#sea slug sunny
scarredlove · 7 months
I wonder... *Flies down and sits on Y/n's head in front of Slug Boys* Sup!
The sea slugs all stare with confusion, Moony giggling to himself as Y/N does not notice or hear you. As Sunny eyes you with intrigue and Eclipse with wariness, Y/N scrunches their nose to the boys.
"What are you all looking at?"
I think they're all saying hi back :3c
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yuki-eats-rocks · 1 year
so y'all know i like sea slugs right?
so i was looking at some of these (amazing) creatures and i found THIS
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it looks like a little campfire!!!! the rhinophores (the antennae-looking things) look like blue flames and the red and black-brown parts look like the burning pieces of wood
i love sea slugs so fucking much
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mangocatart · 2 years
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Better watch out, or these girls will put a curse on you!
Sunny Daze as the Hex girls!! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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justfangirlstuffs · 11 months
rain showers from the cozy autumn prompts? either for sea slugs or enthralling you enthralling me? - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
Featuring @scarredlove's sea slug boys. <3
Wordcount: 3050
Grey. It dominated the mid-autumn skies, blotting out the sun with thick storm clouds and drizzly rain. You were home alone, hunkered under a thick blanket, still in your pajamas. You’d felt little urgency to get dressed since, according to the weather forecast, you wouldn’t be going anywhere. It wouldn’t be so bad if it hadn’t been like this for the past two days now. The monotony was getting to you.
Going over to your window, you pried the window open. A misting of rain carried on a light breeze was there to greet you. You closed your eyes and called out with your heart, picturing him in your mind’s eye before calling out his name.
“Sun? I’d really like to see you.”
Moon would likely be asleep, and Eclipse was always touch and go. Sun was typically the safest be, especially during the daytime. You waited for a minute or so, staring out into the gloom as raindrops misted across your front. Pretty soon you were starting to shiver from the chill.
You shut the window, leaving it open just a crack before moving towards your bed, intent on burrowing under your blankets until you warm up again. The squeak of sliding wood announced an arrival at your window. Your head whipped around, expecting to see a flourish of bright reds and yellows akin to a summer’s dawn. Instead, you were met with dusky maroons and pale gold across a backdrop of inky black.
“Oh… hey,” you greeted lamely.
Gold eyes surveyed you as Eclipse cocked his head to the side, the frills around his face twitching in what might have been irritation. “I wasn’t aware my company was that big of a disappointment.”
“No, not at all,” you said hurriedly. “I was just…”
You were cut off as Eclipse’s huge hand grasped the top of your head and playfully tousled your hair. “Relax, I’m just messing with you. Don’t be so uptight.”
“To be fair, it’s hard to tell you’re joking when you look like you’re about to bite my face off,” you muttered.
Eclipse’s fingers grasped around your jaw and bent down so that his sharp smile was gleaming inches from your face. “I’ll only bite if you ask me to,” he said in a husky whisper that rolled through you with the force of an undertow threatening to pull you under. 
His low chuckle made you huff petulantly in the face of his antics. He wanted a reaction, and he got it. So, you wrapped your arms around him and bit into his shoulder. A low hiss sounded next to your ear, not of pain, but of surprise. 
“I see someone is feeling spritely today.” Amusement highlighted the otherwise dark tones dancing in your ears like a comforting melody. You gasped as you felt teeth dig into your shoulder, not hard enough to break skin, but firm enough to send a spark of thrill and contentment curling in your gut.
“I thought you said only if I asked,” you murmured teasingly.
“You didn’t need to use words for me to know, Angelfish.” His voice caressed your ear, his mouth ghosting over the sensitive flesh, making your skin heat.
Still, you wanted a reaction and you’d gotten it. You’d take the win. “So, where’s Sun?”
Eclipse drew away enough to meet your gaze. “Sunny sends his regards, but he isn’t feeling well. So I came in his stead.”
Concern pricked at your heart like an icepick. “Is he okay?”
“He’ll be just fine,” Eclipse assured, his hand smoothing down over your hair to fix what he’d mussed. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you said brightly. “Today’s been… fine.”
Eclipse squinted at you. “Just ‘fine’?”
“Yeah, maybe a little lonely. Bit of cabin fever building up.”
“I can certainly help with that. If you think I make an adequate substitute,” Eclipse remarked wryly.
“I suppose I can suffer your company for a bit,” you returned with a grin.
“Shall I steal you away then?”
“You’re gonna have to catch me first.”
Eclipse’s eyes widened in surprise as you bolted to the door and fled the bedroom. At first, you didn’t think he was following you until you glanced over your shoulder and squeaked out an ‘oh shit’. The slug was surprisingly fast out of the water, and his flowing robes made it look like he was gliding across the floor like it was ice. You scrambled down the stairs three at a time, landing awkwardly but managing to avoid turning an ankle. Even with your efforts, you were barely keeping ahead, turning a corner just in time as Eclipse’s claws swiped for you.
Your downfall came when you fled to the living room, your foot sliding out from underneath you when you stepped on a pile of magazines your cousin had left lying on the floor. A yelp of surprise left you, but before you crashed into the wall, a pair of hands caught you, one cradling your head while the other was secured around your waist. Chest puffing, you stared up at Eclipse whose face was pinched up with concern.
“Thanks for that,” you mumbled.
