#school for good and evil imagine
retold-tales · 1 year
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Imagine Tedros watching you sword fight with your brother Tristan and wanting nothing more then to marry you right then and there
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annie-creates · 4 months
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
One Room
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Being teloported into a room where Jamie, Tedros and Neteyam where their kept and they were horny as fuck and didn't waste a single second to see you naked.
"Just look at her, so innocent looking but so fucking dirty is that why you fantize about the three of us to destroy your innocents"
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
I summon all of you to bring forward something to your attention
We all know these fandoms and know that they have one thing in common. The heroes and villains and, of course, their children.
Now I love all these fandoms as much as the fans.
But imagine what the creators and authors of these worlds would create if they put their heads together and collaborated these worlds together in a way.
Allow me to explain further
There is the school of the royals, where all the heroes and royalty go to follow in their ancestors' footsteps located on an island similar to Auradon. Then there is the school of the rebels, where all the villains and sidekicks go located on an island similar to the isle of the lost. Wonderland Academy, where all Underland children go, and lastly, Oz Academy, where the children of the land of Oz go.
These three schools, of course, have a principle who runs the school, but they have to answer the Grimm family. And I don't mean the brothers Grimm, I mean their Descendents who (like the brothers Grimm) are the ones really running things
Imagine a gang that runs the rebel school, who is the daughter of Maleficent, a princess of the moors, dark fey, one of the most powerful students to ever attend the rebel school. Yhe son of Hades and Persephone. The daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow and the Son of Captain Hook, both children of famous pirates. The daughter of The Evil Queen, a sorceress of dark magic next to Morgana le Fay and her son (who is also a part of the group). The son of the Big badwolf. And the son of Scar, prince of the Outlands
The group who of the royal school is the son of King Arthur Pendragon (obviously) and Prince of Camelot. The son of Simba, prince of the Pridelands, and commander of the Lion guard. The daughter of Beauty and the Beast. The son of Prince Charming. The daughter of Mulan. The daughter of Elsa. The son of Hercules and Megara. And of course, the daughter of sleeping beauty.
Of course, the crew of Wolnderland Academy is the Queen or Hearts' daughter with her cousin, the White princess who is the daughter of the White Queen. The Mad Hatter and Alice Kingsley children (they are twins), the daughter of the Cheshire cat, and the daughter of the White Rabbit
Lastly, the Oz crew. The daughter of the great and powerful Oz. The daughter of Dorothy and her dog T.J. (Totto Jr.). The son of the Scarecrow. The daughter of the cowardly lion. The son of the tinman. The daughter of Glinda the good. And lastly, the son of the wicked witch of the west.
Seriously, guys, imagine the potential this has and imagine the epic world this could be. Take a moment and just imagine it. Because in my PERSONAL OPINION, this would be an awesome book and an awesome show to watch (if made correctly, of course)
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horeformilfs · 9 months
Stubborn Little Princess
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Fainting, Fever, Illness
Y/N had always been the epitome of a diligent teacher at the School for Good. Her appearance, her manner, and her dedication to her students made her seem like the perfect embodiment of all things good and virtuous. Lady Lesso, the formidable headmistress of the School for Evil, had initially dismissed Y/N as nothing more than a goody-goody who couldn't possibly understand the complex and dark world they inhabited. However, as time went on, she couldn't help but notice a depth and intelligence in Y/N that intrigued her.
One day, as Y/N prepared for her classes, she couldn't ignore the pounding headache that had taken root in her skull. Her vision swam, and a sense of exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. The corset she laced up as part of her daily attire felt particularly constricting, but she soldiered on, her sense of duty pushing her forward.
Throughout the day, Y/N's condition worsened, but she was determined to fulfill her responsibilities. Her last class was a joint venture with Lady Lesso, and as they taught side by side, the students could sense that something was off. Y/N, however, was determined to power through it, ignoring the signs of her deteriorating health.
Once the students left, Lady Lesso turned her sharp gaze toward Y/N. "You don't look well," she said with uncharacteristic concern.
Y/N, in a raspy voice, replied, "I'm fine, Lady Lesso, just a minor headache. I can handle it."
Lady Lesso's piercing blue eyes bore into Y/N, her concern hidden beneath a mask of annoyance. "Don't be foolish, Y/N. You can barely stand. What's really going on?"
Y/N hesitated, torn between her sense of duty and the growing weakness in her body. "I told you, it's just a headache."
The back-and-forth continued, with Lady Lesso refusing to accept Y/N's stubborn denials. As the tension in the room escalated, Y/N felt herself swaying, her vision blurring. Before she could even process what was happening, she fainted.
In an instant, Lady Lesso reacted, her sharp reflexes catching Y/N before she hit the ground. She cursed under her breath at Y/N's stubbornness and quickly assessed the situation. Y/N's corset was laced far too tightly, making her breathing labored. Lady Lesso took out the small dagger she always carried and deftly sliced through the corset strings, allowing Y/N to breathe normally once more.
As she freed Y/N from the constricting garment, Lady Lesso's gaze fell on Y/N's flushed face and the heat radiating from her. She pressed her hand against Y/N's forehead and confirmed what she had suspected: a fever raged within her.
Without hesitation, Lady Lesso scooped Y/N into her arms, her usual stern demeanor melting into genuine concern.Lady Lesso carried Y/N into her chambers with gentle determination, laying her down on the bed. Her usual air of authority was softened by genuine concern, as she began to gather supplies to care for her ailing companion. The room, bathed in a dim, eerie light, seemed more welcoming than ever as Lady Lesso set about her task.
Hours passed, and Y/N's fever continued to rage, causing her to drift into a delirious fever dream. She tossed and turned, her skin hot to the touch. Lady Lesso sat by her bedside, murmuring soothing words in a voice that was unusually tender.
"Shh, my dear," she whispered, brushing a damp strand of hair away from Y/N's forehead. "You're going to be all right. I won't let anything happen to you."
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, their gaze unfocused. She reached out a trembling hand, fingers grazing Lady Lesso's cheek. "Lesso," she mumbled, her voice weak and shaky. "Am I...am I dying?"
Lady Lesso's heart clenched at the fear in Y/N's eyes. She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead. "No, my love," she whispered, using the pet name so rarely heard. "You're not dying. You're just going through a rough patch, but we'll get through it together."
The fever continued to torment Y/N, and Lady Lesso knew it was time to take more drastic measures. She helped Y/N up and led her into the bathroom. There, she started a cold shower, the water cascading over Y/N's feverish body.
Y/N gasped as the icy water hit her overheated skin, and she instinctively cuddled closer to Lady Lesso, seeking warmth in her arms. Her shivering was uncontrollable, but she found solace in the steady presence of the headmistress.
Lady Lesso held her tightly, rubbing her arms and whispering comforting words into her ear. "You're doing great, my sweet. Just a little while longer, and this fever will break. You're so strong, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Y/N clung to Lady Lesso, tears mixing with the cold water as her fevered mind battled the chills. She couldn't help but feel a profound sense of comfort in Lady Lesso's embrace, in the reassurance of her words. The fever dream was a disorienting experience, but with Lady Lesso by her side, she felt safe.
As the cold water worked its magic and the fever began to recede, Y/N's trembling lessened. She closed her eyes, still held securely in Lady Lesso's arms, and let herself drift into a more peaceful slumber, knowing that she was no longer alone in her battle against the fever.
After a while, Lady Lesso believed that Y/N's fever had broken. She carefully helped Y/N out of the cold shower and into dry clothes. Y/N was shivering, despite the warmth of the room, and she could see the worry in Lady Lesso's eyes.
But just as they thought Y/N might be on the mend, the fever returned with even more intensity. Y/N's cheeks flushed red, and her breathing became labored. Lady Lesso's concern deepened as she realized the situation was more serious than she had hoped.
Desperate to help Y/N, Lady Lesso utilized her expertise in potions to create a fever-reducing concoction. She worked quickly, but it felt like an eternity to Y/N, who was wracked with discomfort. She couldn't help but squirm and whimper, her delirious mind consumed by the fever's torment.
Lady Lesso sat by Y/N's side, holding her hand and soothing her with words of praise and affectionate pet names. "You're incredibly strong, my dear," she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through Y/N's damp hair. "You've already come so far. This potion will help. Just a little while longer."
Y/N's fever-addled mind found solace in Lady Lesso's comforting presence. The affectionate pet names she used were like a balm to Y/N's aching body, offering a warmth and comfort that surpassed the physical.
Once the potion was ready, Lady Lesso helped Y/N sit up and took great care in ensuring she drank it slowly. Y/N grimaced at the taste, but Lady Lesso's unwavering support gave her the strength to finish the glass of water.
Lady Lesso smiled gently. "Good job, my brave one. You've done splendidly."
Y/N's eyes met Lady Lesso's, filled with gratitude and vulnerability. "Please...stay with me, Lesso."
