrow.
You and Bucky have been rivals for as long as you two can remember. You two never got along. Steve tried everything to get you two to get along, but nothing worked. It only seemed to get worse after he left. The only thing you guys can agree on is work and that’s it.
The next day, you went to Sam’s and his sister’s house, hoping that Bucky was there and he was. His motorcycle is in the driveway. You knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to open it. Sarah opened the door, smiling when she seen you. She gave you a hug before stepping aside to let you come inside.
“Is Bucky here?” You asked, fiddling with your fingers. “I seen his motorcycle in the driveway.” You say.
“Yes. He’s in the back with Sam.” Sarah says.
You followed her to the backyard. Bucky and Sam were throwing the shield around.
“Bucky, you have a visitor.” Sarah says.
Bucky stared at you in silence. You could sense that he was still mad about what you said yesterday.
“Let’s leave them alone, Sam.” She says.
“But I want to hear what they’re going to say to each other.” Sam says.
“Come on!” She says, grabbing his arm and pulled him towards the house.
“Ow! Ok, ok!” He says.
You and Bucky stood in silence. You were trying to build up the courage to apologize to him.
“Are you going to say something or are you just going to waste my time like you always do?” Bucky says.
You looked down at the ground before looking back at him. You know you have to apologize and you might as well get it over with. You took a deep breath before saying anything.
“I’m sorry about how I brought up Steve yesterday.” You started. “I know how sensitive that subject is for you and I shouldn’t have said that. I know he’s your best friend and you miss him.” You say, sounding sincere.
“You should be sorry. You were totally out of line for it.” He says.
“I know and I’m sorry.” You apologized. “It’s just- you get to me sometimes and I didn’t realize I said it.” You say.
The facetious smirk grew on Bucky’s face when you said he gets to you sometimes. That’s enough to confirm that you’re in love with him without having to say it.
“I get to you sometimes?” Bucky asks, smirking facetiously.
“I- yes!” You say, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“So I was right about what I said yesterday.” He took a couple steps closer to you. “You’re in love with me.” He says, the facetious smirk staying on his face.
Meanwhile, Sam and Sarah were watching from the kitchen window.
“$20 that Y/N kisses Bucky.” Sarah says.
“$20 that Bucky walks away from her.” Sam says.
“I’m not too sure about that. Y/N knows what she wants when she wants it.” She says.
You stared up at Bucky, feeling your heat hammering in your chest. The tension between the two was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.
“Are you going to admit it or what, doll face?” Bucky asks.
You didn’t say anything. You grasped the collar of his blue henley and pulled him down for a kiss. Bucky’s hands found their way to your waist, pulling you against his body. Your lips moved in sync with his. It felt everything around you two was moving in slow motion.
“I told you so! Pay up, Sam!” Sarah says, loud enough for you and Bucky to hear, making you two laugh against each other’s lips.
Sam made a grumbling noise and took his wallet out of his pocket, taking $20 out of it and gave it to his sister. Sarah smiles proudly to herself cause she won a bet against her brother.
“Boys, who wants ice cream?!” Sarah asks, calling out for her sons.
The kiss was so passionate that you and Bucky were breathless by the time you two pulled away from the kiss, looking deep in each other’s eyes.
“I really am sorry about how I brought up Steve.” You apologized again.
“It’s ok. I forgive you.” Bucky says.
Bucky brought a hand up to your cheek, caressing it and rubbing his thumb against your skin.
“Does this mean you want to be mine?” He asks softly.
“Didn’t that kiss prove it for you?” You asked, answering his question with a question.
Bucky chuckles and pecks your lips softly, which turned into another passionate kiss.
“Hey!” Sam shouts. “Keep it PG13! There’s kids here!” He shouts, making you and Bucky laugh against each other’s lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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zepskies · 8 months
Love, By Any Other Name
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Pairing: Castiel x F. Reader
Summary: You want him. Castiel can’t help but crave you. Dean sees both of you and wishes you’d stop being idiots.
AN: This is my first ever commission! Written for @girlsforpjm, who requested "mutual pining" with Castiel. Here you go, lovely! I sincerely hope you enjoy it. 💜
**Also, this is set during season 12.
Song Inspo: “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak
Word Count: 4,500
Tags/Warnings: Mutual pining, angst, blood and injury, (contains events from 12.12), fluff, some spice, implied smut.
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Sam grimaces while he watches you wipe your nose against your bare wrist. You shake your head and frown at the dusty tomes piled high beside you. You and Sam have been organizing the library for two hours now.
“That’s it, I can’t do this anymore,” you lament. “I need a break. My sinuses need a break.”
Sam’s lips twitch at a smile. “It’s okay. I got the rest of these.”
You aim a lazy salute at your friend and continue to sniffle as you leave the library. You circle this labyrinth of a bunker for a while, but you can’t seem to find the trench coat-wearing angel that’s supposed to live here too.
You end up in the garage, where Dean is tuning up his Baby. His shirt sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, and he’s got a grease stain across his cheek.
“Hey, you seen Cas?” you ask.
Dean barely perks up from under Baby’s hood to answer you. “He went out this morning. Haven’t seen him since.”
You pout at that, leaning against the side of the car near where Dean is tinkering.
“Is it too much to ask for him to leave a note or something?” you mutter.
Dean finally glances over at you. His lips edge at a smirk.
“What, miss your little boyfriend?” he teases.
The insinuation manages to take you by surprise. Your face starts to warm in embarrassment, but you cover it with a scoff.
“You should know. He was your boyfriend first,” you volley back. Dean’s expression flattens in annoyance.
“Don’t you have anything better to do right now?” he snarks.
“Nope,” you reply, popping the “P.” But you have mercy on him.
Instead of pestering him further, you just tip over the screwdriver he had balanced on the car’s frame. He makes a sound of protest as it falls somewhere between the gears inside his precious car.
He barks your name, and his angry voice echoes on the walls to magnify his frustration, but you’re already hastening back into the hall and down to the kitchen, trying to stifle your laughter.
You’ve slipped into the kitchen to escape. Yet that’s where you find the bunker’s resident angel, washing his hands of what looks like breadcrumbs in the sink.
“Hey,” you greet him jovially. He treats you with a small smile. “Where were you?”
“Oh, nowhere really. Just stepped out for a bit,” he replies. You get the sense that he’s hiding something. You smile and step closer to him, leaning a hand on the counter.
“Oh, yeah? Where?” you ask. Your eyes gleam with amusement. “Another ‘mission on high?’”
He sends you a droll look. “No.”
You tug on his sleeve. “Come on. Tell me.”
He smiles in return, and he gives you his own version of teasing.
“Childishness doesn’t become you,” he says.
“I’m just curious. You’ve been gone all day,” you reply, tilting your head. Your stare is unyielding, and familiar; Cas knows how stubborn you can be when you want something—especially information. Sometimes he finds it annoying, but in moments like these, it’s tempered by your playful, endearing smile.
“I was on a walk,” he finally admits.
You raise your brows. “A walk? Cas, it’s winter. Like 20 degrees outside.”
“I enjoy nature,” he shrugs. “The cold doesn’t bother me much anyway.”
…Well, he is an angel. You suppose it makes sense that he doesn’t feel the frigid weather like a human would. Your brow quirks with another curious thought.
“So you were washing your hands because…?” you ask.
Castiel’s face becomes a little more bashful. “I was feeding the birds some bread.”
At that, your smile grows. Here he is: Castiel, warrior angel of the Lord, Feeder of Pigeons.
“Well, if you ever want a walking companion, I’d be happy to join you,” you offer.
Castiel gives you a certain look, like he doesn’t quite believe you. 
Your lips purse. “What?”
He sinks his hands into his pockets as he leans his slightly hunched form back on his heels.
“Nothing,” he claims. “It’s only, I seem to remember you forcing Dean to kill a spider in your room. You claimed, and I quote, bastard things that crawl don’t belong indoors.”
You cross your arms and stare back at him narrowly, even though you try to stifle a smile.
“What’s your point? Everyone’s afraid of spiders,” you reason.
He raises a brow. “You also claim to have a vendetta against birds.”
“Pigeons, Castiel. They’re rats with wings.” Even Dean would agree with you on that one.
Castiel gives you a dubious look, however.
“Forgive me if I’m skeptical of your supposed love of nature,” he says drolly.
You want to argue more, but Sam enters the room with Dean on his heels. Both men seem to sense they’ve interrupted something. You clear your throat and turn to them.
“What’s up?” you ask, more nonchalant than you feel whenever you’re near the angel beside you. Castiel glances at you, before he too silently addresses Sam and Dean.
“Uh, we’ve caught a case,” Sam says. “It’s not far. Three dead, all with their hearts, and most of their internal organs ripped out.”
“Ech,” you reply with a grimace. “Sounds kind of like a ghoul. Maybe a werewolf on steroids?”
“Well, they were fresh kills, and it’s a full moon. So more than likely we’re looking at werewolves,” he replies.
You smile thinly. “Great.”
You hate werewolves.
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Correction: you really hate werewolves.
The thought hits you yet again as you lay on the floor of a dusty old hunting cabin.
The irony.
Dean hefts you in his arms, after slicing his silver blade through the heart of the yellow-eyed bastard that tore you open with his claws.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” you ask, hating how your voice trembles. Dean doesn’t answer you at first. He holds his hand to the oozing gash in your side.
“Nah, you’ll be okay. Just hang in there,” he says. Blood quickly covers his palm. He curses inside his mind.
“Cas!” he calls out roughly.
The angel had been fighting in the other the room with Sam, but after he burns out the eyes of the last werewolf and its body falls to the ground, he hears the undercurrent of alarm in Dean’s shouting. With Sam on his heels, he returns to the living room to find you and Dean.
Castiel’s steps halt in the doorway when he sees you. His face slackens for a moment, but then he hardens. He moves forward swiftly.
“Move,” he says to Dean in order to come to your side. Dean’s eyes widen, but he does as he’s told after laying you down to the floor. 
Castiel stares down at your face, offering you comfort with his eyes. You stare up at him in pain, but also with hope, and trust. You’re able to curl your fingers around the edge of his trench coat.
Then he presses his hand to your cheek. He closes his eyes in concentration while he heals you. 
Though he expels more power than he should to heal you completely. He knows it when his body sways a little after he’s done. Dean grabs his shoulder to keep him steady.
“You good?” Dean asks.
Castiel nods; he’s more focused on the way you’re catching your breath. You marvel at how your wounds, your pain, and even your blood is gone—completely washed away. He helps you sit up with an arm wrapping around your shoulders. Then he gathers you tight against him, so he can help you stand as well. He wavers again on his feet, just a little, but you’re too perceptive not to catch it. You realize he did too much to save you.
You still chide at him with a frown. “You didn’t have to use up so much of your energy.”
Castiel shakes his head. “Think nothing of it.”
Those are useless words, but you don’t bother arguing with him anymore. You just sigh and hold onto his strong arms while regaining your balance. You know for a fact that you’re blushing when you glance up at him.
Biting your lip, you soon turn away to grab the knife you’d dropped in the fight.
Without you or Cas noticing, Sam and Dean share a knowing glance. It’s subtle, in the way the brothers have perfected. Dean barely curbs a smile as he leads the way back to the car. 
You settle next to Cas in the backseat and try not to glance at him too often. You don’t know that he’s trying not to do the same to you.
Dean glances back at you two in the rearview mirror. He shakes his head.
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Mary Winchester has been a welcome return to the family…when she’s here. Ever since Amara brought her back, she’s been distant with her sons. You don’t understand it all that well, but it’s not your place to say anything, you don’t think.
You do think Mary is a badass hunter. You just don’t know her that well.
About a week after the werewolf hunt, Mary drops in with Wally, a fellow hunter in need of assistance with a demon problem. You, Sam, Dean, and Castiel are all game. While you haven’t had to deal with demons too much in the past, you know that they’re…something of a specialty for the Winchesters. 
But of course, it quickly goes to shit.
The demon lives alone, in some shack by a river where he likes to fish. The group of you wait until he’s stepped out of the house before you go inside and case the place, looking for a good spot to spray a Devil’s Trap or two and try to trap him.
When the demon returns, he’s far stronger than any of you anticipated. The Devil’s Trap breaks with little effort (the demon’s just laughing). Then he flashes yellow eyes. You and Castiel share a look of widening shock. Mary takes a preemptive step back.
And when the kitchen door is about to close on the three of you, the angel pushes you into the next room before you can turn and fight. Sam helps you back onto your feet, though you stare at the door in horror. He and Dean try to break the door down, but it’s no use. It’s supernaturally sealed. 
You felt useless standing there. You wrack your brain for a solution, and you glance out one of the windows. Maybe there’s another way into the kitchen!
“Guys! What if we go around?” you suggest.
With that idea taking root in each of you, Sam and Dean follow you outside. Before you guys can even make it around the house, Wally flags you down. 
“We’ve got incoming!” he says. And you realize what he means. A group of black-eyed demons are bounding toward the house.
Aw, shit. You’re grateful to have Sam and Dean beside you, because the demons nearly overtake all of you. You manage to hold your own, along with the brothers. Wally isn’t so fortunate. His body hits the floor after his own blade sinks into his chest.
A pit begins to form in your stomach as you scramble toward the Impala. The plan is to catch up with Mary; thanks to Cas, she’d been able to flee the demon strong enough to snap a Devil’s Trap like a cheap trick. But she’d then taken Cas with her to safety. 
Now, Dean drives the Impala down the road at breakneck speed. 
“Are you okay?” Sam asks his mother through the phone. The car is silent enough for you to hear Mary’s reply.
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When you step into the barn, the first thing you have to focus on is Cas covered in his own blood. He’s been stabbed by one of the demon’s strange and powerful weapons, and he lies on an old, dingy couch. You hurry to Cas’s side and take in, your face filled with horror, though you try and fail to mask it. 
You reach out a hand, but you hesitate to touch him. Suffering is written across his face. He tries to stifle sounds of pain out of habit.
Tears are fresh in your eyes as you look down at him in dismay. You chance laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“Can you heal yourself?” you ask.
“No,” he answers eventually. “I think the demon’s spear was poisoned. I think I’m…”
No, your lower lip trembles as you shake your head.
“No,” you repeat aloud. “You just need time.”
You turn to Dean, who’s approached from behind you. But you quickly turn back to Cas, as if you’ll miss out on precious few moments. Castiel’s furrowed gaze tells you he’d rather not have you see him like this, but you don’t care. There’s no way you’re leaving his side. 
The weapon that was able to do this to him was the Lance of Michael, you all discover, when Crowley suddenly appears. He also informs you all that this is no ordinary demon. It’s Ramiel, Prince of Hell. You don’t give a shit about the specifics of how Crowley is wrapped up in this.
All you care about is if there’s a cure to Cas’s wounds. Crowley’s only words of wisdom are to leave the angel behind and run as fast as you can. 
He disappears before you can spit at him. 
“Cas, how bad is it?” Dean asks, after the King of Hell predictably makes a run for it. 
Castiel opened up his shirt collar to reveal a spiderweb of black crackling across his clammy skin, slowly breaking down his vessel. 
“Crowley’s right. You should go.”
Your hand tightens on his shoulder. “Cas—”
“No, listen to me,” he says, staring into your eyes. He continues with difficulty. “Look…thank you. Thank you. Knowing you all, it’s been the best part of my life. The things we’ve shared together, they have changed me… You’re my family, and I love you.”
His gaze had fallen on you, making your breath hitch. But his dark blue eyes travel to Sam and Dean next, and even Mary. 
“I love all of you.” The angel is the closest to tears and heartbreak that you’ve ever seen him. He struggles to hold himself together, in more ways than one. “Just, please, please don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run, and save yourselves, and I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.”
You’re shaking your head before he even finishes the sentence. Tears pour down your cheeks in silent streams, but you still hold him down when he tries to force his body to sit up. He doesn’t have the strength to resist you encouraging him to lie back down. 
Dean voices what you’re all thinking.
No. None of you would cut and run and leave him to die, no matter what Cas says. 
“Like you said, we’re family. And we don’t leave family behind.”
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Ramiel comes for all of you, specifically for his stolen weapon. Killing the rest of you would just be an added bonus.
But while the four of you manage to pin down the demon with holy fire and a good fight, it’s Sam who manages to stab the Prince of Hell with Michael’s Lance, killing him in flash of brilliant light and rendering his body to ash. 
Of course, that’s when Crowley arrives once again, late holding his proverbial Starbucks. In this case, what would’ve been a mocha frappe is actually the Lance—and Crowley breaks it in half. It somehow reverses the curse of the blade, and therefore frees Castiel. 
He’s able to heal himself back to a full recovery. 
But also, rather predictably, Crowley disappears again before you all can recover yourselves. 
Sam and Dean help the angel back onto his feet. His clothes are still covered in blood, but his skin is clear and no longer clammy, his eyes no longer bloodshot. He’s shocked to still be alive, and you can barely contain yourself. Tears stream down your face as you surprise him with a hug.
Cas releases an oof, his body wavering just slightly before he plants his feet and wraps his arms around you. His hold tightens around your smaller frame, and he chances resting his chin on the top of your head.  
“So…you’re good?” Mary asks incredulously. 
Castiel raises his gaze to answer her. “I guess I am.”
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You’re quiet for the rest of the drive home. Mary had taken her own car for the hunt, so it leaves you once again in the backseat with Castiel.
He finds your silence perturbing, though he doesn’t have the courage to ask you what’s wrong. Despite his full recovery, you still seem upset somehow. 