“Don’t thank me just yet,” he murmured, and you were helplessly lowered down onto the carpeted floor. “I’m still debating what to do with you, now that I’ve caught you.”
The words sent a shiver of delight rolling up your spine, causing you to squirm beneath him. In a single motion, Eclipse pinned both wrists above your head, securing them with a single hand while the other tapped a finger against your cheek. Your heart, already accelerated from the chase, went in twofold from the action. You struggled, more experimental than an actual bid for escape, your body pushing and pressing against the constraints that were his body and his hands. The motion seemed to excite him, and you couldn’t help but grin. Eclipse may be the ‘big’ brother, but he was still the baby. He liked having attention just as much as Sun and Moon, even if he was sometimes brusque about it.
“I’m still up for you stealing me away,” you said. Not that you were bothered by the positioning, but the floor was starting to become just a touch uncomfortable.
Eclipse seemed to sense this, as he relinquished pinning you in favor of scooping you up off the floor. “Let’s be off then.”
“Wait, I should probably change,” you suggested.
“There’s a change of clothes waiting for you there,” he told you. “From your last visit.”
“Oh, I was wondering where those went…”
Eclipse kissed your forehead, and you were quick to slide into unconsciousness. When you next awoke, you were in their sea cave, their home. Eclipse said it was a way to expedite travel but… you wondered if it was because they wanted to keep the location of their home a secret, even from you. Which… fair. Everyone was entitled to have a secret or two.
However, it wasn’t Eclipse whom you awoke to, but surprisingly Moon instead who had curled around you a cradled you in the folds of his cloak while you slept. “Hello, sea star,” he greeted with a wide grin.
“Ah, I got ditched,” you said with a mock sigh. “Tell Eclipse my heart is broken beyond repair, and I shant ever recover.”
Moon snickered. “He said he was sorry, but he wanted to look after Sun.”
“Is Sun going to be alright?” you asked.
“Just a stomach ache. Ate something he shouldn’t have. I’d take you to see him but he gets extra cranky on rainy days.”
“And he won’t get cranky knowing you’re hogging me to yourself tonight?”
“He’ll live.”
The cave had been strung with lanterns that glowed a soft sepia, and a woodfire housed in a circle of stones crackled merrily, providing warmth against the otherwise wet and chilly weather.
“Did you do all this?” you asked Moon in surprise.
“Most of it,” he said with a shy smile. “The others helped some.”
You sidled up to the fire to help dry you off. You were always soaking wet whenever they brought you to their home, so you at least suspected that they took you underwater through the ocean to get there.
“Moon, when you bring me here how do you… I mean how do I…” You paused, trying to figure out how to word your question.
He seemed to figure out what you were gunning for. “Breath spell,” he said simply. “Allows humans to breathe underwater for a time.”
“Wow, that’s incredible and super useful,” you murmured. 
It didn’t escape your notice that Moon was keeping a respectful distance from the fire. Probably afraid of drying out or his robes catching aflame. Moon once told you that it was their robes that allowed them to come and go from the sea, and should anything happen to them, they would be stuck on land forever, cut off from the sea, from their home. Thus, they safeguarded them and hardly ever took them off.
Once you were mostly dry and your clothes only slightly damp, you shuffled over to Moon who had been fidgeting restlessly as he waited for you. He happily invited you into his space, pulling you back into the crook of his lap.
“Missed you,” he murmured, nuzzling your ear.
“Missed you too, Moonie.” You bit your lip when you felt his teeth gently bite and nibble along your neck, occasionally pressing a gentle kiss over the skin.
“The sea salt tastes so good when it’s on you,” he purred.
“You always were the biter out of the three,” you remarked with a soft chuckle.
Back when they were just little slugs living in your aquarium, you used to stick your hand in the water and wait for them to swim close enough to touch. Moon was almost always the first to approach, and he would weave himself between your fingers and nibble on the tips. You found rubbing a spot just under his ‘chin’ caused him to lazily spin, allowing you to run your finger along the length of his body.
“You never seemed to mind,” Moon murmured, nuzzling against your neck.
“I didn’t,” you answered honestly.
With a mischievous grin, Moon took one of your hands and brought it towards his mouth. Your cheeks heated and your heart skipped when he took one of your fingers into his mouth and softly bit. It was a little unnerving, having your fingers in between teeth that looked like they could serrate through a cinder block. However, you trusted that Moon wouldn’t do something so vicious as to bite off your fingers. He was always sweet and gentle, even if he had a bit of an impish streak.
“I’d like to go swimming with you sometime.” The statement was more a request than anything.
“Mm, sounds like fun,” Moon chuckled. “I can chase you through the seaweed beds and kelps forests.”
“Not sure how much of a chase it’ll be considering you boys can easily outswim me,” you remarked with a laugh. “But yeah, I’d love that.” You reached under his chin and gave it a soft scritch.
Moon’s eyes dilated and he let loose a rumbling purr, flipping onto his back with you on top. You squeaked in surprise and he grinned up at you. “Do that again.”
At some point, during your cuddles with Moon, you passed out again. You hadn’t meant to, but whenever he started humming at doing his light show, you couldn’t help it. Considering you had a touch of insomnia the night before, the added sleep was nice and left you feeling more refreshed. Even though you didn’t hear the rain anymore, the low rumblings of thunder still reached your ears. Opening your eyes, you found that once more your partners had changed during your time in snoozeville.
