#sarah watches critical role
borifle · 4 months
marisha and liam’s characters disagree about whether a magic item should be destroyed or used, getting into a heated fight, tense conversation ensues, the rest of the party is trying to mediate….. say it with me folks.
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grotesquehorse · 1 year
Red, White and Royal Blue (2023) is a tragedy, but not for the reasons that people who hate the book on principle are talking about. It's not just a bad adaptation, it's a bad movie. There is nothing redeeming about it except the casting of Sarah Shahi as Zahra.
First of all, I want to say, that the book DOES have depth. Just because a book is a romcom doesn't mean it doesn't have depth. And I'm sick and tired of seeing the criticism from people who didn’t read the book say "people are complaining that the movie doesn't have depth but the book didn't have depth either, so what were you expecting". It fucking has depth. And I have a right to be upset that the movie absolutely fucking butchered it.
The Casting
The casting, although it has been criticized, has not been criticized for the correct aspects. Nick and Taylor have enough chemistry to be passable for a romcom - it's not great, but at least it wasn't Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant in Two Weeks Notice.
The casting for Alex was not good. I have nothing against Taylor, but his thousand-yard stare had nothing behind the eye(lashes) and actively hindered any and all of Alex’s interactions. Nick was better; Henry is a more subtle character (as he has to be), and this was portrayed much more convincingly.
Nora was fucking annoying and her actress was bad. Uma Thurman does not belong in this movie. Stephen Fry, although the funniest possible actor to put in that role, shouldn't have been in this movie either.
Alex, as a character, was butchered. He should have a Type-A, bouncing off the walls, undiagnosed ADHD, horny but anxious confidence about him. Movie Alex was entirely wrong. I would call him suave, but I don't find him charming. The audience is supposed to think he's suave, maybe, but this is the wrong character trait to give him. He is supposed to be confident and charming, but not suave. There is nothing going on in his head, and this is especially detrimental when Book Alex’s main personality trait is that he overthinks everything at every possible angle.
The Alex and Henry Relationship
The first kiss between Alex and Henry and the scene preceding it are all wrong. Movie Alex is kissing multiple different women and Henry is much more isolated than in the book. Alex’s first line in the confrontation is supposed to be "what are you doing out here?" not "did I do something wrong?" when Henry leaves the party; it's supposed to be more nuanced. Henry should be feeling "of course he's straight, he can't want me, I can't want him" not "betrayed because Alex kissed someone who is not me". Alex is not supposed to know that Henry is upset. Alex is not supposed to think that he is the cause of Henry being upset. The movie cuts any of the depth between them. Another core personality trait of Alex, is that he is selfish. He forgets to text June back about dinner, he gets wrapped up in his own head, he doesn’t understand his friendship/relationship with Liam. He doesn’t understand that he may be the cause of Henry’s emotions.
The camping scenes touched on Alex being selfish, but again, in all the wrong ways. He starts talking about how they could be out as a real couple after the reelection, but he fails to consider that Henry is a prince of England. Truly baffling writing choice, considering Alex is supposedly intelligent and political and, while selfish, extremely aware of the politics surrounding his and Henry’s relationship. Book Alex would never have suggested that they come out the way that Movie Alex did. Movie Alex is a fucking idiot, and didn’t do much to even try to convince me otherwise.
Although I hoped that the movie would be more romcom and less political/royal drama, I’m still dissatisfied with how the movie executed this. There was no journey watching Alex and Henry become friends. There was no "I’ve been in love with you for years" from Henry. There was no "you obsessively looked at his picture in a magazine" from Alex. A large part of the animosity between them, for Alex, is that they are constantly compared in the media. They are uniquely perfect for each other because they are both in very specific spotlights. This aspect of their relationship is completely absent from the movie.
My friend wouldn't let me skip the sex scene, but just know that it was fucking uncomfortable.
The Implications
The combination of Liam and Rafael Luna into one journalist character is a twofold character assassination. You can't take a high school hook up and a gay political professional (who Alex looked up to) and combine them into a journalist. It doesn't work. Miguel, the journalist, acts like a villain immediately - sunken eyes with a scorned lover attitude. He's a joke. There's no nuance in taking two crucial pieces of Alex’s sexuality journey and mashing them together to create an evil gay guy with no explanation.
It's implied that Miguel leaked the emails, but this ignores the actual triple agenting that Rafael Luna was doing. This movie is rated R, but we can't talk about a man attempting to sexually abuse another man because we can't talk about sexual assault amongst the LGBT community; that would make the gays look bad. But we can diminish two characters and create an evil gay journalist archetype who just wants to out Alex and Henry for his own professional gain (and maybe get back at Alex for refusing to hook up with him again). So, you tell me, which gay representation is "worse" for the gays?
Miguel had to be created to be the villain so that Richards, the republican candidate running against Alex’s mom, the one who abused men and attempted to sexually assault Rafael Luna, couldn't be the villain that he is in the books. Because that would alienate the republican audience. Because the republican audience is so crucial to the marketing of what is considered the first mainstream gay romcom.
The Technical Aspects
The social media editing was bad. The way the emails were done was bad. There was no version of this movie that would be successful. There's too much reliance in the book on texts and emails, and you can't build a relationship through technology in a movie. It's always unsuccessful.
The cinematography is Hulu-original bland. The directing was incompetent. The script was incoherent at worst, and over written at best. "trouble you no longer" is a bad line. "he grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football." what the fuck are you talking about.
I hate that the movie was bad, but it was bad. I don't know what fucking movie these other people are watching, but Red, White and Royal Blue (2023) is fucking unwatchable.
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Hi, I'm hoping this is a safe space for these thoughts because I feel if the #criticiallykind TSSers won't listen, nobody will. Pretty much, this isn't groundbreaking by any means, but I've begun to feel really… skeptical of how much I can love Taylor. Don't get me wrong, I have been a Swiftie for years. I own merch, CDs, know all the songs, everything. Taylor's music has helped me through so much and her songwriting remains unmatched in my mind. But I'm just beginning to question how much I can be a "fan" of her as a person. I'm questioning things like can why she charges astronomical prices for merch when she is literally a billionaire who could pay for herself and everyone she cares about to retire. I am questioning things like how she can watch her fans send literal death wishes to her exes and ex-friends and not try to intervene. I am questioning things like how she made a really big deal (rightfully so) about speaking her mind re: politics, but then has kept quiet on a whole host of recent political issues that her voice (and pocketbook) would make a large impact towards. I am not coming from a place of "she's a celebrity she has a responsibility to do things about these issues" but more from a place of "these are traits I would not appreciate in anyone I know personally, so why don't I think of Taylor in this critical lens?" I'm curious to know if you or anyone else has thoughts on this at all. As always, thanks Sarah for hosting a safe space for all of us.