Part of him wants to reach out to you…but he stops himself. He also reminds himself not to stare at you. Instead, he turns his head back out the window. You felt his gaze on your profile, but you resolve to keep yours stubbornly out of your own window. 
The only one who notices the exchange, yet again through the rearview mirror, is Dean. His lips firm into a thoughtful frown. 
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Home, sweet home, you think wryly when you enter the bunker. 
You give into the urge to beeline straight for your room without even turning your head. 
Sam and Mary follow suit, which leaves Castiel hesitating in the hall. Dean takes pity on him and claps his shoulder. 
“You okay, man?” he asks. Cas is staring after you like a man who’s lost his way.
“She’s…upset,” he replies, both confused and bothered by that fact.  
Dean’s lips twitch humorlessly. “Yeah, well, you almost died.”
“Yes,” Cas gives a wry nod. “But she seems upset at me.”
Dean has to smile for real. It’s plain as day what’s on his friend’s mind, and why. Just like it’s obvious as hell (at least to him) why you’re probably “upset.” As always, Dean takes up the role of wingman. 
“Why don’t you just go talk to her then?” he suggests.
Castiel hesitates. He’s not sure if he’d be intruding on you. The emotions of human women are foreign to him. They always have been, even when he was human, not so long ago. But he trusts Dean’s advice on these things.
So, he eventually nods. He means to follow you, but Dean stops him for a moment with a hand on his shoulder. 
“Maybe after you, uh, wash your clothes. Take a shower. Maybe shave a little,” he says, brushing his fingers over his own chin. “But uh, keep a little scruff. Some chicks dig that.”
“Shave my facial hair, but…keep my facial hair?” Cas tries to clarify. 
Dean blinks at his friend. Christ.
 “Okay, look, just clean yourself up,” he says. “You’ll be fine.”
With one last clap on the back, Dean disappears down the hall to his room. It leaves Castiel feeling somewhat unbalanced, but he treks the other way.
Normally he would restore his clothes with his powers, but he’d used up his reserves just to heal himself. There was a time when his connection to heaven was enough to do more than heal his own injuries. Now, however, both he and heaven itself are in a lesser state. 
Shaking his head, he goes down to the laundry room. He still remembers how to wash his own clothing. 
He unintentionally finds you there in the laundry room. You’ve peeled away your jacket that had been stained with his blood, and you’re tossing it into the machine. It leaves you in a thin shirt and jeans.
Castiel finds himself admiring your form; the familiar curve of your face, the shade of your hair, the outline of your bra through your shirt (which he tries not to notice), and the other curves that he has to often felt guilty for tracing with his eyes…and imagining with his hands.  
You look up when he enters the room.
He knocks himself out of his thoughts and freezes, a bit uncertain.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you,” he offers.
You just shake your head. “It’s okay.”
Your eyes roam over him then, from head to toe. It makes his face feel a bit warm.
“You want me to throw that coat in with mine?” you ask, pointing over to him. Cas examines his bloody trench coat.
“I’m not sure there’s any saving it, but we can try,” he says. He peels off the coat and allows you to throw it into the watching machine along with your bloody clothing.
“Your shirt’s white, so you should wash that separately,” you advise.
“I know,” he says, with a faint smile. “I, uh, I remember.”
You begin to regain some of your normal self, glancing at him with more warmth in your eyes. 
“Do you ever miss being human?” you ask. Cas draws closer to you. He rests a hand near yours, where you lean on the dryer. 
“There were some enjoyable aspects. Food, in particular,” he admits. “Now if I try to take a bite of a sandwich, it’s just…molecules, really.”
You wince in sympathy. “God, I don’t know how I could go through life without being able to enjoy another Snickers bar.”
He nods in agreement. He remembers chocolate well.
“But it wasn’t just the taste. It was the feeling of satiety. Sometimes, being uncomfortably full was quite satisfying,” he says. That makes you smile. 
But it soon drops when you take in the disgusting state of his shirt. Unbidden, it reminds you of every horrific thing that happened tonight. You really can’t bear it. 
“Okay, give me that,” you gesture at the shirt.
You start to unbutton it before he’s really ready for you, but he tries to get over his embarrassment by removing his tie. Meanwhile, you undo the buttons of his shirt while trying not to think too hard about what you’re really doing as you start to see flashes of his skin, from chest to sternum.
He takes a peek at your face. 
“Are you angry?” he asks. 
Your brows are furrowed, but this time more in confusion when you look up at him. 
“No. Why?” 
Cas’s brows furrow. “It feels like you’re angry…at me.”
The hasty motions of your hands calm at that. You consider him with a frown. Maybe you are a little upset at him. It’s not really fair, you know, but it’s how you feel. You blow out a sigh. 
“I just… After everything we’ve been through, everything you’ve done for us, how could you think for one second that we would leave you there alone? Alone to die?” you ask. It renders Castiel a bit stunned into silence. 
Your grip tightens on the now open edges of his shirt.
“Look, that situation was bad enough. But if you ever try to push me away like that again…”
You’re unable to finish that thought. You become waylaid by your own tears as emotion clogs your throat and threatens to choke you. 
Castiel raises a hand to touch your face, tentatively at first, then more comforting. He brushes his thumb across your cheek, catching the tears there. 
“I wasn’t trying to push you away,” he confesses. “I was trying to save you…because I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, even as I lay dying.”
You hold onto his hand. Biting your lower lip, you find enough courage to meet his eyes. They’ve lowered to your lips, you realize, though maybe Cas doesn’t. He seems a bit surprised when you lean up towards him.
You go more slowly. Your hand falls on his warm chest. For God’s sake, do something, you tell yourself. 
You don’t know if he can pick up on your thoughts as well with your bodies touching this close, but he seems to have an internal battle of his own. You each make a decision at the same time.
It has you leaning up the rest of the way, and Castiel bending down to meet your kiss.  
He gathers you closer; one hand finds its way into your tangled hair, while the other grasps your hip and brings you flush against him. Your hands move up his chest and wind around his neck. He holds you tightly against him as his lips claim yours, over and over with increasing urgency. 
He turns you in his arms and hefts you up onto the dryer machine. There he gets even more leverage to kiss you the way he has secretly imagined, to touch you the way he’s too often craved, with his hands warming up and down your thighs.
You utter a moan of longing as you hold his face. You like the scrape of his stubble against your palms. You can almost imagine that delightful tingling against otherplaces down your body. Places you’d like him to explore when you have more privacy…
Or maybe here is privacy enough.
You alternatively tangle and tug your fingers through his hair. And it’s his turn to moan when you take his lower lip between your teeth, scraping just hard enough to be both painful and delightful.
He squeezes your thighs in retaliation. It prompts you to wrap your legs around his waist, bringing him even closer. Your dirty boots cross behind his back.
But soon, his touch gentles, more tender than demanding as he slows the kiss. His lips veer from yours and burn a path across your jawline, down the smooth column of your neck.
It allows you to catch your breath, but the feeling of his gentle lips and rough cheek just turns you on even more. You card your fingers through his hair and close your eyes. 
“Cas,” you breathe in content. 
He hesitates, with his lips on your neck. “Yes?”
You blink for a moment, but then you have to giggle. You twine your arms around his neck and hold him close. 
“Nothing,” you reply. Your smile says it all though. Cas sees it when he pulls away a bit, turning his gaze back to you. He caresses your cheek with the back of his hand. 
“I didn’t think feelings such as this…desires like this, would affect me after I became an angel again.”
Your smile brightens, even as you blush. “Does that make me special?”
“Yes,” he replies, with a soft smile. “But for many more, and far better reasons than that.”
Your eyes begin to sting with unshed tears. You bite the edge of your lower lip, but Cas’s thumb swiping across encourages you to release it.
“When you said that you loved me,” you say, a little shakily, “did you just mean…in the family sense?”
Castiel meets your eyes, and there he finds his courage. 
“Yes,” he says. “And no.”
With another one of those smiles he’s come to love, you bring him back in for a kiss. All too soon, it becomes hungrier, rougher, born of passion and secret desires finally spilling free. 
“Wait,” you pant against his lips, taking his hands in yours. “Come with me.”
Anywhere, his heart says.
But after you jump down from the dryer, you tug him by the hand out of the laundry room. After a quick scan of the hallway, you give him a playful little smile and lead him down to your room.
Castiel can’t help but smile in return. He follows your lead in more ways than one when the door to your bedroom shuts behind you both.
You help him shrug off his tattered shirt, and he helps you out of yours next, followed swiftly by the belt buckle on his slacks. 
In that moment, and many moments after, you’re grateful for door locks. You just hope the Winchesters aren’t dumb enough to interrupt what you have planned next for your angel…
Because it might just take all night.
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AN: I haven't written for Castiel in a long time, but I had fun with this. 🥰 I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know what you think. 😘
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Protective~ Dean Winchester imagine
Warnings// angst, fluff and cock blocking
lil summery// just a lil cutesy protective Dean Winchester
Dean x Reader
Word count// 1400
(gif from Pinterest)
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You Sam and Dean had just finished a pretty rough ghoul hunt, once you guys had all showered the remnants of the night, dean suggested you guys head out for a few drinks to celebrate, once you got to the bar Dean and you slide into a booth, deans arm wrapping around your shoulders pulling you into his side “you get the first round Sammy” Dean said smirking at his brother, Sam rolled his eyes “fine but you’re next” he said walking to the bar
“So how you feeling after you’re first ghoul sweetheart” you looked up at your boyfriend “well I’ve gotta say I won’t be chasing one for a very long time, much prefer a simple salt and burn” Dean chuckled kissing the side of your head, “alright beers are severed” Sam said sitting down with the drinks “thanks Sammy” you said taking a drink out the bottle
You and the guys were having a great time talking about passed hunts before you’d met them “he just looked at me all upset and said ‘I lost my shoe’ all because he lost the damn rabbits foot” Dean laughed finishing his second beer, “alright my round boys just another beer?”you questioned getting up “yeah thanks Y/N” Sam said “yeah me too thank you sweetheart” you hooded moving to the slightly crowded bar you quickly got the bar tenders attention “hi three beers please” the man nodded “that’ll be 12 bucks gorgeous” he said placing three beers in front of you, you nodded handing him a 20 dollar bill, the bar tender went to get your change leaving you standing for a few minutes
“what’s a beautiful girl like you doing at a place like this” a man grumbled out from one of the bar stools, he looked to be a drunk creep no younger than mid 50s “I’m here with my boyfriend and friend” you said back hoping he’d back off at the boyfriend comment “ah bet your boyfriend doesn’t treat you like I would” the man said moving closer to you “look buddy I’m not interested I’m in a relationship” he didn’t seem too happy with that “you better watch yourself you bitch I’m giving you a choice the only thing you should be saying is yes sir, because that’s the only damn thing you’ll be saying when I’m pounding you in front of your little boyfriend you slut!” he spat out, “is there a problem here miss?” The bartender asked returning with your change “no everything’s fine thanks” you said grabbing the change stuffing it in your pocket before taking the beers back to the winchesters
“Hey sweetheart everything good? You were gone a while” Dean said grabbing his beer and pulling you back to your place at his side “yeah fine just waiting for my change” you answered quietly, you could see the man from the bar staring at you his hand holding his glass tightly in his grasp as he wouldn’t break eye contact “I’m gonna head back to the motel after this one guys I’m pretty tired” you said feeling uncomfortable either the stares the man wa giving you, dean nodded “yeah I think we’ll all head out then, you good with that Sam?” Dean questioned, Sam nodded
Once you guys finished your drinks you made your way to the exit, from the corner of your eye you seen the man get up, following your trail to the exit, starting to feel scared you grabbed deans hand tight, Dean turned to look at you concerned “you okay Y/N? You hands really sweaty” you nodded to answer him too nervous to even speak, you thought the night air would make you feel better but knowing the man was following behind was just making your feel sick, before you could get into baby dean stopping you, both hands on your arms as he looked at you “sweetheart my job is lying for a living, I know somethings bothering you and I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what it is” Dean asked alerting Sam “what’s going on?”
Sighing you looked behind the brothers to find the man staring at you from behind a car “there was a guy at the bar, he freaked me out a little bit I didn’t care too much until he sat staring at me for the last hour so I wanted to leave but he followed us out here” you said, your heart pounding in your chest, Dean got an angry look on his face as he turned searching the parking lot “where the hell is he!” Dean moved to look around finding him quickly, Dean stormed over “hey! The hell do you want jackass? You think you can harass my girlfriend I wouldn’t find out” Dean grabbed the man by his shirt “not my fault she’s a whore man, just wanted a little taste of her sweet p-”Dean didn’t let him finish his sentence before he was released punching him in the face “my nose!” The man yelped but dean wasn’t done yet, Sam was holding you in a hug blocking the fight from your eyes
Once dean was done teaching the man a lesson in how to respect women he walked back over to you and sam “alright he’s down, let’s get back to the motel” Dean said getting in the drivers seat. Once you guys made it back to the motel you followed the brothers back to the room, Sam went into the bathroom leaving you and Dean alone
sighing dean sat on the bed you two would be sharing, he started to wrap his bloody knuckles you let out a shaky breath before sitting beside him and taking his hand “I got it” you said taking out the rubbing alcohol and rubbing it on his wounds, Dean flinched slightly at the sting “why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He asked softly you looked up giving him a small smile “I just didn’t want to bother you, I just didn’t realise how big a creep the guy was till he followed us out” dean nodded “sweetheart if someone or something is ever bothering you I don’t give a rats ass how by or small, you tell me and I will take care of it” you nodded “yeah I will I’m sorry dean” Dean was shaking his head “you have nothing to be sorry for Y/N you did nothing wrong” you wrapped your arms around deans shoulders pulling him to a hug, we wrapped his own around your waist holding you close to him
You pulled away to give him a small kiss, however a small kiss with Dean was never really just a small kiss, this one being no different as Dean was swiping his to tongue along your bottom lip, you parted your lips allowing dean to explore your mouth, you moaned quietly when dean pushed you slightly to lay back on the bed as he moved to lean on top of you as you continued to make out, deans hand was tugging at the hem of your shirt, and just when you were about to take it off the bathroom door opened, the younger Winchester emerged in his pyjama pants and shirt “seriously!” He yelped turning away
Dean sighed moving to stand up “relax Sammy were decent” you chuckled as you moved to get up and get changed in the bathroom, Dean following close behind “seriously don’t guys I don’t want a repeat of the hunt back in Chicago” you giggled “I promise Sammy we’ll keep it PG” you and Dean changed into your sleepwear, Dean sporting the same as sam, minus the shirt, he found them to be annoying when it got too hot in bed, you in a pair of shorts and deans old led zeppelin shirt
When you both emerged from the bathroom Sam was already tucked in for the night, all lights off minus the one in the bathroom, you and Dean made your way to the bed getting in either side Dean quickly grabbed your waist tugging you close enough so you could rest your head on his bare chest and tangle your legs together “we’re definitely getting our own room next hunt” Dean whispered kissing the top of your head, you chuckled at his remark closing your eyes “whatever you say Winchester”
lil repost of one of my personal favs from my old account :))
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Indecent Proposal (20)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, romance, a little angst
Indecent Proposal (19)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“Doll, stop tugging at the dress,” Steve tuts. “You look beautiful tonight. Let’s head downstairs. Our guests are waiting for us.”
“The dress is beautiful, but I feel like a whale,” you huff and look down at your body. “I’m getting bigger…”
Bucky puts his hand on your swollen belly from behind. “You’re getting even more beautiful, Y/N.”
You look in the mirror again. Bucky is right, you look stunning in the gown they chose for you.
“Even a princess would fade in the background next to you,” Steve tries to get you to follow them. They decided to throw a party to celebrate your pregnancy and wedding.
You bite the inside of your cheek. The last time you felt like a princess, the night ended terribly. So, this time you are afraid to even let yourself appreciate the beautiful woman in the mirror who stares back at you. 
The ceremony was beautiful, and you are more than happy to carry Steve and Bucky’s babies. Still, you are afraid of the future.
Can your feelings and love last in their world? What if anyone wants to ruin what you built with your husbands?
“What’s on your mind, pretty doll?” Bucky whispers in your ear. His eyes meet yours in the mirror. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m scared, and…I don’t know. I love what we have, and the babies but…” you sniffle. “I can’t help it. I’m afraid to lose it all. With Scott…I didn’t care if things would end. It’s different now.”
Steve cups your face to press a soft kiss to your temple. “Baby, we won’t leave you. You’re our wife. No matter what the law says. You are ours, and we are yours.”
“It’s not—” you choke on tears. “You or Bucky. I’m scared that other people will try to ruin everything for us.”
“Is this about Rumlow?” Steve softly asks. “We told you to not worry about him. He’ll never get close to you or our babies. Before we let him get close to you, we will break every bone in his rotten body.”
“Steve!” Bucky grumbles. “We do not discuss such a matter in front of our lovely, pregnant wife.”
Steve ignores his husband’s comment. “I tried to calm our wife. She needs to know that we won’t let anything happen to her, or our children. Not now, not ever.”
“What about you two? Can you promise me that you won’t get hurt?” You sniff. “I cannot lose you.”
“You won’t,” Bucky stops you from crying. He soothingly runs his hand up and down your back and murmurs your name. “We promise. You have us, now and forever.”
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You sigh as the mansion is crowded with people you don’t know.
You saw a few familiar faces. The blonde geek your husband’s hired to take care of the new security system, or Sam, one of their confidants.
