#seamstress character
lynnbeth5172 · 7 months
Stitched up Love pt2
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Chapter two:
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It was quiet in the twins playroom, say for the 
occasional babble of small Maelor. And the rantings of Princess Helaena, Isla was busy measuring the twins in order to sew for them. They were curious little things, with little prince Jaehaerys asking where she came from and princess Jaehaera asking if she had siblings.
“I do, I have two sisters and a little brother…such as you both.” She smiled at the little princess as she measured her arms, the girl smiled and looked at her mother. Who had a small ladybug on her finger as she talked to herself.
“What are their names?” This time the little prince asked the question, seemingly forgetting the question he asked earlier.
“Verna, Maude, Lukas.” She gave a small nod to the prince and continued measuring Princess Jaehaera.
“How long will this take?” The small princess wriggled her fingers and looked as if she wished she could be anywhere but here.
“Only a few more moments, dear.” Princess Helaena smiled at her daughter kindly as she looked up from the ladybug in her hands.
After Isla was finished with measuring the small Princess, she then did Prince Jaehaerys. Measuring his arms while he asked more questions about herself, in turn she did the same.
“Do you have a mother and father?” She froze a bit, how did she say?
“I do…they're a long way from home, but they’ll come back.” A lie, her father will never come back. Only to bother them for whatever, his stuff mostly. Their mother was kind but sickly, at that point; mother had become so thin that she was practically just bone, a skeleton that’s covered in flimsy flesh.
Her face has hollowed out and now Isla’s little brother is scared to look at her, saying she looked “scary”.
“Why are they gone?” Little Jaehaerys looked down at her as she crouched down to measure his waist, his little fingers wiggling as he became slightly bored of having to stand still.
Isla closed her eyes and opened before giving the boy a small smile.
“They went to look for adventure,” another lie. Well not really, if you count a father going to the brothel late at night. She remembered when he’d leave, her sister Verna asked if she could go but their father simply chuckled and shook his head as kissed her forehead.
‘You’re too young but maybe when you’re older you’d be able to go.’ Verna was twelve and Isla was ten, now that they were twenty and seventeen respectively. They knew that he won’t come back, not after Maude and Isla had snuck out and had a peak of their father’s doings. They hadn’t expected a woman that wasn’t their mother in his lap, kissing his neck and lips while he groped her.
Isla and Maude had run home and were so shocked from what they saw, they didn’t know and were scared to tell their mother.
She then measured his knee line, quietly as the small Prince talked to his sister. Talking about how big their dragon’s would get when older.
“Morghul will be faster than Skyros, right muñnykeā?”
“No! Skyros will be, he’ll be faster than any dragon.”
Prince Jaehaerys looked to his sister and glared at her in the most intimidating way a five year old could. Isla stifled her laugh as their small banter reminded her of her own siblings, she vaguely remembered her sister, Maude and brother Lukas arguing over who’d feed their mother her food.
When she finished she got up from her crouching position, she gave a small smile and curtsy to Princess Helaena before leaving.
The halls were empty, say for the occasional guard. Sound of metal came from the training yards, she looked down to see Prince Aemond sparring with one of the kingsguard.
As he turned and dodged the knight’s moves, she smiled and wondered if he had always been a master at fighting.
She watched them more till Prince Aemond was able to get a jab in at the other man, the man gave the Prince a small smile and in return the Prince gave a nod.
Prince Aemond then looked up as he wiped sweat from his brow, meeting her gaze. Isla gave him a small smile and nod before leaving to do the Queen’s measurements.
Isla made it to the small chamber that she attained, it wasn’t as big as the other royals and it wasn’t luxurious. With it only having a fireplace and a simple thin mattress bed that she stitched on.
Usually her thoughts would wander to other things, causing her to prick her finger.
So when her thoughts wandered to Prince Aemond, she pricked her finger and hissed at the pain. She put her finger which had a beaded blood in her mouth, soothing the pain.
She held up the fabric she was using to sew Queen Alicent’s gown, it was a nice shade of green. She wondered if the Queen wore any other color, maybe blue. She’d look nice in blue.
Isla rested her head back and looked back to her sewing, stitching till she became tired and put the fabric on a table she had cleaned, going back to her thin mattress and closing her eyes; thinking of Prince Aemond in the training yard again before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
I’m so sorry it took so long to do this, I’m doing a lot of things and so it’s sorta hectic. I like this chapter tbh, if you didn’t then that’s okay.
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harbingersecho · 21 days
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but the creed of the seamstress is that you're pretty in pieces
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fvngus · 18 days
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My sweet babies.
Babette, Bernard and Esteri ♥
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kabukiaku · 11 months
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the odd one out at your local Joann's.