Hi friend! I'm going to do my best to match your sincerity in this. I do want to believe and feel your internal struggle here on this topic and I don't want to diminish how it really can feel like a battle of minds and emotions. How do you come to terms with someone you care for disappointing you? How do you then layer that disappointment onto the sort of silly knowledge that that disappointment is aimed at someone not actively present in our immediate social circles as a real 'friend' (but who very often fills that emotionally comforting role that a friend often occupies with their art presence in your life - and that is worth noting + valuing!).
I think at its core, my advice to you is to question: Do you actually feel you need to love Taylor in order to love her music?
Do you need to measure Taylor's perceived actions and traits to the same extent and manner that you do of someone who you know personally? Do your feelings about those perceived demerits impact your ability to positively interact with her art?
I want to note that there aren't wrong answers to these questions. The only person who needs to answer them is yourself - and only you know the truth of what those answers might mean. I propose them to you as a starting point as you reassess your relationship with her and her music and what it all means to you. Again - no wrong answers and no judgement. They're questions that require introspection and honesty from yourself. You answer to you and you deserve your own, unvarnished truth.
With all of that, in my response I mostly wanted to center your confusion and the tough emotional uncertainty you might be facing. I didn't want to address through your concerns like a bulleted list of counter-arguments. Ultimately, this is about your relationship with those issues that matter to you and where you land on them. That said, if you feel like you might benefit or be interested from my talking through my stance on those things to perhaps offer alternative opinions that might explore a different side that might disagree with you I can also do so as a follow up. Just let me know!
I truly wish you the best friend. I know it probably has felt overwhelming and confusing to be dealing with this mentally. And then perhaps even scary to admit it and seek advice!
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therealgchu · 7 months
WIP Wednesday - Spa Day
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i've actually got something queued up for friday already, but it's pretty short. so, instead you'll get this little snippet i wrote.
i got the idea after listening to a critical role mighty nein eps where they all go to the spa. i really don't get the point of spas, personally. i even had a $150 gift card to some swanky spa up in boulder, and i gave it to a friend of mine, instead. like hwa, i don't like to be touched by strangers, and sitting and doing nothing sounds like hell.
tagging the coemancer crew, @atonalginger, @toxiclizardwrites, @silurisanguine, @fangbangerghoul, @a-cosmic-elf, @eridanidreams, @aro-pancake, and anyone else i'm forgetting.
if you'd like to check out my fic from the beginning, it's living at ao3.
new vignette incoming friday, called You Ruined Everything in the Nicest Way.
We have fic sign!
Sam found Hwa engrossed at the weapons worktable modifying a shotgun firing mechanism to high powered. She was wearing magnifying goggles, as the work could be fiddly and delicate when altering the internals of any gun. He realized she hadn’t heard him come down, so stayed on the stairs just outside of the door. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall to watch her. Her face was smudged with oil, her hair was sticking out in odd chunks from underneath the elastic band of the goggles; and the polish on her nails, presumably received at the spa, was gradually getting scraped away as she tinkered with the springs around the trigger release. When she paused and looked up, he asked, “Did you have fun at spa day?”
Hwa’s head whipped around and her expression was inscrutable, her mouth, if possible, was a weird squiggly line of part smiling, part frowning, and part confusion. “It was not an experience…I do not think it’s an experience I would choose to repeat,” she said slowly.
He chuckled knowingly, “I’m not surprised. It was nice of you to go, though. Did Cora have fun?”
She nodded, “But, I think she got bored by the end, too. And, it’s very difficult to read when you have slices of cucumber over your eyes. I’m not sure what the cucumber slices are for, however. So I ate mine.”
Sam choked, “You ate the cucumber slices?”
“What? I was hungry! There was no proper food, just … little cakes and pastries, and you know I don’t like that sort of thing. I could see no purpose that the cucumber slices were serving, so I ate them,” she shrugged.
He roared with laughter, shaking his head, “Oh my god, Hwa! I should have known!” He sat down on the stairs, clutching his stomach, tears streaming out of his eyes.
Hwa looked indignant, “I don’t know why you think it’s so funny. They were there. I was hungry. I ate them. It seemed a logical progression to me,” she pouted.
“I know,” he gasped between laughs, “logical progression. Right. Only you, Hwa.”
She started pouting in earnest, but turned back to her work, “If you’re going to make fun of me, you can leave me alone.”
Sam stood up, wiped his eyes and tried to get himself under control. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed. At least not that hard.” He tried to suppress a giggle, but it escaped. She gave him a look. “Sorry! It slipped, OK?” He walked over and kissed her on the cheek as an apology. “So, other than vegetables, what did you think?” as he stood behind her looking over her shoulder.
Hwa paused and looked up again, staring at the wall. “Sarah and Noel called it “pampering”. If I wanted to be pampered, I’d have sex. I’m still trying to understand what was so pampering. Though, I did enjoy the sauna. Heat is always great for flexibility and I got to do some good stretching in there.”
It was a good thing she couldn’t see his face as it contorted into many forms as he tried not to burst out laughing again. “You know saunas are supposed to be for relaxing? You’re supposed to sit there, and ya know, relax,” he said in a slightly strangled tone.
“Why? That seems a waste.”
“You know what? You’re right,” he said after a couple seconds in the same strained tone.
She sighed, “You’re laughing at me again,” she said, frowning.
“No, I’m laughing behind you,” he said, finally losing control.
She grabbed a rag that was sitting on the workbench, turned and whacked his arm with it. “Jerk,” she said, pouting.
Sam laughed, softer this time, and gathered her in his arms, “Never change, love. Promise?”
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My Massive SHIP LIST
The following is a LONG list of all the ships I enjoy from a moderate to an extreme amount and have probably looked at fanfiction for at some point. Keep in mind this doesn't include every movie and/or show I've ever watched and I may make edits to this at a later time. Godspeed you unfortunate witness.
