#sc: harry potter
sunnysaystuff · 3 months
where my charleston people at PLEASE SINK HER YACHT🙏🙏
get #sinkheryacht trending rn pls
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glassy-person · 2 months
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incorrect-riordanverse · 11 months
It's really disheartening that Rick Riordan stance on the war I understand that he wants to be neutral on this stance but in my opinion by becoming neutral he only worsening the issue as many Palestines are dying that are mostly children, how the majority of Israeli are supporting the Genocide of Palestine, and how the government is trying so hard (but miserably failing) to justified the genocide. I will hold him accountable for what he said on this issue as during this period the choice is basically "you are with us or against us."
Part of me wishes he will realize what he said was wrong and understand the bigger issue that plays at hand. I will criticism for his actions as how can a man who promotes LGBTQIA and representation of minorities and disabilities in his books turn a blind eyes to Genocide of people. However we can only wait and see on his next move.
One last thing about your previous you said you don't group Riordan with other authors where do you would group him with? Also this is more on an opinion base answer but many people are boycotting companies that support Israel there as been another post on Twitter on boycotting authors. Rick Riordan happens to be one of them. Do you believed that he should be boycotted with other authors or he should be properly educated and apologized for his previous statement? If you believed he should be boycotted what do tou have to say to those who might have the mentality of "separate the art from the artist"
thank you for this ask, and i completely agree with you! it is extremely hypocritical of him considering what he preaches for in his books. i think he’s convinced he has properly addressed the apartheid by using very vague language that can be applied to anything, and in doing so, he’s addressed nothing really.
your first question on who i would group him with— probably other authors who are doing the exact same as him in their virtue signalling. i always like to link my other blogs to each other, so i don’t think it’s a secret that i have a red queen account and i’m pretty passionate about that. unfortunately, victoria aveyard is another fantasy author who has literally wrote a whole four-book series on the uprising against oppression but is now playing neutral in her address of the apartheid. rebecca yarros is in the same boat, although i haven’t read ‘fourth wing,’ fans have said there are large themes of oppression within the book. so if i had to group riordan it would probably be in the ‘i-like-to-write-about-it-for-profit-and-praise-only’ group.
in terms of boycotting, i think that’s a great idea! i would also like to remind everyone that the percy jackson tv show is coming out in a little over a month, but disney is a huge industry financially supporting israel as well ($2 million in funding), which is obviously far more damning than a poorly written address by one person. there is a boycott happening for disney as well— and the pjo show will be released on disney + . i implore everyone to not watch it on that platform!! personally i will be pirating it online (idk if i’ll get into trouble saying that here but lol oh well), because im pretty sure the boycott is only for withdrawing financial support, not simply consuming media.
i feel like separating art from the artist only works if that artist is… like, dead, and you’re using that art and its values as a historical insight to how the world was during its time. you can still like a piece of work that has a problematic artist, you can engage with the work (to an extent). but separating art from the artist barely works because either:
to engage with the art is to support the artist in some way, so that artist is making money based on your interaction with that (particularly in the case for singers and streaming of songs)
that artists’ views and values are so rancid that it’s literally embedded within the text itself. to ignore it is harmful.
harry potter is my all-time favourite example to use, because jkr is the scum of the earth, and her views are entrenched in her work. a lesser known example is sarah j maas and her books (she’s also not as dogshit as jkr, but then again, its not hard to be a better person than her). i’m not going to bag on these people for liking things by problematic people (would be hypocritical of me), i just think it’s cowardly not to address it when you come across it, or at least admit to it. to simply write things off as ‘separate to the artist’ is like purposefully turning off your critical thinking skills.
on whether boycotting or an apology is enough— if riordan did apologise and used specific language and not the nonsense he had in that blog, expressed his remorse for his ignorance and then actually did or said something to support the people of palestine then, yeah. that’s fine and that’s how we learn ig. but he should educate himself, too many activists, people from the arab community and especially palestinians are expected to be all-knowing and to educate everyone else on an already draining and personal tragedy. it’s been exhausting for me, i can’t imagine what they’re going through. if riordan (or anyone) needs to be educated, he should do it himself, and (at least in my opinion) i don’t think the info is very hard to find now. it’s just about weeding out the misinformation.
i think boycotting is a good idea as of now. it can serve to be a catalyst for self reflection for many people. also, as much as i hate most online discourses, talking about it online needs to happen. i don’t want these authors to forget, for a moment, about the ignorance they posted online during a time of international crisis.
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bridenore · 7 months
HD fic recs : Career - Aurors (part 2)
Here are a few recs where both Harry and Draco are Aurors. This is part two of three and focuses on 20k to 50k words fics. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Agnus Dei by SilentAuror [20k]
Post-Hogwarts. Mystery abounds in the Auror Department, and two of the Aurors find themselves experiencing a friendship more intense than it should be.
