#says he wasnt sure if she'd want to see him
warty-hog-legacy · 1 year
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of Clara’s clothing. Will do school uniforms eventually
headcanon under the cut
Also, after the whole fighting-Ranrok thing (gotta happen in March, right? still snowy out), Clara is wounded via knife slash to her ankle, also twisted same ankle, got walloped by a troll, scratched up her legs something awful sliding on rocks, and then watched her favorite professor die. She’s in hysterics when Sharp and Prof. Onai are trying to corral her up to the hospital wing. She keeps trying to escape and go find the entrance to the mined tunnel.
Pls keep in mind, she’s 15, been awake for like 36 hours straight, and just lost someone important to her (again, so like, old memories of her sister dying are resurfacing). Obviously, she is a pillar of calm and collected sanity.
Additional Information: When the tremors with the Ancient Magic started, the Profs who did not go to help fight were herding students into the Great Hall, like when Sirius scratched up the Pink Lady’s portrait. So a not insignificant number the student body heard Clara’s screeches, snuck to the door and saw the floating cot with a body under a sheet, the haunted looks on the professors as they return.
Rumors circulate. As they do.
So two mornings later, when Sebastian has worked up the nerve to actually talk to Clara (he heard her parents were summoned in the middle of the night, also heard she lost her mind, that a dragon lived under the castle, castle was almost blown up, etc... who knows what’s true). So. He’s going to talk to her. Which he’s talked to loads of girls, and talked to Clara loads of times. Except that she’s refused to talk to him since the Uncle Solomon incident, and that’s why he’s nervous and trying to talk himself into seeing her.
Instead he Lurks (defintely lurking) outside the hospital wing, unsure if he wants to talk to her or not. He sticks his head into the door, half hoping she’s still sleeping and half-hoping she’ll see him and all that awkward guilt will vanish.
Sebastian is treated to a view of privacy curtains halfway down the wing. And through a little gap, he gets a glimpse of her lacing up her corset. Just for like, 1 total second.
5 minutes later, a bunch of second-years watch him sprint out of the castle and dive headfirst into the lake.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#clara white#sebastian sallow#he does end up going back up to the hospital wing before dinner#Clara is sitting in bed (in a NIGHTGOWN so he is thinking of going back into the lake and just asking the merpeople to drown him)#She is absolutely devouring a new book (sherlock holmes)#She's also all bruised up and her hair is in a braid instead of its usual twisty thing#Anyway so he loses any ounce of planning what he was going to say and simply goes 'Hello'#His brain = not working too many emotions that he doesnt want to think about like guilt and anxiety and#and something thats making his hands feel sweaty#Finally he sits in the chair next to her bed and asks if she's alright#corrects himself and says of course not shes in the hospital wing#says he wasnt sure if she'd want to see him#oh and he heard about Fig and is sorry about that#Sebastian realizes he's doing all the talking and shuts up#Clara is holding onto her book (her beloved whatever book she is currently reading is her beloved)#like her book is going to steady her#her voice is rough from screaming and whatnot but she thanks him for visiting#And then her parents enter the room and Sebastian wishes the chair would morph into a coffin so he could die then and there#But Clara finds her parents doting on him to be amusing enough to smile through her grief so he tolerates Lady White fussing over his robes#This time when he leaves the hospital wing he goes straight to the baths and puts it on ice cold#b/c he cant get Clara and her messy braided hair and the corset glimpse ouf of his mind but she's a FRIEND
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
ADORE UR ANGST! Can you do a lando norris x y/n where lando is upset with y/n because she wasnt listening when he was ranting about something that happened. He feels annoyed. Y/N doesnt know why he's upset but then she realises. she tries to apoligise
can i just say i love it when y/n messes up, because writing reader groveling is my guilty pleasure <3 thanks anon
look up from your fucking phone (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - alot of fighting, y/n is being annoying, angst, fluffy ending
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Lando slammed the apartment door shut, the echo bouncing off the bare walls of their new place in Monaco. He threw his helmet on the couch, the familiar orange a stark contrast to the simmering red of his mood.
"Y/N, did you see that?!" he yelled, stomping towards the kitchen.
Y/N was hunched over the counter, phone glued to her ear, a frown etched on her face. "Ugh, why won't this load?..." she trailed off, finally noticing Lando's stormy entrance.
"Didn't you see what Yuki pulled out there?!" Lando practically exploded. "That dive bomb into Turn 12? I could've been wiped out!"
Y/N finally peeled her phone away from her ear. "Yeah, I saw it. Sounds scary," she said, her voice flat. She scrolled through her phone again, a picture of a cupcake taking center screen.
Lando's anger intensified. "Scary? Y/N, it was reckless! He could've ruined both our races!" He gestured wildly with his gloved hands. "And all he gets is a five-second penalty? That's a joke!"
Y/N sighed, a sound of exasperation that sent a fresh wave of irritation through Lando. "Look, I'm sure you'll bounce back. Maybe get some revenge on him next race?" She offered a tight smile, her eyes still glued to the phone.
Lando felt a knot tighten in his chest. "That's it? No 'are you okay?' No 'that was a dirty move?'" His voice dropped to a low growl. "Don't you even care?"
Y/N finally looked up, startled. "Of course I care, Lando! I just... I had a really stressful day too, okay?" She gestured vaguely at the phone. "Work stuff."
The knot in Lando's chest unraveled, replaced by a hollow ache. "Right," he muttered, his voice devoid of its usual spark. "Work stuff is always more important than your boyfriend getting wrecked on the track, apparently."
Y/N's eyes widened. "Hey, that's not fair! I wouldn't say that." She reached out a hand, but Lando flinched away.
"Just forget it," he said, his voice tight. "I need a shower."
He stormed past her, the slam of the bathroom door echoing through the apartment. Y/N stared after him, the phone clattering to the counter with a forgotten thud. The file which had now loaded mocked her from the screen.
Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs. She'd been so caught up in her own problems, she hadn't realized Lando was having a terrible day. Shame washed over her as she remembered his frustrated yells, his need for support.
She jumped up, rushing to the bathroom door. "Lando, wait!" she called out, her voice laced with panic. "I'm so sorry, I was just..."
She tried the knob, but it wouldn't budge. He must've locked it. Lando, who never locked the bathroom door. A cold dread filled her.
He was mad. Really mad. And it was all her fault.
The silence stretched on for what felt like hours. Dinner, usually a time for shared laughter and stories, was a tense affair. Y/N cooked Lando's favorite pasta dish, but it sat untouched on the table, growing cold beside her untouched plate. Every time she stole a glance at the bathroom door, a knot tightened in her stomach.
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, she cleared her throat. "Lando," she began tentatively, "I know you're upset, and I just wanted to say again that I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been on the phone. I was just..."
The clatter of the bathroom door slamming shut cut her off. Lando stormed into the living room, his face a mask of fury.
"Just what?" he spat out, his voice raw with emotion. "Just another bad day at work for you? Don't you get it, Y/N? Today was a nightmare! Yuki nearly took me out, the car felt off the entire race, and to top it all off, the media keeps hounding me about missing out on the podium."
He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "And you," he pointed a finger at her, his voice cracking, "you weren't even there for me. You were too busy with your stupid phone to even see how much I was fucking hurting."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes. "Lando, I-"
He cut her off again, his voice laced with a raw vulnerability that ripped at her heartstrings. "No, Y/N! You don't get to talk now. I had the worst fucking day of my life, and your sorry does. not. fix. that. You listening to me, maybe even caring, might have. But you weren't there. And frankly, right now, I don't even know if you care at all."
He stormed past her, grabbing his helmet from the couch. "I'm going for a drive. Don't wait up." The slam of the front door echoed through the apartment, leaving Y/N standing alone in the cold, sterile silence. Tears streamed down her face, a silent apology echoing in the empty room. She had messed up, badly. And now, she had to find a way to fix it, even if it meant facing Lando's anger and rebuilding the trust she had so carelessly shattered.
Lando's car tore down the familiar winding roads, the roar of the engine a poor substitute for the roar of frustration in his chest. Tears, hot and angry, blurred his vision as he navigated the steep climb towards his favorite spot - the very same hill where he'd asked Y/N to be his girlfriend.
"Stupid phone. Stupid fucking Yuki. Stupid me," he muttered under his breath, slamming the car into park with more force than necessary. He stormed out, the cool night air doing little to quell the fire burning inside him.
He reached the familiar crest of the hill, the city lights twinkling like scattered diamonds below. It was supposed to be a place of peace, a place where he could clear his head. But tonight, it was a stark reminder of everything he'd lost.
"Why couldn't you have listened to me Y/N," he growled, the words catching in his throat. He sat down on the familiar patch of grass, burying his head in his hands. A choked sob escaped his lips, the sound harsh and raw in the quiet night.
Suddenly, a soft voice broke through his despair. "Lando?"
He looked up, startled, to see Y/N standing hesitantly before him. She was holding a basket overflowing with snacks, drinks, and a familiar fluffy blanket. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her face etched with worry and regret.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hoarse. His anger hadn't quite subsided, but it was overshadowed by a wave of surprise.
"I followed you," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. She set the basket down beside him cautiously, the woven handles creaking softly. "I know you needed some space, but I couldn't just stay there. I had to try and fix this."
Lando hesitated, then gestured towards the spot beside him. Y/N sat down, her gaze fixed on the glittering cityscape. Silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. Finally, Y/N reached out, placing a hand tentatively on his arm.
"Lando, I'm so, so sorry. There's no excuse for my behavior today. You were having a terrible day, and I completely ignored you. It was selfish and insensitive, and I hurt you. And for that, I am truly sorry."
Lando flinched, a tear rolling down his cheek. He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and longing. "I just... I needed you, Y/N. Today was one of those days when everything felt like it was going wrong. And all I wanted was for you to be there for me, to listen, to just be you."
Y/N's hand tightened on his arm. "I understand now. And believe me, I was there in spirit. Every time you yelled, every time you slammed the door, it broke my heart a little more. But I was so caught up in my own problems, I didn't even see how much you were hurting."
She squeezed his arm gently. "Please, Lando. Let me try to make it up to you. Let's stay here, talk, share some snacks." She gestured towards the basket with a small, hopeful smile. "Maybe then we can face tomorrow together."
Lando looked from her hopeful face to the inviting spread in the basket. A flicker of his old smile played on his lips. He sighed, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Alright, Y/N. Snacks and talking it out sound pretty good right now."
As they settled under the blanket, the city lights twinkling around them, they began to talk. Lando poured out his frustrations about the race, Yuki, and the media. Y/N listened intently, offering words of encouragement and understanding. They reminisced about better races, laughed at silly inside jokes, and slowly, the rift between them began to heal.
The drive home was filled with a comfortable silence, a silent promise to communicate better in the future. As Lando pulled into their driveway, he turned to Y/N, a genuine smile warming his face.
"Thanks for coming after me, Y/N." He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against hers. "I love you."
Y/N smiled back, her heart overflowing with relief. "I love you too, Lando. And next time, I'm chucking the phone into the bin."
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wonryllis · 16 days
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𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗆𝗒 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎?
ׅ ꢾ꣒ find the MASTERLIST here.
PREVIEW. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
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𝐈 check out the PROFILES.
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𝐈𝐈 tune in to the CHARACTER INTERVIEWS ( given by the characters themselves ! )
CHOI YN 20 ( fashion ), well what do i say? hello everyone i'm choi yn! im sure everyone knows me already ^^ .. what else do i say? hmm i love my life a lot! i love my brothers and heeseung and wonie so much, they are the closest people in my life! oh shit sorry riki too hehe oops. college has been fun since im doing exactly what i wanted and it's fun to hangout with won all the time. seungie brings me snacks all the time and binnie lets me eat cakes everyday even though junnie has scolded them not to cause i easily get dental problems and then he has to convince be to go to the dentist, eww.
LEE HEESEUNG 23 ( film ), if you ever stop hearing from me, please know that my day has come and i have chosen to be exposed. as much as jun and soobs love me, and as much as they love tiny(my yn, she's just real cute) if i ever dare speak of that kind of love with tiny in the same sentence it's my last moment on earth. jay and taehyun help a lot and i'd give everything to thank them for it but man they still haven't been able to actually help me get with yn?