“Buck, can you hold my water?” you whisper in Bucky’s ear. “I need to pee.” He chuckles when you tell him that one of the babies must lie on your bladder. “I’ll be right back.”
“Do you want me to come with you,” he dips his head to look at you. Bucky wiggles his eyebrows and gives you this smile making you go weak in the knees.
“Not with all the people around, you horny dog.” You playfully swat his chest. “Maybe after they are gone you can follow me to the bathroom.”
“Lemme kick them out,” he murmurs. “We can go down and dirty right now.” Bucky hopefully looks in Steve’s direction, but the blonde shakes his head.
“He always says no but ends up filled with cock,” Bucky says more to himself than you. “I can’t wait to get my hands on both of you tonight. My husband, and my wife.”
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Not months ago, you wouldn’t have dared to dream of having two husbands and a baby.
Here you are, standing in front of the mirror to look at yourself with new eyes. The reflection in the mirror smiles back at you as you run your hand over your swollen belly.
“How far are you?” You flinch when a woman suddenly stands behind you. You turn around to look at her. She balls her hands into fists and glares at you. “You didn’t waste time, huh? Last time I didn’t get the chance to find anything out for him.”
“It’s you,” she’s got a barely healed scar on her right cheek, her hair is shorter and black now, but it’s undoubtedly the nurse from your gynecologist's practice. “What are you doing here? How’d you get inside?”
“Easy,” she scoffs while sliding a knife out of her arm sleeve. “I simply pretended that I belonged to the catering team.”
She takes one step toward you, and you take two back. You curse yourself for not bringing your handbag. Now you don’t have a weapon, except for the hand soap on the washbasin.
“What do you want here?” You try to sound confident, but you are scared. Not only for your life but the babies in your belly.
“Because of you and your men he punished me,” she sneers and runs her fingers over the scar on her cheek.
“And yet you come here,” you sidestep her. If you can reach the door you can scream for help. You keep an eye on her while trying to figure out your next step. “Why? If he hurt you, you should’ve run for the hills, not come here into the lion’s den.”
“You know nothing about me!” She snarls and takes another step toward you. “If I kill you now, and cut the bastards out of you, he’ll forgive me…he must forgive me…”
“Please just…”
“Y/N, down,” Bucky doesn’t have to say more. You crouch down and crawl away just in time. He flings a knife at her, piercing her neck.
She drops to her knees, making gurgling sounds. While she struggles to breathe, you curl into a ball, daring not to look at her.
“Buck, Y/N,” Steve storms into the bathroom to find you on the ground, and the nurse dead. “What happened?”
“She…she wanted to kill me and the babies,” you choke out between heavy breaths. “Bucky came…he came…”
“Doll!” Bucky steps over the nurse’s dead body. He easily lifts you in his arms, cradling you against his warm chest. “Did she hurt you? Baby?”
“No…” you sniffle and hide your face in his chest. “She said Rumlow gave her the scar.” Your voice trembles, but you try to give them as much information as possible. “She failed and he punished her.”
“Rumlow,�� Steve spats. “He’s dead. We should’ve taken him down like a feral dog a long time ago. His time is running out.”
“I think you should find out who she is,” you lift your head to look at Steve. “It’s important. She could be important, Steve.”
“Consider it done, baby doll.”
“How did you know I’m in trouble, Bucky?” you question. Bucky drops his gaze, ashamed.
“I didn’t know,” he murmurs. “I came here to seduce you.”
“Bucky,” you softly say. “You couldn’t know.” You cup his face and make him look at you. “You saved me because you’re a damn horny dog.” Putting a brave face on, you smirk. “And I love you for being who you are.”
“How did she even get into the house?” Steve grunts. “We have more security than the goddamn white house!”
“The catering service,” you murmur. “She pretended to be one of them.“
“FUCK!” Steve slams his fist into the tile wall. “We shouldn’t have planned a party. That bastard almost got her, and our babies killed.”
"Steve, your hand!" You gasp seeing Steve's bloody knuckles. "I need to check on you."
“Well, Natasha had her chance,” Steve says while cracking his neck. “Now it’s hunting season…”
Part 21
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jordie-gvf · 3 months
Aphrodite’s Kiss, Josh Kiszka
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word count :
warnings : language, oral f rec, pussy kissing, aftercare, i don’t think there’s anymore! let me know if i missed any!
enjoy, i sure did 😩
if there was one thing josh loved more than you and his patchouli body soap, it was kissing your pussy. before he ate you out, he kissed her for a lifetime. if he had it his way, he wouldn’t eat you out. he’d only kiss.
when he came home from work, you could tell something was up.
“what happened?” you asked him, as soon as he walked in the door.
“fuckin sam. you know how the youngest can be, annoying, as all fuck.” he told you, sitting to the right of you on the couch as you watched your ghost hunting show. he wrapped his right arm around your waist, moving his left behind your head. he peppered kisses to your neck, nudging your head with his nose. “come on, baby. been a long day. let me kiss her.”
“i’m in the middle of the episode, it’ll be done soon, i promise.”
“who said you had to stop watching your show?” he questioned, tugging on the waistline of your grey lounge pants. “joshua, give me 20 minutes and i’ll let you do whatever you want.”
“i want her now, please mama. i bet you’re so fuckin wet, couldn’t have my touch all day. did you touch your pretty cunt today? i touched my cock, thinking about your gorgeous body. tell me, when you’re alone do you imagine my fingers in your cunt? fucking you until you squirt all around my fingers.”
“actually no i didn’t,” you said sarcastically, “but i did think about your pretty mouth.”
“tell me, baby. what’d you think about? my lips? my tongue? my teeth? what was it baby?”
he propped up a pillow behind you and laid you down on the couch. he kissed your collarbone and kissed his way down your body. “don’t be coy, my love. tell me. did you think about me eating this delicate cunt? or was i sucking this pretty little button in my mouth?” he said, gently pressing his thumb into your mound.
“joshy, please.” you moaned out, lacing your fingers through his hair.
“joshy, please,” he imitated you, pulling your pants down to your ankles.
he grabbed your white panties at the bow on the elastic and pulled tightly, outlining your cunt in the cloth. “look at that pussy, so fucking gorgeous. your little clit is peeking out at me.”
he let go and inhaled your scent. “god, she smells so fucking good.” he nuzzled his nose into your clit and you let out a moan, gripping his hair tighter. he pressed his first kiss of the night onto your clit.
“go ahead, watch your show, i’ll be right here. making sweet love to this cunt.”
he pressed tiny kisses to the entirety of your cunt, leaving his love all over you. he moved your shirt up to grip your tits.
he pulled your panties off of you, sticking to your pussy, the once white material now see through. “god, i can’t wait to eat this pussy, missed you so much.”
“he’s not here right now, joshy. just me and you.”
“you’re damn right he’s not here, he’d be very ashamed of the both of us, sweetness.”
he handed you the remote from behind him and said, “watch the show, my love. i’ll keep myself busy.”
you quickly moved your hands to the back of his head and maneuvered his face down to your cunt.
“in time sweetness, in time.”
“if you make me wait any longer, im going to go upstairs and fuck my hand in our bed.”
“you will do no such thing, my love,” he said and put his mouth directly on your cunt. your head thrashed around on the pillow supporting you. you intertwined your fingers through his hair as he destroyed your pussy.
incomprehensive noises flying throughout the small, homey living room. moans, sucking, licking, sucking.
he moved his right hand off your breast and slowly drug his fingers down your body. he wrapped your legs around his head and sucked harder, small groans leaving his mouth. he returned his hand to your chest, slowly dragging it up to your neck.
“come on, mama. i know you can cum for me,” he coaxed you, licking feverishly to get you to the edge.
he mocked your moans and slowly squeezed your throat. you started to grind into his face as he stuck his tongue out and let you ride his face, your grip on his hair getting tighter and tighter. your legs had enveloped his head, shaking as you got closer to the beloved end.
“i can feel you’re legs shaking around my head,” he said, in between licks on your cunt. “you can cum my love,”
he kissed your clit and put his lips back on yours. your neck craned, forcing your head back on the arm rest, until you felt white hot pleasure take over your entire body.
“good girl, mama, good fucking girl. you did so good,” he said to you, soothing your strained thighs with small kisses.
“i’ll be right back, i promise.”
he let go of your hips and stood up off the couch. he walked into the kitchen, his chin and chest glistening in the low light.
he grabbed you an ice cold water and a warm washcloth. “let’s get you cleaned up, my love. drink your water” he had you sit up to drink your water and motioned for you to open your legs. he cleaned you off with the warm cloth and delicately wiped you down.
he quickly made way to your room and grabbed you a clean pair of panties and some sweats. he helped you get dressed and laid you back down on the couch in your original position.
he handed you the remote and laid down on top of you, his head resting on your chest.
“now can i watch my show?”
“yes, baby. you can watch your ghost show.”
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s0urw00lf · 15 days
You matter too
Pairing: Sam Winchester x sister!reader, Dean Winchester x sister!reader
Summary: Your heart breaks a little more when you run into Sam and dean (your brothers) after being casted out by your father years before his death.
Warnings: angst, being disowned, familial heart ache.
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When you got home from work you immediately kicked off your heels, ridding yourself of the strain they had put on your feet all day. You looked around your apartment noting how dark it was ‘Aaron must not be home’ you thought to yourself, making your way through the darkness to your bedroom and into the closet, hastily changing into more comfortable clothes you tried to give yourself some relaxation and comfort after your hard day at work dealing with that asshole mark who couldn’t mind his business to save his damn life. You wished Arron was home so you could curl up to him and rant about how much you wanted to strangle that CEO asshole with his tie.
Exiting your closet you sighed, making your way to the kitchen to find something to eat before you heard what sounded like your glass potted plant fall over. Immediately you tensed, stopping all movements, pausing your breath as you strained to hear anything else. When you heard hushed voices it sent you into full throttle. You quickly but quietly made your way to your bed and pulled out the coffin-sized box filled with guns and ammunition and grabbed your shotgun mentally thanking god that you kept it loaded, not wasting any time you slowly tiptoed out of your bedroom looking around the corner and your heart dropped when you spotted to decently sized men seemingly in a disagreement.
“Are you sure this is it?” The shorter one asked, “yes this is the address he gave us” the taller one said, and again your heart dropped. This could be anybody coming to make you pay your dues. After you’d been practically disowned by your father you’ve been on your own since 15, and of course, you’ve made some very stupid choices and gotten in with the wrong people. Now 20 with a full-time job and career you figured your past had finally caught up with you. With your heart racing you stepped out from your hiding place and quickly jumped on the one closest to you, harshly pressing the pressure point in his neck rendering him unconscious, you let him fall and put all of your attention on the taller one, you cocked your gun and pointed it at his forehead and he did the same to you. “You’ve got .3 seconds to tell me what you want before I put a bullet in your brain” you threatened.
You couldn’t see the man's face in the darkness especially since his back was facing the window, his tall frame cast a shadow over you. Your heart raced in your ears “3” you began counting, and quickly the man dropped his hand holding the gun. “2” you continued in confusion, as you started with the last number the man in front of you said your name. You paused in shock, nobody you dealt with in the past knew your real name, you weren’t that stupid. Nobody outside of your family and your boyfriend knew your real name. “Who are you” you questioned, moving your finger to the trigger. “Y/n it's me” the man spoke quickly. And for what you doubt would be the last time that night. Your heart stopped. But not in fear, this time it was in shock. You backed up making your way towards the light switch, keeping your gun pointed at his head. When you flicked on the light and it filled the room your tense frame immediately softened. “Sam,” you said, in shock.
He awkwardly smiled and sent you a wave “Hey” he said, you stared at him, taking him in. The last you saw him, right before he went to college he was skinnier and a little shorter. He seemed to be doing the same thing with you. “You’re so grown up” You nodded awkwardly. Just then it dawned on you that he hadn’t come alone, you circled the couch blocking your view of the man you knocked unconscious. Immediately when your eyes set on him your heart tightened in guilt, “oh god Dean” you said dropping your gun and falling to your knees assessing his head, which had been bleeding. He probably hit his head on the coffee table on his way down. Just as you sat down Dean began to groan, you sat back as his eyes opened, seemingly adjusting to the light before setting his eyes on you. His face immediately changed, and you couldn’t tell what the expression meant. After spending a little over five years away from him you were practically strangers.
“Hey kid,” he said, groaning as she sat up. You winced “not much of a kid anymore if you haven’t noticed” you said. You stood up, looking back and forth between your two older brothers. “What’re you doing here?” You asked folding your arms. Dean stood up joining Sam, awkwardly standing in the middle of your living room. They both looked at each other, silently debating who would be the one to talk, unfortunately, the torch fell into Dean's hands “We wanted to see you” he said with an idiotic smile. You tilted your head not believing him for one second “Then why didn’t you use the door like a normal person” you asked. Dean awkwardly laughed quickly glancing at Sam who rolled his eyes “We need your help finding Dad” he said. You smiled bitterly “Ah, there it is,” you said. You moved over to your kitchen, resuming your task of finding something to eat.
“C'mon y/n don’t be like-“Dean started but you cut him off. “Like what?!” You turned around and shouted at him. “Don’t act like you don’t care, our father is missing-“Dean said, but was cut off by Sam this time “Dean-“ he started but was cut off by you walking toward him. “No, that's where you’re wrong, that is not my father. Maybe a small part of the reason I’m here but he.Is.not.my.father” you seethed. “So what were not your brothers now?” Dean said raising his voice a little bit. “I don’t know, are you dean? Because I don’t recall you reaching out in the past five years. I don’t recall you fighting for me to come home. You wanna know what I recall?” You asked stepping closer to him. Sam watched from behind Dean, he wasn’t there when you were kicked out but he wished he was. “I recall being hated by that man. The unwanted bastard child of John Winchester, that's what I was. And that day he left me at that motel I begged you to stay with me. Not to leave me and you did. I watched you drive away into the sunset while I sat alone in this big world full of monsters wondering how I'd survive alone at fifteen.” Tears began to flood your eyes, as you relived the heartbreak you tried to bury for five years.
“Five years. No calls, no visits, nothing. I was alone and I had to learn how to survive alone Dean and you weren’t there, so I tried to go visit Sam” you said, teary eyes cutting over to Sam, “but he didn’t want anything to do with me, wouldn’t even hear me out as I begged and pleaded for him too. But nope he sent me away, just like john, just like you,” you said trying your best not to sob in front of your brothers. “My big brothers, who promised to protect me, who swore to me that no harm would ever come my way as long as you were alive.”
Sam and Dean stood in front of you, both of their eyes were teary and you didn’t feel the least bit bad, you were happy they were feeling even a fraction of what you felt all those years ago. “John never wanted another kid let alone a daughter, he took me in because he had to. And it took me a while to realize that the same applies to you too” you said, your voice cracked as tears poured freely from your eyes. The silence that followed your statement was deafening. Neither of your brothers could even start to fathom what you’d been through in the time you were alone. The silence was cut when your front door opened, you quickly turned around and rushed to meet your boyfriend at the door. “Hey honey how- why are you crying?” He asked worriedly cupping your cheeks and whipping your tears. Instead of saying anything, you dragged him to the opening of the apartment so he could see for himself. “Family reunion” you whispered so only he could hear. His face immediately changed into pity.
Aaron knew your past having come from a slightly similar background. You turned to Sam and Dean, who hadn’t moved from their spot “You have a-” “boyfriend yeah” you cut Sam off wiping your tears. Glancing from them to Arron who was just shocked. Dean stepped forward, seemingly to play protective older brother, and for some reason, you didn’t stop him. Because even after the hurt they’d caused you, some part of you, maybe that small 15-year-old you, still wanted your big brothers in your life.
Surprisingly to you, Dean didn’t say anything to you, Aaron, he came to embrace you. Sam followed quickly after and joined the hug. Right there and then, you felt all of your hatred and anger towards them melt away. Neither of them was in the clear, but you didn’t want to go the rest of your life hating your brothers because they were too afraid to stand up to your dad. You knew they had their reasons, and even some things couldn’t be placed on John but you were willing to give it a shot at rekindling the relationship you had with them.
Your boyfriend stood behind you watching happily as you embraced your brothers, it was the most relaxed he’d ever seen you and he wanted to keep seeing you in said state. Sam pulled away first, then Dean did and you all stared at each other. “I’m sorry kid, every day after we left you I tried to find you but you were too good, I resented Dad for years after that, and even started hunting on my own because I couldn’t look him in the face and stand the fact that he left you and I didn’t say a damn thing about it,” dean said, the sincerity was shown on his face, and you knew dean was never one to show hid emotions ore even apologize at that, but you could see that he meant every word that spilled out of his mouth.
Sam apologized next “I i wish id known that's why you were there, I thought Dad had talked you into talking me into coming home, and I knew if you did that I would have come without second thought.” He said. You couldn’t find anything to say. You brought them in for another hug, squeezing them as tight as you could before pulling away. you looked at Aaron who stood behind you with a smile on his face “Sam, Dean, this is Aaron, my boyfriend” you said introducing them. Sam was the first to step forward to shake Aaron’s hand “Nice to meet you man” he said with a smile. “You too” Aaron replied. Dean shook his hand next, as much as he wanted to play that overprotective role, he hadn’t earned that right so he played fair and shook his hand giving Aaron a tight-lipped smile.
The three of you knew you had a long way to go, but you were happy to begin the journey.