Boiling Point by @goldentruth813 [42k]
Ferveret - n. boiling point After an Auror raid gone wrong, Draco ends up trapped in a dodgy safehouse with nothing but Harry Potter’s dubious company and a dwindling supply of food. With only each other and the walls surrounding them, they’re forced to confront their past and their feelings which have long been threatening to boil over.
Draco Malfoy, Bloodsucking Fiend by @kbrick [23k]
There are two things that Draco’s Auror partner, Harry Potter, must never know about him. One is that he’s a vampire. The other is that he’s been completely, pathetically, head-over-heels in love with Harry for years. But when the duo is trapped inside an old shop on Diagon Alley with no means of escape, Draco finds himself fiending for blood and unable to put even a modicum of distance between himself and the man he can’t stop lusting after.
Eye of the Storm by Mx_Maneater [25k]
A storm rages blindly around a cabin with no doors. Without magic, Draco and Harry are trapped inside. 
Nothing But You On My Mind by @moonflower-rose [29k]
Potter has been in Australia on an internship for almost a year, and Draco cannot wait for him to get back home. They’ll finally have a chance to talk about their feelings for each other. What could possibly go wrong? Loads, as it turns out.
The Partner, The Rival and The Very Big Case  by oceaxe [24k]
When Harry and Nott are paired up to go undercover as fake boyfriends, Draco is disappointed not to get the assignment. It’s just professional jealousy that’s making him feel so upset. Obviously. He’s engaged to be married to Astoria, after all. But when he walks in on Nott kissing Harry for ‘practice’ and has a wild magic outbreak, he starts to think that something else might be going on. Is Nott right? Is Draco a homophobe? Or is there… just possibly… another explanation?
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose [12k]
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that. Hoppípolla by @moonflower-rose [20k] Falling in love was as easy as jumping in puddles, and Draco Malfoy was completely drenched.
Potential Gravity by @lol-zeitgeistic [32k]
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around.
Resistance by SilentAuror [25k]
Everyone but Harry seems to have forgiven Malfoy his past, and tensions are thick in the Auror Department.
Stop All the Clocks (This Is the Last Time I’m Leaving Without You) by @firethesound [44k]
Living with Draco was difficult; living without him is unbearable. But if there’s one thing Harry learned from the war, it’s that even when one life ends, the rest of the world goes right on living.
Take These Lies by white_serpent [34k]
Repeatedly rejected by the Auror training programme, Draco Malfoy attempts an unorthodox method of gaining admission.  
Trust In A Broken Thing by SqueekaCuomo [23k]
If the ring was broken, that could only mean one thing… Harry Potter was dead.
Two Weeks by @shiftylinguini [21k]
If Harry had to guess which out of he or his Auror Partner, and tentative new friend, Draco Malfoy, would turn out to have Veela ancestry, his answer would be: neither, because that is ridiculous. Finding out the answer is actually him, and that his Veela heritage is wreaking havoc on his ability to work, sleep, and above all be in the same room as Malfoy, is a surprise to say the least. But this is fine. Harry’s been through worse, and he can just sit this one out, regardless of how much his body is screaming for the one person he doesn’t want to ask for help. Can’t he?
Waiting For A Song by @korlaena [49k]
After a couple years spent avoiding Draco in the Auror Department, Harry gets assigned to one of Draco’s strange cases. They investigate the mysterious disappearances of a witch and wizard, but in their search for the missing persons they find a lot more than they were looking for.
You Send Me (Honest You Do) by @firethesound [37k]
As far as potion accidents go in general, and deaging incidents go in particular, Draco knew this could have been so much worse. Harry only lost about ten years, and all his memories are still intact. But the sight of him looking as if he’s stepped straight out of Draco’s Hogwarts memories has dredged up a whole mess of complicated feelings Draco thought he’d buried years ago, and Draco really doesn’t know what to do with any of it.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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molotovgirl45 · 8 months
Hii guys!! I forgot abt Tumblr for a minute, sorry for not posting in so long! I've been receiving lots of positive feedback from you guys, so I'm going to open up requests. I'm still going to try and post some Stardew headcanons soon, but I thought I might widen my horizons. I will update this frequently. Here are the things I can write about:
Stardew Valley
The Promised Neverland
Stranger Things
Jujutsu Kaisen
Harry Potter
Demon Slayer
Genshin Impact
Maze Runner
Spy x Family
Tokyo Ghoul ( the start. Please no spoilers, I'm only on book 1 )
By the way, these are the things I will NOT write:
Self H*rm
Toxic Relationships ( Cheating, ab*se, ect )
Fat Phobia
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cassiaallen · 1 year
The Jily Wedding post, which includes how I imagine their wedding has looked and what happened to them (and the rest of the marauders) afterwards.