Lady Lesso didn't hesitate. She settled beside Y/N on the bed, wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. "Of course, my love. I'll stay right here until you're feeling better. You're not alone in this."
As the potion took effect and the fever began to subside, Y/N found herself gradually regaining her strength. Lady Lesso's comforting presence was a constant source of reassurance, and the warmth of her embrace provided Y/N with a profound sense of security.
With Lady Lesso by her side, Y/N finally began to drift into a more peaceful and restful sleep. Her breathing steadied, and the tension in her body relaxed. The room, once fraught with worry and discomfort, now seemed like a sanctuary of solace.
Lady Lesso continued to hold Y/N, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on her back. "Rest now, my dearest," she murmured softly. "You've been incredibly brave, and I'll be here when you wake up."
Y/N managed a weak smile, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Lesso."
Lady Lesso leaned down and placed a tender kiss on Y/N's forehead. "It's my pleasure, my love. Just remember, you're never alone in this world."
As Y/N drifted into a deep and much-needed slumber, she knew that Lady Lesso's presence, and the newfound bond between them, would be a source of strength and comfort in the days and nights to come. In this unexpected moment of vulnerability and care, they had both discovered that there was more to their relationship than either of them had ever anticipated, and it was a revelation that would forever change the course of their lives.
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lottiette · 3 months
Hi honey, I've been following you for a while, I love your fics, spending hours reading them. I wanted to ask you, if it's okay with you and you have time, if you would like to write another fanfiction about hort, it's so underrated, I love you, have a good day<3
Hort X Ever! Reader
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Authors note: Hi Libraia thank you so much for your request! I love Hort so much I’d die for him. I hope this writing is to your liking. I know that I’m super irregular with my writing it’s because I’m lazy and never have any ideas. But hope you enjoy. I love you to have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
Warning: Book Hort/Movie Hort, swearing. Not proofread. I think that’s it.
- He first saw you at that bullshit Ever/Never meeting thing. Where the Ever boys performed and stuff.
- He saw you and a spark lit his Never heart.
- He didn’t think an Ever would ever capture his eye, but you…you were so sweet and pure. You had a genuine smile on your face.
- Of course that was only a fantasy to Hort. You would never even notice him. He was a weasel Never boy, and you were an Ever, a princess/prince who would find a perfect prince/princess.
- That was until one day at lunch. He was getting picked on for being a weasel boy who couldn’t do more than sprout two hairs of a wolf.
“What a loser.” “Sad excuse for a Never. You couldn’t scare a fly-“ The hog boy who was spouting bullshit of insults in the weasel boy’s face got hit with something. He turns around to see you standing there. “Did you throw something at me?” He growls in hatred. You throw another rock at him. “Why you-“ and another. “HEY STO-“ oh. That one got him right in his third eye. He is bleeding. “THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING NOTHING BUT A BIG BULLY!” You scream. The hog boy doesn’t like that. He starts charging at you. You scream naturally, and start running. Right as the hog boy is about to grab you Hort punches him right in his big borish face. Now you’re both running. Eventually you find yourselves hiding under a bridge like hide. You stick out your hand with a smile, “I’m (Name)”
- Hort sees the nicest Ever, ever.
- He couldn’t believe that you had did that for him. You could’ve gotten yourself killed, but you stood up for him.
- From that point on Hort is even more hopelessly devoted to you. He is going to protect you from everything he can.
- He’s the big bad wolf to your riding hood (Ever After High Red)
- You eat lunch with him from that point forward.
- Of course the hog boy did come back for a round two. You guys run each time to the same spot. Until it just gets old and you punch hog boy so hard he sees star. He leaves y’all alone after that.
- Hort does the little things for you. Opens your drinks/snacks. Get you anything you want. Helps you study, does your homework. All that stuff.
- He has an ANYTHING for you mindset. And “ANYTHING” means ANYTHING! From cookie to murder. He’ll do it.
- Being in a relationship with him is very loving.
- He looks at you like you put the moon in the sky.
- He’ll support anything you do. Any hobbies, traits, or anything whatever you do.
- He likes to give you feather kisses. Like little pepper flakes.
- And LOVES cuddles. Doesn’t matter where or when he wants to be touching you. He’ll pull you into him whenever.
- Not until later into the relationship will he touch your ass. He’s not going to smack it. He has the ultimate high respect for you. He will NOT be touching without your permission.
- And even if he does get your permission he’ll be reluctant to touch you that way. He’ll be a blushing boy
- If anyone else touches you they won’t have hands to touch you with anymore.
- He will not play around when it comes to your safety.
- All the Ever boys/girls trying to flirt with you, he hates it.
- He already thinks you’re too good for him but he knows that anyone else isn’t good enough for you.
- He might get a bit insecure sometimes because he will get in his head and start thinking that maybe you should be with an Ever. That maybe they can treat you better. (They can’t)
- He’s possessive. He wants you to himself because he doesn’t trust anyone else and he isn’t losing you.
- He’s not leaving you. No matter how sad or mad you are.
- He’s not going to be the best at comforting you when sad because he’s never really experienced that but he’ll try. He wants to punch and kill your problems and he will if he can but if not he’ll cuddle you and sniff your hair.
- I think that he likes to bring you trinkets like “oh a pretty rock” or “oh a butterfly wing” just little things he finds he wants to give to you.
- I think he likes to have his hair played with.
- You two have to sneak out to meet each other.
- Most nights under the moon in the forest are more magical than the one before it. You two lay in the grass just holding onto each other and telling the other about all the things they’ve missed and whatever else
- Just let him sniff your hair, hold you, steal your items occasionally, and he’ll be just fine.
- He promises you that one day he’ll get you out of the bullshit school and give you everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
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ang3lik · 1 year
hi!! so basically i thought instead of doing a celebration for 2k i’ll just do a kinktober and ficmas!! i want to thank you all so much for all the wonderful support and feedback i’ve received, even though writing has been a pain, thankyou all for being so kind and patient! i love you all so much! <3
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there’ll be 4 fics each week starting on the 03/10 and finishing on the 31/10.
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week one ::
• 3/10 — bill kaulitz x size kink…. • 5/10 — owen x public sex… • 7/10 — sophie d’or x temperature play…. • 9/10 — jacob black x breeding kink…
week two ::
• 11/10 — tom kaulitz x daddy kink… • 13/10 — vampire!bill kaulitz x blood play…. • 15/10 — faith lehane x degradation… • 17/10 — never!tedros x throat training…
week three ::
• 19/10 — kevin khatchadourian x dacryphilia… • 21/10 — edward cullen x monster fucking… • 23/10 — gustav schäfer x praise kink… • 25/10 — cordelia chase x mommy kink…
week four ::
• 27/10 — carlisle cullen x spit kink… • 29/10 — georg listing x phone sex… • 31/10 — tom kaulitz x roleplay/fearplay/knifeplay…
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i really hope you enjoy this event! and of course enjoy the spooky season!! 🎃
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websterss · 2 years
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REQUEST: I was wondering if I could request a Tedros x afab reader headcannons for dating! It could go in any way you like!
WARNING(S): none. fluff.
PAIRING: Tedros Pendragon x afab!Reader    
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! <3 Feedback is always welcomed!
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At first, you had no interest in the future prince of Camelot. Too busy and too unbothered to pay the boy any mind. You mostly kept to your books, nose delved deep into an enchanting love story that seemed too good to be true. But these were your history. All the fairytales and love stories that your mother told you to help you sleep, were all written within the pages your eyes scanned, and fingers glided down. They were far more interesting than that of King Arthur’s son.
Tedros started to finally take notice of you one day, eyes shifting onto your figure that sat alone in a corner table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Each time you got up to leave the great hall. His eyes would trail after the swift movements of your gown swaying side to side with each step you took. 
You intrigued him. You had him wondering why you appeared to be the only one who didn’t fawn over his looks, his title, or who his father was. 
Why did he only just start to see you? He pondered whether you were new but you weren’t. You had been there just as long as the rest of the Evers were.
His guilty conscience made him feel bad for never knowing your name. Knowing who you are because you appeared to be a wonderful soul.
It made him question so many things. So he set out to befriend you.
It first began with the introduction of one another. He hoped you would shake his extended hand but you only set your book down and stared quizzically at him. An eyebrow raised at his odd behavior.
“Hello, I don’t think we’ve formally met-“
“We have.” You cut him off bluntly. Tedros winces and retracts his hands.
“W-We have?”
“Yes.” You blink expressionless at him.
“I don’t believe so. I would’ve remember a pretty face such as yours-“
“Well, you didn’t. Otherwise you would’ve remembered that you bumped into me on the first day, told me to watch where I was going. Quite the impression you’ve set…” You gave him a light tip smile.
His face falls. Mouth opening and closing, in hopes to make things right. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t-“
The hand you raise cuts him off. You save the poor boy from embarrassing himself. “No need to apologize. All is forgotten.”
“What about…forgiven?” He looks up through his eyelashes with hope.
