#sander sides fan fic
tss-highschool-au · 2 months
if I were to write smut would anyone be interested in reading it
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sandersontheside · 2 months
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a little snippet from the prinxiety and logicality coffee shop AU I’m working on. Poor Logan. imagine expecting peppy adorable Patton and getting grumpy, impatient Virgil.
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nectorbruise · 2 months
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I know I just posted shh! (Warning: imma bout to rant)
Last year, I said I wanted Logan to have a possession situation due to a deal struck with the orange side, similar to Ford and Bill from Gravity Falls. That’s still cool to me, and is probably whats gonna happen in the finale, but I like the idea of Logan simply being the orange side in the first place. Patton and Logan are the only sides to share a color; is it really so hard to believe that Logan is not dark blue? We watched Janus silence the other sides, we’ve seen Patton censor them, and we’ve built major conflict surrounding suppression. Logan being suppressed, who Logan honestly is, being suppressed by the other sides (namely Patton) would be quite interesting.
All of the sides look to Thomas for approval and how he thinks of them changes their level of influence. By that logic, Patton should, in theory, be a lot stronger than the rest. Maybe Logan had…crossed a line.
Idk, I just want him to lose his mind a little bit
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lolia21 · 8 months
Well I feel down a Sanders Sides rabbit hole and now I have one fan fic idea that keeps playing in my head:
Remus and Roman are twins but they don't attend the same school because Remus was... himself and his parents were kindly asked to transfer him to a school that "fits his personality better". So he goes to a school a whole district over. He gets along with Roman and he loves him but they are very different people so they don't hang out a lot. Remus also can't stand the blatant favoritism they're parent give Roman. He thinks it's sweet that Roman tries to tap it down but it doesn't change anything.
Sp Remus spends most of his free time at his friend Janus house with his other friend Virgil. Janus also shouldn't be attending their school cause he's loaded but he hated the prep school he was sent to and transferred behind his parents back. Money can get you literally anything. Expect real friends which is why Janus loves Remus and Virg so much. Virgil is actually living at a near by boys home. As a kid his home situation wasn't great and he doesn't talk about it a lot. He ended up at Sanders House four years ago though and it's not too bad.
So anyway Roman has never meet Remus' friends and Remus has never met Roman's friend Patton and Logan. Whenever they come over is always at Janus' house. He knows they exist just like Roman knows Virgil and Janus do but they've not met in person over the last two years.
So it all starts pm a long weekend because Halloween is Friday. ( fun fact my school in gerogia gave us Halloween and Valentines off and used it as teacher workshop days.)
So of course the dark side trio is hype, roaming the mall, scaring people, judging costumes, and trying to find accessories to improve their own.
The light side trio is also their because Patton waited too late to get a "decent" (Roman's words) costume, and Logan was hoping to avoid getting one at all.
The crowds get so bad that everyone is separated. Luckily both sides actually have designated met spots, tho for very different reasons. The darks sides met spot is the horror section at Barnes and Nobles. It's large enough that Virgil won't feel claustrophobic and he can read some Poe while he waits and not have people constantly asking if he needs assistance. It was a place chosen, so he doesn't have a panic attack while he waits for his friends since he's the only one without a phone.
On the other had the light side trio chose the lgbtq+ teen romance section as their meet spot. Mainly Because it'll distract Roman enough that he won't get bored of waiting and wonder out to find his friends before they get there. Defeating the purpose of the spot all together.
You can see where this is going.
Patton has been trying to get on the elevator for the last five minuets but everyone time he tries to get on the same time as someone else he let's them all go first and theres no room for him. This goes on until a nice but kinda rude stranger just days "oh my gawd" and pulls him in as he in goes in. The stranger honestly looks way to well dressed to be here and doesn't even introduce himself. He just starts playing on his phone and Patton doesn't know whether saying thank you would be annoying or not. Janus on the other hand is texting Remus about how just met someone who reminds him a little of freshman Virgil and how he hopes he's not freaking out.