Jily Wedding
Proposal 31.03.1979
Wedding 31.08.1979
(I tried to attach pictures of the venue, engagement and wedding rings, bridal/maid of honour/bridesmaids dresses, Lily’s hair, the reception, groom/groomsmen/best man’s tuxedos, but tumblr kept messing it up)
After the wedding
-Dorothy & Robert Evans die in a car crash two days later (on their way home) 02.09.1979
-burial in Little Whinging 07.09.1979
-Petunia and Lily each inherit half of the house and money, but Lily leaves it all to Petunia as she (Lily) lives in the Wizarding World
-"honeymoon" late October
-31.10.1979 Sirius organises a Halloween party for the Order (the making of HP+NL)
-Lily finds out she’s pregnant a few days before Christmas
-she tells James by gifting him a onesie that says "I love Daddy"
-last big mission for the Order 08.05.1980
-Voldemort shows up (because Peter started leaking information), Order + Voldemort duel (third defy) [it was meant to be a harmless mission + he finds out Lily is pregnant, making the Potters potential Prophecy subjects]
-15.05.1980 Prophecy
-the Potters as well as the Longbottoms go into hiding
-Harry James Potter is born 31.07.1980
-Death Eater meeting in August informs Voldemort of the birth of the two boys
-by the end of the month he decides Harry is The One™️
-Snape pledge August 1980
-Euphemia + Fleamont visit Jily in September 1980 and meet Harry for the first and only time
-they also give them a baby book
-Jily find out V officially targets their son in October 1980
-E&F become ill with Dragon Pox
-because of his generally bad health, F dies 28.10.1980 and E dies 30.10.1980 largely because of heartbreak
-funeral 01.11.1980 (the last time Jily leave the house/they have the whole Order to protect them for this - the reason this is the last time is because they are marked people and the Order has other things to do and can’t always have everyone take care of them)
-Fidelius Charm (with Sirius as Secret Keeper)
-family bliss
-horrible vase 🏺 25.12.1980 (they adopt a kitten [Crookshanks])
-the war worsens
-little excursions
-Prewett brothers' death May 1981
-Dumbledore confiscates the Cloak
-Harry’s first birthday 31.07.1981
-McKinnon death 05.08.1981
-Peter visit 08.08.1981
-Letter to Sirius 12.08.1981
-early October 1981 Sirius is on an Order mission with the Bones’ during which they die and Sirius barely survives
-Sirius decides that him being SC is too risky, so he, James, and Lily decide to give the role to Peter
-switch happens 26.10.1981
-Peter thinks about the Betrayal for 3 days
-Peter tells Voldemort about the Potters' whereabouts 29.10.1981
-Voldemort decides to attack them on Halloween because symbolism
-31.10.1981 🖤💔
-Peter-Sirius confrontation 01.11.1981
-Jily funeral 04.11.1981
-Harry wakes up around 7
-James gets up, changes Harry, puts him in a pumpkin costume and makes breakfast with him for Lily
-they have breakfast at 8:30
-Jily put up a few Halloween decorations
-Sirius comes by for lunch, telling them about the Order in general and Remus' mission in particular
-he leaves in the early afternoon after some Halloween fun and taking a picture of the Potters
-James puts Harry down for a nap
-Lily writes in her diary
-Jily sit on the sofa and talk about the war and other things (including how much they love each other)
-Lily gets Harry, takes him downstairs and they have family play time
-Harry gets fussy, so he and Lily snuggle while James makes dinner
-they have dinner and Harry spits up on his onesie, so Lily cleans him up and already puts his blue pyjamas on
-Jily finish dinner, James goes to the living room with Harry and plays with him for a bit while Lily cleans up (she leaves her wand in the kitchen)
-puffs of coloured smoke
-Lily watches them for a few seconds through the door which is slightly open
-she fully opens the door ("I think I’ll put Harry to bed, James.")
-James kisses Harry on the head and Lily on the lips
-stretching, yawning, wand on sofa
-door bursts open, J runs into the hall ("Lily, take Harry and go! […]")
-V kills J
-Lily screams, V laughs again and goes upstairs
-Lily places as much furniture as possible in front of the door and picks Harry up to give him one final kiss
-V opens door and Lily drops him into the crib ("Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry! […]")
-V kills Lily
-Harry stands up, clutching the bars of his crib
-attempted Harry murder and rebounding curse
-destroyed house and screaming Harry
-Dumbledore finds out about the broken Fidelius Charm because his wand shoots bright sparks and makes a noise
-Dumbledore sends Hagrid to the Potters
-Hagrid encounters Sirius who gives him his motorbike
-D gives H a portkey to his office, so they could talk about what should happen
-D explains to H that Harry needs to stay with Petunia + Vernon
-Harry stays in Hogwarts overnight, mainly to check if he’s ok
-D moves Jily's bodies and provisionally seals the Potter Cottage
-Harry stays in D's office with Hagrid + occasionally Madam Pomfrey who checks on him
-McGonagall watches the Dursleys in her animagus form
-D takes care of things all day (Potter and school business) and tells Hagrid to meet him at the Dursleys at ca. 22:00
-when the time comes, Hagrid isn’t sure how to travel, so he takes Harry, wraps him in the blanket and takes the portkey which already took him to D's office the previous day
-he arrives at the Potter Cottage, finds the motorcycle and rides it to the Dursleys
[canon events]
Simultaneously (Sirius POV)
-after Hagrid leaves, he sits down on the stairs and thinks
-he realises Peter’s betrayal and, filled with rage, hatred and grief, decides to go after him
-Sirius finds Peter in a muggle street [S remembers a piece of information about P that leads him there] and starts a fight (verbally) that starts to draw a crowd
-P pretends to be sorry, while secretly taking his wand out
-P loudly accuses Sirius of betraying Jily, casts the Blasting Curse, cuts his finger off, transforms into a rat, and disappears into the sewers
-Sirius starts laughing hysterically in sheer desperation
-aurors appear, Sirius is captured and imprisoned
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
Oh wow congrats. So yiu just robotically and mindlessly affirmed for an hr? Did you also do that while watching Harry Potter?