“I suppose that depends on how you make this interaction.” You smirk. Then avert your eyes back onto your book. This causes him to smirk.
“May I sit?” He gestured to the chair beside you. You meet his gaze, pursing your lips in thought. Then turn to your book.
“No.” You want to laugh at his puzzled face.
“No?” He scoffs, but laughter follows after. “Are you reserving these chairs for someone then?” He teases, gesturing to the vacant table and chairs around you.
“No…” You chew your bottom lip. To keep from laughing.
“Well, then how come I can’t sit?”
“I didn’t think you’d want to spoil your image.” You shrug.
“Is that what you’re concerned about? My peers seeing me being social?” He claimed the chair to the left of you.
“I thought of it as more of you being concerned. We don’t exactly sway in the same social group.” Your eyes vacantly flicker to the table a few feet down from your shadowed one in the dark. They seemed to be casting snickers and judgemental glances towards you, or rather where Tedros’s attention was on.
“Then allow me to be the first to be in yours...” You grow flustered with a loss for words. You scoff out a laugh, then finally set your book faced down. You extend your hand and he gladly accepts it. Shaking yours with a firm but gentle grip. 
“I don’t believe I got your name, my lady.”
“That’s because I never gave it.” You smirk. He mirrors it. 
“You’re gonna make me work for it...I assume.” He lets his head fall. 
“In due time...You’ll learn to love rewards.” You tease and rise to leave. He follows suit and stands up beside you. 
So it began. A love story in the making. One slow, but rather enchanting, and endearing. You knew you were being unfair, gatekeeping your name, but your heart fluttered each time he put in the effort to get to learn one new fact about you. One new trait or scrunch or twitch of your nose or hands. The journey to get to know all of you was one challenge he was willing to face.
You didn’t exactly make it easy on him now either. 
It took him a while but as soon as he found out where you liked to spend most of your free time. He had a hard time leaving you alone. Your peace was disrupted by his charming grin, and loud persona. Not that you minded though, the distraction was rather appealing to look at. 
“Thought I’d find you here.” You squint up, the sun half in your eyes. You lift your hand up to your face to cast a shadow over your eyes. Once you finally reel in on who approaches you, you roll your eyes. Though it was hard not to know who came trollying about. He was too loud to miss. 
You shrug, gesturing to the tree you were leaning back against. A green flower embroidered blanket laid out underneath your gown. Your slippers slipped off to help you find comfort more easily. Though your desire for peace and quiet was long forgotten as the prince himself plopped down onto your blanket. He laid on his side, a cheesy smile casted your way. You tried hard to fight your own, but your teeth peeked out from your lips. 
“It’s Saturday.” You go back to reading the page you were on. 
“Yes I know.” He nods. “As opposed to yesterday being Friday, where you picnicked by the wishing pond. Though you never wish for anything.” He quietly mutters, like he was telling you a secret. It was true though. After learning the history behind the pond due to Agatha saving that poor girl and freeing her from her captivity. You refused to partake in any wish making. “Only sit and ponder-”
“And read my book.” You finish for him. “I see you’ve been paying attention, but what about tomorrow? Where might you find me then?”
“Well, it’d be Sunday. Some princesses might find themselves at the great hall looking out for a prince...” He trails off. His hands tracing over an embroidered pattern on the hem of your dress. He smiles as you tuck your feet in, letting your dress swallow their visibility. 
“But?” You eye him over the top of your book. He meets your eyes for a fleeting second then looks away, his face flushes red. 
“But not you. I’ll find you in the library. Tucked away in the farthest corner from eyesight...You think you’re well kept hidden from sight, but I spot you right away.” 
Your face becomes visible as you lower the book down onto your lap. Your eyes soften. “You see me?”
“I do.”
You gain the trouble to suddenly breathe correctly. Tedros subconsciously reaches for your hand. A tingle runs up and down your spine upon his light touches. He smooths his fingertips over your own. You gasp as he sits up tall. Your book falls carelessly onto the blanket as you watch him inch closer. Closer than he’s ever been. You catch his eyes flickering down to your lips, then up to your eyes, begging for you to allow him to press a kiss onto your lips. A plea more like it as he turns into a puddled mess. He breathes out a laugh as he reaches up to cup your face. He pressed his head against yours.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” A faint nod from you was all he needed to proceed. His lips felt soft against yours. Yet the way he held you. Cupping your face, thumbs caressing your skin delicately. Holding you gently like you were a flower in a meadow, hoping not to be stepped on and ruined. 
When he asked you to be his princess. You had said yes. 
As much as you enjoyed being Tedros’s friend. There was something about being his girlfriend that brought out a side to you, one you never imagined you’d have. 
Call it jealousy, perhaps troubled doubts. They were all there, but as scared as you felt. You revel in the small things. The way he reaches for your hand when seated during assemblies. How his eyes search for yours in the great hall. How he brings your hand up to place a kiss upon them. How he tries to sneak you out for a stroll in the gardens. 
You’re quite fond of the memories of your dates at the wish fish pond. You could still feel the gentle grip on your chin as he turned your face to kiss you gently, leaving you breathless each time.
Your timid giggles were enough to have him groan in delight. You made his heart soar. He was in awe of your beauty, your laugh, your affectionate smile. The way your kisses lingered as well that he’d chase your lips each time you pulled back with a smirk.
Though he too had his own troubled doubts. That he’d wake up from a dream, and you’d have only been a part of his imagination. He was scared shitless. Incredibly so that one night during your date by the pond, he dipped his finger into the water. You laughed at his antics, telling him from where you sat on your blanket, that the wishfish only showed you what you most desired, that the fish couldn’t really grant him the thing he wanted most. It was something he had to make happen himself. 
So that’s what he had set his mind to afterwards. 
He fully believed that you coming into his life was no coincidence. He had never felt as connected to someone as he had with you. It was almost like...
Like you were his true love. And he didn’t waste time to tell you either. 
It had been the night of the Evers Snowball. 
When you hadn’t arrived into the great hall. He left to find you watching the snow fall through the high raised arched windows. Though he stopped a few steps away from you. He hadn’t seen your pretty gown yet. A soft baby blue matching his own royal jacket. You had heard his familiar footsteps before you even turned to see that it was him.
“I understand why they called it the Evers Snowball now.” You giggled. You then turned to face him with a beaming grin. “Hard to believe since it was clear blue skies and puffy white clouds yesterday. Though this is a magical school. Nothing’s ever impossible.” You stepped forward. Offer your hands for him to grab. He smirked because you were in fact right. He curls his fingers into your palm. Your hands curl into each other. Your smile remains as you try to meet his eyes. Head tilting in confusion as to why he wouldn’t meet your gaze. He turns to eye the falling snow. 
Quite the perfect evening. A magical aura wrapping itself around you both. This moment with you truly felt like one from a well known fairytale. Though Tedros knew as much this would be your own fairy tale to tell in the future.
“Mmm.” He turned his head to meet your eyes now. He chewed on his bottom lip as he hummed in thought.
You only laughed. “You okay?”
“I’m great!”
“Yes. It’s all perfect. Being right here with you.” 
You only rolled your eyes thinking he was trying to be a sap again. You playfully slap his shoulder clad with blue epaulets. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s head back to the great hall, no? I’m in the mood for a dance to be honest.” You breathe out a laugh. You pass him with a hand on his shoulder. You had taken a few steps forward only to look back to see his back turned to you. You halt and frown. “Tedros?”
“No.” He shakes his head. Your heart skips.
“No. Let’s not head back just yet.” He turns around to face you. 
“Okay...” You step closer. “We can stay here for a bit if you prefer.” 
“No I do- I do want to head back, but I just. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do...” You raise a brow at him confused. You open your mouth to ask what he wants to show you, but your only left gaping as he lowers himself onto one knee. “Well...ask you really.” He laughs out nervously. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a black velvet box. You were all too familiar with these kinds of scenarios. What surely was a ring beneath the closed lid didn’t pass you. You place your hand over your mouth in shock. Your other hand holds your stomach. You were thankful at that moment, you hadn’t eaten dinner yet. 
“Tedros-” You begin but he cuts you off.
“B-Before you say anything. I just want you to know that you are sure not like anybody I’ve ever met before. Until I got to really know you. I had no faith in falling in love because of what happened with my father and mother. In fact the concept of love scares me. It still does...” He gives a faint smile, one you reciprocate lightly. “But if there’s one thing I’m positive about is that you’ve made me want to be better. Make me want to see the world for more than just black and white, for more than just evil and good. You’ve been a wonderful best friend, but you have been the best love I’ve ever had.” He pops open the small box. You cry out a laugh. Tears brimming your eyes. “My true love.” 
“True love?” Your eyes widened.
“You are my one true love. I believe that this, right here. You and me. Us. It’s meant to be, that the universe brought us together, and if that’s not true then I don’t know what to believe in anymore because I can’t imagine my life without you. You, Y/n, are my one true love, and I’ll be damned if someone who’s writing our story thinks otherwise.”
