#sam overthinks
shallowseeker · 1 year
Okay, Sam has a point in 12x03 The Foundry, but I’m so kicking him in the teeth for how haughty and contrary he’s being during this whole conversation.
Yes, Sam. I’m pretty sure Dean knows your mom isn’t a “thing.” Jesus H. You blockheaded brat.
Dean, true to his own emotional interiority, wants to give Mary time and space. On the other hand, Sam is logically sound in his analysis—that she’s probably burying herself in hunting to mop up her grief.
Sam: Grim work.
Dean: Yeah.
Sam: You know, I’m worried about Mom.
Dean: Why?
Sam: You're not?
Dean: She's back. I mean, yeah, she's still working out the kinks. We're all still working out the kinks. But, I mean, can't we, for once, just not turn everything into a problem? You know, can we, for once, just have ONE good thing?
Sam: Mom's not a thing.
Dean: …okay.
Sam: Look, I'm happy, too, Dean. I am. I'm overjoyed. But...there's something about her. I mean, something's going on with her.
Dean: Yeah, she's adjusting.
Sam: No, she's struggling. I mean, she's trying to bury herself in hunting to avoid dealing.
Dean: And how do you know that?
Sam: Years of personal experience. I don’t know man. Uh...like mother, like sons.
Once more, Sam assumes that everyone else’s coping strategies should look exactly like his own, or else it’s proof they’re not coping at all. (I mean, he could be right. But the problem is that he assumes he is. He barely knows this woman!)
To his credit, Dean shows a lot of patience in this conversation. Sam may have a point, but he’s being an ass. (“Mom’s not a thing.” Really, Sam? You’re treating your brother like he’s stupid.)
Even Cas, with his, “What has she said to you / what have you said to her?” was a more nuts-and-bolts, actionable kind of helpful.
Here with Sam, Dean shuts down and disengages from the conversation, and it’s not solely because he’s in moderate denial about Mary’s unhappiness. Part of it is down to Sam’s conversational style.
(Sammmmmmyyyyyyy~eeeeeh I am strangling you with my bare hands…)
But yeah. Bless him. Sammy overthinks. Dean ruminates but doesn’t seem to get so far in his own head that he force-fits his perspective onto everyone else.
This is another area where, ironically, Dean and Cas have better emotional intuition than Sam (even if they don’t always know it).
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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cult-of-the-eye · 5 months
guys why would alice invite her ex and his new gf to her little brother's show? i've got a few thoughts
she's trying to keep sam from drifting off by establishing a neutral middle ground for everyone to be at, where she is still comfortable
she's lonely. she doesn't have anyone else to ask.
her brother needs the people? (not sure about this one cause it seemed packed later on in the episode but he was also asking for money so maybe she thinks he needs the people?)
this is a desperate last ditch attempt at keeping everyone together. she can feel the gap widening and she can't have that
she's also somehow keeping up appearances of unbothered by the horrors and therefore exempt from it
she's trying to establish a middle ground that is exempt from the horrors to save sam from whatever fate he might have
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I was revisiting Ghost Marriage to gather information for a resource post, and GUESS WHAT I REDISCOVERED????????? Look at Sam’s dialogue when he’s explaining the Consolation Bouquets and how they work:
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Flowers that “draw sustenance from negative emotions” by “[absorbing] sorrows [and] grudges”, you say?????? It sounds kinda like Rollo’s Unique Magic, Darkfire 💀 which enhances the power of his flames by feeding on the negative feelings (“fear, panic, turmoil”) around him… Granted, the specific feelings cited between Rollo’s spell and the bouquets are not the exact same, but there is some degree of overlap.
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From the wording, it seems like the main difference between Darkfire and the Consolation Bouquets is that the flowers actually get rid of or lessen the negative emotions. In the JP version of Sam’s lines, he says that the flowers will “suck up” what gives the ghosts their power, which would include things like sadness and hatred. (This is similar to how the Fire Lotuses/Crimson Flowers drain mages of magic, thereby depriving the mages of it and weakening them.) Rollo’s magic seems to leave the negative emotions as-is so he can continue to benefit from its presence rather than “absorbing” it and leaving no negativity behind.
So let’s say there’s a situation where Rollo has unleashed his UM and all you have to combat him is a Consolation Bouquet. Both Rollo’s magic and the blooms in the magical bouquet would draw their strength from whatever negative energy is present. The angrier and more hateful Rollo becomes, the stronger the bouquets’ draining would hypothetically become too. Who would win then???? If the Consolation Bouquets actually do away with negative emotions, then wouldn’t that mean Rollo’s fire could be beaten into submission with… a (very flammable) bouquet 😭
Foiled by flowers 😔 … Would you say this is a case of fighting flowers with flowers instead of fighting fire with fire???? Maybe so!