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screentunes · 1 year
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saucywendeee · 1 month
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Diantha 💕
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empiireans · 1 year
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not dead, have some tea
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Ok so I swear I have serious (?) drawings planned for these two but i had to draw this little comic thing:
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Uhhh ocs are Aika (pink hair) and Nyssa (blue and brown hair) and belong to @iersei!! the doomed fruits ever <33 The Seamstress (the lady in the thought bubble) is also a sei original oc :]]
The text from the thought bubble: Making jokes about killing yourself is a bad way to deal with your feelings and a good way to start is to change your view (the rest is gibberish lmao)
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womans-armor-workshop · 11 months
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My friend made a sketch of wizard robe of their's dream and asked me to make it. I love final results very much.
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jellisdraws · 3 months
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Got to play in my Rogues Pathfinder campaign this week :)
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lynnbeth5172 · 6 months
Stitched Up Love iv
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Isla trudged through the streets, a small thing of coins in her hand as she made it home. It was the King's name day and she had finished making garments for the family, pricking her finger many times while thinking of other things. She had fit into the role of seamstress easily enough, enjoying talking to Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena’s children, staying away from Prince Aegon while drunk due to him being clingy, and occasionally talking to Prince Aemond. Talking to him was oddly pleasant, after the King’s coughing fit, the two of them started to talk more often. He explained that his father’s near death experiences happened often and that’s why it didn’t bothered him.
Finally she made it to the small shack where her family lived, the streets may smell like shit to some but for Isla. It smelled of home.
She closed her eyes and opened the door, the sound of her little brother laughing; Isla herself cracked a smile, calling out for her little brother and hearing footsteps coming her way, she immediately hugged Lukas and kissed his forehead. 
“Isla’s home!!” She heard more footsteps and saw the blonde hair of Maude, she had looked slightly more thin than she had before. Isla moved and hugged her younger sister, she had grown a bit taller and her chestnut hair reached her shoulders: she released her sister and took her hand, squeezing it gently as Maude looked her up and down.
Isla looked to where her mothers room was, letting her sister go in order to see her mother. The room smelled of death, as if someone left a carcass to rot and this was the product; she went near her mother’s bed and held her hands together in order to not bite her nails, her mother’s face had looked the same since she left for the Red Keep. Her face was still hollowed out and her eyes were closed, as if she were asleep, that was till her eyes opened and seemed to have noticed her presence. Not speaking but extending a hand for Isla to hold, taking her mother’s hand.
“She’s gotten slightly better…though she doesn’t really remember Lukas.” She turned to see her elder sister Verna, with her hands over her stomach and walking towards her to give a hug, Isla hugged her sister back.
Verna released her from the hug and looked back at their mother before looking to Isla, she looked more tired than she did before and light purple circles  around her eyes.
“Can I…talk to you for a moment?” Her sister didn’t give her time to answer before taking her hand and dragging her to their younger brother's room, his crib was still there due to their mother not wanting to let go of the memory of babe Luke.
“I am with child,”  it took a moment to realize the words that her sister said. Yet she asked the question that replayed in her head.
“Are you…Verna are you jesting?” Her sister looked at her as if she were stupid. Isla most certainly felt stupid, she knew that her sister worked at a tavern. And she knew that her sister was pretty, but she didn’t know that it would cause a pregnancy. The tavern her sister worked at wasn’t anything spectacular by any means but it was a nice place to drink and muck around.
There had been a few rumors that Prince Aegon had visited the tavern that her sisters worked at, while the rumors were never confirmed. Isla could’ve sworn that she saw a head of silver hair that walked into the tavern.
“Who’s the father?” 
Her sister hesitated but spoke.
“His name was Robyn, was one of the people who came to the tavern often but after I told him…he barely comes anymore.” Verna had her hands over her stomach again, walking in a small circle. Isla looked down at her elder sister’s stomach; she was going to become an aunt. That thought both excited her and made her nervous…could they even afford having a baby?
“Would you be able to take care of it? Vern we were barely able to get mothers medicine…perhaps it’s best if we would’ve turned to theft.” Isla took her sisters hands, she was more nervous than excited, they couldn’t have another mouth to feed.
“I will…I know a few of the women from the tavern also have children, perhaps they could help with the-“ a loud banging sound came from their mothers room, Isla heard Verna groan and walk to where the noise came from.
Their mother was knocking her knuckles on the wall as if her life depended on it, her eyes were closed and her face was twisted in a look of pain. Maude came into the room with a cup of something.
“Mother…it’s okay, drink-“
“No!” Their mother flung the cup of whatever Maude was going to give her across the room, having it wet the wood floors. Grabbing her sister's wrist to the point of leaving a mark, their mother looked at Maude then to Isla…as if they were intruders.