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justtwotired · 10 months
Hello ! I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if I could get an ask for Sam and Colby. Maybe reader (female or gn neutral pronouns are fine !) is invited to go with SnC exploring an abandoned place but she’s been struggling with body image (I’m kind of in the slumps rn :/) so she’s cut back on food. Through the trip they notice her lagging behind and getting tired easily. She ends up fainting due to exhaustion and lack of food and they take care of her when she comes to. Preferably Colby pairing and lots of angst ! Only if your comfortable writing about this thank you xx 🫶🏽
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Why hello there, I am so sorry for posting this rather late, I wrote a part of it, then got busy and forgot about it and just finished and edited it, so hope it’s alright!
I really like this request! Mostly because I can really relate to reader, this is always chill because then I can write five that actually make sense ya know.
I did write some angst but not LOTS, because angst is one of those things I still find difficult to write, but I hope you still like it<3
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“What’s up guys it’s Sam and Colby!” Colby started. “Today, we are at an abandoned manor in the woods right behind us. It is quite a walk, but I think we will survive!” Sam told the camera.
“Also, we brought someone with us,” Sam then pointed behind him where I stood rather awkwardly, wearing a huge hoody that I may or may not have stolen from Colby’s closet.
“This is Y/n, you guys know her of course, we had lots of questions to bring her back to the Chanel, so we did of course.” Sam explained before turning the camera fully on me.
I sucked in an unnoticeable sharp breath. Did I look alright? Was that pimple I hid under makeup this morning still invisible? Did the hoody hide my body enough?
“So, N/n, are you excited?” Sam asked and I gave the camera a genuine smile. “I am actually, this place is not too far from my home town and I’ve been wanting to go here for a while, but I didn’t want to go alone, so now I have these two idiots to come along.” I joked and Sam pointed the camera at Colby.
“Did you hear that, dude?” He said in fake sadness. “I thought you where coming with us?” Colby said also jokingly hurt. “I’m still stuck on the fact she called us idiots.” Sam said and pointed the camera at himself.
“Seems like we have to change the channel name to ‘Y/n only’ because she is taking over.” He said and I chuckled. “Oh yeah, definitely, and I’ll give them weekly uploads instead of your monthly shit.” I said and Colby grinned.
“What you’re going to the conjuring then? Staying a week there?” He asked and I pursed my lips. “Well I didn’t say that.”
The two laughed and Sam shut off the camera. “Heading to the forest, then?” He asked and we nodded. Suddenly my stomach made a growling noice and they stopped.
“We could get something to eat first?” Colby suggested and I shook my head. “Nahh, it’s fine, I’m not that hungry really,” I waved it off and kept walking.
“Are you sure? You haven’t eaten breakfast yet and it’s almost two in the afternoon,” Colby said and I just chuckled.
“I’m fine, really,” I smiled at him and kept walking, not missing the look the two of them exchanged before following me.
Truth to be told, the last time I ate would be the crackers from the day before, as I had just a bit in the afternoon after almost passing out.
Colby walked in the back, having taken over the camera from Sam and he recorded as we entered the forest.
I knew the walk would be about 20 minutes, so it wasn’t that bad, but I felt myself stress out when I became light headed.
Oh no, please, please not now.
Passing out has become normal now, the lack of food I’ve been consuming has been taking a toll on me. I never tell anyone, it’s my little secret, I didn’t need them to worry about me or feed me lies of how I was ‘beautiful’ because I know I’m not.
I stumbled and almost fell but steadied myself. “You alright there?” Sam turned around with a small grin and I gave him one back. “I’m fine,” I lied and we kept on walking, Cole shutting the camera off.
When the building came in sight he started it up again, and of course, as if fate had planned it, I fell and I noticed my consciousness slip away.
The last thing I felt was two arms around my waist and I was out.
I heard someone calling my name from afar and my eyes slowly opened.
“Oh, thank god, Sam! Sam she’s opened her eyes!” Colby called out. I slowly sat up. I was laying in the grass and I noticed Sam jogging over with his phone in his hands.
“Are you alright?” I looked at Colby who had a concerned look on his face and I nodded, trying to stand up but he put his hands on my shoulders.
“Woah, lets keep sitting down for a minute, love,” he said and I sat, rubbing my head. “How long was I out for?” I asked and Colby looked at his watch.
“Five minutes at least.” He told me. “Yeah, I tried calling for help, but there’s no service,” Sam said and I gave him a weirded out look.
“What help did you try to call?” I asked and he shrugged sheepishly. “Your mum, I thought maybe this had happened before,” he said and I sniffed.
“It happened a few times, but my mum doesn’t know, and don’t even think of telling her,” I said and the exchanged glances.
“You know what’s happening then?” Colby asked and I sighed. “I haven’t eaten in a moment, that’s probably it.” I confessed and Colby sighed.
“I told you that you should it this morning- when is the last time you ate?” He questioned. “Uhh, yesterday, some crackers,” I said and he clenched his teeth slightly.
“A decent meal,” he clarified and I bit my lip thinking back. “Tuesday, I think?” I said a bit uncertain. “That’s five days ago, Y/n!” He scolded and pursed my lips.
“Sorry,” I said in a small voice. Sam got his backpack of his shoulders and started to rummage trough it, pulling out an apple.
“Eat this,” he said and I took it from him, frowning at it a bit. “N/n,” he said and I sighed taking bite.
They made me sit for about ten minutes, and demanded I tell them why I wasn’t eating. With a bit of reluctance, I told them about how I felt, how I hated how I looked and that I felt like I was to fat.
The next twenty minutes where spent with them telling me all the things they liked about my look and my personality, giving me reasons to eat and demanding we go to a restaurant after this so I could eat a decent meal.
They also demanded I ate a desert, encouraging me to continue eating and not worry about my looks, because in their opinion, I looked beautiful.
At the end of the conversation, I had tears in my eyes, and I wiped them away, and I reassured them that it’d be fine to still film the video, as we all wanted to continue.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
movie night pt.v
Summary: Sam doesn't distrust you quite as much and Tara scares you. Guess that means it's time for them to meet the family.
Word Count: 6.4k Warnings: Excessive swearing, suggestive themes, Scream levels of violence/mentions of violence Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (pt.i) (pt.ii) (pt.iii) (pt.iv) (pt.v) (pt.vi) (pt.vii) (pt.viii)
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“One more attack and I’m takin’ you to Mercy,” Aunt Sherry said as she finished cleaning the dried blood on your neck. “Conscious or not.”
“I understand,” you said quietly. You supposed after another 17 stitches, you couldn’t really argue with her.
“Your Ma never wanted this life for you,” she said, her hand resting on your shoulder.
You knew she meant well, but this conversation wasn’t helping. Clearly Ma never wanted this for you, she hadn’t even wanted it for herself and Pop. Trouble was always quick to follow your family, and you were more than adept at figuring out how to navigate it. This was a different obstacle, sure, but you were clever, you could make it work.
None of you had been taught how to keep others out of trouble, though.
“I’ll see you at Mass,” you said with a smile before hopping out of the ambulance for the second time in 24 hours.
Anika had already been rushed to the hospital. As far as you knew, they were confident she would pull through. Damn, she was one tough sonofabitch. You would need to make sure you sent flowers or chocolates or something. What would she even like? Maybe you should ask Mindy.
“Who knows where you live?” Sam asked once you shuffled your way to the group. All these Ghostface attacks were giving you major deja vu.
“No one,” you said when you stopped beside Tony. “Did you tell anyone?”
“Course not,” he scoffed, “I know the family rules.”
“Well he found out somehow,” Chad said.
“Well it wasn’t from us, smart guy,” Tony said defensively. “We don’t tell nobody where we live.”
“Only ones who know are Garret and the lot of you,” you said. “And I only called Tara.”
“And where is Garret?” Mindy asked as she held her now-bandaged arm.
“His dad’s house up in the Hamptons,” you said with a shrug. “Not gettin’ back till next weekend.”
“And you’re sure he’s up there?” Tara asked.
“Yes I’m sure, now quit with the interrogation,” you huffed. “Got enough of a headache as it is.”
Tara didn’t say anything but reached down and grabbed your hand, slotting her fingers between yours. You gave her hand a gentle squeeze. It was starting to become abundantly clear why she had kept her distance. Was this going to happen to anyone that got close to the Woodsboro gang? Because that was enough to have anyone on edge.
“So what now?” Tara asked.
“Chad and I are going to the hospital with Anika,” Mindy said softly, her eyes hazy.
“Quinn is already being escorted to the police station,” Sam said.
A phone rang.
Everyone’s eyes darted to Tony, who was already digging in his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out and showed you the screen, and you gulped. Oh god, this was so bad. You couldn’t do this again, you were barely holding it together as it was.
“Is it him?” Tara asked.
“Worse,” Tony said as he handed you the phone.
You watched it ring two more times before closing your eyes and answering it. The moment you held it up to your ear, you heard the static on the other end. It didn’t matter how tough you were, you weren’t prepared. Hell, nothing could have prepared you for it.
“Hey, Ma,” you said in the sweetest voice you could muster.
“If the two ‘a youse don’t get your sorry asses over here in the next 20 minutes, I’m chainin’ your ankles and throwin’ ya in the Hudson.”
“Just calm down-”
“-don’t you dare tell me to calm down, you don’t even call me to tell me about this bastard?”
You sighed. “No I don’t because you start actin’ like a wise guy!”
“Get your asses over here, Y/N.”
You exhaled through your nose and looked over at Tony. He mouthed a “sorry” before he shrugged. Lot of good he was. Sam and Tara were still looking at you with a mix of concern and… were they laughing?
“Can we bring two visitors?” You finally asked.
There was a bit of silence.
“Only if you follow the rules.”
“We will,” you said.
“Then yes.” A beat of silence. “And hurry.”
“Yes ma’am,” you said. “We’ll see you soon-”
-the call hung up and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Well, that went well. On the other hand, you had been on the receiving end of worse calls from your Ma. This honestly wasn’t all that bad, at least she didn’t curse your bloodline. Well, not that time.
“You threw me under the bus,” you mumbled as you handed the phone back to Tony.
“I ain’t puttin’ up with her rage,” he said even as he slid the phone back into his back pocket.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked.
“We’re goin’ somewhere safe,” you said. “Well. Safe for you.”
“She’s gonna kill ya,” Tony mumbled.
“Shut up, I know,” you mumbled back as you placed your hand on Tara’s lower back and started guiding her down the streets.
“Shouldn’t you make sure the police don’t need anything?” Tara asked, looking back at your crime-scene of an apartment building.
“Absolutely not,” you said, “they let this happen, they can do it on their own.”
You all bid goodbye to Chad and Mindy before everyone went silent as you and Tony led them through the streets of New York. It was late, the lights were blinding, and the grating sounds of sirens faded into the usual chaos. There was something comforting about it; you didn’t think you’d ever be able to live somewhere that was quiet. How Tara had managed to live in Woodsboro forever was beyond you.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t keeping an eye out for suspicious characters. Namely a certain motherfucker who had quickly moved to the top of your shit list. Oh if he just gave you the chance, you were going to make him pay. No way on God’s green earth were you going to let him get away with any of this bullshit.
“Where exactly are we going?” Sam asked when you took them into an unassuming bakery in the Bronx.
“Can’t tell you,” Tony said.
You made sure to wave at Chris when you walked by the counter and guided everyone through a back door. It was a bit suspicious, you wouldn’t lie. Come to think of it, you didn’t think your family had invited anyone over since… well, since Dicky had brought Carol over a few years ago, actually. Oh man, maybe you all needed to reconsider your rules.
“It’s not as sketchy as it seems,” you said when you turned to look at them. “But I need you both to close your eyes.”
“Excuse me?” Tara asked.
“I said it’s not as sketchy as it seems,” you huffed.
“I’m not letting you lead us into some back room,” Sam said with crossed arms.
“If you don’t close your eyes, I can’t take you in,” you said. “It’s family rules.”
“Really?��� Tara asked.
“Yes,” you said with a nod. They both looked at you in silence. “I know how it sounds.”
“If we close our eyes will you quit floundering?” Tara asked. “You’re going to catch flies.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled. “Please just follow the rules, I’m tired of just standing here like a psycho.”
Sam and Tara shared a look, opposite of the one you shared with Tony. You both knew it was a bit sketchy, you knew. But when Ma and Pop made the rules, they made the rules. How were you supposed to argue? You weren’t, that’s how. Besides, if Ma and Pop found out you were breaking the rules they would have your heads.
“Fine,” Sam said with a sigh before closing her eyes. Tara quickly followed suit.
Both you and Tony shared a sigh before guiding the two girls through the back door. You each held on to them to make sure they didn’t trip over something as you took them down through a cellar and into one of the underground tunnels. Most people didn’t know about the tunnels under New York City, but your family had memorised them as if your lives depended on it.
Which, sometimes they did.
You took them through a dizzying amount of turns until you got to the door that led up to your house. If the family was smart, they would’ve locked it. And unfortunately for you, it was locked. Damn, you had hoped they would’ve lost their mind for a few seconds, you weren’t in the mood to dig around for the new location of the spare key.
The tip of your ear started to throb when you bent down to look for the key under the crate of bootleg whiskey.
“Found you,” you mumbled to yourself when your fingers brushed against the ridiculously oversized skeleton key.
“Can we open our eyes now?” Tara asked.
“No,” you said without hesitation. “We gotta get you inside first.”
“This is how people die in horror movies,” she continued while you shoved the skeleton key into the similarly oversized keyhole. “You know that, right?”
“Yes, Tara, I know that,” you bit back, finally pushing the door open. “Now come on.”
You held Tara’s hand tightly as you helped her up the stairs to your house. Well, it was your parents’ house, but that didn’t really matter. Only once you and Tony had brought both girls up to the living room did you finally pull them to a stop. The blood rushed in your ears. You hadn’t ever brought anyone home.
“Okay, you can open ‘em,” Tony said before you found your voice again.
Both girls opened their eyes slowly; you almost wanted to laugh at how wide they got when they looked around. Sure, maybe the brownstone was a bit extravagant. All the exploits of the past were on display; trophies, if you would. From the old paintings, to old newspaper clippings of heists, to the Tommy gun your great grandfather had owned before he passed down the mantle. You supposed it was a bit of a shock to the average person.
“Are you…” Sam trailed off before looking back at you. “Are you-”
“-yeah,” you said with a nod. “We’re Italian.”
“Y/N Vitale, you be nice to those girls.”
“Oh shit,” Tony said as the four of you turned around quickly.
Your eyes went wide - much like Sam’s and Tara’s - when you saw your Ma walking towards you with violence in her step. Oh, you were in trouble. You were in deep shit and no one was going to be able to save you. Maybe you should’ve just taken your chances with Ghostface; he scared you less than your mother.
“Hey Ma-”
-you were cut off by her harshly gripping your jaw and pulling you down until you were eye level with her. She twisted your head and looked at the injured ear you were sporting. Everyone flinched when your neck popped. What was one more injury in the long list of injuries you were starting to get?
She turned your head again until you could look her in the eyes. As much as you feared your Ma - respectfully, of course - you knew concern when you saw it. It never came off the way normal people did, but you knew it. It was in the crinkles around her eyes as they checked every inch of your skin.
“Are you ladies hurt?” Ma asked as she let go of your face. You rubbed your jaw as you straightened back up.
“No- um, no ma’am,” Sam stammered.
“We’re okay,” Tara followed.
“Good,” Ma said, turning to look at them and putting on her motherly smile that you certainly never got to see. “Then welcome home.”
“How come they get a welcome and I get a once-over?” You asked.
“Because they stayed safe and responsible and you didn’t,” Ma shot back. Tara snickered while Sam turned her head to hide a smile.
“As if that’s my fault,” you grumbled.
“And what did I say about tracking blood into my house?” Ma asked, raising her brows at you.
“I didn’t!” You argued. “But I’m sorry, they don’t let you grab clean clothes out of an active crime scene, Ma.”
“I’m talkin’ about your feet,” she said with a gesture down.
All five of you looked down at your feet, and you flinched when you saw the tracks you had left in the house. Adrenaline was one hell of a drug, you hadn’t even noticed you hadn’t grabbed shoes. But as you lifted one of your feet and checked the bottom, all the pain you had ignored came rushing to the surface.
Glass, dirt, and who knew what else was embedded in the skin. When you looked back, it seemed you had been leaving bloody footprints for who knew how long. Part of you figured you hadn’t tracked them through the Bronx, but you had most definitely tracked them through the tunnel. Damn. Pop was going to make you clean it all up.
“I put some spare clothes in the bathroom,” Ma said. “So get your raggedy ass upstairs and clean up before dinner.”
“Yes ma’am,” you muttered as your shoulders fell.
You ignored Tara’s barely-concealed laughter as you pushed past her to head upstairs to your bathroom. Well, you supposed technically it wasn’t your bathroom anymore, it was Ma’s, but she could suck your dick. The nerve of that woman, to call you raggedy. You were the perfect gentleman, it wasn’t your fault some psycho had decided to target you.
Just as Ma had said, she had left a folded set of clothes on the bathroom counter for you. It looked a little too formal if you were being honest, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. And you certainly couldn’t afford to be a chooser. Ma would have your head if she found out you had even thought about different clothes.
The stitches of your ever increasing wounds pulled tight, leaving a throbbing sensation around the jagged skin. Aunt Sherry had done a wonderful job, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. In the end, you grabbed a pair of hair scissors and just cut your shirt off. It was old, torn, and blood soaked; you could get a new one.
You couldn’t take your eyes off the shirt as you managed to wriggle out of your sweats. Not all of that blood had been yours. Some of it had been Mindy’s, and a lot of it had been Anika’s.  Your friends’ blood was soaked into your shirt. Each breath you took felt laboured as you wallowed in the thought that the very thing that kept your friends alive was staining your shirt.