“Did you have a nice nap?” a warm voice asked.
You lifted your head to find you’d been making a pillow of Sun’s lap. His long fingers were stroking through your hair, threatening to lull you back into a dozing state. The fire Moon built had burned down, leaving only smoldering embers desperate to hang on and stay alight. Judging by how dark the sky was, it was nearing the evening time. Just before Sun was usually due to start winding down in his activities.
“How are you?” you asked, your concern resurfacing. “They told me you weren’t feeling well.”
“I’m doing better,” he said softly. Though looking at him, he definitely seemed off. His colors were far less lustrous than usual, and his eyes typically gleamed so brightly were dim. But he smiled that sweet smile at you. “Besides, I couldn’t let those brutes have you all to themselves. Do you like your gift, by the way?”
“My…” The question trailed off when you noticed that something dangled from your wrist that wasn’t there before. You stared in amazement as you found a chain of sea shells, pearls, and a sea star glimmering around your wrist, threaded by an elastic band.
“Did you make this?” you asked in astonishment.
“Yes,” Sun said proudly. “It took me a bit, but each piece of that is from a willing donor.”
“It’s… it’s beautiful,” you said, trying to find better words but failing miserably. “I love it.”
“I’m glad… and I’m sorry,” Sun murmured. “I wanted to see you. I just… didn’t want you to see me so…” He hummed, absently brushing a hand over the array of appendages surrounding his face. “I’m supposed to be your Sun. Your little ray of happiness, even when things are at their darkest.”
“Sun…” You reached out a hand but stopped. You grabbed your water bottle, spraying the water over your hands to clean them. “May I touch you?”
A faint smile passed over Sun’s mouth as he reached his hands out your clasp yours. “My precious pearl is so very thoughtful.”
You gently squeeze his long fingers. “It’s okay to have an off day. I have them all the time. You’ve helped me through a lot of them. So, I’ll gladly help you through yours.”
Sun effortlessly pulled you into his lap, enveloping you in soft folds of butter yellow and cherry red. He took one of your hands and brought them to one of his rays. “You can feel them… if you like.”
You carefully brushed your fingers over the delicate appendage, and it twitched against your touch. The texture was incredibly sleek and smooth and the more attention you gave it, you could hear a rumbling purr building within Sun’s chest. His large hands combed over your hair, rubbed over your back and brushed over the exposed skin of your arms and legs.
The explorative touches made you smile, once more thinking about Sun’s tank days. You had learned fairly quickly that you had to let Sun come to you, to let him be touched how he wanted. Then, once he felt like he was dominating the situation, he wouldn’t stop brushing and nuzzling your hand until you pulled it out of the tank and he would wriggle in his sluggy form of an indignant pout. Not a whole lot has changed on that front, but lately, Sun was getting better about letting you touch him. So long as your hands were clean first and you gave him fair warning. As for him, well… you basically gave him permission to touch as much as he pleased, so long as he was willing to back off when you became uncomfortable.
You shivered when his cool fingers snuck beneath the hem of your shirt, pressing over the curve of your stomach and the arch of your back. “You’re so warm,” he mrumured, his purrs thrumming through your body. You were turning into putty between his fingers as they fondled and caressed you in their gentle exploration. His hand splayed over the bare skin of your back as he hugged you flush against him. Your heart knocked loudly in your ribcage as you felt like you might disappear amongst the swaths of color that surrounded you.
“S-Sun…” You bit back a groan as his fingers gently pressed into your taut back muscles. As much as you wanted him to do it again, you weren’t quite ready for him to go any farther. “That’s a bit much.”
Sun hummed his disappointment, but his hands slipped out from beneath your shirt. “Apologies,” he said, keeping his hands busy by cradling your face. “I got a bit enthusiastic there.”
“I love your enthusiasm,” you told him, smiling in reassurance. Leaning up, you gave him a soft peck on his cheek.
The rays around his face twitched and almost seemed to curl towards you. Those eyes, they were gleaming again. So bright and endless, like the sea. You could swim in those eyes. Or drown in them. Titling your head back, Sun pressed his lips to yours. His usual eagerness was absent, instead chose to slowly savor your kiss. It wasn’t long before you felt that drunken giddiness and your hands grasped at the air, only for Sun to catch your hand in his and hold fast to you, keeping you from sinking too far too fast.
Your whole world tilted, and when your mouth was at last relinquished, you found Sun lying back on the sand with you lying atop his chest. “I’m tired,” he murmured.
“That’s okay,” you said, relaxing against him. “I’ll stay if you want.”
His fingers raked through your hair before rubbing lazy circles over your back. “I’d like that very much, pearl.”
The two of you lay there, just soaking up each other’s presence. Occasionally Sun would say something, and you would answer, but you knew it was just him trying to keep you entertained when he didn’t need to. You didn’t mind at all when he dozed off, trapping you in the folds of his arms in the process. So much for that change of clothes. 
As you lay there, you started to sing the ‘rain, rain, go away song’. Sun’s arms hugged you closer, a content sigh humming through him and through you, eliciting visions of sunlight rippling through water. Reminding you both that no matter how grey the days were, the sun would shine again.