Logan has decided to take the stairwell because he knows that people arr less likely to use it over the escalators or elevators. He looks a floor above him and someone who kinda sorta looks like Roman sliding down the railing on his ass and laughing the whole time. He barely has time to dodge as someone yells " dodge nerd" and flies past him. Honestly Logans so surprised by whatever the hell that was that it take him two whole ass minutes to start walking again. Remus is just having a blast. He didn't think this would work and he saw a pretty cute nerd on the way down.
Roman is having a complicated time. He lgbtq teen romance section is usually in the front if the store but it's been switched with the horror section for the month. So here is is not being able to decide whether he should just stay here because the ia the physical spot he normals what's at or go the the actual section with all the books about the boys kissing that he likes to read. Virgil on the other hand is on the virge (ha) of kinda freaking out. He's happy that the sectionnis getting more love, even if it's only for money. But he liked that it was in the back and away from the crowds of people coming in and out. Not to mention theirs someone dude dresses like a prince yelling on the phone to someone named Patton about whether he should "go to the section of love and acceptance or stay in emo hell". Virgil is insulted enough by this to tell him Roman to please stop yelling and go to whatever section isn't here. Roman rolls his eyes calls him knock off Gerard way and ignores him. Virgil completely forgets how nervous he was becuase now his piss3d and they get into an arguments.
It ends when Patton walks in and calls for Roman at the same time that Janus calls in and calls for Virgil. They look to their friend seemingly coming in together and are about to complain to their respective friends when Janus, Virgil and Roman here a familiar voice go
"Brobro what are you doing here. Hey Jan, hey virge," and Remus walks in completely unaware of the fighting that was just happening. Virgil tries to actually get a good like at this guy's face and realizes that without the make up and general zanny disposition he does look a lot like Remus. Before anyone can respond tk that, an another person asks
"OH God Roman what did you do? Who are they?" And of course it's Logan.
So now are dark sides are standing on one side and all the lights on the other. As the two siblings and their two different friend groups collide. Teen hurt, comfort and angst ensues.
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starlocked01 · 1 year
Dukexiety Week Day 1- Tattoo Shop/Florist
Summary: Remus leaves his shop to bother Virgil at work with a gift.
Wc: 940
Warnings- existentialism, panic attacks
Remus stood just outside the door to the tattoo parlor, bouncing on his toes and shifting his weight from foot to foot. This had seemed like such a good idea ten minutes ago, and while he normally wouldn’t hesitate to just walk in, something felt off today. It was on the tip of his tongue, an irritating niggle in the back of his mind that wouldn’t shut up for two seconds.
Swallowing his energy for the moment, Remus strode forward, pushing open the door with the arm not held behind his back and waving brightly at the patrons who turned to inspect the newcomer at the sound of the doorbell. He had to admit he was a little impressed that they weren’t in enough pain to just ignore him. Remus glanced around the shop, eyes darting directly to Virgil’s station. His heart leaped into his throat to find the station empty, the only sign it was ever used was a couple of concept art drawings hanging from the wall next to the tattoo gun. 
Frowning, Remus turned back to the front desk.
“Where’s Virge?” 
A man riddled in piercings to make a porcupine jealous and covered in enough ink to illustrate an entire novel rolled his eyes, “In the back on break. I think he’s booked for the afternoon-”
Remus was already pushing past, “I don’t need an appointment- thanks!”
“Hey!” the man shouted after him, but Remus had already darted to the back of the shop. 
The backroom was surprisingly office-like for the dark edgy main floor of the shop, brightly lit with beige tiled floors and bland walls. The biggest pop of color to the room were several cork boards along the walls covered in schedules, notes from management, and several pieces of art made by the tattoo artists. Remus glanced around and stopped in his tracks when he spotted Virgil curled up in the corner of the room.
"Baby!" Remus called softly, walking over and sitting on the floor next to him, "what- what's wrong, scarebear?"
Virgil’s eyes snapped up at the sound of his voice, blinking from within the dark recesses of his hoodie, pulled tight over his face. "Rem?"
"Yeah, it's me, baby. Are you okay?"
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?"
Remus chuckled, "I left the shop in good hands. I wanted to see you."