CHOI SOOBIN 24 ( law school ), yes my sister is my everything, each one of her wishes no matter how stupid and idiotic they are, must be fulfilled. i think i was like ten when ynie said being a lawyer would be so cool, and it's been my life's motto now. law school kicks my ass yeah but whenever i think of how happy she'd be to see me as a badass lawyer it feels like nothing. i could easily help her win the divorce that's a plus point, i think i should start looking into divorce attorney things.
CHOI YEONJUN 25 ( model ), i swear scaring away my baby sister's admirers is one of my full time jobs besides runaway modelling but alas she is my sister of course she's a beauty. i know she will date and marry a motherfucking guy one day, and i won't be able to stop it but i hope that day takes the longest time to come. she was one of the first ones to say how good my dressing style was, if it wasnt for her i would not be one of the rising faces in the fashion scene today.
PARK JAY 22 ( music production ), being lee heeseung's childhood friend has been my life's greatest downfall. and being his emergency contact number one is probably the biggest mistake of my life. it's so so so infuriating to see him do nothing and panic over the fact that some might sweep her off her feet right before his eyes like fucker you gotta sweep her off her feet rather than worrying over how someone else might sweep her off her feet. taehyun probably understands me.
SIM JAKE 22 ( physics ), it's fun, so so fun i can not express it verbally man, 'm having a blast! there's so many new things to learn i am so happy with my major and my astronomy club thing is going so well too, it's been amazing so far. the only thing i dont like is my mates ignoring me, like i tell them about all these quantum mechanics things and how it's works like it's legit the coolest thing ever and they don't wanna listen me and then come to me for help with assignments like dude? there's no give and take here and it's not high school anymore? but i do it cause im nice :)
PARK SUNGHOON 22 ( communications ), first of all i gotta thank my man taehyun for letting me copy off of him to pass my semesters so far. as a full time commercial and photoshoot model, college is just a side quest for me at this point, just need an arm candy degree to show that i am infact educated contrary to what people think. oh and i'd like to tell this, don't tell anyone, i actually know all the drama going on and it's so funny but i gotta stay low if i wanna be safe. sometimes i do think of stirring things up but yeonjun man he scares me, i better be on his good side.
KIM SUNOO 21 ( journalism ), for real god am i the only one working my ass off here cause why the hell all these dicks be fucking up their lives and copying off people to survive like? look at me, every little gossip on campus and you know who to go to get the full info! exactly how it should be for a journalism major. i swear i am doing all the shit ass work here. i admit i slip sometimes especially with heeseung's secret in front of god forbidden yn but 'm just a human, and humans make mistakes yk? and please tell kai to fuck off please, thank you.
YANG JUNGWON 20 ( fashion ), it's a different feeling when three guys trust you with their precious sister. and it's a different feeling when that precious real spoiled girl treats you like the best buddy she could ever have. but it's not so fortunate when you gotta dash to protect anytime the brothers ping you, it's like a national secret agency part time job and it's the hardest thing when the target is someone like yn. i treasure her a lot, as a friend! yes, yet the times when her brothers get jealous of me are some of the most nerve wrecking times.
NISHIMURA RIKI 20 ( photography ), are we surprised here? no wtf have y'all not seen the pics i post on my twt like i got talent you have to accept it. especially a lot of talent in gaming and luck, my luck be through the roofff. just started lol a year ago and my YouTube Chanel six months ago and im already almost a diamond and about to hit a million subscribers.. talk about god's favorite! ha that's me. but the thing is more than that i wanna be yn's favorite like i know she says won and i are same but i know that kitty is closer. for now i like being glued to yn, but after figuring out things so easily it's hard to keep quiet.
CHOI BEOMGYU 23 ( film ), with the amount of hate train behind me it's a miracle i am still breathing and in one piece. praying all this ends quickly and my life is returned back to me or i'll go crazy it has been like what two? three? years already! i need my freedom. i can count and name with my fingers the people who hate me. actually no it's everyone. anyways, i share all classes with heeseung and lord is it the scariest part of my life. at least yeonjun and soobin would need time to hunt me down but lee heeseung? he's right behind me two rows, staring down my every movement. look it's not my fault okay?
KANG TAEHYUN 22 ( communications ), it wasn't consensual. it is very important to clear this up. i did not give my papers to park sunghoon by choice. he had to pay me hefty for that so there's no thank you man, dude is pretending. and i am fucking sick of covering for heeseung all the time like dude grow balls, real balls dig up some manly guts and fucking do it before i lose patience and fuck shit up. every moment of listening to him lamenting over his feelings is the most frustrating shit ever. make him hear this one for god's fucking sake.
HUENING KAI 22 ( journalism ), no matter how much everyone denies it, i know they won't survive a day without me like? i provide sunoo with all the gossip of our side? how else do you think heeseung sneaks around yeonbin with his feelings? god it's me i do the passing the parcel of info. i mean taehyun is also involved with them but then i am more useful than that reality check of a guy, i mean who needs reality when you can live in a fantasy! hehe i just outdid everyone with that! or not anyway moving on yn's cr— SUNOO: shut the fuck up bitch!
01. HEEYN TRUTHERS heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, taehyun and sunoo: the group that has been supporting heeseung in pursuing his feelings since he first revealed it to them. for whenever he fucks up and they have to discuss how to save his ass. normal chats happen too.
02. BOSS BABIES yn, jungwon, riki: the trio that has been friends since middle school, and sticks together. yn spends most of her time with them, that is in college. often goes out to hangout and these two are yn's only actual friends!
03. SHOOTERZ 4 YN yeonjun, soobin, heeseung and jungwon: they use this chat to text each other whenever someone upsets yn or she's going somewhere alone and they need jungwon to secretly tag along to give them updates later.
04. PRINCESS & HER KNIGHTZ yn, yeonjun, soobin and heeseung: the main stars— spoiled baby and her overprotective boys. usually text her when it has to do something with the four of them, like when yn goes out or she needs someone to pick her up or accompany her or when they have dinner at each other's place and someone's missing and likewise.
05. PSYCHOS W/ SICKOS yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu, taehyun, huening kai and heeseung: well this is heeseung's other friend group with the yn brothers' friends that become his own after a while. this is yeonbin dominated friend group chat and beomgyu is main character lmao
START THE STORY — prologue 𓈒 ‎𓈒 ‎𓈒
TAGLIST . ( OPEN ) @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle @enhastolemyheart @aaa-sia @snoopypupp @criminalyun @oddracha @satan-223 @diorsyun @hooniehon @fakeuwus @caramelcandescence @intromortal @kookify @yutasberryy @sumzysworld @nikiswifiee @shuichi-sama @primroselover @rayofsunshineeee @aishigrey @yjwluvs @soraokkotsu @nyfwyeonjun @srhnyx @trashx678 @wondipity @winuvs @hoondiors @niniissus @firstclassjaylee @biancaness send an ask to be added! (if your comment goes unnoticed it is not my responsibility)
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lesorus · 1 year
A thing I noticed growing up having a lot of physical altercations with my brother is how much defending yourself as a woman is looked down upon. If my older brother that started bodybuilding at 13 pushed or hit me, sure he would get a scold, being told he doesn't know his strength, but when i started digging my nails into his arms and scratching him somehow, i became responsible for defending myself. I wasn't just abusing power like he was, I was called a snake, vicious. To the point my mother made him hold me down while she cut my nails so short you could see my nail beds as punishment at 14 and i wasnt allowed to grow them out again. Scratching and biting was for animals she'd say, as if hitting wasn't. Well sure I had the option to hit him back, but the taller, stronger he grew the more laughable it was.
Then i started screaming in prevention, before he hit me, when he was threatening me, if i felt scared or overwhelmed. It was a good tactic because if anyone was home they would run there and intervene. He would say he didn't even hit me yet, that I was acting and a liar, and sure I was but I couldnt really defend myself against him otherwise could I? Nobody would care if I said he was threatening me but surely the blood curdling screams I would let out worked well enough. Until my parents realised I was lying, an actress they'd call me, a filthy liar. As if I was supposed to get hit and cry on the ground until i waited they do something.
If i broke something of his in retaliation or threatened to hurt his reputation, hurt him in one of the few ways i could, i was evil, a little demon. I was always punished, but he never got the same treatment for pushing me around, or using his physical strength to hurt me, because whatever I could do in emotional or material damage was sure worse than me crying in pain. Oh and sure, I was called the girl crying wolf whenever I was physically injured because I had faked being hurt before in order to have an adult intervene.
I was only worthy of help if i was completely helpless and a full victim, the second I tried to defend myself I became responsible, because somehow self defense was always worse than the act that prompted it. Because the scratches I gave were comparable to bruises, lies were worse than serious threats of violence, ripping a shirt was way worse than getting beaten to the ground. His violence was an excess of his masculinity to my parents, deserving of a scold but not of serious punishment, it was natural for him. Self defense and fear on my part was animalistic and wrong. A woman is supposed to be pure, a victim if she wants help.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo - Does Your Mother Know?
Requested: yes
Prompt: Does Your Mother Know - Abba
Warnings: mentions of a one night stand
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Daniel sat in the meeting room of the McLaren technology centre. He was out two days ago but couldn't shake that hungover feeling. "You'd wanna act sober Daniel, Zak is coming in soon." One of Daniel's engineers said. Daniel groaned and sat up, forcing a neutral kind of smile, hoping he came across as fully recovered. Daniel was full awake once he heard the door open and in walked the American with what looked like an assistant. "Alright, how's everyone doing today?" Zak asked in his usual chirpy voice. "A lot better today." Daniel lied. Daniel looked over to the assistant who looked like she had just seena ghost. "Who-" Daniel stopped himself from speaking further. Fuck. Surely this was a nightmare of some sort. No way she was here. "Oh sorry, I almost forgot. This is my intern for the month. She's acting as my assistant. Daniel, guys, this is Y/n Y/l/n." Y/n and Daniel stared at eachother and when they were required to look at something else, they still managed to glance eachothers way. 'This cannot be happening." Daniel thought to himself. "There is no way she is an intern here. No...fucking...way."
Daniel moved his way through the crowd, trying to make his way to the bar for another drink. His friends only brought him out so he could try get over his ex. It wasnt working. They insisted that he tried to make some moves on some girls but he wasn't feeling it. He wasn't quite ready to move on, which he thought was perfectly okay. But with how everyone was telling him he was wrong, he was starting to rethink himself. "Jack Daniels and coke." He shouted over the music. He finished the last dribble of his previous drink and set it down. "Oh come on! It's just sambuca!" He heard a girl beside him say. He turned to see a girl with four shots of sambuca and her three other friends laughing and telling her no. "We aren't drinking, Y/n. We're going back to our flats. There are these really good looking guys that want to get with us so we're not ruining this for us just so you can drink!" Daniel pulled a face at how rude they were being. "You don't ditch your mates for some dick!" The girl shouted, standing up for herself. "No? Well I'll gladly ditch you!" And with that, the other three walked away.
Daniel was confused. He's never seen such a second in his life. The girl turned back around and stared at the shots. It was like he could almost see her train of thought, whether she should down them all or chance asking for a refund. The girl then turned to him and gave a light hearted smile. "You'd hardly like to do some sambuca, would you?" Daniel chuckled and nodded out of pity. "Of course. Can't turn down free shots." She said two over to Daniel and kept two for herself. "Alright, ready?" He asked. She nodded and the two backed their shot. Daniel coughed as the sambuca tickled his throat, but when he turned over to the person he was doing the shot with, she had a straight face and ready to do the next. "Jesus, how do you not even make a face?" He asked, reluctantly grabbing his second. "I'm used to it. It just tastes like Bonjela." She insisted, clinking her glass with Daniel's. "Do you think you like it because you maybe drank too much?"