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iguessit-sgrace · 29 days
The Pantheon Headcanons: Regulus Edition
my best boy goes first
regulus arcturus black ii
oh how i love him
he's 5'9
he!! has freckles in the summer <333
his patronus/animagus is a hissy black cat
he has an academic rivals to lovers arc with lily i take no criticism
he writes sad boy poetry in exclusively black notebooks. when he starts pining after lily he presses the flowers she gives him and puts them in there
oh he also annotates his own copies of books (he wouldn't dare annotate ones from the black family library or the school library)
has a collection of fancy knives and daggers that evan finds extremely cool
barty was his first everything, basically. first best friend, crush, kiss, etc
he's 1/2 french and 1/4 korean (his grandmother irma was korean)
narcissa was his favorite cousin
his familiar is a black cat named phoebe (sirius and reg found her on the streets outside their house. walburga originally wanted to kill phoebe because she was "a mutt" but relented and let him keep her)
dorcas paints his nails black. that's it that's the bullet point
had a childhood dream of playing on a professional quidditch team with sirius. he knew it was impossible and childish though, so he played as a seeker for slytherin instead
listens to classical music and dark film scores. the second was introduced to him by dorcas, who grew up with more muggle culture than most in slytherin
read books on flowers and their meanings with narcissa as a child. she read them to him to help him sleep whenever sirius was being punished for something
exclusively wore long sleeves and black/gray clothing (or the white fancy victorian ruffle shirts, you know the ones)
super fluffy curly black hair that reaches slightly past his neck and only a select few people are allowed to touch it
knows how to dance ballet and ice skate, and play piano, violin, and bass guitar
only wears silver jewelry
barty pierced his ears in third year
excelled so well in some classes that he was moved up a year (potions, history of magic, etc (mostly because of his tutoring before hogwarts))
autistic recluse who hangs out by the black lake and writes his pathetic poetry
loves sunlight but hates sunny days
he gives stormy beach aesthetic vibes idk why
oh wait
loved water but could not for the life of him swim. this poor boy has tried so many times but he just can't get it. sirius, narcissa, andy, lily- they've all tried to help him but he always goes underwater and his legs stop working and he just. sinks. completely calm in the murky water. even though he's literally drowning and sirius is screaming bloody murder while trying to save him
he has a fancy pure silver jewelry box with his initials on it. i don't make the rules i just enforce them okay
when he starts watching films with lily he becomes a complete cinema nerd. he literally gets even more pretentious (if that's even possible). they watch dark sinewy films together and drink black tea in silence
oh this boy LOVES to paint. and he's GOOD at it. not insanely good, but his paintings make you feel. they're full of emotion and longing and agony; dark forests and stormy seas and faraway goddesses with hair like fiery sunlight. and in each painting, he incorporates a hidden star
barty may have been reg's first best friend, but pandora is his closest. they tell each other EVERYTHING
his amorentia smells like linen and sea water, whereas he smells calla lilies and broom polish
his favorite season is winter. he loves snow and cold weather, but he acts all grumbly about how annoying it is to keep up his Reputation
he is so freaking touch starved, but he won't seek out physical contact himself (unless he really REALLY wants it and trusts that person (aka lily or james, or sirius if he's in distress))
lily is the only person in the slug club that he actually respects because unlike a lot of slughorn's other prizes, she actually EARNED her spot there by her talent and determination (both of which are things reg values a lot)
okay so about the whole death eater thing- personally i think reg was kinda brainwashed by the need to please his parents so desperately that he actually chose to be a death eater of his own accord. an unpopular headcanon, i know, but hear me out. reg never truly bought the whole "muggle-borns are lower than pure-bloods" because reg just doesn't believe things at face value. he has to see them himself to believe it. so when he went to hogwarts and saw muggle-born students performing just as well, sometimes even better (cough cough lily) than pure-bloods, he literally just threw his family's ideals in the trash. now, in my timeline, reg joined voldemort not long after sirius went to live with the potters. suddenly, all the pressure and weight of being the perfect heir was on reg, possibly even more than what sirius had dealt with, because of what sirius had done. so in a moment of desperation to gain his parent's approval, (and slightly out of self-preservation; he could clearly see which side was winning so far) he joined voldemort. did he agree with voldemort's ideals? no. but he did join. it wasn't long after that evan joined, and then barty went too to spite his father, because where evan went, barty went. (dorcas joining the order was a shock to everyone in the patheon: they had all expected her to either stay neutral or join the death eaters). but after he took the mark, reg realized what he had done. so he went to lily and james and confessed everything. he agreed to be a spy for dumbledore, alongside snape, and eventually peter. when he discovered the horcrux, the first thing he did was tell pandora. they both agreed that the safest way to destroy it and the others was to go undercover. reg faked his death in the cave and left to hunt the rest of the horcruxes. he returned a year later to an order meeting and was reunited with james and lily and harry (yay the end)
sorry that was a really long bullet point (i am what i am: which is a yapper)
how have i not mentioned james yet??? he steals like all of james' jumpers, it's getting to be a problem. he and lily have matching potter quidditch kits though!!