“If you force me to drink that vile substance then I will spit it out again and again.” Her sister looked at their mother and gently pried her fingers off her wrist, rubbing small circles on her wrist that looked a bit bruised, Isla squeezed her sister’s shoulder as Verna went to tend to their mother.
Their mother laid her head back on the mattress and Isla went to pick up the cup, looking back at their mother who was now mumbling about how her throat hurts as well as her limbs. Verna sat on the bed and looked to Isla.
“Fetch a bowl of water.” Isla nodded and went to get a small porcelain bowl and water.
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“Good stew,” Lukas smiled at Maude as she poured him a bowl of soup. They were all quiet as they ate, Maude and Isla used some of the vegetables that Verna was able to get; Isla had worked on her younger brothers ripped britches, which tore when her younger brother caught himself on a loose nail which ripped the fabric.
“Thank you…” Maude gave Luke a tired smile and poured the last bit of stew for herself, Verna had left to give their mother some of the stew but from the sounds of yelling from her room. Isla could guess that Verna was less successful in the process of feeding their mother.
“How’s work been at the Keep?” Maude turned to Isla who gave a small smile and shrug.
“Good, tiring sometimes but I’m doing good…got a small private quarter .” Maude seemed interested when the mention of a chamber came up.
“The Queen is quite kind then, giving you a place like that. Away from everyone.” Isla gave her sister a smile and nod, from her short time of being a seamstress, Queen Alicent had been a kind person whenever Isla delivered the dresses that she sewn. Though she had always looked tired; with her sad brown eyes and her chewed nails, the Queen always seemed stressed or nervous about something.
“And the rest?” Isla swallowed a bit of the stew, a bit of carrot being chewed on as she thought of a reply.
“Princess Helaena is sweet…quiet but she’s lovely when she speaks, so is Prince Aemond. Silent as a cat but he’s a nice bit of company, same for Prince Aegon though…he’s never always there.” Isla smiled a bit when she thought of Prince Aemond, they had talked before she left to visit her family. Him wishing her a safe trip to her home, he had appeared slightly upset when Isla wished him to have a nice time at the feast for his father.
“What about the King? Is he fierce?” Luke looked curious at her, as if expecting her to say how brave King Viserys was. Truth be told…Isla thought that the king was a bit like their father. Never really caring about his children or people around him, looking at the way that the King treated his children and his wife made Isla dislike him.
Trying to think of the right words, Verna came in with small scratches on her arms. Making her way to the table and sitting down as she put the bowl of what was left of their mother’s stew.
“She fought when I tried giving it to her…at this point, she’ll waste away in a moon or so.” Her elder sister ran a hand through her hair and yawned, that was when Isla saw how truly tired she was. Her skirts were stained with liquid and her eyes looked more sunken in. It reminded her of Queen Alicent.
“How long will she last even?” Maude glanced at Verna then got up to put her bowl to the side to clean, taking Luke’s bowl as well.
“Not long…her bones are sticking out and she’s refusing to eat, as if eating something would kill her.” Isla swallowed and took her sisters hand.
“Maybe she’ll eat…it’ll take time but maybe she will,” Isla knew it was wishful thinking but she still didn’t want to believe that her mother will die.
“She hasn’t ate since you came back…even then she ate while you were gone, small bites of bread or fruit.”
Lukas looked at Verna then went to sit near Isla, laying his head on her shoulder and hugging her. Isla gave her younger brother a smile and patted his back.
“We’ll be okay…right?” And looking from her younger brother to her bowl, she shrugged but smiled.
“Yes…we’ll be okay.” Though she heard Maude mutter ‘Maybe’ under her breath.
“Depends on how long mother lives.” And with that, Verna left to her room, with Maude going shortly afterwards. Leaving Isla and Lukas alone at the table.
“You didn’t tell me…”
Isla smiled and looked down to her brother.
“About the king…is he a brave man?”
“He’s a meek man…maybe brave in his youth but now he is merely a molding shell,” Isla got up and took Luke to his room. Tucking him in and showing him his newly stitched britches, to which he happily hugged her and said that she was the most wonderful sister.
Leaving his room, Isla made it to the shared room that her and Maude shared. With Maude already asleep, Isla moved to kiss her younger sisters head and went to her own separate bed to sleep.
Thinking of many things, last being Prince Aemond. Before falling asleep.
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Probably not the best chapter but oh well, been a while since I came back to this story and it felt nice coming back💚
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wings-of-sapphire · 6 months
baby holly was a wolf on her first halloween
Mystical beings called ✨wolves✨, and…
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I love them
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fvngus · 2 months
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Ten points for every person who gets both references.