"I didn't drink too much. I never drink too much." The girl replied. The bar tender put Daniel's drink down in front of him and held out the card machine so Daniel could pay. He swiped his card along the screen and slid the bottle of coke over to her. "Drink this, it might make you feel better." He said. She shook her head and slid it back over. "Water makes you feel better. Not coke." She waited for the bar tender to come back and asked him for a glass of water which was gotten quite quickly. She started by taking sips. She'd been here way too often recently. "You're quite handsome." She said. Daniel was taken back by her sudden compliment. "Don't take it in a weird way. You don't even need take note of it. I'm probably drunk." Daniel laughed.
"You're very young, no?" He asked loudly over the music. The girl shook her head and drank the last of her whiskey. "Not at all! I'm 24!" She replied. Daniel chuckled. "Does your mother know you're out here trying to chat up drivers?" He asked. "Who says I'm trying?" Daniel let out a light hearted laugh. "There's that look in your eyes." He said. She looked confused. "What ever do you mean?" She batted her eyes. "Does your mother even know you're out?" He teases. "Im not not young."She paused. "But what mother doesn't know, won't hurt her." Daniel felt a smirk growing on his lips. "Care to dance?" She asked. Daniel looked around but couldn't see his friends anywhere. His gaze fell back onto her, before he agreed. "I can dance with you." He said. "We can do a lot more than dance." The girl tried to say it quiet enough, but Daniel had caught it. "What? You want to chat? Or we can flirt a little maybe."
Once the pair found a place to dance, Daniel pulled her in closer. "I know what you want but you seem a little young for that kinda thing." She groaned. "I'm not young. I'm old enough to know what I want and when I want it." Daniel looked at her through hooded eyes. She was driving him crazy. He couldn't bare remember the reason he was in the club in the first place, but he was more than happy to be there now. "Do you think we should go somewhere more private?" She asked. "Only if I get a name." She replied as quick as he asked. "Y/n."
"Daniel." He took her hand and led her out into the carp park at the back of the club, opening his McLaren sports car, and climbing in with her. From then on, everything was a bit of a blur.
"And that concludes our meeting." Zak announced, standing up to leave. Y/n stood up, holding her laptop into her chest and walking out quickly to avoid any further conversation with the Australian driver. Daniel caught onto this and chased after her, trying his bets to play it off as casual. His eagerness to speak to the intern earned some very confused looks from other engineers in the meeting room. "Y/n!" He called after her. "At least let me introduce myself properly this time!" Y/n spun around and looked at him blankly. "I knew you looked so familiar in the club. I knew I knew you from somewhere. I just feel so fucking dumb." Y/n said. "If it's any constellation, I feel stupid as well." Y/n arched an eyebrow. "Well I usually ask girls out first before I- well-" he paused. "You know what I'm on about." Y/n gave a light hearted chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Ugh, this feels so weird." Y/n admitted. "It does. How about wr resplve it over lunch? Maybe dinner?"
Y/n didn't expect that but nonetheless, she played along. "Is this some half asked way of asking me out?" Daniel smiled. "Only if it worked." Y/n felt herself giggling like a school girl, leaving Daniel unsure as to what her answer really was. "I can do lunch." And so, Daniel walked to the canteen with the intern. Where will this take them? Who knows. I'm sure it can only end well though, right?
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obby-longer · 2 months
Buh-Body swap AU anyone?
Based on @sincerely-sofie 's post
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[X] Start
Kip prepares for his final battle
Kip had entered into Dark Crater with every intention of either defeating Darkrai, or die trying.
The eerie silence that echoed through the dungeon, and the heavy atmosphere that got worse with every step had Kip terrified of the foe he was about to face.
But each floor of the dungeon made way for his terror to slowly be replaced with fear, which slowly took a turn to confusion.
The hallways and rooms were completely devoid of the monsters that Cresselia had described there being. Not once was there any monster house or summoning trap that actually brought any monsters to them.
"Darkrai really wanted to kill us, so why is he just letting us walk around in here freely?"
Kip, Cresselia and Twig entered into the final corridor.
Cresselia spoke.
"I can feel his presence just up ahead."
Kip turned back to look at Twig, who had insisted that he travel in front of her.
Kip wanted to ask if she was ready, but she looked pale and was sweating bullets. She was huffing as though she just ran a marathon, and her legs were shaking so bad she had to hold onto a stalagmite to support her weight.
Kip instead asked if she was okay.
Twig stammered, her voice sounded a bit deeper than yesterday.
"I'm... Fine."
Kip's brow creased and he stepped towards her, an action that she responded to by taking a shaky step back.
"Are you sure? You look sick."
Kip noticed the way she took in a sharp breath. He saw the way she tightened her grip on the rock, leaving scratch marks on it. He saw her tail flame flicker a deep purple for half a second.
It bothered Kip at how she'd been trying to say as little as possible throughout today.
He began again to ask another question before Cresselia interrupted.
"Darkrai is approaching!"
Twig flinched upon hearing that.
Kip spun around and ran to Cresselia's side.
If Twig was too sick to defend herself, then he will protect her.
Several seconds passed. Kip could feel a drop of sweat run down his face.
This was it. This may very well be the day Kip dies.
At least he got to spend it with Twig, despite how weird she was acting.
Darkrai rapidly passed by the corner into the short hallway that the two stood at the entrance of.
Both Kip and Cresselia flinched when Darkrai seemed to... Slip on ice? That wasn't what happened, but it was the only way to accurately describe the sight of Darkrai flailing his arms about, trying slow himself down before slamming face-first into the wall, and landing on his back.
Kip heard Twig give a low growl upon seeing him.
Darkrai rubbed his face and shook his head before sitting up straight. Muttering some curse word that Kip didn't understand, but felt very familiar.
Darkrai turned his head to look down the hallway and his eyes widened.
Darkrai shouted "OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HERE!" In a voice that sounded exactly like Twig's.
Kip didnt recall Cresselia saying anything about Darkrai being able to change his voice outside of dreams that he was in.
Darkrai floated his way back up and towards them while pointing past Kip and Cresselia.
Kip's mouth hung open. Was this another trick? It doesn't sound like it. Darkrai wasnt talking at all like he used to...
Kip looked at Twig, or maybe Darkrai, behind him. "That's not true, right?"
"Of course not." Twig quickly responded. "He's hoping to deceive y-, Confound- er-" Twig muttered something that Kip couldn't quite make out. "This is certainly a trap... ah, 'dude'."
Kip wanted to believe her, but the wierd way she's been acting had him almost convinced that Darkrai was actually Twig.
Kip steeled his expression. "Alright. well if what you said is true and you really are Twig instead of Darkrai, then tell me what-"
The real Twig, in Darkrai's body, shouted. Interrupting Kip.
Kip fully turned his back towards Twig to face Darkrai.
"Yep, That's Twig. I've got this one guys!"
Both Darkrai and Cresselia shouted something in disbelief at the same time as Kip charged towards Darkrai.
To say what happened next was a fight would have been an extremely generous description.
Darkrai weakly swung his free claw at Kip, which he easily sidestepped. Kip wrapped his front legs around Darkrai's waist and lifted him over his head, before swinging him down onto the ground behind him, and crashing Darkrai's face into the rock floor. Sending his limp body rolling across the ground before settling face down. All the while Twig cheered for Kip.
Kip couldnt help but puff out his chest in pride at successfully using that wrestling move he'd wanted to use for years after Twig described it to him.
Several moments passed as the atmosphere of the room slowly drained from an electric elation, to reluctant confusion.
Kip broke the silence. "Now what?" He asked.
Cresselia tapped a finger on her chin. "I... I dont know.... I've never heard of something like this happening before."
Darkrai gave a low growl.
"I suppose we don't have anything to worry about, now that Darkrai is in a body with none of his powers."
Darkrai moved his head to rest on it's side so he could glare at Twig and Cresselia. If looks could kill, then Cresselia and Twig would have died on the spot.
"Why don't you just kill me." His voice, shaking with wrath.
Twig hummed. "That's an option."
Kip wanted to agree. But hearing Darkrai say that, and comparing to how Darkrai often spoke in a way that made him sound invincible...
It sounded like he felt completely defeated.
Cresselia's eyebrows furrowed. "Well, that would be the best course of action." The rings on her started to glow a bit as Darkrai moved his head to have his face on the ground again.
Kip shouted. "Wait!"
Cresselia and Twig looked taken aback as Kip searched for something to say.
"Why... why don't we let him live?"
Twig looked at him with confusion while Cresselia looked offended.
"You want him to live? After everything he's done to you and the people you care for. After he tried and almost succeeded in bringing the world to its end? You believe he is capable of redemption or deserving of mercy?"
Kip noticed the way that Darkrai's fist clenched upon hearing those last words.
He didn't. He well and truly didn't. He wanted so badly for Darkrai to be killed and guarantee that he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone ever again.
But seeing him on the ground like this, looking... Pathetic...
Kip wished he didn't, but he felt bad for him.
"Well... Don't you want your body back Twig?"
Twig stared at Kip for several seconds before her eyes quickly shifted to Darkrai's tail flame and then back to Kip. She remained silent.
"What do you believe will happen if Twig receives her body again?"
Kip flinched. He knew exactly what she meant. If they switched bodies again, it would be a death sentence. For everyone.
"It would be in your best interest." Darkrai growled, muffled from the ground.
Kip felt a small lump in his throat.
Why did he feel bad for him!?
Kip replied with the only argument he could think of. "But we dont know if they will switch bodies again."
Cresselia narrowed her eyes. "It has happened once, there is no reason to believe it wont happen again."
Kip was grasping at straws to figure out anything he could say.
"How do we know that it will happen again?"
"We don't know if it won't!" Cresselia snapped.
Kip could feel sweat forming on his head. "He can't hurt anyone right now though!"
"That could change!"
Kip was running through everything he could think of to try and rebut her argument.
"Don't you think he at least should get the shot at a second chance?"
He didn't know where it came from. He didn't think he believed what he said.
At least, until he thought he heard Darkrai's breath quietly catch on itself.
"You're insistence on allowing a chance at redemption is admirable, but this is an exception! He is truly evil and deserves nothing more than death!" Cresselia looked upset before, but now she looked downright furious.
Kip swears he heard darkrai whisper something about how she's right.
He and Cresselia argued in circles for nearly an hour.
After about the 6th time that Kip emphasized that they dont know if they'll switch bodies again, Cresselia gave an exasperated sigh, while pinching the space between her eyes.
"Fine. I will allow Darkrai to live. On one condition."
Kip could feel dread building up within him.
"If you believe they are about to return to their original bodies," Cresselia looked up at him. He swore she would burst a blood vessel at any moment. "You are to kill Twig by your hands."
Twig practically lept back away from her in shock. Kip's blood ran cold.
Both he and Twig shouted the same thing. "What!?"
Cresselia glared at him. Not even reacting to Twig's shock. "If we kill Darkrai while he is in Twig's body, we have no way of knowing if his soul will return to his own or not."
Kip could feel his body shaking.
"That is the only way to guarantee that Darkrai will not be able to return."
Kip stared at the ground. Everything was spinning. When remembering the crippling loneliness he felt when Twig was erased from time...
And to be the reason that she dies...
Kip couldn't even imagine that. He felt like he might throw up, just thinking about how the best person he'd ever met would be the one he'd have to kill.
Cresselia waited for him to respond before huffing.
"If you are incapable of swearing to this action then I will end this." She slowly started to approach Darkrai while preparing an attack.
Kip couldn't do anything but watch as she approached him. He wanted to stop her, he wanted to say something, but every time he tried he felt like the only thing that would come out would be vomit.
Suddenly, Twig flinched and her eyes widened, looking more angry than when she had first approached them.
"WAIT A SECOND, YOU HYPOCRITE!!!" Twig's voice boomed and echoed through the cave as Cresselia spun around to face her. "How dare you speak of me-!"
Cresselia looked red with anger. "I am a legend! That-"
"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE!?" Kip doesn't think he'd seen her this angry since after her fight with Grovyle.
Cresselia looked like how Darkrai had glared at them earlier.
"You know then that what I say is true!"
Twig somehow looked angrier than Cresselia.
Cresselia swiftly plucked one of the feathers from her neck and shoved it onto Twig's chest.