he had a huge childhood crush on james his second year, but it fades until he starts dating lily, when it comes back after he and james start interacting more
literally no one can tell when reg is joking because he has such a bad rbf. however, his laugh and smile are literally like starlight and the rare times people get to see it are treasures
he spoils lily with expensive gifts, especially books. she gets upset about it at first because she grew up with not a lot of money, but then she realizes it's how reg tells her he loves her so eventually she just lets him shower her in gifts
sorry idk how this turned into half regulily headcanons. they're just so ingrained in my brain
reg is so moody and bratty it's hilarious to barty
his favorite colour is green; not green like slytherin, but green like a forest, a lake, or lily's eyes
ahh i love him <3
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @cetra , @sleepsvessel & @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster thank you ^_^
Afhiri sea slugs, isopods (dairy cow and zebra), geckos and other various reptiles, cats, small birds, musteloids (particularly raccoons and red pandas), viverrids, japanese raccoon dogs, opossums Candor lions, various eagles (wedge-tailed, golden, crowned), hawks, swans and geese, bighorn rams, crocodillians, sea turtles, elephants, animals that use sun compass orientation Cirok corvids (raven, crow), dogs (rottweiler, doberman, pinscher, greyhound), venomous black snakes, scorpions, spiders (particularly trapdoor spiders and sicarius), bats, black caiman, sharks
Afhiri pastels! pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, white, black Candor changes depending on form but in general purple, blue, red, yellow, orange, gold, brown, white, black Cirok black, grey, white - absolutely no Colour (thanks to booboo i now think of like toxic waste green when i think of cirok too)
Afhiri September Candor August Cirok November
Afhiri tapi tapi - tempura kidz fear. moe shop and fun - sir sly. sir sly's vibe is way off for afhiri but the lyrics were written for her Candor a sun coloured shaker - yndi halda and (spring) this was your place - sunlight ascending Cirok jouska - evenS (probably favourite song of all time btw) and i come with knives - IAMX
Afhiri two/2 Candor three/3 Cirok four/4
Afhiri celandine, sunflower, pink tulip, daisy Candor bay tree, gladiolus, heliotrope, rose Cirok chives, anemone, begonia, deadly nightshade
Afhiri fresh morning, grass, dirt, cotton candy, bubblegum Candor cedar, musk, sandalwood, the ocean, burning  Cirok decay, death, rot, overwhelmingly of resin
Afhiri tugtupite Candor meliphanite Cirok magnetite
Time of day
Afhiri sunrise Candor midday Cirok night
Afhiri summer Candor summer Cirok winter
Afhiri taverns, meadows, by rivers and lakes Candor monasteries, temples, places of worship Cirok the dank, cold and forgotten, the forbidden
Afhiri sweet things, nothing good for you Candor warm meals Cirok raw meat
Afhiri sugary sweet drinks, energy drinks Candor various teas (green, oolong, herbal, black) Cirok piping hot black coffee
Afhiri air Candor fire Cirok water
Afhiri garlic, ginger, cinnamon Candor paprika, turmeric, bay leaves Cirok dried chives, cloves, saffron
Afhiri the most beautiful sunny cloudless summer sky Candor a colourful golden orange, red, and purple with light cloud cover Cirok stratus clouds, grey, calm and quiet
Afhiri warm day with lots of sun and a gentle breeze Candor blazing hot summers day with minimal to no wind Cirok cold winters day with fog and light snow
Magical power
Afhiri manipulative magic that makes someone act against their own will, anything that makes them laugh or dance. also the magical power of Insults Candor holy smites, blinding lights and divine energy Cirok phasing into the realm of the dead to walk partly as a ghost
Afhiri shortsword and dagger combo, dual hand crossbows Candor mace and shield, longbow, floating/flying greatsword Cirok dual daggers, throwing knives, poisons and venoms
Afhiri cotton candy, bubblegum, and i designed her with fruit salad in mind! Candor spicy roasted pecans, maple roasted sweet potatoes, sea salt dark chocolate Cirok liquorice, black jack, toxic waste
Method of long distance travel
Afhiri roadtrip in a classic volkswagen camper van Candor flying Cirok underground trains
Afhiri impressionism, abstract expressionism, street art, dadaism, CoBrA and fauvism Candor baroque and classicism Cirok optical art and minimalism
Afhiri of the self, of emotional pain, of returning home Candor of imperfection, of failure, of not being worthy Cirok of being seen, of death, of vulnerability
Mythological creature
Afhiri azeban, mujina, nymph Candor chalkydri, phoenix, psychopomp Cirok tsuchigumo, black dog, gargoyle
Piece of stationery
Afhiri a childs box of crayons, dairy Candor fountain pen, ruler Cirok ink, letter opener
Three Emojis
Afhiri 🤡🍀🪈 Candor ☄️🎇🪽 Cirok 🕷️♟️🔪
Celestial body
Afhiri the moon Candor the sun Cirok black dwarf
THIS TOOK ME FOREVER GUYS... TWO DAYS. I WORKED ON IT FOR HOURS. i hope........ its worth it <3
tagging @cetra @dekariosgale @courierseis @euryalex @hibernationsuit @jerichoes @vanoefucks @captaintiny @gwynbleidd @arduath @rcpunzel @avallachs @fuckitwebhaal @hexdruid @sovereign-spaw @galesgrandad @thefathersbride @dandeyrain @doggybone @swanfey @voerman @full---ofstarlight @chaos-storm @covenscribe @raphaelsboudoir @simtalics @kymal @graynstairs @neonbutchery @hungryblackbird @moxley @thlix @isayashai @darlinghowl @astarionsfordf150 @moon-jun @lovaboy @ratscrap @picklepals @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @rigaudon @neosunbrella @sternenstaub28 @centipisde @kirkwall @lusus--naturae
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You know what i'm gonna doooooo
But also whats thissss???