With a shake of your head, you put the thoughts aside. This wasn’t new, you had seen blood before, you were fine. One step at a time. Finish getting out of your clothes, start the shower, wash your feet. And the rest of the dried blood that was becoming itchy. Oh, Ma was gonna kill you for dirtying up her shower.
The water was steaming by the time you finally stepped in. You let out a hiss when it hit your skin, creating more than just a throb in your wounds. It stung, bad. But surely it would clean you right up, right? Sanitisation, yeah, that’s what it would be. You get clean and fight infection; two birds, one stone.
By the time you were down to your feet, you were sitting on the edge of the tub while the water fell on your back. Your hair dripped into your eyes and you were constantly trying to push it back so you could see. The pair of tweezers in your hands was slick from water and you just needed to get a few more pieces of glass out so you could finish up.
You weren’t looking at the door when you heard it open.
“I told your sorry ass I’d be out in a minute, this is delicate work,” you called out.
A small hand appeared in front of your face and, without lifting your head, you looked up to see Tara standing in front of you. She, too, had been given a spare set of clothing that looked a little too big. Whose shirt was she wearing anyway? Her hand never moved until you sighed and placed the tweezers on her palm.
“You’re shit at this,” she said as she knelt down and started looking for the few remaining pieces of glass.
“Don’t have to be good, just have to be effici- ouch.” She swatted your hand away when you went to stop her from hurting you again. “You’re so rough,” you grumbled.
“Don’t have to be gentle,” she said as she looked up at you, “just have to be efficient.”
“You’re so mean,” you whispered even as you shifted your position to ease a certain… uncomfortable feeling.
Maybe you liked when she was mean. Maybe you liked it a little too much. Oh god, your family was going to see how whipped you were for a girl you hadn’t even properly been on a date with. Bringing Tara to the house maybe wasn’t such a smart idea on your part.
“Do you have gauze?” She asked, setting the tweezers down in the sink so more blood than necessary wouldn’t get on the floor.
“Underneath the sink,” you said with a gesture of your head. “Got a whole first aid kit.”
You watched her as she got up and checked under the sink. It only took a moment, it was a giant metal kit, no one could miss it. In fact, when she brought it out it was almost bigger than she was. You bit the inside of your cheek so you wouldn’t laugh at her. If your body wasn’t at her mercy, you wouldn’t have been so polite.
She quickly dug around and got to work finding everything she needed before getting started. Her hands moved expertly as she started cleaning and bandaging your feet. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve guessed she had been a nurse in a past life. Unfortunately you did know better, and the scar on her hand just reminded you of how she knew so much.
“I never said thank you,” she said after she finished wrapping your left foot.
“For what?” You asked as you leaned back to turn the water off; you weren’t going to need it anymore.
“For saving Mindy and Anika,” she continued.
She wasn’t looking up at you. Quite the contrary, it was almost like she was avoiding your eyes. Why would she thank you for such a thing? It wasn’t like you were going to leave them behind to die. You weren’t always the sharpest tool in the shed - Ma made sure to remind you of that every now and then - but you weren’t that selfish.
“You don’t gotta thank me for that,” you said softly.
“I just did,” she said as she finished wrapping your right foot. “You’re done.”
You placed your feet on the ground and stood up slowly, easing your feet back into holding your weight. It hurt, ached even, but at least they were clean. How you hadn’t noticed the injuries before Ma, you had no idea. But quite frankly, Tara did a phenomenal job of wrapping them securely. 
“Hurry up and get dressed,” Tara ordered, and you looked up just in time to catch the towel she had thrown in your direction. “Your mom is torturing Sam by giving her a lecture on street safety.”
“You should’ve listened to it too,” you said, but you quickly started drying off. “You hippies can’t handle these streets.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” you said through gritted teeth as you pulled your pants up. It hurt your feet to be moving on them so much. “Notice your bunch weren’t even here for a few months before getting attacked.”
“And you know so much about street safety?” Tara asked. “The one who got shot at a protest?”
You hesitated. “Yeah, I do.”
You were facing the mirror as you started buttoning up your shirt, and you could see Tara staring at you with furrowed brows. Maybe you should’ve just kept your big trap shut. It wasn’t exactly the greatest time to be getting into backstory now, was it? No, it most certainly wasn’t.
“You didn’t get shot at a protest,” she said slowly. “Did you?”
You turned around as you finished tucking your shirt into your pants. “Sorry, doll,” you said with a smile, “only girlfriends get to know that information.” With a wink, you gently pushed past her and exited the bathroom.
“Oh you dick,” you heard her say even as she followed after you.
You waited at the bottom of the stairs before placing your hand on her lower back and guiding her through the brownstone to the dining room. Everyone’s obscenely loud voices reverberated off the brick walls. Seemed the whole family was invited for dinner. A little unusual considering it was a Thursday night, but given the circumstances it could be forgiven.
A wide variety of “hello”s deafened you when you and Tara walked into the dining room. Everyone was dressed well - the same dress shirt and pants as you, which was typical - and they had pulled out a few extra seats for Sam and Tara. Gale was sitting beside your Pop; she gave you a smile and a small wave, which you returned.
“Oy, Street Rat,” Mitch called, “be a good pup and show your girl to her seat.”
“Shut up,” you shot back, but nonetheless led Tara to one of the two empty seats next to each other.
Out of pure mercy, you let her sit between you and Sam so she wasn’t having to deal with any of the other family members. The others heckled you when you helped push her seat in. You could feel your cheeks heating up while you grumbled and plopped down in your own seat, refusing to look up at any of them.
“Quiet,” Pop said, and the room immediately fell silent. “Who’s gonna say grace?”
“Can’t be me,” Joel said with a shrug. “He clearly don’t listen cause Y/N is still here.”
“You really wanna be a wise guy tonight?” You asked. “Cause I still got a lot of pent up anger.”
“Enough,” Ma said quietly, but you all listened. “I’ll say grace.”
"Yes, Ma," everyone said in unison.
"Bow your heads," she said, and everyone slowly did as instructed.
You cheated a little bit. While Ma was saying grace, blessing the food and yours and the Carpenters' lives, you looked at Tara out of the corner of your eye. If you looked a little harder you almost thought you could see a flush on her cheeks. For what, you had no idea, but you made the split decision to reach over and take her hand.
She linked her fingers with yours right before Ma finished.
"Amen," each person said before all normal talk resumed.
You helped Tara and Sam get their food, making sure everyone behaved. They did, they all knew the family rules, but the Carpenters didn't and you knew the lot of you could be… a little chaotic. Eight kids, two parents, sometimes the spouses and nieces and nephews. Lucky for the girls, it was only the immediate family.
"Oy, show me the ear," Dicky said right as you tried to start eating.
"So you can point and laugh?" You asked. "No way."
"I just wanna see," he said.
"I got it," Alfie said around a mouthful of food.
The look on Tara's and Sam's faces was comical when Alfie reached across the table, gripped your jaw, and turned your head. You did your best to smile at the two of them to let them know it was normal, but they didn't seem to believe you. If anything, it almost made Tara look a little frustrated. Maybe even angry.
"That's it?" Dicky asked when you snapped at Alfie and he let you go. "All that hubbub for that?"
"What do you mean?" You asked. "I got a notch outta my ear, I was gonna get that part pierced."
"All he's sayin' is you took on Ghostface twice, and that's what you walk away with?" Joel butted in. "Pass the salt, wouldya?"
"It's more than you ever walked away with," Martha defended you. "Don't listen to a word he says."
"The two 'a youse walk away with any cool scars?" Mitch asked, turning to look at Sam and Tara.
You could see them squirm in their seats.
"Watch it-"
"-fuck off-"
"-none of your business." Martha, you, and Mercy all said at the same time.
You felt Tara squeeze your hand once.
“Hey Street Rat, you down to make a run for me?” Dicky asked.
You didn’t bother swallowing before you answered. “I’m kinda in the middle of somethin’ this week.”
“I didn’t mean this second, jackass.”
You glared at him and swiped your tongue over your bottom teeth. “Sure,” you finally said with a shrug, “just give me a week and I’ll be back in action.”
"So," Sam started, wiping her mouth off on the napkin before looking around the table. “What do you all do for a living?”
“Accounting,” every single one of you said at the same time. Pop squeezed the bridge of his eyes as you all looked at each other sheepishly.
“All of you?” Sam asked.
“Mercy’s a doctor,” Tony chimed in.
“Accounting’s a family business,” Dicky said with a gentle nod.
“Right,” Sam said with her own nod and a polite smile. Something told you she didn’t exactly believe him.
Conversation continued as normal, with everyone talking over each other. Thankfully, they all started asking Sam and Tara normal questions, and you could visibly see them start to relax. You wondered when the last time was that they had a family dinner. Not including Chad and Mindy; they were family, but they weren’t family. There was a bit of a difference.
“Ladies,” Pop said once Ma had brought out the cannoli. Everyone froze, only their eyes moving between him and the Carpenters. “It’s been a pleasure to have you, but there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
The girls stiffened in their seats, and Tara squeezed your hand again. You tried to give Pop a look that said to calm down, but he wasn’t even looking at you. His eyes were trained on Sam and Tara, and you couldn’t blame him. Hell, you didn’t know when non-family had been over last. Hopefully he was going to behave.
“You might not understand the gravity of this statement, but Vitale blood has been spilled for you two,” he said as he leaned back in his chair, his hands folded in front of him on the table.
“Oh brother,” you whispered.
Tara looked at you and you shook your head lightly and rolled your eyes. This was going to be ridiculous.
“One of us,” everyone looked at you, “felt you were worth dyin’ for.” You sighed. “We don’t take that lightly.”
“We greatly appreciate it-”
“-we have a family rule,” he interrupted Sam. “If one of us voluntarily spills blood for someone, we all follow suit.” He leaned forward on the table and waited until both Sam and Tara were looking him in the eye. “We’ll put that Ghostface character at the bottom of the Hudson.”
“Tone it down a smidge,” you whispered and gestured down with your hand.
Pop opened his mouth and closed it once. “We’ll, uh, protect you with our lives.” You gestured again. “Welcome… to the family?”
“Better,” you whispered with a scrunch of your nose that was followed by a gentle smile.
“We really do appreciate it,” Tara said.
“It’s nice to know we have, um,” Sam inhaled deeply and looked around, “Italians on our side.”
“Atta girl,” Mercy said.
“You catch on quick,” Martha agreed.
Dinner finished soon after, and everyone went about collecting the dishes and cleaning. Martha, in all her pregnant glory, kept Sam and Tara at the table, talking their ears off. At one point, you took the still-full coffee cups from in front of them and heard her talking about… something. You weren’t entirely sure, you just knew the word “family” was being thrown around a lot.
Tara looked at you and mouthed “help me.” You just smiled, shook your head, and mouthed “no” in return. The glare she gave you… it was no question she and Sam were related, they both had killer eyes. Tara’s were particularly beautiful at that moment though, did she know that? They almost reminded you of a warm hazelnut-
“-You’d best keep movin’,” Martha said. She was watching you with a ridiculous smirk. “She’s got a look that could kill.”
“Would you like some tiramisu?” You asked. Tara’s eyes softened, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Yes please,” she said.
“I’ll go get it.”
“You’re whipped!” Dicky called from the kitchen before you could even stand up straight.
“Give it a few days, Dick,” Joel said as he leaned on the doorframe. “Tara’ll have ‘em on a leash.”
“Shut up,” you shot back as you pushed past them to get into the kitchen. “It’s called bein’ polite.” You carefully plated the tiramisu. “Somethin’ you clearly know nothin’ about.”
“Seems our little Street Rat’s turnin’ into a Guard Dog,” Mitch chimed in, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Your family really came out of the woodworks, they did.
“Next time Ghostface calls, I’m givin’ him your address,” you said as you walked back into the dining room and placed the plate down in front of Tara. And Sam, you had made her a plate too.
Maybe you were whipped.
“Do it,” Dicky said. “Matter ‘a fact, give him my phone number too, he and I need to have a talk.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t tolerate that shit on my turf.”
“That’s enough,” Pop said, and everyone quickly shut up. “Go home, the lot of ya.” He looked down at Sam and Tara. “We’ve got beds made up for the both of you.”
“Thank you,” they both said with polite smiles.
“Gale stayin’ tonight too?” You asked.
And just like that, she came in at the mention of her name. Speak of the devil.
“Yes I am,” she said with a smile. “I have something I want to show you three tomorrow when it’s day time.”
“What did you find?” Tara asked quickly.
“We’ll have more time tomorrow,” Gale answered. You watched as Tara slumped back in her seat in defeat.
Everyone finished cleaning up their stuff and started leaving the brownstone. You could see the gears turning in Tara’s head when they all left through the front door, but you shook your head at her. It wasn’t something she needed to know at the moment. It was late, dark, and everyone just needed to get some sleep. If she really wanted to know more later, you would tell her.
“She gonna have you in a muzzle next time I see you?” Joel asked as he blocked the doorway.
“Keep movin’,” Tony said as he pushed Joel out. “Call me if ya need somethin’,” he said to you with a smile.
“You got it,” you answered. “Now get out, I’m exhausted.”
Mercy gave you a kiss on the cheek and Martha gave Sam and Tara hugs, but then everyone was gone. You were left with the Carpenters, Gale, and your parents. It was… disturbingly quiet, if you were being honest. You almost missed the chaos of having everyone over. Well, you would see them all at Mass, it would be fine.
“All of you get upstairs and get to bed,” Ma said with a gentle nod of her head. “It’s late and I know you all must be tired.”
“Come on, Sam,” Gale said with a gesture, “I’ll show you to your room.”
“Good night,” Sam said with a polite smile and wave. A chorus of “good nights” followed her as she similarly followed Gale upstairs.
“Tara sweetie, you can sleep in Y/N’s bed,” Ma said before looking at you. “I made you a pallet on your floor.”
“Thanks, Ma,” you said, leaning in to leave a kiss on her cheek. “Good night, you two.” You leaned over to give Pop a kiss on the cheek as well.
“Good night,” Tara said with her own small wave.
You placed your hand on Tara’s lower back as you gently pushed her in front of you up the stairs. Unfortunately for you, your room was right beside the two guest rooms that everyone else was staying in. Not that you necessarily had anything planned, but even if you did, you wouldn’t dare risk Sam or Gale hearing you.
Sometimes life was rather cruel.
“She left you some pyjamas on the bed,” you said once you showed Tara into your room. “Bathroom is down the hall, we’ve got spare toothbrushes in the top left drawer.”
“Thanks,” Tara said softly.
You watched as she grabbed the pyjamas and promptly exited the room, leaving you alone for the first time since your shower. And now that you were alone, you could feel all the wear and tear of the past two days weighing heavy on you. Anika was still in the hospital. Was she even alive? Surely she was, someone would have let you know, right? Or they at least would have let Sam or Tara know.
And what about Quinn? She would be safe at the police station, you knew that much. They didn’t care for anyone else in the city, but they did care for their own. There was no way in hell they would let anything happen to a Detective’s daughter, especially when that daughter was Quinn. No, Quinn was safe.
Chad and Mindy were safe at the hospital with Anika. There was no doubt about it. Your family had people up there, and Pop had already said he told them to stay close and keep their eyes out. They would die before they let anything happen to those three, so they were actually safer than any of you.
When Tara came back into the room, looking mighty adorable in the oversized t-shirt and sleep pants, you gave her a smile and made your own way to the bathroom. You needed to get out of those clothes pronto before you lost your goddamn mind. The clothes were comfortable, but you were starting to feel constricted.
You left your toothbrush hanging out of the side of your mouth as you unbuttoned the shirt. Each inch lower revealed still-forming bruises and the few bouts of stitches. With a grimace, you finally let the shirt fall to the floor. You didn’t mind scars, really you didn’t, but you hadn’t wanted to get them this way.
Maybe that’s how Tara feels too, you thought with a frown as you finished brushing your teeth and cleaning up. You hadn’t entirely planned for it, but you had known it was a possibility. But Tara? She hadn’t had any idea. And it had all been done by her girlfriend’s hand. What kind of havoc did that wreak on a person’s mind?
You were still thinking about Tara and Amber when you walked back into your room. Tara was already on the bed, her back to you. The door closed with a soft *click* and you turned the light off before plodding over to the pallet. There was an art to pallet making, and your family had perfected it. But as you laid down on the floor and tried to pull the blanket up to your chin, your injuries started to throb and sting.
It wasn’t going to be the floor that kept you awake all night.
There was no way you could lay on your right side, you had that cut on your hip and your right ear was missing a piece. But you couldn’t lay on your left side either because you had that cut on your bicep. Maybe if you tried to lay on your front- nope, not that either. If you had to sleep sitting up, so help you god, you were going to snap-
-something shuffled on your bed, and you quickly stilled yourself. Shit, you hadn’t meant to wake Tara. You were practically holding your breath as the shuffling continued, but then you heard the creak of the bed and someone walking across the room. It was dark, but you didn’t have to use anything more than common sense to know it was Tara who was lifting your blanket and crawling into the pallet with you.
“Not a word,” she said softly as she carefully wrapped an arm around your waist and rested her head on your shoulder.
It hurt. You would rather die than tell her that. Instead, you just pulled her closer and tried not to shift when her fingers rubbed the skin on your hip. It was obsessive, incessant, and it was almost becoming uncomfortable. But you weren’t going to tell her to stop, not when something was clearly on her mind.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into all of this,” Tara said softly.