Agents of SHIELD
Coulson X May
Daisy X Lincoln
Fitz X Simmons
Bobbi X Hunter
Mack X YoYo
Caitlyn X Vi
Oliver X Laurel
Roy X Thea
Diggle X Lyla
Barry X Patty
Wally X Jesse
Caitlin X Ronnie
Kara X Mon-El
Alex X Maggie
Brainy X Nia
Attack on Titan
Eren X Mikasa
Falco X Gabi
Bertdholt X Annie
Ymir X Krista
Levi X Hange
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Katara X Zuko
Aang X Toph
Sokka X Suki
Aang X Katara
Bolin X Korra
Avengers (MCU)
Steve X Natasha
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Jane
Wanda X Vision
Peter Q X Gamora
Scott X Hope
T’Challa X Nakia
Matt X Karen
Luke X Jessica
Peter P X MJ
Bucky X Sarah
Ben 10
Ben X Julie
Kevin X Gwen
Guts X Casca
Ichigo X Rukia
Uryu X Orihime
Tatsuki X Orihime
Gin X Rangiku
Toshiro X Momo
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku X Occhako
Todoroki X Momo
Bakugou X Kirishima
Eraserhead X Present Mic
Trevor X Sypha
Alucard X Greta
Class of the Titans
Jay X Theresa
Atlanta X Archie
Critical Role
Percival X Vex’ahlia
Vax’ildan X Keyleth
Scanlan X Pike
Sylas X Delilah
Fjord X Jester
Beau X Yasha
Caleb X Essek
Imogen X Laudna
DC Comics
Clark X Lois
Bruce X Selina
Diana X Steve
Barry X Iris
Wally X Linda
Hal X Carol
Carter X Shiera
Oliver X Laurel
Arthur X Mera
Constantine X Zatanna
Dick X Barbara
Tim X Stephanie
Garfield X Rachel
Conner X Cassie
Kate X Maggie
Hank X Dawn
Garth Ranzz X Imra Arden
Nura Nal X Thom Kallor
Jo Nah X Tinya Wazzo
Val Armorr X Princess Projectra
Kara Zor-El X Querl Dox
Lar Gand X Tasmia Mallor
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro X Kanao
Zenitsu X Nezuko
Giyu X Shinobu
Taichi X Sora
Koushiro X Mimi
Takeru X Hikari
Takato X Jeri
Rika X Ryo
Izumi X Junpei
Disney Animation
Mulan X Shang
Eric X Ariel
Simba X Nala
Tiana X Naveen
Tarzan X Jane
Rapunzel X Eugene
Hercules X Meg
Aladdin X Jasmine
Doctor Who
11 X Clara
Dota - Dragon's Blood
Davion X Mirana
Shinji X Kaworu
Fairy Tail
Natsu X Lucy
Erza X Jellal
Gray X Juvia
Wendy X Romeo
Final Fantasy
Zack X Aerith
Cloud X Tifa
Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Luna
Lightning X Snow
Noel X Serah
Noctis X Luna
Fire Emblem
Byleth X Dimitri
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed X Winry
Roy X Riza
Ling X Lan Fan
GI Joe
Snake Eyes X Scarlett
Kouga X Kaoru
Ryuga X Rian
Raiga X Mayuri
Ken X Jun
Domon X Rain
Shinn X Stella
He-Man (OG Continuity)
Adam X Teela
Adora X Sea-Hawk
Duncan X Sorceress
InuYasha X Kagome
Sango X Miroku
Sesshomaru X Kagura
Kohaku X Rin
Mark X Eve
Kamen Rider
Hongo X Ruriko
Godai X Ichijo
Shoichi X Hikawa
Shinji X Miho
Takumi X Mari
Kenzaki X Hajime
Yuuto X Airi
Wataru X Mio
Tsukasa X Natsumi
Shotaro X Tokime
Ryo X Akiko
Eiji X Hina
Gentaro X Nadeshiko
Ryusei X Tomoko
Haruto X Koyomi
Kouta X Mai
Kaitou X Yoko
Shinnosuke X Kiriko
Gou X Reiko
Takeru X Akari
Alain X Kanon
Emu X Poppy
Sento X Banjo
Kazumin X Misora
Gentoku X Sawa
Sougo X Tsukuyomi
Aruto X Izu
Fuwa X Yua
Touma X Kento
Rintaro X Mei
Keiwa X Neon
Kingdom Hearts
Kairi X Sora X Riku
Aqua X Terra
Lea X Isa
Roxas X Xion
Riku X Namine
Lucifer X Chloe
Maze X Eve
Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru X Lantis
Umi X Clef
Fu X Ferio
Marvel Comics
Steve X Sharon
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Sif
Hank X Janet
Reed X Sue
Peter X MJ
Wanda X Vision
Jean X Scott
Kitty X Colossus
Rogue X Gambit
Rachel X Kurt
Black Bolt X Medusa
Clint X Bobbi
Bucky X Natasha
Matt X Elektra
Luke X Jessica
Warren X Psylocke
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien X Marinette
Alya X Nino
Naruto X Hinata
Sasuke X Karin
Sakura X Rock Lee
Neji X TenTen
Shikamaru X Temari
Ino X Sai
Choji X Karui
Gaara X Matsuri
Kakashi X Might Guy
Asuna X Kurenai
Tsunade X Dan
Yahiko X Konan
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Haruhi X Tamaki
Yu X Rise
Chie X Yukiko
Kanji X Naoto
Ren X Makoto (or Kasumi if we're going with Royal canon)
Power Rangers
Tommy X Katherine
Jason X Trini
Adam X Tanya
TJ X Cassie
Andros X Ashley
Karone X Zhane
Leo X Kendrix
Carter X Dana
Wes X Jen
Cole X Alyssa
Taylor X Eric
Tori X Blake
Trent X Kira
Sky X Z
Doggie X Kat
Nick X Madison
Mack X Rose
Casey X Lily
Dillon X Summer
Ziggy X Dr. K
Kevin X Mia
Mike X Emily
Troy X Gia
Tyler X Shelby
Eddie X Vesper
Marv X Chloe
Amelia X Ollie
Ranma ½
Ranma X Akane
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena X Anthy
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin X Kaoru
Ruby X Penny
Blake X Sun
Weiss X Marrow
Yang X Weiss
Jaune X Pyrrha
Ren X Nora
Qrow X Summer
Sailor Moon
Usagi X Mamoru
Ami X Zoisite
Rei X Jadeite
Minako X Rei
Makoto X Nephrite
Minako X Kunzite
Saint Seiya
Seiya X Shaina
Hyoga X Eri
Shiryu X Shunrei
Shun X June
Ikki X Esmeralda
Deathmask X Aphrodite
Aiolia X Lyfia
Yato X Yuzuriha
Sasha X Tenma
Koga X Yuna
Souma X Sonia
She-Ra (Netflix Version)
Adora X Glimmer
Catra X Scorpia
Star Wars
Obi-Wan X Satine
Anakin X Padme
Ahsoka X Lux
Luke X Mara Jade
Han X Leia
Finn X Rey X Poe
Din Djarin X Bo-Katan
Super Sentai
Ryu X Kaori
Sasuke X Tsuruhime
Chisato X Kouichirou
Shun X Miku
Yuri X Tatsuya
Yosuke X Ikkou