"Then leave and know that if Darkrai returns, it will be your fault alone!"
Twig grabbed the feather while swatting away Cresselia's hand. "GLADLY!"
Twig made haste over to where Kip was and shoved the feather into the satchel he wore. Before rummaging around and pulling out an escape orb. Twig grabbed Darkrai's limp body and slung him over her shoulder. Twig reached her free hand towards Kip and he, reluctantly, put his hand in it. Twig didn't say anything as she activated the escape orb in her other hand. In a bright flash of yellow light, Her, Kip and Darkrai were outside the entrance to Dark Crater.
The journey back home took a few days and the entire time was spent in agonizing silence. Aside from Twig, still clearly irate, telling Kip that she didn't feel sleepy at any point during the few nights. And the talk Kip had to the ferryman about their destination and payment.
At no point did Darkrai ever bother trying to walk on his own, or make conversation.
Kip was very glad that they returned home at night. Having to explain that the guy who tortured and traumatized everyone in town was actually Twig now, was a conversation that Kip would rather die than navigate through.
Twig dropped Darkrai onto a bed with a complete lack of care. Darkrai grunting as he landed on it, before slowly curling up. Twig moved over to sit on the settee. Deeply sighing in frustration while she sat down.
Kip started emptying his satchel of the things they had. A bunch of baubles and orbs that they never needed to use, a couple of TM's, and the feather Cresselia had given them. Twig's eyes narrowed with disgust as she stared at the feather.
Kip looked at her. "Are you alright Twig?"
Twig stared at the feather before sighing and resting the side of her head on the arm she has propped up on the armrest.
"Peachy." She growled.
Okay. So she's not alright at all.
"I just." Twig continued. "I had no idea that Cresselia could be such a..." Twig expression shifted angrily for a few seconds before she spat out a word in English that Kip didn't recognize.
"So you acknowledge that she isn't who she presents herself as?" Darkrai muttered, not moving his body an inch.
Twig shot a glare at him before rolling her eyes and looking out over the ocean. "Oh yeah, like YOU would know anything about that."
Kip noticed the way Darkrai's entire body tensed up when she said that.
Kip sighed as he continued sorting through the stuff. Twig watched him.
"Why did she even give us a feather anyway?"
Darkrai rubbed his face. Still clearly trying to get used to falling asleep.
"It's a lunar feather." He grumbled. "If you wish to not give anyone nightmares, keep it nearby."
Twig raised an eyebrow. "Wait, so can you or can you not control it!?"
Darkrai growled a bit "Discard it and discover for yourself."
Twig threw her head back while swinging her hand around in the air. "Great! Cool! Awesome! Just another thing I have to worry about! Swell!"
Kip wanted to say something to help. But he couldn't think of anything that wouldn't just worsen Twig's mood.
Twig rose from the couch she sat on. Shooting her arms out to balance herself when she did so faster than she anticipated.
"I'm going on a walk. I'll stay off the main paths."
Kip watched her in painful silence as she ascended above the steps, and the heavy feeling in the air gradually disappeared.
Kip sighed as he finished putting away his things and layed down on his bed. Facing away from Darkrai.
Several minutes passed while Kip was trying to figure out why he felt like scum.
"Why did you defend me." Darkrai suddenly spoke, more like a demand than a question.
Kip thought for several seconds before just admitting that he didn't know.
Darkrai scoffed.
"Rest assured Mudkip, your efforts will be in vain. The moment I return to my body, I will kill you both and accomplish my designs."
Kip didn't respond.
After a long time, Kip could hear Darkrai's soft snoring behind him.
Tears silently ran down Kip's face as he fell asleep. Wondering how badly he just screwed everything up.
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
For the prompt: "you should've told me you were full!"
Thank Youuuuuuu i had something else going for this but scrapped it & started anew bc it wasnt workin out
[post-stuffing stuffing, brief tummyache & belly rubs]
Val had barely made it through the door before he found himself tightly wrapped in Connie's soft arms. He fell into the embrace with relief, overjoyed to see her again after being away for a few days.
"I missed you," he said, nuzzling his face against her neck as he hugged her tight.
"Y'know, I was looking forward to having the bed to myself for a few days, but it sure is dull without you in it," said Connie. Val laughed and planted a casual kiss on her neck, then leaned back to look up at her.
"Well, we can make up for lost time, hm?" He gave her a sly smile, and she kissed him. As they kissed, the oven beeped.
"Oh! That's dinner," said Connie. "You better be hungry, because I've been in the kitchen all damn afternoon."
"Hey, since when do you spend afternoons in the kitchen?" teased Val.
"I wanted you to come home to something nice," she said, giving him a gentle squeeze.
"Aw, Connie, you're such an angel." He leaned up and kissed her again. "You didn't have to do all that."
Val was, as a matter of fact, not hungry in the slightest. Connie couldn't tell by looking at him--he was thoroughly bundled up to protect himself from the shock of returning from the cozy warmth of Hell to the chilly fall air of New Jersey--but he was absolutely stuffed, courtesy of his family. Val passed easily as a human, and a fairly small human at that, but he was an outlier among his relatives. His family was made up of creatures considerably larger than himself, many of them around ten feet tall and sporting thrilling features such as wings and scales and horns and hooves and other such things.
Being much bigger than him, Val's family had a tendency to overestimate how much he could eat. This, combined with their belief that he was much too thin, often led to a very overstuffed tummy any time he came to visit. This trip had been no different, and Val's belly was still beyond full. Had he been dressed lighter, Connie would have easily noticed it bulging uncomfortably from his slender frame, but under his layers of warm clothing, it was difficult even to feel, let alone see. Still, he couldn't say no to Connie's kind gesture, especially when she'd worked so hard to make it, and, not letting his reluctance show, he followed her into the kitchen.
"I don't know if it'll hold up to your cooking, but I tried," she said, putting together a plate of salmon, potatoes, and asparagus for each of them.
"Well, it smells pretty damn good," he remarked. "Looks pretty damn good, too." And he meant it. Even without a shred of hunger to speak of, he couldn't deny that the plate was immensely enticing.
"It better be," she chuckled, and they sat down together at the table. Val felt the button of his pants creak as his already-stuffed belly pressed against it, but he ignored it, and together, they dug in.
The food was wonderful. Even on an achingly full stomach, Val didn't have to pretend to enjoy it, nor did he have to force himself to eat it. As a matter of fact, the first few bites went down fairly easily. Still, it wasn't long before it caught up with him and the overbearing tightness of his stomach became too much. He only managed to get through half the plate before he was too stuffed to fit another bite. He leaned back in his chair with a soft groan, resting a hand on his belly. Connie looked up, surprised to see him quitting so soon.
"Hey, you feeling alright? It's not that bad, is it?"
"It's fantastic," he assured her, and a small burp escaped him. He covered his mouth, embarrassed, and a sudden look of understanding came over Connie's face.
"You already ate! Oh, you knucklehead! You should've said something," she exclaimed. He smiled and shrugged sheepishly at her, and she rolled her eyes. His belly let out an uneasy groan.
Connie finished up her dinner--she was already almost done; Val had been eating very slowly--and got up to clear the table. Val stood to help her and was momentarily taken aback by how stuffed he felt. His stomach felt almost unbearably strained, pushing out so hard he wouldn't have been able to suck it in if he tried. He held a hand against his distended tummy for a moment, then joined Connie in cleaning up.
Val was so full he found himself having to arch his back a little to accommodate his overstuffed belly, and Connie couldn't help but chuckle at him. He smiled up at her, and she slipped an arm around his waist, resting her hand on his bulging upper belly. Even under the layers of clothing that had concealed it before, there was now no hiding just how taut and bloated it was.
"Oh, jeez, Val, you feel like you're about to bust," she said, wincing. "You should've told me you were full!" Reaching around him, she burrowed her hands under his oversized sweaters to find the waist of his pants and undid the button. It was no easy task; it was pulled tight against the hole, and she had to tug at it to get it undone. Val couldn't hold back a tiny whine at the momentary pressure on his sore tummy. Feeling sorry for him, Connie brought both hands to his tummy and rubbed gently. It was tight as a drum, with absolutely no give to it.
"Jeez, your poor belly," she said, massaging as gently as she could. His stomach gurgled uncomfortably, and she could feel the vibration against her hand through the taut skin.
"It was worth it," he said, tilting his head back to smile up at her, his dark eyes twinkling red and his just-too-sharp teeth glinting under the kitchen light.
"You are such a knucklehead," she giggled, kissing his cheek.
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stevie-petey · 10 days
Please never stop blabbing I love everything you have to say, I eat it up Everytime❤️❤️
Would you expand on how bug and Jonathan's relationship has changed? Is Jonathan aware of the tension between Nancy and bug? I know Steve is somewhat aware of it since he was with bug when Nancy and her " fought" on the phone ( even though their fight was pretty one sided) how does Jonathan feel about it if he is aware?
Does Joyce know everything that's happened? Does Jonathan ever confide with his mother about what's happened? Surely there would be rumors and gossip that's hard to escape in a small town. (Hopper would secretly be intevested in the " drama" he's one of those dad's that will stand by the TV and watch but " isn't interested" in it)
I wonder if or how Nancy and bug will become friends in the future considering everything that is about to happen. ( which I have a feeling I might know something but that's for another time) I really feel like they won't interact much more than what's required, too many feelings and things unsaid between them. Does Nancy want to be friends with bug? Or is her guilt too much and she'd rather keep her distance? How would you describe Nancy's feelings for bug in season three? I know that Nancy is just uncomfortable around bug and uncomfortable with the history between bug and Jonathan. Does bug ever get uncomfortable around Nancy in the same way? ( She will in season four 👀)
finally have some time to answer this ask and theres a LOT i wanna discuss, so lets dive right in <333
bug and jon havent changed too much, but now theres a boundary between them. hes with nancy, bug is basically with steve. the romantic tension has slipped away, they now more so hang out together without the touching (in season 1 bug would practically sit in jons lap whenever she could), they arent as necessarily lovey dovey, but theyre still the best of friends. this will never ever change, hes her person and shes his.
as of right now, jon isnt aware of the tension between nancy and bug. up until nancys fight with bug, the girls were actually very friendly !! they had a nice acquaintanceship, think a person youre friends with when youre at school but never hang out outside of class. thats them rn. so jon assumes theyre still pretty good, but it would crush him to find out that hes caused them to fight :(
joyce ,,, she knows. she knows whats happened between bug and jon. shes always known, even before jon admitted his crush on her, and shes always wished things had ended differently. bug is the daughter she never had, she’s done so much for the family, and joyce wishes her son wasnt such an idiot. theres a scene in my head from season 1 where after jon yells at bug that night, joyce berates him the next day and defends bug. i have a very heartfelt scene planned between joyce and bug in the final chapter that makes me </3
and finally nancy DOES want to be bugs friend, and vice versa. both girls admire the other so damn much, and we see this throughout the seasons. hell, nancy even got bug a gift basket at the end of season 2 to try and settle the tension that hangs over them, but it will always be there. however, this tension was never necessarily a bad thing until season 3. nancys feelings towards bug were all good, she likes her and wants to adopt the kindness she has, but when she finds out that bug already knows about nancys fight with jon, it strikes a chord in her. one: nancy is prideful, she resents that jon went to bug and aired their business. two: jon didnt seek out NANCY to talk about his feelings.
this last part is reaaaaally the important part. up until now, nancy has never had to really feel any resentment towards bug once she got with jon. bug being his best friend didnt interfere with nancys relationship with him until the fight happens, and its jarring. nancy thought she was ok with not really understanding jon how bug does, but to see it ? to feel that weight of the history between two people you will never understand ? its devastating. it leaves you feeling raw and second best. it hurts, but it isnt anyones fault whatsoever. jonathan went to his best friend for relationship advice, same as nancy was doing with bug, but the history behind jon and bug tarnishes the sincerity :(
season 4 i have plans for nance and bug (due to steve and jon) that im soooo ready to reveal <333 it will all come together, but ultimately these girls are friends and care about one another, theres just such a complex history behind them both that makes everything difficult
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carefulfears · 11 months
I'm not sure if this has been done before, but can you talk about what you think Diana did to Mulder in THAT scene from Biogenesis and how it would have affected him down the line 👀
honestly…i don’t know that i see much point in speculating. i think what i really wish was focused on more is her intent and her mannerisms.