"JJ's watching. And Rome was gonna drop in soon so everything is fine. What's wrong?" Remus ask again, mad that his premonition had been right.
"I- I can't do it," Virgil mumbled, looking down to avoid Remus's eyes, "too much. Bad day."
Remus's heart fell from his throat down to his stomach, "a bad brain day? Well good thing I brought these," he carefully pulled a small terra cotta pot from behind his back, packed with soil and a couple flowers standing tall on long stems. "I figured.. we have some at home and you love the carnations in the greenhouse, so why not bring you a couple for work…"
Virgil looked back up, blinking the overwhelmed tears out of his eyes and rubbed at his cheeks with his sleeve, "they're just gonna die. We're all gonna die- Rem- why-?"
Remus shushed softly and shuffled closer to wrap an arm around Virgil’s shoulders, "just breathe with me, emo. It's gonna be alright."
He started to breathe in long slow breaths to demonstrate for Virgil, rubbing his shoulder and pushing the flower pot closer to him. Shaking with the effort, Virgil reached forward until his finger tips were brushing the petals of the carnation.
When the man with the copious tats and piercings came back to pull Virgil back on the floor to take a customer, Remus growled held Virgil closer, not about to let his boyfriend get pushed around. It seemed like forever, but Virgil eventually calmed down enough to turn and hug Remus closer himself.
"That's my baby," Remus beamed and kissed his forehead, "wanna call it a shift and come back with with? The carnations miss you, baby."
"Frankie's gonna be pissed," Virgil murmured, leaning into Remus's shoulder.
He laughed softly, "no one is gonna tell you no when I'm around, sweetpea." Remus hummed and nuzzled Virgil’s cheek, "my lilac lover. I think you need a break and any good boss would give you one by rescheduling your appointments."
Virgil sniffed, "but…"
"Butt," Remus giggled.
"But… my three o'clock is for a rainbow carnation," Virgil whispered.
Remus gasped, "you didn't tell me you were doing carnation tats! I gotta get one-" he whined and gave Virgil pleading eyes.
Virgil chucked, "where? You've barely got canvas left, babe."
"What about my forehead? Does it look empty to you?" 
Virgil snorted, "nooo I don't do faces!"
"Oh come on! You could give it little kissies in bed!" Remus pouted and kept pleading with Virgil, glad to see him laughing again. 
"Absolutely not," Virgil replied firmly, shaking his head.
"Will you at least keep these babies at your station to remember me at work? And help you keep calm?" Remus asked, picking up the clay pot again.
Virgil reached for the pot and held it gingerly, inspecting the flowers, "I guess…"
"Yay!" Remus nuzzled him again, earning a bright laugh from his boyfriend.
"Okay okay- see you at home? Or do you want me to pick you up at the shop?"
"Yeah, we can walk home from the greenhouse," Remus nodded, "call me if you get overwhelmed again?"
Virgil sighed, "yeah.. how did you know today?"
"Just had a feeling, beautiful," Remus kissed his cheek, "you got this."
"Thank you, Re."
"You got it, Vi."
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typically-untypical · 2 years
I was thinking of Loceit in mind, but I guess Roman works too? But polyglot Logan, maybe still tired or sleepy, accidentally ordering in two languages in one sentence. The barista, Janus or Roman, is Intrigued but also amused :-]
You asked for Loceit so I shall give you Loceit.
Seducing the Nerd
Five in the god forsaken morning wasn’t an appropriate time for any sentient being to be awake, at least, that was Janus’ belief. He held that belief very strongly, and yet here he was. Did he really need this job? Did he really need to be standing in front of a cash register for a job he hated? What made things worse was this wasn’t even the beginning of his shift. He had already been here for thirty minutes, setting up the ovens, warming up the coffee maker and brewing the first batch. Who in their right mind would come to a coffee shop this early in the morning, certainly not anyone with an ounce of sense. Then again, he worked in customer service. He was sure he rarely got the chance to meet the mythic customer with sense.