“I’ve been dragged into worse situations,” you said flippantly. “And never by a pretty girl.”
“Don’t get yourself killed,” she said, almost as if she hadn’t heard what you had just said.
“I don’t plan on it, sweetheart,” you chuckled.
Her hand left your hip and you felt her grab your chin and turn your head. You couldn’t really see her, not properly at least, but you knew she was looking at you. Studying you for something; you wouldn’t pretend to know what. It strained your neck, but you kept your mouth shut.
You felt her pull your face down until her lips were on yours. Soft but firm. It wasn’t a kiss that was going to lead anywhere, she wasn’t trying to move any further. But judging by the way her bottom lip quivered, you knew it was important. You held her tighter to you until she pulled back and let go of your jaw, resting her head back on your shoulder.
“That didn’t mean anything,” Tara said softly.
“I know,” you said with a nod of your head that no one could see.
You both knew she was lying; you still fell asleep easily.
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saratinz · 1 year
Erase Him From Your Brain
pairing ➩ Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
warnings ➩ angst, drinking, smut, pure filth, spanking, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, degradation, praise, pet names (good girl, slut)
synopsis ➩ sequel to 'Fuck Away the Pain'
word count ➩ 1.4k
a/n ➩ to celebrate reaching 69 followers, I give you part 2. comment to be added to taglist.
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Your date with bucky is tonight, and you could not be more nervous. It’s weird, the fact that you’re about to have a romantic evening with the guy who you only had hatred towards two weeks ago. There’s a thin line between love and hate, and you two had crossed it. You have no idea what’s going to happen at this dinner. He picked a fancy restaurant, but no amount of money spent can make up for a lack of connection. And that’s your worst fear, realizing that even though your sexual chemistry is off the charts, your ideas of romance might clash. 
You went through hundreds of different outcomes in your head, but never did you expect this one to even be possible. “Ma’am, if he’s not gonna show up, I need you to give up the table.”
“Thank you for being so patient, he’s not coming. Here, let me give you, $20, for your time.”
“I’m so sorry about your boyfriend.”
“Appreciate it. Have a good evening.”
When you get back to the compound, you can’t stop the tears that flood your eyes. How could he do this to you? How could you fall for it, fall for him? Whatever shred of respect you had for him a month ago is gone. James Barnes is a no-good, very bad, wretched man, and no amount of charm will ever get him out of this hole he dug. You are done. Done with lies, done with assholes, and done with love. What even is love anyway? Seems like all it does is cause pain. Your thoughts race as you lie in your bed, wondering what the fuck you did wrong. You’ve felt this pain before, you know you can beat it, but everything feels so awful. You want this hurt to be gone. Why won’t it just go away? Why won’t he just go away? That’s your last thought before you drift off into a not-so-peaceful slumber.
You wake up to violent knocking, with your eyes puffy and pillow stained with makeup. “Y/n, it’s Bucky.” Fuck this, you roll over, figuring he’ll eventually go away. “I know you’re in there, F.R.I.D.A.Y confirmed for me.
“Fuck off James.”
“C’mon baby, just let me apologize.”
“Get away or I swear to god, I’ll make your life a living hell.”
“Just, I rescheduled our dinner for tonight, if you don’t come, I understand, but I’m giving you the option.”
“Hope you’re more embarrassed than you’ve ever been in your life.”
“I love you. ”
“Fuck you.”
“Okay, I’m leaving.” You scream into your pillow. The thought of going to dinner with Bucky makes you sick. It still crosses your mind though. No, you refuse to think about what could happen. Like how he could apologize, could be easy to talk to, could be your soulmate. Shut up brain. You do not want the guy who betrayed you, the guy who teased you to no end. You hope he’s in pain, and maybe that’s wrong, but it’s simply how you feel. 
You’re not usually a day-drinker, but this situation calls for it. You cradle your favorite drink, sipping it way faster than you should. You see a familiar face passing. “Hey Sam.”
“Hey Y/n. I need to talk to you.”
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s Bucky.”
“God, please don’t tell me he put you up to this.”
“He’s so sorry. He had a few drinks before dinner, he was so nervous, he wanted things to be perfect. He passed out from not sleeping or eating.”
“Here’s the thing, I don’t care what happened. I was scared too, but I showed up anyway.”
“He wanted me to give you this.” 
“Take it back to him, I don’t want it.”
“He said even if you didn’t open it, I have to force you to take the box.”
“Sam you’re really getting on my nerves.”
“Y/n, you want my honest opinion?”
“Go ahead.”
“He’s an asshole, you deserve better.”
“Then why are you doing this?”
“Because even though he sucks sometimes, he’s never cared about anyone half as much as he cares about you. He’s always had your back.”
“That’s what you do when your an Avenger.”
“No, I mean he literally begs people to check up on you, to look after you, hell, he convinced Steve to give you a chance.”
“I didn’t ask for him to do any of those things, and look how well my thing with Steve ended.”
“He cares more about you than he does his best friend, that’s what came between them. You’re special, he didn’t intentionally fuck this up, that’s just what you get when you fall in love with him. So please, for the love of god, take him back, so that I never have to do this again. I will pay you to go on this date. Name your price.”
“One million.”
“I was thinking more like $50.”
“I’m not going to dinner.”
“Just, don’t drink too much, okay?”
“I know. Goodbye Sam.”
“Bye.” Once he leaves, you get right back to self-medicating. The drinks start to taste less and less like alcohol. You know your limits, and you use that knowledge to drink as much as you can without blacking out. When you finally cut yourself off, you realize it’s time for dinner. But there’s no way you’re going. Even drunk you knows that’s a bad idea. 
Bucky clouds your mind, like the virus he is. How do you even explain your feelings toward him? He’s just, he won’t get out of your head. You kinda wanna go to dinner. Wait, what? No you don’t, let him be so embarrassed like you were. But he’s so hot, and good at sex. No, shut up brain. And you love him. Well, that you can’t deny. No matter what you tell yourself, that will always be true. Fuck it, fuck reasoning, you are going to stop him from going. You don’t want him in pain like you are. 
You practically sprint to his room, trying to catch him before he leaves. You run into him in the hallway with his room. “James, don’t do this.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s humiliating.”
“I don’t care.”
“Well, I do. I still love you, I don’t want you to go through with this.”
“There’s nothing you can do to stop me.” 
“Not even if I let you fuck me?” You put on your best pouty face.
“Not even if I suck your dick?”
“Y/n, stop it.”
“Not even if I call you daddy?”
“How, how did you know I like that?”
“I didn’t, but I do now.”
“Shut up.”
“Guess you’re just gonna have to punish me, daddy.” All of a sudden, you’re pushed against the wall, caged in, and getting really turned on.
“You wanna be a brat? I’ll treat you like one.”
“Do your worst.” His lips are on yours in an instant, and it’s a filthy kiss, just tongue and teeth. You yelp as Bucky pulls away and throws you over his shoulder. Once you get inside his room, he walks to the bed and tosses you onto it. 
“Take your clothes off, underwear too.” You do as he said, feeling self-conscience under his dark gaze. “Good girl, now I’m gonna sit down, and you’re gonna lay across my legs.” Crawling onto his lap, you cry out as he smacks his hand across your ass. 
“What the fuck?” Another hit.
“You begged me to do this with your bad behavior. I can’t just let you get away with whatever. I’m gonna make you my obedient little slut, it’s time you learn a lesson or two. But if you feel uncomfortable, just say the word ‘red’ and I will stop.” Once again, you’re struck. “After every spank, I’m gonna need you to say ‘thank you, daddy’. You got that?”
“James, that’s humiliating.” He puts all of his strength into the next blow.
“That’s not my name princess, now what do you say?”
“Thank you, daddy.” You reluctantly mumble.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Thank you, daddy.” You scream.
“Good fucking girl. Now we’re gonna do that 20 more times.” 
When your punishment is finally over, your eyes are puffy and your face is soaked. “It’s over honey, you did so good.” He helps you straddle him, kissing your tears away. You lay your head on his shoulder, wishing this feeling will last forever. He lies down, maneuvering your limp body so that you can use his still clothed chest as a pillow. You’re super drowsy, from the alcohol and spanking, and before long, you fall into a deep slumber.
Previous part / Masterlist / Next part
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narrynukezankielover · 5 months
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I love this part in season 8 ep 19. Naomi acting like she’s a good angel and had nothing to do with the way Cas was acting and Dean not believing her at all. Dean saying you don’t think I know you’re the reason Cas was acting weird since he got out of purgatory and that you are the one that told Cas to kill me. Then telling her I don’t trust angels which means I don’t trust you. I’m going to guess that angels can sense love because Naomi said yet you didn’t ward the place against us. You’re hoping Cas will come back to you. If she was talking about Cas just coming back but not specifically to Dean she wouldn’t have added the to you part and Deans face here shows he thought he wasn’t being obvious. Naomi hasn’t met Dean before now so how else would she know Deans feelings for Cas.
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This is just a cute moment. I believe it’s in ep 20. Charlie calling Cas dreamy. It’s times like this I wish they would show more scenes of characters just sitting down talking. Charlie hasn’t met Cas yet so how does she know he’s dreamy. I know she reads the Supernatural books but when she said it Dean didn’t look surprised. He hasn’t read the books and don’t know how Cas is written. Sounds like Dean might’ve told her about Cas. I would like to know how Dean would describe Cas looks.
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This scene in ep 22 is freaking amazing. The eye f*cking is beyond amazing but I find it funny that Sam is sitting right next to them obviously feeling like he shouldn’t be there witnessing this moment and had to cough to get them to stop. Even in the next scene Sam tells Dean to give Cas a break because he’s one of the good guys (seems like Sam was looking for an excuse to get Dean alone to calm him down). Dean asks why he (himself) is treating Cas differently than he would other people. He said if it was anyone else (I believe he said literally anyone else) he would stab them in the neck so why should he let Cas off. Sam is just like it’s Cas. Seems like Dean don’t quite understand his feelings. He knows he has feelings for Cas but he probably never realized before that he treats Cas differently than he treats other people. I really like the whole Sam knows about Cas and Dean but instead of saying something he’s just letting them figure out their feelings. You can always see the awkwardness on Sams face that he knows he shouldn’t be there or shouldn’t be listening or watching but he has no choice. I find it really funny.
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I find it cute that Cas wanted to make it up to Dean so not only did he go shopping but he made sure to get porn and beer for Dean and by the looks of it might’ve tried to hurt that guy to get Dean pie if the Metatron didn’t stop him.
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In ep 23 there is another gay moment happening to Dean but what’s interesting is Dean looks surprised and Cas doesn’t. Dean doesn’t look surprised that the guys are gay but more that they are open about it. It looks like Dean is thinking you guys don’t care that people are seeing you flirting? Yet Cas doesn’t change his expression at all. He did say in an earlier ep when he thought he was god that he’s indifferent to sexuality. Maybe he (or all angels) don’t think about sexuality. You love who you love and that’s it.
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I have to include this moment because it broke my heart. The poor boy was trying to fix everything and the Metatron f*cked him over. He took advantage of Cas and it ended with the angels falling. Cas looks like he wants to cry.
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In season 9 ep 1 Ezekiel say some angels still believe in the mission which means we believe in Cas and you. I love the angels putting Cas and Dean together.
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Dean aloud himself to get beat up just so the angels wouldn’t go looking for Cas even though he had no idea where Cas was.
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Now i’m just going to fangirl. Holy hell. This scene is hotter then all the sex scenes combined on this show and yet this isn’t even a sexy scene. I need more shirtless Cas scenes.
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dw19791967 · 8 months
That Type of Girl Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, slight angst, some fluff
This is the first fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
I had never been the type of girl that men would look at twice. I have always been on the heavy side of the scale. I have a big gut, small ass, and ok sized boobs. After struggling with my confidence for a better part of my life, when I hit my 20’s I stopped caring about what others thought of me. But I would still wear clothes a size or two too big. But I felt confident (for the most part). I didn’t give a rats ass what most people thought of me, which definitely helped when it came to hunting. 
My life changed forever when I met the Winchesters. Sam was like the big brother I never had. Dean…well, that was a different story. Everything in me knew the moment I met him, that he was something special. The way he could make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel appreciated. No one had ever made me feel the things he did. But I knew he would never see me as more than a friend, and after some time I was ok with that. I knew a man like him would never even consider being with a girl like me. 
“What ya thinking about Y/N?” said Sam. We were currently sitting in a roadside bar after we finished our most recent hunt. Of course Dean was busy flirting with some gorgeous blonde, leaving Sam and I to our own devices.
“Just thinking about what life would be like if we weren’t hunters.” I lied of course. I was thinking about why couldn’t I be the type of girl Dean would turn to for more than friendship. Something I thought about pretty frequently.
“Do you really want that type of life ?” Sam stated with a curious look on his face. 
“Hell no, I’m not made for normal. Just always like to think about where I would be ya know? Would I be married, have 2.5 kids, and a full time job or would I be a crazy cat lady.” I giggled.
“Well considering you're allergic to cats you definitely would not be a crazy cat lady.” Sam was laughing.
“You’re right Sammy, guess there goes that day dream.” I said. I couldn’t stop watching Dean. I really needed to find something else to occupy my time.
“You know I see how you look at him.” Sam said.
“I don’t know what you mean Sammy.” I replied.
“Y/N you should tell him how you feel, you never know he may feel the same way.” Sam looked at me with an optimistic grin.
“Yeah right Sam, I’m going to the restroom then I’m heading out. You boys can stay and have some much deserved fun.” I got up to head towards the restroom, if only Sam knew how deep I was in.
The following day after returning to the bunker the night before, I got up around 6:00 to make the boys breakfast. It was something I did every now and then, even though I made a pretty shitty cook. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on. I had an old AC/DC shirt on (I didn’t bother wearing a bra since the shirt was baggy), threw my hair up in a messy bun and was ready to get to work. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as I could. Evidently I tend to stomp when I walk in the bunker halls (according to Sam), so it is something I am trying to work on. I got the eggs and bacon out. Scrambled would have to be it for today because I don’t have the patience to try anything else. Sam made his way into the kitchen as I was finishing up with the bacon.
“Well good morning sunshine!” Sam sang.
“Damn Sammy can you keep it down somewhat, you know how I feel about being happy first thing in the morning.” I covered my ears.
“Oh yes so sorry grumpy pants” Sam laughed.
“I’m pretty sure you are like the only person I have ever seen to be so excited at 6:30 in the morning.” I finished putting some eggs on a plate for him.
“Well why are you up so early anyway? You made us breakfast?” Sam asked.
“Well yes you big giant, I did. I felt like doing something nice even if I am a grumpy pants.” I sat his plate down in front of him.
“Well I appreciate it and I’m sure Dean will too. Where is Dean?” Sam took a bite of his eggs.
“Pretty sure he is still sleeping, I’ll wake him up on my way to shower. How does it taste?” I asked.
“It is actually pretty good, way to go Y/N you have finally learned how to make eggs!” Sam was laughing. I enjoyed the teasing banter we had with one another, it made me happy that we didn’t always have to take things so seriously.
“Haha very funny, looks like now I will have to cook more often.” I stated as I walked out of the kitchen.
Heading down the hall I stopped at Dean’s room. I opened his door slightly, he was sprawled out over his bed snoring loudly. Blondie must have tired him out last night. I usually don’t like waking him up because he has such a hard time sleeping. Especially lately but I knew he would be pissed if he missed out on bacon. I made my way over to him.
“Dean” I whispered.
“Dean I made breakfast” I patted his shoulder.
He rolled over and opened his eyes. Looking at me in a way that almost made me blush.
“Hey sweetheart, what time is it?” he asked.
“7:00” I stated.
“Damn I actually slept in some, that was amazing.”
I’m sure it was, I stated to myself. Damn my jealousy.
“Well I just wanted to let you know there is eggs and bacon, Sam said that I actually learned how to make eggs so guess that means they are good this time. I laughed. “ I’m gonna take a quick shower then I will meet you back out there” I said.
“You had me at bacon” he got up and stretched. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty” stated Sam.
“God it smells amazing in here” Dean said with a grin.
Dean loaded up a plate with tons of bacon and a few scoops of eggs.
“Damn this is awesome” Dean moaned.
“Would you like me to give you some alone time with that?” Sam laughed.
“Sammy, she seriously knows how to make my damn morning. This bacon might be the best I have ever eaten.”
“Well she has been up since 6 working on it so I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Sam was reading something on his laptop now.
“What would we do without her?” Dean wondered aloud.
“What would we do without who?” I stated as I made my way back into the kitchen. I had taken a quick shower and changed into jeans and a flannel. Baggy of course. I never wore tight fitting shirts. My hair was still a little wet but I wanted to make sure the boys were taken care of before I moved on with my routine.
“You sweetheart, you are seriously too good to us.” Dean stated, staring at me. 
I blushed, “Well I would do anything to make your guys day a little better.” Sam looked at me with a knowing look, please dear lord do not let him say anything.
Sam continued reading something on his laptop without saying a word. 
“Well I’m gonna head to the library to check out this book I need, do you guys need anything?” asked Sam.
“I’m good, thank you though Sammy.” I stated.
“Unless you are stopping at the store, in that case we need pie.” Dean said while stuffing his face with more bacon.
“Of course Dean, I will make sure to get your precious pie.” Sam said while laughing.
With Sam gone, I struggled to find something to say to Dean but the silence was killing me. 
“What time did you guys end up coming home last night?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know but yet I needed to.