@somethinginthestatic has a great response on that scene where they say:
mulder didn’t call her to get him from the hospital...he didn’t invite her to bed. he didn’t tell her to make herself at home. she did that herself because she had no respect for his boundaries, and she wanted to take advantage of the situation to the best of her ability.
this has always been diana's MO: she knows what's best. she controls the information. she's "anticipating."
(you can find my diana masterpost here but i go into this a little bit in terms of her character's introduction in the end)
what makes biogenesis the end all be all of her character to me is the progression: it's the one/two/three/four step of
1/ mulder collapsing in the stairwell, and krycek finding him there
2/ scully calling the apartment and diana answering while he's in bed, saying that mulder had called her to come get him...something that we know is a lie because we watched the syndicate (via krycek) take over the situation. and we further know it's a lie because scully fucking CALLS it a lie to diana's face, later, in the hospital.
SCULLY: Why were you with him last night?
DIANA: He called me. I found him in a university stairwell. He could barely speak. He said I was the only one who'd believe him-- about an artifact.
(SCULLY stares at DIANA.)
SCULLY: You're a liar.
this establishes a dynamic of control and power (something that diana has always held in her relationship with mulder, past and present) from the beginning of the situation, because it establishes an unreliable source. mulder's incapacitation and inability to clarify the situation leaves room for the syndicate (now via diana) to hold complete control over the flow of information.
ultimately, it's diana's hubris ("he said i was the only one who'd believe him") that exposes her. mulder would never call diana first for help, but scully might not be sure of that at this point in their relationship. she's insecure around diana, and has felt that he's chosen diana over her in the past. but she's able to confidently stare her down and call her a "liar" when diana says that mulder came to her for belief, said she'd be "the only one," because scully knows that's not true, and that he would never say that.
3/ now, in mulder's apartment that night, diana calls CSM and tells him that mulder had called her in "distress" and that she'll be staying with him until she "finds out."
this is when she strips her shirt off and goes back into the bedroom.
like i said...i don't know that it matters to speculate. i will say, we've seen her respond to vulnerability with sexuality before (she kisses him in one son when he was literally in her apartment like "lol i think everything i care about is futile and i should actually just give up")
but what does matter is the tone, and the nature of her allegiances.
to bring it back to the post i linked up top:
she was doing it to manipulate the situation to her advantage, and to delude everyone involved into thinking that she was somehow his significant other and caretaker, when really, she didn’t care at all...she wasnt feeling welcome she was staking her claim and it was disgusting and not at all consensual
i don't actually need to know what happened in that bedroom to know that the woman is fucking nasty, because we watched her throughout the entire arc. she's calculated and she's opportunistic and she's manipulative. there's literally no outcome that changes the fact that her first instinct when mulder is 100% physically and mentally debilitated, is to call the man who tortures him and tell him. is to strip her clothing off next to him.
(now, there are script pages you can find of a deleted scene here, where mulder realizes what she's doing, refuses to go to the hospital with her, and she tazes him. i see a lot of people say that they wish the scene had been left in so that people would "really know" how bad diana is, but personally, i think it works better between-the-lines. there is definitely enough subtext to infer that this is the dynamic, even without seeing it explicitly)
4/ the next time we see mulder after diana's phone call and disrobement in his apartment, is screaming in a padded room in a psychiatric hospital. does this feel alright to anybody!!!! is everybody else not unbelievably disturbed!!!!
specifically, he's screaming for scully.
("he called me he said i was the only one who'd believe him" my ass)
diana uses this to inquire with scully about the case that they were working on, and the artifact. she offers her "help" on this case (one that we know the syndicate has information about, through krycek's manipulation of skinner) and cites her background of "previous work on the x-files" (once again, she stakes a claim. just like in the end, the x-files are something she has involvement in. something she helped start. she was the original partner. except now, it's to gain access.)
scully tells diana to fuck off but they actually should've let her kill her
in the final scene of biogenesis, scully finds a bug in the x-files office. she then calls the doctor who was involved with the artifact, only to hear a gunshot, as the camera pulls to reveal krycek standing over the doctor's body.
the season ends on a resurgence of syndicate control: diana has mulder trapped and impaired. CSM is always watching, the basement office is once again under surveillance. just like how it began, with mulder being found in the stairwell, it ends on krycek finding the fragments that the doctor had held.
to answer your question about the impact of that scene, it's so much larger than whatever happened after the cut. it's the history of the years that mulder spent with diana when he was younger. it's the structure of power. it's the exploitation of vulnerability: both in diana's violation of mulder, and in krycek's manipulation of skinner. it's the information at the center, and what they'll all do to get it.
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scover-va · 8 months
I need to know more about Michael's mom... Is she a cool mom?
SHE IS A VERY COOL MOM janet afton you will always be famous. to me
Im taking this as a chance to finally ramble abt her anyways so Janet's core inspo when designing her was to avoid 2 key things. Don't make her like Immortal & Th Restless's Clara (due to clara representing michael, not mrs afton, so i wanted to avoid that), and don't base her too heavily off of Ballora. I still have ties to Ballora's character (a music-based theme, blue-centric colour palette, im sure there were more basic ideas but everything else is more hc than themes to keep up) due to my hc thingy of each Funtime having ties to William's wife + kids, but yknow.
But yeah. Funky lady who played bass guitar + did backup vocals in a band during her high school and college years. Literally her and William dating can be summed up by "Seriously, what do you see in that guy?!" "He makes me laugh." bc she was and is WAY out of his goddamn league. Not just bc of the whole serial killer thing he was just an even bigger loser in college. Normal people dont develop a crush on a woman after she nearly breaks your nose and makes you bleed, William /j
But yeah uhh. I also dont like the idea of her being absent or neglectful purely because I got way too attached to her (i was originally gonna do that just to make things easy for myself but. Pretty lady,,, I am a very simple lesbian what can i say) so like. She obviously wasnt the greatest, most fantastic mom to ever exist given she was kinda maybe sorta well aware William was making some weird fucking clowns, but like. Hey. She tried. Also side note my reasoning for her being absent during the whole. Yknow. '83 event (and just evan's bday in general) is bc Evan + Elizabeth are twins and Elizabeth demanded a girls-only trip for her bday, and Janet promised Evan she'd do something just as special for him when she got back. That never happened bc he died lmao loser /j
But yeah uhh. Shes got a lot of regrets. Wishes she coulda done a lot of things better. Kinda dies with those regrets. Ive seen people say that one of fnaf's charms is that no character is 100% good and i LOVE that, and wanted to keep it up with Janet. Good mom and overall a good person, however made some bad decisions along the way and whatnot.
Im still working out specifics (ive been slowly working on a lil private fic abt her and william meeting + their early relationship) but uhhh. Minor notes that dont get their own paragraphs is that William sampled her voice for Ballora so yay easy voice claim, she had an on and off relationship with her band's lead singer (her name's Bev), her birth name is actually Janice Schmidt but if you call her Janice she'll knock at least 2 of ur teeth out, she's a runaway teen and got adopted by this older couple bc her home life kinda sucked (idk specifics yet), and also girlie has an extensive criminal record of minor angsty teen type charges. Also teen Mike dying his hair and then 2020's Michael's hairstyle are both kinda references to Janet's hair because he wnated to look less like his father. Thats all ty. No read more bc you WILL look at my mrs afton post, boy /j
Actually no theres more that im remembering as i write the tags and edit a few details. Back to her and William because god im insane about them. So for starters it. Well i was gonna say Janet was def the first to flirt but i think William definitely developed a crush first and they only kept talking bc of said crush so its kinda up for debate. Anyways yeah at first it was a HUGE sorta like "Well he's funny especially when I fluster him so this can be just a fun lil thing" but because they chatted more they def kinda like. Clicked more. William was a huge fan of listening to her music (from. a distance. he looked kinda like a creep but at least janet only misinterpreted it once) but like *specifically* janet he didnt give a fucking shit abt the rest of the band. Uhh. They had their first run-in and janet kinda. Well. Punched him in the nose before he cleared up that he is NOT a pervert or anything weird like that (bc a guy that looks older than he is staring from a distance when there is a clear crowd he could join kinda gave janet the Wrong idea), then they later bumped into each other in the hall and chatted for a bit, then they kinda just kept "accidentally" running into one another. Uhhh. Some cigaerette-themed flirting and a house party later, yay dating :] can you tell where the current cut-off of the fic is /j Also idk how to put this down properly but they are both runaways and can kinda. Get that vibe from one another. Literally Michael is like some fucked up abomination of the both of them between the troubled past + weird situationship thing + runaway stuff + a lot of minor details that arent important rn. I just. Yeah Janet means the world to me go thru her tag on my blog for some art. Not all of my janet art is posted but the non-posted stuff is all concept work/doodles or just. Shit im too embarrassed to post lmao. Anyways NOW im done ty for reading
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h0pelessromanticz · 11 months
((Because i dont see enough of vunrable alhaitham where he breaks so im doing it myself, also note i headcanon alhaithams parents to both struggle with ASPD so they literally only raised alhaitham to act like a machine and that human emostions were treated forgin since alhaitham ended up being autistic, aka his parents werent exactly nice))
Alhaitham had arrived home late, the meeting as the grand sage he had went to had went on for way longer then he wanted. it didnt help that eariler in that week his headphones had been damaged during a fight with some mercenaries in the dessert. Alhaithams whole body felt heavy his headphones were almost a coping mechanism at this point for the poor scribe. It had 2 functions he could alter between the two, one where he'd blast music or audio booklets or the other which would drown out all sound to stop him from having what his parents called chemical imbalance tantrums. Alhaitham could feel that damn nagging in his heart that he hated so much. After all he was raised that these emostions were futile and only hindered progress, he hadn't been rasised to know that emostions were natural and that no matter how much you fight it evenetually the dam wall holding the water could only fill so much before it bursted and this week was definitely testing it. not that alhaitham was aware of that. The scibe was like a knowledge machine but completely oblivious to his own mental needs or emostinal well being.
Any time a smidge of emostion fronted its face he'd shove it right back down into the deepest depths of his subconscious. The only emostion that seemed to ever butt its head that alhaitham wouldn't shove done was the rare temper of his anger. He had learnt his lesson about bottling that up. It would front its fangs threatening to devour him like it did that one night him and his roomate kaveh fought. He had bottled it up and after that night alhaitham had never bottled up anger again. That night scared him. The way his headphones flashed red his eyes blurring into a red cloud. The way his body moved without his control. He never wanted to feel that way ever again. However he would never let anyone know and would lie to himself about it. Groaning the scribe made his way to the kitchen to make some coffee, he still had paper work to do.
In a way alhaithams grandmother was the only one to truly understand him. She saw a small child too scared to show emotions because it was met with gaslighting, dissmisal, and being wrapped up to dumb brain functions and chemicals that he needed to control. Which wasnt humanily possible, she saw a child that had been broken into believing that human nature was a waste of time. alhaithams grandmother realised that his parents before they had passed were attempting to raise a shell of knowledge, something more like a machine, then a human who had a personality and heart, so she tried to make sure that anytime he accidentally let a true human emostion slip or let out what was seen as a childish behavior that she'd express how it was okay. However the damage had already been done and his brain cemetery had already been altered it made her upset to say in the least. Especially knowing how alhaitham had been diagnosed with autism, normal human beings struggled with emostions, nevermind a child and a child with autsim. a part of her feared what alhaithams parents had verbally or mentally done to this child. Knowing how much her son lacked basic empathy and humanity.
Pouring the coffee alhaithams ears rang uncomfortably as a door slammed shut and stomping sounds could be heard. Alhaithams heart sunk but his brain rolled its eyes. The 2 sides of him had been battling it out all week. Pushing and pulling in a endless dance. Alhaitham was usually logical,usually didnt dread when his roommates temper bursted through, however he took into consideration that he also always had his headset and for some reason now that he didnt he was finding it rather difficult to be logical at points, wanting to scream out a strange bubbling feeling in his chest, new sensations were felt this week that he hadn't felt since he was a child or ever. His brain had also started behaving strangly thoughts that werent rational nor practical popped in.