Thanks! I did 1 hr for 1 topic, I started around 7pm and just went until I went to sleep so around 4 hrs.
I didn’t do a strict routine or anything but just like loosely for example
7-8pm topic was money so I listened to money subs and mindlessly repeated ~4 money affs. For the last 10 min I did tapping along to a repetitive affirmation yt video
8-9pm topic was self concept so I listened to sc subs and repeated 2-3 sc affs. Did psych-k for the last 10 minutes
(and so on)
I had subs on in the background while I watched HP and mindlessly affirmed, mostly in my head. I’ve seen it a million times so I was half watching and half doing other things haha. Basically just challenged myself not to think anything negative the whole evening.
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sc-the-doodle-bugs · 2 years
Facts About Me (If You're Wondering):
(you can find most of this stuff on one of my posts)
Name: Soul_Catcher
Nickname(s): S.C.
Gender: Demigirl
Sexuality: Straight, Demisexual
Pronouns: she/her ('cause that's what I'm used to), (occasionally) they/them
B-day: Sep. 13th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Fandoms or things I'm into:
Book Series/Novels:
Keeper of the Lost Cities (book series) [Kotlc]
Harry Potter (book series) [HP]
The Unwanteds (book series) [TUW]
The Candymakers (book series) [TC]
The Hunger Games (book series) [THG]
The Inquisitor's Tale (book) [TIT]
The Glass Secret (book series) [TGS]
Maybe a Mermaid (novel)
The Secret Zoo (book series) [TSZ]
The Land of Stories (book series) [TLoS]
The Story Thieves (book series) [TST]
The Prince Warriors (book series) [TPW]
The Someday Birds (novel)
Prisoner B-3087 (novel)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (novel)
Dark Roads (novel)
Assassination Classroom (animation) [AssClass]
My Hero Academia (animation) [MHA]
Drifting Home (anime/movie) [Drift. H.]
Hitorijime My Hero (anime) [H.MH]
Sasaki and Miyano (anime) [S&M]
Given (anime) [Given]
Love Stage! (anime) [LS?]
Number 24 (anime) [n24]
Black Butler (anime) [bb?]
Animations (because it's different):
Alphabet Lore (animation) [AL]
Who I Choose (Minecraft Animation) [WIC]
Otomes (I love otomes...)/Visual Novels:
Dangerous Fellows (Otome, visual novel) [DF]
Underworld Office (visual novel) [UWO]
Charlie in Underworld (visual novel) [CIU]
Tokyo Debunker (otome/live 2d) [TD?]
Cooking Campaions (visual novel) [CC]
Dread Weight (visual novel) [DW]
Married in Red (visual novel) [MiR]
Elevator Hitch (visual novel) [EH]
Cold Front (visual novel) [CF]
Dead Plate (visual novel) [DP]
Eloquent Countenance (visual novel) [EC]
Video Games:
Genshin Impact (game) [Genshin]
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 1, 2, & 3 (game) [MHP]
Poppy Playtime (game) [PP]
Doors (Roblox game) [Doors]
Piggy (Roblox game) [Piggy]
Rainbow Friends (game) [RF]
Cookie Run Kingdom (game) [CRK]
Hastune Miku: Colorful Stage Project SEKAI (game) [Pjsekai]
Ensemble Stars Music! (game) [Enstars]
Bang Dream Girls Band Party! (game) [Bandori]
Twisted Wonderland (game) [Twst]
Danganronpa (game) [Dng]
OMORI (game) [Omori]
Honkai Star Rail (game) [Honkai]
AFK Journey (game) [AFKJ]
Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures (game) [CRTA]
Kindergarten 1 & 2 (game) [Kinder]
The Schoolbus Graveyard (Webtoon) [Sbg]
High Class Homos (Webtoon) [HCH]
Wild Beast Forest House (Webtoon) [WBFH]
K-pop Groups (because I started listening to them, if you have any recommendations, just comment on this post or send it in my inbox):
Girls Generation
Stray Kids
Minecraft SMP's:
Hermitcraft (Msmp) [HC]
Empires SMP (Msmp) [Empires]
Rats SMP (Msmp) [RSMP]
Five Night's At Freddy's (game, book series, animation) [FNAF]
HOLOSTARS (vtuber) [Holo]
The list above will expand as I continue to keep reading or watching videos about lore.