Isshu X Nanami
Mari X Ban
Sen X Umeko
Doggie X Swan
Sakura X Akashi
Masume X Natsuhi
Rio X Mele
Sosuke X Miu
Chiaki X Kotoha
Takeru X Mako
Alata X Eri
Hyde X Moune
Marvelous X Luka
Joe X Ahim
Daigo X Mikoto
Tokatti X Mio
Hikari X Kagura
Yamato X Sela
Amu X Tusk
Lucky X Hammie
Balance X Naga
Keiichiro X Tsukasa
Sakuya X Umika
Koh X Asuna
Bamba X Asuna
Shigeru X Sayo
Tarou X Sonoi
Sword Art Online
Kirito X Asuna
The Dragon Prince
Callum X Rayla
Amaya X Janai
Lion-O X Cheetara
Bengali X Pumyra
Optimus X Elita-One
Arcee X Hot Rod
Bulkhead X Wheeljack
Silverbolt X Blackarachnia
Ken X Mari
Shiro X Matt
Keith X Allura
Lance X Pidge
Hunk X Shay
Winx Club
Bloom X Sky
Musa X Riven
Flora X Helia
Stella X Brandon
Tecna X Timmy
Layla X Nabu
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veliseraptor · 8 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
tagged by: @brawlite - thanks!
last song I listened to: "time stands still (at the iron hill)" by blind guardian, which had me once again contemplating a silmarillion reread
currently reading: currently rereading three parts dead by max gladstone; when I finish that it's going to be we are satellites by sarah pinsker.
currently watching: rewatching campaign 2 of critical role if that counts? but also watching dead friend forever with @ameliarating. paused in a till the end of the moon watch that I need to get back to
currently obsessed with: kind of struggling to obsess about things right now which is part of my problem. but the closest things working for me right now are bg3 and the aforementioned critical role rewatch. hoping my brain starts letting me get excited about things again soon
tagging @ameliarating, @winepresswrath, @abigail-pent, @anghraine, @curiosity-killed, @spockandawe, @anyboli, @thatswhatsushesaid, and @elucubrare to do as you please (or not)
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borifle · 5 months
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tinyq · 1 year
Getting to Know You Tag Game
Thank you @eggbagelsjr so much for the tags! (And sorry I'm so late!!)
Three Ships: I wandered into the Dramione fandom in 2020. Before that I was pretty solidly in Draco/Ginny (Drinny), and dabbled in some Draco/Luna (Druna). (Yes, yes, I am aware there's a theme). But if I'm watching/engaging with something, I'm probably shipping someone with someone else...
First Ship: I was introduced to Sailor Moon at the ripe old age of 10, and fell in love with the idea of Usagi/Mamoru and became obsessed. (It also led me to read some things a 10 year old never should have read... I am so glad tagging is a thing now lol!)
Last Song: "Drastic Measures" by Sarah Slean. ❤
Last Movie: Haven't been watching many movies lately. We tried to watch The Mummy a few months ago, but our neighbour came and yelled at us because it was too loud... (Don't ask).
Currently Watching: I don't really watch anything other than Critical Role... (or Dimension 20 sometimes) but I'm a bit behind since July (and thus why I have not been posting any new art, because I usually only draw/colour while watching TTRPGs).
Currently Reading: Do textbooks count?? Do fanfics??? I haven't read a proper book since before I started my PhD... So, it's been a while... I think the last thing was A Discovery of Witches? But I had also read The Snow Queen series by Joan D. Vinge before that, and I really enjoyed it.
Last Thing I Wrote: Wrote and completed? I posted The Trouble with Mistletoe back in December 2021... But there are several half finished stories I've been pointedly ignoring.
Currently Writing: When I am not being a responsible adult and am instead taking a break from what I should be writing (which, you know, is technically being responsible: self-care is very important and writing for fun is part of my self-care), I am working on my current wip Light Me Up. I think I am currently editing chapter 76? Though I was also poking at chapter 95 as well this weekend...
Tagging: I feel like everyone has been tagged?? So, if you haven't been called upon to answer, and you happen to read this far, then I tag you!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Forgive me, I'm back to rant about a few things I just dont get how elriels miss, in terms of big picture. And even subtle contrast between elains behavior around Az and Lucien in terms of character reveals and behaviors telling of endgame couples. NOT the in between, I mean the "you need to read between the lines" context to get it and see the bigger picture vs taking things for face value and not critically thinking.
For example, ACOWAR, when Azriel helps Feyre rescue Elain, which Elriels romantize like their ship depended on it, a few things.
Azriel didn't volunteer to save her first. It was only after Cassian offered that he spoke up. Cassian was hurt. We as readers by now should know Azriel has a hero complex, so really not surprising he put his life on the line for Cassian and Feyre, and yes, even Elain, she is who they are saving after all, but Azriel stepped up for more reasons than just Elain.