He chalked it up to some chemical imbalance and would get his blood tested to see his levels and take care of it. He wasn't even thinking or processing that maybe it was his subconscious starting to snap and break away, and that his usual machine like self was actually a mask he had worn, worn for so long he had forggoten to be human or at least act himan infront of others. But that was just it ,he was still human and his body was about feed up with the years of neglect and holding every emostion under his skin. So when kaveh started to go off about something as small as him forgetting his clothes on the drying string. Alhaitham sighed tsking. Which only earned a scuff and an explosion from his roommate.
It was strange kaveh was the complete opposite. he was a ball of emostions the furthest thing from a machine or alhaitham. But that was also a dangerous game. Kaveh couldn't believe it alhaitham was ignoring him again with that dumb sigh. Oh he could just ring him a new one, he had been acting different and it threw kaveh off his game. </p>
Alhaitham attempted to leave and head towards his room before this became an argument over nothing but was stopped by an even madder blond head of hair stomping in front of him blocking his path his arms on his waist, rambling off. Alhaitham was to exhausted and his ears had began ringing loudly as he was subconsciously becoming overestimated. Unfamiliar feelings came into play. alhaitham winced a bit his ears were psychically hurting and throbbing now whenever kaveh raised his voice louder. Right he had never not had his headphones available when they had their bickers. He could usually use his headset device to lower kavehs yelling so it was at a normal level. Alhaitham was just about done as he again attempted to leave only to be slightly shoved back into place.
Usually alhaitham would let his temper get the best of him and yell something and shove past his roommate to get kaveh to back. This time it was different the way kavehs touch stung and made his heart cry out scared alhaitham. His eyes widened surprised as he started to drown out kavehs yelling. It was almost like he was teleported to his subconscious who had a younger him shaking looking at him with tear filled eyes " we cant take this anymore its killing us, were not a machine please we cant hold everything in when are you gonna let yourself grieve" alhaitham scuffed at his subconscious younger self as if to downplay and gaslight himself once again in an attempt to remain in control. "Im scared...do we even know how to be human anymore" alhaitham felt his throat tighten a lump forming. He swallows hard "what of course we do!, dont be ridiculous" his younger self morphed into a child alhaitham sobbing as he just chuckled saddly threw the sobs "then why does everyone call us a machine or a robot, why cant i identify what im feeling" alhaithams eyes widened in pure shock his puplis shook as reality set in, he...he didnt know, as if on cue kaveh screams out taking alhaitham out of his transe like state
"GOD YOU REALLY ARE THE WORST YOU KNOW THAT, YOUR IGNORING ME! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING YOU DAMN ROBOT!" kaveh clenched his teeth expecting a snark remark, a scream, something just not what happends next. Alhaitham just stood there and starts shaking. Alhaithams eyes are avoiding him? no eye contact thats not right. A small broken wobble escapes the scribes lips "stop.." kaveh wanted to lash out even more at this. what did he mean! That was until he saw the taller mans bottom lip ever so slightly quiver. This sent a shiver up the blondes spine. What was going on with haitham he had been stranger then normal all week. He gasped as he realised what he had just said looking back at the grey haired man who seemed to be clenching his jaw shut, he could see tears welling up, no that can't be right.
Alhaitham swallows hard. There it was the sentace he hated most, everyone called him a machine, a robot ,emostionless, nonhuman, self centered, psyopathic, odd. The list went on and on, the more alhaitham desperately tried to shove the emostions back down frantically the more they engulfed him pushing back like he was underwater trying to force a floating object to the bottom when all it would do was rise to the surface. Panic was starting to set in Internally. He could feel it that sting in his eyes no..no no no no this was stupid why was this so stupid really seriously now your gonna let what others have said affect you? get your shit together this is pathetic. Alhaithamwanted it to stop but it wouldn't.
"emostions are pathetic", "what are you crying about i could list some real reasons to cry or give you one" "stop this embarrassing display", "this is hindering your study sesson are you just about done now?" His parents words vibrated as they danced within his head. He was drowning, drowning silently for years and years and he hadn't relised it until he had hit rock bottom. Alhaitham walked past a shocked kaveh who seemed to be proccessing his own thoughts either way alhaitham wasnt in the state to handle it. Alhaitham made sure his pace was hurried as a feeling of dread filled him he wanted to run in that moment ,run from his emostional self because it scared him he didnt understand anything that he was feeling, other then it hurt, it hurt so bad, it wasn't enjoyable and it wouldn't stop no matter how much logic he threw at it.
Alhaitham slams his bedroom door. as he begins hyperventilating, clenching the fabic of his shirt over his heart. As he closed his eyes tightly clenching his jaw to try and stop it, anything, just make it stop. No he needed his headphones but they were getting repaired. alhaitham hit the back of his head against the door a few times in defeat he wasnt getting out of this. Oh god his parents would be so disappointed, calling him pathetic and overreactive. Alhaithams legs wobbled as he slid down the door, dropping down like a ragdoll. His lips quivered as his breathing hitched. The walls of the damn had smashed open and his vunrable nature had kicked him in the guts angery that he had neglected it that he had treated himself so poorly. His inner child screamed with raw emostions. And the only thing he could do was finally whimper out a pained noise and sobb. The rare time he did ever cry he had his grandmother, he had held it off way longer then ever before bottling things up until his body physically couldn't. But now he didnt have her by his side and god did he wish he did. His whole body racked with shakes as if holding 10 years of bottled emostions wouldn't effect him? As if constantly shoving his trauma down and childhood neglect wouldn't cause him anguish.
He desperately tried to make his way to his bed, as the world around him started to distort and feel dizzy. he honestly felt pathetic. he had managed to make it to the foot rest of his bed on the floor and pull down the blanket to cover himself with it. The floor felt so cold on the scribes bare feet that he shivered slightly. Was it actually cold or was it the panic attack he was going threw causing this. Sighing threw soft sobs he wrapped his arms around his knees hugging himself like a small child who had just had a nightmare.
"this isn't fair" he muttered to himself.
Kaveh blinked as he realised alhaitham was gone a strange feeling drawed itself up from his gut why did he want to puke why was he so anxious out of no were. Why did alhaitham look like that, his eyes why did they shine with so much pain he'd never seen on the scribes face. It scared kaveh something was wrong! very wrong he didnt fight back? he slammed the door? But him slamming a door but not appearing angry had kavehs head spinning in loops. He was shaking, alhaitham was shaking? And he swore he saw tears in the stoics eyes. Anxiously Kaveh found himself making some dinner for the scribe he felt guilty and bad for lashing out on him the moment he had came home not even asking how his roommate was fairing. Kaveh sighed as his brain let a thought escape "especially with how the man reacted this time around." He muttered to himself. Kaveh was scared he hurt the man if that was even possible.
No! kaveh shook his head alhaitham is still human and he knew that. alhaitham did have emostions. The softness of his gaze when kaveh would lay on his chest, while alhaitham read, or whenever kaveh had a hangover his gentle backrubs, the way he would get his favorite whine whenever kaveh had,had a rough week. The way..alhaitham let him live with him for practically nothing. The way alhaitham had been so busy he wasnt joining the architect to dinner or even sleeping he saw how exhausted the other look not only was he the new sage until they could find a replacement he was also still the scribe and with the accosha system being destroyed alhaithams job had become more difficult. The only thing kaveh had been doing was racking into the man all week with his own emotional bagade and lashing out on him this whole time.
Kaveh bit his lip fighting back the urge to cry himself from the guilt. Though he had come to figure out over the years that alhaitham would often get flustered, almost embarrassed any time he showed a slightly more emostional side to himself or natural behavior as if it wasnt normal. Humming in deep thought kaveh placed the food on a plate and put it on the counter. he'd just let...no he had to check up on the scribe it had been 20 minutes and it was to quite. Plus he still didnt feel right just leaving this time, usually alhaitham would get mad they'd both storm off and then both come talk to each other in the living room. Kaveh took a few steps out of the kitchen and when he walked down the hall his ears picked up on a gut wrenching sound. Sobbs, gasping breaths that were hitching. Kaveh swore his heart shattered and fell into the deepest part of his stomach he had only ever heard of alhaitham crying, a rumor, he didnt truely belive the man could cry. he wasnt there to witness it but it was after his grandmother died, which made sense but also was hard to digest for the architect.
but now standing outside his door and hearing it with his own 2 ears, made the blond nauseous with concern. He debated and fought with himself to knock, finally getting up the corage to. On one hand he wanted to run away to his room on the other hand kaveh wanted to burst the door down and hold alhaitham close. Groaning to himself in his brain he finally just does it.
3 gentle knocks were heard. "haitham?" A little pause "...hey are you okay?" It was so gentle and soft that alhaitham couldn't help but sobb harder as if being asked if he was okay broke him more. subconsciously he'd had wanted someone to care enough to ask. Kaveh heard the younger one break more. "Im...im coming in okay?" Kaveh couldn't take it he had to see the man and make sure he was okay. Alhaitham shot up as if his logical side was really trying to punt its way forth right now. Scrambling slightly to stand but his legs gave out "No! Wait!". There was a pause "haitham..you havent ate today im bringing you food" the scribe cursed to himself digging his nails into the wooden floor as his body wouldnt stop shaking. alhaitham could hear the footsteps leave his door only to retrun shortly after. the door knob rattled as the large wood chunk slowly opened. Alhaithams heart already racing from the current state he was in started to beat faster but it hurt it stung with fear.
Oh god he was going to see how pathetic he was, how childish and immature he was behaving. He was going to see him vunrable and not professional. His inner child screamed at him to shut up that this wasnt his fault and that he needed someone, asking why he was being so cruel to himself. Growling Alhaitham clenched his teeth baring them like a threatend dog as he grabbed his head pulling on his hair. This was bad he was getting that werid uncontrollable urge to become self destructive, everything was starting to spin, any sound that was made started to blast in his ears and cause constant ringing and become all just to much for him to process. His whole bodys nevres were shit and burning. Alhaitham was losing himself.
it happened alot as a kid when he had thouse meltdowns his grandmother told him it was autistic meltdowns and that he'd have them because he denied that part of himself or it often happened when the neighborhood kids bullied him or took his headset away. And here he was at its mercy as he continued to pant subconsciously trying to grasp for headphone that werent there. frantically clawing at his ears to try and bring himself back down. His body was against him now and all he could do was whimper over and over as kaveh entered the room only for the scribe to hear a soft surpised gasp as he heard the older one put the plate down on his dresser. Almost scrambling to his side.
Kaveh couldn't believe his eyes the scene in front of him tugged at heartstrings he didnt even think existed. The scribe was in complete disarray shaking and sobbing hestarically, trying to claw at himself. Kaveh found himself at the scribes side in no time. He wanted to protect alhaitham but he had no idea what was wrong. This was all foreign for him. Alhaitham wasnt the crying type or emostinal type at all. He grabbed the scribes wrist which only earned him a paniced yelp and kavehs eyes widened at just how much the other was trembling.
Kaveh cupped the scribes cheek with his other hand his thumb petting just under his eye. As he coooed out reasuring words "hey..hey its okay look at me.. your okay...sh shshshsh" alhaitham just made a heartbroken sound his head lowering as he almost curled into himself "hey hey hey, whats going on?" Kaveh made sure his voice was as gentle and soft as he could manage. The other didnt reply his eyes looked so scared, and his body wouldn't stop shaking. kaveh pulled the other closer to him his hands gripping alhaithams arms pushing them to alhaithams side as he looked at him worried fear painted on his face.
In that moment as soon as kaveh touched alhaitham the scribe broke and bursted out painful sobbs "im sorry...im sorry" kaveh obviously was shocked and panicked a little "hey hey hey nonono haitham you dont need to apologize okay" he was confused why was haitham apologizing he was the one who was trying to egg him on in an argument and called him a machine.