Favorite Characters (or I simp these people):
Dexter Dizznee (Kotlc)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Aira (Enstars)
Favorite Ships:
FeDex/Detz (Fitz x Dex, Kotlc)
XiaoVen (Xiao x Venti, Gen Imp)
Drarry (Harry x Draco, HP)
Marellinh (Marella x Linh, Kotlc)
Alexheed/Samex (Alex x Samheed, TUW)
Ruikasa (Rui x Tsukasa, Pjsekai)
Hiiai (Hiiro x Aira, Enstars)
Sasayano? Misaki? (Sasaki x Miyano, S&M)
The Family of Freaks' blog:
Main Doodle Bugs blog:
Other Blogs:
YouTube Channel:
Soul_Catcher (just ignore this, kinda. I don't post anything on there, anymore, because motivation hasn't come to my door yet, but I think I will sometime in the future, not the near future, because motivation is taking his sweet, sweet time...)
Other Accounts on Other Websites:
Archive of Our Own-SC_soulcatcher
Ask anything you'd like, but please be respectful about my opinions when I answer them.
I accept any religion, any gender, any race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, and whoever you are! I don't accept pedos, bots, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and abuse. It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you're not mean towards me or my mutuals, thanks!
Just so you guys know, I check Tumblr every once in awhile... So it might be some time before you get an answer.
You can also ask my Gacha OC's anything. And you can ask for drawings by me. (I'm still trying to get used to virtual drawing, so most of them will be on paper.)
-Soul_Catcher 💞💞💤💤
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redsthebeststick · 1 year
The Nightmare
???: How you doing kid?
Red looked opened her eyes. She was in a dark room. Who knows how small or big it was, it was pitch black.
Red: Who the hell are you!? Where am I?
???: Surprising. Thought you'd remember me after our last couple of meets.
Red recognised that voice. But where from?
Red: I...
???: I thought you were smarter than that Red, guess I was wrong.
That voice. It clicked. Herobrine.
Red: How the hell are you even-
Herobrine: I came to talk to you.
Red: Well, if you want to talk to me, at least show your face.
A spotlight appeared in the room, and there he was. Herobrine himself. Red breathed in as she saw him.
Red: Wha-
He was different. Or at least, looked it. His eyes were...black. 
Herobrine: I thought I'd finally tell you what I've been putting off a while.
Shakily, Red said
Red: And what might that be?
Herobrine: Ever heard of Harry Potter?
Red: Yes...why?
Herobrine: Well, you and I are very similar to Voldemort and Harry. Harry sees through Voldemort's eyes, he sees through his. The visions that Harry has, Voldemort has too. The powers Voldemort has, Harry has too.
Red stepped back.
Red: Visions? Powers? I don't-
Herobrine: Silly child. You've always had my powers. Those nightmares you have? They are my visions. How I know all this? I see through your eyes, and you can see through mine. All the powers I have, you have. Telekinesis, beams, healing, mind control, blood manipulation, seeing ghosts...a lot to be honest. Just. Like. Me.
Herobrine smiled. An evil grin.
Red: No...I don't want that, n-no!
Herobrine: Ha! You actually think you have a choice?! YOU are only a puppet, a mindless slave for me. You'll destroy your friends, and you know it. Your dangerous Red.  Maybe even more dangerous than me.
Suddenly, Herobrine put his hand out, and his eyes crackled and fizzed. Red felt an excruciating pain all throughout her body, and she collapsed, screaming.
Herobrine: Weak. Just what I thought.
Red screamed and screamed in agony, but suddenly, something happened. Her own eyes turned black, and she started to stiffly stand up. Herobrine stepped back in shock. Red stared at Herobrine.
Red: I. will. Never. BE. LIKE. YOU!!!!
She screamed, white beams of light coming out of her hands and blasting him back into the darkness.
Red woke up breathing heavily, her bed soaked with sweat. She sat or a moment, but broke down in tears soon after. Was that only a dream? A nightmare? Or a warning? She was so confused.  She tried to get up, but she felt sick, and threw up. She coughed and sat down up against the wall.
Red: Just stop...make it stop...
After a couple of minutes, there came a knock at the door.
???: Red? Are you alright? I thought I heard something.
Red didn't answer. She couldn't.
???: Red? Red are you there?
Red started to cry again. She was so stressed.
???: Red? Red! What's going on? Can I come in?
Still no answer.
???: Red please. Answer...
No luck.
She then heard the door click softly, and TSC came in. He rushed over to Red and soon as he saw the state of her, and put his arm round her.
TSC: Hey, hey? It's ok, it's ok. I'm here now. Ssh.
Red cried into his shoulder.
Red: I don't want this Sec, I don't-
TSC: I know, I know, your safe, your safe.
Red: I'm tired Sec, I'm so tired...