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artsydroopybun · 1 year
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SPIDERSONA REVIVAL ⁉⁉ NEW ART AND SHITPOSTS??? (+ low effort meme bc her and Pavi are Southeast Asian besties idc) Seamstress, my silly goober goober,,,  (Ate her spider lmao)
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liquidstar · 1 year
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new oc batch ready! 8 more of these guys lol. the whole deal with this set is they’re from the artisan guild- lunar flair! intentionally spelled like “flair” as in “style” or “a flare for ____” rather than “flare”
basically all the members of the guild are different kinds of artists with different niches (and varying degrees of diva-ness). it’s pretty easy to tell who does what based on the everything about them, but if you want more info their bios are still under the cut!
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Name: Jupiter
Name Origin: The planet of course
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 52
Guild rank: Guildmaster
Weapon: Lightning rods
Ethos (Power): Gigantomachy. He can make himself (even more) giant
Flaw power is based on: His overly protective nature, especially where the guild is concerned.
Notes: Literally the nicest guy ever until you provoke him though
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Name: Erinome (Erin)
Name Origin: A moon of jupiter, the exact meaning of it’s name is murky but it can refer to grace or purity
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 13
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: A Book.
Ethos (Power): Poetic Imagery. Illusions cast forth by his her poems that change the appearance of the physical environment
Flaw power is based on: Her escapist indulgence in fantasy
Notes: You know, like, the pen is mightier than the sword and all that.
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Name: Pictor
Name Origin: The constellation meaning “painter”
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 23
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Giant paintbrush
Ethos (Power): Ardor. He can create three-dimensional things with his paintbrush. However they are not animate or alive.
Flaw power is based on: His conceited nature in regards to his own work.
Notes: Goes to museums to talk about how he could probably do it better anyway
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Name: Oberon
Name Origin: A moon of the planet Uranus, it gets it’s name from the king of the fairies in Renaissance literature. Notably in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Rapier
Ethos (Power): Fantasia. An illusion of changing his own appearance.
Flaw power is based on: His theatrical nature, of course
Notes: Why is he ourple?
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Name: Syrma
Name Origin: A star in virgo, it’s name refers to the train of a garment (Typically worn by actors in tragedies)
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Giant needle
Ethos (Power): Binding threads. She can create stitches on any solid objects and bind them to each other. Including people- The stitches are manifested energy and do not hurt.
Flaw power is based on: The dependency she often has on bonds- i.e. threads that bind people.
Notes: She makes and models all her own clothes.
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Name: Parumleo 
Name Origin: A star in Pisces, it’s name means “small lion”
Pronouns: They/he
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Microphone bardiche
Ethos (Power): Persuasion. If they can make you laugh you’ll temporarily have to follow his orders. Though it’s too weak to call full-blown mind control, and fairly easy to snap out of.
Flaw power is based on: His desire to be liked by others.
Notes: They’re like a lolcat. They can haz cheezburger.
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Name: Leda
Name Origin:  A moon of jupiter, the name means swan.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Duel ribbons
Ethos (Power): Poise. Complete and utter weightlessness.
Flaw power is based on: Her carefree and utterly absent-minded nature.
Notes: You guys know swan lake right? Well, there ya go.
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Name: Styx
Name Origin: A moon of pluto that gets it’s name from the river of the underworld. Yeah it’s also a rock band.
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 20
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Axe-guitar.
Ethos (Power): Vibrato. Powerful soundwaves cast by her axe-guitar
Flaw power is based on: Her brash and blasé attitude
Notes: Calls everyone “baby” or “babe” because they’re a cool rockstar.
#finn's ocs#oc references#finn's art#YAY i finally get to post my funny little artist guys#i feel like its fairly obvious what each persons gimmick is but just for the sake of brevity (for anyone who doesnt wanna read the readmore)#in order#jupiter doesnt have a Specific art bc hes the guildmaster and you can think of him as more of a teacher of sorts#erin is a poet/writer. pictor is obvs a painter. oberon is a thespian. syrma is a seamstress#parumleo is a comedian. leda is a ballerina. and styx is a musician (or straight up rockstar)#since these characters are all like.. trinary characters they dont go all Too much deeper than their gimmicks#but thats why theyre fun to design bc its like. what if [thing] was a guy LOL#also i wanted to try some new stuff out w their designs (like syrmas dimples for example) so i hope they look okay? i hope so...#also leda and how shes literally the least clothed character ive ever made. shes going to catch a cold for sure yeah#parumleo i worry about bc i had a fairly similar color pallet for asterope (but no red) so i hope he still stands out. the lolcat....#oh also if erin and oberon's powers sound similar that's on purpose too. shes like his protege#i feel like out of all of them though pictor is like the prime example of guy who should be in an artist guild LOL#like the most archetypal. most ppl think of painters when they think of artists#but i wanted different types in there too.#painters writers actors even funnymen and rockstars. they all belong. theyre all weird about creating#anyway im glad i can finally post them now ^_^
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gwen from league of legends is transgender (headcanon)
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submitted by @lucystellakitsune
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