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The pictures tell a story
Louis and Lestat in I Could Not Prevent It
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99percenthp · 2 months
Anybody ever have a rough time watching D20 because Brennan does parenting in such a specific and painful way for people who have complicated relationships/feelings with their parents? No? Just me?
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tgtbata · 2 years
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brushie brushie
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ariabedumb · 2 months
if you want to break my cold cold heart say “ok, hi, ya, cool, ty, yw, etc.”
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zirconpetals · 2 months
Actually I don't mind it when Sam sounds a little emotionless and/or detached. In fact I kinda enjoy it. We know he has a lot of feelings, but sometimes you can feel all the things but just can't wring yourself into outwardly performing them for other people's benefit. (And sometimes frankly you just can't be bothered)
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statementlives · 6 months
why are we not more curious about sam searching the database for "magnus protocol" ?? especially when jonah magnus' protocol was body-hopping as a means of immortality in a quest to bring about the apocalypse... and yes it could be unrelated but we should probably still be worried if private military contractors are being deployed to hide information about a magnus-related protocol, right ??
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kay0783 · 3 months
The wedding has finally arrived!!! 💒🔔✨
As much as I love these characters, I would really like to transition to focusing on the vampires now, specifically the Solaires (duh lol). There's so much potential for new characters. Dimitri Rebane, more Porter audios, mayyyyybe William audios (👀), who knows!!! (Please read below!!!!! I have so many ideas and need to dump them somewhere) (⚠️pun not intended⚠️).
People may not agree with me on that, but hear me out! Vincent and Sam left the house of Solaires, so we could get audios here and there about where they (and their relationships) end up. Since the wedding is done and David stated that during the summit, someone from the house of Wright told him to stay away from the Solaires, that would give more of a reason to have dispersed audios for Vincent and Sam and to include new characters. They've been around for a long while now, and the werewolf culture is hashed out, so I feel that there isn't much else to do with them.
Here are some arcs that I think would be cool to enter:
1) Although we know about werewolf culture, we only know a little about vampire culture and their politics. I would absolutely LOVE to see how that comes to play in Porter and Treasure's relationship (*Important note*: During the summit, when it was pointed out by the Prince of the house of Bennet that Vince killed someone, Porter was Q.U.I.C.K to defend him by saying that Adam violated the bite/claim marking). It seems that Porter is very protective of Treasure and values the relationship with them, so I think there's opportunity to hash out Vamp culture/politics through that. Ex: Someone has an eye out for Treasure, Porter freaks out but they don't know why, then we get an explanation. Idk why, but it's interesting to me that Porter covered for Vince that quick, and for *that* reason. Of course that could be explained away bc he literally killed a King and was in charge of creating an alibi, but it felt like foreshadowing to me. At some point Treasure is going to have to be informed that their man's a hitman, and maybe it's the toxicity in me but I think Porter being quick to unalive someone for violating that bite claim could be an entry way into that conversation.
1.5) If we get Will as an official character (listener wise), then we can see how his and Porter's...uhhh...relationship. When we were introduced to Porter, he was very adamant (again, no pun intended) that Treasure's friends were not good people and went into a tangent about transactional relationships. I fully feel like this was a projection of his and Will's friendship. To support my point, the next audio was him contemplating the validity and ethics of the friendship. He even questioned if he was scared of Will. It would be great to see this explored further by more vamp politics videos. In my recent post about Porter, I wondered whether Will is going to manipulate Porter into becoming next in line for succession. Alexis is trash, Vincent is gone...so who's left???
2) Speaking of monarchies and successions, I know the fooliverse audios are not supposed to be taken as canon, but it's interesting that Erik brought up a whole new character for Milo's audio. Dimitri Rebane. Like...we get a first AND last name??? For a non-canon arc??? 🤨 We didn't even get Asher's last name until what? Almost a year ago? Erik seems very organized and well thought out, so even though the fooliverse arc itself isn't canon, the characters sure are. AND Mr. Rebane is a KING??? How come he wasn't brought up in the summit??? Hmmm.....🤔 Wouldn't it be crazy if he does become a canon character and ends up murdering Will and taking over the Solaire clan? Maybe he messes up the friendship with Porter to no return (maybe by messing with Treasure somehow) and Porter helps Dimitri become king because he's better, and he won't have to take up more responsibility than he could handle.
3) I get it, some people may prefer werewolves to vampires. But I think everyone forgot that THERE'S A WHOLE ASS WEREWOLF PACK THAT HAS NOT BEEN COVERED YET‼️‼️‼️We have the Keaton pack, but does anyone remember during one of Erik's channel anniversary streams where he did a kahoot-style game and alluded to the Moore pack (no, not Lasko lol). There were four options, the Shaw pack, the Keaton pack, the Moore pack, and some other answer. The Moores was the correct one and he even gave a geographic location to them in comparison to the Shaw and Keaton packs. We dead ass could have a whole nother set of characters from a whole different pack if he didn't give them the Frederick and Bright Eyes treatment and just ignored their whole existence .