“One coffee and one bagel with… fuck, what’s the word?” The man in front of him looked exhausted and he waved his hand in a floundering motion as if that would somehow get Janus to understand what he meant. “Geléia?” Considering Janus had no idea what that meant, he assumed that wasn’t the word this man was looking for. Apparently the customer knew it too, because he ran a hand through his black hair, looking Janus in the eyes. It was also far too early in the morning for Janus to be feeling this gay. Those blue eyes were beautiful, and Janus did enjoy a man who could speak multiple languages.
“The… the stuff… with fruit. You spread it on a bagel after you put on the cream cheese.” The man sighed and his shoulders dropped in defeat. “Sorry, it’s too early.” Finally, someone who was speaking a bit of sense. 
Janus couldn’t help but snort, grabbing a coffee cup. He wasn’t good at flirting, but he was good at cool condescension with a bit of sweetness. Hopefully that would keep this nerd talking, because Janus was into it. “Do you mean jelly?”
“Yes!” The man snapped and a small smile slid onto his face. “Jelly, I… what language did I even say that in?” His eyes looked a bit off as if he was trying to figure something out, mouthing the word. “Was that Portuguese? I’m… I’m learning Portuguese but that’s not even one of the two languages I speak. I don’t even know how I would know that word.” His smile shifted, something soft and sheepish. Yep, definitely too early for Janus to be catching the gay.
He turned around quick to get the coffee. Janus was happy to listen to the polyglot with wrapped attention as he attempted to figure out how he had managed to forget a word in two languages he spoke but remember it in another he didn’t. It was hard not to laugh, and even harder not to be interested. “We all do strange things this early in the morning,” He said, holding out the cup for the man to take.
“Yes… Yes we do.” The customer looked a bit sheepish at his mistake, but there was still the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out. Fascinating, multiple languages and he still couldn’t find the right words. Janus brushed his fingers across the side of the cup, putting on his best actual smile, not the fake customer service one he normally used. There was a silence between them that spoke volumes, and Janus was far too curious for his own good, but he continued to play it calm and cool, allowing his hand to drop back to the counter. 
“Can I get a name…” He let the silence hang for a few moments, allowing the other man to make his assumptions before Janus continued “for the bagel?”
Logan looked around at the empty shop, eyebrow raised, so Janus wans’t as smooth as he thought, sue him. It was still far too early in the morning. However, the customer nodded, setting the coffee back on the counter as he went to reach for his wallet out of his back pocket. “Logan,” He said, “My name is Logan.”
“Thank you Logan.” Janus wrote the name on one of their paper bags before returning to the cash register. He rung Logan out, taking the payment and the receipt before using his nail to draw a small circle on it. He also wrote a single number at the top. “I’d appreciate it if you took the survey, and here you’ll see that I circled my name. It’s Janus, by the way.”
Logan took the receipt and nodded. He looked down at it quizzically, forming the name silently on his lips before nodding accepting that he… had it memorized? Honestly Janus was just making assumptions at this point, but it felt like a good assumption, and if Logan was trying to memorize his name, that was a good sign too. “And what about this number.” Good, he was asking the important questions. 
Janus shrugged with a little smirk. He had to play it cool, suave, he couldn’t let this man know how the slight quirk of his smile was extremely cute and endearing. “It’s part of our rewards program. If you come six more times while I’m on shift, you’ll get my number.”
Once again the other man raised his eyebrow at Janus’ antics but that stupid little smile was hiding underneath it all. That, Janus could read, it was so obvious, shouting to Janus ‘I know your secrets’. Two could play at that game though. He was about to speak again, ad some little caveat when Logan opened his mouth instead. “Interesting, so I only need to come back six more times until I have the full number?”
“That is correct, but it does have to be while I’m on shift.” None of his coworkers would believe Logan if he came in asking for Janus’ number, which was fine, Janus preferred to keep his private life a secret anyway.
“And do you always work the early shift?” Logan was pulling out his own phone, and Janus could see he was opening up the notes app to type something in. Oh, oh he was seriously going to come back, just to get Janus’ phone number… was he really?
“Everyday except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.” Janus smiled, if only to hide his nervousness. Logan nodded, looking up at Janus with those eyes that suddenly had a lot more clarity for the early morning hour.