“Uh not too long after you, it was kinda a bust.” stated Dean.
“What happened to Blondie?” I asked without even thinking.
Dean looked up at me, “She was talking my ear off about her ex. I told her if she couldn’t stop thinking about him then she probably needed to talk it out with him.”
Good I thought to myself, I knew he deserved a good time but I am glad he struck out. I really need to stop thinking like this.
“Well I am sure you will have better luck next time” I said with a smile. It took everything in me to muster that up.
“Nah next time we need to work on finding someone for you.” Dean stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I know it's been awhile since you have found a guy for you, so I figured I could help you look.” Dean said with a shrug.
Did he seriously think I wanted to find someone? I really was not the love them and leave them type. I tended to get too attached. So I just took care of things on my own. Plus it was hard to find someone to spend the night with when you are desperately in love with someone else.
“I’m really not interested Dean. I would rather just drink and make a fool of myself.” I laughed.
“Come on Y/N, I’m sure you could use a night of romance or whatever you want to call it” Dean looked at me.
Anytime I had even considered taking a guy home they would make comments about my body. Which usually ended with my fist bleeding and the guy laying on the bar floor.
“Dean, do you seriously not remember the last time I looked for a guy, he ended up calling me a fat bitch and I knocked his lights out.” I picked at my nails. I couldn’t look at his face right now.
“Yes I remember, that was just one shitty guy. I have faith we can find a good one.” Dean got up to clear his plate.
The one guy I want doesn’t want me so I really don’t want to try to find another one. I will just end up with my feelings hurt and my confidence wounded. It’s not worth it to me.
“I appreciate the offer truly, but I don’t want a night of romance. I just want to spend a night with my two best friends. That’s it. Can we please drop it?” I got up to start working on the dishes.
“If that is what you want Y/N.” Dean looked at me softly. “I will get them sweetheart, the least I can do since you cooked.” Dean started working on the dishes.
"Thanks" I said. "I'm gonna go finish fixing my hair." I made my way out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I wish he could understand how I felt, but this is one area in which Dean and I are very different.
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youling-the-ghost · 1 month
sfth incorrect quotes pt.6 because somehow I'm the most productive in the middle of the night (the generator)
Tom: Why is there blood everywhere?
Luke: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. Tom: You stabbed someone?! Luke: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife. AJ: Hey, what are you reading? Sam: This is my magic book where any ink spilled shows a scripture of the future, however it bears a curse making it broken, and as such in order to make any scripture appears, I have to do it myself. AJ: Impressive! I must have it for myself! Tom: So it’s just a Notebook? Sam: It’s just a Notebook. Tom: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this? Luke: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Tom: I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back. Luke: Why are you telling me this, I don't care. Luke, right after Tom leaves the room: I miss him already. Luke: Assert your dominance over your friends by kicking them in the face, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead! Luke: You don't think I can fight because of my height! Sam: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Tom can fight in that dress either. Tom: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride. Tom: Why are you late? Sam: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness. Tom: Overslept? Sam: Overslept. Tom: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?! AJ: It's kind of complicated, but Sam and Luke- Tom: Got it. Forget I asked. Sam: Luke is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in his entire life! Tom: Never done anything wrong?! He set a city block on FIRE!
AJ: What's the signal when something goes wrong? Sam: We yell, "oh shit." Tom: ...That'll work. Luke: I bet you can’t make a sentence without the letter "A"! Tom: You thought you just did something there, didn’t you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon. AJ: Fuck you. Sam: I’m totally useless. Tom: You’re not totally useless. Tom: You can be used as a bad example. AJ: When do you usually go to sleep? Luke: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods. Tom: Is… Is that meant to be on fire? Luke: No… not really. Tom: Are you going to do something about it? Luke: Hm… nah. Tom: Luke learned how to fold origami penguins from Sam the other day. I told him, "I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here." And the next day he put them in the fridge. Sam: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth. Sam, barging in: Syphilis! AJ: Sam: AJ: Pardon? Luke, carrying a box: What would you say if- if I, hypothetically, came home with 7 kittens one day? Tom: ... Tom: What’s in the box? Luke: What woul- Tom: Luke, what’s in the box? Luke: I think you know. Sam: Today at 7 am, Tom poured a Monster energy drink in his coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Luke: I watched Tom brew his coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he ascended into the astral realm. AJ: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
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via-l0ve · 1 year
Hi I want to request Spn boys dating someone who is a few years younger than them (They almost have to be in crowley and castiels case) and they sometimes use slang that they don't get at all. I loved the way your wrote Gabriel in latest work so could you add him.
I understood that reference! (SPN pref!) 🩷
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A/n: hi anon! i love this idea!! i hope you enjoy :)
warnings: swearing, modern vine/tiktok references
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“no, y/n!! you don’t understand! this is important, you could’ve died back there!! you need to be more careful! i’m tired of-“
“no need to shout. no need to yell. shut your eyes, take a deep breath.”
“aww look! you’ve gone all quiet.”
“what the fuck was that?”
you take it to your advantage when he’s arguing and just slip in some vine references (idk if anyone understands that one but i love it.)
“y/n, you want avocados on your toast like a heathen?”
“it’s an avocado! yayyy!”
“are you having a stroke? it’s just an avocado.”
one time a demon came through and a fight broke out and the table broke
“the tables broken. i’ll have to go out and get a new one in the morn-“
“oh no!! our table! it’s broken!!”
“…i just said that.”
the poor man is SO confused
side. eye.
he’s flabbergasted
let’s say he’s mad about something okay?
he’s ranting and ranting and then he turns to you
“woah. calm down there jamahl. don’t pull out the nine!”
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he’s giggling tho
he thinks it’s entertaining how you just say things for fun and it confuses everyone in the room
also also also
he tells you the most depressing news about the world and you go
“oh. slay.”
“slay? i just told you 20 people died y/n are you okay? are you high?”
“i wish i was.”
lmfao i’m sorry but imagine in the middle of a hunt you get punched in the face by a demon or something and he turns to you and
“you okay?”
“oh! oh! call an ambulance! call an ambulance! but not for me!!!”
and then you kill it.
he falls in love even more.
poor baby is so confused
“where are you going, y/n?”
“wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy.”
“w-what? weather boy? i’m an angel of the lord-“
it’s not even vine. if you use slang he is so confused
“she thought she ate that up.”
“ate what up? what was she eating y/n?”
“no… no she wasn’t eat-“
you do it just to mess with him lol
“cas, you’re such a snack.”
your humor makes him so confused
“cas! look at this video of a gerbil running up to the camera and it freezes right on his dumb face.”
“y/n you concern me.”
“i was laughing for ten minutes.”
he is so confused
he thinks your dying
but he also just goes along with it
any vine references he giggles a little bit ngl
he thinks you’re so funny even if he dosent get it too much LMFAOO
he gives you the look every time you reference something.
“was that a vine thing?”
he says meme like sebastian stan
“was that a mee-me?”
“meme, crowley.”
“oh. meeh-me.”
i’m cackling
i feel like he sucks at texting bro.
“hey bestie how was ur day?” - you
“good bestie i am not your bestie i am crowley your lover”
“use punctuation.”
he dosent understand your new language but he tries to keep up.
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Growth Can Suck
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 20, Valerie and Danny have an important talk.
Valerie feels a lot better now that Danny’s actually told her what’s going on.  She doesn’t want to push him, but keeping it in was clearly getting to be too much, and now she actually knows that talking about Phantom with him isn’t a good idea, and she knows to stop.
And she wasn’t kidding about reevaluating her stance on Phantom.  She’s been angrier at him than any other ghost for a long time, and that might not be fair.  She gets to school a little early the next day to do some research in the library, and according to the news reports she finds, Phantom is responsible for less injuries and less property damage than any other ghost.  There are plenty of trustworthy sources talking about times he’s saved people, too.  She does need to do some rethinking of things, it would seem.
But she’s going to leave Danny out of it.  He doesn’t need more of that from her, and he’s asked her not to.
And he does seem a little bit better in the following days.  He smiles more, even if they’re smaller.  And he seems less tense than he had been lately.  (Valerie still can’t believe he thought she wouldn’t notice.)
Friday morning, however, he’s tense again.  When she picks him up to fly them both to school he’s quiet, and she can tell from the look on his face that he’s thinking about something.
“Hey, you okay?” she asks as they land a little ways away from the school.  “You’re quiet today.”
Danny looks at her, and instead of answering her question, says, “Can we leave school for lunch?  I need to talk to you about something important.”
Valerie nods.  “Sure,” she says.  “Meet me out here when lunch starts?”
Danny smiles just a little and nods in agreement.
Valerie tries to spend the rest of the morning feeling good about the fact that he wants to talk to her instead of keeping it in, but he looked nervous, and she couldn’t tell what was bothering him this time.
She does manage to put her mind off of it for a bit, however, when she’s approached out of nowhere by Sam and Tucker in between one of her classes.
“Hey Valerie,” Sam says, pushing herself up in Valerie’s face.  “Can we talk to you for a second?”
Valerie glances between Sam, who is clearly the one who had this idea, and Tucker, who’s staring at the ground.
Valerie gives it a moment of consideration, glances between them both one more time, and says, “No.”  Then she closes her locker and starts down the hallway.
“Wh- hey!” Sam calls after her.  “It’s important!”
“I know all about what you consider important,” Valerie says, turning around and walking just closely enough so that no one else in the hallway has to hear.  “And I’m not in the mood to talk about it today.  See you around.  Or not.”
And with that, she turns and walks away, and this time ignores Sam calling after her.
What could they possibly have to talk to her about, anyway?  Have they just finally noticed Danny doesn’t want to spend time with them anymore, and they think she’s the reason why?
Well, either way, Valerie’s not giving them the time of day.  They don’t have any chance of good faith with her anymore.
Lunch seems to take forever to get there, especially since she knows something’s going to happen during it, but it arrives eventually.  She heads out to their meeting spot, not finding it nearly as difficult to dodge all the teachers as it would have been before she started ghost hunting.  Danny’s already waiting there when she arrives.
“Hey, she says, pulling out her suit.  “You ready?”
Danny pulls out his bandana and nods.
They end up on top of a building, one far enough away from downtown that they won’t be noticed for sitting there, but close enough to the school that they can get back in time.
As soon as they get there, Danny hops off the board and starts pacing back and forth on the roof, instantly banishing any doubt about whether or not he’s nervous about this.
Valerie puts her board away and doesn’t say anything, opting to stand there.  She trusts he’ll tell her eventually, he just looks like he needs some time to psyche himself up first.
Finally, he takes a deep breath and turns to face her.  “Okay,” he says, “so.”
“So?” Valerie says.
“I need to tell you something really important.”
“At this point I got that.”
Danny takes a deep breath, and then sits down, right in the middle of the roof.  Valerie raises an eyebrow, but does the same, sitting across from him.
Danny grabs the straps of his backpack and clenches his fists until the knuckles turn white.  “So I’ve kinda been lying to you,” he says.
Valerie nods.  “Okay,” she says, trying not to attach a judgment to that yet.
“I didn’t want to tell you this because… well, the reason will be obvious.  I mean at first, I didn’t want to tell you because I knew there’d be bad blood, even though I didn’t know the other stuff yet.�� And then once I found that out, it was kinda… well, that’s the obvious part.”
“Danny?” Valerie says.  “You know you’re not making any sense, right?”
“I know, I know.  Okay, just— there’s no easy way to put this.  I’m Phantom.”
He looks at her like he expects a huge reaction.  Valerie blinks.
“Danny, that’s not very funny,” she says, not sure what else to say.
“Trust me, I know.”
“Then why are you saying it?”
“Because it’s true,” Danny says, squeezing his backpack straps tighter.
“What are you— that’s not possible, Danny,” Valerie says, even though there’s a pinch of something in her chest that’s starting to react now.
Danny bites his lip, and takes his bag off and sets it down.  Then, before Valerie can ask what he’s doing, a sudden white ring appears around his waist, and travels up to his head, until—
Valerie pushes herself back in a scramble, trying to make the person in front of her— ghost in front of her— Danny in front of her— process.
“You,” she says weakly.  She has a slightly hysterical moment when she almost goes for her ghost weapons, but the look of anxiety on Phantom’s face stops her in her tracks.
The same white ring appears around Phantom’s waist, and after a second, he’s gone, and Danny’s standing there again.
“I kind of accidentally opened my parents’ portal on top of myself,” he says.  “And it… killed me.  Sort of.”
Valerie presses a hand over her mouth.  “I think I’m gonna be sick,” she whispers.
“Please don’t do that,” Danny says.  “It’s okay.”
Valerie stares at him.  “Well obviously it’s not okay, Danny,” she says, slightly hysterical again.
Danny winces.  “Yeah, it’s really not,” he mutters.
Valerie presses a hand to her forehead and tries to take a deep breath.  She can’t think of a single thing right now that could have worse implications than Danny is Phantom.
And then Danny says, “I just, I decided I wanted to tell you after we left the protest the other day.”
Valerie looks up at him, eyes wide.  “The— holy shit, Danny, why were you there?”
Danny looks down at his feet.  “I told you,” he says, “I was helping Sam out.”
Yeah, Valerie is definitely going to be sick.
“You were right,” Danny continues quietly.  “I wasn’t being fair to you by keeping everything from you.  And, I know this isn’t what you meant, but it’s still true.”
“You weren’t being fair to me?” Valerie asks.
Danny nods, and looks up at her.  “Yeah,” he says.  “I can’t be mad at you for hunting me when you didn’t know.”
“Yes you can!”
“…Yeah, okay, I can,” Danny admits.  “But I’m not.”
Valerie shakes her head in astonishment.  “Why?”
“Well, I really did need to tell you, for one,” Danny says, looking away.  “That’s part of it.  And I think the other part of it… I really need to stop letting people hurt me.  Because I do.  Let them.”
He takes a deep breath, and turns to face Valerie again.  “I’m sorry if I’m piling on,” he says.  “But I think we need to break up.”
And Valerie does feel a little faint, learning so many awful things all at once.  But she can’t be mad at him for wanting to get away from her.
God, she really can’t.
“I know ‘it’s not you, it’s me,’ is like, a thing people say to be shitty,” Danny continues.  “But I really do mean it.  I need to learn how to be Phantom without being surrounded by people who hate me.  And that’s… I need to do that.”
Valerie nods.  “Okay,” she whispers.
“Please don’t beat yourself up over this,” Danny says.  “Some of it is on me.”
“Not all of it,” Valerie says.  “Not most of it.”
Danny shrugs.  “Agree to disagree, then.  But I’ll be okay.  And I want to figure something out with you eventually.  I… want you in my life, in some way.”  He looks down, his cheeks turning a little pink.  “I like you a lot.”
“I like you a lot too,” Valerie whispers through the guilt swirling around in her chest.
Danny smiles up at her, not an ounce of anger in it, which she doesn’t understand.
“Hey,” he says.  “I really do want to thank you.  Being with you… it was really, really good.  For the most part.”
Valerie laughs a little, still slightly hysteric.  “Yeah.”
Danny reaches out a hand to her, and Valerie takes it.  Danny pulls them both to their feet, and gives her one last sad smile.  Then he leans forward and kisses her cheek.
“I’ll be seeing you,” he says.  “Really.”
Then he turns, transforms into the ghost Valerie’s been hunting for months, and flies away.
Valerie’s dad is the first one who notices something is wrong, that night while eating dinner.
“Valerie,” he says, pausing Scalpels and Secrets.  “What’s wrong?  You’ve barely said a word to me all night, and you haven’t yelled at Stacy once.”
“It’s nothing, Dad,” Valerie says.  “I… it’s nothing.”
“Valerie, I know you’re not trying to lie to me right now.  Especially because you’re doing such a terrible job of it.”
Valerie laughs a little, and goes quiet again.  Dad doesn’t start the show again, though, meaning he’s waiting for her to say something.
“Danny and I broke up,” Valerie ends up on.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Dad says.  He sets his food aside.  “Come here.”
Valerie sets her own food aside and all but throws herself into her father’s arms.  Her dad pulls her close and rubs circles on her back.
“I’m so sorry, Valerie,” he says.
“No, Dad, I— you don’t understand,” Valerie says.  She pulls back and wipes at her eyes.  “I didn’t— I hurt him.  I hurt him so bad.”
“Sometimes that happens, sweetheart,” Dad says.  “It’s part of growing up.  You make mistakes, and you learn from them.”
“No, Dad,” Valerie says, pushing herself back to standing, and starts pacing across the room.  “You don’t understand.  He— I didn’t— I didn’t want to hurt him.”
“I would be surprised if you did, Valerie,” Dad says.  “Most good people don’t want to hurt other people.”
“I’m not that,” Valerie says.  “I’m not a good person.”
“Valerie, don’t be silly.”
“I’m not,” Valerie insists.  “You don’t understand, you don’t understand what I did, I—” she stops, and sits down in the middle of the living room floor.
“Valerie,” Dad says gently.  “I’m gonna tell you something that really sucks, okay?”
Valerie blinks tearfully up at him.
“Sometimes, when you’re learning and growing, you hurt people.  And sometimes it’s bad.  It doesn’t mean you meant to, and it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.  What’s important is how you react after you realize you’ve hurt someone.”
Valerie wipes her eyes and sniffs.
After Danny had messed up, he’d befriended her and spent time with her and, eventually, told her everything, knowing it might go catastrophically badly.
Danny had broken up with her and asked for space, so befriending him again probably isn’t an option— at least, not yet.  And he already knows all of her secrets.