When they find Elain. It is NOT specificed whether Elain is speaking to Feyre or Azriel, when she says you came for me, could it have been both, sure? Could this moment have been when Elain saw Azriel in a different light, maybe. I see the appeal, a handsome male carried you back to safety, but its just almost too perfect. SJM, to date has never written an endgame couple in which the LI is the one saving the heroine.. They stand back, let their heroine shine. Rhys, Cassian. Rowan, Chaol, Dorian, Hunt, all stood by and watched their mates/endgame save themselves and others. This is why I firmly believe it wasn't Lucien who saved her. SJM made a very conscious decision, because if Lucien is Elains endgame, he isn't going to treat her like a damsel in distress. He can't be the one "saving her" when he's going to be the one building her up. She even has gone as far as explaning why she doesn't always give her heroines mates a role in their final showdown (when she said she needed to give Cassian something to do when Nesta was in the rite). It's very clear that it is important to Sarah that her heroines are independent and can save themselves, they don't NEED man saving her in the literal terms. I think we will see Elain in another situation where SHE will outwit and come out triumphant in the end because of her own strength. Not because of Azriel or Lucien. So my point is, I do think it was dilebrate it wasn't Lucien, aside from the obvious, he wasn't there. He'd already taken off to the continent to find help.
But it does bring me to my next point, when Lucien returns. at the end of ACOWAR, she shows concern for Lucien. He responds that the blood isn't his. Which, for someone who is underestimated, proves he is as capable of handling himself on a battle field. But the point is, Elain doesn't search for Azriel, isn't by his side. On page, she shows no concern for him in the end and this is a book, if it didn't happen on page, it didn't happen. She gives Lucien a soft smile. He is the first to acknowledge she stabbed Hybern. This is kinda big, as it is a huge telling and such a  parallel to the way SJM has her male characters see the strength and bravery in their mates before others do. Rhys saw it first UTM in Feyre. Cassian with Nesta, Hunt with Bryce, etc. Lucien doesn't fuss or worry, he is proud of her. Whereas, Azriel in ACOSF, still doesn't believe in Elain enough to go after the trove, elriels claim it's because he cares, sure maybe he does, but again that's not how SJM writes her couples. That in itself is telling. Imagine Rhys, Cassian, Hunt, Lorcan, Chaol, all telling their significant others they can't do x,y,z and see how that goes down. Actually, we can, we have enough textual evidence it doesn't go down well. Azriel holding Elain back, behind her back, even after he saw what she was capable off in ACOWAR, is not a good sign. But, in a turn of events, who is Azriel supportive off ? Gwyn. Elriels love to say it's because he doesn't care but, given SJMs  parallels, they are in for a rude awakening.
Lastly, sunshine. I can't believe how obvious this is. Anytime Sarah reveals something that is close and important to a character that ties another is telling. Example, Elide and Lorcan both were guided by gods who are lovers, Rhys and Feyre both look up to the stars and dreamt before knowing one another. The way Azriels shadows behave around Gwyn, which is unquestionably unique only to HER, per canon, no matter how much elriels deny it......:. Elain telling the readers she needs sunshine, and Lucien who is literally the sun personified is significant. I mean, yes, we know they are mates, what more proof do we need? They may not be together right now, but SJM has given us enough buildup for their story.
I went back over the scene to see how it all played out and I do get why E/riels make a fuss over it.
"She shook her head, devouring the sight of him as if not quite believing it. “You came for me.” The shadowsinger only inclined his head.
"devouring the sight of him" is a pretty intense way of phrasing it.
And taken as a single line, of course it looks like something.
But this is what happened before and after:
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When you look at everything together, how romantic is it?
Cassian was the first one to speak up about saving Elain.
Az sat there observing Nesta's distress and her telling Cassian he can't go in injured so after "some unspoken debate" with himself he speaks up.
Nesta tells him he'll die but Az is cocky as hell and has a hero complex so of course he thinks he'll be fine. It's not that he's willing to die for Elain, it's that he doesn't think there's a chance of that happening (there is canon evidence of Az wanting to run head first into dangerous situations even when Feyre and Rhys tell him not to).
Feyre says with his shadows he might stand a chance, probably the exact same thing Az has convinced himself of.
Elain's eyes went wide over both Az and Feyre entering the tent because Feyre looked like Ianthe.
Then Feyre, after changing her appearance back tried to free Elain from the chains first using her powers from Helion.
Az only scooped up Elain because he said they didn't have time to wait for Feyre to figure it out.
Then they land and Az is barely able to stand but only Rhys is worried about his injuries. Elain gives the guy who's about to pass out a "thank you" kiss on the cheek then goes to her sister where she shows real emotion when she throws her arms around her.
Elucien's and E/riels can go back and forth all day on how they interpret these scenes. To me it seems clear that whatever hint of romance there was is always followed by something that shows why nothing between E/riel was ever going to be lasting.
But even without the back and forth debates, and leaving out how compatible Elain and Lucien are written to be, the one thing that trumps it all is that Lucien was the one who met Elain's father and spent time getting to know him. Lucien is the one who was with Elain after the sisters said goodbye to their father, Lucien is the one who offered his condolences.
Lucien will always be the one who holds this connection to Elain, with the first man she ever loved. It cannot be denied that what Elain shared with him was special and I think it was extremely intentional that SJM wrote it so her Mate developed a relationship with him before his death.
There is such poetry in that and all those shallow "cute" moments between E and A will never compare.
And as far as Gwynriel and his shadows are concerned, it's ridiculous to think there's not pretty major hints for them ending up together when we have the following in the bonus chapter:
Az's shadows will always be a part of him.
Az's shadows disappear around Elain.
Az's shadows are playful with Gwyn and she's the only character to treat them independent of Az.
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callioope · 3 months
What's this? An update?!
Is anyone else experiencing an onslaught of bots following them? Whenever I see that happen I wonder if it's because I've been so inactive lately; sometimes there seems to be a correlation there. So maybe just maybe it will help if I post something.
So here's an update.
Free time is a rarity for me these days -- offline life is busy! When I do have time to myself, I usually spend it stuck in the YouTube vortex (unfortunately, but it's the honest answer. I go there to watch Critical Role and get sucked sideways by the darn algorithm. I need to sign up for Beacon and just stop having a reason to go to YT in the first place). IF I can pull myself away from that blackhole, then I'm probably also avoiding writing by doing the NYT Games. And if by some miracle I dodge both of these digital traps, then I'm actually (gasp) reading or writing. (Or playing DND on the weekend.)