“Noted.” Logan finally smiled and nodded, “I will have to come back every morning then. Seems I might have found a reason to be up this early.” 
Janus was desperate to hide the blush that was forming on his face, desperate to pretend he was still in control of this situation and hadn’t fallen for a set of midnight blue eyes. Swallowing, he nodded, forcing his shoulders to relax as he leaned against the bar ‘nonchalantly’. “Seems like it,” he whispered in a voice he hoped sounded calm and cool.
Logan just smiled and left.
Maybe this job wasn’t so bad.
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rosesradio · 2 years
does anyone want to make like a petition or something for thomas to donate at least part of the ad revenue on his sorting video to a trans charity? or at least put some kind of disclaimer in the video or in the description stating that he doesn’t support jkr, and maybe link some resources and/or charities to encourage donations? idk, it just sits weirdly with me that, upon checking the video a minute ago, there’s no alterations to how it was originally posted to address the bigotry of that franchise.
(especially considering he bought a bunch of merch for the video, which he makes a joke about, potentially encouraging his viewers to sort & buy merch for their houses as well)
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squ1ggles · 3 months
I've started writing Sanders sides fan fiction and having a great time
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dndeceit · 1 year
Recently read Remus's Roleplaying Romp by LeftoverParadox where Remus runs the other sides through a game of D&D. I immediately had to do up the party in HeroForge.
(Pictures below the cut, because really their reveal is half the fun of the fic...)
(P.S. Please go read the fic if you haven't. It's so cute. The banter. The shenanigans. I've wanted to read a fic like this ever since Roleslaying with Roman was announced, and this one is basically perfect.)
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Petunia the Barbarian (Patton) HeroForge is unfortunately lacking in the ribbons department, but I did my best. Went lightly armored for a barbarian (besides the mentioned greaves) and brightly colored. Also gave her friendship bracelets for Leonard, Victor and Jeremy.
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Leonard the Rogue (Logan) Mostly kept to the described colors, but worked in a little drab blue because my brain is unhappy if the sides try to escape their color scheme.
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Jeremy the Cleric (Janus) Lots of self-important, shiny bling (probably mostly brass). Also featured: her "haggling-the-reward-with-the-quest-giver" pose. (One day we may know why Janus picked that name, but alas...)
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Victor the Bard (Virgil) Remus's cruelest DMing decision was making Virgil the party face. Though his biggest challenge seems to be stepping in before either Jeremy or Petunia beat Victor to the punch... Also pictured: The real MVP of this fic, Victor's rat friend.
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Randy the Wizard (Roman) Roman got what was coming to him, really. Showing up late for a session and not even bringing any snacks for the DM? Tsk. (Not that Remus needed any, between Janus's dice and his pen...) I will probably edit them together into a group shot at some point.
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darcylovette · 2 years
Creatures of the Night
By Darcy Lovette (ao3)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship/s: Logan/Virgil
Genre: Supernatural Romance AU
Tags: Werewolves, Vampires, Omegaverse, Magic, Drama and Romance, Hurt and Comfort, Witches, Mild Dom/Sub, Slowburn, Explicit (full tags on story)
A world where Humans, Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches live together in “harmony”.
It’s not uncommon for a Rogue wolf to try and make a life outside of a Pack, but for Omegas it’s a different story.
To keep their uneasy pact with the distrustful humans, all Omegas must be placed within a Pack, the exact place decided by their Leader. If one is found, they must be handed over at once, with no fair trial or say in the matter.
After ten years living free, Virgil is caught and forced to integrate with a Pack so large it became its own independent city. But unexpected complications see him placed in the custody of Logan du Bris - son of the infamous Lord of Vampires.
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
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artsy-book · 10 months
sometimes I feel like I have strayed too far from my like, og fandoms. but then I see a post talking about the septic egos and I feel like I have returned home <3
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
Me: Alright, everything's quiet, my physical needs have been taken care of, I want to write, and brain rot about my OCs isn't in the way. Let's get to work!