You were a crying mess at this point. You tilt your head, a beaming smile on your lips as you look down at him on a knee before you.
“Is that all you wanted to tell me?” You breathe a laugh out. Tedros lets a tear slip down his cheek, his charming smile gracing you.
“I’m getting to it!” He laughs. 
“Sorry...go on.” You composed yourself. Nodding and gesturing to continue. You couldn’t stifle your laughter though. 
“Will you marry me?” He takes the ring out of the box and gestures it to you. “Be my ever after?”
“Yes!” You beam. Gently cupping his face, and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He slips the ring onto your ring finger and stands to his full height. Cupping your face this time and pressing a hard but slow kiss on you.
“She said yes!” Multiple cheers and hollers startle you, causing you to pull away and look back towards the great hall entrance doors. 
You scoff out a laugh seeing multiple Evers, a few buddies of Tedros, and surprisingly a few Ever girls. Applauding you and Tedros. 
You look back to him, a cheesy smile on your face now, as your hands slide to cup the back of his neck. He leans forward to press your heads together, eyes closed, cherishing each other’s touch, and embraces. 
You can’t help the laugh that emits past your lips as the cheering only grows louder. It’s not long before you’re drowned in confetti. You gasp, blinking up to the ceiling as little pieces of plastic fall all around you, but the bigger surprise is when they start to dissolve before they can even touch the ground. It only adds to the magical feeling that swells in your heart. 
You lean in to give him another small peck. He chases after your lips. Then sighs in relief when you allow them to get caught up with his own. “I love you...” He mutters out gently, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I love you more, my ever after.”
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my-blind-album · 1 year
hi!! could i please ask for leonara lesso prompt 1 please? thank you! :)
yes, and i apologize for the late post
Lady Leonora Lesso x Female!Student!Reader
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Prompt 1 - "Eyes Up Here, Ever." Lady Leonora Lesso Prompts
It's been three months. Each one more drastic than the other. There have been numerous rumours circulating about the dean of evil and a particular student pulling practical jokes on one another. At first, the joke was small and simple, the dean would make insults about an ever student by the name, Y/n Y/l/n. The insults were nothing more than comments about her clothing saying that it was either too revealing or not revealing enough and about the ever girl's hair saying that it was either too messy or too neat. Y/n wasn't really triggered by these words till a day came when the dean thought it would be hilarious to ruin Y/n's favourite dress.
At this point, Y/n reached her breaking point. She was upset with the grinning dean, and she moved quickly to exact retribution. Y/n secretly added a serum to the dean's tea during her lunch break. She took a sip and immediately felt her tongue start to burn as if she had sipped directly from a spicy condiment. She violently slapped her fist against the table in anguish as she trembled. She drenched herself entirely by pouring milk, white, and every other liquid she could get her hands on onto her tongue. The professors and students were all taken aback and perplexed by her antics until Y/n's laughing broke the tension in the room.
Then that's when it began, the pranks. Everyday it was either the dean would pranks Y/n in the morning then Y/n would get her revenge at lunch. Everyone was quite shocked by their foolish fights but also confused as to why the dean hadn't taken the ever girl to the doom room, which is where she takes all her students who crossed her. However, the had to admit that the stupid pranks the two would throw at each other were quite entertaining. The Nevers would cheer for their dean whenever, she played her game and occasionally helped her. The Evers on the other hand would be Y/n's cheerleader and support her silly game with the dean. Even Professor Dovey was supportive of Y/n. She saw it as good beating evil once again and would encourage the Ever students to assist her if required.
From making Lady Lesso's renowned red hair pink for a full week to limiting Y/n to only hearing the dean's name when she talked. Their jokes continued growing funnier, stranger, and crazier. Up until the day Y/n transformed into a gecko so she could enter the dean's bedroom covertly. When she arrived, she proceeded to the dean's wardrobe, which was stocked with her clothing. The sound of a door opening and closing stopped her from taking on her human form. The dean was wrapped in a black towel and standing outside her bathroom, her wet red hair falling flat.
Fortunately, Y/n was still in her gecko form, so the dean couldn't see her admiring how wonderfully the sun's rays reflected off her half-naked body. The dean massaged her arms and legs with lotion as she sat on her queen-sized bed. She was about to remove her towel till she stopped, looking around the room. Y/n was horrified; to say she was frightened would be an understatement. She was afraid because of how the dean's gaze scoured the room even though she was in her gecko shape. She saw her, right? She couldn't have because geckos are rather small animals, making it impossible for anyone to have noticed her. Later, the dean's gaze landed on her wardrobe, and she started to move slowly in that direction. What the fuck?! Y/n thought.
Now the dean was standing right in front of her wardrobe. Y/n was underneath it trying her best to not make a single sound or it might attract the dean's attention not that the dean would know it was her in the gecko form but then her prank wouldn't be able to be done. The dean was about to open her closet till she heard the sound of glass breaking. The dean noticed her kitten, Minerva, examining the broken vase to her left. "Minerva, you've broken my favourite vase twice now; just because I can use magic to fix it doesn't mean you should carelessly obliterate it." She spoke. Caring her cat into arms, she fixed her vase before walking away into her lounge room while still half-naked. I never knew, Lady Lesso had a cat, interesting. Y/n thought.
Y/n emerged from hiding shortly after taking on her human form. She opened the dean's closet and used her magic to make them disappear, replacing them with an outfit she had personal made for the dean to wear. It wasn't anything bad or ugly but merely sexy. The fact that the dean barely altered her dress yet had the nerve to make fun of Y/n for her attire kind of irked her. Therefore, Y/n made sure that the dean would have no choice but to wear one of her outfits as retaliation for her criticisms on her attire and destruction of her favourite dress. "Now try and comment on my attire," Y/n muttered under her breath.
As the dean's voice grew louder and louder, Y/n shut the dean's closet, transformed into a dove, and flew out the window to return to the school of good. The dean yelled her name angrily as she was flying away. Y/n merely grinned to herself before moving on. Upon entering her bedroom, Y/n grinned joyously to herself as she climbed into her bathtub. When she emerged from the bathroom, she noticed that her hair was red, but not just any red—it was the same shade of red as the dean's hair. Her earlier smirk had turned into utter terror. Fuck you, Lesso! She said to herself. Opening her closest, she collapsed totally. All of her clothes were replaced with replicas of the dean's clothes. There was even a cane that matched hers. I've been bamboozled. Y/n thought to herself.
When the bell rang, breakfast could officially begin. Since the dean made it apparent with the multiple copies that it was all Y/n would be wearing, she had no choice but to transform into a little version of Lady Lesso for the day or even for several weeks. Indignantly carrying the cane, Y/n stormed out of her bedroom and along the hallways. Although she couldn't see it, Y/n appeared to the other students to be a little version of Lady Lesso, given that the dean was generally angry when she was around. Everyone in the dining hall, including the dean, who had a grin on her face, focused on Y/n as she entered.
Instead of stomping over to the dean to confront her about taking all of her valued clothing, Y/n looked down at the dean's apparel and noticed that she was wearing the clothes Y/n had left for her. The dean looked down and saw that Y/n was staring at her attire, which made her enraged. This was Y/n's chance to sneer. The dean promptly got up from her seat and approached the one student who was trying to flee despite wearing the dean's 3 inch heels. The dean seized Y/n's arm and teleported to her room using magic while holding onto Y/n. The moment they got there, the ever spat a fit and shoved the dean's hand away from her arm.
Y/n had the opportunity to observe the dean in person and get a good look at how the dean appeared dressed. She appeared gorgeous. She wore Y/n's dress that hugged her hips and displayed all of her curves. The dean's long, lovely legs were seen due to the high thigh cut. Not to mention that Y/n could see her breasts almost in full view. The thought of them between her lips made her heart hurt and her knees unbearable since they appeared so round and plump. "Eyes up there, Ever." Lady Lesso said. They both turned to look at each other. When Y/n noticed the dean's sneer, she had to finally admit that it made her heart skip a beat and her folds slightly moisten. "Do you like the view?" she asked.
Because she didn't want to give in just yet, Y/n bit her bottom lip to keep from uttering the obscene noises she so strongly wanted to. The dean reflected in a nearby mirror, "You know, I think I was wrong about you, your style is quite alright," she said. She carried on about how attractive I'd look if I wore that outfit and how desirable I'd look out of it, "I wonder how sexy this will make you look, don't you agree?" She stated, looking at me with a relaxed expression as if she hadn't just seduced me, "But anyways, I should be heading to teach my lessons and you should be heading to your school."
The dean used her magic to transfer the ever to her appropriate school before Y/n had a chance to object to departing. Y/n finds herself in bed with a duvet and blanket covering her when she opens her eyes in surprise. Everything was all a dream, a filthy dream. "What the hell!" she yelled while shoving a pillow into her face from behind her head. "I've been screwed!" No one other than her wife was able to take the pillow out of her hands. "Love, why are you shouting at this hour of the morning?" "Leonora, in my dream I almost got fucked by you! Up until I woke up, the good stuff was about to happen." Y/n voiced their displeasure.