The Writing I signed up for Get Your Words Out this year, and even if I haven't been as productive as I might have dreamed, I'm still loving it because I do feel like it is working to get me writing more than I otherwise would have. And it doesn't feel as daunting as NaNoWriMo. So, here's my progress:
Pledged as a backpacker (honestly the lowest and easiest goal but I'm being practical about my time availability this year)
Wrote 33 days this year so far
Worked on 11 different projects -- this is a big oof for me; I feel a little adrift. I'm trying to console myself by likening it to an artists sketchbook (I think I saw a post about that on tumblr). Any writing is better than no writing! Nine (nein!) of the projects are shadowgast fics and two are original works -- something I might combine into 1 idea, we'll see. 
I've been focusing on the original idea lately, which is exciting!
I got a new laptop, and I'm able to go back to using Scrivener! Sadly had to pay for the upgrade, and still migrating story notes back into it, but excited. Anyone have any good tips for using it? Character templates, etc?
The Reading I have been able to get back into reading this year, which I am super happy about. This year I've read:
Our Bloody Pearl by D.N. Bryn (loved it)
A Power Unbound (The Last Binding #3) by Freya Marske (loved it)
The Magician's Daughter by H.G. Parry (enjoyed it)
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel (loved it)
The Bird King by G. Willow Wilson (enjoyed it)
Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson (it was fine)
Uprooted by Naomi Novik (enjoyed it)
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (it's complicated)
Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith (third read; comfort read)
Remalna's Children by Sherwood Smith (it was fine)
Silver in the Wood (The Greenhollow Duology #1) by Emily Tesh (loved it)
Drowned Country (The Greenhollow Duology #2) by Emily Tesh (loved it)
Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children #1) by Seanan McGuire (did not like)
Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher (loved it)
Spellbound (Magic in Manhattan #1) by Allie Therin (disappointed)
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey (loved it)
Edited to add: Currently reading: The Hexologists (The Hexologists #1) by Josiah Bancroft. Healthy, loving, established middle age couple protagonists in a fantasy setting, where have you been?! I've been looking for a book like this forever.
I haven't read more than like 2 books a year ... probably since 2016 (thank you rebelcaptain and shadowgast for all the wonderful fics i read instead)
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byneddiedingo · 9 months
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Carey Mulligan and Bradley Cooper in Maestro (Bradley Cooper, 2023)
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan, Matt Bomer, Gideon Glick, Maya Hawke, Sarah Silverman, Vincenzo Amato, Michael Urie, Greg Hildreth, Brian Klugman, Nick Blaemire, Mallory Portnoy, Yasen Peyakov, Zachary Booth, Miriam Shor, Alexa Swinton. Screenplay: Bradley Cooper, Josh Singer. Cinematography: Matthew Libatique. Production design: Kevin Thompson. Film editing: Michelle Tesoro. Music: Leonard Bernstein. 
The Aussies call it "tall poppy syndrome." It's that tendency to try to undermine or underestimate the achievement of anyone who excels. And I think we saw it directed at Bradley Cooper when the first big wave of negative publicity came out from a critic from the Hollywood Reporter who saw the trailer for Maestro and called the prosthetic nose Cooper wore to play Leonard Bernstein "ethnic cosplay." The word "Jewface," analogous to blackface and "yellowface," labels for white performers pretending to be Black or Asian, was tossed about, as if Cooper were somehow guilty of antisemitism, or even depriving a Jewish actor of the role. Defenders came to the fray, including Bernstein's family, who indicated their approval of Cooper's choice, and others who pointed out that Cooper wasn't playing a negative stereotype, or even a character like Shylock or Fagin, but an authentic musical genius. But the damage was done, and the controversy continues to be a kind of scrim through which we watch and assess the film. I think much of it stems from the fact that Cooper is one of the most exceptional talents of our time, recognized for excellence as an actor, director, and screenwriter  -- a tall poppy indeed. He has a total of nine Academy Award nominations in all three of those fields plus producing -- for Todd Phillips's Joker (2019) and Guillermo del Toro's Nightmare Alley (2022). He won a BAFTA for the music of A Star Is Born (2018), for which he wrote and sang several songs, and for which he also won two Grammys. He was nominated for a Tony in 2015 for his performance on Broadway in The Elephant Man. (One of the critics of the prosthetic nose observed that he wore no disfiguring makeup for the role of John Merrick, suggesting that if he's that good an actor, he should have played the role of Bernstein without the help of makeup.) All of this is preface to saying that Maestro is an exceptional film that only adds luster to an already distinguished career. It has been labeled a biopic, which is inadequate. Biographical films are usually distanced from their subjects, dramatizations of events in a career. Maestro is more intimate than that, a portrait of a man and a marriage. Cooper goes beyond mimicry of Bernstein in a serious effort to suggest the social and sexual and artistic tensions seething within the man. If I have to voice a criticism it's that he doesn't quite bring it off -- it's a little too much for any actor or screenwriter to achieve. But Cooper shows us the depths even if he doesn't plumb them. He wisely lets us have our own thoughts about something even Bernstein probably couldn't define about his sexuality: whether he was gay or bisexual, or whether that question is stupid and irrelevant. Carey Mulligan's performance as his wife, Felicia, brittle and burning, is a perfect match for Cooper's. If they don't have the chemistry that Cooper had with Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook (2012) or Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born, that's partly the point: The marriage of Lenny and Felicia was one of unresolved tension. Hence the epigraph for the film: "A work of art does not answer questions, if provokes them; and its essential meaning is in the tension between the contradictory answers." I have the feeling that Maestro will be remembered and studied for years to come.