TSC: Ssh, ssh, it's alright, let's get you back to bed, yeah?
Red subtly nodded, and SC helped her up. She tried to walk, but her legs gave out, so SC carried her to bed.
TSC: Your safe now Red, it's ok.
Red reached out her hand, and SC took it.
He smiled softly. SC didn't want to leave her alone.
Red: Can you...stay with me? Just...until I fall asleep?
TSC: Of course I can. I love you Red.
Red: I love you too. Thank you so much.
Red shakily closed her eyes, and TSC sat next to the bed on the floor. Both fell asleep very quickly, and Red didn't have anymore nightmares that night either.
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filet-o-feelings · 2 years
I told my mom SC merch when she asked what I wanted for Christmas/birthday, and my mom got me an "I like the wine, not the label" shirt... I'm not out to them yet and I don't think she has any idea what it means (that might have been a good opportunity to explain the quote and that it applies to me, but I wasn't expecting it lol). My brother, who watched SC apparently didn't even remember the reference.
Anyway, I love it so much. We're going on an airboat tour through the Everglades tomorrow and I'm definitely going to wear it.
Also, my brother and I decided not to go to the wizarding world of Harry Potter (I just wanted to try butterbeer) and we went to cracker barrel for dinner and found bottles of it in the shop, so we still get to try some!
Thank you for all the lovely birthday messages today! And especially the fic from @tyfinn which is so wonderful and such a lovely gift to wake up to! Go read it if you haven't! It was a really nice day 💛
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beaiola · 2 years
Fic Origin Story
Thanks for the tag @smblmn and @blackandwhiteandrose (I know it was a while ago now!
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Harry Potter nearly twenty years ago now. I read some stuff over on ff.net and used to like mainly Marauder-era stuff.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
It was an introspective story from Remus Lupin’s POV when he thought all his best friends were either dead or a traitor. If I remember right I had that idea bouncing around in my head for a long time before I wrote it down.
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
If you want to write it, write it. Also if you think of an idea or a sentence that you really like, write it down straight away. You might think you'll remember it later but you won’t.
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
Getting any comments or kudos on a fic never stops being exciting and it makes my heart happy whenever I receive one. I love to hear what people like about my writing and I think, now as well but especially in the early days of my writing, every comment has helped encourage me to keep going and gain confidence.
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
A section from my first SC fic:
David suppresses a full body shudder at the memory of the wings that brushed against the back of his hand as he straightened the display, rubbing vigorously at the patch of surely-infectious-disease-contaminated skin with the other hand. His lip curls as the winged hell-spawn butts against the bulb once more. Maybe he can get to his hand sanitiser from where it lies next to the register? But then, he’d have to walk underneath the moth...
And from Second Chances (mostly because I had so much fun writing this exchange between Stevie and David and was very proud of it):
“I just tried to find out if I could ask him out or if I’d have to wait until he was done helping me set stuff up. I don’t want to cross any lines.”
“You don’t think you might have crossed that line if you’d succeeded in shoving your tongue down his throat? Kind of hard to pass that one off as a business interaction. Otherwise ‘Dragons’ Den’ would be a very different show.”
“At that moment I wasn’t really thinking about anything at all,” David confesses. “Other than I really wanted to kiss him.”
Stevie sighs. “You know what you should do?”
I’m late to this so not tagging anyone but if, like me, you haven’t yet taken part to and want to, here’s your tag!
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mybookplacenet · 15 days
Featured Post: Do You Believe in Magic | Book 1 by Jim Melvin
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About Do You Believe in Magic | Book 1: Be prepared for a full-blown launch into a fantasy realm loaded with magic, monsters, courageous acts, and a dash of sweet romance. After discovering a magical waterfall deep in the forest, a boy and his dog embark on an epic adventure in a fantastical world filled with monsters and magic. In the real world, Charlie is a 13-year-old nerd picked on by bullies. But in the fantasy world, he becomes a wizard wielding formidable powers. Standing in his way is a vile monster bent on destruction. Only those with a hero’s heart will have the courage to stand at Charlie’s side when the war begins. Targeted Age 13 and older Written by: Jim Melvin Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Link to Series Buy the Audio Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Author Bio: I grew up on the shores of western Florida and spent much of my childhood swimming in shark-infested waters long before the movie "Jaws" put a scare into everyone. At the time, I was too skinny to attract a shark’s attention, anyway. About ten other boys my age lived on my same street, and we hung out morning, noon, and night playing the usual sports that young boys love — football, baseball, “kill the carrier,” etc. — but as a group, we also played fantastical games that contained magic, monsters, and superheroes. It was in this setting that my imagination as a writer of magical fantasy was born and nurtured. I moved from Florida to Upstate South Carolina about twenty years ago and drove from Tampa-St. Pete to the Clemson area on Interstate 