Leonora responded by rolling her eyes. "If you cuddle me, then I'll give you the best fucking of your life." "Really?" Y/n questioned. "Definitely, even better than what the dream version of me could have done." "Okay." Y/n relaxed in her wife's arms and encircled her waist with her own. "You know, I was a smaller version of you in my dream." said Y/n. Her wife was perplexed and questioned, "What?" "Yeah, I was completely dressed like you, even had the same shade of hair like you and shoes, even had the cane!" The redheaded woman only grinned at her wife as she rambled on about her dream. I'm relieved I married this moron. As she continued to hear her wife's story, Leonora grinned to herself.
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retold-tales · 1 year
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Even Villains Should Get A Happy Ending
Imagine Rafal falling for you a princess and you the same but everyone is against it but he doesn't care and makes you his queen
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annie-creates · 5 months
After my mother
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1900
Note: As I said before, no. But I can write something similar for you. I feel like this turned out really cute so I hope you'll like it too.
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Another restless night. Hugging the pregnancy pillow under your body you toss and turn over and over in your big bed, missing the person who was supposed to sleep next to you. Lately it was pretty rare for Leonora to show up at home, or even spend any time with you. You stopped worrying about why that is long time ago, opting to save your sanity from all the dreadful scenarios your hormonated head could come up with. Giving up on the hopes for a good night’s rest you get up to make yet another melissa tea.
Was it the fact you were getting bigger and waddling around like a penguin? did your wife not find you attractive anymore? Did she get scared from the responsibility for a baby? You both planned to start your own family for so long, your child seemed to be sent to you by heavens. To you it was the most amazing little miracle, but maybe your wife didn’t see it as such? Maybe she didn’t actually want to have a child? Or maybe she just didn’t want one with you…
Pushing all the nagging evil thoughts aside you pack your bags and make your way over to the School of good and evil with the first sunlight of the day. If your wife won’t take the effort to spend time with you, you’ll come keep her company at the school. She won’t get rid of you that easily, you’ll bother her until she gets tired of it and then some. With two suitcases and a bag slumped over your shoulder you appear at the doorstep of her office, her surprised face turning into a big smile.
“Baby! Oh my god what are you doing here?” she lights up, quickly taking the bags from you so you don’t have to drag it and kissing you on the cheek in the process.
“Well it’s not like you were coming home any time soon.” You reprimand her with a scrunched-up face in annoyance. “So I came here.”
Her face retorted to one of honest regret and shame, she knew she was spending a little too much time at work but didn’t know you’d notice. You always seemed so busy at home she didn’t want to bother you. Any time she tried to help you’d push her away because she was arranging the sofa pillows wrong or didn’t light up your favorite scent of candle. Ever since you became pregnant you were an impossible neat freak, probably having to do something with nesting, if she was to guess.
But she was very happy to see you here, now being able to combine her work duties and family life better. The enthusiasm lasted her exactly two and a half days, until you rearranged literally everything she owned and kept in her chambers in the castle. You turned to her office next, Lesso suddenly not being able to find any of the props she had prepared for her next lesson on deadly traps or books about ancient torture techniques. She slowly started regretting welcoming you in her towers, but of course she’d never tell that to anyone, much less you. She loved you for who you were, even when crazy from pregnancy. She was the one to put the child in you after all, so she sort of brought it on herself.
Dovey however was ecstatic to have you back at the castle. Being her best student and then a beloved teacher before you gave the position up, fearing it could be a clash of interest considering you married the dean of evil, she had some unbreakable admiration for you. And there wasn’t anything she loved more than happy endings and babies. So she kept you company while Lesso taught and invited you for walks and picnics with her other friends. She helped you pick up baby clothes, look for nursery equipment and even brainstorm some baby names, that one was her favorite.
You were already showing pretty clearly when you arrived but now you felt like a big barrel of beer. You couldn’t tie your own shoes and always needed someone to help you stand up from your chair, feeling utterly useless. That affected your mood, turning your bubbly personality into somewhat shy and insecure. You didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, much less your hardworking wife. She deserved a partner who could take care of their own socks and showering. Leonora noticed your saddened state, it would be hard for her not to. Maybe she wasn’t always present as much as you needed her to be but she was always perceptive and observant.
“How was your day today darling?” She asks as she steps into your now shared room in the evening, you already snuggled under the duvets.
“It was fine. Had some tea with Anemone and then we planned this weekend’s activities.” You answer tiredly.
As she dresses in pajamas and joins you in the bed, you snuggle into her as close as you can with your out of shape form. You didn’t want to be too clingy and drive her away with your neediness and unattractive body, but at the same time you needed her warmth and the comfort of her loving embrace. She starts to mindlessly draw small circles over your back and arms with her thumb, breathing in your fresh roses scent.
“I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore.” You admit suddenly, almost as if you were scared to say it out loud.
“What?” She thought that maybe she didn’t hear right, you seemed very happy every time you cooed over your growing baby with Clarissa.
“You can’t find me attractive like this, and I need your help literally all the time.” You complain, your intrusive thoughts winning over this time.
“Honey there’s nothing I’d find more attractive than you all round and pretty with my child.” She corrects you with a deep look into your eyes. “The only reason I couldn’t wait for you to not be pregnant anymore would be to get to finally meet our baby.”
She sooths your pregnant belly with her palm, feeling the baby kicking against her hand. Your and her eyes both go wide and you cover her hand with yours, wanting to feel this special connection too. Maybe she was right, carrying your baby was a little miracle and nothing to be insecure about. Leonora enjoyed taking care of you and having to help you with little everyday tasks made her feel needed and wanted.
“Mommy is feeling a little insecure today, hm?” she talked to your child in your womb and it filled your heart with warmth and love. “Don’t worry, I’ll make her feel all loved and appreciated.”
With the promise she looks up to kiss you and you happily accept her affection. Since then, you spend every night listening to Leonora’s reassurances and affirmations, talking about baby names, genders, what your child is gonna be like growing up or if it’s going to inherit your round nose and her devilish personality. She caresses your back and massages your swollen ankles, not once complaining about the job, because she knows she’ll actually miss it once you’re not pregnant anymore.
And not being pregnant comes sooner than you expect it to, in the middle of the day being escorted to the medical wing as your water broke right outside in the middle of your walk by the lake. Lucky for you you had Dovey and Anemone right by your side so they helped you get back and find the help you needed. The nurses and doctors rushed around you getting you comfortable and ready for labour. Talking you trough contractions and pain, they prepare you to deliver your baby while Dovey runs out to find Leonora.
“Seems we’re about ready to push your little princess out madam.” The nurse informs you, getting you panicked.
“What!? I can’t do this without my wife!” You reprimand her squeezing your fists in pain. “I need Lesso to be here!”
“I don’t think the baby is willing to wait…” her calm demeanor only fueled your hormonal anger more.
„I swear to heavens if you make me have this child without my wife you’ll spend the rest of your life in hell!“ Surely your dear wife could take care of that. “Lesso! I swear if you don’t come right this second, I’m naming this child after my mother!” You scream as if your wife could hear you all to way to her classroom and with your new found strength driven by pain and fear maybe she could.
Dovey ran to the classroom in the dungeons of the school of evil out of breath, not bothering to knock as she flew into the room like a tsunami wave. Lesso fried her with an annoyed look, ready to give her a mouthful about how she doesn’t want to be bothered during her class even if someone was dying some boring way of death, but before she could admonish her counterpart Clarissa caught enough breath to get out why she was there.
“Y/N… in labour… baby. Here.” She pushes out over her almost collapsing lungs and it’s enough for Leonora to drop everything and run out of the class without even dismissing it.
Dovey rolls her eyes and lets the kids go because it’s clear their teacher won’t be coming back any time soon and takes her way back to the medical wing to also be there when it’s time to welcome your child into their world. Meanwhile Leonora takes the steps by three, speeding to the delivery room to be with you so fast she’d put the speed of light to shame, but not fast enough for you to not be angry with her for being late.
“What took you so long?” You complain tears briming your eyes from the fear of having to push your child out alone and not knowing what to do.
“I’m so sorry love, but I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay.” She promised kissing the crown of your head and enduring the iron grip of your hand.
“You ready now?” The nurse asks a little annoyed with your dramatics and you nod.
After what felt like twice the eternity to you, a lot of painful screams and maybe a few bruised bones in Lesso’s hands, the crying of a newborn fills the room and everyone exhales in relief. Your baby is wrapped up in clean blankets and given to you to hold, looking up at you with curious blue eyes and a few red hairs. It was the most ethereally beautiful girl you have ever seen in your entire life.
“Oh my god look. Leo look. We have a baby girl.” A new wave of tears washes over you as you whisper to your wife, being swept away by emotions and hormones.
“Yea, our beautiful little baby girl.” She whispers back too scared to startle the little angel in your arms, hardly fighting the tears herself.