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battlecouplesoulmates · 4 months
A tribute video to some of my favourite female characters. Here's a list of everyone included:
1) Kara Danvers & Cat Grant – Supergirl 2) Clarke Griffin & Lexa Woods – The 100 3) Gabrielle & Xena – Xena Warrior Princess 4) Buffy Summers & Dawn Summers – Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5) Dina & Ellie Williams – The Last of Us 6) Sara Lance (& Ava Sharpe & Zari Tarazi) – Legends of Tomorrow 7) Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair – Wednesday 8) Amy Pond – Doctor Who 9) Ryan Wilder (& Mary Hamilton) – Batwoman 10) Regina Mills (& Snow White) – Once Upon a Time 11) Dinah Lance – Birds of Prey 12) Emma Swan (&Regina Mills) – Once Upon a Time 13) Chloe Fraser & Nadine Ross – Uncharted the Lost Legacy 14) Octavia Blake – The 100 15) Sarah Alder (& Tally Craven) – Motherland Fort Salem 16) Root & Shaw – Person of Interest 17) Alice (& Claire Redfield) – Resident Evil 18) Poison Ivy (& Harley Quinn) – Harley Quinn 19) Harley Quinn – Birds of Prey 20) Jack & Miranda Lawson – Mass Effect 21) Ava Sharpe – Legends of Tomorrow 22) Natasha Romanov & Yelena Belova – Black Widow 23) Karolina Dean (& Nico Minoru) – Runaways 24) Hilda, Sabrina & Zelda – The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 25) Clara Oswald – Doctor Who 26) Ashildr/Me – Doctor Who 27) Eve – Xena Warrior Princess 28) Anne Wheeler – The Greatest Showman 29) Korra & Asami – Legend of Korra 30) Rose Noble & Donna Noble – Doctor Who 31) Rose Tyler – Doctor Who 32) Imogen Temult & Laudna – Critical Role 33) Melinda May – Agents of Shield 34) Aneela Kin Rit – Killjoys 35) Lena Luthor – Supergirl 36) Liara T'Soni – Mass Effect 37) Michonne Grimes – Walking Dead the Tell Tale Series 38) Clementine (& Violet) - Walking Dead the Tell Tale Series 39) Yasmin Khan & 13th Doctor – Doctor Who 40) Aria T'Loak – Mass Effect 41) Commander Shepard – Mass Effect 42) Monica Rambeau – Wandavision 43) Yang Xiao Long – RWBY 44) Daisy Johnson – Agents of Shield 45) Waverly Earp – Wynonna Earp 46) Dutch – Killjoys 47) River Song – Doctor Who 48) Aloy – Horizon Forbidden West 49) Naoe - Assassin's Creed Shadows 50) Wynonna Earp – Wynonna Earp 51) Martha Jones – Doctor Who 52) Wanda Maximoff – Wandavision 53) Hope Mikaelson – Legacies 54) Willow Rosenberg – Buffy the Vampire Slayer 55) Faith Lehane (& Buffy Summers) – Buffy the Vampire Slayer 56) Regina George – Mean Girls 2024 57) Grace (& Freddie) – Stray Gods 58) Alex Danvers – Supergirl 59) Neytiri – Avatar the Way of Water 60) Ruby Sunday – Doctor Who 61) Elodie – Damsel 62) Moana – Moana 2 63) Isabela – Encanto 64) Mirabel – Encanto 65) Keelin (& Freya) – The Originals 66) Luisa – Encanto 67) Ruby – RWBY 68) Weiss – RWBY 69) Blake – RWBY 70) Isabela – Dragon Age 2 71) Azula – Avatar the Last Air Bender 72) Raya – Raya and the Last Dragon 73) Mulan – Mulan 74) Raffi (& Seven) – Star Trek Picard 75) Delle Seyah Kendry – Killjoys 76) Callisto – Xena 77) Namaari (& Raya) – Raya and the Last Dragon 78) Bill Potts – Doctor Who 79) Iris West-Allen – The Flash 80) Michael Burnham & Emperor Georgio – Star Trek Discovery
Anyone who can't see it on youtube can watch it here
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distant--shadow · 1 year
get to know meme
lil thing where I'll give a bit too much detail so it fills its purpose, honoured honestly to be tagged by three of my favourite writers in this space @sharkodactyl, @unicyclehippo , and @astoriacolumnstaircase - anyone reading this should be reading their works instead.
favourite colour: brown(s), like a mid to a dark tone, i like them to have a bit of red involved. like our old-boy chet, I love the wood. my dream home would be all wood-panelled with built in inlayed and set back shelves and nooks a plenty and yeah just full of brik-a-brak. otherwise my favourite colours are navy blue and greens that are more mixed with blue than yellow, teals and emeralds and once again generally around the mid tones. green makes me very happy. moss and outdoors and all that.
currently reading: fic. haha. (suss my recommend reading tag) I did venture out to my (very) local queer bookshop and asked them for something that won't send me on a spiral if I'm already on one/provide some escapism and they reccomended river of teeth by Sarah gailey. anyone I've said about it to seems real enthusiastic about it, I am not well read at all when it comes to published things, tend to just get really into a few fandom authors works and picking them apart (rereading a lot) . still haven't started it but maybe I'll try take it out to the park in the next week or so. I'm dabbling in reading (and unfortunately writing) poetry thanks to @picturesofthegoneworlds and @blorbotomy 's influence, those mini books are fun to keep on you when out and about, poem or two on a tree stump or boulder with a grand vista and a brain that wants eyes on a phone screen.
last song: last song I consciously (not background music) listened to was:
I went on an early lord snow stint the other night because the air smelt crisp and there was a nice chill. they have remained my favourite heavy (as a broad term) band for a decade now.
I used to have music on all of the time, whether that be cd's at home or in my mp3 player (that I still take out with me) but these days I find listening more of an intentional activity and I prefer to have people just nattering when I'm at home and want background noise. think it's where my heads at and I've just got more sensitive to being overstimulated I guess. I was also pretty good at going to a live gig at least once a week before I did my back in, looking forward to getting into that habit again.
last series: I don't watch much stuff outside of critical role, least other than YouTube videos I'll put on whislt I'm drawing. oh wait yeah I ordered 3 seasons of xena on ebay because it's like a couple of quid a season and it is a real good comfort show and fucking amazing. I hadn't seen it since I was pre teen and it was on day time TV and I'd catch it on sick days. the amount of people I've brought it up to these past few months who've been so stoked to be reminded of it/eager to watch it with me is actually hilarious.
last movie: uhhhh God movies I watch even less. I haven't been to a cinema in over 12 years now, just not my thing, and it's funny caus my mum used to work in the film and TV industry and we had shelves and shelves full of VHS growing up (mostly bootlegged) and she can just ramble about pretty much any early era film up to the stuff from the 80s (when she was working on em) for days. never could sit through em, never felt satisfied with how the story went. guess that's why actual play appeals to me. but saying all this I did rewatch Bound for the first time since I was like 15 last month or so, enjoyed it a lot more than I did back then.
sweet/savory/spicy: savory all day. I am a salt fiend. I used to think I'd be fortunate enough to die from my salt intake. I'll put it on anything. cereal, toast, fruit. I think the other day I noted the one thing I wouldn't put it on, but I can't recall that right now honestly. it's gotta be decent salt too, sea salt or rock salt that has some texture and delicious flavour, I'm not fucking with that table salt shit. I carry salt with me in a mini mason jar everywhere I go, saves when you only have access to bland cold supermarket food. one of my earliest memories is when I was like 6 I had had my daily 1 glass allowance of squash/fruit cordial in my white Tom and Jerry printed beaker with the accordion bendy straw and so when I was pouring myself a glass of water from the tap I put salt in it caus I wanted flavour that would not show through the white translucent container. it's all been downhill from there, although I also, luckily I guess caus otherwise I would be really fucked, do drink a lot of water.
currently working on: myself and healing. hah. I never realised how much paperwork and phone calls came with this maintenance shit. I'm still out of work, and my mental health has taken a huge hit from not being able to do the things I usually would. so right now I'm just trying to keep everything together. I can draw again though, so sorry about that.