Yay! This is a fun combo!
75 for 🔼:
“We don’t need a baby,” Chris insists. “M-Mom already stopped coming over to see us like she used to. Now she will be here with her baby and she won’t…”
He trails off and erupts into another fit of tears. 
Eddie sighs. He thinks exactly the same terrible thought Eddie had voiced to Buck, right after finding out about the baby. It’s a thought he no longer has. He’s worked himself down from there. But he can’t blame his son for going to the same place. A place born of fear. 
“Christopher, I get why you’re scared,” Eddie says gently. “But this baby doesn’t mean you’re going to stop seeing your mom. It just means our family is getting a little bigger. Okay?”
“Then why did things change?” Chris whines. 
Yeah. Eddie also isn’t quite sure. He doesn’t know how to answer that. 
“Your mom and I are going through some stuff right now,” Eddie says. “Things are going to look different. But that doesn’t mean they’ll be bad.”
As he says it, he realizes it could be true. It could be. With a lot of work, from both of them. And if the main thing standing in the way of that is Eddie’s wounded pride and his heartbreak, then he is failing not only Chris, but his unborn child, too. The same way he had when he was too scared to let Shannon see her son again, last year. 
“Do you promise?” Chris asks.
“I promise.” Eddie says. He kisses the top of Christopher’s head. “Why don’t I go check on Mom now, and then maybe we can all talk about it again?”
“Okay,” Chris agrees.
“Okay. Can you play with your Legos for a little bit?”
“Good man,” Eddie says. “I’ll be right back.”
Eddie leaves him there and heads towards the kitchen to find Shannon. She’s leaning over the sink, glass of cool water in hand. It’s clear she’s been crying. 
“Shannon,” he says when he walks into the room. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry,” she blubbers. “I didn’t mean to react. I just don’t have a good handle on it right now.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. It’s not fine, Eddie. This is why I wasn’t sure. I’m hurting him again.”
“No, you’re not.” Eddie shakes his head.
“God, why did I think I could do this? I keep fucking up with the kid I have. I don’t deserve another one.”
Eddie does something then even he doesn’t expect. He steps towards her and pulls her into a hug. Maybe he shouldn’t. Maybe asking for a divorce also means hey, don’t touch me ever. But this is insane. This is so crazy. They both love these kids and want the best for them and they’re meant to be a team. 
They’ve never actually been a team. 
He’s been Christopher’s father. She’s been Christopher’s mother. They’ve been two people in love. Two people with a lot of sexual chemistry. But they’ve never, not once, operated as a team. 
And Eddie knows a lion’s share of the blame for that starts with him.
“Shannon, that’s not true,” Eddie tells her. “He was upset about the living arrangements. He thought it meant you’d spend all your time with the baby and none with him. All he needs is to know that’s not true.”
Shannon, to Eddie’s surprise, doesn’t reject the hug.
30 for ➰:
tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
Which Buck is honestly happy about.  It’s such a beautiful day. Perfectly sunny, but with a cool breeze. They’re in one of the most gorgeous places Buck has ever been. They are sea kayaking. Might as well linger here forever. 
The tour goes as well as Buck hoped it would. They see the seals, sea lions, and otters. They even spot some of those famous sea slugs.
Nothing compares to Christopher’s expression, though, when sea otters get within feet of their kayaks. He lights up with a sort of joy that’s rare in a teenager. That reminds Buck of when he was little. Eddie watches Chris watching the little critters with the same sort of joy in his eyes. He looks totally at peace. Buck feels totally at peace. 
It’s the perfect way to spend a morning. 
His arms are pleasantly sore from a new sort of motion by the time they make it back to shore. He thinks he likes kayaking. 
He and Eddie help Brittany load the kayaks from the beach onto a rack.
“Thank you!” She exclaims as they’re halting them. “Most visitors don’t stick around to help.”
“Ah, we don’t mind,” Buck says. 
“They’re firefighters,” Chris says. “They lift heavy stuff all the time.”
“That’s right,” Eddie says, sliding a kayak onto the rack. 
They’re at the top of a sandy slope, in front of a little shed that belongs to the tour company. It has a gorgeous view of the waterfront. Standing right in front of the kayak rack on that slope, Buck turns to admire the view for another minute.
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crowscastle · 2 months
Shark Talk: Sunny Shark Talks with Nicole Nudibranch
My first guest is a colorful, beautiful gill. You don't want to wear plaid when you are next to her. A creature of great depth, (actually all depths.) Please welcome Nichole Nudibranch.
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Sunny Shark: It is fin-teresting that you are called a nudibranch because your gills are visible for all to sea.
Nicole: Gill-ty! We find it bene-fish-ial to have our gills on our back.
Sunny: They are quite blue-tiful.
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Sunny Shark: I understand nudibranches are unof-fishally called sea slugs.
Nicole: Yes. We sea slugs like to shell-abrate. You know, get some shark-oal and a gill and have a real slugfest.
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Sunny: Thank you, Nicole. What a fin-tastic guest.!
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practicecourts · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you. 💜☺️💜
thank you @lilyflower28
5 things that make me happy!