“Oh, by the way? We’re naming her after my mother.” You announce to your wife shocking her speechless, because that was nowhere even near your baby names list.
She knew better than to question you right now and she’d rather fight off a dragon than argue with her postpartum wife, she sort of still values her fragile life.
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sere-rine · 2 years
~Your One and Only Protector~
SGE <Movie version>  Imagine (Lady Lesso x Fem Reader)
Warning: Fluff
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Woods are scaringly fascinating for an ever like you. It holds a lot of danger yet it is the most peaceful place you can find in this world of what they say is "balance".
You climb a tree with the help of Gale, and sit on one of it's higher branches and heave a sigh releasing all your anger towards a certain dean of the school.
Before the school being combined, you and Lady Lesso have a few small dispute that happens to be the one that is making your life like hell.
You missed Agatha so much for she is the only one who knows and who listens to all your rants about that Lady Lesso.
Now that Agatha left and the school is one, every single damn time that you walked into the hall you can see her which makes your blood boil all the time. She always looked at you with condescending eyes and Dovey would just elbow her and you will walk fast past them. 
You look at your surroundings and your view is no less than magnificent. You can see the whole school from where you are and you can observe from here. You don’t have any company but Gale, who is giving you a light refreshing breeze to help you calm down from your anger. But everytime you get to remember why you are angry, the temperature is starting to drop. 
“A princess is not supposed to hold a sword Y/n.” Lady Lesso said out of nowhere while you are busy practicing alone on the gym. You stopped at what you are doing and face her way. You try to meet her eyes but you are unsuccessful for her gaze are somewhere else.
You are wearing a white tanked top paired with black cycling shorts. You are filled with sweats and probably dehydrated. You make your way into the nearest bench where your towel and bottled water are placed. You hung your towel onto your shoulder and drank your water to satisfy your thirst. You did all of that with Lady Lesso’s eyes are scanning you making you feel conscious about the way you look. You are princess after all, you may be practicing to hold a sword but still appearance is one hell of a requirement for all of you evers. 
“What are you looking at Professor?” You asked after a minute of her feeding at your sight. She shrugged whatever thought she has and then she looked at your orbs. 
“Like I’ve said, princesses shouldn’t be bothered learning to hold a sword.” You scoffed at her statement and wiped your sweat. From your forehead to your cheeks down to your neck and chest. You didn’t notice how her eyes followed the strokes of your towel and how she gulped at the sight. 
“And do you think I care?” You asked her almost daring her to say something. She didn’t so you put the sword that you’re holding up to show it to her. “This sword is one of the most precious possession my mother have professor. I need to be worthy of wielding this.” You said while looking at the frozen sword. A ray of light from a window that is reflected at it is almost blinding you but that stopped when a slender hand with long black nails, holds the sword blocking the light.  
“Ahh of course. You, Princess Y/N of Arendelle, daughter of Queen Anna and King Kristoff, always trying to prove your worthy for the people of your kingdom. Your mother who claims to be inlove with a man who she met just a day. And your father who seems crazy talking to reindeer.” She said in a mocking tone making you furious. 
“How dare you talk to my parents like that?” You spat at her but all she did was to look down at you. 
“All i’m saying is stop this thing.” She tried to get my sword out of your grasp but you didn’t let her. You stepped backward and you get all of your things, ready to leave the gym. “Just leave me alone.” She was taken aback of what you have said.
“You are a princess, you should focus on how to keep yourself pretty and how to earn your first kiss. You’ll probably going to have a hard time to get yourself a prince before the Ball because of how you act. You have your mother’s stubbornness and yet you get your independence from your aunt. Such an irritating combination of attitude.” 
“And why on heaven’s earth do you care professor? You may be a teacher but you still are fruit of evil so why do you care for a mere ever whose looks does not have the power to reach your beauty standards?” You shouted at her but  didn’t wait for her answer as you stomped your way out. 
“Gale, I am beautiful right?” You asked annoyed at the elemental spirit that is accompanying you right now. It breezes lightly and you take that as a sign of yes. “Hmph, I can get any prince whenever I want. Besides they are not a necessity, I actually like to think that they are just an accessory for princesses to fit in on fairy tale's society. Don’t you think?” You asked again and much more breeze with autumn leaves surrounds you and you just laughs. 
“Such an idiot you are.” A voice interrupts you making you jerk from your sit and you lost your balance. You are expecting to hit the hard ground but you didn’t. You thought Gale helped you but you felt an arms around your waists after a few seconds. ‘Gale doesn’t have arms.’ You thought so out of curiosity you open your eyes but that caught your guard off.
Two amethyst colored orbs are looking straight at you and scanning not just your eyes but your whole face. How beautiful her eyes are whether you deny it or not. Her make up that is highlighting her gorgeous face are going to be the death of you. How can you hate her when she’s this flawless physically? Wait, whether she is pretty outside her insides are not. You seems to get a hold on your body now so you pushed her abruptly and she let you. 
“Where did you came from? You are literally coming out of nowhere.” You said exasperatingly. 
“I’ve come to say my apologies.” You are shocked at her statement for The former dean of evil does not admit her wrong. You can;t believe it because please, her ego is higher than the castle your aunt Elsa built. 
“Why?” You asked out of speechlessness. She looked at her sides eyeing if someone can hear her.
“Perhaps what I have said is too much.” She said with her eyes everywhere but yours and a blank expression. You don’t know if she is genuine or not but it is enough for now. At least she tried to say sorry.
“A-apology accepted.” She looked at you with a little to no expression. 
“That’s it?” You nod at her and she release a sigh. Your eyes are still at her and she meet it.
“How come it’s easy?” Your eyebrow cocked at this woman. 
“What choice do I have other than to forgive you?” You asked her then you sit down at the bottom of the tree where you fell.
“Not to forgive me.” She said then points her cane into where you’re sitting. “That is full of dirt princess, what are you thinking sitting the-” She stopped whatever she was saying because you grab the end of the cane that is near you and pulled it with her. She ended up sitting beside you and after that you stare at the clouds above you. What a great weather it is.
“You know professor, it would be no good if I keep my grudge onto myself, I am now grateful that you at least say your regrets after what you’ve done even though it is clear that you are evil.” You say beside her relaxed and feeling the air around you. 
While you are enjoying your surroundings and her company, your professor seems to not like sitting on a dirt. She keeps patting at her back and when you twist your head to look at her, she looks uncomfortable.
“Well you should be thankful for I will never ever say sorry to anyone ever again, and oh my, I really hate dirt.” She whines and she stands up. You followed her and straighten up your back.
“Well I feel honored to be the only one to hear your apology professor.” You said in a mocking tone and you look up at her while smiling genuinely. Her posture is straight and her eyes are running from your head to your toe.
“And to answer your question earlier...” She said dragging every word but you look at her with confusion in your eyes.
“Why do I care?” You mouthed an ‘aahh’ at her and nod. So she continued. “That’s because you are such a precious princess. I can’t bare to know that you can stand up physically for yourself when...” She pause her sentence. It is evident that she is contemplating whether she should say her next words or not. Because those words will surely change everything between the two of you.
“When what?” You asked really anticipating on what is she going to say next. You gulped and unconsciously licked you lips to give them moisture. You don’t know why but you feel like whatever she’s going to say next will lighten your already good day.
She leaned in into you and you just stand there like a statue which is the source of her giggle. She puts her index finger under your chin and her thumb brushed your lips. Her gesture made a rampaging zoo like feeling on your stomach and redness is coating your entire face.
“When you should be protected by me. Whenever danger surrounds you, you are physically prepared and I hate that because I want you to need me. I want to be your one and only protector, not just some silly prince who can’t even invite you to the Ball after one simple threat. Like hello, in the future they will need to have the courage to save princesses like you and yet... ugh I really hate princes.” She said that causes your eyes to widen and you gasp at her reveal. 
“You threatened them because you like me? Poor man.” You put your hands on your waist and turn your back on her. You can’t believe that someone really tried to ask you out. Not that you lost hoped with it, you just doubted your appearance for a second.
“You don’t need them anyways.” Lady Lesso said and you felt an arms circle your waist and you felt her chin on your shoulders. She is still holding her cane in front of you both.
“You are right, I don’t need them but you didn’t have to do that. Who is he?” You asked and you feel a tickling sensation when her breath touches your neck after she shoves your hair.
“He? More like them! Whatever you are going to the ball without them and you will spend your night after the ball with me.” She said and you didn’t oppose on that idea for you loved it as well. 
I’m really gay for Charlize Theron
Just tell me if you want more guys! My inbox are open for recommendation and requests!
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discjude · 2 months
Hello I'm a bit behind on Soman's Substack blog but I just wanted to make you all aware of this
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im sorry. im so sorry. rupaul. are you meaning to TELL ME we could've had RuFal. What.