Alhaitham looked up at kaveh a emostion that shouldnt never be on anyones face painted the scribes nevermind the new sages face.
" i..im sorry i dont mean to act like...to be a emostinonless, heartless bastard..i didnt ask to be this way...i im sorry for being like a robot ....im sorry.. i dont know!" He yelled out shaking his head his voice cracked and his bangs falling in front of his face as the architect held his wrists " i dont know what im feeling! ,i dont know whats going on! and its hurting i..it hurts so much dammit and it wont stop!..im scared" alhaitham had almost whispered out that last part as kavehs lips quivered at the sight infront of him " i dont know whats happening, i cant breath, i cant think straight, and the only thing my body wants to do is cry and shake" the scribe stuttered out in broken sobbs his wobbled voice uneven. Kaveh pulled alhaitham into a hug tightly placing his chin on the grey set of hair as if protecting alhaitham from the world. "Shshshsh your not a machine, im so sorry i said that i thought... you were ignoring me..or that you were just grumpy and im so sorry, your not heartless you have a big heart, i dont care if anyone thinks differently i know you. Im sorry if i had looked harder i could have noticed that you weren't okay this week and im sorry i never noticed. Im sorry i lashed out on you". Alhaitham shook and gripped onto his senoirs clothes hiding his face in shame into the others shoulder.
Kaveh frowned. "Your having a breakdown, have you had one this bad before?" alhaitham shook his head. " kaveh then thought to ask "did you even know you were having one?" Alhaitham shook his head "...the fact you dont know that....do you not allow yourself to feel things?" Alhaitham shook his head again and it made kaveh tear up as he ran his hand threw the youngers grey hair. What the hell what normal human being would...then again alhaitham wasnt normal.
"haitham...why? I know your not typically the emostional type but...didnt you ever cry as a child?".
Alhaitham tsked and cleared his throat. "i dont know how to express myself...i was never allowed to...it wasn't correct...if i did it was not becoming if i cry it was called pathetic". Kaveh bit his bottom lip all this time he never knew alhaithams story. "My grandmother was the only one who let me feel things, but even then i was already older...i only knew one thing basic surival and studying..i only know how to hold knowledge yet i lack basic human skills" kavehs heartbroke again hearing alhaitham saddly chuckle and just sobb. he pulled the scribe even closer almost cradling him as he just rocked alhaitham in his arms kissing his head gently over and over again.
"Im so sorry, your allowed to express yourself with me i wont judge ever again i promise, im here." Kaveh cupped the scribes face his nose nuzzeling into the grey hair.
"Im here for you my little grey dove". Alhaitham stopped crying for a split second a small gasp escaping him as if that nickname broke away the chains that binded him oh so tightly. Alhaitham started wailing into his roommates chest. Shutting his eyes tightly.
Kaveh had also began crying, he had no idea just how much this man was hiding. So he wasn't like this on purpose this whole time he had his roomate plauged out so wrong. Kaveh held alhaitham tightly that night and let the man sobb years of bottled up shit out of his system. Petting and playing with alhaithams hair in a means to comfort him. eventually the scribe had exhausted himself sobbing himself to sleep and kaveh sighed, he'd put the food away and he could have it once he woke up. When kaveh came back he picked up alhaitham bridal style and placed alhaitham in the bed. he noted that he was lighter then normal. So he really hadn't been doing good this week, he's lost weight. Tsking he goes to leave only for a weak voice to beg him to stay and stay he did holding the vunrable alhaitham in his arms as they both drifted to sleep. That night kaveh promised himself he'd never call alhaitham a robot or a machine ever again.
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themaiden05 · 1 year
Fate ( part 2)
pairing : kartik aaran x fem reader
part1 ; https://www.tumblr.com/themaiden05/714953202326437888/fate-part-1?source=share
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kartik couldn't stop thinking about her. Y/n , Y/n , Y/n it was all he could think about. how could he love someone he doesnt even know so madly? he didnt have an answer for that . she was making him feel all kinds of emotions and not just love, she was making him anxious at time , what if she believes all the kriti x kartik shipping going around the internet? what if she ships them too? what if she has a boyfriend? what if she has a fiancee? no no that cant be ,she's can only be y/n aaryan tiwari ! he wouldnt let any duffer's surname even get close to her. what if she's already married ? what if she is out of his reach already? His thoughts were getting ahold of him. He even called his sister Y/n once , good thing she didnt pay attention . he searched her up on instagram , facebook , twitter but there were a million women with the name Y/n, Not knowing her surname made it worse. a lot of public profiles , and profiles with a Dp was out of the way , kartik knew what his y/n looked like, he didnt even need to look at the screenshot he took, her face was imprinted onto his heart . but then there were a lot of profiles with no profile pictures or random profile pictures . he wasnt even sure if her name was her account name so social media was a fail
"any lead?" kriti asked . she was as dedicated in finding kartik's dream girl as he was
"nope, nothing yet"
" what if we just ask the principal of the college for some info?"
"and what are we gonna say? hello sir! I am in love with one of your students , so can I get her instagram id and biodata. he would kick us both out"
"yeah! youre right. did you get anything else from the college website?"
"NO , what we found before was the only thing about her in the entire website"
" you know what Im hungary, lets go eat something . Ive heard there's a new chinese restaurant in town" kriti said standing up from her chair
"no yaar , Im not hungry!"
" I heard its near lourde college"
kartik jumped up from his seat
"what are we waiting for? lets go , Im so hungry!"
kriti laughed at his newfound excitement
"ya lets go"
kartik and kriti had done their best to disguise themselves. they dont want the pap to spread yet another rumour of them being heads over heel in love with each other. the huge glasses , beanie ,mask and hoodie were certainly doing there job . no one has recognised them yet. they find a table and sit facing each other.
"oh my god kartik"
"what is it kriti?" kartik asks .
kriti didnt even have to finish . kartik could sense the familiar scent . he could hear someone sitting on the chair behind them. he turned around. she was right there. His y/n . In a satin green dress, her hair opened and flying slightly in the wind. Her eyes are searching for someone. kartik's heart drops once he sees the guy walking towards her , smiling . he sees her smiling back . The smle he always imagined shed give him when he says how beautiful she is to him , The smile she'd give him when he gets her flowers and give her a pecks on her cheek before leaving for shooting. But he isnt the one getting that smile from her right now and it breaks his heart . He isnt some kabir singh to go out there to force her away from him. she looks happy and thats what he'd want the most , for her to be happy
"sorry , I'm late "
"its ok adi"
kartik hears them talk. kriti is ranting about something but kartik can focus only on what you are saying.
"ehh, youre wearing this green dress again?
"its my favourite dress adi "
"it looks shitty"
what kind of a man is he ? who talks to their girlfriend like that? if he doesnt like the dress why doesnt he just tell it to her nicely? why is she letting him talk to her like that? a million question runs over his head
'' Im gonna use the restroom real quick"
"ya ok but dont take ages. I have to go soon after this , i cant be stuck with you for too long"
stuck with her? where did she even find this douchebag from ? who can't even spend some time with her? Is she hurt from what he said ? has she gone to the restroom to cry?
"im gonna go check on her kriti"
"what!? kartik but-" kriti doesnt even finish before kartik jumps over the chair and walks over to the restroom.
as kartik walks in he sees y/n standing in front of the mirror. she doesnt look like she cried but what if she's really good at hiding emotions
"y/n" kartik calls out.
"who are you?" she looks terrified . thats when kartik remembered his glasses mask and beanie , he looks like a goddamn serial killer. he takes off his glasses and mask
"kartik aaryan?"
"you dont have to call my entire name like that! just call me kartik or koki"kartik ranted out . he could hear his heart beat out of his chest. he could see her blushing
"what are you doing here?"
"oh my friend wanted to try out this restaurant!"
"The restaurant or its women's restroom?"
"oh shit ! this is the women's restroom? great here we go again . I swear im not a pervert , fate just brings me into women's restrooms sometimes"
"fate?" y/n starts laughing . she looks so pretty to him doing so
"this is yours i assume?" kartik takes out her badge from his pocket. good thing he takes it everywhere with him to remind him of her
"oh yeah ! i had lost it the day i met you at another women's restroom"
they both chuckle and walks out kartik puts his glasses and mask back on . he wants to say and ask a lot more but the fact that she has a boyfriend waiting for her stops him. he still muster up the courage to ask her full name but before he could finish they are interrupted by someone. its adi he is still looking down at his phone as he speaks
"i have to go now "
"but we didnt even order yet"
''oh come on man, we'll do this some other time and besides i promised riya from office a movie together"
kartik is on the verge of losing his shit . how can he talk to his girlfriend like that and choose another women over her? why isnt she saying anything?
adi takes his eyes of his phone and looks at the man in front of him
"who's this duffer?"
kartik loses his shit completely and punches him on his nose. adi stumbles back in pain
"thats what you get for treating youre girlfriend like that "
"bhaiyya!!!" y/n runs from kartik's behind to adi
"bhaiyya?oh fuck" kriti always told kartik he's dumb and now it was as if he has realised it
"what the fuck man? who's girlfriend? what girlfriend?" adi asks while covering his nose with his hand
kartik runs over to him
"im so sorry bhaiyya! there was a huuuge misunderstanding"
"whaaaat!? who the hell are you man and why the hell are you calling me bhaiyya"
"you are her bhaiyya , youre my bhaiyya why does it matter bhaiyya?"
y/n chuckles at kartik's remark and their eyes meet . kartik is so relieved that this man he just punched is no one other than his future brother in law but it really was kind of a bad first impression but he'll make up for it
"y/n ask this guy to leave" adi grunts in pain
"koki ! leave"
"koki? so no more kartik aaryan"
y/n blushed and looked down
"ill get going now bhaiyya do put some ice on it itll be alright"
"get outta here dickhead before i punch you back"
"ok ok" before he left he leaned closer to y/n
"you know where to find me" and he walked away from his y/n who was now a blushing mess and her brother a bloody mess.......
(bhaiyya: brother)
to be continued......
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Nick Valentine X Fem!Sole Survivor- confessions
"Are you ...sure doll?" Nick couldnt quite believe what he was hearing. She nodded, looking at her feet, cheeks ablaze. She was positioned on the edge of his desk, infront of where he sat on his chair. "I've felt like this for awhile. I understand if-" Nick looked at her in alarm, his better hand going to her knee to squeeze it gently. "-its not that, I just.. I mean, doll you've gotta be blind to-" her head snapped up and she regarded him with an intense gaze that made him feel like he might melt under the aggressive heat of it. "I've got to be blind to what ?" She asked pointedly. "I'm not really everyone's glass of nuka cola, doll. You can't blame me for pointing that out." He tried to keep his tone measured, but he was starting to wear thin. The last thing he needed was adding more emotion to an already charged situation. "You can't blame me for pointing out that asking me if I'm sure and telling me I'm blind for being romantically interested in you is rude, then." She said, and Nick found himself unable to disagree. It wasnt like he'd not imagined this scenario in the deepest parts of his mind. He'd taken a liking to her months and months ago, he'd just kept those thoughts to himself, already deciding it was too much for him to bother her with. He didnt know how to reach out and take hold of the situation, and so they sat in an uncomfortable silence. She noted his hand was still clasped on her knee. "If this is all you have to say about it, maybe we should forget I said anything." She said in a small voice, and it would have broken his heart if he had one. His chest still ached regardless, and he was reminded of the institutes cruel tricks. He'd give anything not to feel what he did right now. How it must have taken her so much to be vulnerable with him after Nate, and he'd made her close right back up again, stomping right on the weak flowers she'd managed to grow in her emotional garden. He had feelings for her too, and he was treating her like dirt. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words he needed fell away from him. His mind was reeling. Her eyes filled with tears, and she blinked them away. She was fast, but he saw them. "Right, then." She tried to compose herself, and the detective sat there in a cagey silence. Moving his hand from her knee, she slid off of the desk, and on her way to the door, she patted him on the shoulder, face turned away from him. "Thank you for listening to my feelings. I'll see you tomorrow." Her voice was strange, and there was no discernable tone to it. Her footsteps were loud in his ears, and he willed his body to move, for him to say something, anything from stop her from leaving. His brain spat out the first thing it could think of.