ADHD toddler that lives in my head: Give me five good reasons why we should work on the work in progress
Me: 1. We get positive feedback when we update this story, which really benefits our mental health, self esteem, and motivation to write other things
2. We ended the WIP on a cliffhanger last time we updated it and it needs to be resolved
3. There is no reason not to work on the WIP
4. Autism- *points at the Autistic hermit sitting next to me*
Autistic hermit: *waves while reading a Sanders Sides transcript, a book about dolphins, and an article about clementines*
Me: - needs a routine to function, and this is a big part of that
And 5. We are fortunate enough to have parents willing to support us so that we can make writing our full time career. If we don't actually write, those two- *points at Anxiety and Depression*
Anxiety: *pacing around with a list of problems to resolve in our projects and muttering about our lack of productivity lately even though we've been productive just in other ways*
Depression: *sleeping and not bothering us because we have enough dopamine from earlier mentioned comments and interactions on Tumblr to keep them at bay for the most part*
Me: - will make life harder for us by making me feel bad for wasting that support.
ADHD Toddler: 1. Yes, that's true, but if we keep writing the WIP I'll get sick of it and want nothing to do with it anymore
Me: But we're almost done, we only have a few chapters left.
ADHD Toddler: 2. We updated that, like, two days ago? Three days? Idk how time works. Days have just felt like weeks lately for some reason so it just feels like a long time when it isn't. They can wait. Also- *gets distracted by a squirrel*
Me: Are you done?
ADHD Toddler: Huh? Oh, right...
Me: ...
ADHD Toddler: ...
Me: Well?
ADHD Toddler: What was I saying?
Me: You said people can wait for a cliffhanger, then had another point.
ADHD Toddler: Oh, right. So, these people watch Sanders Sides, right? They're used to waiting like six months or lately more than a year for the next important chapter.
Autistic Hermit: Huh...
ADHD Toddler: 3. I gave you a reason when addressing your first point, we'll get sick of it if we don't work on other things too.
Autistic Hermit: They're... Actually using really good logic...
Me: I know, it's terrifying
ADHD Toddler: 4. Routine smoutine. I'd rather have poutine.
Autistic Hermit: There it is
Me: Yep...
ADHD Toddler: And, finally... *gets distracted by a lightbulb*
Anxiety: Whelp that's it we've spent an entire hour doing absolutely nothing, we're clearly not getting any work done tonight
Me: *sighs* ADHD, if I let you say your last point, will you let me work?
ADHD Toddler: Huh? What last point?
Me: Never mind. We're going to write a really cool story now, okay?
ADHD Toddler: Okay!
Me: *gets my IPad*
ADHD Toddler: This was fun, you should post it on Tumblr.
Me: Oh yeah sure!
ADHD Toddler: Oh, right! I remembered! 5. I don't see why you think you've wasted their support by not writing all the time. Last year you wrote, edited, designed a cover for, and self published a novel of your own in one year. While doing that, you also balanced friendships, worked on your mental health, wrote like, what, three full fan novels and are about to finish another one? Not to mention all the unfinished fan fics you have that made people happy, and all the role plays which might as well be novels. Just because you're not making money yet, and you're not writing every day, doesn't mean you're wasting the support you were given.
Me: ...
Autistic Hermit: Who the hell have you been talking to? Where has all this logic come from?
ADHD Toddler: We're hyper fixated on Sanders Sides
Autistic Hermit: Fair enough
ADHD Toddler: *gasps* What if we like, made our own you tube series but like, instead of aspects of the personality like Sanders Sides it's our different disabilities?
Autistic Hermit: You thought about that before
Anxiety: We don't have the same resources Thomas Sanders has to make it professional
Autistic Hermit: Like a *shudders* team of people to work with
Anxiety: *also shudders* Or space of our own to film in
Depression: *murmurs* Or the motivation to keep dedicated to that for long...
Autistic Hermit: Or the cameras, lighting, sound equipment, video editing skills, ability to make a polished costume,
Anxiety: we can't mask Autism's traits long enough to get a good recording
Depression: *murmurs* And we don't fit conventional beauty standards enough to do well in a video based algorithm...