That's all the brain dump I have for now. Sorry if I fried yours in the process, but I've been thinking about the Moore (or More) pack FOR YEARS.
(Also, Monarch Baz got pissy with David for not understanding vamp politics, AND it's confirmed that some vamps are involved with the inversion and close-knit case, which is more support for my reasoning and theory that we might be headed towards a vamp arc soon). If you guys like me dumping info and theories like this, PLEASE let me know. If not, I'll definitely keep my posts shorter in the future. Thank you for reading!!! 💜 Stay safe, drink water, and drive safe!
In the mean time, Dimitri from the movie Anastasia is my head canon for Dimitri Rebane.
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agnes999s · 5 months
I wish he could do the same thing to my mind.
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hek4te-x · 6 months
Wanna know something I LOVE in Supernatural? How Dean and Sam are naturally opposites and end up as the other in some way. Let me explain:
In the beginning of the story, Dean doesn’t have faith. He mocks God and the existence of angels. He doesn’t have a moral code when it comes to killing monsters if it means saving someone else, someone he deems human.
Meanwhile, Sam has faith. Sam prays. He believes in angels at the first mention of them. He has a moral code and tries to save as many people or creatures as he can, up until the events of S3, when he and Dean almost switch.
Dean, a faithless being, corrupted by life, becomes the weapon of the angels.
Sam, a being of faith, holding to his innocence, becomes the weapon of the demons.
And I just love that man 😭
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stonesandswords · 1 year
did anyone else also find it … odd how Zava talked to Zoreaux in this episode?
like maybe I’m overthinking it, but it seemed so strange to me that Zava basically refused to learn Thierry’s name and was all “be whoever you want to be blah blah blah”. I think coupled with how Zava talked to Sam about the Nigerian and other West African dishes and culture last episode, it just sits unwell with me. like “oh wow, Zava’s going after yet another black player with a different cultural background than him.
Like I understand that it’s an established joke at this point with Ted in season 1 also struggling to pronounce Thierry’s name (but at least Ted attempted saying a few times again).
But like something about it happening two weeks IN A ROW sits so wrong with me. Like yes, it’s funny that Zoreaux wanted to be named after Jean-Claude Van Damme of all people, but what an odd choice to have it be yet another player of color at the center of Zava’s …. zaniness?
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illustoryart · 2 years
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Sam Vimes, at your service ⚔️
Another recent commission art :з
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little-red-fool · 1 month
I’m sticking with the idea that DS2 themes are going to be the inversion of the themes in the first game so here are some of my predictions for characters in the game:
Sam — becomes more self-oriented i.e. more absorbed in his own personal quest rather than duties given to him by other people, his ‘neglect’ of other people could start bringing America apart again, he also draws more away from his companions and the living in favour of chasing ‘ghosts’ i.e. Lou and becomes more drawn to the dead.
Higgs — ‘the saviour’, instead of mass ‘mercy-killings’, nihilism, and attempting to tear America apart, he’s trying to preserve life and build connections (possibly switching roles with Sam—they seem to be foils in the first game) and has started to focus less on the suffering humans endure but rather that they’re resilient enough to survive it and carry on.
Fragile—twist villain, in the first game she was probably one of Sam’s biggest allies, she might not need him anymore and could possibly see him as getting in the way of her ‘true goal’ (whatever it could be) and try to get rid of him in some way, essentially becoming Higgs, the person she sought revenge against for the same thing he did to her, and in turn Higgs becomes one of Sam’s close allies.
Amelie—instead of creating a mass extinction she now wants to help preserve human life after Sam convincing her to delay the Death Stranding yet people are mistrustful of her due to past actions and push her away, further isolating her, in the first game she acted as a magnet for people and tried to bring everyone together but now she’s inadvertently pushing them further apart.
Lou—in the first game she acted as an anchor for Sam to gradually connect with other people and get more involved with their lives, here she might be the thing that tears him away from them back into isolation and closer to the dead.
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declareqenius · 7 months
making one of my friends watch merlin for katie mcgrath and she said "uther was so in love with his wife that her death turned him bitter. i kind of want to see what he was like beforehand." and i want scream and kick my legs because she's only on season one and i can't really say "morgana is a lot more like uther than you would think" or anything along the lines of comparing morgana and uther because she would yell at me with how much she loves morgana right now. (i also love morgana and she has never done anything wrong ever in her life, but the comparison!!!). and so i needed to say that we do kind of get to see what uther was like before igraine died. both through morgana and arthur. the best parts of uther are in young morgana and arthur, and while they get older and obviously stray farther down their paths and farther away from each other, they are the two sides of uther pendragon himself basically battling it out.
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