75 many times. It’s about a 10-hour drive, which is quite wearisome. And the traffic around Atlanta can be horrendous. I’ve always found the rest stops to be a bit spooky, especially at night. My MC Charlie Magus also found them to be spooky. If you read "Do You Believe in Magic?", you’ll find out why. My first home in SC was on forty wooded acres that included a creek that wound through a forest to a waterfall. It wasn’t as magnificent as described in my books 😀, but it did serve as the inspiration for the story. I am at home in the mountains. It’s where I now live, and I do long hikes at least three days per week. Characters in fantasy novels tend to wander around a lot in the wilderness, so I feel comfortable writing about natural surroundings. I have written my teen fantasy trilogy "Dark Circles" with young teens in mind. I tell potential readers that it is appropriate for 13 and older, though readers as young as 10 and as old as 80 have enjoyed it. When I say appropriate, I mean that there are no sex scenes and very limited profanity. But like most epic fantasies, the series has its violent moments — sort of like the later Harry Potter books. But just because a series is appropriate for young teens doesn’t mean that it has to be sophomoric. To the contrary, "Dark Circles" is a sophisticated work with a lot going on between the lines in terms of themes, allegorical elements, symbolism, foreshadowing, literary tropes, etc. My free Substack newsletter (Jim Melvin’s Realms of Fantasy) goes into extensive depth about this. Some of the themes in my series are obvious: bullying, good vs. evil, coming of age, heroism. But in the end, the most important theme of all is the idea that only the best among us are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good — the literary equivalent of a soldier throwing himself on a hand grenade. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page LinkedIn YouTube Read the full article
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lithospherio · 1 month
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Welcome to my blog—!!
This is just a mini introduction about me, (If you hadn't seen my carrd)
★ You can call me, Kathari, Kari, or Lithro (Kari preferably)
★ I go by any pronouns (except for neo pronouns TwT)
★ Like in my bio, I am African American & Italian
DNI if you are the following,
★Likes L0lic0ns or Sh0t@c0ns
★Likes irl gore (Fictional gore is fine)
★A proshipper/conshipper
★If you do z0⁰philia/besti@lity
★A Ped0 (or support it..)
★A necr0phile
★Supports R@pe or fantasize about it
★Is ableist
If you are one of the listings, get off my blog and don't follow me.
The fandoms I'm in,
★Lacey Flashgames
★Ride The Cyclone
★Studio Investigrave
★Get A Snack At 4 A.M.
★Ghost And Pals
★Tally Hall
★Will wood
★Lemon demon
★Death Note
★Welcome Home
★The Amazing Digital Circus
★The Stanley Parable
★The Walten Files
★Henry Stickmin
★Baldi's Basics
★Bendy & The Ink Machine
★Harry Potter
★Percy Jackson And The Olympians (Need to finish it 😭)
★The Promised Neverland (needs to read the mangas)
★Violet Evergarden (needs to watch the movies)
★Tangled The series
★The Owl house
★The Music Freaks
★Cookie Run: Kingdom
★Mr Hopps Playhouse
★Baby In Yellow
★Doki Doki Literature Club
★Gravity Falls
★Day Shift At Freddys
★Class Of '09
My current interests
★The Stanley Parable
★The Walten Files
★Ride The Cyclone
★Lacey Flashgames
★Gravity Falls
★All (released) Studio Investigrave games
★Please don't be rude, mean, hateful, towards me and don't make inappropriate or suggestive comments about me because I am a MINOR.
★Mainly I reblog crap but, I also occasionally post my art!!
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cruisersnet · 3 months
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Harry Potter Spells Camp, July 15-19, Charleston Harbor Resort Charleston, SC
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dwtdog · 3 months
but idk they're like into sc/hwlat (how tf did I spell), and keep making edgy miner jokes and we both like music a lot but their taste is mostly indie and they haven't removed sO0.t from their playlists or unfollowed on Spotify and still follows LJ socials and stuff
how do I, a casual dt fan come out about that, to a different mcyt fan who's constantly makes edgy jokes and isnt even like a mcyt main but a Harry Potter main
o-o oh wow
i guess i would recommend doing it in a way where you just act casual about it? they’re less likely to make a big deal of something if u don’t and it sounds like they’re interests probably also get them some criticism ? and just keep in mind that if they’re response is to be like oh isn’t this true about dream blah blah blah it’s most likely them just not having the right information rather than being a conscious choice to believe misinformation
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euronoxxmedicalgroup · 4 months
Don't forget to decide whether or not to undergo breast screening for early diagnosis!
It's important to have all the information you need when making decisions about your health, and breast screening is no exception.
This leaflet aims to help you decide whether or not to have breast screening, because it's ultimately your choice.
So, why does the NHS offer breast screening?
The main goal is to save lives from breast cancer. By detecting breast cancers at an early stage, screening can find tumours that are too small to see or feel.
However, it's important to note that screening doesn't prevent breast cancer from occurring. Like any medical procedure, breast screening does come with some risks.
Some women who have screening may end up being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer that would never have been found or caused them harm otherwise.
Now, you might be wondering why you've been invited for breast screening. Well, if you're a woman aged 50 to 70, the NHS invites you for screening every three years.