I never know who to tag in these things caus I don't think everyone wants to do them. so I'll go with this being open invite as always. hope anyone who read this far is having a good week, and sentiment is still there even if you didn't read this (unless you don't deserve my well wishes, then fuck you.)
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frary-us · 5 months
Toby Regbo is also a cast member of this comedy. I'm so happy I can finally watch him in his supporting role as Christian. 🙌
"It is launching (April 30) with Chivalry, a comedy originally commissioned by the UK’s Channel 4 and starring Steve Coogan and Sarah Solemani, and The Green Veil starring John Leguizamo.
Chivalry was written by Coogan and Solemani and is set in Hollywood, exploring the nuances, advances, and limitations of the entertainment industry in a post #MeToo era. It follows a critically acclaimed female director, played by Solemani, who is brought on to right the ship of a wayward production run by a seasoned male producer, played by Coogan.
Wanda Sykes and Sienna Miller also appear in the six-part series, which comes from Coogan’s BBC Studios-owned Baby Cow Productions and is exec produced by Sarah Monteith and Rupert Majendie. Its launch will be its U.S. debut after launching in the UK in 2022."
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'By his own admission, awards season has been bittersweet for Andrew Scott.
Currently basking in a flurry of positive reviews for his starring role in a new Netflix adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's The Talented Mr. Ripley, Scott recently collected the Critics’ Circle Theatre award for his remarkable performance in a contemporary rendering of Chekhov masterpiece Vanya.
But the occasion was tinged with sadness for the Irish star, 47, whose devoted mother Nora passed away with a 'sudden illness' in March - shortly before Mother's Day.
And Scott - who dedicated the award to her memory by telling audience members “she was the source of practically every joyful thing in my life” - admits he felt compelled to immerse himself in work following her recent passing.
'Well, you know, you have to — life goes on, you manage it day by day,' he told the Sunday Times.
'It’s very recent, but I certainly can say that so much of it is surprising and unique, and there is so much that I will be able to speak about at some point.'
A devoted follower of fashion away from screen and stage, Scott admits his love of clothes came from his mother and her passion for the arts.
'My mother was an art teacher, she was obsessed with all sorts of design,' he recalled. 'She loved jewellery and jewellery design.
'Anything that is visual, tactile, painting, drawing, is a big passion of mine, so I have tremendous respect for the creativity of designers.'
Despite the tragedy, Scott has attempted to maintain a positive attitude towards both his personal and professional life.
'I feel like, as a person, I am quite near my emotions,' he said. 'I cry easily and I laugh easily, and there is nothing more pleasurable to me than laughing.'
Nora's death was confirmed in a statement on March 9, with family members adding that she passed away on Thursday March 7 surrounded by her family at St Vincent's Hospital in Dublin.
An obituary read: 'It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Nora Scott (née Boyle), beloved wife of Jim, mother of Sarah, Andrew and Hannah.
'Scott, Sandymount, Dublin, formerly Omagh Co. Tyrone, March 7th 2024 peacefully surrounded by her loving family and best friend Anne, in St Vincent's Hospital following a sudden illness.
'Nora will be deeply missed by her beloved husband Jim, her loving children Sarah, Andrew and Hannah.'
In 2018, Nora revealed Anthony Hopkins sent her 'more than three dozen red roses,' after finding out she was ill when speaking to Scott on the set of King Lear.
Hopkins, 86, starred in the BBC's Shakespeare adaptation as an ‘English Stalin’ with Scott playing Edgar - who becomes Lear’s secret protector.
She told RTE’s Ryan Tubridy at the time: 'There was probably more than three dozen red roses and attached to them was a little card from Anthony saying "Be well, sending hugs", and all sorts of things.'
'I was thrilled to get such a gift and for the kind thought that promoted it.
'Now I have recovered, I can enjoy these exquisite roses that grace our hall. It was such a beautiful gift.'
In January, Scott and his co-star Paul Mescal admitted they weren't too keen on their family members watching their new film, gay drama All Of Us Strangers.
The movie stars Scott as a screenwriter drawn back to his childhood home who enters into a relationship with a mysterious neighbour, played by Mescal, 27.
The film features several intimate scenes between the actors which the pair discussed during an appearance on The Graham Norton Show.
Asked if their families had seen the flick yet, Mescal said: 'With the Irish premiere, trying to allocate tickets to all the aunties and uncles is a tricky business.
'They have seen my bum before but there is a little more going on in this movie I would say!'
Scott added: 'I don't want to be there when my parents watch it!''
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voidspacecowboy · 1 year
tag nine people you want to catch up with/get to know better
tagged by: @mikkorantanev :)
Last Song: Blame by The Maine (But if you'd asked me a week ago it would've been something by Magnolia Park, I went in DEEP on their discography after seeing them live)
Last Film: I haven't intentionally watched a film in A While so I think that might actually be Nimona?? I keep meaning to watch RWRB but my brain is soup rn
Currently Reading(or last read): It's All In How You Fall by Sarah Henning
(but also a truly obscene amount of Steddie fanfic rip)
Currently Watching: Critical Role (Mighty Nein campaign)
Current Obsession: honestly I don't think I have an obsession atm just a collection of lingering hyperfixations that I rotate through to avoid having to spend time with my own thoughts. You know how it goes~
no pressure tag spot: @youreonmyrunway, @dreamalottie @shinraalpha @leskenobian @blooky27 @sidcrosbybro @beesandstarsart (and anyone else who wants to)
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