Comments on my fics here or on ao3... seriously such a high
sunny days
roller skating
anytime I think about @chdarling's absolutely amazing fic (idk why i just had to think about that, but i do from time to time... some days we get slugs into our kitchen and that reminds me of a certain chapter where jily interact in the absolute BEST way... idk that fic makes me happy.
my dog when the leash is unclipped when we're on the beach. she has this infectious way of racing to the sea and just running in the wind, and at the same time she wants to turn around and circle back and jump up on me. The immense joy of that is a sight that will never not make me smile...
oh a bonus one, the smell of basil... bc app there's a gif with a plant that looks like it could be basil??
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scarredlove · 10 months
question, are those things on sea slug Suns chest eyes or what are they???? I've been question wether they are or not for a week now :'D
It's not a problem! People always ask XD
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For the design, the marks on his chest are meant to resemble the buttons on classic Sundrop, whilst appearing similar to the 'antennae' of the Ardeadoris Rubroannulata.
However, this doesnt mean they function the same (in this form anyway). Imagine you've got a scrape on your knee or something, it doesnt hurt but it is a little sensitive. That is how his markings are for him. They're a little more delicate than the rest of his body and he can't stand certain textures over his chest, which is why he keeps his cloak open.
But, for as many people joke that they're additional eyes, they are meant to appear like that as it wards off predators, especially when he is in the depths of the ocean and they glow in the dark.
Also... I just thought it looked cool tbh
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bellatheinkdemon · 1 year
In honour of the upcoming Ovenbreak update, I've made some NPC Cookies!
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First of is Leaf Sheep Sea Slug Cookie! (Or, if you prefer the alt name, Costasiella Kuroshimae Cookie)
They're a little fella that usually hangs around sunny areas. (This is based of the fact that the actual Leaf Sheep Sea Slug can actually do photosynthesis) And every Cookie mistakes them for a toddler thanks to their height. (They're actually a 10/11 year old)
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And here's Box Jellyfish Cookie! (And before anyone asks, yes I'm aware that actual Box Jellyfishes have 24 eyes, but let's be honest, there's no way I would be able to give this guy the other 20 eyes)
He's a retired boxing fighter after almost killing someone with his venom during a match. (Keep in mind that the venom for Box Jellyfish Cookie is less powerful than the actual Box Jellyfish, but can still kill someone.)
Now he just tried to live a peaceful life without being reminded of the incident.
But yeah. That's all for them. The way I drew them probably makes them more look like they'd fit in Kingdom rather than Ovenbreak, but eh
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themyzzinglink · 5 months
If you had the chance to go on a date to the zoo on a nice sunny day (or without your date), which animals would you love to visit first? And is there an animal you could gaze at for hours if given the chance? This is very very important btw: what is your favourite kind of icecream?!
Confession: would love to take you to the zoo and and just explore and talk with you, and admire the magnificent beasties ofcourse 💕
Oooooh I always love visiting any kind of bear in a zoo! Or the big cats like lions or pumas or such! I think I actually generally always go to the aquarium sections of zoos if they have one! Love roaming around, looking at the fishies and other beasts. And the sea slugs!!!! Oh and elephants! Yeah I could watch elephants doing their thing for hours.
And that would be lovely <3 I'm sure we'd have an amazing time! That would be great ^^
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blastikmusik · 1 year
sunny side down 606
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Slow Pulp - Slugs yeule - dazies Pure Bathing Culture - Treasure Pleasure Wonder Gem Parks, Squares & Alleys - Into the Dim cloak & Andrew Goldring - Movin' On Cole Crawford - Jewel Helenor - Warm Ways Men I Trust - Girl PRESSYES - Blue Crystal Water His His - Underdogs BERGLIND - Suchst Du Mein Herz John Raymond & S. Carey - Calling Resi Reiner feat RAHEL - VOLARE Moon Panda - Machina Sky LX72, Lexx - Karizma Palehound - Eye On The Bat^ Sea Glass & Yes Kid - Never Right Hank Midnight (feat. Laura Heaberlin) - River Song
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Yes!!! I wanted to investigate to see wtf they needed all those legs for but my fear of seeing pictures of them has kept me from it 😂
Aren’t they? I just like sea slugs in general though, truthfully!
Okay okay so what is your preferred weather (?) like do you care for thunderstorms or would you rather it be sunny!
- 🌱
So according to a friend they need so many legs because they are pest control insects, so that’s pretty neat!
Yes! They look so cute with their little bunny ears. Why do you like sea slugs? 🤔
I love a good thunderstorm ⛈️ I love rain and cold, I’m not so much a sun person, and you?
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trustwc · 2 years
Android metro last light wallpapers
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Android metro last light wallpapers full#
It even attaches a handsome snowplow towards the end. While it took its birth as a single engine-only vehicle, the Aurora also sees several parts being added over the different iterations and levels. The Aurora takes on numerous forms during its journey that started with the first Metro game. Which part of the game did you like the most? The part where they begin scouting the Taiga valley or when you shoot and fight away giant slugs while paddling a boat? The battle that began with snow ended with snow.