However, there are also studies being conducted to assess the effectiveness of screening in different age groups, so some older and younger women may also receive invitations.
It's worth mentioning that even if you're over 70, you're still at risk of breast cancer.
Although you won't automatically get screening invitations after the age of 70, you can still have breast screening every three years. Just reach out to your local breast screening unit and ask for an appointment.
Let's show you some stories of famous British women's breast cancer journey!
Let's take a moment to remember some famous women who have had experiences with breast cancer.
Maggie Smith!
Maggie Smith is known for her fabulous act in some famous movies. A talented British actress we all know and love was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 73.
She received chemotherapy while filming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It's incredible to see how she tackled her treatment and continued to pursue her passion.
Carly Simon!
Carly Simon, the renowned singer-songwriter, had a successful surgery in 1997 to remove a stage I tumour.
Her doctor gave her the choice of whether or not to have chemotherapy, and she decided to go for it just to be safe. Simon later revealed that she was going through a deep depression during that time.
However, she has since written a New York Times best-selling memoir and continues to create music with her children. It's heartwarming to see how she used her experience to inspire others.
Teresa Heinz Kerry!
Teresa Heinz Kerry, a philanthropist and the wife of the former presidential nominee who became Secretary of State John Kerry, had a rare case of breast cancer in both breasts.
Not only that, but she also had different types of early-stage cancer in each breast. This meant that the treatment and chances of cancer-free survival depended on the more aggressive tumours. Kerry underwent lumpectomies and radiation therapy (as mastectomy) for her treatment.
Jaclyn Smith!
Lastly, another example is Jaclyn Smith, a well-known actor, entrepreneur, and mother of two. When her doctor wanted to take a biopsy of her left breast tissue, Smith was too busy and felt too healthy to worry.
However, when she received the news that it was cancerous, she was shocked. Today, she advises women in similar situations to have a family member or friend with them to help process the medical information.
Remember, it's your choice whether to have breast screening or not. Ultimately, what matters most is that you feel informed and empowered to make the decision that's right for you and your health.
Recovering the Spins in Life: Embodying Innovation in Breast Cancer Screening!
As women age, the importance of breast cancer screening becomes increasingly significant.
Despite the potential risk of radiation-induced breast cancer, the need for regular screening cannot be overstated.
Various factors, such as dosage variability, initiation age, and frequency of screening, can influence the incidence and mortality of radiation-induced breast cancer from digital mammography screening.
Potential ionising radiation exposure during mammography screenings!
Exposure to ionising radiation during mammography screenings raises concerns about the development of radiogenic breast cancer. The likelihood of repeated exposure to this radiation poses a potential risk that cannot be ignored.
In light of these concerns, finding a safer and more effective alternative is essential.
Introducing Koning 3D breast screening – a revolutionary medical device that offers minimal radiation exposure, eliminates breast compression, and ensures a pain-free experience.
With a scanning process that takes just 7 seconds, Koning 3D breast screening provides a comfortable and efficient way to prioritise your breast health.
Visit us at euronoxxmedical.com to order today.
Breast Cancer 2024 Live Conference!
To further promote awareness and education around breast cancer prevention, early detection, and management, a groundbreaking conference titled "Breast Cancer 2024" is set to take place.
Organised by the London International Medical School (LIMS) in collaboration with Euronoxx Medical and Koning Corporation (USA), this conference aims to bring together experts and professionals from the UK and the USA.
This innovative program welcomes GMC registered doctors, NMC registered nurses, and final-year medical students, providing a unique platform for learning and collaboration.
The conference will cover a range of topics, including primary prevention of breast cancer, secondary prevention strategies, and advancements in breast cancer treatment.
We Shed Light on early breast cancer detection awareness!
One of the conference's highlights is the discussion on early breast cancer detection using the Koning Breast 3D imaging procedure. This advanced medical equipment offers a more comprehensive and accurate method for detecting breast abnormalities, leading to better outcomes for patients.
Featuring a lineup of esteemed speakers, including Dr. Penny Kechagioglou, Dr. Qaiser Malik, Dr. Sarah Sadrudin, Ms. Jalini Varghese, and Professor Kefah Mokbel, the conference promises to deliver insights into the latest research, best practices, and patient experiences in breast cancer screening and treatment.
For those unable to attend in person, the conference will be live-streamed globally, allowing participants from all over the world to engage with the content in real-time.
This inclusive approach aims to ensure that individuals with a special interest in breast cancer, including those with a family history of the disease, can access valuable information and resources.
Join us on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Royal Society of Medicine in London for an enriching and informative conference on breast cancer prevention and management.
Be part of this transformative journey in reclaiming control over your breast health and well-being, followed by early detection of breast screening procedures.
Don't miss the opportunity to secure your spot and contribute to this vital initiative.
To learn more and register, visit euronoxxmedical.com today. Let's unite in the fight against breast cancer and pave the way for a healthier future together!
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