ADHD Toddler: I guess we'll just have to find another way to make a series that gets us a fandom one day... You know, since the book we wrote didn't get immediate results so now I'm being petty.
Autistic Hermit: Our book series is a long term project. It will get more recognition as we continue to publish the series.
Anxiety: It would get more recognition if we made more adds
ADHD Toddler: But why make Tik Toks no one interacts with but two hundred people see when we could make Tumblr posts that no one sees but two people interact a lot with?
Me: *sighs* This is getting us no where
Anxiety: Stop typing on Tumblr and get to work or we might lose our ability to work forever
Autistic Hermit: But that doesn't make sense. We've gone a long time without writing before
Depression: *murmurs* We did get a lot worse at writing after that though...
Me: I think that's more because ADHD got worse during that time so writing became harder
ADHD Toddler: Yeah
Anxiety: *scoffs* At least they admit it
Me: Anywho, I'm tagging this now, clicking post, and then we will work on our WIP. My apologies mutuals for the long post.
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brain-deadx0 · 2 years
Virgil's Origin
Summary: How Patton ended up with Virgil in New Big Brother
Warnings: child abandonment, hypothermia, hospitals, let me know
Note: Would've finished this a while ago but unfortunately the original got wiped from existence somehow and I didn't have the energy to rewrite it after that. But now I do! So ta-da! Child endangerment!
Patton smiled as he drank the last bit of hot chocolate from the bottom of the cup.
As the snowflakes falling around him grew bigger and the wind blew colder he was, admittedly, beginning to regret walking all the way to the café for a cup, but they had the best hot cocoa.
He snuggled deeper into his coat as he began to look for a garbage on the walk back to his apartment. He thought about calling Janus when he got home, he had only moved back out of his older brother's house recently and Janus was… struggling. Not that he wanted anyone to know.
Another biting gust of wind and snow coated glasses caused Patton to stop for a brief moment.
He quickly cleared the snow away and happened to catch sight of a dumpster in the alley next to him. Patton smiled at the small bit of luck before walking over.
Patton lifted the lid to toss his empty cup in, but as he went to close it something caught his eye.
Amongst the black bags was what looked to be a balled up old towel. He wouldn't have thought much of it had he not seen the small fingers poking out of the folds.
Patton felt a new surge of cold as the blood seemed to freeze in his veins. He braced himself for the worst as he moved some of the towel to reveal the baby's face. He cried as he carefully pulled the bundle out of the dumpster. What was one supposed to do in this situation? He- he should call the police right?
Just as he was about to reach for his phone the bundle shifted ever so slightly.
A spark of hope and fear rushed through him as he quickly pulled off his glove and placed a finger by the baby's nose. By some miracle he felt a small whisper of breath against it.
Without thinking Patton pulled the baby closer and ran into the street.
He nearly cried harder when a car pulled over almost immediately at his frantic waving.
"Everything alright?" The person asked after partially rolling down their window.
"Please I need to get to the hospital!" Patton blurted, "I found a baby in the dumpster and I think they're dying."
The person quickly unlocked the doors and told Patton to get in.
As they sped to the hospital, Patton unzipped his thick coat and carefully placed the bundle inside and held it close.
The minutes it took to get to the hospital felt like hours as Patton's heart pounded in his ears. He barely waited for the car to stop in front of the hospital before jumping out and rushing inside.
Within seconds of telling the nurse what was going on the baby was taken away and rushed deeper into the hospital leaving Patton standing alone in the middle of the lobby.
It wasn't long however before the receptionist came over and asked him if he'd be willing to fill out some paperwork before the police came.
A few minutes later the person who had driven him walked in and asked about what happened. They apologized for not being able to stay with him but asked to exchange numbers so they could find out what happened.
When he sat down to wait for news he decided he should probably call his brother.
"Patton, what's wrong?" Janus asked at the clear distress in his voice.
"I'm at the hospital."
"Are you alright, what happened?" Janus asked quickly as he moved around on the other end of the phone.
"I'm alright I'm not hurt I promise." Patton told him, "I really wanted some hot chocolate but I didn't want to make it so I went to that nice café down the road but-but on the way back," Patton sniffled as he remembered the baby's freezing skin when he held it.