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cupofsapphics · 2 years
[ lady lesso x reader ]
summary: you fall for lesso, but don’t believe it’s mutual. you tell yourself that you’re fine with friendship, but will you take the risk for more?
warning(s): lesso might be a bit out of character, haven’t read the books, reader pining, clarissa being the best wingman
a/n: coming out of my hole for you guys but im probably gonna disappear again for a while; plot kinda ib @thedevilssinner and @jelonkan ; this kinda doesn’t make any sense i swear and im sorry for that :<
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(gif not mine)
It’s not like you did it on purpose. No matter how hard you tried, no matter where you diverted your eyes, they always seemed to land on her. With her flaming hair and beautiful black outfits, could anyone blame you? Even though the two schools had merged into one, there was still some controversy and discussion about dating between Nevers and Evers. Of course, there were times when that was tested, such as the recent ‘Trial by Tale’ by Sophie of Gavaldon and Prince Tedros. Despite being an Ever and teaching kids about true love, you were a realist and knew the odds that you and Lesso would ever be something were slim. 
You thanked the librarian as you headed out of the library with a stack of books. Unfortunately for you, the headmaster assigned you several courses to teach now that schools were merged such as Defense, History of Villainy, and Beautification. The stack of books was so tall, you didn’t notice a certain dean bump into you as you were about to turn the corner. The tower of books crumpled down, about to fall at your feet. Swiftly, you waved your hand to catch all the books before they landed on the ground. Setting them back into your arms, you turned to face the person and apologize. You were surprised to meet those eyes you constantly thought about. 
“Forgive me, Lady Lesso. I didn’t see you there.” 
She grinned, “I can see that. You have some fast reflexes there.” 
You felt your face become warm. You needed to get out of this situation before you explode. 
“Thank you, Lady Lesso. I’ll be going now, I need to prep for my lesson.”
The woman tilted her head slightly but nodded her head in understanding. She moved to let you walk to your classroom. As you were walking, you couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes burning through you. Lesso stared at you as you walked back. She usually didn’t take interest in other teachers, especially Evers because most of them were obnoxious and cocky. You, however, were quiet and knowledgeable, striking her interest. She would continue to keep a curious eye on you. 
Soon after, the school term started and you had students pouring in. This was the first year that students from both schools would be attending the same classes. As the kids sat down, you could already feel who was going to be the smart-ass, the lazy one, the “hero”, etc. You took your Beautification book out and started teaching. You could feel the boredom radiating from the Nevers, so you decided to spice the class up a bit. This year was a year of new beginnings anyway. 
“Robert, come up to the front.”
The prince proudly stood up and walked up to the front of the class. You could feel his courage and confidence ebb away as you asked him to attack you. 
“A-attack you? Professor, I don’t think I can-”
You cut him off. “Do it now, or I’ll be failing you.”
At this point, all the students were invested and the Nevers were chanting for him to do it. Everyone, including you, was so concentrated on the class that no one noticed when someone crept up to the door frame to see what was going on. 
Pressured by you and his peers, Robert finally drew his sword and swung it toward you. Almost immediately, you formed a glowing sword into your hands and swung it to counteract his. A loud ‘clang’ echoed through the classroom and everyone had their mouths wide open. You took your sword and put it down on your desk. Sitting on your desk, you then explain the lesson that you were trying to teach.
“The class of Beautification can mean many things. Specifically from me, I want everyone to learn that beauty can be used against the enemy. When you have beauty, people will underestimate you and believe that you are harmless. For all of you, that’s an advantage you want to have.”
You stared at the entire class in amusement as slow clapping erupted by the door. You turned your head to find Lady Lesso smirking at you. ‘This woman.’ you scoffed to yourself. Dismissing the class, you move to go sit behind your desk.
“My, my, who knew the quiet Ever professor was so good at combat?”
“And who knew you were so good at sneaking up on me?”
It was at that point that the two of you forged a friendship. Was it even friendship, or was it something more? At this point, you weren’t even sure. There was flirting, sure, but it never went further than that and it disappointed you. However, you’d rather be friends with the dazzling woman than a stranger. The constant yearning looks of love and admiration were not missed entirely, though. 
You loved Clarissa. She was such a supportive dean and friend, but sometimes you wanted to fling her across the room with the type of antics she suggested for you and Lesso. You could mentally hear her teasing you as you were bickering with Lesso. As if that wasn’t enough, she once locked the two of you into the library. Talk about stereotypical tropes. It was anything but effective though because the door burst open in a matter of minutes. 
You were positive that this was the closest you could be to the dean and you accepted it. Clarissa constantly told you not to give up hope, saying that she had a feeling that Lesso had those feelings too, but you didn’t want false hope.
Feeling under the weather, you decided to help out with supervision for the annual Ball. You were deciding what to wear for the night when Clarissa burst through your door. 
“Clarissa! What did I say about knocking?”
She shrugged, “Sorry, but I’m in a rush. The ball starts soon and I’m going to sparkle you up for the ball!”
Your eyes widened. “I’m sorry- why would you do that?” 
“I’m sick of you and Lesso dancing around each other. Tonight is the night when you guys will get it together so I can finally have peace.”
You were about to protest, but as you opened your mouth, a stunning moonlight-themed dress appeared on you. As much as you hated to admit it, you loved it. When you spun, a sheer layer sparkled. Butterflies adorned the fabric near your shoulders. Looking down, you found glass slippers. You looked at Clarissa with a smirk.
“I know you’re the fairy godmother, but I don’t think Cinderella will be happy that I’m stealing her shoes.”
Clarissa rolled her eyes and waved her wand to replace the glass shoes with a pair of heels that matched your dress.
Time flew by fast and until you knew it, it was time for the Ball to begin. Your hair was in a different style than it usually was and light makeup was applied to your face. The cheery woman was extremely proud of her work. She raced down the stairs as you tried to follow her as quickly as you could. 
You gracefully walked down the final staircase as everyone stared at you in awe. You were like a glowing beacon of light. Everyone’s eyes were on you, but you were only focused on one person. You walked towards her as she looked you up and down. Clarissa was nearby and gave you the thumbs-up. You take a deep breath, this was the moment. It was now or never, might as well snatch up this opportunity. You gave a smile and asked the dean to dance. 
Coming back from her shock, Lesso chuckled and dragged you to the dance floor.
“How do you always manage to surprise me with your beauty and talent?”
You don’t answer her, though. Like Clarissa, you were getting sick of dancing around each other. Screw keeping it the way it was, you wanted more.
“Are you-”
The dean was cut off with a kiss. Lesso’s eyes widened, taking a moment to believe that it was happening, but kissed back. Drawing back from each other, you smiled like an idiot and she had the same beautiful grin the first day the two of you met. 
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horeformilfs · 9 months
Little Raven
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Anxiety, Feelings of worthlessness, Emotional Shutdown
Y/N strolled through the dimly lit corridors of the School for Evil, the hallowed institution where villains were sculpted into their wicked destinies. As a student navigating the twisted path of darkness, Y/N had found an unexpected source of warmth in the form of Lady Lesso, the formidable dean of the school.
Their clandestine romance had flourished amidst the shadows, hidden from the prying eyes of other students and faculty. Lady Lesso, with her stern exterior, had a soft spot for Y/N, and the two shared stolen moments in the recesses of the sinister campus.
One day, driven by an irresistible desire to be closer to Lady Lesso, Y/N concocted a mischievous plan. The dean had a particular fondness for a cozy hoodie, and Y/N decided to liberate it for a while. The hoodie carried the lingering scent of Lady Lesso, an aromatic blend of authority and affection.
Y/N, wearing the purloined garment, reveled in the familiar scent as they attended classes and moved about the school. The hoodie provided a sense of comfort, as if Lady Lesso's presence surrounded them.
However, every secret has its reckoning.
One evening, Lady Lesso discovered the theft. Her usually stern expression contorted into a frown as she confronted Y/N.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of anger and surprise. "Is that my hoodie you're wearing?"
Caught in the act, Y/N sheepishly nodded, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Well, it smells amazing, like you."
Lady Lesso's anger intensified. "That doesn't give you the right to steal it! Return it immediately."
Y/N, unwilling to part with the stolen treasure, defiantly crossed their arms. "But it's so comfy. Can't I keep it a little longer?"
The dean's eyes narrowed, a storm brewing in her gaze. "Y/N, this is unacceptable. Give it back, now."
A playful smirk danced on Y/N's lips. "Make me."
Lady Lesso huffed in frustration but, unable to resist the playful challenge, a smirk mirrored Y/N's. "Fine, have it your way. But don't say I didn't warn you."
The chase through the sinister halls of the School for Evil turned into a twisted dance between Lady Lesso and Y/N. Wolf guards, initially amused by the spectacle, dispersed as a warning glare from the dean reminded them of their duties.
Y/N, thinking they had successfully evaded Lady Lesso, sought refuge in the dimly lit library. As the clicking of Lesso's heels echoed through the silence, Y/N held their breath, hiding behind towering shelves of ancient tomes.