"Hard." He managed to eek out, turning around in the chair to face her retreating form, and she stopped with her hand on the door knob. "Excuse me?" She clarified. "It's .. hard for me. To talk like this. I feel like I've already messed it up, doll." He stood up, tucking his chair under the desk as he crossed the room to her. "I can understand that." She reasoned, and turned to him, but would not face up to him, instead choosing to look at their shoes instead. "Look at me." He said softly, and she shook her head, hair hanging over her face and covering her expressions from him. His hand went to her chin and he tilted it up for him to pass a look at her face. Her lashes were wet and sticking together from the tears bubbling up and rolling down her face, and she was flushed. How many times she'd needed to cry in silence at such intensity was something he didnt want to think about. He'd not even noticed till he saw them. Cautiously, he wiped the tears away with his thumb. "I dont mean that I'm not interested in you, Sole." He reassured her, and he picked up on her brief expression change. The flash of hope left him raw. "I just.. I don't have all the parts, doll. Some of my face isnt even there anymore. I dont want you to be disappointed." He admitted. There were soft hands sliding up his forearms to his shoulders, up to his cheeks. His eyebrows furrowed in tension at the move, he rarely had people touch him to begin with, let alone like that.
"Oh Nick, how could I be disappointed with you? All of these parts of you and the ones I'm yet to discover, don't you think I atleast deserve to make up my own mind about it?" He felt like drowning in her eyes, her touch was everywhere, he could smell her perfume and he was dizzy from her being so close. The tension he felt before eased after her gentle touches worked them out, thumbs rubbing little circles in his cheeks. "S-suppose you do have that right." He said dumbly. His hands moved of their own accord to settle on her waist, pulling her closer. Nick was pretty sure he'd died and gone to whatever god loved him most when she leaned up on her tippy-toes, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. His eyes closed automatically, and he enjoyed the sensation for what it was. "Can i..?" He asked, and she laughed softly, sniffling a little. "If you like." She replied, and he stopped down, and kissed her cheek. He marvelled the way blood flushed to her cheeks, and for the first time in a long time, he felt warm.
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wizisbored · 3 months
I can imagine after the wall goes down that nimona and Ballistor would be interested in visiting places, and one of the places they visit is where they run into Lydia, and Nimona can see an unsummoned Beetlejuice and is probably excited to meet someone special or weird like her. Ballistor has some reservations about it, but he'd warm up to him, once he was summoned and he could see him and Lydia explained some things.
if theyre gonna be leaving the kingdom for au purposes, im tempted to say fuck it go all the way and have them fully leave leave. nimona, ballister and ambrosius. they tried to swing it for a while, stuck around for maybe as long as a few years after it all went down, but it just wasnt working out. it's absolutely impossible for any of them to live a normal life, nimona especially - most people hail her as a hero, which is stressful in its own right, but there's also a not-insignificant number who still want 'gloreths monster' dead, and they know who she is now.
so the three of them skip town, and end up in a small town in rural conneticut. they dont plan on hiding nimona's abilities forever, but decide to lay low for a period to scope out the towns general level of weirdness-acceptance first. so they move in under the guise of a young gay couple who have gaurdianship of a teenager for unspecified reasons, and own various pets that are never seen in the same place at the same time.
it's been a while since the events of beetlejuice the musical, and beej is kinda hovering around the deetzs. lydia hasnt resummoned him and he hasnt asked her to. yet. theyre back on friendly terms, though im not sure about him and the rest of the family.
the two groups meet when charles decides to invite the new neighbours over for dinner. nimona is calling herself seventeen so she's supposedly a year or two older than lydia, and lydia thinks shes cool as shit. even though lydia isnt young enough to really trigger nimonas discomfort with small children she isnt used to interacting with kids and it takes her a bit to warm up, but lydia isnt the best at socialising with people (supposedly) her age either so they kinda fumble through it together. turns out theyve got a fair bit in common and by the end of the evening theyre getting along pretty well. goth/punk solidarity.
nimona cant neccesarily see ghosts, but she can sense them. beetlejuice isnt around for the dinner but she is far more aware of the maitlands' presence than ballister or ambrosius. she has no idea what it is, and doesnt bring it up until they're back home afterwards.
so nimona and lydia keep hanging out. a few times beetlejuice tags along, and nimona can feel him lingering around, and it feels the way a dog trying to bite a fly out of the air looks, if that makes sense. nimona stays human-shaped around lydia but there is something distinctly off about her, to lydia. maybe on some level she can sense what nimona is, but ill have to figure that out after ive considered how the magic/supernatural lore of the two medias is going to mix. she also thinks theres something odd about the various 'pets' nimona's family owns. theyre all some variation of reddish-brown, chestnut, ginger, or tan with no exception. the dog looks at least half wolf. her own cat, percy, hates theirs. she sees ballister riding a horse bareback around the edge of town sometimes, and it always feels like the horse is avoiding eye contact. and she has never seen nimona interact with any of them, or even be in the same room.
nimona finds out about the ghosts before lydia finds out about her, but it happens in quick sucession. eventually lydia is confident enough that she could ask nimona if she believes in life after death and she'd answer honestly. so she asks, and nimona - as someone who died and then got better - says yes quite confidently. so lydia pretty much spills everything, and nimona's reaction to hearing about beetlejuice is 'oh thank FUCK i can stop pretending to be human in front of you'
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her-canine-teeth · 13 days
Isobel by flower face - notes
pov jackie blue, pov shauna red (not rlly pov but. idk when its abt them)
You’ll never learn to lie
technically she lied to her pretty often so this is just not true. but it fits w the melody idk
say your French goodbye
idk how the French say goodbye. but shes like literlly saying her goodbye here and i think its funny bc nélisse is can french
Stay up in the blue glow, try to rearrange
theyre both staying up and its blue. jackie is trying to rearrange whats happening; she imagines shauna coming outside when, in reality, shauna is going to sleep.
All your insecurity and encyclopaedic rage
by rearranging what happens she automatically has to change what came before; the argument. put it in a context in which shauna is still her friend, still loves her, still comes outside and gets her. still cares for her.
ultimately she doesnt. (cant)
Do you still think you’re a killer?
shauna thinks its her fault
Or that you could be if you tried?
refers to jackie trying to banish shauna from the cabin and therefore out of her life (in a sense), which is p sure as close to killing for them as it gets I imagine. (codependency captial letters)
Always thought that you could do it if you couldn’t see their eyes
she did know that she loved shauna. didn't know how much, didn't know (or wasnt fully aware of).
she might've thought that she'd be able to get shauna to go one day, or to let her go; (she tried to, during the argument. personally i think she can't let shauna go farther than that though.)
as in; she wasnt aware of her codependency, and wouldve said that shes able in any way to cut shauna off but! she literally never thought about that being an option, or a possibility like ever (she literally had their whole future - together - planned out) so. do with that what you will
its supposed to be a flashback idk if thats obvious; ties together what both of them think about (the arguing scene); what haunts them, both of them, for the rest of their lives (though Jackies is significantly shorter.)
Do you still wake up reaching for an empty space?
she does probably
Do you start to miss your sadness when it goes away?
jackie stays after her death. shaunas not allowing herself to move on, forever doomed to not only like have ur bff die on you which is honestly bad enough but to see her physically. not bc she wants to in that sense but bc she has to (needs to. cant live without her, though she never really lived all that much with her neither)
Do you wish your parents gave you someone else’s name?
doesnt have much to do with the scene. BUT their names have the same meaning. do you wish your parents gave you someone elses name. do you wish we werent connected from birth. do you wish we wouldnt share such an important aspect of our self. do you wish you never knew me (like you did). do you wish we were never best friends. do you wish we never met.
Do you scratch another line out for the same mistakes?
You used to hold your body like a gun
turning away from shauna/rejection (physical. as soccer players their body is like prettyy important to them, and on top of that is their physicality with each other and yk. being teenage girl i guess anywaysss i thinj all of that sorta amplifies to The Body being v v important also for whatever theve got going on GOD i cant think)
Now you give yourself to anyone
(shauna pov but its abt jackie) condemning her bc shes with travis. 'anyone' inn the sense of 'anyone other than me (shauna)' or maybe 'who the fuck is travis' (hes not important. a faceless shadow in a crowd consisting of only him)
Are you right back where you started,
pining over jackie
Or have you found another way?
consuming her completely. without any objections
Sugar rush, a stranger’s backyard, the devil’s holiday
yeah idk
You watch yourself in fragments, amongst the leaves,
'yourself' because. they're one.
And you conclude that you never were much more
Than a reflection in a pool
the power shauan had over jackie; jackie asking herself who she is without shauna. If she is without shauna. if she ever was even with shauna, or not; never more than a reflection of her, a poor imitation, bound to break on the smallest ripple.
Do you still wake up reaching for an empty space?
Do you start to miss your sadness when it goes away?
Do you wish your parents gave you someone else’s name?
Do you scratch another line out for the same mistakes?
Do you still wake up wrapped around an empty space?
Do you only know the good days once they’ve slipped away?
Do you wish that he would call you by another name?
Do you pour another drink out for the same mistakes?
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hsmtmts-arrows · 9 months
the secret is... maddox is half-siren. her brother jet is fully siren.
her mother was ashamed of having loved a human so she dropped maddox onto shore with a note that simply said 'be kind.' (maddox found it, years later. she doesn't know if her mother meant whoever took her in, or to maddox herself.) the person who took her in was sweet and kind, but her biological father insisted that that was his kid, got it proved in court that maddie was 'stolen' and he officially got custody of her:((( he wasnt a Great dad and he threatened to tell the town (which wasn't so accepting of merfolk in general) about her being nonhuman, which scared her into listening to him most of the time. however, this didn't stop her from becoming a bit of a rebel and singing in a few bars and enchanting the townsfolk (think this clip)
but years down the line, when maddox was around 12-13, when she went down to the beach at night (when her dad was asleep and couldn't berate her for whispering to the waves), she was surprised by a siren who looked worse for wear. she only tells maddox that, in her mother's final moments, she'd told her to go to this harbour, where 'his sister could keep him safe', and she just goes ??????BROTHER????? HUH?????????? and she thrusts a sleeping, slightly injured child at him then, with a terrified glance at the town, darts back underwater.
maddox now has a siren brother to tend to, and she doesn't even know shit about sirens beyond the books she keeps hidden in the floorboards underneath her bed.
naturally, she runs away from her father, skipping from town to town and getting money for food, medical supplies and shelter. jet, her brother's name turns out to be, is by now fine and a little frustrated at this random human taking care of him but he hushes, partly because maddox is a talented siren, partly because he's kinda in awe of her. his mom has only mentioned his sister in passing.
cue maddox one night, counting her coins, when a guy comes up to her. she instantly backs away, hand jumping to the knife she keeps strapped to her side, and he raises his scarred hands. "hey, kiddo, i'm not gonna hurt ya. how old are you? surely, you're too young to be doing this gig?" he gestures at the bar. "hell, aren't you too young to be here at all?"
and she glares and basically tells him to fuck off, and brushes him off when he expresses concern. he asks what she's doing here, she just says money, and he agrees to that. a moment passes, and out of the blue, he asks. "would you wanna join my crew?"
maddox is surprised by the lack of further prodding and shocked at the question. he briefly explains the pros and cons, but to her the pros far outweigh the cons... with just one thing. jet. he tells her he can find her at the docks, then leaves.
she makes up a plan to have jet, who's pretty much fully healed by now, to follow the boat, and when he expresses skepticism, she says its her- it's their chance at a free life. he can see how much she longs for it, but says yes.
(it's the reason why they argue later on. jet wants to be fully free. he's tired, and doesn't know just how much maddox has sacrificed for him - he was too young to really understand. he sees her happy, living her own life, while he's stuck chasing a ship for what feels like eternity. maybe it is.)
so, basically, maddox sneaks food and stuff to jet, and sometimes even sneaks him into the lowest part of the ship :))) that's the secret!!!
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