Valerie raises her gaze and finds her dad smiling gently down at her.
“I promise you, sweetheart,” he says.  “You’re not a bad person.  You’re growing up.”
Valerie wipes her eyes again.  “Dad,” she says.  “I… I need to tell you something.  About the Red Huntress.”
At the end of it all, her dad is sitting in their recliner, looking like she’s taken ten years off his life.
“Alright,” he says, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.  “I’ll admit, I’m not thrilled to hear most of that.”
Valerie doesn’t say anything, knowing he’s not done.
“I don’t like knowing that you’ve been putting yourself in danger on purpose and not telling me,” he continues.  “And I especially don’t like knowing that you’re spending time with this Vlad person.  It doesn’t sound like he cares that you’re putting yourself in danger all the time.”
“I don’t know that he does,” Valerie mutters.  “I think I’m done with him.”
“Good,” Dad says.  “He doesn’t sound like a good person to be around.”
Valerie nods.  She’s seen enough evidence of that at this point.  She wonders, for the first time, how Thing 1 and Thing 2 got involved with him.  Maybe she should try talking to them.
“But,” Dad says, and Valerie looks up at him again.
“I’m proud of how you’ve grown,” he says with a smile.  “You’ve recognized your mistakes and you want to change them.  And I’m so proud of how you’ve been trying to help and protect people.  Every parent wants their child to be a good person like that.  I’ll admit I’d prefer if you did it back on the ground—”
Valerie laughs a little.
“But I like your instincts, and I love where your heart is.  I love you very much, Valerie.”
Valerie blinks a couple times, and stands up to wrap her arms around her dad.  “I love you too, Dad,” she says.
They both stay there for a minute, and then Dad pulls back.
“Will you give me some time to adjust to this?” he asks.  “And let me help you how I can?”
Valerie nods.
“Okay.  Then I won’t take away your ghost weapons.  If you really mean it about telling Vlad you’re done and taking a break.”
“I do,” Valerie says.  “I need to take some time to think about things.  And— I think I’m leaving things in good hands, with Phantom.”
Though the idea of leaving Danny to deal with everything alone isn’t one she likes.  She’ll give him a week off when she comes back to make up for it.
“I think you are too,” Dad says.  “If everything you’ve said about him is right.”
He has a look in his eyes, one that says he’s probably figured out the one part she didn’t tell him— Danny didn’t give her permission, after all.  And since he still hasn’t, she replies with, “It is.”
And it’s true.  She trusts Danny, after all.
“Alright,” Dad says with a nod.  “Well— okay then.”
Valerie laughs a little.  “You okay there?”
“I’m definitely going to need a bit to get used to this,” Dad says, and Valerie laughs again.
“Thanks for not freaking out too much though,” she says.
“Hey, it could just be a delayed reaction, we’ll see how it goes.”
Valerie grins at him.  “Well, then how about we watch some TV as a stress reliever,” she says.  “And can we start it over?  I want to yell at Stacy with proper context.”
“You got it, sweetheart,” Dad says with a smile.  And, after he rewinds the episode, he climbs out of the chair and sits down on the floor next to Valerie and wraps an arm around her shoulders to give her a squeeze.  Valerie hugs him back, and they watch the episode while hugging each other.
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milkgemini · 2 years
Tip Of The Iceberg
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Pairing: Josh Kiszka X f!reader Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: josh in that beanie had a chokehold on me tonight.. so how could i not. shout out to my baby @babyhoneygvf for helping me come up with this. ily pookie. as always, plsssss let me know your thoughts! 🫶🏻
Part 2
Jake 4:59 pm
“Get up ya lazy shit. We’re going skating in an hour” 
You 5:05 pm
“Im up Im up. I’ll be over in 20.” 
The friendship you shared with Jake was something near and dear to your heart. He felt like a big brother to you. You both shared the same humor. He would tease you and call you names, but at the end of the day, you knew he would never let anything happen to you. 
His twin brother, Josh, was a different story. You didn’t dislike Josh. You didn’t know him well enough to even dislike him. There had never been a time where you hung out with Josh one on one. Jake or Sam had always been there to ease the awkward tension. You had tried to spark up a conversation with him before at parties the boys had thrown, but had always felt like a nuisance to him. Like he couldn’t be bothered to be included in the conversation. So you stopped trying. 
You were always civil towards him. It was in your nature. He was your best friend’s other half, literally. The least you could do was acknowledge his presence as he entered the room. 
It was just past 6 when you had shown up to the Airbnb they had rented. The 3 Kiszka boys had been staying with their parents for the holiday, but decided to rent this place so they could create their version of a Christmas break, which included a little more volume than their parents could handle. 
As you entered the rental, you couldn’t spot anyone right away, but were greeted with the volume of voices which seemed to be coming from the kitchen around the corner. Your presence was made known as you stepped into the frame of the room. 5 heads turning towards your direction, with only 4 them showing excitement that you came. 
“Hey hey! There she is!” Jake chimes in pulling you into a hug. One of the most important things in your friendship with Jake was the fact that his girlfriend Jita was respectful and understanding of the bond you two shared. They had been together for years and never once had she questioned you two, so to see the smile on her face as you reached your arms out to embrace her as well made your heart feel warm. 
Danny and Sam were leaning against the counter, sipping on whatever experimental concoction they had decided to whip up tonight. Sam's eyebrow rose over the rim of his drink, gulping down a sip while simultaneously throwing an arm around you to welcome you. “Hi you two. What’s the drink of choice tonight?” you hesitantly asked, fearful they would force you to try. “This right here is a secret family recipe.” Sam replies, smacking his lips acting as if he’s savoring the flavors of the cocktail. “I’d tell ya the ingredients, but like I said, it’s a secret so you’ll just have to try yourself.” He gives you a smirk while pushing the rim of the cup closer and closer to your lips. 
“He’s full of shit, don’t believe him. There’s no family recipe.” Danny warns you just as you’re about to fall for Sam's tricks. “Aw come on, Daniel. I almost had her!” With a wave of your hand, you roll your eyes to Sam, realizing there’s one person left in the kitchen you’ve not yet said hello to. 
Josh had also been leaning against the kitchen counter a little farther down from Sam and Danny. He had a red solo cup in his hand, silently sipping his drink perusing the scene of people in the room. His legs were crossed at the ankles, and he watched over the rim of his cup as you greeted the rest of the crew. Once you had realized it was rude of you not to at least say something, you faced his direction. “Hi Josh” you waved meekly towards him. His only response was to lift his cup giving you a tight grin. 
“Well, that was awkward.” you thought to yourself. And as if your best friend could read your mind, Jake saved you from any further embarrassment by interrupting. 
“Alright guys. Uber’s gonna be here in 10, so get your shit together.” 
As you all exited the kitchen, each of you began bundling yourselves with jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves in preparation of bracing the bitter Michigan winter air. With your hat, scarves and gloves secured, you patted the pockets of your winter coat making sure you had all of your belongings before leaving. 
“Think you left this” a flat voice called from behind you. 
Josh stood there, holding your wallet in his right hand, wiggling it towards you. 
“Right, thanks.” was all you could reply. 
Stuffing the wallet into your side pocket, you followed behind Sam as you all crammed into the van taking you to the ice rink. 
The place was packed. It was Christmas break so you didn’t expect any less. As you approached the booth to pay, you began to feel your nerves rise in your stomach. Here you were about to step onto the ice, with no clue in the world of how to skate. 
You followed Jake over to the stand where it was time to pick out your skates. You whispered to him, “I don’t know what I’m doing, so..” He huffed a laugh and turned to the employee before the desk. “She’s a size 7.” The man behind the counter had handed you a pair of white skates, heavier than you expected. 
The 6 of you had found a bench outside, and everyone started untying their shoes to put their skates on. Unsure of how to tie your own skates but unwilling to admit it, you peeked out of the corner of your eye to mimic Jake’s movements. 
“Is this right?” You pointed your feet in his direction, laces not tied properly. 
“Lift up for me.” He tapped his thigh signaling to lift your feet to him. 
Jake fixed your laces for you, tying them extra tight, resulting in you huffing out a breath to him. 
“You’ll thank me later” he shot a wink at you before grabbing Jitas hand, and walking towards the entrance to the rink. 
Sam and Danny had already gotten out there, Josh following in his twin brother's footsteps right behind him. Which left you by yourself to wobble up to the entrance, clinging on to anything in sight that would help stable your balance. 
As you stood in the entryway, you closed your eyes and said a quick affirmation to yourself before stepping on the ice. You clung to the side walls as you moved your skates centimeters apart. Jake and Jita skated by you with ease and you flashed them a fake smile, immediately rolling your eyes when they were no longer in sight. 
“Well, I paid for this so I might as well at least try..” you thought to yourself. You had no idea where this shot of courage came from, but before you could overthink it, you pushed yourself from the edge of the rink and tried skating on your own. 
“Slow and steady wins the race” you repeat to yourself, as other people whip by you showing off how well they could skate. A younger boy in a hockey jersey was skating incredibly fast with friends behind you. Their volume increased, giving you a warning they were approaching quickly. The boy was paying no attention to you, just trying to get past as fast as he could, unfortunately knocking your shoulder in the process. Nudging you a bit too hard, you had lost your balance, sticking your arms out into nothing, bracing yourself for the fall you knew was coming. 
Just before falling on your ass, you felt two sets of hands steady you by your elbows, straightening you up, saving you from the fall. 
With the hands still gripping your elbows, and you too terrified to move an inch, all you could do was turn your head to the side to catch a glimpse of who was behind you. 
“Josh?” you blurted out. “Oh um… thank you. I was about to bust my ass” you chuckled to yourself. 
“I saw. Here. Go slow, let’s just get to the edge.” With his back flush to your chest, his hands still gripping the back of your arms tight, he guided you to the edge of the rink. 
As best you could, you used your mittens to try to push your bangs out of your eyesight and readjusted the hat on your head. 
“I’m not very good at this.” You admitted to him with a half smile. 
“Takes practice. Jake and I started really young.” he responded flatly. 
“Yeah well, I’m over it. You guys go head. I'm gonna grab a hot chocolate.” Before giving him time to respond, you began to creep along the edge of the rink towards the entrance. 
You turned to Josh with wide eyes. You weren’t even expecting him to be there anymore after you told him you’re finished with skating. You figured he wouldn’t really care what you were doing actually. 
“I was thinking of getting a beer myself, so if you don’t mind…” he trails off 
“Sure, what do you want? I’ll bring it back over. Just meet me on the side and I’ll hand it to you.” you absentmindedly start reaching in your pocket for your wallet. 
“I meant… do you mind if I join?” he retorts back to you, looking directly in your eyes this time. 
His question shocked you. Not once has Josh put the energy into hanging out, just you two. If anything, sometimes it seemed like he went out of his way to avoid this exact circumstance from happening. 
“Oh umm. Yeah of course.” you tried your best to hide the surprised look on your face. 
Slowly but surely, you reached the exit gate to the rink, stepping down onto the rubbery ground. It was much easier to walk on the skates now, so you had no trouble finding a bench and plopping yourself down. Until you were faced with your next challenge. You look down at your skates to see the jumbled mess of laces Jake had tied for you earlier. You leaned over and tried to tackle the knots. Josh sitting next to you, had already untied his skates and laced up his boots. 
“Need some help?” He asked. 
“I think I got it. It’s just stuc-“ 
“Gimme it” he reaches down to grab your ankle, pulling your skate into his lap. Within seconds, he unties the mess his twin made earlier, and taps the skate to signal for you to bring your next foot up. 
You finished tying the laces to your own boots, skates in hand and stood up next to Josh. 
“Ready?” He asks, nodding towards the concession stand. 
You trail behind him, unsure of how this is going to go. You were so used to awkward situations when it came to Josh. Was this going to be filled with uncomfortable silence? 
As you reach the concession stand, you scan your eyes over the menu. Josh steps up to the counter first. 
“Hey how are you?” He greets the woman behind the cash register with a tight lipped grin. “Can I get a Dogfish Namaste and a hot chocolate?” He whips his head around back to you. “Anything else?” He asks. 
“Uhh, no just the hot chocolate. Thanks.” The thought of him buying your drink for you without questioning it made a smile creep up on your face. 
The woman at the counter handed over both of your drinks to which Josh thanked her and stuffed a few bills in their tip jar. He turned to you, extending his hand with your warm drink. 
“Thank you, Josh. You didn’t have to do that. I have my wallet, remember?” You reminded him. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He took a sip from his beer. 
You both started walking towards an empty table inside, needing the extra warmth right now. 
As you sat down, just the two of you at the table, you started to pick at the skin around your finger nails, worried about how awkward this might be. You decided to be the one to spark the conversation to ease the tension. 
“I like your beanie” you complimented him. 
The smallest smile shown on his face, as he reached up to feel the black knit hat on his head as if he forgot he was wearing it. 
“Oh, thanks. My mom got it for me for Christmas.” 
As you scanned Josh, you started to realize he looked different tonight. He looked good. The beanie was pulled tight onto his head, his curls stuffed inside. All you could see coming through were the shaved sides of his head. He kept his ears out of the beanie, which made the dainty golden hoops he wore even more noticeable to you. 
“You ever try this kind?” He lifted the beer up to you. 
Was he finally trying to carry on an actual conversation with you? 
“I’ve tried their other ones, but I’ve never had that kind before.” You replied to him, trying your best not to show your excitement from him continuing the conversation. 
“Try it. It’s good. It’s a wheat beer so if you like anything Belgian style, you’ll like this” he hands the beer across the table to you. As you wrap your fingers around the can, you also cover his fingers in the process before he has time to let go. Keeping your eyes on him, you watch his bashful reaction as he hands the can over and tries to find anything else to look at. 
You take a sip of the beer, swirling your tongue in your mouth to take in the flavor. Josh watches your mouth from across the table. 
“It’s good! I like it. I’ll have to pick this one up next time.” You hand the can back over to Josh. 
A familiar set of voices can be heard coming from behind you. 
“There you guys are!” Sam interjects, playfully slapping his brother’s shoulder. 
“We thought you guys ubered back and left us here.” Jake huffed a laugh and looked at both you and Josh. “You guys ready to go? We called the Uber before we even stepped off the ice. It’s fucking freezing out there.” 
The notification on Jake’s phone alerted you that the Uber was pulling into the parking lot. The 6 of you made your way out, tumbling into your seats and huffing out a breath as you all settled in. 
Sam sat in the front seat, Jake and Jita in the two separate seats in the middle of the van. Which left you, Josh, and Danny in the row in the back, with you sandwiched between them. It was a tight squeeze, and all you could think about was making sure your thigh wasn’t leaning on Josh’s side too much. 
He could tell you were tensing yourself, almost leaning into Danny to avoid your leg pressing up against his. As your Uber driver took a sharp turn rounding the block of the Airbnb, it caused your knee to brush against him, which you quickly retreated back. 
“No worries” Josh leaned over to whisper towards you, giving your thigh a soft pat. 
Thank god it was dark in that van, because the flush of your cheeks could be spotted from a mile away. 
As you exited the car and walked through the front door of the house, everyone gathered in the kitchen, cracking open a new beer or pouring a new glass. 
Remembering that you had been the last to show up to the function, and the only sober one left, you opted for a glass of wine to catch up to the others. You grabbed a red solo cup from the stack, and held the bottle of Pinot by the neck to pour into your cup. 
Once everyone’s drinks had been refilled, most of the group had walked over to the living room, leaving you and Josh in the kitchen. Screwing the cap back on the bottle of wine, Josh had resumed his position from earlier. Ankles crossed, sipping his drink, peering at you over the edge of his can. 
As you returned the bottle back to the wine rack, you could feel his eyes follow you around the kitchen. Before you could pick your cup up to follow the others to the living room, his voice stopped you. 
“Is there a reason you’re so hesitant towards me?” He finally breaks the silence. 
“What?” You look up at him with a questioning face. 
“In the van. It was almost as if you were trying to get away from me back there. You can only scooch so close to Danny before you’re in his lap.” He took another sip of his beer, looking at you over the can with raised eyebrows. 
“I…. Didn’t mean to it’s just-“ you continued
“Just what?” He stepped closer to you, placing his hand on the counter space between the two of you. 
“I don’t know. I’ve always felt like I annoyed you, so I didn’t want to press it any further.” You admitted to him shyly. 
He set his beer down on the counter, stepping even closer to you now, the smallest space separating your hips from touching. 
“Which part of tonight made you think I was annoyed by you” his back left the edge of the counter to stand directly in front of you now. Your eyes wide as you gazed back at him, mouth parted in shock that he was so close to you right now. 
With the toes of your boots touching, he stood in front of you, his eyes flicking back and forth between your wide stare and your lips. 
“Was it the way I gripped onto you tight, making sure you never hit the ground…” he lifts his hand to your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while leaning closer before finishing his sentence. 
“Or was it the way I tried my best to get you alone earlier to share a drink?” His fingertips trailed from behind your ear to your jaw, tracing along the outline of it. As he got to your chin, he held it with his thumb, the knuckle of his pointer finger curled below it. 
He moved his face closer to yours now, noses close to touching. Your eyes fluttered at his movements. He tilted your face up to him while keeping his eyes on your lips, his mouth parted. 
As he moved closer to you, his lips came to your ear, just brushing up against it. 
As you felt his soft lips brush against the shell of your ear he whispered to you. 
“And what about now? Can you tell how bad I want you?” 
to be continued….
Taglist: @gretasimp @writingcold
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