Lesso, with a teasing smile playing on her lips, began her hunt. "Little raven, where are you hiding?" Her voice echoed through the library, a mix of amusement and determination. She knew every nook and cranny that Y/N favored, deliberately choosing to draw out the game.
Y/N suppressed a giggle as Lady Lesso dramatically searched each hiding spot. The dean's theatrical flair added an unexpected element of humor to the chase. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," Lesso taunted, relishing the game.
Just as Y/N thought they had successfully eluded Lesso, the dean left the library. A false sense of security enveloped Y/N as they emerged from their hiding place, only to be startled by Lesso's sudden reappearance.
Lesso materialized behind Y/N, the tips of her long nails brushing against the exposed skin of Y/N's waist. A shiver ran down Y/N's spine as Lesso whispered, "Found you, my little raven."
Y/N froze, breath caught in their throat. Lesso's chuckle resonated in the library, a sound that sent both a thrill and a tremor through Y/N. The dean, with a wicked grin, seized Y/N and led them towards the dreaded Doom Room.
Inside the foreboding chamber, Lady Lesso continued her playful banter. "Did you really think you could escape from me, little raven? You may be mischievous, but you can never outwit the dean of the School for Evil."
Y/N, caught in Lesso's magnetic gaze, couldn't help but smile. "Maybe I enjoy being caught by you, Dean Lesso."
Lesso raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Oh, is that so? Well, we'll see how much you enjoy your punishment, my daring little raven."
Lady Lesso, with an air of authority, led Y/N to the imposing chair at the center of the Doom Room. With a wave of her hand, she employed her dark magic to bind Y/N's wrists to the arms of the chair. The atmosphere in the room shifted, tension lingering as Y/N attempted to maintain an innocent facade.
Lesso, however, saw through the charade. She circled the chair, a sly grin on her face, and continued to tease Y/N mercilessly. "Oh, my little raven, what have you gotten yourself into? Stealing from the dean? You must have a death wish."
Y/N tried to appear calm and unbothered, but each teasing remark from Lesso chipped away at their composure. The facade of innocence crumbled, revealing a flustered Y/N beneath.
Lesso, reveling in the newfound vulnerability, continued her playful assault. "You thought you could outwit me? How adorable. You're not as cunning as you think, little raven."
Y/N, feeling the heat rise to their cheeks, shot back, "I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't taken anything."
Lesso chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. "You can play innocent all you want, but it won't save you. I know you too well, my dear."
As Lesso persisted in her teasing, Y/N's calm facade finally crumbled. Frustration and embarrassment painted their expression. Lesso, seizing the opportunity, continued to playfully degrade and taunt Y/N, stoking the flames of their flustered state.
In a moment of vulnerability, Y/N snapped. "Okay, fine! I took your hoodie, alright?" The admission hung in the air, the weight of truth settling between them.
Lesso, with a triumphant smirk, leaned in close. "And why, pray tell, would my darling little raven resort to petty theft?"
Y/N hesitated before finally confessing, "Because, Lady Lesso, it felt like you've been too busy lately. I just wanted to feel close to you, that's all."
Lesso's triumphant smirk faltered as Y/N's confession hung in the air. The mischievous game had taken an unexpected turn, revealing a vulnerability in Y/N that tugged at the dean's heartstrings. Instantly, Lesso's demeanor shifted from playful teasing to genuine concern.
"Y/N," she said softly, her tone laced with care, "why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way? Talk to me, my little raven."
But Y/N, unable to meet Lesso's gaze, remained silent. Tears welled up in their eyes, threatening to spill over, yet they held back, determined not to break down.
Recognizing the signs of emotional shutdown, Lesso quickly unbound Y/N's wrists. Scooping them up, she carried Y/N from the Doom Room to the privacy of Lady Lesso's chambers. The journey was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the faint sound of Y/N's uneven breaths.
Lesso, attempting to break through Y/N's emotional barricade, gently probed, "Tell me what's going on, my love. I want to understand."
Y/N, still wrapped tightly around Lesso's neck, remained unresponsive. They buried their face in the crook of Lesso's neck, seeking solace in the familiar scent. Lesso's grip tightened instinctively, a silent reassurance that she was there for Y/N.
As they entered the sanctuary of Lesso's private chambers, the air thick with unspoken emotions, the weight of Y/N's unshed tears lingered—a poignant reminder of the complexities that love brought, even within the walls of the School for Evil.
Lady Lesso gently placed Y/N on the bed in her private chambers. Y/N curled into a ball, back against the headboard, arms tightly wrapped around their legs. Lesso watched, her heart aching at the sight of her upset girlfriend.
As the room echoed with silence, Y/N began to feel overwhelmed. Profuse apologies spilled from their lips, a torrent of self-blame. "Nora, I'm so sorry. I should've just left it alone. I know you have such a busy job being the dean of the School for Evil, and I shouldn't have added to the stress of your responsibilities."
Y/N's ramblings continued, expressing regret for not understanding the demands of Lesso's role. "I should have known that you'd be busy when we started dating. I'm just a student, and it was crazy of me to think that a relationship like ours could work. I'll leave, and I won't bother you anymore," they said, moving to the end of the bed.
When Lesso heard that Y/N was contemplating leaving, an immediate and visceral "no" escaped her lips. The tone was harsher and louder than she intended, causing Y/N to flinch, their wide eyes locking onto Lesso's.
Realizing the impact of her words, Lesso softened her expression and tone. She approached the bed where Y/N sat, looking up at her with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Gently cupping Y/N's cheeks, Lesso spoke with a newfound gentleness, "No, my love. You're not leaving."
Lesso continued, "I'm not upset about the hoodie. I'm upset that you didn't come to me when you were feeling this way. We're a team, Y/N, and we face everything together."
Y/N, overwhelmed and spiraling into self-deprecation, started talking negatively about themselves. "I'm just a burden, Nora. I should have known better. I'm not worth the trouble," they mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Lesso immediately shut down those negative thoughts, pulling Y/N into a warm embrace. Y/N's head rested against Lesso's chest as they wrapped their arms around her waist. Lesso gently rubbed Y/N's back, soothingly whispering, "You are not a burden, my little raven. You're worth everything to me."
She continued, "You're my girlfriend, and I will always be here for you, no matter what. I notice the little things, Y/N, the subtle changes in your behavior that you might not even be aware of."
Lesso leaned back slightly, looking into Y/N's eyes, and added, "Like how you play with your hair when you're nervous or the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you're passionate about. You're not alone in this, my love. We face everything together, remember?"
Lesso tenderly wiped away Y/N's tears, pressing a gentle kiss to their forehead. "It's late, my love. Let's get ready for bed," she suggested. Y/N nodded in agreement, and as Lesso asked if they wanted to join her for a bath, Y/N readily agreed.
Magically lighting the fireplace, Lesso walked with Y/N to the bathroom. With a wave of her hand, she started the water, letting it fill the tub with soothing warmth. Once the bath was ready, Lesso added bath salts and oils, creating a fragrant and relaxing atmosphere. She gestured for Y/N to get in first and then joined them, wrapping her arms around Y/N and placing sweet kisses on the top of their head.
After a while, Lesso carefully stepped out of the tub, telling Y/N she was going to get some pajamas for both of them. Y/N nodded, watching Lesso leave the bathroom. When she returned, Lesso had clothes for Y/N and helped them out of the large clawfoot tub, wrapping them in a fluffy towel.
As Y/N stood there, Lesso helped them get dressed, exchanging tender kisses. Y/N noticed that Lesso had put them in one of her sweatshirts, and a content smile spread across their face
In the cozy bedroom, the flickering flames of the fireplace cast a warm glow, creating a serene ambiance. Lesso and Y/N settled into the plush king-size bed, the soft sheets embracing them. Y/N, seeking solace, nestled close to Lesso, their legs intertwining as they burrowed their head into Lesso's chest.
Lesso, with a tender smile, embraced Y/N, her arms creating a protective cocoon around her. "Shh, my little raven. You're safe here," she whispered, her fingers gently stroking Y/N's hair.
Y/N let out a content sigh, finding comfort in Lesso's presence. "I'm sorry, Nora," Y/N murmured, voice muffled against Lesso's chest.
Lesso tightened her embrace, "There's nothing to be sorry for, my love. We all have our moments. I'm just glad you're here with me now."
They lay there in silence for a while, the only sounds the crackling of the fireplace and the soft hum of the night. Lesso, with delicate movements, started drawing random patterns on Y/N's back with her nails, a soothing rhythm that slowly lulled Y/N into a state of tranquility.
As Y/N's breathing steadied, Lesso pressed a gentle kiss to the top of their head. "Sleep, my little raven. I'll be right here," Lesso whispered, her own eyes heavy with the weight of the day's events.
Y/N mumbled a drowsy reply, "Thank you, Nora," before surrendering to the embrace of sleep. In the stillness of the night, the dean of the School for Evil held her beloved close, offering comfort in the embrace of shared warmth and affection.
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