"I'm on my way," Janus said from the other end, "I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Ok," Patton told him before looking up at the door, "I gotta go now though the police are here."
He vaguely registered Janus’s concerned voice as he hung up the phone.
Janus did his best to stay calm as he carefully made his way to the hospital. Patton was ok. He said so himself. Janus was the only one in the car right now and the boys were safe at the neighbors house. Today would be fine.
Everything would be fine.
"Patton!" A very relieved voice called.
Patton looked over to see Janus rushing through the door, "Janus?" He glanced at the clock and confirmed it hadn't been long since he'd called, "Did you drive here?! Are you ok?"
"Yes well I didn't have much choice considering my little brother called saying he was at the hospital and the police were coming." Janus snapped.
"Sorry, it's just…"
Janus took a deep breath, "I know, I'm sorry, it's… I'm just still on edge from the drive. Now will you please tell me what's going on?"
"Mr. Sanders." A nurse called.
"Yes?" Patton asked quickly.
"The baby's stable now. Would you like to see him?"
"Yes," he said with a relieved sigh, "Please."
As they followed the nurse through the halls Patton explained what happened.
"- I went to throw my cup away and he was just there." He told Janus, "I thought for sure it was too late, but then he moved a bit and…"
Janus put a comforting hand on his shoulder and Patton leaned into it.
"He's in the incubator right now to be safe but you're welcome to reach in if you like." The nurse told them.
Patton felt tears spring to his eyes again as he looked at the small body laying in the box. He was so tiny.
Patton barely breathed as he carefully opened the small window and stuck his hand inside. For the first time since finishing his cocoa a warm feeling spread in his chest when the baby's tiny fingers wrapped tightly around his own.
"Hi, baby." He whispered.
As if in response he felt the small hand squeeze his finger slightly.
Janus watched his brother stare at the bundle as if breathing too hard would cause them to shatter, he could guess what would happen next.
"Janus." Patton practically breathed.
Janus looked between Patton and the infant before sighing, "I'm not a family lawyer, Pat."
"I know-"
"But," Janus held up a finger, "I will see what I can do."
Patton smiled and probably the only thing keeping him from tackling him right then and there was the little hand attached to his.
Janus smiled and put a hand on Patton's shoulder. He was still a bit angry about the uninformative phone call, but that could wait.
Later he would make some calls and see if one of his friends in social services could help. But for now he just wanted to sit with his brother.
He supposed he was an uncle now.
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I’m now just thinking about how people have conceptualized the Creativity Split (or differentiation, if you like that term better).
I like playing with and engaging with stuff like the fanon King Creativity idea, well enough.
But mind’s been thinking about a less-often explored idea of like (but I’ve seen things looked at like this)... in the formative years Creativity (and frankly the rest of c!Thomas’s functions) had to’ve been like this nebulous amorphous blob of a concept at first.
Like, while Creativity was still a metaphorical blastocyst, that’s when Roman & Remus divided from each other. Perhaps an unconscious pressure from Thomas’s environment and many other factors were involved.
(Again, I like seeing different HCs and explorations. Not super committal on my end of it.)
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Three Months Later
The night was cold, colder than Logan was used to this time of year. A faint dusting of snow had settled over the rocky cliffside the night before, and the sun’s rays had not been enough to melt it throughout the day. This meant that now, he and Roman were moving through a mess of muddy slush. Though Logan hated to spend his spells so early on, he’d had no choice but to use magic to ensure their footprints did not linger behind them.
“I fucking hate Stormhold,” Roman muttered quietly. The Eldritch Knight walked half a step in front of Logan, as if trying to keep his wizard companion shielded from any potential threats that might come at them. But the night was quiet.
“It is only going to get worse the further north we go,” Logan said in return.
[continue on AO3]
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anxious-cosplayer · 2 years
Wow it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here! Don’t have a whole lot of time to finish off any of the stories I started on here but I’d be happy to try if people really want me to.
I hope we’re all doing okay - I’ve low key missed you all! Spreading lots of love and hugs :)
- A x
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