Android metro last light wallpapers full#
I guess the game comes a full circle in the end. In search of the ARK Projectĭid you know that Colonel Miller was in a wheelchair briefly before he had his prosthetics installed?ĭownload in full resolution 10. Talk about images speaking volume.ĭownload in full resolution 9. A Few Flecks of SnowĪ burst of strong sunshine and a few snow specks - if an image can summarize a game, it is this one. Relieve the adrenaline rush of messy gunfights, shooting away giant spiders or running away from a pack of ferocious wolves while slowly rejoicing the fact that you just came out alive after wiping out mutant spiders!ĭownload in full resolution 8. Tales of Spartan Rangersĭid you know that Artyom, the chosen one, was born after the nuclear bombing and was raised in an underground station, named Timiryazevskaya? In all the Metro games, Artyom is often heard quoting the Bible, an ode to his bookish and philosophical side.ĭownload in full resolution 7. On second thoughts, the combination of blue and purple does look amazing, right?ĭownload in full resolution 6. Notice the tiny gunman on the letter M? Someone rightly said little details do matter. Love game quotes? If yes, you’ll fall in this one. If you are all about graphics, let this uber cool background grace your desktop.ĭownload in full resolution 5. For games like Metro: Exodus, I’d say that it’s as much as about the graphics as it is about the characters. Who said game wallpapers have to be about the characters of the game. Lighter in hand and the full sky above, this game is capable of transforming you to an alternate (or dystopian) future.ĭownload in full resolution 4. So from the dried out Caspian sea and snow-blanketed sprawls of empty land to the mighty Volga and the lush-green Taiga, you get to see plenty of landscape and seasonal shifts.Īnd the best thing is that you can explore all these stunning landscapes on your own. Unlike its predecessor, this FPS game takes its players to the surface, a welcome break from the dark underground tunnels. The distant mountaintops beckons, folks!ĭid you know this game removes the ammunition-based currency system? So, what’s the replacement? Well, play the game to find it out.ĭownload in full resolution 3. The Transitionįrom a bleak, cold and dark tunnel to the sunny and green valleys – if you want a single image that shouts Transition, it is this one. Thankfully, over time, they become a part of you so much so that you do not realize that you are doing it.Ĭase in point: Replacing the filters of your gas mask periodically, lighting the lighter while making your way through forests, or wiping the glass of the mask.ĭownload in full resolution 2. Perhaps the best thing about this FPS game is that you have to take in so many factors. If you found any image copyrighted to yours, Please contact us, so we can remove it or mention its authors name.As they say, To Live Without Hope Is to Cease to Live.Īs you help Artyom to make his way through the frozen landscape of Russia, we have decided to scout the Internet to find quality wallpapers of Metro: Exodus both in HD and 4K. Īll images remain property of their original owners.
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Hiiii cal 💕💕💕💕
time likes pulling my teeth x 12
Also can you link me to the snippets/a summary of the time loop fic? I can’t seem to find them
Hi Saturn!
So when you asked this, there were no snippets of the time loop fic yet - still no summary - but here are some snippets.
36 for 🔼:
He’s sitting at the kitchen table with a leg propped up on another chair. Eddie sits beside him. 
“I remember that. After Afghanistan.” 
Buck raises his eyebrows. Eddie doesn’t really talk about what happened over there. 
“Uh, you were hurt?” Buck asks carefully.
“Shot,” Eddie nods. “Three times.”
What the fuck?
“Oh,” Buck exhales, mind snapping away from his burger. “I didn’t know that.”
“How would you?” Eddie shrugs.
“I just remember physio feeling like… Like the physical manifestation of all the other shit, you know?”
Buck nods. That’s an apt description. 
“Eddie, I have to tell you something about physio,” Buck blurts. 
He can’t keep it in any longer. Not when Eddie is being vulnerable and honest and so damn kind. 
“Okay?” Eddie frowns. “Go for it.”
Buck takes a deep breath.
“Shannon and I go to the same physiotherapy practice.”
There. There it is. 
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Okay? I mean, that makes sense. The practice is recommended through our insurance.” 
Right. That’s right. 
“We see different people, but our appointments seem to be around the same times.”
36 for ➰:
They go on a guided kayaking tour of the estuary. Apparently it’s a great way to get up close and personal with the wildlife. Plus, it’s more accessible for Chris than walking all over the wetland trails. Their guide, a young, vibrant woman named Brittany who seems to know every fact about the estuary - Buck is a fan - says it’s a great time of day to see otters, sea lions, and harbor seals. Chris is practically buzzing with excitement, all previous teenage apathy erased in a heartbeat. 
“If you’re really lucky, we’ll see sea slugs!” Brittany exclaims as they get into their kayaks. “We have opalescent nudibranch slugs all over and the colors they come in are amazing. They’re beautiful!”
Buck doesn’t think he’s ever heard anyone call a slug beautiful. Or get excited about a slug. He likes her. 
They help Chris into his kayak, and then Eddie calmly and expertly explains the best way to paddle. Kind of steps on Brittany’s tutorial moment, if Buck is honest.  He seems really familiar with the mechanics of kayaking. 
“When have you kayaked before?” Buck asks. 
“Huh? Oh. Here and there.” Eddie shrugs. 
“Here and there?” Buck echoes. 
“There was a lake near my house growing up. Like, the only lake around,” Eddie says. “Had to find things to do.” 
Well, okay then. Buck grew up near a fuck ton of bodies of water, and he is a mediocre kayaker at best. But sure. There goes Eddie, being stupidly competent again. As always. 
Brittany is pretty understanding that Chris can’t quite keep a regular pace for the tour. He’s doing a good job and trying hard, but they’re taking it slow. Which Buck is honestly happy about. It’s such a beautiful day. Perfectly sunny, but with a cool breeze.
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